Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Mature) 7/1/09 *Complete*

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Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Mature) 7/1/09 *Complete*

Post by Hunter »


Banner by Me

Title: Timeless

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Roswell, they belong to Melinda Metz and the UPN, I also don’t own anything Twilight, the brilliance that had been created by the talented Stephanie Meyer (thank god she wrote the Twilight Saga) and Edward Cullen is mine. :D In my dreams.. anyway, no infringement is intended and I may use characters from my imagination or inspiration. However the saying goes.

Author: Me, Hunter aka Monica.

Summary: When Liz tries to pick up the pieces of her broken life, she comes across a very extraordinary experience...

Rating: Mature. (Might upgrade this to Adult later on)

Pairing: Liz/ Edward, Max/ Carrie, Maria/ Kyle, Isabel/Michael, Alex/ Bella

Author’s note: I thought about this for a while. If I’m doing a UC thing with Liz and Edward why not with the other characters lol? I am still a devoted dreamer but I’m bending the rules when it comes to Edward Cullen. No one can take the place of my beloved Edward. So I’m writing this in Liz’s POV aka through my eyes and I want Edward lol! So Max can’t have Liz, So I thought, why not let Carrie have Max! Lol, I know how much she loves Jason Behr and it’s her B’day soon so this story is dedicated to the amazing talented Carrie Ann Behr (Sunshine) who never ceases to amaze me, I always look forward to her feedbacks because they always bring a smile to my lips.

She’s always there for me when I need her, always making me smile with her amazing kind pms, there is just no words to describe this amazing woman who just walked in my life lol! Thank you so much Carrie! You are such a gift! My sunshine!

So this story is all yours Carrie! You can devour Max Evans as much as you want! Freely, truly, madly and deeply!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE! (Althougth I'm kind of early, birthday's on the 21st)


I don't know any existing names for the couple Edward and Liz but I'm suggesting this..unless there's a name out there already? Please let me know?






My new hometown. I stare out of my father’s roll’s Royce window, trickled with crystal clear rain. The town is murky with rolls of thick grey clouds which descended from the heavenly skies and wrapped around the little houses like cotton wool.

The concrete granite roads damp with rain water which shot down in sheets, sheet after sheet. A linger of cold breath from the winds hunting down it’s victims, old and new. Familiarizing itself with the residents of the town. Me.

The new girl.

I haven’t even stepped out of the car yet and already it feels as if this town has known me, registered me in it’s region.

Truth is, I’ve never felt like this in all the towns I’ve lived in. I’ve never felt such a strong attraction before.

Forks was ugly. Horrid and cold in the eyes of those who loved to be lavished in the sunlight and have the warm sandy water soaking up their tanned skin. I was one of those. I actually believe I am in love with the sunlight. I craved sunlight. How could I survive in a gloomy town like this?

My mind was sceptical. Telling me I would not last a second in a town like this. My heart was telling me something else. This was my home now. I would be happy here.

I thought I had a home. Back in Roswell.

Me, Max, Maria, Isabel, Michael, Kyle and Carrie, all of us were a group of seventeen year old aliens looking for a safe life to live. We were bound by our loyal friendship to each other. We had each other. We always looked out for one another. Life was kind of easy back then. No worries, no stress.

It felt so good to be a child. Free of responsibilities and wild. Enjoying the freedom we all thought we had.

But that day came. When we all had to be ready for a disaster we had no learned to face.

Tess’ arrival.

She ruined everything. Her impulsive behaviour had almost gotten some of us killed.

Her obsession with Max Evans had killed many lives, including an innocent mother who fended so hard for her baby. Ava.

Tess had destroyed our lives. Almost came in the beautiful relationship of my Carrie and Max. The most beautiful relationship which I never wanted to see tainted. My poor Carrie troubled and immensely hurt by that gerbil Tess and Max, the level headed guy who I could blindly trust had to question his own faith because of Tess.

Everything was a total disaster when Tess arrived.

A nightmare I so badly want to forget.

I wished I could leave town, to figure things out. To find myself again. I feel guilty most of all because I have left all my friends. Especially Carrie who I miss so much.

The girl who I see as my rock, my life saver. I had left her instead of being her rock.

I couldn’t face her. Not after this dramatic ordeal. I was supposed to protect them all, I was the damn protector, I had all the necessary powers to save them.

I failed. I failed myself, I failed them all.

Thus I made a wish, to get away from Roswell.

And that’s when I began to believe the saying “Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it”.

And boy, I did get my wish.


Chpt one

Questions, Questions, questions.

I stare into the beautiful lavish home. Hats off to the owner of the grand house. So beautiful that it stood out from the rest of the houses in Forks.

Now to describe the house would take a lengthy essay which would become a dissertation and then into one of those big fat books, the sizes of a law book. Pages of descriptive prose would not suffice for that beautiful ivory house which was the star of Forks.

If only I could walk into the house…

“Lizzie..wake up..” My mother nudges me. “You start school today.”

“Huh?”. I mutter, eyelids fluttering open like a butterfly struggling to take flight with it’s lazy wings.

“School sweetie, you’ll miss you first day if you sleep any more.”

“What time is it?”. I groaned weakly.

“Seven thirty five.” She said.

“Shit!”. I hissed, shooting up in my bed. Now I was wide awake.

When I’ve taken to my morning ritual, done got changed and had breakfast, I grab my book bag which I packed the night before and rushed out with my father who would be giving me a lift to my new school.

I wondered how they would react to a newbie arriving at their school dropped off by a roll’s Royce, my father had won the lottery and brought this car straight away. He always wanted a Royce. Now he got one. Looks like not only my wishes were fulfilled.

“Maria, I’m on my way to my new school. Wish me luck honey.” I said into the phone, talking along to her as my father drove. “Yes and give my love to everyone including Carrie. I love you too, talk to you later. Bye honey.”

I put my phone away and notice the building which is my high school, my father stops at the gate.

“Thanks Dad.” I said, grabbing my bag and opening the door.

“You’re welcome.” He said. “Have a good day at school.”

He leaves soon after I get out of the car and shut the door. “Bye.”

“LIZ!”. A heard a shriek which awfully reminded me off Maria.

I turn to see who knows my name already. I noticed a red head girl and a tall lanky guy with dark hair standing at the school gates, waiting for me as if I have arrived from a foreign country in an airport scene.

“Hello?”. I asked, waving slowly. I didn’t recognise any of them but the girl’s flaming red hair did seemed to faintly ring a bell.

“Hey”. She wrapped her arms around me, delivering a hug. “Been a long time Liz.”

Now who was this girl and what had been a long time?

“Um…” I pulled back and gave her an uneasy smile. I had no clue who this girl was and who this guy was either.

“You don’t recognise me do you?”. The red head smiles back. “I’m Bella, Bella Swan. Don’t you remember Bells?”.


Bells! Now I seem to remember the little light red head girl who played dolls with me when we were eight years old. My doll partner, my mother’s sister’s daughter ergo my cousin. How could I forget?

“Bells! Oh my god! IS that you?”. I cried, gasping in disbelief. “Your hair’s gone darker!”.

Bells always wanted to have darker hair like mine. I remember when we played dolls, she never wanted to play the blonde Barbies.

“Yeah, it sorta changed as I grew up.” Bella said calmly. Now this was the Bella I knew, calm serene and not too loud. She was kind of clumsy as well.

“Wow, so you finally got your wish.” I smiled.

“Yeah I guess so.” She nodded. “Oh I’m sorry, this is my boyfriend, Alex Whitman.” Bella said, introducing me to the tall lanky guy who shot his hand out.

“Nice to meet you Liz. Bella told me all about you.”

I took his hand and shook it. “Nice to meet you too Alex Whitman.”

When they escorted me through the school gates and into the school, Bella had begun to talk some more. “Your mother called my mom last night and wanted to make sure I helped you around.” Bella said as we climbed up the steps.

“Wow, I had no idea you lived in Forks Bells.” I curl my fingers on the strap of my bag.

“I moved here a year ago. But I am so happy you’re living here now.” She chuckled. “I was really happy to know you’d be staying here.”

“Yeah.” I scoffed. “But I don’t know how long for.” I said and at that moment my eyes happened to wonder around as we walked into the hall.

A pair of fiery golden eyes looked my way and I was met with the most beautiful creature of all times.

His ivory skin looked so flawless and his dark golden hair beckoned me to touch it all in a simply slow-fast motion if that made any sense. The seconds slowed down but he seemed to move swiftly, fast then light itself. I was completely enamored. floored, gone...

Who the hell was this handsome angel?

“That’s Edward Cullen.” Alex muttered under his breath, noticing my jaw dropping gaze. The handsome angel had breezed past and and quickly out of sight. “He barely talks to anyone.” He added.

I felt a small smile spread across my face.

I would die if I didn't talk to him.

TBC? Anyone?

Last edited by Hunter on Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:07 am, edited 20 times in total.
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Re: Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Teen) 12/21/08 Chpt 2 & 3 p. 2

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb! :D

forever dreamer

A/N: Thanks for the fb everyone! Means so much to me since this is my first ever XO story! hope you enjoy the next two chapter! :D

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CARRIE (jake17) you wonderful woman! Have a brilliant day! you deserve it :D

Love Monica

now off with the next 2 chapters.. enjoy guys :D

Chpt two

Liz's POV

By the time it was lunchtime, Bella and Alex dragged me across the halls, mutters of excited students filled the walls as they couldn't wait to be release from their restraining classes. I for one, was partially relieved that I didn't have to listen to Mr Danglewood talk about the wonders of American presidents in the seventeeth centaury and how Mount Everest was carved from inch to inch.

Bella and Alex take me to an empty table and sit me down. "Right what do you want Lizzie? It's all on me." She tells me, taking out her purse.

"Oh no Bella, don't worry about me. I've already brought lunch." I told her quickly. Remembering my tuna sandwiches, packet of Doritos, Hershey bar and a can of soda. I needed the junk food to get over the stress of being away from my friends.

Besides, I was an alien so my teeth wouldn't rot. A benefit I had to take advantage of.

"Oh right, you sure about that because I was gunna buy us Pizza?". Bella quizzed, holding onto her purse.

"You guys go ahead, I'm okay with what I've got. Really. And thanks." I said to them.

"Come on Bella." Alex took her hand. "Be back in a min Liz, don't run off anywhere." He winks at me before taking his girlfriend towards the food.

I liked that Alex, he was a kind and funny guy. Bella was lucky to have him for a boyfriend. He seemed like the caring gentleman type and I was happy to know Bella had found her type of guy.

I rub my hands and open my bag to bring my lunch out.

"Hey there." A shrill female's voice tore my eyes off my lunch. "I heard that you were new."

"Yeah, and you are?". I asked looking at this girl.

"I'm Jess. Jessica Stanley" She said. "I'm a student mentor and if you need anything, here's my contact no or the group. We're located on the second floor of the Languages department." She said, handing me a leaflet that spelt out SUNSHINE COMITTEE out in big bold letters.

I had to hold back a laugh. Here in forks, there was barely any sunshine.

"Okay Jess, I'll be sure to check it out." I said, putting the leaflet down.

"We'll be very happy to help you." She said. "You must be Liz Parker right?".

"Uhuh." I nodded, opening my sandwiches. I was very uncomfortable with this girls' presence. She came across as a real bitch. I could see it in her eyes. She was one of the bitchy type, one of those bitches who deserved a real good bitch slapping. She had those real pale greyish green eyes and her hair was a light mousy brown with a hint of light oak.

She didn't come across as a bitch first glance, but close up it was easy to read her face.

"Nice name." She said, flicking her oaky hair. "See you around." She said and got up to leave.

"Well that was awkward." I rolled my eyes as she left.

Bella and Alex had returned and Bella had put her tray down. "That's Jess Stanley. The biggest bitch of this school." She muttered. "What the hell was she doing here?".

Bella dropped down on the chair and blew a hiss of frustration. Alex soon joined her. "Wow, looks like Jess should reconsider resigning from the sunshine committee." I joked, biting into my sandwich.

"Huh." Bella huffed.

"Jess did the exact same thing to Bella." Alex said. "A year ago, she was showing Bella around town as per the Sunshine Committee." Alex used his index fingers to gesture the comma, sarcasm flashing in his eyes. "One day Jess took Bella to Port Angeles, and then Bella almost got hit by a car. Jess just left her in the middle of the road to stop by in a bar and ever since then, she's just been a right bitch to Bella." Alex filled me in.

"So she just kinda left you hanging in the middle of the road?". I asked Bella.

"The mushrooms she put in my drink ended me up knocked out in a hospital." Bella folded her arms and leant back on her chair. "I almost died because of the bitch."

"Oh she didn't?". I gasped, putting a hand to my mouth. "She gave you the mushrooms?".

"She said it was a good brand of tequila or something. It looked like a lemon peel." Alex said, shoving a forkful of jacket potatoe in his mouth.

"Why the hell would she get you drugged for no reason?". I asked incredulously, unable to believe this unexplained cruelty.

"Maybe because I was friendly with the Cullen’s once and she just didn't like that." Bella shrugged. "Jess used to fancy Jasper and well, she thought I was bitching about her to him when I wasn't and then all that time she was being 'friendly' to me, she was plotting her sick revenge."

"That is sick. Why isn't she in jail?". I asked.

"Because her dad's a lawyer." Bella sat up. "He got her off the hook and the bartender ended up behind bars. Jess' slate was cleaned and no one here believe me. They all think I'm nuts." Bella aggressively ripped open the salt packet open and chucked salt all over her fries. "Which I probably am." She rolled her eyes.

"Babe, you're not nuts." Alex patted her back. "You are the most amazing girl I know. You're a top girl."

"That's horrible." I said, giving my condolences to my cousin. "Bells, she should be punished for what she did. Someone needs to get her." I urged, I hated when injustice was done.

It drove me mad.

"I'm just the suicidal freak around here." Bella rolled her eyes. "Maybe you shouldn't hang out with me anymore. They might hurt you next. That's what I'm worried about."

No one could hurt me of my alien status, I thought to myself with pride. "Bells, none of them could ever hurt me. Believe me. And I won't stop hanging out with you because of some Jess." I assured her.

"Okay enough talk about me." Bella said, rubbing her hand. "I'm famished."

"Here comes the Cullen’s." Alex muttered.


Curiously, I turn my head to see about four pale students, two girls and two boys including Edwards, making it five. All five very pale as ghosts and then Edward...ivory skinned, golden haired Edward who is just so beautiful. They are very supernatural. I've never seen anyone like them before. The whole lot of them were all pale. They had very out of the world eyes, nothing human. I was amazed by their uniqueness, especially Edward's.

I haven't even talked to him yet and already my mind is bombarded with thoughts of him.

They move in sync towards a table and sit down at the same time. Edward catches my eyes and I look away.

"It's amazing isn't it?". Alex asked. "How they really seem to stand out from the rest of us. Like snow people with silk intense hair and their eyes, so..so..."

"Beautiful." I whispered, looking back at Edward's fiery golden eyes. He was looking at his siblings this time, engrossed in an intense conversation.

Bella laughed. "Lizzie, you'll get used to them. When I was a newbie, I just couldn't stop staring at them. All of them have eyes that none of us have." Bella wiped the ketchup off her face with a napkin and began talking again.

"You got Rosalie, another big bitch who bitches with her silence..". Bella rolled her eyes. "She had ruby red eyes, very dark ruby red eyes. And I don't know of anyone with red eyes or she's wearing contacts." Bella said. "Then you have Alice, her eyes are a dark blue topaz.."

As Bella was describing the physical features of the Cullens, I just had to meet Edward's beautiful eyes again.

The moment was slow and much enjoyed. I took my time in devouring his angelic beauty and I had seemed to have forgotten everything...

"Lizzie are you listening?". Bella asked, bringing me out of my daze.


Alex gives me a small smile and shyly looks away. "You're staring again." Bella smiled.

"Um, I was just trying to figure out if they were really contacts." I lied.

I usually lied at the time where life or death was concerned. Now I was shooting out white lies. What did this town do to me?

"Okay." Bella shrugged and went back to eating her fries.

I tried my best not to look back at Edward again but when I was,

He was looking straight back at me..

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Re: Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Teen) 12/21/08 Chpt 2 & 3

Post by Hunter »

Chpt 3


When I finally got home, I was extremely exhausted and needed some time to unwind. "Hi Mom." I said, as I walked past the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie, dinner's ready." She said.

As usual, I got upstairs into my room, got changed and went down to eat lasagne. Time flew by and I decided to go upstairs and rest for some time.

Minutes later, the phone rang and I rolled onto my side to receive it. "Hello?". I answered groggily. "Carrie!". I sat up. "Oh my god! How are you! I miss you too sunshine! Yes, my first day at school was kinda fun. Hung out with my cousin and her boyfriend. It was really fun but I really miss you guys. How's Max by the way?".

I listen carefully to my Sunshine. "You know you'll always have me, even if I'm on the other side of the world fighting demons, I'll always be there for you Sunshine like you were there for me. Okay, I love you too. Night night." With a smile, I put the phone down and lay gently on my bed.

I was happy that my friends were healing. Maybe life wasn't so bad after all...

The dream...

I stepped onto the soft earth, awake from a deep slumber. I touch the white bark of the birch tree and move my feet across the smooth blades of grass and blue bells. I can feel my flip flops almost sink into the ground as I walk, treading softly across the green meadow laid with exotic flowers which shone with beauty.

I'm in a cotton white dress that stops on my knees and my hair is in thick curly locks. I see the beautiful house again but my curiosity takes me elsewhere.

My feet move me towards the serene sparkling lake, the sunlight peeping through the funnels of the sky, breaking through the arms of the trees and melting the ground.

I see a figure, with his back to me, looking down into the lake.

I am moved by the scenery, I just can't help myself but approach him.

"Beautiful isn't it?". His velvet voice fills my ears and I stop before I can go to him.

I open my mouth but I am speechless. He slowly turns around and I feel myself gasp again.

"Edward." My voice, barely a whisper.

His beauty is entrancing and my heart is captivated by him. His fiery eyes drinking in my form. I feel tingly and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"The flowers bloom, the sun shines as the sky is blue, nothing is more beautiful than you." He murmurs in a poetic voice. His voice is music to my ears.

I have not ever felt like this about anyone before.

The way his lips move in tune and swiftly to what he says is amazing and just mystical. How could anyone do that?

"Edward..." I gasp, smiling. "What are you doing here?".

"I belong here." He tells me with a peaceful smile.

I stare into him, his soul.

So beautiful...

The sound of my annoying alarm wakes me up. "Fuck it." I groaned, slapping a hand on the alarm button to put it off.

I lay in bed for a minute as it dawns on me, I had a dream about a guy who I have not spoken to before in my life. "Holy crap!. I tossed the comforter back and jumped out of bed for a hot shower.

I throw on the clothes I ironed last night, pick up my book bag and go down to eat breakfast. It was very quiet today. No one was downstairs. I made a toast for myself and put on the telly to see the news.

"Five people died last night in a terrific car crash just outside Port Angles." The woman with the microphone spoke. "It appears that all victims had a weird print on their necks.."

(Camera focuses on a photo with a bitten neck)

"These bizarre unexplainable occurrences are claimed to be an apocalypse by the local evangelists."

(Camera focuses on a group of Evangelists, a few priests and a bishop.)

"This is the work of demons who burn in bloodlust!". One of them cried. "We must see to it that they perish! All of them!".

(Camera focuses back on woman) "And apparently not all of us agree. Doctor Carl Simmons has this to say."

(Scene switches) "The marks on the necks could possibly be anything, bite of an animal, wounds from the accident or even done by the people themselves. To believe in the occult or supernatural is really not necessary and in my own opinion pathetic."

My jaw drops.

This sound so familiar to what happened back in Roswell, the weird silver handprints on Nasedo's victims...bite marks now?

Whatever this was, I hope it wasn't what I feared it to be.

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Re: Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Mature) 12/23/08 Chpt 4 & 5 p. 3

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone!


force- lol hope you're happy with this update. Glad to know you like reading this! Thanks!

A/N: I'm changing the rating from Teen to Mature, I've decided now there will be mature scenes in this fic. I just came back from watching Twilight today on the big screen and OMG, Edward's diamond skin in the sunlight bedazzled me! I'm so dizzy! I loved the movie and now I was inspired writing the next two chapters!

Hope you enjoy reading! :D

Chpt 4


"Are you alright Liz?" Bella asked me for the umpteenth time as I blow puffs of air as my head rolls around as if I'm dizzy. My mind feels clouded with vague thoughts heavy, anchoring my focus down. I try to keep up with reality as I feel my eyes are about to close any second now.

The smell of gas fills my nostrils and I try hard not to choke or gag.

"How can you guys sit here?". I asked

"Most of us get used to it." Bella answered in a flat tone as she fell in her chair.

I knew it wasn't just the gas. We've been sitting here all lunch, talking about things I had no clue off. It's like my memory just faded away during the last few minutes.

"I can't even breath." I muttered.

The school bell rings and it doesn't take long for the students to come pouring in. "I guess I won't be having either one of you as lab partners." I sigh, taking my coat off Bella's table.

"Don't worry Liz, we'll be right beside you." Alex smiles at me.

I can't form a smile back as soon as I am hit by a wave of dizziness. I almost stumble and hold onto a table for support. I can feel their eyes on me and yet I ignore them.

"Liz Parker?". A voice calls my name.

"Huh?". I see a man wearing rounded glasses and he's looks old. "Who are you?".

"I'm Mr Pedrick. Your biology teacher and this..." He indicated the guy who just appears...

Edward Cullen.

"Is your lab partner." He introduces us. "Meet Edward Cullen, Edward meet Liz."

An intense feeling takes over as his eyes devour into my gaze. It was like he was searching for something but keeping his distance. All I could do was stare at the beautiful Edward standing before me.


Edward doesn't smile and our bio teacher walks away, returning to his desk. Edward brushes past me and sits down next to the window. I slowly follow him and sit down.

Why am I so attached to this guy? He was human. I wasn't. I barely got so affected by humans before. All my other dates weren't so powerfully magnetic. I barely knew this guy and here he was, like he was calling out to me through unspoken words.

He was cold, distant and chose not to speak to me and I wanted to speak to him. I wanted to hear his voice because I was dreaming or rather day dreaming of what it could be like to have a casual conversation with the elusive Edward Cullen, who is claimed to be out of your league. Suddenly the dizziness begins to fade away as I settle next to him.

A strange serene feeling floats throughout me.

And I'm lost again..

Fingers dancing over the beads of pearls, moist soft lips pressed against the back of my neck as I stiffen in anticipation of what is to come. I knew I should be doing this but I have no desire to stop.


His sweet voice is music to my ears. Better then the finest music being played right now. I glance at my own reflection in the mirror. Black velvet dress, immaculate dark brown curls flowing down in drapes as the rest of my hair was pinned up in a neat bun. My lips were a light red and my eyes were a metallic smoky color.

"Is this how you dress your women?". I teased, my pearly whites flashing in the mirror.

"It's how I treat my woman." He teases back and plants the soft kiss on my neck which I love so much. I tilt my head to one side, allowing him access to my neck to kiss me. God, his lips feel so good, I wanted them on every inch of my skin, everywhere, kissing and caressing...

"Ed.." I breathed out.

"Eva, I shall love you forever..."

I wanted him to make love to me. I had never been so in love with a human before. But I knew he was my soul mate just as he knew I was his soul mate.

We were both star crossed lovers and that's what held us back.

"But what about them, they don't like us being together..." I insisted.

"We shall have each other because we belong to each other." He recites what both our hearts were saying and we knew he was right.

He takes my hand and presses his soft lips against it. I love those lips of his.

"Come with me my Eva..." He leads me up and towards our destination. "Let me love you..."

"Huuhhh". I gasp, taking in a lungful of air as I'm snapped out of my vision.

I meet Edward's eyes as I'm back into reality again. Everyone is looking at me.

"I have to go." I quickly say, grabbing my stuff and leaving as soon as I could.


"I'm sorry to have asked you this but are you sexually active?". The nurse asks me.

I'm sitting on the leather seat swinging my legs back and forth. I knew this was ridiculous. I was alien but I has decided to check myself in with the school nurse.

"No." I told her.

The truth was, I wasn't.

"Could have fooled me." I can hear her mutter under her breath. "Well, looks like it's just a case of stress. Probably with moving in here. It could be jet lag. You adjusting to the time zone and feeling dizzy is normal. Just take plenty of juice-"

Her words fade away and it happens again. I can't hear anything and all my senses are blocked.

When it comes back, all I hear is.

"You got that Liz?".

"Uhuh." I nod my head and grab my stuff before leaving the room. I don't know what was wrong with me, why was I having all these visions and dizziness happening to me.


I stop before I can walk further. I can hear my labouring breathing and his breaths are heard from behind me. Slowly I turn around. His eyes, he's there. One hand on the locker as he leans against it casually.

The wind blows against my hair as he nears. "Oh my god." I try not to scream as he pins me against the wall.

His eyes are so magnificent, I can't help but stare.

He rolls his head once and sniffs the air between us. He's inhaling my scent. My chest rises and falls. He's so close to me that I can feel his heart beat against my chest.

My lips tremble as he leans in closer and closer, dangerously near my lips. He grazes his own against mine and I close my eyes in the sensation.

Soft moist lips.

"I want you." He growled in hot puffs against my skin. "I need you."

I shudder as his lips descend against mine, he presses a kiss against my lips and then...

I open my eyes.

He's gone.

He's not there.

And all I can hear is



A/N: Sorry this is a short part. I am so dizzy from seeing Edward's diamond skin lol

Chpt 5

Liz's POV

Those visions of Edward Cullen was scary. Literally mind-blowing and frightening because of the intensity of it all. And what scared me the most is that I was addicted or more like obsessed on seeing him again. I don't know if that meeting between us in the hall was more of my imagination playing tricks on me or was it real but I had to find out why my obsession with Edward Cullen was not normal but something more supernatural...

Why did I feel so drawn to him on the first moment I laid eyes on him?

I was never a believer of love at first sight but then why was I feeling it?

I'm lying on my bed, thinking about Edward Cullen. Last night's dream about the meadow, lake...the ivory house with the glass and the wood, I'm beyond my mind here. I feel like I know something that I had never learned. It was one of those philosophical moments like Plato would have described. The world of knowledge was affecting me although I was alive.

I turn on my side and put the volume of the radio down. But as I go to put it down, I can hear the lyrics of Sway and I feel déjà vu all over again.

Hands touching, fingers entwined, lips pressed up against each other, legs entangles, twisted sheets, naked skin on skin...

I shake my head as the images come so fast. I feel naseaous again. I hold my stomach and sit up.

"Edward." I moan out.

I manage to get up and limp towards the window.

Edward's there. Standing outside my front porch, looking up.

"Edward?". I blink and try to clear my vision.

By the time I do that, he's not there.

I know he was standing right there, watching. I knew it.

The phone rings all of a sudden. I bite my lip and look outside again.

I am certain of one thing.

Edward Cullen is watching me.

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Re: Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Mature) 1/5/08 Chpt 6 & 7 p. 4

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone!

Touch of the Wind- Liz is an alien just like Max is. They're born as aliens. :D

A/N: Here are the next chapters. I am kind of shifting the POV, I decided I will also include Edward's POV since a conversation with a friend inspired me. IN Tribute to Midnight Sun from Stephanie Meyer, I wish that book was finished. I would have liked to read from Edward's Perspective. I hope you guys like this.

Chpt 6

Edward's POV



The thoughts running wildly through my head as soon as she came into the picture. My senses were over intoxicated with her scent. I could smell her from afar. The ethereal fragrance her body hums attracts me like a moth to a light, I am like a fly trapped on a tangled web. I knew she was dangerous, I had never been so affected by anyone before. She makes my soul shiver, I am moved by her very presence.

Me, Edward Cullen, The unfeeling vampire is actually feeling again. Because of a beautiful brunette stranger. I don't know her but I feel like I do.

Who is she?

I want to know.

I can't keep myself away from her. The more further we are, I more closer I get. I almost relented to her today. My soul wouldn't allow me to keep myself away from her. I had to figure her out, to know who she was and why she was doing this to me even if she didn't seem to know it.

I could not read her thoughts.

This made me ignite with determination. I had to know what she was thinking, I had to know her.

My entire being was on fire. I was burning in heat with images of her running through my mind.

Her name was Liz. Liz.

Doesn't ring a bell.

DO I know her?

I myself can't agree with either yes or no.

Do I want her?

Fuck yes. I want to picture her begging me to please her, I picture her naked body underneath mine as I bury myself in her as she cries and pants my name in immense ecstasy.

These erotic images make me feel. I probably haven't felt a single emotion since I had been sired into a vampire. My blood turns warm as is rushes with adrenaline. I need to see her.

I can't control myself any longer. I have to find her, follow her celestial essence and fill my hunger by simply watching over her.

I can fantasize about her. But I won't touch her.

I can't touch her.

We're different.

She belongs to someone who can keep her safe and grant her a normal life because once she's with me, normal will be out of the window.

I watch aimlessly out of the glass walls of my room. I open one door and sprint out, the wind beneath my feet as I glide in haste, following the trail of scent she left behind.

I find myself starting at her house where the scent is most dominant. I groan and my fangs are bared.

My eyes flash with desire and I stare upon the window where she sleeps.

She sees me.

She looks away and I sprint away.

I saw her once.

It's enough.

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Re: Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Mature) 1/5/08 Chpt 6 & 7 p. 4

Post by Hunter »

Chpt 7

Edward's POV

I can't take myself home again, instead, I'm lingering around like a lost soul in the neighbourhood. I'm kicking an empty beer can, hands dug in my pockets.

I felt like a maniac. Why did I seem to be transfixed upon her?

I was the bee and she was the nectar. Sitting on the empty bench, I clasped my hands together and tried to figure out the answer to my questions, to find the solution to my problems. Should I just have a one night stand with her, hoping the lust will fade away?

I shake my head. I knew I was going to keep coming back for more. I couldn't just have one night with her. I would never be satisfied with a limited amount of time with her. My soul was aching to go back and find her again. My eyes decided it wasn't enough to have a few glimpses of her.

I can hear the owls hoot and the crickets clicking away in the darkness of the night. I don't sleep but tiredness befalls me.

Gliding back home, I fall on the ivory chair and then strangely I fall into a slumber.

Thoughts of her circulate in my mind and I am lost.

"How much is it to buy that frock?". A girl's voice, music to my ears drew me in.

I turn around and was met by the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes. I am dazed, thinking this must be some angel from heaven sent to me. My own angel. "H-h-hey..." I stutter. I couldn't stop gazing at her. She was the most incredible form of beauty I had discovered. I had never seen a beautiful girl in my entire life.

"I was wondering how much that red frock is." She points at the dress that was most treasured by our staff. I turn and touch the dress. Saint Louis' most finest dress, I remember. My father was so pleased when the company made an agreement to do business with us.

"The finest dress for the finest woman." I took the dress off the hanger and placed it on the counter. "You will look good in red."

She reads the dollar sign on the tag and takes out her purse.

"Oh no..." I stop her. "It's on the house." I offer her. I cannot make this angel pay.

"Take it please." She insists and places fifty hundred dollars in my hands. "I am like every other normal citizen here." She winks at me and takes the dress. "What is your name?". She stops at the doorway.


God, she looks so beautiful when she smiles like that.

"I'm Eva."

Ripped out of the dreams, I feel as if my soul had been thrusted back in my body and gasp for air, heaving almost. I fingers curling against the side of the chair as I sat up, gasping for air as if I've been suffocated.

Then it hits me as the visions rip through my mind.

I know her.

I know who she is.

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Re: Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Mature) 1/21/09 Chpt 8 p. 6

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone! :D

elizare- Omg, thank you for your wonderful fb :oops: You really think this is the bst Edward/Liz fic you read?

A/N: Sorry that this is a short part, I have so much homework but I must thank you guys for your awesome fb! Just a note about the building which I am talking about in the next chapter, if You guys saw the BBC adaptation of Pride And Prejudice, you know the Bennet House with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle, well this house looks like the one I'm talking about. I can't find any pictures of it unfortunately. Only Mr Darcy's pemberly house comes up on google. Okay I'm rambling on like no tommorow lol.

I hope you enjoy the next part. :D

Chpt 8

Liz's POV

The wavering rays of early morning sunlight lingered over the reflecting double glazed window as I lifted the sketch up, allowing the rays of the sun to light it.

There was my sketch, of the ivory white building which I had been drawing as I stayed up all night, making sense of this enigma which had casted me into more dark mystery. I would close my eyes for two minutes, pulling those visions from my psyche and pushing it into the open where I would be able to hold it longer in front of my eyes.

It took me more then one attempt to draw those visions. Trashcan full of paper balls, I run my hands over then and turn them into dust.

I check my watch. Thank god it was Saturday today.


I hear the twigs crunch underneath my sneakers as I walk across the grassy front porch laid in front of the worn out stony ivory building which was now stained with aged rain and almost consumed by greenery. A window or two was lucky enough to have seen the light of the day.

Stepping over the eroded stony step, I could feel a burning sensation pass through me as I touched the cold door knob. With a creak, the door opened and a hiss of an non existent sound steamed through the door. It was like I was switching back and forth from the past and the present.

I ignore all those thoughts and step inside. I need to know what's been going on. Maybe inside this ancient ruin would help reveal the answers running through my mind.

As soon as I'm inside, the door shuts by itself and I can hear melodic music playing through the halls.

The notes of the music...I know I've heard them before and now I know this house is related to me in some way, I have history here...the walls, the floor and the pictures, I've passed them all before.

And then all of a sudden, I am brought into a world I didn't know existed.

The scene changed right before me and an elderly woman with a bonnet over her head walked past me with a platter on her hands. She wore a cheerful smile as she walked right past me.

Laughter of little children running around the steps and I could hear a woman scold them. "Careful or you shall be injured you saucy little insolent children. Have no shame on your mother!".

I walked past the woman in her frock who gave me a dirty look. "Distasteful indeed." She growled, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Aunt Pamela..." A young woman addressed the woman with the children. "Do not speak ill of our guests."

"She is but no guest." This Pamela shot her eyes of anger at me. "My daughter ought to have been rightfully wedded to your brother."

"They love each other and that's all that matters." She softly told her and then looked at me. "Come with me, my dearest Eva." She took hold of my wrist, taking me out of the entrance hall and into the dining area where the guests were hovering around the delicious food laid out neatly on the table.

"How are you my dear Eva?". She released my wrist and grabbed hold of either side of her dress and courteously bowed her head in a polite manner.

"Oh..I am profoundly okay." I feel myself mumbling the ancient words. I had no control over myself, this wasn't me.

This girl is very pretty. Her golden hair in twisted curls and beautifully tied up at the back in a plated bun. She looked very polite and seemed like a nice girl.

"I wish to apologise on the behalf of my Aunt Pamela."

"Hey ladies."

I see Edward.


Edward's POV

Something draws me to this place, I had no idea that it even existed and I couldn't stop myself from following my heart. It was located in La Push, I knew I shouldn't have broken the treaty between the Quileute and us. But my heart wouldn't heed the warning. I had to get here, taking great care that the sunlight didn't sparkle my skin to reveal who I am.

The place, I know it.

I've been living here...pictures of my family..my blood rushes. I can't believe it.

I found myself.

I know where I came from.

All because of a certain brunette who just breezed into my vampire life.

Everything is covered in white sheets and I can tell no one has entered this house for so long. It's been locked away for so long. I grabbed hold of a white sheet and pulled it off to reveal a piano.

Running my fingers over the cool keys of the black piano, I close my eyes and listen to the tune I perform with the tip of my fingers. I should have known. I always loved playing the piano.

I sit down at the stool and play the music from the top of my head. Eyes closed and then I'm taken back.

Memories of her, of me, of us. Laughing about nothing, kissing and caressing each other...I play the piano and she watches in admiration, leaning against the piano, eyes shining with affection.


My lips part and I remember the words she told me.

"Dearest Edward, I hope you never stop playing for me."

"I will always play for you."

Her smiles cause me to feel warm inside.


I love the way my name rolls off her tongue nicely.

I hear the footsteps approach and I see her.

She's here too.

But she doesn't see me.


Last edited by Hunter on Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Mature) 2/5/09 Chpt 9 p. 7

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone!

Jan(x2) - Thanks for the bump sweetie! :D
Carrie- Sorry Sunshine for leaving this till later, I wrote a part for your sake today. Enjoy ! love ya.

okay here we go, enjoy guys. :D

Chpt 9

Liz's POV


"Eva." His deep amber eyes stare into mine.

His fingers tap a tune on the piano, "Our world." I whisper, recognising the song that never left my mind. Our song.

"I made this for you." Edward gives me a shy smile. "For us."

"Wait..you think I'm Eva?".

He stops playing, pauses for a moment and then walks up to me. "You're my Eva." He cups my cheek. His hands are icy cold and I shiver. "We're meant to be."

"How so?". I still had no idea what was going on. Why I was living in the past or...

Then it hits me like a ton of bricks but the question was, was I willing to accept it? "No..it can't be true..it's impossible."

Or was it. All my life I was lead to believe a lie if I accepted these strange dreams and Edward's reclamation of what was.

"You are." He insisted and his eyes turned a dark deep ocean blue. Something I had seen before.

"We lived before and...wait...I was reborn and so were you?".

Edward shook his head. "I stayed like this forever and will do so until I perish."

I look at my own hands and wonder what happened to me in my former life. I always knew I had a past life but I never knew how serious it was. I wondered how Edward still survived. "If you weren't reborn like me....then how....how are you still here?".

Edward would have been dead by then in human terms. It was impossible for a seventeen year old from the twenties to be still seventeen and immaculate unless he was immortal like I was.

"Are you an alien Edward?".

"No...I'm a vampire."

I study his porcelain face and see no hint of sarcasm there. His facial expression is serious but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. "You're messing with me."

"No, I really am a vampire."

"They don't exist."

I've been through a lot of stuff, skins, demons and creatures like Kivar but never in my life had I come across a vampire before.

"They do." He insisted.

I shake my head. "I have to connect with you."

"You don't believe me." He said quietly to himself.

"I do-I just need to see into your soul Edward..see you."

His lips curl and he bares his sharp fangs and his eyes glow. "Scared?". He teases.


He puts his fangs back and he smiles, just one second he looked like a vampire and the next he was back to how I saw him before. "So now you know I'm a vampire Liz." His voice is music to my ears that I never want to stop hearing it. I love it so much, quiet, slow and well thought. I like how his lips part as he makes sounds. "What are you?".

"An alien."

"No kidding." He laughs. "Like in that Sydney weaver movie or men in black?."

"Shut up." I smack him lightly. "I'm not gross."

He wiggled his eyebrows. "The alien meets the sexy vampire."

"Shhh." I don't know when the playfulness crept in the conversation but I liked it. Something told me that I was seeing a side to Edward that no one else had seen before. "You are so full of yourself Edward."

He touches my skin and I shiver at how cold he feels but then his skin becomes warm against mine. "Edward?".

He shushes me and focuses on exploring my soft skin with his fingers like he discovered a diamond or something. He trails up towards my shoulder and past my collar bone, he hesitates before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss on the patch of skin underneath where my locket rested. I never been kissed there before and it felt...good.


"You loved being kissed there." He removes his lips from my skin. "I just knew."

"You really loved me in the past live didn't you?".

"More then my own life."

We stare at each other, comprehending each other's emotions and feelings. I had waited this for my whole life and I never knew about it.

Our fingers laced together as our lips edge us more closer together...

Suddenly a smash at the window draws us apart and I can hear a low growl.

Some big black wolf slams their front paws down on the ground and howls loudly with it's set of sharp fangs and long tongue, looking like it was ready to attack any minute...

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Re: Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Mature) 3/2/09 Chpt 10 p. 8

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone! :D


Chpt 10

Liz’s POV

The hairy wolf snarls and snaps it jaws while it bored it eyes into Edward. “What is that thing?”. I pointed at the barking wolf.

“He’s not happy.” Edward whispered. “I should leave.”

“Why isn’t he happy?”. I demanded and looked at the wolf. He didn’t look scary to me. I pushed into his mind and tried to get him to back off.

But what I saw was shocking. The wolf looked at me with his onyx black eyes and then lowered the sound of their barking and in a gruff voice spoke. “What are you doing with this bloodsucker?”.

“Bloodsucker?”. I raise and eyebrow. So this wolf can talk.

“Vampires are not allowed to be on La Push land.” Edward whispered into my ear. “I sort of forgot.” He laughed a little in a sheepish manner.

“You got that right brother!”. The wolf growled and then shook, transforming into the form of a boy. A young boy, younger then I was.

“Ohmygod.” I gasp. “You’re a werewolf.”

Could this day get any weirder?

“Yeah, I am.” The black haired boy nodded. “But you’re not either one of us so what are you doing with him?” He pointed at Edward.

“I’m sorry dog but I’ll leave.” Edward hissed.

“Wait…” I stopped. “Why can’t he be here?”. I asked the werewolf boy.

“Years ago a treaty was made. No bloodsucking leeches allowed on our Quileute lands.”

“Well this is his house.” I said. “He has a right to be here.”

“It’s not anymore.” The boy looked at Edward. “He was exiled the day he was sired.”

“That’s a bit cruel isn’t it.”

“They kill people.” He folded his arms. “He’ll kill you.”

“He won’t.”

He sniffs the air and then his eyes narrow. “You’re not human either….” His eyes lit up. “Oh you’re the antarians!”. He rushes and drops at my feet. “You’re here to help us!”.
I shoot a look of confusion to Edward who had the same look on his face. “Our grandparents have spoken of your legend…that you shall work with us to defeat the ultimate enemy.”

“The ultimate enemy?”.

“Kivar.” The boy whispered and I bring him back up on his feet again. “He’s a demon. Heck, he’s the Samhain”.

“Whose Kivar?”. Edward quizzed.

“The bastard that almost killed me and my family.” I told Edward.

“The name rings a bell but I can’t draw the memory.” Edward sighs.

“I think we should work together.” He said, looking at me. “Please, allow me the honor of working alongside a noble alien warrior.”

“What’s your name?”.

“Jacob Black.”

Edward’s POV

Moments later, we’re walking in the forest, well away from LA Push and somehow Jacob seems to be more calm around me and very interested in Liz.

“I’ll have to go back and give my folks the good news.” Jacob told us. “And that not all vamps are bad.” He added.

I smiled and held Liz’s hand in mine. “Nice meeting you Jacob.” Liz smiles and leans into my embrace as soon as Jacob darts off.

She kisses my lips. “Where were we Ed?”. She purrs and I groan into her mouth. I wanted to love her for so long and now being in the woods alone, I can definitely show her how much I wanted her.

I place her against a tree and let her wrap her legs around my waist. I’ve never been intimate with a woman since after my transformation in a vampire but I doubted I had anyone else in my life except for my Eva in my human life.

She moans and pants as I tease her with my tongue. Right now I wanted to give her so much pleasure.

I let her grind over my hardness…since when did vampires get a hard on?

“Oh yess…right there.” She rubs her wet center over me, I hiss as her heat envelopes me and I push harder. “Only if I could penetrate you.” I groan, rubbing myself with her.

I couldn’t wait for Jacob to be gone so I could feel my love. I wanted to rip those jeans off her and plunge into her so hard but it wasn’t the time now. She deserved much better then a cheap fuck in the woods.

“Liz beautiful…we need to stop.” I pant, letting her shudder over me and holding back my own release. As a vampire I could decide when to orgasm but with Liz around I knew it was going to be impossible to not receive pleasure.

I’ve been so lonely for years, I realised this. No girl evoked such emotion in me. Not even Rosalie.

I let her down and brush her damp hair away from her forehead. “I want to have it with you Edward.” She whispered. “I want to feel you inside me.”
“First I want to do all the things I did with you when we were together in the past Liz.” I cup her cheek. “I want to show my family to you, I want to take you out on dates….heck I want to give you your perfect first time.”

“So what now?”. She kisses my hand. “You want me to meet your new family?”.

“I’ll meet yours if you meet mine?”. I suggest. She looks thoughtful for a while and then smiles.

“I’d love to meet your vampire family Edward.”

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Re: Timeless (Twilight XO, UC, Mature) 3/20/09 Chpt 11 & 12 p. 8

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the feedback everyone! :D


Chapter 11

Liz's POV

I'm so happy right now I can't even express how blissful I'm feeling right now. I finally found the love of my life if that makes any sense after years of solitude. Don't get me wrong, I have my wonderful friends and I love them so dearly. But I always felt left out when it came to love. Isabel had Micheal, Maria had Kyle and Carrie had Max. I couldn't wait to show my friends Edward.

I'll never be alone anymore, ever.

A knock on the door, startles me and I go and open the door. "What are you guys doing here?".

I look puzzled as I see my group of friends standing at my doorway, my face lights up with a smile. "We missed you." Carrie is the first to hug me.

"All of us did." Maria smiled.

"Yaay group hug!". Kyle cheered and all of them rushed at me at once.

"Oh Jesus!, can't breath." In a restrained voice I managed to get out.

"Sorry." They all pulled back and was scattered in my room. "Nice room." Micheal comments. looking around. "But your old room was way better."

"Only cuz you crashed in it all the time." Isabel muttered under her breath.

Now Micheal was like a brother to me, Isabel and I hadn't gotten along first because she assumed that he was into me like romantically interested. She had been a first class bitch to me and now we're kind of frosty but ok. On the other hand, her brother Max was another good friend of mine. He was calm, quiet but had a good head on his shoulders. We met through Carrie who was unsure of her feelings for him at the time.

Now, looking at them, Max was holding Carrie's hand in his and rubbing his thumb over her skin. Those two looked so happy together.

Maria on the other hand was with Kyle, those two had a strange relationship. It was difficult to tell whether they were together or not. Maria had been the nagging wife while Kyle was the foolish husband type kind of guy. It was so funny.

"Liz, how you're finding it here?". Max asked me.

"Kinda awesome." I smiled. "I hang out with my cousin Bella and her boyfriend Alex. Plus I think..."

Maria's eyes light up as she knows what's about to come. "Go on!".

"I've met this guy...." I add, blushing.

"Holy smokes!". Micheal chokes. "You met a guy?".

Isabel jabbed him in the shoulder. "Let her finish."

"He's everything I could never dream of, so flawless and amazing in my eyes...I know he's the one." I softly said. "Just like Max knows Carrie's the one for him, Micheal and Isabel and Kyle and Maria are meant for each other. That sort of way."

"I want to meet him." Carrie smiles. "Who is this lucky guy?".

"You'll meet him soon." I promised all of them. "Right after I meet his new family." I whispered.


I get Alex and Bella to meet my friends and show them around town as I manage to slip away with Edward who drives me to his family's home. Just like I had dreamed, it was ivory, wooden and glass. So beautiful. In the middle of the woods. Classic.

"Let me guess, this house is made to suit your vampire needs?".

Edward smirks and I can hear the small laugh escape between his lip, those gorgeous lips which I want to kiss. "I guess you can say that." He tells me and takes off my coat as soon as we step into the house.

"Wow, this house is even more beautiful from the inside." I gasp, there are no words for it.

"That's because I live here too." A blonde...namely Rosalie says. She's standing in front of us with a sullen look on her face. I can tell she's not too pleased to have me here.

Edward hisses. "Can't you make yourself useful and stick yourself in front of the mirror?". Obviously he's read her mind and she was thinking unpleasant thoughts.

"Don't worry, at least the mirror loves me." She raked her eyes at me. "So exquisite for a brunette." She purrs forcefully and turns her back on us before stomping up the stairs.

"I'm sorry about her." Edward apologises. "She's always been like this."

"It's ok." I let it go. "I've had my fair share of stuck up blonds." I remember Tess and cringe.

Edward chuckles. "Trust me, Rosalie is one of them."

"I doubt that."

Edward takes me to the kitchen where his folks are cooking. "Mom, Dad.....meet Liz Parker...my lover."

Lover? Could this guy get any sweeter?

"Hey Liz". The pretty red head woman gives me a hug. "I'm Esme, I've heard so much about you sweetie."

I look at Edward and return the smile. Dr Cullen gives me a hug followed by Alice. The other two guys just nod their heads at me.

"Hey guys."


"We're cooking Italian." Alice talks to me in polite tone, much more polite then Rosalie was. "Edward said it was your favourite."

"Oh guys, you didn't have to." I gasped. "Go to all the trouble..for me."

"Don't be sorry." Esme smiled. "You're part of this family now. Edward's found his other half."

"That's right." Edward pulled me into his arms. "She's my soul mate."

"Aww, we have to take a picture for the family album." Alice said.

"Why don't you show her around Edward and we'll be finished with making dinner." Dr Cullen said.

"Ok." Edward takes my hand. "Ready to see my room?".

Chapter 12

Edward's POV

I've told my family most of the things, about my past life and Eva. The only thing I've kept out was her alien status. I wasn't sure how they'd respond to that and frankly I didn't care. Liz was my life, my heart and everything to me. I didn't care if vampires didn't have a good history with aliens.

I just know that Liz and I were meant to be no matter what. It was just the twist of fate that threatened to keep us apart.

Once I take her into my room, she starts to ask me questions and I answer then in a calm voice. "They love you Liz, they won't think of you differently."

"But Rosalie does."

"She's a bitch." I answered. "She thinks everyone is beneath her feet."

Liz shuts her eyes and calms down. I can't blame her for feeling this way. It's my fault, I got her to worried. I was too happy and talked too much. "I should have not told them everything about our past or what we knew of it so far."

"It's okay Edward, I understand." She tells me. "Just give me a warning next time." She laughs and walks towards me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. I place my hands on her hips, bringing her closer.

"You smell so good." I kiss her lips quickly, feeling my hunger rising.

Oh god...I can...smell her....

"Where's the bed?". She looks back but finds a long seat instead. "I don't sleep." I confess.

"Do you...think you can...." She whispers in my ear. "Make love?"

I stiffen and hiss. "Liz...it's nothing like you've felt before. If we..."

"I know." She grins. "But I can't wait."

I caress her face by placing Eskimo kisses over her delicate skin. "I'll get a place for us to you know..." Truth was, I was desperate to have her. I could feel her scent all around me and this hunger...mixed with vampire strength was so powerful...too powerful to resist but my love for her held me back from ripping her clothes off and plunging into her sweet welcoming body.

"I..." She pressed her lips against mine. "need you so bad."

Before I know it, we're both tangled together and on the seat, she's lying on the seat with me in between her legs again. I'm rubbing myself over her heat, trying to ease both our aches as our mouths make love.

"Oh yess...Edward..." She pants underneath me and moves her hips against mine.

I can feel the heat rising up from her and seeping into my own skin. "Liz.." I croak, sliding my hands underneath her shirt and ready to grab her breasts.

"Hey guys, dinner is rea-OH!". Alice shrieks as she sees us in this intimate position.