The Heat of the Moment (M/L ADULT) ~{COMPLETE}~

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Addicted Roswellian
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The Heat of the Moment (M/L ADULT) ~{COMPLETE}~

Post by sylvia37 »

Disclaimer: The author of this fan fiction does not own any aspect of Roswell. Those rights belong to Melinda Metz, Jason Katims, WB, UPN, 20th Century Fox, etc. Disclaimer added by moderator.

Okay, I'm trying my hand at plotless smut. Don't ask me why with so many good writers on this board, but I thought I'd give it a go. I'm a little nervous so take pity.

Unlike "Everything to You" (for those of you who are reading) this one is already mostly written except for maybe the last two parts. When I say plotless I mean almost no plot to speak of. The prologue is just a teaser but I'll start posting the rest a few days to a week at a time if you guys let me know you want me to continue. And don't worry, I'm part way through the next part of ETY, so I'm not ignoring it.

Oh and I need to thank Lindsay (Applebylicious) for inspiring me with her writing.

Let me know what you think.

The Heat of the Moment (Prologue)

The wind was glorious. Liz Evans closed her eyes against the feeling of it making her hair dance as she and her husband Max drove through the wooded countryside towards their destination.

She was so happy. They were finally going to take a break from their busy lives to have a few days just to themselves. The house was large and secluded, on a lake in the mountains. A few years ago, one of her colleagues at the lab had mentioned that he and his wife had stayed there and how wonderful it was. Liz had jumped at the chance to rent it and since then, they had been going as often as possible. Now they had it for a long weekend.

She and Max needed this time together. Liz shivered as she thought about what it could mean.

Not that their lives weren’t wonderful already. She had known Max Evans since they were children in Roswell New Mexico, having met in the third grade. Liz distinctly remembered the feeling of the new boy’s eyes on her as he’d gotten off the school bus with his sister. When she’d looked up from playing, his large hazel eyes had been trained on her and even at that young age, it had struck her in some indefinable way that there was something special about him.

Of course, it wasn’t until they were in high school that she found out just how special. Although they’d known each other since grade school, she and Max hadn’t really been friends. In fact, Max hadn’t been friends with anyone except for his sister and one strange boy named Michael. But that day in the CrashDown, her family’s alien themed diner where she and her best friend Maria worked as waitresses, changed all of their lives forever.

Liz had had a secret crush on Max Evans since she was old enough to admire his uniquely beautiful features and beautiful body, not to mention his polite shyness and quiet studious demeanor. Everything about him appealed to her, but her own feelings of inadequacy had kept her from trying to get him to notice her as more than a lab partner in their science class. Her only saving graces were that he never had a girlfriend and Maria’s insistence that he secretly had a crush on her too. Of course, Liz didn’t believe it for a minute. Who would pick a short, studious science nerd over some of the other girls in their school, especially someone as drool-worthy as Max Evans?

She’d said as much to Maria that day in the CrashDown, even though it had looked like Max had been staring at her. But when the shot rang out and she’d felt the numbness take over as she hit the ground, she found out differently.

Max, it turned out, was an alien. He, along with his sister and Michael had crash landed in Roswell in a spaceship in 1947 where they had incubated in pods in a cave in the desert until they’d hatched in 1989, looking like six year olds. Wondering around in the desert, Max and Isabel had been picked up by Phillip and Diane Evans from the side of the road and adopted by them. Michael had been too afraid to show himself and had subsequently been found and turned over to child services where he eventually gained a foster father who it turned out later was abusing him.

The three of them gradually found out that they had powers that humans didn’t possess. Max had the ability to heal and he used it that day to heal the bullet wound in Liz’s abdomen. She found out later that no one knew of their secret and Max had risked exposing them all to save her life.

Long story short, Maria was right and Liz was wrong. Max Evans did have a crush on her. Actually Max Evans loved her. He’d loved her for as long as he’d known her and at the age of 16, she came to know and love him too. They were soulmates and the day he healed her, Max had formed a permanent mental connection to her that allowed them to see into each others souls.

Liz kept his secret along with Maria and their other friends Alex and Kyle and they had all been friends since. She and Max had eventually gone to college together, gotten married and were currently living in Colorado Springs where Liz was a molecular biologist and Max was a counselor. They’d been married for five glorious years and their lives couldn’t be more perfect.

Well, that wasn’t strictly true. There was one thing that would make their lives even better. Liz looked over at Max, wondering if she should tell him what she’d done, when she noticed the way his hands were gripping the steering wheel. His knuckles were white. Concerned at first, she stared at him, but as her eyes slowly traveled his torso she saw the cause of his problem and she smiled. This was definitely going to be a good weekend.

Last edited by sylvia37 on Sat Jun 26, 2004 6:11 pm, edited 11 times in total.
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 133
Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2001 4:58 pm

Post by sylvia37 »

My thanks to all of you who wrote back:

mareli (Hey Sweety)
Zans Desire
Begonia 9508
Gigo (missed you at ETY)
Behrsgirl77 (Glad you lurk on ETY)
sweetbrowneyes (Hi Tiffany)

Let's get started. Let me know what you think.

The Heat of the Moment Part 1

"Max?" Liz's soft voice caught his attention despite the battle raging inside him. Max looked over at his angel and saw her knowing gaze on him and he flushed.

"I'm sorry," he said, wishing he meant it more than he did. It was just that she was so beautiful, it was hard to be sorry in the midst of his torment. He needed her desperately. Glancing at the scenery, Max knew they were getting close to their destination and it was the only thing keeping him from pulling over and taking her in the back seat like a horny teenager.

"I'm not," Liz answered, feeling the pull of his alien energy. She could feel her body readying for him and it deepened her already husky voice to a tone reminiscent of velvet.

Hearing that tone, Max looked over at her and fought to keep from groaning at the way she was looking at him. "Liz, honey you have to stop looking at me that way. I'm going to kill us if you don't." He heard the pleading note in his voice, but Max couldn't have stopped it if he tried. He was too far gone.

"Are you sure?" Liz said, unable to keep the sultry tone out, her body too busy answering to the call of his. She knew her panties were already soaked and she was trying hard not to reach across and touch him.

"No….Yes, dammit!" Max took a deep breath, lowering his voice. "I'm not going to take you on the side of the road. This is supposed to be a weekend for us to relax, not for you to be at the beck and call of my uncontrollable alien physiology.

"Okay, I'll stop, but you know that I don't mind," Liz answered, settling on her side of the car.

No she didn't mind at all, Liz reflected as she tried to ignore her body's increasingly excited state. Not since she was a teenager.

Liz and Max had first made love during the summer before their senior year in high school and it was everything she could have hoped for. They learned together and their lovemaking was sometimes tender, sometimes rough, but always satisfying.

But it wasn't until the summer after they graduated from high school that she and Maria, who had started dating Michael, had discovered just what they'd gotten themselves into by being girlfriends to male aliens from Antar. Liz had thought by then that she knew what to expect from her serious, sometimes shy lover but she was dead wrong.

They celebrated Max's nineteenth birthday in May, but they discovered his actual birthday a few weeks later.

She'd been by herself getting ready for their date in her room and she thanked God later that her parents had left for the weekend because there would have been no way to explain what happened next. She was combing her hair in her mirror when Max came up to her window and stepped inside.

"Max, you're early," Liz said, turning with a smile to greet him but the smile faded as she took in his appearance. His hair was disheveled as though he'd run his hands through it over and over and there was a sheen of sweat on his brow. His expression was pained and his eyes were dilated and somewhat glazed.

"Max, my God, what's wrong?" Liz asked hurrying over to him but she stopped when he backed up.

"Don't…." Max said, his hands fisting at his sides. "I don't….I don't know what's wrong with me. I…..I…wasn't going to come because I was afraid….I might…..but I couldn't stay away." His words were hoarse and desperate and Liz felt his need suddenly hit her like a tidal wave. She looked down and saw his raging erection stretching the front of his jeans to the limit and she swallowed with a sudden mixture of trepidation and excitement.

"You don't…..this has never happened before?" Liz questioned, suddenly fighting the need to touch him. Good lord she could feel the heat coming off him from across the room. Her own body was reacting to the raging lust coming through their connection and she felt her breasts tighten and swell in longing and anticipation.

"No….I….." Max swallowed heavily as he heard the note in her voice and his eyes were drawn to her shirt where her nipples were peaking. "Liz…."

"Max….I don't know what this is but….I need….I want….." She stopped as his eyes darkened to almost black. "Touch me, Max." Her voice was a whisper of longing and before she could grasp her next thought, Liz found herself on her back in her bed, Max pulling her shirt from her body. A half second later her bra was gone and he had latched onto one of her nipples in desperation, sucking and moaning out his need against her tempting flesh. Liz's voice was gone and all she could do was gasp out her acquiescence as she clutched him to her. A moment later she was crying out her first orgasm as Max had pulled the rest of her clothes from her body and buried his tongue in her dripping heat. He moaned and lapped at her sweetness as she shook and clutched at the bed. When he finally stopped, she was panting and limp unable to move a muscle.

"Liz….I'm….did I hurt you?" Liz opened her eyes to see him standing at the end of her bed, looking down at her with a mixture of fear and lust.

"No…I….that was amazing. What's happening, Max?"

"I don't know," Max shook his head helplessly. "I just…I was at home getting ready for our date when I started shaking and ……and…..I suddenly….." he gestured towards his still raging hard on." And I can't….I can't make it stop. I need to…..I need you to….." His words were said between pants as he ripped off his shirt and jerked off his pants and boxers. His shoes and socks were gone in an instant and he was crawling towards her.

"It's okay, Max. We'll figure this out. Just…."

Max cut her words off as he brought his mouth down on hers, His kiss was desperate and carnal and Liz thought she might come right there. Max lifted his mouth away long enough to whisper, "I can't stop, Liz. If you want me to go, I'll make myself go, but please….I can't stop once I start."

"Don't stop, Max," Liz told him, overwhelmed by the desperately raging need in him. She spread her legs and gasped as he settled his weight in between them, his erection, straining against her hotly.

"The first time will have to be quick," Max whispered before he surged into her, burying himself to the hilt. His low moan shivered up Liz's back as he began to thrust, his hips jerking hard against hers. A moment later he groaned deep in his throat and Liz felt his swollen shaft pulsing his seed inside her. As he continued to come, Liz was overwhelmed by her own orgasm, the feel of the hot liquid filling her triggering spasms deep inside. When Max’s hips finally stopped their movement, Liz was amazed to feel that he was still semi-hard inside her. Max lifted his head to look at her, his gaze still rampant with lust, and he rolled them over, still buried inside her. Liz could feel him hardening again as he pulled her lips down for his kiss.

Desire throbbed between her legs as Liz thought about that first time. Max’s uncontrollable need to be with her had lasted for two days and she lost count how many times they had made love during that time. After Max was more himself, they discussed what happened and decided that it must be some sort of alien heat. Liz normally experienced erotic flashes of the two of them during lovemaking, but this time in many of them, Max’s fantasies took on a definite theme. Her body was rounded in pregnancy and Max blushingly told her that all of his instincts had been screaming at him to take her over and over until his seed was planted. Luckily she was on the pill so it didn’t work, but Max had tried his damndest to make it happen.

Since that time, both he and Michael experienced The Heat every four months more or less, Michael having reached his nineteenth birthday a few weeks after Max. Liz and Maria decided that they were the luckiest girls on the planet and they had all been dealing with it ever since.

Liz couldn’t believe that she and Max had lost track, but they’d been so busy lately they had barely had time to breath much less anything else. But now the timing was perfect, because they had several days to themselves and there was no need for excuses to their friends and families

Glancing over at Max again, Liz swallowed back a moan at the picture of animalistic heat he was exuding and she fought to keep herself from doing anything to distract him from his driving. She knew he was keeping a tight reign on his lust, having learned over the years how to control it, but she also knew that the longer he controlled it the more out of control he would be by the time they made it to the house. She shivered and licked suddenly dry lips in anticipation. Only a few more miles and she could have him.

Yes the timing was perfect in more ways than one, Liz decided, thinking about what she hadn’t told him. Only a few more miles.

Lisa: Do we have any food that wasn't brutally slaughtered?

Homer: Well, I think the veal died of loneliness.
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 133
Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2001 4:58 pm

Post by sylvia37 »

Wow, well everyone likes the idea of Max in heat. Who knew? :wink:

Okay I admit, I've thought about it off and on for.....ever. Anyhoo.....

Here's the next part. Thanks to all who wrote:

Gigo (Elizabeth) Thanks for FB on ETY too. I'm working on that too, but it's slow going.

cocopucks (Thanks for the note sweety)

Applebylicious (Lindsay) Thanks girl. Your writing really does inspire
me. Don't stop.

Behrsgirl77 (Tanya)
sweetbrowneyes (Tiffany)
roswellchick03 (Mandy)

You guys are great. Thanks so much. On with the show. Short but oh so sweet.

The Heat of the Moment Part 2

When Max finally pulled up to the house, he immediately pulled the keys from the ignition and looked over at Liz who was staring at him in anticipation. He closed his eyes and bit back another groan as his already aching hard on swelled to greater proportions.

“Let’s get the luggage later,” Liz said, seeing his agony. She quickly got out of the car and started towards the house, then gasped as Max swept her off her feet, bringing his lips down on hers as he quickly made his way the front door. He stopped kissing her long enough to get the door open, then he stepped inside, kicking it closed with his foot. He set Liz on her feet and to her surprise, moved back.

“I’m getting the luggage now or it might not make it into the house until sometime tomorrow. Don’t go anywhere.”

Before Liz could protest, Max turned and quickly went out. Liz started to go help, but immediately stopped when she got a negative response through their connection. Max was trying to keep from attacking her as it was. She needed to let him do this by himself or he wouldn’t make it.

Shaking her head, Liz waited for him, wishing he’d realize that he didn’t have to hold back for her sake. She loved what Max did to her and how he made her feel. Whether it was the sometimes animalistic mating they experienced during The Heat, or the tender slow lovemaking they shared at other times. Everything with Max was wonderful.

Liz looked up as Max came back through the front door with their suitcases. His expression said that he’d read her thoughts and his love for her shown through the haze of passion he was feeling at the moment. But Liz could also see that he was in an extreme amount of physical pain. Holding back was hurting him.

She couldn’t let that continue. As Max set the suitcases down, Liz approached him and before he could utter a word, she was kissing him. Her arms came up around his neck and she attacked his mouth, her tongue ravishing him until he thought he would go up in flames. Before he could act on his instincts, Liz had him pushed up against the wall.

“Let me make you feel better,” she whispered before sinking to her knees. Her hands made quick work of his belt and zipper and Max couldn’t hold back the moan of anticipation and relief as Liz freed his aching erection from the tight constriction. Her hands stroked him, feeling the tightly stretched skin over his hard flesh, the head swollen and glistening with readiness. Not wanting to tease him when he was in pain, she quickly engulfed as much of him as she could take in her mouth.

Max’s head hit the wall with a crack as Liz began to suck him, years of experience giving her knowledge of just how to pleasure him the most. Her warm mouth drew on his thick cock with just the right amount of suction to bring him quickly to the point of no return and she tightened her lips on the downward stroke ringing a loud groan of pleasure from Max’s throat as he felt himself readying.

Managing to open his eyes a crack, the sight of Liz’s face as she hungrily sucked on him was too much and he felt his balls tighten as his semen shot out of him in an ecstatic wave. Hips thrusting uncontrollably as the pleasure rolled through him, Max filled Liz’s mouth with thick spurts of his cum, his head rolling back and forth against the wall as he moaned out loud in pleasure and relief.

Liz swallowed as much as she could of the thick liquid quickly filling her mouth and throat, but she finally had to stop as Max continued to come. Another trait of The Heat was that each time Max came, it lasted twice as long as normal and he produced at least twice as much if not more semen. Liz had surmised that in trying to impregnate his mate, his body worked overtime to produce the necessary sperm.

Liz continued to stroke his twitching cock watching the white fluid spurt from the head down her hand and onto his clothes and the floor. When the last of it finally drained, Max lifted his head from the wall to look down and find Liz staring up at him with a smile of satisfaction curving her lips. He took a deep breath, waving a hand over himself to clean the mess he’d made, doing the same for her and the floor. Liz’s smile of amusement at the amount brought heat to his cheeks but he knew she was teasing him. He could feel her love and satisfaction at having brought him some relief, if just for the moment and his love for her swelled even as his body remained in a high state of arousal, knowing that Liz hadn’t experienced the same relief. Eyes gleaming suddenly, Max smiled as he lifted Liz to her feet. It was time to return the favor.

Last edited by sylvia37 on Sun May 09, 2004 9:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Lisa: Do we have any food that wasn't brutally slaughtered?

Homer: Well, I think the veal died of loneliness.
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 133
Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2001 4:58 pm

Post by sylvia37 »

So I'm a tease, am I? :twisted: Hopefully this part will make up for it a little. Tell me what you think.

Thanks everyone. I love hearing from you.

Behrsgirl77 (Tanya)
Gigo (Elizabeth)
Realistic Dreamer (Sandy, I've missed you, girl. Hope you're doing better.)
Dreamer 4 Ever
sarah whitman
Strawbehrry Shortcake
sweetbrowneyes (Tifffany)

The Heat of the Moment Part 3

Picking Liz up, Max moved to the stairs.


“Shhh….” Max whispered, laying her down on the carpet covered stairs and moving to take off her shoes and socks. “I need to taste you.”

Liz closed her eyes, laying her head back as Max quickly unbuttoned her low slung jeans and pulled them off of her. Her body was quivering in anticipation knowing what was coming. Max loved to pleasure her this way almost as much as he loved coming inside her. Her juices were addictive and he swore she was made especially for him because he couldn’t get enough sometimes. Especially during The Heat when he was already in a heightened sexual state, he loved to lick and suck her for hours. Her wisp of panties disappeared with a wave of his hand and he knelt between her legs, kissing his way up from her calves, laving her inner thighs with his tongue.

Moaning and arching in anticipation, Liz gasped as she felt the need in Max to make her come again and again.

Looking up quickly when he realized Liz had heard his thoughts, Max’s eyes darkened at the picture she made, lying on the floor, her thin shirt unable to hide her swelling breasts, thighs spread for his pleasure, her breath coming out in quick pants as she waited for him to bring her what only he could.

“Feed me, baby,” Max whispered right before he plunged his tongue into her quivering folds.

Liz opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out. She could feel her body already tightening in readiness of her first orgasm and Max, feeling it coming, moaned in anticipation of his treat, tonguing her hardening clit to bring it on.

Body tightening like a bowstring, the scream finally burst from Liz’s throat as her body thrummed with waves of sexual energy and she vaguely heard Max’s groan of appreciation as her sweet juices filled his mouth. He lapped and sucked in ecstasy, coaxing as much of the nectar from her as he could.

When she finally started coming down from her high, Max teased her into another, then another climax each time lapping and sucking all of the liquid her body produced for him. After a while, sensing that she was becoming too sensitive, he gave her lower body a break, moving his ministrations upward, unbuttoning her shirt and parting her bra with a wave of his hand.

Liz, panting and limp from her orgasms, giggled breathily as Max’s tongue teased her navel. His sensual mouth moved over her stomach and she suddenly got a flash.

“Max……” Liz moaned, feeling her tight, dripping walls being stretched to the limit as Max knelt behind her, his, large, thick cock, plunging deeply into her. His arms were around her, one of his large hands, kneading and stimulating her breast while the other splayed across her swollen belly. His eyes were dark with animalistic lust as he fucked his pregnant mate……

Her sensitive folds tingling almost painfully as the image shot desire through her overstimulated body, Liz moaned, arching. Max latched onto one of her distended nipples in desperation, trying not to shoot his cum onto her belly as the flash shuddered through him. He desperately wanted to plunge his swollen cock into her tight walls and relieve this ache if only for a moment, but first he wanted to pleasure her again. He knew once he started making love to her in earnest, he would lose himself to his lust and he wanted these moments for her.

Liz’s head moved back and forth against the carpet as he teased her sensitive nipples with his expert tongue. She knew what he was doing. He had made her come many times just sucking and teasing her breasts. Max worshiped all of her body, but her breasts were of constant fascination for him and Liz could only lie back and take the sensual torture.

Moving his tongue around and around the swollen nipple but not touching it, Max could feel Liz’s desperation as she arched against him fruitlessly seeking satisfaction as he teased her into a higher state of sexual frenzy. Giving her what she wanted for just a moment, he laved his tongue over the sensitive peak and smiled in satisfaction when Liz cried out, her body gushing liquid as it moved closer to orgasm. Max felt it slicking the leg he had between her thighs and he moaned as he imagined it filling his mouth. Moving a hand between her legs he drenched his fingers then ran them over her nipples, licking them clean in ecstasy. He did it again, then again, each time taking his time to clean her thoroughly of her sweet juice.

“Max……” Liz moaned out, needing him to make her come. She was so painfully close, and Max, hearing the pleading note in her voice, acquiesced.

Liz almost sobbed in relief when Max finally took one of her painfully swollen nipples into his mouth and sucked strongly. Without realizing what she was doing, Liz grabbed his hair to make sure he didn’t stop, pushing herself against him mindlessly as she felt her womb tighten in anticipation. Suddenly they were both hit with a flash….

“Like that…like that…..,” Max breathed out as Liz rode him, her petite body moving fluidly over him, even heavy with his child. He watched himself disappearing between her folds for a moment before looking up to see a clear liquid tear seeping from one of her swollen breasts. He moaned, reaching up to lap at the liquid with his tongue, feeling Liz’s walls tightened around his hard shaft as she came……

Liz cried out as her orgasm hit, writhing against his leg as her inner muscles contracted again and again and Max, unable to hold back as he listened to her chant his name in breathless moan, came with her, his semen spurting across her belly as he bucked against her.

Panting they both lay for a moment, unable to move after their shared orgasm, but eventually Max lifted himself and once again waved his hand over the evidence of his release to clean them both. Liz smiled and took the hand he extended to help her up.

Adjusting his clothes, Max was relieved to see that his wayward penis was still more or less under control as he zipped his pants. He wanted to give Liz a break from his lust, but as he looked up and saw that her shirt was still hanging open, her perfect, round breasts showing the marks of his recent use, he felt his offending organ start to swell again. Grimacing, Max buttoned his pants with difficulty and turned away to get the suitcases.

Liz was aware of Max’s dilemma and reached to take her case from his hand. “I’ll be in the bathroom for a second, but when I get out, I’m all yours for as long as you want. You know that,” Liz said, and leaning down from the stair she was on to kiss him, she smiled and ran up the stairs to their bedroom.

Max shook his head, once again thanking his lucky stars that he had found his soulmate and that she accepted his alien side as well as his human side. Trying to get his body under control for a moment, Max made his way painfully up the stairs.

Lisa: Do we have any food that wasn't brutally slaughtered?

Homer: Well, I think the veal died of loneliness.
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 133
Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2001 4:58 pm

Post by sylvia37 »

Wow, well I'm so glad to hear that you all are enjoying this. Thanks so much.

Behrsgirl77 (Tanya)
roswells_hope_lily (Melysa)
Zans Desire
Gigo (Elizabeth)
Strawbehrry Shortcake (Stephanie)
Realistic Dreamer (Sandy, you're so sweet)
Breathless (Debbie! I'm totally in love with that Avitar. I'm so jealous
at you got to meet Jason.)
MamaDee52 (Dee)
NorafanofMaxandLiz (Nora, you're so funny.)

I wish I had time to write each of you individually. I love that you're liking this as much as I liked writing it. Onward.....

The Heat of the Moment Part 4

Liz finished washing up, aware of Max on the other side of the door waiting for her. He’d gone back down after bringing their cases up and prepared them some food on a tray, knowing that they might not make it back down for a while. But now he was in the bedroom unpacking…..and hurting.

Slipping on the new nightgown she’d bought for the weekend, Liz hurried to finish up, not wanting Max to have to wait too long. She checked herself in the full length mirror, happy with her appearance. The nightgown was short and simple, and completely transparent. Max was going to love it.

Max was just putting the last of their things away and storing the suitcases when Liz emerged. He turned slowly, trying to keep from rushing across the room and attacking her, but the sight that met his eyes was almost too much for him. She stood by the bed, her hand trailing across the sheets as she watched his eyes darken at the sight of her. The nightgown hid and revealed at the same time, allowing tantalizing glimpses of her breasts and the small thatch of curls between her thighs even as it covered them.

“I…..I brought food….” Max managed to croak out, staying where he was. His animalistic impulses were starting to get out of control and he was afraid he actually might hurt her if he gave in.

“I see,” Liz said, aware of his thoughts once again. Obviously she was going to have to rid him of his unreasonable fear. They’d been through this many times and Max had never hurt her, not in all the years they had been together. If her body was sore or bruised after their lovemaking, it was as much from her lust as his and she had left a few marks on him as well over the years. Besides, Max always soothed her aches and pains with his healing touch no matter what the circumstances.

Picking up a slice of melon from the fruit tray they’d purchased, she bit into the juicy treat. “It’s so sweet,” she said and walked towards him seductively, holding out the fruit. “Have a taste,” she said.

“Liz…..” Max swallowed, feeling almost light headed and dizzy with the scent of his mate and the sweet fruit she offered. His breathing was shallow and he watched in a sexual daze as her nipples peaked against the sheer fabric of her gown.

“You don’t have to wait, Max. I want you to love me.” Bringing the melon up, she slid it over the exposed skin above her gown, the juice trickling down to disappear underneath.

Max’s eyes followed the trail, unaware of the look on his face that scorched her as Liz watched him devour her with his eyes. She could see the outline of his erection stretching the front of his pants now and she moved forward, reaching out to cup that weight, sliding her tongue over her mate’s lips.

With a low groan of surrender, Max gave up, lifting her against him as he plunged his tongue into her waiting mouth, tasting the sweetness of the melon and Liz’s own unique taste. It drove him wild. He wasn’t even aware of his actions as he quickly moved them to the bed, laying Liz down. His clothing was gone in an instant and he followed her down, his lips devouring, sucking on hers, biting at them, conveying his desperation and insatiable hunger for them.

Liz moaned helplessly as Max finally abandoned her lips, trailing his tongue down over the sticky sweet trail that the melon had made. He sucked a nipple into his mouth through her gown, and Liz arched, grinding herself against him, needing him almost as desperately as he needed her. It was always this way, Max’s need bleeding into her until they were both insane with it.

“Max…..I need you,” Liz moaned out, wrapping her legs around his hips to bring his erection where she wanted him. The swollen head slid against her slick folds and they both moaned, Liz’s body twitching with anticipation of her orgasm. Feeling it, Max did it again, grinding his teeth to keep from burying himself in her, wanting to watch her come. One more time was all it took. Max held himself rigid as Liz writhed against him, feeling her juices coating his cock as she came on him. He hadn’t thought it was possible, but his engorged penis grew even bigger at the feel of her drenching him and he groaned in agony as it stretched to what felt like gigantic proportions. He needed to empty himself into her, feel her squeezing him every last drop from him.

Liz opened her eyes, still panting from her last orgasm, feeling the rigidness of Max’s body as he held himself back from taking her. Reaching up to kiss him lovingly in thanks for his restraint, she opened her legs wider, giving him unrestricted access to her waiting body.

It was time.

“Max….I have something to tell you.” Her hands smoothed his damp hair back from his forehead, her eyes tracing his beautiful features lovingly, wondering if their child would inherit his father’s beauty. She hoped so.

“What?” Max was trembling now, fighting not to take her like a wild animal, hoping he could keep himself from hurting her with his lust.

Liz brought her hands up to cup his face, gazing up into his eyes, capturing his full attention.

“I stopped taking my birth control pills two weeks ago.”


No throwing things, it isn't nice. I promise the next part will be posted on Thursday, and we'll finally be getting to the meat of the story.

"Whoops.......meat....hee hee.....
Lisa: Do we have any food that wasn't brutally slaughtered?

Homer: Well, I think the veal died of loneliness.
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 133
Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2001 4:58 pm

Post by sylvia37 »

Okay just a quick driveby to post because I said I would. I can't list all of you tonight but I can honestly say that I'm completely blown away by the reception for this fic. You guys crack me up.

I also have to say, Cherie, that although I've never heard the phrase "cluster fuck", I will never ever forget it. And do I want to know about the breadstick thing? :wink:

So here it is. Hope it was worth waiting for.

The Heat of the Moment Part 5

Max finished washing up the dishes before ascending back to their bedroom. He glanced at the bed, unable to keep the loving smile from his face at the sight of Liz sleeping peacefully, her tender naked body clearly outlined under the sheets. He went to perch on the window seat, not wanting to disturb her, but unable to sleep any longer.
He couldn’t believe how content he felt. His mind, his soul, his body. Especially his body. He marveled that he could feel this relaxed only hours after the heat had started instead of days, but he knew why.

He thought back to several hours ago when Liz had dropped her bomb on him, sending him into orbit.

“I stopped taking my birth control pills two weeks ago.”

Max’s rigid body went stock still as shock widened the eyes staring down at her. Liz reached up again to kiss him, whispering “Take me, Max. Make our baby.”

A split second later a gasp was torn from her throat as she felt the change in him, his eyes darkening to black, staring down at her in primal alien lust.. Liz would have been afraid if she hadn’t been so connected to him, her soul bonded with his, knowing that her Max was inside this alien devouring her with his eyes. He lifted her legs, bending her knees until they rested against her, positioning himself. Liz looked down gasping at the way the position opened her to him, seeing his engorged member, swelling with need, poised at her entrance..

“Max…..” Liz breathed out a second before he impaled her, burying himself to the hilt, stretching her to capacity, the swollen head of his shaft imbedded as deep as he could go. Growling low in his throat, Max ejaculated immediately, his semen bursting from him in thick jets, flooding Liz’s womb, bathing her walls with potent seed. Vaguely hearing Liz’s scream, her body responding to his assault, her muscles spasming around the pulsing shaft that filled her to bursting, squeezing out every last drop of the hot liquid filling her, Max’s body shuddered violently, the almost painful pleasure ripping through him again and again.

Max closed his eyes against the memory, feeling his spent member stir again at the thought. After the first time, he’d taken her twice more in quick succession, each time almost as hard as the first, unable to stop the rising tide of lust that had taken hold of him. It was as though knowing that contraceptives were no longer standing in the way of his need to plant his baby inside his mate, his alien side had completely taken over.

After the third time, Max had finally managed to get hold of himself long enough to stop and make sure that Liz was okay, although he hadn’t been so far gone that if she’d shown the slightest sign of wanting him to stop that he wouldn’t have tried. But she’d been right there with him, the nail marks on his back and the bruises forming on his butt cheeks where she’d clutched him to her, proof that she’d wanted him as much as he wanted her.

Looking down at her flushed features, her hair clinging to her sweat soaked brow, her body reddened and bruised from the imprint of him on her, Max had felt a twinge of guilt that was quickly squashed when Liz had flipped them over suddenly. She’d felt his feelings and would have none of it. Sitting up on him, she’d taken his already swelling member back in her hands, massaging until it was a rigid staff. Staring down at Max’s flushed cheeks, Liz felt him trembling beneath her in lust and anticipation.

“No guilt, Max. We’re making our baby.”

She leaned down to take him into her mouth for a moment, swirling her tongue over the head before sucking deeply into her mouth eliciting a groan. Sitting up again, she smiled in satisfaction at the picture Max made, his eyes closed, mouth open as he dragged in ragged gulps of air. When he finally opened his eyes, they immediately stroked her naked body, lingering over the swollen tips of her breasts, hunger stamped on his features as he took in the marks he’d left on her flesh. Following his eyes, Liz gasped as she felt his primitive reaction to seeing his semen trickling from between her legs straddling his thighs. Before she could react, he was sitting up, guiding her down over his erection, watching his thick length disappear inside her tightly stretched opening. Working her up and down, his hands on her hips, Max finally brought her flush against him, his erect penis fully embedded once again.

“So full….” Liz moaned, eyes closed, slowly adjusting to the position, feeling the swollen tip of his shaft kissing her womb.

Trying to move carefully, Max began to thrust, his hands still guiding her hips, but Liz took over, bracing her hands on his chest, her hair around them like a curtain as she rode him. Her thighs trembled as she lifted herself up, teasing the throbbing tip of his shaft with her folds before taking him fully back in, enjoying the gasping groans coming from her husband’s throat. Soon though, the Heat took over again and it was Liz who was moaning as Max slammed her down on his erection, needing to be as deep as possible, needing to come in her and watch her come on him. He got his wish a moment later when Liz cried out, arching, her thighs squeezing together, convulsing wildly around the thick rod impaling her.

Watching his wife’s face contort with pleasure, Max ground his teeth trying to hold back his own orgasm to do it again, but the tightly clamping muscles squeezing his erection was more than he could take and he couldn’t hold back the harsh sound that broke from his throat as he tightened his fingers around Liz’s hips., Thrusting helplessly, Max forced her to take all of him, the need to release his seed as deeply in her as possible making him lose all control.

Liz’s breath hitched in her throat, her body struggling to accommodate him as he swelled to even greater proportions within her. Finally with a cry, Max jerked, his semen spurting into her in scalding waves, sending her over the edge again, her womb contracting again and again, accepting his offering gladly.

Max quickly flipped them over to continue thrusting, his eyes dark and lusting as he filled her with his thick liquid seed. It pooled inside her belly with the rest, then overflowed, and he groaned as he looked down and saw it coating his member, flooding out onto the sheets, trickling down Liz’s quivering thighs. Finally, shuddering with the last spasms, Max collapsed on her, his body trembling with exertion, his breath heaving from his chest.

Glancing again at his sleeping wife, Max again felt a twinge of guilt.

After practically fucking her to death four times in a row, he’d raised his head to find that Liz had passed out after her orgasm. Sitting up quickly, he had run his hands over her, healing bruises and marks along the way and cleaning their sticky skin, but he could find nothing wrong. Her eyes had finally fluttered open a moment later and she’d finally had to stop his profuse apologies with a gentle kiss, telling him that making her pass out from too much pleasure was not something to apologize for.

Still, Max had insisted that they stop, at least for a while and eat some of the food he’d prepared. He’d brought the tray to the bed and had taken his time feeding her, sharing the same glass, making sure that she was completely recovered. Liz returned his attentions, aware of the toll it was taking on him to sit there with her naked as they ate. He’d put on his boxers and a robe and she was wearing a thin silk kimono that was almost more tantalizing than bare skin. Finally, watching as Max lifted the tray from the bed, Liz saw his hands trembling slightly and she took action.

“I’m going to take a shower.” Liz said, dropping her robe on the foot of the bed, striding naked towards the bathroom. Her thighs ached a little and she was definitely sore in her sensitive areas.

“I’ll just…..I’ll just….stay here so you can…..” Max stuttered to a stop when Liz turned to look at him, her eyes piercing and blatant with invitation.

“Come shower with me, Max” She turned deliberately, her bare bottom teasing him before she disappeared into the bathroom.

Taking care of her personal needs first, Liz started the shower, then stepped in. She could feel Max’s indecision, his body’s needs fighting his natural protectiveness. Closing her eyes, Liz sent him a mental picture of her in the shower, her soapy hands running over her firm breasts, before sliding down towards the apex of her thighs. She smiled a moment later, eyes still closed, when she heard the door open and Max step in. Large hands moved up to cup her now straining breasts and a hard body pressed against her.

“That was dirty pool, Mrs. Evans.” His sexy voice brushed against her like silk and Liz’s body thrummed in response. His thumbs teased her nipples into pointed peaks.

“All’s fair in love and war, Mr. Evans. I wanted you to share my shower and you seemed like you needed a little push.”

“I was trying to give you time to recover.”

“You already did that. And I’ve told you before that you aren’t hurting me.” Liz turned around, her naked belly rubbing against Max’s once again raging erection, the friction causing him to close his eyes and swallow heavily. Opening them again, Max deliberately slid his hand between them, sliding his fingers gently into the swollen sensitive tissue between her thighs. Liz flinched slightly before she could stop herself and Max raised an eyebrow at her.

“I’m a little sore,” Liz conceded. “But it’s nothing you can’t fix.” She deliberately leaned forward to rub her soap covered breasts against the muscles of his chest, blatantly caressing the length of steel between them with her belly. “I’m not through with you yet,” she whispered, running her tongue over his lips before pulling back a little.

“Liz…..” Max groaned as her soap covered hand wrapped around his aching shaft, stroking and teasing the large tip.

“Heal me, Max.” Liz whispered “so you can fill me with this.” She squeezed his hardness, waiting a second for the water to rinse him before leaning down to suck him into her mouth.

Max let out a harsh breath, his back against the tiles as Liz sucked him, noises of pleasure coming from her throat. Knowing that he wasn’t going to last much longer with his talented wife’s sexy mouth trying to suck him dry, Max pulled away, ignoring her mew of disappointment as he extracted his member from her mouth.

“I was enjoying that,” Liz pouted.

“Did you think I wasn’t?” Max retorted, sliding his fingers down over her flat stomach. “But you asked me to fill you and I can’t do that without doing this first.” His large hand gently cupped her sex, sending tingling warmth through the distressed tissues, healing her.

Liz shuddered, and Max groaned as liquid drenched his fingers, attesting to the power his touch had on her. Liz moaned as he teased her, thrusting two fingers gently inside her. She gasped, riding his hand, blindly reaching out to kiss his chest, her tongue tasting him as she pleasured herself on his fingers.

Feeling her nearing her orgasm, the slickness coating his hand showing her readiness, Max turned her around, bracing her hands on the wall. He slid a hand to her belly, thrusting her hips towards him, positioning himself at her entrance. Liz gasped as he teased her with the tip of his penis, coating it with her juices, sliding it in a little only to pull it out as she tried to thrust back on it.


“What? Do you want this?” Max asked huskily, rubbing the swollen end in her folds. He was torturing himself as well, wanting nothing more than to bury himself inside those dripping walls, but he wanted this time to be more than him mindlessly taking his pleasure.

Liz gasped as his erection brushed her clit. “Yes….please…..Max……”

“Please what?” Max slid his thick knob in a little ways, gritting his teeth as he slid it back out.

“Please….stop…stop…teasing me.” Liz was panting, her body screaming for him to fill her with his hard length.

“Say what you want me to do,” Max whispered in her ear, teasing it with his tongue.

Turning slightly, Liz looked him in the eyes, knowing what he wanted from her. “I want you to fuck me, Max.” She deliberately reached between them to pull him into her. “Fuck me now.”

With a groan, Max bent her forward, burying himself to the hilt. Liz cried out, feeling him bump her cervix, and Max froze, but Liz moaned in protest, pushing back against him. “Don’t stop.” She reached down between them to caress his balls and Max groaned as he threw his head back, hips thrusting forward.

He was so deep. Liz couldn’t hold back her cries as he pounded her, giving her exactly what she’d asked for. Her breasts were flat against the tile as Max held her pinned, his hips grinding hers as he bucked and bucked and bucked, the animal urge to mate with his chosen female heightened by her submissive position.

Liz felt wild as well, wanting to scream as the tension in her body coiled tighter and tighter. Sensing that Max was nearing the end, his thrusts becoming less rhythmic, his club like erection swelling, stretching her, she squeezed her thighs, the friction of his thrusts brushing her clit, sending her over the edge. She cried out,, leaning forward to feel every inch of him filling her contracting walls.

Max grunted, his hand braced against the wall as he shook, emptying his heavy load into Liz’s passage, sending it deep, filling her with his liquid warmth…....

They had taken a real shower after that, washing each other’s hair, drying each other off. By the time they were done, Max could sense Liz’s tiredness and he insisted that she sleep. They rested on the bed together and Liz drifted off almost immediately. It took Max a little longer, his body still in the throes of the heat, but he managed to sleep for a while.

When he’d woken up, he’d let Liz sleep for while even though his body was screaming at him to mate with her again. He’d tried to resist, getting up to take another shower, straightening up the room, but she was too beautiful, her body too inviting, made for him. Before he knew what he was doing, he’d pulled the covers back, staring down at her luscious form. His mouth watered as he gazed at her round breasts topped by delicate pink nipples. Made for his mouth….his tongue. Just one taste, he’d promised himself, one taste……

Liz woke up to her husband’s thick erection sliding between her thighs. Max slipped inside her, groaning in gratitude at the feel of her walls surrounding his aching member. Half asleep still, Liz opened her legs, letting him in, moaning and thrashing her head back and forth as he thrust within her, his hands under her hips, holding her still for his invasion until they both came hard. She laughed at his appalled expression afterward, seeing his complete chagrin over his lack of control.

It was many hours later after they’d made love several more times, each time more intense then the last as he worked to impregnate his mate, that Max had finally felt his body relaxing, his alien libido muting until it calmed to it’s normal level. Liz had barely been awake, her body exhausted from the process, needing sleep desperately. Max had lovingly cleaned her, then pulled the covers over her, taking a moment to rest his large hand over her tender abdomen.

Now he stood, watching his sleeping wife, unable to believe it.

He’d accomplished his goal. Liz was pregnant.

Even now the thought sent shivers down Max’s spine. He and Liz were having a baby and years of unfulfilled alien biological instinct had finally been put to rest. At least for the next few months.

He’d known it almost the minute it happened, but even if he hadn’t, there was no way Liz could not be pregnant. The amount of sperm he’d put in her tonight virtually ensured it.

Turning back to the bed, Max carefully made his way over to the bed, perching on the edge. He slid the covers down exposing Liz’s stomach. He placed his hand over her womb, tears pricking his eyes, his lips curving in a joyful smile.

“Max?” Liz’s voice brought his head up and saw her staring down at his hand, seeing the glow that shown between his fingers emanating from her womb.

“Is that…..”

Taking her hand, Max rested it on her stomach under his. “Do you feel him?”

“We’re having a son?” Liz said tearfully, looking up to find him gazing at the glow under their fingers. When he looked up at her, tears stood poised on his lower lids, his eyes shimmering at her.

“Our son, Liz. Yours and mine.”

“Oh my God, Max.” Liz threw her arms around his neck hugging him tightly. “We’re having a baby.”

“I think that was the plan,” Max answered in rye gentleness, hugging her back.

“You definitely worked hard enough at it,” Liz teased him, still wondering at the faint glow. Her baby. Max’s child growing inside her. She looked up and smiled at Max’s slightly embarrassed expression.

“Liz…..thank you….for my son.” He leaned down to kiss her, holding her as if she was the most precious thing in the world.

Reaching up to cup his face, Liz returned his kiss, her gratitude for the gift he’d given her clear in hers. They continued to kiss, gently this time, lovingly, and before long, they were making love again. This time however, it was slow and tender, a reaffirmation of their love and their awe for the precious life they’d created together. When Max slipped inside her, Liz arched to him, holding him within her, watching his face as he began to move slowly. Their movements were deliberate and steady, building to a crescendo that had Liz gasping as Max came within her in gentle pulses, her muscles rippling around him as they held each other close, bodies almost as one.


“Did we forget anything?” Max asked as he watched Liz descend the steps to their waiting car. Their long weekend was over and it was time to get back to reality.

“I don’t think I’ll ever forget this weekend,” Liz answered, smiling at her husband.

“Me either,” Max answered, wrapping his arm around her as they walked to the car. His hand naturally rested on her stomach, gently caressing where his child lay within her. Liz smiled at him again as he brushed his hand over her womb one last time before shutting her door and moving around to the other side. Remembering her prediction while they’d been driving down two days ago, she sighed.

It had definitely been a good weekend.


Only two more parts after this.
Lisa: Do we have any food that wasn't brutally slaughtered?

Homer: Well, I think the veal died of loneliness.
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 133
Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2001 4:58 pm

Post by sylvia37 »

Wow, well there's a few people on this board who like plotless smut. Cool. Thanks to all who wrote and thanks to all who told others. That blows me away. I had no idea that my little fantasy world would be enjoyed by so many others. Oh, did I just give myself away? Okay........

I'm still writing the next part which is why I was waiting to post this one. I didn't want you to have to wait. But since it's been a week, I'll go ahead and hope for the best that I get it done.

So far, no sequal planned, but who knows? I didn't actually think I would post this story so.....

The Heat of the Moment. Part 6

“I’ll just have a Ginger Ale please,” Max said to the woman behind the tables serving drinks. The party the foundation was giving for Liz and her co-workers was in full swing, but he was taking a breather from all the shop talk. After she handed him his drink, Max turned, his eyes immediately keying in on the most important person in the room. Most important to him anyway.

As he sipped his drink, Max let his eyes linger on his wife’s feminine figure where she stood talking to a small group of her colleagues. Even at six months pregnant, she was tiny and the low heels of her strappy sandals did nothing to improve her small stature. His eyes traced the satiny skin left bare by the small straps holding her dress in place. It was dark red and reached to a couple of inches above her knees, the high waist cinched under her breasts with a small bow, the silky fabric draping her rounded figure with elegant taste. She was beautiful, the embodiment of the glowing mother to be, and Max couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

He wasn’t the only one. Max’s fingers tightened around his glass, a frown marring his handsome features as he saw his wife turn to the man beside her and answer his question. His name escaped Max at the moment, but he remembered that he was relatively new at the lab and that he hadn’t been impressed by the way he kept staring at his wife while they were introduced. Much the way he was staring at her right now. Max watched the man’s eyes linger over Liz’s delicate features before sliding down to blatantly pause at her breasts then move down over her swelling middle. Max barely felt the Ginger Ale coating his fingers, leaking from the fissure that suddenly appeared in his glass.

“Good thing we don’t have death ray vision,” a voice to his left said.

Max turned, acknowledging Michael. “Good for who?” he said, his gaze once again on his wife.

“Good for that poor fucker standing next to Liz apparently. Give me that before you start bleeding.” Michael rescued the broken glass from Max’s hand and threw it in a trash can next to the drink table.

“I suggest you go over there and get her before you expose us here, Maxwell. What the hell’s wrong with you anyway? He isn’t doing anything. She’s just talking to him.” Michael shook his head as his friend continued to glare at the man across the room talking to his wife.

Just talking to him. Michael was right. Liz was just talking to one of her colleagues, a man she barely knew. It wasn’t Liz he was worried about. She wasn’t even aware of her affect on the man standing next to her.

But Max was. He knew because he was one of them. Even before her pregnancy, men were drawn to her, not just because of her beauty, but for her intelligence and lively personality and he usually stood by, tolerating their open admiration with long suffering patience.

But since she’d become pregnant with their child on that glorious weekend six months ago, Max had slowly lost his patience with the flock of his wife’s admirers. Maybe it was because it was natural for a man to feel protective of his mate and his unborn child, or maybe it was his alien nature coming to the forefront.

Or maybe….maybe it was the fact that Max knew what they were thinking. He could see it in their eyes when they looked at her. The way their eyes lingered over her blossoming figure, her petite body ripe and swelling with life.

They wanted it to be theirs.

Max could almost feel the testosterone coming off of them as they looked at his wife, pregnant with his child and wished that they had been the ones who had fucked her until she was full with their seed. A wave of possessive jealousy ripped through Max at his thoughts, and he felt his groin tighten as he saw the man reach out and touch Liz’s arm to get her attention.

Liz stiffened, her gaze reaching across the room, feeling the burning jealousy suddenly raging through her and Max’s connection. Murderous thoughts were running through her husband’s mind as what he perceived as a threat dared to touch her. Carefully moving her arm out of reach of her colleague, she watched almost fearfully as Max walked towards her. It wasn’t fear for herself, but for the poor slob standing next to her. She smiled slightly at his dark look, gently sending teasing thoughts through their connection, telling him how silly he was being.

Whenever he complained about the men who he said couldn’t stay away from her, Liz pointed out all the times she had to stand by while flocks of his female co-workers crowded her, vying for his attention at the functions they attended for his job. She loved how he would blush, scratching the back of his neck self consciously, the boyish look on his face melting her heart.

The look on his face now was anything but boyish and Liz shivered, whether from nervousness or excitement, she didn’t know. What she did know was that her husband was unbelievably sexy and his possessive thoughts were causing a flush to appear on her cheeks, and her nipples to tighten. She watched him approach, his male beauty causing everyone else to pale in comparison.

“Excuse us, please,” Max’s voice held the smallest hint of politeness as he took his wife’s arm and led her onto the dance floor. Pulling her close, he took Liz’s hand in his, staring down at her as he began to lead them. Liz could feel the stiffness of his arms and his hardness pressing into her belly, possessive jealousy in every muscle. His hold on her fairly screamed, “mine” and she shivered again, this time definitely in response to his angry arousal.


“Don’t tell me he wasn’t coming on to you. I could see it from across the room. He wanted you.” Max’s voice was a growl and Liz felt it all the way to her toes.

“It doesn’t matter. You’re the only one I want.” Liz leaned up to kiss his ear whispering teasingly, “Didn’t I prove that earlier?”

Closing his eyes, Max groaned low for only her to hear as he thought about earlier that evening.

He’d entered the house, running a little late from work. Taking the stairs in search of Liz, he’d stopped short at the door of their bedroom mesmerized by the sight of his wife standing in a towel in front of the full length mirror. She apparently just gotten out of the shower and her hair was still damp. As he watched she removed the towel, standing naked in front of the mirror. Taking a bottle of lotion from the vanity table, she began smoothing it over her skin, starting with her arms and neck, then over her breasts, massaging the scented liquid into her skin. Picking up another jar, she covered her fingers in the cream and gently rubbed it over her distended belly..

Liz suddenly felt the charge in the air and turned from the mirror to find Max standing in the doorway of their room. His eyes were fairly black with arousal, watching her and her body reacted instantly to the heat in his gaze, her taut breasts tingling as her nipples hardened, an ache starting between her legs.

Knowing what he wanted through their connection, she continued to massage the cream on her fingers into her skin, feeling wanton and sensual as she deliberately let him watch her. The tension between them coiled and tightened, and Liz couldn’t help the small moan that escaped as she heard her husband’s thoughts.

She was even more beautiful to him now, her small body growing to accommodate his child, then before. He hadn’t thought it was possible for her to turn him on more than he always had been, but he found himself in a constant state of arousal now, unable to get enough of his beautiful sexy wife. They made love at least once a day, usually two or three times since the first trimester, after Liz’s initial bought of morning sickness was over. And what was more astounding to him, Liz felt the same way, ready for him at a moment’s notice, just as turned on.

Liz’s small sound of need broke the spell Max was under and he swiftly crossed the room. She reached up just as his lips came crashing down on hers, and her arms found his shoulders as he picked her up to deposit her on the bed. Following her down, Max ravished her mouth, his tongue finding hers, stealing her breath. She moaned in protest when he pulled back only to moan again in desire when he knelt in front of the bed, parting her thighs.

Without preamble, Max buried his face between her legs, his tongue delving deep, ripping a cry from Liz’s lips as she arched off the bed. Working quickly, he brought her to orgasm once, then again, groaning out his pleasure as she fed him, lapping and burying his tongue deeply in her throbbing opening, to catch every drop. Liz finally begged him to stop, pulling on his hair to get his attention.

When Max finally stood up, he worked quickly to free himself from his restrictive clothing. Liz slid back on the bed, and Max followed, grabbing pillows to slide under her hips. He kissed her thighs, sliding his tongue over his wet folds again, before kissing his way upward. He stopped to rub his hands over her belly, caressing the swell of it, still amazed that his child was growing inside her. He watched the glow that emanated under her skin, stronger now than before and he leaned over to kiss her taut stomach, sending his love to their child through their connection.

Sliding up some more Max focused on her temping mounds of her breasts, closing his lips around a pointed nub, suckling gently at first, then stronger as Liz moaned, holding his head against her. First one then the other, Max feasted on her, until Liz was sobbing, begging him to take her.

Moving between her legs, Max knelt, sliding the swollen tip of his member along her wet folds, torturing them both.

“Max…..” Liz opened her legs wider, wanting him desperately. “Please…..”

Max accommodated her, dipping the thick knob inside, to tease her clit, watching her arch and cry out at the contact. He loved seeing her in the throws of passion, her flushed cheeks, her eyes dark with desire, her body readying itself for his invasion. He slid in a little further, feeling her walls sucking him in, her muscles trying to hold on. As he slid out, Max looked down and saw his thick shaft, glistening and wet with her slickness, and he couldn’t hold back another moment. He watched mesmerized as her tight opening parted to accommodate him, his swollen shaft disappearing in increments inside her until he was flush against her.

“Yes….Max…..” Liz moaned, wrapping her legs around his hips, tilting hers to bring him closer.

Max groaned, his tight stomach making contact with her round belly as he began to thrust, gently at first, then harder as she slickened even more, her body adjusting to his size. Liz moaned and arched to his thrusts, wanting him deep, feeling the tension beginning to build quickly.

“Liz….God, baby… good…..” Max felt light headed, his body readying to spend itself, his thrusts becoming harder….deeper…..

“Uhhhh…….”Liz’s fingers dug into his arm, convulsing wildly as she came, her legs tightening around his waist as her muscles throbbed around him, sending him over the edge, his hips barely moving, neck arched as he bathed her contracting walls with his thick cum, the pleasure almost too much as he pulsed inside her over and over……..

“Max…..” Liz’s voice brought him back to the present, and Max looked down at her, seeing her eyes dark with desire, staring back at him, knowing exactly what he was thinking about. She leaned up again, her stomach caressing his now full girthed member, causing Max to grit his teeth at the contact. “I can still feel you between my legs,” she whispered.

“God….Liz…..” Knowing he was insane, but beyond caring. Max looked around swiftly seeing if anyone was paying attention to them, but there were too many people on the dance floor. “I need you to be inside you…..right now,” he whispered back, feeling as though he was going to burst.

“Where?” Liz said, looking up at him, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Thinking quickly, Max said, “Meet me upstairs in the second floor bathroom. You go first and I’ll be up in a minute.” He leaned down, bringing his lips close to her ear. “Be ready for me.”

Swallowing heavily, Liz nodded, looking around a moment to collect herself, then letting Max lead her off the dance floor and heading quickly towards the stairs. She could feel his eyes burning into her back and she felt an answering throb in her core.

Max watched as Liz carefully negotiated the stairs, looking on protectively until she reached the top safely. When she disappeared from view, he nonchalantly walked over to the bar and asked for a glass of water. Drinking half of it down, he finally moved towards the stairs, making his way up at a measured pace, trying not to sweat. His pants were painfully tight and he was glad he was wearing a suit jacket to hide his raging hard on.

Finally reaching the top of the stairs, he moved quickly down the hallway, until he reached the bathroom. Knocking once, he opened the door, stepping in and turning to lock it with his powers.

The sight that met his eyes when he turned back around almost caused him to lose what little control he had left.

Liz was standing on the other side of the large bathroom waiting for him, her panties in a small heap on the floor, legs spread as she leaned against the sink.

Quickly crossing the large bathroom, Max pulled her into his arms, his mouth descending. Their tongues met wildly, both of them moaning at the contact as their bodies strained together. Finally parting breathlessly, Max slid his hand under Liz’s dress to run his hands possessively over the swell of their child.

“Hurry…..” Liz whispered, her eyes glazed with anticipation as she opened his jacket and worked to free him from his pants.

“Turn around.” Max turned her swiftly, using his powers to part his zipper, releasing his erect shaft. The full length mirror on the other side of the room reflected them and Liz moaned as she saw his long pulsing member emerge from his clothes. She felt moisture pool, slicking her thighs, her body readying for his invasion, responding to his obvious need.

Flipping the hem of her dress up, Max helped Liz lean over the sink, his hand caressing her buttocks feverishly. Holding her hips steady looking at her in the mirror, his eyes darkened to black as he watched his mate spread her legs for his pleasure.

“Now Max. I need you now.”

Max bit back a strangled moan as he thrust into Liz’s tight passage, feeling her slick walls parting to accept him. Biting back her own scream, Liz closed her eyes, Max’s thick member stretching her, filling every available space. She could feel his raging need to take her hard her through their connection, his primitive instincts telling him to stake his claim, and she willingly gave herself up to it.

But he was being too careful Even in his state of mind, Max was aware of her delicate condition, thrusting slowly, shallowly, but Liz would have none of it. She wanted him hard and deep, possessing her as she possessed him.

“Harder…..” she whispered, trying to be quiet, reaching back to pull his hips as she pushed backwards.

Her words broke the last of his restraint. Sliding his hand down to cradle her swollen belly, “Mine….” Max bit out, making her take all of him, feeling his control slip. No one else would ever do this to her but him. He looked in the mirror and lost it completely, the sight of his fantasy coming to life too much, his pregnant mate arching in ecstasy as he fucked her.

“Yes…..” Liz hissed between gritted teeth, holding on to the sink for dear life, his now pounding thrusts feeding her need, sending her quickly towards oblivion.

Growling, Max bucked hard, feeling the pulsing waves rush through him, sending his seed spurting hotly into his wife’s contracting pussy, branding her his. Liz’s strangled scream only served to inflame him further, his orgasm seemingly endless as she willingly accepted his creamy offering, pushing her over the edge again until her quivering walls finally milked him of every drop.

A few long moments later, breathing heavily, Max stood upright, extracting his spent member from Liz’s body, remorse taking over now that his primitive lust had been satisfied. How could he have taken his pregnant wife that way, fucking her like an animal?

“Oh my God, Liz….…..” Max’s worried eyes met hers as Liz slowly stood up. She quickly shook her head, trying hard to get her own breath back.

“No, Max. You did exactly what I wanted and it was wonderful.” Reaching up, she kissed him tenderly.

“Let me make sure the baby is okay.” Max knelt in front of her, lifting her dress to press his large hand gently on her stomach. The immediate glow that met his touch sent relief pouring through him and he leaned forward to press his forehead against her for a moment, closing his eyes. Feeling Liz’s hand caressing his hair, he opened his eyes, and leaned back to stand up, but as he did, he caught sight of his semen, glistening in Liz’s curls, sliding down her to slick her thigh. His spent member twitched at the sight, but Max restrained himself, waving a glowing hand over her to clean her instead and sliding a healing touch into her tender folds to make sure she wasn’t sore.

“Thank you,” Liz said smiling through sudden tears as he stood up. Reaching up, she smoothed his hair and they both took a moment to straighten their clothing and repair their appearance.

“I’m ready to go home and have you all to myself,” Max said, a moment later as they got ready to rejoin the party. “I don’t think I can take anymore of what’s his name tonight.”

“I’m good with that,” Liz answered. “We need you to hold us for a while.” She smiled mistily at the look joyful anticipation that crossed Max’s face at her words.

Opening the door, Max peeked out relieved not to see anyone standing nearby. They went downstairs making their excuses to the host bidding goodbye to Michael and Maria before heading home. When they got there, Max immediately picked her up, taking her to their bedroom where he made love to her one more time, this time slowly, worshipfully, his hands caressing the obvious evidence of their love as he gently rocked them both to ecstasy. Afterward, he did indeed hold his wife and child the rest of the night

Last edited by sylvia37 on Thu May 27, 2004 9:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lisa: Do we have any food that wasn't brutally slaughtered?

Homer: Well, I think the veal died of loneliness.
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 133
Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2001 4:58 pm

Post by sylvia37 »

You guys are killing me.
Poor Liz (snort!) she'll have to deal with two demanding Antarian males. ("Sorry Darling, he's hungry. I have to feed him." Liz hurries away as Max grumbles, "So'm I." Then he looks down and says, "Don't look at me, this was all your idea, remember?" His cock nods sadly.)
Phaedra what a riot. I love it. Thank you so much everyone for making this fic even more fun to write then it already is.

And guess what? You can thank Frenchkiss for the fact that this chapter is not the last one, but one that I added because her FB gave me the idea. So we actually have another chapter after this one. Hope you like it.

The Heat of the Moment Part 7

Pale light was streaming through the blinds of their bedroom as Max slowly opened his eyes. He automatically looked at the clock on the bedside table. It was still early. Reaching over, he turned off the alarm and turned back to drape his arm over his sleeping wife where she snuggled her backside against him. His hand automatically found the taut, rounded slope of her belly, now much more pronounced in her eighth month of pregnancy. His baby was almost ready to be born, and they eagerly awaited his appearance. Especially Liz who was starting to get more uncomfortable and whose emotions were now on a bit of a seesaw.

Gently sliding his hand under her short cotton gown, Max splayed his hand over her stretched womb and connected with his son, smiling softly at the immediate response. He rubbed his hand back and forth over the taut skin, loving the feel of it and loving that he could be a part of the intimate bonding that happened between mother and child during pregnancy. His baby. His wife carrying his child within her body. It never ceased to move him.

Or turn him on. He realized as he continued to rub his hand over her belly, how her breasts were cupped so enticingly by the high waistline of the gown and how in the position they were in, they were threatening to spill over. Abandoning her stomach for the moment, Max couldn’t resist the temptation and reached up to cup one of those beautiful globes, tender and also more pronounced now. He ran his thumb over the peak, and lightly took it between his fingers, biting back a groan as it grew into a hardened nub.

Letting his imagination take over, Max unconsciously pressed his growing erection into his wife’s backside as he imagined the swollen peak between his lips, on his tongue and heard in his head the sounds she would make as he sucked on her, her body writhing in pleasure as he thrust his thick rod into her tight passage……

“Max…..” Liz’s voice brought him back to reality and he realized that he was massaging her breast in earnest now, his hips grinding his erection against her.

“Sorry….” He said sheepishly, not believing he’d woken her up. She needed her rest now more than ever. His growing child was a strain on her small body and he worried constantly.

“I’m not,” Liz answered him, grinding her bottom against him, eliciting a groan. She covered the hand over her breast, arching as they both squeezed. Turning her head, she smiled at him, pulling his head down for a kiss, their tongues mating intimately for several moments.

“Make love to me, Max,” Liz whispered against his lips. She turned her back to him again, shifting to get ready for his invasion.

“My pleasure,” Max murmured, sliding her gown up over her hips and off to drop it over the side of the bed. His shorts were gone in an instant and he reached down over her hip between her thighs to find her already wet and ready for him.

“Mmmmmm,” Liz moaned as he fingers caressed her slick folds finding her clit. She draped her leg back over his hip to give him better access as he continued to play. “Max…….I need you inside me,” she moaned huskily, bending slightly to bring him where she wanted him.

Positioning himself to enter her, Max groaned as she reached between her legs to stroke him. He brought his wet fingers to his mouth and licked them clean, wanting more. Reaching back down, he drenched his fingers again, then brought them up to slide over her breasts this time. He leaned up, shifting Liz flatter so he could take a stiff peak in his mouth, moaning out his pleasure as he tasted her. Liz’s breath was coming out in pants now as more moisture pooled at the feel of him sucking on her sensitive breast.

Shifting back to her side, Liz brought his hard erection between her thighs, caressing it with the slickness between her legs. Max closed his eyes and let her tease him for a moment, loving the feel of her soft thighs caressing his member.

Finally, Liz felt him positioning himself again, the swollen tip penetrating her passage. Leaning forward as far as her protruding belly would let her, Liz moaned in pleasure as his thickness stretched her, filling the needy space between her legs until he was completely embedded.

“I love the feel of you inside me,” she breathed out, squeezing her legs together, letting Max set the pace, his hips moving as he thrust slowly.

“I love you and I love our baby,” Max whispered in her ear, continuing to thrust at a languid pace, his hand moving to caress her belly. Tears pricked Liz’s eyes and she covered her hand with hers as they rocked together slowly allowing the tension to build.

But soon it wasn’t enough. “Mmmmmmm….harder Max,” Liz moaned out as she felt herself getting closer and Max obliged, leaning up on an elbow for more leverage as Liz angled back against him. Sliding his fingers between her legs to massage her clit, Liz’s hand joined him, using her moisture to tease his thickened shaft as it moved in and out of her slick opening. Max moaned against her hair feeling her fingers with his as they both felt her liquid drenching him, coating him, gushing for him.

A moment later, breath catching in her throat, Liz sobbed out her pleasure as her orgasm washed over her, both of their fingers still buried between her legs to manipulate her hardened clit as she came. Feeling her contractions, Max grew harder inside her, his erection swelling, his hips grinding against her as his thrusts became less rhythmic and his breath sounded harshly in her ear.

“A..gain…” Liz’s voice trembled out, her first orgasm blending into another one at the feel of her husband deep thrusts into her dripping wet core. Becoming too sensitive, she brought Max’s fingers up to her mouth, the taste of her own juice tart on her tongue

“Go..d….Liz….” Max shuddered, his seed erupting in heavy spurts as the feel of her sucking her own liquid from his fingers sent him hurtling into orgasm. Several long moments later, his hips finally stopped their spasmodic jerking and Max collapsed back on the bed, trying to catch his breath. Liz giggled as she heard his moan as she extricated herself from him. Carefully manipulating herself around to face him, she smiled at his appearance, reaching up to comb her fingers through his sweat soaked bangs.

“You’re trying to kill me for the insurance money, aren’t you?” Max’s voice was still breathy as he lay there with his eyes closed.

“Honey, if our sex life hasn’t killed you by now, then I’m pretty sure you’re okay,” Liz answered him, smiling as his lids finally lifted to look at her with sated eyes.

“I suppose you’re right,” Max conceded, “but don’t stop trying.” He smiled at Liz’s giggle and turned to face her, bringing his hand down to the large swell of his child between them. “How’s our boy this morning?”

“Probably wondering what the hell his parents are doing up this early taking him on a boat ride.” Liz giggled again. She watched fondly as Max maneuvered downward until his lips were against her belly.

“Don’t give your momma a hard time today, buddy. I love you.” Max kissed her stomach one last time, then leaned up to kiss her lips. “I have to go.”

“Me too,” Liz sighed looking over at the clock seeing that it was just about the time when their alarm would have gone off.

“I’ll shower first,” Max said, pulling clean clothes from his drawer. “You take longer than me.”

“Shut up,” Liz said lazily without rancor. She watched his handsome rear end disappear from view, then sighed, reaching down to rub her hand over the mound of her stomach, connecting with her baby. “Not much longer my little love, not much longer.”


“I’m sure the place will be fine without me for a while, Tamara. I’ve been gone before and the world didn’t end.” Max continued to fill out paperwork as he spoke to the young woman perched on the edge of his desk.

“I know, but this is going to be longer.” Tamara stared down at the thick dark hair, wondering what it would feel like to run her fingers through it and knowing she would never find out. Mr. Evans was happily married and expecting his first child and they were discussing his impending leave for when their baby was born. She’d met his wife and knew from watching them that their happiness was real, not just a put on for the public. Anyone who was around them for two minutes could tell that he adored her and God knew that she had to know how lucky she was. How could anyone not feel like the most blessed woman on the planet to have a man like Max Evans head over heels in love with you?

She sighed, not really jealous so much as envious. Mrs. Evans was really nice too and she was always gracious and understanding when they were in social situations and the crazy women in their office seemed unable to control themselves around her husband. Tamara wasn’t so sure that she would be so nice if she had to watch other women flirt and practically proposition her husband right in front of her. What was really funny was that Mr. Evans was completely oblivious to their machinations, his attention solely focused his wife.

Tamara was startled a moment later when Max lifted his head, his eyes turned towards the door of his office where it was open. A moment later, Liz appeared in the doorway, a smile on her face that faded a little when she took in the scene that met her eyes.

“Liz, what are you doing here? Is everything okay?” Max got up from his desk to hurry forward, his hand outstretched to automatically check on the condition of their child, but Liz caught it in hers, aware of their audience. Max stopped, realizing what he’d almost done and swallowed as he glanced back to see Tamara watching them curiously.

“I’m fine, Max. There was an emergency at the lab and they asked everyone to leave for the day, that’s all.”

“An emergency? What kind of emergency?” He stared down at her anxiously, itching to run his hands over her to make sure she was okay, but he couldn’t with one of the student assistants in his office.

“Nothing to do with my area. I just came down to see you because I got off early.” She let him lead her inside. “Hello, Tamara,” Liz said politely, or at least she hoped it was polite. It had taken her somewhat aback to see the younger girl sitting on her husband’s desk, looking pretty and svelte, her lithe body encased in a tasteful tank top and short skirt. Her long legs were tanned and bare, shown off to perfection by the high healed sandals on her feet, and her blond hair hung in artful curls around her face.

By comparison, Liz felt short and about as sexy as an elephant, her work clothing consisting of pants and a maternity top, her hair pulled back away from her face to better do her work. She tried not to, but she couldn’t help the jealousy that suddenly made tears prick her eyes.

“Hello Mrs. Evans. I was just telling Mr. Evans how much we’re going to miss him around here when the baby comes.” Tamara smiled in a friendly manner, but she was surprised to see that Liz didn’t return her smile.

“Oh,” was all Liz could manage. Her chin quivered slightly but she clamped down in the inside of her lip to make it stop. Of course they were going to miss him, she thought a little bitterly. Who were they going to moon over when her husband was off, forced to take care of his wife and newborn infant.

“Liz?” Max said, feeling her sudden mood change but not quite getting the reason for it.

“Uh…I’m going to go, Mr. Evans. I’ll see you later. Bye Mrs. Evans.” Tamara left the office, feeling confused and little upset. Had she done something to upset Mrs. Evans?

Max waited until the girl left then shut the door to his office, locking it. He turned back to find his wife still standing where he left her, staring down at her tennis shoes. He immediately went to her, running his hands over her and lifting her shirt to check their son, relieved to find nothing wrong, Max stood back up.

“Liz….what’s wrong?” He could tell she was unhappy, the telltale quivering of her lip not going unnoticed, but he wasn’t exactly sure why.

“Do you think she’s pretty?” Liz asked in a small voice and her eyes still wouldn’t meet his.

“Tamara? I guess…..Liz…..”

“Do you think her feet swell when she stands too long?” Her voice was definitely getting thicker now and Max could see the quivering was back.

“Do I…..?”

“Do you wish my legs were longer?” Liz’s hands had drifted to her large tummy now, wrapping her arms around it as though wishing she could hide it.

“What?” Max exclaimed, finally getting the point of this pointless conversation. Lifting her chin, he stared down into her unhappy eyes, seeing the tears that were forming there. “Liz….baby……” Max lifted her up and carried her to the couch, sitting down with her in his lap and she hid her face in his shoulder and sobbed, hiccupping with each indrawn breath. “I bet…I bet….she …she…didn’t…gain ….three pounds….this week.”

Max tried not to smile at the pitiful words, but it was hard when she was being so ridiculous. Letting her cry for a moment, he soothingly ran his hands over her hair, until she quieted a little, sniffling pathetically. “Liz…..” he said softly, trying to get her to look at him. When she didn’t respond, Max lifted her chin.


Fat teardrops still drifted down her cheeks as she stared at him and Max shook his head. “Liz….you know I can barely keep my hands off of you. Have I given you any reason to think that I don’t think you’re as sexy and beautiful as I always have? What about this morning? Or last night? Or the night before that? I can’t be around you for two minutes before I have a hard on and you’re worried that I’m looking at another woman?”

Sitting on his lap as she was, Liz felt the evidence of his words under her thighs and she suddenly knew how ridiculous she was being. For God’s sake, she was connected to his soul. She knew exactly how he felt about her and about the fact that she was carrying his child. Not only was he incredibly happy, he was incredibly aroused by it too.

“I’m insane,” Liz said, wiping at her eyes, her mood suddenly shifting back to normal. “I’m a crazy, insane pregnant woman who is trying to make you insane with her. Why do you put up with me?”

“Because I’m insanely in love with you,” Max said, grinning at her in a way that always made her insides melt.

“Then I guess we’ll both go down together,” Liz said, covering his hand with hers where it lay over their son. They sat there for a moment, connecting with him and each other basking in the glow of their little family. Then Max reached up to kiss her.

“You know you’re the only one for me, Liz. I can’t get enough.” His whispered words sent frissions of pleasure through Liz’s whole body and she suddenly felt incredibly aroused. A whimper of need escaped her throat as she reached to cup his face, her tongue mating wildly with his. Underneath her, his body reacted to her assault, his erection growing into a hard lump.


“Max…..” Liz made quick work of his shirt buttons, pulling it apart to expose his chest. “Lay down…..”

“Liz …we can’t….” Max’s words cut off on a groan as she quickly undid his belt and slipped her hand inside his pants to stroke his now completely aroused penis. Leaning over, Liz licked the tip as she slid his zipper down, taking more and more of him into her mouth as it emerged. Lightly scraping her teeth on him, she smile in satisfaction as Max arched, moaning in pleasure.

“What were you saying?” Liz teased as she let him go and made quick work of removing her shoes, pants and panties. Climbing on top of him, she began to lower herself over his erection.

“Wait….Liz…” They hadn’t even had any significant foreplay and he didn’t want to hurt her plus at this late date in her pregnancy, the frequency of their coupling had slowed down somewhat since Liz got tired more quickly than she used to, and he worried about hurting her or the baby when she was so close to giving birth. Of course slowing down for them meant only once a day as opposed to two or three times.

But Liz wasn’t worried. She knew that Max would never let anything happen to her or their precious child and besides, she wanted him right now…in his office….right within proximity of all those women who wished they could have him, but never would. He was hers and she was going to show him just what he did to her.

Knowing just how to make him forget his doubts, Liz wiggled her finger at him to sit up since she couldn’t lean over with her belly the way it was. When he reached her, Liz kissed him thoroughly until he was moaning under his breath, then she whispered in his ear, “I’m still wet from when you came in me this morning.”

Her lips curved as she watched her alien husband’s eyes darken at her words, and she barely registered the low growl that came from his throat as he thrust his hips. Closing her eyes, Liz moaned as he stretched her, taking him in inch by delicious inch until he was completely engulfed.

“Fuck…..” Max’s eyes rolled back as his wife’s incredibly tight walls surrounded his aching member. He looked down, seeing his thick length disappearing and reappearing in glistening increments as she rode him, then looked up to watch Liz’s face, her mouth open, eyes closed in pleasure. God, she was gorgeous, and he couldn’t suppress the low groan that rumbled from his throat as she squeezed him with her muscles, pleasuring them both.

Using his powers, Max opened her blouse and bra, wanting her completely naked. His hands massaged and teased her aching breasts then moved to her swollen belly, the feel of it under his fingertips adding to his pleasure and Liz felt his fierce satisfaction that he was the one who’d had done this to her, who had filled her with his seed and made her body ripen and grow with it. Suddenly, Liz was hit with a flash of the night they made their baby.

Sweat soaked and exhausted, Liz arched in need as Max moved above her, feeling her impending release seconds away.

“Come in me, Max. Fill me again….” Liz’s breathless voice sounded in his head and it triggered the desired response as Max pumped his hips fiercely against her, his eyes dark and lusting as he came again hot seed pooling inside her, bathing the walls of her sex and dripping out onto her thighs. No sound issued from her throat as Liz was seized by her orgasm, the almost painful contractions of her muscles rendering her beyond speech. She barely felt Max as he collapsed on top of her, his heart beating rapidly in his chest, trying to catch his breath……

The flash shuddered through both of them and Liz had to bite her lip, squeezing her thighs together as her orgasm overwhelmed her. Max held her hips, knowing just how to prolong it, keeping his length buried deeply inside her while she convulsed again and again, until he finally couldn’t hold back another second. Managing to suppress the groan that threatened to erupt as his balls tightened, Max shook with shockwaves of pleasure as satisfying jets of semen pulsed from him into Liz’s quivering passage. Liz continued to ride him as long as her trembling thighs would let her, drawing out his release until he finally lay back, limp and sated.

They sat there for several moments getting their breathing under control, Max running hands over Liz’s thighs as Liz smiled down at her husband’s satisfied expression.

“You’re incredible,” He breathed, gazing up at her adoringly.

“You make me crazy,” Liz blushed a little at her wanton behavior. “I need to apologize to Tamara.” She commented, but before Max could reply her hand suddenly flew to her taut stomach, a crease appearing between her brows.


“Liz…what’s wrong?” Max tried to sit up, but she was still kneeling on top of him.

“Nothing,” she said a little breathily then smiled down at him in reassurance. “I think all the uh….movement has woken somebody up.” She took his hand and placed it on her stomach, and Max could feel his son’s movement as he tried to get comfortable inside the confined space.

“It’s going to be soon,” Max said, staring at the glow under his hand, and Liz nodded knowing instinctively that he was right. She let him help her up and they kissed and cuddled as they helped each other dress.

Three days later, Adam Phillip Evans was born in the middle of the night with the help of his aunt and father. He weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces and was 21 inches long and was a beautiful combination of both of his parents who couldn’t have been happier that he had finally arrived.
Last edited by sylvia37 on Fri Jun 04, 2004 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lisa: Do we have any food that wasn't brutally slaughtered?

Homer: Well, I think the veal died of loneliness.
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 133
Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2001 4:58 pm

Post by sylvia37 »

Well here at last is the conclusion to this story. Once again I want to thank everyone for your generous comments and for making me laugh. This has been a lot of fun. Once you read, you'll see why there won't be a sequel but I may try and perhaps write some vignettes. After all, Max and Liz have been experiencing The Heat since they were teenagers. There might be some stories there.

As you may have read if you are reading ETY, I'm moving soon and my computer will be packed up. I wont have internet access for a while so I don't know if I'll have time to write any vignettes before that what with trying to keep ETY updated. We'll see.

Hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing. You guys are great.

The Heat of the Moment - Conclusion

“Yeah, I couldn’t believe those guys lost in the last three seconds of the game,” Michael said.

Max and Alex nodded, agreeing. They were standing outside on the deck of Alex and Isabel’s home in Roswell talking. It was little Alexis’s birthday, Max’s niece, and they were having a pool party, all of the family invited. The guys were taking a break from the sun, standing under the porch having a drink.

“Daddy,” a little voice said and they all looked down to see Alexis pulling at her father’s shirt.

“What Sweetie?” Alex reached down to pick up his four year old daughter. Her large brown eyes were wet with tears.

“That mean boy took my ball and I told him it was my birthday but he just laughed at me.” Alexis sniffled tearfully, looking at her father trustingly, knowing he would make it all better.

“Let’s see what we can do, okay?” Alex said, walking over to where the other children were playing.


“Go ahead,” Max grinned as Michael nodded quickly and left his side, seeking out his pregnant wife. Maria was pretty far along and extremely uncomfortable. Moody did not begin to describe it and Michael did everything he could to avoid upsetting her.

Max watched Michael lean over where Maria sat on a lounge chair when his eyes caught sight of his wife sitting nearby. He shifted uncomfortably, feeling his groin tighten at the sight of her in her two piece swim suit, her tanned body glistening in the sun. She sat cradling their very new nephew, smiling down at the little bundle in her arms and Max could feel her wistfulness as she cooed to him and his body reacted again.

Shifting his stance, Max was glad he was wearing shirt that reached down over the front of his swim trunks. What was wrong with him? He hadn’t had this uncontrollable of a reaction to Liz since before their son was born. Not that his beautiful, sexy wife didn’t turn him on just by breathing, but he was able to be in public without getting a hard on most of the time.

They hadn’t experienced a return of The Heat since the night they’d conceived him three years ago and Max realized instinctively that it was because his biological need for an heir had been fulfilled. And honestly, it was a blessing because there was no way they could have dealt with it and taken care of a child at the same time.

But lately, things had changed. It wasn’t like The Heat exactly, but he had been experiencing some uncontrollable moments lately that reminded him of how he felt during The Heat. Such as the other night when they’d made love, he’d been insatiable, taking her again and again until they were both exhausted. That usually only happened when one of the grandparents took their grandson for the weekend, but this was the middle of the week and they’d both barely gotten a wink of sleep.

And then there was this morning.

“God….Liz….yes…..” His eyes rolled back in his head as he felt Liz’s lips tighten over his cock. He opened them, looking down at her through half closed slits, watching his thick rigid length disappear inside her mouth, her red lips sucking on him hungrily. Her sexy green CrashDown uniform hung open to expose her barely covered breasts and he couldn’t keep his hands out of the silky hair that drove him wild, holding her head as he fucked her mouth. He was so close….so close….

What woke him, he didn’t know, but Max opened his eyes, the sensation of his stiff cock still being surrounded by tight wet lips not stopping with the end of his dream. He groaned as he felt the tip hit the back of her throat and he looked down the length of his body to indeed find his wife’s head bobbing as she sucked on him.

“Liz……” he stopped on a deep groan as Liz pulled on him, then swirled her tongue around the head to swallow his precum before tightening her lips as she took him back in.

He was going to come. Max could feel his balls tightening in readiness, his length thickening, stretching, hardening even more…..

“Ah…….” He arched, hearing Liz moan in appreciation as he came hard, waves of unadulterated pleasure thrumming through him, his thick cream spurting again and again into her mouth and throat until he lay spent, chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. His whole body jerked as he felt Liz give him one last lick before sliding up to settle her head on his shoulder.

“Good morning….” She said, as self satisfied smile curving her lips. “Nice dream?”

“Uh…..” was all Max seemed to be able to articulate, and Liz giggled against him. He felt her amusement at having rendered him speechless and he valiantly pulled himself together. Two could play this game.

“Good Morning,” Max whispered sliding around until Liz was under him. He kissed her briefly before running his lips over her exposed skin, reaching a hand out to cup a round breast, his thumb teasing the tip into a hard point. Moving downward he took the hardened peak into his mouth, laving it again and again until he knew that all Liz wanted him to do was suck hard.

“Max…..don’t tease me,” Liz moaned breathily when he finally took a long satisfying pull on the stiffened point, her legs moving restlessly against him as she attempted to rub her aching core against his rapidly returning hard on.

Sliding a hand downward, Max pushed her panties aside to find her wet and ready for him, the slick folds, clinging to his fingertips.

Lifting his head, Max smiled down into her flushed face. “Breakfast…..” he murmured before moving downward towards his goal, his mouth watering in anticipation……

Their morning activities had been halted at that point by a knock on the door. His son, Adam was up and ready for his own breakfast. Though extremely disappointed, Liz had immediately called their little boy in and a moment later Max was heading downstairs to make breakfast. He told Liz to take her shower while he cooked. While he removed ingredients from the refrigerator and got out pans, he felt Liz’s frustration and he was assaulted by an image of her in the shower soaping herself.

Making sure his son was otherwise occupied, Max sent his own images through their connection, running phantom hands over her breasts, between her thighs teasing her until he felt her release, smiling in satisfaction even as his body burned.

Now, thinking about it, Max knew it wasn’t so much the fact that they had shared morning sex because they’d been doing that most of their married life. It was the feelings he’d been getting since then. It was as though being thwarted that morning had somehow been significant and his body had been telling him about it all day. He needed to make love to his wife. He needed to feel her come on him and he desperately needed to come in her.

“Daddy?” A little voice pulled him away from his heated thoughts. He looked down and saw his son standing patiently, his little arms encased in plastic blow up floaties.

Max gratefully gave his attention to his son, glad to have something to distract him from his wayward thoughts.

“What is it?” He hunkered down on one knee to be more level with the little boy.

“Can we…we…go in da pool?”

“Of course, but I thought you were going in with Alexis and the others.”

Adam shook his head, and Max was surprised to see tears start to form in his eyes so like his mother’s.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Max put his arm around his son and hoisted him up into his arms.

“I..was…I was…..” Adam swallowed and sniffled, then hid his face in his father’s shoulder. “I was afraid.” He finally said in a small voice.

“Hey…it’s okay. Look at me.” Max said, waiting for him to lift his head. “It’s okay to be afraid. You haven’t ever done it by yourself, have you?”

“No.” Adam wiped his hand over his eyes and nose.

“We’ll just have to work on it okay? No more tears now. Let’s go in the pool.” Max tickled him, finally coaxing a smile. He put Adam down for a minute to take off his shirt, then he lead him over to the shallow end of the pool.

Liz gently ran a finger over her sleeping nephew’s downy head before sighing and handing him over to the next eagerly waiting relative. It was then that she noticed Max and their son in the pool. Max stood in the shallow end, his arms out, trying to coax Adam into jumping in. She smiled, watching her son stand with his hand in his mouth, shaking his head. His dark hair fell over his forehead just like Max’s and the first time she’d seen him put his little hands in his pockets unconsciously mimicking his father, her heart had melted.

As Liz sat there she became aware that she was watching Max now. The way his muscular arms flexed as he held them out for their son, the way the muscles in his tight abdomen rippled. God, it was enough to make her mouth water. Actually, it did make her mouth water. Letting her eyes wander, she moved them down wishing she could see the rest of him. She imagined the outline of his heavy penis resting inside his swim trunks, his strong legs, all the way down to his toes. Lord, she was getting wet just thinking about it.

She’d sensed something happening between them all day, and she suspected she knew what it was, but she hadn’t mentioned it to Max yet. Not here anyway. They’d be in quite a pickle if she told him she thought that they were both reacting her desire to have another baby. She got the feeling that if she told Max now, they’d embarrass themselves in front of quite a lot of people.

Liz was distracted from her thoughts when she saw Adam’s reaction to one of the other children playing nearby. The little girl, barely over two years old, ran by him and jumped into the pool, her little arms paddling as she laughed and screamed her delight. The look of determination that came over Adam’s face was almost comical, but so adorable that Liz couldn’t help the smile on her face. She could see Max smiling as well and she watched with happy pride as her son finally took his first tentative step into the pool by himself. Max, of course was there to catch him and they both laughed when Max’s face was sprayed with water.

“Mama, Mama, did you see me?” Adam yelled at his mother from his father’s arms.

“I saw you baby,” Liz said, getting up and making her way down the pool steps into the water.

“I want to do it again,” Adam said, wiggling to get back out of the pool.

They spent the rest of the afternoon in the pool together letting Adam practice until he felt comfortable getting in the pool by himself and floating around in his little arm floats. He even learned to maneuver himself to the steps so he could get out and get back in. It was an exhausted but happy little boy who was finally coaxed out of the water later that evening.

Liz was in the back bedroom getting there things together when she heard someone enter and turned to see her husband. She smiled.

“I’ve almost got everything,” she said, turning back to packing the bag they brought.

Max didn’t answer, too busy staring. Liz was still in her bathing suit, tantalizing amounts of skin showing and he once again felt his body reacting. Without conscious thought, Max approached her and before she could say anything, he pulled her into his arms, his head descending to take her lips in a scorching kiss. His tongue delved deeply even as he brought his hands up to hold her head in place for his mouth. Liz whimpered in the back of her throat, her hands clutching him tightly. Their bodies strained together and suddenly Max felt the rising tide of lust take over him as his alien libido ratcheted into full gear.


Unprepared for the sudden onslaught of desire, Max ran his hands over his wife’s body, cupping her buttocks to bring his now straining erection into the cradle of her thighs. His hands tightened on her hips as he was suddenly hit with a flash.

“You’re so beautiful,” Max breathed in her ear as he ran his soapy hands over her swollen breasts, teasing the rosy nipples into hard peaks before sliding them down over her rounded belly, delving between her thighs to find he wet core. Liz moaned as he teased her clit, dipping his fingers again and again until she was writhing against him. Feeling the telltale signs of her orgasm as the little nub began to harden and moisture coated his hand, Max leaned her over just as her body began to quake and drove his throbbing erection home, sending her spiraling into another orgasm …..

Pulling his lips free, Max stared down into his wife’s dark gaze, realizing literally in a flash of insight what was happening. She wanted to have a baby. The idea had been hovering in the back of her mind for a while now, and she had unconsciously missed a few birth control pills in the process. But it had solidified today when she was holding their new nephew.


“I know. Are you okay with this? Liz said even as she felt his response in the further hardening of the bulge between them.

Was he okay with it? His body was demanding it. He thought he might actually burst into flames now that they’d said it out loud.

Liz gasped as she saw his eyes glaze over and before she knew what was happening, he was kissing her, his tongue imitating what he was about to do with other parts of his body.

“No…Max….we can’t….here…..” Liz tried to get his attention, but she knew he was almost too far gone, The Heat taking over his mind and body with a vengeance. She had to stop this before they completely embarrassed themselves and their family but Max, out of practice at controlling it after three years of normalcy, was not making it easy.

“Max…….” she clamped down on her lip to stop the loud moan that was almost torn from her as Max slid his hand into her swimsuit bottom and found her center. She was slicking already for him, her body preparing itself as it always had for her mate’s pleasure. His fingers played her expertly, knowing just what to do to make her mindless with the same lust that was taking over him, but Liz grasped the last vestiges of her sanity and pulled away. Not even realizing what he was doing, Max growled, his fingers digging into her arm to bring her back where he wanted her.

“Max…listen to me. Listen….” Liz brought her hands up to cup his face, making him look at her. “We can’t do this here. We have to go back to the hotel.”

Max shook his head, his mind clearing for a moment, realizing that he had Liz in a vice grip. He let go of her, breathing deeply reaching for control.

“God….Liz….I’m sorry….” He slid his hand over her arm where bruises were already forming healing them then ran the trembling hand through his hair, fighting against the lust tearing through him.

“It’s okay,” Her hands stoked his face briefly in forgiveness. “We just have to wait a little while longer and we can be by ourselves.”

“What about Adam?”

“My Dad’s taking him home so he and your Dad can take him and the other kids fishing early in the morning. We’ll have the whole night to ourselves.” Liz reached up to give him a light soothing kiss, knowing what it was costing him to stand there and not touch her. It was almost as hard for her.

“Okay….Okay…just give me a minute…by myself….” Max took a deep breath and waited for her to grab their things, forcing himself to remain where he was until she shut the door. Letting out his breath, he clenched his fists, trying to force his body back under control. Looking down he groaned at the large outline of his raging hard on showing through his trunks and shirt. He couldn’t go out there like this.

In the meantime, Liz was saying goodbye to her parents. Her father held Adam whose little head was drooping on his shoulder already. Liz kissed him, smoothing his dark hair.

“Bye baby. Daddy and I will see you tomorrow. Be good for Grandpa and Grammy, okay?”

“Where’s Daddy?” Adam’s sleepy little voice made Liz smile and she was about to give him an answer when she felt her husband’s presence.

“Right here, buddy. Have a good time tomorrow. Catch a fish for me okay?” Max dropped a kiss on his head as well.

“’Kay…” Adam’s eyes were already closing as Liz’s father headed out the door with him.

Liz turned to her husband, noting his change of clothing. He had on jeans now and his shirt still hung in front of him, but he seemed in control for the moment, the tension around his mouth and the slight sheen of sweat the only outward signs of his struggle. Liz hurried to say goodbye, knowing it was costing him dearly to act normal in front of his family.

Max inwardly ground his teeth at the strain of standing there and almost cried in relief when they were finally ready to go. Michael came up behind him and slapped him on the back, a grin on his face.

“Have fun tonight. We’ll cover for you tomorrow if we need to.”

Max looked at him, wondering how he knew what was happening, then realized that Liz must have said something to Maria. Glancing at his wife, who had pulled a barely there cover up over her bathing suit, he clenched his fists and nodded, unable to form a response and not really caring that Michael was amused.

They made there way out to the car and Max groaned under his breath as he climbed in on the driver’s side, his pants biting painfully into his erection. When Liz was safely strapped in, he pulled away and tried to concentrate on the road, hoping to distract himself from the need that was rapidly making him insane.

He could make it to the hotel. Just a few more minutes and he would be there. Max’s imagination went wild, all of the things he wanted to do to his wife running through his mind, most prominently, fucking her again and again until she was having his baby. Oh God, he wasn’t going to make it…….

“Max…..” Liz’s voice cut through the erotic haze that had enveloped him and Max shook his head, making sure that he was still on his side of the road. Glancing over at his wife, he saw her dark eyes watching him hungrily, knowing exactly what he was thinking, her tender thighs parted as though waiting for him and he let out a harsh breath. He had to have her now. At least a taste.

Looking desperately, Max saw his opportunity a moment later and pulled the car off the road into the back parking lot of a closed store. It was out of sight of the road and since it was dark, no one could see them.

“Max….what…..” Liz stared at him wide eyed.

“Please….I need to…..…..” Max leaned over, using his powers to lower her chair until it was flat against the back seat. “Let me……”

Liz took his desperate face in her hands and kissed him, her tongue mating wildly with his as he moaned in relief at her acquiescence. Abandoning her lips, he quickly moved downward over her breasts and her bare stomach until he came to where he needed to be. His eyes darkened as he took in the evidence of her desire staining her swimsuit bottoms and he quickly pulled them off of her.

“Lift your legs,” he whispered a moment before plunging his tongue into her.

Liz slapped a hand over her mouth to keep from crying out as Max lapped and sucked at her throbbing core, low grunts of need and satisfaction coming from his throat. As she arched with her first orgasm, he moan appreciatively at the tart juice filling his mouth and he continued his assault until Liz couldn’t take anymore, her body trembling limply. Max lifted his head, wiping his mouth, gazing at his wife in lustful satisfaction at the way her breasts heaved and her body quaked from what he was doing to her. Liz opened slumberous eyes and Max groaned, closing his eyes as his straining erection tried to grow within the confines of his jeans. He would have taken her right there, but with monumental effort he restrained himself, unwilling to subject Liz to a quickie in the back seat. He could do this.

“Take us to the hotel, Max.” Liz said huskily, lowering her legs from where they were still braced against the dashboard and making herself presentable, trying to keep from reaching over and touching her husband. His desperate need was coming through their connection loud and clear and it was making her crazy with the need to relieve it for both of them.

Griping the steering wheel, Max did as she asked, pulling back out onto the road and keeping his eyes and hands to himself as he drove as quickly as allowed to their hotel. Making sure that his shirt was still covering his groin, Max walked behind Liz and they tried to look normal, hurrying into the lobby and onto the elevator. Max closed his eyes in a mixture of torture and relief when another couple joined them. He wasn’t sure that he would have been able to restrain himself from attacking his wife if they’d been alone.

Finally after what seemed like a lifetime, they reached their floor and Liz was already pulling the card key from her purse, but Max, seeing his salvation just steps ahead, ignored it and picked her up. He barely gave a cursory glance around before waving his hand at the lock and stepping inside, kicking the door shut with his foot.

A second later he had her against the door, his mouth latching onto hers in a deep ravenous kiss and before either of them could take a breath, Max’s hands reached between them to remove the last flimsy barriers of their clothing from where he was desperate to be. His erection sprang forth from his pants, thick and swollen with his seed.


Liz shook her head at his apologetic tone. “Now Max.”

Lifting her up and wrapping her legs around his waist, Max gave a heartfelt groan of thankfulness as he surged forward to sink his painfully engorged shaft as deep as it could go. He tried to hold back but the feel of her velvety walls closing around him was too much and his semen erupted violently saturating her womb, wringing another low moan from his throat as he shook in relief and pleasure.

Her body responding to his release, Liz dug her nails into his back as her stretched sheath contracted again and again, the throb of Max’s pulsing flesh as he filled her prolonging her orgasm until she thought she might pass out.

He couldn’t stop. Unable to control the rising tide of alien lust taking over his body and mind, Max bore them to the ground, keeping Liz’s legs wrapped tight around him as he thrust into her, his still erect shaft driving relentlessly.

He waved his hand over her bathing suit top, parting it so he could latch on to one of her nipples, sucking and moaning out his pleasure against her tempting flesh. Liz’s head thrashed back and forth against the carpet, arms outstretched where Max held them down as he slammed into her again and again needing to feel her come on him again. He got his wish a moment later as her body convulsed and Max lifted his head to stare down at her, his eyes blazing with feverish intensity, his hips pinning her to the floor. Liz, caught by his gaze, gasped at the feel of him swelling inside her. They moaned together as Max took her mouth in a savage kiss, hooking an arm under her leg arching her pelvis to shove deep. They remained suspended like that for endless moments, Max holding her hips tightly against his, his body vibrating with sexual energy as his pulsing member shot thick spurts of cum into Liz’s already slick passage, until finally they collapsed together to the floor.

Long moments later, Max rolled to the side, both of them moaning as they disengaged.

Lying there trying to get his breath back, Max slanted a glance at his panting wife. “You really wanted a baby, right?” He smiled at Liz’s huff of laughter.


Max didn’t know what woke him, but he glanced at the clock seeing that it was still early. Liz was sleeping peacefully in his arms and he lay there relieved and happy to feel the contentment in his mind and body. Slipping the covers down a little, he put his hand over his wife’s womb, feeling the life they had created a little while ago. As before, he knew exactly when it happened.

Liz was above him, riding him, feeling the next of many orgasms that night getting ready to overtake her and she arched her neck, moaning as her aching womb contracted yet again, spasms of pleasure trembling through her body. She suddenly felt Max’s hand on her stomach, warmth flooding her belly as he felt the contractions and Liz knew in that moment what was about to happen and how much she loved this man. He gazed up at her, love and passion shining from his eyes as he thrust deep, arching to fill her one last time with life giving seed before falling back, bringing her down with him. Liz lay against his chest, trembling in exhaustion

They had taken a shower after that, but Liz had practically been asleep on her feet and Max had lovingly tucked her into bed before joining her for a few hours of sleep. Now, shifting to his side some, he connected with his baby, staring at the glow under his hand, his eyes misting a little at the familiar feeling it invoked.


He looked up to see Liz opening her eyes sleepily. She put her hand over his where it lay on her stomach and her eyes widened. Looking down, she saw the glow emanating from under their clasped fingers.

“Oh…..” Her eyes filled with happy tears and she looked up to see her husband smiling.

“Another boy,” he said. “Adam is going to be a big brother.”

“Thank you,” Liz said tearfully, hugging him close.

“My pleasure I assure you.” Max answered grinning slightly.

“Both of our pleasure,” Liz said. “How do feel about a big family?” Liz rolled until she was on top of her husband, staring down into his translucent amber eyes.

“Are you saying that you like The Heat?”

“You couldn’t tell? Liz answered, looking at him under her lashes, a blush on her cheeks.

“Let’s just say that I’m in a bit of a …..haze during it so I thought it my just be my own wishful thinking.”

“And here I thought my screaming was giving me away.” Liz grinned down at him. “I’ll try to be more obvious in the future.”

Max laughed and rolled them over until she was underneath him, laying his hand over his son.

“I love you Liz Evans.” He leaned down to kiss her.

“I love you Max Evans.” Liz said, blissfully returning his kiss, enjoying the heat of the moment.

The End
Last edited by sylvia37 on Sun Jun 13, 2004 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lisa: Do we have any food that wasn't brutally slaughtered?

Homer: Well, I think the veal died of loneliness.