Time after Time (M&M) completed ADULT

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Time after Time (M&M) completed ADULT

Post by kalee57 »

I don't own Roswell, blah blah blah. No copyright infringement intended. Try and get me anyway, I'm not in America. Hahahahaha. Sorry, that was my Ms. Jekyll side.
This is the first part of a story I've been working on for awhile. If it sucks and you hate it, please let me know and I'll stop. I've been teaching English to Korean children for awhile now so I've forgotten how to spell, forgive any errors.
This is mostly M&M, I'm a Candy and I can't really write for Dreamers or Stargazers. This is a prequel to the Pod Squad landing on Earth. It's been done before but this is my version.

ANTAR, pre-1947

"Wake up, Zan, it's your wedding day." Zan groaned and opened one eye to see Rath in his full navy blue and gold royal finery standing over him.

"Damn, it is, isn't it?" Opening the other eye, he sat up. "How much time do I have?"

"An hour. Don't get too excited, it's only your wedding day." Rath said sarcastically.

"I'm aware what day it is, I just didn't get much sleep last night." Zan replied as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Aww, anticipation for the wedding night." Rath wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Something like that," Zan threw his feet over the side of the bed. "You can leave now, I can dress myself."

"Let's hope so," Rath grinned. "But your mother ordered me to stay with you and get you to the ceremony on time and you know I don't cross my future mother-in-law, even if you are the king."

"Fine, just try and keep your mouth shut. I'm nervous enough as it is without you making comments."

"Whatever, Zanzibar." Rath flopped down on the bed as Zan went off to take his shower. Soon it would be him getting ready for his wedding. It was a prospect that Rath accepted as reality, as duty. Love wasn't a reality with royal marriages. The right blood line was what was most important, that's how matches were made. He would marry Vilandra, they would have two or three children to insure the future of the royal family and he will have done his ultimate duty as second-in-command: protect the king and insure the royal family of Antar survived another generation. Zan was the same way. Rath knew his friend didn't love his bride and that his bride didn't love him but they would do what they had to do because their love of their planet, of their way of life, was greater than personal need.

Zan walked out of the shower, his robe fastened and a towel drying off his wet hair when he heard a knock at his door. Looking over at the bed he saw that Rath was asleep. Rath had an amazing ability to fall asleep wherever and whenever he had the chance. Zan shook his head as he heard a snore escape Rath's lips. The knock sounded again and Zan hurried over to the door.

Zan's personal guards had let the person through and Zan's instincts told him that this person was not an enemy so he opened the door without hesitation. Standing before him was a dark haired girl he'd never seen before. Zan gaped at her, his heart seized for a moment, he felt an instant connection to this stranger before him.

"Your Highness, Lady Ava sent me with this," the girl said as she bowed before him, a wrapped package in her hand.

Zan cleared his throat, "Thank you. Who are you?"

The girl lifted her eyes to his. "I'm Becca, lady in waiting to your princess."

"Oh, um,um, Ava, yeah. Um, I have a gift for her also. Would you mind waiting for a moment?"

"No, Your Highness."

"Great, I'll just...go...get it and...bring it to you." Zan stepped away from the door and began a frantic search around the room. He was flustered by this girl and he couldn't think straight. "Here it is!" Zan yelled joyfully as he found the gift shoved halfway under his bed. "Please give it to My Lady and tell her I eagerly await our wedding hour."

"As you wish," Becca bowed again as she left Zan's chamber.

"Uh, uh... Sorry I can't find my tongue right now."

Zan turned around to see Rath laughing at him. "So you heard me? Weren't you asleep?"

"Warrior's instinct, I heard the knock and woke up. You like her." Rath said as he sat up.

"I do not," Zan denied heatedly. "And besides I'm getting married today."

"And soon, get dressed so we can get this over with. I'm doing the final training with Lady Ava's guard. I'm eager to see if they're actually any good."

"Maybe if you thought less about fighting you would be more inclined to love Vilandra."

"Someone has to protect your royal ass."

"Right," Zan agreed. "Let's go get this over with.

Zan made it through the ceremony, although he was more interested in the girl standing behind his bride then his actual bride. She was quite stunning with her dark hair and pale skin. More importantly he'd felt a connection with her, a connection he felt only with his family and Rath. There was something more to this girl, and although Zan knew it was wrong, he knew he had to find out more about her, reguardless of his bride.

Rath sighed with relief, it was finally over. The whole wedding thing creeped him out. All the women saying to him, "So I guess you'll be next," and giggling like children. Rath felt like saying a few choice words back to them but he just smiled and nodded and counted the minutes until he could leave the whole affair without being rude. His one consolation was that Vilandra seemed to feel the same way, nodding politely at the giggly women and glancing at the clock. It told him she was anymore eager to take that marriage step than he was. Checking his watch he realized it was time to go meet Lady, er, Princess Ava's guard. Hurrying out to the training grounds he hoped that this group of guards wasn't as bad as he feared they would be.

"Attention! Fall in line!" Rath yelled to the men and women scattered about the training grounds that fell just east of the palace. "Who is the senior guard?"

"I am, sir!"

"You?" Rath took in the petite woman standing before him and decided that this was going to be worse than he thought.

"Yes, sir."

"And your name is?"

"Drea, sir."

"And you've trained all of these people?" Rath asked as he glanced around the grounds.

"Yes, sir."

"Aren't you a little young to be senior guard?"

Drea gritted teeth. She knew he also meant small and female when he said young. "No, sir. I've been training with the guard since I could walk. My parents were both guards before me."

"Well in the next week I'll be conducting training sessions and I'll be evaluating everyone in the group, those who meet my standards will join the royal guard and those who fail will be sent back to your former employer, that includes you, Drea."

"Yes, sir."

"Alright, go back to the barracks, rest up. Training starts at 5 a.m.
tomorrow. Be ready, it will be a hellish week but if you survive I've been instructed to tell you that King Zan will be having a royal ball in honor of his new bride and you will be invited to attend. Something to look forward to. That is all, you're dismissed."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Drea saluted smartly.

Glancing at the girl, he inwardly groaned because he knew she was going to cause him problems. "Just call me Officer Rath, or sir. I'm not married yet and therefore it is inappropriate for you to address me as Your Highness, okay?"

"Sorry, sir." Drea turned on her heel and marched away, smiling to herself as she realized she'd made Rath angry. "Tit for tat," she thought.

"Wake up!"

"Wha?" Rath sat straight up in bed, ready to fend off any attacker. Seeing Zan standing before him he fell back into bed and turned over. "I never sleep, can't you give me a few more minutes, please."

"No, there's lots of things to do today. Battle strategies to discuss, wedding presents to unwrap, you know, important things."

"Aren't you up a little to early? Wasn't last night your wedding night? Aren't you supposed to be exhausted?" Rath asked as he put a pillow over his own head.

Zan averted his gaze as a red flush colored his face. "So how's the training for Ava's guard going?"

"Their senior guard is a girl, a young one and... What time is it?"

"It's after six, why?"

"I'm late! Damn damn damn! Zan, I have more important things to do today then open wedding presents so you'll just have to excuse me from that delightful task." Rath threw on some clothes and ran out the door and out the palace to the training grounds.

When Rath hadn't shown up this morning Drea had taken it upon herself to put the guard through morning warmups. It wasn't just Ava's guard on the field but every off-duty royal guardwas on the field. Rath tried not to look impressed by the sight before him but he was. This tiny little girl had managed to get a bunch of hardened warriors to listen to her, it was astounding.

"Good morning, Officer Drea." Rath said as he drew himself up to his full height, hoping she didn't notice his slightly askewed hair and clothing.


"I can take over now, join the line please."

"Yes, sir." Drea ran over to a spot in line. She was angry that he hadn't even bothered to say thank you.

"I'll-mannered ass," she mumbled as her body began to move in the familiar motions the Rath was leading the group in.

At the end of the day Drea's body was drenched in sweat and her muscles were very sore but she would let no one see the strain as she put her body through the end paces of the day. It was a marching drill and precision was key. They were now standing at attention as Rath walked around looking for any hint of movement. As he walked closer to her spot, Drea willed herself to stand still.

"At ease, guard. You are dismissed."

Drea suppressed a sigh of relief as she relaxed her body and turned to go back to the barracks.

"Officer Drea, stay behind a moment."

"Yes, sir. Is there a problem?" She asked sweetly, thinking he might finally be thanking her for this morning.

"Some of your guard need to shape up or they will be sent back. I was not impressed with what I saw today, I expected better from a royal guard."

"They're not a royal guard, yet, Sir. They've only been training at royal guard standards for three months. I know the palace royal guard members train for well over a year before they are even considered for a spot on the royal guard. They have been working their asses off since they found out Lady Ava was to marry King Zan. They deserve a fair chance!" Drea said passionately fighting for the people she grew up with, the people she helped train.

"Am I supposed to let an inadequate guard protect the princess? Should I put her life in danger because you want me to be fair? Were you raised by idiots?" Rath asked angrily.

Drea gasped at his cruel words but refused to let him how his words cut her. "No, sir."

"Go back to the barracks."

"Yes, sir." Drea turned smartly on her heal and left.

Rath sighed angrily and made his way up to the palace to find Zan. Upon entering he noticed the dark haired girl Zan was talking to yesterday and figured she would know where he was.

"Where's Zan," he barked to the girl.

Becca's face blushed a pretty pink before replying. "He is in the library with Princess Ava, I was just on my way there."

"Library, why?"

"I believe he's reading to her."

"Damn, that's romantic," Rath said sarcastically. The girl next to him didn't reply but Rath noticed her face was still pink.

They entered the library to find Zan reading some sort of poetry to Ava. Rath had to fight the nerve to not make gagging noises.

Remember that they were in mixed company, Rath addressed Zan formally. "King Zan, Princess Ava, I hope all is well with you."

"Yes, thank you, Rath. Ah, so you've met Becca," Zan replied as a smile lit up his face at the sight of the girl.

"Yes, she directed me here. I was out training with Princess Ava's guard." Rath was impatient by nature and he wasn't going to be around the bush when he wasn't happy.

"And how were they?"

"Some are good and some are not so good. I discussed this with the senior officer, Drea, and she suggested I be more lenient. I then asked her if she was raised by idiots, and if I should risk Princess Ava's life by allowing less than adequate guards."

"Actually her parents were killed when she was ten and she's been raised by other members of the guard," Ava spoke up in defense of her guard. "And they haven't had much time to train but I trust them implicitly."

Rath's face went white, he felt like such an ass. "My apologies, Princess Ava. I had no idea."

"I'm not the one to whom you owe an apology," Ava retorted sharply.

"Um, uh. Yeah, of course. I'll just go...Apologize... Apologize to Drea. Please excuse me."

Rath headed back to the barracks, feeling embarrassed and slightly angry that he had to apologize to her.

All senior officers had separate living quarters behind the dorm-style barracks. Rath headed to the one that had been emptied in anticipation of her arrival and knocked on the door.

"What do you want?" Drea asked as she opened the door and saw him. "I'm off duty now so I really don't want to hear anymore complaints."

"Uh, no, I'm not going to complain. Um, I, uh, I came to apologize for earlier."

Shocked but pleased Drea opened the door and motioned him in.

Rath was surprised that although she'd only been there a short time she'd made the tiny space look homey. There were pillows thrown about and little knick-knacks in various places.

"Sit down. Do you want anything to drink?"

And now she was being nice to him, wow.

"No thanks. I just wanted to come and say that what I said earlier was totally out of line and I'm sorry."

"Which part?"

"Which part?"

"Which part was out of line and which part are you sorry for?"

"Oh, the part about you being raised by idiots, that was uncalled for."

"You know my parents are dead, that's why your here! I should have known you would never actually apologize! You should apologize for everything you said, not just the part about my parents. You just feel bad about the poor girl with no parents. I DON'T WANT YOUR PITY! Or your worthless apology. Get out, I can't stay in the same room with you right now!" Drea walked to the door and opened it.

"No, not until you hear me out! I came down here to apologize and you're going to listen to me." Rath grabbed her arm and he saw flashes, flashes of them together, smiling, kissing, getting married. These flashes seemed to be of them in different times and places.

Drea gasped and ripped her arm out his grasp. "Get out!"

Rath didn't know how to feel about what he just saw, about what she had to have seen also, so he high-tailed it out of there as fast as he could and back to the palace. He'd almost made it to his chambers when he heard Ava's voice behind him.

"Did you apologize?"

Rath turned around and smiled thinly at Ava. "I tried but then she got angry and we started fighting again, so no, I did not apologize."

"Maybe you should try listening to what she's saying, she's an intelligent and thoughtful person and I think she will be an asset here." Ava told him as she examined her fingernails.

"I will take that into consideration, Princess Ava. Where is King Zan?"

"He's around here somewhere," Ava replied as she stepped past Rath and continued down the hallway.

Rath found Zan in the sunroom with Becca. They were sitting together talking quietly. Rath cleared his throat causing them both to look up. A red flush immediately covered both their faces.

"I need to talk to you for a moment, Zan."

"Of course, please excuse us, Becca," Zan said as he helped Becca to her feet.

"Of course, Your Highness," Becca curtsied and then walked out of the sunroom.

"What's going on with you?" Rath asked, raising his eyebrows at Zan.

"Honestly? I get flashes when I touch her. I found out by accident, she cut her finger and I just reached out and healed it without even thinking. I saw all these images. Rath, they weren't images of her life, they were images of us and it's like we were living another life. We've been trying to figure out what is going on. It's strange, why are we seeing something that hasn't happened?"

Rath sat down and sighed. "I'm seeing the same things, only with Drea. I went down to apologize to her and we started fighting and I grabbed her arm and I saw the flashes. We were getting married, MARRIED. And we were happy, I felt it."

"Did you talk to her about what you saw?" Zan asked as he sat down next to Rath.

"I was too freaked out, I just got the hell out of there."

"We need to figure things out, something is happening here and we need to know what it means."

"You're married, I'm engaged, if we start spending time with other women we might have problems."

"Have you seen Vilondra lately?"

"Uh, no," Rath averted his eyes. He knew he should be more attentive to Vilandra but he just wasn't really interested in her.

"And Ava and I aren't exactly connected at the hip. We do what we have to to find out the truth," Zan told Rath diplomatically. "We also have other problems."


"It's Khivar, he's causing trouble again, he might be preparing a coup against us. My advisors say the information is sketchy still but we need to be prepared."

"We always are but I'll assign extra guards to the perimeter and put out my feelers. The palace will be protected from Khivar," Rath assured Zan.

"I know, but he worries me. He wants to rule and he might take desparate measures to get what he wants."

"We'll figure it out but in the meantime I've got to get Ava's guard in shape. If something is going to happen then we need every possible fighter ready. Don't worry, Zan, this will all work out."

Rath spent the rest of the week training the guard and ignoring Drea to the best of his abilities. He knew what Zan said but he couldn't bring himself to approach Drea and ask her about the flashes. There had been no more word on Khivar but Rath wasn't one to relax, he believed that when things were most quiet was when there was the most danger.

Drea had spent the week wondering what was going on with the flashes but they were secondary to her immediate problem of trying to get her guard ready for final inspection. She spent all of her evenings working with those that seemed to be behind. She believed that all their hard work would pay off but she would have to wait and see. Today was the final day to prove that they could be royal guard and Drea felt the pressure as she fell in for morning warmup.

"Guard, fall in," Rath yelled Friday evening. "We have just finished our final inspections. When I call your name step forward, you are now royal guard."

Rath called out several names and a line stood before him. Drea was waiting for her name to be called when he said,"Those of you who have not been called will remain here at the palace and continue to train. I believe you all have the potential to become royal guard but you need more training first."

Drea clenched her jaw. He hadn't called her name, what a snake. She deserved to be royal guard, she knew she was as good as, if not better, than any current royal guard.

"One last thing," Rath said before leaving. "Your senior officer is still Drea so you will take all problems to her and she in turn will take them to me. Likewise, her orders are my orders and my orders are the King's orders. You are all expected to be at the royal ball tomorrow night where you will receive your palace assignments. Royal guard, fall out!"

Drea wiped the sweat from her forehead as she clenched her jaw to keep from screaming at Rath. Deciding it would be better if she just walked away from the field, she hurried towards her quarters.

"Officer Drea, I need to speak with you please," Rath called out.

"Damn," Drea thought as she stopped walking, "Yes, sir?"

"About the other day..." Rath trailed off.

"What about it?"

"I know you saw those flashes, I know you felt was I was feeling."

"What if I did," Drea asked defensively.

"They mean something."

"You don't know that."

"I'm not trying to make your life difficult but Zan suggested we work on trying to figure out what they mean."

"I don't want to!" Drea turned around and continued walking.

"Why not?" Rath asked as he followed her.

"I'm really tired, can we not do this now?"

"You can't avoid this forever," Rath called as he stopped trying to follow her.

"But I can try," Drea whispered as she distanced herself from Rath.

"Have you gotten any further with Drea on those flashes?" Zan asked Rath they prepared for the ball in Zan's chambers.

"No, she won't let me touch her. I can't even get near her without her putting on a major attitude." Rath ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Maybe she's reacting to you, you're not exactly the easiest person to get along with." Zan said he put on his cape. "Is this straight?"

Rath glanced over, inspecting the cape. "Yes, and thank you, Zander, I'll keep that in mind. How's it going with you and Becca," Rath wondered, changing the subject.

"We think it's a past life. The feelings and the memories are so real, it's us but in a different time."

"Do you actually believe in that past-life crap?" Rath asked in a derisive tone.

"I know what I feel, I know what I see. It's real to me. In one of my flashes you were there, you and a person I assume is Drea. Maybe it means we're all connected somehow and that we have a purpose we have to fulfill, a destiny that we've been denied before. I just need you to keep an open mind, these visions could help us right now," Zan pleaded.

"Fine," Rath acquiensed. "Hurry up, we're going to be late."

Two hours later, Rath scanned the ballroom. Everything was going well. People were dancing and drinking and eating, everyone seemed happy, everyone except for him. He'd been looking for Drea but she had yet to appear. Spotting Becca in the crowd talking to a guest , he decided to ask her about the flashes and what she was seeing.

"Becca, can we talk for a minute," Rath asked as he grabbed her elbow.

"Ah, so you have no manners in the palace either. I just thought you left them in the palace when you came out to the training field but now I see I was wrong."

Rath looked at the person standing next to Becca. The voice was familiar but the face... Rath's jaw dropped, it was Drea. She didn't look like herself. Rath was used to seeing her with her hair pulled back and heavy training gear. This Drea had her hair down and her tiny body was zipped in a sexy red dress. Rath closed his jaw and attempted to speak but no sounds came out. Thankfully Becca saw his discomfort.

"Rath, you know Drea. Drea and I have known each other for years since we're both part of Princess Ava's house."

"Of course, I'm sorry to be so rude. I didn't recognize you, Drea, my apologies to you."

"I need to go, uh, get something to drink," Becca said. "I'll talk to you later, Drea."

"Can we go someplace and talk," Rath asked as Becca walked away.

"If it will get you to leave me alone then yes, we can go somewhere. It doesn't mean I'm letting you touch me, okay? We'll talk, that's all I'll promise."

"Fine," Rath agreed as he motioned for her to follow him.

Rath took her to his private quarters in the palace. This was is refuge, he never let anyone come in here but it felt right for Drea to be there.

"So why am I here?"

"Zan and Becca have been exploring the flashes, they saw us in them. They think they're seeing past lives."

"Past lives, do you believe in that," Drea asked as she sat down on a chair.

"I believe in Zan, I believe what he says. You've known Becca your whole life, don't you trust her?"

"I trust that she has a crush on Zan and that maybe she wants things to be real that aren't really there."

"Maybe your just scared that you'll see something you don't want to see."

"Like what?"

"Like us, together and happy." Rath sat down across from Drea and looked her in the eye. "I realize we got started off on the wrong foot but I've tried to right my wrongs. I wish you would give me credit for trying. I'm not perfect and I hope you can accept that and together we can work and figure out what's going on."

Drea was silent for a moment. She pressed her lips together as she thought about what Rath said,"Okay, I'll do it but that doesn't mean I'm ready to believe any of this, I just want you to stop bothering me about it. Do we just grab hands?"

"I think so." Rath held his hands out and Drea slowly put them in his.

Kissing on a beach, dancing, wedding clothes, holding hands as children, together at a hospital holding a child, all these images seemed to be at different times, different places but there was no denying that they were happy together. Then the next images came: Rath drowning at the beach, a fight breaking out and Drea taking a bullet meant for Rath, Drea running out of the church after the wedding and into the path of a car, Rath moving away with his parents, Drea hemmoraging after the birth of their son, and the pain came, intense, running over them like a wave of water.

Drea gasped and broke contact. Tears were streaming down her face. "What the hell was that?" She asked Rath as she wiped at the tears running down her face.

Rath was having trouble keeping his own emotions in check. He loved this woman sitting before him, this virtual stranger, and yet she was not. They had known each other for many lifetimes, had loved each other for many lifetimes and yet that love had not been enough to sustain them. They kept getting ripped apart by forces beyond their control.

"That was us, Drea, it was our life."

"I don't understand, I loved you and we kept being ripped apart. Is that what these visions are about? Are they telling us that if we fall in love then we are doomed to die?"

"I don't know. Maybe they're telling us that we're meant to be together, that's why we keep meeting up again and again. We just need to find a way to make it right."

"Make it right!" Drea exclaimed incredulously. "I don't even know you, I'm not sure I like you, why do I give a damn if we're together or not. As far as I can tell the best way to save my life is to stay as far away from you as possible." Drea made a move to leave but was stopped by Rath standing in front of her.

"What if you can't stay away?"

Drea smiled haughtily, "I can and I will."

Rath grabbed her arm and pulled her back against him. His mouth came down on hers before she could blink. Drea settled into the kiss but then opened her eyes when she realized she was kissing Rath. Using an old self-defense move, she raked the heel of her shoe down his leg before stepping back and kicking his feet out from under him.

"Dammit!" Rath swore from the ground as he grabbed his bruised shin.

"That will teach you to put your lips where they're not wanted," Drea smiled and walked out the door to find Becca. Spotting her over talking to King Zan, she made a beeline for the two of them.

Becca smiled as she saw Drea making her move towards her. "I think she's been talking to Rath."

"It's about time."

"Excuse me, Your Highness, but I need to speak with Becca. I wouldn't ask if it weren't urgent."

"You were with Rath," Zan observed quietly.


"I know you are confused but we need to figure out what is going on. I don't want to you to feel like we're forcing you to do something against your will but I believe these visions are important, for all of us. I"ll leave you to talk with Becca."

The women courtsied as Zan walked away. Drea grabbed Becca's arm and led her outside the palace and to her living quarters.

"Did one of you die in each of your versions," Drea asked Becca anxiously as they entered her small cottage.

"Yes, sometimes it was me and sometimes it was him but we never lived past young adults. Something always happened to tear us apart."

"Does this mean I'm supposed to be with Rath? I don't like him."

"Whatever, I see the way you look at him. You think he's hot." Becca smirked at Drea and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Yes, but his personality is lacking," Drea conceded to Becca. "And what about you? Zan is married to Ava. We both come from her line, this is serious."

"I know." A shadow passed over Becca's face,"But he doesn't love her and she doesn't love him."

"But the future of the kingdom lies with those two having a child."

"Maybe it doesn't, maybe it lies with us and finally being with our true destinies. Maybe the visions we are seeing is a warning to us, maybe in those other lives we weren't strong enough, we didn't fight hard enough, we didn't believe enough in love and that's why we were torn apart from Zan and Rath. Drea, I don't want anything bad to happen to you and I think if you ignore Rath then no good will come of it. Just try and spend some time with him, maybe things will work out."

"Fine, but if he tries to kiss me again all bets are off."

"Whatever. I need to get back to the party, Ava's probably tired and goodness knows she can't just go without making a big scene. I think my knees are going to give out from all the damn courtseying I've been doing."

Drea sat up awhile longer after Becca left. She was fighter and she never ran away from a challenge and she certainly wasn't going to run away from Rath. Fine, she would spend time with him. Undoubtedly all it would prove was that they weren't meant to be together and then whatever fate supposedly held for her would be proved wrong.

The next day Drea sent word up to the palace requesting Rath for dinner. She could cook although it was not one of her favorite pasttimes. She'd just finished setting the table when a knock sounded on her door. Pasting on a big fake smile, Drea went to answer it.

"Rath, so glad you could come," Drea said as she ushered him into the living room.

"Oh my gosh, what the hell has gotten into you," Rath asked as he proceeded into the tiny living room.

"What do you mean," Drea aksed innocently.

"You're not glad I could come, you're clenching your jaw trying to keep that fake smile on your face. What gives?"

Drea dropped the act. "Becca was worried about me, she thought I should spend time with you to avoid my inevitable death if I don't. I'm humoring her. Hope you like spaghetti, that's all I can cook."

"You're going to make some man a great wife someday if all you can cook is spaghetti," Rath commented as he sat down at the table.

Drea refrained from pouring the whole bowl of spaghetti over his head. "My goal in life is not to be a good wife to some man who will not appreciate me. I have trained too hard and too long to give it up for marriage!"

"Your parents were both members of the guard. Your mother married and had you and yet still managed to fight."

"Marriage is what cost her her life," Drea informed him angrily. "My parents were in the battle at Zana. My mother was fighting when she noticed my father was wounded. Blinded by fear she ran through the fighting, heedless of all around her. She didn't notice the enemy soldier behind her, she just felt the sword as it sliced through her. Ironically it was too late for my father anyway, his wounds were mortal, she couldn't have saved him."

"I'm sorry," Rath said quietly.

"It was a surprise attack, we were at camp, we were supposed to be safe. But we weren't. I sat on the sidelines of that battle, hidden by some bushes and I watched my parents die. My mother managed to have a family and be in the guard but she died for her actions too. I can still see all those images in my head. Ask me if I wish she'd never married and had me and I'll tell you yes. At least then I wouldn't have to have the images of my parents' death in my head everyday of my life." Drea finally succumed to the tears that had been threatening. Her body heaving as she was torn apart by great sobs.

Rath was feeling powerless to help her so he did the only thing he could do, he stood up and put his arms around her and held her as she cried.
Last edited by kalee57 on Sun Jan 25, 2004 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Part two.

Post by kalee57 »

This is the second part of this story. It was going to be the final part but then I felt like it was missing something so part three follows. I hope you like it. It didn't flow as well as the first part so I hope it's okay. Thanks to the very nice people who took the time to read this story. A special shout out to my friends Becky and Andrea for the use of their names.

Drea sobbed until she felt drained of emotions and that's when the flashes came.

"No," she yelled and she pulled herself out of Rath's arms and slid to the floor. "I can't take it anymore, it's too much.

"I'm sorry," Rath whispered.

"Everybody's sorry, it doesn't change anything, my parents are still dead."

"I'm sorry about that but I'm also sorry about the flashes," Rath replied as he sat down across from Drea.

"It's not your fault," Drea said, looking up to meet his eyes. "I invited you here to talk about the flashes, I knew what was coming. I'm sorry for freaking out like that but I feel better now. It's like since my parents died I've been holding back my emotions, training to be a warrior and not allowing myself to mourn for them. I guess you bring out heightened emotions in me."

Rath nodded his head. "I didn't even know you until a week ago and yet I feel closer to you than I do to anyone. Those flashes mean something, and they draw so much emotion from me. All my life my focus has been on the royal family, and myself as part of that. Getting those flashes has made me realize that there's something more out there."

"You're right, there is. We need to connect."

"What? No, I mean, you just..." Rath stumbled on his words.

"Had an emotional breakdown, it happens. Let's do it," Drea commanded as she held out her hands.

"No, I don't want to hurt you again," Rath said as he shrinked away from Drea's outstretched hands.

Drea sighed with frustration. "Becca said that these flashes mean something, I know Zan feels the same way. I trust Becca more than anyone and I know you feel the same way about Zan. I was skeptical at first but I think they're right and we need to do what we can to figure out what."

"Okay," Rath closed his eyes and grabbed Drea's hands. The flashes came, pictures of their other lives together, pictures of when they were happy. Then the bad flashes came, flashes of being separated, flashes of death. In the flashes one thing became abundantly clear.

"We had flashes in the flashes," Rath exclaimed as he pulled back from Drea. "In every life at some point we saw flashes of our other lives. What the hell?"

"Rath, think, those flashes always came before something bad happened to one of us. Something bad is going to happen to us. Oh my gosh, Becca and Zan, we need to find them!"

"Why haven't Zan and Becca figured this out," Rath questioned as he watched Drea jump up and begin pacing around the room.

"We're warriors, Rath, we know these things. Maybe that's why we couldn't stop it in our past lives but now we can. Come on, we need to get to the palace."

Drea and Rath hurried through the training ground and up to the palace.

"Can you feel it," Rath asked as they entered the palace. "Something bad is going to happen."

"I know," Drea answered as she saw Princess Ava. "Where are they," she barked out.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are speaking to me like that?"

"We don't have time for this," Rath bit out. "Where are Zan and Becca?"

Ava was taken aback by his tone of voice but managed to answer, "I think they're in his chamber."

Rath and Drea hurried up the stairs and burst into Zan's chamber to find Zan and Becca in bed, holding each other.

"What the hell are you doing," Zan yelled at the unannounced entrance.

"We figured out what the flashes mean, we're all in danger. Get dressed, hurry," Rath told the pair as he and Drea turned their backs to give them privacy.

"Drea, what's going on," Becca asked her friend as she finished dressing.

"We saw flashes in the flashes," Drea told her as she turned around to look at her and Zan. "In our other lives we got flashes too, right before we were separated by death or by other circumstances. Rath and I are warriors and our instincts are telling us that something bad is going to happen. We felt it coming over here, it's going to happen soon."

"How do we stop it," Zan asked, looking at Rath.

"We didn't see the future, just the past. I don't know. I don't know what's coming and I don't know how to stop it."

"Okay, we need to..." Zan was interupted by a knock on the door. "What is it," he growled angrily as he opened the door.

"It's just me," Vilondra blinked with surprise at the anger in Zan's voice.

"Sorry, did you need something?"

"Ava sent me up here to get you and Rath, something about her guard being rude to her."

Zan sighed and rolled his eyes. "We'll be right there."

"Make it fast, she's in a tizzy," said Vilandra as she slipped out the door.

"No, you can't go down there," Drea said as the door was closed.

"It's Vilondra, we can trust her. We'll be right back," Rath moved towards the door. "Don't let anyone in," and with that he and Zan left the room.

"I have a bad feeling about this, Becca. Something bad is going to happen. Your words keep going through my head. We weren't strong enough, we didn't fight hard enough, we didn't believe in love. Becca, our future is downstairs and I know they're in danger. Now is the time to be strong, and fight. I believe in the love and I'm going to fight for it."

Drea and Becca moved swiftly down the hall. They were at the stairs when they heard the first scream.

"Ava," they said in unison as they ran down the stairs and to the room where they heard the scream.

Drea ignored her warrior insticts as she burst into the room in time to see a man she recognized as Khivar send Rath flying across the room with a blast of power.

"No," she screamed as she ran towards Rath only to be hit by Khivar with another blast of power.

"Drea," Becca shouted as she ran to her friend.

"Someone didn't believe," Drea whispered, using her waning strength to get the words out.

"Believe in what," Becca asked as she gathered Drea's head into her lap.

"The love, we all had to believe and one of us didn't," Drea watched through half closed eyes as another blast took out Zan. "We'll see each again, Becca, but next time we can't forget."

"Forget what?"

"Believe in the love."
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Part three

Post by kalee57 »

This part is short. I think it ties up any loose ends. It's been fun writing. I didn't know where I was going with this story after part one so I hope this final part doesn't suck.

ROSWELL, in the present

"Someone didn't believe." Maria woke up with a gasp as the words ran around in her head. She quickly threw on some clothes and headed out her front door. The quarry, it's where they always went when there was alien business to discuss. Figuring Liz would need a ride, Maria headed to The Crashdown. Sure enough, Liz was waiting out front. She silently jumped in the car and fastened her seat belt.

"Thanks for coming to get me," she smiled as she brushed the hair out of her eyes.

"I figured you would need a ride. That was pretty heavy wasn't it," Maria asked as she glanced over at Liz.

"Yeah, but we got the answers we were looking for."

"How do you figure?"

"We don't know how any of this is going to end up but we know that being together is right. All of us have had so many doubts about being together but now we know that it's okay. We know that if we doubt then we won't make it through any of this," Liz said as she brushed away the tears that had fallen. "Max and I are really meant to be together." A wide smile broke out on Liz's face.

"They're here," Michael told Max as he saw the car pull up.

"Liz," Max shouted as she hopped out of the car. He ran to her and he pulled her into a passionate embrace.

Maria hesistated as she looked at Michael. "So Spaceboy, had any good dreams lately?"

Michael silently walked to Maria. He was too overwhelmed to speak, all he wanted was to hold her in his arms and so he did.

"Who didn't believe?"

Liz's question interupted Maria and Michael's silent reverie.

"Maria, who didn't believe," she asked again.

"I think it was me," she replied with her eyes downcast.

"What? No, Maria, it was me," Max said as he recalled the dream.

"It was me, too," Liz chimed in.

"And me," said Michael gruffly.

"So it was all of us. So how can we stop it from happening again," Maria asked as she looked around at the group.

"We just can't doubt ourselves as individuals or as a group," Liz said. "We know we're stronger together, right? It's like you said, Maria, believe in the love."

And they would, through whatever life threw at them, they believed and they stuck by each other. Life wasn't ever easy but they believed in the love and that's what got them through.

:oops: Kind of a disappointing ending but I don't have the inclination to write a sequel so I just wanted to tie things up. Thanks to all the fanfic writers out there for entertaining me and inspiring me to write. I love this board, it has provided me with endless hours of entertainment.