The Horse Whisperer (GW xo, CC, Teen) - [Completed]

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The Horse Whisperer (GW xo, CC, Teen) - [Completed]

Post by majiklmoon »

Title: The Horse Whisperer
Rating: Teen
Pairing: A/I
Summary: A Roswell, Ghost Whisperer Crossover. Melinda wants to make Alex cross over, and what happens when Isabel meets Melinda’s husband, Jim.

Author's Note: This is pure fluff, written for a friend who despises Ghost Whisperer with a passion equal to a thousand firey suns. Me, I love the show, but hey, anything for a friend!!!!!

“This looks like a cute little town, don’t you think?” Isabel Evans Ramirez asked, climbing down off of the Greyhound Bus. She looked around and smiled. Grandview it even sounded like home.

“Yeah, it looks like the kind of place where someone would settle down,” said the man beside her. “A place with out and FBI Special Unit. Don’t forget to get your bag.”

“You know, life would be a lot easier if you could actually help me with the bags.”

“You know how with American Express, membership has it’s privileges, well in some cases, death has it’s privileges too. And one of them is, no carrying your luggage,” said Alex.

“You know, I think I liked it better when I couldn’t see you for those six months,” Isabel said with a groan.

“You missed me, and you know it,” said Alex. “But hey, I wasn’t going stick around and watch you and that,”

“Watch it,” Isabel said.

“Jesse,” continued Alex, “Be all happy and in love, you were wrong.”

** * ** *

Across the square, Melinda Gordon and her partner Andrea looked out the window of her antique shop and sipped their morning coffees. It was a ritual they had. They’d watch the people get off the bus, and make up stories about why they’d come to sleepy Grandview.

“And see that elderly couple,” Andrea said. “I bet it’s their sixtieth wedding anniversary, and they’re here to see the house they moved into when they first got married.”

“Oh, good one,” said Melinda, smiling. “What do you think about that couple over there?”

“What couple?” asked a puzzled Andrea. “I don’t see a couple, just a woman, with short dark hair, and would you look at that, she’s talking to herself a mile a minute. She must be a complete and total lunatic.”

“Uh, Andrea, don’t you see the guy she’s with – the one with the dark hair?” Melinda asked, her heart sinking.

“Don’t tell me,” said Andrea.

“Fine I won’t tell you that there’s another one out there,” said Melinda, reluctantly putting her coffee down and preparing to go see what information she could gather. “Are you sure you can’t see him?”

“Melinda, I swear to you, that I don’t see anybody out there but that dark haired woman,” said Andrea, making the cross her heart sign. “Why?”

“Well, don’t you think it’s funny that you can’t see him, and I can, and she can too?”

“Oh damn,” Andrea said, as she realized the implications. “You think she’s one of you?”

“I don’t know,” said Melinda. “But I’m going to find out.”

Melinda grabbed her jacket and quickly exited the store and started walking down the sidewalk.

“This should be interesting,” said Andrea, taking another large sip of her coffee.

** * ** *
“Explain to me again, why we’re here, when we could be someplace exciting, like oh say, Los Angeles?” Alex asked.

“I’m here because it looks nice,” said Isabel. “You’re here because – well, I don’t know why you’re here.”

“You know why I’m here,” said Alex. “And I repeat, why here. Wouldn’t it make more sense to hide in a big city?”

“We tried that,” said Isabel, patiently. “Remember our ill fated trip to New York. A city with like eight million people, and the first person we bumped into was that freak dupe of mine, Lonnie.”

“Not that I like her or anything, but I think you’d look really good in that black leather vest she was wearing.”

“Alex!” shouted Isabel. “That’s just all kinds of wrong.”

“Speaking of wrong, you may want to watch out, because the way that short chick with the big teeth is staring at us is wrong,” said Alex.

“Uh, hi,” Melinda said. “I don’t mean to bother you,”

“Yes you do,” Alex interrupted.

As one, Melinda and Isabel turned to look at Alex, and Isabel hissed, “Stop that.”

“I’m sorry, can you see him?” Melinda asked.

“Can you see him?” Isabel asked in shock.

“I asked you first,” said Melinda.

“Please, this isn’t first grade,” said Isabel, looking down her nose at the petite brunette.

“No, no, you’re right, it isn’t first grade, but I really need to know if you see the tall dark haired guy standing beside you.”

“Yes, she can see me, you can see me, what’s the big deal?” asked Alex.

“Well, the deal is, you’re dead,” Melinda said.

“Ouch, talk about hitting a guy when he’s down,” said Alex. “Yeah, I’m dead. So what! Or is that against the law here in Grandville.”

“Grandview,” Isabel answered, automatically.

“Ha, you can see him,” Melinda said, excitedly.

“Okay, fine, I can see him,” Isabel admitted. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go.”

“No wait, please,” Melinda said, grabbing Isabel’s arm. “You have to understand. Except for my grandmother, I never met anyone like us before.”

“You’re grandmother was an alie – uh, what do you mean?” Isabel asked, mentally kicking herself for almost blabbing her secret.

“You know, that can see the spirits of those who have passed on,” Melinda said, eagerly.

“Uh, yeah, look, this isn’t Sixth Sense, and I don’t see dead people,” said Isabel. “So, if you’ll excuse me,”

“No, wait,” Melinda said. “I know this sounds really weird, but honestly, I can see and talk to the spirits of people who have died, but haven’t moved on.”

“It sounds kind of weird,” Alex said to Isabel. “But when you compare it to the whole Czechoslovakian thing, it’s probably not that far out.”

“Far out?” asked Isabel. “What, are you channeling Maria now or something?”

“Maria?” asked Melinda, looking around eagerly. “Who’s she? Is she another spirit?”

“Maria is a friend of mine – ours – mine,” said Isabel. “Look, honestly, I don’t see spirits, and I don’t talk to the dead – except for Alex, so I really can’t help you.”

“Please, won’t you at least come into my shop and talk for a while?” Melinda pleaded.

Alex leaned over and whispered something to Isabel, causing her to first smile, and then laugh outright.

“Okay, we’ll come join you, but we can’t stay. We really need to be moving on,” said Isabel.

“Yeah, funny you should mention moving on,” said Melinda, a funny look in her eyes. “I wanted to talk to you about the exact same thing.”

Isabel and Alex followed Melinda across the square, past the war memorial and into the small antique shop owned by Melinda. Melinda ran over to the striking black woman behind the counter and began to babble uncontrollably.

“Andrea, you’ll never believe it. There’s a spirit here, and uh, what’s your name?”

“Isabel, Isabel uh, Parker,” said Isabel.

“Well Isabel here, can see the spirit, and she can communicate with it. Isn’t that great?”

Andrea looked at Isabel who merely shrugged her shoulders and managed to look confused.

“Hey, that’s great, Melinda,” Andrea said, grabbing her keys from under the counter. “Look, I have to run an errand, but why don’t I have Jim come over and meet your new friend?” She turned to Isabel. “Jim’s her husband, he’s a paramedic.”

“That would be great,” Melinda said. “I want him to meet another ghost whisperer. My grandmother died long before I ever knew Jim,” Melinda said.

Alex rolled his eyes and leaned over and whispered in Isabel’s ear again. Isabel managed to contain her laughter while she waved a cheerful goodbye to Melinda’s partner.

“Alex, stop it,” she whispered, while Melinda bustled about making coffee.

“Haven’t you ever wondered why Alex hasn’t moved on?” Melinda asked, setting a mug of coffee on the counter in front of Isabel.

“Moved on, moved on where?” Isabel asked.

“You know, gone through the light to the other side,” said Melinda. “It’s our job as ghost whisperers to find out what’s holding the spirits back and fix it so they can continue on their journey to the other side.”

“Well, he did go away once,” said Isabel. “Alex, did you go through the light, or whatever?”

“Yeah, but once Tess showed up, I high tailed it out of there. No sense in hanging around with the evil mind warping hell beast through all eternity,” Alex said.

“You can’t come back from the other side once you’ve crossed over,” Melinda said, almost accusingly. “You’re lying.”

“Uh, hello, have you ever been dead before?” Alex asked.

“Well, no,” said Melinda.

“And have you ever crossed over?” asked Isabel.

“Then how do you know there isn’t like a revolving door that let’s people come back through?” asked Alex.

“Well, there can’t be,” said a confused Melinda. “Or else I would have seen them.”

“Well, did you ever think that maybe, just maybe they didn’t like you or something, so they’re staying away?” asked Alex. “I mean, no offense or anything, but that hair, and those clothes. And really, when I look at you, all I see is teeth.”

“Alex, that’s enough,” Isabel said. “Be nice!”

“Oh, right, sorry,” said a clearly unrepentant Alex.

“You know, you’re not very nice,” Melinda sniffed.

“You’ll have to excuse him,” said Isabel. “He’s been rather irreverent since he died. Actually, he was like that when he was alive, too.”

“So you two knew each other when he was alive?” questioned Melinda. She looked at her watch and began to fiddle with a display as she spoke.

“Uh, yeah, we did,” said Isabel, looking at Alex. “Why?”

“Well, did it ever occur to you that you’re the reason Alex hasn’t past on. That you’re the one holding his spirit here on Earth.”

“Right,” said Isabel. “Well, look, it’s been fun, but we have to…,”

Without warning, Isabel’s eyes fluttered and she fainted gracefully.

“What did you do to her?” demanded Alex.

“Just a little sleeping pill in her coffee,” said Melinda. “I needed her out of the way while I helped you cross over.”

“Um, that was probably the dumbest thing you ever did,” said Alex. He looked down at Isabel’s prone body and watched as it began to twitch, while what looked like green lightning began to crackle around her like a force field.

“Isabel, can you hear me?” he said. “Isabel, now would be a good time to wake up.”

“A-Alex” Isabel whispered. “I feel strange, what happened?”

“Oh, not much, this moron over here just drugged you,” said Alex. “What’s going to happen?”

“I have no idea,” admitted Isabel, struggling to sit up. “Michael and Max both reacted differently when they had alcohol in their system.

“Great,” said Alex.

“Who are Michael and Max?” Melinda asked. “More ghosts like Maria?”

“God, you have a one track mind,” said Alex. “They’re as alive as that guy outside the door.

“Oh, that’s my husband, Jim?” said Melinda.

The tall dark haired man walked into the store. He saw Isabel sitting on the floor, a dazed expression on her face and rushed over.

“Are you okay?” he asked. “Melinda, what happened?”

“Oh my God!” Isabel screamed. “Alex, look, it’s Pierce. Agent Pierce. He’s alive!”

“Miss, my name’s Jim Gordon,” Jim said. “Melinda, what’s wrong with her?”

“Nothing,” said Melinda. “She has a ghost attached to her, and she won’t release him, so I just gave her one of those sleeping pills you gave me to knock her out. That way I could send him to the other side. He’ll be so much happier over there.”

“You did what?” Jim yelled.

Isabel scrambled back in fear. Reacting on instinct she used her powers to open a portal across the room. The spinning vortex of light grew bigger and bigger, and the furnishings in the room began to shake. Summoning her last reserves of power, she shot an energy bolt at Melinda, causing her to stumble backward into the portal. As soon as Melinda crossed through the white light, the portal sealed up and the room was silent.

“Where is she?” Jim asked.

“I think she just crossed over,” said Isabel, her mind slowly starting to focus. As her mind cleared, she looked carefully at the man, and realized he wasn’t their former nemesis, Special Agent Pierce, just someone who looked a lot like him.

“Thank God!” said Jim, sitting on the floor next to Isabel. “You have no idea how sick I was of her and those God damned ghosts. Every freaking day it was another ghost. I swear, she never had any time for me. You don’t think she’ll come back, do you?”

“I’m not sure,” said Isabel. “It’s possible, but I doubt it.”

“I hope not,” Jim said. “I was getting so I couldn’t stand looking at her. All those teeth – you know?”

“She did kind of look like a,” Isabel paused.

“A horse,” said Jim. “Go ahead, you can say it.”

“See, what did I tell you,” said Alex. “She wasn’t a ghost whisperer, she was a horse whisperer!”

The End