Cast No Shadow (CC ALL,Mature) Pt 24 15/10/06 [WIP]

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Cast No Shadow (CC ALL,Mature) Pt 24 15/10/06 [WIP]

Post by Quint »

TITLE: Cast No Shadow

AUTHOR: Quint.

RATING: MATURE (Guessing here… I have no idea about American certification).


DISCLAIMER: I don’t own it. If I’d owned it season flee would never have happened… bitter? Moi? But the idiots that do are WB/UPN/Katims. Oh and The Dead Zone belongs to Stephen King.

SUMMARY: Happily ever after didn't last as long as it was supposed to…

AN: Okay… new fic… different to the last one (mainly because people are actually alive :D ). Basically this fic begins the day after the prom/ending of HoM.
This is a lot more of a group fic than ATE (mainly because there’s actually a group in this one). It’s ALL CC… and I mean all :D .
I’ve decided to kinda merge Alex’s family from the show with his book family because 1… I find them a lot more interesting and 2. I felt like it :D . So ‘show Alex’ now has 3 elder brothers who’re in the military. I’m not using the same names as they have in the books because when I started writing this I didn’t actually have the books with me and I don’t want to change it. (Also I think it’d be confusing for Alex to have a brother called Jesse :D )
I actually got the idea for this fic while lying on a hospital bed and reading The Dead Zone by Steven King… and although this fic has nothing to do with the dead zone part of The Dead Zone it was inspired by the book and TV show.
Warnings? I’m not gonna say this is dreamer insured, or candy insured or any other CC couple insured because… 1. I’m evil. 2. I’m evil and 3. I’m evil. Oh and I like angst… it’s fun :D .
Oh and this is fic one of a planned trilogy currently titled Phoenix Rising.

Thanks to the beta's, the wife and anyone who takes the time to read this fic...

Here's a thought for every man
Who tries to understand what is in his hands
He walks along the open road of Love & Life
Surviving if he can

~ Oasis - Cast No Shadow


Prologue - Fall of Night


April 28th 2001

Sunlight streamed though the open window as Alex Whitman woke. The pressure on his chest was unusual and he grinned, remembering the previous night.

“Hey.” Her voice was bright, as if she’d been awake for a while.

Opening his right eye slowly, afraid last night was a dream, he grinned as he stared up into her smiling face.

“Hey.” She grinned at him and he grinned back. He started slowly. “So… are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” she replied, blushing slightly.

He gestured between the two of them. “And are we okay?”

“More than okay.”

“Good,” he replied, still grinning.

“Good.” He pulled her into his arms and held her close.

He broke the comfortable silence a few minutes later. “I should go soon,” he stated.

She lifted her head off his chest. “Why?”

“Because I don’t think your dad would like finding his only daughter naked and in bed with a guy.” He raised his eyebrows and waited for her to respond.

“My dad likes you.”

“Your dad’s met me once.”

“And he liked you,” Isabel replied, closing her eyes and resting her head on his chest again.

Alex sighed. “I’m serious Iz… I’ll be back in like an hour.”

Isabel relented. “Okay… but you better be quick.”

He waited a moment. “Get up Iz.”

“But I’m so comfortable.” She looked up at him with puppy dog eyes.

“Not gonna work, Isabel.”

She rolled her eyes. “Okay.” She rolled to the side and allowed him to get out of her bed. She watched as he searched for his clothes, blushing as she remembered the night before. “Alex…”

“Yeah, honey?” he answered, trying to find his other sock.

“Everything was… normal, right?” Her question was so quiet and hesitant that he wasn’t sure he’d heard her correctly.

He grinned at her. “It seemed pretty good to me,” dodging the pillow she threw at him.


He looked innocently at her then turned serious. “Everything was perfect. Not that I have anything to compare it to but…” He wiggled his eyebrows and she burst out laughing. “…It seemed pretty mind-blowing to me.”

She grinned at him, causing him to blush. She loved making him blush.

“I’ll walk you to your car.”

Alex was hesitant. “What if someone sees?”

She looked straight into his eyes. “I don’t care who sees. We’re together now, right?”

He grinned at her again. “Right.”

She grabbed her dressing grown and followed him out of her room and into the hallway. They stayed quiet to avoid waking her parents and brother. When they reached the front door she was reluctant to open it.

“I’ll see you later… okay?” he said, leaning forward for a quick kiss, which quickly became two and then three. He stopped at three, grabbing her shoulders as she pouted, and kissing her head. “Just a couple of hours… okay?”

She nodded reluctantly, not wanting him to leave. “You better be back then.”

“I will,” he added, smiling brightly. “I kinda like you chasing me for a change.”

“So do I, Mr. Whitman,” she replied, also smiling. She opened the front door and he kissed her one last time before moving towards his car.

He called back to her as he reached the car. “I’ll see you later.” He waved at her and she waved back as he got into his car. She blew him a kiss.

“You better!”

She watched him drive away and closed the door. Holding her finger to her lips, she giggled. Last night had been the best night of her life.

Alex drove slowly, still slightly drowsy and trying to think of a good excuse for his parents.

So when he saw the dog run out into the road he reacted instinctively and swerved out of the way. Unfortunately he swerved directly into the path of an oncoming truck.

He never stood a chance.


Thanks for reading

Last edited by Quint on Sun Oct 15, 2006 1:34 pm, edited 45 times in total.
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Part 1 - The Ragged Edge

Post by Quint »

Part 1... thanks for all the FB... yep, I know, I'm evil. But it' the good kinda evil right? Right! :D

Hope this part will keep you interested.

Dedication... meh... I have brain freeze :P

May the road rise to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields and, until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.
~ Irish Blessing.


Part 1 - The Ragged Edge


June 12th 2006

Rebecca Hurst, Becky to her friends, had worked at Las Palomas Nursing & Rehabilitation Center for almost five years. It was far from an easy job. There wasn’t much joy in a place like Las Palomas, mainly because the patients under her care rarely got better.

She’d begun working here shortly after divorcing her husband, Gregory. It had been a temporary solution to money troubles and she’d just never left. Now she was a divorcee the wrong side of 40. But she loved her job.

Las Palomas was a place that saw a lot of death, a lot of heartache and a few miracles.

Rebecca had always distanced herself from her patients. It helped her cope. But there was one case that had always interested her, one patient that she’d always check was still around when she started her shift.

He was a young man, 22 now, according to his chart. He’d been in her care from almost the moment she’d arrived at Las Palomas. It could have been his age, as most of her patients were elderly. Or it could have been that even though he had almost no chance of ever waking up, his parents still visited twice a week, his brothers still came every birthday and Christmas (which Rebecca knew wasn’t easy, all three were in various branches of the military and getting leave at the same time every year was definitely difficult to arrange—on more than one occasion they’d arrived in uniform, obviously coming straight from the airport) and his friends still came occasionally, although not as often as before.

It intrigued her, interested her. It saddened her. When he’d first arrived he’d had daily visitors. They’d played music to him, talked to him. One of his friends had come every Friday for six months and sang to him. But the months had gone by, the visits had slowed down. They’d seemingly accepted that he’d never come back to them.

There were three in particular, apart from the singing girl. A tall blond girl, a short brunette girl and a dark haired man. They never came together, but they came the most. But the visits had slowed, they’d probably gone off to college and had no time for their friend. It was to be expected and Becky didn’t blame them. They had their whole lives ahead of them. They all knew that Alex Whitman was never going to wake up. It was very sad, but it was the truth.

She’d often wondered what Alex was like. She’d heard the occasional story from his parents. He’d been a bright child with an excellent future ahead of him. He had no prowess for sports, but an unlikely talent for dodgeball. He’d played the bass guitar and was branching out to a six string when he’d had an unfortunate collision with a truck, lapsed into a coma, and had never woken up.

It was a sad story indeed.

Of course there were many sad stories at Las Palomas. The 89 year old great grandmother with Alzheimer’s who’s 97 year old husband still sat with her everyday even though she didn’t recognise him. She hadn’t even known when it was their 60th wedding anniversary. The 45-year-old neurosurgeon with a degenerative brain condition. The 31 year old who was 16 when he came in, who never had any visitors. That was without the numerous John and Jane Doe's that scattered the halls.

But she always came back to Alex Whitman. Alex Whitman who had a family who loved him. Had never done anything bad or wrong. Alex Whitman whose eye colour she’d never even seen in almost 5 years.

That was why the events of Monday, June 12th were so disturbing.

Because on Monday, the 12th of June, Rebecca Hurst saw Alex Whitman’s blue eyes for the first time.

On Monday the 12th of June 2006, Alex Whitman woke up.


She’d come into work early, not very early. But still early. She was on the graveyard shift tonight. Working from Midnight till Midday. Becky had a feeling that this just wasn’t going to be a good shift. The look on Sandra’s face didn’t give her a reason to expect anything different.

“Who did we loose?”

“Mrs. Seale.”

“Oh,” Becky replied. “Have the family been informed?”

Sandra nodded. “Yeah. It’s been coming a long time.” Becky nodded in return, Mrs Seale really had had a good run. “Hey, why don’t you go check on you favourite patient?” Becky raised her eyebrows. “Go on, you’ve got a few minutes.”

Becky grinned, turning and moving down the familiar corridors to Alex’s private room. He’d had it for almost 4 years now. It really was Alex’s room. Posters decorated the walls, family pictures too.

But when she looked at Alex she got the shock of her life.

His eyes were open. Open wide and staring at the ceiling. She immediately pressed the emergency button near the door. It wasn’t unusual for a patient to do that. To stare blankly into space. But Alex Whitman hadn’t flinched since she’d known him. He’d most certainly never opened his eyes.

“Alex, can you hear me?” she asked softly. He didn’t respond. “Alex?” she asked again, quietly, and softly. She didn’t want to scare him.

But then it happened. He looked right at her. But it was like he was staring through her. Like she wasn’t even there. So she tried again.

“Alex, if you can hear me blink twice.” He blinked twice. “Do you know where you are?” He blinked once. “Is that a no?” He blinked twice. It definitely wasn’t a fluke. “You had an accident Alex. But you’re gonna be fine.” He just stared at her. “Are you scared?” Twice. “Don’t be, you’ve been asleep for along time Mr Whitman.” She smiled at him and he smiled right back. But then it happened.

She reached forward and touched his cheek. She felt it immediately, like an electric shock coursing through her whole body. Before she could even contemplate what was happening to her she was thrown backwards into the wall, and then slid down it. She lay in an unconscious pile next to the floor.

When the team she’d called finally arrived they found Rebecca Hurst unconscious on the floor and Alex Whitman sitting up in bed. Eyes open, alert and wondering what the hell was going on.

Hundred’s of miles away in a Boston apartment, Liz Parker woke from a restless sleep, with only one name on her lips.



Thanks for reading

Last edited by Quint on Sun Dec 12, 2004 6:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Part 2 - Bleeding into Fear

Post by Quint »

Okay... part 2...

But first a little authors note... Just to clear up a few things... I am using The Dead Zone as inspiration but apart from some of the situations I'm not gonna be following the book or TV show at all. For example... I'm not having Alex using his Dead Zone at all. But Alex has been in a coma for a similar period of time.

So to put things into perspective... some the situiations in PRT are similar but the storyline has very little resemblance to the book/TV show/Movie. 8)

Also it's a good idea to assume nothing. If I haven't said it explicitly in the fic or in a personal convo... just don't make any assumptions :D.

And Lisa... hey I'm a nice guy... I like to dedicate my parts to people... and it's just a complete coincidence that this part has no dedication :wink: .

Scars are souvenirs you never lose
The past is never far
Did you lose yourself somewhere out there
Did you get to be a star?

~ Goo Goo Dolls - Name


Part 2 - Bleeding into Fear


He was crouched in the corner of the room. Jammed in between the wall and the bedside table.

He was terrified.

The people were speaking to him but he couldn't hear them properly. Everything felt so strange, so cold.

He was shaking.

His legs felt funny. His whole body felt funny. It felt different.

He watched the man closest to him. He was a doctor probably. What was a doctor?

Everything was so scattered, so confusing.

Where was he?

Why was he here?

The doctor's mouth was moving. But Alex couldn't hear him.

The doctor came close again. But this time it was with something sharp. Something pointed.

It hurt, it hurt a lot.

Now he felt tired again.

Tired, scared and cold.


He remembered the word. That was a strange word.

But before he could think about anything else... Before he could ask the doctor what was happening to him... Everything went black.

And he was sleeping again.


"Maybe we should go visit Alex soon, Lizzie? It's been a long time. Maybe that’s why you had the dream?"

Liz rubbed the sleep from her eyes and sighed. "Yeah, that’s a good idea... it's just, the dream was so vivid, so strange. When I dream about Alex usually he's just normal Alex, he's just talking to me... but this time it was different... he was in bed."

Maria chuckled. "Does Max know you're dreaming about other men?"

"Funny." Liz smiled slightly. "It just didn’t feel like a premonition… and I don’t usually get them when I’m asleep anyway."

Maria sighed over the phone. "Listen I'm due back in rehearsals... like, now, and I don't wanna get fired from this gig. So can you call me back later?"

Liz sighed in resignation. "Yeah, I'll try you later, I should probably get some more sleep, anyway."

"If you're really worried about Alex then why don’t you call his parents?"

Liz contemplated it for a moment. "I think I will... just to put my mind at rest."

"Tell them hi. I'll see you soon, sweetie."


Liz hung up, staring at the phone for a second. She couldn't really call them at this time; it would only be 1am there. So reluctantly she put the phone back into the cradle and went back to bed.

She knew Max wouldn't be back until later, and she really needed the sleep after finals.


The sound of voices awoke him. Loud, shouting, familiar voices. He tried to move his arms and legs but found them held down. So he just listened.

"We were forced to sedate him...”

"He's been asleep long enough!"

"... He was becoming violent...”

"... He wouldn't hurt a fly...”

"... The nurse with the severe concussion would seem to disagree with you...”

"... He's just a kid...”

"He's a twenty-two year old man. Rebecca Hurst could have been seriously injured. You're very lucky she's not pressing charges."

"He's bound to be scared, he has no idea what’s been happening to him. There was no need to restrain him."

"He's dangerous...”

There seemed to be a scuffle then and a new, female voice came through. "Honey don’t...”

He opened his eyes then, squinting through the brightness.

"Will?" His voice was alien to his own ears, dry and soft. He barely recognised it as his own.

"Alex?" The male voice replied, moving immediately to the bed.

The other man, the doctor, spoke then. "Mr Whitman... it's good to see you awake. I'd like to ask you some questions..." He stopped at the look from the first man. Will. "I'll... be back later..." He said moving towards the door.

"Will... what’s going on?" Alex asked, trying to keep him in focus.

Will hesitated before replying. "You had an accident, little brother. You were in a coma."


"Kinda... it's a long term care facility...”

"Long... term?" He struggled to get the words out. The darkness was returning again.

"It's 2006 Alex. You've been asleep a long time."

"Five... years?"

Will smiled, but it came out as more of a grimace. "Yeah."


"Go back to sleep... Mom and Dad are flying in right now."

"Here soon?"

"They'll be here when you wake up."

Alex nodded his head, it felt so heavy and Will smiled at him before he closed his eyes and the darkness was there again.


Thanks for reading

Last edited by Quint on Sun Dec 12, 2004 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Part 3 - Running on Ice

Post by Quint »

Hey people, new part...

Nothing important happened today
~ King George III, July 4th 1776


Part 3 - Running on Ice


Tuesday, June 12th 2006
8.45 am
Boston, Massachusetts

He barely had the energy to close the door. His eyes just wouldn’t stay open. He was absolutely exhausted.

“Is that you Max?” she called out from the bedroom.

“Yeah,” he replied through a yawn.

Max moved swiftly into the kitchen. He needed coffee, strong coffee.

“Bad shift?” she asked, walking into the kitchen, her hair wet from the shower as she towel dried it. She took one look at his face before taking the cup out of his weary hand, turning on the kettle as he sat on a nearby stool.

“No more than a usual night-shift,” Max replied, pulling her towards him, holding her waist and kissing her lightly on the neck. “We’re still on for tonight right?”

Liz nodded, smiling. “Of course.”

Max closed his eyes, leaning back against the counter and releasing her. “Good.”

“You should get some sleep.”

“I know… and you have to see your professor.”

Liz gave a wry smile, nodding her head. “Why don’t you forget about your coffee and go make friends with the bed?”

Max grinned. “Yes, Mom.” He took a quick look up at the clock on the wall above the door. “You’re gonna be late.”

“Damn…” She glanced quickly at the clock. She really didn’t have time to call right now. She’d have to do it later. She turned back to Max, giving him a quick peck. “I have to get dressed and you have to get some sleep. Lie down before you fall down, honey.”

It was a good idea.

Besides he had to get lots of sleep for tonight anyway.

After all he didn’t propose every day, did he?


Roswell, New Mexico

The phone was ringing.

And Amy was going to kill him.

He just knew it.

But then again when was Amy Deluca ever happy with him?

Practically never.

So why were they back together after 3 years and a broken engagement? Jim wasn’t entirely sure but he had been pretty happy about it at the time.

But he couldn’t think about that right now. He had the joys of paperwork to get through before he could even think of making an excuse for Amy. Maybe he could get her flowers…

The phone was still ringing. Jim had the distinct impression he was surrounded by complete and utter useless idiots. “Hanson! You gonna get that, Hanson?” he shouted from inside his office. But he didn’t get a reply. “Useless idiot,” he mumbled as he reached for the handset. “Roswell Sheriff’s department, how may I help you?” Now he was a glorified receptionist? Why had he wanted to be a Sheriff again?

“Can I speak to Sheriff Valenti, please,” the male voice on the line said. What kind of flowers did Amy like anyway?

“Speaking, what can I do for you?” Maybe he should phone Maria. What time would it be in Japan anyway?

“This is William Whitman, I’m calling about my brother Alex.”

Jim dropped his pen onto the desk, sighing and rubbing his eyes. “When did it happen.”

Will interrupted. “No Sheriff, I don’t think you understand. Alex woke up today.”

“What? How?” He was unable to contain the shock in his voice.

“We don’t know exact details, there’s a lot of confusion here, but he is awake.”

Jim closed his eyes, leaned back in his chair and breathed deeply. “I don’t believe it,” he whispered.

“Believe it… I was hoping you’d be able to spread the word… I don’t know if any of his friends are in town or anything but…” He paused. “I’ve got the number of a…” He looked at the small piece of paper in his hand. “Liz Parker. But I was hoping you could contact anyone else who knew him?”

“Leave it to me…” Jim grinned. “This is the best news I’ve had in… well, forever.”

“You know what? Me too… I’ll see you later Sheriff.”

“Tell Alex I’m looking forward to seeing him.”

“No problem,” Will replied before hanging up.

Jim sat there, alone in his office, leaning back in his chair, holding onto the phone, almost afraid to let it go.

When Hanson stumbled into the office a few minutes later, Jim was still in the same position.

“You okay, boss?”

Jim nodded, slowly setting the phone back in its cradle. “Great,” he replied, standing up and picking up his jacket.

“What’s going on?”

“Personal business… something I can’t do over the phone.”

“Um… Okay,” Hanson replied, confused before continuing just as Jim was leaving the office. “Sir… you do know you’re supposed to meet Amy Deluca tonight? To make up for yesterday?”

“For once Hanson I’ve got the perfect excuse,” Jim grinned as Hanson looked even more confused. Then he simply walked straight out the door.

What the hell was going on?


Albuquerque, New Mexico


One familiar. One not.

They were talking, speaking in hushed tones.

“There’s a flight tomorrow morning.”

“Just Chuck and Gloria.”

“Maybe Chris too.”

“How did they seem?”

The male voice sighed. “Delighted… really happy. Maybe a little disappointed too.” He paused. “He needs his family around him.”

“You do know you shouldn’t have told him they were flying in… he’ll be disappointed.”

“What was I supposed to say? They’re in Germany, Suze… they’ll be here soon enough,” he trailed off as Alex groaned. “You awake Big Al?” he asked, moving quickly towards this brother’s bedside while gesturing for the woman to call someone. She quickly left the room.

Alex opened his eyes. “You telling me I’m fat?” he joked, blinking at the light, his voice croaky. “What time is it?” he asked, before taking a sip of the water Will offered him.

Will was confused but took a quick look at his watch. “7:30ish.”

“Okay,” Alex nodded, looking around the room. He hesitated before continuing. “Am I insane, or did you say that I’d been in a coma for 5 years?”

Will looked quickly towards the woman with him before answering. “Yes… you’ve been in a coma for 5 years… well, 5 years and a few months, actually.”

Alex didn’t answer; instead he was looking around the room. “This isn’t my room is it? I’m in a hospital.”

“I don’t know how much you remember, Alex… but I tried to explain to you before… and there was a nurse…”

Alex shook his head, looking down at his hands before closing his eyes. “Something’s wrong…” he whispered before shaking his head again, trying to lift himself off the bed. He didn’t have the strength. Then the dark haired woman was back.

“The doctor’s on his way.”

“Alex? Do you know who I am?” Will asked.

Alex rolled his eyes. “You’re an idiot… you’re also my brother and you.” He paused, looking at the woman with short dark hair at the bottom of his bed. “You I don’t know.”

“Susie,” she replied, giving him a wave.

Alex tried to reply with the same but his arms just felt so weak. Instead he nodded, taking in the new information. “Should I know you?”

“No,” she told him simply.


“You seem a little out of it, little brother,” Will observed, looking on concerned.

“Just… taking it in… it’s a lot to take in.” He squinted. “Where is everyone?”

Will again shot a quick look towards Susie who nodded encouragingly. “Well… mom and dad will be here tomorrow at the latest, Chris might be coming with them but it depends on leave and everything…”

Alex rolled his eyes. “You’d think a brother waking up from a 5 year coma would constitute a family emergency, wouldn’t you?”

Will ignored him. “…umm I called Nate too, but he’s on manoeuvers. I wasn’t really sure who else to call… I tried the Sheriff’s office… and I think he’s gonna tell everyone in town that you’re awake.” He looked uncomfortably at his younger brother. “I’ve also got… well one of the doctor’s mentioned a Liz Parker... so I thought I’d call her. She’s your little friend whose parent’s owned…” he trailed off, thinking back. “Flying Pepperoni?”


“Right… I left a message with her parents and they gave me her number… apparently she’s in Boston.” Will shrugged. “I’ll give her a call for you.”

Alex breathed heavily. “That would be good,” he replied, as a man in a white coat entered the room. Mid-thirties with mousy hair.

“Mr Whitman… finally awake.”

“Apparently,” Alex replied dryly.

“I’m Dr Morrison and I’ll be your physician for most of your stay at Las Palomas.”

“Which is?”

“Where you’re staying.”

Alex nodded. “Of course.”

“Now I just have a few questions… and I’d like to do it in private anyway…” He looked pointedly at Will and Susie who got the point.

“We’ll be off… we’ll bring you some… stuff,” Will told him. “And I’ll call Liz Parker too.”

“Hey, if it’s really 2006… Episode 3’s out right?”

Will turned quickly to Susie, failing to suppress a grin. “Suze… I’m sending you on a mission. We need every good movie of the last 5 years. Especially Hero and Kill Bill.” He heard Alex’s cough from behind him but he didn’t need to look. “Plus all those sci-fi crap you like and chick-flicks. He spent too much time hanging out with chicks,” Will lamented. “We’ll be back with some stuff for you later, okay Alex?”

“Sure,” Alex replied. In truth he wasn’t really sure, he didn’t really like the idea of being alone in this place. Everything was so confusing to him. It just felt like a bad dream and that he’d wake up soon. Maybe the shock of the situation was wearing off. He attempted—and failed—to wave them goodbye.

With them gone, Alex returned his attention to the doctor now standing beside him. “Now… on the subject of memory. Do you remember what happened to you, Mr. Whitman?” He watched Alex screw up his forehead in concentration. “That’s okay. It’s perfectly normal for someone to have some residual memory loss. What’s the last thing you remember?” He smiled encouragingly.

Alex paused before answering. “It was morning… I was leaving Isabel’s house… I got into my car…” he stopped, looking up at the doctor. “Then I woke up here.”

The doctor smiled at him again. “That’s fine.”

“How bad was it? My accident, I mean… my…” He gestured to his head. “Injuries.”

“I don’t know the exact details. But from what I can tell it was a head-on collision,” the doctor stated hesitantly. “Mr. Whitman… Alex… you were on a life support machine. You had a GCS of 5. It’s a miracle that you even survived the crash, but not only that you also survived over 5 years in a coma. Then, as if to prove us all wrong you just wake up.” The doctor shook his head, giving Alex a slight smile. “You’re a medical miracle, Alex.”

“Well, I always said I was special,” Alex said, grimacing.

“Well, you are…”

“That woman… that nurse,” Alex asked hesitantly. “Will she be alright?”

“She’s got a concussion, but she’ll be fine.”

“Could you tell her I didn’t mean it? I don’t know what I did to her, but whatever it was I didn’t mean it…”

“I’ll tell her.” The doctor gave him a hesitant smile, which Alex tried to return. “Now… I know you’re having trouble with your muscles. It’s because they have atrophied, which mean that they need to be rebuilt, as they haven’t been used in so long. Which is why, when you’re strong enough you’ll be going to the physio.”

“Sounds like fun,” Alex replied sarcastically. The doctor continued to explain various test results and procedures but Alex was only half concentrating.

For once his life had been going pretty well and now it was screwed up.



Jim walked slowly up the steps to the house, taking care to avoid the bikes next to the door. He took a deep breath before ringing the bell.

“Jim?” she smiled though her surprise.

“Can I come in Isabel?”

She swallowed hard. “Is it mom and dad?”

“They’re fine Isabel. It’s Alex. You’d better get Jesse, cause we need to talk.”


Thanks for reading.

Last edited by Quint on Sun Dec 12, 2004 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Part 4 - Pull Me Out from Inside

Post by Quint »

Here's part 4, I'm really sorry for the delay. I still don't have the net about I'm working on it and should hopefully be back soon but I'm not holding my breath.

Thanks to Lisa who's actually posting this for me.

Until next time...

The longer you stay in one place, the greater your chances of disillusionment.
~ Art Spander


Part 4 - Pull Me Out from Inside


Max had come to realize something in his many years of living with the female species, firstly with Isabel and now with Liz. Women liked to keep you waiting. Really waiting.

Of course, Liz wasn’t as bad as Isabel, but as a member of the female species she was well aware of her responsibility to spend five hours in the bathroom. Yep, five hours. Max wasn’t sure what she’d been doing for five hours, it had taken him all of ten minutes to get ready. Okay, so he’d cheated a little and used a few of his ‘talents’ to remove the stain from his suit.

But here he was.

Sitting on his couch.

Ring in his pocket.

Absolutely terrified.

Marriage was a big step. A huge step, in fact. Definitely not something you go into lightly, and Max was definitely not going into this lightly. He was going into it very… darkly.

He’d planned everything down to the tiniest detail. Only problem was that now he had to put that plan into action. Which left him here.

He was pretty sure she’d say yes. But there was a possibility she’d say no. She’d probably say yes, though. Probably.

He’d also been very careful to make this a surprise. Which was especially hard because of Liz’s tendency for premonitions when they were doing… stuff.

But Max was 100%… well 99% sure she was completely oblivious.

He shouldn’t be nervous, really. They loved each other, after all. So why was he having trouble breathing?

Sitting on the couch, he tried to calm himself. Tried to get his breathing under control.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out, was his mantra.

Breathe in. Breathe… “Wow,” he said aloud, knowing his mouth was hanging open.

Liz was standing in their bedroom doorway and she looked incredible.

“Do I pass?” she asked before moving towards him.

“Definitely,” was all he could reply.

“It’s not too much? 'Cause I went shopping with Fran and she practically demanded that I buy it…”

Max shook his head. “You look amazing… really amazing.”

Liz grinned. “Good, because I went completely over our monthly budget.”

“It was worth it.” Max replied, still staring.

Liz took a look at her watch. “Shouldn’t we be going, honey?”

“Yeah… I’ve got a car waiting downstairs.” He ran a hand through his hair as he checked the time and his eyes bulged. They’d definitely miss the horse-drawn carriage if they didn’t leave right now. “And we have to leave now.”

“Right now?” Max nodded in reply and Liz shrugged. “Okay, lets go.” She managed to get out as he ushered her towards the door, grabbing their coats along the way.

As he reached for the door he heard with telephone start to ring. His first instinct was to grab it… but they were already behind on his perfectly-planned out schedule. There simply wasn’t time.

“Leave it,” he told her. “If it’s important they’ll call back.” Liz looked unsure, but nodded anyway. Max simply ignored the phone call and left it for the machine to pick up.

Just before he closed the door, he heard the message begin and rolled his eyes. He really had to change that. Tomorrow, he decided, he’d change it tomorrow. Closing the door, he adjusted his tie, checked his pocket one final time and then followed Liz out of the building.

“Hi, this is Maria. I don't live here, so if you were trying to call me, you've dialed the wrong number. But if you're trying to call Max or Liz, please leave your name and number at the tone. I can't guarantee that one of them will call you back - only that I won't.”

There was a silence on the other end for a few moments before the voice spoke into the empty room. The voice on the line was hesitant, unsure of himself. ", this is William Whitman, I'm looking for Liz Parker... It’s about my brother."


Concentration was the key, apparently.

But it was difficult to concentrate at all after finding out you were five years into the future.

He had so many questions that he didn’t know where to start. There was so much going on in his head that he just couldn’t do it.

He needed a distraction, and he got one.

“What ya doing?” she asked.

“Trying to concentrate,” was his reply.

“Is it working?”

“No,” he told her frankly, with a smile.

She smiled back. “Looking for a distraction?”

“Sure.” He looked down at his outstretched hand. “I hope I can play again.”

“Oh, what do you play?”

“Bass mostly… I’ve been working with a six string, though. Acoustic, mostly. Alternative,” he added. “You?”

Susie let out a chuckle. “Hardly. There are cats with more musical ability than me.”

Alex smiled. “You know, you’re different to the girls Will usually chooses.”

“Um… thanks, I think.”

“It’s a good thing, believe me. The women he usually goes for are tall, blonde and with big…”

Susie raised her eyebrows, trying not to laugh.

“… hair. Huge… hair,” Alex insisted.

“Of course they are,” Susie told him knowingly.

“Afros and everything.”

Susie grinned. “Afros, huh… interesting.”


Will hung up the phone and began walking back to Alex’s room. As he reached it, he saw the doctor leaving.

“He okay?”

“It’s hard to tell, William… you and I both know the odds on him waking up…” The doctor paused. “But… he has, and we’ll just have to make the transition as easy as possible for him.”

“But he’s okay?” Will persisted.

“As okay as he can be… I’m gonna call in the physiotherapist tomorrow. The sooner we can get him up and about the better.”

“He’s a tough kid,” Will insisted.

The doctor shook his head. “This is gonna be very hard for him, William… it’s gonna take time.”

“Our parents will be here tomorrow.”

The doctor nodded. “That’s good, the sooner the better, and until then you’ll just have to keep him occupied, because I seriously doubt he’s gonna go back to sleep in a hurry.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Susie stated, entering the hallway. “He’s just dozed off.”

The doctor shook his head. “You’d think he’d slept long enough, wouldn’t you?”

Will shrugged. “He’s a Whitman. We like proving people wrong.”












“I want to see him.”


She rubbed her eyes. “Don’t you try to tell me not to.”

“It’s way past visiting hours and it’s a %£% hour drive away… Tomorrow I’m gonna call Kyle and Tess anyway, so maybe we can go all together.”

“No… He has to find out from me.”

Jim nodded. “Of course he does.”

“I just need to tell him myself,” she insisted.

Jim held his hands up in self-defence. “I’m not arguing with you.”

“Good, because it’s non-negotiable. I’m telling him.”

“I agree,” Jim told her.

Isabel shook her head disbelievingly. “They said he’d never wake up.”

Jim shrugged, “I guess we got a miracle, then.”

Isabel nodded. “I guess so.”

Jesse sat quietly at the table, feeling like the bottom had dropped out of his world.


Thanks for reading

Last edited by Quint on Sun Dec 12, 2004 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Part 5 – What You Fear in the Night…

Post by Quint »

Here's part 5... hope you all enjoy. I myself am in the middle of a
deep depression as my beloved Celtic played with more heart than the rest of the football world combined were knocked out of Europe last night...

Therefore I am dedicating this part to the incredible Aiden McGeady who's probably the only player I actually forgive for choosing Ireland over Scotland...

Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.
~ Evan Davis


Part 5 – What You Fear in the Night…


It was the morning after the night before. He opened the door slowly. “You awake?” he asked, seeing Alex sitting up in bed with his eyes closed.

“No,” Alex replied, opening his eyes. “Where’s your girlfriend?”

“Probably buying half the state of New Mexico’s food supplies.”

“She seems nice… for you.”

Will smiled slightly. “Thanks.”

Alex smiled back. “Hey, check this out.” He nodded towards his right hand and as he concentrated it clenched and then released. He grimaced, it ached. “Feelings coming back. It’ll be a lot harder with the legs though, apparently you gotta start small, so right now I’m supposed to be toe wiggling. You gonna be around long enough to be my personal chauffer?”

“Maybe, maybe not,” Will replied, looking slightly uncomfortable as he sat down at Alex’s side.

Alex nodded in reluctant understanding. Still clenching his hand.

“You really know how to scare the crap out of us, little brother. I always said you were an attention seeker.”

“Got ya good this time, huh?”

“Very good, in fact.”

Alex sighed. “Mom’s gonna cry, isn’t she?”

Will shook his head slightly. “Alex… you’ll be lucky if she ever lets you out of her sight.”

“Thought so.” Alex looked around the room before setting his eyes on his brother. “Things have changed… Five years is a long time and… well, five years ago we were lucky if we got you home for Christmas and now you’re in Roswell… voluntarily? Something’s not right about that. Plus you’re here with a girl… which means you’ve brought a girlfriend home to meet mom. Which is equally weird.”

“Things are different now,” Will said softly but not replying directly.

“How different?”

Will sighed. “Well… Nate’s based in England right now. He went there after his Afghan tour in… 2004 I think. Chris and Jenn are still in Germany, the kids like it there, apparently…”

Alex interrupted, “Kids? As in more than one?”

Will nodded. “Umm, yeah… Kate, she’s four now.”

“That’s fantastic,” Alex told him honestly. “Mom finally got her girl, huh?”

“Yeah, she was pleased.”

“And you?” Alex asked, smiling at his brother. “Why aren’t you off somewhere blowing something up?”

Will paused before speaking, the tone of his voice changed. “There was an accident.”

Alex swallowed, trying not to let his mind wander to his own accident. “Bad?” His mind flashed, he could feel almost feel the pain, could almost smell the burning rubber. Was it just his imagination or was that what he’d felt like? Was that the last thing he could remember from before the darkness? He didn’t want to think about it, so he turned his attention back to his brother. His strangely distant brother.

Will shrugged noncommittally. “Define bad. I walked away, others didn’t.”

Alex nodded. “What happened?”

“My chopper went down, mechanical failure.”

“So you’re…” Alex trailed off, waiting for an answer.

“Colorado, Air Force Academy. Teaching, and just for the record… it’s a little more complicated than blowing stuff up. You want to talk about blowing up stuff you talk to the Jar Head.”

“You’re avoiding the question,” Alex observed.

Will shook his head in disbelief, “Al… don’t you think we should be talking about you?”


Will raised his eyebrows. “No?”


“You’re not gonna let this go are you?” Alex simply shook his head. “You’re way to stubborn,” Will observed.

“And you’re not?” Alex replied.

“Point taken…” Will took a deep breath. “Detached retina… relatively minor. But not for a pilot. They offered me a place at the Academy, my experience was just too much to lose. I took it. End of story.”

Alex stared at his elder brother. He wanted to ask more, but at the same time he knew this wasn’t the time. So he went down a different route. “How’d you meet this actually presentable girl?”

Will was still uncomfortable. “Bar… I was there with some buddies, she was there with some buddies…” He trailed off, as if there was nothing more to say.

“I like her,” Alex stated.

“Thanks for your approval,” Will told him sarcastically.

“I’m serious… she’s… cool.”

“Yeah, she really is,” Will answered, much quieter than usual.

“Don’t know why she’s with you,” Alex added, good-naturedly.

Will laughed, but Alex could see that it didn’t reach his eyes. He knew there was something different about Will, something he really didn’t like. Things had changed while he was asleep. Will was different… he didn’t act like the happy-go-lucky guy from before… he tried to, but he was different, he was darker.

“So did Suze bring anything good?” Will asked, pointing to the pile of DVDs and then grabbing a few from the pile.

Alex attempted a shrug. “How should I know? I’m Coma Guy, remember.”

“Right, Al… um…” He searched the pile before pushing two into his brothers face. “I’ll let you watch Spiderman if you let me watch Scarface, deal?”

“Deal. You know I hate being called Al.”

“I know? Are you sure? I completely forgot about that,” Will insisted.

Alex shook his head slightly and smiled. “No, you didn’t.”


The music was playing.

The tools were ready.

The wood was the key.

If he had the right wood, everything else fell into place.

The texture of it. The feel of it.

That mattered much more than the price tag.

This was today’s wood.

He wasn’t sure what it would be when he was finished, but it was definitely the wood for today.

He rubbed his hands together, wiped the goggles. Today he was an artist. Tomorrow he’d be a carpenter.

Then music stopped and he jumped at the voice.


He turned slowly, pulling down the plastic goggles as he went.

“Jim?” he asked, confused.

Jim sighed, shaking his head. “Michael, you really should answer you’re phone.”


As the end credits of Spiderman rolled along the television screen, Alex sighed and leaned back into his bed. He closed his eyes as he heard the door opening.

“Will, get that nurse, I wanna try that toe wiggling thing again,” he said, as he heard someone enter.

But it wasn’t Will who’d just walked into the room and the female voice that replied had a surprised tone. “Toe wiggling?”

Alex’s eyes snapped open and he stared wide-eyed at her. She looked different, very different. But it was still her, and she looked wonderful. “Isabel,” he said softly, his voice barely a whisper.

She smiled at him. “Hi, Alex.”


Thanks for readiing

Last edited by Quint on Sun Dec 12, 2004 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Part 6 - … in the Day Comes to Call

Post by Quint »

Yo ho ho people. Part 6 is here... expect part 7 before christmas and... well have fun...

There is something about a closet that makes a skeleton restless.
~ Unknown


Part 6 - … in the Day Comes to Call


“You look different,” he told her. She did look different, and not just the dark hair. She looked older now, more mature. Adult. He knew he was staring but he didn’t care. She looked wonderful. He managed to lift his left hand and gesture for her to sit down.

She did.

“So do you,” she agreed, wringing her hands nervously.

“Yeah, a five-year sleep kinda does that to you,” he told her, smiling brightly. He looked downward, noting her shaking hands. He swallowed hard when he saw the white band of skin on her left hand. “This is awkward.”

Her breathing was shallow and uneven as she nodded. “Yeah, kinda.”

Alex looked away from her. “How long?” he asked softly.

Isabel was confused. “How long what?”

“There’s a mark on your hand from the ring.” Alex smiled and Isabel shifted uncomfortably. “You didn’t need to take it off, you didn’t need to try and hide it. So… how long?”

“Almost five years.” She told him quietly, avoiding his eyes.

Alex nodded, steadying his breathing. “That’s… young.”

“Yeah,” Isabel whispered.

“Kids?” he asked, looking back down to her shaking hands.

Isabel nodded. “One, Jacob… Jake.” She looked at him even though he didn’t look at her. “He’s four.” She paused and Alex turned to look at her. “He’s yours.”

Alex closed his eyes and breathed deeply before speaking. “Does he know? About me?”

Isabel shook her head. “No… we were gonna tell him when he was older… when he could understand.”

Alex swallowed hard, trying to stay calm. “That’s a good plan.” He felt almost light-headed.

Isabel nodded but still felt the need to explain herself further. “They said you weren’t gonna wake up… Max tried to heal you. He came everyday for a month but he couldn’t and… and Jesse was there.” She knew she was babbling so she paused, opening her wallet to retrieve the picture. She passed it to Alex who stared at the dark haired, smiling child. “He plays guitar, well… he started a few months ago. His teacher says he’s got talent. He likes soccer, he watches it all the time.” She looked up at him, uneasily.

“He’s… beautiful,” Alex said softly, his eyes shining with unshed tears.

“He has your smile,” she replied, looking up at him hopefully.

Alex nodded, looking down at the boy. “Thank you.”

“I want you to see him… we’ll sort something out. I want you in his life.”

Alex still stared at the photo, shaking his head slightly. There was so much to take in. “I need sometime to think. I… there’s so much stuff going on…”

Isabel nodded. “I’ll go.” She started to stand.

He looked up at her. “Do my parent’s know about him?” Alex asked suddenly, but he didn’t move to stop her leaving.

Isabel nodded. “They do.”

Alex looked back down at the photo he could barely hold in his hand. “I’m a father…” He chuckled slightly, shaking his head. He looked straight into her eyes. “I want to see him,” he told her determinedly. How could he have even considered it? This was his son.

Isabel nodded, reaching for the doorknob. She couldn’t stay in there, it was suffocating. But as she reached for the handle it was already opening.

She entered the room, her arms weighed down with bags. Clumsily, she dropped them to the floor. It was only then she noticed Isabel.

“Susie this is Isabel… Isabel this is Susie.” He gestured between the two women.

Susie was quick to apologize. “I’m sorry… I didn’t know you had a visitor.” She looked quickly at Alex. “I’ll come back later.”

Isabel interrupted, “I was leaving anyway.” And before either of them could even say goodbye she was out the door.

Susie turned to Alex with her eyebrows raised. “Girlfriend?”

“Ex-girlfriend. Now-married-with-a-kid ex-girlfriend,” Alex replied, managing to reach out and put the photo of Jacob on his bedside table. He breathed out afterwards, grimacing through the ache that weighed down his arms.

“Huh,” Susie replied, clearly confused. She looked around the room, biting her lip before turning to face him. “You wanna watch X-men 2, eat junk food and tell me about it?”

Alex shrugged. “Why not?”

So he did.


The bedroom was a mess.

The living room was a mess.

The phone was ringing repeatedly, but he knew the machine would get it.

Clothes were strewn across the room, across both the rooms.

It was what Max would forever call the best night of his life. Probably the best day of his life too.

He didn’t care that he’d only had an hour’s sleep. The exhaustion was overcome by exhilaration.

He knew he was grinning, but he honestly didn’t care. Life just didn’t get any better than this.

He heard the machine start. The annoying message that he’d definitely change today was still there.

“Max, pick up the phone,” came Michael’s voice. Max’s first instinct was to pick it up… but he stopped himself. Maybe he was being selfish, but he just didn’t want his perfect day ruined by Michael’s version of an emergency. So he leaned against the doorframe and listened. “Pick up the damn phone, Max. Dammit Maxwell, this is important, have you checked your messages today?”

“Nope, I was busy celebrating my engagement.” Max said, shaking his head.

“Just answer the damn phone.”

Max sighed, moving forward and picking up the handset. “Hey Michael… I’ve got great…” He stopped, sure he hadn’t heard right. Michael was talking, practically shouting at him. Then Max grinned, closing his eyes. “Tell me you’re not joking… please,” Max breathed out, his heart beating loudly in his chest.

His perfect day had, impossibly, just gotten even better.


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Part 7 - Discovering the Day

Post by Quint »

Hey everyone, sorry it's so late but RL, you know. Anyway, here's part 7, hope you all enjoy it.

The only normal people are the ones you don't know very well.
~ Joe Ancis


Part 7 - Discovering the Day


“He’s fine… like… normal,” Kyle stated, shaking his head in disbelief, running his hand through his hair. “It’s… unbelievable.”

“Yeah,” Tess replied, equally shaken. “But how?”

“How? Who cares about how? That doesn’t matter now…” He put his hands behind his head. “We should get to the hospital…”

“Listen Kyle, all I’m saying is that… don’t you find it a little strange that someone can simply wake up from a coma when everyone said that it was practically impossible?”

“Okay, it’s a little weird,” Kyle conceded. “But…Tess, you’re an alien, there are weirder things.” He raised his eyebrows and Tess nodded her head.

“I am glad he’s awake... I’m just worried…”

Kyle put a finger on her month to stop her. “Nothing’s gonna go wrong, not everything has an ulterior meaning…”

Tess shook her head, smiling slightly. “You’re probably right… I’m just being stupid.”

Kyle smiled at her. “Yes, you are… and you can make it up to me after we’ve seen Alex… so can we please get going?”


“No, not Mara! Maria. Maria Deluca!” Liz practically screamed at the innocent hotel worker. “And yes, it’s very, very urgent.”

Max sniggered from the bedroom as he packed, a term he used loosely as he threw piles of clothes into suitcases.

There was a commotion on the other end of the line before a voice answered. “Lizzie?”

“Alex is awake,” Liz told her quickly.

“WHAT!” Maria screamed down the phone line.

Liz closed her eyes and grimaced as her eardrums were practically burst. “He’s awake…”

“Oh my God,” Maria whispered.

“You’re coming home, right?”

“Uh huh… I’ll find a way, they can replace me pretty easily, anyway. What about you?”

“I’ll find a way, you just get a flight. Now.”

“Do you think Michael’ll be there?”

“Maria, we really don’t have time for one of these conversations…”

Maria sighed. “Okay… see you soon.”

“Yep, bye Maria.” Liz put down the phone and felt Max’s presence behind her.

His arms reached around her from behind and Liz closed her eyes as he spoke directly into her ear. “I called Monroe, family emergency. I told him if he didn’t like it I’d quit.”


He turned her around to face him and looked her straight in the eye. “We’re going, I got us a flight to Albuquerque for tonight,” he told her firmly, pulling him into his arms.

Liz closed her eyes and smiled at him, letting him hold her. “Thank you.”


“So you didn’t know?” he asked, glancing over to the photo of Jake.

“No… I had no idea. Will never mentioned anything.” She too glanced at the picture of the little boy. “He’s a cute little thing.”

Alex nodded. “Yeah,” he whispered.

“What are you gonna do?”

“I have no idea… it’s all so sudden… I want to see him and meet him. But… he’s got a dad, I don’t know what kinda guy this Jesse is but, well Isabel married him so he must be okay. Jake has no idea… is it right for me to come and screw up everything he believes?” He shook his head. “I can’t not see him, I can’t not get to know him.”

“Of course. It’s a shock.” Susie looked up at him, trying to gauge his feelings.

“I don’t know what I was expecting, but I wasn’t expecting this.” He was looking back down to his hands when he had a sudden thought. “Is there a mirror in here?”

Susie looked around quickly. “Um… I have one in my purse.” She reached inside and pulled out a small, pocket-sized mirror.

“Great, can I…” She passed it to him and he held it unsteadily, his hand not quite gripping it tightly enough. He brought it up to his face and looked at himself. “Weird.”

“Weird how?”

“I look… different. But on the plus side…” He reached up and touched his chin. “I need a shave… that’s one good thing.”

Susie smiled back at him. “It’s a start…” Then she grinned. “How about we get out of here for awhile?”

“Are you kidding? I’d jump at the chance… well not literally, but…”

Susie stood up, still grinning. “I’ll be back, I’ve just got to bribe some nurses.”


They were father and son in every way but blood. Jake was shaking his head at Jesse, who was bouncing the ball and trying to make Jake do the same.

Isabel watched them from a distance, only just close enough to hear the conversation.

“It’s a football.”

“No, it’s a basketball. You bounce it like this, see?” He passed the ball to Jake who looked down at the ball before dropping it to the floor and kicking it away. Isabel smiled as Jesse rushed off to pick it up and bring it back to Jake. “No Jake, you use your hands.”

Jake shook his head. “I don’t want to be a keeper.”

“They don’t have keepers in basketball, Jake,” Jesse told him.

“Basketball sucks.”

Jesse sighed, shaking his head. “Well, I don’t know how to play Soccer.”

“Football,” Jake insisted.

Jesse shook his head. “No Jake, footballs are…” He trailed off before shaking his head at Jake, who grinned back at him. “Okay, you win. It’s a Football.” He passed the ball over to Jake.

Jake grinned as he grabbed it. “Thanks, Daddy.” He dropped it to the floor and dribbled it away.

Jesse was watching him as Isabel came up to stand beside him. “You know it’s not going to work.”

“I’ll try baseball next time.”

Isabel shook her head and smiled slightly. “He’s too stubborn.”

Jesse nodded, reaching down for her hand. “Did it go okay?”

“He was fine…” Isabel shook her head. “He was… Alex.”

“What about Jake?”

“He wants to meet him,” Isabel told him simply.

Jesse nodded. “Of course.”

Isabel shook her head. “He was awake… I never really believed it until I saw him.” She leaned into him and Jesse hugged her close. “Just tell me everything will be okay.”

“Everything will be okay,” he whispered to her.

But as Jake came running towards his mother, Jesse knew that that was a lie. Nothing would be the same anymore.


“You know I always wanted a personal chauffeur,” Alex stated, looking at the boring white walls in disgust.

“Don’t get used to it, I still think you could do this yourself,” Susie replied as she pushed him through the halls.

“Hey, five-year coma here… kinda serious.”

Susie eyed him suspiciously. “I think you’re milking it a bit.”

“You’re very harsh.”

“True,” Susie conceded, still smiling.

“It’s a shame we can’t get out of the hospital.”

Susie sighed, good-naturedly. “And still he wants more…”

Alex shook his head. “No, this is great… it’s just… it’s been a long time… well, not to me but it’s been a long time for the rest of my body. Plus the bed sores are painful.”

Susie grimaced. “Sorry, I didn’t think about that.”

Alex rolled his eyes. “I’m on enough painkillers to take out an elephant, I can definitely handle a quick ride around the ward…” He trailed off and swallowed as he saw who was at the admittance desk. “Although this may be a shorter ride than I thought.”

“Oh, Will’s back, that was quick. Oh…” Susie stopped the wheelchair as Will gave a slight wave, catching the attention of the people he was with.

Alex simply shouted down the corridor. “Mom! Dad! Long time no see, huh? Chris… I think you’re starting to go grey…”

That was when the tears began in earnest.

That was when everything finally felt real.

That was when he really realized how much had changed.


Thanks for reading.

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Part 8 - In the Kingdom of the Blind

Post by Quint »

Okay people... finally a new part. Apologies for making you wait so long.
This has been delayed for a number of reasons (Who knew final uni year meant lots of work? Who knew Stargate would get (kinda) good again? Who knew I'd suddenly get obsessed with Lois Lane...).
Anyway, here is part 8... thanks to Lisa for the quick beta and for Doves for Pounding without which I doubt I'd write anything coherant

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
~Albert Einstein


Part 8 - In the Kingdom of the Blind


The abiding memory Alex would have of the next few hours was the tears.

His parents had aged a good ten years since he'd last seen them, only a few days ago to him. His mother had cried as she'd held him, so had his father.

He'd never been close to Chris, the sixteen year age-gap meant that he'd never been around when Alex was growing up, but it was still good to see him after so long, even though he'd spent the last hour trying to distract Alex from the fact that just outside the door his parents were clearly arguing with one of his doctors. He was failing quite spectacularly.

"… and this is CJ, he's grown huh?" Chris asked him, pointing to another picture. "And this is Kate, she's about… three there, I think… and this is…"

"What do you think they're talking about?" Alex asked, trying to see through the window in the door.

"Probably just… paperwork or something…"

Alex just stared at his brother. "Chris… do you think I've suddenly regressed ten years or something? Stop treating me like an idiot."

"Quit it, Alexander," Chris said in a tone that distinctly reminded Alex of the time when he’d walked in on Chris and his then-girlfriend doing a bit more than making out when he was six. He’d never walked into a room without knocking again.

Alex shook himself from the memories. "Don't I have the right to know what’s going on? After all, aren't I an adult now? Also... Alexander? When has anyone, ever called me Alexander?" Alex looked at his brother in disbelief.

"Alex…" He drew out the name for effect.

"I just… I wanna get out of here, now." He closed his eyes and shook his head in frustration. "I just want to go home, and get into my own bed and forget all about... everything."

"They're not gonna just let you walk out of here."

"Do you know how many tests they've run on me? My butt feels like a pincushion. Can't you pull some strings or something?"

Chris shook his head. "Alex... just... be patient."

Alex sighed. "Yeah, well you try sitting in a bed for 24 hours a day while everyone's talking about you... and telling you nothing. See how you like it."

"I really forgot how annoying you could be," Chris stated, staring down his brother.

"And I really forgot how boring you could be. Which leads me to another point... where's the other one?"

Chris knew immediately who he was referring to. "He's on leave and there's no contact number."

Alex smiled slightly smugly. "I knew Will was lying. So I take it Nate hasn't grown up over the past five years, then? Grace not managed to calm him down?"

"Nate's... Nate. Plus..." Chris paused, contemplating what he was about to say. "He and Grace split awhile ago."

Alex let his head drop back. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Well... she was too good for him, anyway," Chris stated simply, shrugging.

Alex kind of agreed, but he wasn’t about to admit it. "I liked her."

"Mom didn't."

"Which is exactly why I thought they'd last."

Chris nodded. "True... Nate's always liked rebelling.” Chris shook his head in disgust. “Comes from an AF family and goes Jar Head."

Alex didn’t really want another ‘Nate was a waste of space’ conversation so he ignored his brother’s remarks. "Did you know mom likes Susie?"

Chris's eyes widened in surprise. "Really??"

Alex nodded. "Yep."

"Don't tell Jenn... she'll get way too jealous."

"Still?" Alex grinned, surprised.

Chris nodded. "Yep... Mom thinks the only good things Jenn's ever done are CJ and Kate."

Alex eyed his brother suspiciously. "You're trying to distract me, aren't you?"

"Is it working?"

"Not anymore." A thought came to him. “And where is Will, anyway? I mean he’s here, he’s there, he never seems to stick around for more than a minute.”

“I think he’s sorting out luggage and sleeping arrangements.”

“Oh…” Alex sighed. “Susie’s with him?”

Chris shrugged. “That’d be my guess.”

“Look… Captain Whitman… just…” He took a breath. “I need to see my friends… I need to… check on things. Make sure they’re alright.” What he really needed to check on was alien activity, but he wasn’t about to mention that to his boy scout brother.

“I’m sure they’ll be here soon.”

Alex shook his head. “I don’t need them here, I just need to hear their voices. I just need to know what’s changed.”

“I think I understand.”

Alex again shook his head. “You can’t… you can try, but you can’t. I need to work everything out for myself and I can’t do that stuck in this room. I can’t do that when everyone’s trying to keep things for me.”

“They’re trying to protect you.”

“From what? From the fact that I have a son?” Chris looked up at him in surprise. “So you knew, too. That Isabel’s married? I got that memo, too. How about the scar on my abdomen? I’m guessing spleen.” Chris nodded. “So tell me? What else is there? What else do you think I can’t handle?”

“This is hard for everyone,” Chris told him.

“You don’t think I know that? It’s hard for me too. I didn’t ask for this.”

“Neither did we!”

Alex just shook his head. “Maybe I should have just kept sleeping.”

“Don’t say that. Don’t talk about it like that.” Chris said strongly.

“Why? Who died?” He grinned but his grin turned into a frown. “Oh god… who died?”


“… I mean what are you gonna say? ‘Hey Alex, by the way, has my sister come to visit you to tell you that she’s now married? Oh, and that she also has a son, who personally I think is yours but I’ve never actually broached the subject with her, so I’m not entirely sure on that…’” Liz asked him as they sat together on the plane.

“You’re spending too much time with Maria.”

“I’ve barely seen her in… well, years.”

“It’s more the speaking to her… and… well, maybe it’s because she’s not here.”

“You’re avoiding the question.”

Max sighed, and leaned into his seat, trying to somehow make the cramped, uncomfortable space easier on his back, legs… probably his neck, too. “More subtly, but… yeah, that’s basically it.”

“Wouldn’t it be easier and less of a problem if you just called Isabel?” Liz pointed out.

“Probably,” Max agreed, reluctantly. “It’s just awkward.”

“I know…” Liz looked over at him. “Not now, Max… I know we’ll have to talk about it soon, but not now.”

“I just want to get it over with.”

Liz shook her head. “Sweetie, I love you, but not right now. Can we just please avoid the angst for at least a few hours? I just want to see him and speak to him… I just want to see him move, here him speak to me…”

“I know.” Max smiled at her. “I guess I just think too much.” He grabbed her left hand with his right one.

Liz nodded, looking down at their joined hands. “At least we have some good news for him.” She looked down at her engagement ring. “And now he can come to the wedding…”

“Michael’ll be best man,” Max stated.

“My mom’ll be so excited and I’m sure Dad’ll be happy to.”

Max’s eyes grew wide. “Your dad hates me.”

“I’m sure he’s over that by now,” Liz dismissed.

Max swallowed, there were very few times when he disagreed with Liz and this was definitely one of them.

Jeff Parker definitely didn’t like him and that could definitely prove to be a problem.


Harry Roberts was dead. If Alex was honest it didn’t really bother him and he felt guilty for that. He’d barely known Harry, and what he had known him for wasn’t exactly complimentary. But he and Will had joined up together, they’d been in the same squadron, they’d flown together. Alex wasn’t upset because Harry Roberts was dead, he was upset because he now understood what was wrong with Will.

Chris continued. “Will’s not over it. He thinks that he’s been given a desk job because of his eye, but the fact is that someone with his experience would be an asset to any command, and his navigation ability is second to none. It’s not physical, it’s psychological.”

“Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.” Alex opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling.

Chris nodded. “Exactly. Harry died in his arms. Then he had to make it out on his own. There was no rescue. He was captured. He was tortured, and he’s lucky to be alive.”

Alex breathed out. “How did you find out?”

Chris shrugged. “I got the file. I knew something was wrong when it was classified so I checked it out.”

“Who else knows?” Alex asked, lifting his head to look at his elder brother.

“I told Dad.”

“That’s all?”

Chris guffawed. “I wasn’t going to reveal classified information to just anyone.”

“He needs help,” Alex insisted. “We should get him doctors…”

Chris shook his head. “What he needs is to get back out into the field again.”

Alex’s eyes widened. “You have got to be joking.”

“It’s the best thing for him, the sooner he can pass the psychological exam, the better. I’ve seen it before, he just needs to stay focused.”

“To keep everything inside? To pretend it never happened? Will’s not like you, he’s not the good little soldier.”

“It’s been more than five years since you’ve known Will, don’t try and pretend you know what’s going on.”

“Stop it. Just stop it, Chris. I don’t have to listen to you. You’re just my brother, you have no control over me, sir.” He gave a sloppy salute that wasn’t sloppy just because his arms still had a mind of their own. “So Captain Whitman, you can say what you like, but he needs help.”

“Just stay out of it, Alex. Besides, chances are you won't even be out of here before he’s back in Colorado. He’s a flyboy and if there’s one thing I know its flyboys. Oh and, just so you know. It’s Lt. Colonel Whitman.”

“Promotions.” Alex stated.

“I play by the rules.”

The door opened and Alex saw his mother come in. Gloria looked between her two sons. “Something going on?”

Alex took his eyes away from his brother to smile at his mother. “Just a difference of opinion.”

“Are you sure?” Gloria asked, glancing between them again.

Alex looked up at Chris, staring him down. “Yep. It just seems a lots changed in the last five years.”

But what Alex didn’t realise as he said those words was that the thing that had changed the most in those five years wasn’t his brothers. Or his parents. Or even his friends.

It was him.


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Part 9 - Get Myself Some Gravity

Post by Quint »

OKay new part is finally here... it's been way to long and the fact is my comp is still not right ands crashing for no aparent reason so I can't promise I'll be around much until it's fixed.

But anyway... heres the latest part... I'd expect updates alot more regularly now... but I'm not making any promises this time.


Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family... in another city.
~George Burns


Part 9 - Get Myself Some Gravity


“It is my opinion that Tess is the worst driver in the world. Ever.” Kyle leaned forward in his seat to talk to Michael and his father. “Guerin?” He asked, avoiding Tess’s swoop with little grace.

“He’s right,” Michael stated from the safety of the front. Tess eyed the back of his head and he swallowed.

“Three cars!” she stated in her defence.

“Which is three more than both me and Guerin,” Kyle reminded her smugly.

“Only because you run everywhere and Michael never leaves the house.”

Michael turned in his seat. “I do to leave the house.” Tess raised her eyebrow sceptically. “Well… I’m busy. If anyone wants me they just knock on the door.”

Kyle’s cough sounded suspiciously like ‘Maria’ and Michael attempted to glare him to death. Sadly, he didn’t have alien death rays for eyes.

“I’m busy,” he added simply.

Jim spoke up from the driver’s seat. “Michael does work from home.”

“See!” Michael stated, feeling vindicated.

“Working, brooding,” Kyle gestured between his two open palms, seemingly weighing up his options.

“What kinda bachelor party do you want, Valenti? Do you want me to confuse male and female strippers?” he threatened.

“No strippers,” Tess stated firmly.

Michael rolled his eyes. “It wasn’t a serious example, Tess…”

Tess locked her eyes with his. “Good, because if he’s having strippers then I’m having strippers.”

Kyle interrupted quickly. “We’re not having strippers.”

“Then neither am I,” Tess said, smiling at him and kissing him chastely. Kyle grinned back.

Michael rolled his eyes and caught Jim’s. “Its like Max and Liz part deux.”

Jim chuckled lightly. “Tell me about it.”

Tess opened her mouth slightly and Jim grinned at her in the mirror. She shook her head.

“Is there anything new about Alex?” she asked moving back in her seat and holding Kyle’s hand tightly.

“Nothing,” Jim stated. “But there is no way in hell we’re not at least seeing him today.”

Tess nodded and stared back out the window, Kyle watched her silently.

She breathed in hard as Michael spoke. He attempted to be nonchalant. “So… when’s Maria getting there?”


Maria Deluca was getting absolutely nowhere.

She was jammed between two of the most predictably annoying people she’d ever had the misfortune to meet, and no matter how many times she pressed her assistance button no one came. It annoyed her greatly.

The fact that she’d probably blown any chance of a future career with any of her current employers didn’t matter to her much, they’d just have to find someone else to go “oooh” at the right points.

Billy would be angry with her. She had been due in to the studio to do some sessions in a few days, but some things were more important that a few pathetic pop records. Although she’d never actually admit to that. She wasn’t the kind of person to admit to being a colossal failure.

Being a jobbing singer wasn’t so bad, and neither was Japan, now that she spoke the language. But she enjoyed coming back to Roswell, seeing Liz again. And now she’d see Alex, which was scary.

Alex had always believed in her, in her talent. He’d probably be disappointed in her for not making it yet.

People liked her voice well enough, but it was always the wrong song or the wrong sound for her. There was always someone else and Maria had long ago given up trying to write her own material when she’d been told that it lacked soul. Whatever that meant.

It had hurt. If there was one thing she’d always had it was heart and soul. Now she apparently had neither, so what was she? A shell of a person?

That scared her, almost as much as the guy next to her, who was such a nervous flyer that he liked to give out precise statistics on mortality rates from plane crashes.


Closing her eyes, she tried to get some sleep as they crossed the dateline. The earplugs would hopefully keep out the noise of the gameboy the kid next to her was playing, and if the other guy was right, and Quantas really was the safest way to travel? Well, she promised herself that if this plane crashed she’d only fly with them in her next life.


Alex looked from the doctor to the X-ray and back again. “So, my brains really freaky huh?”

“Well I wouldn’t put it that way exactly… but basically, yes,” he conceded, pointing to the film in Alex’s left hand. “This is your brain five years ago, a few weeks after your accident.” He pointed to a darker area on the scan. “This is damaged… and badly so.” He pointed to the film in Alex’s right hand. “This one is from yesterday.”

Alex looked between the two. “It’s not there anymore.”

The doctor grinned and nodded. “Precisely. It’s healed itself.”

Alex looked up at the doctor who was looking down at him expectantly. “That’s weird, huh?”

“It’s amazing!” he exclaimed.

Alex looked around the room. Everyone was staring at him. He turned back to his doctor. “Yep, you’ve mentioned that… now, when are my leg’s going to stop feeling like two slabs of concrete?”

The doctor frowned at him. “But Alex… your brain…”

Alex interrupted him, handing him back the X-rays sloppily. “Yeah, brain, amazing… what about legs?”

Doctor Morrison sighed. “Your physiotherapist will be able to give you more of an idea after you’ve had a few more sessions.”

Alex nodded. “Okay. You can leave now.”

He raised his eyebrows when Morrison looked reluctant to go. Alex could see Will cover his smile with his hand as Morrison gathers his papers and fumbled for the door.

“Alex don’t you think…”

But Alex interrupted his mother, shaking his head. “I don’t care about why right now, it’s working and my leg’s aren’t. The ability to move is more of a priority to me at the moment.” Plus it’s probably related to my friends who happen to be aliens and I don’t really think that would go over well right now, he added silently.

“Alex…” his father started but was cut off by his son’s shaking head.

“Nope dad.” Alex looked towards Chris. “You find Nate. I don’t care how.” He turned towards his parents. “You guys look exhanusted… you sleep.” Finally he turned to Will and Susie. “You guys can stay and keep an eye on coma guy.” He looked around the room.

No one moved.

“Guys, please. I need time to think and it’s suffocating right now. Don’t make me say things I’m gonna regret because I’m annoyed and it’s in the heat of the moment.” Still no one moved. “I promise I’m not going anywhere, I’d just like not to be responsible for the extra medical bills when you guys fall down and get concussions from lack of sleep.”

Again they didn’t move.

“Please,” Alex said softly. He turned back to Will and Susie. “Magazines, music, comics,” he said simply.

Susie nodded. “I’ve got some in the car.”

“Good, because if I have to hear one more thing about the inside of my skull I’m gonna go into a self-induced coma.”

Alex’s head dropped back onto the bed as he heard them hesitantly leave the room.

He really hated being the bad guy. It was a pity he was getting quite used to it.


Will strode through the doors slamming them open forcefully. Susie smiled at the passing nurses.

“Calm down…” she told him softly as they walked together to the car.

“That guy has no idea…” He trailed off, pushing the final door particularly hard.

“I’m sure he didn’t mean it the way it sounded.” Susie told him softly, reaching for his shoulder but he shook her off.

“Alex may look fine but that doesn’t mean he is inside. I don’t want to believe what the inquiry suggested and I don’t want to lose him again just because as usual we’re to concerned about what other people will think than what’s for the best. Maybe he seems alright but that means nothing.” He looked down at her, walking more slowly now they were outside in the fresh air. “You don’t agree with him do you?”

“Well… no.”

Will nodded. “Exactly… Chris has no idea.” He had a darkness that almost scared her at that moment.

“Please calm down.” She told him softly once more. “He has Alex’s best interests at heart. I’m sure he doesn’t want to lose him again either.”

“I’m sorry. I just…” He let out an almost growl. “He can be such a jerk sometimes. He’s just so self-righteous. He can’t see past appearances, he never could.”

“There’s no point letting it get to you. He’s probably just missing his family, it’s a very stressful situation.” Susie tried to reason with him as the reached the car.

“He has no idea. Alex won't just get over this.” Will shook his head and clenched his jaw tightly. “He just doesn’t understand people… he makes me so angry.” He kicked the tire of the car hard, and Susie raised her eyebrows.

“Please don’t take it out on the car,” she sighed. “I have limited experience with families, but just ignore him.”

“I know… but it’s so hard sometimes. He just has no idea, just because he’s never been in that kinda situation…” Will trailed off as he looked away. “Alex won't be the same… he can’t be, and he won't be the person he would have been at 22 without the accident, either. I mean… the accident itself is still kinda unresolved. He’ll need help.”

“Your parents’ll get him help.”

Will let out a slight grin. “Somehow I doubt that… Alex has a tendency to keep his feelings bottled up at times… and well… let's just say that Mom and Dad don’t know him very well.”

Susie grinned at him. “Now that sound familiar… do I know someone like that?”

Will smiled back at her. “I don’t think so.” He stared at her face for a moment before breaking off contact. “Now… which comics did you get, because he’s very particular.”

Susie stared at the back of his head as he reached into the car. Will had been different recently, he'd always been a mystery, but since they’d come to New Mexico he was more so. More distant, less like the Will she knew so well. It worried her.

Brushing off the sense of foreboding she felt at that moment, she opened the trunk of the car as Will reached inside.

Everything would work out fine.

She was sure of it.

Kind of.


Thanks for reading
