Through The Looking Glass(Multi,UC/CC,Teen)Ch 6~3/4 complete

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Through The Looking Glass(Multi,UC/CC,Teen)Ch 6~3/4 complete

Post by darkmoon »


Title: Through The Looking Glass
Rating: Teen
Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. Characters of "Supernatural" and "Smallville" belong to CW. "Moonlight" characters belongs to CBS. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" characters belong to Joss Whedon, WB and UPN. "Dark Angel" characters is owned James Cameron and Fox. Sailor Moon is owned by Naoko Takeuchi, Toei Animation, and DIC. I own none... except Seki.
Also the universe that Liz/Oliver's group comes from is based off KiaraAlexisKlay's Shot Through The Heart series. Liz/Larek pairing is based off vampyrolover86's Forgot Memories and Remembered Love fic. Mick/Liz/Josef pairing comes from Burningchaos' Eclipse fic. The Liz/Zan group belongs to my Domestication of Zan series. Liz/Alec, Liz/Angel, Liz/Max and Liz/Dean are from fics I will write some day. Liz/Michael from my Not Even MacGyver Could Fix This fic. Liz/Khivar from my Prophesy's Design. I also own Seki. I have permission to use all of the characters from the different fanfiction. And they all love the fic.
Also the Chips 'Pirate's Booty' does exist. I don't know who makes them though. I didn't make them up. They aren't mine.
Pairing: Liz/Max, Liz/Zan, Liz/Michael, Liz/Khivar, Liz/Alec(Dark Angel), Liz/Oliver(Smallville), Liz/Dean(Supernatural), Liz/Larek, Mick/Liz/Josef(Moonlight), Liz/Angel (BtVS), Kyle/Ava
Category: Roswell/Supernatural/Dark Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Smallville/Moonlight/Sailor Moon
Summary: What if Liz touched something... and it dragged a bunch of versions of her into that universe. How do you get them back? Why are they here? Who are all these people with her.
Author's Note: This was posted for Burningchaos' b-day!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Bixie ~ I told you when we chatted at my Author's Chat that I would eventually end up on the XO board. I wasn't kidding!
A huge thanks to my Betas and the one's who let me play in their fic worlds... Burningchaos, KiaraAlexisKlay and vampyrolover86. You girls rock my socks!!!!!!

Chapter 1

Liz looked around the desert in confusion. Max had called a meeting about Liz’s new powers by the ruins of the Pod Chamber. She remembered slipping on a rock and catching herself. There had been a flash, and when she looked up; it was creepy. She could see her group; Max, Michael, Isabel, Kyle and Maria.

But there were also about nine versions of her. Each had several people with them; some she knew and others that were new.

“Where the hell are we?” came a grumble from an almost white haired man.

“Seki, we’re in the desert. You’re in Advance Genetics. You should be able to figure out what a desert looks like.” A sarcastic comment came out of an older Kyle. He looked more buff, and had a buzz cut. Maybe he wasn’t older, the goatee made it hard to tell.

“Kyle!” Seki hugged him, and was pried off by Ava. It might have been almost a year since Liz had seen Ava, but she knew that wasn’t Tess.

“Gets away from my man, bitch.” Ava growled.

“Aves, break it. We’s not in Kansas no more.” A scruffier Max held a hand out at Ava. Liz blinked and realized that it wasn’t Max. That was Zan.

“I want to know why there are eight versions of me, other then me.” A stressed comment from a version of her, Liz was dubbed her Liz2 in her head.

“I still thinks you da hottest mama.” Zan smirked.

“You married me, you’re supposed to.” Liz2 rubbed her forehead.

“Why are we by the Pod Chamber?” A Max held Liz3 to his chest.

“I think I touched something bad.” Liz winced, as she got up. Her Max helped her, looking around confused.

“Good job, Parker.” A Michael growled in response. She started to number the others in her head. So that would have been Michael2.

“Heys, Mickey. Play nice nice. Angel don’ts mean to drag us heres. But I hate New Mexico.” Zan sneered at the landscape, and then looked back at her. “Couldn’t yous a turned dat toy on in New York?”

“Well, this has been great, but I’d like to know why we are here. I demand to speak to the leader.” Another blond man seemed annoyed. What caught Liz’s attention wasn’t him… It was Alex.

“Alex!” Liz screamed in delight, and ran down to him. He seemed confused as she threw herself at him.

“I take it we all have to wait our turn to throw ourselves at Alex?” came a laugh from Liz2.

“Alex, why do most of the versions of Liz want to throw themselves at you?” An African American woman tapped her foot. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and her pregnant belly only added to the annoyed look.

“Who are you?” Liz smiled, letting go of a blushing Alex.

“Serena, one of your best friends,” Serena dropped her arms to her side. “Why don’t you know me?”

“You aren’t Serena. Serena isn’t nearly that hot. I know; I spend three months in a very small ship with her.” A scruffy brunette gentleman got smacked upside the head by Liz5.

“Khivar, a hundred foot ship is not small, let alone very small.” Liz5 rolled her eyes.

“You just say that because you like her. She made me Lactose’s Intolerant. I will never know the sweet love of Milk! What kind of person does that to another?” An annoyed Khivar whined.

All Pod Squad members powered up, as they aimed at him.

“Please! I mean you no harm. I’m the President of Antar. I don’t even want to think about being the President of Earth. Think of the commute.” Khivar rolled his eyes. “Well, the Zans probably hate me. I mean, I did bring democracy to their planet. Other then that, the rest of you… You live here anyways!”

“Khivar isn’t the man he was made out to be.” Liz5 placed a hand out and shook her head. “Nicholas is the real bad guy. He just used Khivar’s name as a cover if the revolution didn’t work.”

“Ha! It did, and I brought peace to the galaxy. Just call me Han Solo.” Khivar puffed out his chest.

“Han Solo was a scoundrel… Wait that fits.” Liz5 nodded to herself, as Khivar looked insulted.

“What’s Antar?” The blond man with Alex asked. His arm was around Liz4, and he seemed ready to place her behind him at a moment’s notice.

“Who are you?” Michael1 asked. Liz was getting confused by all the people. With her group; there were 2 Michaels, 2 Maxes, 2 Kyles, a Maria, Isabel, Alex, and a partridge in a pear tree… Liz ended in her head.

“I’m Oliver Queen. Who are you?” The gentleman placed Liz4 behind him as he stepped towards Michael1.

“Ollie, that’s Michael. Actually for some reason there seems to be two of them.” Liz4 stepped around Oliver. “First, we have to figure out if we are from different dimensions or just different parts of one timeline.”

Liz nodded. “We have to assume that you all are from different timelines. Our Alex is dead. If the hug Alex fest is anything to go on; he’s dead or not around much in the other Liz’s lives.”

“I don’t like the whole dead aspect.” Alex croaked. Serena nodded, shuddering a little.

“Just to make sure we are all on the same page, how did your Alex die?” Liz2 questioned, Zan’s arms wrapped around her. “Tess killed ours.”

Serena stalked over to Ava and poked at her chest. “You even look at my Alex funny, I’ll make sure death is slow, painful, and involves lemon juice.”

“I’s Ava, bitch! Just cause you knocked up don’ts mean I can’t beat your ass like a scanky ho peddling herself on East 4th for a dolla.” Ava glared.

“Sorry. You just look like da Gerbil. Our world’s Ava has shorter hair with black, and no blond.” Serena looked down.

“I don’t do the black anymore. And my pink’s fading ‘cause I’m knocked up.” Ava grumbled.

Everyone looked at Zan who pointed to Kyle. Kyle grinned and placed a hand behind his head sheepishly. “Yep, it’s mine.”

“Just think Tess didn’t even sell herself for that much.” Liz6 laughed trying to make light of the fight that almost started. She was flanked by two men, one holding a shotgun and the other holding a bag of potato chips.

“See, Demons, I get. It’s this Alien crap that keeps coming up that confuses the crap out of me.” The tall, dark haired one holding the bag of potato chips grumbled.

“Dean, what are you eating now?” The lighter haired brunette pouted, the shotgun held in a loose hand by his leg.

“Pirate’s Booty. Arrr, makes me feel more like the bastard that I am.” Dean smirked.

Liz6 took that time to smack him upside the head. “This is why I don’t ask anymore, Sam.” She looked around at the group. “Looks like you have a younger twin, Dean,” pointing to a lighter haired guy that looked like Dean.

“Names Alec and I already had a twin. I do like Dean’s taste in women and food though.” Alec smirked back.

Liz7 placed a hand to her face. “This is why I totally agree with Max that she should have named you Dick.”

“I’m a girl in your world?” Max1 and Max2 piped in unison.

“Maxie is definitely not you.” Alec smirked. “She could run circles around you.”

“It’s weird to see everyone.” Liz7 wrapped her arms around her middle. “It’s been what? Twenty years since seen any of you?”

Alec pulled Liz7 into his arms. “Well you were taken in 2001, so it’s more like eighteen.”

“What happened to you?” Liz looked worried at the idea that she looked exactly like Liz7 did, except Liz7 was supposedly thirty six.

“The government snagged me after graduation, everyone except Michael got away. Michael tried to save me. He was killed. The government was able to use the damaged pods and Michael’s genetics to put me in a state of suspended animation; except I remember every moment of those eighteen years.” Liz7 leaned against Alec.

“We got her out of there.” Alec growled. He didn’t seem to like the information that Liz7 was giving out. “They don’t need to know.”

“Alec, what if the reason we’re here is to serve as a warning? What if we’re all supposed to learn something from each other.” Liz7’s voice got stronger as Alec looked like he wanted to argue.

“That would explain why we are all at different ages, and are with different partners.” Liz8 piped in. She stood farthest away from the group. “I haven’t been to Earth in five years.”

The blond gentleman next to her seemed vaguely familiar to everyone. It was Khivar who realized who it was. “Larek, you bastard! You married the Granolith? And I thought I was the only one who was smart enough to snag Lizzie away from Earth.”

“Elizabeth isn’t the Granolith. I already miss our Khivar. He might have been an evil creature with megalomaniac tendencies, but at least he wasn’t an idiot.” Larek’s voice was soft lilt that seemed to flow.

“I’m not an idiot. My wife is the granolith given flesh. The power she possesses reignited our dying star. As said in the prophecy. Serena, or as she has been decreed Verduistering, is the head priestess of the Granolith and was sent to protect her.” Khivar glared at Larek. “You’re just pissed because I’ve made your grip on your people, useless.”

“Ok, pissing contest aside. I am… I’m the Granolith.” Liz5 pushed her husband behind her. “I don’t know what that means in your worlds. But that means I need to get home. I’m keeping our sun from dying out.”
Last edited by darkmoon on Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:52 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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I will never know the sweet love of Milk! ~ Khivar in Through The Looking Glass
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Through The Looking Glass (Multi, UC/CC, Teen) Ch 2 ~ 9/21

Post by darkmoon »

Bixie ~ Thanks!

Carrie ~ *Blushes* Did I get my butt here quick enough?! LOL. I hope you enjoy this as much as you enjoyed the last chapter. I think we all wish we were Liz. Cause seriously... That many men... *GUH* So happy you like this!! *Huggles*

B ~ I don't know where I'd be without your support. Honestly, we talk about this and all my other fics constantly, and you are nothing if not my biggest cheerleader. *Snuggles*

LizandZacKFan ~ I'm so happy this was worth waiting for!!!! YAY!!!

Behrstars ~ Thank you very much!! I hope you enjoy the next chapter as much!

K ~ I hope this lives up to your standards!! Thankfully I did do an A/N with who is with who on it. That way people can keep looking back to that for support. *Huggles*

TooMuchWoman ~ Thank you very much!

Maiqu ~ Thank you very much! To be honest, Khivar's my favorite too. ^.^

Snowy Owl ~ Thank you!! More confusion, maybe some answers and more Lizs are to come. Plus... Dean makes more snappy comments. ^.^

Panda ~ I hope this keeps you hooked!!

AllINeed ~ I agree that if it fell into an orgy... It wouldn't be a bad thing. Lol. But I think some men are too possessive of their Liz to let that happen. I hope you are just as addicted to this chapter. ^.^

V ~ You know that I'm so thankful you love this. But seriously... The milk comment... Too good not to mock!!! I hope this keeps the cravings for more subsided.

Dawnx ~ Thank you!! I hope you feel the same for this chapter. I agree that Liz is one hell of a lucky girl. ^.^

C&N ~ This chapter should round out the cast of Lizs and others. I also hope the A/N helps keep everyone straight. Thank you!!!!

LizandMichael 4 Ever ~ Here it is!! As promised!

PeytonLeigh ~ Thank you!! *Blushes*

Jezebel ~ Thank you!!!! *Blushes* I hope you enjoy the next chapter!!

Alexceasar ~ Thank you!! I hope this keeps you going! On your theory... Good one... Never thought of that idea. ^.^

Chapter 2

Everyone started to murmur among themselves until two more Lizs made their appearances.

“Thank goodness! I thought we were going to have to walk back to civilization…” Liz9 walked from one side of the ruins of the Pod Chamber. “And we have a mess here too.”

“What’s going on? Has anyone figured out how to send us back? And why are there a hell of a lot of us here?” Liz10 held a hand to her head. “We need to find out before dark.”

“Why dark?” Dean piped up; his Hunter instincts and his need to protect all things Liz kicked in.

“If it gets dark, I need to find food.” Liz10 looked wary of giving answers.

“I agree.” Liz9 nodded. “So Josef and Mick are with you too?” She questioned Liz10.

“I don’t know who Mick or Josef are. I have to find food for Angel.” Liz10 blinked.

“Angel… Oh my god…” Liz9 started to laugh. “Please tell me you’re joking?”

“Why would I be joking?” Liz10 seemed confused. The rest of the group seemed interested as well.

“Angel… like from Buffy the Vampire Slayer?”

“You know Buffy?” Liz10 seemed confused. “I’ve never met her, but I’ve heard stories.”

“That’s not right… Sammy, we got Vamps. I’m sorry Max, I gotta kill ya. But think it’s for the greater good. After that, we got the blood of a dead man, and oh,” Dean looked around searchingly. “I’ll need a machete,” then added cheerfully.

“You are not beheading my boyfriends.” Liz9 snapped, then blushed as she realized that she admitted being in a relationship with both Mick and Josef.

“Damn.” Dean was taken back, and then turned to his Liz. “Have you ever dated anyone normal?”

“I’m…” Kyle2 was cut off by his wife.

“Kyle, my love, you’ve never been normal. Perverted, horny as hell, and sexy… yes. Normal… no.” Ava rolled her eyes.

“Why would it have to be me? There seems to be a lot of extra versions of everyone here.” Max2 seemed annoyed, his hand still clutching Liz3’s.

“Because out of everyone… Believe me, you’d be the least missed. Well, we’d miss you. I’d have to stop and question why the bitching had stopped. I mean you bitch worse than Sammy when Tess is on the rag.” Dean mocked.

“Excuse me?” Max2 glared. “You don’t know me. I sure the hell don’t know you. You might not like the me from your universe, but at the same time, I didn’t steal your girlfriend.”

“I didn’t steal your girlfriend… You two had broken up when I came into the picture. Hell, you couldn’t keep any girl in my universe. Jealousy is a lousy look on you… But it always has been.” Dean blew off Max2, and went back to his chips.

“Stop fighting! This isn’t helping. So we all bring something to this table. I assume the two new Lizs’ have powers as well.” Khivar stepped between the two men.

“What do you know about my powers? And who the hell are you?” Liz9 demanded.

“I’m Khivar… But I’m good. Ask my wife, you know her… she’s you.” Khivar pointed to Liz5.

“Khivar, sweetie, we are going to have to figure out a better way of introducing you.” Liz5 placed a hand to her temple. “He’s not the bastard you were taught to believe… He’s a completely different kind of bastard. He leaves the toilet seat up, can’t wash dishes, I’m so thankful we have a device for that… He tries items with milk, and whines to me when it makes him sick. He’s a pain in the ass, but he’s my pain in the ass. And he’s fantastic in bed.”

“I think I’m going to be sick.” Michael2 groaned. “Could you get any sappier? If so, let me go now.”

“Michael, shut up.” Liz11 rolled her eyes. “I think it’s great.”

“Ok… Now that everything is out of the way… I would like to go home.” Larek sighed in annoyance. “I know that Khivar’s Liz needs to get back to keeping her Sun lit. I have a throne to rule. I have no doubt the rest of you have more important things to do than just stand here.”

“Yeah… But’s TiVo gots made and da game gets ‘corded.” Zan shrugged.

“Ava and I were going clothes shopping today.” Liz2 smiled as Seki looked put upon.

“I was getting dragged along to perpetuate the stereotypical gay rumor that all gay men have good fashion taste. I don’t have good fashion taste; I just know that you don’t stick stripes and plaid together. I own almost all black… Nothing clashes with black.” Seki pouted.

“See, even the flaky one knows that all clothes should be black.” Alec pointed to Seki as he complained to Liz7.

“I’m not flaky. That’s Emo Princess.” Seki pointed to both Max and Max2.

“That’s it…” Liz2 glared at Zan. “You aren’t allowed to play with Kyle or Seki anymore. They are picking up your nicknames for people. Kyle’s horrible slang is rubbing off on the both of you…” She turned to glare at Seki. “If I get one comment about rubbing on Kyle and I’ll let Ava beat you in a pregnant woman rage.”

“Yes Ma’am.” Seki squeaked.

“He nicknamed me Emo Princess?” Max pointed to Zan.

“You’s pout worse den da Bella.” Zan rolled his eyes. “When you’s whine… I feel da need to get out da cheddar. And I swears you’s do it so much, you’s be a lush.”

“Lush are women.” Sam corrected.

“True dat. Still da Lush.” Zan mocked.

“I give up.” Sam rolled his eyes, as he looked at Liz2 for support.

“I married the crazy bastard; I gave up a long time ago.”

“Why does everyone mock Max? I love him, and he’s been nothing but good to me.” Liz3 complained.

“Because I’d rather not have Tess’ sloppy seconds.” Liz2 rolled her eyes.

“I took it, and then he cheated on me again.” Liz9 glared at both Maxs.

“Not all of us mock Max. I’m just enjoying seeing faces of the people I miss.” Liz7 shook her head.

“I’m sorry.” Liz3 comforted. “I’m just tired of watching the man I love mocked horribly for the sins of men who aren’t him.”

“I understand completely.” Liz5 laughed at the irony.

“Aww, my woman is defending me!” Khivar smirked.

“On the other hand…” Liz5 shook her head. “Mock my man all you want.”

Khivar glared. “I am forgetting why I married you again… Oh yes, you keep our star going.”

“I never thought I’d see the day when I’d be amused by Khivar.” Larek blinked, an amused smile ghosted across his lips as he willed himself not to laugh.

Liz4, Liz6 and Liz10 stopped chatting for a moment with a look of glee. “We think we’ve figured it out!”

“Figured out what?” A gentleman in a suit and expensive sunglasses winced as he walked from the shadows.

“Why there is so many of us!” Liz6 declared joyously.

“Mick! I told you to wait for me with Josef. This sun isn’t good for you.” Liz9 ran over to the wincing gentleman.

“We got worried… And I was about ready to kill our guest. Did you know that whiny gentleman that showed up with the other Liz is Angel? As in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel? I don’t sound anything like him!” Mick complained.

“So, why are there are so many of us?” Liz asked.

“You are starting your powers, right?” Liz10 asked.

“Yeah…” Liz looked confused.

“Every Liz around here has come into her power. The three of us have been polling the groups. We might all be different ages. But there isn’t one Liz that hasn’t come into her powers. So if this is to be taken into the hypothesis… We are here to help you control, contain and use your powers correctly and find what exactly is powering your powers… pardon the pun.” Liz4 explained like a school teacher to her students.

“I knew I loved that woman for a reason.” Oliver smiled his pride glaringly obvious. He didn’t seem to care that he was one of the only true humans in the bunch.

“Don’t worry, she’ll have a witty little remark, and you’ll be in the same boat I am.” Khivar glared at his wife. “I’m so eating Ben and Jerry’s when we get home.”
Last edited by darkmoon on Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I will never know the sweet love of Milk! ~ Khivar in Through The Looking Glass
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Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Through The Looking Glass (Multi, UC/CC, Teen) AN ~ 10/11

Post by darkmoon »

Behrstars ~ Thanks for finding my boo boo!! I'm so glad you are enjoying this fic!!!

LizandZachfan ~ I'm sorry it has taken so long! I hope this made it worth it!!!!!

Maiqu ~ Thank you!!! Khivar is so much fun to write. It's so easy to bash Max... It's practically tatooed to his forehead.

Dawnx ~ Thank you so so much!! Dean gets to whine more about his Machete in his one too. I hope this makes you smile as well!

Alexceasar ~ Firstly, Thank you for your kind words!! It means a lot. I hope this once again has you giggling like mad.

K ~ I'm still going to get DiP done, I swear!! I'm so glad you enjoy this series!!!

Snowyowl ~ More mockery of everyone is to come!! Even Oliver gets mocked a little!

Carrie ~ Seki is his normal evil self, and you'll never get kicked out of the Dreamer world. They love you too much!! I hope this is more of what you were hoping for!!!

Rach ~ I'm so glad you are enjoying this!! As always, it's great to see your fb!!

V ~ I LOVE YOU! And here is the crack you need so desperately. I have posted as you have demanded. LOL!

Panda ~ I'm so happy that you love it!! I keep the list of who is who when I'm writing. Since I have the A/N posted with the key... it might help to keep that up as well. It makes it a lot easier to figure it all out. LOL!

C&N214 ~ I'm so glad the key was helpful! I'm sorry it took so long, but I hope this was worth it.

WomanofMystery ~ I'm glad you found it!!! Thank you!!

Chapter 3

Mick winced as he raised his hand to keep the sun off his face. “Liz, I’m going back to the cave. Joseph will kill me for stealing his glasses to find you. It was his plan.” Mick smiled. “I enjoy pissing him off.”

“That’s only because you know he can’t use the Tar Pits as a threat with you.” Liz9 smiled, as she leaned up to kiss him.

“He does love his Tar Pits,” Mick mocked. “I really need to get out of the sun.” He started back up to the Pod Chamber ruins arm in arm with Liz9.

“I’m coming too. Angel might need me.” Liz10 nodded as she followed the pair.

“I think we all should meet the missing two in this crazed mess.” Liz5 grabbed Khivar’s arm.

“I’m not saving your ass from the Vampires. That’s what all the versions of Zan are for. If he’s so ‘in love with you,’ he can throw himself in front of the hungry undead.” Khivar rolled his eyes.

“I’m a vampire, not a zombie,” a voice rang from the ruins of the Pod Chamber. A blonde man stuck out his head slightly out of the opening. “Mick, quickly give me my sunglasses. I’m pretty certain there has to be some form of wood in it.”

“Wood doesn’t kill us, Josef.” Mick sighed as he stepped into the chamber.

“It’s not to kill me you imbecile. Do I look even remotely suicidal? It’s to put that whiny bastard out of his misery. Although if I spend much more time in close proximity to him I might and that would be a terrible injustice.” Josef griped to the crowd that had followed.

“I have no doubt that a machete would do the trick…” Dean grumbled.

“Stop whining about your machete, and not getting to kill the vampires.” Liz6’s tone was one who had had this argument before. It may not have been about saving vampires, but they had argued about the machete before.

“I swear, one day you two are getting drunkenly married.” Sam shook his head.

“Don’t you mean the only way Liz is getting married to Zan? …the other one.” Khivar pointed to Max, from the growling Zan.

“Are you always this much of an asshole or is this a special occasion?” Max snipped back.

“Max, he’s always this much of an asshole. Why do you think I mock him so much? The only time he isn’t this annoying is when he’s sleeping.” Liz5 rolled her eyes.

“I thought you said I talked in my sleep.” Khivar smiled.

“I retract my last comment. I try to repress the fact that he talks in his sleep and that he’s an asshole then too.” Liz5 shot back.

“There is a lot of Lizs…and they are all just as sassy as ours. Can we have another one?” Josef noticed the group of people, as he grabbed the sunglasses off Mick’s face.

Liz9 just glared as Mick closed his eyes and counted to five.

“Please! If I don’t get the extra Kyle, you don’t get any extra Lizs!” Seki snapped his fingers.

“Who is he?” Josef looked confused.

“I’m Prince Gabriel Seki Tsuki! You, sexy vampire, can call me Seki, or Heineken. I respond to both.” Seki smiled as he started towards the caves.

“Heineken, you’s get eaten, you’s damn fault.” Zan warned.

“That’s what I’m hoping for.” Seki stuck his tongue out.

“Is he always this blatant?” Mick asked Liz2.

“Oh no, he’s usually more blatant. He’s really easy, and figures if he can’t have Kyle… Well, he thinks your friend’s pretty.” Liz2 laughed.

“I’m pretty? I’d prefer godlike. But handsome, dashing, or even striking would do in a pinch. Pretty isn’t what I’d use.” Josef grumbled.

“I’ll call you handsome if you want, and godlike later.” Liz9 smiled up at him.

“I think pretty fits.” Seki piped up.

“You also think the reunion of the New Kids on the Block was a good idea too. You don’t get an opinion.” Liz2 explained as if to a small, stupid child.

“Personally I think that the whole idea that we’re here to show the Liz from this universe our powers has just been proven wrong. I think we showing how all her relationships are dysfunctional, and she’ll never have a normal one.” Liz11 rolled her eyes.

“And which one are you?” Liz4 asked amused.

“I’m married to Michael. I think that proves it right there. We have a cat named Bob, who loves Michael…” Liz11 was interrupted by a coughing Michael.

“I’m sorry; did I hear you say that Beelzebub loves me?” Michael2 looked amused. “The cat that threw up my Metallica shirt and tries to kill me in my sleep, are we talking about that Beelzebub?”

“Bob likes to sleep on your face to keep close to you. She loves her daddy.” Liz11 rolled her eyes.

With the exception of Angel and Seki, all the males in the group tried to hide their laughter at Michael2 being called Daddy to a cat.

“Ok, we’ve proven your family’s dysfunction. Personally if people can’t figure out mine, they’re deaf, because Khivar is sure pretty to look at.” Liz5 mused. “It’s just when he opens his mouth that gets him in trouble.”

“What’s mine?” Liz3 questioned.

“You’re with Max… end of story.” Liz6 pointed out.

“Mine are a little weirder. I mean how many people are forced into stasis, and when they are broken out find out that they are the basis of a religion.” Liz7 shrugged.

“Now I have to hear this one,” Oliver perked up. “I mean, you are beautiful, but a religion is usually a little more cult leaderish then what I know of my Liz.”

“I was in stasis, Mr. Queen. I wasn’t trying to bring people to the holy land. I was in a reconstructed, shoddy, patchwork job of a pod. A young boy, who was a genetic experiment by the government, was given a picture of the Virgin Mary. He took to calling her, The Blue Lady. One day, he was doing ‘recon’ for his team of genetically advance children soldiers; he stumbled on to the lab that held me. I could feel him. I unknowingly reached out to him, oblivious that I had developed mental powers. He believed that the Blue Lady that he had created in his mind was real.”

“Ben had become almost a prophet for her. He taught the groups of the Blue Lady, so when we found her… it was like finding our god. Except we soon found out that she wasn’t this omnipotent being that had been protecting us. Liz is just a woman, who was hurt as bad as my people were.” Alec looked down; he didn’t want them to know. Liz had given too much away to a group that had yet to prove their loyalty. But he refused to allow anyone to think that she had scammed people into thinking she was something she wasn’t. She’d been a pawn just like he was.

“Well…” Oliver looked flummoxed, “I have no words.”

“There’s a first.” Serena teased.

“Well, Oliver is a superhero.” Liz4 poked Oliver in the ribs.

“What part of Secret Identity do you have issues with?” Oliver glared.

“The part where it actually matters that they know, and the fact that the only people from our universe already knows it?” Liz4 rolled her eyes.

“Is he like Peter Parker or Tony Stark?” Kyle2 questioned.

“Who?” Oliver looked confused.

“Peter Parker is Spiderman. He got his powers from a radioactive spider. Tony Stark is a rich guy with a suit that does the whole super thing for him. He’s Iron Man. Which one is Oliver?” Kyle2 explained.

“Tony Stark.” Alex butted in.

“Thanks Alex. I think I could have explained better then that.” Oliver griped a little.

“I still think Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent would have been better comparisons.” Kyle shrugged.

“How do you know about Clark? And what about Bruce?” Oliver looked confused and intrigued at the same time.
Last edited by darkmoon on Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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I will never know the sweet love of Milk! ~ Khivar in Through The Looking Glass
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Through The Looking Glass (Multi, UC/CC, Teen) Ch 4 ~ 12/7

Post by darkmoon »

So I did expect to have to add another group to this fic... But I added Sailor Moon. Because I didn't realize that the Max/Liz I was writing was going to be my Sailor Moon crossover fic that I've been threating my friends with.

If you'd like information on Sailor Moon, This is a link to a Wiki devoted to Sailor Moon.

I'm sorry it is taking forever to finish this fic. It's just there are so many characters that want air time. and I try to get them all in.

V ~ Thank you for being so amused by this. And for letting me play with your Larek/Liz fic. You know I had to mention Bob at some point. It amuses the crap out of you and others. ^.^

Maiqu ~ Thank you so much!!!!

SnowyOwl-17 ~ I hope the wait hasn't blown the fic for you!!! I'm so glad you are enjoying it.

pandas2001 ~ Thank you so much!! I love that you enjoy the little quirks I put in.

Carrie ~ I hope this is as good as the other parts. Seki is a whore. An Attention Whore!!! And Khivar... He's too damn funny not to have mocked.

B ~ I know it wasn't yesterday when you got this. But I hope it was worth the wait!

Amelia ~ Thank you very much!!!

WomanofMystery ~ Thank you very much!! I hope this is as good as the other parts. Seki loves to mock and just be a pain. So thank you for enjoying him. Clark and Bruce time is next!!!

Chapter 4

“How can you not know about Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne… I mean they are legendary.” Kyle1 complained. “I know for a fact that Alex should. I mean he’s the one who had all the comics.”

“They’re comics?” Oliver looked over at Alex, who shrugged.

“Don’t look at me. It has to be one of those crazy shifts in the time stream.” Alex exclaimed.

“Damn, a world without Batman and Superman. That sucks!” Kyle1 complained.

“I always thought Marvel was the better of the two.” Kyle2 put his arm over Ava’s shoulders. “You feeling ok, babe? Feet not hurting too much?”

“I swear you are as bad as Zan.” Ava rolled her eyes.

“Please, Zantastic is way more worried about his woman. I had the burnt arm and he thought I had done something to Lizzie.” Seki complained, looking to Josef for support.

Josef subtly slid behind Liz9, pretending to whisper something at Mick, who looked amused by the whole situation.

“Well, this is all nice and all, but I really need to get home.” Liz5 reminded the group, her mind filling with worry at how long her sun could survive without her.

“I do wonder how Ava is taking your disappearance, my love.” Larek looked over at Liz8.

“She’s probably frantic. My sister has never been the most level headed when it came to me.” Liz8 bit her lip.

“Back up… I’m your sis?” Ava looked over confused. “You’re an alien too?” Her eyes wide while one started to twitch as she looked over at her Liz. “Could you be all not of this Earth too?”

“I’m human. Remember, Beowulf did the blood tests on Zan and myself to see for genetic issues that could hinder the growth of the child? You had to go through them too.” Liz2 reassured Ava, who looked like her world had just been tipped on its axis.

“Well, Ava is my sister.” Liz8 pointed out.

“And I’m not human.” Liz5 reminded everyone.

“I’m a mixture, leaning more towards Antarian due to my time in the pod.” Liz7 added helpfully.

“Let’s do a test, every Liz whose human with some upgrades raise your hands!” Khivar demanded from the group.

Seven hands raised, Liz from the current universe seemed unsure if she was supposed to raise her hand, but did. Liz3 wiggled her hand in a sort of way as she murmured that she wasn’t human in her last life.

“Well that was exciting.” Khivar said drolly.

“Wait… Bruce Wayne is Batman?” Oliver interjected.

The groups with the exception of Alex, Serena, Liz4 and Oliver started to laugh.

“Thank you for staying with the topic, Oliver.” Khivar gave him a thumb up. “Good catch, and from what I remember of the stuff I randomly learned about humanity… Yes, Bruce Wayne is Batman.”

“Does that mean that Clark goes by Superman?” Oliver seemed unimpressed.

“What is your Superhero name?” Kyle2 questioned.

“Green Arrow.” Liz4 supplied.

“We are really going to speak on the need to keep secret identities… secret.” Oliver grumbled.

Kyle1 snorted as he tried to control his laughter. “The Green Arrow… You’re that Oliver Queen? He’s a total prick in the comics… And that’s all I remember about the Green Arrow. I was more of a Wonder Woman kind of man.”

“This might be odd, but I just realized… Would my past life affect the fact that I’m human now?” Liz3 butted in. “I know we’re jumping topics like an ADD riddled caffeinated squirrel, but it hit me that if Ava is my sister in one universe due to a past life, does mine change by the fact that I wasn’t human?”

“What were you?” Mick wasn’t sure why he was interested, but her steady belief in Max and her need to defend him against all the mockery made him need to understand what Max could have done to inspire this kind of loyalty.

“I was Lunarian.” Liz3 blinked. “Before Max was Zan, the original one, he was human. I was the alien in the relationship.”

“Lunarian… Like Sailor Moon?” Liz10 finally spoke up. She was unsure of what she had to contribute. Her only power had been slight green electricity when provoked, and her visions.

“How do you know that name?” Liz3 whipped around to stare in confusion at Liz10.

“It’s a TV show. Angel and I used to watch it at night.” Liz10 backed up into Angel’s arms, nervous, as everyone’s attention rested on her. “It’s about a girl, Usagi, who isn’t what most would call Superhero material. She’s forced to take up the mantel of Sailor Moon with the help of her friends, her cat Luna and the man of her dreams, Tuxedo Mask. The evil Negaverse, or Dark Kingdom, depending on if you watch the cut American version or the uncut Japanese version, tries to take over the world.”

Liz10 was cut off as Liz3 started to speak. “Except I was never reborn as Usagi. I was forced to take up the mantel in this lifetime.” Liz3 shrugged, as she continued her story.

“If you think finding about the Antarian heritage was slightly freaky, nothing compares to everyone finding out about the legacy my mother left us. She could have destroyed the Dark Kingdom… But for the love her daughter, she wished me to live…” The burden that hung from her soul from that knowledge shone in her eyes.

“Liz, you can’t keep placing the weight of this on your shoulders. If I had stopped the invasion, if I had noticed the change in my guards more… if someone should carry this, it should be me.” Max2 placed a kiss to Liz3’s temple.

“I’m the one who made the choice to kill herself. You died defending me. Everyone died saving me. I was a spoiled brat who wanted to end it all because I couldn’t stand living another second without you.” Liz3 turned to Max2. She looked into his eyes for a moment, as if they were communicating. A minute later she turned to the group, her eyes cleared of the broken, sad look. A resigned look took its place, as if she had lost a fight.

“I don’t want to sound rude or even unsympathetic to your pain, but how were you forced to become Sailor Moon? Did Luna or Artemis find you?” Angel spoke for the first time, confusion and compassion battled in his eyes.

“Luna found me… Artemis found Maria.” Liz3 nodded.

“Ok, so I get to play the asshole, since I do it so well!” Kyle2 piped in. “My group would like to know who plays the other Sailor Scouts?”

“You watch Sailor Moon too?” Liz10 looked surprised.

“It’s be da only ding on at 3am.” Zan shrugged. “Mikey sings da theme in sleepy-by if he naps during da show.”

Liz2 rubbed her forehead. “This is why Michael, Kyle and Zan’s playtime was cut down dramatically. They only bring out the five year olds in each other. It’s been even worse since Seki has sort of joined.”

“He brings da munchies, and don’t bitch during da games.” Zan shrugged.

“They are impressed by my ability to cook really awesome snack food and understand the mechanics of football.” Seki rolled his eyes.

“I love the little cups of cheese…” Kyle2 added.

“You are the Sailor Senshi…” Liz3 decided to go with the blunt tactic.

“Say what?” Kyle2 blinked.

“Before you were Kyle, you were Sailor Jupiter.” Liz3 shrugged.

Liz2 and Ava started to laugh. “That’s great.”

“Hey, at least I got the best rack!” Kyle2 smiled evilly.

“Alex was Sailor Mercury.” Liz3 looked over at Alex, who blushed.

“Don’t worry Alex; Mercury was the brains of the group.” Liz10 pointed out.

“Michael was Sailor Mars…”

“Oh my god… He’s going to shit a brick when we get back. Please tell me that Maria was Sailor Venus… Wait what am I saying… of course she was. You said Artemis found her.” Kyle clapped his hands and then rubbed them together.

“You are getting too much joy out of this, Kyle.” Liz3 shook her head.

“You just told me that in a past life Michael was a chick, not only a chick, but an angry chick. Plus, I’m all down with having tits in a past life.” Kyle2 laughed.

Khivar shook his head. “And I thought our universe was insane. They,” pointing to Liz2’s group, “are way worse!”

“They do make everyone else’s lives seem very… normal, don’t they?” Larek nodded. “Oh Granolith… I just agreed with Khivar… I’m in hell.”

“Well, it’s not hell. But you aren’t going to be stuck in Purgatory for much longer.” A voice came from path they walked up.

“Serena, is that you?” Khivar’s voice was exasperated.
Last edited by darkmoon on Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I will never know the sweet love of Milk! ~ Khivar in Through The Looking Glass
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Through The Looking Glass (Multi, UC/CC, Teen) Ch 5 ~ 12/23

Post by darkmoon »

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday no matter what religious beliefs you follow.

B ~ Thank you for dealing with my brain and the scary place that it actually is. Thank you for being the best friend in the universe!!!! And thank you for letting me cry on your shoulder even when you were thousands of miles away on Thurs. I need you, you're my rock! *Snuggles*

Maiqu ~ Not as much Afraid, as it is more like... Look, Satan has arrived. Lol. Thank you so much

SnowyOwl ~ Thank you so much!!! I hope you enjoy this as much!

Behrstars ~ I hope this was soon enough! I'm glad you enjoyed the last chapter!!!

Carrie ~ Seki doesn't get much lines in this one. But I hope you love it none the less. Remember, living in my brain... Very scary! I mean I came up with Seki and his entire family on my own. And I made a whole universe where Khivar is Lactoses Intolerant, and Liz is married to him. I think I win for Least Scary Khivar ever wrote!

Panda ~ *Glomps with happiness* It's good to see another Moonie!!! I was so worried no one would understand Sailor Moon at all. And here I have you!! I'm so giddy with giddiness. Thank you so much!

Tina ~ Thank you very very much!

Kara ~ THANK YOU!!! I'm so happy that you like it and are reading my other stuff. *blushes*

K ~ Thank you!! I hope everyone keeps you laughing in this one! ^.^ Ollie is so awesome!

V ~ I hope this keeps you laughing. And yes... can't you see it?! Michael bitching up a storm while trying to pull down the mini skirt from his tranformation. And threating to kill Max if he even cracks a smile. And Kyle bemoaning the lack of tits this lifetime. (I so need to write it). Khivar's Serena, much to Khivar's disappointment.

Chapter 5

A statuesque, blue skinned woman walked up the path the voice had came from. “And here I thought you were a moron, Khivar. I’m proven that you are only partially stupid, most of the time.” Her body seemed to almost glow from within with a blue flame, as her black eyes reminded the groups of the obsidian oval eyes of the alien mannequins from the UFO Center.

“Serena!” Liz5’s face lit up at the sight of the woman. The look of affection on her face made Alex look over at his own Serena, and then to Liz4.

“My Goddess.” Serena2 bowed allowing her light blue hair to fall across her face. “The program, or if we must use archaic terms, spell, will end at nightfall.”

Dean, Sam, and Angel cried out in annoyance at the term archaic in relation to spells.

Serena2 pushed her shoulder length hair out of her face as she raised a hairless eyebrow ridge. “I was unaware that the program had brought people from universes that believed that simple manipulation of energy was spells.”

“What are you talking about? Programs and spells?” Alex stepped forward.

“Alex,” Serena smiled softly. “It’s good to see that there are time streams that you are breathing.”

“Yeah, we’ve had that conversation already. You seem to be late to the party, girl.” Serena1 crossed her arms has she walked next to Alex.

“The time stream also seems to enjoy allowing romances between Alexs and Serenas.” Serena2’s voice dropped slightly as sadness tinged the musical tone.

Liz5 walked up to Serena2, pulling the saddened woman into her arms. “At least we know he’s alive in other universes.” Her voice whispered up to Serena2’s bowed head.

“Well, enough on grief.” Serena2 spoke loud to the group through Liz5’s hair. Extracting herself from Liz5’s embrace, Serena2 looked at the group. “The programs intention was to show a Liz going through the change what her life could become.”

“And that none of her relationships are normal.” Khivar added.

“And that her choices in men are very varied, but they all seem to have one thing in common…” Serena2 glared at Khivar.

“And that is?” Oliver demanded.

“They are very protective of their women.” Serena2 sighed in annoyance. “Days like this make me wish I could roll my eyes.”

“It’s not like you can’t eat Dairy.” Khivar snarked back.

“I warned you that the hybrid body had drawbacks. You didn’t want the Zan model, so we made upgrades. It was a flaw, deal.” Serena2’s voice was almost a palatable eye roll.

“See how she treats me!” Khivar growled and pointed at Serena2.

“You called Liz a goddess, why?” Mick seemed confused by that fact.

“She is my Goddess, the Granolith taken form. I am her priestess. My race was created to watch over the Granolith for all time. I am the last of my people, and am to make sure our Star survives. The Granolith is the spiritual form of our Star.” Serena2 started to explain, before Khivar groaned.

“Did you have to ask her that? Do you know how long it takes her to explain that our Star is kept going by the power of the Granolith. Liz is the Granolith. So to Serena’s people, Liz is a goddess.” Khivar glared at Serena2. “That’s all you have to say.”

“That’s the most basic, bare bone version I’ve ever heard! It rapes the history of my people and bastardizes who Liz is.” Serena2’s voice was filled outrage. “They don’t understand what my people are, who exactly Liz is.”

“Serena, he just wanted to know the basic why. A history lesson on your people and the massacres by the Royal line for the powers you possess won’t change your people’s fate since they were bound to one time line. It would only bring unneeded guilt.” Khivar explained in a gentle voice that surprised several of the people around him. It hinted at the person he really was, the person he was hiding behind the façade he presented to all.

Serena2 sighed in annoyance. “I see your point, and for once I’m not speaking about the one on your head.”

Liz5 smiled softly at her husband, as she rubbed circles on Serena2’s back. “Ok, you’ll get him back later for something. He threatened to have Ben and Jerry’s earlier. You can watch him writhe in pain from it later.”

“Oh, the simple joys in the world, it’s all I need.” Serena2 teased back, the sadness not well disgusted, but enough that it showed that she was thankful for the distraction.

“So we wait until nightfall, and then we all end up back home?” Angel butted in.

“That’s exactly right. I’m not sure if any of you will remember this with the exception of the Liz from this universe. I mean if she didn’t remember this, it would have been a wasted exercise.” Serena2 shrugged. “I’ll remember, but I know all the universes. It’s my gift and my curse.”

“What would we have learned from this, if we remember of course?” Josef questioned from behind Liz9.

“You? You learn nothing. This was just to torture you with showing you the whiny vampire you can become.” Serena2’s sarcasm was thick as she pointed to Angel. “Mick, on the other hand, he learns that whining drives you to the point of madness.”

“I’m starting to really understand Khivar’s dislike for you.” Josef sneered.

“You are? I have never been called whiny so many times in my life! And it’s been a long life.” Angel growled.

Liz10 rubbed a hand against his arm, soothing and calming him.

“I, for one, am amused that your Liz is a goddess. Especially since in my world, people thought she was one too.” Alec smirked. “How about you, Dean, Lizzie been mistaken as a goddess in your world?”

“While she calls me a God in bed…Does that make her a Goddess by association?” Dean smirked back, but yelped as Liz6 hit him.

“I’ve said this once, I’ll say it again. I should have gone with the smart brother, the one who can read books without pictures in it.” Liz6 glared.

“Dude, you need to learn when to talk about Liz. Mostly it consists of not when she’s around.” Sam shook his head.

“I’s call mine’s Angel. But no goddesshood yet.” Zan shrugged.

“Ava’s my Goddess.” Kyle rubbed Ava’s slight belly. “I call her Buddha Belly. I figure if I rub her belly I get luck.”

“More like lucky.” Seki snarked.

“Jealous isn’t a good complexion for you, sweetie.” Ava’s voice was heavy on sarcasm, but her smile was just teasing.

“Larek, my good man, what about your Liz?” Khivar smiled.

“The fact that I almost answered that without adding ‘not your good man’ does prove that this universe is causing me irreversible brain damage.” Larek placed a hand to his face.

“Naw, dat’s Emo’s perfume… I’s mean cologne.” Zan laughed off both Maxs’ glares.

“How close is it to nightfall?” Oliver rubbed his temple, “this is getting worse. We’re become either too comfortable with each other, or we are going to drive each other nuts.”

“Not soon enough.” Serena2 rubbed her eyebrow ridge.
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I will never know the sweet love of Milk! ~ Khivar in Through The Looking Glass
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Through The Looking Glass (Multi, UC/CC, Teen) Ch 6~3/4 comp

Post by darkmoon »

Panda ~ I hope you enjoy this! ^.^

B ~ I'm so glad you enjoyed this. I love you!!

SnowyOwl ~ I'm so glad you enjoyed this. I hope you keep enjoying this.

Maiqu ~ Thank you!!!

Behrstars ~ Thank you!!!!

V ~ I hope you enjoy this bb!!

Kara ~ This is showing Liz the chances she could have had. One different step or taking left instead of a right... It changes everything. I'm glad you miss this!!

WomanofMystery ~ I'm glad this makes you laugh, I hope this one does too.

Carrie ~ I hope this lives up to your praise.

Chapter 6

Everyone sat around on the ground and rocks chatting, learning as much as they could about each other. No one noticed the sun set except Serena2, who had climbed to the top of the rock formation that once held the Granolith. As the last of the Sun’s rays died, she lifted her eyes to the sky as a pray escaped her lips.

Liz9 awoke from the dream like a swimmer breaking the surface of the water. She didn’t know if it had been real, but she knew she had to find Josef and Mick.

She scrambled out of bed; to find them still asleep in the cold chambers she loving called ‘Deep Freeze’. Placing a hand on the two units she was able to shake off the strangeness of the dream that had plagued her.

Padding over to the laptop in the living room, she googled Sailor Moon. She breathed a sigh of relief as she read the synopsis. She clicked on a tab labeled Manga, and stopped cold. A shaky hand scrolled down the page as she read the same tale Liz3 had spoken of. She remembered the words the blue girl had said, and sat there until Josef and Mick woke up a few hours later, just staring at the screen.

Liz3 woke up drenched in a cold sweat. It wasn’t her normal dream, the one that haunted her ever since her memories had returned. She thought of the different versions of her, so strange and yet so much like the life she was living.

A hand cupped her breast as she was pulled against Max’s naked chest. She mentally shrugged off the thoughts of the other universes, and was reminded that she was thankful that Luna had decided to keep Michael company for the weekend. A giggle escaped her lips as she remembered the other universe’s Kyle’s easy nature towards his past incarnation.

Seki woke up to the song Womanizer. His hand shot towards the noise to come across a cellphone. He flipped it open and snorted a hello into the offending object.

“Seki, where are you?” Jade’s voice cut through Seki’s sleep haze as he realized he wasn’t in his bed.

Looking around he realized he knew this room. Sitting up, he bounced a little on the cushions of the couch he was sprawled on.

“I fell asleep at Zan and Liz’s again.” Seki shrugged, then realizing a few seconds later that Jade couldn’t see it.

He stopped and thought about the strange dream he had had. “Jade, have you heard of a race that due to their gifts were forced to live in only one dimension?”

“Seki, we both know that legend. They speak of the last of the race, a lonely god. And thanks to the Glafriay so does Earth. Except here, they called him ‘The Doctor’. Come on Seki, you know they based ‘Dr Who’ on the ancient scrolls.” Jade gave a sigh that reminded Seki why he didn’t ask her questions.

“Thanks for the history lesson that I really don’t care about. I’m going back to sleep.” Seki shut the phone on Jade’s goodbye.

As he drifted off to sleep, he thought of the multiple Kyles and Zan/Maxs in his dream.

Michael snored as Liz11 stroked Bob’s fur. She thought of the different lives she could have taken.

Michael twisted in his sleep trying to pull her closer before falling deeper into slumber.

With a slight smile, and placing Bob on Michael’s pillow next to his head, she snuggled close to her husband. With all the choices she had made in different lifetimes and different worlds, she still liked hers the best.

Angel wandered the halls of the Hyperion. He felt like a trapped animal, knowing that he couldn’t leave the walls with the sun out. It had also taunted him in the other world. He drained the mug of the pig’s blood.

Looking at the stained mug, he walked to the kitchen. He knew that if Cordy would see the mug she’d have him strung up by his balls.

A presence tickled his senses, playing across his animal instinct. He could smell the different fragrances of Liz10, so much so he could almost taste her blood on his lips. He looked over toward the door; the shame of his hunger was almost staggering as Liz10 stood looking at him.

“You need to drink more.” Liz10 walked over and started to make another mug of blood while Angel stood and stared.

“Why do you do this?” Angel asked confused.

Liz10 wanted to pretend she didn’t understand, but knew it would only cause the brooding to last even longer. “Because I want you and not them. I don’t care what you say, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”

“Even if they can do the things I can’t?” Angel looked away, as Liz10 pushed the heated mug into his hands.

“What, like dance? Yeah, it would be nice to have a boyfriend that didn’t make me want to videotape and send in the copy to America’s Funniest Home Videos every time he decided to get his groove on. But we all have flaws.”

“Thank you for your constant support.” Angel grumbled as he drank the new mug.

Dean grumbled about vampires with bad hair and Sammy attitudes. Liz6 looked at her semi-boyfriend before rolling her eyes and rolling over.

“So, do you think it was a dream?” Sam whispered across the room from the other twin bed in the room.

“Why do we share a room, again?” Liz6 looked over at Sam, slightly annoyed at his insistence to keep her awake.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Sam grumbled.

“No, it means that it’s the middle of the night, we should be asleep. And we are sharing a room; your brother is really close to snoring.” Liz6 glared, “and if I didn’t want my pillow really bad, I’d smother you with it, and then him.”

“Why would you lose your pillow?” Sam raised an eyebrow, confused.

“After I try to smother your brother, he’ll steal it.” Liz6 growled before turning back towards Dean and ignoring Sam. “And I don’t think it was a dream.”

Khivar snuggled close to Liz5. “That was awesome and weird.”

“I really had hoped that Serena was right about not remembering it.” Liz5 rolled her eyes. “You’ll never let me live down any of those other universes, will you?”

“Would I do that to you?” Khivar asked innocently.

“Does Lactose make you a very cranky hubby?” Liz5 glared.

“Well, I was amused by some of it. Seriously… a cat named Bob?” Khivar kissed Liz5’s shoulder as he snickered.

“Not my cat!” Liz5 pulled the pillow from under Khivar and beat him with it.

“That’s so hot,” Khivar mocked as he snagged pillow back. “And,” he placed the pillow under his head. “I think you are easily annoyed. God, I love you.”

“I love you too.” Liz5 rolled her eyes. “Even if you are a pain in the ass.”

Oliver woke up swearing.

Liz4 fell out of bed in confusion. “What the hell?”

“I had the weirdest dream! We were in Roswell, in the desert…” Oliver stopped as Liz made a sound that vaguely resembled a meep.

“I don’t think that was a dream… I had the same dream.” Liz4 crawled back into bed. “Blue Serena said we might remember it, we might not.”

“Does this mean that Michael and the group are aliens?” Oliver leaned over to help Liz4 in her attempt to crawl back into bed with little to no effort, which as it sounded, wasn’t working.

“Alex and Maria aren’t.” Liz4 added helpfully.

“She’s the one that I’d peg for an alien the most. And everyone knows I’m the Green Arrow…” Oliver glared at Liz4 as she snuggled under the covers for warmth to ward away the chill from the floor.

“Everyone seems to say that about Maria. And like I said in the desert… Serena and Alex already know. I doubt it’s really going to affect the lives of the people in other universes.” Liz4 grumbled from under the covers. “Now that we’ve cleared that up, I still would like to get my four more hours of sleep.”

“Yes, dear.” Oliver glare subsided to amusement when he realized Liz4 wasn’t going to stick her head back out of the covers to see it.

“I heard that.” Liz4’s grumble was stifled by a yawn, as she fell back asleep.

Alec opened his eyes to the slightly faded ugly wallpaper that Liz7 kept swearing to change. The dream hung in his brain, teasing him, as he looked over at her sleeping form.

“I’m not sure if I’m happy it was dream or not.” He murmured as he stood up and stretched. He blamed his shark DNA for the small amount of sleep he needed to be refreshed.

He walked to the bathroom, as he washed his face his reflection stopped him. He looked deep into his eyes, wondering about the older ‘Dean’ character that he secretly hoped Ben would have been like. Dean had been a little chubbier then Alec, but still a handsome devil, which proved it couldn’t have been a projection of him.

He thought of meeting ‘real’ vampires from two different dimensions. A frown played across his lips as he reasoned it was fear of losing Liz to what could be a longer lifespan. He wasn’t sure what kinds of long term effects the DNA cocktail would have on his life. Or maybe it was his knowledge of Liz’s lifetime before him, her being trapped in the pod in almost an unlife.

He mused that the Serena character was too much time with Original Cindy, since she had vaguely reminded him of the blue opera singer from ‘The Fifth Element’. Original Cindy, with addition to her addiction to ‘Xena’, had made a bunch of transgenics watch it for movie night one day.

He could hear a rustle of Liz7 waking from her sleep, and decided that psychoanalyzing his dream wasn’t the most productive thing he could be doing. With a quick grin in the mirror reminding himself that he was the sexiest thing since sex was invented, he walked into the bedroom to give Liz7 a wake up call to end all wake up calls.

Serena climbed down from her perch as the program ended. It was almost sad to watch each person fade into nothingness like ectoplasm being burned off by the UV rays. It was reminiscent of the feeling that she was left with when the realization of her lone status in the universe was first comprehended. And the irony that the deadline was nightfall and not daybreak was not lost on her.

The remaining crew who belonged in this universe slipped gently into a sound slumber. She was thankful for the moment of peace to reflect. Serena leaned down, brushing back Liz’s hair away reminding her of the times she had watched her goddess sleep.

Looking at the rest of the group, some that had brought such joy to Liz’s life and others that had been harbingers of doom. A pin prick of light shot across her glossy black eyes as her mind raced with the multiple timelines that would be created by her words. The weight of the knowledge weighted heavily on her shoulders as she whispered into Liz’s ear.

She stood up, at peace that she had made the right decision. She wished again for tear ducts as she allowed the program to whisk her to her universe… her home.

As the last of Serena departed from that Earth, Liz woke up. Her eyes skimmed the group of people that were asleep, and smiled as Serena’s last words rang in her mind.
Last edited by darkmoon on Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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I will never know the sweet love of Milk! ~ Khivar in Through The Looking Glass