Black Dawn (CC, Mature) pt 5 11/25 [WIP]

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Black Dawn (CC, Mature) pt 5 11/25 [WIP]

Post by sprayadhesive »

Banner by Shiesty23

Black Dawn
Rating: Mature
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. The characters, the music, the movies referenced, none of it is mine.
Category: CC
Author's Note: Based on Challenge #77 by Shiesty23 & Zygote. I don't believe the challenge text is up anywhere on the board, so if you want it, PM me.
Timeline: "Destiny" and beyond...
Summary: <center>The Orbs Max and the others activated in the Pod Chamber has awoken them…
For fifty-five years they have been sleeping…waiting…
The Skins are coming to Roswell…and they are not alone…
As an unholy and unnatural shadow spreads over the Earth…blotting out the morning sun…it brings a…
Black Dawn…

The End of the World has come early…

And there’s no where to hide…

October 10th, 2000. 5:50 am

Beep… Beep… Beep… Beep… Blip…

“Sir, we’ve just had something that I don’t recognize enter the radar…”

Sergeant Jackson turned from his routine surveillance of the radar system and traveled over to the private who was currently monitoring the skies over the southwestern portion of North America.

He frowned, “Well, what the hell is it?”

The private toggled with a few switches, trying to test if the blip was anything other than an aircraft, “It’s definitely something, sir. It isn’t showing up as a normal military grade aircraft. It’s not one of ours.”

“Get the cams going and see if you can see anything. Do you have a general location for the aircraft?” Jackson inquired, his interest peaked.

“Yes, sir. It’ll take a few moments to get the satellite image fully loaded up on the screen. It’s over Roswell, New Mexico.” The private responded.

After a few seconds of waiting, a shot of the aircraft came onto the main screen of the room. A collective gasp of shock traveled amongst the people, and they became transfixed by the image.

“Oh my God. What does this mean, Sergeant?” The private felt like his insides had seized up.

At that precise moment, blips started going off on all of the radars throughout the room.

The man shook his head slowly, never taking his eyes off the image, “It means it’s time for us to start repenting our sins.”


Hope you guys like this, I'm steadily getting more and more excited about it as the ideas pour in. No current updating schedule, but I do have this outlined for at least the next ten parts
Last edited by sprayadhesive on Sun Nov 25, 2007 5:47 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by sprayadhesive »

I'm sorry for making you guys wait. I admit that I went back and changed my general plan for the story like a thousand times, added with the pressure that all of this incredible feedback's put me under, I was rewriting this part every thirty seconds. I'm finally somewhat happy with it.

It's unbeta'd, but I felt it was time for a new post. And, this way, it gives Laira as much time as she needs to get the part back to me. She's been a little hectic lately.

I forgot to mention it properly in the prologue, but Shiesty23 was the artist of the amazingly haunting banner that many of you commented on. I hope I can do it justice in the chills deparment.

Thank you so much for the overwhelming feedback. I can't wait to go on this journey with everyone. Oh, and thanks for the bumps. I'll try not to make the wait so long in the future!

Realistic Dreamer
Augustus Snodgrass
: Eh, no insurances. ;)

Part 1
October 5, 2000.
(Five days before the prologue).

“This is it. This is the place.” She leaned against her parked car, a few miles out of town. Not like it mattered, she could still see the skyline pretty well. The area was mostly flat, visibility for miles. It was both a curse and a blessing.

She lifted her arm and looked at an object strapped around her wrist. A quarter-sized disc was attached to it and currently had numerous symbols scrolling quickly down the screen. Her eyes scanned it and she motioned to the man standing behind her, “Tell everyone that we’re having a meeting in 30 hours. Make sure everyone knows what they’re supposed to be doing until that time. I’ve got work to do.”

She climbed back into the car and floored the pedal, not expecting a response from the man she had just barked her orders to.

A trail of dust remained in her wake. Once it settled, the man read the sign quickly and purely out of habit. He already knew what it said: Welcome to Roswell.

<center>… … …</center>

<center> ‘A once fallen King shall rise,
Bring his future Queen back to life.
Together they will prosper,
Khivar shall be challenged,
And a new day made possible.

The all too familiar words rang in her ear and she looked around the completely unfamiliar place. She was in the middle of the woods somewhere – she didn’t know where, exactly.

The crisp air kissed her face, but the sensation was much more sinister. Gone were the playful tickles of the wind, the prickle that it left behind told her that.

Everything felt too real to be a dream. She wondered how she got to such a place. She didn’t remember coming here.

A squirrel brushed up against her leg. She could feel its fur from outside of her jeans. This definitely wasn’t a dream. They were never this vivid in detail.

Her eyes looked ahead and widened in surprise. A few feet in front of her, the ground beneath a large tree began to shake ever so slightly. A dim unearthly yellow light began to glow from the beneath dirt and the leaves at the base of the tree quaked in a nonexistent breeze.

Her insides seized. This phenomenon was nothing like what had happened to her in the Crashdown a year ago. No, this was something completely different.

It was evil.

With a low moan, the Earth cracked ever so slightly and something began to stir inside of the fissure…

Liz Parker jerked awake in her bed, her forehead moist with cold sweat. Her hand jerked to her speeding heart and she took deep breaths, desperate to calm herself.

She could remember the dream perfectly. She could still feel the prickle on her cheek, if she focused on it long enough. Something strange was happening, and she was dead set on finding out what.

She checked the clock and grabbed for her cell phone. She dialed the number and hit the send key, but then thought better of it and disconnected the call. It was just a dream, nothing more. There wasn’t a reason to call him and get him worried.

Everyone was already on pins and needles; the message that still rang in her head had ensured that.

The orbs’ message had been in the minds of their entire group, lately, even Kyle’s. He was one of them now.

Liz padded into her bathroom and turned on the cold water. She let it run for a few seconds before cupping her hands and collecting a fair amount. She gazed at the bags under her eyes and then bent low, splashing the water over her face.

She needed to snap out of it. The dreams that she had been having for the past few nights were vivid, and each and every one of them were identical. She had never had a reoccurring dream to this extent. Just thinking about it gave her the chills.

She stared at herself in the mirror one more time before conceding that she would get no answers this way. She blew a stray hair out of her face and turned away from the mirror, turning off the light behind her as she walked out of the room.

Liz crawled back into bed and scanned it wearily. For a split second, an image of piercing yellow eyes stared back at her from near the doorway. She blinked, and it was gone.

She lay back and pulled the covers over her head. It was a long time before she drifted into an uneasy sleep.

<center>… … …</center>

Kyle was having a horrible few months. He had been shot and then healed by an alien. After he had found out that he was, in fact, living among aliens, he had to go to football camp. He wasn’t able to sleep on his bed last night, because whenever he walked over to it, he would somehow pass right by it. He tried to stop on many occasions, but it was like his feet would speed up unnaturally every time he approached it. He hadn’t enjoyed the attempts. He was forced to sleep on the floor.

This was happening with him a lot lately. The speed training that his football coach had him doing must be working better than expected.

He woke at five a.m. and did his morning routine of a hundred crunches and a hundred pushups. He had to get a mile in before school.

He dressed in his running sweats and laced up his shoes. He made a note of the time before he left: 5:11.

The door slammed behind him, but that wouldn’t matter. His dad could sleep through a gun shot. Now that Kyle thought about it, he didn’t know how safe that was. His dad was, after all, a sheriff.

He shook his head as a weak smile played across his lips and his feet brought him to a comfortable pace.

If he jogged down his street and turned left, he would be on Main Street. At the end of the town, he could turn left again, take another left further down that road, and wind up back at his house. He and his father had clocked the distance a few years back, it was exactly a mile. The perfect loop.

The roads were empty and the town was silent. He could see a blue speck moving towards him.

He reached the beginning of Main Street just as the blue speck was beginning to take a more distinct shape. Kyle had a few seconds to register it as a Corvette before the car streaked past him and came to a screeching halt outside of the Crashdown.

His feet froze and he looked back at the car. It had easily been doing a hundred and fifty a few seconds ago. He waited a few seconds for the door to open, so he could see the driver, but it never happened. He realized that he was timing himself and he continued his run.

Running gave him time to think about the last few months. He and Tess had been doing a tango, of sorts. She pushed him away, he pushed back. It was almost growing old.

He was in the middle of thinking about finding out Tess’s alien status when he found himself standing in his driveway.

That was fast. And it felt like he hadn’t even ran a mile. His muscles were barely burning.

He went inside and checked the clock: 5:14.

There was something wrong with the clock. No one could run a mile in three minutes. Heck, he couldn’t usually run one in six minutes.

He went into his room and checked the clock on his cell phone. It read the same time as the clock in the kitchen.

‘It’s a conspiracy,’ He thought to himself, looking around for hidden cameras. But no one jumped out and yelled “Gotcha!”.

Then again, his coaches had been commenting on his increased speed all summer. They had even asked him what his secret was. His 100 yard had decreased by two seconds over the three month period.

He was really starting to get freaked out.

If this didn’t warrant a conversation with Tess, he didn’t know what would.

<center>… … …</center>

Max sat on the couch in Michael’s apartment, his head in his hands. He didn’t want to discuss this anymore. “Michael, I know that the orb said that we would get contacted by someone, believe me, I remember the entire message, but we haven’t been contacted. Nothing’s happening. You can’t expect me to drop what’s going on in my life to go and find trouble!”

“You. Are. The. King.” Michael gritted his teeth, speaking deliberately, “It’s your job to lead us. You’ve always been the unofficial leader, anyways, nothing’s changed. It’s just more official, now.”

Max groaned, “You’re second in command, and, may I add, the sharpest thorn in my side right now. If you want to do something, go do it. I haven’t stopped you from blowing rocks up with Tess in the past few months, have I?”

“In case you missed the glowing otherworldly mother’s message, there are going to be evil aliens descending on Earth with the sole intent of kicking our asses.” Michael hissed.

Tess stepped in, “Michael, calm down.”

The woman from the orbs, making herself known as Max and Isabel’s mother, had revealed that Michael was Max and Isabel’s cousin and second in command. Tess was also Max and Isabel’s cousin, but not a sibling of Michael, and Isabel’s best friend. Tess was a trusted advisor to the royal family. Together, they made up the group of royals from their generation.

She had also noted that a small faction of a rebel alliance was going to be arriving to lend them a hand and to train them to fight an evil dictator.

She was vague with the details, insisting that the message could be intercepted and that it was unsafe to disclose too much information.

“I actually completely agree with you. But you don’t have to be so vulgar.”

Max stood up, “This meeting is pointless.”

“Sit down.” Michael demanded.

Max eyed him angrily, “Last time I checked, I was the king. I don’t do what you tell me to do. You do what I tell you to do.”

“If you want me to treat you like a king, I suggest you start acting like one!” Michael shouted at him, his frustration level peaking.

The tension had been bearable for a while, but recently the aliens had been at each other’s throats. The siblings usually paired up and sided against the opposite pair, but sometimes it was everyone against Max.

Max took a step towards the door, only to have Michael shove him back on the couch. Max stared at him with his jaw hanging open for a few seconds. He snapped it closed and narrowed his eyes at Michael, “You want something to do? Blow everything up in your apartment, I don’t care. Hell, blow up every rock in the state.”

“That’s not a plan, Max.” Michael bit back.

“I don’t HAVE a plan!” Max screamed before storming past Michael.

Michael screamed back in pure frustration and sent a blast at the wall. Instead of hitting the intended target, it swerved left and blew up a lamp.

Max glared at him, spitting out in sarcasm, “I see your target practice is paying off.” He left the apartment without another word.

Michael didn’t know what had snapped or why, but it was uncontrollable. He hadn’t been able to keep himself grounded lately. He had a sneaking suspicion that it had to do with loosing Maria.

Not that he lost her. He had kept her at an arm’s length ever since getting Max back from the FBI. He just wanted to keep her away from the alien abyss. But, the more he kept her away, the less he felt connected with his humanity. He was on a short fuse.

Tess shifted awkwardly, “Are you…?”

“I’m fine.” Michael shrugged, “You should get back to your house. I don’t think I’m up to training today.”

Tess looked around, biting her lip. She felt like she should do something, especially since he was her cousin, but his tone screamed at her to do the opposite. She nodded, “Call me if you need anything.”

Michael was left alone in his apartment. He groaned in aggravation, aware that everything that could have gone wrong during that confrontation had gone wrong. He flung his hand directly to the right wall and the chair in front of him blew up.

He cursed. All of the practice that he and Tess were doing still wasn’t helping them any.

<center>… … …</center>

Isabel sat on the park bench, her head turned towards the sky. It didn’t seem right. She had finally seen her real mother, gotten a message from her… and the message had been about an alien war.

She hadn’t seen their first meeting (one-way or not) going like that.

Ever since she’d heard the message, the group had slowly been growing apart. Max was always with Liz, Michael and Tess were constantly experimenting with their powers (without actually making any progress), Maria was… well… trying to get Michael’s attention, Alex was trying to keep the peace between everyone and she was… stuck in the middle.

On top of all of this, her parents had been getting increasingly suspicious of Max’s activities. All through the summer, Max and Liz had been inseparable. At first, Diane’s questions were about why Max was screaming in the middle of the night. Now, though, the screaming had stopped. Max had somehow worked through the trauma of the White Room with Liz.

The questions were mostly focused on what Max was doing with his life. He barely talked to Phillip or Diane anymore.

Isabel had a hunch that he was bottling a lot of the responsibility that he felt, but she couldn’t mention it. Whenever she tried to, he would run off somewhere else.

She couldn’t help but feel alone.

Someone sat down on the bench, bringing her back down to Earth. She smiled at him, “Hey, Alex.”

Alex smiled hesitantly, “Hey.”

“How are you?” Isabel begged for conversation. She missed Alex. It felt like he was withdrawing from her recently.

Alex shrugged, “I’m okay. I guess I’m just trying to deal with everything that’s been going on.”

“I know. Me too.” She sighed heavily. Her mood brightened, “We should… you know… go watch a movie or something… together… escape from reality.”

“I… I would really like to, Isabel, but I don’t think I can.” He regarded her with much more reservation than before, “I don’t think my heart could take it if you decided to push me away again.”

It was a fair statement. She had taken advantage of him in the past, choosing to ignore his feelings. At least he had the courtesy to be honest with her. She nodded sadly, “Okay.”

He turned back to her, “But… I mean… we can still be friends. I like to think that I’m a good friend.”

Isabel smiled, “I’d like that.”

Alex smiled back, “Me too.”

<center>… … …</center>

Maria sat outside of the Crashdown, opposite Max. The sun was beginning to go down. She noticed a rather nice looking blue car over his right shoulder, a little further down Main Street, but she pushed it to the back of her mind, “Talked to Michael today?”

“If by talk, you mean scream, then, yes.” He replied, taking a sip of his cherry coke.

“What happened?” Maria sighed. Michael and Max had been butting heads for weeks, and it was starting to drive everyone insane.

Max shrugged, “He wants me to do something to get us ready for the attacks. What the hell am I supposed to do? I don’t know any more than he does.”

“He’s just used to you having all of the answers. He’s scared.” Liz shrugged. She pulled her chair closer to Max’s and intertwined her fingers with his.

“Well, he needs to get his head out of his ass and realize that I’m just as scared as he is.” Max replied bitterly, “Besides, out of everyone, it’s you who has the biggest right to be scared.”

Liz frowned, “Max, we’ve talked about this. I don’t blame you for what that prophecy said. You saved my life… you’re the only reason I’m here today. I couldn’t hate you for that.”

“Still.” He replied hollowly, “You four… you, Maria, Kyle, Alex… none of you asked for any of this. You’re just going to be guilty by association when everything starts to happen.”

“It’s where we want to be.” Maria replied softly, “Even if Michael is being a complete asswipe.”

“Why don’t you go and try to talk to him again?” Liz suggested weakly. Maria had called Michael up once a day for the entire summer. Once she got back into school, she realized that she couldn’t chase him around forever. She had abruptly stopped trying to get in touch with him a few weeks ago.

“I gave him his chance.” She shrugged. She didn’t sound very convinced.

Liz shared a look with Max. Maria and Michael were miserable without each other. As a matter of fact, everyone around them was miserable because they were staying away from their counterparts.

“I’ve got to go. I can’t sit still. I’m sorry. I’ll call you tonight, Liz. Talk to you later, Maria.” Max got to his feet and walked away from the table.

Maria and Liz stared after him, both highly concerned. Maria spoke first, “I’m worried about him.”

“I know. I am, too.” Liz turned back to Maria, “But he won’t tell me what’s wrong.”

“It’s fairly obvious, isn’t it?” Maria asked her, looking at her in confusion.

Liz shrugged, “Enlighten me.”

“This is Max that we’re talking about. Mr. I-Always-Have-A-Plan Evans. But this is out of his hands. He just found out that he’s the king of another planet, a planet that he’s never even seen, and that he’s supposed to be able to bring peace to it. He’s been set up for a war and a position of importance in front of a group of people he’s never even seen. That guy Nasedo’s disappeared. No one’s heard from him in a week or two. He got rid of the Special Unit and then vanished. Max trusted him and now that connection to their home planet is completely gone.

“On top of all of that, Max doesn’t know how to protect any of the people that he loves. He’s protected them – us – for so long, he feels like he’s failing now that he doesn’t have a way to keep us safe. It’s eating him up, babe.”

Liz pursed her lips. “I wish I knew how to help him.”

“I don’t think you can.” Maria shrugged, “He’s too much of a control freak.”

After a few moments of silence, Maria’s stature brightened, “I have an idea!”

“What?” Liz asked cautiously. Maria’s great ideas were usually like playing with fire.

“Camping trip!!”

Liz shook her head, “Maria, how is a camping trip going to help everyone?”

“You know… get back to nature. We can get away from a few of the material distractions and force ourselves to work through the problems.”

Liz nodded, smirking slightly. Maria was her mother’s daughter. The idea was growing on her, but she still felt a growing sense of dread in the pit of her stomach.

Nevertheless, the look of pure hope on Maria’s face was dampening those fears. She smiled, “We should start calling people. If we hurry, we can probably get out to Frasier woods by mid afternoon.”

<center>… … …</center>

Three hours later, a trail of three cars was headed towards the woods. The Jeep, containing Max, Liz and Isabel lead the pack.

Michael and Kyle had been hard to convince to come. Michael hadn’t wanted to spend more time with Max than necessary. Kyle, on the other hand, was finding it hard to accept his position in their group.

Liz momentarily let her mind drift to the cars behind her. Alex was driving with Maria in the Jetta and Michael had elected to drive with Kyle and Tess.

She let her head droop against the headrest of her seat and her fingers relaxed against Max’s.

In her last for moments of consciousness, she tried to be optimistic about the trip. The group could get passed its problems. Things could return to what they once were.

Still, when she drifted off, the yellow eyes momentarily flashed before her, sending a small quiver through her sleeping form.

Max glanced sideways, making sure that she was okay, and then turned his eyes back to the road. Something wasn’t right with Liz.

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Post by sprayadhesive »

I'm a horrible, horrible updater lately, but life's going to be cooling down in two months or so, so hopefully I'll be able to pop out a lot more parts then.

Thank you everyone for the feedback, bumps and encouragement. It's great to know that people are excited for this.

- I haven't read the books yet, but I'm planning on somehow getting my hands on them in the future. Thank you so much. I stressed over Kyle's power for a little bit, glad that someone likes it!
- I'm sorry! I didn't hurry! Don't hurt me! ;)
behrinthecity - My, how I love you. I would give you some better feedback, but I answer a lot of your speculation here... and as for the other stuff... I can't reveal all of my cards, now, can I?
Amber Eyes
- I like to take my sweet time. As for you and 'The Auction', though... ;)

Part 2
October 5, 2000.

Liz leaned her head against Max’s chest. Everyone, except Kyle and Tess, was seated around the campfire, and yet no one was talking. The tension was too high.

She wanted to tell Max about her dreams, but she had no idea how to bring them up. Besides, she wasn’t even sure what the dreams meant. It was probably just her overactive imagination psyching her out again.

“Tess, would you come back here?” Kyle’s raised voice penetrated their circle.

Tess stormed into view, looking highly peeved. She turned around and hollered into the trees, “You’re mocking us, Kyle!”

She continued towards the campfire and Kyle walked out of the trees, following her, “I’m not mocking you! I’m dead serious!”

“You want me to believe that you’re the Flash? Is that it? Do you want a super suit, too?! I’m sure Isabel would be glad to whip you up one. While she’s at it, maybe she can make Max, Michael, me and herself suits, too. That’ll be cool. We’ll be the Roswell Five!”

“Could you just listen for a second?! You’re completely overreacting and not even giving me a chance to prove it!”

Tess spun around and put her hands on her hips, “Fine. Prove it.”

Kyle looked taken aback, “Prove it?”

“I’m waiting.”

The entire group had their attention on the two. Kyle looked past Tess and at everyone else before making up his mind. He was determined to make it work this time. He would prove to Tess that something weird was going on. He’d prove it to everyone.

He set off at a sprint around the campsite. The scenery was burring by him. He had gone around the group three times before he was able to come to a stop around the spot where he started.

“What the hell?!” Michael had gotten to his feet and was walking towards Tess and Kyle.

One minute Kyle had been standing in one place, and then he had run around the group so fast that Michael only had time to blink twice.

Max was close behind Michael, “Kyle, how did you do that?”

Tess was staring at him with her mouth open. She just shook her head in disbelief.

“That’s what I’m trying to find out!” Kyle ran a worried hand through his hair, “I’ve been progressively getting faster… I didn’t notice it for a while, I just thought all of my conditioning was making my times improve, but lately… it’s increased exponentially.”

“Why haven’t you told anyone about this?!” Max demanded with an accusatory tone to his voice. He was more worried than ever. Things were happening right under his nose and he wasn’t seeing it. What if Kyle’s increased speed had attracted the FBI? No, it couldn’t have. Kyle was just another kid to them. They hadn’t been monitoring him when they took Max.

…except for the end, when they placed Kyle with a guard. That was it, though.

No harm done.


“Because I just kept writing it off. I realized that I had to tell you guys today, and I just tried to tell Tess! Don’t act all high and mighty with me, Smoothie King.”

“Kyle, I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.” Tess said sheepishly.

“…you forgot, ‘Kyle, I’m sorry I mocked you and told you that you had a super hero complex.’”

Tess rolled her eyes at Maria, “Kyle, I’m sorry I mocked you and told you that you had a super hero complex.”

“Apology accepted.” Kyle smirked. He looked around the group, “But, that still doesn’t leave me with any answers. What do I do now?”

“Michael and Tess can help you try to control your powers. They’ve got a lot of practice with that.” Max replied, somewhat hostile.

Alex raised his hands in Kyle’s defense, “Whoa, can we calm down, here? If anyone’s got a right to snap someone’s head off, it’s Kyle. Things are changing inside of him and we don’t know why or how, or even what is actually shifting.”

“Alex has a point.” Liz nodded, a pit of fear growing in her stomach. Kyle was changing. What was stopping her, Alex or Maria from changing? Did hanging out with the aliens make them change? Did kissing them? Could her dreams be real? She stopped Kyle’s growing smirk, “But Max does, too. You should work with Michael and Tess a little, try to get some control on that speed. We can’t have you zipping all over Roswell without attracting any attention to us.”

Kyle was beyond happy with that solution. It got him closer to Tess. She couldn’t avoid him, now.

“Kyle’s a human. He doesn’t need to be worrying about it.” Michael retorted.

“Human or not, Michael, something inside him is not normal.” Max shot back.

“He doesn’t need to train with us!”

“Yes, he does! He needs to be able to harness his power and protect himself. I’ll be damned if someone else gets taken away from the group, Michael. I don’t want anyone to have to go through what I went through. I won’t risk that!”

The fierce quality of his voice was enough to stop Michaels’ train of thought completely. Michael’s demeanor towards Max softened slightly. It had been hell for him to have Max taken away and tortured. He nodded with his lips tight, “Fine.”

Max turned to look at Alex, Maria and Liz. He gazed at them, trying to express his seriousness, “Have any of you guys been noticing anything different?”


Maria and Alex responded simultaneously. Max’s eyes shifted to Liz’s. She squirmed guiltily under his gaze. Her throat suddenly felt dry, “No.”

There was no reason to get everyone upset over something that could be nothing. After all, it was just a crack in the earth and some glowing yellow eyes that made her feel weak at the knees. That was it.

The group dispersed after this. The tension between them was still high, and Michael wanted to get as far away from Max as possible. Isabel went with him to make sure that he didn’t do anything stupid. Kyle and Tess decided to head in a tent and talk. Alex and Maria resumed their seats around the campfire.

Max turned to Liz, “Do you want to go for a walk?”

Liz looked around. Night was falling. She nodded cautiously, ignoring the red flags in her mind, “Okay.”

They walked for a minute or so before Max talked, “Are you sure that nothing’s been up with you?”

Liz stepped on top of a fallen tree’s trunk and Max helped her back down the other side. Liz nodded.

“I just… I’m worried about you.” He sounded like a little kid.

Liz nodded again and they carefully made their way across a shallow stream, “I know. I’m sorry. I guess I’ve just been a little off lately.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

Liz froze. She was having major déjà vu. Night had completely fallen, leaving them in darkness. Max was using one of his hands to light their path. This area, though, was eerily familiar.

A wind blew through the trees and over the couple. Max inched closer to Liz, trying to make sure that she was all right.

The crisp air kissed her face, but the sensation was much more sinister. Gone were the playful tickles of the wind, the prickle that it left behind told her that.

A squirrel brushed up against her leg, running in the opposite direction. She could feel its fur brushing against her jeans. The wind stopped abruptly.

Her eyes looked ahead and widened in surprise. A few feet in front of her, the ground beneath a large tree began to shake ever so slightly. A dim unearthly yellow light began to glow from the beneath dirt and the leaves at the base of the tree quaked in a nonexistent breeze.

Max took Liz’s hand and the two stumbled backwards, putting a few more feet between them and the tree.

With a low moan, the Earth cracked ever so slightly and something began to stir inside of the fissure…

All around them, twenty other trees were undergoing the same phenomenon. Max protectively drew Liz behind him and extended his hand, getting ready to try anything to protect them against this unknown power. Was this the threat that his mother had feared?

The cracks in the Earth were still moaning, but letting out a hiss of dark gray smoke. A shadow moved from within the clouds.

Max stepped backwards, pushing Liz with him. Behind them, a handful of fissures stood in the way of their escape.

A hand reached out from the hole, grabbing on to the earth with pointed fingers. The fingers tensed, clawing further downwards as the body drew itself to ground level.

Liz stepped closer to Max, drawing her face into his shoulder. What she had seen of the creature, only its hands, was already the most hideous and terrifying thing that her eyes had ever laid on. She couldn’t bring herself to look and see what the rest of it would look like. Her heart was in her throat, and she was fighting to stop herself from hyperventilating.

Max’s hand tightened around hers, and he protectively wrapped his other arm around her. He looked around, his eyes wide. When forearms had emerged from the hole, he realized they had to do something, “Liz… run. Run, Liz!”

But she wasn’t responding. She was frozen to the spot, absolutely terrified of the things emerging from the holes around her.

A stick cracked to Max’s right. He looked towards the source of the sound, and felt the earth’s gravity close in on him.

A man… or something that looked like a man… was walking unsteadily towards them. Its bones jerked with each movement. It was completely bald. Its skin was nauseating, with patches of scabs laced with blistered skin and pus. Whatever wasn’t covered in the scabs was charred black. Its hand held an object that Max had never seen before, but it looked a lot like a firearm.

It was hissing and moaning, too, almost like it was trying to communicate to those around him. But, there was no apparent organization between them. Their movement towards Max and Liz was the only evidence of an impending attack.

Max’s head spun around. There were more coming towards them, from all directions. He looked at the one who had snapped a twig under its foot, and was instantly frozen stiff. The creature’s eyes had opened, revealing bright yellow orbs.

His mind was on fire. He could see images running through his eyes, images of his life, his thoughts, his feelings, but it was an agonizing process. He knew that it was the creature’s doing. Somehow, someway, the thing was forcing itself into his memories.

He sunk to his knees, the pain unbearable. He didn’t want it to know about him. He didn’t want to give it his life. He had thought that belonged to him and only him. He fought.

The harder he fought, the worse it hurt. Just when he was convinced his head was going to split in two, something stopped the creatures from penetrating his mind any further. He got up and looked around.

Liz had caused the creature to break eye contact with Max by throwing anything that she could find at him. Max shakily ran towards Liz, desperate to keep her safe. He realized that the only thing stopping these creatures from fully attacking them was their newly-emerged status. In a few moments, they would have their bearings and they would attack with all of their force. He had to get Liz to safety.

He pushed her up against a tree, somewhere in the shadows, where he hoped they wouldn’t be able to see them as well, frantic to keep their points of vulnerability limited. The fewer sides the creature had to come from, the less advantage they had attacking Max and Liz.

Max breathed out shakily, pressing the front of his body up against Liz’s. Her back was flat against the trunk of the tree. In any other situation, he would have been pleased at the position. He whispered to her, his breaths coming in frail rasps, “Are you okay?”

She nodded weakly, her eyes wide and her mind swirling. This was just like her dream. She had seen this in her dream. She had seen the creatures’, whatever they were, eyes in her mind, days before the actual event. She hadn’t told anyone, and now their lives were in danger. She couldn’t find the words to say anything.

“I need you to run. Run straight to camp and don’t look back. No matter what you hear or think is happening, don’t look back. I’ll follow you. If you get there and I don’t, don’t come back into the woods. Tell Michael what’s going on, okay?”

She looked like she was going to shake her head, but a yellow blast of energy soared over their shoulders and hit the tree trunk, inches from Liz’s head. Max looked over his shoulder. The first creature had found its gun. And it knew how to use it.

Max spun Liz around and pushed her towards the campsite. Another blast came at them, this one originating from another direction. He raised his voice over the groaning of the blasts, “Go! RUN!”

She ran. Max ran after her, occasionally glancing over his shoulder to see the progress of the creatures. They were streaking behind them, almost unnaturally fast. They didn’t even seem to be running, more disappearing and appearing next to them at random intervals. Blasts soared pats Max and Liz, slamming against trees and splintering wood. Only two hundred yards from the edge of the trees, a blast caught Liz by the heels and she fell to the ground, grabbing at her ankle and screaming in pain.

Max felt his heart stop for a moment. He bent over her, trying to see her ankle. Her sock and shoe were in the way, so he saved the examination for later and scooped her into his arms, whispering comforting words in her ear. Her face automatically buried into his chest as pained tears flowed over his shirt. He looked around hopelessly.

Their cease in motion had enabled all of the creatures to catch up with them.

They were surrounded now, the ring of creatures at least three deep in all directions. Max looked around fearfully. He wasn’t the blaster of the group, that was Michael. Max only had a defensive power.

He closed his eyes and shifted Liz so that he could support her with one arm. He extended his other arm slightly, aware of the guns cocking around him. He prayed to himself, to whatever being happened to be looking down on them right now, if there even was one, “Please do something. Please do something. Please do something.”

A blast directly hit his knee, and another pounded into the elbow of the extended arm. Max heard a crack both times. He sunk to the forest floor in pain, Liz coming down with him.

Liz got to her senses slightly and precariously balanced on her good ankle. She tugged at his good arm, ducking every once in a while to avoid the crossfire. She pleaded with him, “C’mon, Max… we’ve got to go… get up… please get up…”

So he did what he told her to do. Using the support of a nearby tree, he pulled himself up with his good arm and rested on his leg. He leaned against the tree, shaking his head, “Liz… keep going. I’ll be behind you.”

She shook her head, tears in her eyes, “No, come on. We’re doing this together. We have to. It’s only a little further.”

He nodded, his eyes glancing around the circle. A blast was going straight for Liz’s head. He knew, by the way his knee and elbow had been mangled, that she wouldn’t survive it. A surge of urgency and a panic for protection grew within him. He tried to scream at her to duck, but he knew that it would be too late. There was only a split second before the love of his life would be taken away from him completely.

Until an unearthly green surrounded them and the blast melted harmlessly into the light.

Max and Liz looked around, completely baffled. Max looked down to his hands. They were both emanating a bright green light, the same shade as the light surrounding them.

It was a shield of some sort, and Max had no idea how long he would be able to generate it. He entwined his fingers with Liz’s and they started to move again, the shield parting the creatures and creating a path for Max and Liz to follow.

Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. The creatures disappeared and reappeared before their eyes, but none ever came in touch with the feeble, faint shield that Max was somehow keeping up.

Fifty feet from the edge of the trees, the shield fizzled and waned. Max’s energy was almost completely shot. He took deeper, raspier breaths and struggled to keep up with Liz’s pace.

They both collapsed on the edge of the campground. Liz looked up, struggling to her feet once more. She called out to anyone who could hear her, “HELP!”

A few panicked voices sounded and footsteps ran towards them. Liz heard Kyle curse, “What the fuck happened?!”

“Creatures… out… ground… need… run…”

Max’s punctuated sentences were stopped when a blast whizzed past Kyle’s ear. Kyle screamed over his shoulder, “Guys, we’ve gotta get going!”

A hissing, sputtering noise filled the air. Kyle’s stomach dropped with dread. This wasn’t normal. No animal could have done this to them.

Tess, Michael, Maria, Alex and Isabel came into view around the corner of a tent. Michael’s eyes widened. Kyle was struggling to pull Max to his feet. Max and Liz were both covered in blood, their faces were dirty and smudged. Coming out of the woods, not five feet from them, were things that he could have never imagined in a nightmare.

Michael reacted instinctively, yelling at his friendly three to duck and then he raised a palm and sent counter fire towards the creatures. He barked commands at Alex, telling him to get a blanket and help Kyle get Max onto it.

This command was made futile when Max hobbled to his feet and refused anymore help from Kyle. Michael ran closer towards the group, still firing the occasional power blast at any of the creatures who got within five feet of them.

Until a shot from one of the firearms hit him square in the chest and he flew twenty feet backwards, landing flat on his back.

Maria screamed, running towards him. Michael wasn’t moving. His eyes were closed. But he was breathing slightly. That was what mattered.

Kyle saw that their only offensive power was lost, so he did the only thing he knew that he could do. He ordered Liz to run ahead. When she was halfway to the others, he threw Max over his shoulder and prayed that his super speed wouldn’t give up on him.

Together, the two made it over to Michael. Kyle told Max to do whatever necessary to heal him, but only enough so that Michael would be able to return to action.

He turned towards the creatures and ran at them, his speed picking up so much so that the objects were blurring past him. He didn’t know how he was running this fast. He had never gone so fast before. Perhaps it was the adrenaline pumping through his veins, perhaps it was the ‘flight’ half of fight or flight working for him.

He managed to maneuver his way through the crowd of creatures and whisked a gun out of one of their hands without stopping. He moved back to his place next to Michael and Max.

Michael raised an impressed eyebrow when Kyle came back with the gun. Max had healed him and he was working on blasting through any creature he could find. It seemed like any blunt, direct hit was disintegrating the things.

Kyle smirked slightly and turned back to the creature, surveying the gun.

He cocked it and then found the trigger, aiming it at the closest trigger. He fired and the blast made contact, disintegrating the beast. Kyle smirked again.

Behind the battlefront, Maria and Alex were helping to load Liz into the car. Isabel and Tess were watching from behind the tents and helping to gather anything they absolutely needed, so they could leave quickly. But, so far, the boys were intent on making a stand, and they weren’t backing down until they had done just that. Tess had been trying to mindwarp the creatures, but she couldn’t concentrate long enough to penetrate their minds. She kept thinking about Kyle, fighting defenselessly in front of an army of twenty.

She was worried about him.

The battle waged on for a half an hour.

If the creatures ever got a blast in a dangerous zone, Max’s shield would instinctively take over and block it from lethally hitting them. There was on instance when the shield wavered and a smaller, less powerful blast broke through and grazed Kyle’s cheek.

Kyle shook it off, and kept fighting. The gun, as far as he could tell, was using an alien form of ammunition and he never had to reload.

The last creature faced them. It was the one that had gotten into Max’s mind. Somehow, he just knew it was the same one.

But, Max started realizing that the trees at the edge of the forest were beginning to undergo the same phenomenon as the trees back in the woods. He screamed out to everyone, “Get to the cars! We’ve got to get out of here!”

Michael frowned, “We’ve got him! We’re not retreating now!”

“Get to the damned car, Michael!”

“No! We’re finishing this!”

“We can’t take anymore hits!”

“There’s only one left!”

Kyle had been transfixed by the bases of the trees. He spoke slowly, his voice haunted, “We need to get out of here.”

Michael roared, “Fine! Go! I’m staying here and finishing this!”

“Michael! GET IN THE CAR!” Max shouted.

None of them had moved at all since they started yelling at each other. The new set of creatures was beginning to move out of the earth.

Michael looked from the creature to Max to Maria, who was expectantly waiting at the driver’s seat of the Jetta. Everyone was loaded up now, it was just a matter of getting Max, Michael and Kyle to the cars.

“FINE!” Michael screamed. He sent a final blast towards the creature, but they never would find out if it hit it. Instead, Michael and Kyle took an unappreciative Max by the underarms and helped him to the jeep.

He insisted on driving, so they let him.

All of the cars pealed out of the area just as an unearthly blue light filled the area, accompanied by small flashes of red lights. They didn’t see the phenomenon. They were too focused on leaving the area behind.

Aliens were closing in on Roswell.

The war had begun.

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Post by sprayadhesive »

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of the feedback! You guys are being far too kind and I love reading all of your reactions. I'm so sorry that I didn't get this part out remotely close to when I was aiming for. Summertime's going to clear my schedule drastically so hopefully I'll be able to up the rate of posting.

Thanks again for the feedback and the bumps!

LB4: Lovely, lovely Laira. Without you, I'd have punctuation errors.
: Okay, that last statement of yours was a little prophetic. Or maybe you just jinxed it...
Michelle in Yonkers
: We'll see about Alex and Maria. The plus side to this being posted now is you only had to wait half as long as everyone else?
Amber Eyes
Allie Xie
l: Because Kyle's a guy. That's why he didn't take more than one gun. ;) Just kidding. He was just under a lot of stress at the time and the thought didn't occur to him remotely.

Part 3
October 6, 2000

“How many did we lose?”


“Shit. There’s no point in avoiding it, now. They’ve been exposed and so have we. We need to move in and get the situation under control.” She told the man in front of her, the very same man she’d barked orders to that morning.

Despite what it seemed, the two had known each other for a very long time. Their motives were almost identical.

The man nodded, “I’ll get the order out. We’ll have them brought here in less than an hour.”

The woman shook her head, “No. I’m going to go get them myself.”

“Do you think that’s safe? Especially after what happened tonight and the incident with their Protector?”

“They were just attacked. They’re scared. We’re going to be better off if I go alone than if we charge their location, giving them all heart attacks. Rath would probably have one or two of us dead before we could explain ourselves.”

He nodded, “You’re right. Do you want any backup?”

“No.” She gazed out of the window, staring at her car. “I’ll be back in two hours. I sent a message to Antar not too long ago. Make sure you stick around, in case they send any orders.”

<center>… … …</center>

“We can’t just go back home! What if they’re following us?!” Alex asked, his voice panicked. Isabel had insisted on getting in the car with Max, to make sure that he was going to hold up, and Alex had, out of pure habit, gone with her.

Liz shifted slightly around, wincing as a sharp pain shot up from her ankle through her calf. She shook her head, “What are we supposed to do, Alex? We’ve got no choice!”

Maria, watch the road!” Michael’s voice barked out of the phone that Isabel had open in her hand. They were currently on a three-way phone call with all of the cars: Michael and Maria in the Jetta and Kyle and Tess in the Mustang, everyone else in the jeep. All of the phones were on speakerphone.

I can’t watch the road, Michael! I’m freaking out!!

Max, Maria and Tess all had the pedals floored. They were breaking ninety miles per hour, desperate to lose the creatures behind them.

Max spoke softly, his voice strained, “There’s always the pod chamber.”

That’s on the opposite side of town.” Kyle reminded him, “If those things are following us, that’ll just lead them straight into Roswell.

We could skirt around Roswell,” Tess commented. “There won’t be roads the whole way, and it’s only a little bit of dirt. The cars can handle it, and we could fix them up after we get to the chamber.

I don’t know…” Michael said hesitantly.

Liz looked sideways at Max. His knuckles were white from clutching the steering wheel so tightly. The steering wheel was bloody and slick. He was driving with one hand, his other cradled delicately in his lap. He winced constantly, the strain from even pressing down on the gas pedal bordering on too much for him to handle. They needed to get somewhere soon.

“We’re going to the pod chamber.” It wasn’t a suggestion that he was posing this time. It was a command.

How nice of you to take charge once in a while.” Michael quipped sarcastically.

Isabel barked back, “Shut up! You’re such a hypocrite!

Michael went to make a comment back, but there was a beep on the phone, signaling it being switched off of speakerphone, and then Maria’s voice came through, “I am freaking out, driving 100 miles an hour at one in the morning, driving away from things straight from a sci-fi movie and all you guys can do is argue?! HELLO?! I. AM. FREAKING. OUT.

There was commotion on their end of the line and Michael’s voice came next, “I think she’s freaking out.

Tess slammed her hand against the steering wheel, “Well get her to stay semi-rational! We’re all on the verge of a freak-out here and we’re dealing with it.

Michael muttered something about never being able to calm Maria down and they could hear Maria screaming profanities at him.

“Just keep up.” Max looked over his shoulder. The Jetta was the last car in the line, the Jeep was the first. He quickly turned to the front, “Make sure someone keeps a watch on the road behind us.”

Yeah, whatever.” Michael sighed.

“This is not ‘whatever’, Michael, this is our lives.” Max bit out angrily. He was sick of Michael’s attitude.

I am watching the damned road, Your Highness.” Another beep, signaling their connection to the Jetta was terminated.

Max groaned and had to fight to not stop the car and pummel Michael right then and there.

Final statements were made between the Jeep and the Mustang and the phones were disconnected. Alex touched Max on the shoulder, “Are you okay? I can drive if you need me to.”

“I’m fine.” He shrugged his shoulders. Each time they passed a road light, a glint of determination was apparent in his eyes. “We can’t stop. Not yet.”

A few miles from Roswell, Max veered off of the road and onto the flat desert dirt. Dust flew up behind the Jeep and the cars behind him pulled up alongside of him to increase their range of visibility.

They skirted the town, keeping at least five miles between them and the outskirts of town at all times. The travel time was tripled, but it was worth trying to keep Roswell safe.

In the Mustang, things were just as frosty as they were in the other cars.

Kyle sat forward in the passenger’s seat, his arms resting on his knees, “My adrenaline is pumping so badly right now.”

“This isn’t a game,” came Tess’s cold reply.

“Don’t you think I figured that one out when Evans and Liz came out of the woods all bloody, followed closely by these… things… that were shooting at us?!” He shook his head angrily, “Stop acting like you’re the only one who should be worried about this.”

He rubbed his hand over his cheek bone tentatively. The hit he had taken was really starting to sink in. It hurt every time he spoke and he was pretty sure there would be a bruise there.

“Kyle, there are creatures that I have never seen before in my entire life trying to kill us. I’m not trying to act like this doesn’t affect me. I’m trying to keep myself from falling apart like Little Miss Princess Deluca back there.”

“Don’t talk to me like I’m five.”

“God, you’re impossible.”

“Yeah, I suppose I’m just not alien enough to understand you, huh?” He glared angrily out the passenger’s window. “I need to get out of this car before I go crazy.”

“Don’t act like you’re fine.” Tess’s eyes narrowed, “You were injured. Max probably won’t be able to heal your face immediately, either. He’s got to be exhausted.”

Kyle scoffed, “You would be concerned with him, wouldn’t you?”

“And that’s supposed to mean what, exactly?” Tess glared at him, “That I have a little compassion for someone other than you and it’s eating you up inside, right?”


Five minutes of silence descended on them.

“What the hell were those things?!” Kyle couldn’t stop thinking about them. He had a hunch that they were on the minds of the rest of the group, too.

Tess shook her head, “I don’t know.”

A minute’s silence. And then, “What WERE those things?!”

“I DON’T KNOW!” Tess screamed at him. Why wasn’t it sinking in?!

“I’m glad your training’s coming in handy.” Kyle quipped sarcastically. He knew it was a low blow. He didn’t even mean his statement. There was no way that he wanted Tess to be on the front lines fighting those things. He was just finding the situation so hard to grasp.

Tess went silent and bit her lip. Nasedo had trained her for years to be a fighter. And the one time she needs to fight to keep her life and the lives of her friends, she fails. She couldn’t bring herself to act upon her dangers. Fear had won. The car swerved slightly.

Kyle placed a hand on the steering wheel, straightening out the car, “Are you trying to kill us?!”

Tess rubbed her head slowly, “I’m sorry, okay?!” She groaned, “I have a killer headache.”

Kyle’s expression softened, “Do you have any Tylenol that I can get for you?”

“In my purse.” She pointed to the bag lying at his feet.

Kyle dug through it for a few seconds, pulled out a bottle and shook out two pills. He offered them to Tess and watched her swallow them dry. He spoke softer this time, more aware to be concerned with her headache, “Do you get headaches a lot?”

“No.” She shook her head, “Only when I’m super stressed. I think it’s some sort of a side effect of my power. The energy builds when the stress builds and I have to work to keep my powers in control and not mindwarp everything that moves. It hurts my head a bit.”

Kyle frowned, “Does that happen with all of you?”

She shrugged, “I’ve never really thought to ask them about it.”

“Listen, Tess, I didn’t mean what I said about your training. I just…” He tightened his lips slightly, “Buddha help me, but one day I’m a normal kid, the next I’m getting healed by an alien and the day after that I’m getting hunted by aliens.”

“We’re all stressed. Don’t worry about it.”

“It’s just… it’s important for us to all band together right now. We got out alive because we worked with each other.”

He noticed how she kept checking her rearview mirror and called her out on it. She frowned again, “I keep waiting to see them following us. Why aren’t they coming?”

“Maybe they couldn’t keep up?”

She shrugged, the wheels spinning in her head, “Didn’t it look like they were just… I don’t know… teleporting? Wouldn’t it be easy to follow us that way?”

Kyle scrunched up his face in thought, “I don’t know… Maybe someone else got a better look.”

“Yeah.” She ran a finger through a curl framing her face, “Maybe.”

They sat in a more comfortable silence and Kyle stared straight ahead. He could see the rock formation beginning to loom on the horizon.

<center>… … …</center>

The group slowly made their way up the rocks, Max leading them at a pace that everyone was sure he wasn’t fit to be traveling. He was trying to keep up the appearance of being uninjured and strong, but everything about his stance and occasional winces screamed the opposite. He had healed Liz’s ankle enough for her to limp up the rocks without any major pain, but he had saved his energy as opposed to healing himself.

Kyle and Tess brought up the back, Kyle making sure that Tess constantly had her footing on the loose pebbles and sometimes even keeping a hand on the small of her back for added security. Tess wasn’t complaining.

No one spoke a word until the rock sheet slid closed behind them and they were illuminated by the unearthly glow of the pods. The lighting wasn’t excellent, but it would do for their meeting.

They all sat around the chamber, sitting closer than they would have chosen before, but still not close enough. They all looked at Max, who had remained standing with Liz.

Liz spoke tentatively, “Are you sure that you’re alright?”

“Yes.” He groaned.

“Is everyone okay?” Maria looked around, but her eyes slowed over Michael and then fell on Liz, “Are you?”

Liz shrugged noncommittally. Her ankle hurt, but she was too busy worrying about other things right now.

An uneasy silence fell over the group. Kyle broke it, “What the hell was that back there? What were those… things?”

Everyone instinctively looked to Tess.

She eyed them all before tugging at her hair, “I don’t know!!”

“You don’t have to be so nasty,” Maria snapped, wrapping her arms across her stomach.

“I am so not in the mood to deal with you right now.” Tess blew a strand of hair out of her face, glaring at Maria.

“Tess and Maria, both of you stop!” Max shouted. Everyone looked at him with equal expressions of surprise. “We need to use what we have left of our excused time from home to regroup and come up with a plan, because whether we like it or not, something has just changed in our cozy little lives.

“What did you have in mind?” Isabel chimed in.

Max looked around, “I want to get everyone healed, first.”

“Can you start with yourself?” Alex raised his eyebrows pointedly.

Max shook his head, “I healed myself already.”

“You can’t bend your arm and your knee has been shaking since you came out of the woods. You need to heal it,” Liz pitched in.

Max hesitantly complied and placed a hand next to his knee. He instantly felt some of the strength return to his body, but it was weakening his mind. He couldn’t remember ever using his powers as much as he had been using them tonight. He then healed his elbow. When that was done, he bent over and finished healing Liz’s ankle.

“Michael, take off your shirt.” Isabel blurted out.

The entire group turned to stare at her. She looked back at them defensively, “He got hit with a blast square in the chest. Max only healed him enough to get him going again. I just want to see if there’s any mark or anything.”

Michael responded by removing his shirt. Isabel and Maria gasped. A charred black round shape was on his skin.

“Does that not hurt?” Alex asked slowly.

Michael shrugged, “Not too much. Max healed most of it earlier, remember?”

“We got so lucky.” Maria stated lowly, her eyes still on the burn.

“She’s right.” Kyle added. He paused, “I just can’t stop thinking about those things. What the hell were they?”

No one answered this time. Max was bent over Michael, healing him. He stopped and took a step back. The mark was completely gone.

Max then walked over to Kyle and repeated the task. Kyle thanked him.

Isabel looked at Max with concern, “You look a little pale. Maybe you should sit down.”

“I’m fine.” He groaned, “I’m just a little dizzy.”

“Is everyone alright, now?” Tess looked around.

They all nodded.

Max suddenly backed against the far wall of the cavern and sunk down into a sitting position against it. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

Liz was by his side in seconds, “Are you okay?”

“I just got really light-headed. It’s nothing to get worried about.”

“Seriously, guys, what were those things?” Kyle’s voice interrupted.

“I like to call them Skins.”

A voice fit to carry a tune came from the opening of the pod chamber. Max jumped up and moved in front of the group immediately, holding out his arm and channeling the feeling of his need to protect others that overpowered him earlier tonight when his shield would appear.

A green wall separated the newcomer and the group. The woman quirked an eyebrow and gave him a half smile as well as an approving nod, “New power?”

“Who the hell are you?” Michael had risen to his feet and gone to stand next to Max.

“I’m Serena.” Her smile grew, “And you must be Rath’s duplicate.”

“What do you want?” Max spoke slowly, carefully. The strain from using his powers yet again was making his outstretched arm shake.

She held up her hands, “Take it easy. I’m not here to hurt anyone.”

Her hair was short, cut to her chin but flipped outwards. Right now it was an auburn color, but from the boldness of the color, it seemed like she changed her hair color frequently. A pair of white framed Jackie Onassis sunglasses sat on top of her head, not that she needed them in the dark. It seemed like they were there more out of habit than anything else.

She had almond shaped emerald green eyes and light freckles on her nose and cheeks. She wasn’t too tan or too pale. She was a good, average height and she hadn’t stopped smiling since she’d arrived.

“How do you know about those things?” Kyle demanded from behind Michael and Max.

“I’ve been battling them for fifty years or so.” She commented softly, her demeanor becoming more business-like, “I was sent here to collect the Royal Four and keep them safe before we can negotiate a means to return them home.”

She stepped closer to the shield, but Max barked at her, “Don’t come any closer.”

His words were moot point when the shield flickered, died, and he collapsed.

Serena cursed and moved towards him, but Michael had extended his arm and was sending her a silent message. One that she understood completely: move and die.

Liz and Isabel went over to Max and watched as he slowly opened his eyes and gave them a faint, sad smile, “I don’t feel too well.”

“What’d you expect after the night you had?” Serena frowned, her first since she’d arrived. She was wearing a bubble gum pink halter top and a pair of low rise jeans with a pair of black flip flops. “It’s your powers telling you to slow down on the usage.”

“How are we supposed to believe anything you say?” Michael demanded, ignoring her statements completely.

“You just do.”

Alex’s ears had perked up with her last question, “How do you know what we did tonight?”

“I’ve had scouts follow you since we found you this morning.” She shrugged, “I can’t take any chances where the Royal Four are concerned. I had to make sure you were them.”

“Isn’t that convenient? She’s been following us since this morning and we get attacked tonight.” Michael frowned.

Max growled, “Michael, let her have her say.”

Serena grinned when Michael stopped talking, figuratively pointing her tongue out at Michael in revenge, “Thank you, Your Highness. As I was saying, I was trailing you to make sure that nothing was out of the ordinary until… well…”

“We were attacked.” Max supplied.

Serena nodded, “My scouts were too far to be effective immediately so one of them gathered some soldiers to head to your position. By the time they arrived, you guys were already on the way out of the forest. They dealt with the Skins, so that problem’s averted… for now.”

“What do you want from us?” Max spoke tactfully, not committing to her statements but not disowning them completely.

“I’d like you four to come and train with us. The Others already know that we’re here. It won’t be long before they track us. Hopefully we’ll be gone by the time that happens.”

“Fo--?” Maria started.

Max cut her off. He didn’t want Liz’s status exposed to a complete stranger. It would just put her in the middle of trouble, especially with Serena’s last statement. “I want to talk to our protector before this goes any further.”

Serena’s eyes flitted with something for a moment before she hesitantly nodded, “Okay. Call him.”

Max nodded and took his cell phone out of his pocket. He was shocked it wasn’t smashed into a million pieces. He dialed Nasedo’s number and the answering machine immediately picked up, “If this is Max, dial pound and then the Royal number.

Max fumbled the phone in shock and then punched pound followed by five, the only number he could come up with. The message started after a beat, “They’ve found me. I’m in trouble. Serena and her men should be landing soon. Find them. She’ll help--.” It sounded like he was running. He had recorded the message while on the run. There was a loud bang and a noise, followed by Nasedo’s blood curdling scream. Then the line went dead.

Max dropped the phone numbly and looked around the cave, “I think he’s dead.”

Serena nodded, “We found him a few days ago. There were signs of the Skins all around him. It’s why we decided to find you guys.”

“You knew?” Tess asked, her voice sounding funny. She might not have particularly liked the guy, but he was her father figure. “Why didn’t you tell us before he called?!”

“Would you have believed me?” Serena raised an eyebrow.

Alex shook his head, “She’s right.”

“Of course I am.” Serena started smiling again.

“So what do you expect us to do?” Isabel chimed in. “Pack up and leave Roswell without so much as an explanation to our parents?”

Serena shook her head, “Oh no, we’ll be staying in Roswell.”

“You’re staying in Roswell?” Maria repeated blankly, “You don’t think anyone will notice a bunch of extra terrestrials checking into the one and only motel in the town?”

“I have a house.” Serena repeated, her voice sounding bright and ignorant to Maria’s sarcasm.

When she wasn’t speaking war, she was very… bubbly.

Serena turned her back to the group and walked towards the exit. She looked over her shoulder, the grin apparent yet again, “Coming?”

They all looked at each other and shrugged. Liz didn’t look very happy with Max, but she allowed him to take her hand. They’d been holding hands for a second before Serena turned around, a look of shock on her face.

“You’re the Queen.” She said animatedly, “He healed you. You’ve been Saved.”

“How did you know that?” Liz asked, awestruck. Beside her, Max was cringing. He didn’t want her to know. He wanted to be able to keep Liz unattached and safe.

Serena’s smile grew, if that was even possible. She threw her arms around Liz, “The aura of the room changed. Oh, thank you, thank you! You have no idea how happy I am that King Zan’s found his Queen. Do you know what this means?!”

“…No.” Liz was almost completely lost at Serena’s logic.

“We can beat him. We have hope! I wish I had more time to think about this, but there really isn’t any. We have to get back to the base before anything else happens. Oh my goodness, I am freakin’ excited.” And then she turned, leaving them in the cave, expecting them to follow.

Max stared after her, an image burned into his brain. On her upper arm, he’d seen a black tattoo, with five triangles making a band across her arm. There were three of the triangles pointed downwards alternating with two triangles pointing skywards. Something about it seemed very familiar.

Last edited by sprayadhesive on Mon May 14, 2007 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sprayadhesive »

Thanks to everyone for all of the feedback, bumps and PMs. I only have three words for you: Muse is back.

: I bet you I beat your estimate. I bet you.
: Haha, thanks. I'm trying to give her some dialog that I might pop out in my every day conversation.
: I'm glad you're having fun! That's what I'm aiming for.

Part 4
October 6, 2000

Serena pranced ahead of the group, keeping her head high and her eyes alert. Even though the people behind her couldn’t tell, she had been constantly on the lookout for the enemies as soon as they had left the safety of the pod chamber.

She reached the area with the four parked cars and immediately started towards her own pride and joy - the blue Corvette.

Kyle shouted out, “That was you this morning?! Holy Hell, you have been following us all day. I remember seeing you.”

“Yep.” Serena smiled brightly, turning to face him. She arched an eyebrow, “If I had known you were part of the Royal Five’s inner circle, I would have abducted you then and there.”

Kyle’s face paled, and Serena laughed brightly. Kyle did his best to force on a smile after that, still unsure of whether or not she was serious.

Serena reached for her door handle, but two simultaneous voices halted her, “Stop. We have questions for the ride there.”

Liz and Max looked at her expectantly, almost unaware of how they had mimicked each other. Serena pointed to the car, “It’s a two seat’er.”

“So have someone else take your car. You’re riding with us.” Max motioned over his shoulder to the Jeep.

Serena didn’t even protest. She tossed her keys to Michael and smirked at him, “Ride ’em, cowboy.”

“Oh, c’mon!” Kyle groaned, gazing longingly at the car. Michael pumped the air with his fist.

Maria rolled her eyes, “You’re kidding me, right? We’re in the middle of a life changing moment, and all you two can think about is if you can drive that stupid car?”

“This is not a stupid car, Maria.” Michael said reverently, his hand already stroking the top of the car, “It’s a Corvette. A brand new one, too.”

Isabel tried to fight down her laugh, but failed miserably. She covered her mouth with her hand, her speaking muffled, “And to think two hours ago Michael was blasting the shit out of some Skins.”

“Speaking of which,” Alex interjected, making his statement pointed, “We still don’t know exactly what Skins are. I want more answers, too.”

“I promise that we’ll get them when we get to a more secure location.” Serena was back to being all business, now. She scanned the horizon, “I don’t know if my troops were able to hold back all of the skins or not, but I would rather like to find out on my own terms, rather than be taken by surprise. So, if we can…” She motioned towards the cars once again.

Kyle pouted his lip and looked at Michael, “Please can I come? Please? I promise I won’t be loud.”

“Okay.” Michael groaned, rolling his eyes, “God, you’re overreacting, don’t you think? It’s just a stupid car.”

As the two climbed into the car’s seats and closed the doors behind them, Maria stamped a foot into the dirt, groaning loudly, “He is going to be the death of me!”

Maria and Alex climbed into the Jetta, while Tess and Isabel went into the Mustang. Serena, Max and Liz led the group in the Jeep.

Max looked in his rearview mirror at Serena, who was leaning casually against the frame of the Jeep and looking out of the window, across the flat landscape. She seemed to smile involuntarily, the corners of her mouth turning upwards even in the crazy situation that they all now found themselves in. Max cleared his throat, getting her attention, “How did you know about Liz?”

“Everyone’s heard of the prophecy.” Serena stated truthfully, “It is the inspiration for the Rebels. Without it, I don’t think that people would have held onto their faith for such a long time. No prophecy of Antar has even been known to go unfulfilled. It’s just such a relief to know that this one has a fighting chance at playing out.”

“No, but how did you know that Liz was the one I had brought back to life?” Max insisted.

Serena’s smile grew, “It’s my power. I’m a kind of empath, I guess you could say. I read people’s auras.”

At their confused looks, she explained further, “Auras are a person’s essence. Each person’s aura is different, and their auras change depending on the kind of situations they find themselves in. I could see each of your aura’s immediately, but when you held hands, your auras fused. I’ve never seen anything like that before. The only explanation that I could come up with is that the prophecy had been fulfilled.”

“So not everyone’s going to know that Liz and I are who the prophecy says we are?” Max asked, relief forming in his mind.

Serena shook her head, “Not unless you tell them. And, right now, I think it would be better to keep everyone in the dark about it. The less people who know, the less likely it will make its way back to Khivar.”

Max and Liz nodded.

Serena leaned forward in her seat, as if they were about to dish about some juicy gossip, “So? How’d it happen?”

“How’d what happen?” Liz frowned.

“How did Zan heal you?”

“Oh…” Liz’s expression softened, a smile forming on her lips, “I was shot one day at the café my parents owned. I would have died, but Max healed me. We just kept getting closer and closer after that.”

“And even after you found out about what he was, you stuck with him.” Serena’s eyes were as large as saucers, “That’s amazing. Absolutely incredible.”

“He was still the same boy I knew.” Liz smiled lightly and took Max’s hand into hers.

Max nodded, “Everyone in our group hasn’t had a problem accepting what we are in the long run. We all sort of protected each other, and it’s worked for us.”

“Except for Pierce.” Liz added.

Serena’s attention peaked at this. Max’s aura suddenly constricted, so she knew that the material was sensitive to him. She sat up straighter, “Who is Pierce?”

The rest of the car ride was spent with Liz and Serena bouncing back comments and stories about the Special Unit. Of course, Serena had heard of them, and it came as an extreme relief to her to know that the Special Unit had been compromised. From what Liz had told her, only placing a few spies in the government would allow them to keep the hold on the Unit that the Pod Squad had already established. They could have Nasedo replaced within a few hours. No one would know that their faux-Pierce had been missing.

Serena’s only regret was that the Special Unit had gotten a hold of their King. She almost regretted Michael killing the man – if only so that she could kill him herself. But, as she had been taught, she figured that the attacks would only make Zan all the more strong in the long run. The Rebels had learned to turn their weaknesses into strengths a while ago. Serena would have to remember to teach that to their new allies.

<center>… … …</center>

The house was on a dead end of Oak Street, a few streets over from where the Valenti residence was. As they got out of the cars, they couldn’t help but look around for some sort of indication that the house was a shelter for intergalactic aliens.

Serena hopped out of the Jeep, looking around at the group, “Sorry, the neon sign pointing us out hasn’t arrived yet. It should be here any day, though.”

Michael rolled his eyes. They all made their way towards the door, and, somehow, the four aliens had gravitated towards the front of the group.

Kyle glanced around their surroundings. The majority of the house was covered by the branches of surrounding trees, but the house was large. It was one of the more upscale houses in Roswell. The lawn was modestly taken care of – the grass was green and the flowers watered. There was a vegetable garden beneath one of the windows to the right of the door that seemed meticulously weeded.

Serena opened the door and a sudden silence surrounded them. They could all feel the attention of the entire house spring upon them. Serena’s shoulders shook with laughter. At Michael’s questioning glare on the back of her head, she turned to face them, “I’ve just never heard this group be so quiet before.”

Almost as if on cue, twenty individuals came from out of the shadows and knelt before them in the entrance hall, paying a silent respect for their once-dead King. Serena motioned to the man closest to her and he rose obediently. She pointed to Maria, Kyle, Alex and Liz, “These four have earned the respect of the Rebels through their protection of the Royal Four while our kind could not be there to help them. Make sure all of your men learn their faces and their names.”

The man nodded, and then blended back into the shadows.

Serena nodded and then continued through the entrance hall, leading them up a spiral staircase.

The group was unsure of what to do. They weren’t used to being treated like this. Max was, however, happy that Serena had respected his unspoken wishes and kept Liz’s real identity a secret. He couldn’t afford to have her injured in an attempt to get to him.

Serena led them down a large hallway to an office. The window behind the desk oversaw the entire street. There were also a set of French doors laid into the window that led to a small balcony, with two rocking chairs and a side table. Serena took her place at the desk and motioned for everyone to sit amongst the room.

Liz, Maria and Isabel took a seat on the couch across the room. Alex and Michael leaned casually against the bookcase. Kyle and Tess sat in armchairs across from the couch. Max remained standing.

“What are Skins?” Alex demanded.

Serena leaned her elbows against the desk. She exhaled, “How much do you know about Antar?”

“Almost nothing.” Isabel shook her head, “All we know is that we were the Royal Four and we were cloned.”

“This is going to be a while.” Serena rubbed the bridge of her nose warily. “I mean, I knew that I had a lot to teach you, but I didn’t know how much.”

“Belittling us isn’t going to make it go any faster.” Michael folded his arms over his chest.

Serena smirked and mimicked Michael’s position, “I’m not belittling you; I’m laying out the facts.”

“Oh really?” Michael frowned, “Because the only thing that I’ve learned so far is that you have good taste in cars.”

“Michael, give her a chance to get her thoughts together.” Maria warned.

“Thank you, Pixie.” Serena grinned. She chose to ignore Maria’s look of protest at the nickname. “Antar is a planet in the Whirlwind System. It has four other neighboring planets. In times of peace, Antar is the ruling planet of the five. However, ever since the Royal Four has been usurped, the System is in a state of pandemonium.

“A man called Khivar took over the Antarian regime after feeling like the Royal Four had betrayed him. Not much is known about Khivar. He feels that the more information the public knows about him, the more susceptible he is to Rebel attack.

“His paranoia has worked to his advantage. The Rebels haven’t been able to find a weakness. We have been building up to a massive attack brought on from all sides of Antar upon its capital city to overthrow Khivar, but so far we haven’t been able to find a point of vulnerability. Without that point, Khivar’s regime may never come to an end.

“As much as I would love to sit here and tell you that Khivar is a blundering idiot, he’s not. He has built everything he has up off of a basis of fear and twisted that fear into respect. Our people are becoming mindless zombies that follow his will, only because, in the back of their minds, they know what can happen to them and the people they care about if they don’t.

“Immediately after Khivar’s brutal massacre of the Royal Court, allies to the Court managed to sneak their corpses out of Khivar’s control. Using their remains, we were able to engineer clones. Khivar was growing more and more aware of our involvement in the mysterious disappearances of his prized possessions, so we knew that there was only one alternative. We took the clones and sent them to this galaxy. To Earth. No one knew if our plan was going to work until a Seer came to the Rebel base one night.

“She told the prophecy to the first in command and then collapsed. She had been assaulted by Khivar and his men. It was a miracle that she survived at all. From there, we all had hope. It was only a waiting game. We needed to wait to be out of Khivar’s constant watch before we could come and retrieve you.”

“You’re talking like this all happened in your lifetime. It happened at least fifty years ago, didn’t it? You don’t look a day over twenty.” Isabel pointed out.

Serena smiled, “Antarians age slower than Earthlings. I’m really sixty years old.”

There was a disbelieving gagging sound that came from Kyle that the entire group chose to ignore, except for Tess, who glared in Kyle’s direction.

Alex’s brow furrowed, “So you were… ten when the Royal Four were overthrown? But that makes you three and a half in human years. You remember all of this?”

Serena shook her head, “No, but I remember images. I remember certain things like the sheer disbelief in people’s eyes when they heard that the Royal Four had been overthrown. I remember the anxious feeling from the rooms that I was in when the Royal Four were being cloned, and the hope that we would live to see their return.”

“Emotions?” Maria blinked. “That’s all you remember?”

“Everyone on Antar has a standard set of powers – molecular manipulation, telekinesis, and the works. About a quarter of Antar’s population also gets a power unique to themselves. Some people have different variations of a power, others have a power unique altogether. Zan is renowned for being the only individual to have the healing power. In fact, the Royal Four were the first Court to completely have individual powers. The Rebels are comprised of mostly these people.”

Serena explained her powers to the group, just as she had explained them to Max and Liz earlier.

“This is all fascinating, really, but I feel like you’re beating around the bush.” Tess pointed out, “We were just attacked and I want to know exactly what did the attacking. We’re not looking for the complete history of the planet.”

“I’m leading up to it, Ava.” Serena smirked again, “Khivar found out about the cloning almost immediately after it happened. He kidnapped our scientists and tortured them into recreating the technology we used. He then found a way to splice DNA of certain gifted Antarians together to try and create the ultimate soldier. He didn’t factor in that so many powers weren’t supposed to be fused into one organism and copied so many times. The end result that he got was the Skins.

“The first batch he ever created was sent down to Earth. You guys actually started finishing those off. My people finished what you left. After he sent the one batch to Earth, he continued making them. Eventually he had a large army.

“The Skins are ruthless, emotionless killers. They can’t communicate with each other. Any images they do acquire in their small brains are stored until they can reach a specific location and transmit the information to their commanders. I’ve seen entire cities decimated at their hands.”

“They’re his warriors.” Max concluded.

Serena nodded, “The volume of which he’s cultivated the creatures is a feat within itself. There are squadrons of Skin roaming the Whirlwind Galaxy, each one more advanced and specialized than the next.”

“So we got the runt of the litter?” Alex laughed nervously, “That’s reassuring.”

“You held your own, and that was more than any of the Rebels could have asked of you.” Serena’s eyes shone with a subtle pride, “You all acted on your instincts. With the skills and tricks that my people will be able to teach you, you will be able to lead Antar and the Whirlwind Galaxy back to the ways it used to be.”

“Lead the fight?” Maria asked skeptically, “They just now found out about the entire situation. How can you expect them to give up everything to fight for a cause they don’t even relate to?”

Serena’s mouth opened and closed. She had never seen it that way, “It’s what the galaxy expects.”

“The galaxy can’t want to overthrow Khivar that badly.” Kyle shook his head, glancing at Tess and then back to Serena, “They’ve wasted fifty years waiting for the Royal Four. In those fifty years, Khivar’s been able to build up his army. He’s gained strength while you guys have sat back and done nothing.”

“We’ve tried to fight.” Serena bit, “Don’t think that we haven’t. Thousands of lives have been lost trying to defeat Khivar.” She paused, looking around the room, “But our souls – our spirit – is with the Royal Four. Without them, our people have only seen death knocking on their door without any real inspiration. There is no purpose.”

“Did you and ‘your people’ ever once think that they wouldn’t be willing to give up their lives for a galaxy they had never even heard of?” Maria demanded, “Did you take into account that they would maybe not want to accept their destiny? It’s not fair. Khivar poses no immediate threat to any of our lives. Why should they care?”

Maria bit her lower lip, her eyes shining with tears. Liz immediately wrapped her arms around Maria. All of the humans had been thinking on the exact same lines as Maria, but none of them had the courage to voice it.

“Maria…” Michael started slowly.

“No.” Maria bit back, “You don’t get to yell at me for caring.”

Michael scratched awkwardly at his eyebrow, standing down immediately.

Serena cleared her throat, “I’m not forcing anyone into anything. I’m laying out the facts so everyone knows what being the Royal Four means to not only your group, but to millions of lives. It’s a burden that no one should have to bear, especially not knowing what the planets involve means. Knowing all of this information isn’t signing your name in blood. I want the option to be there.”

“Option?” Isabel asked, frowning.

“You can forget all about this if you want, but I’m asking that you at least wait and train with us until you know for sure what you want to do. Don’t rush your decision.” Serena smiled lightly.

“Okay.” Max nodded, “We wait until we’re all dead set on a decision. All of us.”

“Who are you to be proposing all of this, anyways?” Tess challenged her.

“I’m second in command.” Serena smirked again, a cocky air filling the room.

Kyle scoffed, “Someone your age being in such an important position? Don’t you think those shoes are too big for you to fill?”

“I could take you in a second.” Serena’s eyes narrowed, sizing him up.

Kyle’s eyes widened and then he muttered something about not being able to hit girls.

Liz rolled her eyes, “Oh please. Kyle, stop making enemies of the aliens. You’re making that a bad habit.”

Serena ignored their bickering and turned back to Max, “Zan…”

“Max.” Max stopped her. “As far as we’re concerned, our names are not Zan, Vilondra, Rath and Ava. We’re Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess.”

“Of course.” Serena nodded, “Max, will you at least agree to have everyone train to fight? Every second is precious. When you make your decision, we want you to be ready to act, if that is the path you choose.”

Max looked around the room and nodded.

Serena grinned, “Excellent!”

“You called?” A gruff voice came from the double doors behind them. Everyone’s head snapped in the man’s direction.

“Ah, yes.” Serena’s grin turned into a flirtatious smirk, “Group, meet James. He’s a general in the resistance. James, meet the group.”

They all smiled and muttered hello politely. Serena broke this, “James, why don’t you take everyone and introduce them to the crew? I’ve got to contact the Leader and let him know that we’ve made contact.”

James was a tall man around Serena’s age, built very muscular and sturdy. His hair was buzzed closely to his head, and there were scars on visible parts of his body, as though he had been a soldier for most of his life. His eyes were blue, but nothing like Tess’s. They had a powdery blue hue to them, with a more haunted feel. He was wearing black cargo pants, a white sleeveless t-shirt and a pair of black combat boots. Kyle immediately had a thousand army jokes running through his head.

They all instantly recognized him as the soldier Serena had ordered around earlier in the hallway.

Serena winked at him, “Afterwards, you can come back here.”

“Serena, you are far too rash.” James answered almost immediately, although a small smile played across his lips.

“You know you like it that way.” She licked her lips, sending him a look that no one missed.

Alex stood up, “Okay, so, how ‘bout that meet and greet?”

James nodded and motioned for them to follow him. They walked quickly down the hallway from which they came and down onto the first floor. This time, no one was there to stare at them in the hallways.

“So, you and Serena have a thing?” Tess asked bluntly.

James laughed, “Hell no. I don’t have time for ‘things’.”

“Well, it sure seemed like it back there.” Maria shrugged.

“If there’s one thing that you need to learn about Serena,” James looked over his shoulder at them briefly, “It’s that she is far too flirtatious for her own good. A lot of people in the rebellion see it as her biggest fault, but they don’t realize that she knows when to get down to business if it’s necessary. She wouldn’t have come this far in the ranks if she didn’t. Besides, I’ve been around long enough to know that Serena doesn’t mean anything by those little comments.”

“Oh.” Tess and Maria both wrinkled their noses, as if reevaluating the girl they had just met. Serena seemed to have much more up her sleeve than any of them knew.

They walked through another series of doorways and then a door opened to reveal another set of spiral staircases, this time traveling downwards. The room they emerged into seemed to be a sort of go-between room, sending its occupants into the large oak door that stood before them.

James led them through this door and they entered a large meeting room. A good hundred people were standing, in formation, on both sides of them as they made their way through the room and to the front, where a space on a raised platform had been raised for them.

James spoke to them officially, “We were sent here with 120 people. We lost fifteen in the battle last night. This group is just a handful of the amount of people we have willing to give their lives towards restoring the Royal Four.”

They all turned to look at the group standing in front of them. Men and women varying from what looked like twenty years old to fifty years old in human years were all staring at them, smiles upon their lips. As Max turned to look at them, they all knelt down on one knee in unison.

James looked to Max, “There is one test that we need to do to ensure that you are who you are.”

“What is it?” Max looked around. He didn’t know anything about Antar. How was he supposed to be tested and pass?

James placed a hand on the back of Max’s head, and immediately a slight glow from his forehead formed in the shape of the whirlwind symbol that they had all seen before. James nodded, “Congratulations, you are, truly, the King of Antar.”

James cleared his throat, “May I now present to you: His Royal Highness, Zan. Her Royal Highness, Vilondra. His Royal Highness, Rath. Her Royal Highness, Ava. And their esteemed, trusted friends: Elizabeth Parker, Alexander Whitman, Kyle Valenti and Maria Deluca.

“It is only with the help of these four humans that the Royals have been able to survive and thrive on Earth. We owe them our protection.”

The first soldier in the front to the left of the room came forward, shaking each of the eight’s hand. He introduced himself and thanked everyone profusely.

The act repeated for each soldier standing in the first row. After the soldiers were done speaking to them, they would make their way out of the door in the back of the room.

It was after the first row was done that Isabel turned to James, “Why are they thanking us?”

James just smiled his trademark small smile that they were all growing accustomed to.

They were all blown away by the reaction from the people. Michael looked to James unsurely, “But, we’re just kids. We haven’t even done anything.” He repeated, almost to himself, “We’re just kids.”

“It’s not what you’ve done.” James shook his head, “But what you will do.”

Max looked over the room once again. The line that was slowly forming to talk to them was growing by the second, but some still stood in formation, waiting their turn. It was only then that he noticed it – the same tattoo that was on Serena’s arm, in the exact same place as Serena, on every single one of their arms.

He turned to James to look at his arm. He had the tattoo, too.

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Post by sprayadhesive »

Finally had time to write this... :oops:

Part 5
October 6, 2000

Serena glanced briefly at James, before looking to Max with a smile on her lips, “When can you start?”

Everyone looked shocked. Liz spoke out, “We’ve got school.”

“And jobs,” Maria added.

Serena eyed them, “Quit your jobs and spend your time outside of school at the house training. My people will make up the difference of your lost salaries.”

Kyle cleared his throat, “What about football? My dad would go nuts if I quit in the middle of the season. Hell, half of Roswell would be out for my blood…”

“This isn’t going to take over our lives,” Max said authoritatively, looking between James and Serena, “We’re still human kids to everyone else who knows us.”

“I think we can allow for certain extra-curricular activities,” Serena nodded.

“Good,” Max replied.

“We start tomorrow.” James smirked.

<center>… … …</center>

October 7, 2000

Michael was the first to the house the next day. James greeted him in the entrance hall.

Michael pointed to a mark on James’s shoulder, revealed by the sleeveless shirt James was wearing, “What’s up with that? Everyone has one.”

“It’s for the Alliance. Khivar and his men think that they’re just some fad on the planet, but the tattoos really mark who is on our side.”

“Wouldn’t it be easy for someone to just tell that to Khivar?”

“It’s all in the ink… sort of like signing a contract of loyalty. If you try to change sides after you’ve committed to us, or if you try to betray us, your ink seeps through your bloodstream and wipes out your memory completely.”

“Damn,” Michael whistled. “Intense.”

James inclined his head a fraction of an inch. “Sometimes the tattoos can be fooled, but only in extremely rare cases with people who have the strongest of wills.

Michael frowned, “But… do the shapes mean anything? Or is it just some random Antarian thing…?”

“The three triangles pointing downwards are symbolic of the three females who are in the Royal Five – Ava, Vilondra, and the prophesized bride. Alternatively, the two pointing upwards are symbolic of you and Zan. Not many things on Antar are…random.” James smirked.

Michael nodded slightly. The two stood awkwardly in the hallway. James was much like Michael – determined, hardheaded and hard to get to know. Their personalities were so alike that they had no idea what to do with each other. Michael rocked backwards and forwards, from his heels to the balls of his feet. He stuffed his hands into his back pockets.

James clicked his tongue a few times before checking his watch. He frowned, “You’re a bit early.”

“Yeah, well, school’s not my thing.”

“I see.” James raised his eyebrows. He was trying to hold in his awe of being in the same room with Rath - THE Rath. Rath’s skills as a warrior were so well known that he was what every soldier aspired to become. James had looked up to him his entire life. To know that he was serving him now was like a dream come true. Men would kill to be in James’s place, to simply stand next to Rath as somewhat of an equal.

He couldn’t wait to get into the training room to show Rath what he knew.

There was a knock on the front door and James walked the few paces to open it. The rest of the gang was standing on the front stoop, looking slightly anxious. He was very unsurprised to see Zan standing in the front of the rest of the group, a protective air about him.

James motioned for them to follow him. He led them through the entrance hall into a door to the right, something that they had neglected to notice the night before. The door led them to a dark, paneled wooden hallway with matching dark wood floors. There were no windows. The hallway was very short, only a few strides until it led to… absolutely nothing.

This didn’t stop James. He placed his hand against the wall in front of him and his handprint glowed beneath his hand. The wall accepted the print, and a small dot of green light appeared a few feet above their heads, right over the position of James’s hand. The dot elongated until it was a line, much the width of an average door, and then stopped abruptly. They all looked around, confused. James, however, waited. In a second, the two ends of the line were now traveling downwards, towards the floor. It had only taken a matter of ten seconds for a door to be outlined in a bright green light.

James pushed his hand further into his lighted palm print, and the door pushed inwards an inch before sliding up completely.

The space beyond it was pitch dark, but when James stepped past the doorway, they could all see a cement stairwell leading down into an abyss. James seemed completely unaware of the gawking gazes, and continued on as if doors appeared from walls regularly in this household.

James walked through, the gang following, and stopped in the wide hallway at the bottom of the stairs.

“We’re below ground?” Alex looked around.

James nodded, “The only place we could keep our training a secret. It tends to get, er, rather loud at times.”

“Well, that’s completely reassuring.” Kyle raised his eyebrows.

James ignored his cheek. He pointed to a door on his right, “Ava and Vilondra will proceed through –”

“Hold on,” Isabel shook her head, “If we’re going to do this, you and everyone else are going to call us by our human names. I’m called Isabel in this life.” She pointed to them each in turn, “That’s Max, Michael and Tess, got it?”

The corners of James’s mouth quirked upwards for a fleeting second, and he nodded, “I’ll be sure to relay the message.”

“Good.” Isabel crossed her arms. She added it as an afterthought, “Thank you.”

“As I was saying, you two will go through this door. Z-Max and Michael will proceed through this door,” he pointed to the door on his left, “and the four humans will go into the door behind me on the right, understand?”

“No.” Maria frowned, “Why are we splitting up? I was under the impression that WE were going to be training.”

“The Royal Four have powers that you four lack. You four will report to be versed in Antarian weaponry, strategies, technology and history.”

“Wait a second,” Kyle spoke up, ignoring Max’s warning look, “They’re not the only ones who have…”

“Kyle!” Tess growled, “Shut up.”

“No!” Kyle shook her off, “I’ve got these powers because Evans healed me, and I at least want to know how to control them! I can’t go around pretending like I’m human when I have absolutely no idea what I am!”

“You healed him?” James’s eyes narrowed, turning to Max. “Why didn’t you tell us this before?”

“It never came up.” Max set his jaw firmly.

“Fine. I will be alerting Serena immediately,” James said, “Kyle, you can go in with Max and Michael. We need to get a move on, so if you will, please…”

He gestured to the three doors. With glances back at the others, they all reluctantly went into their separate rooms.

The knot in their stomachs couldn’t have gotten any larger.

<center>… … …</center>

Liz led the way through the door that she, Maria and Alex had been designated. She was slightly angry – why did Kyle get to explore his powers while she was forced to stifle hers? She reminded herself that it was because she didn’t know if she actually had powers. It was only a few dreams that happened to come true.

They walked into the room. It was paneled in the same dark wood that the hallway above them had been paneled in. It was roughly the size of the main room of the Crashdown. Piles of books lay against one of the walls. A flat screen television was hung on the wall opposite of them. There was a large, dark wooden table in the middle of the room, with space enough to seat twenty. There was a glow of another concealed doorway being opened on the wall opposite them, and Maria inched closer to Liz and Alex. She glanced warily over her shoulder. Sure enough, the door behind them had closed without any of them touching it.

“Liz.” Serena stepped through the doorway, “I need you to come with me. There are a few things that I need to discuss with you.”

Liz looked at Alex and Maria. Alex shook his head, “I don’t like how you guys are splitting us all up.”

“I promise I won’t do anything to hurt her, Alex.” Serena made eye contact with him, “I’m asking you to trust us. We want to help.”

Liz believed her fully, “It’ll be okay, Alex. I’ll be back before you know it. Just do whatever they want you guys to do, and then we’ll be able to go home.” She squeezed his hand once before following Serena into the backroom. A studious looking man passed Liz on his way into the room. At least he didn’t seem like he would be a threat. Actually, if anything, Liz was worried about leaving him in the room with Maria. She would eat him alive with her questions. She put the task in the back of her mind as she followed Serena through the short hallway (of which she didn’t look around, but could tell that it was lined with the observation side of two-way mirrors) and through yet another door. They came out into a small room, with two armchairs facing each other.

Serena curled into one of the chairs with the mannerisms of a cat. She pegged Liz with a fierce stare, “I know your secret.”

Liz’s heart seized, “You do?”

“No, but I know you have one.” Serena laughed almost coldly, “If I didn’t know that you had been healed by Max, I would still know, especially with the way your emotions jump around anytime someone mentions powers. So, which is it that you have?”

“I…I don’t even know if I have a power… It’s only odd coincidences…”

“Like?” Serena pressed her, her lips tight.

Liz ran her fingers through her hair, “Um… I dreamed about being in the woods and these monsters attacking… and then it happened… with the Skins.”

“You had these dreams often?”

“A few nights leading up to us actually going camping. Why? Is there something wrong with me? Wait a second, how do you even know that Max healing me would definitely give me powers?!”

Serena put her hand up, “Hold on. Nothing’s wrong with you. Well, not in the Antarian sense, anyways. By human standards, I guess you could say there’s something wrong with you. Something alien. Max healing you changed something inside of you. By making the connection for a healing, he transfers a small piece of himself into what he heals. All humans that have ever been healed from a mortal wound eventually develop powers. Our scientists don’t know the reasoning, but it happens.”

“And you think I have developed my powers?”

“Not only the standard set, but your specialized power as well.” Serena smiled giddily, hiding it behind her hands. She set her twinkling eyes on Liz, “Precognition.”

“What?!” Liz had suspected it, but she hadn’t believed her suspicion. It was crazy to hear it confirmed.

“Liz! You should be really, really excited! The last Precog on Antar was Zan and Vilondra’s grandmother! It’s an extremely rare gift!!”

Liz smirked, “Oh joy, I get to live through things twice in my life. Once with those damn Skins was enough, I didn’t need to have to dream about it every night.”

“But at least it led us to figuring out your power.” Serena stopped her rant. “We can work with it. Once you get good at it, you can force visions to happen so that you’ll know the outcome of something on demand. It’s going to be incredible for your combating and the war in general…”

“Who’s helping me to develop these powers, exactly?”


Liz nodded, “Of course.” She didn’t quite know if she liked Serena yet or not. There were certain sides of her that seemed too calculated and strategic, and it made it hard for Liz to trust her.

Serena looked at her sternly, “And you should tell Max about your powers, too. He’d want to know, Liz.”

Liz grumbled, “I know.” It was going to be a tough conversation to have. She knew he would completely freak out.

“C’mon, let’s get your training started.” Serena stood, leading her back through the door in which they came and into the room with the two-sided mirrors. Instead of passing through it like Liz thought, they stopped and walked in the middle of the room. Liz looked around, now noticing that she could see all of her friends in their respective rooms, training.

Serena smirked, “We’ll be working on you predicting the outcomes of their training sessions. And, since your bond with Max is the strongest, we can start with his future.”

<center>… … …</center>

Max cried out in agony as a blast caught him in the side of the head. He fell to his knees, his hand flying to cover the tender flesh. His vision was patchy – almost completely gone. But they were still in the midst of a battle. There were blasts being sent at him, Michael and Kyle from all directions. His shield that had wavered when he went down came back in full force. This time, he focused on making it an all-encompassing sphere. He poured his energy into feeling the presence of Kyle and Michael and channeling their feeling into his shield, so they would be able to get by it without it blocking them.

In a desperate attempt at ending the battle, Kyle darted forwards out of the shield at a breakneck pace. He weaved his way in and out of the stationary obstacles until he finally found what he was looking for: a mechanical blaster. With one swift motion, he was back into the bubble. He panted, talking very quickly, “Michael, aim for a few degrees above the third blockade. Their firepower’s centered on something…”

He didn’t get to finish his sentence. Michael sent an energy blast in that direction, and, upon impact, the drill completed and the blockades shrunk back into the ground. They were left standing in the middle of a very ordinary room.

“We won?” Came Max’s voice from behind Michael and Kyle.

Both turned and cursed immediately. Michael got down on his knees, taking Max’s hand off of his face and surveying the damage, “Max? Can you see me?”

Max shook his head. His eyes felt like they were on fire. All he could see was black nothingness. It was a scary feeling.

“I’m going to kill that bastard.” Michael ground his teeth, looking around for James. James was in here for the beginning of the training, but he had disappeared sometime during it. “If this is permanent…”

“Calm down, Michael.” James’s voice floated over them from the doorway.

Michael stood, pointing his raised hand at James. Kyle jumped quickly to his side, but instead of aiding Michael, he placed a bracing hand on his arm. Kyle shook his head, “He wouldn’t let anything happen to Max. Not on his watch.”

“You’re right, Kyle.” James smiled lightly. He looked at Max and a grimace appeared on his face, “I couldn’t afford to allow the King to kill himself during a training session. However regrettable that injury is, it’s nothing Max can’t completely heal. He’ll be fine.” He saw Max moving to heal it, “Don’t do it now, though. Allow us to provide you three with some nourishment to help replenish and strengthen your powers.”

“Strengthen? Like some kind of alien steroids? No thanks, Captain Ahab.” Kyle shook his head warily, “I’m an athlete. I can’t do that stuff.”

James rolled his eyes, “Relax. It’s kind of like what you humans call protein shakes. It’s simply the nutrients that Antarians need to develop their powers, all rolled into one handy beverage.”

“Sounds lovely.” Michael said sarcastically.

Max groaned, the pain from his wound still fresh. Michael turned back to James, “Are we drinking it now? Or are we going to wait for Maxwell to declare himself legally blind on his driver’s license?”

“Michael.” Max said in a warning tone. He didn’t know if these people would put up with Michael’s scathing sarcasm.

“It’s okay, Max. What you both aren’t realizing is that Michael’s instincts as second-in-command are slowly kicking in the more you train. In this instance, his King is injured. It’s Michael’s duty to make sure you’re healed. Do you understand?” James explained.

“Yeah, whatever. Let’s get the damned drinks.” Michael frowned.

Kyle smirked at James, only to find James smirking right back.

In five minutes, they were all about to take a sip of their drinks. Kyle lowered it from his lips, “Wait a second… what does this taste like?”

James shrugged, “See for yourself.”

Kyle drank it all rather quickly, hoping to get it done faster and therefore having to taste it less. However, when he had swallowed the entire thing, a satisfied look came over his face, “Oranges.”

Michael raised an eyebrow and took a hip. He looked at Kyle strangely, “Mine’s not. It’s more of a uh… chocolate flavor.”

“Strawberry.” Max admitted.

“The molecules of the drink adapt to a person depending on that person’s power. I would assume that a person with no powers that drank it would believe that they were drinking water.” James pondered. He scratched his head, “Maybe we can try it out on Alex or Maria.”

<center>… … …</center>

Isabel screamed out in frustration. It was annoying to be mindwarped time after time after time. She was developing a twitch and a nervous habit of drumming her fingers on the tiles.

Tess’s powers, though, were improving drastically. She was able to hold the warps up for longer than normal, and she was making it harder and harder for Isabel to break them.

Their teacher, a soldier who never introduced himself, looked pleased. He nodded at Tess, “Very well. You’re done for the day. You, now, shall become the target.” He pointed at Isabel, “It is time to test your powers. You dreamwalk, correct?”


“Vilondra was renowned for her dreamwalking ability. She developed it so much, in fact, that she was able to read a person’s deepest desires and fears even in their waking hours. That is what dreams are, are they not? A person’s deepest desires. And a nightmare is a person’s deepest fear revealed.”

Isabel frowned, “So… so I’m supposed to be able to tell what Tess wants the most right now?”

“Or what she fears the most right now. Whichever you channel your energy towards.”

“How do I do that?”

“How do you normally dreamwalk someone?”

“Well, I have a picture of them… and I concentrate on their face and something I know about them… and then I just sort of… do it.”

The man smirked, “This is better than a picture. It’s real life. She’s right in front of you, living and breathing. Keep her picture in your mind’s eye. Close your eyes. Feel her energy within you.”

Isabel closed her eyes warily, but she did as the man said. With each instruction he gave her, she let a piece of her go and felt a little more of Tess enter her.

“Remember a moment that you’ve spent with Tess – a strong one.”

Inhale. Exhale. When Tess first came to town and Isabel found out she wasn’t alone.

“Now seize on to her presence. Draw it into your mind.”

It sounded insane, but she could feel Tess’s essence. She concentrated on it.

“What does it tell you?”

“Buddha.” Isabel frowned. She opened her eyes, looking at Tess oddly. “Buddha? You really want Buddha right now? What the hell?”

Tess blushed, “I got into… Buddhism… over the summer.”

“OH MY GOD!” Isabel shrieked, being overcome with giggles. “You want KYLE?!?!”

“Isabel, shut up!” Tess looked around the room, unsure of how thin or thick the walls were. She blushed even more, “God, if anyone heard you…”

Isabel sobered up slightly, “Ew. You… WANT Kyle. Like you… want him, want him. Ew. Ew.” Her eyes bugged and then she snapped them shut, “I’m going to have to beat that image out of my head. Mental pictures are so not helping at this point.”

“Isabel! Stop it!” Tess folded her arms across her chest defensively. She pouted, “Your power isn’t fair!”

“It’s not about fairness, is it?” The man broke into their conversation. Tess and Isabel were a little startled – they’d forgotten he was even there. “You send illusions to the mind. Isabel can practically read a person’s deepest secrets. But it’s fair, don’t you see? Others have powers much more terrible than yours – mind raping and other unmentionables. If the good guys don’t have powers that can combat the bad guys’ powers, what good are the good guys?”

Tess shrugged, “I guess that’s one way to see it.”

<center>… … …</center>

Four hours later, they all were released from their training session to the kitchen for dinner. Max was nicely healed, Isabel and Tess were rested from their attacks on the other’s minds, and Liz was doing her best to not completely freak out over her new power. She still hadn’t told anyone about it yet. She wanted to tell Max first, in private.

Maria groaned, placing her forehead on the wood of the table, “I hate my life. Alex and I were forced to basically attend another day’s worth of school. Except in this school, it’s nothing that I’m going to ever use on this planet. Dates, facts, figures, history on Antar. It’s completely insane.”

Alex forked a potato, “I kind of enjoyed it. The technology they use is fascinating.”

Maria gave him a death glare. She picked up her knife and pointed it at him, “You. No talking.”

Alex rolled his eyes.

“I’m exhausted.” Kyle complained. “I feel like I ran fifty miles. And I have football practice in an hour!”

“You have practice at eight at night?” Tess raised an eyebrow.

Kyle nodded grimly.

“Sucks,” was the general consensus around the table.

“Where is everyone?” Max had been quiet all of dinner, taking in the training and its effects. He looked towards Serena, who was sitting at the head of the table not actually eating anything and looking rather preoccupied.

She broke out of her trance, “Who?”

“The soldiers. There were so many people going in an out of all of the rooms the last time we were here.”

“Oh.” She shifted uncomfortably, “They’ve got assignments. Now, when can you all come back? We didn’t get nearly enough training done today, and it’s almost breaking point.”

They took her word for it, for lack of other reasoning. This was new territory that they were treading in. If they didn’t trust their teachers, who could they trust?

Last edited by sprayadhesive on Sun Nov 25, 2007 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.