Innate Attraction,M/L,ADULT A/N pg 10 8/8/06[WIP]

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A/N--i do apoligise but I don't have time to PM everyone right now But I will later tonight. I do hope you enjoy the next part...


Chapter 28

She was surrounded by walls of rose with an over wash of a warm orange; it felt like she was surrounded by rays of sunlight. Liz unconsciously rubbed her forearms together. She slouched upon Isabel’s makeshift bed on the floor, surrounded by heart shaped cushions Liz felt uncomfortable in a pair of Isabel’s grey slacks and Max’s old grey shirt which frayed at the sleeves. She tied her hair up in a loose ponytail and sighed. They tried and failed.

The healing stones didn’t work and Liz was running out of ideas. The only one she had was that Max was healing himself. It was logical thought though; Isabel told her that after Max healed Tess he slept for days. Another reason was that the FBI did things to him. Liz had a few ideas and it made her puke to be thinking about this.

Max has been through a lot and he just needs time to recover, Liz thought. She pulled out her cell phone and sent a ‘Hello’ to Zan over in L.A. What wouldn’t she give to be over there if she didn’t have such strong feelings for Max. A bit of sunshine and beach is what Liz needed right now. However, Max needed her; he needed his friends to stick by him as he recovers from this ordeal.


The door opened and revealed a tall slender woman in Chinese-embroidery-designed red silk pyjamas. Her long blonde hair was slicked with water from her recent shower. Her pale complexion matched her tied blue eyes with purple rings underneath. Isabel sighed and leaped onto her bed in a heap. She sat herself against her array of feathery pillows and looked down at Liz. Her lower lip was trembling, her eyes wavering as her fingers fidgeted with her red comforter.

“You know,” Isabel began, “Shit..” Isabel cured. Her eyes gazed upon Liz before continuing. “As a little girl I always asked Santa to bring me a girl like me…someone to share stories with…to play dress ups and to use our powers…someone I could relate to…”Isabel laughed. “However, that never stopped me from forcing Michael to play dress ups but he always managed to set my dress on fire..”

That caused Liz to laugh, she could imagine a little version of Michael with spiky hair, screaming at Isabel and setting her perfect blue dress on fire.
“Needless to say I never inviting Michael again to play dress ups,” Isabel smiled and they shared a laugh. To Liz it felt forbidding. Here she was, sharing a laugh with the Ice Queen of Roswell, an alien like her. It felt weird in a way that Isabel was the one who always scorned her for using her powers.

“I never played dress ups. When I was littlie…back when I thought Nasdeo was God or something I always practiced my powers. Just so I could please him, I used to say “Look at me” and I would make the postman think the fence was on fire and Nasdeo would always smile in that creepy way that he always does.” Liz smiled at the image of Ed Harding smirking, his egg shaped head wobbled and his smile always seemed snake like, as if he was watching his prey withering away at his trap. Liz flinched at that thought. Yes, Ed always managed to sneak his way around things.

“You must really...” Isabel began.
“No I don’t,” Liz replied a little too quickly. “Nasedo is a vile man. I am glad to have met you guys so he can do what is best and murder people...”

Isabel flinched. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it. Liz could see the gears turning behind her blue eyes.
“That’s what he does…” Liz added, “...murder people and so am I …I think….or at least my powers are like that…” Liz sighed. Great Liz, you try and have a conversation and manage to screw things up. Congratulations.

“Your powers are unique Liz but I don’t think they are dangerous and what I’m trying to say is that….I am… know” Isabel shook her head, sighed out of frustration. Liz could feel her frustration in waves. “…..I never meant to have things turn out the way they were and I hope we can start over….” Isabel blurted and she seemed relieved to get this sentence out and for the next few seconds she sat there, staring at Liz with her frightened blue eyes and Liz suddenly realised that this was the first moment that she saw Isabel venerable and raw.

Wait, is Isabel Evans trying to apologise? Liz smiled at that thought, savouring the moment before replying, “Sure...” Liz nodded and Liz could see relief on Isabel’s face. Maybe it won’t be so bad after all, Liz thought.
“I fall asleep and this is what happens?” Max’s voice rang into the room and Isabel turned up to see Max leaning against the doorway for support. He smiled at Isabel, and added, “Hey sis. Be careful or you might lose your rep as Ice Queen...” Max joked, his lopsided grin only caused Isabel to sob and her shoulders shake a little from the sight of her brother standing in her room.

Isabel jumped from her bed and Max enclosed her in a bone-crushing hug. Liz could hear the faint whimpering from Isabel’s mouth and Max tightened his arms around her.

Watching this from afar, Liz felt a pang of jealousy. Apart of it was the closeness that was between Max and Isabel. No matter what they had each other and she had no one. Shut up, Liz shook her head and opened up Isabel’s window and hiked outside.

Her bare feet was covered the damp tress moss and as she looked over her shoulder she saw Michael outside Max’s window also. She smiled at him and chuckled at the thought, great minds think alike.
What am I doing? Liz mentally kicked herself. Liz looked over her shoulder and saw Isabel and Max, stilled wrapped in each other’s arms and she saw Isabel shaking uncontrollably.

She’s crying. Liz realised. Chided herself Liz turned back her gaze to the overgrowing rose bushes in front of her before looking over at Michael. She wished she had something like that…Liz stop it….its because you just saw Max and you’re going insane.

Liz mouthed the word. “Hey” and watched as Michael shrugged his shoulders and went to look up at the night sky. Liz slowly walked her away along the small path over to Michael and wrapped her arms around him.

“ Uh….Hey,” Michael breathed and rested his chin on the crown of Liz’s head. “What are you doing…”
“I dunno…..I just saw Max and Isabel and I felt…”
“Yeah….I always had that feeling. Join the club…”

He stiffened at his words and she knew she was being ridiculous but for some reason Michael understood what Liz was going through and wrapped his arms around her and they looked up together at the night sky in silence. They were no need for words like Max and Isabel. They understood each other like any other brother and sister would and that brought and feeling of belonging in both their hearts.
_ _

After twenty minutes of looking up at the night sky Liz and Michael headed back inside Max’s room and sat around his room for the next few minutes. Not talking but lost in their thoughts.

The door opened and Max entered the room. Liz’s breathing hitched in her throat.
She couldn’t look at him without her feelings bubbling inside her. She felt her skin itch and she wrapped her arms around herself and look at the worn out carpet bed.

“Hey…um…you mind,” Max gestured to Michael and he grunted and Liz could feel her brother leaving her alone with Max.
Liz looked up at his amber eyes. Even after all this time they shone with hidden mirth. His eyes were warm and Liz felt something tug hard at her stomach. She couldn’t handle being alone with him now. Not after settling her differences with Isabel and Michael. Talking to Max, it would be too much.

“There is so much I want to say right now and I don’t know if I can say all of it but ...” Liz’s could hear him sigh; she refused to look up at him. If she remained where she was maybe, just maybe she could handle being in the same room as him.
“I remember everything Liz.” He began, he chuckled slightly. “Its still a haze but I know that I thought I said something to you but I guess I said it to Tess instead and well…that won’t go well once I tell her…”
“Tell her what…”

“That I love you…that from the first moment I saw you I felt the world stop as corny as it sounds?..
“When I was in that room, and they did what they did to me. You're what kept me alive.”
Liz almost choked on her own tongue. This was the same speech she saw give Tess. What was he trying to do?

“The thought of you.” Max rushed on, blushing as he realised he left her hanging. The way your eyes look into mine. Your smile. The touch of your skin.”

Liz looked up and found Max crouching in front of her, the window was left ajar and a soft breeze tussled her dark hair. His hand hesitantly touched her left cheek, his warm hand soothed her and Liz closed her eyes and gave into the feeling of his hand touching her skin. She bit her lower lip as her thoughts progressed and thought of many other places Max could touch her.

“Your lips…”
Liz’s eyes almost glazed over when she opened them. His eyes were darker then she remembered. “… Knowing you has made me human.” Liz felt her eyes sting and knew that she was about to cry. She had no idea what was going on. Why was he doing this? Why was he saying all these things about her when he said the same thing to Tess?

“Whether I die tomorrow or fifty years from now, my destiny is the same: it's you. I want to be with you,”

His hand was still caressing her left cheek and she didn’t know if she had enough power to throw him off. She was glued there, staring into his caring, loving eyes.

“But you said…” She couldn’t finish her sentence. He said all those wonderful things to Tess Hart. Tess, the one woman who didn’t deserve those things was handed to her on a silver plater.

“I said those things to Tess, Yes I did...” Max sighed. “But I thought I was talking to you…” He closed the distance with a soft kiss; his lips were full, rich and inviting. Liz breathed in his scent before the kiss suddenly ended. Looking at Max again pieces began to fall into place and she smiled before leaning in for another kiss.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Disclaimer-- I do not own the name "leto"it belongs to the creators of the sci-fi mini series dune. I also don't own the word "griffin" please don't sue me

A/N---as some people found out during my recent chat I had the desire of moving the story to alien abyss becasue of a "certain issue"that had to be dealt with concering Liz's past..

after much thought...even though Max and liz end up at the end.....i have to move it to alien abyss before someone kills me...i've already let kath7 know so hopefully as i post this part i don't get grilled..


ps**please don't hate me....but it has to be address but like i said, max and liz end up together** so enjoy the ride...

and also Happy Australia day! for us aussies.. :D
____ _ __

Chapter 29

The kiss was slow and tentative but she could feel the emotion behind it. It was desperate, hungry and yet each peck and kiss was light as a feather. He was trying hard to restrain himself and she could feel it between her legs.

“Max,” Liz breathed quickly, pulling her lips away from his only to have his hand swooped around her cheeks and reel her in for another kiss, this time, his mouth opened wide and she heard him sigh, pulling her closer.
She tried to stop him; she tried pulling her head away and whisper something into his ear but her mouth couldn’t form the words.

Seeing his amber eyes burn for her, his hands roped around her tight and the pressure of his hands on her sent goose bumps down her flesh she became putty and returned his kisses with the same amount of force. He guided their bodies to the floor and used a stray pillow for their heads.
She felt his body weight on top of her and she wanted more. He pulled away slightly and she stared into his face and for the first time she saw his eyes shining and his mouth stretched into a grin. His left hand made circles around her stomach and she bit her lower lip to keep herself still as his hand slowly circled its way higher, higher, and higher until…

“Look,” Isabel said in a rush while standing outside her door, her eyes wired closed and hands over her eyes. “This is my room and I suggest you both go to bed before I give you nightmares for a month….”
Liz gasped and felt suddenly embarrassed and tried heaving Max off but he remained where he was. He looked like he was thinking her offer over.
“Max, get off my sis before I bust a cap in your ass!” Michael said, standing alongside Isabel, his voice wavered and she knew by the tone of his voice he was tired and irritated.

Liz gazed up at Max and he leaned he really going to continue with his sister in the room?

Liz glared at him, nudging her head to the side over at Isabel, who still had her eyes closed and her brother with his arms crossed and his stone wall like face.

Finally, after a few minutes Max slid off her body and she wrapped her arms around her chest to cover herself as Max took the pillow and covered his nether regions and with his head hung low walked outside. Michael smirked over at Liz, shook his head, “It’s safe to open you eyes Iz,”

Isabel removed her hands from her face and slowly opened her eyes with a relieved sigh. Liz quickly scooted to her makeshift bed on the floor and curled on her side. Hearing the door closed, Isabel switched off the lights and slid underneath her covers.

“Isabel…” Liz began, she didn’t know what to say but she felt…..but her thoughts were interrupted with Isabel screeching.
“Oh God no!” Isabel screeched, “I don’t WANT to know! Please! I already have plans to burn the floor and wash all my clothes. Please, let me sleep in peace and dream of being a princess without you putting images in my head,”

Liz covered her mouth to contain her giggles at the irritated and annoyed tone of Isabel’s voice.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Brothers should come with a manual or something, Isabel thought as she walked into the kitchen dressed in a loose pair of cargos and a pink tank top. Her blonde hair was ruffled and swayed around her shoulders but she was hungry and she hoped that by waking up she could scoff a few muffins and some bacon before her mother awoke and alas…started cooking. If she had Liz’s powers she would prevent her mom cooking anything from Martha Stewart or any Do-it-yourself cook books and prevent Max from thinking sinful thoughts.

Eww, Isabel thought. I so don’t need to think about that right now. Her brother, she was happy that he was awake but the first thing he does is maul Liz in her bedroom! No longer did her sanctuary feel safe….it was rotted with images of her horny brother attacking Liz. She would have to re-make her room later.

Grabbing a muffin she placed a slice of bacon and cheese on top and slid it underneath the grill. Careful to not make any noise she switched on the grill and waited. Granted, she could use her powers but form recent experience, cooking food and using her powers to do it was not a good idea, unless she wanted a death wish.
It took a moment for Liz to realise where she was. Liz got up and quickly folded her blankets and placed them in a corner and found a pair of grey jeans and a dark green tank top. Liz smiled and quickly got dressed. Pulling her hair into a loose ponytail she decided she was shower after breakfast.

She found Isabel in the kitchen only to have an egg and bacon muffin shoved in her face.
Liz took it, she was confused…why would…

“Quickly, you’ll understand in a moment,” Isabel said in between a mouthful of muffins…

True to Isabel’s words Liz was grateful that she ate that muffin. Looking down at the unknown pineapple, kiwi and squid mush with restrained dislike Liz poked it with a fork.

“What do you think Liz?” Mrs Evans or Diane as she wanted to be called was peering over on the opposite side of the table with eagerness. She wore a silk blouse and dark pants with her apron still tied to her waist. Her silvery blonde hair was straggly like straw and rested around her broad shoulders.

Looking up she saw Isabel, Max and Michael to her side looking back at her and they all had the same look. Say Yes!
“It was different but….It was great,” Liz replied, placing her fork on her plate and watching in sink underneath the purple goo.
Diane giggled, “Oh….Max she is such a lovely girl!” Picking up what seemed to be Liz’s empty plate and everyone else’s and headed to the kitchen.

“Liz!” Isabel whispered, careful to not attract attention from her father who was currently reading the morning paper.
Liz stiffened. Shit…she knows I mind warped Diane into thinking we ate her breakfast! Shit shit shit shit shit…
“Thanks,” Isabel smiled and warmth flooded Liz’s face.
“You’re welcome,”
_ _ _ _ _

After breakfast, Liz found her brother propped next to the Play station 2 in Max’s lounge room.
“Wanna play?” Michael smirked. “Do you dare to face your brother in epic combat?”
“Shut up Michael!” Liz smiled, her said the word brother. “and I will!” little did her dear brother know was that while on the run, she couldn’t attend school and spent most of her time playing video games. “Prepare to die… but first I gotta head to the supermarket,”
“Buying rubber for your dear boyfriend,”

“Michael!” Liz screeched her hand on the doorknob. She turned and glared at him still lounging on the floor. “You better watch your back,” Closing the door behind her Liz breathed, still smiling from mock fighting from her brother she realised that nothing could ruin this morning.
_ _ _ _ _ _
She was wrong. Dead wrong.

“Look, it says thirty nine dollars and fifty-five cents and you’ve clearly short-changed me by two dollars…..” A woman with curly red hair was currently having a rant to the preteen at the front counter. Cleary the yellow badge, marked “trainee” hadn’t occurred to the lady’s mind. It was probably the trainees first day for Pete’s sake, Liz thought.

Don’t use your powers, Liz told herself, she could feel tiny sparks jump in between her fingers, winching she headed over to the iceberg machine in hopes of distracting herself.

The loud buzzing as she pulled herself a strawberry iceberg almost blocked out the loud screeching from the rating’s lady’s mouth. The line now consisted of eight instead of three and the trainee, who looked around fourteen with blonde hair and green eyes, was trying to hold back her tears.

Gingerly picking up the cold drink she was in mid turn when a man bumped into her and spilled the cold contents down her front stop, the sticky iceberg now ran dunk in ice chunk down her chest, stomach and soaking the waistband of her pants.

“Great, Just great,” Liz muttered. That’s it. Whoever this bastard was he was gonna pay.

“Look man,” She gazed up and found herself swallowing her own words. A pair of amazing cerulean eyes, like the sky gazed back, ruffled dark blonde hair cascaded in unruly swirls around his chiselled face. A lone scar was slightly visible around his left eye and she wondered why it was there but at this point she didn’t care.

He was tall and forbidding and it seemed like the light shone around his skin. His white shirt was open and revealed his ripply chest with a full set of defined muscles that same Liz couldn’t name. His dark blue three quater pants hung low around his hips and Liz found her mouth still hanging half open. Not a drop of her drink had landed on him. That’s amazing, Liz thought…purely….wonderfully amazing…

That’s fucking great, Liz thought bitterly and she felt time jolt back in, suddenly sounds rushed around her. She heard the lady badgering to the manager and the trainee’s strangled gasps, following by the offbeat groans of other customers grumbling.

Looking down at her red strained shirt and pants she could see faint pink trinkles down at her sides and on her chest.

“Oh…I’m so sorry, I was trying to find a bat or something to hit the old lady with but bumped into you,” He smiled, damn that smile, Liz found herself back where she was, staring at him as if he was an angel, sent from the heavens. She could feel her heart beating and sweat beeding between her palms and underneath her arms. She managed, however, to keep her breathing in check.

“I’m Leto Griffin by the way,” he held out his hand and she took it, she gulped as her stomach flipped and flop. He had beautifully, long shaped hands…and yet they felt hard…as if he did a hard’s day of work…what did he do?...

“Liz…Liz Harding…” Liz managed to form those words, her hand felt like it was flying and she felt his grip tighten around hers. She didn’t want this feeling to stop but she knew that she would seem scary if she held on any longer. So, she felt a stab of loss within her when she removed her hand from his. She didn’t know what to do with her hands…they felt whole in his and it felt strange….she had this similar feeling with Max and it scared her.
“Liz..” His voice sounded hoarse as he whispered her name. God, no one she be able to sound so low, so enticing and soothing…she felt her eyes flutter at the sound of his voice and wondered what …

Liz, stop this! She mentally slapped herself. You’ve had a long day yesterday and your mind is playing over time…

“I’m sorry about that…let me make it up to you...”
She had to stop this; she couldn’t seem docile in front of him. She shouldn’t be openly gawking at him either. It would’ve helped though if he wasn’t so good to look at.

“No…No that’s alright…I have to get back….I also….have work later on...” she had to get back to Max’s house and loose herself in his embrace and maybe, just maybe she would be able to forget this ever happened.
“Well, here, take a ten…” He waved a green bill in her face but she shushed it away, her hands grazing against his before she snapped her hands back. She wouldn’t be able to take his money, truth be told…she wouldn’t be able to spend it without thinking about him.

Stop this, Liz said to herself. You love Max, and she did. Thinking about Max made her heart break. She loved him, she fought many obstacles to be with him and yet…every time she thought of him she now felt guilt….guilt for lusting after a man she just met. She knew that sometimes guys …well often guys would have wondering eyes but she didn’t...she would only love one man and now…this Leto Griffin waltzed in and turned her world upside down. She wanted him to leave her alone…

“No…I’m fine….I just want that lady to shut up…” Liz nudged her head to the red curly haired lady who had been berating the trainee for a good ten minutes.

“Consider it done, Liz,” Leto grinned, his eyes sparkled and she didn’t know how to describe it by it looked as it firework exploded around his face when he smiled.

He probably has a girlfriend; Liz said to herself and felt her heart drop. Oh, get a grip Liz…you’re probably tired, Liz coached herself, you’re tired, hungry and cranky and that is why you drooled when Leto bumped into you.

“Excuse me,” She could hear Leto mumble and the indistinct gasp from the ranting lady.
See, you’re sane…even the middle aged lady finds him attractive.
In fact, Liz thought , looking around the convince store she noticed that all the girls, in fact were staring at him. See? you were being human....its normal to find another guy attractive....but then again, Liz thought...this kind of attraction isn't normal...its dangerous

“Here’s a fifty dollar bill."leto handed it to the flabbergasted lady at the front counter. No longer was his voice soft and wistful but loud, and filled with sound emotion Liz could feel tears in her eyes.. "Spend it on getting a new voice or something cos…we are all tired of hearing you whinge about petty things,”

Liz chuckled and so did the small crowd of woman who gathered around him like a flock of lambs. Liz smiled and walked outside the store. She thought of Max and headed back, still soaked into strawberry gloop but the thought of Max’s warm embrace and loving smile was enough to keep her forbidden thoughts away…… for now.
Last edited by on Thu Jan 26, 2006 8:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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chapter 30: Unwanted and dangerous feelings

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Chapter 30

No-name stood outside the local store, trying in vain to catch his breath and not smell the fragrance of strawberries and watermelon. The touch of her flesh still seared him, so, he tried to place his hands in his pockets but they couldn’t…no wouldn’t stop shaking-they were still reeling from the touch of her….. Ava.

He always thought that by facing his demons that he could overcome them, and move on. He hoped that by meeting Liz that he could overcome this innate attraction he had towards her and focus on his underlying love for Ami. He was wrong, dead wrong. Instead, the demon inside him was pleased to be reunited with Ava. Memories and feelings flashed before him as he found himself helpless in her brown-chocolate eyes. Her long flowing hair reminded him of how she enjoyed having him braid her hair, soak perfume oil into her skin and lusted after his soft kisses on her neck.

His phone vibrated and he quickly answered it. Only one person knew his number.
“Ami, is there something wrong?” He took a quick side sweep of his surroundings, briskly walking to a more secluded area. There were still a flock of girls form the store ogling him and as much as that slightly amused him he wanted to focus on Ami. Ami was his redemption; she has been there through thick and thin and stood by him where no one else would.

Leto,” She whispered his given name, a name bestowed on him by his estranged foster parents. Names weren’t important to him as they used to be. Until he faced his past and redeemed himself he couldn’t be Leto Griffin, disowned son of Daniel and Emma Griffin, son of Griffin Silk industries, owner of half of the restate in L.A and New York. A son who was once considered to be heir to the Griffin Empire…until…

Leto,” She whispered again interrupting his thoughts, her voice was chipped and sharp. “We ran out of milk, bread and…” He could hear a muffle rustle of glass bottles. She must be in the pantry, Leto smiled. Trust her to be organised. When he first told her of his plan for redemption she said…
“You’ll need someone to be there with you Leto,” Ami smiled. “After all, you need someone to make sure you have enough Tabasco and milk in the fridge,”

He never asked her to come away with him, he gave her plenty of opportunities to stay in her world of fashion, buildings, and anything that money could buy but even after everything that had happened Ami still chose to stand by him and that thought overwhelmed him. How did I ever deserve her? He thought.

“…Tabasco and are you listening to me Leto? I chose to come with you. Now deal with it. Come home soon…I love you,”
Leto smiled, her words soothed him, and her love locked his past demons away and made him feel like there was nothing to worry about. She made him human.

“I love you too,” He whispered, placing his phone in his front pocket.
He meant those words but just thinking about Ami made him think about his past, his other life he had and what he must do to make things right. However, he knew that everything would change when he took the chance and introduced himself to Liz. As much as having Ami in his life made the demons go away they won’t stay doormat for long and he hoped, he prayed that he finished his job before that happens.
_ _ _

Liz couldn’t shake off her feelings for Leto, even when she returned to Max’s house his presence stayed with her and for a moment she felt her alien side feel at ease which worried her. She didn’t know much about her past life, only that bare facts. She was a Goddess like warrior who was praised among her people before she broke all the rules and fell in love with Zan, who, in their eyes was considered mortal. She gave up her heritage and her goddess like power to be with him and they died for it. There were millions…maybe billions of people who are waiting for her return to power, to take the throne alongside Zan and fight Kivar for the right of crown over Antar. Zan’s race against hers…

Wait…Liz shook herself…Her race? Kivar was the enemy!
She tried grasping the feeling of déjà vu in her head but it was fuzzy and as much as she tried, scrunching up her face in concentration she could only identity feelings but no meanings behind them.

Trudging into the kitchen she didn’t notice that Max was in the same room until she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist, pulling her close, placing a soft kiss on her cheek-pulling back a long lock of hair behind her ear in the process. Liz felt her face blush and all her worries dissipated.

“Hey,” he whispered, “You were gone a long time, she felt her body swivel around by the use of Max’s warms hands on her waist. The back of her pelvic bone was digging into the cold slab of his kitchen table. Liz looked into his devilish eyes, his sultry grin as he closed the distance with an open-mouthed kiss. How can one kiss make you forget all your troubles, how can one kiss have such force, such meaning and power behind it causes you to groan, causes you to think irrationally? Would it be lust, love or a combination of both? Liz didn’t know. She didn’t think.

She thought with her hands and spoke with her lips and in hushed moans. Pulling back she raked in breath, feeling a slight burn on her face from the stubble on his cheeks.

“Some middle aged woman…was...” She dove in for another kiss, she needed one. She couldn’t be this close to him without touching him, without feeling the warm sensation of his lips on hers, spreading warm throughout her body. She loved this feeling and could see herself become addicted to this….in fact…she already was.

At the back of her mind she knew that she had to finish her sentence but feeling a slight graze of his teeth gawking on her lips, she groaned…she could finish it later. Her hands travelled up his hard biceps, slightly squeezing them as she moved upwards to the collum of his neck, her fingers twirling the soft tresses of his silky mane.

Hmm, Liz thought, capturing his lips in a hold with her teeth, his waist digging into hers, pushing her into the bench, bruising her flesh in the process to get closer. I don’t think Max has long hair….

Her thoughts mushed when she felt his hands cup her behind, pulling her upwards, plonking her onto the bench, wrenching her close to him so roughly that she felt her legs knock a few pans in the process, the loud clanks on the floor caused her to wince.

She wanted to look but she couldn’t be bothered, Max’s hands were gliding up and down her spine, gently massaging each vertebrate and sending upmost pleasures throughout her body. She dove for his neck and sunk her teeth into his flesh, adding pressure but gently sucking on his flesh and leaving a mark behind. She wanted to mark him…she wanted to leave a part of herself on him

Liz would stop every few seconds to breathe through her lungs but Max never gave her enough time, his mouth closed against hers, she heard him rumble, “More…” however, his voice wasn’t as deep as Max. It was low but it resinated like a rich cello quartet. His voice vibrated with emotion, blazing hurt, and echoing anger….the kind of emotions Liz has never heard escape from Max’s lips.

Liz…” The voice was far away and it was definitely belonged Max. It was rough and scratchy and it sounded hurt.
Liz fluttered her eyes open and found Max frozen in the kitchen entrance. What…Liz’s mind froze. Max was in the hallway but then….who have I been kissing.

Her head felt heavy as she turned around and met a pair of amazing cerulean eyes surrounded an array of dark blonde tresses, his flesh like snow and his lips red and bruised from her lips. She could see the penicil thin scar in the middle of his left eye and the smell his sharp aftershave.
“You’re mine…”He whispered, closing in and she felt herself falling into his embrace, kissing his lips, knowing that it was Leto and that Max was only a few feet away didn’t faze her and for a brief moment she found herself whole. Her alien side was beginning to wake up and she was helpless to prevent it.

“Liz…..Liz...…LIZ!” A burning whip sliced her left cheek and she suddenly found herself over the wash sink, her hands bracing the brace so tightly her knuckles were white her lower lip bleeding from clenching her jaw. It was Isabel. Oh God it was Isabel.

Liz looked left and right and found that Leto was gone and so was Max. What have I done? I’ve become a scarlet woman. Now Isabel is here to finish me off, Liz thought glumly. I’m guilty so get it over with.

“It’s three o’clock.” Isabel whispered, handing her a glass of water, Liz tried taking it but it slipped through her fingers and smashed on the floor, soaking her sneakers and spraying pebbles of glass on the floor.
Wait, Three o’clock? Liz looked above and found the wall clock clearing stating that ti was Three pm. She arrived at 1 o’clock….how can three hours pass without me knowing? Did I have another sun spot? Did Leto come over and….Liz touched her trembling lower lip and felt the tall tale indents of her teeth, the warm pool of blood that stung her fingertips but not his teeth marks and she distinctly remember him biting her….when she thought it was Max and then it turned out to be Leto. How can I not notice this? How can I not notice that Leto felt different that Max? Max was hard build and felt rough like sand but Leto felt like warm silk, held himself with grace but he had power….power in his hands and in his body but never showed it.

“Kyle saw you here earlier, just standing by the bench around 1:30 and we assumed you were getting a drink, and now I find” Isabel sighed, rolling her eyes, “….Max has been in his room worried sick….”
“Worried…he’s worried?” Liz turned her head upwards and looked at Isabel; there were no visible signs of anger but concern and a little unease shining in her eyes. What happened? Did I really kiss Leto? Her body and mind said yes but her heart seemed amendment and said no. So…what was she supposed to believe? Her mind or her heart?
Liz lowered her head, she slowly unclenched her hands on the wash bench and felt blood rushed to her hands, causing them to feel fuzzy as she moved them.

How am I going to face him? He saw! He saw me kissing Leto with him looking!

Liz, head down, moved across the lounge room and down the hallway down to Max’s room, trying to pick up the broken pieces of her heart off the floor but she couldn’t put it back together.
She stood outside his door and found the muffled drones of Gomez hammering through. Was that a good sign? Liz wondered.
The door opened before she could answer. Liz’s mouth fell slack as she looked into his eyes. His hand quickly scanned her face and she felt her cut lip heal itself before his enveloped her in a warm hug. Liz shivered and tried holding onto her tears but she could feel herself failing so she silently allowed herself to cry on his shoulder before he moved back and looked into her blood-shot eyes. He wasn’t angry…why isn’t her angry…I kissed Leto…he should be angry….he should be….

“You were blacked out Liz, you were just standing there, not moving, your eyes were vacant…”he rambled, almost choking on his words. “Is that how your sun spots work?” he asked silently, Liz could see that he too was crying. He was worried…wait…does this mean that I didn’t kiss Leto?
“I don’t know Max….”Liz answered. I have no idea how they worked. I never asked and I didn’t believe that I was genetically flawed until a few months ago... “I’ll have to speak to I wasn’t there...” Liz had to confirm that what happened didn’t. She had to hear it from Max. She had to hear one word. One word that could block out the image of his crushed face as he watched her kissed Leto on the lips.

“No, you were alone…wait,…..”His expression changed, becoming serious, “Did you see something…was your…”
“I don’t Max….I just thought…” Liz shook her head. She couldn’t tell him what she saw, what she thought and what she felt. It was a sun spot then obviously her alien side was attracted to Leto which would make Leto like her. Her alien side didn’t like humans and if her alien side fancied Leto …then Leto had to be dangerous.

“Thought what….” Max asked. What did she think? She thought she was making out with the love of her life, only to find herself actually kissing Leto and not knowing the difference. only to find herself kiss Leto again and her world exploded with images of her past…it felt like Leto was connected to her past…It felt like she was reliving something….it felt…
“It felt real Max….” Liz whispered, her tears fell, coating her blushed cheeks.

“You were stressed Liz…You did a lot of amazing things Liz…maybe your body went overtime and...”
“I went insane…come on Max…I don’t think so…”Liz then added, “About the insane part but you were right….I was stressed.” Liz thought. I used a lot of powers and maybe it was a side affect or something….or maybe it was become I had very little sleep…Liz nodded in approval. Sleep deprivation causes someone to not think straight.
“Come here,” Max mumbled and wrapped his arms around her lower waist. “Wanna watch someone…take your mind of …stuff,” Max raised an eyebrow and Liz softly chuckled.
“Yeah, okay,”
_ _ _

The movie wasn’t important. Liz was in Max’s arms, slouched against the couch eating popcorn laced with caster sugar and Tabasco. A combination that Alex found revolting and openly expressed his opinions to anyone who would listen but luckily, everyone wasn’t listening but rather finding his rants a healthy subtitle of comedy than the movie currently playing.
“I mean…do you guys even know what sugar and chilli taste like…together?”

“Uh…sweet and spicy….come on Alex?? People have that combination in their meals now days…”Kyle said, placing a few popcorns in his mouth from the pile without the added extras that Max, Liz, Isabel and Michael had in theirs.

The front door slammed and in walked Maria, fresh from working at the Crashdown. The odour of grease and milkshakes filled the room.
“Oh my god, Isabel,” She sauntered over to where Isabel sat, at the far right, near the kitchen but Liz didn’t miss the look of apprehension as she saw that Liz was on the Sofa in Max’s arms while Tess was in Florida. It seemed in Maria’s eyes that Tess and Max are still together and what Liz was doing was wrong.

Liz placed the popcorn down, got up form her seat and joined Isabel and Maria in the corner. As much as she liked talking to Isabel Maria still unnerved her and anything that Maria to say she could say it in front of her, Liz reasoned.

“I was serving Joe his typical afternoon meal, you know, beef burger, Saturn rings, alien blood milkshake,” Maria turned to Liz. “You know, Liz, this is a pri---va----te, “Maria punctated that word slowly, her eyes telling her to leave, “conversation so why don’t you go over there with Max and continue what you were doing, kay,” Maria smiled. Flickering her gaze to where Max was sitting. Liz sighed. Why was Maria acting like this?

“Whatever you have to say you can say it to me. After all it is a free country,” Liz said. Also, Isabel is my friend and I don’t want you to go and wreck things with your grudges that you have against me for breaking up the “dream couple,”/. There, I’ve admitted to myself. You don’t like me because I broke up Tess and Max. It wasn’t my fault, Liz felt like saying this to Maria but from the hateful expression burning in her green eyes Liz didn’t bother trying, instead, stood firm and crossed her arms in a Michael-like way, reminding Maria that Michael was her older brother and in the scheme of things…blood runs thicker than water. Although, she would never resort to such a thing she wanted to make Maria know that she wasn’t weak. She was powerful, very powerful.

“To those who are legal…you....” Maria spat, sizing her up and down with her green eyes.
“So is Isabel,” Liz nudged her head to Isabel. “And Michael and Max.” Liz added, raising her voice higher in hopes of Michael and Max hearing her words. She could see the struggle in Maria’s face and the anger in her rigid stance. Liz hit a neve. So, what….we better leave town because in your eyes…we don’t deserve to be here….So, what were saying Maria…” Liz stood and waited for Maria to continue, enjoying the feeling of victory as Maria sighed, and continued her conversation “ When in walks this guy and oh my gwad Isabel…He was so fine…like right out of the pages of some playboy magazine..”

“Oh Maria, didn’t know you were into that kind of thing,” Liz raised her eyebrow, smiling at her and watching the blood rise in her cheeks.
“Liz, shut up, let her continue,” Isabel scolded.
Liz sighed, crossing her arms together over her chest.
“He was tall and glided with ease with a mane of golden hair and amazing blue eyes...and his body…whoo…my gosh…he was so fine and he spoke like he was seducing me and ..”

“What….asked him if he was in playboy and talked about your desire to be chained with playboy bunnies?” Liz mocked, where was this story going anyway?
“No, he ordered a cup of coffee and I asked him his name and he said Leto...”
“Yes leto…anyway…”Maria rushed on, her face flushed and eyes dazzling.

“Leto…” Liz whispered, feeling his phantom lips on hers and the sound of his voice ringing through her ears. It wasn’t real, Liz realised. If he was at the Crashdown…then it means that I had another sun spot…I didn’t kiss him!

As much as she smiled, and the bubbles of happiness filled her she couldn’t flush out the seed of guilt…the flash of disappointment she felt just for a millisecond of her fantasy….or whatever it was being not real.
“Yes Liz, Leto….he arrived at 2’0clock,”Maria sarcastically retorted, her eyes filled with mirth, “and stayed there until I finished, drinking coffee and writing in his notebook but I knew he was staring at me...”
Liz tuned out Maria’s words and headed back to the couch and welcomed Max’s arms around her, no longer feeling guilty about what she thought happened but didn’t. She had nothing to worry about...she didn’t kiss Leto and it was her infatuation she had when she first saw him made her black out.

“The funny thing is…” Maria whispered, and then scoffed as Liz walked away and threw herself at her best friend’s boyfriend.
“What Maria…and hey…don’t look at Liz like that. She’s cool. She’s been though a lot.”

“I don’t care….she is a home wrecker…through and through...” Maria turned her back on the obscene sight and trained her gaze on Isabel. “When he came in he was fine…and then…when I looked at him later on he seemed to be in some kind of trance…and then..”

“After my break around…quarter to three I sauntered by…to you know…. “talk” when I noticed…”
“What? Maria?”
“A hickey…the size of a casino chip on his neck….it stuck out like a nail…saying hello.”
“So, his girlfriend must’ve come by and they…”
“That’s the thing Isabel…I asked Michelle and Kelly later on and they said that he never left the booth!”

“Maria...”Isabel whispered, surprised that her best friend would be reacting this way over some guy. She hoped Michael wasn’t hearing this... “Come on, Michelle and Kelly have short attention spans.” she said, trying to make Maria see logic. “They couldn’t stare at a guy for hours….even a hot one without losing track and start staring at their nails…….”

“Yeah, well,” Maria began, “You wouldn’t be saying this if you met him, “Maria’s eyes sparkled brightly as if she was thinking about him right now.. “….he’s divine,” She whispered.. “… and I’m telling you…something happened…and I don’t know but I’m going to find out....”

< < < < < <

Yeah I'm evil but i like creating confusion..... :lol: hopefully not too much...


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Past Vs Present. Forbidden Love

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A/N--i think i have gone evil ever since i have entered the alien abyss...the agnst side of me has come out...but anyway

Thanks for all your replies
Seriously they mean ALOT but i can't reply now...(i"m supposed to be studying) so Ill reply to your questions next chapter.

**due to the fact that my PM list has gone missing i can not PM you guys until it is found---for that i am very very sorry ( it''s somewhere in my folder and ill find it before i update with the next chapter***--


_ _ _

Chapter 31

Leto spent the rest of the night deep in thought and staring at the sorry-looking milkshake he ordered hours ago before it was nine o’clock.

Things didn’t turn out the way I wanted, Leto thought, placing his tip on the counter before leaving the diner-the fateful tunes from the movie, Close encounters bid him farewell as he closed the doors behind him. The cold night air greeted him and he began his usual stroll in the shadows, lost in thought. Only this time his thoughts were centred on Liz.

More importantly on what transpired this afternoon. He didn’t mean to, honestly, the only thing he wanted was to have a look…no…to check on her, making sure she had it back home okay. So, he sat comfortably on the plus leather seats of the Crashdown, closing his eyes and allowed himself to use his powers. His powers were evil, and only crafted for destruction. None the less some of his powers were and have been quite useful in the past. So, after much reasoning he visited her mind. Similar to Vilandra’s powers of dream walking, he too can visit people’s sub-conscious and even influence them to do…many things. However, his only intention was to check on Liz.

However, it didn’t turn out that way. She was daydreaming of course, she was dreaming about being with Zan, that awful brute of a man. He was so disgusted….no, Leto shook his head…the monster…the dragon inside him was disgusted with Ava’s thoughts about Zan…he was about to leave when he felt…no…he saw a flicker and he saw her fantasy change from making out with Zan to making out with him…Leto tried to leave her mind but he couldn’t…no….he needed to be with her, for just one moment he wanted to be in her arms, to feel the heavy locks of her hair bristling around his biceps and feel her hands attentively flutter around his waist. He was in overload and many minutes later he left…..the mind has a way of playing trick on you…but also sorting out core issues and even though he was making out with her subconscious mind…the will always be apart of her that will belong to Zan and when her mind tried sorting out her feelings in the way of Zan catching them it horrified her that she continued to make out with him.

It only concludes the knowledge that he already knew: Ava dind't love Zan. Not in the way Zan wanted.

It horrified him as well because for a brief period Liz disappeared and Ava existed in full force. So, he left and by such force it left her feeling disoriented. Hopefully, disoriented enough to think it was a fantasy, Leto grimaced, rubbing his fingers of her bite mark that burned his neck.

He rubbed it for a couple of moments, his fingertips enjoying the feeling of his hands against the bruised flesh before healing it. Liz, Leto reminded himself. Its Liz now, not Ava, is powerful…so powerful than the others she doesn’t even know it…powerful enough to leave physical reminders of their encounter in her subconscious mind. That’s why she’s needed in the foursquare and to be along side Zan…no matter what I feel….she needs to be with Zan and not with Kivar.

He rounded a corner and felt a body slam against his wearing a loose black shirt and leather pants.
It took a few seconds to regain his composure and find himself in a back alleyway with none other than Serena. He could tell it was her by her aura, even though she changed her appearance to be like Liz. Her aura was slightly off, not pure and completely Serena. Dark. However, he couldn’t help but blush at the sight of Serena in Liz’s form. Her hair was long, dark copper brown, almost black and brilliant brown eyes that shone with Liz likeness. Even the smell was similar.

“Hi Stranger” even the voice was low and throatier, not Liz but the kind that Leto would eventually would want to hear float from Liz’s pout lips. It was cold outside, so he could as well as smell her breath that came out of her mouth in small pants.

“Hi Serena,” He drawled, pulling out a packet of Horizon Mild he lit up a cigarette and the smoke he exhaled a moment later calmed him.
She pouted as her eyes peered over behind him to the flock of girls from the store, a look of disappointment on their faces.

“A flock of helpless lambs Leto….you must have Vinishuan blood.” Her hand slid against his pants, lingering around his groin before reaching in his front pocket for a cigarette and lighting it with a single thought. “You never quite told me your heritage or your role in this,” She waved her cigarette around in her left hand as she blew smoke in his face, smiling, she added. “Are your sure Kivar would mind if one of his own people went after Liz? I mean…isn’t Kivar a Vinishu?” she chuckled, flashing her teeth, she huffed some loose locks from her face, white vapour rising in its wake.

Leto rolled his eyes, “Well duh…that’s why,” a little bit too quickly, he thought and he knew that Serena noticed this. He had to distract her before she realises that he wasn’t working for Kivar.

He distinguished his cigarette with one flick, along with hers and before she had time to react he grabbed her forcefully by the waist, ignoring her cry of panic and planted his lips on her, trying to keep the feeling of revulsion from surfacing.

He gathered her up in his arms and slammed her body against the concrete wall, not caring if he broke her bones or not. In fact, he would feel a bit better if he did break something. Kissing her felt wrong, she tasted of bile and ash and her skin seared his. Yet, when he broke the kiss he saw Liz’s reflection and he flashed back to the moment he had with Liz, her lips nibbling against his and how he felt complete in that moment. So, as he dove in for another kiss he no longer smelled the burning waft of cigarettes, bile and alcohol or Serena’s strong lemon perfume.

Nor, did he smell the exhaust from the nearby cars whizzing past a metre down the alleyway. This time her skin felt softer, her smell was sweet and intoxicating as she was coated in heaven. The concrete wall provided enough anchorage for him to press deeper into her body, nudging her legs to go wider so he could get as close as he can. Kissing took another meaning for Leto when he thought of Ava. Grabbing and pulling at her skin he alternative rubbed his thumbs underneath her bosoms as his waist nudged against hers, grunting in to process, he could taste Liz’s name on his lips so much that he wanted to hear himself say it out loud. However, he knew that it wasn’t the same. As much as he enjoyed this fantasy his alien self was beginning to surface and he didn’t want that to happen.

So he slowed down his kisses, his bites against her upper jaw ceased and he untangled himself from her, ignoring the cold whiplash as he let go and she just stood there, leaning on the wall for support. She had this frivolous smile on her face, a look of triumph.
“So you do….want me,” she managed to wheeze out and before he could say anything he felt his hand connect with her jaw and blood spurting on his hand.

Her face collided against the floor with a thwack and her hair askew; half soaked in blood form her bruised jaw. Wiping his right hand on his pants he looked at them as if they weren’t his. He could sense power and a hint of….thrill from that single punch.

These weren’t mine…they were his…Leto told himself. They were his feelings….not mine….

Revulsion bubbled inside him and yet he wanted to put Serena in her place. He shouldn’t have done what he did but he did. He looked at his watch. He had to get home before Ami realises…

What an unfaithful and sadistic boyfriend I have been….

_ _ _ _ _

Can anyone die from a single kiss? Have the wind knock from their lungs, causing one’s muscles to atrophy?

The salty tang of her blood seeping into her mouth jolted Serena awake and with a queasy whoosh she slowly picked her head up from the floor.
Swiping the swealing form her face she changed her appearance back to her own. Her long innocent hair shrunk until it jutted around her shoulders, streaks of violet tinted her fringe. Never in her life had she received a kiss with such force that it aroused her and frightened her at the same time.

He smelt completely masculine with a hint of aftershave that seemed to heighten his own exotic smell evaporating off his skin. His kisses were both gentle and rushed. Soft smooches and hard nibbles that still left her skin feeling raw. It was as if she was kissing two people at once. For the first time she felt wanted only to have reality thrown back in face. He wanted pesky Liz Harding.

Everyone had a weakness and for some reason his was none other than her pathetic double. She would end his life if he wasn’t working for Kivar. That thought confused her. As far as she knew Kivar’s second-in-command was Nicholas…the thirty-something general stuck in a thirteen-year old body was Kivar’s right hand man. Why was this unknown and yet powerful alien claiming to be Kivar’s second in command when it was clearly Nicholas?

Why was he here? Serena thought. Liz probably and if so why?

Serena knew that she had a deal with Kivar but that didn’t mean certain unfortunate events occurred whilst attempting her mission. After all this was Earth and strange things do happen. Serena was going to wait in the side lines and watch this Leto character. No one kisses her like that and gets away with it!

Liz was going to die! The throne was going to be hers through Max. However, it didn’t mean she have to have Max as her king… Serena smiled; formulating a plan in her mind she disappeared back to her hideout and began placing her traps for her pathetic dupe. Picturing her death in various shapes and forms calmed Serena and made her forget about Leto momentarily.
_ _ _ _ _

The sun peaked through Liz’s closed curtains and she awoke with a grin. Drawing back her covers, she rolled over and dramatically wrenched open her curtains, smiling at the new day and as Max’s girlfriend began. She was going to have breakfast with the gang, unfortunately it didn’t include Max. He had work at the UFO museum this morning.

They weren’t going to the Crashdown for breakfast, as Maria put it,

“I spend my every waking day there. I’m not going to start spending my days off there as well!”

Speaking of the Crashdown, Liz had to pick up her shift hours in the afternoon. By some miracle Mr and Mrs Parker still wanted her around.

So, they were heading to the mall just outside of Roswell for breakfast, followed by some shopping, much to Michael, Alex and Kyle’s dismay, followed by a movie.

Wasting no time Liz had a shower, got dressed into a pair of grey cargos and a light blue tank top, she walked out the front door twenty minuets later. Maria’s red jetta was parked outside her door and to her dismay she saw Maria give her a smile (something must’ve talked to her) and Isabel eagerly waved and ushered her to sit at the back.

**The mall**

Alien Euphonium wasn’t as bad as she thought. Michael, Kyle and Alex had greeted them when they arrived at 8:45am. They were currently at the food court (ground level of three) and were enjoying their breakfast. Well, almost everyone.

“Come on Michael its breakfast for goodness sake!” Maria scoffed, and then retreated back to stuffing her face full of syrup soaked pancakes. Next to Maria was Isabel, who was sitting next to Liz. Both Liz and Isabel opted for eating yogurt and a warm apple muffin with chill sauce for breakfast. Isabel rolled her eyes, waving her shiny blonde hair behind her broad shoulders- she eats silently.

Alex sat opposite Liz and next to Kyle, followed by Michael. Even the fresh smells of buttery muffins, fried bacon and the aroma of coffee and quiet murmurs of conversations nearby and bustle of morning shoppers could not block out the harsh squabbling and squeals erupting from Maria and her brother’s mouth.

“Hey I don’t bark on about your pancake crap! Mind you you’ll be putting on a few pounds…”
“Oh don’t your dare talk to me about my weight …you know that I’m having weight ---“
“Well you can’t help it if you stuff yourself with…”
“At least I don’t have bloody onions for breakfast!”

Liz laughed as a small tingle, like an icy tear trickled down the back of her spine interrupted her thoughts. She shivered, twirled around and looked around the crowded masses in the food court. She intimately knew that feeling. Someone, unknown and not human was near.
“I’m going head to the loo,” Liz muttered, not bothering to see if anyone heard her and followed that tingling feeling, snaking through the small gaps in crowds.

She didn’t see with her eyes but with her intuition inside. Reaching out with her mind she swam amongst the auras that people gave off, trying to pinpoint the one like hers.

The smell of grease, cinnamon and ice cream melted away and was replaced by the strong smell of cleaning products, car wash and lavender from the nearby aromatherapy store.
The feelings inside her clenched, he was near. Who ….

Thump something rock hard slammed into her.

Ksssh the sound of ice and cream whooshed onto her skin.

A stream of icy blue shake dribbled down her top, soaking it to the bone. Liz gritted her teeth, looked upwards and found Leto with a baffled expression on his face.

“Excuse me!” A haggard middle aged woman ambled from her Photoshop store just opposite them before Liz could hex him into the next millennium.

“I’m sorry to bother you...” The lady began with the name tag “Ginny” on her oversized red shirt.. “But you both around the same size as the models who were supposed to be helping me today so I’ll give you discount if you please help a lady out and be the models for one of my portraits….”

Liz’s eyes widened. Photos? No way! Her eyes wavering between Leto and Ginny as she struggled with an answer. Her mind was still frozen on the fact that this was the second time that Leto spilled a drink on her, causing her to remember her little dream she had.

“We love too,” Leto replied for her.

“No I will not,” Liz shook her head. There was no where in hell that she…
“Look, I’m sorry but help her out.” Leto said, when Ginny was out of earshot. “Be a Samaritan for once. I’ll buy you a new top afterwards.”
Liz huffed, not knowing why she was agreeing to this. Her earlier thoughts forgotten as she entered the small cottage shop that took pictures of familles, couples and children wearing 19th century clothes or any of their choice.

“The clothes are in the change rooms. Thank yo so much! I’ll be there in a minuet.” Ginny dash behind the door marked “staff only” leaving Leto and Liz alone.
Liz turned to Leto, who was already heading into one of the cubicles, “We gotta stop meeting like this,” She said, he turned back and grinned. “You know you love it,”

Liz scoffed, blushing she drew back the curtain to find the dress she was supposed to wear draped across a wooden chair.

It was a two piece set: A long trail silk black skirt and a bone black bodice. The bodice had pink rosette embroidery, interwoven with deep emerald vines. It was breathtakingly beautiful and she couldn’t wait to put it on. Liz stripped off her clothes and quickly wiped the stain clean from her skin and shirt. Slipping on the skirt with ease- it fit snugly around her waist. The problem was that the bodice had long silk ropes for buttons and she would need assistance if she wanted this to fit.
Unclasping her bra she snatched up the bodice and covered herself and called out.

“Leto, I need some help here,”
She could hear the curtain draw back quickly before closing again.
“Uh...” she could hear him gulp and blush
“Can you tie me up in this thing?” Liz sheepishly asked. “I kinda can’t do it myself,” she realised she could have easily done it with her mind. Liz mentally cursed herself. Why didn’t I think of it before? Liz looked at Leto, who was thinking it over.

“Sure,” He whispered, ushering her to face the wall with her back turned to him. She bit her lower lip in trepidation, waiting for his touch.
The first touch of his fingers on her lower back caused her to shutter.
“Ticklish?” He whispered, his body flushed against hers, so much so that she could feel the hard indents of his muscles against her
“Not in the slightest,” Liz said. Its only when you touch me.
He began tracing her back using her spine as his guide until his fingers rested on the back of her neck. His breath on her neck gave her goose bumps.

His hands were soft; they made slow circles around her hips, moving forward. She didn’t stop him, his hands clenching against her stomach and up, hovering closer and closer.
Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the feeling of her hands moving up her chest to massage her bosom. It was dangerous, they could get caught.
“Only I can cause such feeling in you Ava,” his voice rumbled. How Ava missed that voice.
Opening her eyes she found herself in her private quarters of the Palace. Zan was in Lower Mecca, trying in vain to settle the dispute between the towns’ people and the refugees from neighbouring Orleans.
Ava shook her head, “No,” She turned, looking up at his war-frizzled attire, hard stone face and warm blue eyes. “We can’t...”her voice broke, her heart was in tatters. Why did she have to love him? Everything was so simple before…before he came…
“Yes you can,” Leto whispered, his strong leather gloved hands wove around her waist, pulling her closer. Kissing her forehead briefly he looked down and smiled at the bronze-wired necklace she wore. Its copper wiring with two bronze loops made up the chain which connected the chain of trinkets and a circle pendant in the middle with a blood and orange crystal dangling on a thin chain underneath that round sun circle with the orb symbol engrave on a similar blood diamond shape.
“Your eyes betray you my love.” Touching the necklace with his lips, he then kissed every patch of skin he could kiss, all the way up to rest behind her right ear. “You are wearing the necklace I made for you,” drawing back Leto saw Ava’s face crumble, tears streaking her cheeks. “What have I done?” she sobbed.

* *

Liz opened her eyes to find Leto standing there, his arms crossed and a look of concern on his face. “You alright?”
I don’t know, Liz pinched her right arm, stinging her out of her revive she looked down and found herself wearing the dress. What happened?
“You blacked out as I was putting on the dress you were just staring off into space…”Leto explained.

No, Liz whispered, shaking her head. Resting her hands on her stomach, I clearly remember you touching me and then….she was suddenly Ava. Her past self and she was in love with another man! Why was Leto in her dream? Liz looked at him as he buttoned the last few buttons on his white shirt. He was wearing a cotton see-through Indian style shirt and black slim pants. . Could the feeling of someone alien being near was Leto? Was he from her past life?

“I’ll see you out there?” She whispered, He nodded and headed out. As soon as he left she stripped off the bodice and skirt, putting on her shirt and pants. She just finished tying her shoe laces and stepped outside. Only to find Leto there.

“What? I thought that you…” He pointed at her causal attire. Liz bit her lower lip, her heart torn between desires; wanting to embrace him and run away at the same time.

“I have a boyfriend,” Liz blurted out. Max Evans was her boyfriend.

“What have I done,” Ava cried, embracing her lover, sobbing on his shoulder, desperately wanting comfort.
“We were all deceived my love,”

Liz shook her head. The memory, the flash still fresh in her mind.

No, it’s not true. Ava was a loyal and fierce warrior for Zan and his people. She would….Ava wouldn’t be in love with someone else..

“It wouldn’t surprise me, I have a girlfriend too” Leto crossed his arms, he too, Liz realised was having the same internal struggle. Did he know…
“I’m in love,” Liz spat out, voicing her thoughts to her desires. She can not have Leto when her heart belonged to Max. She fought long and hard for him and she isn’t going to….

“Again doesn’t surprise me…” He was moving closer, she wasn’t moving, instead she remained standing, listening her heart fluttering as his arms braced her shoulders. Her eyes sought out the floor. She wouldn’t look at him. This was getting ridiculous. Can’t they see that she wanted Max Evans and not Leto Griffin?

No, Liz realised with fear in her heart. I want Max but Ava wants Leto.
Why does Ava want Leto?

“We belong together…Max and I,” Liz explained, “and there is nothing...” She drew her head closer, she could see every light blue speck hidden in his eyes and the smell of his aftershave overpowered her senses. Clutching onto a lock of his hair she leaned upwards and found her lips locked with his.

The kiss was unlike anything she had ever experienced. Every intake of breath, every sigh, the pressure of his lips and the slide of tongue was in sync. Even the feel of his tongue greeting hers left her wanting more. Blurred images appeared in her mind as time stopped.

Nothing else mattered to Ava; she was back in his arms. Liz was afraid…What was happening…

She breathed in his scent of masculinity, clutching at his sides, pulling him in closer, his hands clenched at her skin, making imprints into her spine as their heads duelled closely.

Liz broke the kiss, gasping for breath as her mouth felt parched and dry. She could feel her alien side rising, however, unlike her sunspots (in which her alien side burned her mind and caused her to black out) it was like awaking from a deep sleep and she was beginning to see clearly. For that brief second she wasn’t Liz Harding. She was Ava and she was tired of hiding.

“You…” She whispered, her head buzzed but she couldn’t …recognise him…
No, she found her alien side whispering. You’re not ready to face the truth...

“Liz I…”
Liz turned around, her body shaking. She wouldn’t look at him. Instead, she left the store before he could explain.

What was happening? It wasn’t a sunspot-her alien side wasn’t acting up but it felt like she was meeting her true self for the first time. Which dind't make sense as she already meet her alien side through her sunspots...

There was only one person that could help her now and that was Zan.

_ _ _ _
Last edited by on Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:13 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Where the bloody hell am I

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it seems like ages but i have managed to come back.....

this next part....i know will confuse you and please....ask questions....

I shall warn you that i am in exam mode so update....will be few but i am trying to get another chapter done.....*fingers crossed*

Also I'm going overseas to USA in a few weeks...besides that i do hope you enjoy this part

The chapter will open more doors about Ava and her past life and also about leto's past life.... :roll: :roll:

FYI---Zan is in the nest part Ellie....i haven't forgotten our

Chapter 32

My life is but a shadow in concrete....every crack tells a story but never makes it complete...

The safest place a heart can be without scars...without baggage is hell there is no love...only darkness...

Every relationship has scars. Some scars are deep and take forever to heal while others barely scratch the surface . Scars always cut deep into you but sometimes they leave a mark.

No matter how many times Liz tried she could always feel the marks leave their burdens inside her soul. She couldn’t see where she was going, she told her body to move with the wind. Blindly listening to the sharp taps of her shoes against the shopping pavement her watery eyes searched for a pay phone.

Shoving people aside, ignoring their outbursts she bolted into the small payphone outside the plaza. The desert heat rifled through her clothes and she was overcome with dizziness. Feelings swept through her heart.
Her hands shook as she pushed in Zan’s number, listening to the ring as a way of calming her nerves.
“This is Zan the man,” The voice mail drawled. “Leave a message,”
A long beep followed.

Liz’s breathed hitched in her throat; she could feel the tears burning her eye sockets. Her body started to tremble but she would not break down. No, she would break down later surrounded by silence and without strangers giving her looks of pity.

“Zan, it’s me,” Liz didn’t know how to put into words of what she wanted. Answers, salvation but overall help. She needed someone who understood her sun-spot situation. “I need your help,” Liz hung up, the plastic black phone dinged against the silver hilt.

Drawing back the metal shutters she found herself in the parking lot 10 mins from where she needed to be.
Stepping outside the payphone she felt a jolt sizzle down her spine, cranking her head to the left she found Leto walk outside the front entrance, his head whipping left and right before landing on her frozen form.

She didn’t have a second to blink. She ran, her arms swinging in front, dodging cars as she crossed the main street. Cars beeped and blurred past as Liz vaulted through onto coming traffic to get to the other side. The hot dessert heat caused her to sweat feverishly, beading underneath her armpits and legs.

Gasping for air, hugging her ribs she turned back, hair whipping in front of her eyes to see Leto following her, cars appeared to slink around him, like water swerving around rocks as if he wasn’t there.

Come on, focus!

Liz gulped in another breath before bolting into the next side street. Shoes pounding onto the narrow pavement, burst of air rushing through her lungs her mind was askew with jumbles bits of scapegoats. Head whipping left and right, eyes looking ahead of the rushing narrow side streets, now rapidly dimming as street lamps was scares as she ran further into the maze.

Walls don’t move, she told herself and yet she swore she could see the pavement walls around her move inwards, cutting off paths of escape.
It was his eyes that she saw first, two blazing blue orbs froze her mid step, mouth wide open in a silent scream as Leto seemed to become hawk-like in his walk, circling around her, cranking his neck side to side she feel cold concrete burn her back.

“Get the fuck away from me,” god knows how she managed to spit out words, her mind was mush and fear had overtaken her body.
“Why would I,” his face filled her vision—from his flawless ashen skin to his light blonde tresses and his scar that slid from his upper left eyebrow and faded on his left cheekbone, almost tear shaped. “….do that? Ava?”
“You know…” …..the dream…the memories, no something was unfurling inside her. Like warm water prickling her skin the answer was beckoning her at the back of her mind. The sensation grew, her throat closed up but somehow she could feel air move in and out of her lungs. She felt herself hover above and watched as something inside her opened her mouth and spoke in low wheezes.

“I knew you’d come,” her mouth opened but Liz wasn’t speaking. Someone else was…
Leto’s eyes widened and stared into the blank glassy brown orbs and slack pout lips, her hair tousled and slicked with sweat but he recognised those words.

“My love,” Leto felt a rush of emotion fill him, the monster inside thrashed and knawed off his mental cages, breaking free and took control. Blue orbs morphed into mustard yellow, almost demonic to some but these eyes caused the creature inside Liz to sob, her face remained emotionless but the throttled grunts and gasps had meaning to him.
“My love, what is wrong,”

“My human side has rejected me….long enough to separate us….it..” her breath hitched and he quickly moved her body so it was in front of his, crouching down he grabbed her body and cradled her like a child in his arms, using wall as support.

“It takes a lot for me….. to..” her head wobbled and he quickly supported it with his arms, cradling her head close to his so their noses touched. Her eyes were shadowed, vacant…

“No, my love, save your strength..” He urged, kissing her forehead he felt her shiver, tears beaded down her eyes….now bloodshot but remained dull…..

“I wanted to see you….let you know that I have never stopped loving you…” her mouth moved but it had no curse, no smile….no physical sign of her love…..he soon realised that Ava was not in control of this body….she was merely possessing her own human side in order to speak….

“I love you…this Leto was see…..” he began….how he hated Leto and his weak devotion to his girlfriend, Ami….
“We have a problem,” her lips moved…he bit his lower lip, allowing his pain to flow from his eyes and burn his throat. Movement!!...just a little bit further, he urged… “…..your half loves another as does mine…” harsh gasp of air filled the quiet back street, accompanied by the dull purr of cars whizzing in the distant but his world focused on his lover’s face and she struggled to remain in control…

“No, my love…its Max…he goes by Max now….” Ava corrected, he could tell by her voice that she was remembering something…something painful about her marriage to Zan. How he wished he could take her pain away that was caused by Zan’s selfishness.

“I don’t care,” he spat, voice rising with anger, “he will always be Zan….just….as you will always be…” many words fluttered his mind but none could compare to what she was and how much she meant to him.

“Shh..” he knew that she wanted to move her hands that remained idle by her side….her eyes flicked…for a split second but the chocked sob that followed told him that she couldn’t move and that her time was short. He pulled her closer, comforting her with his warmth. Use my strength; he thought….use me to brake free… “My love….I came here to say goodbye…”
“Goodbye….wait….no….you can’t…” he tightened his grip around her, her head fell to his shoulder, and warm puffs of air chilled his left shoulder. Ava…..Ava would never in her life would give up or succumb to this prison…..but things are different…. He gently picked up her head with his shoulder, then cupped it with his hands, keeping in up….

“This body has many flaws in its design…..too human” her voice sagged. “My dupe has been altering the nerves in our brain”
“She will pay, my love, I will promise you, she will pay,” she will pay in pain, and blood, various images of Serena’s contorted body filled his mind. it calmed him as he looked at his lover. She’s weak because of Serena….she will pay…

“……our minds remain separate…an act I have done on purpose so we can survive and save Antar…for this …I am sorry my love….I wish things were different…”
His heart panged. This isn’t fair. He risked everything to save her…she fought for justice and it lands her imprisoned within the fragile mind of pitiful Liz Harding…if she didn’t remind him of Ava she would be already dust underneath his fingertips.

“No….Ava….no…they are” he whispered, he smiled as he watched her eyes sparkle just for a moment. “….we can run….we can run away my love….have our own château…..child….. …”
A small child with messy dark hair and vibrant blue eyes blurred into his mind…


She had that look in her eyes….. that look that every woman had when she knew what her lover was thinking. The loss of Matthias was something that remained unspoken but hovered in-between them like a dark cloud.

“Some dreams are meant to be just dreams” she finished her eyes watery and lips fluttering. Her eyes flicked downwards, towards her limp body cradled in his arms “…take this body and place it in the girls toilets in the first floor…I’ll use my remaining power I have to wipe her memory of this event…..”

“No…NO…AVA….no...” shaking his head at her he dug his hands into her skin, hearing her gasp as he bruised her flesh he brought her close to him and wept, and inhaled her feminie smell in an attempt to store it in his mind.

“It must be done….who knows we might…” the words were wavering and were heard to make out but he knew that deep down she had hope of meeting him again.

“I’ll be here waiting Ava…always” he promised. He would stand by and find a way to break her free from this prison.
“I’m sorry….so tired….so…” Her eyes fluttered shut, her breathing evened and she sunk back into the depths of consciousness. He could feel Leto trying to break free again.

“No,” he said out loud, looking down at her brown wavy hair, pain skin glowing against her dark eye lashes. “Let me have this moment,” he said to himself, he looked down at her sleeping form and whispered. “We shall meet again,”



ps- sorry for the wait but please...any comments would be great...even anger at the suspense or something or if i revealed too much or something...but please...tell me in a nice way
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Addicted Roswellian
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Chapter 33: A new friendship begins.....

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A/N- Hey guy's sorry i took too long but i'm in exams at the moment so i'm sorry for the delay. I must confess that Isabel has always been my less-favourable character besdies Tess...none the less I wanted to add some more agnst in for future chapters so...i hope you enjoy this chapter...


Chapter 33

Don’t you hate waking up and for ten seconds realise that you don’t know where you are? Those ten seconds are like deep breaths lasting for ever. First the dull ache in your skull, followed by the blur your eyes project before becoming clear as they come alive, then air rushes into your lungs. The smell of lemons, sweat and urine fill Liz’s nostrils. She found herself propped up against the bathroom wall next to the disabled toilets, with the row of basins on her right.

A big question mark floated around her head as she gingerly moved her body upwards, back scraping against the cold tiles, making her wince at its contact. Checking her watch as she stood Liz realised that twenty-five minutes had passed and she had no recollection of what happened.

She felt more alert after splashing water on her face, loose tresses slicked behind her ears, water dripping at the ends. Composing herself, she wiped herself once over—changing her attire to a loose fitting pair of blue denim jeans and pale magenta horizontal- pine stripped sailor shirt. Her hair tickled her skin, curling in waves at the ends. A smear of lip gloss later she left the bathroom, her hand touching the walls as she passed.

Leto carried her limp, sweat drenched body into the deserted bathroom...There was no need for cover. No one would disturb him….

Liz’s breath hitched, eyes widening in the mirror she traced the white tiles, searching for another flash….what was he doing?

Carefully, he placed her down. Careful, he told himself. Leaning her against the wall Liz’s body sagged and he quickly adjusted her form, pulling her shirt up scanning bruised flesh, healing it with love as he placed Liz on her side. She looks so peaceful…it isn’t fair….

Liz could feel his love for her wash like warm water explode in mini-ripples from her toes to her heart but…it…it….wasn’t Leto…

She tried exploring the flash, closing her eyes she stood next to Leto’s crouching form inside her mind, like a movie on pause she looked around for any other sign or clue as to what happened but nothing. It was like hitting a brick wall…she could only see what happened in this room. She knew by touching Leto….focusing on him, memory recall—as Nasdeo said once…was a good technique of memory retrieval but…zilch…nada… She couldn’t enter his mind…but then again…the ability of travelling from one mind to another through dreams is Isabel’s talent…not hers...

Sliding her hand off the tile, frowning, she exited the bathroom, hugging her elbows her shoes plonked down the hallway until the odour of Asian, grease and French fires filled the air.
She found her friends, still crouched around the small food-court table, a banquet of fried chicken, noodles and donuts were shared in between them.

“What took you so long?” Kyle asked in between a morsel of fried chicken.
Liz shrugged her shoulders. “I…was changing my outfit…” allowing the lie to roll of her tongue without a hint of doubt, after all she had years of practice. “I locked the bathroom and wondered which outfit would make Max’s mouth ...”

Isabel groaned, “Please, not while I’m eating…”
“What were you guys doing,” It was nearly noon, Liz judged from the sun beaming through the ceiling and the increase of noises and people…but they wouldn’t sit and eat…
“Well…”Isabel said, thinking, “After you went to the loo and never came back…I had a look around while the others…did whatever then we thought..”

“You may come back.” Alex cut in, “So, we came back…”
In other words, they didn’t believe her….damn, Liz thought. What happened to my lying skills…did they evaporate among friends? Well…company…Liz corrected.
“Look, I had another sun spot…I don’t wanna talk about it…” Shaking her head she opted to take a slice of cheese cake closet to her. Raspberry swirls jiggled among the chocolate-flavoured cake…Yumm…perfect distraction…chocolate.

Liz could see confusion in Isabel’s face as she took a bite of cake, Isabel was mouthing the word. Sun-spot over and over, before turning to Alex, whom dropped his gaze into his pile of donuts and milkshake sundae.

Liz sighed, heat rising in her cheeks. Placing the cake down Liz rambled out an explanation. “I have genetic flaws in my design…my alien side and human side aren’t evenly proportioned. If I use my powers too much or things get too intense…it’s like an “escape switch”. My alien side takes off while my human side recovers….I have to mediate a lot and make sure I’m not resisting my alien side as much…” Liz’s voice died down, eyes dropping to the floor as her throat chocked up. God, she hated feeling weak and venerable…

Isabel seemed to get the message and quickly changed to topic to some sitcom on TV.
Picking up the cake, she took another bite but not even the smooth rich texture sliding down her throat could block out the side-glance looks of pity or the image of love on Leto’s face as he carried her body into the bathroom.
_ _ _ _

Nicotine and coffee was his guilty pleasure. Coffee and cigarettes mixed well like sex and candy. When he smelt the rich aroma of cappuccinos his hand would always dive into his pocket, sliding out a fag and lighting it. The great thing about it was that he suffered no side affects as every time he smoked he would heal himself of all impurities. It was comfort Leto needed after his demon took over and violated Liz….violated was a strong word but his alien side was grieving…he couldn’t tell as it was the first time his mind was his…usually he had some back chat in the background…like a TV on low volume.

Sitting on the front veranda-style area alongside the car park the hot breeze burning his back, he sat atop of the rusted table, boots on seat, hunched over with a cigarette butting from his half open lips as he nestled a cup in his left, stem rising in white clouds.

The fact that his alien side was quiet bothered him. What did Liz’s alien side say to him? He now knew for a fact that his…past self was in love with Ava, now Liz…he knew that but…whatever Ava said to him….caused him to shut down. It scared Leto because whatever his alien self felt…or possibly planning (his alien side always schemed) was not good and he didn’t want Leto to know. Watching passers-by, laden with shopping bags he blanked out, enjoying his few minutes of comfort to himself before heading home to the woman he loved. Ami.
_ _

Isabel tried to act non-conspicuous but she couldn’t help but steal glances at Liz, seeing her in new light. She always feared her alien side, afraid of others seeing her as come kind of freak. She aimed to be as perrrfect as school and out but after hearing Liz speaking about her alien side taking over…it felt like she was announcing her death.
Isabel couldn’t comprehend what it must feel like to wake up in a place you have no recollection of…and even with alien powers Liz couldn’t retrieve the lost fraction of time in which her alien side did what ever she wanted.

Isabel’s alien side never spoke out loud, rarely said anything but always filtered through feelings here and there. Her alien side didn’t like her brother and that was no-brainier…King or not Max was a dork, and kind of a loner. Period. That didn’t mean she loved her brother, no, she cared so much that she often scared off potential girlfriends. First with Tess…it took a while to warm up to her and that’s why she didn’t like Liz…

at first…Liz was the unknown person who waltzed in and changed everything…suddenly her brother liked this girl Isabel knew nothing about? She didn’t know if Liz was some man-eating whore…and believe you and me…its always the quiet ones that surprise you…look at Pam troy…she was a book-nerd through elementary and it wasn’t until junior high that she started sampling the men like vending machines.

So, Liz Harding was something unknown and until she knew more about her Isabel didn’t like her. Knowing that Liz was an alien helped a bit but her powers nerved her…the ability to control one’s mind….such a powerful gift…it felt like seeing Adolph with an atom bomb. Her brother was a year younger than her….Isabel was almost eighteen, like Michael and therefore she felt responsible…like a mother hen perhaps?

She wasn’t going to allow Liz to be involved with him…destiny be damned…until now….Isabel knew it was wrong to think this but she let her grudge slide….seeing Liz vulnerable reminded Isabel of the many nights in which she prayed for another girl like her….someone to be best friends with who didn’t burp, rate their farts (Michael is so disgusting sometimes) and watch cartoons. So, from now on she would be opened minded about Liz’s relationship with Max. Still…she knew regardless Max would date her…but being nice to Liz was something he would appreciate and deep down…getting to know Liz was something she felt she needed to do.

The ride home was tiring but it went faster after Kyle turned on the radio.
They dropped by the Crashdown. Before Isabel could say anything Liz walked inside. Isabel remembered that she was staring work this afternoon, damn, she thought. There goes that idea.
Turning to Alex, whom was waiting outside with Maria, Michael and Kyle, she smiled.

“Hey,” She said to Alex, “Do you wanna see a movie tonight,” hanging out with Alex was nice…she flashed him *you mean a lot to me* smile. Truthfully, Alex meant a lot to her but she wasn’t going to admit it to him just yet.

Alex made a clicking noise with his teeth, frowning he said. “Got band practice tonight. Hopefully Peter practiced his riffs.” He nodded to Maria. “Maria is heading over after her shift to sing…you could…” he began.

“No, that’s okay...I should finish my English paper or something,” Isabel smiled, keeping her eyes that sparkle of joy but knowing full well that she was going to spend the evening in front of the T.V eating comfort food.
Isabel pecked on the cheek and headed off, followed by Kyle, shrugging his shoulders at Michael, mumbling something like. “No kisses…” Whatever, Isabel wasn’t listening.

It was strange, walking off with Kyle beside her. They weren’t really friends, acquainted, yes, since he was on the basketball and football team and she was on the cheer squad freshman year. Besides that, she only had knowledge about him through rumours and hearsay. She knew that he melted girls with his cow boyish charm and grin. He was quite a playboy in his day but ever since that accident…he was quiet….but none the less…still on the top ten hottie list. That didn’t meant she felt comfortable walking with him.

“Are you planning to walk all the way home,” Kyle suddenly asked, pulling her from her thoughts. Isabel shrugged, standing by the crossing. Kyle added, “Cos..I think that will be a first…you know…”
What the hell is he on about? Kyle was around her height, so His blue eyes matched her best-ice queen glares as her long dark blonde tresses flapped around her shoulders.

“That won’t work Izzie,” He said, smiling. You know that smile, that smile that says *I can get away with everything if I just look dead sexy* Nope, not gonna work on me farm boy.
“What won’t work Kyle?” she crooned, the loud rapid beeps interrupted and she quickly walked though, Kyle hot on her heals. Gosh, why doesn’t he let me be?

“That whole ice queen thing you do. It may work on Alex, you’re...”
“My what? Kyle? I like him…okay…I. Like. Him…” she punctured those words like bullets. She really liked Alex, he was funny, kind, charming and it was normal…that’s what she wanted…someone to treat her not as a freak or some ice-queen...well except for lackeys and rivals like Pam…Pam will always have to grovel and compete…and nerds too….nerds unnerved her.

“So??” Kyle shrugged his shoulders, his face neutral but she could tell that he was trying not to smile “…do you see me caring…” His dark mane ruffled around his face and for a moment her face flushed. Damn, hormones…yes…I’ll admit he’s gorgeous but he will always get on my nerves. Alex never did things like that…

“No and do I care??” Isabel piped up, her voice hoarse from yelling at him. “that you don’t care. No,” she walked further away from him, feeling glad to be ending the conversation.

“Fine...” He said as she headed off. Then out of nowhere things got weird.
“You doing anything tonight...” The question made her froze. She turned around, facing him.

“What?” crossing her arms, squaring him off like cowboys did before drawing their guns. “Are you implying that I don’t have a life...” She had a great life…no wait…a life in which she has alien powers...and oh yeah…the FBI is out to get her.. Definitely not boring.

‘No…I didn’t,” He said, damn, Isabel thought. He’s good at manipulation…
“But you just admitted that you don’t….” Kyle added. “There’s a party at Debra’s…a bollywood theme. I thought that maybe you wanna go? I was going to ask Liz but she’s at work...and Viki…well we are on the off period…or something like that…”even when he rambled off, his blue eyes never met her face.

She wished she had some catchy last line or something but at the mention of Liz’s name she realised that he was best friends with Liz and if Isabel wanted to get to know Liz she needed info. So, swallowing her pride and at the same time vowing to make Kyle’s dreams for the next two weeks painful and beyond description…maybe along with lines of kissing Michael, Isabel laughed…yeah something like that…. She replied.
“Sure, just name the time and place,” Isabel smiled but couldn’t help but notice that she was sweating…was it hotter than usual? So, after Kyle told her the time she went home, thinking about what outfit and what dream she could conjure up to torture him with…
__ _ _

After showering, waxing and primping Isabel was adding the final touches to her outfit, sizing herself up in the mirror. She wore a flowing black Indian-style hipster with a red sash tied in a neat bow on her side. A small black silk tee littered with tiny gold buds in a middle-eastern design hugged her upper half. There was a large patch of skin exposed…she placed four pink gems around her belly button and the sparkle-lotion she added earlier made it appear her skin was made up of soft golden dust when bathed in light. Her hair was in long curls, wavy and beach-like with soft pink eye shadow that sparkled in the light. After slipping on her black slippers the bell rang.

Opening the front door after checking her final touches her jaw dropped. There stood Kyle wearing something other than plaid or earthly coloured. He had dark pants, a black v-neck shirt with a sailor-styled jacket with elaborated golden trimming. His hari was ruffled, highlighting his best features. She was taken back but quickly pushed it aside.
“Ready?” He asked.

Isabel nodded but was too busy telling herself to calm down. Yes, she told herself, breathe normally. Kyle is still an annoying prat but he’s now a good-looking prat.

Don’t you love parties? I love them, Isabel smiled....can’t get enough. The music and air is so infectious.

Some techno style Indian song with pumping through the speaker system from the lounge inside Debra’s mansion but to Isabel the music was alive and vibrating against her skin, making her move like she was swimming in an invisible swimming pool.

The trick to dancing is to not think. Just dance. Plus, it helps when everyone else is drunk but still….just dance like there’s no tomorrow…who knows…you might burn those calories you need to fit into that sexy vintage dress you bought last week.

Kyle surprised her again by dancing alongside her, his arms wrapped around her waist as they dipped, shimmered and conquered the dance floor. They even attracted a small crowd as Kyle picked Isabel by her waist, swirling her around with a loud rodeo style “yee haaww”. Isabel laughed, enjoying the wind in her face and her blonde hair looked damn sexy when it was messy.

She knew this and so did the six guys drooling over her by the lounge entrance. As she slid down though, the music dimmed for some reason and all that she registered was Kyle’s strong smooth hands sliding around her waist. She always thought that Kyle’s hands looked rough but then again…appearances can deceive like Pam’s outfit…Isabel saw a flash of hideous red-orange skirt ruffle past…Pam was trying to act sexy but everyone knew that was because of lots of money and makeup….cruel and harsh, Isabel knew to label Pam like that was not cool but Pam was cruel and made everyone’s life hell so…who cares?

“Looks like we just served Chelsea and Doug,” Kyle whispered into her ear, drawing back her hair with his face. His clean shaven face felt like warm-sheets…you know….the clean sheets that you had just placed onto your bed and you get in and ohhh heaven…. Isabel shivered but opted that shiver was purely because her ears are sensitive to skin and touching. Isabel laughed as she watched the couple walk off stage, leaving Isabel and Kyle with Pam and Tom, Monica and Craig still dancing. Isabel didn’t care. She was gonna take this dance-bitch down by the horns and she knew that Kyle would help her…she got the feeling that he would do anything at least once or for laughs.

“Wanna take this dance to a whole new level,” Kyle said, eyeing Pam and the other couples.
“My thoughts exactly,” Isabel said and step forward and dipped her belly low and around to the music, swaying her hands side to side. Kyle followed suit but his arms were secured around her waist so every time she moved she could feel his body move with her.

Kyle’s hands settled on her waist and whipped her around to face him. God, that smile was getting on her nerves but she knew that now wasn’t the time to think for he nodded at her and she jumped, he grabbed her waist and she held onto his waist with her legs--- she swirled around in a fast circle, hair flying and her laughs filling her ears before being put down in time to belly-shake some more, her arms in the air and moving like a temptress and that was her role…to tempt every guy in the room and win the dance floor just to piss Pam off as she was her rival at school. It was also silly, fun and something she needed to do to take her mind off things.

Maybe I won’t screw with Kyle’s dreams, Isabel thought as she finished dancing. The crowd clapped. Monica and Pam scoffed, walking off in a puff with their boy-toys in tow. Kyle gave Isabel a high five, shouting, “Yes, you got served” to no one in particular but it made Isabel smile and laugh none the less.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Hello...sorry for the delay

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A/N---i do apoligise for the delay but i'm currently overseas and this has been the first time to get to an available computer.....

thank you for your replies and i do understand that everyone is saying...

"what the hell is going on"

part of me feels bad that you guys don't understand and at the same time the next chapter, I hope will start to make things seem clear...

secondly, this is mostly from liz's pov and she is a confusing character...

the update will be the 4th of august ( which is a few days after i get back---in other words i get back at the end of july)...with a brand new part

before i go...ill recap a few things

it is debateable that the sun-spots exsist

Leto and Ava were lovers in the past and leto's true self has been already revealed....but not out front..(think of description of eyes, face, his height...and it is mentioned agin in her i have mentioned it )....however ...hopefully the ball will drop soon as in the next chapter i shall tell you more about him...

so...a few spoilers to keep due haste...

*someone close to Liz is going to die*

*the credibilty of the sun-spots will be revealed*

*leto will seek revenge on Serena*

*leto's past will be revealed*

these spoilers are not in order but a few to keep you thinking...

Yet again i am sorry that i have the habit of confusing people but i plan to clear things asap...when i get back

thank you for your paitence and i hope that you will be..not-so--confused next time...
