Flip Side of Destiny (AU,M/L,MATURE) Ch 35 2/27 AN 3/8 [WIP]

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dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

Sorry for the delay. I believe everyone by now is somewhat aware of the entire situation, so I'll take a second and say something I've been wanting to, for a really long time. I thank all my readers, who've been under tremendous pressure to read and leave messages for me, even though their loyalty may've been questioned elsewhere. I've been in that boat, once and it's not easy and I'm humbled by your courage. Thank you, once again.

Guys - I loved your f/b. I'm glad you think Max's heart had been in the right place, even though his actions seemed otherwise.

O/T - mar, what're you talking about, your English isn't good? :shock: It's excellent!


Continued from last part. Yes, another long ass part. ;)

Chapter 28

By the time I’d come out, only Isabel sat there.

“Where’s Max?”

She flicked her hair back. Red-rimmed eyes looked blearily at the watch strapped on one trembling wrist. “They went to find Cal.”

I grabbed the counter. “What?” Unless I miss my guess, this was the catalyst that led to the Special Unit unearthing Max and finally, my execution. Shit.

She sighed aimlessly. “They just left. Max came out from...” she gestured to me and then wiped her eyes. This was the second time I’ve seen her so distraught. “They talked. They left.” She turned to me, eyes wide with fear. “They left.”

I went over to pull her close. She sagged and my arms protested. Isabel sagging was no joke. “Hey, hey. Don’t get so worked up. They’ll be back. They know what they’re up against. This time, they’re prepared.”

My words did little to comfort her. “You know the reason why my grades were so poor back in high school?” She rambled, still half in a daze. “I hated science. It was my worst subject. I’d see people talking about how to burn this, experiment on that. And then there was biology.” A shudder rocked both of us. “All I saw were little things – cockroaches, frogs, embryos – all dissected. And all I could think was that the only reason they were sitting there in pieces was because they weren‘t human.” This time, she shook for real. I could barely hold her. Her eyes were terrified as they gazed into mine. “Well, neither am I, Liz. Neither am I. None of us.”

And it was like the rose petals lifted. I could actually see what she meant. They wouldn’t show any mercy. Not because they were cruel or they were indifferent. It was simply because they didn’t think Isabel or Max, or the others deserved any. I could remember my first dissection in vivid detail. I’d been enthralled by the stick thin legs of that cockroach, not it’s suffering. For all we knew, we were as good as cockroaches scurrying around before the storm.

“Oh, my god.”

Her smile was diabolical. “Welcome to our world.” As an afterthought she added, “now you know why I never really liked you.”

I gulped. I could relate. I think, back in sophomore year, I got the highest CGPA of the bio, chem and physics class.

She pulled out of my arms. It was a while before we talked again.

“So, what do you think?”

“About what?” I retorted. I didn’t like her implication.

“About this whole thing. Max, Zan. Future Max.” She paused delicately, getting up and fetching some drinks. “What do you intend to do?”

My voice came out harsher than intended. “That’s up to me, and it has nothing to do with any of them. But, you and I need to level.”


“Why didn’t you tell me about Alex?” I demanded, ready to raise hell.

She looked at me with caramel eyes full. “What could I say?”

And we left it there.

“Liz?” She asked after a full thirty minutes.

“What?” I snapped back.

“I really am sorry. I always blamed myself.”

“Yeah, too bad. Alex never got to know that you’d have given him so much thought.” I groused back and then felt contrite at her shocked face.
“Look, I didn’t mean it like that.”

But she wiped off some more tears. I was truly astounded. Isabel Evans, capable of shedding this many tears for someone. The mind boggles. “Why don’t you tell me something?”

“What?” she sniffled.

“Remember that day in Crashdown? After I first came back from NY? You sure read Max the riot act because we’d been going for a drive. And every day since then, every single instant I came into contact with him, you’d object.” I paused to look her in the eye “Why?”

She stumbled. “Oh...”

“Yeah, that. I really want to know why you said all of that. What was so important that Max couldn’t give me even a hint of? I remember your words rather clearly. “Theirs! Not yours!” So, what was that all about?”

She heaved, exhaling harshly. “I remember. It wasn’t anything personal. It’s just that…” she sipped from her rapidly warming drink. “Zan.” She whispered. “I was just afraid of what he’d do. It’s no secret he…he… well, you guys were married. I was just looking out for Max. They never did get along.”

This time, I swallowed. “Because of me.”

She examined her nails, unable to resist a ghost of a smirk. “Of course.”

I scowled back. “Save it, Isabel.”

“I wasn’t getting on your case. I’m just saying. Remember…. Jesse?” her voice cracked.

I felt like a heel. That had been all of Zan’s doing. I nodded.

“Well, Zan played a rather prominent role there. He manipulated all three of us. And that was just because he’d been teaching us a ‘lesson’, as he liked to call it.” A flash of anger burned in her damp eyes, the tears evaporating. I glanced away; there was still a helluva lot to avenge, according to Isabel.

“And this was about his wife!” she went on, growing animated. “I’m a victim of Zan’s ruthlessness. Yes, later of course we knew he was right, but who gave him the power to do what he liked with my life?” Her voice rose, “don’t you see? I had to protect Max, since he wouldn’t do it himself!”

I nodded. I could well understand. Didn’t I do the very same thing in the early years in NY? I’d had a gut feeling Zan could and might destroy Max if he suspected the latter was moving in on his territory.

Then, another wave of rage drowned that feeling. Zan palmed you off to Max. He wasn’t about to mind! He wanted you off his hands, remember that!

I pounded the counter. “Isabel, I don’t know why you worried so much.” The venom stunned her, propelling her eyes to my red face. “Because it was obviously pre-arranged that Max would be filling in as the Dupe while Zan went ahead as King. Max was allowed to take certain…liberties.”

“No, that came much later. He married you, Liz. Do you know what it had cost him to give up his life?”

“He didn’t do that at all.” I replied acidly. “He made me give up mine.”

She smiled gently. “You went, didn’t you?”

The urge to bitchslap her was overwhelming. “I didn’t count on any of this, now did I?”

“You don’t understand. Zan could’ve walked. You would’ve been devastated.”

“Says bloody who?”

”Look, we all saw you guys back then. You two couldn’t come inches of each other without showering sparks. And not the show-off type, because it weren’t your style, but still. One look, and the temperature rose. You can keep talking till you’re blue in the face, but you wanted him. And you were always a soft touch.” She softened it with a grin.

I blushed. Were we really like that? “I…”

“Exactly, If he’d walked, and you saw Max with Tess…" she trailed off.
She was right. I’d have probably done something drastic. Then again, not. What could I have possibly done?

“You’re overreacting. I would’ve been in control.”

“And we all know you like that. But the point is, you went with him. And that left both of them at a distinct disadvantage. For Max, it’s obvious – Zan. And Zan, Max. You played them real well. I guess it kinda irked me.”

“I did NOT play them.” I glared.

“You did, unintentionally, if you must. But let’s face it. They played along. So it’s not for anyone to judge.”

Thank you.”

“I’m justifying my reasons for always warning Max. I love my brother and while I care about Zan, it’s not the same. My loyalties are with Max.”

“No doubt.” I snorted.

Her eyes flashed again. “Think whatever you like, but Max was always sappy when it came to you. He’d never think straight – do stuff he’d regret….”

“Like what?” I interrupted, eyes slitted.

“Like running after you.” She countered quietly. “Can you imagine Max running after a married woman? Well, he did that. Worse, he never made any secret about it. He was madly in love. I saw him, Liz. He was totally desperate.”

I hung my head. He’d been apparent at random times, mostly when we’d been unguarded. I’d see that look on his face and promptly turn to mush. And, judging from Isabel’s little speech, he’d been plenty darned apparent in Roswell, too.

“Zan felt threatened. And you know the way he reacts when he’s threatened.”

I did. And I felt an odd jolt of fear. Had he really taken it out on Max? I’d never know, because they’d never tell.

“Zan did his damage, the first few years. And then he kinda laid low. It made Max so mad, Liz." She smiled sadly at my quizzical look. “Because the bastard couldn’t be forced to even make an effort. If Max had laid it on thick for you, it was because he wanted to get a rise out of Zan, provoke him into fighting for you. It really tore him up to see you all lonely. He’d come back and stay out in the desert for hours. If not, then Counting Crows. We all got sick of it.”

I felt weak. Then again, I shouldn’t. That was so Max.

“He never dated much after you guys left, if only to show Zan he’d never gotten over you. And it really did make Zan vicious at first. But then he cooled off; in the latter years. It was as if you were no one.”

I winced. Not much flattery.

“And it just pushed Max to be more reckless. I was sure Zan was just biding his time. So, I wanted him to stay away from you.”

I started to laugh, but it was bitter. “And Zan told me the exact same thing. Since he knew Max had feelings for me, he wanted to stay away. Let me have my chance.” Isabel winced this time. “yeah, imagine that. While we were still married, for god’s sake! And then of course, there was Max, the perfect, noble gentleman. Between the two of the them, what was I supposed to do?”

She moved closer. “I didn’t know that. Max never revealed what had gone down between him. Did you guys…” She trailed off, eyes widening.

No.” The bun on my head was straggling. I loosened it. “I had no intentions of crossing that line. Bad enough I harbored feelings.”

“You can’t help the way you feel.”

I stared at her in shock. Did she, Isabel Evans, just say that?


She smiled. “Really. You can’t wake up one day and plan that you no longer wanted to love Zan.”

Did I ever really? “I hear you. But you have commitments. You can’t backtrack on those, no matter how much you want to. And one of those commitments happened to be a diamond ring.”

“Can you please not preach? I do know what marriage entails!” She snapped back, getting impatient. I agreed silently, looking at the watch.

5 hours gone and no word. We’d both been talking to fill the endless silence. None of them were back yet.

Maria came in, walking slowly. She’d just woken up. “Wow…” looking at the jagged window.

“Whatever.” I turned to the oven to get dinner ready. Alex was in the other room; napping, my poor baby.


Isabel snorted and started to heat up some of the frozen diners left in the fridge. “What’s alien tech for?”

The green wave passed and steam swirled form the ready food.

Maria and I shared a look. “Well…”


“Did you see Michael?” she turned anxiously at us.

“No. They left hours ago.”

“Shit.” She trembled, beset with worry. "Suppose...”

“Don’t think that way.”

Alex came toddling in, his cherubic face wide open in a yawn. “Ma, hungry." He rubbed his stomach in full pose. God, what a gift.

Maria handed him a plate. Isabel rushed forward to get him a cola. We shared a conspiratorial smile as his eyes locked on mine.

Maria continued fretting over Michael.

“They’ll be here.” Isabel soothed.

She wasn’t about to be pacified. “You don’t know that!”

“Yeah,” Alex chomped on a chicken wing, “they’re still in the desert but Max said it won’t be long now.”

Three shocked faces started at him. And all I could think about was that he’d somehow gotten in touch via the alien voodoo with any of them.

“H...how do you know that?!”

We watched as he started smearing a fat rice cake with dollops of pistachio ice cream.

“Oh, I called him on his cell phone.” He looked up at our sheepish, irate faces. “Could I have another one?”

I debated before knocking on the steel door. I could hear Future Max on the other side, pacing up and down.

The quiet voice for just that side of the door startled me. “Come in, liz.”

I closed it behind me. “You knew?”

“I knew.” He confirmed.

I brought out the hot pot. “Some food.”

He smiled sadly. “I’m not hungry.”

“Not hungry or can’t eat?”

He laughed. “Can’t, but the best part is that I don’t get hungry, so…"

“How long are you gonna last?”

He gave me a distracted smile. “I don’t think I even have.”

“You loved her that much?”

He seemed puzzled that I’d use the second person to describe myself. Gee whiz, I wonder why?

“Seems like I didn’t love her enough.” He said with a despondent sigh.


“If I had, I’d wouldn’t have been here.”

“It’s called life.”

She was my life!” His eyes flashed fire and I retreated. With a frown, he went to the far side of the small room, muttering and cursing Max. I could barely make out a few disgruntled “What the hell did they do in this timeline anyway? Zan and Liz? What the fuck?”

”Um, excuse me?”

He turned back.

“Why’re you so pissed off?”

He gave me a rather cryptic smirk. “If you’d lead the life I had, you wouldn’t have asked.”

“Well I didn’t, remember?”

“No, you did.” He countered quietly. I kept silent. I kinda did peep a little into his memories.

“Where are they?”

He started fiddling with a strand of raven hair, streaked with gray. I just couldn’t get over the look. Would Max be this gorgeous when he got to 40? Would I see that look every day or was this it for us? The questions flew like hail.

“I don’t know. Last time, it was somewhere just outside Boulder.”

“And that would be?” I gestured towards the bright, tourist map sprawled on the table.

“Very near Lake Mead. Probably 30 minutes away.”

I stared at him in shock. “They’re only half and hour away?’ I screeched.

“No, Liz.” Immediately he started shaking his head.

“Hey! Who’re you saying no to, mister?”

“Look, Liz, you won’t solve anything by giving the Skins additional targets.”

“I can’t sit by and do nothing!” I flared back at him.

“If it was me and my Liz, we’d probably connect by now.” He said quietly. “She was always my strength.”

I wanted to rip his throat apart. “Yes, and I can’t do that now, can I!”

“You can start by believing in him. In them” he added after a moment of uncomfortable silence. “I take it both mean a lot to you.”

“It’s not just both, dammit. Michael’s there. He’s a good friend of mine. A very dear friend.”

If he noticed the omitted name, he chose to ignore it. “Zan?”

“What is this, a conspiracy? Zan vs. Max?” I glared at him.

“I’m curious. That’s all.”

“Well….” How do I tell this to a man I’d married in another lifetime and whose, well…essence I still loved in this lifetime? Gawd! “Well, you can call it…”


I gazed rapturously at a small ant near my feet. “You could say that.”

And you and I didn’t have that?!

“Uh…we never did find out. Until it was too late, anyway.”

Future Max growled deep into his resplendent leather top.

“So, how long will you be here?” I asked again.

He seemed distant. “Not too long now. I feel…”

I was alarmed. His face was turning a slighter translucent shade and I was terrified that he was leaving. And to my horror, I realized I didn’t want him to go.

Oh man! Hormonal much, Parker? You don’t have to be in love with ALL of them, you know!

I wanted to cringe and die when he raised an eyebrow in my direction.

“You okay, Elizabeth?”

“Fine.” I squeaked. “Just bloody marvelous.”

Falling in love with who?

GAAAAH!!! That did NOT just happen to me!

“Uh?” I giggled weakly, trying to hide in my hair. Wasn’t successful.

And then I realize, it hadn’t been spoken aloud. Crikey.

“WHAT the fuck just happened to me!!!” I yelled, nearly swallowing my teeth.

He ran forward and caught me. “What?!”

“Someone talked to me inside my head!” The last few words came out in shrieking gibberish.

“Slow down, slow down! Was it… Max?”

“Huh?” I screeched. “How the fuck am I supposed to know!!!!”

“Who did it feel like?” he asked again, trying to be gentle.

“Feel like? It felt abnormal, is what it fucking felt like!”

He winced. “Listen to me. You must be calm. What sort of emotions did it generate? Can you identify whose characteristics it matched? Did it feel like ….uh, did you get dizzy?”

“I’m dizzy right now!” I whined.

He bit back a smirk or a grimace, I couldn’t tell. “Anything else? What sort of feelings did it bring to mind? Love, peace, nurturing?”

I was so confused, I felt my head spinning. If he didn’t shut the hell up, I’d go mad. “I don’t know!”

“You do know, Liz. You’re not trying hard enough!”

“Piss off!”

“Look,” he caught me by my shoulders, forcing me to meet his strident gaze. “And this isn’t really new, is it? You did connect with Alex when he was missing, right? Just be patient with yourself.” He shook me slightly, just enough to get my wandering attention. “It’s imperative you understand that there’s been changes in your body. I thought Max was the only one with healing capabilities, but seems like Zan had his share, too. Otherwise how would you connect?”

“Talk English!”

“It’s very simple. You and Zan must’ve shared a connection, after the…uh..’ he trailed off, turning slightly red.

“After what, goddammit?”

“After the ‘cementing’.

I was too baffled to be poised. “What goddamn cementing? What does cement have to do with anything?!”

“When you consummated.”

“Oh!” This time the silence was rife with gaffes.

By the time I gather enough guts to look at him, he’d started shimmering.

“You look lovely.” I said, meaning it.

He laughed. “You’re changing the topic. We were talking about your powers. How many times did you actually hear anyone in your head? Did it happen before?”

“If it happened before, do you think I’d be this freaked out now?”

He conceded that. “Okay, but then why would you get it now?”

“Wait…” I held up a hand to think. The voice in my head had faded but all I could feel was the essence of someone. Like they were there, in mind, and it felt so right. An involuntary shiver of pleasure zinged through me. “Wait…I think it’s…”

He looked at me expectantly. “That’s it. Trust your instincts. It’s quite easy once you get the hang of it. Don’t be afraid.”

I squinted harder, the recognition fading and then it flooded back. A huge grin almost spilt my mouth apart. “Alex!”

And future Max had a grin to match mine. “That’s terrific. I guess the tyke’s just beginning to get a grip on his powers.”

“I suppose so. Phew.”

We sat in silence for a while. Another presence was registering, but I wasn’t worried. My son was in mind, in my soul, where he belonged and I wished that every mother in the world could feel it this euphoria. His soul was intertwined in mine, and the true relationship between a mother and child was suddenly so vividly clear.



“Why didn’t you get this from Zan?”

“What’re you talking about?”

“See, when I healed Liz, we’d this instant connection. It just strengthened with the years. So, why won’t you be able to feel Zan?”

Okay, that was low. “Rub it in, why don’t you?”

“Sorry, but I have to ask. I refuse to believe that this connection, that was so much a part of our entire group dammit, is absent in other timelines!”

“Because it wasn’t a marriage!” I burst out. “it was…”

He understood. “It was a marriage, don’t put Zan down. It just wasn’t…”

I sighed. It wasn’t, was it?

Another despondent silence was broken by his unhealthy curiosity about my life. “So tell me something. If you and Zan had never shared a connection, why would you and Alex? How could he even do that?”

“Maybe cuz he’s half green around the gills, too.” I shot back.

“he’d connect with his own first.”

What? I don’t think I heard this SOB properly!

“His own?” I asked, eyes slitted.

“His own type, not necessarily his mother.”

I nearly went for his jugular, then decided against it. It did make sense, if totally warped.

“I won’t tolerate my son being ripped apart from me, no matter how crazy this mess gets.” I informed him darkly.

“Aye aye, captain.”

“I’m not joking.”

He looked insulted. “Of course.”

Another beat passed. I could feel him leaving; it was all there. The physical structure was there, but his soul was on the verge of passing to the nether.

“Please don’t leave.”

I could kick myself. What was I saying? He didn’t even belong here.

He stared at me helplessly. “I don’t have a choice.”

“I know. Sorry.”

“It’s fine.” His voice revealed how much he’d missed hearing that.

“Did she say that a lot?”

“Only when she knew I needed to hear it.” And the irony didn’t go unnoticed. But his sadness destroyed me. How could he doubt what they’d had? I never even had a tenth of that, and yet a blind man could tell him that what he’d shared with Liz Parker, numero unknown, hadn’t been false.

I crossed over to him. “Why do you question what you had? Have you any idea how rare that is?” he made a face and started turning away. I yanked him around.

“No, look at me, dammit! Look at me! I’m Liz Parker. And there’s a Max Evans, another you, out here in this life! What do we share? Nowhere near what you and your wife did! So, please! Show us some mercy and back off on this godforsaken guilt trip!”

There was a lifetime of pain in his eyes. “I wish it’d been different.”

I hugged him and his arms held on to me like iron bands. The man had a lot of baggage to shed. “Sh…it’s okay. It’s okay.” I whispered, putting my lips near his neck and inhaling as best as I cold. The hug wasn’t exactly lax.

He was shimmering now, almost gone. I held on to him tighter. “Please don’t go.” I hated the begging in my tone but couldn’t be helped. The man was my last link to sanity. All of a sudden, I’d an inkling how his Liz had felt when another Future Max had asked her to give Max up. She hadn’t wanted to obey, but her animal instinct had prevailed, almost compelling her to hold on to him, even as her life had burned in front of her. All because of who he was and what he'd offered - a knowledge that we'd both only dreamed about. And that’s the exact same reason why I couldn’t let my future Max go either.

“You Future Maxs are menaces. You always leave us wanting so much more.” I tried not to let the tears fall, but they did anyways.

“Don’t make this harder on me.” he pleaded.

“I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to help. Tell me, please.” I wept, still trying to hold on to his almost transparent body.

“I can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Because I can’t risk it. I don’t want you to die, too.”

“I don’t want my family in any danger.”

“They’re not in any.”

“How do you know?” I hiccupped into his jacket and he’d have sobbed, if he’d been able.

“Because it’s over. He’s coming back. I can feel it.”

Relief washed over me. Max was coming back. He was safe. They were all going to be safe.

Thank you.”

“Don’t.” he held up a glowing, whitish hand. “Do both of yourselves a favor. Don’t walk away again. Don’t let misunderstandings stand between you. That would only mean you weren’t strong enough.” He paused to point a bony finger at me, almost crackling with electricity. I stepped away from him. “That would only mean Max and Liz weren’t and I refuse to accept that.”

I tried to smile but there were too many tears choking me. “She loved you, no matter what.”

He shimmered again, almost faded into the thin air. “I know. You remember what I said.”

I looked down to swipe my nose. When I looked up, the room was as empty as the desert. No sound, no smell. It was as if he’d never been. All those fiery emotions, the trauma and trials – they’d simply vanished into the cosmos.

I looked around for a while and then raced for the window. The hot sun beat overhead, making the sky seem bluer than ever. The tiny smoke formations rose and melded into the horizon and I picked one, the most ethereal of them all to bid farewell to. I knew it was him.
dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

Finally!! Here's the new part. Quick recap - Liz knows about Max's alien status. F. Max has just given her the rundown of his life and told her what she needs to do and left. The aliens are out, killing the baddies. Liz has to decide what she wants to do.

Anyways, once again, my apologies for the long absence. :oops:

Chapter 29

Noon in Nevada, especially during the summer heat, was intense. I sat there, in the dirty floor, wiping off the sweat occasionally. My head was so full, my heart so taut, that I felt fragile, like I’d break at the slightest irritation.

It kept happening in regular intervals. I’d feel Alex somewhere inside me and it was almost like a déjà vu. He’d smile and somehow I could tell when he was smiling. The emotions were all mixed up, transcending space and time and echoing in my soul. I hid a chuckle at a random thought – kids in Antar could probably never get in trouble. Not with this sort of a Mom alert system.

That was sobering. Was this how Alex was meant to grow up? With me, always on the background like a never-ending angel of retribution? Sure, he was young now and this was the best possible birthday present for me. I could keep track of him at this very vulnerable stage of his life, but what about when he grew up? Football games and all that testosterone? I wrinkled my nose, trying to will away those unwanted images. Eck. I’d probably be there with a hacksaw.


Okay, that came out of left field. I sighed – I’d never get used to this. And then it hit me. Does this signal deal work both ways? What about me in the horizontal position? Okay, so I was divorced and I had a kid, but I did plan on getting married again. Especially to a guy I loved. What then, Elizabeth? I guess you don’t have to explain the birds and the bees to him at all, eh?

I crammed my fist halfway into my mouth to muffle the hysterics. Ye gads.


Urk. Ok, stay calm, Liz, stay calm.

*Right here, baby. What’s wrong?

The weirdest part is, I could feel him making a face and facing the window. I could see the same view that I could see from my window, except that it was a couple of stories down.

*Nothing. I’m hungry. I haven’t eaten anything all day!

Amazing. Even in this very poignant moment between mother and child and all that, I could feel him whining.

*Yeah. You did, remember? All those requests.

And he was blushing, turning a cute red around the ears. Aw.

*Ok, ok. Isn’t this weird?

You have no idea.

*No it’s not, darling. Mothers are supposed to have ESP, anyway.

*What’s ESP?

Good question.

*Eh? It’s…it’s, whatchucallit, sixth sense? How would he understand extra sensory perception?

*You mean, it’s extra sensory perception?

I could feel my mouth falling all the way to the floor. It hit the dirty floor and some teeth rattled nastily. My eyes were a weird shade of red and they were out of their sockets, prancing around on the dusty table top like Tazmanian Devil. Don’t buy it. That’s Alex’s description, very apt description, for my unbounded shock. There was a long radio silence (I happen to call it that) and finally, I could feel Alex chuckling hideously.
Well, that answers that one. It definitely works both ways.

*Okay, okay! Quit that yapping!

He was laughing up a hairball.

*Oooh!! Oooh! OW!!!

And it went on.


After much exaggeration, he shut up; clutching his stomach, rattling his cap, being fawned on by two worried sick females and loving very second of it. Oh, just normal for an alien inheritor, I suppose.

*What’s so funny?

This stopped both of us.

I mimed the similar mental shrug Alex was giving. Who the hell is this?

*It’s me.

Max. And my heart nearly pounded out of Isabel’s oversized blouse. I didn’t dwell on the fact that I recognized him real quick, or that he could feel all the pitter-patters and all the vibrations (not that type, moron!) or any of that stuff. Only that I could actually feel him and I only wish I had the words to describe what this moment felt like.

In all phases of eternity, something just finally flickered to life. Or did something just die, giving birth to something new? I didn’t know what it was; only it’s significance – this was fate. It might’ve taken three time travels and probably a century of combined pain and generosity, but it had happened again. No matter where we were in the universe, in whatever timeline and whatever the race – alien or human, this was just meant to be.

There was a long, deep silence. The air around me almost took on a white-goldish halo; iridescent and evocative.

*You sound happy

I could feel the dread churning through him, the anticipation burning him up. Maybe, he’d longed for this day as much as I had. And then I finally put it out of my mind. There was no ‘may be’. I knew for sure. Doesn’t matter how I knew - whether it came from Future Max, Zan or Max himself, all that mattered was that I knew he did.

And then the tension inside him melted. He could sense me, too.

*I’ll be home soon

For the moment, that was enough.

The door opened without warning and everyone jumped. Max, Zan and Michael stood there, silhouetted and dirty. Obviously exhausted.

Isabel threw herself forward, gathering them to her, openly distraught. Maria sat still. I chanced a glance at her. She was frozen.

“Maria? What is it?” I hissed.

She shook herself. “Nothing.” But the haunted look in her eyes spoke volumes. She still didn’t fully trust Michael yet.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Max walking resolutely towards me. Here goes.

“Hi.” He said quietly, shoving his fists into the pocket of his faded jeans.

“Is it over?”
I kept fussing with the end of my hair. I didn’t want to look at him. I thought I’d gotten over my anger at him. But the insidious rage bubbling inside me, adding to the terror I’d held in check all of last night, hadn’t stopped.

“It’s over.” He confirmed.

“What happened, Max?” Isabel asked, still not reassured.

“We got them all this time. Seems like Cal was playing for as many sides as can be.”

“Khivar?" she asked, her face still ashen.

“Dead.” All three men spoke at the same time, voice laced with bitter satisfaction.

I gasped as softly as possible, but Max heard. He turned my way but didn’t approach. “We’re okay now, I think. Cal’s game is finished but some good actually came out of it. We’ve the space ship, the granolith, everything. All the thing we’ve ever needed.” The satisfaction in his voice only made me more ill. I couldn’t stand the possibly of him leaving as much as I could stand forgiving him right then.

Michael shot a guarded look at Maria. “So how’d you hold up the fort, buddy?” He crouched in front of Alex, who gleefully dived into explanations.

I massaged my head. I hadn’t had any sort of talk with Alex about his um, status. How do I go about it?

Zan sidled closer.

I inched away, glaring at him.

“What?” I sulked.

“Let me talk him through this one.”

I didn’t want Zan to handle this; it was almost a guarantee he’d screw up. But I wouldn’t know what to say either. So I just shrugged. Whatever.

“What?" he prompted, almost comically disbelieving. “Nary an argument?”

“Die, why don’t you?”

“I’ve got an… interesting will.” He winked. Max choked but kept his face straight.

“Like. I’m. interested.” I bit back, already goaded.

“Time out!’ Michael scowled, annoyed. “What’s the matter with the two of you!”

“I’m going.” I pronounced. “I’m gonna go and take a long shower and get out of all your hair. Maybe then you can stop bitching!”

Isabel moved forward, “C’mon, Liz…”

Michael stopped her. “Go and cool off. Maybe you too?” he looked at Maria. She shook her head and went back to her nerve-soother herbal tea.

We all stared a while as she stirred it feverishly.

“Maria,” Michael butted in, ‘it’s cold. Drink it already.”

She didn’t give much of an indication that she’d heard.

I rolled my eyes and left.

The bath wasn’t helping. The water had cooled within the first five minutes. Even though it was hot out, the water seemed frozen from my tense, hunched body.

The door opened a crack and I yelped.

Max shut it quickly from the other side.

I swallowed. If only I hadn’t seen that look in his eyes. If only.

“Can I come in?”

“No!” I shouted back. “I’m busy!”

“Cmon," I could hear the smile in his voice, feel it trickling over me, leaving me shivering. “This is one place I doubt anyone can overhear us. Let me in.”

“Why?” I lashed out, “so that I get my heart broken again?”

He stayed quiet for a while. “I love you, Elizabeth.”

“And that makes everything just fine and dandy, doesn’t it?’ I yelled back.

“Look!" he blew out an exasperated breath. His forehead was wrinkled with frowns and then I remembered that I couldn’t even see him. GAH! “If you want the rest of them to hear this, that’s fine by me. It’ll save me a lot of hassle.”

“Go to hell!”

Max leaned back against the bathroom door and started belting out a sweet, if horrible tuneless rendition of Tres Dias.

I shrieked and then thought better of jumping up. First, I was bare assed. Second, he’d only make a fool out of himself. The thought almost made me sit back down. Almost.

Sigh! “Gimme a minute!’ I growled irritably.

The door opened and I shrieked again, disappearing underneath a sea of foam.

“Relax.” He said gently, crouching down.

I submerged and nearly went under again. He grabbed a hold of my arm, which slipped, slid to my breast. I jerked away, thwacking myself against the side of the tub. Water sloshed over him, but he didn’t seem to mind. His eyes fell closed as his breath deepened in appreciation at the scent.

I pushed the wet hair from my eyes and squinted through burning eyes. “Max, look, this isn’t a seduction scene. Get out or let me get dressed. “

“The water’s cold.” He murmured, not hearing me. His hand dipped under the bubbles.

I barely stopped the third shriek and yanked my legs forward. Suds slid off them, slippery, wet. I didn’t have to look at him to notice how aroused he was. Nope, I could feel it in bold in my mind.

Within seconds, the water heated to perfection. A trickle of sweat dripped down my already soaked neck. It was pleasurable. If only he wasn’t there. I could sit here and fantasize. But no, he just had to be there right in my face.

“Get your hand out of the water.” I said, as calmly as I could manage. I winced at the stupid sound I made his fingers caressed the plane up my shin, grazed lazily against the underside of one exposed knee and finally came to rest on the edge of the tub.

He leaned forward. I moved away. He didn’t seem particularly over-wrought.

“Are we still not over this?” he sighed.

“I can’t just get over the fact that you’ve blindly deceived me for years. I understand your point of view entirely, Max,” I slowed, looking him in the eye, “but it doesn’t mean I’ve accepted it.”

“I know how much I’ve hurt you, Liz.” This time, there was no overwhelming desire in him. it ws more passionate, but a passion born of pentinence. “I know that!”

“So? What do you want from me?”

He leaned further. There wasn’t room enough for me to back off. I watched, mesmerized as his face came closer, his eyes closed, his breath disturbing the water surface. He leaned his forehead resting mine, eyes still closed and that moment, I felt it again – the shiver that left my palms tingling and the pit of my stomach hollow.

“I want you to understand. I want you to believe in me.” His voice trembled but he controlled it well, as always. “I need you to.”

I moved a meager inch away. His forehead no longer rested on mine.

“What if I can’t?”

He tried not to look too devastated. “Then you haven’t tried hard enough. Because if the position was reversed, you know that there isn’t anything I’d have left undone to get you back.”

I glared at him. “Cheap shot.”

“Liz, I don’t want to lose you. I won’t. So you may think I’ve given up. I haven’t. Not now, not ever.”

I yanked my hand from his. “Right! Like you’ve ever done anything else!”

His hand fell away. He stared at me silently for a while, as if gauging my anger. I looked back, willing him to feel my pain. He winced and I knew he’d felt exactly what I had. Good.

“Think it over.” He got up and walked out, not once looking back.

I leaned back against the tub. The hot, scented water lulled my senses, luring me to the sleep that had eluded me for the whole terrifying ordeal.

“Just for a second,” I whispered. It lapped against me, gently cushioning my weary body and I sank back. Finally. Peace.
dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

Chapter -30.

It wasn’t going to be denied this time. Last time, it’d been burned out by too much electricity, too much pressure and had cowered away through the defeated thunder. This storm was meant to come. Ravage whoever was on its path and continue. This storm played for keeps.

I watched as the sky darkened, almost purplish in its anger. The wind was brutal, making my hair unfurl behind me like a flag. The Roswell desert resembled a gotterdemerung. The clouds swelled with abandon as the light fought desperately for control. I felt like the light. All my reasoning was slowly extinguishing, one by one. All ready to be dwarfed by a far dangerous enemy. Could I stop? Of course. Did I want to?

I could feel him just there, trying to fight it off, too. I knew we were being reckless, tempting fate almost above our command. This wasn’t the time or the place but something about him called to me and I wasn’t capable of denial.

“Hey,” he said, trying to talk above the rising wind.

“Is this right?” I got straight to the point.

Dust swirled below us, chasing down rock formations in hues of reds and golds. The sun came out for all of a minute, glorying in a moment of triumph before being chased away by the raging clouds. The smell of rain was in the air. I could almost feel it on my skin and yet, there was still time for that.

He was just a few inches behind me, tangling his fingers in the hair that was streaming out in the open wind like a dark beacon. What a contradiction.

“Do you want it to be?” heat emanated off him, hitting me with hissing force, making me lethargic.

I’ve experienced a passion like this once before. I’d honestly believed that no one on earth, or Antar for that matter, could make me feel as satisfied and replete as Zan had done. I’m not ashamed of the fact that I’ve had the best sex in my life, indeed, for two lifetimes with my husband. I just hadn’t know that everything had been a competition for him.

“I don’t know.”

“You do know. Just say it.”

His voice crackled with hidden electricity. I could compare it to the thunder overhead, roaring the disobedient earth down. He was doing the same to my resistance.

“I don’t want to have any regrets. I don’t want to wake up and discover I’d dreamt it all up. Most of all, I don’t want to wake up and find you gone.”

He touched my spine and I couldn’t help wondering, did he mean to break it? Not physically, but what would happen if I give in to this strong man? Would I remember myself? Or would I turn to stone, just like him?

“Elizabeth.” He’d never, never called me that. Not in that nuance.

“What do you want?”

“Funny. And I thought you were smart.” The sarcasm bit, made me angry. And I realized, that I was. I was furious He wasn’t the thunder and lightning – I was. I wanted to rip him from this monstrous rock and hurl him into tiny bits. I wanted to smother him with guilt and bury him near his namesake. Violence tempted me with its lure.

“I couldn’t have been, if I actually agreed to this nonsense.”

A trace of old warmth caught up. “Come, we don’t have much time.”

“Always the same. Why don’t you give it up? There’s nowhere to run to. “

“I can’t.” For once, the words rang true.

“Too bad. Because I already have. “

He didn’t react. Just kept looking at me with those dark eyes pinned on me. I knew I could stop his pain, but the words wouldn’t come. I just didn’t want to. Not anymore.

“I don’t want to be there for you anymore. I’m tired of being used as a pawn. And most of all, I don’t think I can handle it when you keep looking at me like that.”

It could’ve been a sign of weakness, but he knew otherwise. The burning eyes dropped. Suddenly, I just wanted him gone. I couldn’t stand his presence.

“I told you, this was for keeps.” And yet, he wouldn’t give up.

I had to laugh. “This is a switch. You trying to fight. For a change.”

“You’re enjoying being a bitch, aren’t you?”

“Give me a good reason why I will not.”

“Because,” his voice dropping as he came closer. I could feel myself being cornered against the hulking side of the rock. He was mere centimeters away. He was hot and filled with a very real anger. “Because I know you don’t mean it. You don’t want me to leave.” His voice caressed my skin. I never knew it was possible to feel this divided. “I’ll tell you a little secret.”

I tried to push him away but he wouldn’t budge. I was trapped and yet, my blood had started coursing through me, making me light-headed. It was all I could do not to reach up and meet him halfway.

“I’m not interested in any more of your ‘secrets’.”

His smile prickled along my nerves. I was hot all of a sudden. There wasn’t enough air. The lightning flashed around. “You might be, in this one.”

“I’m not, dammit!”

“Why’re you so touchy, Liz?” His voice soft, his hands softer as they grazed my shoulders. And went on south.

“Get lost.” I didn’t realize I could sound so savage.

No.” His eyes pinned me to the spot. I could dimly feel myself starting to shake. It was so fucking hot. A flash of lightning blurred as he lowered his mouth to my collarbone. “What’re you gonna do about it?”

And that’s when I woke up.

Oh!” I panted, trying to get over my shock. “Jeez!”

My room was dark. It was the darkest part of the night, when even the stars didn’t dare disturb the inky void. What was I doing, dreaming of the desert?

And even now, I couldn’t get my breathing under control. I felt so hot, so worked up. It seemed like the early August had brought nothing but heat waves. I tried to turn on a lamp but my fingers were cramped and shaky. My hair was plastered all over my flushed face. If that dream had been a nightmare, I would have been scared. But it hadn’t been one. So I could only guess that this was what a mental pre-orgasm moment felt like.

The curtains moved slightly and I was embarrassed. Please don’t tell me I was thrashing around like some deranged nutcase. Thank god, I could control my connection with Alex as they’d shown me how; he wasn’t a witness to this.

A dark head came in. I almost stopped breathing.

“Liz?” It was Max. I’d known it was him. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, fine.” I played with my cover sheet. “Why…why do you ask?”

“I was sensing you.” I stopped breathing. “You seemed disturbed.”

Do I dare tell him? How would he react?

“I was.” I fidgeted with my sheet. “ I still am.”

He sat on the edge of the bed now, looking at me intently even in the dark. I was surprised when he didn’t pursue the matter.

“What’re you doing here, Max?” The line slipped out effortlessly. I smiled, thinking about the vision I’d shared with Future Max.

“We’re all staying here, remember?” And he quickly foresaw my next question. “Alex’s with Isabel.”

“I remember.”

He scratched at his bicep through the thin t-shirt. My blood was pounding so loudly that it was a wonder how he didn’t hear.

“Isn’t the night beautiful?” I asked, as the silence grew almost unbearable.

He slanted me a brief look. “It’s gonna storm.”

The wind picked up, lashing at the window. The curtains flapped and the relief of fresh air made my head spin. Without thinking, we both marched outside, on my balcony.

It was minutes away from a deluge. Lightning flickered and I jumped.

He put a steadying hand on my arm, and this time the gasp was even more audible. I cursed myself silently. Never done this before, Liz? Eager much?

The hand that had rested lightly, tightened with tension, I snuck a look at him; he looked as though he was feeling the same thing.

“It’ll rain any second.”

“Why don’t you tell me what Future Max told you?’ There was no mistaking the accusation in his eyes.

“What can I say?”

This time, his hand fell away. “Liz, you haven’t made a secret of your intentions. I don’t know when or if you’ll ever forgive me for this, but don’t you think I deserve to know what my life was like? More than anyone, I have a claim over that guy.”

“Did you…send me that dream?” I whispered appalled. And yes, hurt.

“What do you think?” he growled. “I wanted you to know what I was going through. What I’d always gone through. You were always just there, at the edge of the picture, luring me in and then asking me to leave. I’ve had it for years now. And I’m sick of it!” His voice had risen.


“Don’t tell me to shut up! I...” he threw up his hands and looked at me in despair. “What can I possibly do?”

“What do you want from me?” This time, I glared at him.

Thunder roiled in the background.

“You seem to find me repulsive, all of a sudden. I want to know why.” His voice was low and firm.

How dense is this moron? “However did you deduce that?” I laughed sarcastically. As soon as the breeze dropped, the heat came flooding, tingling back.

“Like I said, I’m very prone to you.” And it was surprising not to have him hide behind walls. A very welcome, but strange nonetheless surprise.

The night was darker than ever. Even the streetlights below were off. It was the dead of the night and we could’ve been the last two people left on Earth. The clouds rumbled overhead, occasionally torn apart by bolts of electricity.

I rubbed my arms, suddenly chilled. My tank top and boxers were no protection. He turned his head my way. I could see him from the faint glow of the Christmas lights I’d left on. The tiny light red and green threw shadows around his face, making me itch to turn on a light and see his face.

“What?" he jeered softly after a while. “Got nothing to say?”

"What do you want me to say?"

He was silent for a long time. The smell of rain tingled my nostrils as the storm approached. I could hear the sand blowing down the road. White slivers of iridescent trails raced by and swirled around.

Finally, he broke the silence. “You keep comparing me with Future Max. He’d given his life for you, for his family and all those notions you’d longed for ever since you met us.” He was very quiet now, almost whispering, ‘and I have done none of that. Excuse me for feeling inadequate.” The anger was bitter.

“Do you really believe that?” I asked, making no effort to lower my voice. “In that case, we’ve nothing to talk about!”

He stretched his hand out, as I was about to brush past him. The contact of his warm fingers on my skin made my stomach tighten. I was angry, hurt. And this wasn’t the way I’d envisioned this night.

“Stop it.” He ordered, voice still low. I tried to yank away but his grip tightened. “Stop it, Liz.”

I didn’t want to talk; it would only reveal the tears choking me. So there we stood, mute with anger and a decade’s worth of pent up hormones.

“How did we get here?” I asked after a while, hating the quaver in my voice.

He straightened; this was usually when he’d reached a tough decision.

I interrupted before he could start. “If you leave me now, so help me God, I’ll…go back to Zan.” I finished with the worst I could think of.

He chuckled, but without much energy. “Will you?”

No, goddammit!’ I scrubbed off the few stray tears furiously. “I’m not made out of stone! You’ve some gall, taunting me, after everything that’s passed! After everything, you dare question my loyalty?”

Max imprisoned my hands behind my back, “I don’t question your loyalty. But I do have the ‘gall’ to keep it up. Tell me, what’re you going to do about it?” His challenge was unmistakable.

It took every last bit of my strength but I wrenched myself free. “I don’t want my first time with you to be a result of fighting and then passionate sex. No, that was my life with Zan. I’ll be damned if you make me go through the same thing again!”

I didn’t realize how earnestly I’d been crying till I felt his shirt wet and sticking to my cheek where he’d cuddled me close.

“I’m so sorry. I'd never ask you to do that. I, of all people, know what you went through." He was whispering again. Gentle, loving. Max.

The skin on his stomach was soft and the muscles behind it harder than ever. I traced my name in it, making him tense further. The veins were beginning to stand out in high relief.

“I know I haven’t been very understanding lately but give me some time, okay?’ I whispered, trying to taste his skin. He shivered as my assault went on. “For now, I’m content with this.” I had to reach up to bite his collarbone. He moved restlessly and started tangling his fingers in my hair as the wind picked up speed.

“Not in the rain, like some c grade movie.’ he murmured, dragging me backward as the first droplets splattered the cement floor.

“Where then?”

“How about we pack up and leave for Vegas?” he suggested offhandedly but his eyes were deadly serious.

“Max this is the 21st century. We don’t have to have a marriage license in order to get some.”

This time, he definitely stiffened. A second late, I was at the window, and he was halfway to the fire escape. I ran after him.


He turned around fiercely. “Is that how you look at it? That I’m the one who’ll ‘give some’?”

“You tell me! You tell me that if we make love now, you won’t go back tomorrow, saying ‘something else I had to give up for you, Liz!!’” I screamed back.

“What happened to you?” He asked, eyes slitted. “What’s wrong with you?”

What’s wrong with me?” I attacked incredulously. “I can’t make a harsh comment without having to hear ‘what’s wrong with you?’!!”

“No, seriously, what’s wrong?” Again the anger dropped away.

I couldn’t bear to tell him that I was having doubts. What if we didn’t work out? I’d promised future Max that I wouldn’t walk away, but I was scared of making mistakes. I was still so furious at the lies and the deception, that every time I think I’ve gotten over it, I’m haunted mercilessly. Even more so, it was all just a bundle of sexual energy playing hell with my intestines and I’d known this outburst had been waiting for an outlet.

“I don’t think we should do this.” I whispered again, tired. We’d faced so much lately that even breathing was an effort. “Not now, anyway.”

“Why not?”

It didn’t register that we were both soaked through our skin. I could feel my shirt sticking to me. Max’s t shirt was plastered on his chest. It was pitch black and I was so attuned to him, I couldn’t even feel the rain.

“Because,” I wiped off raindrops for my lashes (or were they tears?) “because, I’m tired of being lied to and I’m tired of being abandoned. I’m not as strong as you think, Max.”

A flash of lightning illuminated his slack jaw. “Are you saying I abandoned you? Me?”

I shoved the plastered hair away from my face. “I didn’t mean it like that!”

Again, we squared off. “Then tell me what you did mean!” he shouted back. “Tell me what I’ve done to deserve this!”

“You lied!” I screamed back.

He took me by the shoulders and the heat of his body warmed my freezing one. “That’s old news! Try a fucking new one!”

You let me go!!

The only thing I could hear was the roar of the thunder and the crack of electricity. Max just stood there, speechless.

I gulped. I’d given voice to my greatest agony, one I’d vowed to keep it from him. It ate away at my soul, every time he sent a loving look, a soft caress. That he’d loved me all along and never stood in my way. Even after I’d told him what he’d meant to me, he’d pulled back, retreated further. I’d been determined not to beg to him now or ever, but I should’ve known better. There was no way that issue would stay buried. Not if we wanted more out of our lives than friendship. If he left me now, at least, I’d know I’d been honest with him.

His voice was a million shades of rough when he finally churned out a few words. “I already told you why.”

“You did.” I countered. “It doesn’t make it any easier to bear.”

“Come on,” he held out a hand. “Go inside before you get pneumonia.”

Was this it?

“I’m not sorry I said it, ” I looked him in the eye. “I refuse to feel guilty about that. I’m not sorry, Max.”

The hand that led me carefully back to the window was gentle, the voice even more so. “I’m not asking you to do that.”

“Then what are you asking?”

Before I could read his expression, the lights flickered and went out. The transformer nearby burst with a huge BOOOM! that scared the crap out of me. I clutched at Max but he was already gone.

“Max!” I shrieked, terrified, as I saw what he was attempting to do. Before the spliced wires could hit the running water in the street below, Max had held out a green shield to catch them. The wires were quickly restored.

I hadn’t still caught my breath as he came back.

“Is that what you do? Save small towns from electric fires and other such disasters?”

He was smiling, I could feel it.

“I’ve been taught to give back.”

“At your own expense?”

He shrugged. “It’s not that hard.”

“I love you, you know that?” I hadn’t meant for it come out like a question, but it did. And I really, really needed to know that he understood. I might hate him at times because of what he’d done, but that didn’t mean I didn’t love him just as much.

He remained quiet. And another shattered piece of my heart gasped and died quietly somewhere.

I didn’t wait for him. The room was still warm. I could feel the humidity making the wet clothes stick to me further. I’d have blushed, but it was too dark for even Martians to notice. Or can they?

I nearly howled when a wet, muscular arm wrapped itself around my waist. "It's actually Antarian.” He chuckled in my ear.

His breath made me ticklish. I couldn’t scrunch my head away enough to feel comfortable – that was leaving my neck exposed to him and knowing his considerable skill in the fine art of leaving hickeys, (apparently in ALL timelines) it wasn’t the best idea.

“You can’t keep doing this.” I tried to shake him off.

“I beg your pardon?” he asked softly, as his hands quested towards the neckline. It went on a tantalizing, southbound journey. It seemed as if the room was swirling, full of silvery moonlight. Then I noticed the trails left by his fingers.

“I said, you can’t keep doing this to me! I don’t need another lover, Max.” I turned to face him. His hands had stilled and I ached. “I need a lifetime. Don’t go further if you can’t give that to me.”

For the first time in the whole godforsaken week, his tension dropped. The arms fell limply from my side. It was hard seeing in the murky light, but it seemed as if he was grinning something fierce.

“Max!” I snapped, not amused.

“At long last,” he chuckled, tickling the wet skin behind my ears. “At long last, she finally gets it!”

“This isn’t funny, okay!”

“Point out where I said this was funny.” Max challenged, pulling me closer.

Another bold of lightning illuminated the room. I’m sure he could see my face, full of glorious lust. That oughtta drive him straight to Vegas.

He let go of me. No physical contact. All the time we’d been touching, we’d felt that undercurrent swirl just beneath the surface; we could solidify it in an instant but for now, it was prepared to wait. But even as we let go, there was no sign of it severing.

“I’d ask you to marry me,” he said slowly, trying to make out in the darkness, “but only when you’re sure. I can feel you having doubts. I don’t want the marriage you had with Zan, either.”

“Are you trying to make me beg?”

“I thought you said you didn’t want me around.” He shrugged.

“I did. You hold it against me when I want to be with you, you walk away when I don’t, so what am I supposed to do?”

“That’s unfair!” He growled.

“No, it’s not. It’s as fair as the times when you think I am the one pulling away!”

“Right, you’re not. I just dreamed the fact that you told me to get lost!” He sneered, moving away.

Hey!” I charged after him. Before I could land a solid one on his back, one of Alex’s Power Puff girls (what? He’s just appreciating feminism!) crawled under my foot. I’d barely muffled the shriek of horror.

“What is it?” he turned around instantly.

“mmmdes’ssomehtigndownthere!!!” I whimpered, almost sitting on the sill.

“What?!” There was a frown in his voice.

He yanked on my lamp; it wasn’t working. I felt around cautiously with my toes. Yep, definitely a Puffie.

“Liz," he said in a voice I’d hardly ever hear him use, "get out into the balcony and stay there.” Humph. Obviously he was preparing for a full out alien invasion. I bit my lip and decided to get even.

“Max,” I whimpered again, trying my best to sound terrified. I couldn’t tell if I was too successful, as he turned back again. He was frowning. I could feel it.

“What is it?” he was quiet, almost predatory.

“Max, there’s something glowing on the balcony.” I squeaked. I’d timed it just right. The Puffie had done an about-face and was almost on top of Max. By the time he turned even he couldn’t muffle in the instinctive gasp. A green shield appeared as he latched me by the waist. I was pinned securely between him and the glowing handiwork and the giggles were seconds away.

As if puzzled at no counter fire, he cautiously withdrew the shield. What he didn’t know was that the Puffie had been obstructed by the shield so far, and again it launched itself on us with the pent up energy. Somehow, during the whole alien voodoo he’d been doing, had triggered the dead batteries in Alex’s toys. The other Puffies were surely there somewhere, waiting to get us.

A whimper escaped me. Max thought it was fright. “Shhh, we’re…”

And then the Puffie struck. Even I was scared as it clutched on to our skin. I shuddered and yanked myself back, bumping into Max. He thought I was caught.

“Where?” Max bit out, blindly thrashing around. His hands were in front of me, trying to destroy the unwanted alien.

I gasped and tried to control the laughter about to explode. “On my right knee!” I suppose it made me sound even more believable.

He took a moment to adjust. A huge energy exploded, almost lacerated me in the process but I pulled back just in time. It was like starburst, but I’d been witness to their unbelievable powers before, so it didn’t shock me as much.

The Puffie was dead.

At that second, the lights, in ALL the houses, every house down the street came back on with a glare.

“Ooh, my eyes!”

I automatically held up a hand over his wincing face. In a second, Maria threw the door open, rushing in.

She took one look at our drenched clothes and my face; all red with what she was obvious ‘exertions’ and Max’s defiant expression and the fact that I was buried in his arms possessively. Then immediately tried to hustle everyone out. Isabel was moaning about lost sleep, Michael was howling with laughter. Zan was silent.

“Wait,” Max let go of me a little, “where the hell are you guys going?”

Michael raised an eyebrow. “You want us to stay?”

Max pushed me behind him, trying to protect my modesty, no doubt. I nuzzled the back of his neck and I doubt the effects weren’t visible to everyone within a mile radius.

Michael just had to add, ‘for that?”

Isabel growled deep in her throat and stalked out.

Max stared at them, baffled. “What? No! I thought there was something outside.”

Even Maria had started chuckling by now. “Oh, Max, you don’t need to give us excuses!’

I could feel his confusion.

“What’re you guys talking about?” he growled.

Zan smirked. “Since when did an audience turn you on, Lizzie?”

The muscles in Max’s back bunched. I traced them with a careless finger, not even registering the rest of them.

Finally, Max turned around and grasped my hand before it could trace his spine. “Enough.

Well, the evidence was certainly, um, prominent.

I grinned cheekily at the rest of them. Isabel had left, Maria was chuckling and Michael was looking a little puzzled at Max’s behavior. Only Zan’s eyes hadn’t moved from my face.

“Michael, I think we should check the building just in case. Maybe we didn’t get all of them in the desert. I heard, I felt something creeping around.”

Michael looked worried, before he spied something.

“Max, what did you do?”

“What do you mean, what did I do?” he asked in amazement.

“Why’re Alex’s toys creeping about like that?”

And that’s when understanding dawned. I felt him go still beneath my fingertips.

There was an explosive quiet. All eyes, most unbelieving, were on the toys crawling on the floor happily.

“You knew about this?” he turned back.

I shrugged, but my smirk gave me away.

He held up his palm- the rest of our friends flew backward and the door nearly cracked shut before Zan stuck his foot in. He winced, “Yo, brotha, turn out the fuckin’ lights.”

“WHAT?” this time, there was no mistaking the anger.

“You turned on the lights for the entire street. Just how much does it take to kill a soft doll?” With that the door slammed shut.

Max turned to me. Another wave of his hand and the lights returned to normal.

“I see.” He was quiet.

“Payback,” I informed him, moving away. In the dark, a brooding Max Evans was lethal.

“You’re never gonna forgive me, are you?’ he sighed, flopping down on the bed with puppy dog eyes.

“Nope.” I agreed, plopping down beside him.

He raised himself on his elbows. It was kinda scary to know the exact way he was looking at me, devouring me with his eyes and yet, I couldn’t actually see because of the dark.

“What am I going to do with you?” he shook his head, splattering droplets of water on my face, neck, stomach. “Just what the hell am I gonna do with you?”

I sat up. We were two inches apart, face to face, and despite the murky dark, everything in his expression was as clear as daylight.

“Tell me!” I demanded, not about to be shrugged aside this time. “Tell me you mean it. Get down on your knees, dammit!”

He laughed.

I kicked at his shin. He deftly caught my feet. And we got um, entangled in some strenuous ‘wrestling’.

“I’m winning.” He said, breathing hard, pinning me beneath him.

“I can tell.” I got out through clenched teeth.

He grasped my wrists, hurting me a little. I tried to pull away but he wouldn’t budge. “Don’t you ever, ever do that again!”

“Do what?” I was stunned. What’d I do, apart from getting him all hot and bothered? I frowned.

“Don’t ever ask me to use my powers when it’s on you. I could’ve hit you by mistake. You would’ve been vapor by now.’ He said bluntly.

“I got it, I got it.” I tried to pull him down again, but he wouldn’t move. The nerve of the guy, he rattled me like I do with Alex when he pisses me off.

“Promise me.”

His previous activities had left me somewhat restless. I twisted desperately, “Max, will you shut up and get on with it? I’ll start helping if you don’t.”

He sat still, more than a little off-balance. “You’ll... what?”

I chuckled; he is just so sweet. “Y’know,” I shrugged casually, moving closer, “I’ll lend a hand.”

“God, woman!”

“Aw! Are you all red?”

“Shaddup.” He pinned me beneath him and stared down at my flushed face. I wasn’t sure what he could see in the dark, but right then a small trail of moonlight appeared on the side of my neck where his fingers had quested.

“What’s that?” I asked, squirming to see.

His lips were the next to touch and I nearly jumped out of my skin. The wet tank top did nothing to dampen the arousal. In fact, it helped a ton.

“Nothing!” he gasped as my hands removed the t-shirt.

Then he paused. “I don’t think we should do this.”

I raised my face to his, already tugging at his. “That’s my line and I ain’t using it, babe. ”

He pulled away. I covered myself with my arms. Somehow I knew that if we pulled away again, this night would turn into a total disaster.

He fidgeted with the sheet, yanking on it.

“You were right, I don’t want our first time to be a quickie. Getting it on as a release, as an after-effect of fighting, is not the way I want it. I love you. I love you more than I should let myself. But I’m sorry, I’m not doing it. Not this time.”

His words touched something deep inside. The last fragment of that wall I’d built and harvested over the long years, melted away in a puddle. Maybe it was his sincerity. Or the fact that we finally had a chance together. Maybe it was because he was the only man in my life who’d never hesitated to put me first, I didn’t know.

“Come here.” I held out a hand.

He came willingly. The scratch of the lightest stubble grazed my palm as his lips scorched the tiny pulse on the inner skin.

I cupped his face in my hands as his arms came around me. “Max,” I searched his eyes and in some weird way, he guessed I wanted to see him. The silvery light sprung up on the side of my face as his fingers tantalized my flushed cheeks.


The light intensified in nature, glowing till it hurt to look straight at him. Our connection started, grew and finally became alive. I could literally see the world through his eyes. And I knew it was time for him to see it through mine.

“I want you to see something.”

By the time I’d finished, we were both spent. It was nearly dawn.

Max leaned his forehead against mine and breathed quietly. The scenes had left him drained. I suppose it’d really hurt when he’d seen the time when the other future max had come or when I’d run away from him down the high rock. Then there was the fact that I’d been sick, incurable and then my capture. I suppose it’d been the hardest to look at the life we we’d shared, so full of trust and generosity. That he’d pushed me away time and again, for nothing. There’d been no alien/human conflict. I guess it hurt to put away years of mistrust, to learn that there was no real basis for all the secrecy. I suppose it hurt much worse when he discovered that the alien secret wasn’t as big a deal as they’d all made it out to be.

I wrapped my fingers around his that were still on the side of my face. “Are you okay?”

He opened his eyes. They stared at me with such longing that I had to look away.

“I’m sorry I put you through that.” I sighed.

“I needed to know." He was equally quiet. But the desperation was gone from his voice. The anger had long since drained away. It was the first time I’d heard Max Evans talk without a heart that was full and hurting. He sounded like he’d the time and the space to make new miracles happen.

He saw the smile on my face and grinned in return. “Why’re you smiling?”

“I’ve wished that for you, for a really long time now.”

“Wished what for me?” His brows drew together and it still lacked the worried factor that always used to be there. My heart started the Highland fling thing again. This time, with taps. And bugles.

“That you’d lose the wrinkles. I told you, remember?” I made light of what I’d actually wished for. I suppose the connection took care of it. Comprehension sparkled in the amber flecks and with them came another rush of love. I had to remind myself to breathe.

“I remember. You’d leaned in close to me and then you went into,” an embarrassed little smile that I wanted to kiss off him, ‘into fantasy mode.”

All air left my body. “How’d you know?”

The embarrassed smile had turned into a confident leer. “I know the signs, babe.”

I glared at him and reached below. His eyes widened and quickly, he moved himself out of reach. “That’s off limits till you decide not to rip ‘em off.”

Another second of glaring before he caved. “Remember our date on the desert? Well, I saw it in one flash and well, I guess I totally lost it.” he hung his head.

I cuddled back into his arms and they tightened instantly. “So, that’s what that was about. I’d always wondered.”

“It was the first time I’d gotten a flash for you. And I saw a lot of stuff. The way you felt the day you left Roswell, my arrivals in NY, your, um, fantasies. I guess it threw me more than I thought it would.” He paused to look in my eyes. I dropped a kiss on the hand that cupped my jaw. “I never thought anyone could ever really feel that way about me.”

It was time to show this man what he was capable of and more. “Really?”

He tried to smile but the old fears wouldn’t quit. I leaned forward, capturing his bottom lip and drawing it between mine. He didn’t hesitate. He took my mouth again and again, each time growing increasingly desperate.

I didn’t realize when we’d reached the point of no return. Max caressed the soft skin exposed to him, ready.

“This time, I’ll be the one to go out with that ‘just got laid ‘ look.” He boasted as I winced, trying to accommodate him. It’d been too long. Far too long.

“I didn’t realize you still believed in that shit.’ I panted as he picked up speed.

He let out a soft moan and I gloried in the power I had over him. “Fuck” he whispered as the light glowed brighter and hotter. I increased my own pace, trying to get him to hurry but he slowed down.

“Max!” I wailed, really trying not to start without him. “Max, this isn’t the time to stop!”

He laughed breathlessly, and I held mine in. But it wasn’t to be. Instead, he stopped. To talk.

“Every time you and Zan would get together, I’d see that dazed smirk on his face afterwards. I’d fantasized how you were and all that you did. And this time, it’ll be me with that look.” He chuckled and it was almost triumphant as he watched me. “I can’t wait.”

It went on till I thought I couldn’t stand it anymore. I was literally caught up in a dark world of pleasure and I could barely wait for him any longer. The glow engulfed us totally, turning the bed into a bright Klieg light and it was so appropriate. I knew I was radiating with joy and so was he. And then, as we both thought it was past enduring, it swirled down from the high.

The world darkened in front of me and I couldn’t care less.

“You okay?” he whispered, sucking on my neck, no doubt leaving one royal hickey. I smiled at the thought. He whispered a little louder, as if he was afraid I fell asleep. “Liz?”

“I’m fine.” I murmured, drawing his arms to rest on my stomach as his chest cushioned my back. This was bliss.

“I’ve something to say and I don’t think it can wait.’ His voice was urgent.

I cracked open one eye. The early morning light filtered in with through the curtains, smelling of wind and rain. I could more than relate. “You gotta pee?”

He swatted my bottom gently. “Marry me."
dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

Hey, folks! As it so happens, I'm going out of town for the next week. No, no, no...I'm not pulling a disappearing act yet again, lol, just for a week. I thought about not updating, cuz it's kinda a cliffhanger, but I don't want to lose momentum again, so here goes. :)

Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful comments. I'm glad people like the idea of Max and Liz together.

As for the general suspicion that Liz is letting Max off too easy and that this is a competition sorta thing for him, I hate to dissapoint ya, mar ;) , but I don't hate Max despite popular belief. This is the last thing I'd accuse him of, but of course testosterone plays a big part of every guy. :roll:

Chapter 31.

“Okay, folks, it’s decision making time.” Michael boomed, smirking at Max.

I rolled my eyes.

We’d woken up and gone downstairs but it’d been pretty late. And pretty empty as the rest of rightfully thought we deserved some privacy. So we got that. And the rest I’ll leave to your imagination.

Finally, at three pm, they’d all shown up. Maria hadn’t looked surprised to see us cuddling and cooing like two nauseating teenagers, and finally, after Michael’s and Zan’s merciless taunts, we’d compromised to touch but no sound.

But even as Michael boomed, my attention was far more focused on the strip of skin revealed by my tank top, that was slowly being tortured by one Max Evans, King of Antar.

“Guys!” Isabel coughed loudly. “A little attention, please.”

Max looked bored. That was a new one. Usually these were the times I presumed he’d be running up and down, drawing this, strategizing that. That they were dumbfounded showed plainly on the alien trio’s face.

“I always knew you were pussy-whipped, Evans, I just didn’t know how much.” Zan mumbled, scratching his head and looking for help towards the other two. Isabel smirked but Michael nodded. We barely heard them.

I shifted a little closer and by now it’d become second nature as his arms wrapped themselves around me.

“We’ll never get anywhere.” Isabel rolled her eyes and dragged me off her brother. Max scowled.

“Well?" He barked at Michael.

“You tell us, Your Highness.” Michael pantomimed a crown.

“Very funny, Michael.”

“Just get on with it!” Maria screamed.

Both men jumped forward. I shot Maria a grateful look.

“So the Granolith’s safe and sound. Cal’s dead. So is Burns. I think we can safely say that all hostiles are at least known to us and most of them dead.”

He looked at Max. “So now what do we do?”

“Wait!” I held up a hand, mind automatically switching to scientist mode. I didn’t notice the grins on Max and Zan’s faces. They noticed each other’s and automatically dissipated. “How are you so sure they’re destroyed?”

“We had outside help.”

“Whoa! I thought this was an exclusive club, fellas!” Maria butted in. “Ya’ll had so much problems telling us, how come you broadcasted it now?”

“We didn’t broadcast anything. Outside means out of the planet, geddit?’ Michael clarified.

“Aliens?” I asked after a brief lull. Max looked wounded. “I mean, hostiles?" I hastily corrected.

“Aliens.” Zan repeated. “The big, bad, evil kind.”

“Oh, shut up.”

“They were sent with us. Their ship works, ours doesn’t.”

“Um, why not?” Maria questioned, obviously still disbelieving. She and Michael had a lot of ground to cover.

Max launched into a full-blown explanation of what had happened to them and their ship and the tech details of how to get home. Usually, I’d have been the first in line asking questions, debating this, arguing that. Today, my mind was on cloud 11 and intended to stay there.

I watched as all of them fought over plans, making corrections, striving to find the safest possible method. It was a pleasant surprise to all of us when Maria joined in, offering alternatives, trying to help. Sure enough, she shot down every idea Michael came up with and vice versa, but I saw the look of adoration in his caramel eyes and had to admit, there was hope for them yet.

Max kept shooting me weird looks, obviously wondering why I wasn’t joining in. This was right up my alley. But today, I was content to sit back down and daydream.

They finally ignored my dazed presence. I was only too happy to let them. I was just proposed to, not more than 6 hours ago, by a man I loved and why would I be talking war strategies?

This was the day I’d dreamed of, ever since 10th Grade. The exact moment. I’d never expected it to get surpassed. Then again, I’d underestimated Max Evans.

Was I doing the right thing? What if another bride came hurtling out of the sky, demanding her rights? What would I do then? What if he had to leave? What if he died? I quelled the last thought – what if he’s captured?

Don’t think like that, Parker. They already told you that the FBI has no clue about them,. They’re safe. That FBI guy was actually a Skin, so he’d no doubt keep the whole alien thing a secret. Everything’s going to be okay.

An old voice leaped in my head. What about Zan?

I scowled at the green alien hung over the Crashdown doors. What about him?

How does he feel about this? My conscience whined.

Who the fuck cares?

I couldn’t help myself; I remembered back to the time Zan had proposed. We’d been riding on his bike, screaming along the desert when he’d suddenly pulled over. The images of that day had blurred but they were there, on the edge of the memory like fading sunlight.

He’d climbed down and faced me. The sun had been behind him and it’d been hard to read the expression in his eyes. I suppose if I’d seen it, I wouldn’t have agreed.

You up for something fun?

This is fun enough, don’t you think?
I’d tried so hard to read him back then, to figure out the mystery of this guy who’d just shown up and systematically destroyed what I’d called life all of my 18 years.

No, really. I’m so tired of this goddamn place. Can we leave? He’d looked at me with those eyes shielded and I still remember the way my jaw had dropped. I’d never thought of him as a permanent type of guy.

As in?

Let’s leave. Leave Roswell.

I’d laughed. He’d already unstrapped my helmet and I could remember the fried smell of the desert heat, the blinding sunset and the breathlessness of the moment.

We? Since when did ‘we’ come into the equation? I’d known the words wouldn’t wound him as it would’ve, had Max asked me that. Then again, with Max, it would have been a ‘we’.

He’d shrugged, not looking spectacularly hurt. Maybe it’d been that raw need to make him deal with me, as he’d made me deal with him. Or the fact that he was singularly the one guy who even understood me these days and didn’t up the ante. My parents had pressurized me to the point of no return to break it off with Zan. The prospect of going to Harvard had seemed pallid next to his fiery, charismatic presence and the way he’d endlessly tantalized me. I’d seen the looks for that whole year. We’d walk by, seemingly innocent but the looks of envy had followed us around. We’d been a powerful combination – jaded, dark and dangerous. Me, Liz nerdy Parker, considered dangerous, jaded. It’d been a whole new kind of outlook on life. I’d known the line was very fine and it could snap back in my face any second, but never in my life had I expected him to be around forever. Maybe I’d figured, once he’d be out of my life, I could go back to being me.

He’d given me a queer look. I don’t intend to let you go. A slight smile. Not yet, anyway.

I’d relished the challenge in his eyes, the way he’d always made it clear that it wasn’t forever, but for the present, he was willing to give me all that.

Yeah? What do we do? Where do we go?

New York, duh!

Not, duh, Zan. I d... I don’t want to leave Roswell.

He’d been curiously gentle, as if he understood my secret reason behind the negation. Baby, there’s nothing left for you here.

I can’t just pack up and leave! And what would I do, anyway? Work in a deli?

They have these curious little places called ‘universities’ there.

Unless I prostitute myself on Broadway, I don’t see how I’ll pay for that.

He’d looked angry. What makes you think you have to do that?

How else would I pay? My folks won’t give me a dime if I go off with you. Especially to NY Even more so if we... I’d broached the subject cautiously, already tingling pink, if we move in together.

He’d floored me by his next comment. What the bloody fuck do you mean by ‘move in together?'

Jeez, you sure know how to treat a lady. I’d been mortified by his blunt rejection.

I don’t do things by half measure, Elizabeth. When I ask someone to go with me, I don’t do it halfway. Can’t leave loose ends, ya know?

What...what’re you saying?

There’d been no glowing promise of the moment, no realization of ‘happily ever after’. Just a hot sun, a sandy desert and a dangerous guy whose hands had lifted me off the bike and onto his lap. I’d always felt a drugged sensation whenever he’d been near but this time, it’d been potent than ever.

I want you to come to NY with me. We’ll get an apartment. I’ll show you all the places I’d lived in. Maybe then you’ll stop being so afraid of me. I’m not hiding anything from you.

I’m not afraid of you, Zan. You drive me crazy but it’s something I need right now.

Briefly, the dream of a cathedral lit by candles and a vision of white had swum by. He wasn’t proposing or anything. I’d known that if I’d left, I’d probably never see Max again. After all, how long could I last with Zan?

Zan had smiled with a tenderness that was unknown to both of us.

You think I’m kidding, don’t you? Hate to disappoint ya, but it’s not gonna happen.

My folks would be disappointed. I don’t think I want to do that.

He’d laughed again. Nuzzling my neck, he’d whispered and I could still smell his cologne. You can put ‘em to rest. We’ll invite them to the wedding.


He’d treated me to a slow, gorgeous smile. I held the promise of danger and the element of the unknown. Everything I’d craved back then. And I’d made up my mind.

You didn’t think I’d leave you alone, did you?

Why not, Zan?

Because I can’t figure you out and that’s driving me halfway mad. He’d looked genuinely puzzled. Freaking granola! I just asked a girl to marry me!

You can still take it back. And I’d wished he wouldn’t.


And that had been that. We’d left after graduation. Carried on a lengthy engagement and finally got hitched. No one who’d known Zan had expected us to last. Now I couldn’t help but wonder if I should’ve played along with them.

How different it was this time around.

I startled as warm fingers traced the curve of my jaw. “You okay?” Max asked gruffly. “I’ve been watching you. Looked kinda distracted.”

I forced a smile. “I’m fine. Really.”

Zan interrupted. “Fellas, there’s been a complication.”

“What’s that?” I challenged.

Max held up a hand. “We’ve already discussed this. The Granolith’s needed back if we want to defeat the remnants of Khivar’s occupation. Antar needs it.”

“What’s it do?" Maria wrinkled her nose. Michael shot her a loving look, that escaped none but Maria. Spaceboy rolled his eyes.

“It’s like this thing of worship.” Isabel answered, trying to remember. “it’s pretty confusing.”

“It acts as a defense for our eco system, like a defense system against invasions. It also helps us nurture and rebuild our lost resources.”

“You mean, it’s just an super-advanced version of all the energy saving devices the Earth’s come up with. Only better. It not only helps conserve resources, but also helps in the renewal process. Sorta like the fact that it can act as a time machine by going through different timelines. So it can rejuvenate lost resources by making such trips.” I stated.

Max looked at me admiringly. “Yeah, that’s pretty much it. It’s also symbolical of our dynasty.” He rolled his eyes. “Apparently.”

“So you’re saying that since the granolith had been on earth, it was easier for Khivar to take over?”

This time, the admiration came from all quarters. “Right again.”

“And you want to use it for what now?”

“Rebuild our planet.” Isabel said somberly. “They’re probably facing extinction.”

“50 years is enough for extinction?” I asked, baffled.

“Things move at different speeds.” And Zan didn’t volunteer anymore.

“So, where’s the problem?”

“We need to get it to Antar, make sure it’s protected.” Zan announced. “That would be the problem I was talking about.”

The room fell silent. My eyes locked on Max’s, the repercussions only registering. Now what do we do?

“Right,” Michael stretched his feet and stood. He seemed to be at a loss for words. I guess the actuality of leaving had never been a factor, or maybe it had. “Let’s all think this through.”

“The Granolith’s capacity is for one travel.” Max and I spoke simultaneously. Even Zan looked stunned.

“How the hell do you know that?”

I shrugged. “Someone told me.”

No one asked whom.

Maria’s voice trembled. “You mean, you can’t… you can’t come back?”

No one wanted to volunteer an answer.

A far horrifying thought struck me. “You’re saying that if you guys leave, you can’t come back. So that means, either some of you’re stuck on earth and can’t get out, even if there’s a huge threat, or that you all have to leave.”

Zan nodded curtly. “This is a one way journey. We have to leave.”


His gaze softened. “Sorry, Elizabeth.”

I glanced at Max. He was white-faced, obviously torn. He’d spent his life as a king, wanted above all to repair the race that was his, destined from birth. He couldn’t deny it, any more than he could deny me.

And then Zan inflicted the most grievous wound. “It needs the Royal seal for activation. Not just for the space travel, also for reactivation once we land on Antar.”

I clutched Max to me wordlessly.

He returned the embrace,

Michael scratched his head. “You mean, we have to go?”

Zan shrugged. “Look, guys, Larek’s got some info. He says that the tech in Antar has advanced pretty rapidly as Khivar’d tried to build a replica of the granolith. Of course it failed, but it’s a close second. Even if we leave, I think there’s a good chance of us coming back.”

I fought the quaver in my voice and didn’t succeed. “Tess left that way in future Max’s timeline. She came back unharmed.”

“I suppose so, because the situation’s pretty much under control. I don’t doubt there’d be death threats made, but that can be taken care of.”

Max’s shoulders dropped. “I suppose we should be grateful.”

I yanked him around. “WHAT? You’re…actually thinking of going?!”

He looked anguished. “I...”

I looked desperately at Michael and Isabel. “Do something!”

Max’s arms tightened. “Shhh.…”

No, dammit!”

Zan shot me a brief look and went upstairs. He returned after a while with Alex.

I dropped Max’s arms and raced for my son. He toddled into my arms. I cuddled him closer, trying to remove the doubts from his mind. He was scared.

“What did you do to him?” I demanded.

Zan was looking furious. Jaw tightened, throat working, eyes glittering with menace. That was a first. He usually smirked or insulted people. Never got mad. I cringed at the black look of disgust as he looked me in the eye.

Alex is carrying the Royal seal.”


TBC, look for an update within next week. Sorry. ;) Did warn ya, after all.
Take care,
dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

Chapter 32.

The room swirled in front of my vision. Isabel’s mouth was a giant O. No one talked. I supposed the speculations of the last few years had come flooding back.

“Alex is carrying the royal seal. And I want to know why.” Zan’s eyes were narrow slits of ice, freezing me. He was savagely angry. It poured off him.

“I don’t bloody well care what you think!” I flashed back at him, incensed at his lurid suggestion. “I don’t make it a habit to sleep around with a wedding band on my finger, you bastard!”

Then how the hell does he have it?” Zan roared, inches away from me, fists clenched.

Alex whimpered, a 4 feet shield in front of his father’s towering rage.

Only Max’s stepping up and pulling us apart stopped the imminent bloodbath.

“Fuck you.” He swore, glowering.

“Fuck you!” I ripped back.

“I want an explanation.” He rocked back on the balls of his feet and crossed his arms. “Right now!” Glaring at Max first, then back at me.

“Of course,” I replied in a honeyed voice, “like I so owe you an explanation, you son of a bitch!”

Zan stood up to Max this time, hatred emanating from him. “Well, well,” he sneered, “how the not so mighty falls, eh? I never thought you’d stoop so low, but apparently no low’s low enough!”

Max stood his ground. “Save it, Zan.”

Zan took another step forward but Max held out a hand. Then he turned to me. Swallowing, he took my icy hands into his. “I can figure it out.”

“I’ll just fucking bet!” Zan snarled.

Max ignored him. It was as if we were the only two people left on earth and everything faded. I concentrated on the love clearly visible in his eyes. It couldn’t be that bad.

“I think I passed it on to Alex when you were giving birth. You were in difficulty. Obviously, the pregnancy was complicated. I didn’t know what else to do. I had to use my powers. I suppose it passed on to Alex. I am so sorry.”

Everyone sat there, stunned.

“You mean, since you and Zan had the same blood work, the chances of your genes passing onto Alex was high?”

“Probably.” Isabel agreed. Max remained mute.

“Max, it’s okay.” I whispered but he was still ashen. I suppose he was thinking about what future Max had done to his Liz and her progressive changes.

“Can I talk with you alone?” Zan asked. He looked tired. Tired and defeated.

Max didn’t budge from my side.

“It’s okay, honey.” I assured him. Isabel had to drag him out.

“I’m sorry.” Zan admitted, after a brief, vehement pause.

I waved it off. “I suppose you got paranoid.”

“You don’t understand. I never thought he’d actually get you pregnant. The seal thing was a total shock.” His voice revealed his embarrassment. “I suppose it hadn’t even been an issue, huh?”

“You didn’t deserve it.” I muttered darkly.

He threw up his hands. “Christ, Liz! You didn’t even sleep around! What’re you trying to do, gimme a complex?”

I kept my mouth shut with difficulty. After a long minute of icy silence, he quietened.

“You realize the outcome of this can’t be pretty.”

“I love him, Zan. I am not going to give him up.”

“Liz,” he took my palm in his cold ones, “you can still save Alex.”

What?” I growled, not understanding.

“It’s either Alex or Max, can’t you see that?”


At my roar, Max burst in.

“What’s going on!”

I clutched at Alex. “He’s going to take my son away! Please, don’t let that happen!”

Max glared at Zan. “No way.”

Zan straightened up. “He is my son.”

“And he’s my heir!” Max stopped to breathe. “And I’m not letting anyone take him there.”

“Then it’s you.”

Max hesitated. I clutched Alex harder, damning the granolith.

The others entered, Isabel and Maria wearing identical agonized expressions.

“What’s wrong?” Michael asked, eyes narrowed.

Zan didn’t even spare a glance. “Whether you approve or not, one of you has to come with me. I haven’t ruined my life just for the Royals to turn their back on us when it counts!” His voice was savage.

I couldn’t stop myself. “I’ll kill you before I let either of them go!”

“You reach a decision, Max. But make it by tonight. We have to leave tomorrow.”

“WAIT!” I howled, causing them all to look over. “You’re ALL gonna go?”

“No, but we need at least one of you to activate the granolith. After that, we can use more conventional means for intergalactic journeys.”

“Please, I’m begging you.” I sobbed, looking at Zan.

He seemed to fight his own demons. “I’m sorry. But if none of you are willing to leave Earth, I, at least need the seal to give them back. Our people had been counting on it and I refuse to let them down. I wish we could think of a way around it, but there isn’t any and I’m afraid one of you would have to come. I won’t break my people again,” he looked me in the eye and I could see he was determined, “not even for you, Liz.”

Max hesitated as Zan bent for Alex. Alex went trustingly enough. Somehow, ever since Zan had come back from the desert excursion, he and Alex had grown pretty tight. There was anguish in his father’s eyes as he cradled his son in his arms. I sat there, numb. I couldn’t give either of them up, but if it came down to Alex and Max, I knew I’d choose Alex any day. For one thing, Max was more capable of dealing with aliens.

“Zan, wait!” Max walked forward.

I couldn’t stop the sobs from erupting. “Max, please don’t. They’ll kill you! I know they will.” Terror made my chest constrict. Irrational, yes, but I couldn’t shake the fear from taking a numbing hold of me.

He came back to hold me closer. I buried my face in his shirt, exhausted from the never-ending tension. “Liz, I have to. Don’t ask me to stay. There’s no choice here.”

I held on to him harder.

Maria wiped her eyes and spoke in a wobbly voice. “What if Max gave the seal to Zan?”

All movement ceased.

“I…what?” Max glanced around, aghast. Obviously, it wasn’t even a factor. After all, it was his real birthright. I couldn’t ask him to give that up. All these years of trying to live up to it, sacrificing so much along the way and to have to say that it was never there, would be a bitter blow.

They all stared at him in shock.

Isabel was the first. “Oh, come on! Be serious! You can’t even be considering it!”

Michael was next. “I trust you, Zan and all that. But it’s Max’s throne. He shouldn’t have to give it up. He didn’t ruin his life for nothing, either.”

Max shot me a look and then his gaze landed on Alex. He stepped forward and my heart shattered. I tried not to look too devastated.

He stopped in front of Zan. They stared at each other. I could feel Max’s loyalty warring with love; it was vivid in his eyes.

“It may hurt.” Max said, after a pause.

I stopped breathing. Isabel sobbed. Michael glared at Maria and then subsided. I could see their misery.

Then all of them, ALL of them went forward. Maria clutched at my arm. “What’re they doing?”

Well, we didn’t have to wait too long to find out. First Isabel, then Michael, finally Zan and his son, kneeled before him. Max’s eyes were squeezed shut, but even then, the lashes were tipped with tears. I felt my own heart break. I’d wanted him for myself, but not at this price.

“Max, can we talk for a second?” I asked quietly as the others rose.

He shook his head. “My mind’s made up.”

“I would never hold it against you.” I said with as much conviction as I could muster. “I couldn’t!”

“Doesn’t matter.” Came the quiet reply.

Zan kept kneeling. Alex had a strong grip on his fingers, looking on anxiously. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. His hazel eyes were fixed in a wide, worried gaze on both the men.

Max placed his hand on Zan’s forehead. It started off with a bluish light, till it glowed harder and brighter. It was like azure flames, burning and searing into Zan’s forehead. I rushed to hold Alex, as he whimpered with fear. The thought of this happening to my innocent son made me nauseous.

I could see Zan’s knuckles turn white from the pain. A slight groan escaped but his eyes were squeezed closed. The intense heat made me pull Alex away a little distance but he wouldn’t let go of Zan’s hand. I wiped a few stray tears off his soft, fat cheeks.

Finally after we thought it could get no worse, the glowing erupted into the V sign of the five stars, or the five planets that made up the empire of Antar.

Max shuddered out a low gasp, as if it was torn from his own heart.

Finally, it glowed itself away.

I could hear Michael and Isabel exhaling breaths that had been trapped inside.

Zan rose. He seemed to be stronger, more powerful. A king.

Max stumbled and nearly fell. I caught him and he smiled into my neck tiredly. “I’m sorry, I just feel so weak.”

“Shhh.” I cradled him.

My eyes accidentally locked on Zan’s and I saw the barest tinge of regret. I was stunned. He had the throne he’d coveted so much but yet, he seemed to crave something more human. I lowered my eyes in confusion. I must be seeing things!

“Why did you do it?” I whispered.

Max leaned in closer. “I don’t give a fucking damn about being a king. Been there, done that. I love you. That means more to me than anything else.”

Max straightened as Isabel rushed forward. Maria and I watched, tears flooding our eyes as the siblings, including Michael, embraced lovingly.

Finally, Zan went forward to shake Max’s hand. As they gripped, I could see, in a long time a real respect coming over Zan’s usually bland eyes.

“I’ll try to do right by you.”

Max gripped it harder. His own eyes were shining. “I’ll try to do right by you.”

Zan smiled sadly. “I suppose, in a way, they belonged more to you than they never did to me.”

Another tear dropped down my cheek and disappeared in my shirt.

For a while, we all remained quiet. Max sagged a little against my chest.

“Shit,” he mumbled, “Sorry Liz, but I’m…” he looked down. I couldn’t see him clearly. “I’m kinda drained.”

I pressed a light kiss to his head, aching for this man and all he’d had to give up. “Let’s take you upstairs.”
dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

Chapter 33.

Continuing from last part...

Zan’s gaze sought me out. I squirmed.

“Walk with me, Liz?” There was a silent plea in his voice that I couldn’t ignore. Max gathered Alex to him and walked off, the others trailing behind.

We walked out, avoiding each other’s gaze.

“This is weird.”

“You gonna die?”

He smiled. “I won’t. I was always better than the rest of them.”

“Well, see that you don’t.” I said, hating the shrewish tone in my voice.

He took a hold of my ringless finger. “Where’s my ring?”

“We were finished a while back. Didn’t you get that?”

“I’d like it back.”

I scowled.

He went on, as if he hadn’t seen me. “It offends you?”

I searched in my wallet, and finally dug out the ring. It was simple band of white gold, set with a tiny, exquisite blue diamond. Freakin’ blue. I should’ve known.

“There you go.” I held out my palm.

He stared at me for a long while, his eyes holding me captive. There was a strong instinct to cry against his broad chest about all that’d gone wrong with us. Despite it all, he’d done something for me that Max Evans hadn’t. He’d given me the self confidence to take on the world. And I suppose I owed him a thank you.

Zan kissed the palm, took the ring and kissed my left finger. I held my breath. Finally, he took my mouth in a slow, gentle kiss, so unlike him that my eyes nearly popped out. It was not so much as a “I’m sorry” as it was a ‘goodbye’.

“Take care of yourself, Lizzie.”

“You too, Zan.” I hesitated. “Come back alive.”

He laughed and lowered his head. “I’ll try.”

Another beat passed.

“I’m really sorry.”

He looked startled. “What about?”

“I’m making you give up you life, your entire existence. I’m asking you to leave the damn planet. It could possibly mean death for you.” I was blunt about it.

He tangled his hand in my hair. “I figured I owed you one.”

“I’m sorry about that, too. I never got over Max. I suppose I gave you a lot of reason to doubt me.”

The houses passed by as we walked on in silence. He finally looked at me.
“I wish I could say that you meant more to me than Antar. You did, at one time. But it wasn’t going to last and I didn’t want to hurt you further. My life wasn’t meant to be that.”

I snuffled. “I know.”

He kissed my hand again and we walked on in silence. After a decade of marriage and five year’s absence, with so many things unsaid, I didn’t know how to break it.

“You plan on living in Roswell?” he asked, as we neared the quarry.

I shrugged. “I’ll have to adapt it to Max’s, I guess.”

“You keep doing that, molding your life to fit ours.” He remarked.

“That’s not fair, Zan. I want to do it because I want to be with him.” I paused, kicking away a small stone. Zan didn’t take that news too well. “Maria once asked me if I couldn’t let go of him. I told her I didn’t want to. It wasn’t as much as I couldn’t, rather that I wouldn’t.”

He started. “When was this?”

I felt a guilty flush heat my cheeks. “Um, after Alex’s second birthday. She’d flown up with Max and Michael. We had an impromptu reunion. I guess I’d really needed him back then. Alex was a handful.”

I saw Zan’s clenched jaw. “He was wearing a red jumper at the park and the reason he’d yowled the placed down was because it wasn’t his favorite yellow one.”

I stared at him, mouth hanging open. “How do you know that?!”

“Because I was watching you two. It was the perfect August afternoon and you’d been crying. You wiped your nose on his bib and he’d screamed something fierce. And then Max came. He’d been looking for you.” He smiled sadly at me. “I saw the way your face lit up. You guys were hugging and I saw the way you fought to eventually let go of him. If I’d ever had any doubts, it was gone.”

I closed my mouth, aghast. “You meant to come back?”

Zan smirked. “Max’d gotten outta control. I’d met him twice that year and each time, he was like a man possessed. He’d push me further and there were a couple of times I guess he’d thought of ordering me to go back. Thankfully, he also had enough sense not to resort to that. And I’d seen Alex. I really did want to come back to New York.”

“And he wouldn’t let you or what?”

“No, no. We ran into an army of Skins and that was that. After that, I think he also backed off. I guess he finally got it that you were more interested in him than patty cakes. A guy’s gotta look out for himself, ya know?”

“Where were you, all this time? I suspected the worst.”

He smirked again. “Drug lord? Organized crimes?”

“Dead!” I snapped back. “Until you posted that damn letter.”

“What did they tell you about me?” he settled himself against a large boulder and leading me nearer to him.

“Ah, it’s not important. I know the answers now.”

“Yeah, well.”

“What’re you gonna do about Antar?”

He seemed to grow in stature; obviously this was a realization of a dream that had seemed so unconquerable before. His excitement was obvious.

“I’ll start with the resources. As soon as we get the ‘delivery’ system for intergalactic travels working,’ we both chuckled, ‘I’ll send one out.”

I scowled.

Zan ran a hand through my hair. “Patience, Elizabeth. My son deserves to see his planet. He deserves to know his heritage.”

“You sound like Tess.”

“Well, don’t blame her. What would you have done, if you’d known that there was an entire race waiting for you, just to get started? They need our help and I’m not going to turn my back on them.”

The words cut deeply. Max’d spent his entire life doing everything to safeguard Antar’s interests and now he was forced to give it all up. All because of me. If Future Max hadn’t vehemently and often objected to the fact that their ‘destiny’ was intergalactic bullshit, I doubt if I’d let it get this far.

“Having doubts, Liz?”

“Tons. What did I do?” I whispered, covering my face with my hands. One day from now, what if Max resented what I’d made him do?

“He won’t.” Zan’s crisp voice was reassuring. “He won’t because underneath all the commands and posturing,” he laughed at my glare, “he was never made to be a ruler.”

Really.” My voice was ice.

He shrugged carelessly. “I suppose he’d been ready for it because he had nothing else to fill his mind with. His heart, however, was a different matter.”

“How do you know so much about Max in the first place?”

He gave me a very odd look. “I know him.”

“We should go back.”

“Yeah.” We started walking off. “I want to spend some time with Alex, if that’s okay with you.”

“Of course.”

Then I gave into my greatest fear. “You won’t have to take him back at any time, would you?”

He sighed. “You think I want my son in the line of fire? I’m not a monster, Liz. But someday, it might be required. I’m not going to live forever.”

The quiet words jarred me. This was Zan. He’d that larger than life quality about him. I couldn’t see him gone. I just couldn’t.

“Can I go?”

He smiled, a devious smile that made me rethink every good thing he’d ever done. “Of course you can.”

The world turned dark. Try as I might, I couldn’t draw any air in. “WHAT?”

He smirked. “You win some, you lose some. He couldn’t have both.”

“You’re a real son of a bitch, you know that? A cheat, a liar…”

He held up a hand to stop my vitriolic words. “Stop, stop. I’ll get a complex!”

“Why didn’t you tell him? At least let him make his decision based that way!”

Again the steel returned. “Give me one reason why. He’d have taken the seal and taken you and Alex, too. That’s fucking dirty pool.”

“You could’ve given him a chance!” I argued bitterly. ”He gave you a lot of them, why couldn’t you?”

“Because I’m a selfish bastard. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is!” his voice lowered. “You can tell him.”

“You think I won’t?” then another thought struck me. “Why doesn’t he know of this?”

Zan shrugged, the tattoo rippling. “I guess I didn’t tell him. It was under my jurisdiction.”

“So much for trust!” I spat back. “What else did you keep from him?”

“None of your fucking business.”

“You just had to do it, didn’t you? Ruin the way I thought about…” I trailed off, swallowing my words. He didn’t deserve to hear I‘d forgiven him.

He shrugged. “I figure it’s fair. He gets you. I get the throne. He will be going home as a King, too, so quit ruffling your feathers.”

He gets you, I get the throne?” I shrieked, “that’s fair? Since when did I factor into the equation? In YOUR equation? You’ve made it abundantly clear you didn’t want me, so why use me to hold it against him?”

“What makes you think I didn’t?” he stopped off my fed-up look. “Ok, ok, stupid question. What makes you think you’re not part of the equation? You’re Alex’s mother, aren’t you?”

“Just don’t talk to me anymore!” I stormed inside the Cash.

Max looked up. They’d come down and had evidently been working out the entire details. But one look at my enraged face and he thought better of wowing me with details of the great planetary travel.

“Are you okay?”

“No!” I bit out through clenched teeth. “Can we talk for a second?”

“Sure,” he pulled me away. “What’s wrong?”

“Zan!” I snarled back. “That low-down, mangy, lying, cheating son of a …”

“Liz, calm down.”

“Calm down? Wait till you hear this!”

“What did he do?” Max asked, eyes beginning to narrow. “Was he asking about us?”

“No, dammit! I can go with you!”

“Go?” he looked at me blankly. “Go where?”

“Antar, slowpoke!”

He laughed relieved. “Oh, if that’s all.”

“If that’s all? What the bloody hell do you mean, if that’s freakin all!!” I shrieked, incredulous.

“Liz, that wasn’t even an option. Do you think I want you and Alex there? I’d surrender to Khivar before that!”

The hurt I felt at hearing he’d never let me get involved in that aspect of his life was dimmed by my own guilt and his obvious concern.
“You knew about it?”

“I figured it out after you told me about Tess and baby Zan.”


“Well, technically baby Zan was defective alien material. How could he survive in that spaceship?”

“What’re you saying?”

“I’m saying that I guess anyone with alien compounds, ‘ he laughed, ‘probably can stay safe and alive on Antar. At least, on the spaceship.”

I looked around wildly. “Max, it’s not too late. Take the seal back. It’s your birthright! I’m sorry I forced the issue but it’s still not too late! Please, take it back!”

He stared at me, agape. “You want me to leave?”

“I a… was worried about you! I didn’t want you to end up like your namesake.”

“So what changed?”

I stared at him, dumbstruck. Exactly. What the hell had changed? I still loved him. Was still worried about him getting killed. And I still thought he’d end up dead the minute he set foot on Antar.

“I thought you’d like to know that there was an alternative,” I said slowly. “There is a way of getting both of what you want.”

His eyes were shining. “You’d do that for me?”

Hell, Max, when’ve I ever done anything else? The line sprung out from nowhere. Then I swallowed. That wasn’t my line; it’d been Future Max’s Liz’s. Not mine at all. Max, I’d do anything. If it means being with you. Uh, oh. That wasn’t mine, either.

He was looking at me expectantly.

Since I hadn’t spoken either line, I doubt it was mine to give out. But since it was me in another lifetime and the words were highly appropriate, I chose the latter. I hadn’t exactly done too much for him.

“I’ll do everything, but I don’t think I could ever repay your debt.” I rephrased it.

He frowned. “I don’t like the sound of that.”

“No, really,” I hastened to explain. “You took so much crap for my sake. Michael and Isabel aside, I can only guess at what it must’ve cost for you to pursue a married woman. Then there’s Zan; he probably gave you hell.” My voice dropped. “Then there’s me. I probably exposed you so many times, Max.” I took a deep, fortifying breath as my insides quaked. “You risked everything, time and again, to fly to NY to help me through. Almost ever since the first time you came, I’d been holding onto you as a shield from the world. And I’d never realized what it’d cost.”

The tears dropped off, to my horror. Last thing I needed was to make him feel guilty.

He was looking stunned. When he spoke, he was stony. “Did he put you up to this? What did you think this would've accomplished? That I’ll just walk out of your life?”

“Of course not! That’s not the point!”

“Then what is? Why do you want me to leave?” he was angry.

“I don’t want you to regret this, 10 years down the line. I don’t want to wake up one day and find that you’re blaming me for your lost chances. Maybe 5 years from now, you’ll wish you were the one rebuilding and ruling Antar, not Zan. I can’t imagine how you’ll even stop thinking about it, Max! It’s been your whole life!” I paused for another deep draft of air. “I’m bitter myself. I know how it feels to give up everything for someone and then live to regret that decision.”

“Wait!” he held up a hand as I started again. “I’ve heard enough!” he paused, rubbing his forehead viciously. “Liz, how can I convince you that I’m through with this life I’ve always had to lead? I’m sick of this king shit, I’m really sick of people looking up to me and asking me to be the one to lead them into murder, robbery, etc, etc! And I’m really, really sick of being called this… person I never was!

“You don’t understand. You’re sick of it now. You’ll miss it later on.” I emphasized, but he wouldn’t listen.

“You think I’m not aware of that? Of course, I’ll always wonder what’s there in Antar, but it’s not my life! I’m Max Evans, sub human. Still trying.” He added, with an adorable half smile. I could feel that resolve melting away. No, no. Be strong, Liz!

“You’re not convinced, are you?”

“I can’t be convinced when there’s so many things involved! Don’t you see?”

He clearly didn’t because the frown was far from gone.

“I’m talking about a whole other life. You were born a king.” I spoke the words heavily. “This is not a career, or…or a wife you're walking away from. It’s your birthright.


“Max! Stop being so difficult!”

Me? I’m being difficult? I’m not the one who can’t wrap their heads around the fact that I want to stay. I’m no king. Don’t want to be. How’s that?”

I stared at him. How do I make him understand? I remember my other self’s life. She’d given him her all, and maybe there’d been regrets along the line but she’d never wanted to give him up. No, that hadn’t been an option.

“What I’m saying is, I don’t want you to give up everything for me.”

“You are everything!” he threw up his hands. “God, what does it take to get it through your head?!”

I willed myself to remain where I was. “I love you for saying that, but I...’ I shrugged, not liking the reason myself. But at the end of the day, I’m an old fashioned type. I’d like to know we’ve both earned each other. Whereas he’s certainly proved himself, what have I done so far to prove myself? And until I’m happy with the answer, I can’t ask him to give me so much.

“I what?” he countered.

“I want to know that I’m worthy...” I hastily looked away at his dawning look of mingled disgust and comprehension. “Until then…”

“Gawd, Liz, they don’t call you a saint for nothing!”

“Getting me pissed off,” I raised my chin, “won’t change anything.”

“I know what you are to me. You’ve proved yourself. Are you happy now?” he gestured exaggeratedly.


“Because all you did when you discovered I was an alien was throw a hissy fit because I hadn’t told you sooner.” He sighed. “And the only thing you hold against me is that I sacrifice too much for you. Does that answer your question?”

O-kaay. That answers my question. I stayed silent for a while. The others murmured softly.

“That’s not the only thing.” I finally pointed out.

His grin returned full force, a beacon of victory. “ That I let you go. Trust me, last night left it…indelibly imprinted in my brain.” The gaze was a slow caress.

I was halfway in his arms before I realized what was happening. “Right.”

“Right.” He clarified, twirling me around by the waist, much to Alex’s delight. “And given half a chance, I’ll do my share of proving too.”

Maria spoiled the moment. “Alleluia."
dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

Belated Happy Valentine's Day! :D Hope all of you enjoyed it. ;)

Chapter 34.

Alex and Zan had disappeared for hours but I wasn’t particularly worried. Max, Isabel and Michael had gone to do what, god knows. Maria and I sat on my balcony, staring at the night sky.

It was three in the morning. Zan was going at 4 in afternoon. 13 hours left. The countdown had started. Every second passed and something in me beat with it. He was going off to some unknown world. While we had worked out the essentials about Alex, we’d left a few hatchets unburied. Part of me told me it was better that way. Part of me cautioned against hasty decisions.

“You ready for him to leave?” Maria asked wisely.

“For all I know, he could’ve been in Antar the last 5 years, Maria. Having him around hadn’t been much of an issue.”

“You still care about him?’

“Why’re you so damn persistent?”

She sat up. “Liz, I can see with my own eyes how much you love Max. Hell, you always have. But this is your husband we’re talking about. Despite what he’s said and done, you got married for a reason. And I refuse to believe that crap about you not giving a damn. You care about the people in your life, Liz.”

“Maria, I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am.”

“Cuz he’s leaving?” she scoffed. “Save it!”

“No, because of Max. I can’t believe he’s finally all mine. Zan…” I shrugged, “I don’t wanna go there, Maria. I don’t want Max to live through what Zan went through.”

“You think he won’t?”

I glared at her. “Why’re you such a card carrying member of the Zan fan club all of a sudden?”

“I’m not, honey.” She stroked my hair. “But tying up the loose ends could save you a lot of grief. If only for Alex’s sake. He’s just six.”

“Five.” I corrected.

“And one day, he’ll be twelve. One day he’ll be 18. He’ll ask.”

“And nothing. Max’s there. He’ll take me through all that.”

She looked me in the eye. “And Max’s feelings are not the slightest bit biased? And Alex’s? Regarding the whole father vs. stand-in father syndrome?”

I stood up. “Maria!”

“Liz, at least tell him it’s over.”

“Maria!” I yelled, “I’m going to marry Max! I doubt it’s unclear to Zan about my feelings for him! He knows it’s over!”

“Then ask him what he wants you to tell his son when Alex’ll ask why his father deserted him!”

“He knows that too!”

“He’s just a child, Liz. He’ll forget this in 3 years. When the important years strike, he’ll ask. And you won’t know the answer.”

“I have the answer!”

“All I’m saying is, there’re a few things you need to get over. Number one being this inadequacy you feel.”

I gaped at her. “What?”

“That whole ‘un-worthy’ speech! That’s what.”

“What’s that gotta do with Zan??”

“You’ve always wondered why he left.”

“And now, I know the answer and no longer care.”

We glared at each other. “Jeez, Maria we’re both fighting over Zan! Did that occur to you?”

“He owes you an explanation. Don’t let him go without getting it.”
With that, she walked off.

I thought about calling Max, then decided against it. He’s probably tired.

The door slammed shut downstairs. For one second, I panicked. Then I heard the quiet tread. I opened the door.

Zan carried Alex through. “Should I put him in here or his room?”

“Here’s fine.” There’s a frog stuck in my throat.

He carefully laid our son on the bed and tucked him in. His finger remained in Alex’s grasp, while the other hand stroked the tousled hair. We didn’t speak.

“He knows a lot of astrology.”

“You can’t know him in 24 hours, Zan.”

“I know him.” A trace of stubbornness clung to his unusually somber voice.


Zan smiled sadly. “He wants to be a scientist.” He looked up for a second at my reddening face “Just like Max.”

“Hey! I loved science, too you know.”

“I love him.”

“I know you do.”

He hesitated. “Promise me you’ll tell him when he grows up. Tell him why I had to.”

For a moment, his fear showed and I crossed over to him swiftly. His body trembled under my arms. His hands were like ice on my waist. He breathed harshly into my hair as we remained in a tight hug.

“Why couldn’t you be everything?” he asked, eyes over-bright. “Why couldn’t this be everything?”

“I want to know that, too. I want to know why I wasn’t good enough.”

He leaned back slightly, drawing away. “Ultimately, we both wanted different things. You want Max.” I nodded firmly. Zan was a big part of my life, but he wasn’t the best. Even now, my heart beat faster at the thought of Max in my life permanently.

He sighed. “And I want Antar.”

“You have it now.”

He nodded. “I’d planned and dreamed for this moment for so long….” His eyes turned dark, ‘I thought it’d be good enough. But I didn’t factor Alex in.”

“You’ll be proud of him, I swear.”

“I already know that.”

“You’ll see, when you get back.”

The insinuation wasn’t lost on him. “I know. But will I be able to?”

“Don’t say that.”

“It’s true, Liz. I’ll tell you something I haven’t told even Max. I don’t think…’ he hesitated, looking rather forlorn, ‘I might not be able to come back.”

“What the hell are you talking about?!” I demanded. His hands on my waist tightened fractionally.

“The timeline concept hasn’t been perfected.”

“Can you fly the ship?” I asked him.

“Yeah, I taught myself to.”

I stared at him. My fingers shook as I put some distance between us. My palms tingled and my throat ached. He let his hands drop.

“You…ah. I see.”

“I’d prepared for any and all eventualities. Except you.”

I held up a hand. “Don’t tell me that you love me or anything, Zan. I think it’s better left unsaid.”

“I wasn’t going to.”

Ok, that was embarrassing. I slunk a dirty look at him and regained my fleeting composure. “Well, then, what is it?”

He shrugged. “Ah, Liz, it doesn’t matter.”

“It does, to me.”

His eyes yielded a wintry shade of green as he smirked. “Does it really?”

“Only a little.” I assured him.

“Remember that day in the desert?”

“What day?" I asked callously. I remembered only too well.

“The day you ruined your life.” He rejoined, smirking evilly. Well, I had that coming.

“Oh yeah.” I scratched my head. “What about that day?”

He gave me a long, heavy glare. “I really thought you’d leave me. I believed it. I waited for it. And you just didn’t.”

I clenched my jaw. “Sorry to disappoint you.”

“Why didn’t you?”

I shrugged. I wasn’t ready to tell him that. Not now, not ever. Because Alexander what-the-hell-ever-his-full-name-is didn’t suffer pity and obligation well.

“Why not, Liz?”

“I don’t owe you any explanations.”

“Yes, you do.”

I slitted my eyes at him. “Did you ever tell me the truth about what you did for a living? Did you ever tell me where you disappeared, night after night? Did you ever answer my most innocuous questions? Did you ever, for once in your fucking life, tell me ‘Liz, we’re gonna be okay?’ No, no, no and definitely NO. So show me where it says I owe you an explanation!”

“And you never bothered to ask, did you? Why didn’t you, Liz? You’re not the type of a person who trusts blindly! Why in hell did you never ask me, straight out, why I didn’t confide in you? Wives don’t keep quiet when their husbands disappear for nights on ends! Why didn’t you question it? Why didn’t you force me to stay?” he breathed harshly. “Why didn’t you leave me?”

“I always asked you, dammit! You never opened up! What did you think I was gonna do? Beg?” The anger in my voice faded. It really didn’t matter now. “Truth is, I knew you were different the moment you set foot in Roswell. I knew that. The consequence of going with you was this inevitable withdrawal. I knew that, too.”

“Or maybe,” he said softly, “maybe, you just didn’t care enough.”

Ok. Guilty. “Not true.” I held up a hand at his arched look. “Not at first, anyway.”

“Why didn’t you leave me?” The stubbornness melted, leaving a residue of unhealthy curiosity.

“Remember that night you crushed my bonsai?” I sighed, not really wanting to get into it. He started, then nodded. “You asked me to stay. I was going to leave, you knew that. Once again, you held me back.”

“Yeah. Sorry.”

I ignored the grudging, petulant apology. “Well, I figured someone had to keep towel ready on your end, if you know what I mean.”

He tilted my chin up. “That boxing metaphor sucked, but thank you.”

I shrugged. “Did you ever think of us, Zan? Think of what you’d done, these last five years?”

He stared at me for a long time, as if wondering whether to be honest or not about it. “If I’d truly done that, Liz, I’d have gone home.”

“What’s home to you? Antar, Roswell, New York?”

He toyed with his beard. “Home was you, until I fucked up.”

I said nothing. I wasn’t going to be his home again. Not after he turned himself loose once too many, this time. Not after he turned me out, too.

He chuckled. “I expected a flip-off, at the least.”

“I’m tired.” I declared, moving away.

“You’re a brave woman, Parker.”

“You figure that how?”

“I’d never have gone East with me, Liz, if I were you. I’d never have married me. I’d never have let Max in through the door. Because no matter what you think, and how improbable it seems, he’s the king and always, always will be the ultimate target. And I’d never have accepted any of us, not when there was my child involved.”

“I trust all of you to protect Alex.”

“That’s my point. You don’t know us enough to trust us.”

“I know him.” I looked him in the eye. “That’s all I’ll ever need to know.”

He shook his raven head. “As always, forever the optimist.”

I flipped him off.

He stared for a while, chuckled and finally, after nearly two decades of knowing this man, I watched him break.


He pushed me away, wiping his eyes furiously. “Gawd, this is all your doing. Get off, woman.”

I hesitated, then forced myself to move. For so many years, I’d been his woman, if only in name and yet, I’d never been able to fully call him my own. And now, I would never have to. I couldn’t be the one to help him, find his solutions. No, my loyalties lay with someone else.

“Why don’t you sleep here with Alex tonight?” I invited, hating the inevitable sympathy in my tone.

His eyes flashed jade fire. “You’ve never given me your love, Elizabeth. Don’t give me your pity.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come out that way.”

He didn’t comment on the fact that I hadn’t negated him. “Yes, I’d like that.”

I stared at him for a long, tense moment. The surprising thing this time around was that I didn’t feel the usual tumult of emotions that I’d always felt whenever he’d been around. The constant tension, the guilt, the suspicions. They were gone. I felt nothing but a great emptiness. I’d always care for him, in my own way, love him as the father of my son and a good friend, but the constant, dull ache had faded.

“Thanks for talking to me, Zan.”

He looked a little ashamed. “I didn’t mean to blow your head off. Old habit, I guess.” He fudged a little bit. My eyebrows rose. “Look, if Max hears I stayed over and all..”

“He won’t get the wrong idea.” I assured him.

“Really? He gets mighty jealous when we talk.”

My cheeks burned. Max got jealous? A childish impulse to rub my hands in glee overtook me. “He does?”

Zan’s breath hitched and then evened out.

“Are you okay?” I asked, concerned.

“If I was half a man, I’d have been crazy jealous, too!” he growled, scratching his head.

And it was only then I realized. He was trying to undo the damage he’d done to my confidence. I’d never talked about it, never tried to show it but there’d been some parts of me dormant, dead for years. So, in his usual blundering way, he was trying to right the wrong he’d done me.

What he didn’t know was that the damage had been steadily and lovingly fixed, as much as had been possible. A few scars a woman never got over and maybe it made her stronger. Maybe the scars had been necessary. But I had the balm now. So this faltering reminiscence wasn’t needed.

“Zan, thanks but you don’t have to do this. I’m fine. More than fine. I’m…” I hesitated, “I’m in love.”

“Are you?” As if he really was concerned.

“Yes.” I gave a firm nod and walked out the door.

There was a beat of silence before a soft humming prickled my ears. Cautiously, I turned back. He was kneeling beside Alex, murmuring in a singsong tone. I didn’t know what, but it sounded unearthly. I turned away. This was between them
dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

Chapter 35

The rain splattered messily against the glass. I found myself focusing on the reflection of the three people behind me. There was a curious emptiness in me. I had to bite my lip to hold back the snort. Now, of all times, I find myself sharing a connection with Zan.

Zan. He had already left for the unimaginable. I shivered. Remembering him is not easy considering what lay in store for him.

He’d pulled himself together, almost maniacally so. None of the traces of last night had been in him. Calm, dangerous and rested he had been. I’d briefly entertained the idea of asking him, then decided against it. It would’ve only embarrassed him.

So we’d all gone down to the desert. And I could see where we were headed. I knew the rock, knew the climb, knew how it drew me in. I’d been repelled and fascinated both at once.

Max had sensed my hesitation and naturally, been overbearing about it. Only Alex’s intervention about having me there finally made him back off.

Alex. He’d been thrilled, for some reason. I don’t know how he understood it’s significance but even know, my heart pounded at the way he’s usually slouched spine head straightened, the sparkle of knowledge in those vivid eyes almost a warning.

And then, it‘d been time to say goodbye. I shut my eyes tightly. It had been too painful, far too painful. Almost after 2 decades, it seemed that Zan’s passing mattered to his family in one way or another. I say passing because essentially he could be dead now. He was dead to me. It seemed unreal the way you could just step into live electricity and vanish from the earth. I’d never have believed in this nonsense had I not seen it myself. And all of a sudden, people cared about what happened to Zan. I cared. Max cared. Alex cared. I remembered the heat in the handshakes, the bravado behind each hug. The rest of them had been strangely envious but as custom dictates, Zan couldn’t bear to conform; he'd seemed almost hesitant to leave. Alex had executed a cute little bow and my heart had nearly burst. So had Zan’s apparently, because he’d clutched Alex to him like a lifeline. Two seconds later, after he’d kissed the both of us goodbye, he’d just…vanished.

I swallowed a lump in my throat. I don’t know the last time I’d felt so displaced. I was out of my league here. Space travel, different life forms, dynasties…so goddamn hard to take in.

I roused myself to check on Alex. He hadn’t taken Zan’s desertion too well. After the initial shock had worn off, he’d screamed and bitched all the way home. Finally, the tumult had died down and he’d taken to weeping. Quiet tears that had rended my heart. I wanted to kill someone. It wasn’t fair that after five years of living without one another that they’d grow attached so quickly. Maybe it was the way Isabel had explained – alien bonds grew quick and strong.

He was sleeping on his side, looking like a miniature beached whale and my heart melted all over again. There were times I’d just see him and that curious thing in my heart jolted something into life. The blanket was off, a thumb stuck in his mouth. That was disturbing. He’d stopped that nasty habit almost immediately after turning 2. I took it gently out and smoothed back the hair. His face was still hot and traces of tears lingered. I placed my lips on the fat rise of one, smooth baby cheek and inhaled.

“He okay?” a quiet whisper roused me. I turned. It was Isabel.


“You all right, Liz?” she beckoned me outside, shooting a glance at Alex’s sleeping form.

I pushed myself to my feet. “I don’t know.”

She threw me a quick look of mingled shock and understanding. “I see.”

“I don’t deny it,” I winced. My head pounded abominably. “That whole granolith thing freaked me out.”

“I can only imagine.” She smiled. “I remember the first time we found out. It scared the bejesus outta us.”

I hesitated only a little. “When did you find out? Who found out?”

Isabel frowned. “it was Tess.” She started babbling. I put a hand out.

“Iz, it’s okay. I don’t particularly care about her anymore.”

She shot me a worried look. “Look, I know you think Zan’s changed and all, but what if he brings back another Tess?”

What?” I frowned back.

She rushed to explain. “Zan’s capable of a lot of damage. What if he…decides to bring back anything from their previous life? Y’know…” she gestured towards me.

“Look, Isabel, I know Zan. More importantly, I understand him. He…he isn’t vindictive. Not when it really counts.”

She smirked. “So long as you’re prepared for all that.’

“I don’t care if your entire family comes out to visit, Iz. I’m not giving your brother up.”

She brushed a lock off her face. “I’m very happy for both of you. God knows, you’ve waited a long time.”

“Did you ever have a moment you want to relive over and over again?” I asked. She shook her head. I ignored it and went on. “Your brother and I have tons of them. Starting from the first time I met him to the first time I came to him, we’ve got a lot of moments.”

Isabel looked distinctly uncomfortable. “Okay, okay. Sorry I asked.”

I laughed. “I think I’ll go get everything ready for tomorrow. Mom and Dad are returning.”

She stopped me. “Are you staying?”

I yanked out an apron and tied it to my stomach. One lean leg flashed out and my smile glazed from happy to dreamy in a matter of seconds.

Isabel threw up her hands and left.

The door reopened and my smile turned downright lecherous. I didn’t turn around. The berries were in the fridge. I went to take out a box.

“I was waiting for you.”

The sigh was unintentional but had its desired effect. Just the thought of his feral gaze on me made me shivery.

True to form, a tanned arm snaked around my waist. I leaned back.

“Were you?”

I sighed some more. He laughed softly.

“Whatcha doing here, Max?”

And this time it was more of a leer than an actual smile.

“Waiting for you.”

“Yeah?” I turned around. His eyes were midnight black, all golden light gone. They were dark and heady with need.


Then, typical Max, he stepped back. I felt the disappointment right down to my toes.

“I was worried about you.” He continued. “Today couldn’t have been easy.”

“I was a bit apprehensive, but it doesn’t matter.”

“It does to me.”

I brushed a kiss on him and went back to crushing the strawberries. He watched with interest. “Whatcha doing?”

“Making something to make you drool.”

And the temperature changed, just like that. He swore softly. “If you only had eyes, Liz, you’d be ashamed of how much I’m drooling already.”

“Aw,” I cuddled closer to him for a second and went on with the pie. My hands trembled, the pit of my stomach heaved.

He watched me for a long time.

“Max,” when I’d endured enough. “Say something!”

He kept staring. I could feel that gaze all over me. Steam rose and bathed my already tensed form.

I finally threw down the dough and turned to face him. “WHAT?”

And then I saw the look in his eyes. Swallowed hard. Of my own accord, my hands lifted to his face. He caught it before it could connect. I lifted an eyebrow. Then, he started licking the pastry dough off my fingers. My breathing hitched. He didn’t take his eyes off me as the ministrations continued. Desire surged through me in a powerful wave.

“Okay, okay!” I yanked myself back as his teeth joined in the foray, nipping in the webs between each finger. “Max!”

He growled and let my hands fall.

We separated and concentrated on getting a semblance of control back.

For long moments, neither of us talked, just the hiss of steam rose between us. Still, his eyes pierced me, stripping me of all coherent, rational judgment.

I snuck a peak at him. He was still looking. My eyes hastily dropped lower and encountered his mouth. A smudge of the dough nestled just above his upper lip, begging to be devoured.

He groaned. “Stop that!”

With a sly grin, I jumped him, locking his arms to the counter. He lost his balance momentarily, pushing himself against the counter to stand upright. I bit at his mouth, frantic to make him feel as he’d made me – out of control.

His arms finally found balance and he reached for me. Instantly, I jumped down. My legs withdrew from his waist, arms detangled.

He threw me a look of disbelief. “What do you think you’re doing??”

I wanted to mount him where he stood but it wouldn’t be right. So I primly pushed the skirt back down my legs, making him prickling and alive once more.

I moved off. “Sorry. You had dough on your mouth. I just had to.” Inwardly I rolled my eyes at the coy tone.

His leer turned downright wolfish. Eyes blazed at me across the meager 2 feet distance. The effect was immediate. I could feel my body tightening, melting. Oh, my.

I pushed past him. With a smothered curse, he grabbed me. Before I could focus properly, he’d whirled me around, both hands lifting me up on his lap. We both staggered. He reached blindly back, mouth devouring mine, promising exact revenge and everything in me burned. The counter was the only way. The dough went thudding to the ground; my back flattened the berries. I squealed but he wouldn’t stop. As the heady pleasure crested and rose, I felt myself falling in a dizzying vortex of starburst.

He pushed my legs apart, wedging himself in between, hands struggling with each other’s tops. He buried his lips into the deep V collar, hands caressing me, as I arched back and I almost came.

“Max, please!” I moaned as his hands wreaked havoc. “Please, not here.”

He paid no mind, almost ripping the buttons off the green uniform. I locked a trembling hand over his and he groaned deep.

His hands slipped the dress past my shoulders and I clutched at him. As he started to lower me to the counter, I ripped at his jacket, the constricting shirt. I wanted him too badly for any other thought to matter.

Something slithery and cold touched my back and I stifled the shriek. That brought us out of the haze. He pulled me back against his chest.

“Oh,” he heaved, trying to get himself back in control. “It’s just the berries you smashed.”

I scowled.

Max let me withdraw an inch, looking hungrily down my not-so covered body.
I rested my forehead against his collarbone. “Remind me to wear at least four layers of clothing underneath.”

He chuckled. “You can’t wear four layers. What would you wear?”

I pulled back to see his flushed face and desire-leaded eyes. Sweat beaded his forehead and his hair clung to the temples, adorably mussed. The lips looked scraped raw, hurt from loving. I knew making love here wasn’t right but oh, god, he made it tough to remember.

I purred as his hands softened over my shamefully eager body. Max smothered a laugh.

“Is it that mind thing?’ I murmured as his lips touched the edges of mine.

‘Yep.” He tugged at my skirt.

I put my hand over his. “Don’t do that.’

He breathed harshly. “Give me a good reason why not.”

“You came here to ask me about Zan.”

He stilled. After a long pause, he pushed himself back. I shivered at the sudden loss of warmth.

“How’d you know that?”

“How’d you know I wanted to kiss you senseless?” I parried.

He smiled. “Well, there’s that.’

I leaned up to hug him. Instantly, the tension eased off his shoulders. “Honey, it’s all behind us now.” I whispered.

“Is it?”

“Are you having doubts?”

“Not about you and me.” He quickly replied. Then faltered. “Just about me.”

I gasped. “You?”

“As in, if I can really live up to expectations and all that.” He scratched his head, looking too cute to leave well alone. “I’m not very good at this whole ‘romance’ thing.”

I rolled my eyes even while my mouth softened into an unstoppable grin. “Max, you’ve been romancing me, most successfully if I may add, for the last decade or so. Trust me, you do the ‘romance’ thing exceptionally well.”

His eyes did the laser thing again. “In that case," he whispered in a low, thready voice, “just hold in your objections while I take my time,” his gaze burned hotter as he bent low over me. My own breathing had stopped a while back. “With this.” He smiled in triumph as I arched.

Oh, boy.

I had just finished putting the food on the table when Maria sauntered in.

“What’s up, girl friend?’ she saluted me with a Snapple.

“My arousal factor.” I muttered.

Maria shrieked and I grinned slyly as her eyes turned round.

“Oh my God, Liz!!” she squealed, even though there was a more mature response in her green eyes. Something tells me she’s used to this.

“Is it Max?” she breathed.

“No, it’s Zan sending me erotic dreams from space." I bit back at her. “Of course it’s Max!”

Isabel exhaled violently as we both whirled. “Yikes!”

“Never mind.”

She shook back her head. “y’know, I’m still deciding what’s worst – watching you too look so incredibly satisfied or watching my brothers act like bitches in heat.”

Maria smiled. “Isabel, your brothers are dynamite!"

She winced and we roared with laughter.

Then she grinned too. “Damn! I wish I found someone to chain to my bed for a few days, too.”

Chained to your bed?” I raised an eyebrow.

She gave a small shrug but something about it tugged at my heart. “None of ‘em wants to stay.”

Maria gave her a quick hug. “That’s what you think.”

Isabel looked almost too comically startled as Maria stifled a snort

I gave her a quick appraising look. “Maybe you should think about dating someone seriously. Guys will buy queue spaces if you start.”

She sighed. “What happens when the big moment comes?”

I shared a wary glance with Maria. “Well, not much happened other than vast satisfaction,” I grinned at her blush, ‘but when I got the visions from him, I totally freaked. But only at first.” I hastily amended.

“Yeah well, you’d know. Getting it on with two studs.’ She sighed inconsolably.

“Wait,” Maria’s eyes narrowed, “two?”

“Max. Zan.” Isabel clarified morosely.

“Hey, hey! I slept with both of them at two different times.” I scowled back. “Don’t make it sound like I was in a three way.”

A choke brought me to a sudden halt.

Michael stood there, flushing. “Please! Nasty.”

“Oh, you’re a big boy, you can take it.” Maria scoffed and went back to bringing the food out. He lent a hand and soon the table was set.

Max walked in. I blushed as his eyes twinkled conspiratorially. “Um, who’s a big boy?”

I batted my eyelashes innocently. “What?”

Kyle Valenti walked in.

“Hey, Sheriff.” Max greeted him with a little reserve.

He took off his hat. “Max.”

I kissed Kyle on the cheek. “I called you over for dinner and I wanted to tell you something.”

He regarded me with his brown eyes twinkling. “I think I can hazard a guess. Is it the broken fryer? Judge Cornelius had indigestion from the Alien Encounter? ”

“Don’t.” I help up a hand. Then excitement got too much for me “I’m getting married!!!”

Kyle stopped and looked between Max and me. Then he let out a wild hoop and twirled me around. “You’re not serious! You’re staying?”

I nodded gleefully.

“Oh yeah!!”

As he folded me close to him, I whispered, looking naughtily over his shoulder at a quietly seething Max Evans. “How about you take Alex in for a movie and ice cream? I’d be eternally grateful.”

He smiled wolfishly. “Liz, Liz…”

“Please??” I wheedled and Kyle relented faster than butter.


“Aw, you’re just so sweet.’

As the men exchanged greetings, I made a beeline for Isabel. “Hey,’ I cut in before she could. “Kyle’s taking Alex out for ice cream later. Could you please go along with them?” She gasped. I held up a hand. “No, hear me out! Just to keep an eye on him? Please?”

She narrowed her eyes and thrust out her impressive bosom. “You’re not setting me up, right?”

I prayed I’d managed a convincing look. “Isabel, are you serious? I mean, he’s the sheriff, for god’s sake! Cute, a loner, witty.” And then I moved in for the kill. “And a guy who’s had wet dreams about you for years.”

She jerked back but in the caramel depths, there was hope. “What rubbish.”

I snorted. “Put your hair up. Men like that.”

She growled. “Are you giving me tips?”

I glared at her. “What does it look like?”

She laughed and admitted defeat. “Ok, ok. Chignon?”

I rolled my eyes.

Max came in, locking up after Maria and Michael.

“There you go.” He dropped a small velvet box on my lap.

I stared at it, sure my heart was pounding out of my prissy blouse. “Is that what I think it is?’

He nodded, smiling at the unholy glee in my face. I opened it slowly, waiting to jolt awake or other such foolishness. Nothing happened.
A small twinkle gave away the clue. I chortled with pleasure and snapped the box open. A slim white gold band nestled two black gems against it.

I looked quizzically at Max.

“It’s the stone from Antar. I chipped it from the granolith.” He said quietly, watching me carefully.

I looked at him for a while and then, without warning, jumped on his lap.

He winced then laughed, evidently relieved as I oohed and ahhed over it.

“Oh c’mon, Liz, you sound like a teenager.” He sniggered.

“Well, this is the first time I’ve had your ring, what do you expect??”

He held me tighter. “Is this what you what?”

I groaned. “Max, what is it with you and this constant need to justify everything? I don’t want you to drive yourself ragged worrying if I’m happy or not.” I paused. “I want to do the ‘drive yourself ragged’ part.’

He sighed. “You already do. You make me feel like climbing the walls.”

I sputtered and then blushed.

“Aw!” And he grabbed me closer as if trying to make me a part of him. Funny, I already was.

For a long wonderful while, we just held on to each other.

“I love you.” He whispered after a while.

I kissed the hand cupping my jaw. “I know.”

“Today, you had a weird look on your face when Zan left.” He commented. I knew this had been bugging him, but now I got the true extent. He was mighty disturbed.

“Max,” I started slowly. “Look, Zan’s not the same person as he was before.”

He started and tensed.

“He’s not out to hurt me or Alex.” I spoke softly. “He’d just begun to realize how wonderful it could’ve been to be a family, but don’t you understand? That’s not just because of Alex and me; it’s because of all of us. All of us accepted him for who he is this time. That’s all.”

He was quiet. “That’s all for what?”

“That’s all, I suppose, why you don’t see me getting angry at him.”

He turned my face up to his. “Are you sorry he left?”

I smiled, a bit sad. “I don’t want him to die, if that’s what you’re saying.”

He stiffened. “Don’t do that,” I admonished. “I just want him to be happy. Happy the way I am.”

I waited for the words to sink in and it did. The tension drained. “Yeah?”

Yeah, you big lug.”

He cuddled me closer and kept quiet a while. When he spoke, the need in his voice hurt me. “Do you still love me?”

I sat up. “Do you want to find out here or wait till we get upstairs?”

He smiled but I sensed he was waiting for the words. “Max Evans, if I have to remind you a hundred times a day that I will always love you not still, so help me god, I will!”

He brushed his lips against the edge of my collar. “Exquisite poetry.”

I moaned. “Bull.”

He chuckled and swept me up the stairs.

“When’re they getting home?" he mumbled, not anxious to stop kissing the daylights out of me.

I yanked his shirt off and the cool air made him shiver. “I don’t really care.”

Max stopped for a second, looked down at me. “Right now, neither do I.”

I chuckled. “Baby, you say the sweetest things.”

We’d just dozed off, after a frenetic two hours. Max moaned as the chimes sounded downstairs.

“I can’t get up,” he mumbled, burying his head in the pillow. “You go.”

I was too tired and far too sore to stand. “Argh.”

I took a few steps experimentally. Everything ached. “You’re gonna pay for that.” I muttered, trying to walk without limping.

He pushed his dark head up, stared at me for a while. Immediately self-conscious, I started throwing on clothes. He whistled.

“Stop that!”

“You too sore?” Even while he spoke concernedly, his eyes were alight with unholy pleasure. Damn the alien.

“Not at all.” I sneered and banged the door shut.

I heard a wild racket downstairs and sped down, heart thudding.

It was Alex, Kyle and Isabel, singing at the top of their lungs.

“Oh,” Isabel stopped first. “I was worried you guys couldn’t, uh, hear us.”

I was more than a little worried at Alex’s glare. “That’s all right. We were just working out, uh,” I blushed and fudged on, “the details. Y’know, where we’ll live and all that.”

Alex snorted and walked out.

I shot a puzzled look at them. “Has he been acting that way for long?”

Both of them shook their heads. “Nope. He was fine till he came home.”

Kyle removed his hat. “Lizzie, I think you need to sit him down for this.”

I smiled but my heart was lurching. How did he form a connection with Zan so soon? And how had it suddenly surpassed the one he’d had with Max ever since he could think? They’d always been so close, so much more of a father-son thing that I’d almost taken it for granted that Alex would be thrilled by the wedding concept.

I followed him upstairs with a goodbye wave to the duo. They waved back.

Alex was out on my balcony. I shrieked in alarm but thankfully, Max was fully dressed and the bed made. Phew. Close call.

“Max?” I whispered.

“He’s worried he’ll lose you. Don’t all sons think that way?” he replied quietly.

“Gimme a minute with him, please.”

He held up an understanding hand and walked downstairs.

I went out. Alex was perched on my lawn chair, sulking.

“Hey, baby.”

He didn’t reply.

“Alex.” I said in a sterner tone, “ please answer when talked to.”

His lower lip trembled. “I don’t want Max staying here tonight.”

Am invisible fist grappled with my throat. “Why not, honey?”

“Because he’ll stay with you!’ he spat out, looking mutinous. “I don’t want him here!”

“Fine.” I sat down beside him. “He won’t stay.”


God, give me patience. “Baby, do you want me to call off the wedding?”

He hesitated, then snuffled. “No, ma.”

I pulled him onto my lap. “You don’t want Max around?”

His chin wobbled alarmingly. “I don’t want him to marry you!”

“Why not, Alex? You think he doesn’t love us?”

He remained quiet. I guess it finally occurred to him that Max wasn’t a faceless competitor for his mother’s affection. This was Max. Up until a week ago, the only father figure he’d ever known.

I cuddled him closer. “I want you to do something for me, baby, will you please?” He nodded, snuffling back the tears. “I want you to ask him about your father.”

His chin shot up. “No!”

“Why not?”

“Because…” he fumbled. “Because I don’t want to know!”

And that’s when it hit me. He wasn’t mad because I was marrying Max. He was mad that his father had abandoned him, again, and Max was here to pick up the pieces. Again.

“Alex, your dad had no choice. He’s the king. He had to go.”

He scrubbed furiously at his chin. “He didn’t have to! And he wasn’t the king!”

“Honey, you saw what happened. Max made Zan king.”

“WHY?” he shouted belligerently.

I kneaded my forehead feverishly. Oh, man. “Because Zan wanted to go.”

The instant I said it, I winced. Alex’s face blanched, his jade eyes turned enormous. A glassy sheen glazed them over as he trembled. The bravado had all but fled. “Why would he do that?”

I hugged him tightly. “Baby, it’s not that simple. He has a job to do. He just had to go.”

He started crying quietly and my heart bled. “Why, mom? Is it because of me? Is it because I couldn’t talk to him properly? Is it because I can’t do that magic stuff?”

I tilted his chin up so that he could look at me. “Alex, listen to me. Listen.” I insisted as his attention wavered. He was distraught and I couldn’t help him. “Listen to me. Your dad loved you. A lot. He didn’t want to go but he went because that meant that you could be safe. It was that important to him. Do you understand that?”

He was weeping in earnest. “Why didn’t Max go? Doesn’t he love me too?”

I pressed him to my heart because it was aching something fierce. “Alex, Max wanted to go too. He loves you!”

“No he doesn’t,” my son sobbed, "otherwise he’d never have made Dad go.”

I stared at the curly head helplessly. How could I give Max’s reasons for him?

Before I could start stammering out a half-assed apology, another hand laid itself atop Alex’s head. I looked up. Max’s eyes were glittering and his face was far too somber for my liking.

“Son." He began slowly, crouching till he was level with Alex. Alex looked mortified at being caught complaining.

Max took a gentle hold of Alex’s chin. “Son, I’ve loved you as if you were my own, since the second I brought you out here. I was there with your mom and trust me, I was part of that pain and joy when you were born.”

Alex’s brow crinkled. “It hurt when I was born?”

I tried to manage a smile but it got stuck somewhere as Max lifted Alex on to his arms. For a while, none of us spoke.

Then Max broke it. “It hurts for a while and the it’s all gone because…” he struggled for the words. I gave a shrug. I didn’t know what he was talking about either.

“Because something really important happened.” Max stammered on. Alex looked content. “And ever since then, you’ve…been the most important thing in both our lives, your mom’s and mine.”

“Why yours?” Alex challenged. I hissed at him but Max took it seriously. He stooped to put my son back on the ground as he struggled against Max’s arms.

“Because you were my heir. Because I loved you. And because I love your mother. Don’t ask me to explain it, cuz I can’t.”

Alex subsided but the pure misery in his eyes propelled Max further. “Son, maybe we should take a walk and get this out in the open.” He glanced invitingly at Alex. “Man to man. Whaddya say to that?”

Alex shuffled his feet but went to hold the finger Max had extended.
Max hesitated, then bent down, and hugged Alex with all his strength. The hug was returned fearfully and my heart bled some more.

Max ruffled my son’s hair, fighting to keep his voice level. “Alex, it’s me. I haven’t changed. I know things are horribly difficult right now, but I’m still me.”

Alex wobbled again. I held back a sob as Max swiped at his eyes rapidly and started to climb down the fire escape.

“Hey! Where’re you going?”

He stopped to exchange a look with Alex who was clutched steadily against the man’s heart, but it was the latter who replied, “We’re going for that man to man.”

I said all the right words, made all the right sounds but as soon as they disappeared from sight, I clasped my hands over my heart and prayed that Max was man enough for my son.
dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

Hey guys, I'm really really sorry for the delays, what with the story almost at an end, but my workload's just tripled and I have no time to write up the last few parts. I have it in my mind but I'm not getting a break. But I will post a part by next Monday, so hopefully you guys are not too bored. :) Thanks for the terrific f/b. I'm really glad you guys are enjoying Max and Liz together at last, lol. :oops:

take care,