A Tale of Two Bodies (M/L, CC, Teen) AN up 7/12/07 [WIP]

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A Tale of Two Bodies (M/L, CC, Teen) AN up 7/12/07 [WIP]

Post by LysCat »


Title: A Tale Of Two Bodies
Author: Alysia
Category: Conventional couples, cannon to the show.
Summery: This story is based off the Holiday challenge posted at Roswell Heaven, but the actual concept is mine. What if Max and Liz were to switch bodies? What kind of wacky hilarity could ensue from that?
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters familiar to Roswell.
Author’s Note: I’d like to say that I’ve never before written anything cannon to the show, so this is a little new to me. I apologize ahead of time of some of the characters seem a bit out of character.

Chapter 1

“Hi Max...” Liz Parker trailed off as she rushed to catch up to her former boyfriend, acting as though she felt no shortness of breath at having to catch up to his long strides. Since the bell signaled only minutes earlier, he was one of the first people out of the classroom. Not that Liz could blame him.

Christmas break was upon them, around the school, students and even the staff were more anxious to get out of there then usual.

Hearing her voice, Max Evans slowed his pace. “Oh...hey, Liz.” He tried to smile, but the lame attempt fell short. Why didn’t she understand how much being around her still hurt him? Sure, he may have been the one to approach the idea of being friends, but he never would have suggested it had he known how much it would hurt.

A frown pulled at her lips at hearing the way he trailed off. Things had been so uncomfortable between them since his return from New York. Whenever they were in the presence of the other, conversation was always strained...as though they were walking on eggshells around the other person. Liz hated what they were reduced to.

Back in the beginning when everything was so new she and Max were so connected. There was a silence there, but it was never uncomfortable. No, it was the sort of silence that laid between a couple when they knew each other so well that no words were needed to communicate. It was a such a simple thing, but now that she no longer had it, she wanted it back. So much time had passed since then though, Liz feared that they would never have that back again. Aside from the time that had withered away at the connection, there were the misunderstandings...no, she knew there was no way that Max would be opening himself up to her anytime soon.

Pretending that she was affected by his lackluster reply, she pushed on. “So...how do you think you did?” She asked, referring the last exam he’d taken.

They’d all had so many situations to deal with over the past few months, it was amazing that they were all still passing with the grades that they were. “Oh, uh, good...I think.” He was at least thankful for his ability to scan. It made his school work much easier to accomplish. “You?”

“Oh...I...good,” Liz answered with difficulty. She better have done well, she’d studied her butt off for that exam.


“Yeah...” Liz trailed off that they continued to walk down the hall together, another silence settling upon them. ‘There were definitely too many ‘goods’ in there,’ Liz thought to herself with a small pout. “So...what are you guys up to for the holiday? You guys going out of town or anything?”

“No...” Max replied easily enough.

That was it? That was all she was going to get from him? Opening her mouth to say something else, he cut her off.

“Listen Liz, I have to go. I’ll see you around,” he excused gently.

Once again, she frowned. “Yeah...around.” Cutting through the masses, she made her way to her locker to make sure that she wasn’t leaving anything important in there over the break. So busy with her thoughts was she, that Liz failed to notice that Maria joined her.

“I so passed that class!” The over excited blonde exclaimed.

Slamming her locker door shut, Liz looked at Maria. “Oh? That’s good.”

At Liz’s less then enthusiastic reply, Maria raised her eyebrows in silent question. “Hmm, judging by your reaction, I’d say you either failed your exam or you just had a run in with a certain tall, dark, and handsome someone...”

At the mention of Max’s description, Liz frowned once again as she turned to her best friend.

“And...judging by the look on your face, I’m gonna go with the latter on that one,” Maria surmised quietly. “What happened Liz?”

“Nothing.” Liz answered softly.

At her friend’s denial, Maria raised her eyebrows in silent question. “Nothing? That doesn’t look like the face of a nothing,” she observed smartly.

Looking away, she and Maria made their way down the already thinned out hallway. “Really Maria, nothing happened. We talked,” she finished off with a sigh. “I just hate this...distance between us.” She spotted the object of her affection further down the hall. He was surrounded by his sister Isabel and Tess Harding. Max and Isabel were often seen together those days, being so out of the loop, Liz could only guess that whatever distance that existed between them before, was now dissolved. As for Tess, that was a new development. Ever since she and Max returned from New York only those few weeks ago, she was more clingy to him then ever before. “I mean he came back in time to me, because he specifically stated that he trusted me...and now, he just...can’t even stand to be with me for long periods of time.”

Since her confession weeks earlier, it wasn’t the first time that Maria had seen Liz so down on herself where Max was concerned. As much as she would have loved to help her friend through it, she knew that there was no talking to Liz. No matter what would be said, it would all be in vain, because Liz would never listen to her. “None of that today,” she ordered instead. It was their first day of winter break, and she wouldn’t let Liz focus on the bad side of things.

Letting out a sigh, Liz nodded. “I know. I’m done being...depressed, I’ll focus on the good side of things.”

“Exactly...like, no school for two glorious weeks,” Maria reminded her.

Liz had to agree with that point. She was more then eager to catch up on her sleep. The last few months had really taken a toll on her, it wasn’t until that very moment that she realized just how tired she really was.

“So...ladies,” Alex Whitman began as he approached his best friends, wrapping an arm around their shoulders from behind. “What’s on the agenda for tonight?”

Liz’s mood instantly brightened upon his arrival, but as she thought about her answer, it lessened just as quickly. “Work.”

Alex’s eyebrows were drawn together in confusion. “Work?” He asked, as though it was a foreign concept. “Our first night of winter break and you have to work?”

“I know!” Maria whined along with the point.

Looking from Maria to Liz, Alex focused his attention on the brunette. “I thought you had an in with the owner?” He joked.

As the three friends walked down the nearly empty hallway, Liz rolled her eyes at Maria. “Hey! I got us off for midterms,” she reminded her overly dramatic friend in an indignant tone. “And...if I’m remembering correctly Maria, you didn’t have a problem agreeing to those terms when I spoke to my dad...”

Maria pouted. Liz had the memory of an elephant. “But that was then...” she argued weakly.

Alex and Liz smiled at her antics. “Something tells me that you’ll survive,” the brunette replied. As they emerged into the parking lot, the three parted. Alex, towards his car, as the girls headed to Maria’s to get to work.

Opening the driver’s side, Maria called out a goodbye to Alex before getting in.

“Have fun at work!” He responded cheekily, smirking at the look on her face upon hearing his words.

Opening the passenger door, Liz turned back to him. “You stopping by tonight?”

Alex made a show of hemming and hawing over the question. “I might...”

“You might?” Liz asked back. “Well, don’t let us be an inconvenience to you or anything,” she teased.


With fifteen minutes to spare before closing, a silent prayer shared by Liz, Maria and Michael Guerin went out. The last thing any of them wanted was a customer to pop by.

Throwing her upper body dramatically down onto the counter, Maria pouted. “Today has gone by so slow...” she pointed out. Other then the dinner rush, the restaurant had been surprisingly calm that day.

“Yeah. It’s a conspiracy against you. Everyone knows how much you hated working, they just avoided coming in to add to your nerves,” Liz teased.

Looking up, Maria rolled her eyes. “I just want this night to be over,” she whined, not for the first time that night. Seeing that they’d had a break from customers, Maria and Liz and even Michael had a chance to get their closing tasks done early, but time still seemed to drag on.

Just then, the bell at the front door sounded, announcing someone’s entrance. With bated breath, both waitresses spun around in horror. Relief was swift when they spotted Tess Harding making her way to the booth where their friends were sitting.

Max and Isabel arrived at the Crashdown a hour earlier, both nursing a couple of sodas. When Alex walked in only minutes later, he joined them. The three had been a source of entertainment for the staff, but it hadn’t been enough to make the three workers forget about the time.

As Tess made her way to the group’s usual booth, she slipped in beside Max and joined in the conversation.

Liz watched the scene, less then thrilled at the newfound ease that existed between Max and Tess. When exactly was it that they grew so close? So what if he asked her to go to New York with him a month earlier, it didn’t mean anything...did it? She watched through narrowed eyes as Max and Tess moved their heads closer together, and Tess lay a hand over his own, so focused on the scene playing out in the booth, Liz didn’t even notice when Alex approached her and Maria.

“Liz?” He asked feeling concerned for her. “You okay?”

When Max threw his head back and laughed at something that Tess said, her frown intensified. “I think I would have preferred another customer,” she mumbled as she turned from her friends and walked to the back.

Looking from Liz’s retreating figure, Alex and Maria turned to one another. “Why is it so cold in here?” He asked, referring to the mood that Liz was in.

Looking over his shoulder, she looked to Tess, haphazardly realizing that Max didn’t even notice Liz’s departure. “I’ll give you two guesses, you’re only going to need one,” Maria answered as she spun around and followed after Liz.

As Maria departed, Alex spun around and looked at the inhabitants of the booth he had just left. Max’s gaze was focused on the doors that lead to the back room as Tess and Isabel continued on with the conversation. Alex looked from Max’s form to the back door as well where Liz had just disappeared to and back again. He watched as Tess called his name once and dragged Max’s attention back to the conversation.

What the hell was going on? First those rumors about Liz and Kyle Valenti sleeping together circled through the school gossip...and now Max and Tess were getting closer? There was something that just felt off about that entire thing. First of all, Alex was sure that he was an excellent judge of character. He had known Liz for years and he knew without a doubt that she would not just give her virginity to a casual friend...let alone Kyle Valenti. When the two dated before, they never even got that close, so he highly doubted that Liz would let something like that happen between them when their status was decidedly lower then that. As for Max and Tess...she had been after him for months without any results. Other then the brief time that she messed with his mind, Max never once responded to one of her advances. Even with Liz absent for the entire summer, he never even wavered.

Liz had been acting so out of character. Hearing the rumors of what had taken place between his best friend and Kyle, Alex was sure that it could be a blow to Max’s ego, but to turn to Tess for comfort? No, maybe he was just being friendly...


“Can you believe her?” Liz ranted as she thought about Tess. “I mean she just walks in here and acts like she owns the place and...did you see the way she was touching him?”

Maria watched as Liz paced in front of the couch. Sitting back on it, Maria never bothered to anything, knowing that Liz didn’t expect a response.

“How could he be so...argh! With her!?”

Having had enough of it, Maria stood up and grabbed her best friend, bracing her upper arms in her hands. “Hey! What do you expect Liz? You made this happen,” she argued. “Did you expect him to pine after you or something?” Based on the facts that laid before Max, she knew that Liz was lucky that nothing further had developed between Max and Tess at that point. “Max thinks you slept with someone else, so...looking at things from that way, you have no claim over him.”

Liz let out frustrated sigh. “I know all that Maria!” She cried out desperately. All of those facts had crossed her thoughts at one time or another. “I know what I did, you don’t need to remind me.”

Before another word could be spoken, Michael popped his head in through the swinging door that led to the kitchen. “Hey, you two are getting pretty loud. Things fine back here?” He asked, looking from his on again/off again girlfriend and Liz.

Both girls shot one another a long look as they visibly relaxed. “We’re fine,” Liz replied shooting the alien a look.

“Good. Get back out there, someone’s ready to pay,” he added before moving back to the kitchen.

Looking back to Liz, Maria silently moved to the door. She knew that Liz was done for the night, there was no way that she would be going back out there while Max and Tess were still there. “Look, this is obviously making you miserable. I just...you need to really sit down and think about this Liz. I know you promised him that you would take care of things...and you’ve already succeeded in changing things,” Maria broached carefully. “I mean, if you were to...confess everything to Max, what’s the worst that could happen?”

“How about the end of the world?” Liz shot back with a weary sigh. She couldn’t do that, she couldn’t get together with Max. If they got together, he’d never have the chance to do what he needed, no...they had to be apart. Even his future self thought so.

Maria shook her head. “Screw the world,” she argued. “What do you want Liz?”

What did she want? It didn’t really matter what she wanted, that had been shown to her time and time again. “It doesn’t matter what I want.”
Last edited by LysCat on Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:27 pm, edited 26 times in total.
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Post by LysCat »

Wow guys, thanks for the encouraging remarks!

One of the things that I couldn't stand about the show was the way that everything seemed to be swept under the rug and practically forgotten about, so this is my attempt at fixing it.

Chapter 2

As the familiar guitar strings played out over her speakers, Liz curled further into her blankets.

Childhood living is easy to do
The things that you wanted, I bought them for you
Graceless lady, you know who I am
You know I can’t let you slide through my hands

It wasn’t an easy task, to be asked to save the world. She hadn’t wanted to do it, but how could she deny Max? Even if he wasn’t exactly ‘her’ Max, he was a form of him. How could he tell her about the wonderful, albeit short life together and then expect her to give it up? Granted, he hadn’t freely divulged the information without a little coaxing on her behalf, but still.

He’d lived that life, he’d had that elopement, he’d had their first time and every time after that to cherish for the rest of his life. What did she have? She had nothing but the echo of what could have been. The echo of what she changed. At the time, she thought she could handle it. At the time, lying and deceiving ‘her’ Max had been the most difficult thing she’d ever done. She certainly hadn’t enjoyed doing it, but she felt it was the right thing.

Wild horses
Couldn’t drag me away
Wild, wild horses
Couldn’t drag me away...

How could she simply ignore the end of the world for her own selfishness? What kind of person would that make her? So many times since then, she wanted to cave in, she wanted to confess everything to him. He was the only one who could make or break her, and he so often made her want to break. Her heart was already broken, she’d made sure of that, the night the Max saw her in bed with Kyle Valenti. Ever so slowly, more of her had been breaking.

I watched you suffer a dull, aching pain
Now you decided to show me the same
No sweeping exits or offstage lies,
Can make me feel bitter or treat you unkind

Where she once received looks of love adoration, she only received ones of disbelief and distrust. When she agreed to help him...err, his future self, she had been so sure she could handle it. She hadn’t been prepared for what followed after. His cold shoulder, his attitude, she had once thought the toughest thing she would ever have to do was to lie to him, but it wasn’t. No, the most difficult thing about all of that, was to keep up with the lie. She’d often wondered if she really could tell him everything, if she did...would the world she helped to create fall back into war that lead them to nothing but heartache and despair once again?

On top of all of the ‘iffs’ that plagued her mind, she hadn’t realized how painful it was to watch him grow close to someone else...to Tess. How Liz had grown to hate that name! What kind of spoiled brat leaves because she didn’t get what she wanted? How was it fair that she was stuck, cleaning up a mess that Tess had created while Tess got the chance to finally get closer to Max? Every shared smile between the two nauseated her, every touch infuriated her.

Wild horses
Couldn’t drag me away
Wild, wild horses,
Couldn’t drag me away...

When she had staged the scene with Kyle, she’d gone right for Max’s heart. She’d tried hooking him up with Tess, she even tried hateful, untrue words...when it only served to fuel his love, she knew she would need to break him...and break him, she had. Even now, she wished that he would realize that it was nothing more then a set up. How could he so have easily believed that she would give something so precious to Kyle of all people?! More importantly, how could he believe that when Liz had shared such an amazing thing with him? Then again, she supposed that he could believe it because she made it so. While her love for him never wavered in her heart, on the outside she remained cool and collected. She didn’t let Max know how she felt, she wanted to make it as easy as possible for him to move on.

I know I dreamed you a sin and a lie
I have my freedom, but I don’t have much time
Faith has been broken, tears must be cried
Let’s do some living after we die

Those first few weeks after the incident, it had felt like an eternity. She’d grown cold at his response, or lack there of, to her presence. When he returned the pocket knife that she given him for Christmas only a year earlier, another part of her died. He’d told her that he could no longer hold out for hope...and it was then, she knew that she had really achieved her goal. He really had fallen out of love for her, he was smarter then her. He wouldn’t hold on to something when there was no chance for them.

With that ending though, came a new beginning. Upon his return from New York, her heart had shouted for glee as he told her that he wanted her friendship back. While Liz knew it would never be enough for her, she was just glad to have him back in her life. They had both taken tentative steps in that direction, it was long and awkward journey.

Wild horses
Couldn’t drag me away
Wild, wild horses
We’ll ride them someday

It was a difficult thing to try to accomplish. How was it that they were supposed to be friends when they had never really been friends? True, before their relationship reached boyfriend/girlfriend status, they were quasi-friends, but even then...there was something between them. Something more then just friendship. Everything between them was still so new, and both had deep feelings for the other person. Hmmm...

Wild horses
Couldn’t drag me away
Wild, wild horses
We’ll ride them someday

As the song ended and an upbeat tempo played through her speakers, Liz reached over she shut off her radio. Looking to her alarm clock next to it, she finally took notice of the late hour. Earlier that day, Isabel had invited them over for a Christmas party. Liz had been working on a dismissal when Maria readily agreed for the both of them. The last place she wanted to be was anywhere near Max, more importantly, Max and Tess. Seeing how cozy he had grown with her, Liz was almost positive that Tess would have been invited.

Picking up her phone, she dialed Maria’s number. No, she needed to cancel. There was no way she was fit to be seen, more importantly, she was not fit to be seen at a Christmas party. It had been a few days since school had let out. On her days off, Liz mostly stayed to her room or kept herself in bed under the guise of relaxation. That morning after she showered, she went right back to her bed.

When she received no answer, Liz shrugged her shoulders and hung up. What were the chances that Maria would just forget to pick her up? Hearing footsteps approaching her bedroom and a familiar song playing on a cell phone, she rolled her eyes. Not much.

“Okay, you better be calling me to tell me that you’re ready!” Maria called through the closed bedroom door. “Because I am ready to...” she trailed off as she entered the room. Upon seeing her best friend curled up in bed, in her pajamas no less, her mood dampen, “party,” she finished awkwardly. “You’re a little underdressed there Liz.”

“I’m not going,” Liz replied.

At her friend’s words, Maria smiled and shook her head. “What do you mean that you aren’t going?”

“I mean that I’m going to stay here...in bed, I think that will accomplish the not going. Just...tell them that I think I’ve caught something and I wanted to kill it before it turned worse...” Liz excused. It wasn’t as if her presence was mandatory or another. They didn’t need to see her there, and she was sure that her presence wouldn’t be missed. “Besides, do aliens even celebrate Christmas?”

“You’ve caught something all right, it’s called a pity party and it needs to stop,” Maria argued.

Liz shook her head. “Why? It’s not like I’m bugging anyone.” Why couldn’t Maria just leave her alone to wallow in her self pity?

“No. You are going to drive yourself insane,” Maria argued as she moved to the bed and helped Liz out of bed. “I know that your world sucks right now...” she leaned in to smell her friend to make sure Liz was at least half way fit to get ready, “but you need to stay in the land of the living.” She instructed Liz to sit down as she moved to her friend’s closet to find an outfit. “You’ll thank me one day...”

Behind the blonde, Liz rolled her eyes. “Maria, I’m not really in the Christmas party sort of mood,” she tried to excuse.

Pulling a maroon sweater out of Liz’s closet, she walked over to the brunette. “Tough. You’re going. Put this on while I find you the right pants.”

Maria dressed Liz, threw her hair into a ponytail high on top of her head, added Liz’s minimal amount of make up and accessories before they left the house. When they turned onto Murray Lane, the chance of parking anywhere near the Evans’ residence was non-existent. Parking a few houses down, Liz tried her best in that short time of their walk to the front door to talk her way out of going inside.

“Liz, you’re going inside. We just got here and I have no intention of leaving anytime soon.”

“Just because you aren’t doesn’t mean I can’t leave,” Liz argued smartly.

Crossing her arms over her chest as she waited for someone to answer the door, she smirked over at her highly difficult friend. “You could...but do you really want to walk all the way home in this cold, winter air?”

Liz narrowed her eyes at Maria’s triumphant smirk. “You suck.”

At that moment, a cheery Isabel Evans answered the front door, her holiday inspired outfit was complete with the santa hat she wore on top of her head. “Hey guys, glad you could make it.”


“So, I see that Isabel got to you,” Max observed an hour later as he made his way over to Liz.

Upon hearing his voice, Liz nearly choked on the last sip of her eggnog. Since her arrival, she’d noticed that Max had stayed across the room from her. She honestly hadn’t anticipated on him initiating any contact between the two of them. She smiled tightly as she looked down at the festive name tag that Isabel made for her. “Oh yeah...it’s supposed to make it easier for everyone...” she trailed off. She knew that Isabel could be neurotic about certain things, but to go as far as...

Shaking his head in agreement at her words, ah yes, he’d heard that point from his sister before. “The Christmas Nazi strikes again,” he noted. He grown accustomed to things like this. Around the holiday season his sister did tend to go overboard.

Christmas Nazi? What? “What?” Liz asked, her eyebrows drawn together in confusion. Christmas and Nazis didn’t belong together. It just sounded so...and poor Isabel, to be called such a name.

“It’s what Michael and I call her around this time of year,” the alien answered with a shrug of his shoulders. He and Michael had dubbed it her nickname years ago.

“Last year...” Liz trailed off once again. She couldn’t remember Isabel being like that, granted they weren’t exactly ‘close’ at the time.

“Yeah...things were so...” Max stopped, unable to find the correct word.

Liz nodded to express her agreement with his point. “Yeah, it was a time of adjustment for all of us,” she agreed. “The Christmas Nazi huh?” She felt a smile tugging at her lips and did her best to keep it in check. “She doesn’t know about it does she?”

Max’s cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. “No idea.”

“I thought not, because there is no way that she would let you and Michael go with that,” Liz finished, noticing that Max’s gaze was riveted to something or someone across the room. Inwardly, she rolled her eyes. It was probably Tess, she probably wore that top that future Max found so arousing.

“Did you maybe want to go...for a walk, I mean?” Max stumbled only seconds after she stopped talking.

“A walk?” Liz asked.

“Or we could go to the kitchen...” he suggested.

Liz frowned. “The kitchen?” But despite her confusion, she found herself following him in that direction. As they stood under the archway that lead into it, they were stopped from going any further.

“Liz! I wasn’t sure it was you at first,” Dianne Evans excused, looking for a way to begin a conversation.

At Mrs. Evans’ voice, Liz spun around to face her. “Hi Mrs. Evans. How are you?”

“Oh I’m wonderful. And you? It’s been so long since I’ve seen you around here,” the older woman added, not noticing the way that her son and Liz grew uncomfortable under her assessment.

Liz smile politely. “I’m good. I’ve been busy, you know...school and work.”

“I bet you’ve been anxious for this break then?”

“You have no idea,” Liz agreed. She still needed time to recuperate from everything.

Dianne beamed down at the young girl. She had been sure that Max mentioned they broke up, but she’d since taken notice of Liz’s arrival earlier. The young woman had barely been able to keep her eyes off of Max. No, her son had to be mistaken. The way that Liz looked to Max, it said much more then what someone would say after a breakup. “So, I was just telling Max the other day how much I’ve missed seeing you around.”

Liz stiffened at the obvious fishing that Max’s mother was doing, and Max’s unease was more then apparent. “I know. Between working for Congresswoman Whitaker before and school...my schedule’s just starting to settle down,” she excused.

“Of course. It was a shock about her wasn’t it? I mean the car wreck. Whenever anyone is lost in an accident like that, it’s always so tragic.”

Liz’s grin became a little forced. ‘Tragic indeed,’ she inwardly huffed. “She will be missed,” she excused, taking on her former role.

“Well, I won’t keep the two of you, I just wanted to stop over and say hello,” Dianne excused, sure that her son was tired of her harassing Liz. It was then that she noticed the place that her son and Liz were standing. “Oh, look at that, the two of you are standing under the mistletoe.”

At his mother’s almost cooing tone of voice, Max closed his eyes in embarrassment. He’d noticed it the moment they settled under it, hoping that it would go unknown by Liz.

Liz nibbled on her bottom lip upon noticing the observation for the first time. Casting a quick glance over to Max, she smiled uncomfortable. “Gosh, would you look at that...” she stopped off. How was it that she managed to find herself in such awkward positions with Max? It couldn’t have happened...say a year earlier, before all the bad things had happened between them?

Saying nothing else, she watched Max for his reaction. From the time she turned her eyes to him, he’d remained stiff and stoic. Finally, their gazes locked in silent confirmation. As they settled into their own world, the people and things around them faded. Mrs. Evan’s voice was vague as she mentioned it was a tradition that they shouldn’t break.

With a slow, deliberate move, Max’s face finally neared hers. Her heart sped up as her eyes fluttered shut in anticipation of his kiss. She’d always enjoyed them. Max may have been inexperienced before she came along, but he was a quick learner. His lips were like silk, and the things he could do with his tongue...Liz shivered in remembrance.

When a few more seconds passed without any lip contact, Liz opened her eyes. When she did, she wished she hadn’t. Max’s normally intense gaze was saddened by a haunted look, a look that she knew she had deliberately placed there.

“Max?” She asked so softly it was almost a whisper. Her stomach flopped, she knew it, the moment had ended before it even began.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized in a broken tone, not able to meet her broke eyes. “I’m sorry,” he repeated as he walked away.

Her gaze followed him until he disappeared down the hallway before she turned back to Mrs. Evans. Liz tried her hardest to smile for the older woman, but one look at his mother’s pitiful expression, she knew she failed miserably.


Ringing the bell to announce that another order was up, Michael flashed Liz a sarcastic smile at her less the friendly expression. “Here...” he shoved a brown paper bag across the window towards her. “Bring this across the street.”

Looking down at the bag, Liz frowned. “Uh...shouldn’t Maria be delivering this?” She asked, knowing that Brody preferred seeing her bubbly friend over her.

“It isn’t for Brody,” Michael clarified with a scowl, not enjoying the fondness that Max’s boss had for Maria.

At the implications of his words, Liz’s eyes widened. “No. I can’t go over there.” It had been three days since the Evans’ Christmas party, three days since she’d seen Max. Thinking back to the way that he left her there under the mistletoe still caused a flair of embarrassment to rise in her.

“Look, Maria would go over there, but she’s taking her break,” Michael excused.

Looking for a way out of it, Liz had thought she found one. “If she’s going on break then you’re going to need someone to cover her tables...”

“Which your dad offered to do,” Michael argued. “Look, just quit your griping and get over there. The sooner you get that done, the sooner you’re off.”

During her short walk to the UFO Center, Liz griped the entire way. Why didn’t their friends understand that she and Max were going through a difficult time and that the best thing for all of them was for them to be separate? It wasn’t too difficult to ask for...was it?

As she stepped inside the almost unbelievable front room, she asked for her ex’s whereabouts. The less time she spent here, the better. As she walked to the employee’s lounge, she knocked on the door.

Upon hearing the knock, Max eagerly answered it. He’d missed breakfast that morning on account of oversleeping. He was starving. Throwing the door open, he stopped suddenly when he noticed that Liz was standing before him. “Uh, Liz...hey.”

“Hey.” She held out the bag. “I brought your lunch.”

Max grabbed for it. “I didn’t think you’d be...”

“You were expecting someone else?”

“I...” he looked down at the food in his hand. “I thought Maria would...”

Liz nodded, if she had her way, Maria would have been the one delivering the food. “So, how have you been?”

“Busy. Since I’ve been off, Brody’s kept me pretty busy here.” It wasn’t a complete lie, he tried to tell himself. He was working more since school had been let out, but he spent most of his time at home, or at Michael’s, or any place that wasn’t the Crashdown.

“Yeah,” Liz agreed, sensing the facts that he was leaving out. She knew, because she was living it as well. “I’ve pretty much been avoiding you too.”

Max couldn’t help the smile that broke out over his face at Liz’s call to his BS. “Exactly.”

Looking past him, she noticed that the lounge was occupied by an older man. “Do you think that maybe we could...talk?”

“Liz...” Max trailed off. He thought that he could pull off the friends thing with her, but it was just proving to be more difficult then he thought it would be.

Seeing that he was about to argue, she pleaded. “Just for a few minutes. I...we need to talk about what happened the other night. I...we’ve been trying this whole friends angle and it was a little weird, but it was...going...and now we seemed to have jumped two places back.”

Max tried to avoid looking into her face. He knew that if he did, he’d be lost. He could never say no to Liz. “Maybe another time. I don’t think that this is the place to-”

“There isn’t some place we can go to be alone?” She asked. “Please Max. I...a few minutes, nothing more.”

Before his mind had actually agreed to anything, surprisingly enough, his feet were already in motion. “We could head to Brody’s office...”

“Thank you,” she conveyed with a small smile.

As the two stepped into the office, Max lingered by the door a moment after shutting it, preparing himself for whatever turn their conversation was about to make. Feeling as though he had a handle on his emotions, he stepped forward. “So...” he trailed off. Inwardly, he wondered when it was that talking to Liz became such a punishing thing.

Leaning against the far wall from him, Liz looked around the office, a small, black object garnered her attention. “What’s this?” She asked, grabbing it off of Brody’s desk. Her mouth was drawn into a frown when she noticed that the object immediately began heating up under the slight pressure of her hand.

“I don’t really know,” he admitted as he shifted closer. The UFO Center received many items that people claimed were extraterrestrial, when in the end they turned out to be nothing more the unusual looking objects. Since it had arrived only two days earlier, Max had been fiddling with it, trying to find out if it was just another hoax.

“Woah!” Liz exclaimed. She’d briefly noticed the small step that Max had taken, but her attention turned to the small object in her hand.


She shook her head, Liz mentally chided herself. “Uh, nothing. I must have just imagined it...”

“What happened?” The alien king asked once again.

His former girlfriend rolled her eyes at herself. “I uh, I thought it moved...” she admitted in embarrassment. “My imagination must be working overtime...”


“Yeah...like it vibrated...or something,” she finished unsurely. She watched as he frowned.

“Are you sure? Because I’ve been messing with that thing for two days now and...nothing.”

“Really?” Liz asked, as she moved in his direction. Again, the object vibrated in her hand. “It’s doing it again. Here!” She rushed to him, hoping that the vibrations wouldn’t end before she could pass it off to Max.

As the object came into contact with the both of them, a soundless explosion of light engulfed the room as a static charge so large caught Max and Liz breathless. The two beings were thrown in opposite directions, landing unconscious on the floor.
Walter: "I used this to extract information from a corpse once. You can do that if they've been dead up to six hours."
Peter: "Yeah, cause after six hours they're REALLY dead."
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Post by LysCat »

AN: All right. Here is switch. Uh, now originally I planned to use italics to get my point across, but I discovered that to be rather difficult, confusing and somewhat tedious once Max and Liz interacted together. So instead, I’m going to go for the most obvious way of getting my point across without confusing you. I hope you all enjoy this part and thank you for the kind words!

Chapter 3

“Hey, wake up.”

Liz groaned as she rolled over onto her stomach. Michael’s voice was the last thing she wanted to hear. The slight action caused her head to pound and her stomach lurched in protest. “My head hurts,” she confessed, all her attention focused on the throbbing pain she felt in her head.

“I bet man, we did find you unconscious.”

She was knocked unconscious? Rolling back over to her back she did her best to ignore the bile she felt rising. Instead she focused her gaze on the ceiling. She was still at the UFO Center and judging by desk chair she could see out of the corner of her eyes, she gathered that she was still in Brody’s office. The last thing she remembered was standing in front of Max.

Max! If she was feeling any better, she would have shot up to look for him, but she knew that her body couldn’t handle it. Closing her eyes, she felt a tiredness seep into her bones. She hoped that Max was fairing better then her. “What happened?”

“We were kind of hoping that you could tell us man.”

Man? Since when Michael use any...names other then her own to call her? And ‘man’ was the best one he chose? What was going on? Who was the ‘us’ and ‘we’ hat he kept referring back to? It was then that she focused on Maria’s familiar voice calling her name repeatedly, a tinge of hysteria added to it.

“Michael!” Maria called out as she tried to shake Liz’s body once again. “She’s not waking up.”

Liz’s face scrunched up. Not waking up? She was awake...or conscious anyway. “Maria, I’m right here.” It was only then that the voice she was speaking filtered through her ears. She frowned at the decidedly masculine tone. That wasn’t right...and she wasn’t sick... “I...” Liz cleared her throat. She must just have little frog in the way. “I...” when her voice remained the same way, she cleared it again, straining her throat. “It’s...this...oh god!” This time, Liz did shoot up. “I...”

Michael’s attention shifted from Liz’s still unconscious body to his friend. “Hey, Maxwell...you okay?”

“Don’t call me that!” Max cried out indignantly.

Michael frowned once again. “Uh...” What were they supposed to call him?

The offbeat order managed to gather Maria’s attention as well. Across the room, her interest peaked and her eyebrows shot up. “Okay, now is not the time for whatever it is you’re going through,” she ordered. “Liz is unconscious and she’s not responding and...I could really use your help Max!”

“I’m not Max,” Max cried out. Liz wanted nothing more then to scream. What was wrong with Maria and Michael? Couldn’t they tell the difference? In a desperate move she looked down to her body and...her arms weren’t this large...and they certainly weren’t that hairy. In alarm, her hands went to her chest and she gasped. “My boobs! They’re gone!” Liz was so busy listing off the things that she was missing that she never noticed the stares of disbelief.

“Uh...Max, maybe you hit your head harder then we all thought...” Michael supplied, at a loss for his friend’s strange behavior.

“I’m not Max,” the form of the alien kind denied once again.

Across the room, Maria scoffed. “I don’t believe this! The one time I need him to check over Liz and he suffers from some sort of meltdown,” she muttered into the air.


Before the sentiment could be finished again, the blonde broke in, nodding her head. “Yeah, you’re not Max...we got it. If you aren’t him, then who are you?”

“Maria, it’s me...Liz.” Max was so busy looking into his best friend’s eyes, that he never noticed the way that Michael stiffened up.

A quietness settled between the occupants of the room for a moment. No words were spoken. Across the room, Maria froze at the declaration. After her eyes began to sting from not blinking, she did so in a rapid fashion. “I’m sorry, could you repeat that? I thought that you just you were Liz...”

Max nodded slowly at Maria. “I did...I am.”

Maria smiled sarcastically at him. “That’s not possible,” she denied. She’d learned to open herself up more to different possibilities since becoming involved with Max, Isabel and Michael, but there were still some things that even she wouldn’t believe. Body switching, being among them.

Liz understood what her friend was saying, why she was fighting this. To Liz, it was as though she had awakened in a parallel universe that belonged the Twilight Zone, but here she was...apparently in Max’s body. “Well, somehow it is because I’m in Max’s body.”

Michael looked between Maria and his best friend...or rather, his best friend’s body. “So if you’re Liz...then where’s Max?”

Max’s gaze moved to the still unconscious body. “I’m assuming that he’s in there.” His eyes narrowed. “Wow, it’s so weird to...look at yourself outside your body...”

Maria held a hand up to signal for a stop in the conversation. “I think I’m getting a headache.”

“You’re getting a headache?” Max asked. “At least you’re still in your own body!”

Sensing that Max...er, Liz, Michael shook his head in confusion, was getting close to a break down, he placed his fingers in his mouth and whistled to gather attention. “We need to get back my place and call the others.”

“What about work?” Max asked. Maria and Michael were still on shift.

Michael and Maria exchanged alarmed looks. “Uh, it’s been four hours since she...uh, you...came over here,” Maria explained.

“Four hours!? I’ve been unconscious for four hours? What about my father? Was he mad that I didn’t come back?”

“Relax, I covered for you guys,” Maria eased.


“I hope everything is okay,” Isabel voiced as she and Alex stepped out of his car.

Alex nodded. “I’m sure that everything is fine,” he tried to sooth, though truth be told, he wasn’t feeling very confidant about that. Michael sounded almost desperate over the phone.

“Well, they better,” she muttered. “There better be a good reason for dragging me away from the gift wrapping.” She was on a schedule and instead of wrapping gifts for the kids like she was supposed to be doing, she was here playing with Michael...or would be. That meant that everything on her list would have to be pushed back, which meant that she would have to work twice as hard to get it all completed.

“Hey!” Tess called out form behind the former couple. “Do either of you guys know what’s going on?” She asked as she and Kyle rushed to catch up to Isabel and Alex.

“Not a clue,” Alex answered. “Did Michael say anything to either of you?”

“Nope. Something tells me he was just as cryptic with you as he was with Tess,” Kyle smirked. Michael was never one for information, for him it was a need to know basis. “Let’s just get this over with...” As the four stood out in front of Michael’s door, he raised his knocked to announce their presence before opening the door. “Okay, what was so important that we had to get here so quickly.”

“Well, if you would get in and shut the door, I’ll tell you,” the second in command bit out scathingly. How Max could take Kyle’s snarky comments, he didn’t know.

Isabel’s worry was instantly peaked as she spied her brother sitting on the couch, seemingly lost in a daze. “Max?” When there was no reaction, she rushed to his side and ran her hands over his head and back. “What happened?” She demanded, turning back to Michael.

“Something happened...” Maria announced as she stepped out of Michael’s bedroom.

Alex nodded as he looked from Max’s unresponsive form. “Yeah...so we gathered.”

“Uh...Liz and Max were knocked unconscious today...at Max’s work,” Maria hedged.

Upon the mention of the small brunette, Alex stepped forward. “Where is Liz?”

Maria’s eyebrows furrowed. “Uh...that depends on how you mean it.” She cleared her throat before uttering the next part. “I mean her body is in Michael’s room...still unconscious.”

“He-her body?” Kyle asked, what the hell was Deluca trying to tell them?

Maria nodded in answer.

“Okay...so her body’s in Michael’s room...” Tess clarified. “Uh, where’s the...rest of her?” Rest of her? Did that make sense? The blonde frowned.

“I’m here...” Max spoke up and then rushed to add on before any of the others could jump to conclusions. “And by here...I mean that I’m Liz...inside Max’s body.”

At the news, Alex, Isabel, Tess and Kyle all traded uneasy looks with each other. This had to be a joke...right? It was the same question that filtered through all their minds. This was just some sort of Christmas prank that the others were throwing...wasn’t it?

Isabel smiled briefly before her facial features settled back into a serious expression. “Funny, you guys are playing with us. Ha ha. You called me over here for this? Do either of you know how busy I am. I don’t have time to play these childish games.”

Knowing that neither Liz nor Maria were going to be able to handle the statuesque blonde when she was in this mood, he stepped forward to clarify. “Isabel, it’s the truth. They were knocked unconscious and when Max...Liz...whoever woke up, she was in his body.”

“I don’t mean to state the obvious here...but you can’t really expect us to believe something like this,” Kyle stated for the first time since the news was shared. He was all for a good prank, but this was just one of bad taste.

“It’s true,” Max insisted.

“Then prove it Senor Presidente,” the former jock coaxed.

“Fine. Alex, you taught me how to kiss.” Liz knew it would convince Alex. When they’d kissed, both had been extremely embarrassed at having to learn with each instead of sharing it with someone they were interested in. At the end of the day, they’d sworn to keep it a secret, not even Maria had known about it.

As Alex staggered backwards, Maria sat straighter up in the chair. “How could I not know this?!” She demanded.

“Not the time Maria...” Max ordered urgently.

Tess, Isabel and Kyle looked from Max’s form to Alex’s shocked expression. No one knew Alex better then Maria and Liz and if he was convinced, then they had no choice but to be as well. Kyle’s face scrunched up as he played over the words that were last uttered.

“You...” he trailed off. “Uh, Liz...” he trailed off awkwardly, focusing on Max’s form. This would definitely take some time to adjust to. “You need to remember that some things should never be said in a guy’s voice...that being one of them.”

At the point that he was trying to make made it across, the others in the room frowned as they thought back to the sentence that had been uttered in Max’s voice.

“This is just...” Isabel trailed off.

“Freaky,” Tess supplied. “So...how does it feel?” She asked as she approached Max...er, Liz.

“I...think I’m still in shock,” Max admitted.

“How exactly did this happen?” Alex asked, breaking up the moment. The first thing they needed to take care of, was finding a solution.

“It had to be that little thing...” he voiced his thought.

“What thing?”

“There was some sort of...gadget thing in Brody’s office. Max had said he’d been playing with it, see if he could trigger some sort of reaction, but so far nothing happened...until I touched it. It vibrated and when I went to hand it over to Max...that’s the last thing I remember. When I woke up I was in Max’s body.”

“And right now...we’re just assuming that he’s in your...body?” Alex asked for confirmation.

“Did you bring it back here with you?” Tess asked, wanting to examine it.

Max shook his head. “I was so out of it when we left. We’ll have to get it tomorrow.” Another idea occurred to Liz then. “Uh, what are we supposed to do about work? It’s taken Max ages to learn all that stuff and for ‘him’ to suddenly show up to work not knowing anything, it’s going to be rather odd.”

“Just tomorrow when you go in to get the object, tell Brody that you have some personal issues,” Isabel instructed. “Brody loves Max so I don’t think you’ll have a problem getting him out of work,” she finished with a shrug of her shoulders.

Max nodded. “Okay, so that just leaves my parents...I really don’t think that I’ll be able to get out of working,” she knew her father was certainly not a push over. Despite the fact that she was his only child, she never got away with anything, certainly not when it came to working. Her father treated her as though she was any other waitress.

“Uh Liz, have you stopped to consider what you two are going to do when you have to go home?” Maria asked. She wasn’t sure about the Evans’ schedule and how Max was with his family, but Liz interacted with her parents a great deal during the day. “I mean it’s not exactly as though you can walk into the apartment...and, your dad just wouldn’t like it and won’t deal with it.”

“I...” Max trailed off, frowning. “I was waiting for Max to wake up before I crossed that bridge...” he would know how to handle his parents, how Liz could remain separated from them without worrying them. “I just hope that he handles this better then I did,” he shared as he shifted in his seat. “Alex, could I talk to you in private please?” As the two walked to a separate area of the apartment for some privacy. “I need your help.”

“With what?”

“I need to use the bathroom...” Max trailed off uncomfortably. While she and Alex were rather good friends, she found her confession rather embarrassing.

“O...kay, and you’re telling me this why?” Alex asked, feeling awkward. Even though this was actually Liz, his eyes were still very much in control. He and Max had never really been close and he was finding things rather uncomfortable.

Max’s eyes widened at Alex’s question. Did Alex really not understand why she even mentioned it to him in the first place? “How about the fact that I don’t know how to control this...equipment?”

At the term used, Alex’s eyes widened in interest. Equipment? “It’s not like you’re trying to tame a wild animal or anything. You just hold and aim.”

“I...” At the implications of his instructions, she paled slightly. She’d have to hold it? She couldn’t do that! She and Max...despite the fact that they’d grown close through their connection, things were usually kept PG-13 between them. They’d never gone past a little petting. While she’d felt Max’s reaction to her during their make-out sessions, she’d never actually touched it. “Is there any other way that I could do this...you know, without touching it?”

Her question caused Alex to raise one eyebrow at the absurdity of it. “Uh...sure, if you want to risk peeing everywhere...”

“It’s just, Max and I never...I’ve never touched his...” Max’s eyes lowered to his crotch to make his point. “Uh, in fact, I’ve never really touched anyone’s...”

Alex opened and closed his mouth several times as he worked out something to say to his friend. “Liz...you, Max will understand. I mean...you’re going to the bathroom, it’s not like your playing with yourself...er, him,” he tried to sooth.

Liz understood Alex’s point, but she couldn’t help the way she felt. It just seemed wrong, as though she was peaking and she shouldn’t be doing so. “Do you...do you think you could come in with me and like...instruct me?”

Before the question was even finished, Alex was already shaking his head negatively. “No thanks. I’m fine out here...”

“Alex....!” Liz hoped that her whine would work. The whining and puppy-dog eyes never failed where he was concerned. “Please...”

He knew exactly what she was attempting to do, but there was no way that he was gonna... “You know Liz, strangely that doesn’t work on me when it’s Max’s face I see and his voice I hear...” He watched as Max’s shoulders slumped. “Look, it’s not that difficult. You just hold and aim.”


It was another forty-five minutes before Max woke up. Michael and Isabel had opted to wait in Michael’s room to tell him everything in private.


At the groan of pain, Isabel looked up in alarm.

“It’s okay Isabel,” Michael soothed. Isabel had always been a mother hen where Max was concerned. He knew she was just worried. “He’s just a little disoriented,” he excused, not mentioning the headache that Liz complained of when she woke up earlier. It had since faded.

“What...” the voice trailed off. Both Michael and Isabel moved to hover over the figure. Seeing that she was about to speak again, Isabel jumped in.

“Max, we have a slight situation...” she voiced unsurely. “Uh, today when you and Liz were the UFO Center, you both were knocked unconscious.” Upon the news, she saw that Max was about say something, so she rushed to beat him to it. “Before you ask, she’s fine...sort of. Uh...there’s really no easy way to say this...”

Seeing that the female alien was having difficulty finding the words, Michael jumped in. “When Liz woke up, she was fine for the most part...except she was in your body...like the way you’re in hers.”

Hearing Michael’s news, Max became instantly alert. “What?” Hearing the voice that came out of his mouth, he frowned. Pulling himself from the bed, he looked to Michael’s wall for a mirror. He stared dumbfounded when he saw his reflection...Liz Parker’s expression. “Oh...no, this is just not...good.”

There was a knock at the bedroom door before it was opened cautiously. Max stopped short, seeing himself standing across the room. “How weird is it to see your yourself...”

As if sensing what he meant, Liz nodded. “I know.”

Liz stepped forward, “how are you?” His mind was a bundle of unfinished thoughts. Max couldn’t help but wonder how Liz was fairing with everything.

“I...” Liz trailed off as he looked to Michael and Isabel. “I don’t think it’s something I’ll be getting used to anytime soon. How are you handling it?”

Noticing that his brother and sister were watching them, Max (in Liz’s body) cleared his throat. “Do you think you guys could give us a few minutes?” He couldn’t imagine how Liz had been handling things so well all on her own. He was sure that if he was alone in the situation, he’d have gone insane. As the unaffected aliens left the room grumbling under their breaths, Max finally turned to Liz. “We have to fix this as soon as possible.”

Max nodded eagerly. “No argument here.” She was still feeling horrified when she thought back to her escapade in the bathroom. “Look, I...we’re going to learn a lot of stuff about the other person’s body,” she began, feeling her cheeks warm in embarrassment.

Not really understanding what she meant, Max (in Liz’s body) stopped her. “Uh...what?”

“I...had to use the bathroom earlier,” she answered, not looking up to meet her eyes...or well, Max’s gaze.

“Oh...” Liz nodded, fully grasping the meaning. “Oh, so you...touched...me...”

Max began to blush. “Yeah, I kind of had to. It was really embarrassing, asking Alex how to pee.”

At the confession, Max couldn’t deny the hilarity of the situation. Before he realized it, he had his head thrown back, or Liz’s head thrown back, as hysterical laughter rang through the room.

Only when her companion calmed down did Liz (in Max’s body) venture to say something else. “Yeah, you laugh now, but wait until it’s your turn to see me,” she hissed out.

An air of satisfaction settled over her as she watched Max’s hilarity slowly fade as the words filtered through his thoughts.
Walter: "I used this to extract information from a corpse once. You can do that if they've been dead up to six hours."
Peter: "Yeah, cause after six hours they're REALLY dead."
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Post by LysCat »

Chapter 4

“Uh...you could always go around and meet me on the balcony...” Max (in Liz’s body) observed. He wasn’t too comfortable with the thought of going through Liz’s things.

Max and Liz decided the best thing they could do was spend the night, training the other person on how to act. The last thing they wanted to do was create any unnecessary trouble by acting too out of character and alarming their parents. Isabel invited ‘Liz’ to stay the night where the former couple would spend as much time sharing any and all facts about their lives that they thought was important to know.

Pausing to consider her thoughts, she figured that Max had a point. If she left it up to him, he’d probably have her dressed in an ugly outfit. “Good idea. Besides,” she gestured over his, or rather her body’s shoulder where father stood watching them, “I don’t think it would be wise for me to stay here with him...as you.”

Max (in Liz’s body) turned around and noticed the keen interest that Mr. Parker had trained on them. When he turned back to his companion, he couldn’t hide the involuntary shudder that passed through Liz’s body. It was a natural reaction. He could face an army of skins head on, but one look from Liz’s father had him cowering like a little boy. “Good idea.”

As the two parted ways, Max (in Liz’s body) went as far around Mr. Parker as he could. The last thing he needed was for the older man to stop him for a conversation. He and Liz were sure in for a difficult time where their parents were involved. Upstairs in the apartment, he spotted Nancy Parker asleep on the couch. Quickly and quietly, he made his way past her and into Liz’s room, shutting the door behind him.

He stopped short when his gaze settled on her bed. How many times had he imagined through the years that it would have been him in that bad with her? How much had it hurt when he walked in on Liz laughing with Kyle, the two of them huddled under her covers? It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out exactly what had taken place between the two. His heart had broken that night. And now...he was expected to sleep in that same bed? Man, that sucked!

Hopping over the ledge, Liz (in Max’s body) shook her head. She was lucky that she was in such a physically fit body, she was sure that if not, she’d be hurting. She heard no noise from inside her room. Her father hadn’t stopped Max had he? Approaching the window, she stopped short at the haunted expression in his eyes...her eyes. It was a familiar one, one that she saw every single time she looked at her reflection. She didn’t need to be a mind reader to know what going through Max’s mind at that moment.

Tapping on her window, she watched as Max (in Liz’s body) was pulled from his revery. He walked over to unlock the window and open it. “Hey...”

“Hey...” Liz (in Max’s body) moved to her closet and pulled a bag out before setting it on her bed. She set about finding night clothes and then pulling an outfit for the next day. “Could you go into that drawer and grab some articles for me?” She asked, pointing to the drawer. Inwardly, she couldn’t believe she actually asked him that, but it wasn’t as though she had anything to hide from him. He had already been in there, and she knew that he would be going through it for the duration of their situation.

“Uh...” Max gulped as he looked between Liz and the drawer. What was she doing, asking him to look in her underwear drawer?

Stopping the packing, Liz (in Max’s body) turned expectantly to Max. “What? You only do that when you’re with Kyle and drinking?”

As she mentioned the night of lost inhibitions, Max blushed. When he normally would have scratched the back of his head, he settled on running his, or rather, Liz’s hands through her hair. Moving to the drawer herself, Liz (in Max’s body) grabbed what she thought was needed.

Looking from the clothes that Liz was packing away to the uniform that he, or Liz’s body was still sporting, he cleared his throat. “I suppose I should probably change...”

Once again, her attention was torn away from packing. “Oh...” she trailed off. “Yeah...” What was worse then seeing Max’s body in the same manner she had? Max seeing her body. What if he had complaints? He never had before, but he’d since been growing closer to Tess, who’s attributes were more pronounced then anything she had to offer, what if he came to realize that she really had nothing to offer? It was one thing to see her and disapprove when she had clothes on, but they were about to cross uncharted territory and she just didn’t think that she could handle the outcome.

Max (in Liz’s body) felt a frown pulling at his face. What was her reaction all about? “Did you want to pick something...or...”

Liz shook her head. “No, you can. This can be your test,” she replied, focusing back on her task. “Just...make sure that I match and that....you don’t embarrass me.”

“Is that what you’re worried about?” He asked. “Did you forget that I was raised with Isabel?” If there was one thing he knew, it was how to dress, Isabel had made sure of it.

Deciding not to dwell on her real reason for being apprehensive, Liz decided to shrug her shoulders and play off his idea. “Well...you know...just in case.”

Max shook his head. “Trust me Liz, I won’t embarrass you. Isabel’s train...molded,” he amended quickly, “me well enough.”

“So...she’s trained you huh?” Liz (in Max’s body) asked in amusement, relishing in the moment. Their conversation felt nice. There were no awkward undertones, it was just the two of them...almost like the way it was before. “Are you even allowed to pick your own outfits?”

“Very funny,” was the grumbled response. “I’ll have you know that I’ve been picking out my own outfits for three years now,” he replied indignantly.

Working the math out in her head, Liz (in Max’s body) smiled at him once again, resisting the urge to applaud his seemingly proud statement. “Wow, a whole three years?! What an achievement for a seventeen year old.” She delighted in the way that he shuffled in his place and looked away from her, embarrassed. She couldn’t remember the last time that Max had been so open in her presence.

After an outfit had been selected, Max (in Liz’s body) looked from the clothes in his hand, to his companion and then to the bathroom before looking back to his form. “Uh...” Would it even make sense to change in the bathroom since Liz had obviously been where he was about to venture? He felt his cheeks warm up, feeling self conscious about what he was about to see. Over the years, he’s often imagined how it would be to see Liz’s body for the first time. He’d wondered what it would be like to undress her body, but no matter how many times he envisioned the act, he was not actually ‘in’ her body when the act was being done.

Taking pity on him, Liz nodded. “I know exactly how you feel,” she confessed.

“I feel like I’m...” Max (in Liz’s body) trailed off, it wasn’t as though he was taking advantage of her, but it felt that way. Realistically, he knew that he wasn’t, and that if they were both going to survive this, they were going to have to be mature about the situation they were in, but it didn’t stop the feelings from snowballing. Awkward, just didn’t even seem appropriate enough to describe their current situation.

“I know,” she agreed. She watched as he began changing, slipping the pants on under the uniform. It was when he had to remove the offending outfit to finish dressing that she noticed the very subtle shake in his hand as he began unsnapping her work uniform. She had to give him his props though, never once did his gaze waver down to check out her chest. It was much more then she had done when she had gone to the bathroom earlier.

Even though it wasn’t exactly the same, she still felt as though she invaded his privacy. She would have had to look, pay attention, but she had found that her attention was on his anatomy for a completely different reason. She couldn’t help but wonder how things would be different if she and Max were a little bit further along in their familiarity of the other person’s body.

It was when Max (in Liz’s body) pulled the uniform off, that his gaze involuntarily traveled lower. The minute that it had, he instantly reddened in embarrassment. Had Liz noticed? Would she be upset? He really had tried to respect her body, while he knew that he would eventually see her in all her naked glory, he knew that this didn’t have to be that time.

Seeing the brief glance that he shot at her body, Liz tensed. Was he displeased with what he saw? Is that why he refused to look at her? Or was it simple embarrassment? Wisely, she kept her mouth shut. If they were in a better place of friendship, she probably would have asked him something smart, like ‘if he liked what he’d seen,’ but she knew that they were really no where near that place of comfort.

After he carelessly tossed the shirt on, Max (in Liz’s body) looked over at his companion. The reserved look on her...his face, he knew that Liz had seen his look. “Uh, sorry about...” he trailed off.

Holding a large hand up, Liz stopped him from going any further. “Don’t worry about it. You know, I can’t help but wonder if...this situation would be easier if we were in a different place.”

“What do you mean?”

Shrugging, Liz (in Max’s body) continued on. “Uh, you know...like personally. I mean we’ve spent the last few months avoiding each other, not comfortable in each other’s presence, let alone in each other’s bodies. I just wonder how things would be if you and I were maybe more comfortable around one another...that’s all,” she finished, feeling rather lame.

Max paused to consider her words, because honestly, he hadn’t thought of that. “Does it really matter where we’d be? We aren’t there, so what’s the point of wondering?” He asked, throwing a painful glance to her bed once again. He couldn’t believe that he was going to have to sleep in that bed. Hopefully she’d washed her bed sheets since then.

Seeing the pain etched in her features, Liz felt her guilt bubbling forth once again. She couldn’t do this. She had to say something. It was the right thing to do. She was the cause for their unease. Granted, it wasn’t her fault that they were in this current predicament, but she could certainly ease the tension that existed between them. Living with the truth was difficult enough, but until then, she’d always have the possibility of running away and hiding. She knew that under the current circumstances, running and hiding wasn’t going to cut it. She and Max were going to have to learn to depend on one another once again.

“Listen Max,” Liz hedged forth uncomfortably. “I...think that you and I should sit down and talk...”

Max (in Liz’s body) looked at her, his eyebrows creased in confusion. “I thought that was the reason for this little sleep over we’re going to have at my house?”

“I...I know. It’s just this is really important...” She stumbled over the words. How was she supposed to go about approaching something like this? “Do you think you could...I don’t know...sit down?” She watched as Max slowly made his way next to her. Geez, could he possibly act more dramatic? It was like he was afraid to sit next to her!


“Things between us are just...horrible,” Liz (in Max’s body) began. “I won’t pretend otherwise and neither should you, but we need to...I don’t know, call a truce or...something. Because now, not only are they horrible, but we’ve got this...like, really bad situation on top of that and this...” she used her hands to motion around, referring to their situation, “is only making things more difficult.”

Not understanding what she was trying to say, Max decided to break in. “Yeah, well...who made this situation horrible in the first place?” He wasn’t so ready to just forgive her like nothing happened.

“I’m not saying that I’m not responsible,” she denied, “because I am. I just think that it would make things easier if we could just...forget about it...for now.”

“You’d like that wouldn’t you? For me to forget about that and forgive you?” He shook his head. No, he couldn’t do it. He was still hurting over it, and as far as he was concerned, if he was hurting, then she should be too. As immature as it sounded, it was the way he felt.

Standing up, Liz (in Max’s body) stepped away from him. He was stewing in his anger and she knew that now was not the time to press him for anything, let alone tell him the truth. It wasn’t that she had seen him pushed to this point, but it still worried her. “Never mind,” she muttered. “Forget I said anything.”

Before Max could respond. There was a knock on the door. “Lizzy?” Upon hearing Mr. Parker’s voice ringing through the door, Max and Liz turned to one another, their eyes wide with fright. As if by second nature, Max (in Liz’s body) moved to the window to head out on her balcony and hide.

If it wasn’t such a serious situation, Liz knew she would have found the situation quite hilarious. Quietly, she grabbed his arm to stop his progress and raised her eyes to meet his, her gaze expressing all that needed to be said. Instead, she moved in the direction that he was originally going for.

“Lizzy?” Mr. Parker asked, his voice changing to a more demanding tone. He’d peaked out the front window of the restaurant and hadn’t seen Max anywhere, though his jeep was still parked in the parking lot.

“Ho...hold on dad, I’m changing,” Max (in Liz’s body) called out as he waited for Liz to hide. When he was certain that she was hidden well enough, he opened the door. “What’s up dad?”

“I just wanted to talk to you before you left....” the older man trailed off as he stepped in the room. “Did I just hear voices?” He asked, his gaze traveling around the room, working out all the places that Max, or a teenage boy could hide.

A flash of horror quickly crossed Max’s (in Liz’s body) face. “No. Uh...I was just talking to myself...you know, making mental check list so I don’t forget anything,” he excused, pointing over to the overnight bag that Liz had packed.

Uneasily, Mr. Parker nodded along with the fib. “Okay. Listen Liz, I saw you with Max earlier...I was just wondering, is there anything going on between the two of you?”

Max raised his eyebrows in question.

“I mean, you’d tell me if...you and that boy were back together...wouldn’t you?”

That boy? He should have known that he had reason enough to fear Mr. Parker, there was no denying the tinge that his voice had taken on. “Uh, sure...and no. Max and I are definitely not back together.”

Appearing somewhat relieved, Mr. Parker’s shoulders slumped down. “I just worry about you sweetheart. I mean you left us for the entire summer because of him...I just don’t want you to forget about the pain that he put you through.”

Liz was in pain this summer? He’d known that all of their lives went through a tail spin after the message from the orbs, but he’d just assumed that Liz’s pain wasn’t as deep as his had been. Looking back, he knew it was a stupid assumption on his part, but by the time she’d returned, she was so cool, calm and resolved.

“Like I said...dad,” Max almost choked over the foreign relationship, “you have nothing to worry about.”

“Well, have fun tonight with Isabel,” The older man wished before disappearing from the room.

“Your dad hates me, doesn’t he?” Max (in Liz’s body) asked once Jeff made his exit.

Crawling back through the window, Liz paused momentarily. “Don’t be silly,” she denied, waving his question away in a feminine gesture. “He likes you just fine, he just isn’t thrilled with the idea that we could get back together,” she offered weakly.

Nodding along with her, he accepted her excuses. “So...this summer...” he trailed off, thinking back to the point that her father mentioned during the conversation.

After seeing the imploring look on his face, Liz (in Max’s body) turned away from him. “Yes, I had some issues to deal with this summer...” she acknowledged stiffly. Her world had fallen apart within the matter of minutes. She’d escaped to Florida to try and piece her life back together.


At the almost tone of awe that she heard, she stiffened. “What? You thought I was off on a happy vacation this summer?” she demanded, feeling upset at the casual way he seemed to write off her feelings.

“No,” he denied quickly, almost too quickly. “No...not exactly. I just didn’t think that you were...as affected...” he breathed out uncomfortably. At the frown she wore, he realized that he’d said the wrong thing. “I mean when you came back you were so distant...and resolved.”

Turning away from her companion, Liz (in Max’s body) looked at anything other then him. “So because I came back...resolved, you don’t think that I was in pain this summer?”

“I didn’t say that,” he denied. “I just meant that you were so resolved to...this, like you gave up on us.”

“Well, someone had to accept it,” Liz argued. “What was I supposed to do? You have this whole world of people waiting on your return, I couldn’t just stand there and pretend that it doesn’t exist!”

Max shook his head at her, eager to argue his points. “Okay, first of all, who knows how things have changed up there since that message was made. I mean everything could be completely different now.” It was something he’d been thinking about since that fateful day in May. Maybe it could be construed as wishful thinking, but it did raise a valid question. “And secondly, just because other people made plans for me doesn’t mean that I have the same ones.”

“That may be...but ignoring them doesn’t make them go away,” she finished off in a gentle tone. Why didn’t Max understand that her decision was for the best? It may not have felt so right at this time, but years from now, he could look back and understand.
Walter: "I used this to extract information from a corpse once. You can do that if they've been dead up to six hours."
Peter: "Yeah, cause after six hours they're REALLY dead."
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Post by LysCat »

Chapter 5

As the sunlight filtered through the bedroom window, Liz groaned as she entered the limbo that existed between sleep and wakefulness. Haphazardly, she pulled the comforter over her head, hoping to grasp as much sleep as she could.

It had been three days since the infamous body switching ordeal. Three days in which she lived her life, feeling on edge. Sleep was the only time she had a break. Between living each day with a feeling of wrongness hanging over her head, she’d had to worry over parents and the possibility of keeping up with normal, everyday stuff. Sleep was the only time during her day that she could really let down her guard and really be ‘herself’. Aside from that, it was her one chance from escaping her friends. As much as she appreciated their help, none of them really understood what she or Max were going through. Frankly, she was tired of ignoring their looks, the ones that ranged anywhere between pity and ones that made her feel that she could make a living as a freak side show for the circus.

On top of that, she and Max had entered yet another awkward stage since the conversation the other night in her room. She’d been hoping that this experience would only make them grow closer, as naive as it was, but it seemed to be do the opposite. She and Max were just as distant as before, only this time, it was more difficult since she wanted him around her more then ever. Max was the only other person who knew what she was going through, and while there was a newfound sense of tension between them now, she still felt more comfortable around him then anyone else.

If she wasn’t at the Crashdown with the others, she was holed up in Max’s room. At first she’d been worried that decision to be alone would alarm the Evans’ that something was wrong with their son, but Max had assured her that they wouldn’t think twice about it.

“Are you sure?” Liz (in Max’s body) asked once more. While it had been a while since she had seen how Max was in his home life, she knew how Dianne Evans was.

Max (in Liz’s body)nodded. “I’ve kept myself distanced from them since...”

As Max trailed off, Liz felt the overwhelming urge to lay her hand over his and squeeze it silent comfort, but she knew she no longer had that privilege. There was no denying what Max had been referring to. “Max, have you never talked to anyone about what happened?”

He shook his head. His parents had put him in therapy, hoping to snap him out of his recent funk, but it wasn’t as though he could just open up and divulge anything. “What am I supposed to say to therapist? ‘These government agents kidnaped me and ran experiments on me because I’m part alien.’ I don’t really think it would fly.”

Liz (in Max’s body) smiled sympathetically. “I suppose not,” she agreed. “What about talking to Isabel? Or maybe Michael?” He needed to speak to someone about his ordeal that night in FBI custody. The only reason why she knew any of it was because of the flashes she received when they kissed.

Max just shook his head negatively.

“You know Max...” she hedged unsurely. She’d seen Max do this to himself so much over the past months, he put everything on his shoulder and never shared the burden. “You don’t always have to be strong.”

“Yes I do.” He’d had enough complaining from Michael over the past months to prove it. Despite whatever he said or did, it was never good enough.

She wanted to tell him that he could always talk to her, but she knew that he wouldn’t. Max didn’t trust her any longer, she knew there was no way he was going to open himself up to her.

As the awareness crept forward in her mind, a certain unwelcome feeling was making it’s presence known. A frown pulled at her lips as she worked out exactly what that feeling was. It was...no! It was! Pulling the comforter up, she looked down the large, magnificent body she was sporting and threw her head back in annoyance. Rolling over, she pushed her face into the pillow and began groaning in vexation.

It was there....again! She hadn’t even done anything to get anything flowing but here she was...sporting yet another morning wood. She wasn’t even used to having a penis when all it did was hang there, she was completely mortified when it was at full attention. Not only was it awkward for her because of the situation that she was in, but it also made going to the bathroom in the morning a pain in the butt.

After the showers that she’d taken and the hard-ons she’d had, Liz felt rather embarrassed at having made such a big deal about going to the bathroom that first night. She was learning very much about herself...in the way that despite the initial flash of mortification she felt whenever she sported one, her curiosity and interest always got the better of her. She was a pervert plain and simple. After all their heavy make-out sessions, she’d never seen him, but she was now...and boy was she seeing plenty! Though she didn’t have anything to compare it with, Max certainly wasn’t lacking for anything.

Despite the fact that she felt that she wasn’t ready to take that final step into cementing things with the alien king, she’d often wondered about his body. She’d inadvertently felt him through his clothes and she’d imagined things, but seeing...every single time she did, madam Vivian’s predictions would always filter through her thoughts.

“The reading is clear. You marry your true love. You have happiness. The card here? Intimacy, sex. You will not be left wanting.”

No, Liz imagined that she certainly wouldn’t have been left wanting. It was a different world though, one completely parallel to the one that she had since created. She remembered that first morning when she woke up with one, her face still burned in embarrassment every time she did so. Her mortification had been so great that she hadn’t bothered to move from Max’s bed.


At the cautious whisper through the crack of the door, Liz nearly sighed in relief. “Come in!”

As Max (in Liz’s body) entered the room, he was surprised to find her still in bed and under the covers. “Uh... you feeling okay or...”

“I can’t get out of bed,” she confessed.

“Can’t get out of bed...why?” He took the chance to take in her appearance, or rather his body’s appearance. Nothing seemed out of order, despite the slight look of fright in her eyes, nothing of great importance screamed out at him. “Uh...”

“I...your...” what was the correct thing to say here? “We have a hard on and I don’t know what to do!”

At the news that she shared, Max stopped moving momentarily as his breath expelled from his body...Liz’s body. “Oh.” He’d wondered if something like this would happen, it was a natural thing, but he’d been hoping against it. Although it looked like whoever this God was, was making things just extra difficult for them as though he was finding some sort of amusement in all this.

“I...I can’t do this Max!” Liz cried out in desperation a moment later. “I mean you and I are just...not ready to know this sort of stuff about each other. I mean when I imagined seeing you naked for the first time, it sure as hell wasn’t like this! And I feel like I’ve completely cheated us out of something...and I have to pee and this thing is just really annoying!”

When she imagined seeing him naked? Was that present tense that she used? She still thought about him like that? Seeing the way that she began growing hysterical, Max cleared his throughts and rushed over to her, Max (in Liz’s body) took a seat on the edge of the bed and framed Liz’s (in Max’s body) face. “You need to calm down and breathe...” he ordered a soft, soothing voice.

Relishing in the feeling of his hands on her...even if it was the other way around, Liz found herself relaxing against him, doing as he instructed.

“Better?” He asked, removing his hands from her face, and moving further away from her.

Liz (in Max’s body) nodded. “I’m sorry I over reacted,” she apologized. “This whole thing is just so...weird! I just have this general feeling of...”

“Wrongness...?” He broke in, he knew it, because he felt the exact same way.

Liz nodded once again. “I don’t feel comfortable and this thing just adds to it,” she added. “I didn’t even do anything...”

“You didn’t have to,” he answered, referring to her last comment. “It’s a natural reaction...happens sometimes.”

“So...how do I get it to go away?” She cautioned after a moment. She knew what guys usually did when they sported...but it was usually brought on by a feeling of desire...something that she sure as hell was not feeling. “I don’t have to...” she trailed off, not able to complete her question.

Following her line of thinking, Max felt his own discomfort settle over him. “I...no,” at least he hoped not. “It should go away on it’s own...maybe like once you take a shower or something...”

Liz looked away from Max then. “Have I mentioned how weird this situation was?”

Seeing that she was trying to change the situation, Max (in Liz’s body) eagerly jumped in, thankful that she’d said something to take the focus off of their shared discomfort. “Yeah...story of our lives.” Life for him had never been ‘normal’, at least not the in way that it had once been for Liz, but once he saved her life that day his life was anything but.

“Not like this though,” she argued softly.

Liz had to admit that despite all the embarrassing personal issues she seemed to be dealing with, she was getting off easy compared to Max’s experience. Where she had the ability to hide away in Max’s room, Max had no such opportunity at the Parker residence. No, Liz didn’t lock herself away in her room hen she was home, despite her want to, sometimes. She knew that her parents would become suspicious if Max began doing that.

Work was...well, that was an interesting story all together. The day before was his first day of work. Horrific was the word that came to mind when she thought back to it. Since the switch, she and Maria had tried to rearrange the schedule so that Max wouldn’t have to work very often. Yesterday though, someone called in sick and Max (in Liz’s body) had been chosen to be the person who filled it. The decision alone was enough to make Liz worry, but what added to that was the fact that he would be working through the dinner and lunch rush.

“And there’s no way you can get out of this?” Isabel Evans asked as she looked between Liz’s form and then her brother’s. She was still trying to adjust to the changes that had taken place. While she and Liz were on relatively good terms, they weren’t close or anything. She found it rather difficult to speak to the small brunette’s form with the same ease she felt when she spoke to Max. On top of that, she found it most disconcerting when she would walk to her brother’s door, anxious to just talk to him, only to realize that it wasn’t her brother in the room. “Liz, can’t you do anything?”

Before she could answer, Max (in Liz’s body) spoke up. “Liz and Maria already rearranged the schedule, but apparently not,” he answered a little hesitantly.

Looking between the three people, Kyle just shrugged his shoulders. He didn’t see what the big deal was. “Wel, he soent enough time in here during the years, he knows how things work...” he offered.

Isabel shook her head at the former jock. “Kyle, watching things and actually waitressing are two very different things,” she argued, thinking back to her one experience the year before. Granted, her brother had a better chance going for him then she did. Kyle did have a point, Max knew things, things that she hadn’t at the time. Things that could make the experience just a bit easier for him, but she didn’t pretend to be naive. No matter what he knew, it wasn’t going to be a walk through the park.

“Thanks Iz, but I’m sure I’ll be okay. I mean, how hard can it be?”

As Max (in Liz’s body) walked away, Maria and Liz (in Max’s body) turned to one another, varying looks of disbelief all over their faces. Didn’t anyone realize that it could be a very difficult job? More importantly, this was Max’s first day.

“This is going to be interesting isn’t it?” Maria asked, a smirk playing at her lips.

Liz (in Max’s body) nodded her head. “Yup...at least I hope so.”

As Max struggled to keep up with the fast pace, his orders came out wrong and when they didn’t, he delivered food to wrong patrons. As bad as they felt for him, neither Liz (in Max’s body) nor Maria opted to help him. It was only hen Mr. Parker questioned his ‘daughter’ that Maria finally spoke up.

“Lizzie? What is wrong with you today? You are acting like this is your first day or something...” he couldn’t remember the last time Liz was so bad.

“I know,” Max (in Liz’s body) nodded. “What can I say? I’m having an ‘off’ day.”

At the choice of words, Jeff Parker scoffed. “Obviously. Everyone is entitled to one, but sweetie...I can’t remember the last time you were so off your game. It’s almost as if...”

“As if what?” Max asked.

Jeff sighed. “Are you sure there’s nothing more to this?”

“Dad, I’m...” Max (in Liz’s body) trailed off.

Seeing that Max was unable to come up with an explanation for the odd behavior, Maria stood up from the table and approached the two. “Mr. Parker, Liz is just not feeling her best, that’s all.”

Frowning, Mr. Parker turned to this daughter’s form. “Are you sick?”

“What I mean by that is...” Maria trailed off trying to think of a good explanation for the way that Liz appeared to be so off, “it’s just her monthly visit...”

At the news, the older man turned to his ‘daughter’ once again. “Lizzie, if you were feeling bad why didn’t you say anything sooner?”

“Uh...you...looked like you really needed help...” Max offered weakly. Was that something that Liz would have said? “I mean...I know how you don’t think I should get away with certain things just because I’m your daughter.” There, that should do it. Liz had mentioned that fact once or twice.

“Still Lizzy, if it was that bad, you should have said something.” Looking from his ‘daughter’ he turned to Maria, the young woman he had grown to look at as an honorary daughter over the years. “Maria, do you think you could...”

Max (in Liz’s body) also turned imploring eyes onto the blonde he’d grown closer with over the previous summer. “Please Maria, I’ll give you all my tips...”

“Which, I’m sure isn’t much based on the job you’ve performed today...” Maria muttered. “You so owe me girlfriend.”


Pulling the towel tighter around Liz’s body, Max shook his head. This was killing him. He’d had a very overactive imagination, but no amount of daydreams and fantasies could come close to the perfection that was Liz Parker’s body. The first time that he’d showered after their switch, he felt as though he’d died and gone to heaven.

His attention was kept on her chest, and he couldn’t believe how sensitive they were to touch and temperature. He was sure that the feeling was enough to keep him in an aroused state constantly. He was only glad that he had didn’t have to sport a visible response to the feelings.

As for the treasure that rested at the apex of her legs, Max tried not to focus on that. He was very careful how he touched her body, afraid that he would some how invade whatever little privacy she had left. Truthfully, it was killing him. He’d never been so close to her body before, but sometimes he just wished that his conscience would leave him alone so he could explore her body and all the reactions without a feeling of guilt nagging at him.

Throwing the robe over the towel covered body, Max reached under and pulled the cloth free from the body. The one thing he’d definitely enjoyed was applying lotion to Liz’s body. He’d briefly wondered if she’d consider letting him lotion her up once they were back in their own bodies.

With the lotion in hand, he made his way to the bedroom intent on applying it. As his feet came into contact with a small puddle of water that had gathered on the floor, he started to sleep. Bracing himself against the wall, he tried to steady himself, the lotion slipping from his grip. When no impact to the ground came, his heart rate evened back out. It was when he was completely unaware that the flash came.


A form of Max Evans, leaning against the wall. An air of desperation, sympathy, love and even betrayal surrounded him as his eyes closed in agony.


Looking from the wall, Max pulled away from it, every emotion that he felt during the moment briefly flittered through him. “What the hell was that?”
Walter: "I used this to extract information from a corpse once. You can do that if they've been dead up to six hours."
Peter: "Yeah, cause after six hours they're REALLY dead."
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by LysCat »

Jessibelle47: I'm glad that you're enjoying this. I'm trying to keep a light side to it, without going overboard on their reactions.
Smac: When I decided to write this, I knew that there were going to be some painful moments mixed in with the hilarity of the situation. I hated the way the show handled things and whenever I've written a story based on an episode it deals with this F. Max ordeal. The only difference is, I'm planning on completing this one. LOL.
Ner: I'm glad that you are enjoying the balancing act. I didn't want to make this too dramatic, but I also wanted to make sure I didn't get carried away with the light parts.
Dreamerfiend: Yes, Max will definitely be looking for answers. When I wrote the 'hard on' bit I was a little apprehensive about posting it, but I seemed to get a good reaction from it, I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Vampyrax: I'm sorry that you find this confusing, I was afraid that something like this would happen. Feel free to PM me and explain that a bit more, maybe there's something I missed that could possibly make this easier to understand.

Thanks to the rest of you that have taken time to respond to this. Also, please, let me know if I have taken the characters out of their cannon roles without a plausible reason for their reactions and feelings!

Chapter 6

“Oh, hello Liz,” Dianne Evans greeted warmly as she opened the front door.

Max (in Liz’s body) smiled thinly at his mother. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with her less then subtle remarks involving him and Liz. “Hi Mrs. Evans.”

“How are you doing?”

“Okay...” Max trailed off, wondering if it was a sincere question or if she was just fishing for information.

“I was worried about you after the other night, I mean of the party when Max...” Dianne trailed off, not wanting to upset Liz. She herself had felt a tug at her heart that night. After Max’s quick exit, she hadn’t missed the look on the young woman’s face, it was one of heartbreak.

“Oh...yeah,” Max tried to come up with something. It wasn’t the first time he’d thought about it since it happened. “Max and I...talked. Speaking of Max, is he home?”

“Of course, come on in.” She helped the small brunette into the house.

It was rather quiet in the house. “Is Isabel here?”

“Oh, she’s been out and about since dawn,” Dianne excused. “Max! You have a visitor!” She called out down the hallway. “Phillip and I are off to finish the Christmas shopping.”

His parents were still shopping? That didn’t sound right, his mother was usually finished within the first week of December.

Seeing the odd look on Liz’s face, Dianne blushed. “I know, three days until Christmas...I fell behind this year,” she excused. “Anyway, we’ll be out the entire afternoon, but you’re welcome to stay.”

Max resisted the urge to roll his eyes at his mother’s blatant attempt. “Thank you,” he choked out in a polite voice. The one thing he had been saved from the past few months was any embarrassing moments thanks to his mother, where Liz was concerned. He didn’t have to worry about his mother blatant comments or insinuations.

“Oh...hey, Liz,” Liz (in Max’s body) greeted somewhat lamely as she entered the living room.

“Alright dear, your father and I are off. You two have fun!” Dianne said as she kissed Liz (in Max’s body) on the cheek.

Both teenagers waited until the garage door shut behind Mrs. Evans before a word was spoken. Max (in Liz’s body) smile thinly as he thought back to his mother’s tone of voice. She couldn’t have possible sounded more eager could she? “Sorry about her,” he apologized.

Liz cleared her throat and nodded, her cheek feeling warm with embarrassment. “It’s okay...” Taking a seat next to him, Liz turned to her companion. “What’s up Max?”

“Uh...I was just...I wanted to talk,” he finished off truthfully, knowing that there was no point in denying anything.

Liz waited for Max to say something further, but no other words followed. She rubbed her hands together. After a pregnant pause, she decided to speak up when it was apparent that Max had no intention of doing so. “Okay, about anything in particular or...”

“Well, after I got back from New York we never really had a chance to talk,” Max explained.

“We talked,” Liz (in Max’s body) argued weakly.

Max nodded at the point. “So we did, but we didn’t really talk. I mean the two of us just kind of swept the subject under the rug,” he excused, at least he had. When faced with the idea that he had somehow altered Liz’s body, Max grew scared and nervous that she would somehow grow to blame him.

Liz remembered, in fact, she had been the one to brush the subject aside. It wasn’t that she felt threatened in anyway, it’s just the fact that Max had these abilities was always the one thing that set them apart. She never minded...until Tess showed up. Tess hadn’t been subtle in her pursuit of Max, Liz always knew she was interested in the reincarnated alien king. The powers, it was one thing that Tess shared with him that she never could. It was something that hung over her head constantly, the fear that Max and Tess would bond over their shared abilities, something that Liz would never get to share with him. “Where’s this coming from?”

“I had a flash...today...actually, like just before I came over here,” Max shared, choosing to keep the fact that he had practically naked at the time a secret from her.

“Oh...” Liz trailed off, not following him. Of course he’d have a flash, Max always had them.

“I was just wondering if it was because of me...or because of you?”

“Of me?” Liz asked.

“I mean I’ve had flashes before when I’m...” he trailed off, using his hands to gesture to his form. “But we never stopped to consider the idea of where my powers come from. I mean is it something tied to my body or is it tied to my soul?”

“Oh...” she cleared her throat. “So, if you had it in my body, it could be that I’m developing powers...” Liz (in Max’s body) bobbed her head up and down. “Uh, Max, I don’t think...I mean after Ava told me that...” She looked down at her lap, feeling embarrassed. “I sorta tried to do something on my own and...nothing happened.” After hearing the dupe’s explanation, Liz ad grown excited at the idea that she and Max finally had something so physical to share.

“What do you mean?” Max asked. What had she tried to do? Liz had tried to do something? She wasn’t upset with him for changing her?

“Well, I wasn’t sure what she meant when she said that you changed me,” she clarified. “I mean yeah...I accept that I was changed, but when I appeared to you in New York, I had been connected to Isabel. I mean, maybe, all I did was just...cause a jump in her powers? You know?” At the time it had been what she thought, so she was curious with the idea that she could do more. “So I’d gone upstairs and I tried to change my shirt a different color. Nothing happened. It didn’t change.”

“Liz...” He didn’t quite understand her point. If she was nothing more then just added power for Isabel, then how come it had been Liz’s form he’d seen that night and not his sister’s? No, if anything, Ava must have meant that Liz had something more to her then just being something to jump start their powers. “You tried it the next morning?”

Liz nodded. “Yeah. I had to work later and I knew I wouldn’t be able to concentrate if I had to wait and see,” she explained.

Max (in Liz’s body) shook his head. Didn’t she realize just how tiring it was to do something like that? When they were growing up whenever he, Isabel or Michael practiced something that was so demanding, they became drained. “Liz, if you did help Isabel that night, then chances are you would have been too exhausted to do something as simple as change colors on your shirt...”

“Oh...” Liz trailed off. “Did you want me to try something?”

Max nodded. “That’s what I was thinking, to see if my powers were tied to my body or me.”

“Okay,” she nodded. “Uh, what do I need to do?”

Max (in Liz’s body) stood up and gently pulled her to her feet as well.

As Liz stared into her brown eyes, she tried to listen to the instructions that Max gave her, but she found it difficult to concentrate. She and Max were standing close together, their faces only inches apart. What would it be like to kiss him as they were now? For her to have to dip her head lower...


Not wanting to admit to her wandering thoughts, Liz (in Max’s body) nodded. Shit! What had he said again? Choose something that she wanted to do...change the color of his...her shirt. She’d always had issues with the shirt. While she loved the style of it, the shade was just a tad too bright then what she preferred. Closing her eyes, Liz tried to concentrate on the perfect shade for it.

Across from her, Max (in Liz’s body) stood still, afraid that the slightest movement on his part would mess up what she was attempting to accomplish. Instead, he took the chance to take in her appearance. It was something he’d held himself back from doing since that late October night. In the beginning, he hadn’t been able to look at her, because every time he saw her walking down the hall laughing with Maria or Alex, it hurt him. Day by day though, the pain lessened.

Over the past month as they took baby steps back to one another, Max had allowed himself to look more and more. Surprisingly, he found her growing more beautiful every day, he still found himself more then attracted to her. Yes, it hurt that she had shared her first time with someone else, and while he wasn’t quite over the knowledge of that, he knew with every fiber of his being that they would one day find their way back to each other.

The past few days had been responsible for that turn around. He was sure that if nothing had happened that forced them to spend so much time together that he’d still be stewing in his anger. Even now, he still tried to hold onto that anger, but he was finding it more and more difficult. As much as it hurt that Liz had done something so out of character, that she had willingly given up on them, he knew that technically, they weren’t together. Again, it was something that he was working on.

He looked down up to his closed face, his eyebrows were drawn together in determination and fine layer of sweat settled over them. This wasn’t working. Maybe Liz was right, maybe she didn’t have any of her own powers.

“Liz...” he called softly.

Opening her eyes, Liz (in Max’s body) tried to smile. “I’m sorry,” she apologized feeling inaccurate in not being able to do anything. “I guess your powers aren’t connected to your body.”

“You didn’t feel anything?” He asked, feeling somewhat despondent to her results. As much as he would have worried over changing her, he couldn’t deny the flair of temporary satisfaction that he had left his mark on her.

“Like what?” Liz asked as she thought back to the things that she had been thinking about.

“Like...a whisper of something?” He asked. “Like there was something just below the surface that you just couldn’t...get?” He clarified, trying to explain how he felt.

At the words he’d chosen to use, Liz paused. “Uh...I...I don’t know.” There was something like that there, it was a little nagging feeling. “Max, I don’t think I can reach it on my own,” she confessed.

“If you want, I could help you,” he offered. “It would be similar to something that you did with Isabel that night, only now I’d be the one giving you a push...” He trailed off, leaving the option up to her.

Did that mean that they would have to connect? Liz bit her bottom lip, because she knew that if that was needed that there was no way that she could do this. She didn’t want to risk Max finding out about future Max. “Oh. Uh...do we have to connect?” she asked, apprehensively.

Max ignored the slight sting he felt at the tone of Liz’s voice. “Uh, it could be a possibility,” he answered. “While it wouldn’t be something that neither of us initiated, it could still spring up.”


“So...did you want to try?”


Standing alone in the Evans’ living room, Liz (in Max’s body) slumped onto the couch. She should have known better. She should have known that it would never be as simple as a ‘possibility’. That just didn’t exist where she and Max were concerned. No, for them it was always a definite.

She wasn’t even sure how it happened. One moment she was struggling by herself, the next, she felt the load somewhat lightened, as though Max was supplying some borrowed strength. It was an almost pleasant feeling, and then from there, things turned worse. It was almost as if they somehow connected, she no longer had any control over her emotions or what was being displayed for Max. Her soul was bared to him, all the pain and misery she had been feeling for all those months...all of the events that lead to her feeling that way.

As soon as future Max filtered through her thoughts, she had known that Max would see it too. She tried her hardest to pull away from him, both physically and emotionally, but it was too late. She had known the moment he saw it, he stiffened up. When she tried to detangle herself from him, his grip became more firm. She was powerless to stop it, she knew that by the end of their connection that everything would be made known to him.

It wasn’t just a one-way flow of information either. Every one of his thoughts, every heartbroken sob...ripped at her soul. Instead of concentrating on it, she waded through the overwhelming emotions and tried to fight against the unstoppable current. Even though only minutes passed from the time that their connection sprang to life, it had felt like an eternity to Liz as she tried to sever it.

When Max finally let her go, she went tumbling to the couch because of the force she was putting behind her effort to dislodge herself from him. She scrambled to attention and reached her companion. “Max...” she trailed off.

With his mind going in every direction all at once, Max (in Liz’s body) turned his gaze to hers. He couldn’t wrap his mind around everything, but he knew that it was true. He didn’t know how it was possible, but it didn’t matter, in truth he didn’t care at that moment. All he knew was that his heart had been broken that night and that Liz had purposely done it.

“What did you do?” Max (in Liz’s body) demanded, stewing in a quiet anger.

Taken back by the calm rage that radiated from him, Liz (in Max’s body) gave an involuntary shudder. “I...Max, you don’t understand.”

“I don’t understand?!” He repeated. Letting out a mirthless chuckle, he shook his head. “What have I missed? The way that you so willingly gave up on us? Or was it the way that you callously used my deepest fears against me?”

“There’s more to it then just that. I...you have no idea how much it hurt...doing that. I didn’t want to do anything, but I just couldn’t...”

Max (in Liz’s body) shook his head. “And you say that I take too much on my shoulders,” he pointed out. “Talk about pot calling the kettle black.”

“Max, please, just let me explain...”

“I think you’ve done enough,” he replied. “I...I can’t stay here, I have to...go.” He knew that if he remained there with Liz, chances were, he would say something that he would regret later on.

“Max...” Liz trailed off one last time, hoping that he’d throw her a bone and listen to what she had to say. She had known that there was a chance that he could react badly from learning the truth, but this was beyond what she had conjured up in her thoughts. What had he seen? Had he seen everything?

“I can’t do this right now Liz,” Max (in Liz’s body) replied with firmness. Inwardly, he placed steal around his heart because the last thing he wanted in that moment was to be sucked in by her tears and the emotions in her voice.
Walter: "I used this to extract information from a corpse once. You can do that if they've been dead up to six hours."
Peter: "Yeah, cause after six hours they're REALLY dead."
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Post by LysCat »

Thank you guys so much for feedback. I'm glad you all are enjoying it!

Also, just wanted to let you know that I've added a banner to the first post, compliments of Shiesty.

Chapter 7

“You want to talk about it?” Upon hearing the voice, Max was pulled from his thoughts.

He’d spent the past two days walking around in a complete fog. He’d thought of nothing but the things that he’d seen when he and Liz connected in his living room the other day. Try as he might, he couldn’t move past it. It was in his thoughts every minute, almost as though it was taunting him. He couldn’t make any sense of it.

Looking up, he spotted Maria standing in front of him, two steaming cups of coffee...or was it hot chocolate? He wasn’t sure. “What are you doing here?” He’d done his best to avoid everyone since the other day. Wisely, he knew it was better to keep the events to himself, at least for the time being, but he was honestly afraid that he’d crave and tell someone.

“It wasn’t easy,” she shared as she claimed a seat next to him and offered the extra drink. She’d actually been searching for Max since she received a phone call from a hysterical Liz the other day.

Max (in Liz’s body) shrugged and smiled thinly. “I didn’t feel like talking to anyone,” he offered lamely. He was sure that by now, Jeff Parker’s dislike of him was growing. The older man didn’t know much, but he did know that ‘Liz’ had met up with ‘Max’ before she returned home in yet another funk.

“So...how was your Christmas?” Maria asked after a slight pause in the conversation.

“It was...weird,” Max replied smiling. He still wasn’t comfortable waking up in Liz’s bed and being so close to her parents. The day before, he’d wanted nothing more then to return home. He would have even gladly eaten his mother’s disgusting frajita dish. “I’m sure that Jeff and Nancy know that something is up. I try staying away from there as much as possible, afraid that one of them will corner me.”

Maria nodded. “Liz is the same way. She’s never been apart from her parents on Christmas. She was kind of bummed, between that and...that she had to open your presents. Somehow, I don’t think that she has the same appreciation for a PS2 that you do.”

His parents had gotten him a Play Station? Cool. “Cool. I was hoping for one.”

“Did you feel like talking about...what happened the other day?”

At the mention of the unwelcome situation, Max (in Liz’s body) straightened up his body as though he was getting ready to go into battle. “She told you?”

“Yeah...” Maria admitted, guilt striking her for knowing about something so important before him. “Since New York.”

At the news, Max looked over startled. Liz had been keeping the secret that long? He should have known...with her mysterious warning. Wait, she had so willingly divulged the information with Maria when she wasn’t even really involved? Anger flared up in him once again.

As if sensing where Max’s thoughts had gone, Maria rushed to clarify things. “I kind of gave her an ultimatum. She’d been acting so distant for so long and when those rumors started...I just had to find out. We fought and that night she called me.”

“How could she so willingly given up on us?” Max demanded not even seconds after Maria finished talking. That was it, the question that had been on his mind since their connection flared. “Didn’t I mean anything to her?”

Of everything that Max could have said, she wasn’t prepared for that. Maria stopped her movement. “Uh...” What was she supposed to say here? It seemed as though he was missing something. “Max, how much did you see?”

“Enough! Enough to know that she would rather place her faith in some...alternate version of me...enough to know that she used my fears against me...”

“Max, you’re making this into something more then it is,” Maria denied. “Yes, she did...those things, but you don’t understand the reason behind it.”

“What could it possibly matter?” Max demanded. Growing up so different from everyone around him, he only ever trusted his sister and Michael. He went out on faith when he added Liz to that small group. Because of their relationship, he’d opened up to her more so then the others, he trusted her just that much more. “How would you feel if Michael used your feeling against you? Forget about whatever reason he does it for...wouldn’t you be mad?”

“Pissed,” Maria answered truthfully. “I’m not saying that you don’t have a right to be mad, because you do. I’m just trying to tell you that there’s more to the story then what you know.” Max certainly wasn’t making this any easier, then again, she didn’t blame him. If it was her in his shoes, she was sure she’d react the same way. “You know Liz...she would never be so callous and do something like this.”

Max hesitated to answer. “A year ago I would have said the same thing,” he acknowledged.

A year ago? “And now?” Maria hedged.

Max simply shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know! She’s just so different.” How could he look for the better side in Liz? He’d lost all faith in her. Surely Maria had to understand that. “Everything that she says and does now...it all seems so...foreign. She tries to treat me the way we acted with each other before we got together, but things just end up so...weird.”

Maria didn’t bother to say anything to that. How could she? No one quite understood what Max and Liz had gone through, their connection was so much stronger then the other couples that had formed amongst the group.

Finishing off, Max (in Liz’s body) sighed dejectedly. “At this point I just don’t care what reason she had for doing what she did. Liz chose to believe in someone else over me, she purposely hurt me and I can’t just forgive and forget.”

There was a finality to Max’s voice...rather, to Liz’s voice, a finality that Maria had grown to understand over the years. There would be no helping her friends, at least not today. No matter what she said, Max wouldn’t listen. He was in too much of a crabby mood. Briefly, her thoughts turned to her very upset best friend. She hoped that Liz would take the news better then what she was fearing.

“Have there been...any changes with that ‘dohicky’ thing?” Maria asked after a pregnant pause, turning the conversation completely.

“Not yet,” Max acknowledged. Then again, his mind was rather preoccupied. Whenever he did mess around the little gadget, he paid no attention to the things he did that could spark a reaction. “I...maybe I should let someone else try since it isn’t doing anything for me...”


“You’ve been avoiding me since yesterday...” Liz (in Max’s body) trailed off as she finally cornered Maria in the Crashdown the following day. She had been so eager when her friend called and said that she had located Max. Liz had waited, not so patiently, by the phone to hear about the conversation, but no call ever came.

Upon seeing her friend, Maria smiled tightly. “Liz...hey...” Would Liz be able to tell how she felt? Would she be able to see through to the awkwardness?

Instead of replying verbally, Liz simply raised one eye brow and crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for the information she was so desperate to hear about.

“Uh...yeah, I got home last night and my mother was in one of her moods. She wanted to do the bonding thing and then Michael showed up for dinner...” it sounded like a reasonable excuse. Her mother was always making wacky decisions like that. As for Michael, he was coming around her house more often, which Maria loved...her mother and Michael getting to know each other better.

“And your excuse for today...?” Liz asked, calling her friend out.

Maria let out a weary sigh.

That was answer enough for her, Liz ran a hand through Max’s short locks. “So...that bad huh?”

“I’m sorry Lizzie,” Maria apologized quickly. “I...couldn’t even talk about the whole thing. I broached the subject but he just got all...‘avoidy’. I tried Liz...really, but Max just wasn’t hearing it.”

Liz nodded, she feared that would be the case. “Oh well...” she trailed off, fighting the urge to cry. “You tried right? And that’s all you could do.”

Maria tried to smile at Liz, knowing how difficult it was for her. “Liz...” She’d heard the hitch in Liz’s voice. She knew her friend was close to losing it.

Liz just shook her head as she backed up from her friend. “I...need to go. I...told Dianne that I would be back sooner rather then later.”

“Liz...” Maria tried once again, knowing that Liz was just hiding behind the flimsy excuse.

Turning around, Liz offered a fake smile. “I’m fine Maria...don’t worry about it.” With fast steps, Liz turned out of the Crashdown and made her way down the side walk.

Even though she knew she had Bob at her disposal, the last thing she wanted was to drive the old thing around. It may serve Max and Isabel well enough, but she was still a little nervous when it came to driving, a feeling that was only multiplied when she old jeep was involved. No, she’d gladly given it up to Isabel, opting to make her way on foot.

A decision she was thankful for in that moment. Her feelings were spinning out of control. She wanted nothing more then to scream at the top of her lungs and kick and scream, only to feel a never ending emotion of sadness over take her. No, the last thing she needed was to be behind the wheel of a car. In all honesty, she was looking forward to the walk ‘home’, she needed to clear her thoughts before she said or did anything that she may regret later.

Rolling her eyes, Liz let out a frustrated sigh as she reached for the ringing cell phone. Oh goody, Isabel. “Great, there goes my chance to calm down,” she muttered as she connected the call.

“Where are you?”

“Walking back to your place. Why?” Liz (in Max’s body) asked.

“Well, turn around and head to Michael’s.”

With that, the call ended. Bringing the phone down, Liz rolled her eyes and glared at the offending object. Nice. Did she get a goodbye? Oh no...of course not, not from Isabel. “Whatever...” At least Michael’s place was closer, it was getting rather chilly out.

Ten minutes later, she arrived at Michael’s door. She’d already spotted the familiar cars that belonged to her friends...and Tess. Although she had to admit, she was confused as to why they were having a group meeting without Maria, because as far as she knew, her friend was still working.

“Okay, I’m here...” she announced, walking into the apartment.

Automatically, she moved her gaze to Max...her form. She wondered when exactly it was that locating him whenever she walked into a room became second nature to her. Upon seeing the way that he quickly moved his gaze from hers, Liz fought the urge to frown. What was Tess doing, sitting so close to him? More importantly, what was she doing sitting so close to her body!?

“What’s this about?” Liz asked, not even bothering with pleasantries. She wanted nothing more then to get the business taken care of so she could go back to wallowing in her self pity and stew in her anger.

No response was made immediately.

“So...I guess that you haven’t fixed things...” Tess began.

Inwardly Liz rolled her eyes. Wow, way to state the obvious. “Oh, no...Max has the problem solved, we just enjoy the utter humiliation of being in this situation,” Liz bit out, not caring if she hurt Tess’ feelings or not.

Momentarily, Tess went frigid. She wasn’t used to hearing such a tone in Max voice...then again this wasn’t Max. She had to remind herself of that constantly. Since their winter break began, Tess would begin to dial the Evans’ number only to remember that Max wasn’t really there. “Sorry,” she muttered, silently fuming. How dare Liz get an attitude with her?!

“You don’t have to be so rude,” Max (in Liz’s body) pointed out, not enjoying the attitude that Liz was sporting.

Narrowing her eyes at Max, Liz managed to give him the coldest glare she could muster. It was not his place to say anything, not with the ‘woe is me’ routine he’d been playing since their connection days earlier. No, the only thing she wanted to hear from him or her lips was an apology. Seeing the way that the born again alien queen settled into Max’s (in Liz’s body) side, a look of contentment written across her face, Liz moved her hard gaze in her direction as well.

“Oh, I’m sorry Tess, is this all a little too much for you?” Liz snapped. As far as she was concerned, she had enough to deal with between her feelings, Max’s reaction and the overall situation itself, she didn’t need to play with Tess.

In a moment of pure rage, Liz contemplated the idea of tapping into the powers that started all this trouble and using them against the short blonde. As she envisioned various twisted ideas that dealt with Tess, her anger dissipated slightly.

Sensing that Liz was about to blow, Alex stepped forward. He never said a word, but the slight movement he made against Liz (in Max’s body) was enough to let her know that he was there for her. “So...no luck then?” He asked, looking to Liz’s form.

Max (in Liz’s body) shook his head. “No. I’ve been doing the same thing that I did before and...nothing. I don’t what else to do,” he admitted. Why on earth would someone create such a thing? It was like one big cosmic joke.

Listening to his words, Liz (in Max’s body) jumped in. “Well, you better figure something out!” She ordered. “Because I am so tired of waking up with a hard on!”

At the crude words, the other group members held back their looks of shock. Max had never uttered anything so...in all his life, and they were having even more difficulty trying to fathom that Liz would say such things.

Not noticing the looks that she had gathered, Liz rambled on. “I mean do any of you have any idea how difficult it is to function with one of those things?” She was tired, tired of the never ending guilt that stayed with her, tired of the fact that she had been walking on egg shells where Max was concerned, tired of the fact that she hadn’t felt a moment’s peace since before their body switching ordeal.

Next to Liz (in Max’s body), Alex looked around the room, focusing on something other then his friend. Liz certainly knew how to make someone feel uncomfortable. He noticed with a hint of hilarity that Michael, Kyle and Max (in Liz’s body) were all looking at various items filtered through out the apartment as well.

Looking from Liz (in Max’s body), Tess turned to Max with an expectant gaze. “She’s seen you...” trailing off because she didn’t feel the need to complete her thought in front of a room full of people, “and you never told me?”

Taking a few deep, calming breaths, Liz looked to the pair on the couch and smiled triumphantly. Ha! She inwardly cheered. There you go bitch! Okay, so she’d never say that out loud, but the feeling was there. She waited to hear Max’s response, but when nothing came forth, a smirk broke out over her face. Not even the glare that Tess sent her way could dim it.

Seeing the battle of wills that both girls were engaged in, Alex cleared his throat. “I think the word we’re looking for here is ‘anyway’.”

Looking away from Tess, Liz looked to the other occupants of the room. “So...was this it? To talk about the fact that no progress has been made?” She asked, because honestly, Isabel could have just stated so over the phone.

Tossing Liz (in Max’s body) a quick glare, Isabel rushed to defend her brother. “At least we know the ways that didn’t work...”

Liz shook her head, she knew the point Isabel was trying to make, but she was not up for inflating Max’s ego. “Yeah, but I’m not interested in all the ways that don’t work,” Liz replied in an indifferent tone. She didn’t fail to notice the way that Tess began speaking in a soft tone to Max. Feeling her anger and jealousy beginning to boil once again, she knew she needed to get out of there. “Can I go now?”

Seeing the turn in Liz’s mood, Alex stepped up. “Yeah, let’s grab something to eat,” he offered.

As the two made their way to the door, Kyle followed them with his eyes as he turned to Tess. They’d arrived together, but seeing the way that she was settled down next to Max, he had a feeling that if he opted to stay with her, he’d be at Guerin’s for a while. “Wait up!”

As Kyle caught up to them, he and Alex walked ahead of her as Liz (in Max’s body) threw one last look at the apartment she had just exited. Humans vs. aliens. Ironically, she silently questioned if that was the way to approach the situation and search for a resolve. Then again, that was how most of their situation ended...right? If they didn’t offer to leave, either Michael or Isabel made sure that they left.
Walter: "I used this to extract information from a corpse once. You can do that if they've been dead up to six hours."
Peter: "Yeah, cause after six hours they're REALLY dead."
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Post by LysCat »

Chapter 8

“Bye Max,” Tess purred as she stood at Michael’s front door. After the humans had made their departure, Isabel didn’t waste any time in leaving either. The Christmas holiday was over, but she was helping to make preparations for the New Year Celebration. Tess had hung around, hoping to get a little ‘alone time’ with Max, but Michael was making that attempt null and void.

Looking to the blonde at the door, Max (in Liz’s body) smiled tightly. “Uh...bye Tess.” Was it just him or had the blonde alien been acting...weird around him? Ever since her appearance in Roswell all those months ago, she always held an air of...ownership where he was concerned, but he had thought that was all over. It was part of the reason why he allowed himself to get to know her better. Looking back, it seemed to be a mistake by the way that she became so clingy.

Not wanting to look defeated in front of him, Tess refused to let her smile dim at his lackluster reply. “You’ve had a difficult time today,” she reminded him, thinking back to her earlier praise of him. “Liz shouldn’t treat you the way she does...you deserve better.”

Hearing the mention of his ex-girlfriend, Max resisted the urge to roll his eyes. That was a low blow for Tess...especially when she knew how he felt about that particular subject. “Tess...”

Not letting the warning she heard in his voice get to her, Tess smiled brightly once again. “Just...if you need anyone to talk to, call me.”

“I’ll remember that,” he acknowledged stiffly, feeling uncomfortable about the invitation he heard in her voice.

Didn’t Tess realize that just because he was at odds with Liz, that didn’t mean that he wanted to jump into a relationship with her? It didn’t matter to him that he and Tess had been married in another, because as far as he was concerned, he’d lived only one life...this one. A life in which, up until he arrival the year before, he was finally learning to enjoy. After so many stops and starts, he and Liz had finally found their way together, he’d been in heaven at the time. After years of pining away for the unknowing Liz, she had finally returned those feelings. Then Tess and Nesado arrived, and everything changed after that.

He didn’t want to be anyone other then Max Evans. After years of living behind the tree he had finally stepped out and he was beyond happy with the results to that decision. He wanted to be just a sixteen year old kid. He had been happy with that. Who needed reincarnated royalty? As callous as it may sound, he’d gladly let ‘his people’ live under Khivar’s rule if he could back to the way things were before the truth came out. He would do what he could to help them, he knew that with every bone in his body...but there was no way he would allow anyone to dictate his life.

He would work together with Tess, as part of the unit they were with Michael and Isabel, but he wasn’t about to cave in to her or anyone else’s expectations. If he found his feelings for her too overwhelming, he may consider dating her, but as of yet...he’d felt nothing since the first initial pull that he felt when she first arrived. Even then, it was something that Tess had caused with her powers. He’d tried repeatedly to like Tess, honestly he had. She was a very attractive girl and she had a confidence about her that he’d grown to appreciate, but other then that...nothing. He’d even tried to remember back to his life as Zan, tried to find an inkling of a feeling that maybe had carried over from his predecessor, but even then...he couldn’t get anything.

Destiny...how he had grown to despise that word! Before Tess had come into his life, he’d always associated destiny to fate, as though it was fate that brought he and Liz together. Now though, fate would only remind him of ‘destiny’ and he would always get a bad taste in his mouth. As far as he was concerned, if it wasn’t for destiny then he and Liz would still be together.

She wouldn’t have walked away from him that day in May. She would have stayed by his side and fought for him, what they shared. If Tess was just another new girl, she never would have had a claim to him, a claim that Liz felt was important enough to back away. No, they would have stayed together, there never would have been any way for Kyle to get in there and...

“So...you really got PS2 for Christmas?”

Thankful for the break in his thoughts, Max turned to Michael. After their meeting, Michael’s thoughts were on the play station? “Uh, I guess.”

“Do you think we could get Liz to drop it off over here man?”

Not even bothering to placate his friend’s thoughts, Max shook his head in denial. Did he think Liz would do anything for them? Not likely...not if her attitude was anything the way it was before she left. Not that he could blame her, he felt the same frustration she did. “Yeah, I’m sure she’d run it right over...” Max muttered.

Michael shrugged as he looked back to the game on tv. “Just a thought,” he excused. He knew that Max was at wit’s end, he’d been wondering if sort of relaxation would help him. “She certainly was in a mood earlier...” he added as his thoughts turned to the brunette.

Max nodded. Attitude, that was one word to describe her. Upon her first remark to Tess, he’d wondered if it was possible for her to suffer from PMS while inhabiting his body. “I can’t blame her,” Max said, feeling as though he should stand up for her. It certainly wasn’t an easy situation to be in. Aside from all the other crap that they were dealing with, it sucked to always feel ‘off’. “There’s just this feeling that’s always there...it’d be enough to drive anyone to act off kilter.”


“So...what was that back there?” Alex asked as he, Liz (in Max’s body) and Kyle settled in at a nearby diner.

Looking down at her newly delivered cherry coke, Liz pursed her lips together. She didn’t need any clarification as to what Alex was referring to, her thoughts had remained on the happenings that took place at Michael’s apartment. She still couldn’t believe the audacity that Tess had.

First off, Liz was a little confused as to the relationship that Max and Tess shared. She knew that the reincarnated married couple had been drawing closer in the last months, she’d dreaded it, but as far as she knew...there was still no official ‘relationship’, so how dare Tess get upset that Max didn’t tell her about the horror that Liz had faced earlier?

Secondly, she was confused as to why no one else knew about the closeness that existed between the two. Yes, Max and Tess began to spend more time together, that much was apparent, but there seemed to be something else there...something that seemed to mean more to Tess then Max, or he would have shared more information with the blonde alien...wouldn’t he?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Liz (in Max’s body) replied stiffly, refusing to look Alex in the eye.

“Please Liz,” Alex argued, not falling for the ‘innocent bit,’ “I’m surprised that you and Tess didn’t just pee on him.”

Had she really been that obvious? Liz frowned. She couldn’t help it! Despite the necessity of having to leave Max alone for the sake of the world, she still felt the overwhelming urge to stake her claim. It was second nature to her. While the situation that she and Max were in was a difficult one, she couldn’t deny the pleasure that she felt knowing that it was her in the situation with him, rather then Tess. Now all she needed was for the overly eager alien to leave Max alone. “We weren’t that bad,” she denied half heartedly. Liz hadn’t cared if the others in the room noticed the staring contest she and Tess had. She hadn’t been willing to back down.

“I beg to differ.”

Looking between the childhood friends, Kyle cleared his throat. “Yeah Liz...it was pretty...noticeable,” he offered, agreeing with Alex. “You remember how I was when we broke up? It was like that, but worse,” he tried to explained.

Rolling her eyes, Liz decided that her routine wasn’t working. “Well, if she kept to herself and stopped trying to steal what was mine...” It was the first time that she had ever uttered those feelings in the presence of someone else. Not only after all of the events that had taken place in the recent months, but just in general.

Across from her, Alex frowned in confusion as Liz’s words filtered through her thoughts. Since when had Liz ever showed such possessiveness in someone else? More importantly, why would she say such a thing after all of the rumors he had heard? He wasn’t deaf, despite how he liked to pretend to be so, at least where gossip was concerned. He had heard all about Liz and Kyle’s night together, while the school gossip had spun various fabulous tales around it, the one thing that they all had in common, was the fact that Liz and Kyle had actually been together.

“Uh...didn’t the two of you sleep together?” Alex asked, looking to both Liz (in Max’s body) and Kyle. He resisted the urge to frown at the picture of saying something like that while Liz was wearing a different face...a guy’s face to be more precise.

Coughing, Kyle grabbed his drink and began chugging it down, hoping that by the time he pulled the glass away, Liz would have already started explaining. Ignoring the gossip at school was one thing, Kyle didn’t care what anyone else thought about him, but when it was one of his friends, Liz’s friend, that was a little different. He wanted nothing more then to deny it with all the emotion in him, but he didn’t want to break the trust that Liz had placed on his shoulders.

“Oh...um, yeah...that...that didn’t happen,” Liz denied, twisting the napkin in her fingers, all the while she refused to look in Alex’s direction.

Was there a reason why she wouldn’t look at him? Alex narrowed his eyes as he studied his friend. Even though it was Max Evans’ features staring back at him, there was no way to miss the familiar gestures that Liz used whenever she was uncomfortable. “Yeah...I kind of gathered that,” Alex admitted.

“You mean...you didn’t think that Kyle and I? Why?” Liz demanded. Maria at least had called her out to her face, but Liz had honestly believed that Alex believed the rumors at school.

Alex shrugged. “Because it’s you. Because for as long as I’ve known you, you’ve always been...so...it would have been against your morals. Getting drunk and sleeping with someone is one thing, but then afterwards your relationship didn’t change.” No, if there was one thing he was certain of, if Liz were to finally make that step with someone, there would be no doubt as whether the act had taken place or not. Aside from that, he’d seen the way she was with Kyle when they were together and how she and Max had been when they were dating. What Liz and Max shared was so much more stronger then anything else, Alex just couldn’t imagine her going from the alien, and settling for less.

“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” she asked, knowing that under normal circumstances that her companion most likely would have.

Shrugging again, Alex took a sip of his drink before he explained. “I guess...it’s because...” he thought back to the previous year when Liz and Maria were so secretive around him. They’d been hiding this life altering secret, at the time, he didn’t care what it was...he just remembered the way he felt so left out. Now, he knew better. “I know that you have your reasons for keeping the things that you do. I know that you would have said something if you really needed to.”

Lis frowned at his words. That was awfully...mature, considering how much Alex hated secrets. “And you’re not mad that I didn’t tell you...”

“No...not mad,” he allowed. “Besides, I figured out that whatever you were trying to pass off was nothing more then a ruse anyway...” Alex smiled for good measure, to assure Liz that he harbored no hard feelings for her. “Please, if I thought for one minute that those rumors held even one grain of truth, you better believe I would have been just as persistent as Deluca.”

“Thanks for understanding Alex,” she honestly appreciated his agreeable acceptance. He had no idea how difficult it had been lying to everyone, how she hated it...but how she so much disliked lying to him. When he was finally let in on the secret the previous year, she vowed that she would never lie to him again, because she knew she didn’t want to let something so trivial come in between their friendship ever again.

“So...you pretended to sleep with Kyle so that...” Alex trailed off as he tried to word his thoughts, “Max would moved onto his destiny...?”

“Something like that,” Liz acknowledged, hoping that Alex didn’t press her for anymore details. Before she could tell him, she needed to clear things up with Max first. If he couldn’t be the first person to learn the truth of things, he at least deserved to know before she brought anyone else into it.

No, there was more there...Alex knew it, he felt it with every bone in his body. Sure, Liz was determined, but he didn’t understand the reason why she had gone to such great lengths to push Max away from her. He opened his mouth to ask a few more questions, but nothing left his mouth when she noticed the imploring look on his face.

“Please Alex...” Liz pleaded. “Not today. I promise, I’ll tell you everything, but this just isn’t the time.”

Nodding, Alex accepted her deal.

“Just know that...if you need someone to talk to, you can always call me...” he reminded her, though he knew that if Liz needed or wanted to talk to anyone, she wouldn’t hesitate to call him or Maria.


After leaving Michael’s place an hour earlier, Max decided that the best thing to do was to head back to the Parkers. He was becoming increasingly worried that he was acting very out of character and that Liz’s parents would begin to suspect something...if they hadn’t already.

In reality, the last thing that he wanted to do was head back to Liz’s room. It wasn’t a safe room. If he’d gotten a flash from her bathroom wall, there was no telling what he might discover in her room. Would he be ready to hear that information? Did he even want to know what else had gone on in these walls?

You’re in the doors that keep revolving
The sirens that keep screaming
You’re in the flashing of the headlights
The things that I’m believing

At one time, he would have answered that without any unease. At one time, he would have wanted to know everything that Liz had ever done, he’d wanted to know every conversation...every event that helped to shape the woman she was becoming. But that was before she placed him second.

You’re in the water that I’m drinking
The sound of 911
The walls that protect me
From the damage that you have done
In this world, you are with me

He didn’t know what hurt more...the fact that she had so willingly gone against him and hurt him so deeply by using his feelings against him, or the fact that she had so readily agreed to do it with another version of himself? Did it even make sense that he could feel jealous of...himself, albeit, a completely different version, but a version of himself all the same? Maybe that was what was bugging him more then anything else? Here he had was, living his life for her, waiting and wanting to be with her...but a different version of himself appeared to her and so easily she pledged her loyalty to him.

But I walk this earth alone
But all I’ve ever known
Is you are right beside me
If I love you for a day
You’ll blow my life away
Could I leave you behind me

While he was still unsure about everything that had taken place between Liz and his future self, it didn’t mean that it hurt any less. If it hadn’t been for their unintentional connection, he never would have known the things that he did. He would have willingly forgiven Liz...eventually, and he would handed her over the power to hurt him again. Amazingly, a part of him wished to be back in that place. It was that feeling that angered him more then anything. How he could still feel so much for someone who had seemingly cared so little for him.

You’re in the crashing of the windows
The angels ‘round the ceiling
You’re in the fire in my belly
The fucked up way I’m feeling

Michael and Isabel had always warned him against letting Liz in. Up until that last year, he had been content to watch her from afar...but that September afternoon took all of that away. It had either been heal her and expose himself, or face the chance that Liz wouldn’t make it. There hadn’t been any mulling over the options that day. The minute he’d heard Maria’s frantic cry, he had acted on auto-pilot, putting Liz’s welfare before his own. Once she had been dragged into the situation, he’d tried to stay away from her, not daring to act on his feelings for her. While he may have been inexperienced at the time, he knew enough. He knew when Liz feelings for him had changed. His resolve to stay away weakened bit by bit, until he finally handed himself over.

You’re in the warning on the label
The pills that disappear
The whines as I’m talking
The words you’ll never hear
In this world you are with me

In the beginning, his time with Liz had been like a dream come true...hell, that feeling wasn’t only tied to what was the ‘beginning’ for them. Stupidly, he’d allowed his fears to get in the way and he would always regret the day that he ended things between them. While he wouldn’t have traded any of the ‘moments’ that they had shared since then for anything in the world, he couldn’t help but wonder how things would be like today if instead of breaking things off with her that first time. He wondered how their relationship would have turned out. It would have had to have been better, because he couldn’t imagine anything worse coming between them.

But I walk this earth alone
But all I’ve ever known
Is you right beside me
If I love you for a day
You’ll blow my life away
Could I leave you behind me

Maybe he and Liz just weren’t meant to be together...despite all the feelings that they had for one another. Maybe they were one of ‘those’ couples...where there was plenty of love between them, but they just never managed to make it together? No! That couldn’t be it! He refused to believe it. No...there was a reason why he had always felt the way he did for Liz. He couldn’t believe that whatever power out there would have showed them the possibility of what they could have and then rip it all away. Then again, Liz had so willingly given in...

Finding the atmosphere in the bedroom all of a sudden stifling, Max headed for the balcony. He needed air, he needed to be out in the open. The room was making him feel trapped with all of the thoughts that were running rampant through his mind. Making his way over to the lawn chair, he collapsed on it, feeling completely drained and weakened by the constant battle going on in his mind.


“I’ve fought a thousand battles...but watching you do that was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do,” came the quiet confession over the silence that had settled on the balcony. When he made his trip back in time, he hadn’t been sure exactly how things would go. He knew that he would, in essence, cease to exist...but he hadn’t had any idea how that would happen.

As soon as Kyle had made his exit, he and Liz had awkwardly settled down on the balcony, neither knowing what to say. Even now, he knew it was coming. New memories were surfacing his thoughts and he could feel a numbness slowly envelope his body.

With a jerky nod, Liz turned her head to the space before her. “The look on his face...on your face...” she trailed off, sure that the expression that had adorned Max’s face in that moment would always haunt her.

Wisely, he kept his newest memories a secret from Liz. He had no idea what would take place from now on, but he knew that his younger version and Tess at least had a chance to change things. “Maybe it’s for the best...for you, too,” he offered, trying to help her see the best in things.

If she wasn’t so emotionally drained, Liz knew she probably would have snorted at the pathetic comment on his lips. “What are you talking about?” Because as far as she was concerned, she had just broke Max...broke a part of herself. She couldn’t see any good coming from this...other then the chance that at least this time around, the world wouldn’t end. But on the selfish side...

“I saw you with Kyle,” the older man reminded her. Even now, just thinking about it caused his limbs to tighten in anger and jealousy. He had reminded himself that this was not his wife sitting next to him, but still...he felt that same possessiveness. “He’s turning out to be a...” he swallowed down the jealousy once again, “a great guy. Maybe it would be better for you to be with a human.” At least it would be safer...although he didn’t want to think about Liz with another man. There was a violent feeling of uproar that exploded within him. Liz shouldn’t be anyone else but him. In a moment of desperation, he began second guessing his decision to come back here. Had he done something wrong? Had he made things worse? What if he had been wrong in the decision to take care of things the way they had? But there wasn’t any other way...was there?

Not sensing the internal battle he was facing, Liz shook her head. Did he really think so little of her feelings? “Don’t you realize what you are to me...and you’re always gonna be?” She asked, her voice breaking with emotion. “You’re the love of my life. Everyone else is gonna be second best. There’ll never be another you,” she vowed, knowing that she spoke the absolute truth.


Snapping out of it, Max was completely shocked to still feel the emotions cursing through his body. They weren’t technically his, but they were there all the same. Maybe Maria had been right...maybe he needed to find out just what had taken place that night. He at least owed it to himself to find out, because this anger and confusion was going to slowly drive him insane.

Could I leave you behind me...

***Okay guys, two disclaimers here...

Disclaimer #1: I don’t own the song that I wrote into that part. It’s called ‘Walk This Earth’ and it’s performed by Lauren Christy.

Disclaimer # 2: I’m sure that some of you realized that the flashback scene was somewhat different from the show. I used the transcripts from the episode ‘EOTW’, but I couldn’t clearly remember that scene so I sort of created my own. I apologize for any differences.
Walter: "I used this to extract information from a corpse once. You can do that if they've been dead up to six hours."
Peter: "Yeah, cause after six hours they're REALLY dead."
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Post by LysCat »

Chapter 9

“So...how’s his royal pain in the ass?” Kyle sniveled as he stepped inside his place. He had been honestly surprised to see Tess’ car parked out front when Alex pulled up.

Letting out a sigh at Kyle’s attitude, Tess looked back to the television. “Kyle...” she wasn’t in the mood to deal with his snide remarks where Max was concerned. She knew that neither guy had a fondness for the other, but tonight...she just didn’t want to deal with it.”

Kyle shook his head at her as he dropped on the couch next to her, pouting. He just didn’t understand where things had changed. In the beginning she had been the only alien he would let in close, he supposed it was because that by the time they joined the group, the other six had already bonded. And then things changed when Tess moved in. He hadn’t been eager to have her in his house. Just because she was the only alien he could stand, didn’t mean he had wanted her around his house. On top of that, he wasn’t happy giving up his room to a girl...he hadn’t been happy having a girl live with he and his dad and messing up the whole ‘manly’ groove going on in the Valenti household.

Somewhere along the way though, the situation stopped being annoying. He found Tess to be less and less annoying. He discovered that he didn’t mind quite so much giving up his room to her. He no longer frowned whenever he found her undergarments in the bathroom, instead, he grew intrigued with all the thoughts that would form in his mind when that happened. They’d found a closeness that had since never existed before them...or at least he thought that they had. He found himself slowly falling for her, and up until that night that Liz asked for his help, he was sure that Tess was feeling it as well.

Then everything happened. He agreed to Liz’s charade and that was the end of any ‘lamp trimming’. As if he didn’t have enough of a complex dealing with Max after Liz’s preference of the alien, he had to put up with it where Tess was concerned as well. That was part of the reason why he didn’t give into his feelings for Tess any earlier. He had been so sure she was letting up on that whole destiny fiasco, but the minute the news of his night with Liz got around, Tess was back to her old ways...following Max around as though she was a lovesick puppy. And as much as he still preferred Tess over every other girl, he knew it was her that had helped speed along progress of the gossip concerning them.


Looking over at him, she straightened up and tried to smile. “I’m sorry Kyle, it’s just that Max has been going through a lot and he doesn’t need anymore problems from anyone.”

At the tone of her voice when she finished off her statement, he looked to her in confusion. “From anyone?” He asked. “Or do you mean from Liz and me?”

Shifting her eyes away from him, she shrugged. “I guess I mean Liz. You and Max always had those snide remarks and I don’t think that they bother Max,” she clarified. “Liz shouldn’t have said the things she did to him. He’s under enough pressure as it is.”

“Maybe not...” he allowed, but he could honestly understand why Liz had the attitude she did. “Then again, he’s been in a...funk too.”

“It doesn’t excuse her attitude...” Tess denied, not willing to move an inch.

“Why do you do this?” Kyle asked. “Why do you do willingly defend him? Max doesn’t deserve it, and you deserve better then him.”

“I don’t want to discuss this,” Tess replied in a hard voice.

Kyle shook his head, not ready to let her push the subject away. “Too bad, because I want to. I just don’t understand it. I know that you grew up with this...fantasy, but nothing is ever gonna come from it.”

Turning her icy blue eyes on him, Tess crossed her arms, his words hurting her more then she cared to admit. “And how do you know?”

“Max and Liz have been separated since May and nothing has ever happened between you and Max,” he answered. If nothing happened in seven months, he highly doubted that they ever would.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” she scoffed. Yes, the progress between herself and Max was going painfully slow, but it was going... “We’ve been growing closer.”

“Closer...yes, but have you stopped to think about what you consider ‘close’ and what he considers ‘close’?” Kyle asked. “I just don’t think that Max is gonna go for you Tess...if he hasn’t yet. And I think you deserve better Tess. You deserve to be someone’s first priority, not their consolation prize. I just can’t stand the way that you lower yourself where he’s concerned.”

Putting on an indifferent front, Tess huffed. “Are you done now?” She demanded before stalking off to her bedroom.


“Am I wrong to feel angry? Liz (in Max’s body) asked as Alex pulled to a stop in front of th Evans’ residence that night. After dropping Kyle off at his place, the two friends shared a silent car ride.

Her question startled him from his thoughts. “About what?” He inquired, not sure what she was felt angered over.

What was she fuming over? Liz shook her head, what wasn’t she pissed off about? “Everything,” she supplied, bitterly running a frustrated hand through Max’s short hair. “For being mad at the Max...Tess thing,” okay, so she knew she was out of line on that one. After all, she had seemingly moved on where her love life was concerned, and Max had the chance to do the same thing.

“Uh, I don’t know what you want me to say here Liz,” Alex answered truthfully, as he turned off the engine, the music that flowed from the radio was quiet, yet it spoke volumes. No, it didn’t sound like she had any right to be mad, but then again, these were particular circumstances.

“I mean...I know that it’s not fair for me to expect Max to ...stay single. I did make it look like I had moved on first...” she clarified wanting Alex to know that she understood as much. “I just can’t help it,” she confessed. “It hurts...seeing their closeness.” She’d always felt a greater soreness where Tess was concerned. She always felt that the blonde held one over on her. “Whenever I’m around them I have this overwhelming urge to claw her eyes out...” There, it was the first time that she had uttered anything bad about the alien. While Maria knew how she felt, Liz had never opened up and rightly admitted it in the way she had just placed it all on the table.

Alex smirked at his friend’s revelation. Liz had always kept a cool demeanor...at least where Tess was concerned. While Liz had never admitted any bad feelings on her part, he had always known that she felt them. “No one ever said that feelings were rational,” he supported. “It’s why they’re called what they are, there is not rationality to them. You know the truth...that nothing ever took place between yourself and Kyle, despite how you tried to make it look to the outside world. Now you see Max and Tess developing something that isn’t pretend...it’s bound to hurt.”

“I just...I spent so much time being sad,” she added, thinking back to the guilt that she had harbored since that October night. “I just feel so drained. Now, all I feel is anger. I’m furious with Max.”

Of all the things that he expected her to say, being angry with Max, was not one of them. “What? Why?’

Looking to the one story house, Liz tried to gather her thoughts. “I’m mad that he so willingly believed in what he saw,” or it was one reason. “I know...I staged it to look believable, but there was always a part of me that wished that he would realize just how out of character that was...that he would fight for me, for the truth.” It was the first time she had uttered the words to anyone else. Whenever those feelings arose guilty would quickly follow, guilt for everything she had done to him and then getting upset with him over it. This time though, she noticed that the guilt wasn’t following. “He didn’t fight for me, and I don’t understand how he could so easily believe that I would do...that...god, with Kyle!” She had wanted Max to give her a reason not to keep her secret, to be so persistent that she would have to share the facts about her visitor from the future.

“But he hasn’t so easily accepted it, has he?” Alex returned. No, it didn’t seem right that Max would just accept something like that so easily. If he knew Max as well as the thought he did, he was sure that Liz’s actions would have made the alien king question more then just Liz...like himself.

Taking a moment, Liz thought back to those two nights...where he’d asked her...begged her to tell the truth. She could still remember the chill in the air that night in Copper Summit. While there was a feeling out oddness there anyway, it wasn’t until she lied to him again that she air around her turned bitter and much more ominous. As bad as it had been then, it was even worse that second time he asked.

Upon his return from New York, it felt as though something had changed between them. Before he left, there was still that harsh coldness that existed between them, but the events that unfolded the night of the Summit provided them with a second chance. That moment in her room, the lighthearted jokes that existed between them was exactly what she’d been missing. Thinking back, she wasn’t even sure how she managed to lie to him that time.

“No...I guess he didn’t accept it easily,” she allowed, “but he still believed it...”

“You made him!” Alex replied. “You told him repeatedly that it happened, what was he supposed to do? What do you want here Liz?”

“I don’t know...I know that I had to make him believe, but it hurts that he did. I mean what does that say about how he feels for me?” She asked. A thought back to the conversation she shared with future Max filtered through her mind. The way that he so easily tried to brush aside her feelings for him...as though he felt he didn’t deserve it. “Things are just...it’s like a ripple effect,” she added. “Have you noticed the distance between us and the aliens? I mean we’re supposed to be a part of the same group, but it so obvious where loyalties lay...”

“Can you blame us?” He asked. Both he and Maria had been her friends first. It should make sense that they backed her up over anyone else, despite the relationships they shared with Michael and Isabel. It was just the same way for the others, why wouldn’t they support Max?

“Something about it just bugs me,” she shared, thinking back to the coolness that now existed between herself and the others. She had no love loss with Tess, but she couldn’t deny the slight ache she felt at the new distance that had sprung up between herself and Isabel and Michael. While they had never been what anyone could consider close friends, she had worked hard to make the other two aliens trust her, it just hurt that they no longer did. She tried to ignore the looks that both gave her, but it was obvious that they blamed her for Max’s pain. “And I feel a resentment that Max would just let them treat me with such...obvious displeasure.”

“How can you hold him accountable for their actions?” Alex asked, trying to shed some light on things.

Liz nodded, “I know, but the feeling’s still there...” She made no sense, she knew as much. “Last year it was like...he was too afraid to stand up to them, but now...it’s like he purposely ignores it...as though it’s some sort of punishment to me.”

He knew that Michael and Isabel were never openly friendly, but her last statement? “Liz, I think you’re reading too much into it. Whether he stopped them or not, Isabel and Michael would still have their feelings...”

“And this whole... ‘poor me’ attitude that Max has been sporting the last few days is just right at the front of things. I know that I hurt him, and I’m not expecting him to just act like everything is okay, but this?!” She asked, referring to the new attitude he had. “Anger, I would understand...and yes, even a little sadness. But he is acting like he was the only person hurt here! And he wasn’t!” She supposed that was what she was most upset about, because he had no regard for her. “I know that I caused this, it’s been in my thoughts since that night, but...it doesn’t mean I hurt any less then him...in fact, I think that entitles me to be even more upset than him.”

“Liz...” now he was growing confused. If she expected any sort of honesty from him, then he really needed to know what was going on.

“And you know what the worst part is?” She asked, ignoring him, right now, it wasn’t about getting answers...it was confession time. Alex wouldn’t judge her, he’d tell her straight up what he thought, and he wouldn’t sugarcoat it. It was one of the things that she respected most about him. “Max doesn’t even know all the facts. He...he got a flash...and I know he didn’t see everything and I am just so frustrated that he won’t even listen to me when I try to explain it.”

“Maybe you just have to give him time...” Alex asked. “Whatever it is, and I’m sure it’s a big thing with the people that we’re involved with, will sort itself out...” they usually did, whether people wanted it to happen or not.


“No thanks mom! I’m just gonna get ready for bed!” Liz (in Max’s body) called out as she rushed into Max’s bedroom to seek a place to hide. With fast movements, she locked the door behind her, not wanting to be interrupted. While her confessions to Alex helped her deal with her internal battles, she still wasn’t in the mood to play a role for Max’s parents.

“You hiding from something?”

Gasping, she spun around, unprepared for another presence in the bedroom. “Max...” she trailed off, her shoulders squaring for a battle.

“Did she try to make you eat something?” He asked, smiling at his own joke. While he loved his mother very much, she really needed to lay off the foreign recipes. When he saw Liz’s reaction, it reminded him of the times that he’d hidden from his mother as well.

Well, it wasn’t an apology...but it was a start. Liz decided that he’d seemingly come in peace, so the least she could do was give him the benefit of the doubt. “She keeps trying to feed me...” Liz trailed off.

Max laughed at her words. Yup, that sounded like his mother. “Yeah...apparently she doesn’t think I’m capable taking care of myself,” he excused. “She’s harmless really, it’s just the food you have to worry about.”

A quietness settled over them. Awkwardly, Liz moved to the computer chair against the wall as Max began shifting from one foot to the other. She’d tried to talk with him before and nothing had come from it, no...now it was his turn to make the effort. Which, he had done by even coming over, but she wasn’t about to help him in any way. After a minute of silence, Liz finally brought her gaze to her companion and inwardly jumped at the intense look on his face. She couldn’t remember the last time he’d looked at her in such a way. “What’s going on Max?” She ask, hoping that her voice didn’t betray any of the undercurrent of nervousness she felt.

He shook his head, as if clearing his thoughts, his eyes coming into focus. “What?”

“What’s going on?” Liz asked once again. “Unless you just came over to see if I was taking care of your room...”

“So...I...I was an idiot.”

At the words, Liz (in Max’s body) arched an eyebrows as she crossed her arms. That was one way of calling his attitude.

“I...went off pouting...not even knowing all the facts, and I didn’t listen when you and Maria tried to tell me.”

“I know all of this...” she reminded him, she’d been stewing over it since it happened.

“I want to apologize for that,” Max added. “I was wrong in making such a snap decision.”

Liz nodded, letting him know that she completely agreed with him. “So...what happened to make you decide to come here and talk?”

“I got another flash,” he shared. Even now, he could still feel every emotion so vividly, as though he lived that moment.

“Oh...” And she was supposed to say what here? She’d tried to tell him everything, but he refused to listen.

Moving to his bed, Max sunk down. “I was mad...I saw the way that you so easily agreed to something that he said.” He looked up and met her gaze, her confused look prompting him to say something further. “I was angry that you hurt me the way you did...but more importantly, I was mad that you did it for him...when he isn’t even...”

“You don’t even know the facts,” Liz denied when she saw the way he struggled to explain his feelings. “You didn’t listen when I tried to explain.”

Max shook his head at her. “To tell you the truth Liz, at the time, I couldn’t care what the reason was,” he admitted, not able to remember the last time he’d been so angry with anyone...not even with Pierce. “I trusted you.”

At his choice phrase, Liz frowned. Trusted...as in past tense.

“I went against everything that I ever built for myself when I saved you that day,” Max continued, never seeing the look on her/his face. “Even when we weren’t together, I was so sure that I was right to open up to you...to get you into my life. You know...even with all the enemies that I have out there...you’re the only person who has the power to make or break me.”

Liz nodded jerkily. She knew, because she felt the same way. “Yeah...well, that goes both ways,” she admitted.

“Do you have any idea how I felt that night when you came here and spoke about human boys and the life you wanted?” Max asked, his eyes flashing in anger as the memory ran through his thoughts. “You knew my insecurities on that subject, how I was always second guessing myself at bringing you into this situation...” he accused. “How could you do that Liz? How could you say those things to me?”

Letting out snort Liz shook her head. “It’s not like I found enjoyment in it!” She cried out indignantly. “Do you think I wanted to say that? Do you think I even wanted to be put in that position? I didn’t want to do this, but you said you didn’t trust anyone else enough to do what needed to be done!”

“What exactly did I ask you to do?”
Walter: "I used this to extract information from a corpse once. You can do that if they've been dead up to six hours."
Peter: "Yeah, cause after six hours they're REALLY dead."
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Post by LysCat »

Thank you for all the feedback you guys!

I hadn't anticipated on taking so long in updating, but...my computer had other ideas. LOL.

Chapter 10

AN: Just to let you guys know, any thing in quotation marks (that isn't lyrics to a song) are either flashbacks to quotes I added in earlier chapters, or from the show.

“The world ends...” Liz foretold, later realizing the dramatics of her statement. She quickly looked to Max for confirmation by the look on his face. As expected, the look on his face was mix between absolute horror and complete disbelief.

The end of the word? Max shook his head, highly doubtful. Of all the endless possibilities that could have flowed from Liz’s mouth, that had been no where on the list. “Liz...” Did she realize just how crazy that sounded?

Rushing to continue before he could deny her, Liz clarified her statement. “Or it had in his time line...” Seeing that she held his full attention, she continued. “You, Michael, Isabel and Tess are a unit.” At least Tess was right about that fact. “With one of you gone, the unit is incomplete. In his world, Tess left. Fourteen years later, your enemies attacked, since Tess was gone...you guys weren’t strong enough to defeat them...everyone died...hence, the end of the world.”

As she finished her tale of their once fated future, Max blinked his eyes. That was a lot of information to process. The four of them were a unit? It made sense. The four of them had been sent down there together...for some unknown reason. Although with that acknowledgment, he couldn’t deny the worry that he felt. If Tess learnt that she was right about that, would she being harping about destiny again?

Wait. Tess left in the other time line? Well, she was here now...so that meant that he must have come back before the events that caused that decision on her part ever took place. Right around October...right around the time that he began pursuing Liz.

Have you ever seen a sign
That upon a time
There were angels
We all lose track
That was upon our backs
Feel the weight of them
Why they fall is hard to tell
But some things you can buy yourself
Yeah we all hurt the ones we love
And we don’t need a reason
We only give what we think we deserve
An’ that’s something to believe in

It all suddenly made sense. The way that Liz tried to set them up, only that hadn’t worked. Once he discovered that Liz was behind the set up, he confronted her. Her painful speech that night in his room...the one where she managed to hit every raw nerve...which had hurt him, but he still wasn’t discouraged from reuniting with her. In fact, at the end of the ordeal, he was more then determined to prove to Liz that she had been wrong. Then there was that...thing...with Kyle, which to be truthful about, he was still confused over. “Tess left because in that world, you and I got back together...”

Meeting his knowing gaze, Liz offered him a half smile as she nodded her head. “She couldn’t handle it,” Liz muttered, her anger of the blonde’s selfishness taking over. “Once you and I got back together...that was it. We were never separated.”

“So...you did all that to...what? Keep us from getting back together?” He asked, still not able to understand how the fact that his relationship with Liz was as powerful enough to either end or save the world. He was only one person...a teenager at that, how could he possibly be the cause for something so great?

“Yes, but there’s more then just that,” she reminded him. “It wasn’t just enough to separate us, he wanted the opportunity for you and Tess to grow closer together. So...I went to Tess. I gave her tips on how to talk with you, I gave her insights into your likes...I even had her wear that top that he liked so much...” she muttered darkly. She could still remember the lackluster reply she felt when his future version seemed pleased that Tess had worn that particular shirt.

Seeing the look in her eye, Max silently wondered where her thoughts had taken her. Yes, that shirt...it certainly did compliment Tess. While he may not have been interested in the petite alien, he did have eyes...

I think I’ve seen a sign
But it’s a very fine line
If you want it all
An’ don’t lose track
For on our backs
There’s no weight of wings
When they shine is hard to say
But some things never fade away
We only hurt the ones we love
Why, we don’t need a reason
We only give what we think we deserve
An’ that’s something to believe in

“That didn’t work though...” Max offered, breaking Liz from her thoughts and forcing them back on the topic at hand.

Liz nodded. No it certainly hadn’t. She could still remember the feel of his lips on hers as he stalked into Congresswoman Whitaker’s office that night. Max always had such a way about kissing and she thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of them, but the desperation and promise that he put in that kiss...just thinking about it caused butterflies in her belly. Briefly, she touched her lips...

He remembered the way he felt in that moment. He was so humbled that Liz would set him up with Tess. On the one hand, it was completely frustrating, but on the other, it had only made him love her more. When he thought of the way that she put other things before herself. When he saw her peeking through the blinds, he knew that he couldn’t deny his wants any longer. He’d marched straight across the street and took her into his arms, kissing her breathless. Max watched as Liz’s fingers moved to her lips...was she thinking about that moment as well?

Liz felt her lips tugging upwards in a smile. She could still remember the way that future Max berated her for the kiss. “You’re only making me love you more!” It was one of the most bittersweet compliments of her life. “Needless to say, that hadn’t worked out the way I had envisioned it...so I went to your room and said all those things,” she spoke softly, her humiliated gaze moving to the floor. She still felt ashamed for the things that she said that night.

And...gone were his happy thoughts. Max flinched at the mention of their conversation...or rather, Liz’s hurt filled words.

“Max, I just...I want you to know, I didn’t mean any of those things. I would die for you...a thousand times over,” she vowed. She needed to let him know that. She owed so much to Max and she never felt as though she was good enough to have his loyalty...or whatever it was he used to feel for her.

At her declaration, Max suppressed his urge to gather her into his arms and kiss her silly. The heaviness in his heart lightened considerably. While the reason why she had said those words that night had filtered through his thoughts, he still couldn’t deny the fact that she had caused him to second guess himself from then on. No, he needed to stay on track. “What about Kyle?”

“If you remember...Courtney was making her presence known...” Liz began.

Yeah, he remembered the Rath follower. She was part of the reason why there was a distance between himself and Michael.

“I remember Maria had been really upset. She had gone to Michael to talk to him and she found Courtney in nothing more then a towel,” she explained. “Despite the fact if it was innocent or not, Maria’s eyes told her something different from her heart...so I went to Kyle and asked him for his help.”

Max snorted at the word ‘help’. “So you went to such drastic measures...”

“Kyle and I never had sex,” Liz denied. “He had his underwear on the entire time...”

Kyle was dressed...did that mean she wasn’t? “And you?”

Looking away from him, Liz felt her cheeks flush. “What do you think?”

Max blanched at the thought that Kyle had seen her naked. He couldn’t help it, while he didn’t want to feel that way, he did.

As if sensing where his thoughts had turned, Liz continued on. “He was a perfect gentleman, not looking when he very well could have,” she defended. Future Max had been right about Kyle, he was turning into a good man...more then that, he was a good friend. It was odd, back when she ended things with the former jock, she would have never imagined that she would one day look at him as one of her closest friends.

Max pouted at the new found closeness that Liz and Kyle seemed to share. While there always had been something ‘off’ about the two...at least after their charade, he had seen them together more then once. There may not have been any hand holding or couple actions between them, it was apparent to him that their friendship had deepened.

“You never would have told me any of this if hadn’t been for the flashes...huh?” He asked after a few minutes of silence.

Liz opened and closed her mouth a few times before a response was formed. “I...don’t know,” she confessed. “Probably not...at least not at this time.” She knew without a doubt that she would have kept the secret to herself and struggled with it. Future Max had been so sure that she could tell anyone else.

Max nodded, yeah, he figured it would be something like that. Liz certainly was a stubborn person.

A quietness settled in between the two. There was no longer a strain between them, but an empty distance took it’s place...something that both teens felt. “I guess...I should go,” Max hedged. There was still so much that needed to be said, but at the same time he had no idea where to start...and judging by the expression on Liz’s/his face, she felt the same way.

Liz nodded unsurely, as she held her gaze away from him. She wanted nothing more then to find some sort of resolution, but she knew it was unfair. Max had just learned a lot. He deserved the chance for everything to sink it. “Yeah...”

Unwillingly, Max got to his feet and moved to the window. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow...” he trailed off, wondering if he shouldn’t stay just a little bit longer.

“Okay.” She watched as he crawled through the window before she was out of her seat and across the room in a matter of seconds. “Wait!”

Quickly, Max (in Liz’s body) spun around to face her. “Hmmm?”

“What’s going to happen now?” She asked. She knew it was an open question since they still had so much to work out, but their relationship was at the front of her mind when she uttered the inquiry.

Max (in Liz’s body) simply shrugged his shoulders. He didn’t need to question what she was referring to when she asked him that, because the same question plagued his thoughts as well. “I don’t know,” he confessed.

So I’ve been calling angels down to Earth
An’ I don’t need a reason
Calling angels down to Earth
Because I believe that we need them
We only hurt the ones we love
Why, we don’t need a reason
Gonna get all you deserve
And all that you believe in
Do you believe in
Do you need them
If you need them
Do you know
Do you need them
If you need them
Do you know
Do you need them
If you need them


For the first time in what felt like ages, Liz laid down in bed without a heavy heart. She found it easier to breathe now that Max knew the truth. Of course, there was the accompanied sense of guilt that she still felt. No matter what happened, from then on, she knew the guilt would always stay with her. Her decision to do the things she did and say the things she said would never be far from her mind. She at least hoped that in time, she would be able to deal with it better and that maybe it wouldn’t always be at the forefront of her mind.

She wasn’t sure why she held off on telling him about the development of their relationship in that other world. Maybe it was because she felt embarrassment in mentioning such a thing while their present relationship was still in shambles? It was a difficult concept to grasp...at this time in a different reality, she and Max were blissfully happy. As if that didn’t sting, knowing that she was reason for their distance in this one was the kicker.

Maybe she hadn’t told Max about their marriage because in all the time that she had lived with that secret, it was her one comfort? Day in and day out she put on a performance or kept up with it. While Max had taken her happiness away from her the night he disappeared on her balcony, her dreams were her own. Her only source of comfort had been her dreams and fantasies about a world that she didn’t alter.

Then again, maybe she was disclosing the information because she didn’t want his anger directed at her anymore... Because she knew that if the situation was reversed and Max had been the one with all the secrets, if Max had given up on their future without telling her that she would be plenty pissed.

With the sourness of her thoughts, came the sweet ones. She didn’t want to be naive about the situation, but a hope was quickly flaring in her chest. She knew that they hstill had issues to work through, but maybe this could be their second chance.

She still loved Max with all of her heart and she was tired of staying away from him. Maybe now that he knew the truth, he could help her come up with a solution she hadn’t formulated yet, a solution so that they could be together. Was there really any harm in the getting together if they both knew the stakes? Sure, they would have speak with Tess about it, and she knew that the rest of the group deserved to know what happened in October...she just hoped that they’d accept the news better then Max had.

She had to remind herself not to get too eager. Max was still working everything out, it was probably part of the reason why he had been so quiet while he had been there. At the time, she was just so thankful that he wasn’t angry. Looking back though, she felt her doubts well up inside. He just seemed so resigned as he listened to her tale. She hated not knowing his thoughts.

Maneuvering once again, Liz whined into the pillow. Her thoughts had kept her awake long enough! She wanted to sleep, but it was proving to be an impossible thing. Throwing the covers off, she dressed into warmer clothes and escaped the confines of the room through the window. Maybe a walk would help clear her head...


“Hey Max...” Tess trailed off, not even bothering to put on a perky attitude. Kyle’s words were still ringing through her thoughts, bothering her more then she would have preferred.

Looking up, Max nodded his notice of her. “Oh...hey Tess.” He really wasn’t in the mood to put up with any attitude.

“Um...did you want to be alone or...” she gestured to the bench.

“No. Go ahead, take a seat.” He didn’t mind the company, so long as he wasn’t forced to talk.

“....Nothing is gonna come from it.”

After claiming the seat next to him, the two teenagers settled into a silence, both preoccupied with their thoughts to notice that someone else had happened upon them.

Shocked, Liz (in Max’s body) stopped short at seeing Max and Tess sitting together. She wanted to scream in frustration! Didn’t Tess ever leave him alone?! It’s like everywhere she turned, there was Tess...sidled right next to Max. How did he stand it? Unless...maybe she wouldn’t even have to tell him about her feelings. If she watched them long enough, maybe she could finally have a clear understanding as to the relationship that Max shared with Tess. Liz nodded at her own thoughts, that’s exactly what she’d do. She’d watch them, then it would give her a better idea about what she should do.

Looking down, Tess couldn’t deny the weirdness of it. She and Max always seemed to find each other on that bench. “Huh...” she trailed off. “I think we should claim this as our bench...”

From her hiding position, Liz (in Max’s body) frowned. Their bench? What was that supposed to mean? They were ‘them’ enough to have their own bench?

Max (in Liz’s body) look up, not expecting her to say anything. As he processed her words, he frowned. “Huh?”

Tess tried to smile at him, but it fell flat. “I just mean because we always seem to gravitate to this spot...” she trailed. Yeah, she knew it was lame.

“Oh...I never even noticed,” Max confessed.

Tess was dispirited by his reply. Was Kyle right? No...he couldn’t be. She and Max were growing closer to each other, that much she knew because Max was looking at her in ways he never had before. She was so sure that her feelings weren’t just one sided.

“Closer...yes, but have you stopped to think about what you consider ‘close’ and what he considers ‘close’?”

Well, Tess squared her shoulders. There was only way to tell... “Max?” She called softly, garnering his attention.

Turning to face his companion, Max nodded. “Yes Tess?”

“Here goes nothing...” Tess muttered as she closed the distance between herself and Max.

Watching the scene, Liz’s (in Max’s body) body filled with utter horror. NO! She wanted to scream out, she wanted them to stop! Silently, she chanted for Max to pull away, but he didn’t. She was too late, she had lost him... She knew she should have pulled her gaze away, but it was locked on the couple before them. They deserved to have some privacy in the moment...but, wait a minute! She was involved in it too! Max was in her body...which meant that Tess was kissing her...Liz frowned.

Stepping out from her hiding place, she coughed loudly.

Max’s (in Liz’s body) eyes widened as he felt the feel of lips pressed against his...not just anyone lips, but Tess’. Before he could pull away to say something though, someone else made their presence known.

At the unexpected noise, both Max and Tess pulled away from one another, Max with a speed he didn’t even know he possessed, and Tess, a frown marring her features.

Upon seeing Liz standing before them, Max stood up quickly...great! The moment had just gone from bad to worse. “Liz!”

“I know it’s really none of my business what goes on with the two of you...but see, you’re in my body...so I am involved...and, could your two not do...that or anything else until we switch our bodies back?” She asked, holding back a shudder.

“Liz...it’s not...” Max trailed off, no matter what he said, he knew she wouldn’t believe him. Liz had already seen too much.

Liz held out her hands. “I...I don’t want to know,” she quickly argued. “I have...have to go. I have this...thing to do,” she excused jerkily as she made her departure from the scene as quickly as possible.

Max wanted to catch up to her, wanted to explain it to her, but he knew that it would be a futile attempt. After her exit, Max turned to Tess, his eyes both accusing and confused. “What the hell was that?!”

Yes, apparently they they had two very different definitions for being 'closer.'

Disclaimer: The song is called "Don't Need A Reason" and it's performed by Beth Orton.
Walter: "I used this to extract information from a corpse once. You can do that if they've been dead up to six hours."
Peter: "Yeah, cause after six hours they're REALLY dead."