Telling Daddy (UC, Z/L, Teen) Complete ~ 12/7

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Telling Daddy (UC, Z/L, Teen) Complete ~ 12/7

Post by darkmoon »


Title: Telling Daddy
Disclaimer:The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine. If I did, Zan wouldn't have died. It would have been a good day.
Pairing: Zan/Liz
Rating: Teen
Summary: Now that Zan and Liz are going off planet... What do they tell Liz's Dad?
Author's Note: This is the newest in the Domestication of Zan. It helps if you read all the fics before this one.
Like always I want to thank the fans of this series. Without you, I wouldn't be still writing this series. Thank you so much!!!!

Zan swallowed and fidgeted, as Jeff brought the meatloaf to the table. Liz placed a hand on his leg, causing Zan to jump in his seat.

“Zan… Seriously, you married my daughter and got her pregnant. I doubt there is anything else you should be nervous about. Unless there is something wrong with the baby…” Jeff looked slightly worried as he started to pile food onto his plate.

“Daddy, the baby is fine. There is something I need to tell you about Zan…” Liz smiled nervously.

“Ok…” Jeff put down his plate, and threaded his fingers together as he placed his hands on the table.

“Zan’s an alien… He was from the crash in 1947. He and Max are clones of an alien king who died. They sent his bride, best friend and sister with him. The reason why Ava looked so much like Tess was that they…” Liz was interrupted by her father.

“Do I actually have to hear this again? Michael told me about a year ago or so.” Jeff rolled his eyes. “I’ve heard the whole thing. He never told you that I knew?” He laughed. “You probably were freaking out trying to figure out a good time to tell me…”

“Dis not be what’s we dinks be his att’tude.” Zan frowned. “I’s feels… I’s feels lets down.”

“Why did Michael tell you?!” Liz looked shocked, her eyes wide and slightly glazed over.

“We’re partners in the Crashdown and Out Of This World catering… You didn’t expect him to tell his partner that there maybe a day when he’ll have to disappear? He thought it was a bad idea to keep this kind of secret hidden from someone who he was going to work closely with. Actually it helped me deal with your relationship with Zan.” Jeff nodded, as he started to eat.

“You’s can chow down it at a time like dis?” Zan stared down at the food, feeling slightly sick to his stomach.

“I’m hungry. Unlike the writers of the world, being a lowly restaurant owner means you skip meals. I didn’t get a lunch.” Jeff shrugged. “I have a feeling this isn’t the only reason you came over. Liz has held onto this secret too long to finally be getting a guilty conscious.”

“We’s going off da planet for tick tocks.” Zan mumbled.

“You two are going to that thing too? Michael wasn’t sure if you would be going.” Jeff nodded.

“Michael told you about that too?” Liz placed her head against the table.

“Well, since my daughter and son-in-law won’t tell me anything, I have to get my information from somewhere. Michael is a grumpy fountain of information. I threat him with book keeping once a month and I get all the information I need.” Jeff shrugged. “Makes life a lot easier knowing what’s going on.”

“So, we’s going.” Zan leaned back, hoping to look more in control and calm then he really was.

“Is this a final or asking my permission?” Jeff mused.

Zan looked over at Liz hoping she’d jump in at anytime.

“It’s final, Dad. It’s to protect the baby. You can’t disagree that that’s the best, as well as the chance to go off world.” Liz butted in, getting up and walking over to her dad across the table. She hugged him.

“I was just hoping to be there when the baby was born. I mean I was hoping we’d all be in the hospital and I’d get to hand out cigars. Instead I’m stuck here, and my baby girl is having her daughter up there, somewhere.” Jeff pointed to the ceiling.

“Dad, there is no promises that Bumpy will be born before we get back. It’s just a precaution.” Liz kissed Jeff’s head, hugging him tighter, which was difficult with her pregnant belly.

“We really need to talk about your choice in names. Bumpy is not a little girl’s name.” Jeff laughed.

“I’m working on names, but for right now, if I call the baby Bumpy, Zan knows who I’m talking about.” Liz laughed as well, enjoying the freeing feeling not having to lie to her father anymore.

“Are you telling Diane and Phillip?” Jeff cocked his head at Zan.

“Naw, Emo too chicken ta tell dem bout our stats, den I’s not going to let da cat outta da bag.” Zan shrugged. “Deys great peeps, but we’s not sure how dey take da whole thing wit da other planet. So, we’s going home, sweet home.”

“One of these days, you are either buying me a translator for your husband, or he’s going to learn how to talk like a normal person.” Jeff looked back up to Liz.

“We’re telling Phillip and Diane that since our doctor is taking a vacation to New York, both pregnant couples decided that we missed New York and that a vacation was a great idea. Plus, we are close to our doctor.” Liz smiled as she translated.

“Did he really say all that?” Jeff teased.

“Pops, da lingo ain’t going noes where. Deal.” Zan rolled his eyes.

“Remind me why I like him better then Max?” Jeff ignored Zan, in a good father-in-law fashion.

“Max broke my heart. Zan promised you could torture him in horrific fashions if he broke my heart.” Liz reminded her father kissing Jeff’s head.

“If I must allow you to go, then go with my blessing. Bring me back something pretty, Lizzie.” Jeff sighed, both worried and excited for his daughter. He always knew she was meant for great things, these just weren’t what he was thinking. He reminded himself that great things were just that, it didn’t matter what they were. If it did, they’d have titles like ‘Great Science Things’ and such.

“I love you, Dad.” Liz sat back down. “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, I’m starving.”

Zan looked at the two with confusion written on his face. “I’s never understand hows you’s family can eat when dings go down,” and drank his coffee.
Last edited by darkmoon on Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:54 am, edited 4 times in total.
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