Alien Hocus Pocus - AU M/L ADULT - ~{COMPLETE}~

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Alien Hocus Pocus - AU M/L ADULT - ~{COMPLETE}~

Post by Emz80m »

Title: Alien Hocus Pocus
Category: M/L AU
Rating: ADULT
Disclaimer: I dont own anything.

Summery: Liz Parker returns to Roswell after being gone for 5 years. Max is a player who will have his hands full when a very different Liz Parker returns with all the answers to his questions.

Authors note: Hi all this is the first story i ever wrote but i never posted it here before now. I have made a few changes and hopefull gotten rid of some of my mistakes. It's not finished but i wanted to share it with you.

Part 1

As they drove into town she was surprised by how little everything had changed in the last 5 years. That’s right, it had been 5 years since they have moved from Roswell New Mexico. First they moved to Florida where life continued on then to New York where everything in her life changed forever. They were there 3 years before her parents insisted that a year in Europe with her Grandma Claudia would be beneficial. She wasn’t stupid though she knew the real reason, hell everyone in New York knew the reason. Her parents didn’t like the person she had become and thought Europe would be the answer. Only problem was she couldn’t stay in Europe forever. So they decided to come back to Roswell, to the Crashdown the ‘Alien Themed Restaurant’ they still owned. Her father would continue his business by travelling while she went back to being a small town girl. The question is though, was Roswell New Mexico small enough to contain the person Liz Parker had become?

Alex Whitman sat at the counter of the Crashdown enjoying his orange soda. It was unusual for Alex to be there without his best friend Maria Deluca or one of the many girlfriends he had but today Alex just wanted to be alone. The Crashdown was unusually slow for a Friday afternoon and Alex was surprised that the only other people in the restaurant were a few jocks but something had drawn Alex there today he just didn’t know what.

‘Mum, I have nearly everything unpacked and I thought I might try and track down Alex Whitman’ called Liz as she looked in the mirror. She knew her wardrobe was a bit much for Roswell but just because her parents insisted she resume the life of a small town girl for 12 months didn’t mean her image had to. She zipped up her knee high black leather boots and pulled up her straight brown hair into a high ponytail. It looked good against the red tank top and dark blue denim skirt she wore.

‘Okay honey. Make sure you tell the Whitman’s to call around when they get a chance, me and your father would love to see them’ called Nancy from the kitchen.

‘Sure thing’ Liz was halfway down the stairs and into the Crashdown by now when she spotted a very good-looking guy sitting at the Counter. He was tall with dark brown hair, nice bod but a little too skinny, he was sitting with an orange soda.

‘What’s a good looking guy like you doing sitting all by his lonesome’ Liz had made her way over and whispered lightly into his ear.

‘Pardon’ replied Alex whilst turning around.

‘No way Lizzie Parker?’

‘In the flesh’ Alex grabbed her and lifted her up into a big hug. By this time he had the attention of most of the people in the restaurant.

‘What the hell are you doing here?’ he asked

‘Well gee Alex I was just on my way to find you and this is the Welcome back to Roswell I get’ laughed Liz.

‘Your back?”

‘Yeah fraid so Whitman’ by this time Alex was pulling Liz towards the door. ‘Let’s go find Maria’

Liz and Alex were halfway down the street when Kyle Valenti, Isabel Evans, Michael Guerin, Tess Harding and Max Evans drove past in the jeep heading towards the Crashdown.

‘Hey check out the hot little number hanging all over Whitman’ called Kyle from the back seat of the jeep.
Last edited by Emz80m on Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:22 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Part 2

Post by Emz80m »

Part 2

Maria DeLuca was rushing around the house trying to get ready for her shift at the Crashdown which was due to start in half an hour when she heard door bell.

‘Deluca open up’ called Alex

‘Don’t get your boxes in a twist Alex I…’ Maria opened the door expecting to see Alex Whitman her best friend. Instead there was Alex with a very good looking and very grown up Liz Parker.

‘Oh my god is that really you Liz?’

‘In the flesh’ smiled Liz. Even though she would never admit it to her parents Liz had really missed Roswell. Even though she had loved New York she had never found best friends like Maria or Alex there and she was excited about being back together with them.

‘Oh my god we missed you so much’ Maria grabbed Liz and then Alex into a big group hug where the 3 just laughed.

‘So what are you doing back in Roswell, last time I heard from you, you were in London?”

‘Yeah I was but I had to come home to do my senior year here if I want Harvard next year so Mum and Dad packed us up and here I am’

‘Wow that’s gotta suck’ said Alex

‘Yeah well apparently New York Liz wasn’t very likeable to Jeff and Nancy Parker anymore’ Liz tried to smile but it looked fake and she knew Alex and Maria could see right through it.

‘So what’s going on here in Roswell? Who’s hot and whose not?’ Liz continued trying to change the subject.

Maria noticed this but decided they could talk more about New York later. ‘Well Alex is our school computer hottie, numerous girlfriends and all the time trying to make Isabel Evans jealous’ laughed Maria.

‘Oh good one Deluca, Maria here has it bad for our schools very own bad ass Michael Guerin who is currently Pam Troy’s sex buddy’ Liz couldn’t help but laugh at that.

‘Ha ha Alex… I can dream.’

‘See Liz, Michael and Isabel are part of the beautiful people. Along with King Jock himself Kyle Valenti, and Roswell Highs very own Playboy Model and Mr Popular Max Evans.’

‘Oh don’t forget the gerbil’ yelled Maria from the bathroom where she was finishing her make up for her shift.

‘Oh right Tess, friend to Isabel and by the looks of things all round pain in the ass of Max’s. Probably the only member of the cheerleading squad that neither him or Kyle have fucked’

‘Well I can’t wait to see Kyle and Max’ smiles Liz

‘What?’ yell Alex and Maria at the same time.

‘Chica believe me you look way to fine for the likes of those two believe me. Look lets go I have to start my shift in 10’ calls Maria as she pulls Liz and Alex out the door.

‘Yeah Lizzie believe me you don’t want to go there. Max Evans and Kyle Valenti just chew chicks up and then spit them out’ adds Alex

‘Hey guys I’m here for a good time not a long time.’ Smiles Liz. Maria can’t help but laugh at that. ‘And maybe I can help the two of you out at the same time’ she smirks.

‘Oh god Liz chica I am so glad to have you back this year is gonna be a blast’ laughs Maria

Michael, Isabel, Kyle Tess and Max walk into the Crashdown and sit in their normal booth.

‘Who do you this that hot chick all over Whitman was?’ asks Michael

‘If I didn’t know any better I could have sworn she looked like Liz Parker’ replies Kyle.

‘Nah she moved away, besides Maxwell here spent enough time before she moved away staring at her, if it was her he would have known’ at this Michael, Kyle and Isabel all start laughing.

‘Whose Liz Parker?” asks Tess.

‘Just some chick whose parents used to own the Crashdown, they moved away about 5 years ago’ Kyle replies, while still laughing at Max, his laugh doesn’t last long as the bell to the Crashdown door chimes and in walks Maria Deluca, Alex Whitman and the same hot little number they saw Alex with earlier.

‘Woah’ says Kyle.

Maria leaves Alex and Liz at the door as she rushes out the back to grab her gear. Before she reaches the door she stops at the sound of that smartass Tess Harding’s voice

‘God what does it take to get some service around here’ yells Tess. Maria is about to turn around when she sees Liz walking towards the table out of the corner of her eye. Without hesitating Maria continues into the break room to grab her gear and return to offer Liz some backup.

‘Well apparently not everyone is happy with the service here today’ smiles Liz, at the shocked table of people.

‘Well I’ll be dammed Little Lizzie Parker is all grown up’ smirks Kyle.

Liz leans downs and smiles her most sexy smile ‘Well I’ll be, my first day back and I get to see Mr Football himself Kyle Valenti.’ Kyle smiles back, he can’t believe how easy this is.

‘Oh how rude of me let’s see if I can remember everyone. Michael ‘stonewall’ Guerin I thought when I had the pleasure of your company next I would also get to see Spam, oh well never mind. Oh Isabel Ice Queen Evans, don’t smile there Izzy wouldn’t want you to melt. Oh and look what we have here Mr Popular Max Evans and I believe they call this skanky bitch your girlfriend, best be careful Evans your standards are slipping’ she winks at Max and then leans down so her lips almost touching his ear lobe ‘I know all about your alien hocus pocus’ then she turns on her heel heading off towards Alex who it sitting two booths down and leaving a very shocked and very aroused Max Evans.
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Part 3

Post by Emz80m »

Part 3 –

Liz Parker walked down the halls of West Roswell High on her way to find her two best friends and her locker. She had dressed to impress today wearing a pair of tight hipster jeans and a black low cut tight shirt, which showed off plenty of cleavage and skin near her stomach. People were looking at her, girls were glaring and guys were appreciating but all Liz could do was smile.

‘Hey Liz bout time you showed up’ said Maria as she approached Liz who was now playing with the combination of her new locker

‘Morning Ria how are things?’ replied Liz

‘Well considering my best friend is the talk of West Roswell High and I by association just sky rocketed up the food chain I would say pretty good’ laughed Maria. Liz couldn’t help but laugh back at this. She had seen the stares and heard the compliments she had expected it, she new that it wouldn’t last long.

‘Well I am off to Biology any chance Alex is taking it?’ asked Liz as her and Maria started down the hall towards to lab.

‘Nah Alex and I learnt out lesson after barely passing last year’ smirked Maria.

‘I’ll catch you in the quad at lunch kay chica?’ called Maria as she turned down the corridor towards her class

‘Later’ replied Liz she was already moving towards the other end of the hall.

He was standing at his locker removing his books when he felt someone behind him. The smell of strawberries filled his senses as he turned towards her.

‘Hmm Parker’ called Max as he looked her up and down. His member jerked in his pants as he saw how low her shirt was.

‘Morning Evans’ she smiled ‘don’t zap me will you’

‘Parker believe me zapping you was the last thing on my mind’ replied Max a little huskily

‘Good, anyway I just came over to appreciate the view’ she winked ‘see ya round Evans’ with that she turned around and headed towards the Biology lab.

‘Fuck Me’ mumbled Max as he watched her ass and hips sway as she walked down the hall.

‘Sorry Maxwell but your not my type’ said Michael who had come over after seeing the little interaction with him and Liz.

‘She knows’ said Max

‘Knows what’ replied Michael

‘About us’

‘What the fuck, how does she know Maxwell? This is bad.’ Cried Michael.

‘I have no idea she just told me the other day at the Crashdown that she knew about the alien hocus pocus and just then asked me not to zap her’

‘And you decided not to mention this earlier because?’ Michael was growing angrier by the second

‘I was hoping it was just her coming on to me’ smirked Max.

‘Yeah well what are we going to do?’

‘I’ll talk to her as soon as I can, but I gotta get to Bio now’ called Max as he hurried off towards to Biology lab.

Max walked into the bio lab just as the late bell sounded and looked around the room for somebody worthwhile partnering up with.

‘Maxie over here I saved you a seat’ called Tess from a bench towards to the back off the classroom. [Oh great] Max thought [it’s enough that I have to put up with her outside of school now she is in my classes too] he begun to search for alternative seat. Liz was sitting in the bench at the back of the classroom. She hadn’t seen Max enter the room until she heard Tess calling to him.

Max saw her sitting at the last bench by herself [excellent] thought Max has he made his way towards her.

Tess watched as Max completely ignored her and made his way over to the bench that Liz Parker was sitting at. A churning feeling began in her stomach at the thought that someone was trying to ruin all of her hard work and plans.

‘Max I saved you a seat over with me’ she smiled

‘Oh thanks Tess I didn’t see you but I’m going to just sit with Liz’ Max turned away from her then and opened up his book. He didn’t catch the look of hatred on Tess’s face as she looked at Liz but Liz didn’t miss a second of it.


Liz walked into Biology on Thursday with a mission. She had been in Roswell a little over a week now and was growing frustrated with the games she was playing with Max. He would ask questions about what Liz knew about aliens and flirt with her and Liz would flirt back avoiding all his questions. All the while Liz could the feel the manipulation around her whenever Max, Isabel, Tess, Kyle or Michael was around and she knew who was causing it she knew she had to do something about it and soon.

Somewhere in her brain she knew that she had already let things go to far and that she needed to take care of business very soon.

Liz had been silent the whole way through biology this morning. Max was just about to ask her is something was wrong when the bell signalling the end of class sounded. They had become fairly good friends over the past week. It was an unusual friendship but one that he was hoping would develop into something more.

Liz turned around placing herself in between the bench and Max who was still sitting on his stool ‘You’ve been quiet today’ he smiled

‘Hmm’ replied Liz as she ran her hand up his thigh. Max couldn’t help but groan. Liz placed one foot on the bottom of the stool Max sat at. Max ran his hand on the inside of her thigh creeping towards her heat. He could feel how wet she was as his finger glided over her thong covered heat.

‘Gotta go’ she smiled ‘it’s been a pleasure as always Evans’ with that she began to leave the lab.

‘Oh God Parker… Fuck Me Already’ cried Max

Liz turned around in the doorway after hearing Max ‘Soon Evans’ she winked and left.
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Post by Emz80m »

Hi I'm back. Thanks for the feedback

I am dreamer - you will find out in the coming parts what Liz does know so stay tuned. Dont want to ruin it for everyone by answering your questions.

Part 4

A few weeks later Liz and Maria were in the back room of the Crashdown getting ready for their shift

‘So chica I need you help’ asked Maria

‘Uh huh with what?’ replied Liz

‘I want Michael Guerin and I am way sick of seeing him with Spam’

Liz walked over to the window in the door and looked out to see who was in the restaurant. ‘Well today is your lucky day Ria because they are sitting out in the restaurant. I’ll talk to Max and invite them to UFOnics tomorrow night’

Liz walked straight over to the booth that Michael, Max, Tess and Isabel occupied.

‘Welcome to the Crashdown how can I help you today’ she smiled at Max

‘I’ll just have a cherry coke and some Saturn rings’ grunted Michael

‘Same’ replied Isabel

‘Nothing for me’ came from Tess

‘Alien Blast’ replied Max ‘me too’ winked Liz as she left to go get their order. Max couldn’t help the groan that came from low in his throat.

Liz was placing their order with the Kitchen when she saw Max get up and make his way to the men’s room. Max had just undone his jeans when he heard someone enter the toilet.

‘Hmm don’t tell me you started without me’ Liz said huskily while she sat herself on the basin.

‘If I knew to expect you I would have waited’ replied Max.

Max walked over and stood between Liz’s legs ‘So I have a favour to ask’ said Liz

‘I don’t do favours Parker’ smirked Max

‘I’ll make it worth your while, tonight at close’

‘Hmm and what about a few answers too’ asked Max

‘I have plenty of them’ Liz replied back while running her hand up and down Max’s chest. ‘So this favour?’ she continued.

‘How can I help?’ asked Max

‘Well you see Maria really wants to fuck Michael and I need you to help me make that happen?’

‘Deluca? Shouldn’t be a problem. Michael gave Pam the ass a couple of days ago and I think it’s pretty obvious he doesn’t eat daily at the Crashdown for their menu’ laughed Max

Liz jumped of the basin and headed towards the door ‘Great, well you better get back before Tessie misses you, we’ll talk more tonight. But be careful Evans, Tess isn’t who you think she is’ with that she left the toilet to go and deliver her orders.


Liz was mopping the floor when she heard the tapping at the front of the Crashdown. Putting the mop back into the bucket she started towards the door to let Max in.

‘Good timing I just finished’ she smiled
‘Well you know me Parker, I know when to come’ he smirked back.

Liz went to the counter and retrieved the box she had placed there earlier and moved towards the booth the Pod Squad normally occupied. She sat on the table of the booth and motioned for Max to come over. With the box between her legs Liz’s legs were spread wide and Max couldn’t help but lick his lips when he saw how high the little aqua uniform rode up in that position. He reached out for her and in one smooth motioned ripped the Crashdown uniform open revealing Liz’s black lacy bra. He ran his hands up and down her stomach before he cupped one of her breasts and began to knead a perky nipple through the lace.

‘Here’ said Liz as she handed Max a pouch from the box.

‘What’s this?’ he asked

‘Protection that you, Michael and Isabel require. I would give you one for Kyle but I don’t have any spare. I’ll see if I can track another one down’

Max opened the pouch to reveal a silver chain with a strange alien symbol on it. ‘What is this? And protection from what?”

‘Protection from Tess and her mind warping. Max, just put it on it will help you understand’ replied Liz

Max placed the chain over his head and around his neck. He was immediately invaded by a series of flashes and a terrible headache.

Tess showing them the pictures in the destiny book and telling them that they have to be together to save their planet.

Tess teaching them memory retrieval techniques and images of what their planet looks like

Tess telling them about their powers and teaching them about the four square and the importance of fulfilling their destinies.

‘It’s platinum and it seems to counteract the hocus pocus that Tess’s type try and inflict. You will be able to tell when she is warping you, just like you can tell when and what was a mind warp in the past’ continued Liz

‘Oh my god she’s been in my head for months is anything that she told us true?’

‘I doubt it’ replied Liz who had now buttoned up her uniform and was walking towards the counter.

‘How do you know all of this? Liz you have to answer our questions’ asked Max. He was becoming frustrated with her vague answers.

‘I intend to just not tonight’ she smiled ‘I’m waiting on a delivery which has a lot of important information and things that I need before I can start getting into all of this with you, Michael and Isabel.’

‘So tomorrow night we’ll be at UFOnics you should bring Michael and Isabel' continued Liz trying to change the subject.

‘Sure I already talked to Michael he seemed pretty keen’ replied Max ‘but when do I get my reward?’

‘Well Evan’s if you play your cards right you’ll get it in my room tomorrow night, I’m sure you’ll understand what I mean by reward when I’m busy making you scream my name. You see my parents have gone away on business for the week and that leaves me very lonely in the big apartment all by myself’ she pouted. Max couldn’t help the groan that escaped his lips as he listened to Liz’s words and watched her body move in that short little uniform.

‘Okay well then tomorrow night it is Parker but first I have a question for you’ he asked

‘Question about aliens?’

‘No, about you’ he replied

‘Well I will grant you your one question’ Liz smiled and sat down on one of the stools at the counter. Max approached her and stood between her legs. Liz could feel his breath on her throat he was standing so close. He leant forward and started to suck on her ear ‘How many people have made you scream Liz?’ he whispered.

‘Hmm it takes a bit to make me scream Max’ she replied

‘How many Liz?’ he asked again. He had began a trail of kisses down her neck by this time and was once again beginning to tug on the buttons of her uniform.

Liz was finding it hard to concentrate on what he was saying to her ‘Well there has only been one person who has made me scream Max but I have had two partners’ she finally replied ‘You?’ she continued.

‘They all scream for me Liz but I have only ever slept with 3 people regardless of my reputation’

‘What was his name Liz?’ he asked as he continued his ministrations on her neck his hands were now cupping her breasts and he was rubbing her nipples through the lace of her bra.

‘Whose name?’ she replied all she could concentrate on were the fantastic things she was feeling from him touching her. It has been so long since someone has made her so aroused, she could feel how wet her panties were and knew that if she didn’t get Max out of the restaurant now she would drag him up to her room.

‘The name you screamed?’ he said

‘Oh Zan’ she said ‘was he good?’ ‘God yeah’ ‘Well tomorrow night you’ll be screaming my name Liz and I promise you that you will never ever want to scream another name again’ with that he stepped away from Liz and walked towards to front door without saying another word.
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Part 6

Post by Emz80m »

A/N Ok guys here is the next part. For those of you who may have read this when i posted it on The Boardello i know i may have promised revision but i liked the story to much to make any major changes so you wont find much of a change... yet.

Part 5

Liz and Maria were in Liz’s room going through her closet the next night trying to find the perfect outfit for Maria to wear. Not only was it her debut performance singing with Alex’s band the Whits it was also the night she was planning on making Michael Guerin finally notice her.

‘Liz chica what am I going to wear?’ Maria asked

‘Maria if you can’t find something sexy in that closet than you shouldn’t be trying to seduce Mikey G’ replied Liz

‘Well if you would decide what you are wearing that would really help chica, I don’t want to look I’m trying too hard’

‘Well Maria I am wearing my tight black leather pants and this red slinky top’ Liz held up the slinky top which looked more like a piece of material that would tie around her neck and loosely fall around her breast and down to her bellybutton and tied around her back where a bra strap would normally be. Liz knew she wouldn’t be wearing a bra tonight the top left her back completely bear and there just wasn’t enough material to cover it up. ‘Oh and my boots’ she finished.

‘Wow that top is a killer’ replied Maria ‘I think I will go with this the black mini and the blue tube top what do you think?’ she asked.

Liz looked over the outfit before nodding her head with a big smile ‘Mikey G won’t know what hit him when he sees you tonight Ria’

‘Okay let’s do this’ Maria yelled back. Liz hit the button to her stereo and the sounds of Matchbox 20 filled the room while the girls started to get dressed.

‘Oh Ria just one more thing before I forget’ ‘what’s that?’ ‘Don’t forget to wear your fuck me underwear’ smiled Liz.


Liz and Maria entered UFOnics and hour and half later dressed to kill. Liz wore her hair down and had her eye makeup fairly dark to bring out the dark colour of her eyes, her hear had a wave to it and looked great against the backless top she was sporting.

Maria’s hair was left down and very curly as it sat around her shoulders it looked shiny against the glittering blue tube stop she was wearing.

‘I guess I better let Alex know we are here then we can hit the dance floor’ yelled Maria. Liz nodded and followed her as she led her way towards Alex who was on stage with the other band members setting up the gear.

‘Wow you two look hot’ called Alex as he approached the edge of the stage.

‘Thanks’ they both replied

‘We’re gonna hit the floor, come dance if you get a chance if not come and grab me when we’re up’ Maria said

‘Sure thing ladies go and knock em dead’ he replied

Max, Michael and Isabel entered UFOincs a little while later. By this time the place was packed, there were a lot of people from school there since the word had got out that the Whits were playing. Isabel saw some of the other cheerleaders and turned to her brother ‘I’m going to mingle don’t leave without me’ she said.

‘Yeah sure thing Iz’ replied Max. He wasn’t really paying attention to her because he was too busy searching the place for Liz and Maria.

‘Hey is that them?’ asked Michael pointing to two hot little numbers on the dance floor. The blonde was wearing a very short black skirt and a blue tube top and the brunette had on the tightest pair of leather pants he had ever seen and a red top, which left her back completely bare.

‘Well her ass looks as good as Liz’s’ Max replied. As they began to make their way towards them they were stopped in their tracks by Tess ‘Max, Michael what are you two doing here? If I had know you guys were coming I would have come with you Max’ she whined

‘What are you doing here Tess?’ asked Michael suspicious that she would have shown up here by herself.

‘Oh I came with Kyle’ she replied

‘Well where is he?’ Max asked

‘Um not sure’ she said and began looking around for the subject of conversation ‘oh there he is over there’

Max and Michael turned to look where she was pointing at and spotted him at the bar talking to the blond and brunette they suspected to be Maria and Liz. He had his arm around Liz and was whispering in her ear. Michael could tell that Max wasn’t impressed with Kyle having his hands over his current project and decided to head off a confrontation before it could happen

‘Well Tess you should really get over there before he picks up and leaves you here stranded by yourself’ he said

‘Oh no that’s fine we aren’t here on a date and Kyle knows that. Dance with me Max?’ she replied

‘No, I’m pretty thirsty all of a sudden. How about a drink Michael?’ Max never waited for Michael to answer he was already on his way over to where he could see Kyle with his hands all over Liz. Kyle was now running his hand up and down her bare back while he was talking to one of the guys from the basketball team.

Maria spotted Michael and Max heading their way and could tell that Max didn’t look happy about something. Liz was giving Maria a ‘help me already’ look and she knew that she needed to get Liz away from Kyle as soon as possible.

‘I need to visit the ladies so if you could excuse us Kyle’ Maria looked at Kyle as she grabbed Liz’s hand and started to drag her towards the last place she had seen Max and Michael.

‘Thanks Ria you’re a lifesaver that guy is like an octopus I think he actually thinks every girl is totally into him’ called Liz over the music whilst Maria dragged her along. Maria had turned around to smile at Liz and when she turned back around ran straight into a hard chest. She was just about to go flying when a pair of arms reached out and grabbed her before she hit the floor.

‘Oh god I am so sorry’ she started to say when she looked up and saw that she was in the arms of none other than Michael Guerin.

‘Well either way I was destined to save your ass sometime tonight Deluca better from the floor that Kyle Valenti’ he sarcastically replied

‘Hey it wasn’t me who needed saving from Valenti, Liz here just got an up close and personal preview on why the guy is the basketball captain’ she replied

‘And why is that Maria’ asked Max. Maria hadn’t even noticed that he was standing next to Michael eyeing her best friend like she was his next meal until he spoke.

‘Oh well the guy is an octopus isn’t he Lizzy’ laughed Maria

‘So how does that make him good enough to be the Varsity Team Captain?’ Michael asked this time. He was beginning to get annoyed. He should be the captain of that team not Valenti and he didn’t like the fact that Maria and Liz thought the guy was the best guy for the job.

‘The guys hands are always everywhere it’s like he has eights hands’ Liz added trying to head off the little scene she dreaded would follow this conversation.

Max hadn’t taken his eyes of Liz she looked so hot and he was so hard he just wanted to throw her on the nearest table and fuck her there but first he knew he needed to take care of something.

‘Excuse me I just need to have a word with someone how about I meet you on the dance floor?’ he asked looking at Liz.

‘You know what I left my drink at the bar before so I might come with you and get another. Do you want anything Ria?’ replied Liz

‘Nah chica I better not have another or I wont remember any lyrics and I don’t think Alex would be very happy about that’ Maria laughed

‘Well we’ll meet you two on the dance floor kay?’

‘Sure thing’ replied Maria looking at Michael for conformation that this was okay with him.

‘Let’s go bump and grind Deluca, consider it payment for me being your night in shinning armour’ he smirked as he began to lead her towards the dance floor.

‘Oh Michael thank you so much for saving me from the dirty and hard floor how ever will I thank you’ mocked Maria.

‘How about by shutting up and dancing with me’ he said as he pulled her towards him and placed his hands on her hips. Maria was for the first time in her entire life speechless.

Liz and Max hadn’t moved from the spot they were standing at with Michael and Maria.

‘You look pissed’ she smirked ‘but you look very sexy when you’re pissed’

‘Hmm well you just look sexy’ he replied in a husky voice. He grabbed her hand and started to lead her towards the bar.

‘What would you like?’ he asked pointing towards the bar

‘I’m not sure it’s available here’ she replied while looking him up and down. He was dressed in a tight pair of black jeans and a tight button down black shirt that showed off all his muscles in all the right places. ‘So I’ll just have a coke’

Max couldn’t help but grin at her she looked so sexy ‘A coke it is’ he turned and headed towards the bar.

‘Liz there you are thought you and Maria had done the disappearing act’ said Kyle. Liz hadn’t seen him approach but was dreading having to try and get rid of him again.

‘We did Kyle’ replied Liz. She was over dealing with Kyle Valenti tonight he had already wasted too much of her time already. She continued to watch how great Max’s ass looked in his jeans as he stood at the bar waiting for their drinks and decided to take a seat on a stool at a table that had just been vacated.

‘Well you want to dance?’ he asked ignoring her earlier comment.
Liz was just about to answer him when Max returned and placed her coke in front of her on the table.

‘Thanks’ she smiled up at him

‘Valenti I was just coming to look for you’ said Max turning to look at Kyle

‘Hey Evan’s didn’t know you were here tonight’ he replied

‘Yeah I didn’t think so because if you did there is no way you would have brought Tess here and then dumped her so she could piss me off all night would you? And there’s no way that I would have seen you with your hands all over Liz when I specifically told you she was off limits to you either would I?’ he asked while moving closer to Kyle

‘She didn’t look off limits to me earlier Evan’s’ he smirked back.

Liz couldn’t continue to sit there and listen to them discussing ownership of her any longer ‘Excuse me, but I think I am quite capable of deciding who can and can’t touch me’

‘Liz’ warned Max.

‘Max don’t you dare’ she warned back ‘Kyle if you ever place your hands on me again without my permission I will cut off your balls I swear to god and Max if I ever hear you have told or I hear you telling someone I am off limits to them again without my permission you’ll never get to put your hands on me again’

Kyle put his hands up in defeat ‘Sorry Liz’ he looked at Max then said ‘Sorry man I honestly didn’t know you would be here or I wouldn’t have let Tess tag along, it was her idea to come’

‘Yeah no problem Valenti just do me a favour and keep her out of my face’ asked Max and with that Kyle left.

‘So you wanna dance?’ Max asked returning to Liz’s side ‘Cause I would really like a chance to put these hands of mine all over you’ he smirked leaning into brush his lips across her neck.

‘Hmm yeah dancing would be good’ she replied back before wrapping her arms around his neck and bring his mouth down to hers. Max didn’t hesitate and began to kiss her back running his tongue along her bottom lip asking for entrance. Liz moaned into his mouth granting him access. Their tongues began to duel and Max ran his hands down Liz’s back until they were gripping her ass and he was lifting her up against his arousal. Liz couldn’t resist and started to rub her heat against his arousal trying to find some release.

‘Max what the hell do you think you are doing?’ a voice interrupted. Max removed his lips from Liz to turn to the voice that had interrupted.

‘What the hell do you want Izzy?’ he replied angry and frustrated by being stopped by his sister

‘Wondering why my brother cant wait until he is somewhere more private instead of embarrassing me by groping his girlfriend in the middle of the bar area!’ she replied.

Max put Liz down at this point ‘let’s dance’ he said and dragged her towards the dance floor.


Max and Liz found Michael and Maria dirty dancing on the dance floor not to far from the last place they had seen them. Maria looked up when she saw them approach.

‘Where have you two been?’ Maria eyed Liz who had a very satisfied look on her face.

‘Just as the bar we got caught up’ she smiled back

Alex was on his way to find Maria and Liz when he ran into Isabel Evans standing by herself on the edge of the dance floor.

‘Hey Isabel, your looking as lovely as ever tonight’ he said

‘Oh hi Alex, thank you. Are you guys playing soon?’ she asked

‘Yeah just on my way to find Maria now so we can get started, you haven’t seen her or Liz have you?’

‘Um well I have seen way to much of Liz and my brother already tonight but I assume that’s Maria over there with Michael’ she said pointing to the two couples who were both grinding against each other on the dance floor.

Alex looked over to where she was pointing and smiled ‘well I can see all is right in the world, Maria should rock tonight’ he laughed ‘So what are you doing here standing all my yourself?’

‘Oh just wanted to get a good spot for when the Whits started playing’ she replied blushing. Alex couldn’t believe that Isabel Evans was blushing and was actually waiting to see his band play.

‘Well maybe when we finish you might want to dance?’ he asked hoping that he hadn’t read the signals wrong and that Isabel was in fact flirting with him.

‘Oh sure that would be great’ she smiled

‘Well I’ll see you later then’ he said while backing away to the direction he has last seen Maria in.

Alex approached the two couples dancing with a big smile on his face. He could see how happy Maria was by the big smile on her face and he hated to interrupt but they really had to get started.

‘Maria come on we’re up’

‘Oh hey Alex, right okay I’m coming’ she replied looking from Michael to Alex and back to Michael again.

‘Good Luck Ria’ called Liz as Alex and Maria made their way past her and towards the stage.

The Whits and Maria played for about an hour and when they were finished everyone was cheering. Alex helped the band pack up and then went of in search of Isabel so that he could claim his dance. Maria found Liz, Max, Michael, Kyle and Tess sitting at a table near the edge of the dance floor.

Liz got up as she saw Maria approach and gave her a big hug ‘You were fantastic’ she said.

‘Thanks’ she replied ‘what’s going on?’

‘We have to get out of here I cant stand to be around her for another second. Let’s continue this party back at my place’ Liz smiled.

‘I’ll go find Alex and let him know’ replied Maria

‘Oh if you see Isabel invite her too just tell her to keep it to herself’ Liz continued ‘Sure thing’

Maria left to go in search of Alex and Isabel and Liz returned to the table, she sat down in Max’s lap and leant over to whisper in his ear ‘How about we continue this at my house, Maria’s gone to let Alex and Isabel know, oh and Michael is invited too’

‘Sounds great’ Max whispered back and then leant over to let Michael know what was going on.

Max stood up and looked over to Kyle and then Tess who was staring at him and the arm that he had around Liz ‘Valenti we’re calling it a night so we’ll catch you later okay’

‘Max do you think I could grab a ride’ Tess said while standing up and grabbing her stuff from beside her.

‘Sorry Tess the jeeps full’ Max replied giving Kyle a pleading look.

‘Come on Tess I’ll take you home’ Kyle said as stood up and grabbed her arm to lead her towards the door ‘Night all’

‘Night’ they replied in union with a smile on their face.

Five minutes later 6 teens were on their way back towards the Crashdown.
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Part 6

Post by Emz80m »

Part 6

The six teens entered Liz's apartment about 10 minutes later with a sigh of relief, they had successfully left the club without Tess.
'Thank god she's gone' sighed Liz as dropped her purse on the kitchen table.
'Hey you have only had to put up with her for one night, we have been putting up with her for 12 months' replied Max coming up behind her and placing his arms around her waist.
'Well who wants something to drink or eat before I start the entertainment' she smiled
'Entertainment?' asked Isabel
'Yeah entertainment' smirked Liz back 'go and sit in the living room I will be back in a minute'
The five remaining teens made their way into the living room and sat down. Max and Alex sat in the two armchairs and Maria, Michael and Isabel made them selves comfortable on the 3-seater sofa.
Five minutes later Liz came back with videotape, which she put into the recorder. 'I'll just go grab the drinks and the popcorn' she called over her shoulder as she left the room again. The video began to play while Liz was gone and when she came back the 5 teens eyes were all glued to the screen where a lanky blonde with big breasts was moaning while her partner was performing oral sex on her. Isabel had moved off the lounge and was now seated on the floor in between Alex's legs and Michael and Maria had moved closer to each other on the lounge. Liz walked back into the room and placed the tray full of drinks and snacks on the coffee table before making her way over to where Max sat. Without speaking she straddled herself on Max and began kissing him.
'Baby I didn't need any more encouragement' Max mumbled in between kisses
Liz rubbed herself against Max's arousal 'Hmm believe me Evan's I was more than aware of that. This was for the others'
Max looked over to the couch where Michael and Maria were now engaged in a heated make out session while still watching the television. Alex and Isabel were still tuned in also while Isabel continued to run her hands up and down Alex's legs.
'Alex you can have the spare room tonight, Maria you can have my parents room anyone else who doesn't intend on being in one of those rooms can have the couch' smiled Liz
Alex jumped up and grabbed Isabel and was heading towards the spare room before he could even mumble his 'thanks Liz' reply.
Max reached up for Liz to capture her lips against his again as his hands began to caress her back. Liz couldn't help but moan into his mouth at the feel of his hands running up and down the bare skin on her back and began to venture over her stomach towards her breasts. Liz needed to feel Max's bare skin as well and began to unbutton his top. Max hands roamed up and down Liz's body and then begun to caress her breasts and knead her very erect nipples between his fingers. Liz couldn't stop herself from moving her hips to rub her heat against his arousal. She leant in and started to place kisses along his jaw and neck and all the way down his chest as far as she could go without having to remove herself from his lap where her ministrations were bringing her to the brink of climax.
Max could see Michael and Maria watching them while Liz moved down his body and rubbed herself over his arousal. He locked eyes with them as he grabbed Liz's ass pushing her more firmly against him as he lifted them out of the chair and began to walk towards her bedroom
'Baby we don't need an audience for what I have planned' he whispered in her ear
'Hmm kick the door shut' she moaned as they walked into her bedroom.
Max let go of her ass and let her slide down his body slowly placing her on the ground in front of him. Before her feet had touched the ground he had claimed her mouth again. Liz reached up and began to push the unbuttoned shirt off his shoulders letting it fall to the floor. Reaching around her back Max untied the ties to the piece of material that was preventing him from wrapping his mouth around Liz's nipples. Once he had finished with the back one he reached for the one around her neck and let the top fall to the floor along with his own shirt. Max couldn't wait a second longer to taste her he knelt down in front of her and took her right breast into his mouth, running his tongue around her nipple. ‘Mmmm’ she moaned. When he was finished with the right one he continued onto the left. Liz was running her hands through his hair as he knelt in front of her. Max continued a path of kisses all the way down her stomach until he reached the waistband of her leather pants, he dipped his tongue in her naval as his hands began to unbutton the leather pants and pull them down over her hips and towards the floor only stopping to unzip and remove the knee high boots she was wearing underneath. Once he was finished he stook up and admired her body, as it stood in front of him naked except for a very tiny black thong.
Liz felt his eyes burning her body all over as he continued to look her up and down; she stepped towards him and masterfully unbuckled his belt and jeans and pushed both jeans and boxers down his legs. Before he had a chance to react she wrapped her small hand around his hard cock and began a slow rhythm.
‘Oh god Liz’ he moaned placing his hand over hers to stop her movements ‘if you keep going this will be over before it begins’
He removed her hand from him and quickly removed his shoes, socks, jeans and boxers leaving him completely naked. ‘I think someone is wearing too many clothes’ he growled moving towards her and placing his hands on her hips, he dug his fingers on the sides of her thong and gently pulled it down her legs. He then placed his hands on her ass and pulled her towards him lifting her small frame easily whilst moving towards the bed. He laid her down in the middle and began the task of kissing his way down her body again making his way to her $@$% he parted her wet folds and began to suck on her clit and lick her juices. Liz arched her head back when his mouth came into contact with her $@$% she raised her legs and placed them over his shoulders while she grabbed some of his hair and pulled him into her tighter ‘Oh God that feels good’ she moaned.
When Max heard her he inserted his index finger into her and began a slow rhythm while he continued to suck on her clit. ‘God baby you are so wet for me’. Liz began to ride his finger and face in an attempt to ease the ache building up inside of her. Max could tell she was close so inserted another finger and started to use his teeth on her clit as well as his mouth. The minute his teeth came into contact with her clit the walls of her $@$% contracted around his fingers and Liz started to moan louder ‘Oh god yes’ she moaned. Before she had a chance to come down from her first orgasm Max made his way up her body and started to rub the tip of his cocks against her heat. With one thrust he imbedded himself deeply inside of her and brought her to orgasm all over again ‘ FUCK yes oh god’ she screamed.
‘Oh baby I love hearing you scream, your so tight’ Max whispered in her ear has he bathed her neck and jaw line with small kisses ‘I wanna hear you scream my name Liz’ he continued as began a very slow rhythm of thrusting almost completely out of her and then thrusting back in as deeply as he could.
Liz was in ecstasy, sex had never been this good before even with Zan and she loved the feel of Max’s large cock imbedded deeply inside of her. She raised her legs and wrapped them around his waist letting him thrust into her deeper than before. ‘Faster baby, Harder’ she begged.
That was all it took for Max to loose control. He began thrusting into her with abandonment ‘I want to hear you scream my name when I make you cum Liz’ he grunted in her ear as he continued to thrust into her, Liz raised her hips to meet every thrust. Max felt her $@$% tighten around his hard cock ‘Oh god Max, yes yes yes’ she screamed. Hearing his name was all it to for Max to cum with her.

Max seeing Liz for the first time, as he got off the bus in the third grade
Max and Liz staring at each other at different moments in their life before Liz moved away
Max seeing Liz for the first time again in 5 years at the Crashdown a few weeks earlier
Liz seeing Max in the hallway on her first day of school and enjoying how good he looked in his tight jeans
Liz standing in front of Max in biology as he ran his hand up her skirt over her thigh
Liz & Max at the Crashdown when she gave them the pendants to protect themselves from Tess.
Liz’s face and feelings as Max ripped open her Crashdown uniform.

Max collapsed on top of her ‘that was unbelievable’ he whispered in her ear.
‘Fuck yeah’ she laughed back. Max slid out of her and rolled off Liz and onto the side of the bed
With a quick look at the clock that read 3.30am Liz waved her hands and light on her desk went out and she rolled over and went to sleep. Max looked at her with wide eyes when he realised she had used powers to turn the light off. In all the scenarios he had come up with as to why Liz knew so much about them never once had he thought about Liz being like them. he thought to himself as he yawned. He moved closer and spooned up against Liz’s back and decided to sleep on it.
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Part 7

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Part 7

Liz was woken up the next morning by the sun streaming through her bedroom window. [Damn I should have closed those curtains last night] she thought as she looked towards the clock that read 8.00am. She closed her eyes again before she opened them up startled when she heard the voice beside her.

‘Hmm good morning’ he yawned.

Liz rolled over to look at him and threw a leg over his hip; she could feel his arousal against her thigh and couldn’t help but smile. ‘Apparently so’
Max groaned and with one quick movement had pulled her on top of him. Liz grabbed hold of his hard cock and moved it towards the entrance to her $@$% and with one movement lowered herself over him. ‘Well it is now’ he moaned as Liz began to ride him. He pulled her towards him so that he could suck on her nipples. ‘Max’ she cried. Max knew what she wanted so he raised his legs placing his feet on the bed and began to thrust his hips with her ‘Is that what you wanted baby?’ he moaned. Liz sat back up and arched her back and began to ride him harder as she felt the beginning of her orgasm. Max could fee her $@$% contracting around him before he heard her ‘Oh yes yes Max oh god baby don’t stop’. That’s when the flashes began again.

Max seeing Liz for the first time, as he got off the bus in the third grade
Max and Liz staring at each other at different moments in their life before Liz moved away
Max seeing Liz for the first time again in 5 years at the Crashdown a few weeks earlier
Liz seeing Max in the hallway on her first day of school and enjoying how good he looked in his tight jeans
Liz standing in front of Max in biology as he ran his hand up her skirt over her thigh
Liz & Max at the Crashdown when she gave them the pendants to protect themselves from Tess.
Liz’s face and feelings as Max ripped open her Crashdown uniform.

Her words sent Max wild, he loved hearing her scream his name and with easy skill flipped them over without withdrawing and began thrusting into her trying to find his own release. It came minutes later along with Liz again ‘Oh god Liz oh fuck yes’

Max rolled off Liz with a contented sigh ‘god I love that way you ride me’ he groaned.

Liz laughed ‘Really?” she replied

‘Yes and if I didn’t have to go to work in an hour then I would stay here all day in bed fucking you’ he growled into her neck as he began to kiss her.

‘Max?’ Liz looked down at him as he withdrew from her neck to look at her ‘Yeah’
‘Last night and before did anything strange happen to you that maybe hadn’t happened before?’

‘Oh I can’t believe I forgot about that’ said Max sitting up with a blank expression on his face. ‘How come you never said anything? And how come we couldn’t tell, we knew straight away when Tess came to town?’

Liz looked at him confused ‘Tell you what?’ she asked
Max had got off the bed and was now pacing in front of Liz who couldn’t help but smile at his naked body on display in front of her. Max looked up at her when he had felt her gaze and Liz’s tongue involuntarily snaked out of her mouth and wet her lips. Max couldn’t help but groan when he saw her and then he felt his cock growing hard once again.
‘Tell you what Max?’ she asked again smiling at the reaction she had on him.
‘That your like us?’ he replied.
‘Well I didn’t think it was important or part of the essential criteria required for you to fuck someone’ Liz retorted ‘Besides check my blood cells they say I’m human’ she continued as she stood up and made her way towards the bathroom. Max stood where he was dumbfounded, he was positive that she had used power last night to turn off the lights and then there were the flashes. He was broken out of his thoughts by the sound of the shower and decided he wasn’t going to let her get away with walking off in the middle of a conversation like she had been doing since she had arrived. He walked into the bathroom and stopped when he saw her under the shower, her body was perfect and he felt his cock stir to life again as he watched her run her hands over herself as she massaged the strawberry scented body gel into her skin. Before he could stop himself Max found himself behind her in the shower replacing her hands with his own rubbing the soap all over her body and kissing his way down her neck.
Liz didn’t resist his touch she knew right then and there is had been a mistake to start this with Max. She knew she was powerless to resist him when his hands touched her and she could already feel the beginning of a connection forming between them. What concerned her the most was that when Max got sick of her she would be left with the permanent connection in her mind and even though he could let her go her heart would be unable to give him up.

Max turned her around and began to kiss her mouth running his tongue over her bottom lip to gain access to the all the dark crevices of her mouth. Max felt the funny sensation in his head the minute he had touched Liz last night it almost felt like a connection was forming between them and every time he had touched Liz since then it seemed to roar to life with greater strength but he knew that was stupid he had always had to concentrate very hard to form a connection with someone even Isabel as well as be looking into their eyes. He pushed the thoughts to the back of his head as pulled Liz up his body and moved towards the shower wall.
Without saying word Max entered her in one deep hard thrust causing them both to moan at the sensation of being joined again. Max continued to thrust into Liz long and hard and both were oblivious to anything except for the sounds of each other moaning in satisfaction. When they came they came together and both cried out each other’s name in union. Max continued to thrust into Liz as his orgasm took hold of his body and then the flashes began again.

Max, Michael and Isabel in the dessert when they hatched from their pods walking along holding hands
Liz running into someone and falling to the ground, looking up into the eyes of Zan
Max and Isabel being reunited with Michael in the third grade
Liz and Zan having sex in a school bathroom

‘Wow Parker you sure have some weird fantasies’ Max teased as gently placed Liz back on the ground
‘What are you talking about?’ she asked
‘You, me and sex in the bathroom at school. I think I could handle that but I am not sure I really like the new look you gave me’ he smiled
‘Oh you saw that? So you have been getting flashes from me too?’ she asked without raising her eyes from looking at her feet.
‘Yeah all three times, how about you?’ she admitted
‘Yeah that’s what I was trying to ask you about this morning’ she replied while getting out of the shower and handing Max a towel.
They made there way back into Liz’s room where they both began to get dressed. ‘Oh shit’ exclaimed Max while looking at the clock ‘I’m gonna be late for work if I don’t leave now. What time do you start your shift?’
‘Um around 3 through to close’ she replied
‘So I’ll see you at close then?’ he smirked
‘Yeah if you want’ she replied. Max made his way over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

‘Oh I want and do you know what else I want?’ he asked in between kisses. She nodded her head no ‘I want for there to be nothing under than uniform to stop me from eating my favourite Crashdown attraction’ he smiled and then kissed her one last time before leaving.
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Part 8

Post by Emz80m »

Part 8

After Max left Liz made her way down to the restaurant to grab some breakfast. Maria and Michael were both on open that morning and Liz wasn’t surprised to see her best friend walking around serving customers like she was on cloud nine.
‘Well good morning chica finally decide to drag your ass out of bed?’ asked Maria
‘Hmm needed food to survive’ she smirked
‘I’ll bet you do, what do you want then?’ Maria smiled back
‘Uh just bacon eggs and juice please’
‘No problem’ she replied and left to get Liz’s order.
After Liz finished breakfast she returned to her room to attempt some homework that she needed to complete for Monday. She turned on her computer and sat down waiting for it to boot up. [Hmm better check my emails] she thought. Liz logged into her hotmail account and waited for her messages to download, she hadn’t checked her mail since returning to Roswell.
‘You have mail’ the computer sounded. Liz looked in the inbox and realised that there were over 30 new messages and inwardly groaned at the realisation that she would have to return most of them.
‘Da Man is online’ the computer sounded again. Liz looked down and realised too late that the computer had automatically connected her to messenger and that if she didn’t close it down now that she would have to talk to Zan.
/Liz is that you? /
[Great it’s too late this is so not what I need] Liz thought to herself.
/yeah/ she replied
/Where the fuck have u been? And where are you now? /
/I told you in the note I left that I was going to Europe with my Grandma Claudia/
/Where are you now then because you are obviously not in Europe anymore? /
[God why doesn’t he just let up] she thought.
/No I came home for the start of the school year/
/Home to New York? Why haven’t you been in contact? /
/No not New York, my parents moved/
/Well I knew that already so where are you? /
/I don’t think it’s a very good idea that I tell you. Look I have to go I have a tonne of assignments to get done before I have to work tonight. Maybe I will drop you line via email when I get a chance/
/Liz where the hell are you and why don’t you want me to know where you are? /
/Say hi to everyone for me. By Zan/
Liz didn’t wait for a response she closed down the program as quickly as possible and began her homework to keep her mind off of everything. The next time that Liz looked up at the lock it was 1pm so she decided to go downstairs and grab some lunch. When she got downstairs Maria was just hanging up the phone.
‘Hey Ria’ she smiled
‘Hey can you help me out with something?’ Maria asked
‘Sure thing what’s up?’ she replied
‘Max just rang in an order to be delivered to the UFO Centre can you take it over to him when it’s up?’ she smiled, Max had asked that Liz be the one to deliver the food if Maria could talk her into it.
‘Yeah as long as I get some lunch to go along with it’ Liz replied
‘Oh I think that can be arranged’ Maria replied

10 minutes later Liz was on her way to the UFO centre to have lunch with Max. Liz realised somewhere in the back of her mind that the connection to Max was growing stronger the closer she got to him but she didn’t want another thing to worry about at the moment she just wanted to enjoy some lunch before her shift begun.
Something in Max’s head told him that Liz was close so he made his way to the entrance of the UFO centre just as Liz was making her way down the stairs to find him. The fact he knew she was there before he had seen or heard her disturbed him a bit but he didn’t want to think about it now he just wanted to have his lunch with her.
‘Hey sexy’ he smiled at her as she came towards him.
‘I come baring gifts’ she replied
‘You sure do’ he smirked while looking her up and down. Her legs looked endless in the tiny little shorts she was wearing and he couldn’t help his bodies’ response to her as it once again came to life.
Max grabbed her hand and led her to the office. Once she had followed him inside and sat the food down on the table she turned and watched as Max lock the door behind them. Liz raised her eyebrow when he turned back to face her. ‘Didn’t want to risk anyone interrupting me eating’ he looked like a little boy she thought.
‘I’ll bet’ she replied as she started to pull the food out of the bag. Max sat down waited for Liz to finish pulling out lunch. ‘Here you go’ she said while handing him his Galaxy Sub.
‘Thanks’ he replied. They both ate in silence for the next 10 minutes, Liz sitting on the desk and Max sitting in the big office chair. Once they were finished Liz started to clean up all everything, she didn’t get very far when Max grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap. ‘Thanks for lunch’ he said and started to place little kisses down her neck ‘Now what can you offer for dessert?’ he continued.
Liz stood up from her position in his lap and turned to face him ‘is this what you had in mind?’ she asked pulling her Singlet top over her head revealing the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra. ‘Oh that’s a very good start’ he replied huskily reaching up and pulling Liz towards him. He claimed her mouth like a hungry man and didn’t waste any time ridding Liz of her shorts and panties quickly. He continued to kiss down her neck making his way to her breast where he began to suck and nibble at her very erect nipples. ‘Mmmm’ moaned Liz. Upon hearing her moan Max moved his hand down to rub at Liz’s very wet $@$%. ‘Oh baby you’re so wet’ he groaned as he began to finger fuck her. Liz moved her hips and began to thrust them into his fingers, she was so close ‘Max I need you baby, PLEASE’ she cried.
‘What do you need Liz?’ he asked back. Liz knew what he was trying to do, he wanted to see her give up all control and beg him.
‘I want you to fuck me hard, deep and fast. NOW’ she screamed back. Max didn’t hesitate he quickly removed his clothing and placing Liz’s hands on the top of the table entered her in one deep smooth thrust from behind. ‘God Yes’ cried Liz in response to his action.
Max had just begun a hard and deep rhythm between them when they were interrupted by the sound of Liz’s ringing cell phone. Reaching for the phone so that she could answer it she heard Max in groan in her ear ‘Leave it’.
‘I cant’ she moaned in response ‘Just stay still and I will get rid of them quickly, besides it will just be my parents checking up on me’ she continued. Max ceased all movements between them which was hard task considering how far they were both gone, he continued to caress her breast and knead her nipples.
‘Yeah’ Liz grunted into the phone
‘Ah glad to see your Dad didn’t change your mobile number as well’ came the reply
‘Who is this?’ she asked confused since she expected to hear either he mum or dad on the other end when she answered.
‘It hasn’t been that long since we last talked, oh a whole three hours I’d say’ the voice replied
‘Zan?’ she asked
‘Yeah so now that I finally got hold of you why don’t you tell me where the hell you are?’ he replied angrily into the phone. Liz didn’t get the chance to reply because Max removed the phone away from her ear and out of her hand and began to talk into it.
‘Hey Zan is it?’ he asked
‘Who the hell is this?’ Zan asked
‘This is Max and right now your interrupting something, so FUCK OFF’ Max placed the phone down and began to thrust into Liz again causing Liz to moan with delight.
‘Fuck that feels good’ he replied. He began to increase the rhythm thrusting into Liz deeper and faster.
‘Yes Max oh harder baby don’t stop’ she moaned again. Max knew she was close and continued to thrust into her faster again. The muscles in Liz’s $@$% contacted around his cock causing him to orgasm right along with Liz.
‘Oh god Liz’ he called out
‘Oh Max yes yes yes’ she screamed.
When they both came down from their orgasm Max removed himself from Liz’s body and pulled her onto his lap in the chair that he was sitting in earlier.
‘Now that’s what I call dessert’ he laughed into her ear
‘The best kind’ she replied ‘god I love the way you fuck me’ she groaned.
Max picked up her cell phone and began to hand it to her but before he did he asked ‘So does that officially make me the best’ she smirked at him ‘A gal cant give away all her secrets Evans’
Max smirked back at her and then handed her the phone and leant in to suck on her ear ‘You better hang up the phone’ he whispered. Liz looked at him in disbelief causing him to start laughing ‘you didn’t’ she mouthed ‘Sure did babe’ he replied. Liz lifted the cell to her ear to hear if Zan was still on the other end, she could hear breathing and assumed that he was still there. Shaking her head at Max she pressed end on the phone cutting Zan off.
‘Jealous much?’ she asked Max getting up to retrieve her clothes that were all over the floor.
‘No I just didn’t appreciate being interrupted in the middle of fucking you so you could chit chat with your ex’ he replied while following Liz’s actions and re-dressing himself.
‘Well I think that message came across loud and clear to Zan’ she replied furrowing her brow.
‘And that worries you why?’ asked Max beginning to grow annoyed that Liz would care what her ex thought and even more annoyed with himself for being jealous.
‘It’s a long story but it pretty much means he is going to know where I am now and that is bad news for all of us’ she continued.
‘Why’s that?’
‘Because Zan is possessive and until 3 hours ago when I logged onto my computer and opened messenger he had absolutely no idea that I was back in the country. Now in a matter of 3 hours he knows I’m home, fucking someone else, that I have a job and somehow got my cell phone number which is in my dad’s name’
‘Oh okay so the guy sounds like a stalker, get your dad to change your cell number and get a new email account, what’s the big deal?’ Max said confused as to why Liz was so worried about a guy who apparently lived in a city that was over 10 hours away.
‘Look it’s time’ Liz stated
‘Time for what?’ he asked
‘I have a few things to sort out but tomorrow you, Michael, Isabel and I need to talk about a few things’ Liz said stated raising her eyes to gauge the reaction on his face.
‘About time, if I knew all it was going to take was a phone conversation with your ex I would have tracked him down weeks ago. It would have saved me a lot of grief from having Michael on my back and keeping him away from you, and having to put up with Tess’ he replied with a little chuckle. Sensing that Liz wasn’t amused he decided to change the subject slightly.
‘Actually that’s a good idea anyhow. Isabel called earlier, Tess wants to meet with us all at Michaels after work. Apparently Nasedo contacted her and she has something important to talk to us about’ he stated
‘Let me guess, a whole lot of bullshit to get you all to accept your “destiny”’ Liz replied slightly annoyed that she would have more crap to clean up if Tess continued with her bullshit. “Just remember that nothing she has told you that I have seen or heard so far is even remotely true, and while your at it have a think about why you, Michael and Isabel all hatched out of your pods at the same time but don’t remember leaving a little blonde girl behind’ Liz said looking at Max seriously.
‘I better get back to work but I’ll see you tonight?’ he asked hopefully whilst unlocking the door and leading Liz out of the office.
‘Yeah later’ she replied over her shoulder as she made her way out of the Crashdown.
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Part 9

Post by Emz80m »

Part 9

Michael, Max and Isabel sat in Michael’s apartment later that night waiting for Tess to arrive.
‘Guys I spoke to Liz this afternoon and she’s ready to sit down and talk to the three of us tomorrow’ Max spoke quietly.
‘It’s about bloody time’ grunted Michael in reply.
‘Any idea what she knows Max?’ asked Isabel
‘All I know is she believes every word out of Tess’s mouth is a lie and…’ Max didn’t get a chance to finish before he was interrupted by a knock on the door. Michael got up and opened the door and let Tess in.
‘So what’s so important that we had to get together on a Saturday night Tess?’ asked Isabel
Tess didn’t respond she just made her way over to where Max and Isabel were sitting and opened what appeared to be a map onto the floor in front of them. ‘I had a dream the other night about the place where we hatched from the pods. So when Nasedo rang last to check on me I asked him about it. He told me all he could remember about where he found us so I got hold of this old map and I have pin pointed the location to this area.’ She told them.
‘So?’ Michael asked getting annoyed that she was wasting his time.
‘Well I think we should go out there tomorrow and search’ she replied looking at Max.
‘But that’s nowhere near where the Evan’s found us’ added Isabel suspicious of Tess.
‘Oh’ replied Tess shocked that she could have forgotten something so important.
‘Well maybe we will check it out anyway next weekend Tess. I don’t know about you but I do know that Isabel and I have plans tomorrow, so we wont have time’ Max stated looking pointedly to Michael and Isabel to not say anything further to Tess.
‘Do you mind if I kept this Tess, I might get a flash or something that could help us locate it?’ asked Michael catching onto why Max was going along with Tess.
‘Sure Michael just don’t loose it we’ll need it next weekend’ smiled Tess is reply ‘So what’s everyone up to tonight?’ she continued.
‘Well now that we are finished I have a date to go get ready for’ replied Isabel looking at Max ‘Can you take me home Max?’
‘Yeah no problem Izzy I want to shower and change before my date too’ Max replied.
‘Oh I was hoping we could catch a movie Max’ Tess replied putting on her disappointed face. Underneath the facade she was furious that Max continued to date these stupid humans and that her mind warps seemed to be useless on him now. ‘Who is your date with?’ she asked
‘Liz’ he replied simply ‘I’ll catch up with you later Michael, bye Tess’ and with that Max and Isabel left.
They drove around the block and waited until Michael phoned Max’s cell phone to let them know that Tess had left and then they drove back to the apartment.
‘You cant possibly believe that map can you Max? It’s nowhere near where Mum and Dad found us’ stated a furious Isabel

‘No of course I don’t Izzy I just don’t want us to give Tess any information that might lead her to it, and I thought if we played along she might not get suspicious that her mind warping isn’t working anymore. I felt her in my head trying to manipulate my thoughts I thought it was best to let her believe it had worked.’ Replied Max with a sigh.
‘I’m so sick of playing these games with her’ he continued.

‘So what time are we meeting Liz tomorrow’ asked an excited Michael.

‘Not sure, she said she had a few things she needs to sort out but that she would definitely talk to us tomorrow. I am seeing her tonight so I will ask her and give you a call tomorrow’ replied Max.

‘Great, well I was serious about needing to get ready for that date so let’s go Max’ said Isabel on her way to the door ‘See you tomorrow Michael.’

After Isabel and Max left Michael decided to get together everything he wanted to ask and potentially show Liz if she had the right answers tomorrow.

Liz had just finished off closing down the Crashdown when she heard the jingle of the bells sound above the front doors.

‘Damn I know I locked that’ she said without looking up from the paperwork spread out in front of her on the counter.

‘Well you should know better that anyone Parker that locks don’t keep everyone out, especially if they want to get in somewhere badly enough’ replied Max as he strolled towards where she was sitting. ‘Besides I was invited’ He smiled.

Liz began to pack up the receipts so that she could put them away in the manager’s office. Amy Deluca had been managing the place since they moved away and her father had decided to keep her on when he returned so that he would be able to concentrate on his other business.

‘Well that may be true Evan’s but most people still knock in this day and age. Even aliens’ Liz replied.

Liz made her way back to where Max was now sitting at the Counter. ‘So how did it go with Tess?’ she couldn’t help but ask.

‘Well I decided Liz that I’m not going to tell you anymore of my secrets until you reveal a few of yours tomorrow.’ He replied with a slight smile on his face.

‘Fair enough’ she said as she sat down on the table opposite where he was sitting.

‘Besides I didn’t come here to talk I’m rather hungry’ he responded looking at Liz. Liz could see the desire in his eyes; they had turned from their usual amber colour to dark black.

‘Well I’m sorry sir but the grill is closed I can only offer you dessert’ she said playing along.

‘Dessert is my favourite meal’ he replied making his way towards her. ‘You see I especially love my dessert strawberry flavoured, and baby you always smell and taste like strawberries’ he continued in between kisses. He slid his tongue into her mouth passionately mimicking what he wanted to do to her body with their tongues.

He ran his hands down to the snaps on her uniform and in once quick movement they all popped open revealing a very naked Liz. ‘For me?’ he asked hungrily moving his mouth down her neckline towards her breasts and nipples. Liz let an involuntarily moan escape from her mouth which enticed Max to suck harder on the nipple he had in his mouth. When he finished lavishing both breasts with equal attention he continued his journey down her stomach and towards her naval. He ran his hands up her legs and up to her thighs pushing the aqua uniform upwards with him as he made his way towards her $@$%. He leaned in and placed an intimate kiss on the inside of each thigh before he began to lick and suck her. Liz couldn’t help it when she started to move her hips with the sensations that he was causing within her. She began to ride his face as his tongue continued to dive deeply in and out of her $@$%.

‘I’m close so close’ she moaned.

When Max heard her he inserted 2 fingers into her tight $@$% and sent her over the edge. He leant down and continued to lick and suck up all her juices as she rode out the waves of her orgasm.

‘Dessert is definitely my favourite meal of the day’ he smirked when he looked up at the beauty in front of him still overcome by passion.

Liz didn’t reply to his comment she quickly got off the table grabbed Max’s hand and walked towards the booth that Max and the rest of the pod squad usually sat at when dinning in the restaurant. Pushing him onto the table she began to remove his shoes and socks and then unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them along with his boxers down his legs and onto the floor. When she removed everything except for his shirt she grabbed the clip holding her hair out and let it fall down her back. Next she began to climb up the table and onto Max’s lap motioning for him to sit up so she could lift the remaining piece of clothing off of his body.

‘Well I am glad that you enjoyed the first course of dessert Mr Evans but here at the Crashdown I only serve dessert in two courses’ she smirked. Before Max could get anything out of his mouth except for a groan Liz had lifted herself up and impaled herself on his very hard cock. Rocking her body up and down gently she started to talk to him quietly in his ear ‘So tell me Mr Evans are you satisfied with the service you are receiving at the Crashdown tonight?”

‘God Yes’ he groaned ‘I wish the service was this good all the time’

‘Can we expect you to continue to be a regular for dessert here at the Crashdown?’ she whispered into his ear.

‘That depends on the menu, will you personally be continuing to offer two courses of dessert?’ he replied.

‘Only for my special customers, and I am pretty sure that we might also extend the menu to three courses’ she said raising her eyebrows suggestively. Liz picked up the rhythm and started to ride him faster. Max began to thrust his hips in time with her.

‘Special customers? How many of those are there’ he moaned.

‘Oh it’s an exclusive list and currently it only has one name on it, I’m pretty sure that wont be changing in the near future. Mmmm’ she moaned back.

Max smiled at her and began to thrust into her faster, he could feel her $@$% contracting around his cock and that was all it took to trigger his own release.

‘Oh yes yes yes’ she screamed

‘Oh god Liz, yes Baby’ he screamed with her.

Liz collapsed on top of him out of breath, they lay like that for about 10 minutes before Max realised that Liz’s breathing had evened out and that she appeared to have fallen asleep. Lifting her against his body he moved them off the table and moved towards the back of the restaurant and up to the apartment. [I’ll put her in bed and then run back down for all the clothes] he thought to himself.

After placing Liz gently on her bed and placing a sheet over her Max made his way back down to the restaurant to gather up his clothes. He was just about to make his way back up to the apartment when something caught his attention out the front, he made his way over to the window being careful to stay in the shadows aware that he was still naked. He opened of the verticals slightly and peered out, what he saw shocked him. There was Tess sitting out the front in her SUV yelling into her cell phone at someone. It was obvious to Max now that she had been there the whole time he had and was waiting to see when he would leave.

[Well if that’s what you waiting for Tess then you are going to be sitting there along time] he thought. He turned around and made his way back up to Liz then. Putting Tess at the back of his mind he climbed into bed with Liz and snuggled up behind her.
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Part 10

Post by Emz80m »

Part 10

The next day Liz was a nervous wreck, she knew that she wanted to tell her two best friends everything before she spilled the beans to the alien trio. He hand was shaking as she picked up the phone to dial Maria at home. Luckily both Maria and her had the day off so she knew that the three of them could sit down and talk without being disturbed.

‘Hello’ came to reply from the other end of the phone breaking Liz out of her daydream.

‘Oh hey Ria, listen are you busy?’ asked Liz

‘Nah just catching up on some schoolwork and that’s it. Why?’ she replied

‘I really need to talk to you and Alex do you think that you would be able to get hold of him and come over?’ she asked quietly.

‘Sure shouldn’t be a problem. Is everything ok Liz?’ she asked. Maria was concerned; she sensed that something was wrong with Liz and that whatever it was it was big.

‘Um yeah I’m fine Ria just really need to talk to my two best friends’ she smiled into the phone.

‘Okay well we’ll see you half an hour I guess, well as long as Alex is up that is’ she laughed.

‘Great, see you soon’ finished Liz.

Half of an hour later Maria and Alex were sitting with Liz in the living room of the apartment. Both of them were concerned about Liz. Since entering the apartment Liz had barely said more than 3 words to them.

‘Liz?’ called Maria breaking Liz from her thoughts.

‘Oh sorry. Okay well what I am about to tell you is really hard and firstly I want you to know that I didn’t tell you straight away because I had to sort out a few things myself.’ Lis started.

‘Lizzie, it’s okay nothing you can tell us is going to make us stop being your best friends’ said Alex. Liz smiled at him, grateful that he loved her as much as she loved him.

‘Thanks Alex. You see I found out a few things about myself that I didn’t know before I moved to New York. When we first moved there I was miserable, I didn’t know anyone and the place was just so big and crowded. One day I was walking along the street and I was having one my normal daydreams and not paying attention to anything when I smacked into someone and went flying across the footpath. The guy started yelling at me telling me that I should watch where I am going. Anyhow something inside me just snapped and I started yelling back at this person. Anyhow when I looked up I was met with this guy who had the most amazing eyes I have ever seen. He was pretty rough looking though with all this piercing and his hair was punky. Anyway getting back to the point when he saw me he did a double take. At first I thought he was repulsed by me but then he came forward and help me up. Anyway I let him help me up and when I stood up I realised that he wasn’t alone that there was a girl standing with him, a girl who looked exactly like me.’

‘Hold on a second, what do you mean she looked exactly like you’ interrupted Maria.

‘I mean except for the fact she had almost no hair and a totally grungy New York look she could have been my twin. I was totally freaked that I didn’t even stick around to find out how she could look like me. So I went home and when I got there I locked myself in my room trying to figure out what was going on. I came to the conclusion that my parents must have lied to me and that I was adopted or something so I confronted them. Anyhow it turned out that I wasn’t adopted I was just replaced.’ Liz continued.

‘Replaced?’ asked Alex

‘Mum and Dad had a daughter who was stillborn and apparently my Grandma Claudia just showed up with me one day begging my parents to take care of me, so they did. Everyone just assumed I was the child that Nancy Parker had carried. Anyhow apparently Zan followed me home when I took off and when I left the house next day he was waiting for me.’

‘Zan?’ asked Maria with a raised eyebrow.

‘Yeah that’s the name of the guy I ran into. The girl that looked like me was named Ava and then there was also Zan’s sister Lonnie and her boyfriend Rath. So Zan convinced me to meet Ava and that she might be able to help me understand things a bit better. I agreed to go with them, something about the way he looked at me made me trust him, so I went. I just assumed the whole way there that Ava was going to tell me that I was her long lost twin sister and I had been lost at birth or something like that but I was so wrong.’ Liz took a deep breath and looked up at Maria and Alex to see their reaction to everything so far. When she saw that they were taking everything fine she continued.

‘It turns out that I am kind of an alien’ she mumbled out quickly and then looked up at them again.

‘I’m sorry Lizzie but I thought you just said that you were an alien’ laughed Alex. When Liz didn’t join in his and Maria’s laughter he stopped.

‘God your serious, that’s actually what you said’ he continued

‘Liz’s that’s stupid everyone knows that there is no such thing as …’ Maria didn’t get to finish her sentence before Liz was kneeling down in front of her. She reached out and placed her finger on Maria’s shirt changing it from white to bright red.

‘Oh my god’ cried Maria.

Liz got back up and went back to her seat without meeting their eyes. ‘I’m sorry you guys’ she whispered.

Alex and Maria could see how devastated Liz was at Maria’s initial reaction and both immediately went to her. ‘Lizzie it doesn’t matter to us your still you and we love you, right Maria?’ Alex said soothingly. ‘Definitely. We’re the 3 Musketeers babe nothing will even change that’ Maria added. Liz looked up at her two best friends with tears in her eyes ‘thanks guys, but there’s still more I need to tell you’ they both looked at each other and replied in union ‘Okay’ and returned to where they were sitting.

‘Okay so it turns out that I am an alien, an alien queen to be exact. I was sent here with my mate and husband King Zan, his sister Princess Vilandra and the Kings second in command and Princess Vilandra betrothed Rath who apparently is also my brother. We were killed on our home planet and our essence was joined with human DNA to recreate us. So apparently the royal 4 that I met in New York are decoys or duplicates and that I had my own foursquare out there somewhere as well’

‘You mean that there are more of you out there’ asked Maria with a shocked expression on her face.

Liz didn’t reply she just got up and made her way to her room to retrieve something. When she came back she placed a picture in front of them both and waited for their reaction.

‘Liz who are they?’ asked Alex

‘That is Zan, Ava, Lonnie and Rath’ she said, pointing to each person as she said their name.

‘But they look exactly like Max, Michael and Isabel’ Maria responded without taking her eyes of the photo in front of her.

‘Yeah well you can imagine how surprised I was when I came home to Roswell and first saw them than cant you?’

‘So they’re like you?’ Alex mumbled out

‘Well it’s a really long story but yes they are aliens like me except I’m pretty sure if anyone found out they would be in a lot of danger, more so than me’ Liz replied looking into Alex’s eyes with a pleading look. ‘I apparently hatched about 6 years earlier than them which meant that my alien side didn’t develop like the rest of them, I am by all appearances, blood and cells a human.’

‘Wow so what did they say about this when they found out’ asked Maria curiously

Liz looked at them with a guilty look ‘Actually I haven’t told them. I got here and found out that Tess has been impersonating me trying to convince them that she is Ava and Max’s bride. They know that I know about them and Max suspects that I am an alien but I haven’t told them everything yet. I wanted to tell you guys first before they could take that decision out of my hands. I am meeting with them this afternoon’

‘Well good luck with that’ laughed Alex.

‘Well the reason I chose now to tell you guys is because there has been a development. See Zan, as in New York Zan him and I kind of had a little thing going before my parents sent me to Europe. Well he knows I’m home now and he’s pretty angry so I expect he’ll track me down and arrive here by next weekend’ Liz stated firmly.

‘Oh so is this a good thing?’ asked Maria, curious to know about this little thing with Zan.

‘No. It’s bad enough he knows I am back considering I left without saying goodbye, I just left a note but now he also knows I am with someone else, thanks to Max. I am just worried that when he shows up and finds out that I found the remaining Royal 3 and am now involved with the real King and my intended mate that he is going to loose it. He might only be a back up to Max but he was pretty happy about the fact that he got his hands on the real Queen before his dupe.’ Liz sadly replied.

‘Oh okay, why is it that you are so attracted to both of them?’ asked Alex.

‘With Zan it was purely alien. It was like when I was with him Ava would take over. I started behaving differently, I got my hair streaked with all these weird colours and became a complete stranger to my family, hence the European vacation and the move from New York.’ Liz replied.

‘Oh, I mean not that I’m happy about having you back but except for the New York clothes and a bit more confidence you don’t seem any different to me’ Alex smiled.

‘Yeah well while I was away I had plenty of time to work on my powers and getting my alien side under control’ she smiled back

‘So then what’s with the sex fest with you’re having with Max then’ Maria asked with a huge grin on her face.

‘That is purely Elizabeth Parker finding him very, very attractive, oh and the fact that he is a great in bed’ Liz smiled back.
The trio continued talking for another hour before Maria and Alex left. Liz decided to get everything ready for the arrival of Max, Michael and Isabel and then go down to the restaurant to have something to eat.