All Things Dead and Blue (UC, Z/L, Teen) Complete ~ 3/12

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All Things Dead and Blue (UC, Z/L, Teen) Complete ~ 3/12

Post by darkmoon »


Title: All Things Dead and Blue
Disclaimer:The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine. If I did, Zan wouldn't have died. It would have been a good day. Seki is mine! Yep, he is.
Pairing: Zan/Liz
Rating: Teen
Summary: They are on the ship, and on their way... And Zan drinks something that Seki has been drinking constantly.
Author's Note: This is the newest in the Domestication of Zan. It helps if you read all the fics before this one.
Like always I want to thank the fans of this series. Without you, I wouldn't be still writing this series. Thank you so much!!!! Also no Smurfs or Twilight items where hurt in the writing of this fic. ^.^ As always, THANK YOU Burningchaos for betaing this!!!!

Liz was talking to Ava when Zan came into the room acting like Seki spiked his cherry coke with alcohol. He practically bounced into the room, which worried both women very much.

“I have a great idea for getting into the fantasy genre. I’m going to write the Zombie equivalent of Twilight.” Zan smiled evilly.

Liz placed a hand to her face. “You drank that blue drink that Seki keeps throwing back, didn’t you?” She didn’t know why she asked, she knew the answer.

“It tastes like blue kool-aid.” Zan shrugged. “But my new story is going to be fantastic! Even Kyle said he’d buy it. Seki says that he wants gay zombies. According to Seki, the heterosexual community has cornered market on the zombie stories.”

Ava looked over at Liz worried. “It was spiked wasn’t it?”

“Nope… There wasn’t anything in that drink but alcohol. Hence, he didn’t spike it.” Liz grumbled. “We have a hyper Zan… and as Zan would say; we’s in hell.”

“I’ve noticed… his accent is gone.” Ava blinked. “Wait…” She stood up, swaying slightly from the weight from her pregnant belly. “You fucking hypocrite!”

“Whaz?” Zan stopped bouncing for a moment, cocking his head slightly to a side as if the whole situation was more coherent that way.

“You give me shit about my lack of accent all the time! And now, I don’t hear a ghetto half word! The New York’s still there, but none of our sewer talk.” Ava glared and poked Zan in the ribs.

Zan pouted, in a way that reminded Liz of a little boy, and then shrugged as if Ava hadn’t even talked let alone poked him. “So Nick is a zombie. He is a sad, lonely zombie who had a horrible, crippling accident in an Arts and Crafts store…”

“I give up.” Ava threw her hands up and sat back down next to Liz. “What crippling accident… He’s a fucking zombie!”

Liz snickered as Zan continued. “He fell into a display of glitter. You know that glitter is like the Herpes of the Arts and Crafts world. Once it’s on, it’s never coming off, and you give it to everyone else around you.”

Ava and Liz rolled their eyes as they let him continue with his strange, but amusing story idea.

“He finds one of the last human camps, its barbed wire and chain link fence held off his hunger for human flesh, but not his hunger for love!” Zan snickered. “Kyle, Michael and Seki helped me with that line.”

“You aren’t allowed to play with them any more if these are the ideas they are giving you.” Liz shook her head as Ava tried not to laugh.

“But it gets better. Sarah, a poor lonely human finds true love in her decaying, soft moaning Nick. She enjoys sitting in front of the electrified fence pouring her heart out to him as he electrocutes himself like a bug on a zapper trying to eat her.” Zan started to bounce in place again. “Finally wishing for any contact, even one so slight she slips her hand through the fence. She caresses his dead flesh, before realizing that their love may be impossible, but not improbable.”

“Nick moans unhappily as Sarah is forced to leave him to go back to the compound. But their love would not be chained by fate or man. The chunk missing from the palm of Sarah’s hand sealed the fate of both their love and the compound. And as the fires burned and the screams of the last human echoed, Nick and Sarah lived happily ever after… Well at least until they both decayed to the point of nothingness. Cause seriously, they’re zombies!” Zan took a deep breath and waited.

“Seriously… as insane as it sounds, I’d buy that.” Ava shrugged.

“And that is why he isn’t allowed alcohol. Don’t you encourage him.” Liz shook her finger at Ava.

“Seki says that he’ll only support it if there is a supporting cast of two handsome zombie lovers who just want to find a place where they can freely show their love. I told him, I don’t write like that.” Zan stopped bouncing, and shrugged. “I’m going to go and play apple juice pong.”

"Apple juice pong?” Liz asked confused.

“It’s like Beer Pong, except instead of beer, I’m getting Seki drunk. He sleeps and won’t wake up for the rest of the trip.” Zan smiled widely.

“You are an evil man.” Liz stood up and walked over to her very intoxicated hubby. “If you get him drunk fast enough, I have a reward for you.”

Zan kissed Liz quickly before bounding off to get Seki drunk.

“I thought Doc said Sex wasn’t really a good idea this late in the game.” Ava raised an eyebrow.

Liz pulled out a KitKat from her maternity pants. “I never said it was sex. I just said a reward.”

“And this is why we are friends, you are so evil.” Ava giggled. “And I’m sorry; Liz, but I’d still buy that book.”

“I have no doubt others would too. We could call it; Decay: A Love Story.” Liz giggled back, before sitting back down next to Ava. “What would they do without us?”

“Kyle would probably be married to Seki right about now.” Ava giggled. “And Zan… He’s lost without you. I don’t know, but I’m sure glad we never had to find out.” Ava said in a very honest and sincere tone.

“You’re right; Kyle would so be Seki’s bitch right now.” Liz giggled, breaking the serious moment.
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I will never know the sweet love of Milk! ~ Khivar in Through The Looking Glass