The Produce Aisle (DA XO, UC, Mature) Complete 11/20/08

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The Produce Aisle (DA XO, UC, Mature) Complete 11/20/08

Post by fourrightchords »

The Produce Aisle
Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended. I don’t own Dark Angel either.
Category: Dark Angel XO
Pairings: Alec/Liz, Little bit of M/L, A/R, and L/other
Rating: Mature. Do you like swearing? I know I do.
Summary: After season three. Max leaves in the spaceship, Liz goes to Seattle. After the Berrisford Agenda in DA. Rachel hasn’t died and is still just in a coma.
AN: Idea I had for a while. Not a lot of fluff, I kinda just get straight to the point. So there really won’t be back story to anyone but our main characters. Entirely from Liz’s POV, so you only really get to see what she’s feeling, unless someone else tells her. Tell me if it sucks. Oh, I should probably mention, I'm a newb.

Chapter One

Staring at the produce section has become an odd habit of mine. All the colors and shapes thrown together in a somewhat hap hazardous manner, and sometimes if you’re lucky, you get to see the little sprinklers come on preceded by the thunder noise warding away any shoppers.

I’ve recently turned 22. A 22 year old who, by the world’s standard, has found little success. No college degree, no prospects for marriage, and a handful of friends. Some might find it strange that a girl my age has no desire for any kind of social life, but I’ve always told those who inquire that I’ve had enough drama and excitement for two lifetimes.

At 16 years old, I was shot in my parent’s café. Shot, and then brought back to life by an alien from the ’47 crash. Max Evans, his sister; Isabel, and Michael Guerin; all in my grade, all aliens.

It’s always the small towns, right?

Turns out that Max had had a crush on me since grade school. We quickly fell in love only to break up when the fourth alien, Tess Harding, came to town. The four of them were meant to be together; Max, Tess, Michael, Isabel, respectively. They were royalty on their planet and were expected to return and be the salvation of many.

Max was so stubborn. He wouldn’t accept his destiny with Tess. Even when I walked away from him he pined and pined. My vanity would have me believe he would’ve waited forever. But I wouldn’t let that happen. I got a visit from a future version of Max telling me I had to make him fall out of love with me. Get this; our love causes the end of the world. Fantastic. I tried a lot of things to end it with Max. But it took me pretending to sleep with Kyle to get the point across.

It worked. He and Tess got together. Tess got pregnant and since their baby couldn’t survive in our atmosphere they had to go home.

Here’s the problem. Alex, my best friend, was killed. It was covered up to look like a suicide but I knew he would never. Alex was so full of life. No one would believe me, some tried to stop me, so I had to prove it to everyone. And eventually I did.

Tess killed Alex. Mind warped him into finding their way home. She shot off in the granolith and Max had a new quest to get his son back.

Senior year came. I took Max back, and told him I would help him find his son. At 18 that, plus advanced placement classes, is kind of a heavy load. But it worked. We found a way. It took getting arrested in Utah, the complete destruction of any semblance of a relationship I had with my parents, breaking more laws than I could count but he did it. Max found his way home, or at least that’s what I assume.

The last time I heard from Max he was in L.A. looking for the second shape shifter. He was the only one who knew where the ship could be. I, playing the doting girlfriend, was at home making him a care package. A week later and still no call, I hear from Isabel that he had left in the spaceship. The ‘love of my life’ had left without saying goodbye.

A splash of water wakes me from my reminiscing. Guess I was standing too close to the cabbage. Grabbing a head of romaine, I toss it into a bag and head to the checkout. Twenty minutes later, and I’m home.

My apartment is a small dingy studio in the heart of the city. Which city you ask? Well, I’m three blocks from the Space Needle. Seattle is the antithesis of Roswell; Crowded, cloudy, and wet. Polar opposite from my home of 18 years, but I assure you, necessary in my getting over Max stage.

I toss my bag and keys on the counter and start to pull off my clothes as I walk toward my shower. Hot water is one post-pulse amenity I can’t live without.

After Max left I was heart broken, angry and confused. But I suppose there comes a point in every girls life where she’s got to pick herself up, put down the brownies and ice cream and set fire to everything her ex ever gave her. So after graduation I packed a bag and moved to Seattle. Cut my hair to my chin, changes my wardrobe and went on with my life. I was now a Seattle girl, a bartender at this place that actually used to be a morgue called ‘Veritas’. Bartenders make fairly good pay in tips, especially if you’re a girl. It seems no matter the state of the economy people always have money to drown their sorrows. I moved into the city to get over Max, not to fall in love. But you see the universe and I don’t exactly have a great track record in getting me what I want when I want it.

Alec and I met in, you guessed it, the produce isle. We reached for the same cucumber. He let me have it and told me the act of chivalry deserved a date. I laughed and claimed he had cucumber envy. He smiled, slightly taken aback and assured me he had no reason to be envious of anyone. Thus began our shopping relationship.

I saw Alec only in the market for two months. We’d talk about trivial things, like our jobs and friends. He found interesting ways to ask me out and I would find ways to one up him in turning him down. Then one day I finally saw Alec outside of our safe produce-isle relationship.

Four months earlier

Its cold out tonight, colder than it normally is. No rain falls, although the grey clouds in the sky have threatened rain all day. It’ll be morning soon, but there are still a couple hours of darkness left.

My boss Will hates that I walk home alone. Being a girl of small stature I don’t exactly strike fear in the heart of criminals. But as I assured Will every night, I was more than capable of taking care of myself. It seems as though our favorite alien king left me with a parting gift; powers. Molecular manipulation is the standard of what I can do, but I’ve learned that it applies to all Molecules. That means elements; earth, wind, fire, water. I stay away from mind manipulation because I’m not a two faced blonde hussy. Other than that, anything’s game. So, you can see, I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.

Alec, it seems, isn’t so lucky:

A long night of bartending and I’m walking home at 4 am. I’ve seen my share of debauchery; hookers giving blowjobs, drug deals; big city ‘norm’ I suppose. To blend in one must learn to just look the other way, but for some reason I was pulled into that alley that night and couldn’t turn away. And then I saw him. Bloodied and bruised but still looking as good as ever. Men in suits, about six or seven, with government issued hand guns fighting, or at least holding their own against a weary looking Alec McDowell. The way he was moving had me trapped in such a reverie. I was so entranced by his speed that it didn’t even register to me that his strength was abnormal; superhuman. Captured by his agility and grace I made no movements, not even when one of the agents got a lucky shot off with his semi automatic.

Shaking my head furiously I ran in, hand first, and threw the gun into the wall. I then throw the agents into a corner and surrounded them with fire. They're paralyzed with fear instantly…giving me a minute to grab Alec and get the hell out.

“Liz?” He speaks slow and groggily.

I tell him to hush and grab at his arm. “You’re coming with me, you’re gonna be okay.”

The walk to my place took a much shorter time than I had expected considering I was supporting a full grown man who had just been shot. We stumble through my front door and I lay him on my couch. I know healing him will put me in a mess of trouble but how can I say no? Besides, I’m sure he saw my pyrotechnics earlier so I’ll have to do some explaining anyways.

He seems to read my mind because he tries to sit himself up and a scratchy “How?” forms out of his mouth.

“Shh…I’ll explain after I fix you up. Please understand that you can’t tell anyone, okay Alec? Please…”

He nods his head slowly.

The bullet shot straight through his stomach mostly to the left. No vitals have been hit but he’s losing blood quickly.

“Look at me, Alec” I coax. He peeks his eyes open and match mine.

I place my hand over the wound. He grimaces slightly at the pressure I’m applying. The blood pools around my fingers; its hot and sticky and I feel my heart constrict. Putting my mind back to the task at hand I concentrate and within minutes his previously flawless skin is perfect again.

By that time I had worn myself out, so I stumbled back and made my way groggily to my bed. Without taking off any of my clothes I throw myself onto my bed and shut my eyes.

Moments later I hear the door creak open, and Alec’s tired head pops through.

“Uh…Liz?” He whispers as if not to wake me.

“Mmm?” I don’t open my eyes

“Can—Can I come in?”

I sit up slowly, trying to ignore the throbbing my head is doing. “Yeah…”

He enters slowly and shuts the door behind him. “Are you okay?” He sits slowly on the bed.

I strangle out a laugh. “You were just shot, Alec. Isn’t that my line?”

He smirks “Yeah I guess. But then this amazing girl put her hands on me and its like it never happened…”

I look away for a second. “Look, I know you want to talk about this…and we will. But right now…I’m exhausted. And you lost a lot of blood. We can talk tomorrow. We BOTH have a lot to talk about.” I tell him pointedly. He then realizes that I know I’m not the only one with secrets.

“Yeah, alright. Sleep tight.” He gets up and makes his way toward the door.

“Where are you going?” I ask him seriously.

“I—uh…to sleep?” he looks at me quizzically.

I throw my head into my pillow. “After all that flirting you’re gonna pass up the opportunity to sleep in my bed? Those are far and few between, sir.”

He chuckles and closes the door. Pulling off his shirt and kicking off his shoes he makes his way to my side of the bed.

“Uh-uh…I said sleep, buddy.” He may be hot but I am way too tired to do anything right now.

He looks almost insulted “You know, contrary to popular belief, I’m not a sex-crazed maniac.” He then begins to remove my shoes and tuck me in.



I grab his arm and half pull half throw him on the other side of the bed. He lands with an ‘oompf’. I wriggle out of my jeans and pull him to me so he’s cradling my back side.


“What, change your mind already?”

I giggle and smack his arm.

“I’m glad you’re okay…that I was there when I was” my eyes slowly droop shut and I feel myself fading away.

“I’m glad you were there too.”

Told you...right to the point. Life's short and all that.
Last edited by fourrightchords on Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:57 pm, edited 14 times in total.
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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The Produce Aisle (DA XO, UC, Mature) Ch2- 10/6/08

Post by fourrightchords »

AN: Thanks for all the replies to the first part, it made my day. Here's the next part, and just so ya'll know there's 10 parts total. Lemme know what you think.

Chapter Two


My shower finally runs cold and I hop out and wrap an oversized towel around myself.
Heading into my bedroom I dry myself off and throw on one of Alec’s t-shirts he’d left some nights ago.

The morning after I saved Alec was awkward to say the least. But after we stopped fumbling about each other we finally got to business. I’ve heard of some government cover up before, you know, being slightly apart of one myself, but the things he told me blew me out of the water.

Alec is a genetically enhanced soldier, his DNA mixed with that of certain animals. He was built to be a perfect soldier by a project called Manticore. Intelligence on this part of the government is extremely need-to-know. Sound familiar? He was born there and lived there all his life, and life was never easy. Especially after a unit escaped and they cracked down; drills got tougher, upped the brainwashing, life was most definitely not a picnic. They were constantly trying to track down those that got away, constantly trying to make sure none of the ones they had ever left. One day, one of the escapee’s that was recaptured set everyone free and blew the joint up. And that is how Alec came to be out in the real world. The men that attacked him were from the government, trying to erase all proof that Manticore ever existed.

He told me all this with a weary look on his face; unsure if I would head for the door at any given moment. I smiled and told him to brace himself, the world gets weirder yet.

I tell him my story, leaving little out. I finish and he stares slack jawed at me throwing the occasional “Wait, so you sure you’re not an alien?”

I assure him that the powers are entirely human, and I myself was born in Roswell, New Mexico to two very human parents.

We finish talking and its well into the afternoon. Deciding to get some food, Alec takes me to a pizza parlor down the street from my place. We eat and talk more when suddenly he freezes and looks at me.

“What? Something on my face?” I ask him.

“No…You finally let me take you on a date!” He grins like a kid on Christmas.

“Well…this doesn’t mean I’m putting out.” I tease and he lets out a howl of a laugh.

Despite our more than unnatural pasts, Alec and I have a seemingly natural relationship. We go on dates, we bicker, we have sex (If Alex was alive to ever hear me say that he would cover his ears and scream LA-LA-LA).

Its 8 o’clock and Alec should be by any minute. I’m off tonight so we’ll most likely stay in and watch a movie. I’m in the bedroom pulling on sweatpants when I hear a key in the door.

“Babe?” Alec’s voice filters down the hall way

“Bedroom!” I shout back.

“Hey…how was your day?” He enters my room and I peck him on the lips.

“Just fine. Grocery store gets kinda lonely when you’re not there hitting on me”

“Well I’ll just have to be there next time, huh?” Alec grabs me around the waist and smiles. “Look, I know we’re supposed to hang out…but Max needs my help tonight. Big Government break in job to grab some info for Logan.”

I scrunch my face. “Sounds serious…if you get done early, call me, we can probably still do something”

“Yeah, of course” He looks nervous, more so than a normal job would entail.

“Government facility…you want me to come with?” Molecular manipulation comes in handy with those little door code thingy’s.

“No, you’re not going.” Alec looks fiercely at me hoping to squash the idea out of my head completely.

“Well, that does it. I’m going.”

He looks at me astonished “Didn’t I just say….”

“Yes you did just say. Which means its dangerous, which means you need my help. So I’m going. And I don’t want to hear any bullshit against it. Deal?” I grin at him as I pull some dark clothes out. Alec, realizing that resistance is futile, calls Max to let her know the change in plans.

10 hours later

Being shot never feels good, but you expect that once its already happened, the second time wont feel as bad.

Nope. Still feels like shit.

The mission was going fine, we were on the way out, but unfortunately, some of Logan’s Intel forgot to tell us about the mid-change up security guards. Yeah, that’s right; guards covering the changing-of-shifts for other guards.

We were fighting our way out when as far as I can tell a bullet flies through my shoulder. I fall and hit my head and the world goes back.

When I open my eyes Alec is hovering above me begging me to wake up.

We’re in Logan’s apartment, he and Max standing a few feet away. Max is a female transgenic; the same one that set all of them free. She and Alec were originally meant to be breeding partners, but gladly, she wouldn’t have any of that. Her and Alec have a great frenemy relationship, and at first, she wasn’t too fond of me. She just figured I was another one of Alec’s one nighters. But when she saw that I was sticking around, and I had an IQ higher than my age, she warmed right up and now she’s a close friend of mine. She loves busting Alec’s balls more than I do.

I groan as the light comes into view and Alec’s worried head shoots up. “Baby?” he strangles out.

“So much for movie night, huh?” I croak.

“Can you heal it?” Logan asks worriedly. Max and Logan know about my abilities but none of the specifics.

“I’ve never tried, but it’s worth a shot.” I reach my hand over to my shoulder and concentrate. It takes a little while but soon I feel the wound begin to close up.

Sighs of relief are let out in the room as I pull back my hand. Flawless skin replaces the once bloodied and torn flesh. Alec stands up, runs his hands through his hair and then walks out of the room. Weird reaction, but I’ll ask about it later.

“Did we at least get the stuff you needed Logan?” I ask everyone in the room. I’m less tired than I was when I healed Alec, maybe because it was my body I was healing, or maybe I’m just getting better.

“Yeah we got it. Max, maybe we should go check it out?”

“Yeah sounds good. You all right now, girl?” Max asks me.

“Fine. Better than I expected. I’ll go get Alec and we’ll head out.” Standing up of the couch there’s a small rush to my head but I take a minute to steady myself and then grab my coat and head for the door.

I find Alec on the street smoking a cigarette. He only smokes when he’s stressed about something or upset about something, so I know he was really worried.

“Hey baby…you ready to go?” I smile at him, trying to convince him I’m okay. He barely looks at me before he responds.

‘I think I’m just going to go back to my place tonight.” He stomps his cigarette out and grabs his helmet.

“Alec…what are you doing?” I see right through him better than he knows.

“Nothing. I’m going home. You should too, get some rest. I’ll talk to you when I talk to you” He tries to be nonchalant.

“No…you’re pushing me away cause I got hurt tonight. I’m fine, babe. Look,” I grab his arms and pull him to me. “I’m here. I’m fine. Its okay.”

His expression meets mine and I gasp because I’ve never seen him look that way. Serious, but afraid and angry too.

“Yeah but what about next time?” He searches my eyes begging me to tell him I wont do it again but we both know that as long as we’re together I’ll want to help him.


“I can’t do this anymore. I thought I could but it just isn’t for me. I can’t rely on someone and I can’t have someone relying on me. I’m sorry” His face turns to stone and mine does the opposite, I feel the start of tears forming in my eyes.

“Alec…you don’t mean that. Don’t do this. I’m fine, I’m okay. And I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

“Yeah cause you did such a bang up job back there! What if we hadn’t been with you? Who would’ve carried your ass out?”

“Don’t talk to me like I’m some sort of burden when I just wanted to help. It wasn’t any of our faults, it just happened, like a lot of things do, but I’m okay now.”

“Look, you’re not a burden. I was just…kidding myself when I thought that I could be in a monogamous relationship. I don’t want to be tied down. Its not you, its me.” He says all too quickly and gets on his motorcycle.

“Do not feed me that bull shit, Alec. I deserve better and you know that.”

“I’m sorry Liz. I don’t know what else to say.” He doesn’t look at me. His voice waivers when he says my name but I know he wont change his mind. At least not right now. My eyes water…but there’s no way I’ll let them fall.

“Fuck you.” I spit the words at him. He visibly winces but before he can respond I turn and walk away.

So much for movie night, indeed.
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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The Produce Aisle (DA XO, UC, Mature) Ch3- 10/9/08

Post by fourrightchords »

Chapter Three

The next day

I woke up around 12 not wanting to do anything but lie in bed and wallow, but Max wouldn’t have it. There’s a game tonight and although none of us really care that much for sports everyone’s decided to congregate at the local sports pub at 5, have some beers and watch the game. Its six before I work up the nerve to walk in, knowing Alec will be there. Immediately I run to the bar and order a beer. Maxie catches me as I finish my first round.

“Lizzie-girl! Back from the dead. How ya doin, boo?”

“Just fine, Maxie. Who’s winning?”

“Ehh who cares. We all here for the beer and wings anyways!”

I laugh at her antics. Normally Max is a very serious, bad ass chick. But around her friends she’s fun and outgoing and almost bubbly. She orders another round and then pulls me back towards the table where everyone’s sitting, even Joshua with a motorcycle helmet. I hear a round of ‘hey’s’ and one ‘hey boo’ from O.C. before I meet Alec’s eyes from the next table. We lock eyes and he quickly looks away. I in turn gulp down the rest of my beer.

I remember when Alec and I had our first fight. They’re always pretty loud and passionate, but we make up the same way. The first time we fought I remember knowing then that I was in pretty deep and it was only a month into our dating.

Three months ago

Its two o’clock in the morning, and I’m pissed off. Alec was supposed to come over hours ago but never showed up. I tried his cell once but no answer. I don’t try it again because I don’t want to seem desperate.

I hear a knock on the door. Its Alec. He wobbles a little bit which means I know he’s had tons to drink. It takes a LOT to get a transgenic drunk.

“Hey Baby!”

“What are you doing here, Alec? Its Two am!”

“Just wanted to see you is all…”He pouts like a five year old.

“Well if you wanted to see me you could’ve done so hours ago, like you said you would.”

“Are you mad at me?”

“No...of course not!” I say dramatically. I turn and walk into my apartment and he follows me in.

“Babe, I’m sorry. I was gonna come over but then some of the guys from work wanted to have a beer and I lost track of time. My cell’s out of battery.”

“What, none of the other guys had a cell phone?” I bite out and suddenly retract. Did I just say that? What is wrong with me?

“I said I’m sorry! It wont happen again, baby.”

“Yeah. Whatever.” Now I’m mad for a completely different reason. I’ve never been that girl before, since when have I become that girl?

“What is WRONG with you? Is this like a girl problem?”

“Ugh! Nothing is WRONG with me you ASS I just don’t like waiting around ALL NIGHT and then having to be woken up at TWO AM! AND NO I AM NOT HAVING GIRL PROBLEMS!”

“Look…I don’t have to answer to you all the time, alright? I’M my OWN person, if I WANT to go out with the boys I don’t NEED YOUR PERMISSION.”

“I didn’t SAY that! God!” I turn and walk down the hall to the bedroom. Sitting back on my bed Alec follows me in. We look at each other embarrassed at how mad we’re getting.

“Okay, Liz. Tell me what’s actually wrong.”
I sigh and put my head in my hands. “Ugh…I don’t know…at first I was only annoyed that you didn’t call. And then I couldn’t forget about it and then I got mad because I couldn’t forget about it. And then all of a sudden I’m this girl who is yelling at you for not calling like some crazy obsessive…thing and I swear… I’m not that girl Alec, I’m not” I plead with him to understand.

“I know you’re not.” He smiles at me.

“So then I was just mad that I was acting like that girl and I took it out on you…I’m sorry”

“So…you were mad that you were mad about being mad?” He laughs.

“Yeah. I know its pretty stupid, right?” he only laughs. “Shut up! Its you’re fault, you know! I didn’t ask for this and now I’m some twitter patted little thing and…”

“Twitter patted?!” He looks at me like I’m crazy.

“Don’t make fun!” I can’t help but laugh at myself as well.

He pulls me in his arms. “Well…if it helps I’m pretty twitter patted myself.”

“Are you?”

“Yeah. Look, the reason I didn’t call was because some of the guys were giving me flack about only dating one girl and being whipped and stuff…and it made me realize that they were right. You’re the first person I want to hang out with and see everyday when I wake up and that scared me. They didn’t exactly have dating 101 in Manticore.”

I guess I had never thought of it that way.

“So I went out with the guys to prove that I wasn’t. But really I just missed you the whole time. So if being whipped means getting to be with you then I’ll take it.”

I laugh at his antics. “I don’t want you to be whipped. I want you to have fun with your boys. I just missed you is all.”

“I missed you.” He smiles.

“We’re kind of ridiculous aren’t we?”

“Yeah it is kinda gross.”

“Almost worse than Maxie and Logan!”

He looks at me insulted. “Hold your tongue, woman!”



“Not to sounds completely self-deprecating, and I’ll try to avoid inflating your already enormous ego as best I can, but…why me? Max talked to me about how you were before…” He goes to interrupt me but I stop him, “Not that I care, really, because I don’t. That’s who you were, but it sounds like you could’ve had anyone. Why do you want a relationship now?”

He frowns for a minute before answering. “You know, I’m not sure. I didn’t like, make a decision to look for a girlfriend, and I’ll admit, when I first saw you in the supermarket all I saw was a target…but…I guess I got some new perspective on some things, and then I got to know you, the real you, and it kinda just happened. I kinda just, fell into….”

“Woah there turbo, I don’t know if we’re there YET.” I hold my hands up in defense.

He only laughs. “I know that! But I like that is a possibility. A very real, near future, possibility.”

“Well I suppose I can tell Maxie I’ve officially tamed the beast.” I grin widely.

“Yeah…you do that. While you’re at it, come over here and I’ll give you a beast to tame.”
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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Re: The Produce Aisle (DA XO, UC, Mature) Ch4- 10/14/08

Post by fourrightchords »

thanks for the feedback, guys. Here's the new part. Hope you likey.

Chapter Four


Avoiding each other is easy when there are seven other people at the table, but all those people are evil con artists who have forced us alone at the table by pretending to go get drinks and play pool. There’s only so much you can do to avoid conversation before it gets ridiculous. When Alec started whistling the bonanza theme I knew I had to put a stop to it.

“This is stupid.” I sighed.

“Yeah. I know.” He sighs back. “I didn’t mean it, last night. I was an ass. I’m sorry.”

I nod my head. “We should talk somewhere. I’ve got work tonight, but I don’t start till 12. Come over around 9?”

“Yeah. I’m just scared, you know?”

“Me too, Alec.”

“Okay. So tonight?”

“Yeah. Tonight.” I smile at him and he smiles back.

And like that most of the awkwardness has been lifted.

“So, pool?” He says, beginning to stand.

“Why? You don’t like your money, Mcdowell?”

He smiles his first genuine smile of the night. “Sure I like it. I like yours too, pretty girl.”

We make our way down towards the tables when a news broadcast catches our eyes.

“…And later on tonight, a miracle awakening. Rachel Berrisford wakes up after years in a coma. After surviving an explosion years ago, she woke up yesterday morning with no brain damage. Doctors are calling it close to a miracle. Full story tonight at 11.”

Wide-eyed, Max and I both look to Alec. He’s stopped moving completely, his eyes locked to the screen.

Two months earlier

Its movie night tonight but Alec and I have completely forgotten about the Matrix and lay head to head on the couch, feet dangling in the air.

“Its your turn”

“And how do you expect me to top your question of ‘What would you rather lose, your thumbs or all your toes’”

“Hey…that was a good one. Don’t knock my question.” Alec reaches back and tweaks my nose.

“Alright, alright. Uhm…okay…here goes.” I bite my lip nervously “Have you ever been in love?”

Alec says nothing for a while. He sits up and I do the same. “I was young…still in Manticore.” He begins.

“They sent me on a solo mission. It was a recon mission, with the possibility that I would have to dispose of the target. His name was Robert Berrisford. I went in as his daughter’s piano Teacher.

Her name was Rachel. And she was smart and beautiful. I never met anyone like her before. I didn’t even know what love was then, but I think I loved her.”

“What happened?” I asked, scared of my own question.

“They ordered me to terminate the target. But I couldn’t do it. I planted the bomb, but I was going to tell Rachel before her and her father got in the car. I ran to tell her and she freaked out. She slapped me and ran out to save her father. She got him out, but the bomb went off anyways. Manticore had been keeping closer tabs on me than I imagined, and they set it off when they realized I wouldn’t. They captured me and took me back kicking and screaming. I was put in psy-ops and made to forget everything that had happened. It wasn’t until I made a delivery to the house inadvertently that I started to remember. Rachel’s been in a coma since the accident. They don’t think she’ll ever wake up. Maxie’s the only one that knows”

“Alec, I—“

He silences me before I can say more. “—Its okay”

I stare at my hands and study my nails before I decide to start.

“Max was the first boy I’ve ever loved. He was the one who saved me that day in the Crashdown. But there were always reasons we couldn’t be together. It wasn’t safe or something. But I didn’t care. I loved him so much. Even after Tess.” I’d told Alec this story before, but never with the details of our relationship. “I gave up everything for him and he didn’t care. I lost my best friend and he still went to her. When he left senior year I just didn’t know how to be myself.

I’ve learned how to be me again, slowly. Learned that love doesn’t always mean pain, and there’s a better part of life out there for me. And you’ve been apart of teaching me that. You might blame yourself. You might think all you cause is pain. But that Alec, that guy that did all those things, that’s what you had to do in that situation. One that was out of your control. But when you’re in control, Alec, this is what happens. You’ve made me smile more in these past two months than I did in an entire year back in Roswell.”

Alec looks nervous and embarrassed and awed at the same time. “Aw…well you know. I aim to please I guess.”

His joke marks the end of our serious conversation.


The game comes back on and none of us have been able to say anything. Alec slowly looks at me.

“Go…” I tell him.

“Liz, I…” He looks at me longingly and reaches for my hand.

“Its okay. Just go.” I squeeze tightly. Wondering if this is the last time I’ll be able to do this. “I love you, Alec. But I know you have to go.”

“I—I do to…I mean…you know how I feel. Thank you.” He crushes me to him before walking toward the door. He looks at me one last time before the door way and I offer him a small smile. Then I can’t see him anymore and it feels like there are large hands around my throat.

I feel Maxie next to me and I slide into the nearest chair.

“You alright, girl?”

“I’m always alright.”

“Liar. That was a nice thing you just did.”

“Yeah. That’s me. Nice girl.” I stare blankly into nowhere.

“Alec’ll realize who you are to him soon enough. Lets go, boo. I’m getting you home”

“Yeah. Home’s good.”

Dont shoot.
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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Re: The Produce Aisle (DA XO, UC, Mature) Ch5- 10/20/08

Post by fourrightchords »

Thanks for all the feedback, and dont you worry about Liz. She'll have some fun of her own. Let me know what you think of this next part.

Chapter Five

Two weeks later

I haven’t heard from Alec since that night. No one has. He hasn’t answered any calls. Not that I’ve called him, because lets face it, I’m way too stubborn for that. Maxie’s been trying to reach him and no answer. Hasn’t even shown up to work. But does that bother me?

Yeah, stupid, of course it does. I’m going crazy over here! I called Maria the 3rd day in and all she had to offer was “You do know you’re dating Michael’s twin, right?”

Sure, that helps.

So what does a girl do now, huh? The similarities between this situation and the one I found myself in with Max are so similar it terrifies me. So do I hold on? Or do I skip all that and just bail? Can I go through this again?

As much as I’d like it, my answers are not at the bottom of a shot glass. Oh, but not for my lack of trying. Max and I are at Crash tonight, because its my night off and I need to “Get my ass outta bed and get my groove back”.

I’ve just finished beating some kid’s ass at pool when I hear it.

“Sorry, dude, tried to war—“

“Alec!!!” Sketchy’s voice travels across the bar and several peoples head’s immediately whip to the door.

There he is, looking good as ever. But this time there’s a tall brunette attached to his arm. I sit down at our table and count my winnings trying hard not to stare. But before long we’re all surrounding the table. I do everything possible to not look at him. He doesn’t take his eyes off me.

“Everyone, this is Rachel. Rachel, everyone.” He’s still staring.

A round of Hello’s and Hey’s and Nice to meet you’s echo around the table.

We all sit there and do the normal small talk shit, everyone nervously glancing from me to him, him to me. I feel like a goldfish. Then I realize I don’t actually have to be here to endure this. So I do what I’m good at.

“Alright, sorry guys. I’m bouncin.”

“What?” “No!! why?”

“You know, I promised a friend I’d meet them at my work for drinks, but I’m workin tomorrow, so come down and I’ll make drinks.” I pick up my large purse and sling it over my shoulder. “Have a good night guys, nice to meet you” I point at Rachel.
I’m all the way out the door and down the street before I hear someone behind me.

“Liz! Wait!” Its Alec, of course. I stop and sigh, preparing myself.


“Liz…I wanted to call you. I didn’t want to just show up like this, I know this is shitty and I’m sorry.”

“Alec I really don’t want to hear this.” I run my hands through my hair.

“I owe it to you to be honest. I need you to understand, Liz”

“What’s there to understand, Alec? I get it, you’re with her. Its fine. Whatever”

“No! Not whatever! Liz I care about you. Rachel…she…woke up, and we talked…Liz she still wants to be with me. After everything. Her father hates it. But she wont listen. And without him, I’m the only one she’s got. I—I can’t just leave her. She’s not strong like you, she needs me, baby you gotta understand” He reaches for my hands but I pull them away.

“Don’t…call me that.”

“Liz…please…I don’t want to hurt you”

“Yeah? Look how good you’re doing!” I bite sarcastically.

He doesn’t say anything back, just looks at me with sadness, with pity. And if I’ve learned anything its to never let someone look at me like that again.

“I—I just don’t know what to do Liz. I have no clue. I mean…how do I do this without hurting both of you?”

“Look Alec. You want to be with her? Its fine. Good for you. That’s all I want for you is to be happy. To be honest? I expected it. Saw it coming a mile away so its cool. But look, all that cliché ‘we can still be friends’ shit really isn’t for me, so understand that, alright? I know you’re just beatin’ yourself up with guilt, just stop it. I mean its not like I thought you loved me or anything so…”

“Liz” he looks a little angry “You know how I felt about you.”

“No Alec, I didn’t. You couldn’t even say it to me so don’t pretend like you did. Just stop okay? You’re just making it worse. I can’t do this with you.” Tears start coming out before I can stop them and oh, god, I wish I could stop them. “I cant do this I have to go”

“No wait we can’t leave it like this…I can’t leave it like this.”

“God! Shut up!” I scream. “You want me to make this easy on you? Is that what you want? Well then FUCK YOU. Good FUCKING riddance” I push at his chest and he tenses “GO! I don’t give a fuck. You know what? I never loved you. I lied. It was a big FUCKING lie and I don’t give a SHIT about what you do with your life. So get the fuck outta mine.” My hands hit his chest again but this time he pulls me in tight and stares fiercely into my eyes. I can tell he’s pissed and he’s trying to hold it in. Max intervenes before anything else can happen.

“Alec, what the hell are you doing? Liz, you okay?” She steps between us and I turn my head to wipe my eyes. “I’m fine” I bite out.

“Girl, let me walk you home. Alec get back inside.”

“No. I’m fine. I’ve got plans and shit. Goodnight Max.” And with that I walk the 10 blocks back to my apartment.

My feet ache when I get home. My head aches, my arms ache, my eyes hurt. My heart…yeah that aches too.

I was stupid to think I could trust someone again with my heart after Max. I let him in too early. I let him get to me too early. But that won’t happen again. Maybe…maybe I’m not the girl who gets happily ever after. Maybe that isn’t in the cards for me.

But you know what? I’m not going to let this ruin my life. I’m not going to cry over this anymore. Alec was right about one thing. I’m strong. I’ll make it on my own. And Alec will be with Rachel. Yeah. That sounds great.

Three weeks later

Bartending is hell on a Friday night. People are fresh off of work wanting to drink themselves into oblivion to forget their meaningless jobs. I’ve been running around like a chicken with my head cut off for 6 hours and amazingly, they gave me the early shift tonight. So at 10 I’m off and Maxie is here to pick me up. Original Cindy met someone who knows the guy that runs ‘Fuel’ a night club downtown. We’re making a girls night out of it, which means getting way too dressed up and scantily clad and then avoiding the advances of grabby men all night.

Sounds like fun to me.

We go to her place to get ready like we always do and are out of the door by 11:30. The line to the club is long but luckily Cindy’s contact pulls through and we’re let right in.

Three 6 Mafia is playing loud over the speakers and we opt for getting a drink before hitting the dance floor.

“Gin and Tonic, Whiskey sour and Rum and coke” Max orders our drinks for us. The bartender smiles and winks at us. We make sure to tip big. Little advice if you want your bartender to serve you first and fast? Tip big. He’ll treat you well for the rest of the night.

Sam Sparro’s ‘Black and Gold’ hits over the loud speaker and we make our way to the dance floor. We’re dancing and causing a scene as usual when I see him. Cool, collected, sexy as all get out. He’s leaning against the bar, muscular with dark hair and bright blue eyes. Black pants and a cobalt blue button down, he finishes off his drink and stalks over to me like he’s hunting. Not a word when he reaches me, just steps in and begins to sway to the music. He’s not a great dancer, but he’s keeping up. He smells like that phoenix stuff, which is tacky, but for some reason still gets a rise out of me.

“Kale” he whispers in my ear as the next song comes on.


“Come here often?”

I stifle a laugh “Does that still work on girls?”

“Guess we’ll find out?”

And those are the only words we exchange in the club.

We dance for a good 5 more songs before either of us can take it anymore.

I wave goodbye to Cindy and Max before he takes my hand and starts to pull me out. They both cock an eyebrow in my direction, but smile and wave back.

We don’t kiss until we’re outside of the club, and it’s hot and needy and fierce. He stammers out a ‘your place or mine’. I contemplate for a moment before deciding on his.

Three hours later

I wake up around 4:30 and look over at Kale’s sleeping form. He’s different in his sleep, almost boy-like. He has dimples when he smiles and I think another time and place I would have liked to stick around. But I’m in no mind set for sticking so I pry myself off him and get dressed. Grabbing my clutch off the coffee table I take a look around before leaving. Might as well know something about the guy I just had sex with.

Maria always says you find the most about people in their wastebaskets but I am not fishing around in his trash lookin like I do now, so I settle for his desk. His name is Kale Clark and he’s a reporter.

This makes me laugh a little bit, because if he only knew... ‘Today’s top story, I slept with an alien girl.’

He’s got a picture of his mother and father on his desk, and it looks like they’re on a farm. Another picture that shows him when he was younger, high school it looks like, with a pretty brown-haired girl. He’s looking at her like…no, I wont think about him now. I hear shuffling from the bedroom, so I take that as my cue to quietly exit and avoid confrontation.

Walking back to my apartment I expect to feel free, maybe a bit remorseful. But I don’t. In fact, I don’t feel anything. And it’s the best damn feeling I’ve had in a while.

So, ten points if you get the inspiration for Liz's hook up buddy. I like to think i made it pretty obvious. Come on, the poor girl deserves some fun.
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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The Produce Aisle (DA XO, UC, Mature) Ch6- 10/24/08

Post by fourrightchords »

Glad you all enjoyed that last little part. Thanks for all the feedback! Here's the new part!

Chapter Six

Five days later

“There she go shaking that ass on the floor, bumpin and grindin that pole the way she grindin that pole I think I’m losing control!”

“Sketchy, shut yo white boy ass up” Cindy places a pitcher of beer in front of the table.

I giggle and finish the song “Get buzzed get drunk, get crunk, get fuuuccckked uppp!”

Everyone stares like I’ve grown a second head.

“What?” I quip. “I’ve heard rap. Even if it is a little dated, sketch.”

“Just because you tan does not mean you exempt from the rules, miss Lizzie.” I answer by sticking my tongue out at Cindy. “Seriously boo. I should be insulted but since you a white boy singing another white boy’s music I’ll have to let it go. You start telling me bout Pac’s life and we’ll have to step outside.”

“Alright, O.G. Cindy, I’ll remember that next time.” Sketchy grins.

Another night at Crash, another night of drinking. When you’re younger you think at 21 your world opens to a whole other world of possibilities and more things to do…nope. Just drinkin’.

Which, considering my company, is fine by me!

Yeah. He’s here. And since he’s here? She is too.

Wanna know the worst part? The girl is a doll. She’s nice to everyone. A little naive, not too witty, but book smart, and the sweetest thing. I want to hate her. I wish she would just give me one reason to hate her guts. She gives me NOTHING. Bitch.

Alec and Rachel disappear down the stairs to go play some pool.

“Aight girl…ex-boy is gone…tell us about last night!” Max prods as three sets of eyes train on me.

“Woah…take it easy, kids! This girl does not kiss and tell.” I cross my arms in front of my chest. They give me the look, you know the one that says ‘Who you trying to kid?’ and I sigh. “What’s to tell? His name was Sam. He graduated from Stanford and he’s going to be a lawyer. Tall, dark and handsome. Lean, brown hair brown eyes, and he’s only in town for the weekend.”

“Yeah yeah…how was the Sex?” Cindy may bat for the other team but she still loves to hear about hookups of any kind.

“It was good. Nothing spectacular. I didn’t ‘see God’ or anything, but you know….can we not talk about this? It’s a little weird.” I feel my face getting hotter by the minute.

“Now you’re embarrassed? It’s the third boy this week, girl! I think you even put old Alec to shame” Max signals for Logan, who’s just walked through the door, to grab a pitcher on the way up.

“Oh ho…woah there… it is NOT the third boy! …its only the second.” I whisper quietly.

“You mean you and Matt Damon’s twin didn’t get it on?” Cindy raises an eyebrow.

“No! I don’t sleep with everything that moves. I have rules and standards, you know.”

“Yeah? Like what? Is there like an exam or something?” Sketchy quips.

“No” I scoff. “But things like…Never at my house, never when I’m too drunk, never EVER with anyone who has a girlfriend. And I never spend the night.”

“You shoulda seen the boy girlie left with last Friday, sketch. He made me consider switch hittin’ for sure!”

“Wow that means something Parker.” Sketchy raises his glass to me and I blush

“Gotta give this girl props, she knows how to pick him. It was like boy jumped outta GQ and right into your bedroom, girl.”

“Oh, stop…” I blush, Then I notice a slightly red transgenic male named Alec and a clueless brunette girl standing next to the table. No really, stop.

“Did you get a boyfriend, Liz?” Rachel asks sweetly. I swallow my puke and answer.

“Uh, no. Jesus no. Definitely not.”

“Why not?” She frowns “I don’t get it. You’re so funny and pretty…someone will come around soon, I’m sure”

“Yeah…thanks, Rachel, but don’t bet on it.” My beer is the most interesting thing in the world.

Suddenly Max feels like this is a good time to voice her opinion. “You know, if you were gonna pick one, GQ boy was most definitely the way to go. His pad was rockin, he had a good job, and you two looked great on the dance floor. Couldn’t fit a piece of paper between you.” She’s staring at Alec as she says this…enjoying the fact that his face is getting redder and redder by the minute.

“He was pretty hott.” What? I cant get my own little jab in? “But no… boyfriend—me? Not gonna happen.” I say hoping to end the conversation.

“I was just sayin…”

This night is like a 12 year old boy in puberty. Sweaty and awkward.

My phone starts ringing in my bag. I fish it out and double take when I see the name.


What the hell? I click the answer button. “Is someone dead?”


“You called me, friend. Trying to figure out why but…”

“Parker no time for small talk. Where are you?” Short and sweet. Same old Michael.

“In Seattle, you know that, why—?”

“No, where in Seattle?” He seems frustrated.

“Uh, a bar called the crash. Why?”



I’m still staring at my phone in wonder, everyone else starring quizzically at me when I feel my body weight being hoisted out my chair.


“Maria, oh my god! What are you doing in Seattle?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t call, it all happened so fast and before I knew it we were on the road, and none of us had service and then my battery died, and this lug forgot my charger so there was no way to charge it. And for some reason Michael still has your old high school number in his cell, so when we finally got here I could barely call my mom to call your parents to get your cell and they told us you come here a lot, so we barely had enough time to call you. And boy should I have called, I gotta tell you something…don’t freak out okay?”

“Maria, why would I—.” And then I see him. The Boy who had most of my firsts, standing in front of me, starring so hard if he was superman he might have burned a hole in me by now.

He’s hot. I wish he wasn’t but he is. Shaggy brown hair down to his ears that curls slightly at the nape of his neck. Same serious amber eyes that make my stomach flip and twirl. Maxwell Evans.

“Oh my damn….” I whisper and before I know it everything fades to black.

I open my eyes to about 12 pairs of eyes starring at me worriedly.

“I gotta stop doing that.” I murmur.

“Hey...there you are…we were worried.” Logan hands me a cold glass of water.

“You know me, always for the dramatics.” I smile slightly. “I guess I should introduce everyone? Unless I missed that part.”

“Nah you were only out for a second.” Michael offers.

“Alright well, guys, this is my best friend Maria, her boyfriend Michael, Isabel, Kyle and Max.” They wave respectively. “On the Seattle end, Maxie, Logan, Original Cindy, Sketchy, Alec and Rachel.”

“Nice to meet you’s” and “Hey what’s up’s” chorus across the room.

“Look, we should probably get outta here. You’re Scarlett O’hara act kinda drew an audience” Oh, Michael, always the paranoid one.

“Yeah, we can go to my place. I’ll catch up with you guys later?” I ask my Seattle friends.

“Yeah. Girl, if you need anything…anything…call?” Maxie says concerned.

“Course. You’re all coming out tomorrow, right?” I kiss Maxie on the cheek. Alec’s heated gaze I’m sure is burning a hole in Max’s head.

“Definitely” O.C. grabs my other one.

“Alright.” I turn to my Roswell crew not looking forward to the conversation ahead. “Lets go, my place isn’t too far”

The song was Shake that by Eminem. Did anyone else catch Ackles lip-synching Eye of the tiger on Supernatural tonight?
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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The Produce Aisle (DA XO, UC, Mature) Ch7- 10/27/08

Post by fourrightchords »

AN: Glad you guys liked that last bit. To answer some questions: Sadly, Sam is the last boy I'm bringin in, as much as I'd like to incorporate some more C-Dub hotties, (such as Chuck Bass because Ed Westwick rocks my world.) we've only got 3 more parts after this one. Thanks so much for the feedback I loved reading it, Oh and PeytonLeigh, No, Max and Liz aren't married, he left when they were still seniors, and Liz did have fun with Sam, because lets face it...he's too hot to not enjoy yourself, but lets just say it wasn't the same as being with someone you really love. Enjoy this next little bit!

Chapter Seven

Maria immediately grabs my arm and pulls me to the front of the group.

“Girl, I know you’re probably so angry at me right now, but seriously I had no time! It was like, oh Max, you’re back? Oh you’re leaving to find Liz right now? Oh, you’ve already figured out her location? Super. I’m sorry to spring this on you”

“Ria, I know you didn’t mean to I’m just shell shocked. Its okay. I’ve missed you how have you been?”

“Oh you know, saving the world one pimply faced hormone ball at a time.” Maria teaches high school choir, which gives her summers to work on her own music.

My apartment really is only blocks away, so we make it in about 7 minutes.

We shut the door to my pad and everyone kind of looks at each other nervously.

“Well. You know what I’ve always wanted to see? That fish market thingy. Isabel? Would you like to see the fish market thingy?” Kyle says enthusiastically.

“Oh. Yes. That sounds great. Michael and Maria, would you also like to see the fish market thingy?”

Michael bites out a “No” before Maria elbows him and answers “We’d love to! Kay, bye!”

They run out the door leaving Max and I staring at each other.

“Uh…” Max scratches nervously behind his ear.

“So…Hi.” I offer a smile.

“Hey…you look great.”

“You too. Uhm…I’m sorry I’m really bad at this. What are you doing here Max?”

“Would you believe I was in the area?”

“I’m serious Max.” I frown and cross my arms.

“Well…I suppose I’ll start where I left. The ship barely made it out there, in fact not even to Antar. It dropped us off on the planet next to it, Larek’s home. Thank god, because had Khivar known I was there there’s no telling what would have happened. Right now there’s a cease fire between planets. They’re negotiating every day for peace, Khivar’s tired of it too, I can tell. Anyways, Larek contacted someone who knew where Tess and my son were. We broke in to get them out. Tess’ plan failed.”

“Pity” I scoff.

“My son, he’s completely human. I’m not sure how..”

“You’re both half human there was a 1/4th chance that your son would be completely human.”

“Yeah…that makes sense.” He smiles at me “Anyways. Breaking out was far more difficult than getting back in. We weren’t going to make it. Tess ran and sacrificed herself so that we could escape and we did, Zan and I got out. Tess is dead”

“She named him Zan?” I laughed.

“We got back a week ago. My son, I gave him up. He’s never going to have a normal life with me…my dad knows some people so we made sure that he was with a really good family.

I was only there five days, Liz.” He looks at me with wide eyes. “It took two years both ways to travel, but I had to get back here to you, no matter what.” He slowly reaches for my arm.

I pull away. “Why didn’t you say goodbye?” my voice is shaky and I have tears in my eyes.

He slumps over with guilt “I couldn’t.”


“I couldn’t say goodbye. You called me right before I was getting on and I just couldn’t pick up the phone because I knew once I heard your voice I wouldn’t be able to go. It wasn’t cause I didn’t love you Liz, I love you more than anything in this world and I always will.”

“You always say that Max, but I’m always your second choice.”


“Yes I am. Something always takes precedence over me. Always. Max…we just…we hurt each other too much and I think we were kidding ourselves when we thought we could get past it. I can’t do it again Max.”

“Don’t say that Liz! Don’t you get it? You’re it for me! You’re the one I want forever with. I’ll do whatever it takes to prove it to you and make you see. I can make this right…I swear I’ll make it right.”

“I—I don’t know.”

“Do you still love me, Liz?”

“No…Yes…I don’t know. I don’t know that I’m capable of having those feelings anymore. I’m so confused.” I cry openly now and he takes me in his arms.

“If you let me, Liz, if you let me I will spend the rest of my life putting you first. I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure you’re the happiest woman on the planet. I still believe you are my destiny, Liz Parker. And I’ll spend every waking moment making sure you never regret loving me again.”


“Look, what if we don’t jump into anything. Let’s take a week. I’ll stay for a week and then if you don’t love me then I’ll leave and never bother you again. But Liz, we owe it to each other to do this.”

My head yells at me to stop this, to force him out of my apartment and never speak to him again. My heart…my heart wants so badly to be healed. My heart wants me to let him heal me, to trust him again. ‘This is your last chance’ Its telling me.

“O-Okay. One week.”

He looks shocked. “Really?!”

“But slow, okay?”

“Okay okay…anything you want Liz.” He reaches up and crushes my face to his.

We break away from the kiss and he rests his forehead to mine.

“I’ve waited for four years to do that; built up insane and unreal fantasies about it and none of them compared. I love you.” He whispered.

I just smile in response.
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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Re: The Produce Aisle (DA XO, UC, Mature) Ch8- 10/30/08

Post by fourrightchords »

Loved all the feedback. This ones a doozy.

Chapter Eight

6 days later

I’m working my shift at Veritas and all my Roswell friends are here. We all met up at Pike place after Max’s and my talk and I showed them around the city.

I’ve been able to get out of most of my shifts but this is the one I couldn’t miss. This week has been good. Max and I have been just like old times, although, we haven’t slept together, not since senior year anyway. Sure, he stays in my bed with me, but nothing past kissing. I told him slow and I meant it. Its been nice having him here though.

Today is the first awkward day since they first got here because tomorrow they’re leaving. Tomorrow I have to make my decision to stay with Max or not.

I’m off in 15 and the Seattle crew has joined us for the evening. Maria is being not so cordial to Alec or Rachel and Alec and Maxie look ready to bite Max’s head off at any given moment.

No, no tension at all. Lucky for us Sketchy and Kyle fill all awkward silences with dead baby jokes. Fantastic.

Checking the clock, I do a little happy dance when I realize I’m done for the night. After telling my boss I’m off I join my group at their large tables they’ve pushed together.

“I’m free, finally. Thank Jesus.” Max kisses me on the cheek.

“So tomorrow’s the last day, huh? What did you guys think of Seattle” Logan inquired.

“Cold. Isn’t it supposed to be summer?” Michael says.

“What he means is he had a wonderful time but is looking forward to getting back to the desert where he belongs. All this moisture is not good for his hair.” Maria translates.

“Hey! There isn’t anything wrong with my hair!”

“Of course not, baby.” Maria soothes.

“Max, I hear you just moved back to the area. You getting a place there or up here?”

I look over at him not having thought of it myself I’m curious of his answer.

“Probably something down there. Something close to Liz’s parents place maybe?”

“So he’s deciding where she’s living now?” I hear Alec murmur under his breath. I glare pointedly at him hoping no one else heard.

“Oh, so Liz is going down with you guys?” Logan says honestly interested.

“Uhh….” Max stammers.

“We haven’t decided yet.” I finish. “How’s your Martini, Ria?”

“Just dictate her life, of course she’s gotta follow you down there.” Alec mumbles again.

“I’m sorry, what?” Max says. Yeah. Everyone heard that last one.

“Uh-oh.” Maxie warns.

“Do you have a problem, man?” Max says, his ears turning red.

“No, no problem at all, BRO.” Alec retorts.

“What is--.”

“WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 100 DEAD BABIES AND A MERCEDES BENZ!?” I shout loudly, just hoping to take the attention away from the boys.

Everyone gasps and looks at me strangely.

“You don’t have a Mercedes Benz in your garage…Lizzie! I’m so proud I could cry!” Kyle exclaims.

“Maxwell, lets go get some more drinks for everyone, man.” Michael pulls Max out of his seat.

“Kyle, Logan, Alec, pool?” Sketchy offers.

“I have to go to the bathroom. Lizzie? Coming?”

“Yeah Maria, lets go.”

I stand up as Alec walks past me.

“He’s not good for you” He whispers in my ear. I stand there slack jawed. Did he really just say that?

Shock soon turns to anger, I tell Maria I’ll be right there and then stalk toward the pool tables.

“Outside. Now.” I say to him firm and controlled.

He follows me begrudgingly outside and as soon as we exit the door I turn and face him.

“What the HELL is you’re problem?” I scream

“My problem? I—.”

“He’s not GOOD FOR YOU? What the FUCK is wrong with you Alec?”

“You’re making a MISTAKE Liz…HOW CAN YOU TAKE HIM BACK? After EVERYTHING he’s done to you, you just bend over and take it?”

“Oh, YOU are one to talk, Alec. Yeah cause, you were just a fucking SAINT!”

“I never SAID that!”

“No Alec. YOU left ME. You DON’T get a say in who I date EVER AGAIN! I didn’t even say I was going back to him!”

“Yeah but it’s this or that right? You either let him fuck you over or you just fuck anything that moves, right?”

I deck him. Right hook against that pretty little cheek and my hand hurts like a bitch after. I know I didn’t hurt him, but I did make him stumble a little bit and for that I feel good..

“Guys, can you not do this out here? You’re frightening my customers. Jesus, Liz. Use the Outside entrance to my office in the alley way.” My boss says from the doorway.

“Will I’m so sorry, yeah we’ll be in there, thank you.” I say blushing furiously.

I lead him into the office and sit on the desk. He sits on the couch and puts his head in his hands.

“I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry.” He apologizes.

“Alec, you chose Rachel. You’re with Rachel. What did you want me to do, huh? Never date again? Never be happy?”

“Of course not. I don’t know what I wanted. I know I hurt you and I’m sorry for it everyday. It made me sad to see you with those guys because I knew none of them cared for you like I did. And then when Evans came and he…he hurt you so bad, Lizzie…after what he did to you I couldn’t stand by and watch him do it again.”

“Well Alec that’s my decision to make. Not yours. This is my life and I’ll be with who I want. You’re the one who wanted things this way.”

“Don’t act like this is all on me, you were just as responsible!”

“What?! How was I responsible? By telling you I loved you? By doing the right thing and telling you to go see her?”

He has nothing to say to that. His head is down but when he raises it and looks me in the eyes, then I can tell he’s been crying.

“Why didn’t you fight, Liz?”


“You said you loved me…but you practically shoved me out the door to her. Why didn’t you fight to keep me? I obviously didn’t mean that much to you, huh?”

“Alec…how can you even ask me that?” I stared shocked at him.

“It’s a perfectly legitimate question, if you love someone you should fight for them.”

“You knew how…God!” I’m openly crying now. “You think I don’t realize the incredible irony of this situation? I’ve been in love twice. And both times an ex from the past comes back and claims to be their one true love! When do I get that, Alec? Who is that person for me? No…I played the naïve girlfriend once, I trusted and I believed him when he said she didn’t matter and he wanted to be with me, but what happened, Alec? I constantly was proven wrong every step of the way. I promised myself it wouldn’t happen again, and look what happens. I’m in the same damn situation. You think you know about how Max hurt me? Then why would you ask me to repeat the whole stupid thing again?”

“I—I didn’t...”

“If I’ve learned anything from love is that if you love someone let them go. And in my case the sooner the better.”

“Liz…that’s bullshit.”


“Look I may have only been in the real world for a few years now, and I get that you were scared”

“Scared?” I say incredulously

“Scared. You say you loved me but you never let me get close enough. You just wanted to keep us in that Produce aisle relationship forever so you wouldn’t have to get hurt again.”

“Maybe that’s true Alec. Maybe you’re right, but look at where we are. I’m here. I’m hurting. And as much as I tried to fight it I still love you. I thought I was doing what was best for everyone letting you go. I’m sorry. I didn’t think you wanted me to fight.”

“I didn’t think I did either. I wanted it to be painless but I guess I did a crack job at that, huh? I don’t know what the future brings. I don’t know if Rachel and I will be together or you and I will be together. But I know one thing. Don’t you settle for anything but the best Liz, because you deserve that. Because….Liz…I—I love you. I think I’ve loved you from the first time I saw you looking for un-bruised apples. And you deserve the best.”

Tears running down my face I let out a strangled laugh.

“What?” Alec says.

“You wait till my alien ex boyfriend comes back to tell me you love me?”

He smiles. “I’ve got excellent timing.”

“So where do we go from here?”

“You decide if you’re going to be with Max or not. Just don’t…don’t make your decision based off me, okay? I want you to make this decision based on what’s best for you.”
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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Re: The Produce Aisle (DA XO, UC, Mature) Ch9- 11/4/08

Post by fourrightchords »

I'm glad everyone had such a strong reaction to the last chapter. I know I'm making Alec a prick, but that was kinda the point. The way I always saw Alec was a guy who looked out for number one. I honestly don't think he knows how to care for anyone but himself. A product of nuture vs nature. He's got a lot of growing to do,as does Liz. We'll see if I can bring him back into your good graces.

I thoroughly enjoyed the feedback. Especially the use of the word Phallic. Awesome.

Chapter Nine

Alec and I have finished talking and I’ve spent almost an hour in the bathroom. Trying to stop crying. Trying to will away my red rimmed eyes and runny nose.

“Hey hon, how you doing?” I look up into the mirror and see Maria standing behind me.

“Oh you know. Peachy.” I always keep a small make up bag with essentials in my purse in case of emergencies. Now being the opportune moment to use it seeing as I’ve cried off all my makeup.

“Yeah, I can tell. You rip Alec a new one?”

“Something like that. I thought giving him up was the right thing to do. He wants me to fight for him. He thinks that because I didn’t I don’t really care about him, that I wanted to keep our relationship as unattached as possible.”

“Well do you?”

“I—At first, yeah.. But things just…fell together so perfectly one day I looked up and here I was in this relationship. And then…just as quickly as it started Rachel shows up. I…I knew it was just going to fall apart again. God, am I entirely fucked up? Am I always going to be like this?

“You don’t have to be. You could be with Alec or Max. And you could trust either one with your heart. And either one could very well break it. Or they could treat you right and you could live happily ever after. Babe, you just gotta make that choice. And not just between guys. Because I know you, you never half ass anything, so no matter which guy you choose you’ve got to decide if you can open yourself up to them.”

“When the hell did you get so deep?”

“Oh babe, don’t delude yourself. We all know I’m the more in depth of the two of us.

I laugh at that. “Yeah, yeah.” I pause for a moment before opening my mouth again. “Maria…why can’t I just be me?”

“What do you mean girl?”

“Why does it have to be Alec or Max? Why cant I just choose neither? When did I become a girl who needed a boy?”

“Where’s this coming from?” Maria stares at me quizzically.

“I don’t think I can give someone all of me yet…because I’m not really sure I know what all of me is. I think that…I don’t know. Maybe I need to figure that out first?”

Maria’s smile widens. “THAT’S my best friend. I knew all those feminist, Teflon babe, talks weren’t for nothing.”

Grabbing her hand we make our way out of the bathroom. Alec’s back 15 feet down the hall is the first thing I see, in front of him a mop of brown hair. I throw Maria against the wall and motion for her to be quiet.

“…don’t even think about her. She’s got a life here and you show up and just tear it apart because you want her back? Because now you’re ready for her?” Alec’s voice drips with contained anger.

“You don’t know anything about Liz and I. We love each other. We are meant to be together and we’ve gone through hell to get here and I’m not going to let some punk who’s known her for what? A couple of months? You think you can compete with what we have? Besides don’t you HAVE a girlfriend already?”

“That’s none of your business. Look, I fucked things up with Liz. I know that. She could choose to never speak to me again and it would probably be better than I deserve. But you…you fucked her over so many times and come marching back into her life like she OWES you something? No, man. Not gonna happen. I would consider myself a lucky sonofabitch if she still wanted to be with me but even if she doesn’t…I love that girl I’m not going to let you fuck her life up anymore. If she chooses you? I swear to God, man. Make her happy or I will find your ass and you will BEG for death.

And then silence. Maria and I look at each other with wide eyes and all I can think is how fucked I am.

Later that night

When Maria and I rejoined the group there was an awkward silence that everyone realized wasn’t going away soon. So I decided to call it a night. That and Rachel was staring at me like she wished my head would implode. We get back to my place and all silently get ready for bed. I change quickly and crawl in, burying myself in covers. Max comes in shortly after I do.

“Goodnight, Liz.” He whispers as he crawls into bed.

I sit up and turn the light on.

“Max…I cant do it.”

“What? Sleep?” He rolls over and looks at me.

“No…this. Us. I can’t do it.”

“Wha….Liz…is this because I said that thing about Roswell? We can live up here, I just thought you’d want to be near your parents that’s all.”

“No its not that.”

“Is this about Him?”


“Flashes work both ways, Liz. I know about him” Alec.

“No. its not about him either.”

“Then what? We can fix anything else.”

“No we can’t, Max, we can’t! Do you know every time you leave I wonder if you’ll come back? Every time some other girl walks by I wonder if she’s the next Tess. Any time you would mention your son it was another reminder of how I’d lost. And she had won. I can’t make myself not think or see those things Max. We don’t trust each other anymore. I’m always going to love you but I can’t be in love with you. I deserve better.” I say firmly.

“And what the hell am I supposed to do? Liz I told you, you’re it for me! There’s no one else.”

“You don’t know that Max. In fact, I am more sure than ever that we’re not it for each other. There’s someone else out there for you Max and I hope you find her.”

“Is there already someone for you?” He asks timidly.

“Maybe. I’m not sure yet. But I owe it to myself to find out.”

“I just wanted to be the boy you fell in love with.” He sighs and lies back on the pillow.

I do the same “I wanted to be that girl too.”

“I’m sorry for everything.”

“I know you are. I am too”.

The next morning

We woke up late this morning, my eyes still puffy from crying the night before. I helped them put their stuff in the van they had rented and hugged everyone good bye promising to visit more often. Max and I said goodbye the night before, so with a hug and kiss it was all over. Our close to 8 year fiasco was done.

Isabel knocks on my bedroom door and pokes her head in. “Can I come in?”

“Yeah, Iz come on in.”

“Liz, I know you probably think I’m mad at you for breaking up with my brother. But…this sounds awful. I’m glad you finally did it.”

“Huh?” I stare confused.

“I’ve just always thought you were this incredibly strong person. You never took my shit. You stood strong when others would have crumbled and I’ve always admired that about you. But ever since my brother that’s faded away a little bit. I’d hoped moving would bring that back for you, but when I thought you were taking Max back it made me a little sad because I liked that person.

You proved me wrong. I’m glad you’re up here Liz. I would have loved to have you as a sister in law, but up here you’re more free and…more like the Liz I first met. Whatever you’ve got up here is doing you good.”

“Thank you.” I pull her into a hug.

“But you still have to visit Roswell. Let’s face it. Maria and I will kill each other if left to our own devices.”

We share a laugh and she leaves to finish packing.

As they drove away I let out a big breath of air I didn’t know I had. The next breath in I took shocked my lungs. It felt like breathing for the first time.

PS. If you're a US citizen, please go vote.
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen
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Re: The Produce Aisle (DA XO, UC, Mature) Ch10- 11/6/08

Post by fourrightchords »

Thanks so much for the feedback! Oh, and Maiqu, happy birthday. Next election is Alllll you.

Let me know what you think of this one.

Chapter 10

The Roswell group left hours ago and all I’ve done since they’ve gone is wear a hole in my carpet. I knew what I had to do. Now all I had to do was find the strength to do it. Grabbing my cell I dialed a number I knew would change my life.

The ride to Alec’s is short. Probably because my head is full of so many things that I barely notice as the cab stops in front of his building. I slowly make the journey up the stairs to his door, and it takes me a good five minutes before I get the courage to knock.

I’m met with an upset looking Rachel Berrisford.

“I suppose you’re here to see Alec?” She snipes.

“Rachel…Hi! Uh…I..” Coherent thought seems to fail me. I’m saved from speaking by Alec’s form stepping around the corner.

“Liz! Hey…” he looks exhausted.

“Hey Alec. I came by to uh…talk but you know I’ll come back later, okay?”

He looks to Rachel and she shrugs her shoulders and walks away from the door. “No, no. I can talk now. We can talk on the roof.”

Its been cloudy all day but now the clouds have started move east, revealing a red-orange sunset.

“I broke up with Rachel.” Alec blurts out suddenly.


“We broke up. You were right. It wasn’t okay for me to be mad about you seeing other people when I was with her.”

“Alec…I hope you didn’t break up with her for me—“

“Its not just that. I’ve known I wasn’t going to stay with her…I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Then…lets just say Maxie and I had a talk. And after I convinced her not to remove my testicles, she made me see some things. Rachel’s a great girl, but there was a reason I never fell in love on missions: because for every single one I had to be an entirely different person. Simon the piano teacher loved Rachel. That’s not fair to any of us to pretend that I’m still him. Look…I mean, you’re the only person that…just, anyone that knows me, the real me… knows that Alec loves Liz. It was easy to be all those aliases. They told me who I was, what I thought, what my vices and likes and talents were. They made me to be this perfect being. Now…its up to me and…what if I can’t do it?”

I go to interrupt but he stops me before I can start.

“That’s…that’s not an excuse. I know. I was asking you to do things that I wasn’t ready for myself and that wasn’t okay. I don’t deserve you. You have every right to walk away now and never look back and you might be right in doing so. I just…love you. All of you, and I don’t know…I think if we tried we could make each other really happy…I, god. I feel like such a pussy right now. Say something?”

“I have no idea what to say. Except you just made this ten times harder than I thought it would be…Alec, I’m leaving Seattle.”

His face falls and he nods his head. “Okay. I just want you happy and if Max…make sure he makes you happy, alright?”

“What? No, Alec, I broke up with Max. Its over between us for good this time. You were right about that at least.”

Relief is soon replaced by confusion “Wait…where are you going then?”

“My grandma used to work with this guy in green peace, Dr. Richard Flemming. He does things like purifies water and gives immunization shots in rural villages, and he needs volunteers. I’m heading to Roswell tomorrow to drop my things off and then leaving for the training in Peru. We’ll be in Haiti in less than a week where most of the work will be done.”

“Haiti? Is that even safe?”

“Yeah…I mean nothings guaranteed in life anyways, but for the most part we should be fine. I’m not leaving to get away from you…its not because I don’t love you. Because I think we both know that I do. But I’m not…I don’t think either of us are ready for this right now. I think we both have things we need to figure out. I need to figure my stuff out alone.”

“This is important to you, isn’t it? I mean…I can’t convince you to…Just...will you come back to me?” He looks like a lost little boy and I want nothing more than to soothe his fears but I know that I can’t.

“I don’t know, Alec. I don’t know what the future holds. Live your life, Alec. Figure out who you are and how you fit in this world. We’ll deal with the rest as it comes.”

He simply nods his head.

“I should get going, I’m no where near packed.”

“I’ll walk you down.”

He grabs my hand and we remain silent the entire trip. Its not until we get to the street and he hails me a cab that any more words are exchanged.

“I I’m sorry that…I wish I could have been better,..”

“Stop that Alec. It just…wasn’t the right time for us.”

“I don’t regret it though. I mean, if I could go back…I wouldn’t trade it.”

I smile sadly. “Me either.”

We stand together hands intertwined, both avoiding an inevitable good-bye. He pulls my hand to his face and inhales deeply before kissing my palm.

“I just don’t want to forget. Be safe out there, alright? When you’re out saving the world with that big genius brain of yours.”

The salty liquid that has been threatening to fall finally makes its journey from my eye to the hard cement, landing with a soft splat. I move my hand from his and bring it up around his neck, pulling him to me. His arms encircle my waist and bring me in tight, so close that a little tighter and we would meld together. His shirt smells of gunpowder and old spice. Something so purely him, I breath in hard hoping to commit the smell to memory.

“I have to go, now.” My voice is shaky and it betrays the tough exterior I had set out to have.

“I know you do” He murmurs into my hair. “Please don’t tell me goodbye.”

“I wouldn’t mean it even if I said it.” I assure him.

I feel something wet and hot on my neck and I know its not from me.

Like ripping off a band-aid I pull away quickly and seat myself in the cab. He shuts the door for me and pushes his hand against the glass. I do my best to keep my eyes straight until I feel the wheels of the cab begin to roll forward.

Spinning in the seat I watch as he walks into the space the cab had previously occupied. I keep in this position long after I can no longer see him.

I wish that I could say I made the cab turn around and ran back into those arms I had grown to love, but while my heart belonged to him, part of it knew that this was the best thing.

I felt like crying. Hell, I was crying. I wanted to scream. But as the plane I forced myself onto the next day took off I was met with a sense of calm. I know Alec loves me and he knows I love him. As misguided as we were most times it was still beautiful, it was still a part of me.

Alec taught me a lot of things. To be passionate about that which you cared, to fight for what you were passionate about.

With my memories of him firmly planted in my mind I was ready to face whatever lie ahead of me.

I’m far from complete, I know that, and I may never be. But I’m content, at peace, and open to all life has to throw at me.

And if you think its been a ride so far, hold on tighter. Elizabeth Parker is just beginning.

So...this was going to be the last part. But then I got write-happy and did two more parts plus an epilogue. You want it?
Love is not a victory march. Its a cold, and its a broken Hallelujah. -Leonard Cohen