Season Four (AU, YTEEN) ~{COMPLETE}~

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Episode Four:Eleven Judge, Jury and Executioner

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Judge, Jury and Executioner
Author: BeccaBehr
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!
Summary: Tess is called to order.

Previously On Roswell

"You are not killing my sister!" snapped Zan
"No I'm not, you will" said Carly looking at him with large glass eyes. He stepped back shaking his head.
Granilith/Kyle who waved his hand and Belle and Tess became two seperate people. Everyone looked surprised to say the least.


"Alex is... well he's your real father" confessed Isabel.
"I... uh call the First Witness" said Max and was surprised to see the air shimmer near the stone made witness box and Alex Whitman appeared.
"Alex!" cried Gloria in delight.

Jim Valenti sat in the Jury along with Serena, Phillip, Diane and several other people they had never seen before. One of them was Everett Hubble, who glared menacingly at Max.
"Proceed" said Granilith/Carly. Belle stumbled away from the box where Tess was standing and looked extremely confused.
"What's wrong with Belle?"
"Belle Was Possessed As A Child. Tess Has Been Bonded To Her For Far Too Long. Belle Cannot Live With Out Tess, If Tess Dies Then So Shall Belle" said Granilith/Kyle. Max bowed his head in sadness, how he not realised that his daughter was being controlled?
"Father" he looked up at Belle "I am partly to blame for the killings. My power was used, my body was the killer and it must happen"
"No!" he protested
"You Shall Not Judge Yet. The Verdict Is To Be Decided Upon Tess" boomed both Kyle and Carly "Proceed"
"Um would the lawyer prosecuting Tess like to cross examine the witness?" asked Liz feeling like a fish out of water. She didn't know anything about law let alone how to control a court when her daughter's life was at stake.
Brody Davis stood up and paced towards the front and stood in the little space between the judges bench and witness box.
"Alex Whitman am I correct?"
"Yes sir" replied Alex
"You have known Tess how long?"
"A year"
"A year?"
"Yes, for the rest of the time I was dead"
"And that year you went away to Sweden did you not?"
"No sir"
"No?" Brody looked round "If you weren't in Sweden where were you?"
"I was in Las Cruces New Mexico translating the Destiny Book"
"Because Tess mindwarped me"
"Explain the Mindwarp Mr Whitman" said Brody noting the obvious discomfort Alex tried to hide.
"Well the MindWarp something that changed Neural Pathways to make the person see something that isnt there. If the Mindwarp is used for far too long the Pathways do not have enough time to accept the change and the Mind shuts down under the strain of it all which results in Death"
"So you were in Las Cruces because of one of Tess's Mindwarps?"
"Yes sir"
"I have no more questions your honours and majesties" he sat down and Carly stood up.
"The Court Will Take A Brief Recess Because My Spokes Person Needs A Bathroom Break" said Granilith Carly. That caused a few laughs and she disappeared. Kyle was released and he looked round confused
"What's going on?" he asked as he got up from his stone chair.
"I'll explain later" said Serena as she pulled him off back to the trailer. They handed out refreshments and found out that all the people here apart from the Pod Suqad and Parent's Club had been abductees. Carly appeared a few minutes later and ran over to hug her parents.
"We're so proud of you Carly" said her father as he patted her head "You're Incredible"
"Thanks daddy It wants me to go back now. I have to be busy" she said in her five year old fashion before hurrying off then vanishing and appeared on the bench above where Max and Liz sat.
Belle was rubbing her tummy when the court came to order once more. Maria watched her niece stroke her stomach and the handprint appear, if Tess was to die for her crimes taking Belle along with her what would happen to the baby?
"That's A Good Point, Maria" said Granilith/Kyle surprising everyone in the room. All eyes turned to Maria as she stood up
"Um what will happen to the baby?" asked Maria and they heard Belle gasp and look up at Tess.
"We Are Unsure Of What To Do With Her Son" said the Granilith. Tess began to sob and drew attention back to herself
"Please, I have done enough wrong. I was given a chance to make right the wrongs I made and I can't kill the daughter of that person who gave me that chance. I am Guilty, of everything, destroy me I don't care. But please spare Belle's son. I have lived with her for far too long and I know the love she feels for him. I feel the same because I am a part of her, please spare our son" she begged
"You Give Your Life Willingly For The Son?" asked the Granilith
"Yes" she nodded "I am sorry" she closed her eyes and waited for the end.
"Very Well" said Granilith/KyleCarly. They stood up and everyone did as well then bowed "Zan" Zan walked to the front with tearful eyes as Brody Davis helped Tess down "Alex You Too" Alex stepped forward and took hold of Zan's arms and turned into pure light then disappeared inside him.
They raised their hands and blasted Tess till she turned to nothing but dust. Belle cried out in pain as the same thing happened to her
"Nooooooo!" cried Liz as she jumped down and ran to her daughter. Carly just smirked and flicked her wrist. Belle disappeared into light, both her and her unborn son was gone. The light travelled around the room before flying towards Liz and hitting her making her entire form glow. The glow settled in her stomach and she smiled placing her hands over the tummy.
"Gloria, Charles Stand Before Us" the parents got up and went over to stand in front of Carly and Kyle. "You Have Lost In This World, We Cannot Bring Life Back From Deceased. Alex's Life Is Long Over, His Essence Lives Though. He Shall Take The Place Of Tess, Her Body Lives. We Give You A Gift" said Granilith/Kyle and waved his hand. Light shot from Zan to where Tess's energy remained contours and lines appeared until it became Alex Whitman. He was alive and well.
"It Is Over. Release" said Kyle and Carly and there was a bright flash of light which blocked everyone's vision.

Maria opened her eyes sleepily and looked down at the two girls nestled between her and Michael. It had been two weeks since the "Trial" and things had gone back to normal so quickly.
The Granilith had set time back for Isabel, Alexia was the future and Jesse got to live his own life without knowing the woman he'd been married to for the past sixteen years.
Jinga opened her eyes and looked up at her mom then turned her head to look at his baby sister. She had no idea that her little sister, who was only five, could hold so much power. It was incredible. They both watched her sleep until Michael snarled in his sleep and rolled swinging his arm
"Don't want any Space Monkeys" he mumbled in his sleep "Maria is my Space Monkey" Maria and Jinga tried their best not to giggle at Michael.
"Nooo I'll blow the school up!" mumbled Carly and they burst out laughing, Carly was definitely her daddy's girl.
"Come on let's leave them to their strange, strange conversations. How about pancakes?" asked Maria and the two of them headed downstairs.

Liz was still asleep but her babies weren't. He smiled as he ran a hand over her bump and watched as four little handprints fluttered over her skin.
"Thank god it's just their hands" mumbled Liz as she woke
"What are we going to call them?"
"Isabelle Amaria and Adam Nick Evans" said Liz matter of factly "That's what she was going to call him. Now he's here" she pressed her hand against a handprint and smiled.
"We'll make a fresh start with Belle,"
"With both of them, they're twins. We have to love them equally"
"Yeah" smiled Max. They heard a loud bang from the hall then several curses.
"Oh Jeeezu... bloody hell!" shouted Zan then they heard wood splintering.
"Zan?" called Max "What's going on son?"
"Nothing!" he yelped "I'll fix the door when I get back from College!" he called. The was a loud slam of the front door and then they heard the trash can topple over.
"He's getting clumsier than you were. He's hiding something"
"Which isn't good after what we've been through, it's not good to keep secrets" said Max absently looking after his son. Liz cupped his face
"Sometimes it is" she said staring up into his eyes.

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Episode Four:Twelve Get The Message?

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Get The Message?
Author: BeccaBehr
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!
Summary: Someone gets the message and it's very, very bad.

Previously On Roswell

"He's getting clumsier than you were. He's hiding something"
"Which isn't good after what we've been through, it's not good to keep secrets"

"This is Isabelle Amaria Evans. Daughter of King Zan and Queen Elizabeth of Antar. I wish to make a deal with you Kivar. The deal is, you help me kill them and I'll live with you and we can raise my heir"...
"I have a date with Kivar" smirked Belle as she climbed into the taxi. Jinga was going to bring her cousin back or die trying.

Kivar looked round his men and smiled proudly. They were an army to be proud of. They were all going to aid his new Princess Isabelle, he had only such luck. He smiled at the thought of his own enemy's daughter coming to help him!
He glanced at some of them and smirked, these men and women were going to help Princess Isabelle in overthrowing her parents.
"Open the Portal!" he ordered and one of his lackeys stepped forward and opened the wormhole portal to Earth.
"Squadron move out!" yelled the Commander and the soldiers rushed forward into the portal.

She screamed and grabbed onto her knee with one hand and the other closed round his hand.
"Why is this so aaaahhh PAINFUL!" Serena yelled loudly
"Come on love, one more push!"
"By your Buddha I swear if you say push one more time...."
"Mrs Valenti you have to focus!" called the medicine man sparing Kyle for a while "I need you to push"
So Serena did. She pushed for all she was worth and out came the baby, Riverdog began chanting in the corner and the medicine man checked the baby was okay before giving Her to Serena.
"It's a girl" said Serena a little surprised
"Yeah... she's beautiful" mumbled Kyle feeling extremely proud
"What are you going to name her?" asked the medicine man. Serena looked up at the Elderly Riverdog who had stopped chanting and was coming over to them
"Any ideas Riverdog?" asked Serena holding her baby safe. He looked at the new baby and smiled.
"Ana Miyax"
"I like it. What does it mean?"
"It was a name of a women who lived with Wolves. She was very strong and lived out in the cold of Alaska"
"Wow... why did you choose that name?" asked Serena
"The spirits request it. You shall see" he said before leaving them alone.

Jinga and Maria were sat around eating Ben and Jerrys in the kitchen and talking about when Carly was born.
"Yeah and when we put her down on the baby mat she would always roll over onto her tummy and kick her legs out, she always looked like she was sky diving!" said Maria as she dug her spoon into the tub
"Remember the time when we went to the store when she wandered off and headed for the chocolate isle? She found some weird coffee chocolates imported from England. She ate three boxes of them, and threw up on the store manager"
"Yeah I remember" laughed Maria "It's hard to think that she speaks for the most powerful being in the universe. I just never thought I would see the day"
"I know, it's strange seeing her with that much power. Dad's going to be taking her out to power practice instead of me" Jinga said then looked up at the clock "I'm late! I'm really late!" she said and hurried upstairs to get ready. Five minutes later Jinga came hurrying downstairs, kissed her mom's cheek quickly and left.
Jinga saw Zan headed to his car and hurried over to him
"Yo Zan Da Man! Give us a lift will you?" she called and he nodded, she slid into the passenger seat and tossed her bag in the back.
Maria watched as Jinga and Zan left in the old Camaro Max had bought for his son. The phone rang and she answered it
"Maria! I wanted to call you first, mom and dad just got here and Serena's had her baby!"
"Oh that's wonderful!" cried Maria
"It's a girl 8 5. We called her Ana Miyax"
"Oh that's a lovely name, strange but lovely" she said "Well you better get back. If Serena is the woman I like to think I know then she won't want you on the phone"
"You're right Maria... Could you do something for me?"
"Tell Max I said thank you. I wouldn't have this if he hadn't saved me" she could hear the sincerity in her brothers voice and smiled
"I will. Bye Kyle" she hung up and smiled warmly to herself. She picked up the spoon and was about to get back to her icecream when she heard a loud shout.
"MARIA! MARIA QUICK!" it was Michael. She hurried up the stairs and saw Michael standing by the wall looking aghast and she looked at Carly sitting in the middle of the bed rocking back and forth mumbling something.
"Carly!" shrieked Maria and Carly stopped rocking and turned her head to stare at Maria.
"She's Going To Die" said Granilith/Carly before her black eyes rolled back in her head and she fell sidewards. Maria hurried over and checked her daughter was okay. Michael stood above them praying his daughter was okay.

Liz stood in the bathroom, she could hear Max snoring in the other room. He was lazy in his life, he had to go and get some order at School, he was a Coach and a pretty hard one at that. Liz looked in the mirror and smiled then suddenly the mirror began to shake and she saw someone standing behind her holding a knife.
"Goodbye Elizabeth" said the man and she whipped round to find no one there. She looked back and jumped when the man had vanished from the mirror too the glass cracked and she left the bathroom quickly. Was she going to die? Who was that man?

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Episode Four:Thirteen It Has Begun

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: It Has Begun
Author: BeccaBehr
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!
Summary: The War has started.

Previously On Roswell

Zan raised his hands and blasted Tess till she turned to nothing but dust. Belle cried out in pain as the same thing happened to her...
"....he's getting clumsier than you were. He's hiding something"
"Which isn't good after what we've been through, it's not good to keep secrets"


"She's Going To Die" said Granilith/Carly before her black eyes rolled back in her head and she fell sidewards Michael stood above them praying his daughter was okay.
Kivar looked round his men and smiled proudly. They were an army to be proud of.
"Open the Portal!"
"Squadron move out!" yelled the Commander and the soldiers rushed forward into the portal.

Riverdog pulled up and got out near the trailer. He opened the back door letting Kyle and Serena out of the SUV.
"Thanks for driving us home Riverdog"
"It was nothing, look after yourselves" he said and Kyle nodded as he pulled out his keys. It was a little cramped but they managed to settle the baby on the bed. They had a moses basket for her but they didn't really see the point of getting a crib when she would sleep in their room.
"I can't believe I have a little girl!" said Serena with a grin. She brushed some brown curly hair out of her eyes as they lay Ana down in the middle and climbed on either side of her.
"She's so beautiful" said Kyle
"Look she has your eyes" said Serena and he smiled
"My little girl" he breathed in wonder. Serena yawned sleepily and then they both laughed "Why don't you...." He was interrupted by a loud bang and green energy made the back window glow. Serena pulled her daughter up close
"What's that!" she cried
"I don't know" he said and began drawing energy from the granilith to protect his family. "I'm going to see what it is"
"No Kyle! Don't go!" Serena begged grabbing hold of his navy blue shirt
"Okay, but I have to check it out. I need to know what could threaten the Granilith"
"Okay, but let's get Ana someplace safe first" she said and he nodded. He wrapped an arm around her and they shimmered out of the trailer and into the backroom at the Crashdown. Jeff was standing there looking surprised
"I'll never get used to this"
"Jeff, play round robin. Tell the Pod Squad that something's threatening the Granilith. They'll know what you mean, oh and could you look after Serena and Ana until I get back"
"Sure? I didn't understand half of what you said though"
"I'll tell you" said Serena with a small smile as Kyle shimmered back to the trailer. He peered out of the backwindow and saw a lot of people wearing plated armour standing around in lines. This was not good.

Liz watched amazed at how fast Isabelle and Adam had aged. They were growing rapidly, she guessed that they were going to stop when they reached two or three, she had called Alex and he said that Alexia had stopped ageing at two.
"Look at them" said Max as they toddled round with toothless grins "Aren't they wonderful!" Zan came through the door and swung his back down near the couch before trying to get passed The Twins on their way to the kitchen.
"Za... Za" said Isabelle and he shook his head and disappeared upstairs as fast as he could. Max just looked at Liz in confusion and she nodded going upstairs after him.
"Zan what's wrong?" she asked catching his arm. He shrugged her off
"Get off me!" he snapped
"I want to help"
"Then just leave me alone okay!" he hissed slamming his door. Liz was just surprised at the terrible way her usually calm son treated her. She wasn't sure what to do, she knocked on his door but there was only a choked "Go Away!" for her trouble. She left him alone, he would talk when he was ready. Zan slid down his door and buried his head in his hands and sobbed.
"He told me to go away. Something's wrong Max, you go talk to him" Max went upstairs and knocked on his son's door.
"I said go away mom!" he shouted, Max could hear the weakness in his son's voice. He shoved the door open and found Zan sitting in the dark with the curtains closed crying.
"Zan? What's wrong?"
"Just go away! You wouldn't understand!"
"Try me"
"I killed Belle. I murdered her," he confessed and Max sensed the weight those words had on his son. He thought of Michael and Pierce, Michael had killed in self defense but Zan had killed because he had to and it was his sister, someone he loved and cared for.
"I'm going to call Michael"
"Why?" sniffed Zan wiping his nose with his sleeve
"Because you and he are in the same boat. I can't help you like I want to because I've never been through that. But he can, he can help you move past this. Belle is down stairs, she's safe"
"That's not our Belle" said Zan sadly. He blamed himself for her death.

Michael rocked Carly in his arms. She had been unconscious nearly all day, she been breathing strong and steady she just hadn't woken up yet.
"We have to do something" said Maria stepped forward trying to get Carly away from Michael. She jumped back after hitting an invisible field, she clutched at her shocked hand and stared in disbelief "Michael we should get her to Max!"
"You're right, you're right" he said and stood up and hurried downstairs and out into the garden then into Max's garden then into the house.
Max bumped into Michael and he almost dropped Carly
"Help her she's sick!" he begged and Max took Carly from his friends arms and looked down at her. He made a connection with her but was susprised to find nothing wrong with her. She was using her powers, calling on the energy of the Granilith and protecting something... someone.
"She's fine, she's connected to the Granilith and she's protecting someone" said Max as he handed Carly back to Michael. Michael just looked down, who was she protecting?

Liz stood staring in the bathroom mirror and watched again as the familiar man stood behind her.
"Good bye Elizabeth" he whispered with a cold smirk on his face.

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Episode Four:Fourteen Taking Charge

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Taking Charge
Author: BeccaBehr
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!
Summary: Someone has to take charge, but who?
A note: George Bush is going to be the President in this.

Previously On Roswell

"She's Going To Die" said Granilith/Carly...
...Liz stood staring in the bathroom mirror and watched again as the familiar man stood behind her.
"Good bye Elizabeth" he whispered with a cold smirk on his face.

"Squadron move out!" yelled the Commander and the soldiers rushed forward into the portal...
... Kyle peered out of the backwindow and saw a lot of people wearing plated armour standing around in lines. This was not good.

Maria's mobile rang and she answered it quickly leaving the room. Michael was sitting with Carly. She still hadn't woken up but appeared fine
"Hello?" said Maria
"It's Serena" replied her sister-in-law
"What's wrong?"
"Kyle wanted me to call you. Tell Liz and Max that the War has started, there was something going on round the Granilith"
"Is Kyle unconscious?"
"No why?"
"Because Carly is. She won't wake up, Max tried to heal her but he said she was protecting someone. Could you please find out? It's scaring me to see my baby like this"
"I will I promise. Don't forget to tell Max okay?"

You are the one... You are the one... You are the one... Zan paced round his room. He couldn't take the stupid chanting out of his head, it was his mind blaming him. He had killed Belle, it was his fault, even if it was unintentional he still killed her. His own sister!
You are the one... Zan... You are the one
"Uh shut up!" he yelled thumping his head and coming to a standstill "I'm sorry! Belle, I'm so sorry!" he sobbed and tears fell down his cheeks
You are the one... You are the one... King Zan. He fell down in confusion burying his head in his arms. He just wished it would go away.

Kyle counted at least a hundred men and women standing out there by the Granilith Chamber. He could call upon some of the Granilith's power to defeat them but he couldn't kill them, not without fair "Trial". He comtemplated his best course of action and decided to return to Serena and Ana. He shimmered out of the trailer and into the Crashdown Backroom.
"I'm pretty sure it's Kivar's army" he said and Serena jumped
"Don't shimmer in behind me! You'll give me a heart attack!" she hit his shoulder.
"Sorry" he apologised "Kivar has sent some of his men here. They're here to take over"
"Can't you get rid of them?"
"No, they would have to be judged and even then they might not be ended" he said
"What are we going to do?"
"I've thought a lot about this. The War is here right, we're going to need help. We get good old King Max to ask for assistance from Earth"
"What? Are you crazy? Historical records dictate that King Max was captured by Earth people for revealing his secret"
"Serena without Earth we'd loose this planet. It's our stronghold, our home. My home, I may be an alien but I was born here Serena"
"You have to run it by Max. He's not going to like this"
"He never likes any of my ideas. You should know that know" smirked Kyle. He shimmered out and across the country.

Max heard his son shouting up in his room. Did he have someone up there? He looked at Liz and she nodded for him to go. He climbed the stairs and knocked on Zan's door
"Zan? Can I come in?"
"No dad go away!" he yelled.
"MAX!" he heard Liz calling and looked over the balcony and down into the living room. Kyle was standing there tapping his foot, as much as his son needed him he would have to wait. Kyle didn't travel across half the country if it wasn't immediately urgent. He climbed down the stairs towards them.
"What's wrong?"
"The War has started is what's wrong Evans! Kivar sent the first wave of his army through. They're in Roswell senting up shop!"
"The Granilith has this idea. You don't have the army you would like, Antar is too far away to send help now. The Granilith want's you to ask for help from Earth. Go to the President and things like that"
"I'm not going to the President! Are you insane!"
"Hey I'm just running this by you. The War is here, the big ol time machine wants King Zan to ask for help from Big Bad Bush"
"But I'm not a King anymore Kyle. I gave it up before we left Roswell"
"I know... I know. But you were the King. That makes Liz the Queen and your little sprogs Prince and Princess" Kyle said looking at Belle and Adam on the floor.
"If that's what we have to do then I'll do it. I'm only doing this to save Earth"
"Yeah sure. Oh I just have to check that you are the King, can't take you anywere unless you aren't"
"I still have the Seal Kyle" Max snapped
"I just gotta check Evans cool it!" Kyle shot back and Max turned around. Kyle put his hand behind Max's head and shone the light. No Seal appeared.
"Maybe it's in my hand? After Michael took it I got it back in my hand" Max held up his right hand and Kyle tried again but the result was the same. No Seal.
"If you don't have it then who does?" asked Liz
"Liz turn around" said Kyle and he checked her but again the Seal was no where to be find. He checked the Twins but the answer was again the same.
"This is great. Who has the Seal?" demanded Max

You are the one... You are the one... You are the one... Zan stared into the mirror as a Five-Star-Vee appeared on his left shoulder.
... King Zan...

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A History Episode

Post by BeccaBehr »


This isn't something I would normally do but this is sort of a flash back part/episode. I hope you enjoy it. It's a spin off After Graduation and between Season Four. It's how Zan came to live with them and all the details on why he's now King.

Previously On Roswell

"I'm not a king. And you're not my second in command. And you're not a princess" said Max looking round...
... Tess walked through the hole and into the Compound. Liz listened to the Sirens and flinched when the Base exploded...
.... The windows rattled to the blast and Baby Zan started crying.


"This is great. Who has the Seal?" demanded Max
You are the one... You are the one... You are the one... Zan stared into the mirror as a Five-Star-Vee appeared on his left shoulder.
... King Zan...

The Jones couldn't believe their luck! They had always wanted a son and here was one waiting for him.
"His name is Zan" said the lady in charge
"Oh he's so precious!" said Emily Jones as she picked him up. His cheeks were chubby and he had the most interesting brown eyes she had ever seen on a child.
"I know" said Emily "It's him I want! I want Zan to be our son" she looked to her husband Joseph and smiled. He could see the love in her eyes and he knew that their new son would make her very happy. The signed the papers and Baby Zan became Zan Jones.

Eight years later...

Zan rocked back and forthed in the bathroom. Two weeks ago his mother died of a heart attack at the age of sixty three and his father had taken to alcohol pretty badly.
"Zan you better open this damn door right now!" he yelled, he had knocked over her vase and he lost her temper and hit him. That was the first time it had happened but it still shocked him.
"Come on Zan honey I'm sorry" he stood up and opened the door. His dad grabbed his shirt with old hands and pulled him out
"That Vase was priceless you spoilt brat! It belong to Emily and she loved it so!" he struck Zan with a heavy fist leaving a red welt. He let go of Zan and wandered off back downstairs.
Zan slid to the floor and crawled back so he rested against the wall. That memory of love he had felt before his mom and dad floated to the surface.
"Daddy" he sobbed as tears fell down his pudgy cheeks. He got up and hurried to his room shutting the door quiet and locking it, he climbed into bed and tried to block everything out.

Max turned the corner and smiled. They had stumbled across this place almost a year ago after spending almost eight years on the road. Belle was playing in the back with Jinga, her cousin. A year after they left Isabel went back to Jesse in Boston and Kyle had just disappeared leaving a note saying not to look for him. So it was just the four of them until Liz had Belle, then Maria gave birth to Jinga. They had raised their children together and Max and Michael were the proud fathers.
He pulled up in the driveway next to his house and saw Michael mowing the lawn. He got out and gestured to his brother that he was "whipped" and Michael just stuck the finger up at him. He just laughed and then opened the door to be greeted by home cooking and a big hug.
"Daddy! Daddy!" screamed Belle as she got up and hurried over. She had always been a daddy's girl.
"How's my little Princess?" asked Max and she giggled
"Which one?" she asked causing him to look up at Liz standing in the doorway.
"Are you..." he began
"Yes it's a boy Max, we're going to have a boy!" she said "I got flashes this morning. I saw his future Max, he's so like you but really tall for his age. His hair is going to be floppy and he's beautiful"
"Oh this is wonderful!" said Max as he hurried over and swept his wife off her feet "We have to tell the others, let's invite them round for dinner and we can tell them then!"
"I'll go call Maria" they hurried about with excitement and Belle scowled at being forgotten so soon. This baby was going to make her parents forget about her! She stomped upstairs to her room and slammed the door, she picked up some of her old barbies and watched them turn to lumps of plastic.

Zan climbed out his window carefully, this was the first time in his nine years he had snuck out. He crept round the side of the house and ducked under the window in case his dad was in the kitchen. Something strange had been happening to him. He kept hearing things and getting weird visions and the part he loved was he got to test and learn why. He loved all kinds of sciences that involved working things out.
He got his bike out of the garage and pedalled as fast as he could to Prominent Point near the lake. There were a few steamed up cars around but he headed towards the trees and laid his bike down.
He sat down on a log in the clearing his mom used to take him to when he was little. This was his favourite place in the world after home, now that his mom was gone this was his only place. He lifted a stone and flung it in the air.
"I'm not a king. And you're not my second in command. And you're not a princess" the words reveberated in his mind and he thought about that King. He had been seeing him in his dreams lately and he tried to reach out to him in his mind. He closed his eyes and pretended he was reaching out with his arms.
"Whose there" gasped a rather surprised and female voice
"Who are you?"
"I'm Belle, who are you?"
"I'm Zan Jones" he opened his eyes and looked round trying to see if anyone had come into his private thinking space.
"Are you my imaginary friend?"
"Why are you in my head?"
"Why are you in mine?"
"Do you like playing on the swing?"
"Yeah but my daddy doesn't let me go anymore" said Zan with a hint of sadness.

Belle had finally managed to escape her fourteenth birthday party. Her dad had whipped out the baby photos and showed all her friends, they asked about the one where she was making a toy float and he made up a quick excuse about her throwing it. She had only just now managed to get some free time,
"Yeah" he said back to her
"How are you?"
"Bad, my dad has started using the wrench again"
"Oh Zan" gasped Belle. She had had an imaginary friend ever since her mom thought she was pregnant and she wondered why she still had one now. She thought about it and concluded that there was something wrong with her.
"I want to tell my parents about you" she said. In all her years she had never once seen Zan. She hopped back downstairs and went into the kitchen. Her mom didn't speak of the lost baby but she knew it still upset her greatly.
"Mom? Dad there's something I want to tell you" said said
"What is it Belly?" asked Max looking down at her. Zan used to call her that
"I think I'm Crazy" she said looking down "I hear this voice in my head all the time"
"What does it sound like?"
"It's a boys voice" Kivar instantly flashed through her parents heads.
"What does he say Isabelle?" asked Liz fearing for her child
"He says that his father beats him. Ever since I was seven I've heard him"
"Do you know his name?"
"Am I crazy?"
"No honey you're not" said Liz "Remember how we're different? Well you could just have a special power"
"Yes, remember Carly and Jinga can talk to each other because they were both born on the same day"
"Liz you don't think that..." Liz looked up at him knowing all too well what he was thinking
"He was normal Max, remember she said he was normal"
"Yeah and she said" replied Max,
"Who are you talking about?"
"Nothing Belle, what's this boy's name?"
"Zan Jones" she said and her parents gasped
"Where is he?" asked her father and she looked up at him
"You mean he's real?"
"Oh all those horrible things his father did to him!" gasped Belle. She hoped her father could help Zan.

The End.
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Episode Four:Fifteen Smackdown

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Smackdown
Author: BeccaBehr
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!
Summary: In the red corner King Zan! In the blue corner King Kivar!
A note: I'm putting this out now coz I'm gonna be real busy tomorrow with the kids.

Previously On Roswell

"The War is here right, we're going to need help. We get good old King Max to ask for assistance from Earth...
... Oh I just have to check that you are the King, can't take you anywere unless you aren't"
You are the one... You are the one... You are the one... Zan stared into the mirror as a Five-Star-Vee appeared on his left shoulder.
... King Zan...


"Carly and Jinga can talk to each other because they were both born on the same day"...
... Carly sitting in the middle of the bed rocking back and forth mumbling something...
"... Max tried to heal Carly but he said she was protecting someone"

Jinga was in class. She hadn't heard anything all day, but she could tell things were tense. Carly seemed closed off and that was something Jinga didn't like.
"Hey Jinga wait up!" called Lucy her best friend. She hung back for Lucy to catch up with her "You okay Jing? You look worried"
"I just had a lot to deal with. My sister's got this big important job that only she can do and Belle got really sick"
"Oh is she okay?"
"No she's dead"
"Oh. Oh Jinga I'm sorry how's Zan taking it?"
"Pretty bad... she never truly knew that he was her half brother"
"Man you're living in a Soap Opera!" laughed Casey Lang after he heard what Jinga just said. Casey had the biggest crush on Jinga, he had tried everything to get into her pants but she had refused him that and her dad had caught him trying to get it on with her.
"Get lost Casey!" sneered Lucy as the two girls turned and walked off down the hall.
"Want me to come round to your place?"
"No it's cool, I got a lot of studying to do"
"What about Belle? Won't you miss her? You were raised almost as sisters?"
"She wasn't really my sister. Not for a long time, she um got shot. She killed people, she was pregnant did you know" said Jinga "They managed to save the Babies. Aunty Liz looks after them like her own now"
"Oh it must be hard on your Aunty Liz and Uncle Max"
"Yeah they're dealing with it" she said as they went down the steps and Jinga saw Kyle standing by her dad's green Jetta.
"Uncle Kyle! Oh my god!" she hurried over and hugged her Uncle "Hey Guerin"
"This is the first proper time I'm meeting you since the Trial"
"You gonna introduce me to your friend?"
"Oh this is Lucy Morgan, Lucy this is my Uncle Kyle on my mom's side"
"Oh yeah I think Maria said you were a Player"
"Not anymore. Got a wife and kid to support, speaking of which I have to get Jinga home. El Presidente sent me, Uncle Max has lost his Czechoslovakian hand book. Zan found it" he said in code. Jinga knew all about the code since her mom told her stories about when they were young
"You mean Zan's in charge now?" blurted Jinga in surprise. She covered her mouth and looked round at Lucy "I gotta go. See you tomorrow, I'll call you" they waved goodbye and Jinga got in the car. Kyle slid into the driver's seat and paused.
"Zan is bouncing off the walls with Guilt over Belle, Carly's not strong enough to hold and maintain the Granilith's energy. She's unconscious trying to Protect the Queen and she's only going to get worse until..." Jinga squeezed her eyes shut. She had always been around Carly, she couldn't imagine a world without her five year old little sister.
"Is there any way..." began Jinga but Kyle looked at her
"You knew when she was born that... you might not be any stronger you know that don't you"
"Yeah but she's Carly, she's my sister and she deserves this"
"Okay... we'll talk later. Right now we have to go get our Glad Rags on, we're goint to be meeting the President"
"What!" gasped Jinga.

Zan stood there in his finest suit trying not to wig out. Max was going to stand back behind his son when they got there. Liz was going to stand next to Zan, Maria was going to watch the Twins as well as Carly. To be honest Maria hadn't left the room. Jinga had got home and begged Kyle to do something. He had, he changed Jinga's DNA energy waves to match Carly's. Then changed Carly's ever so slightly, she had still yet to wake up.
Kyle had come round with Jinga, both of them dressed in black with black eyes and Michael was going to stand next to Max. The six of them gathered in the living room and joined hands.
"Are you all ready?" asked Granilith/Jinga
"Yeah sure let's go" grumbled Max. Between Kyle and Jinga they shimmered out and into the President's office. In the teleport the Granilith had given them the appropriate clothing. Zan was in the Kings uniform, where as Liz was wearing the black Queen's dress. Max was in a lighter shade of Green and Michael was dressed in black. all of them had black eyes.
"W-Who are you and how did you get in here!" demanded George Bush
"Please allow me to introduce ourselves" said Zan "My name is King Prince Zan Jones-Evans of Antar. To my right is my mother Queen Elizabeth Evans of Earth and further back is King Maxwell Evans, my father. My two Uncles General Michael Guerin of Antar and Granilith Protector Kyle Valenti Of Earth and Granilith Protector Princess Jinga Guerin of Earth"
"Who are you people and how did you get in here!"
"Please Mr President let me finish" continued Zan
"King Prince Maxwell and General Michael come from a planet called Antar. In 1947 a ship crashed here on Earth in Roswell New Mexico. My Father, Uncle and Aunt were on it in Pods. They matured for forty years before Hatching. They had now settled down and married human's. The reason the ship was sent because my father, uncle and aunt lived before. They were killed because another alien called Kivar killed them and enslaved our planet. He is sending an army here. An army that will wipe out the planet, destroy it completely"
"How do I know you aren't here to kill us!"
"We would have done it by now Mr President, we have come here asking for help. On behalf of the Antarian Beings I wish to make Peace. We have come to sign a Declaration of Peace and we can trade technology freely"
"We'd have to go public with this you do know that don't you" said Max
"I know Dad. But think what's at stake!" replied Zan "I'd happily deal with embarrassment as long as the planet still exists"
"I'm going to call a meeting, we can sign up a Peace Treaty and we'll help you. Would you be willing to go on the air?"
"Dad this is up to you" said Zan looking to his father
"I'm not the King anymore. You are the one... it's your decision"
"Okay we'll go on the air"

"My Fellow Americans I have just been informed that an Interstellar War has come to Earth. I have signed a Peace Treaty with the Antarian Monarchy. Behind me you can see King Prince Zan, Queen Elizabeth, King Max, General Michael, Granilith/Kyle and Granilith/Jinga they are willing to trade technologies with us for our help. Plans shall begin immediately and troops and being pulled out of Iraq to serve in the War against Lord Kivar's army. Aliens do exist, some of them are standing behind me as we speak..."

The Parent's club and Serena and Ana were all gathered in the Crashdown watching the news on the telly Jeff had brought in.
"Hey Parker aint that your daughter? The alien they said was Queen"
"Yep my daughter's a Queen" he replied with a smug tone.
"And that's my husband" said Serena
"You mean you're married to one of the alien things!" gasped on of the patrons.
"Exucse me! Kyle wasn't born alien, technically he's a hybrid! It's the real full blooded aliens you gotta watch out for" said Serena putting the fear of... Kivar into the man "Like me!" she whispered and he jumped up and hurried away from her.
"Serena knock it off" laughed Jim as he patted his Granddaughter's back
"Sorry Valenti" she said then smiled. Other's were surprised to find out that they were sitting in the company of aliens.
"I can't believe they finally came out and told their secret! Mean's no more White Room now thank god"
"Oh please don't mention the White Room when you're holding my Daughter!" said Serena and she took him off Valenti. She just prayed that they were doing the right thing and nothing could go wrong.

Last edited by BeccaBehr on Mon May 31, 2004 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Episode Four:Sixteen Answers and Consequences

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Answers and Consequences
Author: BeccaBehr
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!
Summary: Answers are given then there are consequences.

It had been twelve hours since the Presidential meeting and as soon as they got back both Jinga and Michael rushed home to check on Carly. She was sitting colouring like any other five year old.
"Daddy!" she cried when she saw him and put her arms up. He picked her up and held her close.
"Jinga, Lucy called about ten mintues ago, she said she was going to come round and talk" said Maria. Both Jinga's parents looked at their daughter with worry, it had taken a lot to actually come out to Earth they didn't want her to loose the friends she had.
"Um okay, when she gets here is it okay if we go and talk in my room?"
"Jinga I think it's better if we..." began Michael but Maria elbowed him and shook her head "Sure" he finished

"You did good son, you were good"
"Really?" asked Zan not really believing that he could do something good
"Yeah, she'd be proud of you"
"When I... when I did what I did it felt like a part of me died, she was with me when Joseph Jones... she helped me through it and I..."
"Zan Belle is still alive, you have to connect to her" he said and went and lifted Belle out of the play pen leaving Adam alone. He held his daughter out for Zan to take her. Zan held his new sister in his arms and smiled, she lifted a chubby hand to his face and patted it.
"Zzz... Zaa... Zan" she giggled and Zan smiled. This was the first time he had actually held his sister.
"Want to hold Adam too?" asked Max as he lifted his second son out of the pen.
"No... I um I want to hold her for a while" he replied still staring at Belle with the biggest grin on his face.

Kyle watched from the top of the Granilith Mountain as another squadron came through the portal. He flicked his wrist and watched as it closed on them, he smirked as some of them came running to figure out why that had happened for the thirteenth time that day. He sighed then scratched his head, where were the cavalry? He sat down and leaned against a rock
"Jinga?" he whispered looking round out of boredom
"Yeah what do you want!"
"You want to trade places?"
"No I'm busy... shoo!" came the harsh reply. He sighed again, he wanted to get back to Serena and Ana. He had hardly spent any time with his daughter.
"Oh I've had enough" he said and stood up. He focused and his eyes turned pure black, he flicked his wrist and all the squadrons were frozen in a bubble. He timed it so it would last three hours, that way he could spend some time with his wife. He smiled then shimmered out.

Jinga opened the door and Lucy was standing there looking like she was about to enter the Lions Den.
"Hey um do you want to come upstairs?" asked Jinga and Lucy nodded and they went upstairs.
Lucy sat down on her friend's bed while Jinga shut the door and stood nervously.
"Why didn't you tell me?" asked Lucy feeling extremely hurt. She had been best friends with Jinga since she had started.
"It wasn't safe... we didn't know who to trust"
"You didn't trust me!" gasped Lucy interupting Jinga
"I did, but ever since I was little I had it drummed into me that I had to keep this secret for my safety. You know before we settled here we lived in various places doing yard work and minor jobs just so they could get us into schools. The bad guys caught up with us and I found out exactly why it wasn't safe! I've always had to be so responsible! I was only six when they found out I was gone from class. It was a surviving Skin out to get in Kivar's goodbooks!"
"What did they do to you?" asked Lucy hearing the fear in her friends voice.
"I never told mom or dad about this. He took me from school and he was going to take me away. Since Uncle Max considered my dad a brother that made me a Princess. He um... I don't want to talk about it"
"So that's why you never dated?"
"I was afraid of boys. I focused on looking after everyone else and made sure they didn't screw up and get caught. I think I've wormed my way into my father's old job"
"So what's it like... being alien?"
"Technically I'm not an alien. One I was born on Earth two I have a human mom and three I have only a quarter Antarian in me"
"Oh so um do you have any cool powers?"
"Yes I do. I have my father's blast and I have telepathy, this is one I've come into recently" she said and lifted her hands making an image appear out of thin air. It began to move and it was when she first met Lucy.
"So you're okay with this?" asked Jinga putting her arms down causing the image to fade.
"Yeah... you've been alien all the time I've known you just because I didn't know doesn't make you a different person. You're still my best friend!" she got up and hugged Jinga "So um what is the Granilith, I was listening to the announcement and George Bush said that you were a Speaker for the Granilith"
"Oh the Granilith is this religious holy relic that has lived on Antar since time began... everybody worshipped it. Here the Granilith is the equivalent of God"
"You mean that thing... the Granilith made the Universe?"
"And you speak for it?" Jinga nodded "So what does it say to you?"
"Nothing really, it's more of a possession thing. It speaks through me and my Uncle Kyle and in exchange we get to use it's powers"
"You're like a Prophet or something" grinned Lucy and Jinga nodded
"Not that much, do you want to stay for dinner?"
"I don't know. I better call my mom, she didn't know I came over here. I just ran out when I saw you on tele and heard the words "Aliens Exist"!"

Zan was half asleep and he felt something poking his face. Two things because they took turns, he rolled over and heard a thump. He opened his eyes and looked round. He came face to face with a six year old girl he had never seen before and he was floating.
"Arrgh DAD!" he yelled falling onto his bed and the girl turned and helped up a little brown haired boy and they hurried over and hid in the wardrobe.
"What's wrong" asked Max as he appeared in his son's doorway wearing nothing but boxers.
"Max!" screamed Liz "Belle and Adam are missing!"
"In there" Zan pointed to his wardrobe and Max opened them to see The Twins sitting side by side under their Brother's shirts.
"I think we better ask the Granilith about this" murmured Max as he looked down at his two youngest smirking. Kyle appeared out of no way and Max jumped
"You called?"
"I didn't know the Granilith was on twenty four hour call!"
"Look Evans, I left Serena and Ana to come here so it better be good"
"Look at them" said Max and Kyle looked at Belle and Adam
"Yeah they're wonderful" he said then looked back at Max expectantly
"Kyle last night they were two and now they're SIX!" snapped Max and Liz appeared in the doorway.
"Oh I see, okay Munchkins out you come let ole Uncle Kyle fix you up" he lifted them out and put his hands on their head.
"It's Belle's DNA, she was reborn and her essence is trying to return to the age she was stopped at because she's Adam's twin the same is happening to him"
"Is there a way to stop it?"
"Well we can put them at sixteen if you want or I can give them something that slows down their growth spurt"
"Slow down the growth spurt" said Liz and he nodded. He focused and they glowed for a moment. Then the light faded
"Why aren't they back to two?"
"Hey I slowed it down not reversed it. It's six onwards my friends, bye" he shimmered out and Belle bounced on her feet. She shoved past Max and climbed onto Zan's bed. Adam copied her and Zan groaned
"Can't an alien get any sleep!"
Liz looked at Belle and Adam and how they warmed up to Zan, he was truly a big brother now and they loved him dearly, her eyes moved past them and focused on the mirror and the reflection of the man that was always behind her. She had gotten used to it now, she could even feel the flash from time to time. The man dug the knife into her back once more only this time the pain was stronger
"MOMMY!" cried Adam and Liz looked down to see blood pooling through her nightdress.

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Episode Four:Seventeen Cause and Effect

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Cause and Effect
Author: BeccaBehr
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!
Summary: There is always a cause and effect.
A Note: Please forgive me for what I'm about to do.

Previously On Roswell

"You did good son, you were good"
"Really?" asked Zan
"Zzz... Zaa... Zan" she giggled and Zan smiled. This was the first time he had actually held his sister.


Liz had gotten used to it now, she could even feel the flash from time to time. The man dug the knife into her back once more only this time the pain was stronger. Liz looked down to see blood pooling through her nightdress.
"MOMMY!" cried Adam

"Oh my god!" gasped Max as he knelt down next to Liz. There was so much blood. He pressed a hand over her wound to try and stop the bleeding.
"Liz look at me! Look at me Liz! Please!" Max begged as he lifted his wife's head.
"Max" she rasped. Zan had tight hold of Adam and Belle, he was watching with tears in his eyes.
"I'm here. It's okay... it's okay"
"Trust the one..."
"Liz!" whispered Max
"Teach the King and tell Max..."
"Tell him to live and I shall always love him" she said her eyes not really trained on him.
"No Liz!" he yelled and pressed a hand over the wound and tried to heal it. "Liz open your eyes! Look at me!" he cupped her face once more and saw that she was unresponsive
"No! No! Liz come on!" he shouted.
"Dad" whispered Zan as he put his hand on his father's shoulder
"No!" Max shrugged him off and Zan stepped back and lifted Belle into his arms. "Noooo!"

Zan walked down the hall wiping his eyes. It had been pretty quick really, everyone had travelled down to Roswell to bury Liz Evans. She was in the grave that Alex had.
"Zan" said Adam, that was the only word Belle or Adam could say
"Hey how are you holding up?" he asked then glanced up at his dad sitting in the kitchen. First Belle now his mom, who was next. Apart from standing at the Funeral Max had hardly moved or ate. It was like part of him had been cut off sucked dry then put back empty and cold.
"It's okay" Zan picked up his little brother and walked out of the Crashdown kitchen.

Lucy and Jinga were sitting near the Quarry. Jinga had shown her friend where her father was born. It had been a time of great sadness, the Queen was dead.
"I feel so strange. I mean she was like a second mom and I don't know how to react now that she's gone. I keep expecting to see her over my shoulder like she's still here"
"Yeah" said Lucy replying idly to her friend "If she was the Queen right"
"Then who is after her?"
"Belle, it has to be... I think... I don't know... what if the New Queen is in danger?" asked Jinga as she jumped up. She helped Lucy up then closed her eyes.
"Granilith could you locate the New Queen"
"The New Queen is still undecided as of yet" replied the Granilith
"The New Queen hasn't been chosen yet" she told Lucy
"Oh. Who do you think it will be?"
"I don't know. It's got to be Belle, she's Aunty Liz's daughter after all"
"What if it doesn't work that way?"
"How do you mean?"
"What if it chooses one with a capable heart or spirit I don't know! How did Zan become the King?"
"Oh Uncle Max gave up the throne then it moved to the next person which was Zan"
"Who was the person after Liz?" asked Lucy then Jinga's eyes opened. It couldn't be possible could it?

Carly came into the room and looked round. Her mom turned round and jumped sending cornflakes everywhere.
"Oh my god Carly! You scared me!" said Maria. They were staying at the Deluca homestead. Michael was quietly freaking out, three generations of Deluca women were enough to put even the hardened of soldiers on edge.
"Are you okay mom?"
"You just look different today"
"Oh thanks. What do you want for breakfast?" Maria turned and Carly gasped. Maria whipped round "What is it what's wrong?" Carly was crying now. She slid to her knees and sobbed.

"King Zan! We have the army ready and awaiting your command!"
"Okay I want the snipers to take out the men giving orders. Then the men with the rocket launchers fire next then the tactical team move in"
"Very Good sir!" saluted the Soldier before leaving. Zan sighed and rubbed his eyes. He had spent almost every day getting lost in the War trying his best not to think about his mom. His aunt and uncle had taken his cousins up to Roswell. He was on his own now, his father just lay in bed. There was nothing left of the man so full of life only days earlier. It had been a week since the Funeral and things had gotten rocky. They had recieved word that portals had been opening in England, France, Canada and Africa and the number were still rising.
"Daddy!" he turned and saw Belle and Adam running down the hall. He knelt down and caught them in his arms. They had been the equivalent of two year olds in six year old bodies. He had returned home after two days away and found them sleeping on the couch hungry and dehydrated. When Liz died it was like Max died right along with her. There was nothing left that resembled the parent he had known in the last two years. So he took Belle and Adam with him to the camp. He was seriously considering adopting them. They needed a parent and Max was in no fit shape to do it.
"I'm here Belle... Adam I'm here"
"Daddy" murmured Adam as he snuggled into Zan's shoulder. He wasn't going to let them down. Not now, not ever. Jinga appeare out of no where and her eyes were black. The Granilith had paid him a visit
"What's wrong? Trouble in Roswell?"
"We Have To Protect The Queen" said Granilith/Jinga
"Who is it?"
"The Mother" replied Granilith/Jinga "Our Mother"

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Episode Four:Eighteen Heat Of The Battle

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Heat Of The Battle
Author: BeccaBehr
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!
Summary: It's time for the battle. But who will win the war?

Previously On Roswell

"The War is here right, we're going to need help"
You are the one... You are the one... You are the one... Zan stared into the mirror as a Five-Star-Vee appeared on his left shoulder.
... King Zan...
"King Zan! We have the army ready and awaiting your command!"


"We Have To Protect The Queen" said Granilith/Jinga
"Who is it?"
"The Mother" replied Granilith/Jinga "Our Mother"

Michael and Zan were busy working on strategies when the air began to wave and shimmer until four people appeared.
"Maria what are you doing here?" asked Michael taking her back
"Queen Maria" bowed Zan seeing the thing that was different about her. She seemed to shine brighter if that made any sense
"Wait? What? Queen Maria?"
"Jinga thinks I'm the New Queen"
"But that's not possible"
"Think about it Michael" said Granilith/Jinga "When Maxwell died you were king. The Seal passes to the second in command, the Queen's second in command was Maria"
"So my wife is Queen?" smirked Michael. The Granilith released Jinga just in time to see her mom and dad kiss.
"Uh the Granilith really chooses it's moments" she groaned in disgust
"I take it you're staying here now Jinga?" asked Zan and she nodded. He sighed then laid eyes on Lucy.
"Ms Guerra" he whispered hotly eyes lowered. Lucy felt like a fish out of water in the "King's" presence so she just bowed and said his name
"King Zan" she blushed all over and tried to hide it. Jinga just shook her head and picked up Carly and went to find a new room.

Light shone through the window and Zan sat up with a grunt. He looked down at the sight next to him. Amazingly beautiful and they belonged to him.
"Belle... Adam wake up. Great Grandma is going to take you to the park today" he gently shook his children. He had legally adopted them as of last night and now they were his children. These kids had been tossed around all over the place and he was going to make sure they had a steady and stable home.
"Zan! The General is here!" called his Grandma and he pulled on a dressing gown and headed downstairs sleepily.
"What is it?"
"Kivar has been sighted through the Portal. He came in a different one, apparently he's found out and he's brought through a whole new wave on the other side of town. Our troops have gone into battle with him, he's taken the east side sir"
"Okay I'll be ready in a moment" said Zan as he hurried upstairs to get dressed. He kissed Belle and Adam's forehead before leaving and left quickly.

"Are you okay?" asked Jinga looking at her friend. Lucy had spent the night out in Roswell and then Jinga had shimmered them to outside school in an uncrowded area.
"Even with the... the powers?"
"Jinga, you have a weird name. Your parents are weird, you are weird but you're my friend. You've always been my friend and whether you have powers or not doesn't make a difference. You've always been there for me whenever I needed it and I trust you. I don't care about your alien ness, in face I think it's kinda cool"
"Really?" she smiled as they linked arms and headed towards the main building but Casey Lang and his buddies stopped them.
"Well look what we have here! It's the alien lesbo's!" he sneered
"Where's your antennae?" asked Jamison joining Casey in the teasing
"Go away Casey" said Lucy
"Or what? The alien freak will blast me?" he smirked and the others laughed. Jamison shoved Jinga and she fell back away from Lucy. Andy grabbed hold of Lucy and held her back.
"Let go of me!" she ordered but they made her watch as Casey and Jamison moved toward her best friend. Casey kicked Jinga in the stomach and laughed. The Granilith fumed in retaliation, how dare anyone attack a Sacred Speaker!
"YOU WILL PAY!" boomed Granilith/Jinga as she rose to her feet. Her clothes and eyes turning midnight black the anger poured off her and Lucy realised what was happening.
"You've angered the Granilith! Jinga is a speaker for the Granilith and when you kicked her it's like kicking Jesus!" cried Lucy
"And you compare that freak to Jesus? You're messed in the head!" he laughed
"SILENCE!" boomed Granilith/Jinga and he lost his voice "You Know Not Of Who You Play With Little Boy! I Gave You Life, You Shall Feel The Pain A Hundred Fold For What You Have Just Done!" she smirked and Casey cried out.
"Stop it! Stop hurting him!" shouted his friends "He's sorry"
"He Will Never Be Sorry" she replied coldly and then returned to normal. She looked round slightly confused
"Lucy are you okay?" asked Jinga and she nodded.
Kyle appeared out of no where and looked straight at Jinga and Lucy
"Kivar is here" he said simply. Jinga grabbed Lucy's hand and they shimmered back to Roswell. A Soldier took Lucy to the Safe House where Maria and Carly were along with the Parent's Club, Belle, Adam and Max who was rocking. He had slowly been going crazy.

The men marched up and lined up in the middle of the desert, before them there were many dead, who had succeeded in pushing back the second wave. King Zan was wearing army gear and had a side arm at his hip as well as an air rifle. Jinga and Kyle were dressed in black with the symbols of the Granilith on their left shoulders. Michael was wearing army gear and they were approaching battle.
"Kivar!" called Zan "This is the end of you!"
"We shall see Young King Zan! I can't wait to kill you! Just like I did your mother!" he called back. Zan seethed with rage. He would win this war, there was no doubt. He would not rest until his bullet had pierced that monster's heart.

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Episode Four:Nineteen Aftermath (Conclusion)

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Aftermath
Author: BeccaBehr
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!
Summary: It's been a while since the war ended. How are people dealing with the aftermath now?

Previously On Roswell

"Think about it Michael" said Granilith/Jinga "When Maxwell died you were king. The Seal passes to the second in command, the Queen's second in command was Maria"...
"Kivar!" called Zan "This is the end of you!"

The ship docked and the port locked on it so it wouldn't fly away. Lucy was nervous, extremely nervous.
"I can't believe I'm here. I'm the first human to set foot on this planet!" she said rather excited.
"Well we best get a move on. The twins are restless again" said Zan as he carried Adam out while Lucy carried Belle. The air was so clear and crisp here
"I wish my dad could have seen this" said Zan sadly
"I know I do too. I'm sorry Zan" said Lucy. She could tell he was reliving the time when he found his dad. Max had never gotten over Liz's murder, he had travelled back home to lay down on the spot where she left and joined her in peace. It was such a tragedy among them all but the fact that he went didn't really surprise them. They knew he couldn't live without her.
"King Zan, Lady Lucy welcome to Antar!" said Larek as he led them toward a hover cart that would take them to the palace. Jinga, Carly, Maria were behind them.
"Queen Maria" he bowed "General Jinga. Welcome home"
"Thank you Larek" said Jinga. A lot had been lost in the war, a lot of troups had been killed but Kivar was dead. Zan had shot him in the head for the murder of his mother. Michael... Michael and Max were both gone, Maria relied on Zan a lot and he had relied on her. They had drifted together as a family. Zan had fallen for Lucy, hard and they were talking about getting married. Her mother had disowned her, she couldn't accept that her daughter loved an alien.

Jinga looked round the room. This room had belonged to her father and she could still smell him about the place.
"Dad I miss you" she whispered tears springing to her face as she recalled the battle. They fighting had been intense, a blast was coming toward her and she got knocked out the way by Michael who took the blast head on. Killed him instantly and she screamed and killed the man with a blast. Her anger had turned the man into dust and she lay down trying to bring him back but he was gone.

"Presenting King Zan and Queen Maria Of Antar!" the announced and the two walked through the hall and sat on the thrones. Both of them were crying for their lost friends.
They cleared their eyes and saw three figures standing together behind Jinga, Carly, Adam and Belle. They were smiling and happy, Max had his arm over Liz's shoulder and Michael was smirking like he did when he really was happy. They faded and Maria looked to Zan, he had seen them too and nodded with a happy smile.
"They're happy where ever they are. Let's make sure they stay like that" whispered Zan. He was going to make his parents proud.

The End...