The Talented Mrs Evans (AU,M/L,TEEN) Pt 21- 04/27/05 [WIP]

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The Talented Mrs Evans (AU,M/L,TEEN) Pt 21- 04/27/05 [WIP]

Post by nicola »

Author: Nicola Clarke
Disclaimer: Roswell is not mine nor are any of the characters
Category: M/L
Summary: Finally the sequel to The Talented Miss Parker is here! I suggest you read it before this one, you can find it here: ... sc&start=0
Anway, this is going to be switching back and forth between three different time periods so play close attention to dates or you might get a little confused. It's basically a recap of Max's life and the fluff! Don't we all just love the fluff...

THANK YOU CHRISTINE FOR THE BANNER again! I appreciate it so much.


New York 1994

The sun was up early this morning. Poking its blonde head over the crystal blue horizon. Max Evans jogged with determination along the grimy quay admiring its advancing rays. He felt heat on his ankles causing him to sweat under his socks.

Suddenly he came to an abrupt halt as a fish truck reversed off the road.

“Sorry buddy!” the driver called through the window. Max waved him off and continued on his way, careful not to slip on the wet gutter.

Up ahead a brilliant emerald green stood out in the midst of browns and greys. As he got closer he noticed it was a young woman sitting on a short wooden pillar with a ball gown on. She was staring at the road blankly.

Panting quietly, Max stopped running and asked, “Is something wrong?”

She looked up at him exposing her impressive green eyes, much the same colour as her gown. “Everything is perfect,” she said sarcastically, “everything is just…wonderful.

“That’s good,” he smiled and then added, “It’s just that you look too nice to be sitting in this smelly place.”

She smiled nervously. “Well, this isn’t what I planned to do with my morning I assure you.”

“What’s your name?” Max asked.

“Angie,” she answered, “what’s yours?”

“Max,” he held his hand out for her to shake. “So why are you here?” he added, “of all places.”

She stared out across the road and finally said, “You want to buy me a coffee and I’ll tell you?”

Max looked down at her. Red hair, big lips and a body to die for—slim and tall. “If you’d let me, it would be a pleasure.”

She held her hand out for him and said, “Well then help me up.”

They walked down the street slowly, her in a vibrant emerald gown and him in his trainers and shorts.

“Last night was the prom for this guy I know, I offered to help him out ‘cos he didn’t have a date. My prom days are long gone, I’m twenty-three. Anyway, my date and I danced the night away but at the beginning of the morning the bastard expected me to have sex with him! I yelled at him for obvious reasons and he kicked me out of his car. I didn’t want to go home yet so that’s why I was sitting where he left me.”

“So how long have you been sitting there?” Max asked. They reached a café and he held the door open for her to go through.

“About an hour and a half,” she replied to his question, “so where you from Max?”

“I’m twenty-one, third year at New York University. I actually live down the street.” He approached the counter, “Two coffees.”

Angie added, “One pack of smokes and an egg supreme thanks Tammy.” She turned to look at him, “I’ll find a seat.”

He joined her soon after and chucked the box of cigarettes on the counter in front of her.

She opened them and asked the biker behind her for a light.

With a fag hanging out of the corner of her mouth she asked, “You smoke?”

“No,” he replied.

She took one out and handed it to him. “Have one anyway—then I won’t feel bad about spending your riches.”

“Do you come here a lot?” Max asked and placed the cigarette between his lips, “You knew the lady at the counter.”

“I work here,” Angie admitted. She leaned over the table to light his smoke.

He inhaled hesitantly and spluttered when the burning sensation crept down his throat.

Angie watched with amusement. “Take another puff,” she said, “you’ll like it.”

“I don’t even know you are you’re teaching me bad habits,” he said and then did as he was told. He wasn’t as shocked as before so the sticky feeling was more satisfying. He released the smoke from his mouth and watched it thin in the air.

“What do you think?” she asked.

He nodded. “Kind of…good.”

She laughed. “Oh, I like you. Your parents rich?”

“How can you tell?” he asked.

“Your trainers,” she said, “no struggling college student can afford that brand.”

Max stared down at his shoes unconsciously. “What about you? That dress?”

“How wrong you are,” she said, “my aunty made this.”

“Well, she did a good job.”

“Thank you.”


Naples 2018 Present

She was standing in the kitchen flipping something in the fry pan when he got home. He came up behind her and looped his arms around her tiny waist. “Hi,” he said with his lips against her neck.

“Hi,” she replied smiling to herself, “how was work?”

“I think I need to retire. I’m too old to teach Physics.” He lifted up her hair with one hand and kissed her warm skin.

Liz closed her eyes and breathed in. “Maybe you could teach something else?”

“Nah, I think I need to stay here all day with you,” he paused, “where are the kids?”


“Are you serious? All three of them?” his hands snuck under the hem of her shirt to massage her stomach.

“All three of them,” she confirmed, “dreamlike isn’t it?”

“Why yes,” he said. His lips sucked on her neck. “So what are we having for dinner then?”

“Home made meat patties, boiled potatoes and salad. But the potatoes won’t be ready for a while,” she added, “so we’ll have to find something to do until they are cooked.”

He grinned. “Is that right?”

“Aha,” she turned around and put her hands on his chest, “how about I go to one of the rooms in the house, take off all my clothes…”

“Or,” he said and started unbuttoning her scarlet blouse, “I could just take off your clothes here.”

“It is cold in here,” she said licking her lips, “Alexander lit the fire in the lounge and I lit the one in our bedroom.”

Max leaned down and kissed her above her breast. “Sounds good…”

“Mom!” the front door slammed shut and both the adults in the kitchen groaned. Liz started buttoning her blouse.

“Jamie can’t go to the movies anymore.” Thomas came through the dinning room and put his skate board on the nicely set up table, as if he didn’t even notice the work that had gone into getting it so orderly. At eleven, Thomas was Max and Liz’s youngest child. He had scruffy brown hair and long legs. “So I’m stuck here.”

“Great,” Max said trying not to get angry, “now you can go on your bike and get the…the…”

“The…raspberries,” Liz quickly said, “for dessert.”

“From the store,” Max added and pulled his wallet out of his pocket, “here’s the money.”

“I don’t want to—“

Max sighed. “I don’t care if you want to or not, you don’t do much around here so you can do this for your mother. Now get moving.”

“You suck.”

“HEY!” Max yelled loudly, “You don’t speak to me like that.”

“Pwh.” Thomas left the room and Max and Liz stood staring at each other until the front door shut.

They practically ran to their bedroom.

“Hurry up,” Liz said as she fell back onto the bed laughing. Max was just about to join her but they heard the front door open again.

“Oh why,” Liz groaned, “why?”

Max helped her up and gritted his teeth in frustration.


“What?” Liz called back angrily and left the bedroom buttoning her shirt with a sulking Max behind her.

“Can Hayden stay?” Alexander asked, “his parents are doing something tonight and would prefer it if we stayed here.”

Max looked at his son and Hayden and sighed. “Fine, but you better not be as loud as last time or I swear to God—”

“Max,” Liz warned, “come help me with dinner.”

They walked into the kitchen and as Liz got plates down from the cupboards she heard Max mumble, “I bet I know exactly what Hayden’s parents get to do tonight and I don’t see why we should be the ones to miss out because…”

Liz laughed loudly. “Oh shut up Max.”

“Don’t pretend like you don’t care,” Max grumbled and as he walked by her, he pinched her bottom. She jumped and nearly dropped the plates she was holding.

He grinned as he unloaded the beverages from the fridge and went to put them on the table.

“I was thinking,” Liz said as she joined him, putting the plates in between the knives and forks, “for your birthday…”

“Not my birthday.” He groaned and shook his head. “I’m not having a birthday this year.”

“Wait until you hear what I have planned and then decide,” Liz replied, “I thought…”

“Is dinner ready?” Alexander popped his head into the room.

“Nope,” Liz answered, “Ten minutes. Did you see your brother on the way out?”


Max asked, “What does Hayden want to drink?”

Alexander screamed, “HAYDEN, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DRINK?”

“Alexander!” Max said plainly annoyed, “how many times have I told you not to yell?”

A second later Hayden came into the room. “I want beer.”

“I know for a fact your mother does not let you drink it at home, so you are not having it here,” Liz laughed, “ten points for trying though.”

I want beer,” Alexander said.

“You can have your mothers wine,” Max joked.

“Heck no,” Liz argued, “keep your hands off.”

“Natalie’s always allowed beer,” Alexander retorted.

Liz went into the kitchen and as she went, she said, “Natalie is seventeen. When you are seventeen, you can have beer.”

“I have it when I’m not here anyway.”

Max rolled his eyes. “Well there goes your privilege of ever leaving this house.”

The front door slammed again and a grumpy Thomas stomped through to the kitchen and dumped a container of raspberries on the bench. “There,” he said.

“Oh,” Liz walked up to him and wrapped her arm around his shoulders, “thank you sweetheart.”

“Eh get off me,” he shrugged her off and went to his bathroom.

Max washed his hands in the sink and then took a seat at the table. Liz sat at the head with him to her right. “What were you saying, about my birthday?” he asked.

“Oh, yeah,” she said, “I was thinking that we should go on holiday.”

Max’s eyebrows rose, “Where?”


He laughed, “Are you serious?”

“Who said Hawaii? What about Hawaii?” Hayden asked as he sat down.

“Nothing, just an idea,” Liz said, “I thought it would be nice. We haven’t been on vacation in the longest time…at least four years. We can afford it right now; I know we might have to save a little but I want to laze around on the beach and swim in a hotel pool.”

“You want a beach!” Max exclaimed and motioned to the window, “there is a beach! One of the most beautiful beaches in the world, two minutes away from our doorstep.”

“I’m tired of that beach.”

“So am I,” Alexander said, “I say we should go. Hey there might be hot Hawaiian chicks walking around the streets in bikinis.”

Hayden laughed. “Can I come too?”

Liz served food onto her plate and then Max’s. “Do want more?” she asked softly.

“No that’s enough, thank you.” He sipped his glass of beer. “Liz…I don’t know if I can get time off work.”

“Oh come on, you haven’t had a single day off for years, and you constantly say that should have some time off,” Liz said.

“Yeah!” Hayden chimed in, “come on.”

Max sighed. “Why Hawaii? There are so many other nice places…”

“You don’t want to go to Hawaii?” Liz was surprised.

“What the hell is wrong with Hawaii?” Alexander asked.

Max smiled. “There is nothing wrong with Hawaii; I’m just saying there are many other places.”

“Like where?” Hayden asked with a mouth-full of food.

“Australia, New Zealand, Egypt, South Africa…”

“South Africa? Are there hot chicks in South Africa?” Alexander asked.

Liz rolled her eyes. “There are more to life then hot chicks Alex.”

“Like what?” Max asked his eyes gleaming mischievously. Liz shot him a look. He put his hand on her thigh under the table and gave a little squeeze.

“I was speaking to Maria about it yesterday and agrees that we should go,” Liz said, “Max it’s the holidays for the kids anyway. Natalie needs a break from those horrible friends of hers…”

“Where is Natalie?”

“At Amanda’s. So what do you say?”

“I say…I’ll consider it.”


New York 1994

Max sat in his physics class watching the clock tick by. He usually enjoyed this class but today he was meeting Angie afterwards and that was all he could think about. He really liked her; she was different from a lot of the girls he had met while in college.

He’d only gone out with her once after they met that morning two weeks ago but he knew he could get serious with her. He felt this fresh exuberance at the thought of dating someone older then him. He felt…respectable. When his friends heard they showed natural zest and hooted and howled.

He was excited about seeing her again.

Finally when it was time to go, he chucked on his jacket and ran down the front steps of the building to his car.

“Max where you off to?” Frankie yelled.

“I’m meeting up with someone. See you tonight?”

“Hell yeah b-a-b-y! PAR-TAY!”

Max laughed. “Don’t get too carried away.”

He picked Angie up from her apartment. She was sitting outside her building waiting for him.

“Hey sexy,” she grinned as she walked up to the car.

“Hey,” he said, “You look amazing.”

“Why thank you.” She spun around showing off her tight dress. “So where are we off to?”

“I was hoping you’d have some idea.”

She buckled her seat belt. “How about…the carnival just outside of town?”

“Carnival? Sure.”
Last edited by nicola on Wed Apr 27, 2005 4:26 am, edited 24 times in total.
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Post by nicola »

Oh you guys, thank you so much for taking the time to leave my fb. I'm glad you all like the sequel, I was a little nervous everone would think it sucked! I hope you like this part.


New York 1994

“I thought this was going to be a family dinner?” Max mumbled.

“Your father apologized, what can he do if he has to work?” Diane smiled at her son. “You’ll know one day when you are married. You have to learn to forgive.”

“Who said I want to get married?” Max asked.

“You will,” Diane said, “one day.”

Max snorted. “Looking at you and dad I don’t see the point. He treats you like crap, why do you even bother?” he got up from the table and tipped his glass of water down the sink. “I’ll never get married.”

“Max shut up,” Isabel said. “Leave mom alone.”

“Yes Max,” Diane agreed. “Shut up.”

“You guys are crazy,” Max groaned. “Why be with one person when you can have many?”

Isabel threw her bread crust at him. “You are just so sick. You horny little brute.”

“I’m not going to argue,” Max grinned and headed for the door.

“Where are you going? We still have dessert to eat,” Diane called.

”I don’t want any!” Max yelled.

Both Isabel and Diane jumped when the front door slammed. “He’s such a freak,” Isabel complained.

“He’ll grow out of it.”

“He’s twenty-one, how long will it take? Until he’s thirty?”


“Max.” Angie opened her front door. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to see you,” he said simply. “What are you doing?”

Angie let him in and closed the door. “Nothing much, watching T.V.”

Max stepped close to her and touched her hip with his hand. She looked so hot today. “Let’s go to your room,” he said and sucked on her neck.

“Oh Max, cut it out,” she backed away from him. “I’m waiting until marriage I told you.”

Max rolled his eyes overdramatically. “Then, will you marry me?”

Angie, beside her mood, laughed. “Oh shut up Max.”

He smiled and kissed her lips hotly. “You must at least want to.” His eyes were smouldering black.

“Yes, but I’m waiting, some of us believe in love,” she stepped away and flopped back onto the couch. “Why can’t you respect that, huh? Come watch a movie with me.”

Max sighed and fell down beside her. She was pulling him around by his dick and he knew it. If he didn’t like her so much there was no way he’d stick around when he wasn’t getting any.

“That’s a good boy,” Angie teased. “Want a cigarette?”

“Yeah,” he answered. “I do.”


Naples 2000

Max went to open the office door but found it rudely locked in place. He knocked and said suspiciously, “Liz why’d you lock the door?”

Liz sprung up from her chair knocking her empty coffee mug to the floor. She cursed and ran to the window, opening it quickly she tried to urge the smoke out of the room with her arms. Running back to the desk she opened the top draw and shoved all evidence into it.

“Liz? What the hell are you doing in there?”

“Just a second!” she called breathlessly. She ran to door and unlocked it then looked down into her hands and cursed again. Shoving her hands behind her back she smiled innocently at Max as she backed away.

“Oh my God, are you smoking?” Max asked shocked.

“No,” she laughed. “What would give you that idea?”

“It is as obvious as me standing in front of you with a huge boner and then saying, No Liz I don’t want to have sex.” He eyed her sceptically. “What have you got behind your back?”

“Nothing!” she yelped. “Go away, I have work to do. I told you I do.”

“Yeah, right.” Max felt his body tingle at the smell in the room. “Then why is it smoky in here?”

Seeing that she could not longer deny his claim, she cried out, “Oh come on…you’re the one that has been holding out on me!”

“I knew it.” He grabbed her and took the cigarette from her fingers.

Liz bit her lip. “I got it from your draw, don’t look at me like that.” She walked around to the leather seat and slumped down into it. “I went to get the dictionary and got an unexpected surprise!”

Max put the smoke in his mouth and inhaled it. He hadn’t had a cigarette in nearly two weeks, ever since Liz was making him quit he had been in hell. He knew it was for the best but to go from a heavy smoker to not smoking at all was a bit harsh. He welcomed the relief freely. “I forgot about that stash. It’s been there for a long time.”

“HA! I doubt it.”

“Liz, I don’t get to smoke anymore, because of you. But yet you’re in here doing exactly what you always fucking tell me not to do! Don’t you think that’s just a little bit hypocritical?” He took another drag of the smoke and then stubbed it out on the ashtray on the corner of the desk.

“I didn’t plan to,” she retorted. “I just saw it and thought eh what the hell?”

“Well maybe I should just say that to you whenever you tell me not to smoke?”

“Go ahead.”

“Fine.” He stomped towards the door but she stopped him, like he knew she would.

“No Max, don’t. You can’t take anything I’m saying seriously, I’m out of my mind. Come here?” She kicked off her sandals. “You know what I’m dying to do? Whenever I’m in here all I can think about is that time we…” She began unbuttoning her blue blouse. Max shuddered at the sight of his favourite black lace bra. The one that was see-through. The one that showed a teasingly small amount of nipple. The one that she was about to remove. He was in front of her before she could utter another sound.

“On the desk,” she purred. “I want you to take me right here.” She dropped her bra to the floor.

Max laid her back on the desk and kissed her hotly. “Why do you always get your way, huh?” he asked.

“Because I’m your wonderful wife and you can’t help but give me whatever I want,” she answered and ran her hands through his short hair. “Please…I need you to…”

His mouth closed over her nipple and sucked roughly.

“Max, please I need you inside of me,” she begged, her nails clawing at his back.

He lifted her hips off the desk and yanked her pants and underwear down. She kicked them off and then sat up to reach for his pants. He bet her to it, almost tearing them with his rushed movements.

Liz wrapped one of her legs around his waist and urged him inside her. Fireballs shot up and down her lower stomach.

“Christ Liz,” Max moaned.

Finally he drove within her and leaned over her to suck on her lips. She tasted like nicotine and herself, his tow favourite things. He tugged her lips into his mouth and teased her tongue with his own. Her hips moved back and forth, roughly and swiftly with his.

“Oh God Max!” Liz cried and clenched her leg tighter around him. “Faster!”

Max complied, sliding in and out, faster and harder.

He wanted her to have release first. His hand slid in between them and he rubbed her sensitive nub in circular motions. His hips continued to dive within her. Their pants and groans were loud and echoed through the house

Liz pressed her nails harder into Max’s back, almost breaking the skin, and cried out loudly as relief washed over her. Max was seconds after, he felt his seamen shoot into her abruptly and grunted and buried his face in her neck.

“You are crazy,” he mumbled.

“Eternally,” she laughed. “Don’t let go of me.” She shifted her arms to hold him tightly in a desperate embrace. After a few minutes of quite she said, “I’m sorry I smoked, I guess I don’t have as much strength of will as you.” She spoke with her lips pressed to his cheek next to his ear.

“Didn’t I tell you?” he smiled. “And because of that I should be eternally in charge.”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” she said.

They stared at each other. “You are very beautiful,” he said with feeling.

“So are you.” They kissed lovingly, holding onto one another.

“Want to go to bed?” Max asked.

“Yes please,” she laughed, “I think I have a pen or something digging into my ass.”

He smiled and stood up. “Oh no, I’ll have to inspect your wound. Come into my clinic Mrs Evans. Right this way.” He heaved her up over his shoulder and headed in the direction of their bedroom.


Naples 2018 Present

“Dad, Thomas told me that mom said she wants to go to Hawaii and that you said no.” Natalie stood in front of the television so her father could not ignore her. “Are you out of your flippin’ mind?”

Max rolled his eyes. “Natalie…”

“Don’t ‘Natalie’ me,” she said.

“Look what you’ve gotten us into,” he said to Liz who was resting with her head on his lap.

She groaned sleepily. “Just say yes, scrooge.”

“Yeah,” Natalie said. “Just say yes!”

“No.” He motioned her out of the way. “Get out from in front of the television.”

Natalie stomped one foot. “Oh come on! You suck sooo much!”

“Don’t talk to me like that,” Max said. “Where did you get your attitude from? You used to be such a nice little girl.”

“Where did she get her attitude from?” Liz suddenly opened her eyes and looked up at him. “You are joking right? It’s from the same place Thomas and Alexander got theirs from.”

“I don’t appreciate being ganged up on in my own house.”

Alexander walked past the lounge in his jacket and headed for the front door.

“Where are you going?” Natalie asked.

“That’s none of your business,” he replied snottily.

“No but it’s mine,” Max said.

He groaned loudly. “I’m just going to a friend’s house.”

“At ten at night?” Liz asked. “I don’t think so. Natalie, make me a cup of tea will you?”

“Why can’t you make it yourself?” she complained.

“Alexander get back in your room,” Max said and shifted Liz’s head onto the couch so he could get up. “I’ll make you a cup of tea.”

“No forget it,” Liz mumbled. “I’m going to bed.” Sluggishly she padded across the hall and down the hallway.

Max turned to his two children. “What’s wrong with you two huh? You want to know why I haven’t said we can go to Hawaii? You don’t deserve to. You get everything handed to you on a silver platter and look how you behave! Natalie I want you to help your mother for Christ’s sake, start doing something she asks of you for a change and Alex if you don’t hurry up and grow up, you’ll never leave this house. Going to a friend’s house at ten! What a load of bull, you think I’ve forgotten being your age? I assure you I haven’t. I know what you are getting up to.” He walked in the direction of the kitchen. “Prove to me you deserve it and maybe I’ll consider taking you across the world on a holiday but frankly you are going to have to do a lot of butt-kissing before that’s even an option. How would you like it if Liz and I went and left you here? The idea is very appealing, I assure you.”

Naples 2000

Careful not to scratch the varnish Max put his car keys down on the table and kicked his shoes off. He treaded across the carpet quietly towards the kitchen where Liz was making dinner.

“Hey,” he said and leaned against the door frame. “What are you making?”

“Lasagna.” She crooked an eyebrow upwards. “Boring huh?”

“Never.” He walked across to her and kissed her temple. “How was your day?”

She smiled. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“I believe it is my right as your husband.” His eyes roamed over her body appreciatively. “Been out?”

“Yeah, I went to lunch with some of the girls,” she answered.

He studied her face. “You okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m just tired.”

“Do you want to go to bed?” Max leaned against the bench and watched her.

She shook her head. “All I want to do is climb onto the couch and watch DVD’s with my head on your chest…”

“Ah,” he said and bit his lip. “I have to go back to the university.”

“What?” Liz asked. She stopped what she was doing and turned to look at him with her hands on her hips. “You can’t! It’s nearly seven, what could they possibly need you for now?”

“A meeting,” he answered. “It won’t take long, an hour tops…I had to go over the head of the department to get home for dinner. I wish I didn’t have to go but I couldn’t get out of it.”

“But I rented that movie you wanted to see,” Liz said. She looked very annoyed and upset. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sorry.”

Liz held her hands up in defeat. “Oh whatever, I don’t care.”

Max bit his lip.

“Can you finish this? I need to go have a shower.” She didn’t wait for his reply, just took off her apron and walked out of the kitchen towards the bathroom.


“Max, just don’t okay?”


“You know what we talked about at lunch today?” Liz said. They were sitting at the dinner table eating their lasagna.

Max shrugged.

“Which would you prefer, to find the love of your life and have them die or to never find the love of your life?” Liz went on. “Of course the two single ladies said that they would rather find ‘the one’ and have them die. I disagree, don’t you?”

“That’s a nice conversation,” Max said and raised his eye brows. “But yes, I agree with you. I can’t imagine anything worse then having you die.” He clasped her hand in his.

“When they get married they’ll change their mind.” Liz sipped her water. “Did you put extra salt in this?”

Suddenly grinning he said, “One of my female students asked if I was married today. And no I didn’t put extra salt in.”

“Is that right?” she asked. “And?”

Max rolled his eyes. “I nodded and walked away.”

Liz giggled. “Have you lost your capability to flirt back darling, oh what will you do with yourself?”

“Come home to you,” he answered.

“This is very salty,” Liz said.

“I told you, no salt.”

“I don’t believe you.”

They grinned at each other.

“Your mother called today,” Liz said and sipped her water again. “She wanted to tell me that she was going to fax me.”

Max laughed. “Only my mother.”

“I thanked her for warning me. Anyway, she sent me a recipe that you supposedly liked when you were younger. I was going to make it tonight but I didn’t have all the ingredients and I couldn’t be bothered walking to the store.”

“We need another car,” Max said.

“No we don’t,” Liz argued. “We’ll manage. We could do without this large house too.”

Max put his fork down. “Why do you always say that? Do you feel as if you don’t deserve nice things?”

“Max, do you have any idea how hard it is to keep cleaning this house? I think you’d understand if you had to do the dusting.”

“We are not moving. We’ll hire a house keeper like I used to have.” He got up from the table and picked up his plate. “Are you finished?”


He took their dishes into the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher. Liz came and helped him. “Max, is there any time when I’m not…enough for you?”

Max paused what he was doing. “What?” he turned to her. “Liz, what?”

“Well you know…” she said awkwardly. “You used to have a lot and now you just have me…”

“Yeah, and I’d rather have you over everyone,” he demanded. “Liz, we’ve been over this and over this and over this. What are you afraid of?”

“I’m afraid of . . . being wrong about you.”

Max cursed. “Liz, how can you say that? You are the only the person that gets to see me, how can you of all people be wrong about me?” He grabbed her. “We are not having this talk again, you hear me?”

She bit her lip and nodded.

“Good,” he said. “I have to leave in five minutes; do you need me to do anything before?”

“Yes,” she answered. “I need you to sit down so I can tell you something.”

Panic chased its way across his face. “What’s wrong?”

“I-I,” Liz stuttered. “Sit down.”

He sat down and wrapped his arms around her waist drawing her close to him. “Liz, babe you’re worrying me.”

“I’m pregnant.”

“What?” he smiled. “Are you serious?”

She nodded. “Yeah, certain…doctor and all.”

“Oh my God.”

She laughed. “Is that all you have to say?”

“Tell me what to say and I’ll say it,” he laughed.

Liz was thoughtful. “How about...FINALLY! Or…”

“Finally!” Max breathed out and grabbed her furiously, pulling her into his arms. “Oh my God Liz! For a while there I was so worried we’d never…”

“I know,” Liz said smiling. “But we can and we are.”

Max’s eyes were bright. “Thank you,” he said.

“What are you thanking me for?” she laughed. “I do believe it takes two to make a baby.”

Max kissed her passionately. He was panting quietly when he said, “Thank you for being so wonderful, for loving me, for being…you. Thank you.

“No, thank you.”
Last edited by nicola on Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »

here's the new part guys, how you are all having an awesome week,


Naples 2018

Liz put her hand on Max’s shoulder and leaned over to look briefly at what he was doing. Two piles of exams rested under his red pen. “Are you coming to bed?” she asked softly.

Max glanced up from his work. “Yeah, soon,” he said softly. “Give me ten minutes.”

She kissed his cheek. “I’ll be waiting…”

“Hmm, I’ll be quick.” He watched her leave the office and then sighed and looked down at Regan George’s paper. Failed. Max took it as a person blow when one of his students did not pass his class. It must be by some fault of his own if his students were not learning what they needed to.

He’d have to try harder. He would spend more time on each individual and make sure every single person knew what to do when exams came.

Max finished the last few papers and put the pile into his briefcase neatly. Then he got up and turned out the light.

“HEY! Put that back!” he heard Natalie yell down the hall. “I was watching that!”

After closing the office door he headed towards the lounge to help control the situation. “What’s going on here?” he asked gruffly.

Alexander looked up from his position on the couch. “Natalie’s being a bitch. As usual.”

“Hey! You stupid retard,” Natalie argued.

“Whoa,” Max yelled. “Shut up, both of you.”

“Well he seems to think he’s the king or something. He just strolls in here and turns the channel when I’m watching something,” Natalie said.

“Is that true Alex?” Max asked.

Alexander just huffed.

“Give her the remote,” Max ordered. “And grow up. Both of you.” Before leaving, he threw over his shoulder, “Don’t stay up too long.”

He checked on Thomas and found that he had fallen asleep with his head in a skating magazine. For a moment he was reminded of when all of his kids were young and not…horrible.

He loved them, of course, but sometimes they just drove him insane. All they seemed to do was argue, eat like horses and complain. It was because they were teenagers but still, it would have been nice to have a little respect.

He took the magazine out from under Thomas’ head gently and placed it down on the dresser. “Why can’t you all go back to getting along?” he asked desperately to himself.

On the way to his bedroom Max stopped in the bathroom and brushed his teeth. In the mirror he looked old. He couldn’t believe it. Forty-five in one week. When had that happened?

At least he wasn’t grey. He made sure of that…or Liz did when she dyed his hair but it was by his request.

After splashing water on his face and peeing, he finally got to the bedroom. Liz was sitting propped up against their pillows reading a magazine.

“Liz, do I look old to you?” he asked as he closed the door.

She glanced up from what she was reading. “Max…honey, you know you don’t. Come to bed.”

He sighed. “I look old…horrible. How can you stand me?”

“Max everyone gets old. I look old too,” she tucked her hair behind her ears. “At least you aren’t flabby like me.”

Max smiled. “You aren’t flabby.” He pulled his shirt over his head and pulled off his pants. After throwing them over the railing at the back of the bed, he joined her.

“You look exactly the same as the day I met you,” he added. “Beautiful and…sexy.”

She put her magazine on the bedside table and moved over to give him room. “Yeah right.”

He lay down on his back and waited for her to turn off the lamp and snuggle into his side.

“What were they doing out there?” she asked and lay her head down on his chest.

“Fighting, watching television,” he answered with a yawn. They kissed each other lovingly and closed their eyes. “Remember when they were young?”

“Oh I remember,” she whispered. “But what about when we were young. Do you remember that?”

“I wish I could remember myself young less,” Max snorted.

Liz smiled. “When I met you, you were rather awful.” She pulled the covers over their heads and slid one thigh over his stomach.

Max was surprised. “What do you think you are doing?” he asked.

Liz pulled at his underwear. “Having my dirty way with you.”

“But the kids are still up and…”

She kissed his mouth. “I think they know better then to interrupt us when we’re ‘sleeping’.”

Max laughed. “Right.”

He ran his hands up her thighs to reach for her underwear but found that she was delightfully bare. “You were prepared I see?”

“Of course.”

“Is this why you were so keen on getting me into bed?”


She rested her knee’s on either side of his body and was about to take him within her when he abruptly stopped her. “Wait.”

“What?” she asked tenderly.

“I’m paranoid the kids will hear,” he whispered annoyed with his responsible tendencies.

She smiled and leaned over to the dresser to grab the remote. “Then I’ll turn the stereo on.” By fluke the radio was playing their song.

And when it comes to love
I'm just another fool
Yes, I'll climb a mountain
I'm gonna swim the sea
There ain't no act of God girl
Could keep you safe from me

“Oh,” Liz said. “That’s—”

“I know.” Max pulled the covers back over their heads and kissed her lips passionately. She responded by taking his arousal in her fingers and gently stroking him up and down. He moaned, “God Liz,” and lifted his hips into her hands.

“My arms are reaching out
Out across this canyon
I'm asking you to be my true companion
So don't you dare and try to walk away
I've got my heart set on our wedding day
I've got this vision of a girl in white
Made my decision that it's you alright
And when I take your hand
I'll watch my heart set sail
I'll take my trembling fingers
And I'll lift up your veil”

When he eased into her Liz leaned over him so her chest was pressing into his. His arms went around her neck to hold her in place and roughly, she lifted her hips and thrust down onto him.

“Hmm,” they moaned into one another’s mouths. Nearly nineteen years of being together and still Max felt as if it was as wonderful as their first time.

Liz pumped up and down on him until they rolled over so he could be on top. The sheets wove around them tightly but they both ignored it, focusing only on one another.

Then I'll take you home
And with wild abandon
Make love to you just like a true companion
You are my true companion
I got a true companion

Kissing her neck and jaw, Max was breathless by the time he released within her. He reached down within them to make sure Liz felt what he was feeling and afterwards they lay panting softly, still touching all over.

Max tucked her hair behind her ears and pressed his forehead against hers. “You know,” he started.

“What?” Liz asked and bent one of her legs so it was erect like a triangle.

“I may look old,” he said with feeling. “But you make me feel very young some times.”

When the years have done irreparable harm
I can see us walking slowly arm in arm
Just like the couple on the corner do
'Cause girl I will always be in love with you
And when I look in your eyes
I'll still see that spark
Until the shadows fall
Until the room grows dark
Then when I leave this Earth
I'll be with the angels standin'
I'll be out there waiting for my true companion
Just for my true companion.”

Liz smiled. “That’s my job.”

“Speaking of jobs…do you have work tomorrow?” he slid out of her but did not shift away. She felt so warm against his bare body.

“Yeah, just until two.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “Max…have you thought anymore about that holiday?”

“I don’t think the kids deserve it just yet,” he said.

“But what about me?” she pouted. “And I know they can be quite a…handful but they are good kids and you know it.”

Max sighed.

“They aren’t that bad. They could be a lot worse.” Liz laughed. “They are teenagers; they are supposed to be like this.”

“It doesn’t mean they have to be.” He turned off the stereo and rolled over so he was lying at her side. “But you are right.”

“If course I am,” she teased. “I always am.”

They closed their eyes. “How about the end of June?” Max finally said.

Liz squealed. “Yes! Oh thank you Max.”

“But you have to plan it, I hate planning holidays.”

“Yes I know you’re a real party pooper. Don’t worry, I’ll handle everything.”


Naples 2000

“You look-ah-wet.”

Liz stood in the doorway in what used to be her good shoes, her expensive pink dress and cardigan. A puddle had formed on the carpet beneath her and continued to grow as the seconds ticked by.

“Just a tad,” she said sourly.

Max sat on the couch eating cereal for his afternoon snack. His spoon remained in mid-air as he stared at her. Somehow she would blame this on him. He waited.

“Where the HELL were you?”

Sometimes he wished he wouldn’t be right. He swallowed another spoonful of cereal, in hopes of delaying the moment a smidgen longer.

“Excuse me?”

“I left a note on your dresser saying I needed you to pick me up at 1:30!”

“Ah…no you didn’t.”

“Ah…yes I did.” She took off her shoe and threw it at him. “I just ruined a five-hundred-dollar pair of shoes! I hope you are happy.”

”Don’t get mad at me, there was no note.” Max put his bowl of cereal down and stood up.

She stomped across the room towards the bedroom. “Look, it was right…here…”

There was no note on the dresser.

“You were saying?”

Liz looked like Satan fuming and Max had to bite his lip to keep from saying something about the fire practically pouring off the top of her head.

“What did you do with it?” she yelled. Max almost expected her to pull out a knife and stab him multiple times in the head.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that. Let me get you a towel.” He began walking towards the door but her voice stopped him. Damn, he thought. He had really hoped he would safely escape.

“It was here!” she yelled. “Right here!” she looked under the bed and dresser searching for it.

“No it wasn’t because then I would have seen it…” judging by the brighter shade of red that dyed her cheeks he knew that was the wrong thing to say. “I’m just gonna…go…away…” He ran before she could get him.

“I remember I was in the kitchen and I couldn’t find a pen so I went into the office and…Oh god.” She turned pale. “No…no…” As if her being wrong was the worst imaginable thing. She walked into the office and up to the desk. Sure enough the note was there. “The phone rang and I forgot to go get the note…” she stomped her feet. “ Damn it!”

“I’m waiting for my apology.”

He expected her to turn around and tear his head off so when she didn’t he was surprised. Instead she shoved past him with her shoulders hunched and then ran to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

“Liz?” Max called. He knew it wasn’t good for the baby when she got stressed out and he really tried not to provoke her.

She didn’t reply to his call so he decided he would just leave her to calm down. He went back to the lounge to finish his cereal but an hour later when she still didn’t immerge he opened the bathroom door. “Liz?”

She looked up from her position on the floor. “Go away.”

Her eyes were rimmed red and it was obvious she’d been sick in the toilet by the smell in the room.

He squatted down in front of her. “Are you alright? I’m not angry about before.”

“But I am,” she said and turned her face away from him. “Please just leave me alone.”

Max tucked her hair behind her ears and made her face him. She was embarrassed he realized. Making a quick decision, he pulled her to her feet. “Come on,” he said.

“What?” she asked defeated.

“I’ll move the television into the bedroom for you and light the fire. You can lie in bed with hot chocolate and…”

“Pizza?” Liz suddenly wanted.

Max knew by now that it was better not to ask about her sudden cravings. “Alright. I’ll order one.”

She sniffled. “Thank you.”

“What are wonderful husbands for?” he said cockily.

Liz didn’t say anything in response. Max guessed she was just too tired.

She was in bed ten minutes before he heard her call, “Oh God, I think I need the sick bowl. Hurry Max!”

It was a false alarm but they left the bowl beside her anyway. “Max I’m sorry I yelled at you,” Liz said.

Max smiled. “It’s alright; I’ll pretend it was hormones or something.”

“But you didn’t do anything wrong,” Liz continued. “And I am such an overreacting freak.”

He laughed. “No you aren’t.”

She looked up at him apologetically. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He kissed her forehead. “Try and feel better.”

“I will.”


New York 1994

“You must be Mr. Evans,” Angie said and shook Max’s fathers hand. “I’d like to say I’ve heard a lot about you but the truth is…I haven’t.”

Max cleared his throat. “Yes well.” What was there to say? His father was a prick, end of story.

“Well nevertheless, I’ve heard plenty about you,” Philip said. Max was surprised. He must have heard about Angie from his mother. He missed their stares and took Angie’s hand in his.

“Come on,” Max begged. “Let’s go swim.”

“Max don’t be rude,” Angie warned and pulled her hand away.

“Fine,” Max said. “Stay here. I’ll go swim.

Philip watched his son go. “Would you like a drink, Angie?”

“Yes,” she replied. “Thank you.”

Max hopped in the spa pool next to his sister who was flirting grotesquely with her boyfriend. He cleared his throat when they started making out. “AHEM,” he said louder.

Isabel rolled his eyes at him. “Oh God Max, go away. I thought you had a girlfriend around somewhere.”

“Yes,” Max groaned. ”Somewhere.” He glanced over to the bar where his father and Angie were deep in conversation. Yuck, what could they possibly have to say to one another?
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »

Ah! New part!
I am sooooooooo shitty that the round three nominations were scrapped! Grrr! Phw! I understand why they did it though...I guess...

Anyway, enjoy the part!


New York 1994

Max looked up to see Jenny staring at him from across the table. He could tell she was unabashedly interested him. He smiled softly and looked back down at his book.

“Well,” Daniel said, clearing his throat. “What do you think?”

“I think I’m going to fail,” Max answered. He shot another look at Jenny, whom was still staring at him.

“It is rather awkward,” Tania offered. “But Max, you are unpretentious—you know very well that you will pass this, you are the best in the class.”

“Yes,” he said, “but you make it your duty to always challenge my position don’t you Tania?”

“Of course,” she grinned. “I am bitterly jealous of Professor Carlson treating you so wonderfully.”

They all got up from the table and cleared their books from their study session away. Max led them to the door, and they all left—except Jenny.

He swallowed. “Jenny—look I—”

She sidled up against him and smiled. “Max, I am about to make your day,” she said. Her hand went down to unzip his pants.

He thought about stopping her. He opened his mouth to stop her but she licked his neck and nibbled on his ear. Angie refused to do anything much with him, and to feel Jenny…

“Jenny…” Where were the words? She started to fondle his balls and stroke his length up and down. He didn’t want this, he shouldn’t want this…

She kissed him, thrusting her tongue into his mouth…

“No,” he said and finally, gently pushed her away. “Jenny, I’m seeing someone. I really can’t.”

“What do you mean?” she asked, hurt.

“I’m not the best boyfriend but I don’t cheat,” he told her. “I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to find someone else.”

“Someone else,” she repeated, humiliated.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” he said.

She headed to the door quickly. “I’m sorry…Christ…” Before she left she said quietly, “I hope you know what you’re missing out on.”

“I do,” he groaned. “But I can’t do it.”

She left angrily and Max zipped his pants and fell back onto the couch. Why had he said no?

He sighed. Because he loved Angie, that’s why. It wasn’t like they’d seen each other much lately, she was always busy. But something about her made him crazy with want.

Getting up, he grabbed his jacket and headed for the door. He needed to see her. They had only been together for three months but he needed to tell her what had happened and how he had stopped it. He was rather proud of his self-control.


Naples 2001

The waves roared as they neared the beach and then crashed with a loud growl. On the yacht, the group headed away from noise around the bend to a rocky clearing. The hills rolled along the horizon, reflecting in the still water.

Maria stretched her arms over her head and yawned. “Oh my,” she said. “We don’t do this nearly enough.”

Max pulled off his shirt and dived into the crystal blue water.

“What’s it like?” Michael asked. “Warm?”

Max broke the surface and let out a loud laugh. “It’s beautiful, incredible!”

Liz patted her stomach. “I better not go in,” she said to Maria. “I might sink.”

Maria laughed. “Don’t be silly.”

Michael dived in and made a huge splash as he hit the water. The two girls watched as they swam around, darting under the water and racing one another.

“Liz,” Maria said. “Do you mind if I go in?”

Liz shook her head. “Nah, of course not. Go ahead; I wouldn’t want to hold you back.” Once she was gone Liz sighed to herself and lay back on her towel with her sunglasses on.

A few minutes later she heard the slippery slaps of wet feet approaching her. She looked up into the smiling face of Max.

“Hello,” he said simply.

“Hi.” She smiled. “Why aren’t you swimming?”

He sat down beside her and shifted her head to rest on his lap. “Because my beautiful, intelligent wife is all by herself and I want to make sure she’s okay.”

“Oh right,” she said.

He leaned down and kissed her lips softly. “Want to go in?”

“It’s too deep.”

“I’ll look after you.” He stroked her cheek. “You aren’t going to go into labour in the water are you?”

“Max,” she said disbelievingly. “I still have a whole month to go before my due date.”

“Then what are you worried about?” he asked.

She shifted. “You ever think about…Roy Burden?”

Max sighed. “Liz, why are you thinking about him? I know it was horrible and horrific but it’s over. We don’t have to worry about it anymore.”

“Max, we dumped him in this ocean,” she said. “It creeps me out.”

“Don’t be silly.” He jumped up onto his feet and tugged her up. “You’re coming into the water and you are going to have a fabulous afternoon in the sun like we planned.”

Liz reluctantly slipped into the water after him and shifted her legs back and forth to stay afloat.

“Come on,” he said. “Away from the boat.”

She dunked under and swam towards him. When she came up she asked, “Where did Michael and Maria go?”

“Just over there,” Max pointed. He wrapped her thighs around his waist and kissed her wet cheeks. “See, its fine.”

“It’s fine,” she repeated, convincing herself. She half expected the water to turn blood red and Roy Burden’s body to come floating up to the surface. She shuddered.

Max ran his hands up and down her back. “Babe, speak some of your Italian to me.”

She blushed. “No, I don’t know it properly yet.”

“Well you’ll never learn if you don’t speak it,” he coaxed. He loved it when she spoke Italian to him. “I’ll help you. Say—I don’t know—leg.”

“La gamba,” she said.

He pressed his mouth to her throat. “Throat.”

Smiling, “La gola.”


“Il collo.” It was quite hard to stay upright in the water with her arms flapping from side to side, shifting through her fingers like silk.

His mouth trailed along her bare, “Shoulder.”

“La spalla. What about, mouth? La bocca,” she kissed his mouth passionately.


“Il cuore.”

His hand ran down her chest and stopped on her large belly. “Child,” he said.

She thought about it for a moment. “Is it…bambino?”

He smiled. “It is, yes. Say something else…off the top of your head, what do you know?”

“Well, okay…what does this mean…? C'è un bel venticello.”

He laughed loudly. “There is a nice breeze blowing. That’s the best you can do?” Leaning into her he whispered, “Ti amo.”

She swallowed. “I love you too.”

“What does this mean? La tua pelle e' come seta,” he stroked her and tried to stay afloat at the same time. “Tu sei bellissima.”

“I don’t know, what does that mean?”

He kissed her lips softly. “I guess you won’t know until you learn your Italian properly.”

“What? That’s not fair!”

He shrugged. “No it’s not.”

“Please tell me,” she begged. “I’ll just look it up when we get home if you don’t.”

“You do that.” Max ran his fingers through her wet hair. “Vieni qui e baciami.”

“What does that mean?”

“Come here and I’ll show you,” he pulled her mouth down on his.



Hawaii 2018

Max surveyed the beach from their hotel room on the ninety-seventh floor. “I prefer the beach at home,” he said.

Natalie blew air out of her nose. “Mom, dad’s not going to complain the whole time we’re here is he?”

“Of course not,” Liz said shooting an angry look at Max. “Why don’t you go join your brothers on the beach?”

“Nah,” Natalie moaned and then perked up. “How about we go shopping?”

Liz thought about it. “Okay, just let me get changed.”

“What’s wrong with what you’re wearing?” Natalie asked getting up off the sofa.

“I want to get into my swim suit,” she called over her shoulder as she headed for the bathroom.

Natalie asked her father after a while, “What are you going to do?”

“Sleep most likely,” Max answered and pulled his shirt over his head. He fell back onto the bed and then, threw the chocolate off the pillow at her.

“Oh bore,” she said. “How can you have mom lasted so long? I mean, you don’t like to do anything and she…well, does.”

“That is not true,” Max yawned. “I like to do plenty of things.”

After a while Liz came out of the bathroom in a pink sundress with her togs underneath. “Right,” she said. “Let’s go.” She looked over at Max. “Don’t tell me you’re going to sleep.”

“Why do you two have such a problem with that?” he lifted his head off the pillow and looked at them. “I happen to be tired.”

“You are always tired,” Natalie complained. “As I said, bore!”

Liz chuckled. “You’re such an old fart.”

“Thank you,” he said.

She leaned down and kissed him goodbye. “Go into the hotel gym or pool, at least try to enjoy yourself.”

“Maybe I’ll do that,” he said. “We’ll see.”

He did eventually go to the gym and work out, and then he went for a swim in the impressive hotel pool. He was lazing around on a beach chair in the sun when he heard a voice speaking to him.

“Dad,” Thomas sat down on the seat next to him. He was in his swimming trunks. “Where are the others?”

“I wouldn’t have a clue,” Max answered. “I thought you were with Alexander?”

Thomas shrugged.

Max watched a woman in a bikini walk past. “So what have you been doing? Seen any girls you like?” he teased.

Dad,” Thomas groaned. “Please.”

“Okay sorry.” After a moment Max smiled and asked, “Hungry?”

“God yes.”

He got up off his chair. “Come on.”

Late that night when the kids were in their rooms after dinner and Liz was about to get changed for bed, Max told her to get back into her swim suit and come with him.

“Max,” she yawned. “Why? Where are we going?”

“To the bar,” he said and buttoned his black shirt.

“I’m tired.”

“Don’t be an old fart. Let’s go.”

Liz reluctantly went with him to the ground floor. The bar was still swarming; there was a band playing and dancing and loud laughter and swimming. “No wonder you wanted to come down,” she said. “Jazz competition. Oh, look, it’s continuing tomorrow night. We’ll come back then—”

“Let’s dance.” Max took her hands and led her onto the floor.

Liz was tired and unimpressed. “Let’s dance in the morning.”

He lifted her arms around his neck and kissed her forehead. “Just one song.”

She rested her head on his chest and swayed with him to the music. Finally, after a few moments she heard his ask, “Would you rather go in the sauna, or spa?”

She immediately perked up. “Sauna? Spa?”

“Hmm,” he said. “And you know what? I hear they let out private ones here.”

“They do?” she asked.


“Perhaps, I have an idea.”

Max was already pulling them in the direction of the pools. “Perhaps you do…”


New York 1994

Philip stretched back and watched as Angie slivered across his body and positioned herself on his hips. Her hands rested on his chest as she grinded into him and her head was hung back leaving her long orange hair down her bare back.

His hands reached behind her to clench her ass and give her more leverage in her actions.

“Oh God,” she moaned. “I’m going to cum, oh god!”

Through her exclamations, neither of the two heard the door to the bedroom open. Max stood in the door way shocked and horrified at the situation unfolding before him. He felt bile rise in his throat and had to turn and leave before he threw up on the floor in front of him.

After slamming the front door, he walked determinably down the stair case to the car park. He, surprisingly, managed to keep himself from retching but the horror movie in his mind was playing over and over.

“Ah shit,” he said and then, loosing his mind, yelled and kicked his tire roughly, “FUCK!”

How could she? With his father of all people! He couldn’t believe it, it was too disgusting to imagine. Surely it was his imagination playing tricks on him?

As he drove angrily away from the building, he almost convinced himself that if he went back he’d see it wasn’t really happening.

For Christ’s sake, it couldn’t really be happening!

His mother was at his apartment when he got there. Just to make it worse for him. He yelled at her to leave.

“I’m going to forgive you for being so rude,” she said simply and continued to scrounge through his fridge. “I understand that your final exam is tomorrow, so you’re all stressed out about that. That’s why I came to make you dinner—”

“I don’t want you to make me dinner!” Max spat out. “Just leave!”

“Maxwell Evans,” she said sternly. “Please.”

You please!” he retorted. “I can’t have you here right now.”

Diane finally stopped fluffing around the kitchen and stared at him. “What’s the matter with you? Wouldn’t you like some dinner? I was going to make—”

“Dinner?” Max repeated. “DINNER? What’s wrong with you? I already told you, I don’t want any fucking dinner.”

Diane left, Max sulked. His poor mother, how could his father do that to her? She was so kind and generous and yes, she could be annoying sometimes but she was so devoted to him. She treated the pig like a fucking king!

There was no sleep to be gotten that night. Max went to his exam in the morning and sat uncomfortably through the silent, nervous atmosphere. At this point he couldn’t care less if he passed or failed but he needed to do something, even being around strangers seemed to offer a little bit of comfort.

He was the last to leave and then walked dejectedly around campus trying to think about anything else other then Angie moaning and writhing on top of his sweat-slick father. Eh, he shuddered and shook his head. It was just too nauseating.

Through it all, he managed to note with surprise, his lack of disappointment in Angie. He just knew it was by some twisted brainwash of his fathers that she had done it but even if it wasn’t…the depth of his hurt wasn’t as piercing as he’d imagined. He’d allowed himself to shed a tear for her, to grit his teeth and watch the future-fantasies of them together pop in his mind, but he wouldn’t allow his heart to rupture. Her act of innocence repulsed him and maybe when his loathing of her ceased, he’d miss her.

It was for his mother he grieved and the thought of being around her constantly when she was ignorant of the scum she was married to…he couldn’t do it.

He rubbed his eyes and watched people walk contently. Many were familiar, he knew a lot of people, but one stood out. When she turned her head and looked at him, he motioned her over.


“I’m sorry about yesterday,” she said. “I’m not usually like that—I just—”

He smiled. “I know you aren’t. And I’m sorry about yesterday too, sorry that I didn’t take you up on your offer.”

She was surprised. “I thought you had a girlfriend? It was really nice of you not to cheat…a lot of guys wouldn’t do what you did.”

Max shrugged. “That’s over, I dumped her.”

“Oh.” She shifted feet and then craftily asked, “Why?”

“Oh you know…” Max shrugged again.

She was silent for a moment. “So…”


“You want to come to my place?” she asked grinning.

He stood up. “Yeah I do.”
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2001 4:58 pm

Post by nicola »

I'm sorry for the wait! I have had exams, exams and more exams. Thank you for the FB everyone! Thank you, thankyou, thank you! I hope you like it. This story is tediously fluffy, isn't it?


Naples 2001

She trailed her finger down his nose and over his lips. He seemed unsurprised and relaxed. “Today?” he asked sleepily.

Liz was still waking up, too. “Not today,” she answered. Every morning Max made it a habit to ask her if the baby would be arriving.

“Are you sure?” he mumbled.

“Certain.” She kissed his mouth. “It’s not coming today.”

He smiled and held her tighter in his embrace. Her face was close to his. “Next time,” she started, “I’m going to insist we get told the sex. I can’t stand not knowing if it’s a she or he.”

Max stretched his leg over hers. “Okay.” After a moment he asked, “What do you think it is?”

“How should I know?” she asked.

“Well I thought women had a sort of intuition about these sorts of things,” he smiled.

She chuckled. “I think I must have been absent when they were giving those out.”

“Must have.” His hands roamed under her cotton tank top where they rested on her protrusive stomach. “I love you anyway,” he told her.

“I’m sure you do.” She arched her head to the side so she could see the clock. “When do you have to go?”

He sighed. “Never. I’m staying here in bed with you today.”

“Wouldn’t that be nice?” Her fingers disappeared in his dark hair. “I’ll make you breakfast?”

“You should stay off your feet,” he argued.

“I’m alright.” She pulled out of his arms and threw her legs over the side of the bed. She struggled around her stomach to sit up. Max laughed loudly at her.

“Oh, you’re so mean,” she said. “Help me, would you?”

He helped her and then went to shower while she made breakfast of scrambled eggs. About fifteen minutes later when he came and joined her she was standing over the stove yawning into her hand.

“Tired still?” he asked. “Go back to bed babe.”

He smelt so fresh and clean and of aftershave. She absolutely loved him in his work clothing—black pants and grey v-neck sweater. “I’m fine,” she reassured him. “I really, really am.”

She tried to sit down and could only manage it sideways because her stomach got in the way of the table. Max bit his lip to keep from laughing.

He sat down across from her and filled their glasses with orange juice. They didn’t have any coffee in the house because Liz didn’t want to drink it while she was pregnant and that meant he couldn’t have any because it would be too alluring just sitting in the cupboard. “Oh, salt,” she said. “Would you be so kind?”

Max reluctantly got up grabbed the salt and then handed it to her. “Thank you sweet heart.”

“Don’t call me that if you’re going to be sarcastic,” he said.

She smiled. “I wasn’t being sarcastic.”

“Really?” he asked, raising an eye brow at her.

They ate in silence for a moment and Liz put down her fork.



He put down his fork. “Liz, what?”

“I need barbecue sauce,” she said sheepishly.

He sighed. “Liz…”

“OH please,” she begged.

He slowly started getting up. “I am too good to you,” he said.

“Oh right okay, I’ll tell you what. I’ll get the barbecue sauce and you have the baby.” She grinned at him with all her teeth.

“No, that’s alright,” he said.

After breakfast Liz walked Max to the door to say goodbye. “Are you sure it’s not today?” he asked once more, leaning in to kiss her.

“I already told you,” she answered smiling. “The babies staying put.”

“Okay, okay,” he said. “I love you, try and relax today.”

“I will and I love you too.” She kissed him once more and then went back to the kitchen to clean up. Ten minutes after he’d left, her water broke.


New York 1994

The alarm clock went off at 6:45am waking Max from his dreams. He cursed, what kind of a person woke up that early on a Saturday?

He tried to shift and found he was awkwardly pinned down by Jenny. Her head was on his chest and he arms were around his waist. She slowly woke up and looked up at him sleepily. “Morning.”

“Hi,” he said simply.

She was smiling and after a moment said, “Last night was good, don’t you think?”

“Yeah,” he answered. “Last night was good.”

She got up and stretched—naked to his hungry eyes. Max loved a girl who wasn’t afraid to show off her body. Modesty was a misdemeanour. Suddenly, “I need a cigarette,” he said.

She yawned. “I never knew you smoked.”

He didn’t really—only when he was around Angie—but lately he had begun to crave the sticky feeling and smell of nicotine.

“I’m going to shower,” she announced. “You can stay or—”

“No, no, I should probably go.” Max stood up and pulled on his boxers.

“Right,” she answered. “So…”


She blushed and scratched her head. “Well…thanks for a good night.”

Max grinned. “You are incredibly welcome.”

When he was at home, his telephone rang. It was Angie. “Where were you last night? You didn’t answer your cell phone.”

Max swallowed. “I turned it off, I was studying.” He hated lying.

“Oh poor baby,” she said. “You work too hard. You’ve got today free right? Let’s do something random and completely fun.”

“I can’t,” he answered. “I have to meet my mom for lunch.”


“I can’t,” Max said. He didn’t want to talk to her any more. “I have to go—I don’t know when I’ll be able to see you again, I’ve got a busy few weeks…”

“Oh…well, I’ll ring again sometime. I love you.” She sounded so sincere. It made him sick.

“Yeah, ah, okay, well, bye.” Max slammed down the phone and leaned back against the wall where he stood for a while. Finally he closed his eyes, sighed, pushed himself up and went to get changed.


“I’m sorry about the other day,” Max said to his mother. “I was just—”

“I understand,” Diane smiled. “Exams and things must be driving you insane with stress.” She stabbed her salad with her fork. “So, how’s that, that girl. What was her name? Ada, Amanda?”

“Angie,” Max corrected her through his clenched teeth. This was so hard, he couldn’t take it. “That’s over.”

“Oh Max, that’s a shame,” she said earnestly. “She seemed like a nice girl.”

“Yes, special emphasis on the ‘seemed like’, I don’t think I’m a very good judge of character mom.” He rubbed his temples.

“Don’t worry,” she told him. “On day you’ll find someone wonderful.”

“I never said I wanted a relationship, every couple I know is having troubles and is unhappy in some way. I hardly see the point of all the effort.” Max sipped his drink and tried to force back the images in his mind.

“That’s a sad way of looking at things,” Diane said. “And it’s also not true. What about your father and me? We are happy, we don’t have troubles.” She smiled. “We’re lucky.”

Max looked away and didn’t say anything.

“Well, how do you think your final exam went? You’ll be a teacher in no time.” She smiled. “I’m so proud of you.”

“It went okay,” he said. “I could have done better.” God, she was so happy, why was she so damn happy? Didn’t she know how bad her life was? Didn’t she know she was married to a repulsive fiend? “I’ve been thinking…I want to go on a holiday, just to get away for a while you know?”

“Oh yes?” she asked. “That’s a great idea, you deserve it after the work you’ve been doing in the last few years. It would good. Where did you want to go?”

“I don’t know…somewhere in Europe. Maybe lot’s of places.”

“Well, I recommend Munich in Germany. Your father and I went there for our last anniversary.”

Then I definitely won’t go there, he thought. “I was thinking more along the lines of Italy.”

“Italy?” she said. “That’s nice. When do you want to leave?”

“As soon as possible.”


Naples 2001

“Oh God, Oh God,” Liz screamed. “Where’s my husband? Where’s Max? Is he here yet?” She clenched her hands at her sides and rode out the pain that erupted within her. Her head fell back and she took deep breaths.

“Liz?” Maria scrambled in the door and hurried to her side.

“Miss? You can’t be in here,” the nurse touched her arm.

“No,” Liz hissed. “Please, let her stay until Max arrives.”

Maria tucked Liz’s hair behind her ears. “It’s alright. Hey, you’re lucky you know, the doctor said the baby will be here by lunch!”

Liz looked at Maria dazedly. “Maria, darling, I don’t exactly have food on my mind at the moment.”

“No, no, of course not,” Maria laughed. “I meant, you might have a short labour! That’s good, right?”

Liz sucked in deep, quick breaths of air. “Excuse me if I don’t share your enthusiasm at the moment.” She moaned loudly.

“You’re dilated eight centre meters,” the nurse said. “How you holding up, okay?”

Liz just nodded mutely. “Maria?” she searched for her hands. “Where the hell is Max? He should be here by now, where is he?”

“He’s on his way,” Maria soothed her. “He’ll be here before the baby arrives.” She clenched her teeth when Liz squeezed her hand roughly. “Hey I know—why don’t you tell me the names you’ve been thinking of. If it’s a boy what are you going to call him?”

“I don’t know,” Liz groaned. “Maybe Timothy? Alexander?”

“Those are good names,” Maria said. “What about a girl?”

“Natalie Amanda,” Liz told her. “Maria, will you tie my hair back for me?”

“Of course, do you have a band?”

“Here you go,” the nurse pulled one out of her hair.

“Thank you so much,” Liz said.

Finally the door flung open and Max hurried in. “Ah, finally!” Liz sighed. “What took you so long?”

“I was in the middle of class,” he said. “How are you feeling, love? Are you alright?” Maria gave her seat to Max. He sat down and took her hand in his.

“Liz, I’ll be right outside okay?” she said.

“Okay Maria, thanks.” Liz sniffled. “God Max! It hurts so much. After this is over you are going to have to buy me a humongous chocolate sundae.”

“Absolutely,” Max said. “With nuts.” He was sympathetic of her pain. “I wish there was something I could do…”he kissed her forehead. “Just think how wonderful it will be afterwards. Don’t you think it’s worth it?”

Liz didn’t say anything.

“Trust me, it’s worth it,” he said. “I love you so much and I’m so proud of you. Just keep going and I’ll be right here the whole time.”

Liz had tears in her eyes. “You promise? Am I holding your hand too tight? Does it hurt?”

“No, you hold it as tight as you want,” Max said.

“Not too long to go and you can start pushing,” the nurse said. “Maybe you could get her some ice?”

“Do you want some ice, babe?” Max asked.

“No, I’m alright,” she said. “I look awful don’t I? Oh God, I must look horrible.”

Max smiled. “You look beautiful. Here have some water.”

The baby was delivered by 11:15am. “A girl,” the nurse told them. “Congratulations.” The doctor delivered her and the nurse wiped her down and then they finally handed her to Max and Liz. Max held her first, leaning over Liz so she could stroke their daughter’s puffy red cheeks. “She’s so beautiful,” the nurse commented.

Max thanked her. “She’s so tiny,” Liz said, starting to cry. “Max, isn’t she just so little?”

“Yes,” Max said, tearful himself. “She must be more like you.” He didn’t want to let her go, but he did and Liz gratefully clutched her to her chest. “I suppose you want to call her Natalie, like you said?” he asked. He felt an itching desire to touch her and hold her. He’d only ever had that so insistently with one other human being and that was with her mother. He sat on the side of the bed and wrapped his arms around them both. They are my whole life, he thought. I need them so much.

Liz beamed up at him. “Thank you,” she whispered.

He kissed her softly. “I love you.” They stared at one another for a fem minutes.

“What do you think, Natalie Amanda Evans?” Liz asked, now looking intently at her daughter and stroking her fondly.

“I think it’s perfect,” he answered. “I think she’s perfect.”

There was a knock on the door and Maria popped her head inside. “Can I come in?”

“Yes! Come in!” Liz exclaimed excitedly. “A girl!”

“A girl!” Maria cried. “Congratulations! Lemme’ see.”

Liz pulled back the little while blanket to reveal little Natalie. “Oh how precious,” Maria commented. “She’s incredibly tiny, isn’t she? Must be like Liz.”

Liz yawned. “That’s what Max said.”

Max touched her cheek. “Do you want to get some rest?”



Honolulu 2018

“Hayden’s parents are getting divorced,” Alexander told Natalie over breakfast.

“You’re kidding,” Natalie said. “God.”

“It’s about time,” Alexander told her. “They were always fighting when I was over there.”

Thomas sipped his drink. “I hope mom and dad don’t get a divorce.”

“Mom and dad won’t get a divorce,” Natalie said, “Ever.”

Max and Liz came back from paying the bill and sat down.

Alexander asked, “Who would you live with if they did?”

“What are you talking about?” Liz wanted to know.

“Hayden’s parents are getting divorced,” Alexander said. “Poor Hayden and Renée. How are they taking it?”

Alexander shrugged.

“Dad, Natalie said you and mom won’t ever get divorced,” Thomas said. “Because then we’d have to pick where we’d live.”

“Charming conversation,” Max said.

“I’d live with mom and you guys would live with dad because he let’s you get away with more,” Natalie said.

“We aren’t getting divorced, so stop talking like that,” Max said. “You have nothing to worry about.”

Liz shook her head and took Max’s hand in hers. “We couldn’t get divorced it we wanted to, we’ve get invisible chains holding us together. Have you all eaten enough? I want to go to the movies—nothing else to do on a rainy day like today.”

“I want to get a massage, can I please?” Natalie asked. “Please?”

“I don’t know, it’s quite expensive,” Liz said. “Max?”

“I don’t mind—in fact I could enjoy that too.” He grinned. “You could take them two to the movies.”

“Alright,” Liz said. “Oh no, you’re going to be seen with your mother, how embarrassing right? I promise to walk ten feet behind you.”

“We don’t know anyone why would that be embarrassing?”

“Well I don’t know,” Liz teased.

Max pushed his chair back. “We’ll go make a booking,” he kissed Liz goodbye. “We’ll see you later.”

“Can I have your card?” Liz asked.

“Don’t you have yours on you?” he asked, reaching for his wallet in the back pocket of his jeans.

“No, it’s upstairs,” she answered. “Thanks. Love you.”

He pecked her lips again. “I love you too—have fun.”

“You too.”
Last edited by nicola on Sat Sep 06, 2003 4:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by nicola »

Hi everyone! Here's the new part, enjoy! Thank you so much for the FB

Naples 2002

The sunscreen on Natalie’s back was lathered thick by her over protective mother. Her baby skin was shiny from head to toe and her bouncy, curly, light brown hair was filled with sand.

Liz pulled the hat down more firmly on her daughters head and shifted her further under the umbrella. Natalie let out a cry of protest; apparently she was not prepared to move away from the hole her tiny hands had been digging.

Maria wasn’t even going to try and begin explaining to Liz that the baby was fine and she should relax.

“I look fat don’t I?” Liz suddenly asked. “I love Natalie to death but look what she’s done to my body! I knew it was a bad idea to wear this bikini…it’s just Max told me I should and I couldn’t find another pair—”

“You’re rambling,” Maria pointed out. “You need to stop stressing yourself out, you look better then me and I haven’t had a child, what’s that got to say for my self esteem? Think about what you doing to me just by sitting there in that.”

“That’s sweet of you, really it is, but when did you take up lying? Because you do not…”

“Shut u—shh!” Maria avoided any type of ‘foul language’ around Natalie because her parents were over protective freaks. “What does it matter what you look like anyway? Max obviously likes what he sees and isn’t he the only one who counts?”

“Of course not,” Liz disagreed. “His opinion doesn’t count at all; he’s only good for one thing really.”

“Which is something you won’t mention with virgin ears listening?”

“Not just virgin ears but pure, untainted baby ears that don’t need to know about what I’m talking about until she’s thirty,” Liz said. She glanced over at her husband who was deeply immersed in a game of volley ball with seven of his male friends. He was sweaty and had a bare chest and…needed more sunscreen on before he turned into a tomato.

Natalie cooed quietly.

“Yes sweet heart?” Liz asked.

Natalie pointed to her little hole in the sand with pride and Liz smiled and kissed her cheek. “Well done,” she whispered. Soon she turned her attention back to Max long enough to call out his name and motion him over. He came eventually.

“Hmm?” he mumbled kissing Natalie’s cheek and then hers.

“Would you please go back to the house and get her sun safe shirt?”

“Why? She’s wearing about twenty layers of SPF-50,” Max said.

Liz shot him a look that said, ‘just do it or else.’

“Okay fine but when I get back you’re coming for a swim with me,” he told her.

“I can’t just leave Nata—”

Before she could finish Maria stepped in with, “I’ll look after her.”

“Thank you Maria,” Max said. They shared a knowing look, both knew Liz needed to loosen up and relax a little.

“You need to put sunscreen on,” Liz remembered.

“Oh…I do not,” Max argued. “I was SWEATING sunscreen out there. You’ve put more then enough on me every ten minutes. Soon I’ll look like poor Natalie. I’ll be right back.”

He ran back up the path to the house and when he came back he pulled on the little sun safe t-shirt over Natalie’s little frilly pink swimsuit. He whispered to her, “We’ll be right back darling.”

He pulled Liz to her feet by her hands, and after thanking Maria one more time, led her down to the water.

“Oh…jeez that’s cold!” Liz cursed under her breath when the water splashed her thighs.

“No it is not,” Max said tugging her out further. When they were at Max’s shoulder depth he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

“You know,” Liz said and rested her forehead against his. “I should kill you for making me wear this bikini.”

“You look fantastic,” he replied, “You need to start wearing it again; you know how much I love it on you. You look just like the day I meet you, quite possibly better.”

“Is that right?” Liz mumbled against his lips.

“Yes, of course,” he mumbled back. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” She closed her eyes and purred quietly. “Oh this feels good, so good.”

Max smiled. “Do you know what I love about you?”

She looked into his eyes. “Tell me.”

“I love how protective you are over Natalie and me,” he said.

“Well you two are my life Max, you know that.”

He smiled. “I know. It’s the same for me.”

“Tell me something else,” Liz said. “If you can, of course.”

“Liz I have a whole list of things I love about you. Let’s see…when I’m craving something, I love it how you make it for dinner—even if you don’t like it. I love it how you cry over greeting cards and sad movies you’ve seen a hundred times.” He touched her cheek. “You’re constant begging to get me to sing…”

Liz blushed. “Max…”

“Your sudden impulses to dance in the strangest places…oh! And I love,” he lowered his voice, “the little tiny freckle on your right breast.”

“Max!” Liz was mortified. He peaked over at the beach to check on Natalie quickly.

“I love the way you kiss my wedding ring when we’re at the dinner table. The way you bite your lip when you’re uncomfortable. The way you taste behind your ear,” he kissed her there. “What about…oh the sound of your voice when you are drifting off to sleep and say, ‘I love you’. I love it how when I make love to you after Natalie’s in bed, you bite my lower lip to keep me from making too much noise.” He paused. “And there are little things I love about being married to you, like…how in the morning when I go to get dressed, the wardrobe is filled with your clothing next to mine. I love it how after you’ve had a shower the bedroom smells really strong of you.”

Liz stared at him adoringly.

“The way you crawl around the house on your hands and knee’s with Natalie.” He kissed her lips. “I love how you get self conscious and I have to tell you why I love you so you so you don’t have to wonder.”

Liz rolled her eyes. “Okay you can stop right there.”

“I planned to,” he laughed. “But I could come up with more.”

“What about when I speak Italian?” Liz asked.

“Oh God yes,” Max practically moaned.

“Oh that reminds me, I have my class tonight. You’ll have to make dinner,” she said. “Something light like salad and cold meat.”

“Oh damn I forgot and here I was making plans in my head…”

“What kind of plans?” Liz grinned.

He wiggled his eyebrows.

“Oh well,” she said. “If you want you can rent a dirty movie.”

He laughed.


Honolulu 2018

Max looked up from the television when Liz, Alexander and Thomas walked through the door. “What did you see?” he asked.

“Some kind of war movie with nothing but action and no story line,” Liz answered and leaned down to kiss him hello. “That’s what I get for going to the cinema with them too. How was the massage?”

“Fantastic,” Natalie replied as she came into the room. “I loved it! I think I should get them on a regular basis…ew but the lady who massaged dad wouldn’t stop flirting with him.”

“Oh really?” Liz asked, raising an eye brow at Max.

“She was not flirting with me,” Max said. “She was just being nice.”

Natalie snorted. “Excuse me? ‘Oh Mr. Evans, you have such soft skin, you must really take care of yourself…and so brown, how old did you say you were again? No way! I never would have guessed’ it was revolting.”

“Go dad,” Alexander grinned.

“And what did you say?” Liz asked Max.

“Nothing at all,” he replied and turned his attention back to the television.

“By the looks of it she left her phone number on the table,” Thomas picked up a piece of paper.

“Well that’s rude,” Liz said, getting huffy. “What did you do? Take off your wedding ring?”

“No she saw it,” Max looked up at her and touched her chin to make her feel better. “I love you.”

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t give me that.”

Natalie, Alexander and Liz left soon afterwards for the saunas and Max and Thomas remained on the couch. “Did you like the movie?”

Thomas shrugged. “It was okay.”

Max studied his son closely. “Hey, is something wrong?”


“Are you sure?” he punched him in the arm playfully. “You can tell me anything, you know that right? I can keep what you say confidential.”

“Yeah right,” Thomas grunted. “You tell mom everything.”

Max was silent for a moment. Then, “Just tell me anyway.”

“There is nothing to tell.”

Later that night when Max and Liz were alone, Max told Liz that he thought Thomas was hiding something. “You think?” she asked. “What gave you that idea?”

“Nothing I guess, he just seems really quiet lately.” Max was still on the couch watching a football game but now he was only wearing his black y-front underwear because it was so hot. Two bottles of beer were on the coffee table, both belonging to him, one was empty and the other half-full. Liz sat next to him but he wasn’t paying attention to her fully.

“He’s always quiet,” she said. “That’s the way he is.”

“Maybe he’s taking drugs?” Max suggested.

“My eleven year old son does not take drugs,” Liz said not willing to even consider it. She watched him with annoyance. “Would you look at me, or is the game more interesting?”

“Right now, yes,” Max answered.

She hit him across the back of the head. “Max!”

“What? What? What?” he finally looked at her. “Liz? What’s your problem?”

“You never seem to listen to me lately Max. Come on, you started the conversation you have to contribute to it. Why do you think Thomas is hiding something?”

“It was just a thought, he won’t talk to me…he’s acting different,” Max told her.

“Different to Alexander you mean?” Liz asked. “He’s completely different to Alex, he likes skateboarding and playstation, Alex likes painting and…”

“Girls,” Max grinned. “He’s definitely my son.”

Liz rolled her eyes and she wasn’t smiling. “Max, shut up.”

“Okay.” He turned his attention back to the game.

She watched his face for a moment. “Maybe he misses his friends—that’s probably it.”

“Hmm,” Max simply mumbled.

Finally she gave up trying to get his attention and got up from the couch with a huff. “I’m going to shower, you enjoy your game.”

“I will.”

Half an hour later Max turned off the television and went into the bedroom. Liz was sitting in front of the vanity in her underwear moisturizing her face. Her short hair was pinned back and a few stray bangs rested on her forehead. “Finally decided to re-join reality?” she asked sarcastically.

“I like it better here,” he replied. After a moment he started to apologise, “I should have been listening to you.” He resisted the urge to say bla, bla, bla.

She looked at him through the reflection in the mirror. “Max, I don’t mind you watching sport. Have I ever in our whole marriage complained once about you watching the game?” She didn’t wait for a reply. “It’s just that, when you start talking about something important like our son you can’t just switch off half way through.”

He kissed her neck. “I know.” He felt something under his lips and pressed his finger to the skin.

“What?” Liz asked absentmindedly now moisturizing her chest.

He shrugged, still looking at the spot. “Nothing.”

She frowned. “Then why are you looking at me like that?”

“I’m not looking at you like anything,” he quickly replied, pressing his fingers to her skin again.

She took his hand away turned to face him with a smile. “We should do something really fun for our last day tomorrow—like jet skis or parachuting.”

He nodded. “Yeah.”

When he didn’t show anymore enthusiasm to her idea she rolled her eyes.


“Oh nothing at all.”

“You’re sunburnt on your back.” She felt his hands gently run over her shoulder blades.

He seemed distracted and instead of asking him what was wrong she turned around to face him again and hooked two of her fingers under the elastic of his Calvin Klein’s to tug him closer. “It must have been an ego-boost for you today with that masseuse.”

He grinned. “Maybe a little.”

She bit the corner of her lip and slipped her hand under his underwear. “I suppose she was young and thin and…”her fingers curled around his length and grasped him.

Max groaned. “Well actually…”

“Yeah I thought so,” she moved her hand up and down. “I suppose you were tempted to take her up on her offers.”

His eyes were now closed. “Not at all.”

She smiled. “That’s what I wanted to hear.”

He smiled, too. “I know.”

They removed their underwear and Max sat down so she could climb onto his lap. Pressing her bare chest against his, Liz looked right into his eyes. “If—”

Max laughed at her. “Stop talking.”

“Okay.” His hands cupped her ass as she lowered herself onto his prominent arousal. Liz kissed his mouth passionately.

Max could see their reflection in the mirror and he found it incredibly arousing. He watched as she lifted her hips and then as he filled her when she lowered them again. Her nipples brushed his occasionally and it sent shivers of delight through him.

Liz’s arms went around his neck to hold him close and he kissed her soft shoulders. “Max…”

“Liz…” he purred back.


Venice 1994

Once Max got his final exam results back and was officially graduated from New York University, he saw no immediate reason to stay in the Unites States. He also saw no reason to say goodbye to anyone either, so on August the sixth he booked a flight to Venice, Italy and packed his bags. It was not a departure full of feeling and questions, it was simply a sigh at the boarding gate and gone.

At the time he did not think of when or if he would be returning--it did not matter to him in the least. All he knew was he was leaving and it couldn’t have happened soon enough.

It was a bright, sunny day full of promise when Max first put foot on bona fide Italian ground. Looking up at the cloudless sky and down at the paved streets, Max had never felt more alive. He didn’t have a plan or a worry in the world. Some people would have felt alone but he did not, in all his life he’d never had much trouble making friends and he knew it wouldn’t be any different here.

It was late afternoon when he checked into the Azzurro Acqua Hotel where he went straight to bed. He got up in the late morning and ambled around all day looking around. He bought a packet of cigarettes and smoked the whole lot before it got dark. When it was late enough Max went out to meet people and hopefully, eat and drink.

Turning down Avvenire road a grand event took place in Max’s life, for here drifting from an underground smoky dive, he first heard the pounding rhythm of live jazz. Drawn forward, he confidently walked down the steps. It was dark but absolutely packed with young and middle aged people—rowdy, smoky, drunk—and completely what he needed. He took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink with the help of his trusty Italian phrase book.

While he drank, he noticed a boisterous round table of people to his right. They were speaking English, he couldn’t tell if they were American or not, but he knew that was the group he wanted to belong to. Luckily, he didn’t need to approach them because a blonde-haired, green-eyed guy about his age came over and asked him something in Italian. Frantically, Max tried to find something in his phrasebook to say back but before he could the guy and the table he’d come from doubled over with loud laughter.

“Americano!” they all cried.

“Hey,” the guy said in English. “Names Sven, the guys and I had a bet that you were American. How long you been here?”

“Max Evans,” they shook hands. “Arrived today. It’s that obvious huh?”

“It’s always that way,” Sven said and then paused. “You waiting for someone?”

“Nope,” Max replied.

“You want to join us? You’re welcome to,” he was very friendly.

Max stood up and grabbed his drink. “Sure.”

He was introduced to Nicoletta, Joey, Allen, Karl, Daniel, Georgina and Jean-Dominique.

“Where about’s are you from?” Joey yelled over the music.

“New York, no doubt?” Georgina asked. She was a slim, big breasted, gorgeous girl with long brown hair. Max was instantly attracted to her.

“How’d you guess?” Max asked.

“Georgina knows all,” Nicoletta said. “Most of us are from Boston except Georgina and Jean-Dominique, they’re Italian.”

“So what’s your story?” Sven asked.

“Just needed to get away,” Max answered.

“Ever going back?”

“Not likely,” Georgina said, “I can tell, you’re running from something.”

Max just looked at her. “Maybe I am.”

“Ohh,” Karl said. “How secretive, I think you’ll fit in well with us.”


Out of the whole experience of being in Italy the one thing Max liked the best was waking up to the smell of sunshine and the watery canals. He got up and stumbled through the stalls picking out breakfast of fruits, breads and pastries.

At eleven he was going to meet up with his new friends. They were going for a yacht ride and had another friend to introduce him to. A café was playing loud music near by and he sat with his legs hanging over the edge of the canal with his food. He felt fantastic.

He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt but he was still hot. Maybe on the yacht he could take his shirt off?

Finally when it was time to meet the gang he coolly approached them and took off his sunglasses.

“Ah, morning Max,” Sven said. “Mickey! Get over here.”

A guy about Max’s height with brown spiky hair jumped off the boat. “Hey,” he introduced himself. “Michael Guerin, nice to meet you.”

They shook hands. “Max Evans, nice boat.”

“Thank you, I think so too.”

Last edited by nicola on Wed Sep 17, 2003 9:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »

Ahah! A new part. *tutters nervously* I'm sorry it's been such a long wait, I hope you haven't forgotten me! Be sure to tell me what you think :wink:


Honolulu 2018

“Max what are you doing out here?”

Max looked up from where he was lying on the couch to see a sleepy Liz in the doorway rubbing her eyes. “I couldn’t sleep,” he told her.

She came over and plonked down beside him. “What’s wrong?”

He didn’t say anything at first and then lifted his hand to her neck. “Liz what’s this?” he asked. Liz reached up to where he was touching her. “There’s a lump.”

Liz arched her head to the side. “Huh, so there is. When’d you find that?”

“Earlier tonight.”

She rubbed the skin gently.

“So you don’t know how long it’s been there?” he asked worriedly.

“It’s probably nothing,” Liz shrugged it off. “Have you been driving yourself insane with worst case scenarios?”

“You can go and see a doctor in the morning,” he said.

She rolled her eyes. “I am not going tomorrow; I’ll go when we get back home. I’m not wasting our last day in Hawaii sitting in a hot waiting room.”

“Liz…”He had that serious expression on his face.

“No, Max I’m not going,” she said sternly. “I won’t.” She got up from the couch. “I’m going back to bed are you coming or are you going to sulk?”

“I don’t sulk,” he came after her. “I’m not ten.”

“You don’t sulk huh?” Liz laughed.


Naples 2002

“Oh my God!” Georgina took off her sun glasses and threw her arms around a very surprised Max. “Max Evans! I haven’t you in years! How the hell are you?”

He took a moment to recover from his shock. “Georg—ina! Hey, I’m good—how are you?” Out of the corner of his eye he could see Liz watching with curiosity from their table.

Georgina hugged him again. “I can’t believe this, I can’t even remember the last time we saw each other. Do you still keep in touch with the gang? Sven? Michael? Karl? Daniel?”

“Yeah I still talk to Michael, Karl and Daniel were here not that long ago. Sven was at my wedding,” Max answered. “How about you? I hear you’ve been working hard in Rome? None of the others have heard from you in ages.”

“Yes, I’m a rather busy woman I must admit. Did I hear you say wedding? You’re married? I never would have thought Max the proud bachelor would settle down. Must have a pretty special lady.” She looked as good as she did last time he saw her five years ago.

“Yes, she is. She’s just over there with our daughter,” Max pointed to Liz and Natalie who were sitting eating their ice creams. Liz bit her lip and stared at Georgina unsure.

“A daughter?” Georgina gasped. “My goodness she’s beautiful. Tell your wife I said so. How old is she?”

“Nearly a year,” Max bragged proudly.

“I am so happy for you.” He asked her if she’d settled down with anyone and she regretfully told him she was too busy for a relationship at the moment.

“What brought you to Naples?” Max wondered.

“Just business,” she answered. “But it’s great to see the place. Do you live on the beach like you used to say?”

“Yes, I do.” After Georgina left and Max got the napkins he was previously going to get, he went and sat back down at the table.

“Who was that?” Liz asked ponderingly.

Max wiped the green ice cream from Natalie’s sticky hands and face. “Georgina, an old friend. I used to know her when I first arrived in Venice. She was friends with Karl and Daniel.”

“Hmm,” Liz said. “She seemed very happy to see you.” Max looked at her, she was jealous.

“Yes, we had been close once,” he said.

“Daddy,” Natalie reached for his ice cream. “Nother one?”

“No sweetie, you’ve had enough,” Liz told her. “We’re going to go home and have a rest.” Grudgingly she mumbled, “Could she have hugged you anymore?”

“Liz,” he said softly.

“What?” she lifted Natalie onto her hip and stood up.

“What do you want to ask me?” he grabbed her jacket and purse.

“Nothing at all.” At home, after they’d put Natalie down for her rest, they went into the kitchen to start dinner.

“Some mornings I wake up and I have to remind myself I’m not dreaming,” Liz said. She glanced up at him as she cleaned the potatoes that she would make potato salad with. He watched her with gentle devotion. “Here I am,” she continued. “And the first thing I see in the morning is the person I love more then anything in the world and then I look around me and see where I am. I live in Italy—one of the most beautiful places.” Her sandals clicked against the tiled kitchen floor as she walked towards the cupboards to find a pot. “The beach is there”—she motioned out the window with a flick of her wet hands—“We have everything we could ever hope for Max. Our daughter…some days I just can’t believe she’s actually here, she’s just…”

“Perfect,” Max offered with a soft smile on his mouth.

She looked at him. “Beyond perfect. And there is so much more too—we live comfortably—we have beautiful foods and delicious wines and fruits, we live in a secure home that really is just…a palace.” Her wet fingers sought out the tea towel hanging on the wall. “We have friends, we have…everything and yet…” she stopped what she was doing and stared blankly at the wall as she thought. “We did nothing to deserve this. How do you keep yourself from wondering how?”

“How?” asked Max.

“Yes, how do you go everyday without wondering why we have been dealt this hand. What I’m trying to say is…”

Max walked towards her, her heart leapt. “What you’re trying to say is, you can’t help but expect something bad to happen to break it all.” His hands touched her round hips and moved up to grasp her narrow waste. “That you almost expect something to happen to break this reverie we are in—this fantasy of a life.”

Liz leaned into him. “I feel like I’m floating on a cloud in heaven looking down on the less-fortunate mortals on earth.”

“We wouldn’t have any of this, if we didn’t deserve it,” Max reassured her. He bent to—and then the doorbell rang.

“They’re here,” Liz smiled.

Max let got of her. “I don’t want you to think about this anymore. I want you to enjoy it.” Taking the tea towel from her hands he twisted it and then playfully flicked it against her ass.

Liz rolled her eyes. He always did that. She took it from his hands. “Go get the door.”

He kissed her happily on the mouth and then left the kitchen. Liz watched him with a grin and then, still deep in thought, walked over to the oven and turned it on.


Rome 1995

Life was going wonderfully for Max. It had only taken him a week to realize he never, ever wanted to go home. Why should he? In New York trouble waited for him. There he would have to face his mother and his horrible beast of a father. That was the last thing he wanted when he could stay here in Italy under the sun.

So with his hefty bank account filled to the brim with seven hundred and twenty thousand dollars—half a graduation gift from his parents and his trust fund—he rented a very fashionable apartment over looking the watery city and even bought a small yacht, too.

It was a Friday evening, two weeks after his arrival in Venice, and Max was just taking Georgina home from a club. He had made no effort to hide his interest in her throughout the last week and she had happily taken his offer of company.

They rounded a corner into a dark alley that was just down from her apartment and they stopped the boat and got out onto the slippery steps. “So…”

“So,” he grinned.

She stepped close to him and ran her hands up his chest. “Where do we go from here then?” her voice was low and husky. Max found her Italian accent alluring.

“Aren’t you going to invite me up?” he drew her closer. “I want to come up.”

She laughed loudly at his appropriate use of words. “And then what? No strings attached?”

The last thing Max wanted was strings attached. “No strings attached…” he confirmed.

They stared at each other for a moment and then Max captured her mouth in a hot kiss. Her arms wound around his neck and her hips moved suggestively against his.

“You kiss quite well for an American boy,” she teased.

Max started unbuttoning her thin shirt. “I’m not sure what you mean by that but I’m going to chose not to care…”

“It means”—she unlocked her apartment door and flung it open with her foot—“I want to see if you move well for an American boy too.”

For Max, Georgina was the beginning of many. He began to find it was quite easy to become in the company of young, beautiful women who were more then willing to have a bit of fun. Max did not want a relationship; he was here to experience a fantasy life, every bit a dream. This way he didn’t need to worry about being ‘faithful’ and he certainly didn’t need to worry about someone cheating on him.

His new friends were much the same. Max found he got on really well with Michael especially and they constantly met up to go out. Michael was as friendly with the ladies as Max was until one day they were on his yacht and he announced, “I think I’ve met someone.”

“Met someone, as in…?” Karl asked. David and Sven were there too.

“As in, God…I think I’m in love,” Michael rolled his eyes, disgusted at himself.

“Your shitting me,” Max said after taking a swig of his beer.

Sven cocked an eye brow and patted Michael on the back. “We have to meet this one; she must be something.”

“Well that’s the thing,” Michael admitted. “I’ve never spoken to her before.” Everyone howled in disbelief. “She’s a singer, she performs all around the place…I’ve gone to every one of her fucking gig’s.”

“That’s sad,” David said. “You’ve never spoken to her?”

“I’m going to,” Michael told them. “I just haven’t yet.” He rubbed his forehead. “God she’s gorgeous though. And that voice…”

“If you ask me,” Max offered, “You should stay as far away from her as possible.”

Sven rolled his eyes. “You are such a retard.” He had been seeing Nicoletta for nearly two years and always tried to get the guys to realize relationships could be a good thing. “Michael, you should definitely talk to her.”

“What’s her name anyway?” Karl asked.

Max noticed Michael seemed to get a dreamy look in his eyes when he said her name, “Maria Deluca.”


Honolulu 2018

Unconsciously Liz started fiddling with the lump on her neck during the day. She wasn’t overly worried except sometimes she’d forget it was there and then discover it again. In those moments she would experience a little burst of panic in the pit of her stomach.

She would never let Max know that however, he would just go crazy with worry. It was one of the things that she had both loved and hated about him throughout their marriage. He was incredibly protective.

“I don’t want to go home,” Thomas complained as they drove to the airport. “Why can’t we just stay here forever?”

Natalie snorted. “Oh jee, I wonder.”

“Your sister is right,” Max said glancing at them in the rear view mirror. “And anyway, I’m kind of glad to be going home. I miss it. Right Liz?”

Liz was staring out the window, her fingers fondling her neck softly. She was so preoccupied she didn’t hear him.

“Liz? Babe, are you alright?” he glanced at her worriedly.

“Huh? Oh, yeah I’m fine.” She dropped her hand to her lap and glanced at Natalie, Alexander and Thomas in the back. “Do you think you’ll be able to stay awake until we leave?”

“Mom,” Alexander groaned. “What do you think we are, five?”

“Sometimes you act like it,” she teased. “Oh I miss my bed. I can’t wait to just collapse and sleep for hours.” She looked at Max and noticed his tense face and rigid fingers on the steering wheel. “Darling?”

He tore his eyes from the road briefly. “Hmm?”

“I love you,” she smiled and placed her hand on his, caressing it gently. Three groans from the back and Max laughing.

“I love you too babe.” Still looking at the road, he brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it affectionately. “We’re nearly there.”

Natalie suddenly perked up. “Can I have wine on the plane?”

“No,” Max answered.

“Oh hell, why not?” she leaned forward in her seat she her head was between them. “I’m seventeen, seventeen. Mom? Come on.”

“Your father said no,” Liz said. “What makes you think I’d say yes?”

“It would help me sleep,” Natalie told them.

“Still no.”

It was a hassle at the air port. They had to go through all the checks and procedures and then wait on the hard plastic seats for over an hour. By the end of it Natalie, Alexander and Thomas were arguing continuously. Max got fed up and yelled at them to shut up for just two seconds. He was stressed and worried about Liz who he thought looked quite pale. She told him that if he asked her if she was alright just one more time she would strangle him.

“I’m fine, I can’t wait to be home.”

She slept on the plane with her head on his chest and her hand on his thigh. He watched her, as always amazed that she was his.

Hours later when they finally arrived all of them grumpily and tiredly climbed into their jeep and drove home. It was raining harshly, quite a difference from the sunshine they’d left behind.

“I’m going to bed,” Alexander grumbled as soon as they got home. “Right now.”

“No you’re not,” Max told him. “You can all help me unpack the car.”

“No way!” everyone cried.

“Max,” Liz said. “Let them go to bed. They’re tired. We’ll do it later.” She climbed out of the car and unlocked the door inside the garage that led through into the laundry. “Go on, go to bed.” Natalie, Alexander and Thomas left quickly before Max argued.

“I’ll do it myself then,” Max grumbled.

Liz rolled her eyes. “Don’t be silly. We’ll all do it later. Come on.”

“I don’t want to do it later; I want to do it now.” Max popped open the boot and then went around the car to close the garage door.

“Fine. I’m going to bed.”

Max sighed and called after her, “No, Liz…come here love.” She came reluctantly. “I’m sorry; I’m tired and grumpy…and worried. Does it still feel the same?” he lifted his hand and cupped her neck.

“It’s nothing,” Liz insisted.

“It’s something,” Max told her sternly. He stared at her intently for a moment. “God, I can’t imagine ever losing you. How could I live?”

“There you go with the worst case scenarios again,” Liz said. “Max, nothing’s going to happen to me. I’m not going anywhere.” She pulled his arms around her in a hug. “I’ll go to the doctor tomorrow sometime.”

He pressed his mouth to her forehead and left it there. “Promise?”

“Of course.”

He breathed in loudly. “Life it’s worth living without you, I just wouldn’t las—”

“Stop right there,” Liz looked up at him. “You’re being silly. I’m sure it’s just something that will go away on its own.” They kissed one another gently on the lips. “Come to bed now.”

“Fine, okay.”

As they were heading to their bedroom Liz said, “You know how the kids are always talking about divorce…”

He looked at her. “Yeah?”

“You don’t think they ever worry about us…separating do you? I mean, surely they see that that would never happen.” Liz closed their bedroom door behind them.

“I’m sure they know we won’t,” Max told her. “We could talk to them…”

Liz bit her lip and watched him pull off his clothes. She wanted to ask him something but was unsure.

He looked at her. “Is something wrong?”

“Max, you’ve never thought about it have you, separating I mean?”

“What?” he stopped what he was doing abruptly. “Have you?

“Never, I just wanted to know if you ever have.”

“Of course not,” Max demanded. “Never, God never Liz.”

She smiled. “Just checking.”

“I would never have wanted to or ever will want to leave you love.”
Last edited by nicola on Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »

Ah! First exam tomorrow, I have been studying so much my brain hurts. We had our honours assembly and I got the writing prize! That means I'm the best writer in my year level. How cool, I was so happy. Anyway, sorry for all the waiting and waiting and waiting...


Naples 2002

“If I told you I wanted to cut my hair short, what would you think?”

Max glanced up from the newspaper he was reading. “You want to cut your hair?”

Liz shrugged. “I was thinking about it.”

Max folded his news paper and put it aside. “Why?”

“Just for a change,” Liz answered. “What do you think? Yes? No?”

“But I love your hair!” he cried.

Liz laughed. “It’s just hair Max.”

“Then just cut it,” he said dumbly.

Liz was silent for a moment, watching him. “I also wanted to—”

“Oh no.”

“I want to get my nipple pierced.”

Max raised his eye brows. “Are you serious?”

Liz nodded silently.

“What’s caused this all of a sudden?”

“Nothing,” Liz answered. “Just thought I’d spring it on you after we got married and had a child so you were entrenched.”

“Oh…right,” Max said. He couldn’t say anything more; his mind was filled with images of his tongue playing with her pierced nipple. “I think we should go and get it done right now.”

Liz smiled brightly. “You won’t be able to touch it for a few days.”

“You’re kidding.”

“Why would I kid?” Liz said. She sipped her coffee and then picked up a magazine off the coffee table. “So you like the piercing idea?”

“Maybe,” he replied.

Grinning, Liz nudged his foot. “Just maybe?”

Suddenly Natalie appeared in the door way, tiny and vulnerable with her bottom lip pouting outwards. “Natalie?!” Liz cried hurrying towards her. “How did you get out of your cot sweetheart?”

Natalie started to tear up when Liz lifted her onto her hip bone. “Oh honey…did you have a bad dream?”

“Ever since she started walking she never stops,” Max commented, watching his daughter with overflowing love. “She’s going to be trouble, isn’t she?”

“Don’t talk about my baby that way, she’s perfect.” Liz handed Natalie to him in a bundle and went to get her favourite blanket. When she got back Max was talking softly to a still quietly crying Natalie. He had his lips against her forehead and he was brushing her curly light brown hair back with his palm. “Tomorrow, mom’s going to take you for a swim at the swimming pool with Maria. You love the pool; think about how fun it will be.”

Natalie perked up. “Dat?”


“Cat,” Liz told him. She tucked the blanket around Natalie. “At the pool there’s this big painted cat on the side of the pool that she just goes mental at whenever she sees it. You know how she feels about cats.”

“Oh so that’s why the only word she says in ‘dat’.” Max grinned. “No, Daddy, just cat.” Liz went into the kitchen to serve dinner and Max stayed with Natalie. “Why don’t you say, Daddy?”

Natalie looked at him blankly.

“Come on, it’s easy. Dad-dy.” Max stroked her cheeks. “How can you be so beautiful? You must get that from your mother. Look at those big eyes.”

Natalie ran her little fingers over his knuckles and didn’t say anything. She didn’t speak much but she was doing very well for her very young age. Her walking was incredible.

Liz set the table and watched them. It was moment’s like these that made her ache to have another child, she was ready again. “Max, dinners ready.”

He rolled his head to the side so he could see her. “Can’t I eat on the couch?”

“No!” Liz hissed. “You’ll get food everywhere. Come to the table.”

Max lifted Natalie up and put her in her high chair. Then he sliced up her little bits of food in her bowl and started to feed her.

“Max, I want another child now,” Liz said.

“Now? I can help you later but right now…” Max wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Liz rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.”

“I know what you mean.” He reached out and took her hand in his affectionately. “And I want another too.”


Venice 1995

There was a loud thumping at the front door and Max was scurrying towards it trying to pull up his trousers at the same time. “Hold up one minute!” he called. Finally he flung back the door…


Isabel shoved past him without a greeting. “Max, what do you think you are doing?”

“Wow, it’s nice to see you too.” Max scratched his head and then headed towards his bedroom where a scrumptious Italian woman by the name of—actually he’d forgotten her name…was getting dressed. She came hurdling out in a furious hurry with a look of complete disgust on her face.

“Where are you going?” he asked in Italian.

Isabel watched amused as the girl spat out words of anger with her strappy sandals dangling from her fingers. She was gesturing animatedly at him and they were flying all over the place in the air. Isabel had no idea what she was saying but it was clear she was incredibly peeved off.

Max spoke back in just as frantic Italian and she was amazed that he’d learnt the language rather fluently in the time he’d been there. However he stumbled with what to say a lot.

Finally the girl let out a loud, “Pfffffft!” and stormed out—making sure to slam the door after her.

Isabel let out a howl of laughter and even bent over because her stomach hurt so much. “Who…who…” she tried to catch her breath. “Who was that?”

Max shrugged. “No body.” Perking up, he asked, “What are you doing in Italy?”

“I came to get you,” Isabel said. “You realize you left New York abruptly and haven’t been back in ten months? We’re beginning to think you’ll never be back. Holidays do not last ten months.”

“I finished university; I am not overly worried what my future holds for me at present.” Max crossed his arms over his bare chest. “Didn’t I talk to you on the phone not so long ago?”

“Two months ago! And back then you told me you’d come home.” Isabel looked striking in her baby pink sweater and white skirt. Her hair was short and her sun glasses sat on top of her head. In the door way, she’d dropped two small suitcases. “You don’t plan to come home do you?”

“No, not at this time.” He hugged her. “It’s good to see you though. You look great.”

“I know,” she said. “But that’s beside the point. Mom is frantic.”

“I bet dad doesn’t give two hoots,” Max grumbled.

“Well, that’s dad for you. He’s always been that way.”

“Yeah…a bad father,” retorted Max.

“I didn’t come here to stand up for him. I don’t like him either. The fact of the matter is, our poor mother loves you and misses you uncontrollably. Heaven knows why.”

Ignoring her last comment, Max asked, “Why didn’t she come here herself?”

Isabel put her purse down on a chair near by and then slipped comfortably down onto the couch. “She couldn’t. You know how busy she is.”

“I know, yes. But she couldn’t even spare a week for her only son? I think she doesn’t want me back that much.”

“You can be such a child sometimes Maxwell Nathaniel Evans!” Isabel swallowed. “Would you like to offer me a drink?”

“Let’s go out for a drink.”

“Alright, you better put some clothes on. Clearly you’ve been having quite a lot of fun here in your little bachelor pad.”

Clearly,” Max simply said.

They went to an art café and ordered drinks and nibbles. Their seat was in the corner at the back but they could still hear the band that was performing out the front. “It’s beautiful, I understand why you don’t want to leave,” Isabel commented. “But expensive.”

“Fantastic isn’t it?” Max grinned. “As for the expensive comment, you know we’re good for it. It’s a shame you came on such a rainy day.”

Isabel stared out at the busy canals. “What do you do here all day?”

Max shrugged. “Anything I want.”

“What about your career? All those job offers…they won’t be there forever. No one wants to hire someone who’s run off for nearly a year.”

He leaned across the table at her and said with a grin, “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not looking for a job.”

“Well you should be,” Isabel said simply. “You’re acting irresponsibly. Who was that in your apartment?”

“You’re making my happiness in seeing you again rapidly disappear.” Max leaned back and sipped his drink. “I’ll go back when I’m good and ready.”

Isabel shook her head. “You really have no idea, do you?”

“No…dear sister. You have no idea.”


Naples 2002

“Do you remember when I forgave you for crashing my Porsche into the back of the garage?” Max had flowers in his hands.

“Oh God, what have you done?” Liz instantly stopped what she was doing.


“Oh God. Just tell me…am I going to have to sit down for this?”

Max bit his lip. “And after you crashed the car we bought the stupid Jeep that…”

“Just tell me what you’ve done,” Liz said. “Am I going to want to leave you after this?”


“Oh God.”

“I bought a new car.”

“A new car?” Liz let out a loud puff of air. “Well that’s not as bad as I thought. A car as in…?”

“A new silver Ferrari…” Max grinned. “Nice, huh?”

“You…what?” Liz cursed under her breath. “Max, I don’t think we have the money for a Ferrari. You’re forgetting that we have another child on the way. You promised we’d build a wall separating the dinning room from the lounge and…did you think this through?”

“I’ve figured it all out,” Max held his hands out. “But before I tell you…where is my darling daughter? I need to lay my eyes on our beautiful daughter.”

“She’s with Maria,” Liz said. “She’ll be home in half an hour. Max…I wouldn’t be as shocked if it was a less expensive car…”

“It looked really good in the store…”

Oh, well if it looked good…” She paused. “I’m going to have to get a job just to pay for this stupid car. Can you return it?”

“Do you remember I bought you those really nice, really expensive Italian shoes for your birthday and…”

“Yes! Shoes Max! Shoes are different from a car and it’s not even your birthday.”

“This car…it will be my birthday presents and Christmas presents for the next year.”

“Try next, twenty years,” said Liz sharply. She shook her head. “Let me see it, is it here? Maybe I’ll forgive you if I really, really like it…”

“Oh, you won’t be driving it. Not after what happened to the last one.”

“Have I ever crashed the Jeep?” Liz headed for the front door. “If I want to, I will be driving it.”

The car was beautiful and Liz loved it. She ran her fingers down its shiny exterior. “Wow. Okay maybe I see why you bought it.”

He wrapped his arms around her from behind. “Want to go for a drive?”

“Maybe later. So how much poorer are we?”


Naples 2018

“You have to get to work,” Thomas said. “How come you aren’t going to work?”

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were waiting for me to leave,” Max sunk further back into his chair. “I’m going a little later today, is that alright with you?”

“You never go late,” Thomas said. “Is something going on that we don’t know about?”

Liz rolled her eyes. How did kids do that? Sense tension? “Nothing is going on.”

“That means there is,” Natalie chirped.

“You’re both going to be late to school.” Max reached over unconsciously and looped his fingers lazily through Liz’s.

“That’s the plan, that way you’ll drive us,” Natalie said. Alexander had already left for school; the other two were slower in getting ready.

“I’m not driving you, don’t be so lazy.” They eventually left and Max and Liz continued to sit outside at the breakfast table in comfortable silence.

Finally Max said, “So when’s he ringing with the results?”

“Ten-thirty. You don’t have to stay.”

“You’re crazy. What else would I do?”

“There are plenty of things…go to work, be the—”

“Don’t start.”

Liz sighed loudly. “I’m going to go shower.”

“Need help washing your back?”

Liz was thoughtful. Finally, “No.”

“That’s a shame.”

“I’m not in the mood,” Liz grinned at him, her eyes weren’t glowing. “So there.”

“Darn.” He picked up his coffee cup and finished off what was inside it. “I’ll just sit here and wait then.”

“You’ll go insane. At least read a magazine.”


“Maybe…you could go to work,” Liz started to leave.

“Not an option.”
100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »


Naples 2018

Liz felt sick from worry. She knew it could have been a billion times worse but then again it could have been a billion times better too.

She lay back on the couch and put her hand on her forehead.

She would have to have an operation.

That wasn’t even the worst of it, she’d have to tell the kids…she’d have to tell Max in a moment too. Her hand drifted down to touch the bump that was causing her so much trouble. It was tempting to pretend it was a mild hassle.

She lay there for a while forgetting about the time until she realized that she had a lot of work to do. There was the vacuuming, the dishes and the shower needed scrubbing too…She knew it, she wanted to start it all, and yet she remained where she was.

Her hands were shaking. How silly, she thought, it’s not like I’m going to die or anything. There was the temptation to cry as well, this was new to her, she was usually so strong. Perhaps emotion intensified with age—that would have to be it.

The cars engine rumbled as Max pulled up the drive way. He’d been to drop an important economics text book off at the school because Natalie had forgotten it.

Liz listened to the sound his expensive black leather shoes made on the steps as he neared the front door. In two seconds he would be in front of her.

She didn’t know what she’d do without him. Uniquely him, with his sharp, masculine smell and his thinning black hair. She smiled; he hated his grey, made her dye it like she dyed her own. The only parts of her life she could remember were the parts with him. The first twenty-or-so years of her life were a big blur. Only the part with him and his children mattered.

The front door closed and he was in front of her. “I missed it didn’t I? What did they say?” he was panicked.

She peaked at his worried face with one eye. He looked young and handsome and she was oblivious to how he’d aged. “It’s a cyst,” she said. “It’s not cancer, but they’ll still have to remove it.”

“A cyst?” Max asked. “Well that’s definitely better then cancer.”

“Yeah.” She bit the side of her mouth. “I have to go and fill out some forms and they’ll try and fit me in some time…”

“Fit you in?” he groaned. “God that’s going to take forever. Won’t it get bigger if it’s not done quickly? They should do it straight away. I’ll talk to Doctor—”

Liz laughed but it was without humour. “Stop.”

He was silent for a moment and then he said, “Come here.” She sat up and he wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. “You aren’t worried are you? Everything will be fine; I’ll make sure of it.”

“That’s a little bit out of your hands,” she said. “But I know.”

“I love you,” he kissed the top of her head.

She smiled into his sweater. “I love you too darling.”


Venice 1996

“Aha!” Michael exclaimed. “Here you are.”

Max looked up from the newspaper he was reading. It was in Italian, and he understood most of it. This was a delight to him, now he could tell people he knew a second language. He had always wanted to do that. “Good afternoon,” he said.

Good afternoon,” Maria said. “It’s nice to see you again Max.”

“You too,” Max said.

Michael had never really grown the balls to ask Maria out, one night he had been at one of her performances and she came right up to him at the bar and sat down.

“Hi,” she had said. “Am I crazy but have you been at every act of mine in the last two months? Can I tell my mother that I have a real live obsessed fan?”

Michael grinned. “You sure can.” He held his hand out for her to shake. “Names Michael Guerin, can I help that I’ve taken a shine to your incredible singing?”

“Well no, I don’t blame you. I am fantastic
.” She smiled. “Maria Deluca, charmed.” [/i]

“Maria here had the most fantastic of fantastic ideas,” Michael claimed. “We want to go to Naples for the weekend and we thought, because you’ve had every woman in Venice, that you might like to come so you can find new cun—”

Maria groaned. “Don’t use that word, I hate that word Michael.” She looked at him pointedly. “Actually, Max, I suggested you come since you don’t have a job and don’t have to worry about getting time off work.”

“So you’re reasons weren’t purely because of my thrilling company?”

“Unfortunately no.”

“Darn.” Max jumped up from the bench. “So when do we leave?”

“Now?” Maria offered. “Got your wallet on you?”

“Sure do.”

“We’re off then,” Michael grunted.

Max loved Naples. He enjoyed the people, the sun, the beach, the night life, the restaurants and the shops. He didn’t want to leave. Maria dragged them to the Palazzo Reale, which was a royal palace that was built in the early 17th century and the Naples museum. Apparently it was full of Greco-Roman paintings and sculpture. Like Michael and Max could care less. They complained the whole time.

“Do you feel like a third wheel?” Maria asked Saturday afternoon.

“Nope,” Max answered honestly. “I feel like a guy hanging out with his two friends that happen to be romping.”

“Haha,” Michael said.

“Tonight you’ll be on your own though,” Max said.


“Because I’ll be on shag high way heading west.”

“You stole that line from a movie so I refuse to laugh,” Maria grunted. “Let’s go to the 3th-century Castel Nuovo.”

“Fuck off,” Michael said. “We’ve done what you’ve wanted yesterday and this morning, Max and I get to chose now.”

“I want to go to the beach,” Max told them. “It’s packed. A lot of ass is on display and I’m missing out.”

“You are such a horn dog,” Maria complained. “Get a hobby.”

“Girls are his hobby,” Michael said.


Naples 2002

It was the heart of summer and on a hot evening Max and Liz had a bunch of people over for drinks under the stars. Natalie had been put to bed and then gotten up again and was strutting around their guests like she owned the place.

“I’m sorry,” Liz apologized. “She’s supposed to be inside. Aren’t you?” she swooped her daughter up into her arms. “But you’re being a naughty girl and won’t sleep.”

Sven laughed. “No, don’t apologize. I think this just goes to show you’re going to have to keep an eye on her, she obviously doesn’t like to miss out on a party.”

“Oh don’t say that,” Liz groaned.

They had about twenty people over and everyone was sitting in the back yard on the wooden porch.

“Liz!” Max came up behind her. “Where’s the bottle opener?”

“In the kitchen,” she said.

“I already looked, I can’t find it,” he complained.

“Don’t be a hassle,” Sven teased.

Max shot him a look of mock horror. “Look you—”

Liz got up from her chair and handed Natalie over to Max. “I’ll got find it.”

She hung onto his leg. “How’s daddy’s angel?” He said and stroked her delicate face.

When Natalie didn’t say anything Maria commented, “She’s a quiet wee one isn’t she?”

“Yeah,” Max nodded. “Hey, can you look after her for a moment?”

“Of course.”

He got up again and went into the kitchen, closing the door behind him. Liz looked up from where she was rifling through the utensils draw. “I’m not having much luck,” she said.

He came up behind her and kissed her neck.

She jumped slightly. “Oh!” A smile spread across her mouth. “What’s gotten you so…” his arousal was pressing into her bottom. “Erect?”

“You,” he said sucking on her neck.

“Stop that Max Evans, we have guests.”

“So?” His hands rubbed her hips and then one snuck forward to the elastic of her pants. “We used to do stuff like this all the time, remember?” his voice was husky against her ear.

“And I take it you miss it—oh!” His hand crept down into her underwear and through her little curls. She jumped when his hand started stroking her gently.

“Clearly,” he purred.

“Max…God, you really shouldn’t…”

“That’s what’s so appealing about it.” His lips rubbed back and forth over her bare shoulder. “Mmm, Liz. I wonder how quickly I can make you…”

Her head arched back and her mouth fell open. “Fuck.”

His index finger dipped inside her and massaged her inner walls teasingly. “Anyone could walk in Liz.”

“You…think…I…don’t…know…” she was having trouble standing up. She had to lean her back into his chest to keep from collapsing. “That?”

His mouth covered hers in a passionate kiss. He continued to stroke her…

“Max? Liz?” Just before the door opened Max yanked his hand out of her pants. Liz fanned herself with her hand.

“Ah,” Kelsie, Hayden’s girlfriend popped her head inside. “Can you tell me where the loo is?”

“Oh, of course. Just down the hall, third door on the left.”

“Thanks guys.” She shut the door after her and Max and Liz stared at each other, trying to decide whether it was safe to continue.

Max lifted his hand, which was slightly glistening with her juices, and touched his tongue to his finger. Liz moaned. “Don’t do that.”


“No.” They were silent for another moment. “Do you think we could…?”

Max scooped her up into his arms and kissed her. “I think we need to get back to the party.”

“What?” she gasped. “You’re kidding. You can’t just leave me like this now…”

“Sorry, babe.” He kissed her forehead, opened the kitchen door and left. Liz had to lean against the bench for a long moment trying to catch her breath,


Naples 2018

“If I accidentally die during this operation, I want you to remember me for the following things…” Liz had her legs dangling over the side of the hospital bed. “One—”

Max rolled his eyes. “You aren’t going to die.”

“Max, I’m having an operation and no matter how basic they say it is, it’s still an operation, and during an operation there is always the possibility that something can go wrong. Now, one—”

“You can’t tell me what you want me to remember you for,” he said. His hands were stroking her knees. “It’s just…not allowed.”

“That’s a shame.” She had decided not to tell the kids and worry them for nothing because Max had managed to get her booked in early, she had no idea how he did this and she didn’t want to guess. “I want you to think of me when you see…”

“Darling,” he wrapped his hands around her elbows. “I’ve spent so much of my life with you that no matter what I do now, it’ll remind me of you.”

“Aw,” she smiled. “Really?”

“Yes. Something as simple as folding the bed covers back on the bed, it’ll remind me how you like it to be done in a perfect triangle.” He chuckled.

“Well that’s true.”

“Liz Parker,” the nurse came into the room. “We’re all ready for you now. If you’d like to come through.”

“Thank you.” Liz hopped off the bed and pecked Max goodbye. “Are you going to wait or go home?”

“I’ll wait.”

“It might be a while,” the nurse said.

“Yes, that’s okay. I’ll be in the waiting room.” He kissed Liz once more then watched as she left. She smiled and waved and then she was gone.

He sucked in a deep breath and made his way to a seat.

:idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:

Hi everyone! This is the start of a new regular-updating nicola! :lol: I also have new parts written for Behind the Glamour and another one for Nekhbet but I'll post them another day, maybe. I've had more time on my hands since school finished, thank God! Thank you so much for the FB and I took a peak at the nominations, and I was pleasantly surprised so thank you for that too. You are wonderful!
Oh, and has anyone seen the "Love, actually?" the british movie? SOOO good, I reccomend it. I saw it at the cinema earlier on last week. :D

100% Pure New Zealand Beef
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Post by nicola »


Naples 1998

Max was beginning to experience a feeling that started in his gut and never left him. The more it persisted in bothering him, the more he indulged himself with Italian women and drank large quantities of alcohol. Even though he knew it was the opposite of what he really needed. He had begun smoking a lot more frequently too, craving the burning sensation that nicotine created in his lungs.

He knew what he wanted and the quirk of fate was it was far from what he had expected of himself. It had been four long, expensive years since he’d left New York City and the millennium was only two short years away. He was missing a lot of what he’d left behind but mostly he’d been craving a little more then just a woman’s company after a night out. It all became clear to him one morning when he’d randomly asked a woman he’s spend the night with to join him for lunch.

She’d accepted and after spending a mere twenty minutes with her he realized she was exactly not his type. It was Michael and Maria’s fault, but he’d never admit it, if they weren’t so deliriously in love and Michael wasn’t so darn happy all the time he never would have considered love as the factor he was missing in his life. It wasn’t as if he was jealous of their constant adoring eyes and tender kisses, he thought it was all rather pansy-ish. It was just, he wished he had someone to trust and someone who would take care of him, worry about him when he got home late.

Max groaned out loud when he thought it. He was only twenty-five for Christ’s sake. He wasn’t supposed to crave those sorts of things until he was at least thirty, right?

His mom had started to get in touch with him frequently. She’d flown over for Christmas and asked him to come home but he was stubborn and would not budge. She was constantly ringing him and she kept asking if he’d found a nice girlfriend that could produce her some grandchildren. Children were the absolute last thing on his list of wants at the moment, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want one one day. A little girl and boy maybe. He told her there wasn’t anyone and accidentally let it slip that he wouldn’t mind if there was though.

She replied, “You always were one to depend on people Max, I don’t know why you’re fighting it. Your father and I used to talk about how we thought you’d get married young so you’d have someone to take care of you. I’m sure there are plenty of young Italian girls in Venice that would love to have you as their husband. You’re a good boy; well you were before you left, much better then some of the scum out there. I think I raised you well, no?”

It was when he couldn’t find anyone he could see himself loving that he considered maybe it was where he was living. Or maybe he just wasn’t looking in the right places? He was constantly taking trips to Naples because he loved it there so much, and on November 1998 he decided to move there and packed his bags. When he told Michael and Maria !who were now living together! That he was going, they said they’d come too. Why not? They could both get work there, and they had become best friends with him over the years and Max would miss them if he didn’t see them regularly.

He bought a large house by the beach and sold his motor-powered boat for a yacht. It was a small village about forty minutes out of the city. There weren’t many shops and the night life consisted of a few pubs and dance halls but Max loved it anyway. He could see himself staying here for a long, long time.


Naples 2003

Max was giving Natalie a piggy-back ride down the hallway, she was in her pyjamas and her curly light brown hair was up in a tiny pony-tale on the top of her head. “What is that p-wetty smell?” she asked her father sweetly.
“Mom’s perfume,” he replied. It always spread down the hall when she was going out. They entered the master bedroom and found Liz standing in front of the mirror fastening her earrings in place. She was very pregnant, eight months and three weeks to be exact but she was wearing a fashionable black sleeveless knit-dress with a turtle neck. Covering her legs she wore tan coloured boots that went to her knees.

She smiled at them. “How do I look?” Tonight was a night out with a few of the girls, including Maria. Except they were toning it down for Liz’s sake because she was so pregnant. They were just going to dinner and the movies.

“Wonderful,” they said in unison.

“My swollen feet are going to be killing me when I get home, one of you will have to volunteer to have to massage them,” she teased. “Natalie?”

She screwed up her face in disgust. “No way!”

She rolled her eyes. “My feet aren’t that bad, surely.”

Max let Natalie off his back on their bed and she jumped around. “I didn’t give you anything with sugar in it, why are you so hypo?” he looked at her.

“I’m not a hippo!” she cried.

“Who’s a hippo?” Liz suddenly asked, not hearing or caring about the rest of the conversation only the word ‘Hippo’. “What are you talking about? You’re not insulting me are you? Max I don’t look like a hippo do I?”

He laughed. “No. I said hypo.”

“What’s hypo?” Natalie asked, stopping bouncing.

“I’ll tell you another day,” Max said. “I’m too tired for that conversation.”

“You’re never going to get to sleep now,” Liz directed at him.

“I’m not going to sleep,” Natalie made sure they weren’t talking about her. “We’re going to watch The Little Mermaid.”

“You’re a bit lucky,” Liz raised her eye brows.

“Can we start it now?” she asked, slipping off the side of the bed, and barely reaching the ground from the top of the large mattress with her tiny legs. Max helped her and she went sprinting off towards the lounge, yelling after her, “You make the popcorn!”

Liz was applying her mascara when he came up behind her and reached around to put one hand on her belly. “How did she go from being so quiet to so vocal?” he asked.

“Who knows,” she shrugged. “Maybe she’s spending too much time around Maria?”

“I’m spending my Friday night watching the little mermaid, a few years ago I never would have considered that a possibility.” He kissed her neck.

“And what, may I ask, is wrong with the little mermaid?” Liz finished up and put her make up in her handbag.

“Nothing, it’s a classic.” He grinned. “Just different from getting pissed, sometimes stoned, and then bonking some random—”

He noticed the look of displeasure that crossed her face. “Max, you know I don’t like to know about all that…”

“Yeah, we’ll forget that was never a part of my life,” he said. “Anyway, I’d take snuggling with my incredible daughter on the couch over any other thing.”

She spun around. “I’m ready to go, I won’t be too late I don’t think…unless we linger over coffee. Don’t wait up.”


Liz leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips. “I love you.”

“I know. Have a good time.”

Natalie called out for him to hurry up. When they got out to the lounge she was sitting on the couch, she’d pulled her duvet off her bed and it was on her lap. “Hu-wwy up!”

Liz kissed her on the head and then went and pulled her jacket on. “Be good for daddy, okay?”

“I will,” she vowed.

When Max was making the pop corn he heard Natalie telling him he was missing the beginning. She then proceeded to yell out everything he was missing from the lounge. “And the crab is doing this, and her daddy does not want her up too late, like you and mom with me, and…”

He chuckled to himself and then jumped over the back of the couch and plopped the popcorn down on her lap. “Mom likes you to use the bowl,” she reminded him.

“Mom’s not here is she?” he grinned. How did she get so grown up for her age, he wondered?
She pulled some of the blanket over his lap. “In case I get cold?” he asked. She nodded silently, engrossed in the movie.

“Who’s your favourite?” he asked, not even watching the movie, just the delight in his daughters face. His heart swelled.

“Ariel! Of course,” she rolled her eyes. “I bet you like Ursula, the octopus?’

He tickled her. “Why would you say that?”

She didn’t fall asleep during the movie like he’d expected her to but he carried her to her bed afterwards anyway. She was so tiny! He marvelled at how she weighed absolutely nothing. “You’re going to tell me you aren’t tired now, aren’t you?” he asked, laying her down on her daisy sheets.

“No,” she yawned. “I am tired.”

He laughed. “That’s good.”

“Goodnight daddy.” They kissed and he tucked her in.

“Goodnight, Natalie,” he paused at the door. “Open or closed?”

Hey eyes were already closed. “Open,” she said.

Liz got back just before midnight, Max was in bed but he was wide awake, waiting for her like he’d said he wouldn’t. He heard her lock the front door and then come straight down the hallway, he imagined her checking Natalie, kissing her cheek and fixing her covers. The door creaked open, spilling the light from the hall into the room. She left it open a smidge so she could see what she was doing and he waited patiently while she unzipped her boots and tugged them off, her sharp breath, because she couldn’t bend over far enough. She slipped on her nightie then disappeared into the bathroom to brush her teeth.

When she finally slid into bed he rolled onto his back and wrapped an arm around her. “Ah, you’re awake,” she said.

“Hmm,” he mumbled. “How was your night?”

“Great.” She pressed her mouth to his shoulder. “Did Natalie go to sleep okay?”

“Perfectly,” he answered her. “You smell a bit like cigarettes.”

She groaned. “I know it was bloody Sarah, remember I told you about her? No consideration whatsoever, there are only two of them that smoke, Sarah and Jody, and the rest of us either don’t or have quit. That doesn’t matter to her, she makes no attempt to go outside, and Jody never smokes around us.”

“Not to mention how bad it is for the baby,” Max frowned.

“I really should say something but I hate to…”

“You like to avoid arguments,” he said. “But not with me, for some reason you can stand up to me.”

“Funny that.” She jabbed his side with her finger. “I don’t need to ask if you enjoyed The Little Mermaid, because I know you did.”

“Of course.” He felt her belly twitch against him and he lifted up her nightie so he could feel the baby kicking.

“She or He wants out,” Liz mused.

“I think so too,” he laughed and pulled her closer. “I don’t know about you, but I’m anxious for them to get here.”

“You don’t have to go through labour,” she snorted. “But yes, it would be nice. I wouldn’t mind having my body back.”

They stared at each other in the dark. “I wouldn’t mind having your body back either,” Max teased.

She jabbed him hard in the chest. “Why you—!”

He laughed and she was glad he couldn’t see her smile in the dark. “Come here, sit on top of me,” he said.

“What?” she sat up and moved to straddle his hips. He lifted his upper half up onto his elbows so he could kiss her stomach.

“Babe, you’re heavy.”

“Oh that’s it!” she instantly got off him moved to the other side of the bed, as far away from him as possible, facing the other direction.

Max’s laughter was loud. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Darling, sweetheart, Liz, come here.” When she didn’t he went to her, wrapping his arms around her securely. “I like you being pregnant.” He assured her, while kissing her bare shoulder.


Naples 2018

“What’s that?” Natalie asked as she munched away at her dinner. Alexander and Thomas both looked up from their meal to see what she was talking about.

“This?” Liz touched the big piece of white plaster covering her wound. “So you finally notice?”

“What is that?” Thomas asked.

“I had surgery today,” Liz said. She hurried on, “I had a cyst on a vein in my neck. This is covering the stitches.”

Thomas was the only one who seemed worried. He stopped eating all together while the other two continued, but were at least looking at her. “Are you okay? Did it hurt?” he asked.

“It hurts a little now,” she said. “But it didn’t at the time.” Outside it started to rain heavily. She hoped Max would be home soon.

“Kewl. Can I see the stitches?” Alexander asked.

Liz rolled her eyes. “No, you can’t. I’m not allowed to remove the covering yet.”

They were eating pizza around the coffee table in the lounge. The television was on, even though Liz hated it when they all talked over it. They didn’t even question how long she’d known it was there or anything. She could have told them she’d just brushed her hair. With a sigh, she got up and collected her plate and cup.

“Where are you going?” Natalie asked.

“Oh that you want to know about?” Liz asked, raising her eye brows. “I’m going to have a bath.”

She lit candles and submerged herself in nice smells—with incense burning and essential oils in the bubbly water. Then she turned the lights out, locked the door so no one would bother her and eased back into the tub.

It had been a long time since she’d taken a moment to relax herself. Today had been stressful to say the least. When they’d released her from the hospital Max had driven her home and she’d slept all afternoon. When the kids got home, she was in no state to cook dinner so they ordered in.

The mirrors started to mist in the bathroom and her eyes drifted closed in satisfaction. The drugs had worn off leaving her feeling slightly groggy and this was just what she needed to clear her mind. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

“What?” she called.

“Mom!” It was Alexander. “Dad just rang, he said to tell you he isn’t going to be home until late and he wants you to tape thingee.”

“What’s thingee?” Liz asked.

His reply came, “You know, that television show he likes, I forgot what it’s called.”

“Can’t you do it please? I might not be out of here in time.”

He moaned in annoyance. “Argh, fine.” She heard his foot steps away and her eyes quickly drifted closed again. Her back needed massaging, where was Max when you needed him?

Liz managed another ten minutes of relaxation when there was a knock on the door once more. “Oh for heaven’s sake, what now?”

“Michael’s on the phone for you,” Thomas said.

“Tell him I’ll call him back!” Obviously!

“He said it was urgent, and he was sorry to interrupt you.”

“Fine! Fine!” Clearly it was too much to ask to have half an hour to yourself to relax. She wrapped a towel around herself and stomped out into the dinning area angrily. “Hello?”

“Hey Liz,” Michael greeted her. “I’m really sorry to get you out of your bath, but Maria’s at La Capra sorridente and she’s going to perform in about half an hour and needs her lyrics, she was stupid enough to leave them at home. You see, I’d drop them off to her but I can’t leave work…”

“Where about’s are they?” Liz asked.

“On her dresser at home, you couldn’t take them to her could you? You know where the spare key is kept.”

“Okay, okay, ring her and tell her to meet me outside in twenty minutes.”

“Thanks, you’re a life saver.”

“Yeah, yeah. Thank me later. Bye.” Liz hurried back to the bedroom and pulled on some jeans and a turtleneck sweater on. As she was pulling on her coat Alexander asked where she was going. “To drop something off to Maria, I won’t be long.”

Maria’s lyrics weren’t on her dresser, but on the kitchen bench so it took Liz much longer to find them then anticipated. When she finally got to the club Maria was spewing. “I thought something must have happened to you, what took you so long?”

“They weren’t where you said they’d be,” Liz told her.

“Oh, sorry. I have to get in there now, why don’t you come in and take a seat?”

“I really should get back…”

“Why? Come on, just for a little while.” She relented; it wasn’t like she was in a hurry to get home. After an hour and a half or so later she left, waving goodbye to Maria at the door. She hoped Max would be home when she got there.

He wasn’t there and she became momentarily annoyed with him for not being around when she wanted him to be. So to get it out, she got angry at Thomas for being up past his bed time. “Just because I wasn’t here, doesn’t give you an excuse—”

Thomas grudgingly put down his Playstation 2 game control. “I was on a roll.”

“I don’t care.” Liz pulled back the covers on his bed for him. “Did you have enough to eat tonight? Did you brush your teeth?”

“Yes, and…yes,” he rolled his eyes at her. “You can leave now, I have to get changed.”

Liz grinned. “I’ve seen you naked Thomas.”

“Not recently you haven’t.”

She kissed his head. “Good night. Love you.”

“Night mom.” At the door he asked, “Is your neck okay?”

A smile seeped across her face. “Yeah it is thanks.”

Natalie was in her room too. Liz accidentally walked in when she was getting changed and Natalie shrieked and shoved the nearest thing over her chest to cover herself.

“Mom, KNOCK, would you?” she turned around and pulled her shirt over her head. “Where have you been?”

“Sorry, Maria wanted me to stay and watch her for a while.” Liz leaned against the door frame. “Not too much arguing while I was gone, I hope?”

“Alex is hogging the TV again,” Natalie turned her music down. “He’s just such an ass.”

“Right, well.” Liz sighed. “I’ll take that as a yes. Night.”


Liz went to the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher then went to bed, alone. She hated it when Max worked late. “Alex,” she said as she passed him by, “Don’t stay up too late and love you aren’t the only person in this family who likes television. Remember that.”


Liz was in bed looking over the bills and figuring how much she should pay the phone company the next day when Max finally got home.

“That son of yours…” he said as he walked through the door.

“Of mine?” she asked, removing her reading glasses and sighing in relief.

“Yes, yours, he can’t be mine. My child would obey me.” He took of his tie and came towards her. “How are you feeling?” A welcoming peck on the lips soothed her whole night. How did he do that?

“I’m…” she sighed. “Okay, I guess.”

“You guess?” he sat down beside her on the bed. “What happened?”

“Just had a stressful evening,” she answered. “What kept you so late anyway?”

“Mario and I were working on a lecture for tomorrow…”

“Mario is…?”

“The teacher aid.” He rubbed his tired eyes. “Not that he helps much or anything.” While touching her cheek, he studied her closely, “You look tired babe, did you sleep when you got home?”

“Yes.” She started unbuttoning his shirt. “I missed you this evening. I wanted you home.”

“Yeah?” He let his shirt fall down his back and off.

“Yes.” She pressed her mouth to his shoulder. “Alexander and Natalie didn’t even notice my neck.”

“That would be right. Thomas did?” He stood up and pulled his pants off.

“Yes, he seemed genuinely concerned.” Liz reached for him again. “You realize your daughter has bigger breasts then your wife. At least two cup sizes.”

Max frowned. “Why? What brought this conversation on?”

“I just…noticed.” She smiled. “Did you have dinner?”

“I did, yes,” Max ran his fingers through her short hair and forced her head forward so he could kiss her. “Did you take that medication the doctor gave you?” he asked against her lips.

“Hmm.” She pulled the covers off her legs and pulled her baggy t-shirt over her head. Then she wrapped her arms around Max’s shoulders and kissed him even more passionately. “Is the door locked?”


“Is Alex still up?”


She sighed and reluctantly let go of him so he could go fasten the door. When he came back she got up onto her knees and welcomed him with open arms. His hand cupped her ass, bringing her closer and his mouth swooped down to kiss and taste her breast.

“Max,” Liz murmured.

He laid her back on the bed and got rid of their underwear so he could get closer. “Feeling flexible?” he teased.

She laughed loudly. “Depends…”

Just as he was lifting her legs there was a knock at the door. Max and Liz groaned at the unwanted intrusion. “What is it?” Liz asked.

“The Matrix is in your VCR! I want to watch it!” Alexander cried.

“No freckin’ way,” said Max. “Go to bed. It’s almost one.”

“So?” came his reply.

“You aren’t watching it tonight,” Liz said. “Bugger off.”

Max shook his head and then smiled down at her. “Now where were we?”

“I believe you were about to make ravenous love to me.”


I don't know how you guys feel about fluff, but this really is only that. It's nice to write, so I hope it doesn't bother anyone. But then again, the first one was just fluff too so if you liked that one...
Thanks for the FB everyone! I really mean it, really, really, really. I love hearing from you.
Norafanofmaxandliz, I'll try and check out Loves Awkening revealed when I get a moment. Thanks a lot!
100% Pure New Zealand Beef