Sternbetrachter's Alex/Isabel stories - Updated 7/21/07

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Sternbetrachter's Alex/Isabel stories - Updated 7/21/07

Post by Sternbetrachter »

well, here are my stories :D
first of all, the ones who where posted on the other board and can be found at the archieves:

Waking Up
what if Alex had a car accident earlier in S2?

Won't Forget Tonight
was Alex really in the dark about the mindwarp?

S2 Stargazer ending
AU ending of S2 with Alex being alive (four short stories)

okay, now some stories that can't be found at the archieves:

Page 1:
Something Worth Waiting For
What's In A Name
Open Heart
IE Undone

Page 2:
Half Truths

Something Worth Waiting For

By Trude/Sternbetrachter
Disclaimer: Roswell belongs to Melinda Metz, WB/UPN and New Mexico. I own nothing Roswell related (except two books).
Rating: PG, PG-13? I’m not too sure.
Spoilers: up to “Crazy”
Summary: What should have happened after “Crazy”. (It happened in my own fantasy world.)
AN: Thanks to StargazerUK for beta reading this and and finding a fic with the story!

Thoughts are marked with these ‘’

Lying on his bed, Alex still couldn’t believe what had happened in the last few days. Firstly, there was Topolsky who said that the entire gang was on some FBI list. Alex still believed that they should have talked with Topolsky. But sadly (and secondly), Topolsky was gone. Officially, she died in an accident but Alex didn’t really believe that explanation. He suspected that Valenti and the others shared his suspicions.
Topolsky’s disappearance and the knowledge of this mysterious list was already scary enough but his strange encounter with someone in a blacked out car behind the Crashdown doubled Alex’s fear of what was going on.

But all of that wasn’t what occupied him while lying on his bed, thinking about his crazy life on a Sunday afternoon. What was troubling the young man, was the talk he had with a certain tall, blonde alien.

Pieces of their conversation came flooding back to him.

‘What, you think I'm being weak because I don't want anything bad to happen to you? I mean, to us? To all of us?

You really do want to protect me, don't you?

I'd do anything.

Isabel, I meant what I said...about having somebody. I mean...everything gets easier once you're not alone.

I've just always thought that if I, um, if I let someone in it would make me too...


Groaning, Alex hit himself with a pillow. “God. I’m such a dork. She must really think that I’m a stalker now or some kind of lunatic. Great, in her mind I’m probably a lunatic stalker.” Removing the pillow from his face, he frowned in concentration before hitting himself again. “Way to go, Whitman. Concentrate on the only thing that won’t be a reason for an early death!”

Sitting up, Alex looked at a picture of Maria, Liz and himself. He allowed himself a small chuckle. “I should probably be happy that Maria doesn’t know about my ‘typical male teenager’ thoughts as she calls them.” Sighing, he flopped back down onto his bed. A second later he shot up again when he heard the doorbell ring. Since his brothers were at their military school and his parents were meeting some friends, Alex got up quickly and made his way to the front door. He got a huge shock when he saw who was on the other side of it.

Isabel nervously licked her lips, wondering why no one was opening the door. She used the waiting time to ponder why she was here again. Her official explanation was that she and Alex were best friends and that she’d love to watch a movie with her closest pal. She smiled at that thought. ‘We have only been friends for such a short time and already he’s one of the most important people in my life.’

Sighing loudly, she thought about her unofficial reasons for being a on the Whitman’s porch again. ‘Aside from being friends, it might be positive to spend time with someone else from the gang and maybe … talk about what happened. And since my brothers are with Liz and Maria …’ Sighing in disgust at this thought, she shuddered, remembering the mooning that went on between Max and Liz and walking in on Michael and Maria while they were making out.

And maybe, just maybe, she was feeling a bit lonely and wanted to spend time with Alex because he was a nice guy … and because she couldn’t stop thinking about him since they spoke in the Crashdown. ‘Thank God that nothing happened to him when he left Tess and I. Why didn’t I tell Tess that?’

Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw Alex approaching the door. Taking a calming breath, she stood up straight and put a smile on her face.

Alex slowly opened the door and wondered (okay, hoped) if Isabel was here to generate some information. “Uh, hello Isabel.” Alex carefully greeted the blonde, staring uncertainly at her.

“Hello Alex! I hope I haven’t called at an inconvenient time?” Isabel asked with her most charming smile.

“NO! Not at all.” Alex answered quickly, stepping aside and letting Isabel in.

”Thanks.” Isabel said while walking into the house and unbuttoning the top button on Alex’s shirt in the process. Waiting for Alex to close the door, she looked around the place. “The house looks really nice.” She told Alex sincerely.

“I’ll tell my Mom you said that. She’ll love you forever.” Alex told her with a goofy grin on his face.

Isabel laughed softly.

They looked at each other and their surroundings for a few moments. Alex was still in shock because Isabel was in his house and appeared to be both flattered and a bit uncomfortable under his intense gaze.

“So,” Alex cleared his throat, “what brings you here?”

Tucking her hair behind her ear, Isabel smiled at Alex again. “Well, I thought after all the … stress lately, it might be nice to hang out with a friend and watch a movie. Since the others are …” She broke off, an uncomfortable look on her beautiful face while she searched for the right words.

The look was mirrored on Alex’s face as he quickly said, “Yeah, I know what you mean, let’s not think about that!”

“Great idea.” Isabel agreed in relief. They were quiet for another moment.

“Uhm, what movie did you get?” Alex asked, gesturing to the bag in Isabel’s hand.

”Oh, it’s ‘Notting Hill’. I thought I’d take you up on your earlier invitation.” Isabel answered softly.

Alex just nodded his head with a smile and a slight blush, remembering that particular talk. Isabel’s cheeks flushed rosy red as she started to recall the exact same conversation.

“I don’t have a video recorder in my room, so we’ll have to watch the movie in the living room. Luckily, everyone else is out so no one will mind us hogging the living room.” Alex explained while motioning Isabel to follow him.

“Oh, good.” Isabel said, secretly happy that they’d be alone.

When Alex had brought them popcorn and drinks, he put the video in the VCR. Looking at Isabel, he caught her staring at him … for the third time in the last ten minutes. Confused, he looked towards the TV screen again. “Can I ask why you picked Notting Hill? Your friend Tess didn’t seem to like that movie.”

Isabel scoffeda at Alex’s comment. “Well, Tess has some strange opinions, I think. I really wanted to see the movie when it was in the theaters but I never got the chance to watch it. So, when you mentioned seeing it together a few days ago, I thought ‘Why not?’”

Alex didn’t bother to ask why she hadn’t said so at the Crashdown.

“Besides,” Isabel continued nonchalantly, “I always loved those ‘the geek gets the princess’ romances.”

“Really?” Alex asked in surprise and a little bit hopeful.

Looking straight into his eyes, Isabel replied, “Oh yeah. I think those kind of relationships happen more often in real life than you’d think.”

Alex stared at her, unsure what to think of her words. Clearing his throat, he looked away from Isabel’s brown eyes and back at the screen. “Look, the movie has started.”

Also looking at the TV, Isabel settled herself more comfortably on the couch, staring at Alex out of the corner of her eye every now and then.

Since Alex was doing the same thing, he noticed what Isabel was doing, which only made him more and more confused. ‘I can’t have anything on my face, I already checked that twice. So, why is she constantly looking at me? She can’t possilbly like me that way. That kiss only happened because Max and Liz were missing and she wanted to find them.’, he reasoned with himself.

Looking at Isabel again, he saw her quickly turning her gaze back to the TV.

Frowning, Alex also watched the movie for a few minutes. “You know,” he stated, “the two main characters remind me of two people I know. On one side, we have the shy, ordinary and dorky guy and on the other side, there’s the beautiful, popular and anything but ordinary girl. Do you think someone has been watching us?” Alex joked.

Instead of joking back as Alex expected her to, Isabel was silent for a moment. She managed a forced chuckle and a weak “You’d think so?” though.

Alex frowned again, something was definitely wrong with Isabel. Shifting slightly, Alex turned to look directly at Isabel, remembering the times when Liz and Maria told him to always pay attention to what a girl has to say.

”Isabel, I can tell that something is wrong. Probably because of everything that has happened lately and I totally understand if you’d rather talk about what’s going on than watch a movie.”

Momentary, Isabel looked like a deer caught in the headlights but she recovered quickly. “It’s nothing, Alex.” She told him weakly.

Alex just gave her a look that clearly said, “Yeah, sure.”

Sighing, Isabel decided to get it over with it and to just tell Alex what she wanted to say to him for days now. “Okay, yes there is something I wanted to talk about.

“Aha!” Alex said in triumph but he quickly shut up when he saw the look Isabel gave him. “Sorry, go on.” He mumbled.

“Your statement caught me off-guard and I’m not too sure how to say it best.” Isabel looked down at her hands. “I simply want to apologize to you.”

“Apologize?” Alex echoed.

“Yes, because I’ve often acted like a total bitch towards you and often used for my benefits. Like taking your blood when Max and Liz had the accident, keeping you in the dark about the others and me and I’m sure you remember my horrible behavior while Michael was sick. I promise that from now on, I will be a better friend. A person who deserves to have such an amazing friend as you.”

Alex was surprised by what Isabel had just said, even a bit embarrassed because of her praise. Clearing his throat, Alex slowly answered.

“Isabel, you don’t have to apologize for anything. I completely understand why you used my blood and while Michael was sick, you were scared that you’d lose one of the two most important persons in your life, so I wasn’t really offended by your behavior. As for you being angry at me it was my own fault, since I blurted out the stuff about your planet at the UFO museum. So, there’s really no need for you to apologize. Besides, I’ve heard that both you and Maria were the ones who wanted me to know about your secret.”

Remembering their kiss last week, he looked away with a blush before he continued, “And it’s not like helping you is always a bad thing.”

Isabel couldn’t believe what she just heard and was even a little bit shocked that Alex made it sound like it was his fault that she had acted like a bitch. “Alex! Do you always have to be so goddamn nice?” She cried out in annoyance.

“What?” Alex asked totally confused. ‘I’ll never understand women.’ He thought.

“Sorry for that.” Isabel said embarrassed. She took a deep breath – ‘Now or never!’ – She then asked in a small voice. “Did you mean what you said in the Crashdown? That we can take it slowly?”

Surprised about the sudden change of topic, Alex stared at Isabel. Seeing the uncertain, almost afraid look in Isabel’s eyes, he fought the urge to just take her in his arms and hold her forever.

Instead, he only answered calmly. “Of course I meant it.”

Isabel smiled at that. “Good.” Looking up at Alex, she quickly turned her gaze back to her hands. “Well, I’d like … I’d like to give it a try. Us, I mean. But I’m afraid that it won’t be as doe-eyed-like as it is between Max and Liz and I can promise that it SO won’T be like Michael and Maria’s relationship.”

”Thank God!” Alex said, causing them both to chuckle at the thought of their friends’ on-again off-again relationship.

“I’d really like to be with you, Alex, but it’s hard for me to open up to someone else besides Max and Michael, so it might take some time until we really are feeling and behaving like a normal teenager couple. Would that be okay with you?” Isabel asked shyly, afraid that she’d already lost her chance with Alex. She even could understand it, if that were the case.

Alex just sat there, staring at the TV without seeing what was going on in Notting Hill. One sentence was constantly running through his mind. ‘I’d really like to be with you, Alex.’ He couldn’t believe it. Isabel Evans wanted to be with him, Alex C. Whitman.

Exhaling quietly, the first thing that escaped Alex’s mouth was “Wow!” Looking at Isabel, Alex felt all the nervousness that was stored up inside him since Isabel came over disappear. Now, it was Isabel who was more than just a bit nervous.

“Isabel, I’m sure that you can imagine that I’m surprised. But to answer your question, yes, I’m okay with what you proposed. More than okay. I’d love to have a relationship with you, no matter how slow we are moving.”

After some moments without getting any response from Isabel, Alex started to worry that he said something that he shouldn’t have said. Just when he wanted to ask if Isabel was alright, her head flew up and she looked at him strangely.

He decided to just wait for Isabel to make the next move. The response he got was something that he had only dreamed about. Isabel tilted her head and kissed Alex softly, while running one hand through his short hair. Pulling her closer, Alex couldn’t help but melt into the kiss.

Breaking the kiss after a few seconds, Isabel settled herself more comfortably in Alex’s arms, with her head resting against his chest. “Thanks Alex. This really means a lot to me.” Isabel said honestly. Secretly, she had feared that he’d reject her, now that she finally realised how important he was to her.

“It means a lot to me too.” Alex replied with a grin, squeezing her shoulders which made Isabel snuggle even closer to him. Sighing contently, Alex couldn’t wipe the grin off his face. ‘Life’s good.’ He thought.

Last edited by Sternbetrachter on Fri Jul 20, 2007 4:56 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

What’s In A Name?
by Trude (
Disclaimer: Roswell belongs to Melinda Metz, WB/UPN and New Mexico. I own nothing (except two books)
Category: Alex/Isabel and AU; when I wrote “AU”, I really meant it, I am rewriting history cause this definitely never happened, but it is my world! Ha! (and isn’t every fan fiction AU?)
Summary: after “Summer of ‘47”, how Rosemary and Sheridan Cavitt could have met again. Since I don’t know Rosemary’s last name, I just made one up.

Thoughts are marked with these ‘’

Part 1


Sheridan Cavitt turned to the sergeant who called him. “Yes?”

He looked at the young man in front of him. ‘So young and so enthusiastic, even after everything that happened lately’, he thought disgusted.

“Sir, Colonel Cassidy wants to talk with you after you are back from your drive to town.”

Suppressing the sigh that was building, Sheridan told the soldier arrogantly, “Tell the Colonel that I’ll be back in two hours if everything with the press will work out!” With that he walked away, not caring if the sergeant has anything else to say.

“Stupid asshole. Hopefully you will die out of sex-abstinence!” The sergeant muttered under his breath as he also turned to walk back to the Colonel’s office.

Driving through the desert of New Mexico, Cavitt let his thoughts wander. Sheridan, or Dan what he preferred to be called by his friends and family was thinking about said family. In particular his older sister Sam (Samantha) who was living near Tuscon and who he wanted to visit soon. Hopefully very soon.

His father, who was also in the military, died ten years ago and his mother was living in denial since then. So all he had left was Sam and even though she constantly called him Danny (he hated that), she was everything he had left of his family and he loved her deeply.

He was so involved in his thoughts about Sam and her family that he didn’t notice the sudden curve that appeared in front of him.

He did, however, notice that the jeep was racing towards the cliff of the, probably only, hill and that he could do nothing else than try to jump out of the jeep before it crashed.

In Roswell

Rosemary Drakan carefully walked down the stairs to look into the hall downstairs.

‘Damn, they are still here! Looks like I have to do something drastic!’ Walking back quietly, Rosemary thought about what to do.

Ever since Carver left three days ago, she was watched by some guys of the military. They didn’t even try to be subtle. Where ever she went, she could see them walking behind her or on the other sidewalk. Someone probably thought that one of the guys she spent some nights with told her some ‘top secret’ that she shouldn’t know.

Hell, the only thing that should stay ‘top secret’ and that those losers she spent the nights with could tell her, was that they sucked in bed. Well, most of them did. And since Valenti (one of the losers) said something about Carver being a problem, she had the sneaking suspicion that she was most likely to become a problem for the military too – since she ‘knew’ many of the soldiers intimately.

So, she decided to take matters in her hands.

She quickly dialed a number that she knew by heart.

“Hello?” “Mr. Smith, this is Rosemary Drakan. There are some ... problems here and I need it sooner than I thought. Is it possible to already get it today?”

“Today? That will mean that it will cost more Miss. And that it probably won’t look as perfect as ..:”

“I don’t care about the prize, my ex-husbands left me enough money. As long as it will work I don’t care, I just need it today!”

“Okay, you’ll get it. Lets meet Mr. Brack in the evening. Eight o’clock, at the soap factory?”

“Eight sounds good, Mr. Smith. Uh, you wouldn’t be able to arrange a drive for me?”

“A drive? In such a short time? That’s impossible!”

Rolling her eyes, Rosemary said in a small voice, “Please, Mr. Smith. You are my only hope! You know how hard it is for a woman to travel save these days.”

Hearing the defeated sigh on the other end of the phone, she grinned. Men are so easy!

“Okay Miss Drakan. I’ll arrange someone who will treat you like a lady. Just ... don’t expect too much.”

“I won’t. And thank you Mr. Smith!” The last she said in a husky voice that send most men into their dirty little fantasy land. Putting the phone away, she quickly walked into her bedroom and began packing.

Outside Roswell

Looking at the burning jeep, Dan couldn’t help but grin at his unbelievingly luck.

‘YES! Thank you god. That’s perfect. Now I just have to quicken my plans and everything will be perfect.’ He quickly threw his jacket into the fire, together with a piece of his bloody trousers and some hairs. ‘That should be enough to fake my death.’ he thought while walking away from the car wrack after it exploded, ignoring the slight sting in his left leg where the stones had cut deep into his flesh and left a bleeding wound.

Taking the newest military phone, that he was able to save from the flames, he quickly dialed a number that he knew by heart. (AN: The military probably didn’t have such phones, but in my story they have)

“Mr. Smith? It’s Sheridan Cavitt. There has something happened that changed my plans a bit. I need it already today!”

“Today? Mr. Cavitt that’s very short notice. I can’t guarantee that it’s possible, I’ll ask Mr. Brack but I am just the contact person and ...”

Dan sighed in frustration. ‘As if the military wasn’t complicated enough!’ Interrupting Mr. Smith, he told him, “I don’t care about the prize as long as I get it today and as long as it will work! Oh, I want a car too! Mine ...” he looked briefly back to the wrack, “ ... has some problems with the motor.”

“A car too? That will cost more, but since you said that money is no problem. Uh, would you mind if someone else is driving with you?”

Dan frowned at that. “Someone else? Someone I know? Or who knows me?”

“Yeah, you probably ... know each other, but she is in the same situation as you are – so, I am sure it will work out. Besides, I probably won’t be getting another drive for you.”

Dan thought quickly. ‘A woman? Hm, could get interesting, even though I doubt that she is in the same situation I am in.’ He chuckled a bit at that. ‘No, definitely not in the same situation!’

“Mr. Cavitt? Are you still there?”

“Yes, I am still here Mr. Smith. Okay, I’ll take the lady with me – just tell Mr. Brack to be finished today!”

“Yes, sir. That will be arranged. Meet him at eight o’clock at the soap factory.”

“Sure, no problem. And thanks Smith! I owe you.” ‘Way too much money’ Dan thought to himself.

“Mr. Cavitt, please promise me to be nice to the woman you will travel with. You know how the times are and that women have ..”

“Don’t worry Smith – I will behave.” With that Dan ended the call.

‘Hm, they will probably notice the car in one or two hours, that should give me enough time. It’s good that I already packed everything.’ He dialed another number and waited for a few moments before speaking. “Hey Sam, it’s Dan. I have some good news ...”

Part 2

“Where the heck is he?” Rosemary muttered quietly to herself. “It’s almost eight and he isn’t here yet. And men always say that *I* am late! I hope he hasn’t forgotten or something else ...”

Hearing someone approaching, she quickly ducked into the shadows, unsure who was coming. Looking at the newcomer, she saw that it wasn’t Brack. Brack was old and as broad as he was tall (and he really wasn’t tall), but this guy was tall and slim, even a bit lanky.

“Cavitt?”, Rosemary said in surprise when she saw his face.

The other officers mentioned him once or twice during the little conversations she had with them. They didn’t talk very nicely about him, saying that he was an ass who’s only interested in his career. Personally, Rosemary thought that he didn’t look that bad, when you put aside his thin frame, but she hadn’t had the chance to get ‘to know him better’. Only met him twice and then he was always polite but also very distant and closed off – not showing the interest and lust all the other men did. But, it can’t be Cavitt. She had heard that ...

Having heard someone saying his name, Dan turned towards the mysterious, female voice. “Hello? Who is there?”

Out of instinct, his hand wandered to his revolver that he had hidden underneath his jacket. Seeing a figure stepping out of the shadows, he asked, “Who are you? And what are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same, Captain Cavitt, couldn’t I? Especially since you died this afternoon!”

Dan smiled a bit at the last. “News travel far. You still haven’t answered my question. Who are you?”

Seeing the woman now in the last sunlight of the day he recognized her. Barely, since her normally long blonde hair was now barely touching her shoulders and a nice shade of chestnut brown.

“Miss Drakan? What are you doing here?” ‘Oh man, she looks so beautiful in that red dress! … Damn it! Stop that Dan. You don’t have the time to think something like that! She is just a woman!’ ‘Yeah, a woman you have been lusting after for almost a year!’ a little voice in his head said evilly. ‘Shut up voice!’

“I am just waiting for someone. And you Captain, waiting for God or one of his angels?” Seeing his confused look, Rosemary explained, “Well, I heard that you were killed in a car accident today.”

Smiling a bit at that Dan said, “Really? Well, things are not always what they seem Miss Drakan.”

Rosemary smiled at that. ‘If he only knew how right he is.’ Hearing a car approaching, she turned around. “Finally!” She said in relief.

‘Finally? What the heck does she mean with ‘finally’? It can’t be her, who ...’

“Miss Drakan?” Rosemary turned back to Cavitt with a raised eyebrow. “Could it be possible that you are also waiting for Mr. Brack?” Dan asked, not sure if he would prefer a yes or a no.

“Yes I am. Why? You too?” Rosemary asked unbelievingly. ‘Don’t tell me that he is the ‘gentleman’ Mr. Smith was talking about. Well, if he thinks that I am an easy lay then he better has another thought coming! Rosemary Drakan and everything she used to do will stop to exist in a few minutes, so he better gets used to that!’

With that thought in mind, Rosemary turned back to Brack, trying to ignore Dan’s presence.

‘Great, great, great, that’s just great!’ Dan thought miserably. ‘It would have been bad to travel with any woman, but traveling with the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and wanted is ... is just cruel!’ He also turned his attention to Brack, but couldn’t help notice how great Rosemary looked in that simple dress. ‘Yeah, this will be a very long trip.’ He thought again.

Dan was attracted to her, he maybe even loved her – even though he never talked with her. But that didn’t mean that he would try something! No, he would be strong and not let her distract him!

‘I think she already did distract you buddy!’, the nasty voice in his mind said again. Okay, then he wouldn’t let her distract him much more than she already did. Or he would at least try to not be distracted too much.

‘Yeah, trying sounds good!’ Dan thought with a smile, not noticing that he had been staring at Rosemary Drakan for two minutes now, instead of listening to Brack who was already talking.

“Hello. I suppose you two are the ones Smith was talking about? The ones who wanted to get out of town immediately?”

Rosemary looked at Dan, who seemed to be lost in his own world and turned to Brack. “Yes, that’s us. Do you have everything?”

“Well Miss, that depends if you have something for me!”

Sighing Rosemary reached into her purse and took the money out, showing it to Brack but not giving it to him yet. Brack nodded with a false smile and turned to Dan. “And you buddy? Where’s your money? Or do dead people travel without money?”

Grinning at Brack, Dan also showed him the money. “Normally we travel without money, but for you, the devil allowed me to make an exception.”, Dan told him sweetly, enjoying the glare on the other man’s face.

“Oookay, you two.” Brack said slowly, still glaring at a smirking Dan.

He reached into his bag and took two bundles of several papers out of it. “Your new ID’s, birth and school certificates and everything else a person needs to not raise suspicion about who he, or she, is.”

After a short glance at each other, Rosemary and Dan gave Brack the money. He quickly looked through it and grinned. “I like it when people don’t try to fool me.”

Giving Dan one bundle of papers he said, “Welcome in this world Mr. Alex Manes.” Turning to Isabel he gave her the other bundle, saying, “And you Mrs. Isabel Manes.”

“WHAT?” both Dan (or Alex) and Rosemary (or Isabel) shouted at a surprised Brack.

“What do you mean with ‘Mr. and Mrs. Manes’? Is this some kind of sick joke?” Dan angrily asked Brack.

“A joke? What do you mean kid?”, Brack asked clueless.

“What he wants to know,” Rosemary said also in fury, “is why you gave us new identities that say that we are married!”

The last word was shouted so loud at Brack, that even Dan took a step back in surprise. ‘Whoa, what a woman. She definitely knows what she wants! … God Cavitt, stop that kind of thinking!’

Dan chided himself for those thoughts, but still kept glaring at Brack – who resembled a frightened kid that was facing the monsters from underneath his bed.

“Well? Are you going to explain?” Rosemary asked taking a step towards Brack – who stepped promptly two back.

“But, but ... aren’t you ...” Brack said, slowly getting angry himself, “aren’t you two the young couple who wants to leave the town with false papers that say that they are married?”

“NO!” Rosemary shouted at him, looking ready to kill Brack if he said something wrong.

Slowly gaining his composure again, Brack shrugged, “I am sorry to hear that, but those are the only ID’s I have today. New ones would take several days and at least you” he said turning to Sheridan, “aren’t having time to wait for them.”

Looking at Rosemary again, he told her calmly, “You can wait a few days if you want and I make you a new one. It would cost something of course and Smith told me that you sounded very desperate at the phone, so I am not sure if you have time to wait either. So, do you want me to make new ones?”

‘Damn. Damn. Damn.’ Dan thought frustrated. ‘I don’t have time for new papers! They already think I am dead, that’s the perfect opportunity. I have no other choice. I wonder what she will do.’ He thought glancing at Rosemary who was lost in her thoughts.

‘Damn that stupid Smith!’ She thought angrily. ‘If I ever meet him again .. he’ll wish that he never heard of me! I have no choice than to take this identity, if I don’t than they’ll see that I colored my hair and they’ll realize that I have planned something. They would watch me closer than they are doing now!’

She looked at Dan for a moment. ‘It could be worse. Cavitt I can easily handle. And it’s better than to travel alone anyway. Ah, what the heck!’

She turned back to Brack who was waiting patiently for an answer.

“Okay, I’ll take these papers. But please, hit Smith for me! Hard.”

Nodding, Brack turned to Cavitt with a raised eyebrow. Sighing Dan also nodded, “You heard the lady. I’ll take them too.”

Smirking Brack motioned backwards, “Your car is waiting there for you. It’s the best that I could get.”

He turned and started to walk away but after a few moments he called back over his shoulder, “Have fun on your honeymoon!”

Dan and Rosemary could hear him laughing for minutes.

After a while of just standing there and starring at the car, Dan took his bags and asked Rosemary while already walking towards the car.

“Well, ‘Isabel’, ready to go, honey?”

He choose to ignore the insults she was shouting after him.

Part 3

They were driving for almost an hour now, neither saying a word. They were both lost in thoughts about their future and this unexpected turn of events that left them married, neither was sure how to go on from their current situation.

“Why did you fake your death?” Rosemary asked finally, not able to take the silence anymore.

Dan looked briefly over to her, judging how much he could tell her. Finally, he decided for the safest, most distinct, possibility, “Why should I tell you?”

“Well, when you tell me, then I am going to tell you too! Besides, I am curious about the secrets my ‘husband’ is hiding from me.” Rosemary said with a frustrated sigh.

“Yeah, sure.” was his only reply.

‘What else can I do?’ She asked herself irritated. ‘Every other man would already be a puddle of drool, why not him? What makes him so different from the others?’ She knew that he wasn’t gay – even though she suspected it at first, but the way he looked at her from time to time to her told her that he wasn’t. The only problem was, that she had no idea how to handle him. He was interested in her (who wasn’t?), but he didn’t fall for any of her female tricks (like the eye bashing, the sultry looks that only lasted for a second, …) or anything else she had, casually of course, tried in the last hour. It was frustrating. Not that she wanted him, oh no! It was just that ... it was just very frustrating! That’s all! Right!

“Okay, what about this: I tell you why I am leaving and then you tell me in return why you are.”, Rosemary tried.

After another short look, Dan nodded, “Sounds good to me.”

Rosemary grinned at him, “Great!”

Taking a deep breath, Dan quickly looked back at the street. ‘She better stops smiling at me like that if she wants the car to stay on the street. God, she has a great smile, no, a dangerous smile.’ He smirked a bit at that thought. ‘Yeah, dangerous is the perfect description.’

“Well, Rosemary, start your story!” Dan told her smiling. Then he frowned. “Or should I say Isabel? I mean, should we practice our new names in case we meet someone or should we stick to our old names?, he asked unsure.

Rosemary frowned as well. “I am not sure. If we call us Alex and Isabel, it will be strange.” ’Especially since we’d be married.’ “It would be easier to call us by our real names, but if we don’t use the new ones, we might not be able to react on them when someone says them. I guess it is the new ones then. What do you think ... Alex?”

She looked over at him for a moment and looked away almost immediately. ‘He looks really good with the sunset shining at him in that angle. A dangerous sort of good looking! Yeah, dangerous is the perfect description. Not to mention a strange one since he isn’t looking as ... well, jock like than all the other men I used to date. Ah, stop that Rosemary … I mean … Isabel! God this will be one hell of a trip!’

After thinking about her question for a moment, he shrugged, “I guess you’re right Rose..., I mean Isabel. So, didn’t you promise me a story?”

Taking a breath, Rosemary – now known as Isabel – began, “Well, after Hal left four days ago, because of this crash of a ...”

“Weather balloon.” Dan/Alex said automatically.

Isabel looked at him, “Was it really just a weather balloon?”

Dan merely said, “Yes!” which earned him a suspicious look from the beauty next to him.

‘I am so not buying this weather balloon story.’ Isabel thought to herself.

“Anyway,” she continued, “after he left I was watched constantly by some soldiers.” Seeing Alex nod at that, she said certainly, “You knew about this – me being watched, didn’t you?”

Alex just nodded.

“Why? Why did you watch me? What was the point of it?” Isabel asked angry. ‘Why am I even surprised? I should have known from the beginning that he knew about it. Hell, he could be here to just to keep an eye on me. Great Rosemary, you try to get away from them and what happens? They are still after you! Just great girl! Maybe this saying about stupid blondes ...’

Isabel’s thoughts were interrupted by Dan’s answer. “I don’t know why you were watched – no one told me and I didn’t ask about it. It’s probably because you ...”, he hesitated for a moment before going on, “... know so many from the military. They were probably afraid that an officer told you some top secret information.”

He shrugged. “At least that’s what I think.”

“Top secret information?” Isabel echoed. “Like information about certain weather balloons?” She asked sweetly, clearly showing that she didn’t buy the story about the balloon.

“For example.” Dan told her after shooting her an angry glare. ‘Damn, why doesn’t she just drop it?’ Sighing, he asked, “So, you are going to visit your family now?”

“No. I don’t even know my father – I doubt my mother does.” Isabel explained bitterly. “And I left home when I was seventeen. I am sure that my Mom was glad when I was gone.”

Alex glanced at her. “Sorry for bringing it up.”

Isabel just shook her head. “Don’t be. I accepted that all years ago. So, I am just going to Tucson and stay there for a while and then I’ll move to LA and try to get some money. Any ideas how I could manage that, Captain?”

The last was said in light tone, trying to show that she really didn’t care about her family.

“Modeling.” Alex said way faster than he wanted to.

Isabel raised an eyebrow at him. “Modeling? Hm, always thought about becoming an actress but I guess being a model is easier – no text to learn, just smiling. On the other side, I really don’t want to be the object of dirty soldier fantasies anymore!”

Looking over at Alex, she quickly added, “Sorry, didn’t want to offend you.”

Alex just smiled at her. “No problem, I am not in the military anymore.”

Come to think of it, Alex realized that he also didn’t want her to be in the dirty dreams of some soldiers. He shook his head slightly, trying to get over this jealous feeling that came up from nowhere.

“By speaking of that,” Isabel said, “why did you fake your death?”

“Are you already finished with your story Isabel? It’s somehow hard to believe that just because you were watched you were doing all this.” Alex told her in return.

“Stop changing the topic Alex! I told you my story now you’ll tell me yours, because that’s exactly the reason why I left. I would have left Roswell anyway, this just made me act a little quicker. And before you ask why I would have left, I wanted to start a new life because I didn’t like being Rosemary Drakan, girlfriend of every soldier anymore. Now, it is your turn!”, Isabel told him angrily.

‘Who does he think he is? Letting me tell him my secret and then thinking that he won’t have to tell his! Men!’

Alex looked at her briefly, sighing inwardly. “Revenge.”, he said simply.

Isabel looked expectantly at him but when he didn’t say a word for more than two minutes, she asked a bit confused. “And? Would you care to explain what revenge has to do with faking your death?”

Alex let his gaze drift over his surroundings, debating with himself whether he should tell her or not. ‘Why not? Since we are already married I can tell her.’ “Okay Isabel, I’ll tell you.”

“I’d think so!”, she said satisfied, but shutting up quickly when she saw Alex’s look.

“My father was in the army and I had actually no intention of becoming a soldier or let alone an officer in the military. My father died in the second World War seven years ago. He didn’t want to fight since he didn’t want to leave his family alone. You see my parents had a small farm and we barely had enough to live – but it was enough. Anyway, when he left to fight in Europe, my Mom had to sell parts of the farm, so she, my sister and I could live. It was a hard time, but we all thought that it would be better when Dad came back.”

Alex swallowed hard before continuing. “Well, he didn’t come back. He died four months after he left. Samantha, that’s my sister, and I were heartbroken and my Mom … she denied it. She didn’t want to believe it, so in her mind Dad still lived. She was always talking about how happy Dad would be when he came back to us again and how great life would be then.”

Alex stopped for a few moments, gathering his thoughts before continuing and ignoring Isabel’s sympathetic look.

“About six weeks after we heard about Dad’s death, some military people came to our farm. Colonel Cassidy was one of them – I guess, he was too much a coward to fight, so he stayed home. They told us that the military was needing money and people so they sold ‘our’ land and now we had to leave ‘cause it didn’t belong to us anymore.

They put Mom into a mental hospital cause she really stopped living in the real world then and started to believe that Dad was already back and that we are living happily together. That’s when I decided that I wanted revenge from the military, because I thought – and still do, that they destroyed my family. While Sam went with her boyfriend – now husband, to Tucson , I joined the military. I worked hard, doing whatever was necessary to become a high officer, because only as such I could do what I had planned.”

There was a brief silence in the car before Isabel asked, “What was your plan?”

Alex motioned to the backseat. “Look into the brown suitcase.”

Reaching back, Isabel pulled the suitcase to her, opening it.

“Oh my God!”, she gasped out when she saw what was in it. “That’s ... that’s ...”, Isabel was still too stunned to actually get out a real sentence.

“One hundred and forty thousand US dollars!” Alex grinned at her. “Stolen from the army, to be exact.”

He waited for a response from Isabel and when he got none – she was still staring shocked at the money and at him, he continued, “Well, my family needed money back then more than anything, so I thought stealing it from the army. Knowing that I need a high rank to be able to get the money, I did everything to get one. I decided then that one hundred and fifty thousand dollars would be enough and even though I could have taken more, I stuck to my old plan.”

He looked at her expectantly, a bit proud and shy at the same time – which Isabel found absolutely cute, even though she would rather die than admit that.

“That’s why you were in the army? To steal money?” Isabel asked unbelievingly.

“Yeah.” Alex said blushing slightly.

Isabel just nodded. ‘Wow, he definitely knows what he wants. Cute, he is blushing. Who would have thought that someone as smart as him is shy? Argh! Stop that Rosemary ... I mean Isabel! He is dangerous – he just proofed it, so don’t think about him as cute!’

“So,” she said, trying to sound casual, “that’s why you faked your death? Because of the money? How long have you planned this?” ‘I can’t believe that I have so much money in my lap.’

Then another thought struck Isabel. “Wait a minute! You said that you stole one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, but before you said that this are one hundred and forty thousand dollars. What happened to the other ten thousand dollars?”

“That’s a lot of questions! Okay, lets answer them: Yes, I faked my death because of the money. I already have it for almost ten days. It will probably take another month before they notice that it is missing. My original plan was to just leave in a week when I was supposed to travel to Washington because of ...” he stopped for a moment, “... some problems. But well, today my jeep crashed and exploded so I thought: Dan, that’s perfect. Let them think you died.

And about the missing ten thousand dollars, well the new identity cost a little bit, especially since I wanted it sooner and the rest of the money .... Well, I gave it someone else who had to leave the military.”

“Oh,” was Isabel’s first response, then after a moment, “wait, to someone who also had to leave? Did you give it ... Hal?” She asked him disbelieving.

“Yeah, even though he doesn’t know that it’s from me. He got it a long with a letter from an “anonymous friend”. It is enough so he can make a fresh start I think.” Feeling a bit nervous under Isabel’s gaze, he shifted a bit. “What?”

“Well, Hal told me that he can’t stand you.” Isabel told him.

“Well, the feeling is returned, but he was just used as a pawn and it reminded me of my father, so ...” Alex trailed off. “Look, we can talk about anything else tomorrow. I am tired and I think I found us a place to stay this night. So, what do you say? Lets end this absolutely strange day?”

“Yeah, sounds good to me.” Isabel replied and looked up at the stars, hoping that she made the right decision.

Part 4

Alex slowly opened his eyes, blinking as the sunrays hit his eyes. Rolling onto his side, he was surprised for a moment to find himself on the floor. ‘Where the heck am I?’, he wondered before he remembered last night.


“But ... but that’s a ... a hut!” Isabel cried in disgust. “You can’t be serious and want to stay here!”

Alex sighed tiredly, he knew that she wouldn’t like their first ‘Honeymoon Suite’. “Listen Isabel,” he started carefully, “we can’t go into a motel or something. We are still too close to Roswell, someone might recognize us. And this would be bad for both of us, wouldn’t it? So, please, it is just for one night – tomorrow we are miles away from Roswell and can take a motel.”

He looked hopefully at the pacing woman.

“Only for one night?”, she asked surrendering.

Alex nodded smiling.

“Good”, Isabel said, “I’ll take the bed!”

She marched towards the only other room in the small hut and stopped before opening the door. Turning around, she said icily, “Alone!”, lookinf at Alex who had been following her.

He looked a bit confused at her hostile tone, before he realized what she thought. “Oh! No, no, I was just looking if there is any food in here and maybe some extra pillows and blankets!” He explained quickly while motioning at the closet on the wall.

“Good!”, Isabel said before closing the door in front of his face. And that was the last he saw from her.

Present Time

Alex didn’t sleep very well that night.

Not only because the wood floor was a very hard one, but also because he had been hearing Isabel wandering around in her room for a few minutes. It isn’t very easy to fall asleep when you imagine what the person in the next room – who happens to be your wife! – is looking like in her nightgown.

No, Alex didn’t have a good night.

He closed his eyes again, just for a few minutes he thought, when someone was suddenly hammering against the door. Jumping up, he quickly reached for his revolver. Smoothing the wrinkles on his shirt a bit, he put the revolver under it, so he could reach it quickly, if necessary.

Walking to the door, he took a calm breath before opening it and almost getting hit in the face. Almost, because he was able to duck his head before the man outside could hit him.

“Sorry pal,” the stranger mumbled, “I just wanted to knock again when your face appeared.”

Alex nodded slowly. “Knock? More like break through the door.”, Alex said a little pissed.

“Well, that wouldn’t have been necessary if I knew who you are and what you are doing here!”, the stranger asked challenging. “Well, who are you and why are you here? This hut belongs to my neighbor and he never lets strangers in!”

Alex paled a bit. “Well, uh, you see that ...”

The other man nodded slowly and dangerously. “I see what? I tell you what I see! I see a man here in my neighbor’s hut, a man I never saw before and who is not looking very trustworthy! So, ...” he made a pause for effect, “I guess I’ll just call the police!”

Alex looked panicked at that. “Wait you can’t just ...”

“Oh? And why not?” the stranger asked threatening.

Alex really didn’t know what to say or do. He didn’t want to shot the other man, hell, he never shot a person before and he didn’t want to start with someone who wasn’t armed.

He didn’t have to worry about that for long, because out of nowhere Isabel appeared beside him. A towel wrapped around her body – a very short towel to be exact.

Smiling first at Alex and then at the stranger, she asked “Honey, what’s wrong? Who’s that?”

“Uh, Isabel, ... sweetie ... that’s uh ...” Alex trailed off, looking at the man questioning.

He was glad that he was able to form a, somehow, full sentence, he had problems thinking coherently. He could barely focus on something else than the smell of her soap and her body so close to his. His eyes constantly flickered between Isabel and the stranger, always resting a bit too long on Isabel.

“Uh, my name is ... Curtis Johnson. Nice to meet you, Ma’am.”, the stranger said, also totally swept off his feet by the beauty in front of him.

“Do you own this place Mr. Johnson?”, Isabel asked smiling, since Alex obviously lost his ability to speak. ‘Yep, definitely not gay’, she thought after flashing her ‘husband’ a quick smile that made him gulp.

“Just call me Curtis. And ... ah, no, my neighbor is the owner and that’s why I am here. Well, you see I was just asking him”, he made a vague motion in Alex’s direction, “why you are here.”

“Did you already tell him, honey?”, Isabel asked Alex and put an arm around his waist, moving closer to him.

“Uh, ... no!”, Alex said very surprised and clueless, but he couldn’t care less what she was talking about, he was faced with bigger problems at the moment: forcing his body to stay calm and smiling at both Isabel and Mr. ‘Call me Curtis’ Johnson as if everything was fine with him.

‘That jerk is already picturing her without the towel!’, Alex thought angrily. [/i]‘And he isn’t the only one!’[/i], this little evil voice in his head said malicious. ‘But he is not married to her!’, Alex snapped back, before turning his attention back to the conversation between Isabel and Johnson.

“Well, Alex and I just married yesterday!” Isabel told Curtis happily and gave Alex a quick peck on the cheek which caused Alex to go back to dreamland again.

“But our parents don’t know it yet and won’t be very happy about it. There’s something Romeo and Juliet like going on with our families.” Isabel explained and managed to look deeply sad about that ‘fact’.

Mr. Johnson nodded quickly, “I so know what you mean! I just heard the story of those two a week ago.”, he said knowingly and making clear that he had absolutely no idea what “Romeo and Juliet” was about.

“Anyway,” Isabel said after a second of silence, “we two decided to drive away for awhile and since there wasn’t a motel anywhere that we could afford we two ...well, we decided to spent our honeymoon here.”

Isabel beamed up at Alex, who looked just as surprised as Johnson did. He recovered quickly after Isabel hit him discreetly on the head. “Uh, yeah. That’s why we are here.” He quickly told Johnson. “We will be gone in a few hours again. No one will notice that we were here!”

“Oh, no problem. I am really sorry that I interrupted you two.” Johnson said understandingly.

Then he frowned when he saw the blankets on the floor where Alex spent the night, he raised his eyebrows at Alex.

“Uh, well, it was worth a try.” Alex said quickly, grinning and blushing a bit.

Sighing Isabel said, “Well, it was nice to meet you Mr. Johnson, but if you would excuse us now. Good bye.”

With that she walked back into the hut towards the bedroom.

Alex just stared at her smiling, before turning back to Johnson and frowning at the older man who was looking in the direction Isabel just disappeared with open lust.

Blocking Johnson’s view, Alex said, “We’ll be gone in one or two hours. It would be nice if you tell no one of us – her parents are probably already searching for us.”

“Sure, no problem!” Johnson said grinning. “Goodbye and ...” he grinned a bit more, “have fun!”

Alex face darkened a bit more. “We will, thank you!” With that he slammed the door shut.

Part 5

Alex sighed and turned away from the door, seeing Isabel come back into the room – dressed again.

‘Damn!’, Alex thought, ‘I hoped that she would still be in the towel when I get back and .... argh! Stop that Da ... Alex!!’ He smiled briefly at Isabel, “That was a really good idea, Isabel.”

Isabel glared at him for a moment, then said with a frustrated sigh, “It was not a great idea. It was the truth!”

When they looked at each other awkwardly, she quickly added, “Sort of. But ... what was wrong with you? You were just standing there, your mouth open,”, Isabel forced herself to hide the smirk on her face at that thought ‘He was definitely not staring at the stranger’, turning back to Alex, she continued, “you were looking like a complete fool!”

“And I hoped that I was only acting like one!”, Alex said teasingly.

Seeing her smile at that, he couldn’t help the grin that spread over his face. “I think the guy believed you more than he would have believed me anyway; since he couldn’t stop himself from staring at your ... lips.” ‘Next to other body parts’, Alex thought darkly.

Isabel just shrugged, used to such behavior. “Well, at least he seemed to buy the story. Ready for breakfast?”

With that she sat down and looked over the only food the found in the hut –conserved food.

Deciding that she wasn’t very hungry, she asked, “What have you planned with all the money? Buying a farm?”

Chuckling, Alex sat down next to her, “God, no! Anything but a farm – I never liked living on a farm truth to be told. No, I was thinking of giving it to my sister.”

Noticing Isabel’s unbelieving look, he smiled at her, “Yeah, really. She and her husband Logan own a small café/club and I thought that I could investigate the money and then maybe, there could be bands playing in there every night, things like that.”, he shrugged a bit insecure, for the first time telling his thoughts someone else than his sister.

“Do you think it won’t work?”, he asked when Isabel didn’t say a thing.

“Oh, uh, I am sure it will work.” Isabel said caught by surprise.

She hadn’t really noticed that he had stopped speaking, since she was, for some strange reason, totally lost in his eyes. Trying to gain her composure again, she added,

“I am not an expert in those things, but I think with the right atmosphere and maybe some pool tables and with talented bands, ... yeah, I think it could work.”

“Great.” Alex grinned at her and failed to notice how nervous Isabel was under his intense gaze.

“If you ever need a job, I am sure there will be something for you to do in the club.”, he said, also deciding that he wasn’t very hungry.

“As a waitress?”, Isabel asked unbelievingly and somewhat arrogant.

“Oh no!”, Alex said, thinking quickly “I was more thinking of someone who announces the next band, helping with the organizing, ... such things.”

“Oh.”, Isabel said blushing and sorry for what she said.

They were both quiet for a few minutes.

“You think that they will search for me?”

The question hung in the air, both knowing who Isabel meant.

“Yeah, I think they will.” Alex answered finally, “But they won’t be searching long, I guess. They have bigger problems at the moment.”

“Bigger problems?”, Isabel echoed.

Realizing that he maybe said to much, Alex quickly said, “Yeah, well, first of all there are the newspapers which are all saying something like “Oh my god! Invasion of the mean Aliens” and then, a great young officer called Cavitt died yesterday!”, he finished with a cheeky grin.

“I guess you are right.”, Isabel said, looking at the table.

‘God! Does he have to look at me like that?’, she thought irritated to herself, having no clue why she was attracted to him. ‘Well, maybe his eyes, or his cute smile and ... god! Stop that Rosemary! ... I mean Isabel! You aren’t going to lust over Sheridan Cavitt! well, Alex Manes who just happens to be your husband and ... GOD, girl get a grip! You act as if you’ve never been married before!’

With that thought in mind, she abruptly stood up and went over to one of her suitcases.

“Are you already finished with breakfast? We should really get away from here quick.”, she told him over her shoulder as she was searching for her white scarf.

Shoving the awful food away from him, Alex stood up too. “Yeah, you are right. Lets just tidy this place up a bit before we leave. I am sure we can stop somewhere to buy some food.”

Half an hour later, they were leaving. As Alex put their things into the car, Isabel said, “Since we are already stopping to get food, I’ll take the opportunity and shop a bit.”

“No, you won’t!”, Alex stated calmly as he put Isabel’s last suitcase in the trunk.

“Pardon me?”, Isabel snapped. “I need some clothes!”

“You need clothes? Isabel, you have four suitcases. Four! I have only one and the bag with the money. So, why would you need new clothes?” Alex asked irritated.

Isabel sighed in exasperation, “Because I am a woman!”, she calmly, seeing Alex questioning look, she added, “Women always need more clothes than men. For you, it is okay to wear the same clothes three days a week, but women ... it’s just not possible for us.”

Alex stared at her totally confused. He was still trying to find any kind of logic in what Isabel just said and was totally surprised by Isabel’s next words. “Alex, kiss me!”, she practically demanded and quickly put her arms around his neck.

“Wh...what? K...kiss you?” he managed to get out, his eyes widening and his brain obviously not working anymore. It just had to stop working, because this beautiful woman would surely not ask him out of nowhere to kiss him. Yeah, his brain stopped working! That was the only explanation. Satisfied with his conclusion, he was quite surprised to hear Isabel’s voice again.

“Curtis is still here and watching us with open curiosity. And for a newly wed couple who just had their honeymoon, it seems logical to kiss.”, Isabel explained, hoping that she wasn’t blushing at her stupid explanation, her eyes constantly flickering to Curtis Johnson.

Realizing that Alex wasn’t going to kiss her – which she really couldn’t understand – she decided to take matters in her hands. Pulling her body closer to his, she held his head in her hands and gave him a deep, slow kiss.

Alex completely stiffened for a moment, before he started to act on instinct and put his arms around her waist and hold her tightly.

After a few minutes, they broke apart, panting heavily. They looked at each other confused and surprised.

Noticing Curtis’ grin, Isabel whispered in Alex ear, “I think he is convinced. We better leave now.”

Still unable to talk, Alex just nodded. Turning away from Alex, Isabel walked to the driver’s seat, casually saying, “Oh Alex, I definitely will go shopping!”.

Alex cleared his throat before answering, “Yeah ... sure ... no ... problem.” A bit dazed, he walked over to the passenger’s seat.

‘This is going to be a very interesting trip.’, Isabel said to herself with a satisfied smirk as she started the car, while Alex looked out the window, still trying to comprehend what just happened.

Part 6

Alex stared at the street as he was driving away from Fair Oaks. ‘How did she manage to talk me into letting her shop and me going with her?’, he asked himself. ‘Well, maybe the kiss had something to do with it!’, a certain nasty voice in his head whispered. ‘Probably, but still ... spending almost two hundred dollars on clothes! I don’t get it.’ Again, the voice had to say something, ‘At least she bought you a nice blue shirt.’

Alex grinned a bit at that as he remembered Isabel’s words, “Alex you have to buy it! You look absolutely hands... er, good in it.” ‘She even blushed a bit’, he thought still grinning.

“I am impressed.” Isabel stated after looking through the things Alex had bought. “You have to be the only man I know who knows how to buy good food.” She smiled a bit at him, liking how good he looked in the blue shirt she had bought him. Okay, so he had paid for it, but it was still her idea.

“Thanks for the compliment Mrs. Manes.” Alex gave her a cheeky grin. “I have to admit that I am also impressed. I’ve never seen someone who managed to make a shop assistant cry because of a blouse.”

“She didn’t cry! Besides, is it my fault if she doesn’t know the difference between purple and red?” Isabel defended herself, not believing that he was still teasing her with that, since it happened at the beginning of their shopping trip – almost four hours ago.

“Okay, so she didn’t cry. But I am still impressed. You have to be the only person I know who can shop for over three hours with so much energy and enthusiasm! Not to mention, the money you spent on the things!”

“Oh please, you can afford the money! Besides, the skirt and the camisole are a ‘must-have’.” Isabel told him, smirking when she noticed Alex’s blush when she mentioned the camisole.

‘Yeah, the camisole is really ... nice.’ Alex thought, even though he was still a bit shocked that Isabel had dragged him into the lingerie section of the department store. He had been blushing the whole 40 minutes he was in there, and all the giggling women hadn’t been helping him gaining his coolness again either.

Noticing that Isabel was smirking at him, he told her, “Hey! That was not funny in there! I am a man, I am not supposed to be in such a store! Especially not when my wife is trying different ... uh, outfits and asking the other women there if her husband would approve of it! And god, I don’t even want to know what you were talking with them when I wasn’t listening!”

Isabel couldn’t hold back anymore and started to giggle, “Oh, trust me, you really don’t want to know what we talked about you.” Seeing his look, she explained, “Well, it’s not often that the husband is coming with his wife, looking like a tomato.”

Hearing Alex groan at her words only made her laugh louder. ‘He’s too cute.’, she thought. “Don’t worry Alex, the ladies and I were just talking about how long we are married and they said that we make a very cute couple. That’s all. We didn’t make any jokes about your masculinity or so.”

“Now I am really soothed.” Alex said shaking his head in mock horror, grinning a bit. ‘A cute couple? Cool!’

They drove in a comfortable silence for an hour before Isabel asked, “So Alex, what did you do when you were a little kid? I mean aside from planning your complot against the army.”

“Nothing special, I guess.”, Alex replied. “Helping with the farm, going to school, trying to get good grades – so I could have a chance for achieving my evil plans. Oh, and of course, I tried to stay away from the mean children.”

“Mean children?”, Isabel asked confused.

“You know, staying away from the big bully guys with small brains, who always beat up the smaller scrawny ones. That was a hard job: either you make their homework and try to stay out of their way, or you are beaten up almost every day.”

“That really sucks.”, Isabel said, once again glad that she wasn’t male.

“It got worse after Dad died and Mom started to live in another world. For some reason, that made the others attack me even more.” Alex said casually.

“What? They didn’t leave you alone? Instead they started to beat you up more? That’s ... that’s cruel!” Isabel said shocked and angrily.

Alex just shrugged.

“The world, and especially children can be very cruel, even though children often don’t know it better. Of course, back then, I thought the whole world had something against me and that I am getting punished for something. Thinking back now, I realize that they were just as scared as I was, they were just showing it differently. I mean, many of their fathers were in the army too and the fact that mine died must really have scared them a lot. In beating me up, they probably just tried to hide their own fears.”

“I can’t believe that you are defending them!” Isabel said surprised. “After all they did to you.”

“True. But that also gave me more determination for fulfilling my plan of revenge. I mean, I was very angry at them back then, but I also realized that I couldn’t best them in an open fight. I had to strategize if I wanted payback. So, I just let the girls know how small their ... best friends are. Come to think of it, I don’t think that the guys had many dates back then.” Alex told Isabel, trying to lighten the mood after his serious monologue.

“Oh my god!”, Isabel laughed, “You didn’t?”

Seeing Alex nod, she laughed harder. “That was a great idea! But why didn’t the boys beat you up because of those stories?”

“Because I didn’t tell the girls personally. When I was talking to a friend in the classroom and some girls were near, I just said something like ... ‘Jesse is the proof that big bully guys have the smallest ....’. That really worked perfect.” Alex explained, grinning at the memory.

“That’s fantastic!”, Isabel managed to get out while laughing. “Remind me to never piss you off!”

“Don’t worry, I am normally nice to women.” Alex reassured her, laughing himself. “What about your childhood memories? Anything you want to share?”

“Well, you already know that I left home early.” Isabel started, “As a child and teenager ... well, I was playing with dolls and such things. Most of the time alone, because I am a very closed off person. Always was, always will be, I suppose. My mother wasn’t there very often either, always working or out with different men, so I learned to occupy myself quite early.”

“As a teenager, I was the queen of High School, well, for the time I went to High School. I met a boy there, whom I thought I loved and loved me back. “, Isabel paused for a moment, searching for the right words, “Well, we didn’t love each other, even though he made me believe it back then. He was one of the reasons I left my home, because he was telling practically everybody about our time together and ... it just got too much.”

“Sorry. If it makes you feel better, I think the bastard would kick himself if he knew what he lost with you!”, Alex told her sincerely, smiling comfortingly at Isabel.

“Thanks, but you don’t need to say that”, Isabel told him smiling, getting a strange feeling in the stomach.

“I know. I am just saying it as I see it.” Alex told her seriously.

Smiling gratefully at him, Isabel continued quickly, “After leaving, I met my first husband, married him and after he died, I just moved on, met the next one ... I guess, that I am just trying to find real love and happiness since I didn’t have much of it as a child. But I obviously did it wrong, since I haven’t found my Mr. Right yet.”, she finished with a sigh.

“I guess that’s a part of life: having to go through some bad experiences, so that we can truly appreciate the real thing.” Alex said thoughtfully. “At least I hope it is that way. It would be very sad if it isn’t like that.”

“I hope the same.” Isabel said, looking out the window. “Hey, there’s a motel where we can stay tonight!”, she exclaimed.

“Uh, ...” Alex didn’t get further cause he was interrupted by Isabel.

“We are staying here, my dear! I am not sleeping in a hut again! There’s only so much a woman can take! And now, park the car!”, she commanded.

“Yes princess!”

Part 7

“Come on, lets go out!”, Isabel suggested, leaping up from the chair she was sitting in.

“Going out? Aren’t you tired?”, Alex asked surprised. He had been quite sure that Isabel would want to go to bed soon, since she took so much time in choosing the ‘perfect’ room.

“A little bit, but ... we are newly wed!” Isabel exclaimed, blushing a bit when she noticed Alex questioning look. “Well, young couples are supposed to go out, aren’t they?”, she tried to explain.

Alex tried, not for the first time, to find some logic in her words. “Uh, yeah, I ... guess so.”, he answered lamely.

“Great! Then, we can go! Come on, there is a bar just at the corner!” Isabel pleaded.

“Okay.” Alex sighed, knowing when he was beaten. “Lets go.” He stood up and walked to the door but was stopped by Isabel.

“Wait! I still need to change! Give me thirty minutes.” With that Isabel disappeared in ‘her’ bedroom, leaving Alex alone.

Sighing, he flopped down onto his bed – the couch. ‘First she can’t wait to get out and then she needs time! Women!’, Alex thought slightly amused, remembering the times when he was waiting for his sister to get ready. He contemplated calling her before leaving, but decided against it. ‘Tomorrow is soon enough.’ he thought.

After almost an hour, Alex already thought that she might have fallen asleep, Isabel came finally out of the bedroom again, wearing a simple, but still stunning looking red dress.

After staring at her for a few seconds, Alex managed to get out, “Wow, you look ... wow!”

Pleased with the reaction she got, Isabel smiled, “Really? I am not overdressed, aren’t I? That’s the last I would want.” ‘I knew that he would like that outfit!’, she thought satisfied.

“Don’t worry Isabel, you aren’t overdressed – I am just underdressed!”, Alex stated, self-consciously looking down at his clothes – black trousers and a green shirt.

“You look great!”, Isabel reassured him, blushing a bit when she realized what she just said. Gathering her purse, she walked to the door. “Shall we?”

Five minutes later, they entered the small bar, Isabel immediately becoming the interest of every man in it.

“Well, let the fun begin.” Isabel said, already making eye contact with two men.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea!” Alex said more harshly than he wanted.

“Oh, and why not?”, Isabel asked challenging.

“Uh, you said it yourself ‘We are newly wed’. It would be strange if you already start flirting with others.” Alex explained, trying to ignore the jealous feelings that shot through him.

Isabel scolded a bit at him and said, “Why don’t you get us some drinks while I sit down on a table over there?” She motioned to a table near the pool tables, where many young man were gathered around.

Alex glared at some men who were obviously undressing Isabel with their eyes, before turning back to her. “Okay.” he said, not glad with her choice of the table, “But remember, we aren’t in Roswell anymore. The men here, especially in a bar like this, are often not taking a ‘NO’ for an answer.”

“Don’t worry ‘Daddy’. It’s not the first time that I am in a bar.” she said annoyed, while looking at some well built guy. “Well, I really want to sit down, so ... why don’t you get the drinks now?”

With that she turned and walked to her chosen table, swaying her hips more than necessary.

Sighing, Alex went to the bar, ordering a beer for himself and a Martini for Isabel. When he got the drinks, he had to wait almost ten minutes for them, they so need another waitress he thought, he walked back to Isabel.

He was greeted by a disturbing sight: four men were harassing her. And even though he was sure that Isabel somehow encouraged them to by her flirting, the fear written over her face made his blood boil.

Walking over to the table he heard a bit of their conversation.

“Please, just leave me alone!”, Isabel said both demanding and fearful, the later more obvious.

“Oh, come on honey! Don’t act as if we are bothering you! You want us to stay.”, one of the men, tall with broad shoulders, said laughingly.

“No! Just leave!”, Isabel said again. True, she started making eye contact, but just out of boredom. She really hadn’t expected the men to take a “No” for a “Yes”. Alex was right, this really isn’t Roswell. The men are very different here.

Looking up, she was glad to see Alex coming towards her, a neutral expression on his face.

Placing the drinks on the table – and pushing two men out of his way in the act, he said calmly to the four men, “I think my wife asked you to leave!”

The four men were eyeing Alex for a few moments before bursting into laughter. They couldn’t believe that this lanky guy who was way smaller than they were, was trying to order them around!

“Well buddy,” a blond man said, “I think your wife wants to have us around! She probably just wants some real men for once. With you as husband, I can really understand that.” Laughing, the other three moved a bit closer to Alex and Isabel.

“Funny.” Alex stated dryly, noticing that the whole bar was watching them now and no one seemed to mind that the four idiots were bothering Isabel and him.

“In case you haven’t learned that yet, ‘No’ means: leave me alone, I am not interested! Or if you don’t understand ‘No’, it has the same meaning as ‘Fuck off’!” Alex told the leader of the group.

Isabel stopped breathing for a second. ’Is he crazy? They are all twice his size! They will kill him. God I so hope that we won’t get hurt.’

The little group also didn’t seem to be happy about Alex’s answer. Angrily, their leader took a bottle of beer in his left hand, saying, “Listen Buddy, all we wanted was some fun with your wife, but since you were so unfriendly, we just have to teach you a lesson! Watch my left hand!”

The stranger slowly raised the hand with the bottle and broke the bottle just by pressing his fingers together. He didn’t even seem to notice the few cuts that the glass made.

“Oh God!”, Isabel said quietly, taking a step back.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself a bit, Alex said, “That was .. uh, impressive. But now, watch my left hand!”

Alex also took a bottle of beer and raised his hand a bit, so that all four men could see it. He waved it around a bit so he could get their attention. As he raised his left hand behind his head, he swiftly kicked the man nearest to him in the groin and quickly pushed him back against two other men. He then, threw the bottle towards the fourth man, who clumsily caught it and didn’t even see Alex’s fist till it was too late.

The two men who weren’t hurt yet, got quickly up to their feet, both advancing on Alex. Alex went behind a chair, but instead of hiding behind it like the men thought he would, he threw the chair forcefully at one man and launched himself at the other one.

Since the man was very surprised by Alex’s attack, Alex quickly had him knocked out. Turning around, he realized that the only man who was left was already advancing on him again, a broken bottle in his hand.

“That’s it buddy!” the man started, “you’ve had your time, now it’s mine. I hope you have a good doctor because you wi...” his talking and moving were stopped by Isabel, who hit the man with another bottle of beer effectively on the head.

Alex looked up at Isabel, who seemed as surprised about her actions as he was. Quickly getting on his feet, Alex took Isabel by her arm and began to lead her to the exit.

“I guess it’s better if we go now, before these guys are up again or the bar owner wants us to pay for the damage.”, Alex said, noticing that everyone was staring at Isabel and him.

Still shaken by what just happened, Isabel only nodded weakly.

“Hey man! That was cool! They really needed a beating!” One man shouted at the leaving couple, clearly happy with the winners of the unfair fight.

Ignoring him, Alex guided Isabel out of the bar.

After walking half the way, he stopped and asked her, “Are you okay? Did they hurt you before I came?”

Isabel shook her head. “No, they didn’t hurt me.” She managed a half smile as she remembered who actually got hurt.

“Are you okay?” Alex asked again.

“More or less. I am a bit … shaken by what happened, but … I’ve been through similar situations before. I’ll survive!” She answered with fake enthusiasm. “Where did you learn to fight like that?”

“Well, uh …” Alex blushed a bit, “I told you that I was a geek and constantly beaten up by some jocks. Well, I realized early that my only chance I have to survive such a fight is when I use my brain a bit.”

“Like telling all the girls how smalll their … uh, brains are?” Isabel asked smiling, remembering what Alex told her.

“That too.” Alex explained, “But I also realized that I was faster and more mobile than they were, so I usually threw something at them which they could barely catch. Then I hit them once and ran away as quickly as I could. I know that it sounds lame, but it actually worked most of the time.”

After a moment of silence, Alex said, “I think we had enough small talk. How are you really feeling?”

Sighing, Isabel started to walk again. “Well, I am still a bit … shocked, I guess. I mean, it just started with a little flirting and suddenly they were cornering me and asking me to leave with all of them for some ‘fun’”

“I am sorry that I wasn’t there earlier, but … they didn’t hurt you, did they?” Alex asked quietly.

“No, no!” Isabel said. “They just scared me a bit. I guess you were right when you said that this isn’t Roswell anymore. I should have listened to you.”

Alex softly grabbed her arm. “Hey, don’t think like this.” He said, trying to calm her down. “Nothing ‘really’ bad happened after all. And you really couldn’t know how your flirting would turn out. So, don’t act as if it was your fault.”

Isabel just looked at him for a minute. “Thanks.”

Leaning forward, she gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Well, it was intended to be a quick kiss, but when they drew apart, they were both flushed and panting heavily.

Not knowing what to say and how this happened, they turned away from each other.

’God. What just happened here? I just wanted to give him a small thank-you-kiss, and then we are involved in a mind blowing kissing marathon.’ Isabel thought surprised. ’Hm, maybe we can do that again one day.’

Did she really just kiss me? And did I kiss her back? Kiss her pationately? That’s fantastic! Hopefully I get the chance to do that again some day!’ Alex thought to himself.

“It’s raining.” Isabel stated after a few minutes.

Looking up at the sky, he noted the drops for the first time.

“You are right.” He said matter of factly.

With that, Isabel hooked her arm through his, both running back to the motel.
Last edited by Sternbetrachter on Sun Jun 27, 2004 6:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Biged »

love all of these stories. :)
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

Part 8

Alex slowly woke up when he felt something tickling his nose. Trying to wave the thing – probably a fly – away, he raised his hand and was surprised to find another hand close to his face. Opening his eyes, he saw Isabel sitting next to the couch, trying to wake him up.

“Morning!” She said cheerfully. “Sorry if I woke you!”

Her tone and expression clearly said that she wasn’t sorry.

“What’s wrong? Why should I get up? It’s still dark outside!” Alex mumbled sleepy, turning over so maybe he could still get some sleep.

“Oh no, you don’t!” Isabel explained when she saw him turning. Pulling him back roughly, she said, “It’s only dark because the curtains aren’t open yet. It’s already past seven.”

She quickly walked over to the windows and pulled the curtains to the side.

Shutting his eyes against the sudden light, Alex raised himself into a sitting position.

“After seven already? Thanks for waking then, we should really leave soon.”, he said, yawning after every sentence.

Smiling brightly at him, Isabel sat down on a chair again. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yeah, better than last night. You?”

“Just fine. Are you hungry?” Isabel asked, grinning teasingly.

“Oh yes! Very hungry, I mean we didn’t eat much yesterday and … what’s that?” Alex asked, finally noticing the big english-like breakfast in front of him.

“Oh that! That’s nothing. Just a little breakfast I made for us.” Isabel said modestly.

“Nothing?” Alex echoed. “That’s enough food for three breakfasts!”

He looked through the different meals in front of him. ‘Where did she find four different kind of bread here?’ he thought astonished.

He reached for the coffee and some bread. “That really much food, but I think that it’s possible to eat it in one sitting.”

“It’s not that much!” Isabel exclaimed. “I just thought it would be nice to be eating breakfast together and since I know that you can eat much …”

“Hey!” Alex said, trying to sound hurt but since he had already a small mountain of food in front of him, it didn’t sound very believing.

“Anyway,” Isabel continued, “I thought that you would want to talk about yesterday and I am sure that it is better to talk about it in a nice athmosphere.”

“Yeah, well, I am not really sure if we should talk about it again. I mean, nothing really bad happened – no one of us got hurt after all. So, lets just leave it like it is. A bad episode during a road trip.” Alex told her seriously.

Isabel thought about it for a moment.

“Good. I really don’t even want to think about it anymore.”, she stated.

Alex nodded. “Okay, but if you ever …”

“… need to talk about … bla bla ..” Isabel finished for him. “Don’t worry, I’ll tell you first!”

They were silent for awhile, eating their breakfast.

“Tell me about Sam!” Isabel said.

Swallowing, Alex echoed, “Sam?”

“Yeah, Sam. Your sister.” Isabel teased.

“Ha ha! I know who my sister is. But why do you want to talk about her?” Alex said.

“Well, as I see it, I will stay with you and her for a few days till I get a new ID, so maybe, I should know some things about her.” Isabel explained, trying to push away the sad feelings when she thought about leaving Alex.

“Oh.” Alex said.

He hadn’t really thought about the fact that once they reached Tuscon, their ways would be parting sooner or later. He hoped for later, but didn’t dare making such a suggestion.

“Well, uh … Sam is, she is great! I’ll start with the basics, she is shorter than we are, has dark, almost black hair and dark brown eyes. She is five years older than I am, which makes her thirty one. She has a great husband – Logan, and a seven year old son – Jamie.

She is my sister and best friend in one person. She almost raised me herself after Mom drifted off into her own world. Sam and I were constantly hanging out – even though we were often annoying each other. I was always teasing her with some boys she liked, and she always called me Danny. I hate that name and I don’t even want to know with what name she will now come up!”

“Ally or Alice.” Isabel said without thinking.

She smiled innocently at him when she noticed that he was looking at her with a mixture of shock and amusement.

“Oh god! I can already hear her say something like that.” Alex said with mock horror.

Giggling a little, Isabel asked, “You really had to tease her with all her boyfriends? I bet she was just as bad to you with your girlfriends!”

“Nope.” Alex said, shaking his head. “There weren’t any real girlfriends. Like I said, I was a geek and by the time I finally got one, Sam was already living in Tuscon with Logan. She never got the chance to tease me with girls. Well, until now.”

They were both silent for a few moments, each thinking about what was said.

“She sounds really fantastic.” Isabel finally said.

“She is! I am sure that you two will have lots of fun – probably on my expense!” Alex said smiling.

“Now, why should we do such a thing?” Isabel asked laughing.

“Oh, I am sure you two will find some reasons!” Alex muttered darkly, only making Isabel laugh more.

When she was still laughing after five minutes, Alex threw a pillow after her.

“Hey! Are you crazy?” Isabel shouted surprised.

“No, just wanted to see if this makes you stop laughing. Evidently it did!” Alex explained calmly, reaching for another piece of bread.

Before he could even take the first bite, he was thrown off balance by Isabel, who hit him with the pillow on the head with all her might.

“Isabel! What …” Alex didn’t get further because Isabel was again hitting him with the pillow. She didn’t hit as hard as the first time and was now giggling like a ten year old. Scrambling away from her a little, Alex looked at her with an evil gleam in his eyes.

“Okay, missy. You wanted it!” He said, then grabbed aonther pillow and pounced on her.

Soon, they were involved in a heavy pillow fight, laughing and giggling the whole time. After a few minute, the battle ended when Alex tripped over a chair and fell on the floor. In a flash, Isabel was over him and straddled his legs, the pillow raised over her head threatening.

“Say that you are sorry for hitting me and that you’ll never do anything like this again to Queen Isabel!” Isabel demanded grinning.

“No way, I am never going to say that!” Alex protested and was promptly smacked on the head.

“Say it!”


”Say it!”


“Say it or regret it forever!” Isabel said and looked up for a moment, towards the clock on the wall.

Alex suddenly flipped Isabel over onto her back and was hovering above her now. Grinning, he asked, “So, who’s in control now?”

Isabel didn’t answer, just stared up at him, her breath quickening a bit.

Getting still, Alex looked down at Isabel, first into her eyes, then his gaze wandered down to her slightly parted lips. He lowered his head a little, looking into her eyes again. Swallowing hard, Isabel lifted her head a little, bringing their lips closer together, so that they were only an inch apart.

“Alex?” Isabel whispered, nervous all of sudden. ’Oh my god, he is going to kiss me!

Finally closing the distance, Alex put his lips upon Isabel’s. Hearing her sigh at the contact, he was glad that he wasn’t standing anymore because his knees suddenly became weak. Deciding that it was about time to deepen the kiss, Alex opened his lips and …

… jerked his head away from Isabel when he heart a door slam shut outside their room.

Isabel also came out of her daze, looking around the room as if searching for something. Somehow she managed to move away from Alex and got up, walking to the window.

’Damn!’ Alex cursed silently as he watched Isabel getting up. ’I could still reach out and kiss her.’ he thought, but she was already out of his reach. Sighing, he stood up as well, placing the pillows back onto the couch and gathering up the remainings of their breakfast.

Isabel was still staring out of the window, trying to get her composure back. ’God! We almost kissed! How could this have happened so fast?’ She wasn’t sure if she was more glad or disappointed that the kiss hadn’t happened.


She turned when Alex called her name. “Yes?”, she asked, pushing down the insane hope that he would just grab her and kiss her now.

“We should leave.” Alex just said, taking two of their bags and walking towards the door, not looking at her.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Isabel sighed, also taking two suitcases.

“I know. I am always right.” Alex joked, cheering when he noticed Isabel’s smile.

“Smartass.” Isabel muttered after him, glad that he had managed to lighten the mood.

“It’s still Mr. Smartass for you!”

Part 9

“Wow! This motel is great – way better than the others were!” Isabel said, walking through their motel rooms. “Thanks for taking this one, I know that it costs more and that you need the money for the bar.”

“No problem.” Alex said as he heaved the bags onto the couch. Looking up, he noticed that Isabel had already disappeared into another room.

After a minute, she came out again, a strange expression on her face.

“What?” Alex asked confused.

“Uh, did you say that we are newly wed?” Isabel asked. “Because the bedroom looks like a cheap honeymoon suite. Come see yourself!”

With that she walked back into the bedroom again. Shrugging, Alex followed her. The first thing he noticed upon entering, were the pink and purple colored walls and furniture. The bed was a huge, heart sized one and he wondered where in God’s name the owner of the motel had found it. It was big enough for four people, not leaving much room for anything else.

“Well, it’s … uh, interesting, I suppose.” Alex said after looking through the room.

“Yeah, that’s one way to describe it. But at least the bed is very comfortable.” Isabel said, as she said down. “Way better than the last beds.” She sighed contently, missing the intense look Alex was giving her.

After they left the motel this morning, things were quite strange between them. But after they stopped for the first time to eat, things had gradually lightened up again. They had been joking and telling stories about their childhoods the whole day. Now, they were acting as if nothing unusual happened in the morning.

Turning away from the bed and images he didn’t want to have, Alex asked, “So, what should we do with this evening?”

“Lets go out!” Isabel suggested.

“You want to go out?”, Alex asked dibelieving, not sure if he heard her right. Going out was the last thing he expected her to do.

“Yeah! This time, I won’t be running around all by myself, I’ll stay with you. If you want me to?” Seeing Alex slowly nod, Isabel continued, “Besides, the motel has an own bar and since the owners from this are already old, I suppose there won’t be any crazy jerks running around.”

“Uh, okay. When you put it like this, who am I to resist?” Alex replied. “How much time will you need this time? Seven hours?”

“Very funny, Mr. Manes. Really very funny!” Isabel said, while walking back into the bedroom. “Give me forty minutes!” she shouted through the closed door, missing Alex shaking his head.

“This is really a nice bar. Way different than the last one – this one is friendly and warm looking.” Isabel stated after taking a look at the scene. Taking Alex’s hand, she dragged him towards the bar, liking the warmth that spread through her body at the touch.

“Hmm, way nicer.” Alex commented, trying to ban the naughty images that flashed into mind when Isabel touched him. ’For god’s sake Alex! That’s Isabel! She is just your …’ Alex thought, not really sure how to finish the sentence. ’… your wife.’ he finished. ’So, you really shouldn’t be imaging how she’d look without clothes or the camisole she bought yesterday! I mean, who has fantasies about his wife?? Ha! Crazy thought!’ Realizing how stupid and pathetic that sounded – and how his sister would kick his ass for that – he just admitted to himself that he was attracted to Isabel.

Obvious to Alex’s thoughts, Isabel ordered their drinks and looked around the room, trying to decide where they could sit. Finding a table, which suited her likings, she lead Alex towards a table in the back corner. Sitting down, she asked.

“What’s wrong? You haven’t said a word since we are in here?”

“Oh, nothing’s wrong.” Alex quickly reassured her. ’Aside from being attracted to my wife and talking to myself’. “Just enjoying the moment.”

Isabel was about to answer, when she was interrupted by a male voice. “Excuse me, but could we sit down here, too? There aren’t any other free tables left.”

Looking up, the Manes saw a young couple in their age, holding their drinks and smiling politely at them. After a quick glance at Isabel, Alex said, “Sure. There’s enough room for four people anyway.”

“Thanks a lot!” The young woman said happily. “We just got a room half an hour ago and wanted to have a drink before going to bed, but since there weren’t any free tables, we thought that maybe we could share a table with you! I am Maria and that’s my husband Michael.”

“That’s Alex and I am Isabel. It’s nice to meet you!” Isabel said smiling at the woman who was already holding hands with her husband. Not knowig why, she also took Alex’s hand into hers, ignoring the surprised look Alex gave her. “We just married three days ago, so it is always nice to meet other young couples.”

“No really? And you are spending your honeymoon here? Why?” Maria asked excited, leaning closer to Isabel. Feeling that this was something that Isabel should handle, Alex turned towards Michael who had been quiet so far.

“And, how long have you two been married?”

“Half a year.” Michael says, taking a sip from his beer. After waiting a minute for further explanations, Alex decided that Michael wasn’t a talkactive person, especially not when compared to Maria who seemed to have a very interesting discussion with Isabel about why there was something blue needed at a wedding.

“… but if it would be white, I could understand that it is because to show the innocence of the bride …” both women interrupted in laughter at this “ … but blue? Really, …”

Turning back at Michael, who had raised his eyebrows at the innocence remark, Alex said, “It’s moments like this when I wonder why I married.”

“Tell me about it! Sometimes I even wonder why Maria hasn’t killed me yet!” Michael smirked a bit at that thought. Upon seeing Alex’s confused look, he explained, “I am not a very sensitive person and I am doing some things wrong in our relationship – or at least Maria says I do – so we start to fight from time to time and sometimes, she can be really scary!”

Leaning closer, so that the women wouldn’t hear him, Alex told Michael, “Trust me, Isabel can be quite … uh, frosty too! Must be something in their genes!” Aloud he said, “Well, I think we need another beer Michael!”

“Ah, the man speaks my language!” Michael laughed, motioning for the barkeeper.

“Well, when you two drink, then we can too, can’t we Isabel?” Maria asked, not even waiting for an answer before also waving at the barkeeper.

Three hours and some alcohol later, Isabel and Alex were half walking and half stumbling back into their rooms.

“Oh man, we really should have stopped after the fifth round.” Alex said slowly, carefully making his way towards a chair.

“No! It wasn’t that much! Besides, Maria and Michael drunk way more than we did!” Isabel protested stumbling towards the couch.

”Yeah, but I think that they usually are drinking more than we do!” Alex shot back, rubbing his eyes.

“You are tired, huh? I guess I’ll also go to bed, so you can go to sleep on the couch.” Isabel said, making no attempt to move.

“You don’t need to leave because of me! If you really don’t stand up till I go to sleep, I’ll just share the bed with you!” Alex said, grinning at Isabel.

“You wish!” Isabel said, standing up very slowly and VERY unsteady.

’I do actually.’ Alex thought sadly. Seeing Isabel stumble, he leaped to his feet as quickly as he could and managed to catch her before she fell to the floor. Looking down on her he asked, “You okay?”

“Yeah, I am fine. Just a bit shaken, that’s all.” Isabel reassured him. Taking a deep breath, she said, “But maybe it would be better if you walk me to the bed.” ’God, that sounded corny! Oh well, we are married after all, so why not?’ Isabel thought as Alex carefully walked towards the door to the bedroom. ’I really had too much to drink when I am thinking like that!’

“So, we are here!” Alex said, turning to face Isabel. His breath caught in his throat when he realized how close they were to each other. ’Move Alex! Just move away from her! Now! She didn’t mean what she said earlier that way, she just wanted you to lead her here, so MOVE!

Since neither of them moved, Isabel and Alex just stared at each other, not really knowing what would happen next. Unconsciously, Isabel licked her lips, destroying the last part of self control Alex had still left. Leaning down a bit, he captured her lips with his, kissing her like he had wanted to do for days now. Isabel kissed him back with equal passion, waving her arms around his neck and pressing her body into his. Neither noticed that they had fallen onto the bed or that they had started to undress each other, not once letting their lips part.

Part 10

Slowly opening her eyes, Isabel turned her head, wincing a bit when stars shot behind her eyelids. Lifting her arm to pat the pilllow which was unusally hard, Isabel gasped in surprise when her hand came in contact with warm skin.

Ignorig the headache, Isabel turned her head and almost screamed in shock when she found Alex lying underneath her – naked. Looking down quickly, she discovered that she also wasn’t wearing any clothes. Leaning slightly on an elbow, she stared down at Alex, slowly remembering what had happened last night.

’Oh my God! What did we do? Why? How often???’ Taking a deep breath, Isabel tried to calm down a bit. ’Okay, it is quite obvious what we did. Probably because we were drunk and … and maybe because I am little, tiny bit attracted to him. A very tiny bit. I guess it was only once. Or twice? I can’t am not sure of that but … it was good. Very good actually. AND SO WRONG!!!!!!!!!!’ her mind screamed.

Being disturbed in his sleep by the movements beside him, Alex stirred a little. He opened his eyes with a sigh and looked directly in Isabel’s shocked ones. ’What the heck is she doing here?’ he thought sleepily. ’And why is she naked?’ Realizing what he just thought, Alex looked back at Isabel in surprise.

Pulling the blanket up to her chin, Isabel could see the second when Alex realized what had happened. He had been looking down on their naked and still interwined bodies and back up to her in utter surprise. Moving down and away from him, she almost slapped herself for not doing that earlier.

After almost a minute of staring at each other uncomfortably, Alex cleared his throat. “Well, uh, … I think we both know what happened.” Getting no negative response, he continued, “So, I guesss we … should talk about it?”

“No!” Isabel snapped. Taking a breath she added, “At least not before we could both think about it. Lets talk about … this later. Tonight or tomorrow or … someday.” ’And stop looking at me like that before I try to repeat last night’s activities.’ she thought confused.

“uh, okay, lets not … talk about it today.” Seeing her relief he felt a bit hurt for some unknown reason. ’I know that I am not as good looking as her other … friends, but it wasn’t that bad – I hope! We could really talk about it. Or maybe I should just take a cold shower before I do something totally inappropriate.’

Sitting up, ready to leave the bed, Alex asked, “Could you turn around, so I can get my trousers?”, after spotting his clothes on the other side of the room. ’How did they get there?’ he wondered. ’Oh, yeah, Isabel!’ he smiled, remembering last night’s activities.

Isabel, still trying to gain her composure again, answered distracted, “Why? Did something on you change in the last few hours?” Realizing what she just said and seeing the hurt look on Alex’s face, she already felt sorry for her words. “Sorry, I am just confused over everything and have a major headache … I didn’t mean it like it sounded.”

“That’s okay. Trust me, I know how you feel!” Alex answered truthfully. He dashed for his clothes and quickly pulled them on. “Okay, you can look, I am decent again.” Alex joked, then turned so he faced the wall. “Your clothes are laying in front of the bed.”, he informed her. ’I wonder if she would notice if I turn around for a second? I’d love to see her in that red camisole again!’ Alex mused with an evil smile.

Grabbing her own clothes, Isabel looked briefly over to Alex, who was still naked from the waist up. Spotting a hickey on his neck and the scratches going down his back, she grinned devilishly. ’He better not complain about those, it’s his own fault that he has them! I wonder where he learned to …’

Isabel was jolted out of her thoughts by Alex, who asked “Do you wanna have a shower first or after me?”

Hearing the akwardness in his voice, Isabel couldn’t help but feel … strange about what happened. “I’ll go first if you don’t mind.”

“No problem, just don’t use all the hot water.” Alex replied, still studying the wall.

“I won’t” Isabel commented before closing the bathroom door. ’God, what’s wrong? I’ve had sex before and never felt like so strange afterwards. What’s so different about this time?’ Isabel wondered as she absently ajusted the water temperature of the shower. ’Okay, I admit that I like him and that I enjoy his company. Of course I enjoy his company, he’s my friend after all.’

“That’s it!” Isabel said out loud. ’It’s because he is my friend. That’s why it feels so different from the other times. You aren’t supposed to sleep with your friends. God, how am I supposed to act now?’

She heaved a sigh of relief because she knew now why she was feeling so uncomfortable about everything, but then started to frown again. ’Why did it feel so right if it was wrong? Why do I look at him and get a funny feeling in the stomach? Why … WAIT! No way!’

Isabel halted for a brief second, before continuing to dress. ’There is no way that I love him! No, it can’t be! I am just feeling like this because he saved me the that night. That’s all. I am just seeing him as a knight in shinning armour at the moment, nothing else! This feeling will pass!’

Opening the door, she said, “Okay, you can go in now.” Alex moved past her quickly, mumbling a quiet, “Okay, thanks.”, before closing the door. ’God! This has to pass. Or else I’ll try to jump him again or anything.’ Isabel thought miserably as she sat down on the couch.

Part 11

They hadn’t said a word to each other for almost seven hours. They were both sitting stoic in the jeep, looking out the window as if the most wonderful things were to see there. They just glanced briefly at each other, hoping that the other wouldn’t notice.

’Just one more day. One day and I can get away from him forever. As soon as I have a ticket for L.A., I’ll be leaving him and everything that happened behind me.’ Isabel thought calmly.

But in the last two (or were it three?) hours, a nagging voice in her mind constantly made her question her idea of just leaving Alex as soon as possible. That voice was saying that maybe, just maybe, it wouldn’t be so wrong if she stayed with him for a little longer, say, a whole lifetime maybe.

Next to her, Alex was having some though thoughts of his own. ’Maybe I should just ask her to stay with Sam and me a little while. I don’t want her to leave in a few days, I might never see her again. She won’t stay if I just ask her to. She is too independent to do that. But if I don’t say anything, she’ll think that I want her to leave.’

Noticing a strange noise ahead, Alex lifted his eyes a bit further down the road. Not believing his eyes, he abruptly put his foot hard on the brake.

“Have you totally lost your mind?” Isabel screamed angrily, barely managing to steady herself. She angrily glared at Alex, who just kept looking ahead. “What the heck is ..” Isabel trailed off when she also looked at the road again. Taking a double take she could barely stopping herself from letting her mouth drop open.

“What in God’s name is that?” Isabel asked, still not sure if she was seeing correctly.

“I have no idea, Isabel.” Alex answered truthfully, glancing at Isabel and taking a deep breath when he noticed how her hair was shining because of the sun. A loud grunt from the street turned his attention away from Isabel.

About 100 feet ahead of them were at least 80 cows and sheep standing on the street. They didn’t walk over the street, they just stood there as if they had nothing else to do. Alex noticed an old Jeep a few feet away from his own car and motioned to it so Isabel would notice it too.

Climbing out of the car, Isabel asked, “You grew up on a farm, didn’t you?” Quickly walking next to him towards the other car.

“Yeah, I did. Didn’t I tell you that? Why are you asking?” Alex questioned, letting his gaze flicker from the car to the crowd on the street. ’Could this world get any stranger?’ he thought.

“Well, did your family do that” she pointed to the animals, “well, did you bring them to the streets in your town from time to time too?” Isabel asked.

Alex looked at her as if she had grown a second head. “No. We didn’t. I have no idea why they are here. Maybe those two know something about it.” Alex motioned to the back seat of the car where two teenagers were having some fun.

Isabel raised her eyebrows when she saw the two teenagers making out on the backseat. Turning to Alex, she asked amused, “Do you want to do it?”

Alex shook his head. “No, no. You can do it.” He replied, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Flexing her fingers, Isabel stepped close to the window of the car. She loudly knocked on the window, grinning when the teenagers sprung apart as if hidden by a bucket of cold water. ’Or caught by their parents.’ Isabel thought amused.

She took a step back, standing next to Alex again and flashed him a quick grin before turning her attention back to the couple in the car.

After a few seconds, the door opened and a small brunette girl and a muscular dark haired boy climbed out of the car. They both couldn’t be older than seventeen.

”Can … can we help you somehow?” The boy asked nervously, his voice cracking.

“Hopefully.” Alex said cheerfully, grinning broadly at them – just like Isabel. Their grins even got wider when the two teens blushed because they knew why Alex and Isabel were grinning.

“We are on our way to Tucson, when we noticed that the street was blocked.” Alex explained grinning. “You know what’s going on?”

Quickly glancing at the road, the young man answered, “Oh that! They belong to the farmer Jones. They are passing the road here every week.” That was said in a what’s wrong with that voice.

“How long will this … uh, convey need to pass the street?” Isabel enquired, not believing what she just heard.

“Oh, it should be over in a few minutes.” The girl said in a quiet voice. “The last ones are just crossing over.” She pointed with her hand to the animals. Alex and Isabel saw that there were really only about a half dozen animals left.

“Oookay.” Alex said after a moment of silence. “I grew up on a farm, but I have no idea why those animals have to pass the street every week.”

“Well, to get back to the stall obviously.” The boy said smugly and kissed the girl next to him. Giggling she pushed him away a little bit. “Behave!” she whispered quietly. Then she turned her attention back to Alex and Isabel who were watching with a mixture of uncomfortable silence and growing amusement.

“Where are you going if I might ask? And how long are you married?”

“We are going to Tucson and we are married for four days now.” Isabel answered awkwardly. Then a thought occurred to her. “How did you know that we are married?”

“The rings.” The girl said knowingly. “We want to marry as soon as we are allowed to. You two must be the happiest persons alive. Max! Stop that!” the girl cried out as her boyfriend again kissed her neck.

“Aww, come on Liz! Don’t spoil the fun.” ‘Max’ complained grinning. The two looked deeply into each others eyes, completely forgetting Alex and Isabel who were starring at them VERY uncomfortable.

“Uh, why don’t we go Alex?” Isabel finally asked, turning away from the strange teenagers. ’Happiest people? Get real stupid!!’ Isabel thought to herself.

“Sure. No problem at all.” Alex answered quickly, glad that he could leave those two behind since the cows and sheep had already disappeared. ’Happiest people? That would be too good to be true.’

“It’s already getting dark.” Alex said after driving for about half an hour. “Maybe it’s better if you stay at Sam’s for at least tomorrow. If I remember correctly, then there should be enough room for you.”

Glancing at him, she bit her lip nervously. ’Should I really stay? Better not! I’ll just sleep in a motel and …’ “Yes! I’d love to stay with you and your family for the night.” ’Why did I just say THAT????’ Isabel screamed at herself. ’Didn’t I want to leave him as soon as possible?’

’No sweetie.’, a familiar and nasty voice in her mind said. ’You don’t want to leave him. Neither today nor ever! Just stop pretending and start making him yours. You want him!’

“NO!” Isabel cried out.

Surprised, Alex swerved a little before getting his car under control again. “What ‘NO’? You want to stay now or not? I won’t force you!” he asked confused. ’Stop daydreaming about her when you are driving man!’ he reminded himself.

“Yes, yes, I’ll stay with you.” Isabel quickly said. “For tonight I mean. In your sister’s house.” She quickly corrected herself. ’As if I’d want to stay in the same room with him!’ she thought before groaning inwardly.

’Who exactly are you trying to fool here sweetie?’ that little nasty voice asked amused.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

Part 12

“Well, I think we should get over it.” Alex said seriously.

“About time. You do realize that we are standing here now for about ten minutes?” Isabel asked slightly amused.

They were standing a block away from where Alex’s sister Sam lived with her family. Isabel had been surprised when Alex pulled over and had a hard time trying not to laugh when Alex explained that he needed time to ‘get himself in shape’, so he could meet his sister again. ‘Getting in shape’ meant obviously taking deep breaths and moving the hands rhythmically up and down.

“Easy to say for you. You don’t know my sister.” Alex retorted, sighing heavily.

“Why? Did she kick your ass when you were younger?” Isabel questioned with a grin.

“No! But she was always teasing me and telling me things about women that no sane man should know.” Alex explained with a shudder. Seeing Isabel’s confused expression, he muttered, “Like how painful it is to have the period or what women really think about men … such stuff.”

After a few steps, he stopped, looking at Isabel. “Are you laughing at me?”

“No.” Isabel managed to get out without starting to giggle again. Looking up at his seriously shocked face, she couldn’t stop breaking into a short laugh though. “Sorry.” She mumbled still giggling.

Starring at her open mouthed, he ranted, “I can’t believe it! Here, I tell you about some of my most horrible childhood experiences and you … you laugh! And people always say that men are not caring about other people’s feelings.”

“I’m really sorry, Alex. But the picture of you as a little boy, being tortured by your older sister who was telling you important things about a woman’s life …” Isabel had to chuckle again at that thought.

“Just stand there and laugh at me! I can take it.” Alex said darkly. “But one day … one day when you least expect it, I’m going to get you for this, Isabel. And then, we’ll see who’s laughing.”

When Isabel looked up at Alex, she saw him standing there, muttering to himself while nodding his head up and down. Thinking that he looked like an old preacher shattered the last piece of self control she still had left and she broke out into a full belly laugh.

Not believing what was happening to him, Alex felt the urge to hit himself, so he could convince himself that he wasn’t dreaming. ’I can’t believe that she’s laughing.’

When Isabel finally stopped laughing, she looked up at Alex shyly. “Sorry. Now, lets go to your sister!”

“Wait a moment!” Alex called out to Isabel. Moving closer he tucked a stray of hair that became loose during her laughter behind her ear. He couldn’t bring himself to move away from her again, he just kept starring into her chocolate brown eyes.

Isabel sucked in her breath when she felt his hand touch her cheek. She couldn’t stop herself from putting her arms on his shoulders or from licking her lips unconsciously.

Alex’s eyes left Isabel’s and moved downwards to her lips. Taking a deep breath he leaned down at the exact moment Isabel lifted her head. Both tightened their grip on each other when their lips touched. Leaning back an inch or two, Alex quickly looked into Isabel’s eyes, searching for a sign of regret. Seeing none, he brought his lips back down to hers, kissing her deeper this time.

Alex couldn’t help but groan when Isabel’s tongue invaded his mouth and he pulled her as close as possible, groaning again when he felt her body press against his. Isabel whimpered a bit when Alex’s lips left hers and trailed down her throat. Isabel had her head thrown back, so that Alex had better access to her throat. Hearing her gasp when he hit a particular sensitive spot, Alex started to gently suck and pull on the soft skin.

Suddenly, a car drove by, the driver yelling out a “Get a room!”.

Jerking apart, both took a couple of steps away from each other. Gasping for breath, they stared at each other in shock.

’What the heck just happened?’ Alex thought confused by what just happened. ’I’m going to kill whoever drove that car!’ he swore to himself as an afterthought.

Isabel was equally confused. ’Oh my God! How far would we have gone if the car hadn’t driven by?’. She forced her arm to not move to her neck and touch the place where Alex’s lips had been before.

Still feeling a tingle on her lips, Isabel cleared her throat. “I think we should really go and say hello to your sister now.”

“Uh, yeah … we really should.” Alex nodded, trying to calm down. Nodding once again to himself, he started walking again.

Quickly following him, Isabel asked, “How will your sister react to me?”

“Oh, she’ll probably be asking some questions about your life and such stuff and then, she’ll be very nice – I hope.” Alex shrugged, looking at the street.

“Yeah, but what about our marriage? How will she take that?” Isabel asked, not looking at Alex. At the moment, she wasn’t really interested in how Alex’s sister would react to their marriage, but she was desperately trying to talk about something because the uncomfortable silence between them was too much to bear.

“She already knows about it.” Alex replied nonchalantly.

“How?” Isabel questioned perplexed.

“I’ve called her two days ago and told her everything that happened with Brack.” Alex answered, sounding as if it was the most normal thing to be married because you bought a new identitie and got a wife as an extra.

“And?” Isabel pressed, getting a little frustrating with Alex’s not very informational answers. “How did she take it?”

“Quite good.” Alex replied, walking straighter again. “She couldn’t stop laughing for about five minutes.”

Realizing that she had stopped, Isabel quickly hurried after Alex. “She was laughing? Why?”

Shrugging, Alex answered, “Well, she has a very strange sense of humor for once. Sam thought that it is extremly funny that this is the only way for me to get a woman.” Snorting, he added, “She’ll be on your side of course.”

“My side?” Isabel echoed, not understanding what he meant.

”Whatever happens in the future between us, it will always be my fault.” Alex explained with a sigh. “Because I’m male, it is always my fault. Sam’s a strong believer of the female rights. At least when it comes to me.”

“I see.” Isabel said slowly, unsure of what to make of it.

“You’ll like her. Trust me. I mean, she’ll always be on your side.” Alex stated.

”Always?” Isabel asked.


Even though Isabel knew that Alex was not totally serious, she didn’t mind the idea of having someone who would not automatically think of her as the one to blame. Besides, it would probably be fun to have another female to talk to.

“Here we are.” Alex said, bringing her out of her thoughts.

Looking up, Isabel saw a nice, not too big yellow house with a small garden. Deciding that she liked it, Isabel smiled at Alex. “Lets get it on then.”

“Yeah.” Alex said. Smiling nervously, he knocked on the wooden door.

Part 13

Under normal circumstances, Isabel would have laughed at the look of nervousness on Alex’s face. Strangely enough, she felt nervous too, which she really couldn’t explain. ’It’s not like I’m really his wife and his sister is not really my sister-in-law, so, what’s the problem?’

The door finally opened and a woman in her late twenties with long, raven black hair stepped out of the house. Her eyes brightened when she saw Alex.

“Danny!” She flung herself into her brother’s arms. “God! It’s so good to see you again! It’s been way to long. I’ve really missed you!”

“I missed you too, Sam. More than you can know.” Alex repeated, squeezing his sister tightly. “But you know, it’s not ‘Danny’ anymore!”

“Oh yeah, sorry, Mr. Alex Manes.” Sam said grinning. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Manes.”

“Likewise Mrs. Colonny.” Alex smiled back.

Then the silbings turned to Isabel at the exact same moment. Isabel, who had looked at the reunion scene with a smile, grinned nervously at the other woman.

“Sooo,” Sam started, “you going to introduce us, *Alex*?”

“Yeah, sorry that I forgot about you.” Alex smiled sheepishly at Isabel, causing her to blush a bit. “Well, Isabel, that’s my older sister Samantha Colonny. Sam, that’s my wife Isabel Manes. God! Sam stop laughing!”

“Sorry.” Still chuckling, Sam turned to Isabel. “I didn’t want to laugh but thinking about you two ended up with each other. I pity you.”

“Hey! I heard that!” Alex protested with mock hurt.

“You were supposed to, brother.” Sam said lightly. “It’s nice to meet you Isabel.”

“Likewise.” Isabel said. She instantly liked the woman.

“Well then, Alex. Come on and carry your bags inside.” Samantha told her younger brother, while ushering Isabel inside.

Looking around, Isabel decided that she liked the small, but comfy looking house.

“MOM!!!” a young voice cried out, then, the soft tapping of little feet running over the carpet could be heard. A moment later, a four year old child was jumping around Sam. “Mom! Who were you talking too? Who’s that?” the child asked, pointing at Isabel and Alex, who just came in with some bags.

“Hey, hey. Calm down Jamie!” Sam told her son laughing. “Jamie may I introduce you to Alex and Isabel Manes. Alex and I are … “there was a small pause. “… we are old friends who went to the same school. Say hello to them.”

“Hello Alex and Isabel Manes.” Jamie said shyly.

Alex kneeled down in front of his nephew and shook his hand. “Nice to meet you Jamie. I’m sure we’ll get along well.” Jamie nodded at him smiling, happy that Alex was shaking his hand, like the grown ups constantly did. Then he turned to Isabel and smiled up at her.

Mimicking Alex’s moves, Isabel also kneeled down and shook Jamie’s hand. “Hey Jamie, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Please call me Isabel.”

“Sure Ma’am, erh, … Isabel.” Jamie replied.

“Jamie, would you get your father please?” Sam asked after a moment of silence.

“Sure, I’ll finish my paintings then too.” Jamie said happily, turning to the Manes, he explained, “I’m painting our house and Mom and Dad.”

“I’m sure that will look beautiful. Maybe you can show them to me when you are finished?” Isabel asked the little boy, smiling when Jamie nodded with pride.

After Jamie left, screaming “Daaad!” for a few times, Isabel couldn’t help but ask something that bothered her the whole time. “Jamie doesn’t know that Alex is his uncle?”

Sighing, Sam explained, “No. When Dan, I mean Alex, came up with his plan, Jamie wasn’t born yet. Aside from seeing him as a baby, Alex never visited him or anything.” Sam scolded at Alex. “We still have to talk about that one brother of mine!”

Throwing his hands up in surrender, Alex only nodded.

“Sam? Is Dan already here?” A deep voice asked. A moment later, a tall blonde man stepped into the room. “Ah, I see he is.” Smiling, he shook Alex’s hand. “How are you, Dan?”

“I’m fine Logan, thanks. But it’s Alex now, not Dan anymore!” Alex replied.

“Oh! Yeah, sorry that I forgot, won’t happen again.” Logan then turned to Isabel. “Soooo, you must be Alex’s wife then? I’ve already heard about you!”

Blushing slightly under the amused looks of both Logan and Sam, Isabel replied, “Yeah, that’d be me. Isabel Manes. Pleasure to meet you.”

Shaking her offered hand, Logan replied, “The pleasure’s all mine. I can’t wait to hear about your meeting with Alex and your travel here.”

“Logan!” Alex groaned out in frustration.

“Okay okay okay! I won’t say a word!” Logan promised laughingly.

“Why don’t I show you two where you are going to stay, so you can rest a bit?” Sam asked. When Alex and Isabel agreed, she beckoned them to follow her upstairs.

Not being able to resist, she asked, “Do you want to stay in the same room?” Sam grinned when she heard them say “NO!” immediately.

[i]’Oh, this will be an interesting time. I wonder how long they’ll be able to behave.’
Sam thought.

Part 14

Waking up in the morning, Isabel decided to stay in bed a bit longer and snuggled deeper into the covers. The next second she shot up straight.

”Where the heck am I? This is no motel room! Where in the world …” Finally, she realized that she’s at Alex’s sister’s house. ’Waking up this morning is way better than yesterday.’ she thought wryly before blushing a bit, remembering the events before waking up yesterday.

After ten minutes of just lying in bed, Isabel’s stomach started growling. Eternally happy that noone heard that, she hurriedly got up.

Quickly dressing in a simple yellow dress, she left her room and made her way downstairs. There, she needed a moment to remember where the kitchen was located. Finally remembering that little, but at the moment most important, detail, she headed towards the kitchen, intent on getting some pancakes with chocolate sauce.

Hearing voices from the kitchen, Isabel stopped, unsure wheter she should just waltz into the room and interrupt the discussion that was going on. Just as she decided to leave and come back a few minutes later, she heard Logan say her name.

Quietly moving closer to the door, she couldn’t help but listen.

“God Dan!” That was Sam. “It was bad enough that you had to fake your own death. Do you have any idea what it feels like to read about your brother’s death?”

“Sam, you know it was fake. I called you and told you how it happened, so you’d be warned.” Dan/Alex argued.

“I know that!” Sam snapped at her brother, making Isabel wince because of the emotion in her voice.

“Sam, come here, darling.” Logan said softly. Isabel imagined that he pulled Sam into a hug.

“Sam, I’m sorry for that death thing. I had it planned differently, you know that.” Alex said tiredly.

“And you know that I never liked that crazy plan of yours. I was mad about Dad’s death too, but you Dan …” Sam trailed off.

”Let’s not go there again, Sammy. We’ve already talked about this.” Alex sighed.

It slowly dawned on Isabel, that Sam wasn’t agreeing with Alex’s idea of getting back at the army. She imagined that the silbings had already fought about this lots of times.

’God, I’m happy that I’m an only child.’ Isabel thought wryly.

“Okay Alex.” Logan said after a moment. “Let’s not talk about it, but what about Isabel, or whatever her name is? How can you know that she won’t tell anyone about your little stunt. I mean, she’s nice and you two like each other but …”

Isabel’s mouth fell open at that. ’I do not like him! … Okay, he’s nice, charming, handsome and … SHUT UP Isabel! You sound like a high school girl. Again!’ Isabel shook her head, disturbed by her own thoughts. ’Hm, I wonder if Logan is right and Alex really likes me.’ Shaking her head in annoyance, she muttered, “I SO need a therapy when this is over!”

“Isabel won’t tell anyone. She has her own issues with the army. Besides, I trust her.” Alex answered with confidence. Then, in an afterthought, he added, “And I don’t like her!”

“Yeah, whatever you say.” Logan and Sam answered simultaneously.

Isabel’s eyebrows shot up. ’Does this mean that they both think that Alex likes …’

“Morning Isabel.” A small and tired sounding voice interrupted Isabel’s musings and made her jump in surprise. Turning around, she saw Jamie making his way downstairs, still half asleep. She walked a few steps towards the little boy, so she didn’t have to speak too loud and the others wouldn’t hear her.

“Good morning, Jamie. Did you sleep well?” Isabel asked.

“Yeah, pretty well and now I’m hungry and want to eat.” Jamie replied sleepily.

His words about being hungry and eating made Isabel’s stomach growl again. “I’m hungry too.” Isabel admitted with a small laugh. “Would you like to have breakfast with me, Jamie?”

“Sure.” Jamie replied happily. He ran ahead of her and screamed a “Good morning!”

Smiling, Isabel followed him, aware that the others were surely as surprised about Jamie’s sudden appearance as she was minutes before.

“Good morning sweetie.” Sam greeted her son without the slightest hint of how much the previous talk had upset her. “Hey Isabel! I hope you slept well.”

“Good morning. Yes, I slept great.” ’But sadly, I also slept alone this night.’ Isabel stopped in her tracks for a second when she realized what she just thought. ’Oh Lord, strike me down now!’ “Morning guys.” She told Logan and Alex and quickly looked around the room, so that the others, especially Alex, wouldn’t notice her rosy cheeks.
Getting two “Morning” in reply, she briefly smiled at the two men.

Alex couldn’t help but look at Isabel, tuning out the chit-chat between Logan and Jamie. ’God, even in the morning she looks amazing. Wow!’

Noticing her brother staring at Isabel, Sam smirked. ’He’s totally smitten by her. And when Isabel’s blush and her refusing to look at him are any signs, then she likes him too. Too bad that she’ll leave soon … hm, maybe …’

“Isabel, I was wondering if you’d like to stay with us a bit longer.” Sam almost laughed when Alex looked up horrified and estatic at the same time. Logan looked at his wife in surprise, just like Isabel. Jamie just continued stealing food from his father’s plate, obvious about the talk around him.

“I mean,” Sam explained, “Alex mentioned that you’d like to help us with our bar.”

Alex quickly protested. “I only asked if she has any ideas for it. She didn’t say that she’d help us.”

Before an argument between the silbings could break out, Isabel spoke up. “Uh, I haven’t really thought about that but … I don’t know. Helping you design and organize the bar sounds interesting, besides, I wanted to have a sightseeing tour of Tuscon anyway. So, sure, if you don’t mind, then I’d love to stay.” She smiled at the three adults, surprised by her answer.

’Yes! She’s staying here for a while.’ Alex thought happily. I’m sure we can spend some time together then and I can tell her that I … like her. A lot.’

“I have no problems with that, you honey?” Sam asked Logan, her voice daring him to disagree.

”Of course not, Sam.” Logan replied immediately, knowing that this was not the time to question Sam’s idea.

Part 15

Three days after Isabel decided to stay longer than she actually intended to, she was standing in the kitchen, making pancakes with chocolate sauce. After jamie had ate them for the first time, he anounced that he wanted to eat them every morning from now on. Since Sam liked them too, she had no objections and the adults voted three against four that it was Isabel’s job to prepare them every morning.

So, there she was at 7 o’clock, making pancakes half asleep. Hearing someone walk into the room, she turned and saw Alex standing in the doorway. They hadn’t spoken much with each other in the last days. Alex was often seen with Sam and Logan, catching up with what they missed in each other’s lives and Isabel spent most of her time either with Jamie or with Sam. She adorded the little boy and had found a great friend in Sam. When Alex and Isabel were alone, they only did small talk, both not wanting to talk about what had happened or about what the future might bring.

Now, they both moved around awkwardly, unsure wheter they should start a converstation or not. After thining about it for a few moments, Isabel decided to ask a question, she wanted to ask for days now. “Uh Alex,” she started, getting his attention, “I know that I already asked, but was it really just a weather balloon that crashed in Roswell?”

Before Alex could answer, Sam joined them in the kitchen. Coming to a halt besides Isabel, she looked at Alex, “Excellent question! I wanted to ask that myselft too.”

Looking from one woman to the other, Alex answered, “Of course it was only that. Everything that was in the newspapers is nonsense.”

”You are a terrible liar, Alex.” Was all that Sam said, looking pointedly at her brother. “You know that we can both keep secrets, so just tell us the truth!”

Sighing, Alex stood up and started pacing. “Okay, it was no weather balloon. I don’t know what it was, no one knew what it is when I left Roswell. The only thing I know is, that this thing isn’t from Earth and that’s really all I know.”

Before anyone could say something, Jamie came bouncing into the kitchen. “Where are my pancakes?” the boy asked, not aware of the tension in the room. Now that the women were left to think about what they just heard, there was an eerie silence in the kitchen.

Breaking it after a few minutes, Sam spoke up, “Jamie and I are going to the mall since Logan insisted to work alone in the bar. Must be some male thing. So, do you two want to join us?”

At the mall, the group of four was currently deciding what to do first.

“Jamie, we need to get you new clothes.” Sam said, protest already coming her way. “Mum!” “No buts, Jamie! We won’t get them immediately anyway. You and Alex can wander around for awhile. I want to check out those dresses over there first.” With that said, Sam left the others but noth without shooting a look at Alex that clearly said. “You better watch out for my son, or …”

Waiting until his mother was far enough away, Jamie turned to Alex. “Can I have ice cream?”

“Didn’t you eat one at home?” Alex asked back.

“Yes, but … that was sooo long ago! I’m a growing boy, so one more won’t hurt.” Jamie argued.

“Oh, it will hurt *me*, if Sam finds out.” Alex muttered, so only Isabel could hear him. Hearing Isabel snicker, Alex shot her a glare.

With a straight face, Isabel told them casually, “I’ll go over to Sam. Maybe I can find something.”

Feeling totally alone now, Alex looked down to his nephew and met innocent looking puppy dog eyes. “Okay, okay. You’ll get your ice cream, but if you tell your Mother about it …” Alex explained to Jamie while walking towards the next ice cream saloon.

“What do you think about this one?” Sam asked and showed Isabel a black dress.

Isabel briefly looked it over before saying, “It looks really great. The style, material, etc are perfect but … I think black isn’t the best choice. I think I red, it would be looking awesome on you.”

“Really?” Sam questioned, already searching for the red version of the dress.

“If my hair was still blond, I’d take it in red. To your black hair, it will suit perfectly too.”

Sam suspected that Isabel had changed her haircolor because she had to leave Roswell, but didn’t bother to ask for the reason. Instead, she said, “I think a blue dress would be great for you.”

“Good idea.” Isabel commented and started her hunt for a blue dress.



“Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, shoot!”

“Do you like my brother?”


Noticing a few women looking at her, Isabel sent some icy glares in their direction.

With an embarrassed smile, Sam tried to explain. “I only ask because yesterday, Logan said that you two make a cute couple.” Logan had of course said nothing like that but it won’t hurt if Isabel believed that he had said it. Sam smiled nervously at her “sister in law” who was still sending glares at the people around them every now and then.

Turning her head back to Sam, (no glare – thank God!) Isabel answered uncomfortably. “Well, Ales is … nice. Nicer than my ex-husbands were.”

Sam only nodded, already knowing about Isabel’s former life. When Isabel remained silent, Sam continued her “interrogation”. “So, you think he’s only nice?”

After Isabel’s quick nod, Sam narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “I think you like him A LOT more than you’d like to admit!”

Blushing and speechless, Isabel looked after Samantha who was walking towards the cash register. Sam turned around again. “I know that Alex REALLY likes you!” she said pointedly.

“Really?” Isabel asked with a grin, suddenly feeling very giddy.

“Yes.” Sam confirmed. “And now, come on. I want to pay. As much as I love Alex, I’m afraid that I can’t leave Jamie alone with him too long.”

“Hey boys!”

Alex and Jamie looked up and saw Isabel and Sam coming their way.

“Remember, this is the first ice I bought you.” Alex quickly told Jamie. ‘Sam will kill me if she finds out that it’s the third.’

“Took you long enough.” Alex muttered good naturally.

“Very funny, Alex.” Sam shot back, studying her brother and her son carefully.

“It’s my first ice cream.” Jamie immediately said, causing Alex to sigh in defeat.

Sam turned to Alex, “His first? Really?” Her tone clearly said that she didn’t believe that one bit.

Alex was briefly distracted by Isabel who seemed to be quite happy about something and looked even more beautiful than usual. He turned quickly back to his sister though, because she still managed to making him feel scared every now and then.

‘Lord, stike me down now.’ Alex thought, already scared of the ranting that would surely come his way.

Part 16

Isabel sat in a lawn chair, watching the street and the sunset. She loved that time of the day, when it got dark and life seemed to calm down a bit. Sighing contently, Isabel took a sip from the limonade that Jamie made her. She grimaced a bit at the unexpected sweetness and reminded herself to spike the limonade with water next time.

“Hey!” Alex said suddenly behind Isabel, making her jump in surprise. “Sorry, I didn’t want to startle you.” Alex apologized. “Do you mind if I sit down or would you rather be alone?”

“No, you can stay if you want to.” Isabel replied with a smile.

”Thanks.” Alex said as he sat down.

They sat in silence, just looking around and enjoying each other’s presence. “This is nice.” Alex said softly.

“Yeah, it is. I think this is the best part of the day. It’s great to watch day and night … well, battle for dominance.” Isabel tried to explain her thoughts.

“Hm, isn’t it nicer when the day is winning and not the night, which would be in the morning. I mean, this looks awesome too but … I think it’s better when the light is winning.” Alex voiced his thoughts.

“I think that depends on the current mode you have. Besides, the chances that I can watch the sunset are way higher than watching the sunrise and I hope that won’t change soon. Or would you prefer getting up very early every morning to watch the sunrise to just sitting back every day to watch the sunset?” Isabel shot back.

“Okay, point taken.” Alex replied with his hands raised in a gesture of surrender.

They fell back into silence, watching as the last light of the day slowly disappeared. “Looks like the night won.” Alex spoke up when it was dark.

“Yeah.” Isabel agreed softly.

“Isabel?” Alex asked. “Are you okay?”

“I’m not really sure that I know what you are talking about.” Isabel replied confused.

“I mean, how are you holding up after everything that happened in the last weeks. Us leaving Roswell and our lives behind, being forced together on our journey and … and the famous “UFO crash” as the press calls it.” Alex defined.

“Oh … that.” Isabel only said, not really knowing how to answer that question.

“If you don’t want to talk about it …” Alex started.

“No! I mean, talking about everything won’t be wrong. I just don’t know how and where to start.” Isabel softly said.

“Would it be easier if I start?” Alex offered, understanding what she meant.

Looking at him wearily, Isabel nodded, feeling uncomfortable about this conversation.

Alex took a deep breath before speaking. “Okay, I think it’s safe to say that this whole affair is easer for me. I mean, I had planned to steal the money, fake my death and then come here to stay with Sam and the others. I was prepared for this for years now. Since everything was planned, it really threw me off-balance when suddenly, I found myself married. I didn’t have sleepless nights before the proposal or search endlessly for a ring, so I probably shouldn’t be complaining.” Alex said, hoping to break the uncomfortable atmosphere.

Isabel even laughed a bit and said haughtily, “That’s good for you. I mean, God, this ring Brack gave me doesn’t even have a diamond.” Managing the arrogant look for another moment, Isabel really burst into laughter when she saw Alex look at her kinda shocked.

“Wimp!” she managed to choke out between giggles.

“I can’t believe that a diamond is that important, that’s all.” Alex said disbelievingly.

Isabel replied seriously, “Of course it’s not that important. The romantic setting, the way he proposes, the moment of total surprise and the way your heart beats faster, those are the important things. The things you’ll tell your grandchildren while reliving the moment once again in your mind.”

She finished with a wistful smile and a far-away look in her eyes. Alex couldn’t help but stare at her longingly.

“The big ring is only for impressing the others.” Isabel finished with a joke, breaking the comfortable silence between them.

“So, if it’s just for show, why not use fake stones?” Alex asked, which earned him an ‘Oh-you-poor-little-thing’ look from Isabel.

“You do know the saying ‘Diamonds are a girl’s best friend?” Getting a nod as response, Isabel continued with a smirk, “Don’t you think that girls would recognize their best friends?”

Throwing his arms up in surrender at this logic, Alex let out a defeated groan.

After another few moments in silence, Alex spoke up again. “Don’t get me wrong now, but I guess you already have a few precious memories of this kind.”

Isabel looked at him and laughed without humor. “After three marriages, I’d believe that too, but …” she was silent again, obviously thinking on how to continue best. “I really believed that I loved them. Now, I know that I was only lying to them and to me.” She was silent once again and Alex was feeling a bit uncomfortable now too.

Clearing his throat, Alex quietly said, “You don’t have to tell me about that, Isabel. I’m sorry that I even started this conversation.”

“No, no!” Isabel called out quickly. “I guess I really need to talk about that with someone who won’t judge me. I think you are the perfect person for that.”

Alex smiled slightly at her words. “I don’t want to pressure you though.”

“You could never do that.” Isabel reassured him with a smile. Looking back to the street, Isabel continued with a sigh. “Frank, my first husband, was more like a savior for me. I just left my home and was clueless about what to do with my life. Frank was about ten years older than I, charming and … I really thought I loved him but he was more a mix between a father figure and a knight in shining armor.

It only lasted two years before we parted in friendship. I still can’t believe that I married Kevin. He was so different from every man I knew, like a dandy. I must have lost my mind.” She laughed a little at the memory. “The divorce happened five months later because we constantly fought and he had an affair.”

“Idiot.” Alex muttered.

“What?” Isabel asked surprised.

Embarrassed and blushing a bit, Alex tried to explain. “Well, when he was having an affair, then he didn’t deserve you. I mean, you are beautiful, nice, uh … I wouldn’t betray you.” Noticing Isabel’s bemused expression, he quickly added, “And since I’m making a complete fool of myself, why don’t you continue?”

Shaking her head at his antics and to clear her mind after Alex’s sweet rambling, Isabel went on. “I met John about half a year after my second divorce. He was, like you, member of the army and stationed in Roswell. He was … like the perfect gentleman, a bit old fashioned maybe. I was sometimes thinking that he would have fitted perfectly into the last century because of how he acted from time to time.”

Once again, Isabel was lost in her memories but this time, she wasn’t smiling.

“His … courtship was like I always imagined it to only happen in books … I was really swept away … but now, I think I was more in awe than in love. Anyway, we married after three weeks and the first few weeks, we were really happy. But then, things changed drastically. One day when he got home from work, I hadn’t finished dinner yet. I was never a good cook to begin with but he never minded it till that day.”

Isabel stopped for a moment to take a shaky breath before continuing. “That day he hit me … for the first time.”

Noticing Alex’s shocked and surprised expression, Isabel nodded as if to confirm what she just told him. “He didn’t hit me in the face or draw blood, he only hit my torso, only leaving bruises.”

’Only? Alex thought. ’How can she say only?’

“John didn’t hit me just this one time, it was as if something inside him snapped. He started hitting me regularly, there was barely a week in which he didn’t hit me.” Isabel was quiet again and Alex noticed that there were tears in her eyes. He reached over and wanted to take her hand but Isabel flinched away from him. Concerned and feeling helpless, Alex sat perched on the edge of his seat instead.

In a choked voice, Isabel told Alex.” He raped me. Twice. I felt so .. awful, helpless, dirty … I can’t explain how I felt. I was … I was even thinking of suicide for a short time.”

The tears were now freely running down Isabel’s cheeks. Carefully, Alex put his hand lightly over Isabel’s, trying to not put too much pressure into the contact, only wanting to make Isabel conscious of him being there. He let out a small sigh when Isabel didn’t flinch back this time.

“You have no idea how … happy I was, when I learned that he tad to fight in Europe. I was of course worried for him but mostly, I was feeling ecstatic that he would be away from me.” Isabel rubbed at her eyes before continuing. “When I learned of his death, I was happy. Happy! My husband just died and I was only feeling happiness. Feeling happy because of his death shocked me more than his death did. What kind of person am I when I’m feeling happy after someone dies?”

Isabel screamed the last sentence, causing Alex to grab her shoulders and to pull her into his arms, holding hr tightly while she cried. “Isabel, ssh, it’s okay.” He tried to calm her down, still not fully processing what he was just told. “Isabel, it’s totally okay and understandable that you were feeling that way. You should have never been treated like you were … it’s only human to be relieved. He was the villain, not you.” Alex continued to softly talk to her, hoping that he was doing the right thing.

After what appeared to be an eternity, Isabel had herself under control and stared towards the street again. Still holding her tightly, Alex was surprised when Isabel started to talk again. “After John’s funeral, I promised myself to not make the same mistake – trusting a man without knowing him – again. You probably think that that’s just a hollow resolution which I broke after a short time, since I was … having so many male friends. But those liaisons were without meaning … they were just … well, affairs without any emotions.

I was busily perfecting my ice-walls which were supposed to protect me from any harm. They really worked well. I don’t know how long I would have been able to keep those walls intact though. The higher they got, the more was I afraid to break them down again.

In a way, I’m grateful how things turned out. The time with you sister’s family and especially with you was one of the best times in my life. I didn’t even thank you for that yet.”

Squeezing her for a second, Alex answered, “You shouldn’t thank us yet. Who knows what might still happen?”

Isabel snorted in response, which gave Alex hope that Isabel would be okay again after this emotional talk. They were both quiet again, lost in their own, partly dark thoughts.

“Look, the sky is full of stars.” Isabel said, resting her head on Alex’s shoulder. Looking up, Alex saw that the sky was indeed filled with billions of starts.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Isabel more stated than asked.

“Yeah.” Alex answered truthfully. “And lately, it holds even more possibilities than I ever imagined.” He added, referring to the UFO crash in Roswell.

“A sky full of possibilities? That sounds nice.” Isabel said with a small smile. “Can we stay out here like this a bit longer? Just sitting here, holding each other and gazing at the stars?” she asked.

“Of course.” Alex replied. He ran his hands down her arms, intertwining his fingers with Isabel’s


“You’re welcome.” Alex carefully leaned his cheek against Isabel’s hair, smiling when she leaned even more against him in return.

They continued their stargazing, not saying a word and after two hours, they fell asleep like that.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

Part 17

“How about ‘ManesStream’?” Alex asked, feeling pretty good about his idea.

“ManesStream? Dream on Mr. Manes! NO! Definitely NO!” Sam argued back.

The siblings plus Logan and Isabel were trying to come up with the perfect name for the bar. So far, they had had eight ideas, eight heated arguments, three bottles of beer (each of them) and 3 hours of wasted time.

“Oh man, it’s past midnight.” Isabel said yawning and laid her head on Alex’s shoulder, who was still sputtering around since Sam diced his idea – again.

“Isabel, do you have another idea?” Sam asked the other woman, smiling because of how close she and her brother were sitting. Even Logan had noticed that those two were spending more and more time together.

“Well,” Isabel started, “how about … uh … well, ‘Incognito’? I know it’s not good but … I have no idea what the bar looks like and … “ she said trailing off.

“It’s better than ‘The Palace’” Sam answered, ignoring Logan’s offended “Hey!”
“Wait, why haven’t you seen the bar yet?”

Isabel shrugged, “Well, you were all busy with finishing it and I didn’t want to be in the way.”

“Nonsense, you won’t be in the way! Alex, can you show her around tomorrow?”

“Of course!” Alex replied a bit too eager. “It won’t be a problem.” He looked at Isabel with a smile which she returned full force. Noticing this, Logan and Sam looked at each other knowingly.

“What about ‘King Bar’?” Sam asked suddenly, jerking Alex and Isabel out of their dreamy staring-at-each-other game.

“Honey, that’s not going to happen.” Logan said with a yawn. “That’s way too … arrogant. I mean, someone who sells burgers won’t call his business “King Burger” either! I like Isabel’s idea – it sounds pretty good.” Before Sam could say anything, Logan quickly added, “Why don’t we stop? It’s late and we still have a bit of time left till we need to settle on one name. We all could use some hours of sleeping.”

Isabel immediately got up, putting a hand on Alex’s shoulder to lean on him. “Great idea, Logan. I’m totally beat, so I’m going to bed. Good Night!”

When Alex almost spit out the beer he was drinking, everyone looked at him strangely. “Sorry, went down the wrong pipe.” He answered with a blush. ’Get a grip, man!’ he scolded himself. When Isabel had put her hand on his shoulder, it seemed like a good idea to take a drink to cool off his suddenly heated body. But when she mentioned “going to bed” it didn’t seem such a smart idea anymore since his mind had obviously decided to come up with dirty images.

Shaking her head with a smile, Isabel patted Alex’s back before she left. After watching her disappear, Alex turned back to the table where he was confronted with two knowing smirks.

“What?” he asked in defense.

“We are just wondering how long you two are going to continue your little ‘we-are-only-friends’ game that you’ve been playing for so long now.” Sam answered sweetly.

“But we are only friends.” Alex replied.

“Yeah. Friends who constantly stare into each others’ eyes.”

“It’s only polite to look the other in the eyes while talking.” Alex tried to defend himself.

“Friends who keep sneaking wishful looks at each other and friends who have to touch each other as often as possible.” Logan grinned at Alex when he noticed the other man blush again.

“Okay, so we might … like each other – a bit.” Alex admitted slowly.

“Alex!” Sam said with a sigh. “I know that you like Isabel. Logan knows it and I’m pretty sure that Isabel knows it too.” Sam forced herself not to laugh at Alex’s panicked expression. Instead, she smiled reassuringly at her younger brother. “Isabel’s probably just waiting for you to make a move.”

“To make a move?” Alex cried out. Taking a deep breath, he continued in a normal voice, “I can’t make a move on her. I wouldn’t even know how to make a move on her.”

“Well, then you better learn that fast because Isabel told me that she wants to leave before the next month starts.” Logan told Alex.

“But … but today’s the 27th!” Alex muttered. He felt as if someone had hit him hard in the guts. “What am I supposed to do?” He asked his sister and her husband.

“You should at least tell her what you feel for her.” Sam advised.

Alex just nodded, not even bothering to ask how Sam knew about his feelings for the tall blonde. He feared that she’d only tell something embarrassing about his behavior if he asked. “And if she doesn’t care?” Alex questioned.

“She does care, Alex. Probably more than she’d like to admit.” Sam assured him. “She doesn’t show her feelings openly, she likes to hide behind a wall.”

“Yeah, she doesn’t trust other people with her heart easily.” Alex said to himself.

“You might have to be persistent to make her realize how important she’s for you, but you’ve proved that you can be stubborn when you joined the army.” Both siblings had to smile at that.

“So, you can guarantee me that I won’t make a fool of myself when I talk to her?” Alex asked.

“Alex, don’t get me wrong,” Sam started with a devilish smile, “But around Isabel, you easily make a fool of yourself.” Sam met Alex’s glare with a cheeky smile. “Seriously, she won’t laugh at you if that’s what you are afraid of. Just be honest and don’t give up too easily if she’s saying you are nuts. She likes you, you just have to make her admit that to you and to herself.

With that Samantha got up, kissed Alex on the cheek, wished him a good night and reminded Logan to not stay up for too long.

After a few moments of silence, Logan spoke up, “Did you and Isabel know each other well before all of this started?”

“No, not at all.” Alex replied. “When I saw her on the street or in a shop, I recognized her and I knew about her background but that’s it. I don’t think that she’d known more about me either.” Alex didn’t really want to say too much about Isabel’s – Rosemary’s – past life, that was something only Isabel had a right to talk about.

“You think I should follow Sam’s advice?” Alex asked his brother in law.

“You mean telling Isabel about your feelings? Yes, I think you should. You’d forever ask yourself ‘What if’ when you don’t confront her.” Logan replied. “Just don’t … ‘corner’ Isabel too much in case she is reserved when she responds. If you are too persistent, you’ll probably scare her away.”

Alex nodded. “That’s what I’m most afraid of, being too persistent and scaring her away or giving up on her without a fight and letting her go.”

“When she tells you that she isn’t interested in you for the second time while looking into your eyes and she appears serious, then I think you ought to believe her.” Logan said while standing up and walking to the door. Turning back to Alex, he added, “Just teller her without too much fuss about it. Sometimes, it’s best to be direct.” Logan paused for a second. “Don’t forget to shave before you talk to her.”

Alex looked at him perplexed and ran his hand over his slight stumble. “What does shaving have to do with this?”

“You want to look good when confronting her, don’t you?”

“Yeah, but … it’s just a slight stumble and …” Alex sputtered.

“Just shave it off, Alex! Good night.” Logan said before he also disappeared, leaving Alex alone in the kitchen.

“Yeah, okay. Night.” Alex mumbled. Then his head shot up. “Hey, are you saying I’m ugly?”

The Next Day

“I think Sam and Logan will use ‘Incognito’ as name for the bar. That’s if you are okay with that.” Alex told Isabel, using the opportunity to look at the woman beside him.

The two were walking down the main street of Tucson. It wasn’t New York but a definite up compared to Roswell.

“Of course, I don’t have a problem with it.” Isabel replied good naturally. “But what about you? I mean, you put a lot of money into the business. Don’t you have a say in this too?”

“Oh, I’m okay with ‘Incognito’, I will vote for it. Besides, the bar is mostly Sam and Logan’s dream and as long as I can decide on the bands that will play there, I’m content.” Alex said. “And well, I won’t really be missing the money.” He had to smile at that- a colder and more calculating smile than Isabel was used to - while he was thinking about the trouble the accountancy guys at the military must be in.

“Alex, is everything all right? You seem nervous.” Isabel said. She had noticed that he constantly wiped of his hands on his jeans as if they were sweaty and he had worn a concerned look since they started their trip half an hour ago. “If you are nervous about showing me the bar …”

“No, no. It’s not that.” Alex hastily reassured Isabel.

“Then, what else is the problem?” Isabel asked confused.

“Uh, I’d rather not talk about it, yet.” Alex said nervously. “And I hope that “it” won’t turn out as a problem.”

“Oookay.” Was all that Isabel said while she was feverishly trying to come up with an idea about what was going on. “Is it a surprise?” she finally asked.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure you’ll be surprised.” Alex answered.

“Will I like the surprise?” Isabel queried, wondering what it could be.

“I actually don’t know but I hope it will be a pleasant one.” Alex said honestly.

“And you really can’t tell me now or at least give me a hint?” Isabel asked again, feeling like a giddy five year old at Christmas morning.

“Nope. Can’t do that. You’ll have to wait till we are in the bar. We’ll be there in two minutes anyway.” Alex replied firmly. ’And you won’t be able to run away too easily if I shock you too much. At least, I hope you won’t.’ he thought to himself.

“Great.” Isabel said. “I can’t wait to see it and to get my surprise, of course.”

Alex put on a fake smile at her words, cursing himself for his stupid outburst. ’Why did I tell her about my ‘surprise’? Now, I really have to bare my heart to her and hope that she won’t crush it.’

Two minutes later, Alex stopped in front of a new looking building which windows were covered by white cloth. Fishing the keys for the door out of his pocked, Alex opened the door and motioned for Isabel to walk in.

“Uh, don’t you need time for preparations?” Isabel asked.

“Preparations?” Alex echoed.

Isabel blushed when she noticed that Alex had no idea what she was talking about and wished that the earth would open up and swallow her. “I mean, … well, I mean, making sure that everything’s like you want it to be and uh … ah, well the preparations for the … surprise.” The last was said in a whisper as she turned away embarrassed, realizing how stupid that sounded.

Alex looked at her for a moment, smiling despite his nervousness. “No, that won’t be necessary. The carpenters and the other workers will be back in an hour, so it’s best to not change a thing in there and the surprise I was mentioning earlier involves just something I have to tell you.”

“Oh.” Isabel said, glad that Alex hadn’t laughed at her stupid thoughts.

“Ladies first.” Alex said, bowing and then motioning Isabel inside.

“Thank you, kind sir” Isabel laughed and walked past him into the bar that Alex believed was worth stealing money from the armed forces.

Alex stepped in next to her and took a deep breath, preparing himself for both Isabel’s reaction to his sister’s dream and for what he intended to do. “Well?” he asked after a few moments of silence.

Isabel didn’t answer, instead she took a few steps into the room, waiting for her eyes to completely adjust to the slightly dark surroundings. The first thing she noticed was … dust. She chided herself for that thought. ’After all, it’s still in work.’ Then she made out a medium sized dance floor, surrounded by tables and some booths, all made of dark wood. Looking to the left, she saw some mirrors behind the big bar which was covered by cloth.

“Everything that’s at least partly finished is already covered, so it won’t be damaged before the opening in a few weeks.” Alex explained as if he had read Isabel’s thoughts.

“It looks really great.” Isabel said. “Way better than I imagined it actually.”

Alex smiled at her. “The only things missing are the coverings for the stools and the booths, the finishing touches to the stage where the bands will play …” he motioned to the end of the dance floor, opposite of the bar, “… the last few lights need to be installed and the drinks have to be bought.”

Isabel walked to the center of the – already finished – dance floor and looked around, imagining what the bar would look like when it’s ready for opening. “This is amazing, Alex. I love it, really. The place will be full of people non stop.”

Alex gave a short laugh. “Lets hope you are right about that.” Seeing Isabel on the dance floor, Alex decided that he would tell her about his feelings within the next few minutes. But before …

“Would you like to dance?”

Isabel looked back at him startled. Looking around briefly, she smiled a 1000 watt smile at Alex. “I’d love to.”


“Alex?” Isabel asked after a few seconds when Alex didn’t move.

“Oh, … sorry.” Alex mumbled blushing. He wanted to hit himself for his reaction but when Isabel had smiled at him, he just couldn’t move or even breath, because he was 100 % awed by the woman in front of him. Taking Isabel’s left hand and putting his other hand on her waist, they slowly started to sway across the dance floor in the silent room.

Isabel let her eyes wander around the semi dark room constantly, which was in her mind better than looking into Alex mesmerizing eyes the whole time. “I’ve never danced a waltz without music in a bar that’s deserted.” She said with a soft chuckle.

“Well, think of it as an exclusive V.I.P. room where not many people are allowed and … I could swear that I can hear music.” Alex whispered into Isabel’s ear.

Feeling a shiver run down her spine, Isabel desperately tried to come up with a distraction before she lost herself in Alex’s blue eyes. Finding a topic, she almost couldn’t contain herself from blurting her question out. Instead, she asked in an almost calm voice, “So, what did you want to talk about?”

Isabel instantly regretted her question, because Alex abruptly stopped dancing and after a few seconds of intense staring into each other’s eyes, Alex stepped out of their embrace. He took a few steps back, looking at the floor in concentration.

Alex was a bit thrown of his balance by the abrupt change of events. One moment he enjoyed dancing with Isabel and looking into her amazing eyes. Then, in the next moment Isabel asked him what he wanted to tell her which made him stop in his tracks. Trying to clear his mind for what was to come, he took a few steps back, wanting to put some distance between himself and the beauty next to him.

“Well, uh … this is kinda hard for me.” Alex admitted. “So, please forgive me when I’m a bit nervous and not making much sense right now.”

”Sure, no problem. The thing is, you are making me nervous too.” Isabel said. She was feeling both nervous and uncomfortable. Nervous because there were dozens of thoughts running through her head about what’s going on, like ’Is he inoperable ill? Will he tell me that Sam and Logan want me to leave even sooner than planned? Does he want a divorce? Thoughts like the last one were responsible for her feeling uncomfortable, since she wasn’t sure what to make of those thoughts and the feelings they caused. “It can’t be that bad, can it? I mean, no one is dead, or am I wrong?” Isabel tried to joke and to get Alex to finally talk about … whatever.

“no, no one died.” Alex replied nervously. “Logan said, I should be direct so, I’m just going to tell you, okay?”

“Oh God, they want me to leave their house today, don’t they?” Isabel cried out.

“What? NO! That’s not it.” Alex said, not getting why Isabel would thing something like that. “They like having you around, especially Sam.”

“Oh. Sorry for that.” Isabel said sheepishly, feeling like the biggest idiot on the planet.

“There’s nothing to apologize for, Isabel.” Alex assured her. Pausing for a moment he quietly said, “Just … don’t laugh at me after I told you, okay?”

“Of course not.” Isabel answered sincerely, wondering what was bothering Alex so much.

’Now or Never.’ Alex thought. “Logan told me that you want to leave in three days.”

Isabel shifted uncomfortable under Alex’s intense gaze, not sure how to take his neutral expression. “Well, uh …”

“I don’t want you to leave.” Alex said bluntly, intent on getting it all out.

“You don’t …” Isabel said stunned.

Alex took two steps forward, coming to a halt a foot away from Isabel. “No, I want you to stay … to stay with me … because … I love you, Isabel. More than I ever thought it possible to love someone. I … I want you to stay with me as … as my wife. I don’t want to let you go.”

He got silent, waiting for Isabel to make the next move. Alex was actually surprised about his calmness because compared to how he felt before he confessed his feelings, he was feeling rather calm now. So calm, it was a little scary to him. Therefore, he almost was relieved when his nerves came crashing back at him when Isabel didn’t answer for what seemed to be an eternity.

Isabel could only stare at Alex in shock at first, not sure if she had heard correctly. She had feared the worst when Alex said that he wanted to talk to her. Even after his assurance that Logan and Sam didn’t want her to leave, Isabel still expected … well, she wasn’t entirely sure what she expected but it was surely not hearing Alex say that he loved her.

“You want … you want me to stay?” she repeated dazed. She turned slightly away, almost standing with her back to Alex, totally lost in her thoughts and feelings. She actually forgot that Alex was still waiting for a response. ’He loves me! He loves me! He loves me!’ she constantly repeated in her mind. She wasn’t able to stop the grin from spreading over her face even if she wanted to.

Seeing Isabel standing with her back to him, Alex’s heart sank. Sighing, he chastised himself. ’What else did you expect, moron? As if she could ever feel the same for me.’

Misunderstanding Isabel’s stance and silence for her way of telling him her displeasure of the topic at hand, Alex beat a hasty retreat. “You obviously don’t feel the same way about me. I’m sorry for bringing this up, lets just forget about it all.” He quickly turned his back to Isabel, trying to force himself to act nonchalant about being rebuffed.

Coming out of her daze, Isabel heard Alex’s words and belatedly realized that her reaction to Alex’s confession hurt him a lot. Moving to his side, Isabel spun Alex around and before he even knew what was happening, Isabel kissed him. Coming up for air after a few minutes, Isabel put her forehead against Alex’s, trying hard to catch her breath again.

“No.” She finally got out. “I don’t want to forget about what you just told me. I was … I just couldn’t believe what you said.” She put a finger on Alex’s lips when he attempted to say something. “Please, you were honest with me, let me be honest now too.” Alex just nodded uncertainly, not able to tear his eyes away from Isabel’s.

After taking a shaky breath, Isabel smiled at Alex and continued, “I didn’t turn away from you because I disliked what you said. It’s the opposite, I felt so happy after hearing your words that I didn’t realize what I was doing. I was, and still am, so happy because … sometime during our trip, I fell in love with you.”

Closing her eyes, Isabel briefly kissed Alex, it was not more than gently touching his lips with hers but that simple act held so much emotion that Isabel felt her knees getting weak. Looking into Alex’s eyes again and returning his smile, she whispered, “I love you too, Alex. I love you so much and I want to stay with you too.”

Alex pulled Isabel close, hugging her tightly. Shifting so he could look at her again, he tried to come up with something appropriate to say for the situation, only to realize that words weren’t necessary in this moment. Tilting his head slightly, he captured Isabel’s lips with his, knowing he would never get tired of kissing Isabel Manes.


18th April 1949, Tuscon Hospital

“Are we too late?” Sam frantically asked a nurse who was passing her and her husband Logan.

“Too late for what, Ma’am?” The nurse asked confused.

“A good friend of us and his wife are here. Their first child should be born today.” Logan explained to the nurse. “Their name is Manes, Alex and Isabel Manes.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t know that. But if the baby is already born, then they should be in Mrs. Manes room again. Why don’t you ask for their room at the reception?” The nurse explained smiling.

“Thank you!” Sam said and already turned, running back the corridor they just came from.

Finding Isabel’s room five minutes later, Sam took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Hearing a soft “Come in.”, she opened the door slowly.

Peering into the room she could see her brother and Isabel grinning and almost shining with happiness. Quickly rushing to their side, Sam could see the small bundle of white cloth and a tiny head looking back at her.

“It’s a girl.” Alex said proudly, all the stress from the last four hours forgotten.

“ohh, she’s so cute.” Sam said, with tears in her eyes. “Can I hold her?” she asked Isabel.

After a moment of hesitation, Isabel gave her newborn girl to her sister in law. “But not for too long!” Isabel warned.

Ignoring Isabel, Sam grinned at the newest member of the family.

“Congrats you two!” Logan said from behind Sam.

”Thanks Logan.” Isabel said smiling tiredly at him. Then turning to Sam. “Give me the child back, Samantha. I warn you! I’m tired and want to sleep but before I want to hold her again. Don’t make me get out of this bed!”

“Okay, okay, okay. You don’t need to get so hostile, chica.” Sam said smiling and handed her the girl back. “I was the same with Jamie … not even Logan was allowed to hold him the first few hours.”

“I was scared she’d bite my head off, if I tried taking him from her.” Logan said chuckling, thinking back to that day. “Did you get to hold her yet?” he asked Alex.

“Yeah, I already had the honor.” Alex said, grinning like a fool.

“Did you finally decide on a name?” Sam queried softly, remembering their mocking fights over the possible names for the last five months.

Looking up at Alex with love shining in her eyes, Isabel replied, “Yeah we did. Her name is Gloria Ann Manes.”

“That’s a great name.” Logan said honestly. “Lets just hope that Alex won’t get too overprotective when she starts dating.”

Everyone, with the exception of Alex laughed at that.

24th May, 1969

“I can’t believe she’s getting married tomorrow.” Alex grumbled while watching his wife cooking.

“Alex!” Isabel Manes, still as beautiful as with thirty, laughed. “You’ve known that she will marry tomorrow for almost half a year now. Besides, you like Charles.”

“I do not!”

“Yes you do! Otherwise, your version of the father-boyfriend talk would have been way worse when you met him for the first time. Besides, you know that you can’t talk Gloria out of it. She loves him and she’s stubborn.”

“She got that from you!” Alex mumbled quietly.

“Very funny, mister. Very funny. After all, I’m not the one who is still angry at our dear neighbor.” Isabel shot back.

“You mean the one who tried to hit on you? I don’t think I’ll stop being angry at him.”

“But that was almost 17 years ago! And you say that she got her stubborness from me.” Shaking her head, Isabel looked over at her husband.

“Okay, she got the stubborness from me and the looks from you.” Alex knew when it was better to admit losing a battle.

Leaning over to give Alex a quick kiss, Isabel smiled at him. “Good answer.”

Turning back to the stove, she continued, “You have to admit that Charles is a nice young man.”

Sighing, Alex walked over to Isabel and helped her finishing dinner. “Yeah, he is. Still, Gloria Whitman just sounds strange.”

“You got used to the name Manes, so you will get used to our baby being called Gloria Whitman too.” Isabel told him chuckling.

21st June 1984

“Who was on the phone, honey?” Isabel Manes asked her husband when he came back into the living room.

“It was Chuck.” Alex told Isabel smiling. “He said that their fourth child was born half an hour ago.”

“Really?” Isabel’s face lit up. “Is it finally the girl Glory was hoping for?”

Shaking his head, Alex said down. “Nope, I have to disappoint you. It’s yet another boy.”

“Poor girl, having four sons.” Isabel said. She couldn’t help but smile though. After all, her fourth grandson was born today.

“Hey, what’s wrong with having four sons?” Alex asked, not understanding why his wife thought that having five men in the house (sons + husband) would be a bad thing.

“Nothing dear, nothing at all.” Isabel replied, shaking her head at Alex. “Do they have a name yet?”

Grinning, Alex picked up Isabel’s hand and kissed it. “Yes they have a name. Our new grandson is called Alexander Charles Whitman.”
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Open Heart

Post by Sternbetrachter »

Open Heart

By: Trude/Sternbetrachter
Spoilers: Up to the phone talk between Alex and Isabel in CYN and then AU
Summary: Alex wants to take things slow after Prom.
Disclaimer: Roswell belongs to Melinda Metz, Jason Katims, WB/UPN and certainly NOT me.
AN: ‘’ mark thoughts
Roswell does of course not belong to me, neither does the idea behind the books/show nor the characters involved.

Part One

Isabel sat in one of the comfy boots in the CrashDown, her head resting in the palm of her right hand as she constantly looked up at the clock above the doors which lead to the back of the café. She was slowly but surely losing hope that Alex would swing by here tonight.

The tall blonde heaved an audible sigh as she glanced at her surroundings. Her brothers were still discussing movies (James Bond vs. Austin Powers at the moment) after Max had escorted Tess outside when she left with Kyle. That had caused Liz to mumble a flimsy excuse about having to talk with Maria so Michael and her were left alone for a few minutes with nothing to do but stare pensively ahead of them.

Now, it was only the three aliens that grew up in Roswell that occupied the serving area of the café and Isabel was torn between keeping her dignity and asking Max to go home, and between not giving up hope that Alex might still show up.

Lost in her thoughts, Isabel almost shrieked when someone slid into the booth opposite her. Realizing that the someone, who almost gave her a heart attack, was Alex, Isabel’s face lit up and she was about to reach over the table that separated them to kiss him hello, when she noticed the unusual serious expression on his handsome face. She also noticed that he kept his hands firmly clasped on the table, not trying to reach out to her.

Clearing her throat, she just said “Hi.” instead, smiling widely at the boy opposite her, while on the inside, she was feeling uneasy. She had rarely seen Alex that serious before in all the time she knew him and there were warning bells going off in her head.

“We need to talk.” Alex told her, trying to ignore how Isabel’s eyes had lit up when she saw him, the way the few loose strands of her hair were falling around her face, making her look so young and innocent, or how worry was now clouding her lovely eyes.

“Okay.” Isabel replied, not able to say any more as fear was slowly starting to fill her. She didn’t know why she was afraid, after all, this was Alex. The guy who always wanted to make sure that his friends were alright, who put other people’s interests behind his own. Nothing to be scared of, right?

“It’s about prom …” Alex started.

“I had an amazing time. Thanks to you.” Isabel immediately said, taking Alex’s hands in hers. She noticed Alex’s eyes darting to their intertwined fingers and saw a smile on his lips for a second before he turned serious again. Isabel took it as a good sign that he didn’t pull his hands away from hers.

“I had a great time too, Isabel.” Alex reassured her, before falling silent for a moment. “Please, just let me say what I have to say without interrupting me, okay?”

Isabel nodded mutely, dreading what he has to tell her.

“Okay, like I said, I had a great time at prom and I’m glad that you had a great time too. But … after the kissing, I don’t know where we stand. From what happened at prom and our phone talk today, it seems to me as if you want to give *us* another try and … I don’t know if I want that.”

Seeing the crest fallen look on Isabel’s face, Alex fought the urge to move over to her and hold her, telling her that he was sorry and that he didn’t mean a word he said. Instead, he forced himself to stay strong and quickly continued.

“I really like you, Isabel. Believe me, I do but …” Alex paused again, before saying in a low voice. “You hurt me a lot in the last year, Isabel. I know that you were scared of opening up to other people, I can even understand that but … God, I was sitting next to you when you started flirting with Sorenson after giving me the “I can’t date anyone” speech. You didn’t even acknowledge my presence anymore after he appeared. You have no idea how worthless I felt at that moment. It made me feel like I’m just some toy of yours that you can throw away when you find something more interesting.”

Alex had looked down at their hands while talking but now looked up into Isabel’s eyes again. “I don’t know if I can trust you with my heart again, or if I even want to try trusting you again.”

Isabel didn’t know whether she should run out of the café as fast as she could or throw herself into Alex’s arm, begging him to give her another chance and promising to never hurt him again. But being an alien on Earth and the Ice Princess had taught her to suppress her emotions and to think logically.

“So, you are saying that there is no chance for an *us* anymore?”

Feeling surprisingly giddy at the prospect of Isabel actually wanting them to be together again, Alex took a moment to sort his thoughts before replying, unaware of how the few moments of silence where torturing Isabel.

“No, I’m not saying that, Iz. I am saying that I don’t want my heart shattered again. I mean … one month ago, you barely glanced my way and now …. How am I supposed to know that you are not just feeling a bit lonely and that, as soon as you leave for college, you will dismiss me again, acting as if nothing ever happened between us?”

Isabel wanted to scream at Alex that she’d never do that and that he was an idiot for even implying it but she couldn’t. ‘After all, it’s not like he has no reason to think that and it’s all my fault.’ Isabel thought with despair.

“I … I don’t know what to say.” Isabel admitted, hating how small her voice sounded.

“You don’t have to say anything, Iz.” Alex told her gently. “I didn’t come here to give you an ultimatum. I just wanted you to know how I feel about this. If you are serious about us, you should know that it will take me some time before I can open up completely. You of all people should know what I mean.”

The sad thing was, that Isabel knew exactly what he meant. Having said that she needed time way too often to Alex in the past. Hearing those words directed at herself, made her realize how much they could sting. Luckily, Isabel was saved from answering by Liz who was standing a few feet away from them.

“Uh guys, I’d really like to close for the night. It’s late.”

“Sure. No problem at all.” Isabel told the human girl with a forced smile before slowly standing up. Looking around, she saw Michael and Max walking out of the door, knowing that she had a reason to leave quickly too because Max didn’t like to wait for her.

“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?” Isabel asked Alex quietly, looking down at the table instead of into his eyes.

“Yeah, I guess.” Alex replied uneasily before stepping closer to Isabel. Putting his hands lightly on her shoulders, he waited for her to look at him again. “I’m only asking for a bit time, okay? I just need to come to terms with everything, that’s all. Can you understand that?”

“Yeah, I can.” Isabel replied weakly. “I better go before Max goes insane.”

“Thank you.” Alex said and leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Sweet dreams.”

With another soft smile at Isabel, Alex walked over to Liz, offering his help so she and Maria didn’t have to close up alone. Sighing, Isabel also turned and walked out the door, amazed at how quickly someone can go from feeling deliriously happy to totally insecure.

Part Two

Isabel frowned at her reflection in the mirror and raised her hand to change the color of her red lipstick to lighter pink one. Liking what she saw, she turned away from the mirror and walked downstairs into the kitchen where she made herself breakfast.

When Isabel had gotten home last night, she was feeling numb. The whole drive home she was going over what had happened with Alex in the Crashdown. She wasn’t feeling rejected or hurt. She was only numb and she didn’t know if that was a good thing.

Only when she had laid in bed, the numbness had made room for the pain and the tears. After about ten minutes, she was sobbing, still not quite believing that Alex had turned her down again.

’How could he be so cruel? Didn’t he realize how much it hurt?’ After mulling over these thoughts for a few moments, she realized that Alex did know how she felt. After all, hadn’t she put him through the same time and time again? God, she had been such a bitch without even realizing it! It was no wonder that Alex originally hadn’t wanted to go to prom with her. She should probably have taken the hint and should have left him alone. Isabel didn’t understand why Alex didn’t give up after the first rejection.

Sitting upright in bed, she whispered in wonder, “He didn’t give up.” Slowly lying back down again, she thought back to every time she showed him the cold shoulder. He always was around afterwards, never staying away from her for longer than two days. If Alex was one thing then he was certainly persistent. And a bit annoying from time to time, but only annoying in a cute and adorable way. And always there. Always one step behind her if she needed him, always waiting for her to finally notice him.

Isabel’s eyes narrowed. When Alex had the patience and stamina to wait for her to realize that he was more than just a friend, then she could do the same. They didn’t call her Christmas Nazi for nothing! She could give him a little time to make up his mind and heart. And it certainly wouldn’t hurt anyone if she was wearing sexier clothes in the next few days or weeks. Summer was coming after all.

With a plan in mind and a smile on her face, Isabel had finally fallen asleep.

Now, she was sitting upright in her chair, watching Max eat his cereals like a shark would watch its prey.

Silently cursing himself for his weakness, Max put his spoon down. “Is there something you want, Isabel?”

Isabel gave her brother her most innocent look. “Well, now that you ask, I really wouldn’t mind if we are leaving sooner than later.”

“Why? You have to be somewhere before school starts?”

“No, I just wanna arrive early at school.”

“You want to arrive early? At school?” Max asked incredulously.

“Are you trying to say that I’m a horrible student who absolutely hates school?” Isabel asked back with gleaming eyes.

Recognizing danger when he saw it, Max raised his hands and laughed. “Wouldn’t dare to.” He grabbed his spoon again and was about to continue his breakfast when he noticed the look Isabel was giving him. “And since I already finished breakfast, we can go.”

Spotting Alex at is locker, Isabel checked one more time if her low cut purple blouse wasn’t wrinkled before making her way over to the dark haired boy. “Good morning.” She greeted cheerfully.

“Hey. Good morning to you too.” Alex replied, a bit surprised about Isabel’s sudden appearance. After last night, he’d been a bit unsure about how Isabel would react. He had expected her to be hurt or shocked by his words and to keep her distance once again to show him that he had messed up with Isabel Evans. But since he never said “No” to her before, Alex had been absolutely clueless as to how Isabel would treat him. He certainly hadn’t expected her to show up at his locker early in the morning.

“You ready for your English test?” Isabel asked, referring to what Alex told her on the phone yesterday.

“Uhm, yeah. I hope so.” Alex answered a bit uneasy, not liking that he was lying to her.

“Well, what are you doing after school? I heard that there’s some sort of 50’s film festival at the revival cinema starting today. I thought you’d like to go and watch some old movie.”

Alex just looked at Isabel, wondering if he had stepped into an alternate universe because he could have sworn that Isabel had just asked him out. “Sounds really great, Isabel, but I have band practice this afternoon. I’m really sorry.”

Isabel looked disappointed for a second before she gave Alex another bright smile. “No, that’s okay. They are showing old movies for about two weeks anyway. We can go some other time, I guess.”

There was a slightly uncomfortable silence for a few moments, both not knowing what to say. “Well, we better get going or we will be late.” Alex finally said and was about to leave when Isabel put her hand on his arm. “Uhm, do you mind if I’m there?”

“Where?” Alex asked confused and very much aware of Isabel’s hand on his skin.

“At your band practice this afternoon.” Isabel explained. “I’ve only see you perform once at the blind date concert and only for fifteen minutes because Michael … well, you know what was going on.”

Alex nodded, remembering how Isabel and Michael had tried to send a signal to the, back then, unknown fourth alien. “Sure, you can come if you want. It won’t be a problem.” ‘At least not when the guys get over their shock of Isabel listening to them during rehearsal.’ Alex thought to himself.

When Liz and Maria had told him that now Isabel would be the one chasing him, Alex hadn’t believed them of course but now, now he started to wonder if maybe they had been right. It certainly felt as if he was being chased.

“Well, we start at half past three, so, I guess I’ll see you then. Bye.”

”Bye.” Isabel looked after Alex as he walked to his first class. The talk hadn’t really turned out the way she planned, but she still managed to get him to spend time with her this afternoon. Well, him, her and the members of his band. Not really romantic but still better than nothing.

At exactly 5 pm, Isabel sat in Alex’s garage and listened to the last few songs that the group was playing today. The music wasn’t really her thing, no matter how much Maria insisted that she had softened the guys’ original sound but it still had been a surprisingly fun afternoon.

The other three guys in the band had obviously been surprised by her appearance but after some nervous glances and a pep talk from Alex and Maria, they had acted as if it was normal to have one of the school’s elite listening to them.

Maria really had had her fun with Isabel at first. The singer had constantly looked at Isabel, then glanced at Alex and wiggled her eyebrows at the tall blonde. Isabel had put an end to that by telling Maria, “You are so going to have interesting dreams in the next weeks if this continues.”

Like suspected, Maria had stopped her teasing after one dark look at the alien girl. Isabel was also sure that her threat would keep Maria from telling Michael about her visit at the Whitman’s garage. Knowing Michael, he would have teased her endlessly about *running after a human* as he’d call it. ‘Thank God that that won’t be happening.’ Isabel thought to herself.

Turning her attention back to Alex, Isabel couldn’t help but smile. Alex had been the perfect host, making sure she was comfortable and always entertained. Besides, it was really great to watch Alex play. Isabel had never really noticed it before but Alex really had nice hands and fingers. Watching him play the bass had made her wonder how his fingers would feel on her body. Quickly turning her head down to stare at the floor, Isabel was grateful that she was sitting slightly in the dark so that no one could see the blush on her face.

When the music stopped, Isabel looked up again and was met by five faces looking at her expectantly. “You are really good. I’m impressed.” Isabel told the band with a bright smile. She hoped that no one would ask her detailed questions about the songs because Isabel had paid more attention to the bass player than to the music. Luckily, everyone seemed satisfied with her answer and the guys soon started putting their instruments away and Maria left quickly because she had to work at the Crashdown. Soon, the other band members left as well, leaving Alex and Isabel alone in the garage.

“So, uhm,” Alex started after a few moments of silence, “you were not bored, I hope.”

“No! Not at all.” Isabel quickly reassured him. “I really had a great time. What are you doing now?” Isabel asked rather bluntly, playing with her necklace and slapping herself for sounding so desperate and clingy.

“Practice was longer than I thought, so I’ll have to do my homework now.” Alex replied, trying to not stare at Isabel’s cleavage.

“Yeah, still have to do that too.” Isabel realized with a start, having totally forgotten about school. “Well, I better get going, I guess.”

“Do you need a ride?” Alex asked as Isabel was about to go.

“Thanks for the offer, Alex, but I’m here with the jeep.” Isabel answered and hold the keys up for Alex to see.

“Oh. Cool. Well, I’ll see you at school then.” Alex said slightly disappointed.

“Yeah, bye.” Isabel walked out of the garage, wishing that she hadn’t taken the jeep to get here, so Alex could give her a ride home instead. “Well, I’ll see him tomorrow at school again.” She said aloud to herself as she backed out of the Whitman driveway and made her way home.

Part Three

Parking her mother’s car in front of the Crashdown, Isabel checked her make up in the rearview mirror before getting out. Max and Michael had decided that she should get them some food because they were rearranging the furniture in her room after she politely asked them to.

Isabel was about to walk into the café when she saw Alex coming around the corner. Together with a girl! “What the …” Isabel muttered when the girl laughed at something Alex had said.

Isabel moved a bit closer, standing slightly behind a small tree where she could see the two better and was able to hear parts of their conversation. “… really, without your help, I’d be lost.” The girl said, putting her hand on Alex’s arm, causing Isabel to narrow her eyes to little slits.

*The girl* Isabel realized was Clara Simmons, a girl from school. She was a bit smaller than she was and had brown her and was, as Isabel had to admit grudgingly, rather good looking.

“… Mr. Borrow surely wouldn’t have minded it too much but it was my pleasure, Clara.” Alex replied with a smile.

Isabel was fuming. How dare Clara Simmons to talk, let alone flirt with her Alex? That girl clearly had no shame! And poor Alex, he was of course only being polite to Clara. Or was he? The two seemed to know each other and Alex hadn’t been very shocked about her touching him. But no, Alex wasn’t very good at flirting; he was more the shy and cute guy who got easily flustered and needed about twenty obvious hints to realize that a girl was flirting with him.

Clara was the active one here and Alex was certainly the unknowing victim. Isabel swore to herself that she would make sure that Clara left Alex alone. If only she could hear all they were saying! Because they were next to the main street, the traffic was pretty loud.

“… computer exhibition in two weeks?” Clara said.

“Yes, of course.” Alex replied excited. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

“So, you going alone or with your friends?” Clara asked, tilting her head a bit.

“Alone. My friends aren’t really in interested in computers.” Alex replied with a shrug.

“Well, why don’t we drive there together? Better than both of us going alone, I think.” Before a surprised Alex could reply (Isabel did manage to gasp in surprise), a car stopped next to Clara and Alex, a man in his forties behind the wheel and showing them his watch.

“… my dad … talk tomorrow. Bye.” Was all that Isabel could hear of Clara’s words before the girl got into the car and waved at Alex before driving off.

Clara wanted to accompany Alex to some exhibition? Not if Isabel could help it. She would just go with Alex instead of Clara! Alex surely won’t mind if she came with him to the … the computer exhibition? Isabel Evans at a computer exhibition? Oh Lord, that would so ruin her reputation. But knowing that Alex and Clara would be together alone for quite some time … to hell with her reputation, she had to put a stop to that!

Quickly stepping into the Crashdown so Alex wouldn’t spot her, Isabel decided that she’d find a way to go with Alex to the exhibition. And God Clara Simmons help if she still wants to tag along.

Giving the teacher in the library a polite smile, Isabel walked into the back section of the room. Glancing around discreetly, she finally spotted Alex. “Is this seat taken?” she asked him with another, this time sincere, smile.

”Now it is.” Alex smiled back and removed some of his stuff to make room for Isabel.

With yet another smile, Isabel sat down and took a book out of her bag. Looking a bit closer at her surroundings, she realized that this was the same table where Alex had turned her down before prom. In fact, they were even sitting in the same seats they had occupied back then. “Great.” She muttered a bit discouraged.

“Did you say something?” Alex asked and looked up from the book he was reading in.

“Uhm no.” Isabel answered with a faint blush on her face. “Well, I only cussed myself for waiting so long before starting to learn for the history exam.”

”You certainly aren’t the only one.” Alex said and lifted the book he’d been reading in to show her that it was his history book. “I only started learning yesterday.”

“Really?” Isabel asked, sounding surprised while in reality she had already known that. She had accidentally overheard Alex and his friends talking and Alex had mentioned that he’d be learning for his history test in their free period. So, even though she was already well prepared, Isabel had grabbed her history book and notes and had headed to the library where she knew Alex would be learning.

“Maybe we could learn together?” Isabel suggested.

Alex thought about it for a second. “Sure, might make it easier that way.”

The two teens quickly rearranged their things and moved their seats closer so they could share one book. The other students in the room occasionally glanced their way. It wasn’t that Alex and Isabel made so much noise, you could only hear faint whispers and a few giggles, it was more the fact that even though the two were already friends for a few years and went to prom together, seeing them together was still a bit surreal to some of the students.

“This is so boring.” Isabel said with a sigh.

“You don’t like history?” Alex asked surprised.

“Well, most of the time, it’s not that bad but it’s not one of my favorite classes. You thought I like it?”

“Yeah. I don’t really know why. Probably because you have pretty exciting history. Two actually since you have two DNA donors.” Alex whispered the last part which Isabel used to move even closer to Alex. “Besides, you like to stargaze.”

“What does that have to do with history?” Isabel asked with a curious smile.

“Well, when a star is 50 million light years away from Earth, then it takes the light 50 million years to Earth, right?”

Isabel nodded, putting her chin in her palm, fascinated by how excited Alex seemed while explaining his theory.

“So, when we see the light from the star then, we look at something that is 50 million years old. History at its best!” Alex finished before adding a bit ruefully, “Even though I’m not sure if I’m 100 % correct.”

“Makes sense.” Isabel agree. “I never thought of it like that but … I still don’t like history any more.” Alex laughed at that, causing a few students to make “shhh” noises.

“I guess you’ll be at the computer exhibition in two weeks.” Isabel said casually, causing Alex to look up at her surprised. “Uhm, yeah. You know about that?”

“I’ve read about it.” Isabel said confidently. “I always wondered what something like this is like. Are you wandering around a big room full with computer equipment and game consoles?”

“No, not like that. It’s more … well, it’s a bit hard to explain …” Alex struggled a bit with his words, unsure how to say it best.

“So, I’d have to see it myself to fully understand it?” Isabel mused out loud before moving in for the kill. “Can I come with you then? To see how this works?”

“Uhm, sure … of course.” Alex replied a bit confused. Never in a million years did he think that Isabel would ask to accompany him to a computer exhibition.

“Great, it’s a date then.” Isabel grinned just as the bell rang, signaling that this period was over.

“Hey Alex!” Maria greeted her tall friend who sat down at the counter in the Crashdown.

“Hello.” Alex greeted back before asking, “Maria, did you notice something strange going on with Michael, or Tess lately?”

“What did Isabel do?”

“Why do you think my question has something to do with Isabel?” Alex asked surprised.

“Well, you didn’t mention her in your little Czech list, so I figured it must be about her.” Maria explained.

“I’m not sure … I … did you notice anything weird about Michael lately?” Alex questioned.

“You ask if I noticed anything weird with Michael.” Maria said amused.

“Okay, point taken.” Alex agreed. “But … what about something very uncharacteristic for him.”

“Like taking dance lessons so he can surprise me at prom?” Maria asked before grinning knowingly at Alex. “Ah!”

“Ah what?” Alex asked, confused about Maria’s grin.

“Ah as in I know why you ask these questions. I can even understand your need to ask them.” Maria said with a smug look on her beautiful face. “I’d be also a bit worried if Isabel Evans was stalking me.”

“So you noticed that she’s acting … unusual?” Alex asked, ignoring Maria’s stalking comment.

“Alex, she likes you!” Maria laughed at her clueless friend. “She really really likes you a lot! You must have noticed that!”

“Yeah, I did notice that she was … sending signals but …”

“You were cautious.” Maria finished for Alex. “More than understandable given your history with Isabel. If I were you, I’d make her suffer!” When Alex raised his eyebrows, Maria hastily added, “But I know that we two are very different persons and that you wouldn’t put Isabel through that so … maybe you two should just sit down and talk about your feelings and then decide together how to continue.”

Alex smiled at his friend. “Thanks Maria, I think we will just do that.”

“You are welcome sweety.” Maria replied before grinning mischievously. “Did you notice what Isabel was wearing today?”

“Oh yeah!” Alex replied with a half dreamy – half suffering sigh as he thought back to Isabel’s red mini skirt and white top. While still being appropriate for school, it looked extremely sexy but what did not look sexy on Isabel?

“You are such a guy!” Maria muttered in disgust when Alex’s eyes glazed over.

”Huh?” Alex asked, jarred out of his musings about how great Isabel’s legs had looked in that skirt and the high heels she wore. It had been a good thing that Isabel’s legs were hidden underneath a table in the library so that Alex had had no chance to stare at them or start drooling. Alex was pretty sure that he hadn’t blushed when Isabel’s leg had brushed against his. Or had he? He was fairly certain that he hadn’t stammered once but couldn’t be one hundred percent sure about that.

“Alex, are you listening to me?” Maria asked, waving her hand in front of Alex’s face.

“Will you believe me if I say yes?” Alex asked cautiously.

Maria just rolled her eyes at the love sick teenager. “I was saying that a lot of guys were staring after Isabel today and she didn’t even notice it. Which is really a shame because she missed how Tom Sovat and Fred Bender ran into each other because they were too busy staring after her to watch where they were going. Then the two started to argue about who ran into whom which almost ended in a fight. Of course, they couldn’t explain that almost fight to their girlfriends who got really pissed at them.” Maria chuckled at the memory of that scene.

Alex looked at Maria for a moment. “A lot of guys were staring after Isabel?”

“You look really cute when you are jealous.” Maria mused out loud before saying, “Relax Alex, like I said, Isabel didn’t notice it. She was too intent on getting your attention. Don’t worry, Alex, she’s totally smitten by you. You finally got your dream girl.”

Alex grinned at that but before he could say something, Mr. Parker yelled to Maria that her shift started five minutes ago and that customers were waiting.

“If you’d excuse me, I have to work.” Maria said, waving good bye to Alex.

“Bye and … thanks again!” Alex told her to which Maria gave him a reassuring smile before walking to one of the tables to start working, leaving Alex alone at the counter to think about what to do when he met Isabel the next time.

Part Four

The next morning, Isabel was on the way to her first class, thinking about how her plan *Getting Alex Back* was processing so far. She was still being single which was not so good but then again, so was Alex which was good. Isabel was sure that showing interest in his music and him in general was going to show Alex that she really cared about him.

Ahead of her, she spotted a few members of the school’s elite. Noticing Pam Troy and Stacy Scheinin waving, Isabel plastered a fake smile on her face and walked over to them.

“Morning.” She greeted, hoping that this *meeting* was soon over. “What’s up?”

“Well, Ms. Evans,” Ken Tanner said, putting his arm around Isabel’s shoulder, not noticing the frown on her face or her tensing up, “now that you ask, I think we two should go out on Friday. What do you say about me picking you up at seven?”

Isabel stared at the guy for a moment. She hadn’t spoken more than ten words with him this year but she was pretty sure that he was in the basketball team with Kyle. Guessing by his confident grin and the many girls staring at him, he was probably a good player.

“Thanks for the invitation but no, I don’t think we’ll go out anytime.” Isabel replied sweetly, effectively wiping the smirk off of Ken’s face.

“But … come on, Isabel. It will be fun and …”

“Which part of *I don’t think we’ll go out anytime* didn’t you get?” Isabel asked in her best *Princess Isabel* mode.

“Suit yourself.” Ken muttered and quickly left the small group.

“Isabel! What the hell is wrong with you? Did you fall and hit or head or something?” Stacy hissed at the tall blonde.

“What do you mean?” Isabel snapped back with a raised eyebrow, not letting herself be intimated by the other girl.

“What I mean? God, where should I start? First, you start hanging out with geeks like Maria Deluca, Liz Parker and Alex Whitman, which can be slightly tolerated since Kyle Valenti is friends with them too. Then you go to prom with Whitman. We understand that for some reason you two are friends but … Prom? And that so shortly after dating that hot older guy, you could have had any guy here after that. Two minutes ago, you turned Ken Tanner down. Ken Tanner! Next to Kyle, he’s the star of the basketball team.” Stacy told Isabel before suddenly turning to Pam, “Hm, both Ken and Kyle start with a *K*, you think that means something, Pam?”

“That’s possible.” The brunette mused while Isabel stared at the two girls and used the sudden, and very weird, change of topic to formulate her reply.

“I don’t like Ken, so why should I go out with him?”

Pam rolled her eyes at that. “Okay, good, that might count but … just because Whitman must have begged you to accompany him to prom …” Pam didn’t get farther because she was interrupted by a very annoyed Isabel Evans.

“Alex did not beg me to go to prom with him. I asked him out. Twice!” Isabel felt a slight satisfaction when she saw the surprise and disbelief on the other girls’ faces. “Yes, I had to ask him twice because he didn’t want to go with me at first. If someone was begging, then it was certainly me. And you know what? I’d do it again!”

“But … why?” Stacy asked, not able to understand what she was hearing.

“Because Alex is a great guy and I like spending time with him and most importantly, I like him a lot. Now, if you would excuse me, I have more important things to do than stand here with the two of you.”

What that, Isabel turned and walked down the hall and around the corner, careful to not appear running. When she turned into the corner, she almost bumped into someone who was standing there. Isabel was about to snap at the person to watch where he was going when she saw who she bumped into.

“Alex!” She breathed.

“Isabel.” Alex calmly greeted her back, his face and eyes not giving away his thoughts or feelings.

“How long have you been standing here?” Isabel asked, suddenly realizing that he was within earshot of where she had been talking with the others moments ago.

“A few minutes.” Alex replied evenly and continued to look at her as if he was searching for something. “We should head to class or we’ll be late.” He finally said, dropping his gaze for a second before looking at Isabel again. “And I think we should talk after school. I’ll meet you in the parking lot, okay?”

”Okay.” Isabel said, still stunned by this meeting and then Alex was already gone, just as fast as he had appeared in front of her.

Isabel knew that Alex had heard everything she said, there was no way that he didn’t but she didn’t have the slightest idea what it might mean to him. Feeling cold all of sudden, she wrapped her arms around herself and slowly walked to her first class, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to concentrate on school.

‘Jim was really great to us this year. He’ll surely get his job back too so I’ll get him a nice artifact or statue for his office. Something that says *secure and safety*. Amy is being pretty nice to Michael so far which sometimes really isn’t easy. So, she also needs to get something nice for Christmas.’

Isabel was aware of the fact that it was only May and that some people might think it a bit early to start a gift list for Christmas but it either that or pacing around the parking lot while waiting for Alex. And there was no way that Isabel would be seen pacing! She only hoped that Alex would arrive soon because her list was almost complete and she had no idea how to distract herself afterwards.

”You seem nervous.” Alex suddenly stated next to her. Isabel had no idea how he could sneak up on her like that but he was here and that’s all that mattered.

“Hey!” Isabel greeted him, running a hand through her hair.

“Shall we?” Alex asked, motioning to his car. With a nod, Isabel got in, Alex of course holding the door open for her. When Alex got behind the wheel, he turned to Isabel with a reassuring smile. “There’s no need to be nervous, Iz. It’s only me and I have nothing planned, okay?”

“Okay.” Isabel smiled. Only him! Yeah right, after all, his mere presence was sending shivers of awareness down her spine. Isabel was sure that Alex was the only one who could tell when she’s nervous because for some reason, he easily saw through her facade.

“I want us to talk in private, without being interrupted, so I thought we could drive to Frasier Woods, where we went camping last year, if that’s okay with you.”

“To stargazer rock?” Isabel asked and promptly blushed when Alex looked at her with raised eyebrows. “Uhm, that’s what I started to call the rock on which we were stargazing back then.”

“That’s a beautiful name.” Alex said softly. “It certainly holds fond memories.”

When he turned his attention back to the read again, Isabel looked at him for a moment. She suddenly had the urge to tell him that she still had the astronomy book he gave her last year, that she read in it frequently, but decided that there would be time for that later.

When they finally arrived near “Stargazer Rock”, Isabel sighed heavily before getting out of Alex’s car. She glanced at the dark haired boy who looked amazingly calm. Normally, Isabel drew strength of Alex’s presence, but now, she was slightly unnerved by his relaxed attitude.

“How can you be so calm when I’m so nervous?” Isabel muttered, more annoyed at herself than at Alex.

Alex smiled at Isabel’s openness about her feelings. “I’m so calm because I finally made up my mind and … that’s a damn good and calm sensation.”

Isabel looked down at the path they were walking on and swallowed. This new – calm and confident – Alex was still a bit of a surprise to Isabel. A very nice and pleasant surprise but still a surprise and Isabel had never been a big fan of surprises.

Walking quietly to the rock, Isabel was startled when Alex reached out and took her hand in his without saying anything. Isabel allowed herself a small smile at that and wasn’t too upset about the blush she felt heating up her face. ‘He’s holding my hand! He wouldn’t do that if he didn’t like me anymore.” she thought to herself.

“Damn!” Alex muttered, causing Isabel’s heart to jump in fear.

“What’s wrong?” she asked worried.

Alex looked at Isabel with an apologetic look on his handsome face. “I just realized that I forgot to bring a blanket with me. I don’t have a jacket either so I’m afraid that you’ll have to sit on the cold rock.”

Isabel smiled brightly at Alex, joy spreading through her body because Alex was worried about her getting cold. “That’s okay. Last year, we were sitting on the rock without blankets too.”

‘But if he is really worried about me getting cold, I could always sit on his lap.’ Isabel thought to herself with a smirk.

“You were wearing jeans back then.” Alex pointed out.

Isabel looked down at her knee-length sundress and shrugged. “I’ve never been sick before and I can get rid off any dirt, so don’t worry about it, Alex.” With that, she sat down and patted the space next to her.

“It’s really different here during the day.” Alex said glancing around.

Isabel agreed silently, also looking around. “Not that I want to spoil the mood but you wanted to talk, didn’t you?”

“Yeah.” Alex sighed and turned back to Isabel. “But I have to admit that I’m unsure about how to start.”

“But … didn’t you say that you know what you want?” Isabel asked confused.

“Oh, I know what I want to tell you, Isabel. I Just don’t know how to start.” Alex confessed.

“That doesn’t sound very reassuring.” Isabel said darkly.

Alex chuckled at that. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you.” He glanced at her with a grin. “You really have no reason to be worried.”

“I don’t have a reason to be worried?” Isabel echoed.

“No.” Alex said with a shake of his head.

Isabel frowned and was about to ask what Alex meant but before she had a chance to, Alex leaned over and kissed her. Completely caught off guard, it took Isabel exactly two seconds before she started to kiss Alex back. Running her right hand through his short air, Isabel deepened the kiss and used her left hand on Alex’s neck to hold him close. When they came up for breath again, Isabel rested her head on Alex’s shoulder, her arms locked around his neck, scared of letting him go again.

“Does that mean that we are together again?” Isabel asked after a long silence.

“Yes, it does.” Alex replied happily, smiling when Isabel sighed in relief. “The last days showed me that you were serious and that it was more than okay for me to open my heart for you again.”

“Thank God!” Isabel muttered before leaning up slightly and kissing Alex again. “I’m glad you decided like that.” Isabel said when she was snuggled up to Alex again.

“Well, you really made the decision easy for me. I was really surprised by how much … effort you showed in the last days.” Alex replied, kissing Isabel on her head.

“You are worth it.” Isabel said smiling.

“Oh.” Alex said surprised. “Okay.”

“Stop sounding so surprised!” Isabel ordered and gave Alex a playful shove. “You are a great guy; you really should know that by now.”

“Well, it’s always nice to hear such compliments.” Alex said and looked up at the sky, a faint blush on his face. “Too bad that it’s too light to see any stars.

Isabel decided to allow Alex to change the topic and also looked up. “What will you do on Friday?” she asked casually.

“I don’t know yet, but I have the feeling that you have a suggestion on what I could do.” Alex said with a smirk.

“Actually, I have one.” Isabel smiled back. “’One flew over the cuckoo’s nest’ is shown on Friday night. I never saw it before you and you wanted us to go once …” Isabel trailed off, wanting to hit herself for bringing that up. She had really been horrible to him that day … and many days afterwards.

Alex didn’t flinch or say anything when she mentioned the day they had met Grant Sorenson. “But that’s a classic! It’s almost a crime to not have seen this movie with 18!”

“Well, I certainly don’t want to be accused as criminal.” Isabel grinned, moving slightly against Alex so she was in a more comfortable position.

“I wouldn’t want that to happen either.” Alex grinned back, moving his face closer to Isabel’s. “Guess I’ll have to make sure that you see it on Friday.”

“It’s a date.” Isabel murmured before Alex’s lips were on hers.

Nothing was said for a long time afterwards, even though their lips and tongues were rather busy.

The end.
Colin Hanks
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Post by adi »

I didn't think I liked romantic fiction but I've just read these twice.

Either your an excellent writer or I'm going soft.

*pokes self with finger a couple of times - nope not going soft*
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

I.E. – Undone

By Sternbetrachter/Trude
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to “Roswell” or “Lola Carlyle Reveals It All” by Rachel Gibson
Alternate Universe – No aliens
Summary: When ex-model Isabel Evans has a big problem with her ex-boyfriend, she surpris-ingly finds help within the computer expert Alex Whitman.
Author’s Note: After talking to KaraGail about different story ideas and reading the above mentioned book by Rachel Gibson, I got the idea for this story because the book immediately made me think about Isabel and Alex.

Part One

Alex Whitman waited patiently for his boss Clark Sampson to finish his phone talk with a client. Sampson had ordered Alex into his office but when Alex had arrived, Sampson had been on the phone and instead of sending Alex away again, he motioned him to wait till he was done.

“… don’t worry, I’ll personally take car of this, Larry. Bye!”

Alex looked up when Sampson put the phone away with a sigh. Focusing on one of his best workers, Sampson folded his hands on the table. “I’ve heard that you are almost done with the Crawford job, Mr. Whitman.”

“Yes sir, I only have to make sure that the server and back up system work properly and that the routers are functioning.” Alex replied. He worked for a small company called “Computer Aids” which, like the name already hinted, was helping other companies with their com-puter/network problems. Alex got the job right after college and now, with 28 he was one of the top 3 workers at “Computer Aids”.

“I want Ray Park to finish this because I have something else for you. Park was working on the “Cool Princess” case which I want you to finish.” Sampson explained.

Alex nodded a bit surprised. It was unusual that the technicians/computer geeks switched cases since it meant that two people had to get acquainted with the various problems their clients had and with the quirks of the people who they had to work with.

“May I ask why? Not that I mind but …” Alex trailed off questioningly.

“You know that “Cool Princess” is owned by an ex-model and naturally, she only has good looking men and women working for her.” Sampson started and Alex nodded even though he hadn’t known that but knowing about the business’ owners wasn’t that important for his job. He only had to concentrate on the network systems.

“Well, Ray Park, good as he is at his job, is a horn dog who likes to flirt and stare. Ms. Evans, the ex-model called me yesterday and told me that her workers already complaint about Park not being able to take a hint and leave the women alone and threatened to give another firm the job. You know how much I hate losing clients to the concurrence, Whitman.” Sampson said with a wave of his hand. “And I certainly don’t want Park’s wife blaming me somehow if they get a divorce because of his constant flirting. I know that you know how to treat women and that’s why I want you to finish this. It shouldn’t take you more than two days which means that your schedule won’t get too mixed up.”

Alex chuckled slightly at this. ‘Knowing how to treat women’ was Clark Sampson’s polite way of saying that Alex was too shy to open his mouth around a beautiful woman let alone a few beautiful women.

“I’ll start immediately.” Alex said while getting up. “Does Ray know about this yet?”

“Yes, I already talked to him earlier. You two can start swapping the necessary information then.” Sampson replied.

Isabel Evans took a sip of her coffee as the elevator doors opened and walked to her office. She gave a curt nod to her secretary Sally as she briskly walked past her and closed the door to her office behind her.

To say that she was pissed was an understatement! Earlier, she had talked with her lawyer who had confirmed that Jesse was doing nothing illegal with the website he had about her.

Gritting her teeth together, Isabel concentrated hard on not throwing the items on her desk against a wall at the thought of how Jesse had betrayed her trust and how stupid and naïve she had been.

Not wanting to think about that anymore, Isabel picked up the report with the selling statistics of her last lingerie collection. “At least the selling is going fine.” She said out loud, briefly wondering if Jesse’s nasty web site had something to do with that.

A knock on her door made her look up and see Sally walk in. “The new computer geek is here and like Mr. Sampson promised, he doesn’t seem to be a jerk like the one yesterday was. So far, this one – Mr. Whitman – could keep his tongue in his mouth and hasn’t made a joke about his ‘hardware’ yet.”

Isabel sighed in relief. She had been close to fire “Computer Aids” because the guy they sent yesterday was nothing but a sexiest jerk. After only half of the day, five of the women work-ing for her had complaint about him and she had threatened Sampson to send someone else or forget about the job. Luckily, he had taken her serious.

“Has he already started?” Isabel asked.

“Yeah, I just showed him where the server is and he immediately began.” Sally replied, posi-tive that this geek – who didn’t look that geeky – wouldn’t cause any trouble.

“That’s good. Remind me that I need to talk with him … say three hours if I don’t think about it myself.” Isabel said while taking her Donna Karen jacket off. She normally wasn’t forgetful but she had to admit that the whole Jesse issue was getting to her more than she liked to ad-mit.

Alex had arrived in the “Cool Princess” office half an hour ago. The pretty woman at the re-ception asked him to wait a few minutes before she showed him to his work place. He had taken a seat beside a huge plant and had waited patiently, watching men and women arrive at work, all dressed well and looking sharp. It made him feel a bit underdressed in his jeans, blue shirt and jacket but he shrugged the feeling of. He guessed it was obligate to be well dressed when your work had to do with clothes.

Then, SHE had walked in. Alex could only stare at the blonde goddess who stepped out of the elevator. Jesus, she was gorgeous – tall, blonde hair, long legs, the face of an angel, a body to die for. Of course, she had walked right past him without even acknowledging his presence.

Alex had sighed quietly but he was not really surprised about that. He knew that ordinary guys like him didn’t stand a chance in hell with women like the blonde goddess.

There was another knock on Isabel’s office door, causing her to look up from her papers. It was Sally again. “You wanted me to remind you that you wanted to talk with Mr. Whitman.” Sally explained.

Isabel frowned for a moment, not knowing who Whitman was before she remembered that he was the man from “Computer Aids”. She looked at her watch, surprised at how much time had already passed. Dismayed, she realized that she wasn’t even half as far with her work as she wanted to be. She had not really been concentrating on anything, her mind constantly drifting off to Jesse and his damned web site which was making more and more profit. The web site which was the reason why she wanted to talk with Whitman.

Part Two

When she walked into the office where the server was, she took in the scene in front of her with raised eyebrows. Someone, who she assumed was Whitman, was underneath the table with half of his body, probably searching for or plugging/unplugging something there. All she could make out of the man were his legs and his butt which she decided fell into the ‘cute’ category.

Alex suddenly had a weird feeling as if he was being watched. Slowly, he crawled backwards, catching a glimpse of long legs in red high heels. When he got up, as graceful as possible, he turned and almost had a heart attack when he came face to face with the goddess he saw ear-lier this morning.

Isabel looked the man before her over as he got up and turned. He was tall, taller than her, even in the shoes she was wearing. He had dark brown, unruly hair which needed a trim, and pretty green eyes slightly hidden behind black rimmed glasses.

He looked at her curiously, so she introduced herself. “Isabel Evans.”

“Alex Whitman. Nice to meet you Ms. Evans.” Alex replied, offering her his hand. “Can I help you?”

Isabel blinked in surprise. This wasn’t the response she was used to. Normally, she heard things like “Oh my God, *the* Isabel Evans,” or “I knew that I’ve seen you before some-where.”

Shaking her head slightly, she took his offered hand, noticing how soft yet strong his fingers felt on her skin. “I’m the owner of ‘Cool Princess’ and I wanted to see how you are getting along.”

“It’s going fine. I should be done in two or three days.” Alex said with a smile, immediately falling in love with her dark brown eyes.

“That’s good.” Isabel replied before closing the door behind her and walking a few steps into the room. “Uhm, you certainly knew a few things about computers. Do you have a few min-utes; I’d have some questions with which you might be able to help me.” Isabel asked, feeling a bit uneasy about the upcoming topic.

“I certainly don’t mind helping you out.” Alex replied with a grin, glad to be spending a few more moments with Isabel Evans. “What is it that you want to know? Oh, do you wanna sit down?” He asked, motioning to the only chair in the room.

“No thanks.” Isabel replied, running a hand through her hair nervously. “Okay, I know that viruses are doing lots of damage on websites but is it possible that a virus is sent specifically to one single website?”

“Yeah, that’s possible. Illegal but possible. But you don’t have to worry, I’m going to install the best anti-virus program and I’ll update it regularly so your ‘Cool Princess’ website will be safe.” Alex said with a reassuring smile, thinking that this was what Isabel was talking about.

“I’m not talking about that website.” Isabel said absently, causing Alex to frown slightly. “Would it be easy to find the person who sends a virus to one single website?” Isabel asked, then quickly added, “Theoretically speaking of course.”

“Theoretically.” Alex echoed slowly, pretty sure that she wasn’t telling him the whole truth. “Well, that depends on how good the attacker is and of course also on how good the person is who’s trying to find him.”

“Hm.” Isabel thought about his words, wondering who she knew who could do the job.

“Not that it’s any of my business but, why are you asking all these questions?” Alex couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s about the website of me.” Isabel explained in a matter of fact voice.

“What website?”

“C’mon, of course you have already heard of’.” Isabel muttered, shud-dering alone at the thought of it.

“No, I can’t say I have. Sorry.” Alex said, feeling uncomfortable about not knowing of this obviously well known site. ‘Some computer expert you are, Whitman!’ he thought to himself.

“You really don’t know what I’m talking about?” Isabel asked and smiled when the tall man shook his head. She contemplated not telling him any more and changing the subject but knew that he’d look up the site later anyway and with him not knowing about it yet, she at least had the chance to tell him her side of the story.

“When I was still working as a model,” Isabel began but stopped when she noticed his sur-prised look.

“You were a model?” Alex asked. “Figures, you have the looks for it.” He immediately blushed, not believing he said that loud. “Sorry. You just caught me by surprise. And sorry for not recognizing you.”

“No problem.” Isabel replied with an honest smile. She knew she was no Claudia, Naomi or Heidi but it was an unusual surprise that Alex Whitman hadn’t known who she was. Unusual but nice, she had to admit.

“Anyway, when I was still working as a model, I was dating a man who I trusted and later turned out to be a jerk. He made some … really embarrassing and rather revealing pictures of me. I was so stupid to not think anything of it, I was just so used to being photographed. I broke up with him when I found out that he was cheating on me.”

Alex had to suppress a surprised sound at that, he just couldn’t believe that any man would cheat on someone like Isabel Evans.

“After I ended things, he started the website I mentioned and put the pictures of me there and everyone who wants to see them, has to pay 25 $. I’ve been told that Jesse’s really making good money with that damn website.” Isabel ended bitterly, feeling helpless and angry about the situation all over again.

“God, that’s horrible, Ms. Evans.” Alex exclaimed shocked at what he had been told. Seeing her so emotionally made him want to wrap her up in his arms and comfort her but he knew that he could never do that without appearing as a creep.

“Yeah, I know. I’m just glad that my parents haven’t heard of it yet.” Isabel said quietly.

“I’m really sorry that I asked.” Alex said, feeling bad for being so noisy.

“Don’t be. It’s not like I’m not thinking about it the whole time anyway.” Isabel told him but Alex didn’t feel better. Isabel let out a sigh and turned to Alex. “Can you find out if someone from the office looked at the site?”

“Sure, it will only take a minute.” Alex said and went over to the computer. Isabel walked to the window, trying to get her emotions under control again. She never let herself go like this, especially not around a total stranger. But somehow, looking into Alex Whitman’s soft eyes made her want to tell him about everything.

‘God, Jesse will hopefully rot in hell for this.’ She thought bitterly.

Alex clearing his throat made her turn around and walk over to him, coming to a halt behind him. “Did you find something?”

“Uh, yes, I did.” Alex replied uneasily.

“Okay, how many looked it up?” Alex’s reaction already told Isabel that someone had indeed looked at the site.

“Everyone did.” Alex replied softly after a moment. He felt Isabel stiffen behind him but wanted to give her a moment before turning to her.

“Did they … did they all pay?” Isabel shakily asked.

“No, only two did.” Alex said, refraining from telling her that he suspected that those two let the rest of her ‘team’ watch. He hoped that she wouldn’t think of this herself. “Did anyone act different around you lately?”

“No, but they know better than to piss me off.” Isabel said coolly.

Alex almost believed that she wasn’t affected by this but he could see the hurt in her eyes. But before he could say anything, a knock on the door got their attention.

Sally walked in, “Ms. Evans, Mr. Pierce is on the phone, he wants to talk about a few things concerning the marketing.”

“Thanks Sally.” Isabel said then turned to Alex again. “Is there anything you need, Mr. Whitman?”

“A glass of water would be nice.” Alex replied.

“Sally, bring it to Mr. Whitman as soon as possible.” Isabel told her secretary before quickly leaving the room.

Sally looked surprised at the dark haired man, wondering what was up with her boss. Alex only shrugged and gave her an unassuming smile in return, fairly certain that Isabel’s attitude around her workers would be a bit strained in the near future.

Part Three

Alex sat in front of his computer and laptop in his small but cozy apartment. He was intently staring at the blank computer screen, his fingers relentlessly drumming on the table. With a sigh he got up and walked over to his aquarium, crouching down in front of it.

”Today, I met an angel, Walt.” He told one of the fishes which just stared back at Alex. “I know how you feel buddy, I couldn’t speak either when I first saw her.”

Alex got up again and started pacing, his eyes constantly drifting to his computer. “I can’t do that.” He muttered. “It’s illegal.”

Alex thought back to how defeated Isabel had looked after telling him about the website and her fear of her parents finding out. He had wanted to hold her and tell her that everything would be fine, that he’d beat that jerk up for her and that he’d never let anyone harm her again.

“Well, it’s not like they’d be able to catch me.” He mused out loud, knowing very well that hacking into a private computer wouldn’t take him more than an hour and that probably no one would be really interested in it anyway. It’s not like he wanted to hack into the govern-ment’s computer network.

He sat down in front of his computer again, flexing his fingers and started to type in the ad-dress of the unwanted website. He looked for a moment at the two preview pictures of Isabel in a blue negligee, his breath caught in his throat at the seductive look on her face.

Trailing his eyes down, he briefly read the text about having to pay 25 $ to see the ‘better pic-tures’ and that already 10.538 people had viewed the site. Anger welt up in him and for a moment he contemplated to also hack into Jesse Ramirez bank account. All the information he needed was on this first page but he knew that hacking into bank accounts would get way more attention than one single website crashing down.

With another look at the two pictures of Isabel he started to work, a small smile on his face as he imagined how the look on Ramirez’ face when he found out that not only the profitable website was gone, but that also his computer wasn’t working anymore.

“I’m really sorry for being late, Kyle!” Isabel apologized as she sat down next to the brown haired man.

“No problem, I only arrived five minutes ago.” Kyle replied as he watched his cousin briefly studying the menu of the small café they were sitting in. “You look horrible.” He said after a moment.”

“And you are your usual charming self.” Isabel replied, rolling her eyes and resisting the urge to check her appearance in the small mirror she had in her Prada bag.

“What did your lawyer say?” Kyle asked after the waiter had taken their order.

Isabel sighed. Kyle was the only one who knew about the trouble Jesse was causing. Some-how, it was easier for Isabel to talk to her cousin about it than to her parents or brother. She assumed it had something to do with her always trying to be a perfect daughter and sister and not wanting to ruin that image. “Jesse is doing nothing illegal. And to top it, today I learnt that my whole staff was looking at his website.”

“You caught them?” Kyle asked disgusted.

“No. I’m having a computer company doing some updates on the company’s computer net-work and …” Isabel stopped talking when the waiter came back with their coffees, giving her a charming smile.

“God, isn’t it getting on your nerves that every man knows you and is trying to hook up with you?”

Isabel had to laugh at the protectiveness in Kyle’s voice. While she wasn’t as close with him as with her brother, Kyle was always looking out for her. “It’s not like I’m falling for that kind of stuff. Besides, not every man knows who I am. Alex Whitman, the computer guy, had no idea who I was before I told him.”

“You told him?” Kyle asked surprised. “I thought you were past the ‘everyone has to know me’ phase?”

“Very funny.” Isabel shot back. “I was asking him a few questions on how to damage web-sites …” she raised her hands in defeat at Kyle’s groan, “I know I know, I’m not good with computers and don’t know Bill Gates but I guess I’m getting desperate about the whole thing.”

Seeing the pity on Kyle’s face, Isabel quickly went on before he could say anything. “Any-way, he had no idea about who I am or about the website but he’s probably looking it up right now. Well, I somehow ended up telling him about it, which I still don’t understand since I only told you and my lawyer about it without being asked first.”

“Alex said that damaging a website wasn’t difficult but that as long as Jesse’s having the pic-tures and negatives, he can always start a new one. I also asked him if he could tell whether one of the computers at ‘Cool Princess’ got access to the site and it turned out that every sin-gle computer already visited it.”

“How are you dealing with that?” Kyle asked softly after a minute.

“I’m trying to not think about it too much but that’s not easy. But I guess my employers look-ing at the website shouldn’t bother me too much considering how many other people already saw it or how my parents are going to react when they eventually find out.”

Isabel shuddered at the mere thought of that.

“You still having the keys to Jesse’s house?” Kyle asked putting his hand on top of hers, giv-ing it a reassuring squeeze.

“Yes. I better drop them off at a gay club along with his address and make sure that he gets a midnight surprise.” Isabel muttered, already imaging that lovely scene.

”And you are sure that he’s keeping the pictures at home and has not deposited them at a bank?”

“I bet they are put away in his safe in the basement and that he’s still using his high school graduation date as combination.”

“Could I borrow the keys for some time?”

Isabel’s head shot up at the question and warning bells started to ring in her head upon seeing the oh-so-innocent look on Kyle’s face. “Why?”

“So I can break in and steal those damn pictures.” Kyle stated resolutely.

“You can’t do that!” Isabel cried out shocked.

“Why not?” Kyle asked, not understanding her shock. He thought she’d be ecstatic at the thought of getting the pictures and negatives back.

“Because you are a cop! Cops don’t break into other people’s houses!” Isabel said, not believ-ing what Kyle was suggesting.

“Oh come on, Isabel. You know his place and can tell me where I can find this safe. Being a cop, I know that most people’s houses are robbed because they don’t lock all the doors and windows, especially when it’s so humid like it is right now. I’ll be in and out in ten minutes.”

“And if he catches you?” Isabel asked, cursing herself for even giving Kyle’s stupid idea a second thought.

“I don’t intent to do this when he’s watching ‘Jeopardy’. I’ll strike when he is on one of those parties about which you always complained.” Kyle explained his plan, warming up to it more and more.

Isabel knew that Kyle had a point here – Jesse loved to go out. It was ironic that the respected lawyer (who turned out to be a bastard) always wanted to go to every party there was while she, the assumed glamour girl preferred to stay home and watch a movie.

Seeing the uncertain look on Isabel’s face, Kyle went on. “Relax Isabel, I don’t want to do this tonight. I still have to think about a few things, like what will you do that night because Jesse will surely think that you are behind someone stealing the pictures.”

Isabel narrowed her eyes at her cousin. “Kyle, have you done something like this before? Be-cause you seem to know a lot about these kind of things.”

”Comes with the job.” Kyle laughed before getting serious again. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure it all out. Everything will be fine in the end.

Isabel gave Sally a small smile as she walked past her desk and into her office, aware that Mark and Daniel from marketing were watching her. She was used to people – especially men – watching her, she had about 13 years of experience in it but now that she knew that they all had looked up the website from hell, it made work a bit uncomfortable.

“Ms. Evans, a Mr. Valenti already called a few times. He wants you to call him back and said that you have his number.”

“Thanks Sally.” Isabel said, surprised that Kyle had called her not even 12 hours after last seeing her. “Please, don’t call because you got arrested for breaking in.” Isabel muttered as she dialed his number.

“Hey Iz!” Kyle greeted her after two rings. “Thanks for calling back.”

”No problem. What can I do for you?”

“I just wanted to clean something up. The address of Jesse’s site is, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” Isabel ground out between gritted teeth.

“Hm, weird.” Kyle commented.

“Weird? What’s weird?” Isabel asked, lifting her head from its place on the desk.

“When I got home yesterday, I wanted to take a look at the site and …”

“You what?” Isabel cried out, not believing that her cousin would do that.

“Get your dirty mind out of the gutter, Isabel!” Kyle ordered. “I’m not into incest and have no desire to see pictures where you are naked. You’re my cousin for Christ’s sake!”

“Sorry.” Isabel mumbled, glad that Kyle couldn’t see her blushing.

“I was hoping beyond hope that you were exaggerating when you said everybody is looking at the site. Anyway, I thought I’ve gotten the wrong address because when I tried yesterday and earlier this morning, all I got was a ‘website can’t be found message’. And as you just con-firmed, I used the right address.”

“Kyle, what are you trying to say? That there is no website anymore?” Isabel asked excited.

“Don’t get your hopes up. It could just be a temporary thing.” Kyle advised. “Why don’t you try it?”

“Give me a moment.” Isabel told him and put the phone away and took a deep breath before typing in the few letters.

“Website can’t be found.” Isabel read out loud for Kyle. “I can’t believe it!”

“Me neither. That’s really great.” Kyle said. “and a bit funny”


”Yeah, yesterday we talk about damaging the website and Jesse and today, it’s gone.” Kyle chuckled at Isabel’s luck. When she didn’t reply he frowned. “Isabel? You still here?”

“Yeah. I just … I … I have to take care of something. I’ll call you later, okay?”

“Sure but are you really alright”?

“Yes, don’t worry, Kyle. I’m really fine. There’s just something I have to do. Thank you for calling, that made my day.” Isabel reassured her cousin before hanging up.

She stared at the computer screen for a moment which still showed the ‘website can’t be found’ message before she got up and slowly walked around in the room.

Kyle’s words were still in her head ‘Yeah, yesterday we talk about damaging the website and Jesse and today, it’s gone.’

What Kyle obviously hadn’t thought of and what she couldn’t stop thinking about right now was that she had also talked with Alex Whitman about her problem. Alex Whitman who cer-tainly knew how to hack into a website. Isabel shook her head.

‘No, he’d never do that. We only met yesterday.’ She thought. She knew that she had often gotten her way because she was pretty but there was a huge different between getting into a club for free and destroying other people’s property. Like Alex had said himself; that was illegal so there was no way that he’d have done that. Or would he?

Part Four

“How is it going?”

Alex turned around at the question, coming face to face with the lovely vision of Isabel Ev-ans. She was wearing a simple blue top with not so simple looking, tight fitting leather pants. Alex had to fight hard to keep his tongue in his mouth.

“Uhm, everything is fine. I’ll be done in time.” Giving Isabel a weak smile, Alex turned to check a few numbers on the computer screen.

“Something funny happened today.” Isabel said while walking closer to Alex.

He was silent for a moment, his eyes glued to the screen. “Really?”

“Yeah. The website I told you about yesterday, my cousin informed me earlier that the site has crashed down.”

“Really?” Alex said again, his eyes briefly flickering to Isabel who was now leaning against the desk where he was sitting.

“Well, you can’t look at it anymore so I guess it crashed.”

“And you think that is funny?” Alex questioned.

“Mhm. If I had known that talking to a stranger about it would lead to the site being gone the next day, I would have done that long ago.” Isabel leaned even closer to Alex, their faces not even one foot apart. “But I guess not everyone knows as much about computers as you do.”

“I guess not.” Alex carefully answered. He got up, wanting to cross the room to look at a few of the switches and more importantly, bring some distance between him and the beautiful woman. He didn’t get a chance to make more than two steps because Isabel got into his way, standing very close to him.

After a moment of shock, Alex looked away from her eyes and focused his gaze on a spot slightly above her left shoulder.

Isabel herself hat do blink a few times, momentary stunned by the intensity of his green eyes. Finding her voice again, Isabel quietly asked, “Do you have anything to do with what hap-pened with the website, Alex?”

Alex noticed her switch to his first name and taking a deep breath; he slowly lifted his eyes to Isabel’s and looked at her for a long moment before simply saying, “Yes.”

There was silence after that one word, Alex wondering what Isabel would do after his revela-tion. He wasn’t sure what he had expected but it was certainly not Isabel throwing her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek and hugging him tightly.

After long moments that passed way too quickly for Alex’s liking, Isabel took a step back, nervously clearing her throat. “Sorry for that.” She mumbled an adorable blush on her face.

Alex just nodded also clearing his throat but not trusting his voice yet, so that there was again silence. Alex was simply stunned by what just happened. He could still smell her perfume and recall how her body was pressed against his. He tried to focus on these memories, knowing that they were all he would ever have to remember about his time with Isabel Evans.

Isabel was lost in her thoughts too. That was the second time in two days that she had acted out of character around the same stranger. ‘That’s just the stress and worry over the website.’ She told herself. She briefly glanced at Alex, frowning slightly. Yesterday, he had appeared lanky but when she’d hugged him, his shoulders had seemed broader and his arms – which had briefly encircled her waist – felt strong and safe. It was scary how much she had enjoyed these few seconds in Alex Whitman’s arms.

“The site might be gone,” Alex started and cleared his throat again, “but I’m afraid that as long as your ex has the pictures and negatives, he can easily rebuilt it or start a new one. I’m sorry for not being able to do more.”

“Sorry?” Isabel echoed amazed. “There’s nothing you have to feel sorry about. God, you’ve already done so much for me.” She looked at the man in front of her. “Why did you do it?”

Alex shrugged and walked back to the main computer, pretending to read something on the screen. ‘Because I have a crush on you like a high school boy.’ He thought to himself but out loud he said, “Well, just because someone broke up with him, he’ starting a not very charming website. Aside of being childish, it’s not very respectful towards you.” Alex turned to Isabel again. “Besides, you are a customer of ‘Computer Aids’ and my job is to take care of your computer problems and that site was certainly falling into that category.”

Isabel smiled at that even though she wasn’t totally convinced by his explanation. “Did .. did you look at the pictures?” Isabel asked, afraid of the answer.

“No. I only saw the start page and the two pictures there. I could do everything from there, Ms. Evans.”

“Please, call me Isabel.” She replied with a smile. Isabel didn’t think for one second that Alex might lie, she was certain that he said the truth and she couldn’t believe how happy she was that Alex hadn’t seen the pictures. She really didn’t want him to see her naked for the first time on a website.

Isabel’s smile faded. ‘… for the first time? Where did that come from?’

“Everything alright Ms. .. Isabel?” Alex asked worried. He had noticed how her mood had changed from happy to slightly panicked.

“What? Oh yeah, everything is … everything is fine.” Isabel answered a little too cheerfully. ‘Has the room suddenly gotten smaller? Were we standing this close the whole time? God, I have to get out of here! Quickly!’

“Uhm, I have to look at … some statistics … very important stuff. I … uh … really need to go.” Isabel stammered as she moved to the door. “Thanks for everything. I … talk to you later, Alex. Bye.”

Alex stared at the closed door for a few moments before turning back to his work with a sigh. He was slightly disappointed by Isabel’s sudden leave but what did he expect? Isabel to throw her arms around him (which she actually did he had to admit) and ask him to marry her? ‘Yeah right, the model and the geek!’ he thought sarcastically.

Isabel had already surprised him by immediately suspecting that he was the one behind what happened to the website. And still, her sudden departure had hurt a little.

Or did she think it weird that a man she just met would do something like that? ‘She probably thinks that I’m a stalker.’ Alex thought miserably, certain now that he’d never get to see Isa-bel again.

“To sum it up, you met the guy yesterday, told him about the website and then he somehow destroyed it?” Kyle asked.

Isabel had called Kyle after returning to her office and pacing around in it for a few minutes, hating how confused she was after a few minutes in Alex Whitman’s presence. Frustrated, she had grabbed her phone and dialed her cousin’s number so she could tell him what had hap-pened, because she had to talk to someone about it.

“Yes. That’s what happened.”

“I want to meet the guy.”

“You what?” Isabel asked surprised. “Why?”

“Because I’d like to take a look at the guy and check if he’s not one of your crazy stalkers.”

“One of my crazy stalkers? I only had one stalker so far and Grant’s still in jail.” Isabel re-plied with a roll of her eyes. “You don’t want to arrest him for what he did, do you?”

“Of course not! I probably should but since he only did damage to Jesse’s site, I’d rather throw him a party instead.” Kyle reassured Isabel.

“I can’t just ask him to meet my cousin who happens to be a cop. He’d think you are gay.” Isabel argued.

“Ha ha, very funny. I want you to come along too.” Kyle shot back dryly.

“Me? Why?” Isabel asked, slightly panicked at the thought of spending an evening with Alex Whitman without really knowing why which really annoyed her.

“Because I don’t want him to get ideas. No, seriously, like you said, I’m a cop and I don’t wanna scare him so having you with us should put him at ease. Besides, I don’t know how he looks and he doesn’t know me and this is about you, you need to be there.” Kyle argued.

Ten minutes later and a lot of persuasion on Kyle’s part, Isabel was walking towards Alex’s workplace again. She knocked lightly on the door and walked in without waiting for a reply.

“Hey, it’s me again.” She greeted Alex who had stood up when she had entered the room.

“Hello.” He awkwardly replied, very surprised to see her again.

“What are you doing tonight?” Isabel abruptly asked.

Alex blinked at the unexpected question. “Uhm, nothing if I’m honsest.” He replied, feeling like a complete loser for admitting that he didn’t have a date for a Wednesday night.

“I know this is sudden and seems weird but my cousin wants to meet you.”

“Why?” Alex asked perplexed by the request.

“He wants to thank you for helping me. He was already thinking of ways to help me himself, even wanted to break into Jesse’s house which really is extreme especially for a cop.”

“He’s a cop?” Alex cried out.

“Yeah but I promise that he only wants to thank you because he is, just like me, grateful for what you did.” Isabel quickly exclaimed, hoping to calm a visibly upset Alex.

‘A cop!’ Alex’s mind screamed as he slowly sat down again. Then something else that Isabel had said registered. “He wants to break into your ex’s house?”

“To steal the pictures and negatives.” Isabel confirmed.

“Interesting.” Alex muttered. “He really won’t arrest me?”

Isabel shook her head. “No. He just wants to meet you and I’ll make sure that he behaves.”

”You’ll be there too?” Alex asked surprised.

“Yes. I thought I’d accompany you but if you don’t want …”

“No, no!” Alex interrupted Isabel. “The more the merrier.” He told her with a silly grin.

“Great.” Isabel answered with an equally broad grin. They stood there grinning at each other till Alex’s cell phone started to buzz.

Giving Isabel an apologetic smile, Alex grabbed his phone. “Whitman. Hello Mrs. Wenner. A weird noise coming from your computer? Hmm, one minute please, Mrs. Wenner.” Alex put his hand on the phone and turned to Isabel. “I’m afraid this will take some time, it’s one of ‘Computer Aids’ best clients. When and where will we meet tonight?”

Alex smiled at the waiter who put his cappuccino down in front of him. He nervously took a sip and resisted the urge to tap his foot against the floor. In the few minutes that he, Isabel and her cousin Kyle Valenti had been sitting in the small café, they had done some small talk which didn’t have the desired effect of putting them all at ease.

From what Alex could tell after these few minutes, Kyle Valenti seemed to be a nice guy. He was good looking in the ‘All American Dream Guy/Surfer’ way. Alex guessed that the attrac-tiveness ran in the Evans/Valenti family.

With an inaudible sigh, Alex decided to get down to business. “Isabel said you wanted to talk with me, Mr. Valenti?” Alex started, managing to stop himself from saying ‘Officer Valenti’.

“Yeah. I wanted to thank you for helping my cousin. If I knew more about computers I’d ask you how you did it but I’m afraid that I wouldn’t understand it anyway.” Kyle replied with a smile. “Of course, I’m really curious about why you did it. Isabel already told me what you told her but I’d like to hear it again. Bad habit from the job that I want to hear things again and again, I guess.”

Alex swallowed at the reminder that he was talking to a cop about his illegal activities. He didn’t really know how to reply to the question without sounding like a love sick school boy but luckily, Isabel came to his rescue.

“Kyle! Stop mentioning your job or God help me, I’ll …”

“Okay, okay, okay!” Kyle raised his hands in surrender. He turned to Alex again and mut-tered, “Women!” A second later, he yelped in pain and glared at Isabel.

“Sorry, did I hit you?” Isabel asked sweetly.

Giving her another withering glare, he turned once again to Alex who had watched the ex-change with an amused smile. “So, you went to the site and managed to make it crash?”

Alex nodded. “Yes, that’s how it happened. It wasn’t very hard, didn’t take me an hour to do it.”

Isabel grinned at Alex while Kyle asked, “Can the site be rebuilt again quickly?”

“As long as he has the pictures and when he gets a new computer, yes, it can easily be redone again, I fear.”

“A new computer?” Isabel asked.

“Uhm yeah.” Alex fidgeted a bit in his seat. “I .. the virus I sent has destroyed the hard drive and motherboard of his computer too.”

Kyle’s eyebrows shot up at that and Isabel looked surprised too. “Cool.” She said after a mo-ment.

Kyle wanted to ask if really only Jesse’s computer got attacked but remembered Isabel’s le-thal high heels and instead asked. “Are you sure that Jesse won’t be able to find out who was behind the attack?”

“Yeah, pretty much. It will look as if it was one of the thousands of viruses that are active online. It will also be cheaper for him to get a new computer than to repair the old one.” Alex replied confidently, happy when he noticed Isabel’s happy smile.

After that, the three were doing some small talk, the cousins telling embarrassing stories of their childhood when Kyle suddenly announced. “You two should go out again.”

“Excuse me?” Isabel exclaimed and Alex who had wanted to take another sip of his coffee stopped the motion in mid air.

“Hear me out first, okay?” Kyle asked and when he got no objections, he explained. “I’ve done some research and found out that Jesse will attend a diner party on Saturday. That is the perfect opportunity for me to get the pictures and negatives.”

”You really are a cop?” Alex couldn’t help asking.

“Yes I am, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Anyway, Jesse will surely connect the missing pictures with you so it would be perfect if you were at the same party too or somewhere else where many people can see you. Alex knows about what’s going on so that makes him the perfect accomplice. You two could of course also stay at Isabel’s, considering how noisy your neighbors are, they will take pleasure in telling everyone that a man stayed the whole night with you.”

“You really want to break in?” Isabel asked worriedly.

“Yes and you won’t be able to talk me out of it.” Kyle stated firmly.

“But this is all so sudden.” Isabel moaned.

“The sooner the better.” Alex said quietly, blushing slightly when Isabel stared at him. “The more time passes, the more likely it is that your ex gets another website started.” Alex told her, trying not to grin at the thought of having a date with the beautiful blonde, no matter what the motives were.

“You don’t have to go to that diner party when you don’t want to meet Jesse again.” Kyle said, worried that Isabel might not want to see Jesse again.

Isabel shook her head. “No, seeing him again won’t be a problem for me.” She said. Isabel was actually looking forward to see Jesse Ramirez again so she could put an end to that part of her life and show him that his website hadn’t stopped her from having a social life.

She then turned to Alex. “Oh God, we’ve been talking about this without asking you if you even want to attend the party. I’m so sorry.”

“It seems like your cousin is intent on getting the pictures. I really won’t mind accompanying you to this party. That is, if you want me to.” Alex replied, not wanting to sound too eager.

“Uhm no, I really don’t mind. As long as it is not too weird for you.” Isabel said with a faint blush that didn’t go unnoticed by Kyle.

“It’s a date then!” Kyle grinned and clapped his hands together. Both Alex and Isabel flushed when Kyle said ‘date’ and avoided eye contact.

“I’ll get into his house around 11 pm.” Kyle’s words got their attention again. “I think it would be best if you two stay at the party till after midnight and try to look carefree and have fun.”

The rest of the evening was spent with talk about the upcoming Saturday.
Colin Hanks
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

Part 5

Isabel didn’t even look up from work when her phone rang and just reached for it blindly. “Yes?”

“Mr. Whitman wants to talk to you Isabel.” Sally informed her.

That had Isabel looking up from work in pleasant surprise. It was Friday and yesterday, the two didn’t get to talk so Isabel didn’t only have a good idea what Alex wanted to talk about but was also looking forward to seeing him again. Since she met him, he had become some-thing like her knight in shining armor because he destroyed Jesse’s website not to forget that she always felt comfortable in his presence.

“Send him in please!” Isabel replied, quickly checking her hair and make up.

She stood up when Alex walked in and gave him a shy smile. “Hello!” She greeted him. “What can I do for you?”

Alex smiled back at her as he walked to her desk. “Hello. Uhm, I just wanted to know what I am supposed to wear tomorrow and if I should pick you up?”

“It’s a formal party so jeans won’t be good. A tux would be great or a smoking if you prefer that but that’s not really necessary.” Isabel said.

Alex nodded. “With or without tie?”

“I don’t think that is necessary but no one will complain if you wanna wear one.”

“Okay. What are you going to wear?” Alex asked curiously.

“I was thinking of a long sleeveless red dress with my hair up.”

“I’m sure you’ll look gorgeous.” Alex said, delighted when Isabel blushed.

Isabel cleared her throat nervously. “Since it is supposed to be a date you should pick me up, I guess.” Feeling her face flush once again, Isabel looked down at her desk. “Do you have my address?”

“No.” Alex admitted, watching her as she wrote down her address on a piece of paper. “Thanks.” He said, taking the paper from her, thrilled when his hand brushed her soft one. “When do you want me to pick you up?”

“How about seven?” Isabel asked, feeling her skin tingle where it had touched Alex’s.

“Okay, seven it is.” Alex smiled and wanted to say something else but the phone ringing once again interrupted him.

Isabel picked it up, listened for a few moments and then turned to Alex. “It’s my designer. I’ll see you tomorrow then?”

“Of course, I can’t wait.” Alex said and turned to leave.

“Alex?” Isabel called when he had almost reached the door. He turned and looked at her ques-tioningly. “What will you wear?”

“Either a black suit with a white shirt or a dark blue one with a white shirt. I’m not sure yet. Which would you prefer?”

“The black one.” Isabel smiled, already picturing him in the suit in her mind.

“Thanks.” Alex grinned and with a nod, he was out of her office and Isabel turned back to her phone, still smiling.

Alex took a deep breathe as he parked in front of Isabel’s impressive home. She lived in an expensive neighborhood and the sheer endless number of Mercedes, BMW and Porsches parked everywhere made Alex feel very out of place in his simple PT Cruiser. With a silent prayer to make it through the night without embarrassing himself too much, Alex took the bouquet of roses from the passenger seat and got out of his car.

Walking to the front door, he almost jumped out of his skin when out of nowhere a voice said “Hello!”

“Hello?” Alex asked, looking to his right where he spotted an elderly lady in the garden of Isabel’s neighbor.

“Have we met before young man?” the woman asked but before Alex could reply, an already familiar voice said, “No, you haven’t met him before, Mrs. Nercob.”

Both Alex and Mrs. Nercob turned towards the house where Isabel was standing on the porch. Alex knew that the two women continued to talk but he couldn’t hear them. He was mesmer-ized by Isabel’s appearance. She truly looked like a goddess in her elegant yet sexy red dress.

‘If Helen of Troy looked like that then I know why there was a war about her.’ Alex thought awed.

“God, she’s such a noisy old … old … woman!” Isabel exclaimed, bringing Alex out of his stupor.

Looking around, he realized that Mrs. Nercob had disappeared and with another deep breath, he turned towards Isabel and walked up to her with a smile. “One of the neighbors your cousin mentioned?”

“Yes.” Isabel sighed but then her face lit up. “Oh Alex! The roses are wonderful but you really shouldn’t have …”

Alex grinned as he handed her the red and sterling colored flowers. “Well, your cousin said it is a date, besides, for an evening like this one, roses seem fitting.”

Isabel beamed at Alex. “I’ll just put them into a vase; I’ll be back in a minute.”

Alex took in his surroundings while he waited for Isabel. The walls and furniture were all in light and warm colors, making the house look very inviting. He wasn’t an expert but even he could tell that the interior wasn’t from IKEA.
Hearing the clicking of Isabel’s shoes, Alex turned around and was once again blown away by Isabel’s beauty.

Isabel also took in Alex’s appearance, liking what she saw. He really looked dashing and handsome in his black tux and white shirt and, as she noticed with delight, he had cut his hair. He actually reminded her of one of the Hollywood stars from the 40’s and 50’s – a mix of Jimmy Stewart and Clark Gable.

“Are you ready?” she asked with a smile.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Alex quipped, offering his arm which Isabel gracefully took.

“So, what kind of people will be attending this party?” he asked as they drove away from Isa-bel’s house and her neighbors.

“I guess lawyers, politicians, journalists, models of course.”

“Of course!” Alex grinned.

Isabel grinned back, leaning back slightly, surprised at how comfortable the seat was. “You’ll be fine, don’t worry.” She reassured him. “When that poor guy in ‘Titanic’ managed to im-press the rich snobs then you will surely impress these snobs.”

Alex glanced briefly at Isabel. “Didn’t that guy die in the end?”

“Uh well … yeah.” Isabel admitted after a moment. “But we won’t be on a ship anyway, so you don’t have to worry about *that*.”

“Mhm.” Alex murmured amused.

Isabel slapped him gently. “Stop making fun of me, Mr. Whitman!”

“Sorry ma’am. Won’t happen again ma’am.” Alex automatically replied.

“That’s better.” Isabel said satisfied.

“And just for the record, ‘Ouch!’” Alex added.

“Baby!” Isabel returned unimpressed before they both started laughing.

When they calmed down again, Alex said, “Not to destroy the mood but how are we supposed to act if someone asks how long we’ve been dating? Telling them that it is our first date or it already being a long term relationship?”

Isabel was quiet for a long time, thinking about his question. “How about we say that we’ve been dating for three months?”

“Fine with me.” Alex smiled. ‘Three months! Does that mean that we might be kissing tonight in order to keep the appearance intact? Oh please God, don’t let me faint if that happens.’

“Alex, are you okay?” Isabel asked worriedly. “You look a little pale.”

“I’m fine, really. Maybe a bit nervous but that will surely pass.” Alex said, now blushing out of embarrassment.

Isabel smiled reassuringly at him. “Don’t worry, you won’t be having problems.”

After a few minutes, Isabel broke the comfortable silence between them again. “How and when did you learn so much about computers?”

Alex thought about his reply for a moment. “My father is in the army and we often had to move because of that. Most of the moving happened during the school year so I was con-stantly the new guy. After awhile, I got tired of trying to make new friends and then leave them again and was instead on my own and I occupied myself with music and computer games, then later different computer programs and I liked tinkering around with a computer so I thought why not combine business with pleasure. I have to admit, I haven’t totally given up on my dream of becoming a rock star one day though.”

Alex said the last with a grin and a slight blush which Isabel found absolutely adorable.

“But what about you? Why did you become a model and then business woman?” Alex asked Isabel, enjoying the easiness with which the conversation was flowing between them.

“Well, every girl wants to become a model.” Isabel replied with a fake cheery voice before she continued in her normal voice again. “At least till they realize how hard the job really is. I’m from a really really small town and wanted to just get out of there as a teen. No matter how hard or tiring modeling got, I kept going, knowing that I’d feel like a loser if I gave up and went home again. So, I fought when things got tough and when I finally got sick of eve-ryone but me eating cheeseburgers, had enough money and found a partner, I decided to try working as designer and shooting organizer. It turned out that I was good in it and … here I am.”

The rest of the drive continued in silence till they reached the mansion where the party took place.

“Wow!” Alex murmured when he saw the huge house and the big garden surrounding it.

“Not bad, huh?” Isabel commented when she saw Alex’s reaction.

“I guess you’ve already seen many places like this one?” Alex asked, feeling his face heat up at the realization at how different their lives were.

Isabel shrugged. “Yes, I have but … the owner of this place certainly has problems and issues like everyone else. Rich people just use money to hide them.” Looking out the window Isabel sighed. “Ready?”

“Sure. Lets rock this party!” Alex said and Isabel laughed. With a smile Alex got out of his car, glad that he could make Isabel laugh.

“So, are we just going to mingle around or did you see someone you want to talk with?” Alex asked five minutes after they had entered the house.

“I haven’t seen anyone special yet, so why don’t we …” Isabel stopped talking and Alex could feel her stiffen.

“What’s wrong?” he asked panicked but Isabel just stared ahead as if not hearing him. Fol-lowing the direction of her gaze, Alex’s eyes landed on a tall, good looking Hispanic man. He already knew who it was but still asked, “Is that Jesse?”

Isabel nodded, still unable to speak.

“Do you wanna sit down or go somewhere where he can’t see us?” Alex asked.

“No. I am fine.” Isabel said with a weak smile. “It’s just the first time that I see him since the breakup and everything that has happened since then hit me again full force.” She gave a bit-ter laugh. “I just … now, I wonder what I ever saw in him. God, I was so naïve!” Isabel mused.

Seeing Alex’s skeptical look, she smiled again, touched by his concern. “Really, I’m fine.” Grabbing his arm, she dragged him towards the buffet. “C’mon, you just have to try the mousse au chocolate! It’s God’s gift to mankind.”

Half an hour and two dozen different kinds of finger food later, Isabel was laughing about a story that Alex told her when a voice next to them spoke up. “Isabel! What a surprise to meet you here!”

Turning around, the two saw Jesse standing there.

“Jesse.” Isabel said coolly, which didn’t stop Jesse from grinning self confidently.

“How are you doing, Isabel? It has been ages since we last saw us.”

“Let’s be grateful for the small things.” Isabel muttered only for Alex to hear and he had to bite his lip to not laugh out loud.

“Oh, I think we two haven’t been introduced yet.” Jesse said to Alex. “Jesse Ramirez.” He held his hand out which Alex completely ignored.

“Alex Whitman. Isabel already told me about you.” Alex replied, causing Jesse to grin but Alex next words whipped the grin off Jesse’s face. “You are the lousy lawyer, aren’t you?”

There could be gasps heard and Alex realized that a small crowd had gathered around them. Trying to not let that bother him, Alex looked Jesse in the eyes with an open smile on his lips. He was dimly aware that Isabel had put her arm around his waist and was leaning onto him, his own hand possessively on the small of her back.

“What?” Jesse almost yelled angrily and Alex could actually see a vein pulsating on his tem-ple.

Slowly starting to enjoy this, Alex smiled innocently, “Oh, I just thought that you can’t be very good if you need a website to make money.”

Jesse took a few deep and calming breaths, his fists tightly clenched. “And what exactly are you doing for a living, Alec?”

Alex didn’t bother to correct Jesse since he assumed the name slip happened on purpose, he was actually unsure how to answer. If he said he was working with computers, Jesse might start to wonder whether he had something to do with his crashed website.

“He’s working for one of the companies that ‘Cool Princess’ worked with during our latest fashion show.” Isabel quickly said with a big grin, hoping that Jesse wouldn’t ask more ques-tions about Alex’s job.

“Really? Since when do you date the ‘lowly working class’?” Jesse asked with fake polite-ness, hoping that this would make the people surrounding them forget about Alex’s comment about the website. It did indeed get a few nervous chuckles out of their audience.

Isabel cocked her head to the side as if thinking about the question. “Since when? Oh, I guess since I realized that unlike others, Alex doesn’t need a fancy office, cool car and big apart-ment to compensate for other, rather small things.” Isabel said the last bit with a meaningful glance below Jesse’s waist which had many people laughing.

Hearing the band play a new song, Alex reacted quickly. “Jesse, it was great talking to you but the band just started playing ‘Why don’t you and I’ by Santana which happens to be our song,” he said with a glance at Isabel. “so, if you would excuse us.”

“Why? You wanna dance here?” Jesse asked, gesturing around the room where absolutely no one was dancing.

“No, of course not, but I’d like to spend some time alone with Isabel.”

“Maybe we can talk later again.” Jesse said with a sour look on his face.

“I don’t think so Jesse.” Isabel said before turning to Alex. “Honey, I’d really like to leave after our song. I’m really in the mood for some … alone time.” She said with a dazzling smile, running her hand down his chest which had Alex swallow hard.

“Sure, if that’s what you want.” Alex managed to get out before nodding at Jesse and walking away from him with Isabel.

When they had left the room, Alex turned to Isabel, concerned that he had acted too boldly for her liking but before he could ask her about it, Isabel started to laugh whole heartedly.

“Alex, you were great! The look on his face when you called him lousy lawyer! That was priceless!” Isabel started giggle again.

Alex had to join in, partly because it had indeed been funny and because he felt like ten feet tall because he made Isabel laugh. He loved it when she laughed. “You are one to talk, ‘Ms. Compensate For Other Small Things’. Statements like that one can do a lot to a guy’s ego.” He told her with a grin.

When they had calmed down five minutes later, Alex asked, “What are we gonna do now? Your cousin wanted us to stay till after midnight and it isn’t nine yet.”

Isabel shrugged nonchalantly. “We are doing what I said – going to my place. Kyle also said that it won’t hurt if my neighbors see that you are staying the night with me. So, I guess you are spending the night with me. We can eat popcorn and watch some old movies. I think I have the original King Kong movie at home.”

Isabel had her back to Alex as she told him that since he was walking behind her so she didn’t see his face when she said ‘spending the night with me’. His face was mixture of disbelief, shock and utterly happiness. Alex couldn’t believe his luck – he’d be with her the whole night. Okay, nothing dirty was gonna happen but still .. that had to be the best life of his young life, he was certain of it. He just hoped that he wouldn’t die of happiness.

Part 6

“What do you want to drink?” Isabel asked over her shoulder as she was walking ahead of Alex to her living room where they’d watch the original King Kong.

“Uhm, do you have orange soda on the rocks?” Alex asked back.

“On the rocks?” Isabel asked amused at his choice.

“On the rocks!” Alex said confidently. “Where can I find the bathroom?”

“Down the hall, last door on the right.” Isabel explained before she disappeared in what Alex assumed was the kitchen. “The toilet seat stays down!” she yelled a second later.

“Yes ma’am!” Alex shouted back amused.

Five minutes later Alex walked into the living room where Isabel looked at him with raised eyebrows. Suppressing a smile, Alex said, “The seat was down the whole time and I washed my hands.” He then hold his hands up for inspection.

“Well, then you are allowed to sit down.” Isabel motioned to the creamy colored couch. When Alex had sat down, Isabel sat down next to him, an amused twinkle in her brown eyes. Look-ing at Alex’s grinning face she finally lost it and burst out laughing.

When she got herself under control again, she sighed. “Sorry, but it’s my house and I have to set priorities.”

“Hey, it is no problem; my mother had a strict regime at home too.” Alex replied with a shrug.

“Really?” Isabel asked; keen to learn more about Alex’s life.

“Yeah. My dad might have been the big lieutenant in the army but at home, my mom was – still is – the boss who sat the rules.”

“Ah. So you are used to strong women then?” Isabel asked and then frowned. ‘Am I flirting with him?’

Alex thought about the question for a moment. “Yeah, I guess I am. I’m probably looking for confidence in women without even realizing it. But, don’t get me wrong, I don’t like being bossed around I just like it when women are confident about them and know what they want and who they are.”

Running a hand through his short hair, Alex asked shortly after the movie started, “When will you know if your cousin’s plan worked out?”

“He promised to call me as soon as possible. And when he wasn’t successful, I guess the po-lice will call me.” Isabel replied, now herself running her hand through her hair in a nervous manner.

“Hey, I’m sure Kyle is fine. He has thought about everything so nothing is going to go wrong.” Alex reassured Isabel, gently rubbing her right arm.

“I hope you are right.” Isabel said worriedly.

“Of course I’m right! I’m Alex!” he replied to that, making Isabel laugh.

“How could I have forgotten that?” Isabel asked with a small smile. “But since we cleared that, we better concentrate on the movie, I think.”

“Okay.” Alex agreed easily and their attention went back to the tv.

“So, what do you think?” Isabel asked when the movie was over. She had been quite surprised that Alex had never seen this classic.

“Well, there were a few really good scenes but overall, I think the movie is overrated.” Alex commented.

“Overrated?” Isabel repeated slowly. “But … it’s a classic!”

Alex shrugged. “I know and I’m very glad that I finally saw it but … maybe I’m already too used to special effects to really enjoy it.”

“Maybe the remake will be more your thing then.” Isabel said before shaking her head. “Overrated!”

“Sorry.” Alex laughed. “But since Peter Jackson is doing the remake, I’ll surely like it.”

“Ah, so you are one of those who think that PJ is a God because of Lord of the Rings!” Isabel stated.

“No! I already liked his earlier movies like Frighteners and Heavenly Creatures before the Ring movies came out.” Alex defended himself.

“You like Heavenly Creatures?” Isabel asked surprised.

“Yeah. Why?” Alex asked suspiciously.

“Oh … nothing.” Isabel replied with a smile.

“No, no. There is something. What is it?” Alex demanded.

“Really, it’s nothing.” Isabel laughed. “Come on, could these eyes lie?” she asked as she leaned her head on his shoulder, giving Alex her most innocent look.

“Uhm, I … I guess not.” Alex managed to get out, starring back at Isabel. Seeing his intense gaze, Isabel’s smile slowly faded and her eyes flickered between Alex’s eyes and his mouth.

They didn’t know who moved first but suddenly their lips were touching in the softest of ca-resses. Passion slowly took them over though and the kiss got deeper with Isabel putting one hand on Alex’s neck, holding his head in place while the other ran through his short hair. Alex’s hands were locked around her waist, holding her tightly to him.

Soon, Isabel started to grind herself against Alex and his hands moved down her back to her butt, squeezing it lightly. This caused Isabel to moan and their tongues to duel even more fiercely. Just as Isabel started to unbutton his shirts, lightly scraping her nails along the naked flesh she discovered, her cell phone rang, causing them to jump apart, staring at each other in shock and embarrassment.

“I … the phone … I better answer.” Isabel stammered, jumping off the couch and hurrying towards the phone. Alex continued to sit on the couch, staring down at his feet, trying to get himself under control again.

Alex didn’t listen to Isabel’s side of the talk as he repeated the kiss in his mind. He didn’t really know how it had happened, one moment Isabel was looking at him in the sexiest way he could think of and the next moment the phone rang. All he knew that the time between those two events was one of the best times in his life. That was why he repeated it again and again in his mind, wanting to remember the feel of Isabel’s lips on his and her hands on his head for the rest of his life, certain that Isabel would think of him as a freak and avoiding see-ing him again.

Isabel herself was lost in her own thoughts too. The phone call was long over but she kept pretending to listen to someone talking to her, so she could avoid speaking to Alex and sort out what happened. Just like Alex, she was at loss when it came to explaining how the kiss could have happened – it just did from one moment to the other. She could feel her face flush as she remembered the gentleness with which Alex kissed her as if she was something very fragile that needed to be treated with special care. It made her want to repeat the kiss and also scared her.

With a deep breath, she finally turned around but avoided looking into Alex’s eyes. “That was Kyle.”

Alex perked up at that, curious as to what Isabel had been told and hoping that whatever it was would lead them to forget about the kiss for a moment. Not that he was trying to kid him-self, he knew he’d never be able to forget it.

“He has the pictures and negatives! The whole thing didn’t take longer than 20 minutes for him, he was a bit shocked about how easily it actually was, thinking that a lawyer would be smarter than leaving the back door open but … he got the pictures and will hand them over to me tomorrow when we meet up for lunch.” Isabel explained, relief showing on her beautiful face.

“That’s really awesome. I’m so happy for you.” Alex said honestly, seeing that Isabel already seemed more relaxed than usual.

Nothing was said again as uncomfortable silence settled in between them again. After two minutes of avoiding eye contact and looking around the living room, Isabel said, “I uh … I’m pretty tired so …”

“Me too!” Alex immediately said, jumping at the chance of ending this awkward situation.

“Great. Uh, the guest room is the second room on the left side, down the hall again. There’s a toothbrush and a adjoined bathroom to it. Uh …” Isabel murmured, finding her shoes very interesting.

“Cool.” Alex said and they were silent again for a few seconds before Alex got up and Isabel started to walk towards the hall at the same moment. Exchanging embarrassed smiles and uneasy looks, Alex let Isabel leave first and then followed her till they reached his room.

“Uh … well, Good Night.” Alex said with a weak smile.

“Yeah, night.” Isabel mumbled back and walked to her room on the other side of the hall. She looked back at Alex one more time before disappearing in her bedroom and locking the door.

Alex walked into the room and saw the mentioned toothbrush along with soap, shower gel and other necessary items on the bed. After being done in the bathroom he walked towards the bed, spotting PJ’s which he ignored as he crawled under the covers in just his briefs, briefly wondering what Isabel would be wearing. He groaned at the images that came with that thought, knowing that he wouldn’t get much sleep this night.

Part 7

The next morning, Alex was up early. Like he had predicted, he didn’t sleep much that night. He woke shortly after 6 am and after tossing and turning for half an hour, he had gotten up, made the bed, showered, dressed and sat down on a chair next to the window, starring out and waiting for the minutes to tick by.

For the last 30 minutes, he could hear Isabel walking around the house, sometimes passing his room, briefly stopping before walking on. ‘Looks like I’m not the only morning person.’ Alex thought to himself.

Not that Alex minded that Isabel hadn’t knocked on his door yet. He was still unsure how to act around her after the kiss they had shared. Was he supposed to apologize? Or act like noth-ing had happened? He finally decided to follow Isabel’s lead – if she pretended that nothing had happened; then he’d do the same. If she wanted to talk about it, then he wouldn’t mind that either.

Just as he had made up his mind, there was a hesitant knock on his door.

“Come in!” he called as he stood up.

The door slowly opened and Isabel poked her head in. “Good Morning. I didn’t wake you did I?”

“No. I’m already up for … a few minutes.” Alex replied, motioning to the made bed. “Thanks for the room and everything. You really have a nice house.”

“After everything you’ve done you are more than welcome. Were the pj’s in the right size?”

“Uhm … yeah.” Alex answered, not wanting to be rude and tell her that he didn’t put them on. “I’ve never known of someone to have extra clothes for guests, I have to admit.”

“Oh, they were a gift from D&G, they gave me a “Him and Her” set after a fashion show.” Isabel replied.

Alex just nodded. ‘Guess she was wearing her pair of the set.’ He thought.

“So … you are going to get the pictures today?” Alex asked, deciding that this was a safe topic.

“Yeah, I’m gonna meet him for brunch in an hour.” Isabel said.

“What will you do with them?” Alex asked curiously.

“As soon as I get home again, I’ll burn them.” Isabel said with an evil smile before there was silence again.

“Well, I guess I better go. Have to check a few things at work and such.” Alex mumbled as he picked up his jacket.

“Okay.” Isabel said, looking around the room before her head snapped back to Alex. “Oh my God, I’m so rude. You haven’t eaten anything. Do you want me to prepare coffee or …”

“No, that’s not necessary.” Alex interrupted her gently. “I never eat much in the morning and I’ll get a coffee on my way to work. We have a Starbucks not far from work.”

With that the two slowly made their way outside, both wanting to bring up the kiss but both unable to.

“Uhm, would you mind telling me if your ex starts getting suspicious about your involvement with the break in and website crash?” Alex asked as they stepped on Isabel’s porch.

“Sure, I’ll do that. You also gonna tell me if he contacts you? I can’t imagine it but …” Isabel trailed off.

“Of course.” Alex said with a smile. “Uhm, if you have computer problems again feel free to call me … or if you are near ‘Computer Aids’ and want to go for a coffee.”

“I will.” Isabel smiled, remembering that Alex won’t be at the ‘Cool Princess’ office on Mon-day since he finished his work there on Friday.

“Good.” Alex said.

They stood there a moment longer before Alex nodded at Isabel and made his way to his car, a sad expression on his face, knowing that the chances that he’d see Isabel again were slim.

“Alex!” Isabel called, causing him to turn around, his heart beating hopefully.

Isabel seemed to fight with herself before she finally said, “Thanks again for everything.” She wore a rather unhappy expression on her beautiful face and seemed to want to say something else but finally she just gave Alex a weak smile.

Trying to not look too dejected, Alex shrugged. “You are more than welcome.” He gave a short wave before getting into his car. With a sigh, he backed out of Isabel’s driveway, feeling like he a loser for not bringing up the kiss but … she didn’t do that either so he guessed it wasn’t that important and earth shattering for her as it was for him.

“You are now officially my favorite cousin.” Isabel stated with a satisfied smirk on her face after peeking into the envelope that Kyle gave her. He really managed to get all the pictures of her that Jesse had.

“I thought I already was your favorite before!” Kyle exclaimed in faked outrage.

“Cute.” Isabel commented, mockingly batting his hand. “No, seriously. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

“Don’t be. It was my pleasure.” Kyle grinned. “I bet you can’t wait to burn them.”

“That’s true.” Isabel laughed, feeling immensely free now that the pictures were in her hands.

“Did you enjoy the party?” Kyle asked, taking a sip of his coke.

“Yeah. It was nice. Of course, Jesse approached Alex and me. He was pretty sure of himself as he came up, thinking I’d be covering in embarrassment when seeing him but… Alex and I really kicked his ass. Verbally, I mean.” Isabel said with an evil smile.

“Too bad I wasn’t there. I would have loved to see that.” Kyle mused with a thoughtful ex-pression. “I guess no one taped the whole encounter?”

“No, not that I know.” Isabel laughed. “Alex and I soon left after that and went to my place. Alex’s car was parked in the driveway so everyone could see it.”

“Good.” Kyle nodded. “That gives you a great alibi if Jesse gets suspicious.” He noticed that Isabel seemed lost in her thoughts and believed it was because of Jesse. “Don’t worry Iz, the guy won’t harm you again.”

Isabel looked up startled, realizing that Kyle was talking about Jesse and not Alex whom she had really thought about. “I know.” Isabel answered him with a smile, her thoughts drifting back to Alex and how he was leaving this morning.

She wondered if she’d see him again and if she should call him. He hadn’t mentioned the kiss for which she had been grateful this morning but now, she wondered if it wouldn’t have been better to talk about it. Seeing the waitress come with their food, Isabel decided to deal with that when Alex would call her eventually or she’d call him.

Part 8

Two Weeks Later

“Did you hear from Jesse?” Kyle asked as he and Isabel were meeting for lunch.

Isabel shook her head. “Luckily, I haven’t. Did your co-workers ask you some questions about what you did one night two weeks ago?”

“No, they didn’t.” Kyle replied, looking closely at his cousin. “What’s wrong Isabel? You are looking slightly depressed for about a week now.”

Isabel sighed, unsure what she should tell Kyle. Finally, she said miserably, “I miss him.”

“Who? Jesse?”

“What? No, of course not.” Isabel replied disgusted at the thought. “I mean Alex.”

“The computer guy? Why do you miss him?” Kyle asked innocently.

“I never told you that he kissed me, did I?” Isabel asked instead of answering his question.

“He what? No, you didn’t!” Kyle exclaimed surprised. “Do you want me to beat him up?”

“NO!” Isabel cried out, drawing attention from the tables next to them. Quieter, she contin-ued, “I’m not even sure if he kissed me or I kissed him. It happened so fast.”

“And … when did he kiss you?” Kyle asked interested.

“Shortly before you called me to tell me that you had the pictures.” Isabel replied. In the last two weeks she had often wondered what might have happened if Kyle hadn’t called, often ending up blushing at the ideas she came up with.

“So, was it a good kiss then?” Kyle asked grinning.

“God, does Tess know that you are so interested in other people’s kisses?” Isabel asked, hop-ing to change the subject.

“As long as I only am interested and not participating and then later tell her everything.” Kyle replied with a smirk. “Don’t try changing the topic, Isabel! I guess the kiss affected you since you are missing the guy.”

“His name’s Alex.” Isabel said absently, looking down at the table cloth and missing how Kyle’s eyebrows shot up in amusement at her comment. “And to answer your question Mr. Noisy, yes it was a good kiss. One of the best kissed I ever experienced.”

“Mhm, and I guess when you talked about it, he didn’t feel the same way?” Kyle suspected, serious again as he saw how affected Isabel was by this.

“Uhm, we … kinda … didn’t talk about it.” Isabel admitted.

“What? How old are to not talk about a kiss? Twelve?” Kyle exclaimed surprised. Isabel shot him an icy glare which didn’t impress him in the slightest. “So, you two never talked about the kiss in the last two weeks?”

“We didn’t talk at all since he left my house that morning.” Isabel confessed. “He sent me a few emails, asking if Jesse had called and how I was doing and … once asking to meet for coffee.”

“And?” Kyle asked when Isabel didn’t continue.

“My replies were always short and when he asked me out, I was busy with the last outline for the winter collection and told him that I don’t have the time for coffee and since then, he hasn’t sent an email anymore:” Isabel said sadly.

“Mhm.” Kyle said knowingly.

”Mhm?” Isabel’s head shot up. “What do you mean with ‘mhm’?”

“Well, you told him that you don’t have the time for coffee, so either he took it as your way of saying ‘Leave me alone, Loser!’” Kyle held his hands up when Isabel wanted to protest, “or he thought he’d leave you alone because you were busy, thinking that you’d contact him when you have more time. Which I guess, you didn’t do.”

“No, I didn’t.” Isabel moaned, resting her head on her hands.

“Well, then do it! And talk about the kiss for God’s sake!” Kyle told her firmly.

“I can’t just call him!” Isabel said shocked, an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach at the thought.

“Good, then go to his work and invite him for a coffee.”

“But …”

“No buts, Isabel. He tried to meet up with you, you turned him down and are blatantly miss-ing him.” At Isabel’s surprised look Kyle nodded, “Yes you are, you even admitted it yourself five minutes ago, remember?”

“And what do I tell him?” Isabel asked. “I can’t just walk up to him and say ‘I miss you’.”

“No, but you can invite him to coffee or lunch, tell him that you haven’t heard from Jesse yet, that I’m not arrested and ask him out to a movie. Before you ask him out, you of course talk about the kiss and that you liked it. We guys like to know that we are good kissers.”

Isabel rolled her eyes at the last statement. “I’m supposed to ask him out?” she asked.

“It’s the 21st century.” Kyle said, leaning back in his chair. “Besides, he already asked you once, so it is your turn now.”

“Okay I’ll think about it.” Isabel said.

“No, when you think about it, you’ll never do it. You’ll go to him today!” Kyle said.

Isabel stared at him in shock. “But … what if he isn’t at work? What if he is at one of their clients and …”

“Then call at his work and ask if he’s there!” Kyle reached for her cell phone and handed it to Isabel. “Now!”

“I really have to talk with Tess. You are way too bossy lately.” Isabel commented but Kyle just stared back with raised eyebrows. With a sigh, Isabel looked in her bag for the card from ‘Computer Aids’ and then typed in the phone number on the card.

“Hello, Mr. Sampson! Isabel Evans here, I wanted to know …”

“I tell you man, she was sending signals!” Alex’s co worker Ray told him about his ‘adven-ture’ from last Friday.

Alex knew from experience that it was useless to remind Ray of his wife so he just said, “Whatever you say.”

“Hey, you weren’t there so stop thinking that she wasn’t sending signals!” Ray defended him-self and his story. “Besides, when were you out the last time? Do you think your dream girl will just walk up to you one day here at work?” Ray laughed at that.

“Hello!” A female voice spoke up just then behind them.

Alex froze, recognizing the voice and for a moment wondering if he was now imagining things. He slowly turned around and was greeted by the vision of Isabel Evans standing in the door. “Hey!” he said softly.

“Hey! Aren’t you that model? Evans? From ‘Cool Princess’?” Ray asked then, totally igno-rant to the tension between Isabel and Alex.

Tearing her gaze away from Alex, Isabel looked at the other man. “Yes, that would be me. I hope I’m not interrupting you but I need to speak with Mr. Whitman.”

“Oh sure … I’ll just leave you two alone.” Ray said after a moment, his eyes checking out Isabel’s body and for the first time since knowing him, Alex wanted to beat Ray up.

“You don’t have to leave; I actually wanted to invite Mr. Whitman to a coffee. We could talk at the small Starbucks around the corner, if you don’t mind.” She looked Alex into the eyes who just nodded his agreement.

Grabbing his jacket, he walked to the door, turning back to tell Ray, “If someone calls for me, tell them that I’ll call them back.”

“Sure!” Ray called after him before sitting down again. “Lucky Bastard!”

“I need to tell my boss that I’m leaving.” Alex said once they were on the way to the elevator.

“No, I already talked with him. I told him that I have some questions about computers and wanted to talk with you since you are already familiar with our computer network.” Isabel told Alex.

“Oh, good.” Alex said and they were silent till they stepped into the elevator. “Did you … did you get a visit from the cops too?”

“Yes.” Isabel sighed. “They wanted to know what I was doing that night and how long we knew each other and what my knowledge about computers is.”

“They asked me the same things. It’s a good thing that we talked about our cover story.” Alex said.

“What did you tell them about your computer knowledge?” Isabel asked. For her, it had been an easy answer – turning the computer on, surfing the net, turning it off.

“The truth.” Alex shrugged, “that I’m working for a computer firm – which they already knew – and that I know how to crash a website.”

“You what?” Isabel cried as they crossed the street towards the café.

“Isabel, it’s my job to know such things. It would have been suspicious if I had claimed to have no idea how to harm websites or computers.” Alex explained. “I haven’t heard from them since then so I guess we aren’t the suspects anymore.”

“Or they realized that they have more important things to do than solve problems from a small wannabe gigolo.” Isabel muttered.

After they found a small table in a corner, Alex went to get their coffees. When he came back, he looked expectantly at Isabel. “You wanted to talk?” Then he blushed. “Sorry, that was rude, your sudden visit just caught me by surprise. I’m of course glad to see you again. How have you been?”

“Great.” Isabel said with a fake smile before sighing. “No, I have not been great, in fact I’ve been miserable.”

“Really? Why?” Alex asked concerned. “Did Jesse bother you again?”

“No, aside from a bitchy phone call two weeks ago, I haven’t heard from him.” Isabel an-swered before mumbling something.

“Sorry, I couldn’t hear that, what did you say?” Alex asked, leaning forward slightly to under-stand Isabel better.

Taking a deep breath, Isabel looked up and straight into Alex’s eyes. “I said I missed you.”

Alex blinked in surprise and didn’t say anything for a minute. “Really?”

“Yes.” Isabel simply said. “I had guessed that you’d call me and ask me out again but …”

“You said you were busy, I didn’t want to … smother you or anything.” Alex slowly ex-plained, not mentioning that he didn’t want to risk making a fool out of himself by calling her again and again and again. “Especially not after … well, the kiss.”

“We really should have talked about that.” Isabel said with a nod. “Not talking about it made it all more complicated.”

“I’m sorry that I kissed you.” Alex rushed out, wanting to get behind this embarrassing mo-ment. “I shouldn’t have done that and …”

“Why not?” Isabel asked surprised. “I really enjoyed the kiss.”

Alex stared at her for a moment before slowly asking, “You did?”

Feeling slightly self conscious under Alex’s intense stare, Isabel looked down at her hands. “Yes. It was one of the best kisses I ever got.” She could actually feel herself blushing but forced herself to continue. “The only thing I regret about it is the way we got interrupted.”

“Really?” Alex asked again, not believing what he’d been told. She liked the kiss! And thought it was one of the best kisses ever! Wow!

When Alex didn’t say anything else, Isabel nervously looked up. “Could you please say something? This silence is killing me here.”

“What? Oh sorry!” Alex said flushing. “I … I’m just stunned by what you told me, that’s all. I was pretty sure that I was the only one who took pleasure out of that kiss and you really sur-prised me here.”

“So, you enjoyed it?” Isabel asked, needing to be sure about this.

“Of course I did!” Alex laughed, did she really think that he didn’t?

“Good.” Isabel smiled, an adorable blush on her face.

They both sat there grinning like fools for a few minutes before Alex cleared his throat, “So … what’s gonna happen now?”

Isabel ran a hand through her hair to gain a few more seconds before having to answer. “Well, I really like you Alex. I do but … after what I went through with Jesse I’ve gotten a bit more … careful about the whole dating thing.”

Alex nodded in understanding. Figures, he finds his dream girl who actually likes him too but thanks to some asshole, she doesn’t want to date anymore. He felt like hitting his head against the table.

“… I’d prefer to take things slow.” Isabel finished.

Alex stared again. He was aware that he hadn’t heard everything Isabel had said but he did hear the last bit. “Taking things slow?” he echoed.

“If you don’t mind. I just don’t want to rush things that’s all. I’ve become rather cautious.” Isabel explained, hoping with all her heart that Alex wouldn’t have a problem with a slow progressing romance.

‘If he minded?’ Hell, he’d move at the pace of a glacier if he had to! Slowly, a grin started to spread over Alex’s face. “Don’t worry about that, I certainly won’t mind that. We have time and I don’t have a problem with taking it slow and at your pace.”

“Really?” Isabel asked with a hopeful grin.

”Really.” Alex confirmed, reaching out to take one of her hands in his. “We can take things as slow as you want.”

“Thank God!” Isabel sighed before a mischievous twinkle appeared in her chocolate brown eyes. “Say, what are you doing this Friday?”


“I don’t know Alex, I really think the wardrobe would look better on that wall.” Isabel said, pointing to her left.

“Maybe but I’m afraid that Max and Kyle might beat us up when we bother them again today because of furniture.” Alex replied, coming up behind the blonde and wrapping his arms around her waist. Lowering his head, he brushed a kiss on Isabel’s shoulder. “Well, they’d beat only you up since I’m the nice and innocent one here when it comes to furniture.”

Isabel gasped at that. “Are you trying to say that I’m being annoying, Mr. Whitman?”

Alex laughed softly before falling back onto the bed, taking Isabel with him. After wrestling around a bit, Alex had tucked Isabel underneath him, grinning down at her. “I’d never dare saying that, Mrs. Whitman. I’d say that you just want things to be perfect.”

“Good answer.” Isabel seriously said before leaning up and kissing her husband of two months.

Three years had already passed since Alex had helped Isabel with her delicate computer prob-lem. One week after their first meeting, they had had their first date. They had watched a chick flick and then Alex had driven Isabel home without kissing her good night because they had decided to take things slow. Being the gentleman that he was, Alex had never tried kiss-ing Isabel, not wanting to pressure her.

After the fifth date, Isabel had been so frustrated with Alex’s gentleman behavior that, when he had brought her to her door that night, she had grabbed his shirt and had kissed him pas-sionately. Alex had been shocked by that but since he was no idiot, he had quickly kissed her back with equal passion.

Since then, they’ve been an item and had the time of their lives. Sure, they had their fights like every couple but they were happy and madly in love.
Two years after their first date, they had decided to move in together and Alex had moved in with Isabel. Three months later, he had popped the question which Isabel answered with an enthusiastic “Yes.”

At first, both their families had been surprised and a bit weary when they learned that they were dating. Alex’s family because they didn’t think that Alex would end up with an ex-model and Isabel because for one, Isabel was the baby of the family and therefore her father and brother were very protective of her and secondly, Alex hadn’t seemed like her type at first glance. But after a short time, the Evans and Whitmans had realized that the two were serious and actually perfect for each other: Isabel being more down to Earth and happier than ever thanks to Alex and Alex being more confident about himself and his opinions thanks to Isa-bel.

A few times, their pictures appeared in some glossy magazines but not very often and they even had an appearance in VH1 “documentation” where Alex was described as weird geek. Alex didn’t mind that so much but Isabel was furious and wanted to sue the producers of that show for calling Alex a weird geek. After two days, Alex had managed to calm her down again and while Isabel still wasn’t happy about that description of her fiancé, she decided to leave it at that since it was only VH1 and not CNN.

The next months went by in a blur of wedding plans and looking for a new house since Isabel wanted to live closer to her family. The wedding had been small – only family and closest friends – and absolutely mind blowing in Alex’s opinion. It had been in the evening and Alex would now always connect sunsets with Isabel’s beaming face.

“You know,” Alex murmured against Isabel’s neck which he was showering with kisses. “We are finally alone again and the doors are locked and …”

“And?” Isabel sighed as Alex reached a very sensitive spot.

“And I can actually think of a few activities to occupy ourselves.” Alex grinned down at his beautiful wife, loving the sight of her flushed face and swollen lips. Not being able to resist temptation, he bent down again, worrying her lower lip gently with his teeth. Hearing Isabel moan quietly, he kissed his way down her throat, barely noticing Isabel’s arms wrapping tighter around his shoulders.

”So, what do you think?” Alex asked between open mouthed kisses and some nibbling on her collarbone.

“Think?” Isabel sighed dreamily. Had she been thinking? Was she supposed to think? Her hands found their way underneath Alex’s shirt and she gently massaged his back with her fingers, unconsciously grinning when she felt heard him moan. “Think about what, baby?”

“About occupying ourselves for some time.” Alex muttered, determined to get the upper hand here again. His hands swiftly opened the lower buttons of Isabel’s blouse and he caressed her stomach with feather light strokes.

Smiling, Isabel moved one of her hands up to run through Alex’s hair. “Well, when you think you are up for it stud, then I’m at your mercy, I guess.”

Alex lifted his head from her neck and stared at her with passion clouded eyes before grinning rakishly. “Did I already confess that I love it when you say such things?” he asked before swooping down and kissing her deeply.

Isabel moaned into Alex’s mouth, pressing her body even closer to his. When they finally came up for air again, she gave Alex her most seductive look and leaned up, whispering husk-ily in his ear, “Well then stud, bring it on!”

Alex, being the good boy that he is, was of course happy to follow her order.

The end!
Colin Hanks
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