Cast No Shadow (CC ALL,Mature) Pt 24 15/10/06 [WIP]

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Post by Quint »

“In spite the cost of living, its still popular.”
- Kathleen Norris


Part 10 - Just out of Sight


He knew who it was without even opening his eyes. It was the way she opened the door, so calm and precise. So recognizable. It was almost a comfort that something as small as that was still the same.

“Mom…” He said slowly.

“You can’t expect us just to walk away,” she told him simply.

He didn’t look at her, instead he kept his eyes closed. It was a way of detaching himself. “ I’ve got a lot to think about… I need to think.”

“And I need to see you with your eyes open.” Her eyes glistened with unshed tears.

He looked at her then, lifting his head slightly off his pillow. “I’m not gonna just disappear. I’m back for good,” he reassured her.

Gloria nodded. “I just want to talk to you.”

Alex nodded, feeling his reluctance fade away at his mother's tone. There were so many questions that hadn’t been answered. He glanced at his bedside table, the photo of Jake smiled back at him. “I suppose we do need to talk.”

Gloria smiled at him, moving to sit on the edge of his bed. “Christopher said that… that Isabel Rameriz was here earlier today.” She took care to emphasize the surname, Alex wondered if she was testing him. Testing Isabel. “Is that Jacob?” she asked softly.

Alex looked upward, away from her eyes. “Yes.” She opened her mouth to speak but Alex continued. “Why, didn’t you know it was my son?”

Gloria spoke calmly after a pause. “We made a decision that seemed appropriate at the time.”

Alex looked at her, his eyes betraying his feelings. “Have you ever even met him?”

Gloria avoided the question. “She was married to another man before he was even born! How do you even know that he’s yours? We offered to pay for a paternity test but she refused…” She looked straight into the eyes of her youngest son. “And where were you leaving when you crashed?”

“This is exactly what I was trying to avoid!” Alex shouted, losing his temper, finally letting his feeling out. “Isabel wouldn’t lie about something like that and I don’t need a test to prove it. You’re a hypocrite, mom.”

“We made a decision that… that at the time was appropriate. This girl… you weren’t even dating her and suddenly she’s pregnant and you’re… you’re…” Tears fell from her eyes and she stumbled across the words.

“Practically dead.” Alex looked across at the photo. “I am so angry at you… but I’ve missed you.” He chuckled hollowly. “It’s ridiculous… I feel like I only saw you yesterday… but… I don’t know…” He shook his head and looked back at Jake’s photo. “He’s mine. I don’t know what I’m going to do about that but he is mine. I know that. I need you to accept that… because right now… I need you. I need you to tell me that everything’ll be okay.”

Reaching forward Gloria held him, his chin on her shoulder, his arms holding onto her. “All I care about is that you’re okay. Nothing else matters. Nothing,” she repeated. “Whatever happens I want you to remember that. You are the most important thing in the world to us and whatever happens, whatever you decide to do we’ll be there and now that you’re awake, everything’s perfect.”


He watched through the window in the door as his father embraced his mother. Shaking his head he continued on to Alex room. Whatever had gone on between Alex and their mother had definitely affected her. But what really concerned Will was the effect it was having on Alex. The effect of being trapped in this place.

He’d have to use the old Whitman charm and convince Morrison that Alex should be let out as soon as possible. The sooner the better

When Will opened the door he found his brother and girlfriend in a deep and very strange conversation. Dropping the bag to the floor he stood and listened.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You cannot pick Superman over Spidey. It’s just not possible, he’s such a…” he shook his head and gestured to the comic lying on his bed. “Boy scout.”

Susie grinned at him, shaking her head in amusement. “All I said was Brandon Routh’s hot. But… how can you call Clark Kent boring?”

Alex shook his head. “He’s just some alien who crashed here, he’s… boring.”

“I’m not conceding this, you can’t call Lois Lane boring,” Susie replied, sitting down on the edge of his bed.

“Ah, ah ah. I never said Lois was boring, only Superman, you’re just tarring her by association.”

“Oh please, Lois Lane makes Mary Jane look like…” She shook her head as she searched for the words. “…Well let's just say she’s so much better.”

Alex considered her opinion, he did agree with her on that point but he wasn’t ready to leave it at that. “Well Gwen Stacy’s much better than Lana Lang.” He smirked, knowing Susie couldn’t deny that.

But she found a way. “Gwen Stacy wasn’t even important enough to be in the movie.”

Alex returned her impish grin. “And yet she’s twice the character and has more importance than Lana ever will. Despite being dead.”

“Precisely, she’s dead.”

Alex sighed, staring at her in mock annoyance. “Okay. Lois beats MJ but Gwen definitely kicks Lana’s ass.”

Susie nodded, accepting the trade. “Agreed… but I still think Superman’s more interesting.”

“Spider-man’s just a normal guy, he could be anyone.”

Susie guffawed. “A normal guy who happens to have a seriously hot red-headed actress for a wife? Give me a break.”

“Oh and Clark Kent could really get someone like Lois Lane.”

Will sighed loudly from the doorway, dropping the copy of Rolling Stone to the table. “Why don’t you just agree to disagree?”

Susie and Alex continued to stare at each other, slight smiles on their faces. “Never,” they replied in tandem.

Will shrugged, dropping into the nearest chair. “Fine… I always liked Batman better anyway.”

Susie and Alex looked over at him in disgust. “Batman!?!”

“He’s just a spoiled rich kid…” Susie started,

“With no superpowers…” Alex added, agreeing with her at the same time.

“All he has are gadgets,” she continued,

“He’s the comic book James Bond.”

“And his love interests pretty much suck,” Susie added finally.

“Except for Catwoman,” Alex stated, glancing over at Susie for confirmation.

“Except for Catwoman,” Susie agreed, nodding her head.

Will stared at them, his mouth slightly open. “I’m gonna go and get some coffee 'cause you two are starting to freak me out with the whole one-brain thing.”

Alex and Susie looked at each other in silence as he left the room.

Alex looked her up and down. “Green Lantern?”

“Meh… I couldn’t care less about him. Daredevil?”

“Like, some darkness is good.” Susie nodded. “X-men.”

“Classic. Phoenix saga rules.”

Alex stared at her for a moment. “I still say Spidey.”

“I still say Superman,” she replied. “Aquaman?”

Alex grinned widely at her. “Do you even need to ask?”

Susie grinned back. “Nah… I like him too.”

“What?” Alex asked, confusion evident on his face. “That was a joke right? Because if it’s not there’s the very real possibility I’ll have to stop you visiting me…”

“I do have some taste you know.”

“That’s debatable… you are dating my brother.”


Kyle stared up at the arrivals board. “Do you even know which flight they’re on?”

“I’m gonna guess one from Boston…” Michael replied. “But what would I know.”

Kyle rolled his eyes and attempted to casually check they were alone. “I can’t believe you mentioned strippers to Tess.”

“I can’t believe how whipped you are.”

“Pot. Kettle. Black.”

“Shut up. How many times do I have to tell you that I’m over Maria.”

“Yeah… right. I remember.” He looked back up at the arrivals board. “If you’d just take Tess up on one of her offers then at least you could do something to prove that statement. As it is your dates lately add up to a grand total of…” He moved his hands up and down in a fake drum roll. “Zero. You have to take her up soon… she’s killing me,”

“Well if you can’t control your woman…” He smirked down at Kyle. “It’s a moot point anyway. The girl’ll kick my ass if there’s single woman at your party, never mind a stripper. The chick has some seriously freaky powers.”

“That is my future wife you’re talking about, you know?”

“I speak the truth and I’d shut up before she gets even more suspicious about this party cause she’s coming this way.”

Kyle looked around the arrivals lounge. “I don’t see her.” Michael pointed behind him without even glancing that way. Kyle shivered. “That is the one thing that always freaks me… how do you do that?”

“She’s the Psychic.”

“Hilarious. That was just college you know. We needed money for… food.” Kyle looked up at him.

The right side of Michael’s mouth lifted slightly. “Maybe.”

“They’re on flight 971,” Tess told them, coming to stand beside Kyle. “They’ll be landing soon.”

Kyle nodded. “Great… it’s about time.”

“What do you think about this Michael?” Tess asked.

He kept his eyes on the arrivals board as he replied. “I have no idea what the hell’s going on, but I don’t believe in miracles,” he told her simply. “Anyway, we can ask the man himself soon enough, the plane’s just landed.”

“The gangs all here.” Kyle commented, grabbing onto Tess’s hand.

“Almost.” Tess and Kyle shared a knowing glance. “Let’s hope Whitman’s prepared himself for a Deluca assault. 'Cause when she gets here there’ll be fireworks. That’s the one thing I’m sure of.”


Thanks for reading

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Part 11 - Into The Deep

Post by Quint »

New part. Thanks to Lisa for betaing (as usual)... This part has been hard to write and a struggle (I've had most of this for a month and just been stuck with a couple of scenes) so thanks for being around to read it...

Little A/N Alex was born in 1983 not 1984 simply because I want him to be. Isn't it great being Supreme ruler? :D

I'm free to say whatever I
Whatever I like
If it's wrong or right it's alright

~ Oasis - Whatever


Part 11 - Into The Deep


The five of them stood in a row. A motley crew. They weren’t sure what it was, this sense of trepidation.

“Its just Alex,” Kyle stated, reaching for Tess’s hand as he stared at the visitors sign.

Tess looked upward. She could feel her hands shake slightly as she squeezed Kyle’s hand tighter.

“What if it's not?” Liz replied softly. “What if he’s different? What if it’s changed him?”

Michael rolled his eyes. “What if, what if, what if. Let’s just get over with it… I kinda wanted to see Whitman and we’re in serious danger of missing visitors’ hours.” But he didn’t more forward.

Max ignored him, instead he looked at Liz. “What’s wrong?”

Liz chuckled. “I know how stupid this sounds but… I’m scared of him. Can you believe that? I’m scared of Alex…”

“I think that if there’s one person you never need to be afraid of, it’s Alex,” Max smiled, attempting to put her at ease.

“Let’s go,” Jim told them, walking through the group.

The rest glanced at each other before taking a deep breath and following him.


Will raised his finger at the doctor and shook his head. “I don’t think you’re understanding me Mr. Morrison. My brother has spent his eighteenth, his nineteenth, his twentieth, his twenty-first and his twenty-second birthdays in this hell hole.” He looked at the doctor unapologetically as he added. “No offence.” He waited for the Morrison to nod his head before continuing. “He is not spending his twenty-third. Do I make myself clear?”

“Mr. Whitman…”

Will pointed his finger between the shorter man’s eyes in a purposefully threatening manner. “His birthday is the twenty-first. He will not be here after the twentieth. Get it?” Morrison nodded. “Good, you have six days and then he’s gone. Now scoot, I’ve got a party to organize.” He grinned as the man walked away.

The voice from behind him dropped a few of his happy points. “So you’re threatening the medical staff now? Great going, little brother.”

“Chrisie… Mom let you off the leash?”

Chris shook his head at his brother. “It’s funny, I was about to say the same thing. How badly did the lack of reaction from Mom screw up your girlfriend plans?”

“Go to hell.”

“You first. I have a lead on Nathaniel.”

“Does it involve blonde Swedish ski instructors? 'Cause that was my bet.”

“Tell Alex I’ll be back in the morning.”

“I’m sure he’ll be delighted to hear you’re gracing us with your presence for longer than a day.”

“I’m sure he will,” Chris replied and Will scowled as he walked past, deliberately knocking his shoulder.

Will clenched both his jaw and his fist to control his anger. There was something about Chris that gave him the ability to get under Will's skin. It was like he knew exactly what buttons to press to cause the most annoyance in the minimum amount of time.

While shaking his head he caught sight of Morrison talking to a group of people and his curiosity got the better of him. Pushing off from the wall he walked towards them, keeping his ears tuned to their conversation.

The tallest man was speaking as he reached them. “Listen, doc. We’ve come a long way and we intend to see our friend. We don’t care how long we have to wait, but we are not leaving this spot unless it’s to follow you as you lead us to his room.”

Will grinned as the shorted dark-haired guy added something. He seemed the calmer. “We’d just like a quick visit. More of a hello than anything. That’s not asking a lot? Is it?” When Morrison didn’t respond the shorter nodded his head towards the blonde woman. It was then that Will decided to make his presence known.

He moved between the group of six and the doctor. “Morrison… unless you want me to make a call to you trustee’s about the fact that my brother was awake for God knows how many hours before anyone bothered to notice then I’d suggest you get out of these people’s way. Go do some paperwork or something, 'cause apparently that all you’re good for.” He turned away from him and instead focused on the group. “I’m Will Whitman… I think I left you a message…”


The pain rushed through him. His whole body shook from the pressure. It felt like his brain was about to explode any minute. He could almost feel it rushing though him.

The energy.

The power.

Then she was there. He blonde hair shook as she reached for him…

His brother's voice burst into his mind and the images were gone. “Alex! You have visitors. The least you can do is open you damned eyes…”

Opening his eyes quickly, Alex glanced up, shaking off the moment. He blinked quickly, making sure his eyes weren’t deceiving him. He managed to keep the mega-watt grin from his face as he saw them.

Alex stared up at them, keeping his face blank. “Do I know you?”

Liz eyes widened and her mouth dropped opened. She started to turn to Will but then she saw the familiar, ever widening grin as he put on his happy face. “I’m gonna kill you Whitman!” she practically growled at him.

Alex kept the smug grin on his face. “But you’ve only just got me back! Do I get a hug?” he asked, opening his arms out as moved towards him, seemingly faster than a speeding bullet. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply as she held onto him tightly. “You missed me, then?”

“I’m never letting you out of my sight again,” she told him, moving away slightly, but keeping her eyes on his face as tears rolled down her own.

“That could get awkward… what would my parents say?” he asked seriously, biting his lip.

Liz grinned at him and slapped his shoulder.

Alex screwed up his face in pain. “Ow… that hurt. I don’t think you should be assaulting the patient.”

“I don’t think you should be playing with your friends' emotions.”

Alex grinned up at her. “But then it wouldn’t be me… would it?” Liz shook her head as Alex focused on the people loitering at the edge of his bed. “Where’s Deluca?”

“She’s on her way,” Valenti told him.

“She’s in Japan,” Liz added. “But she’s probably forcing her way through customs as we speak.”

Alex raised his eyebrows. “Japan? Now this I have to hear…” He screwed up his forehead a little. “Although… let's hear that from the woman herself… what about you guys? I take it you’re not still in High School?” He moved his finger in a circular motion before settling on Kyle. “Where d’ya live. What do you do? And who’re you dating?”

Kyle moved forward, and Alex grinned as he noticed that Kyle and Tess were holding hands. Cute couple, he decided. “I’m in physiotherapy. I live in Roswell.” He glanced to Tess and Alex noticed their silent conversation. “And I’m engaged to Tess.” Alex guessed that by the way Liz had turned to Max he wasn’t the only one in the room who’d been unaware of that.

“Interesting… and how long has this little love story been going on for?”

“Well… since Prom really.” Kyle again glanced back at Tess for confirmation and Alex noted that she seemed calmer than before.

“Even more interesting. Any other significant relationships? Max, Liz?”

“We live in Boston,” Max stated simply. “Liz is doing her PhD.”

“Max is a nurse,” Liz added in return.

Alex raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised and took in the long look Max and Liz were sharing. “You’re a nurse.”

Max shrugged as if he’d answered the same question a thousand times before. “I wanted to be closer to patients. I like dealing with people as people.”

Alex thought about it for a moment before nodding and turning his attention to the next person on his list. “Michael.”

“Roswell. Carpenter. No one.”

Tess spoke for the first time then. “He’s underestimating himself. He’s a sculptor more than a carpenter. That’s just what he does to pay the bills. He paints… he’s an artist.”

Michael shrugged. “It’s good to see you Alex,” He continued.

“You too. What about you Tess?”

Tess seemed to get more nervous than before when she answered. “I have a shop. Antiques mostly. We live in Roswell.”

Alex smiled at her in what he hoped was a reassuring way before turning to the final person in the room. “Uh… Sheriff?”

Jim smiled at him. “I was re-elected. But how are you, Alex?”

He shrugged. “Well, my arms feel like jello. I can’t move my legs, and according to the latest Rolling Stone, my Keyboard player is the next Billy Joel.” He thrust the paper into Liz’s face. “Can you believe this? Marco, of all people. He could barely play a scale, and now he’s the next big thing? Plus his name isn’t even Marco Van der Garde. It’s Mark Oliver… I called him Marco because I knew another Mark… it was Mark O… get it?” He looked around the room before setting his eyes on Susie. “They’ll tell you, Suze. Marco was the worst Keyboard player I’ve ever scene, and…” He picked up the magazine to read directly from the interview. “‘I’ve always enjoyed music, I’m really passionate about it. I always have been.’ Is such a lie. He only joined the band for the chicks.”

“You only made the band to get chicks,” Liz reminded him, getting drawn into Alex’s rant.

“Hey… at least I could play. And it wasn’t just for the chicks… it was for the fame, fortune and the music too. The chicks were just a byproduct of a successful career.”

“And how successful was you career, little brother?”

Alex narrowed his eyes. “I’m sure that once we’d mastered my final ‘Love Kills’ edit we’d be flying… at least as high as Marco Van der Lier.” He smiled quickly at Susie before looking quickly around the room. “Oh sorry. This is Will’s girl. Her name is Susie and she’s surprisingly cool. Susie these are the guys. Guys… Susie. We were kinda part of a… gang?” he raised his eyebrow at the others, looking for a more appropriate description.

“More like a club.” Max told her. “We hung out…” Got chased by evil aliens, got tortured by evil aliens, got held captive in caves by weird alien jellyfish… “That kinda stuff.”

Susie looked slightly confused, but nodded anyway. “Sounds like fun.”

Alex smiled. “Sometimes.” Useful too, he added silently before looking around the room, smiling slightly before settling his eyes on Max. He stared at him for a moment, seeming to contemplate his next words. “Actually guys and gals, can I talk to Max alone for minute?” When no one moved, Alex rolled his eyes. What was it with people not leaving when he told them to? Shaking his head he played his trump card. “It’s about Isabel.”


Isabel stared out of the window and into her garden, her hands shaking slightly as she held the bowl of salad.

She swallowed hard as she watched them.

She’d done that all day, ever since she’s seen Alex, she’s been watching them.

Jesse and Jake playing. Jesse and Jake hugging. Jesse and Jake throwing mud pies at each other… Well, that one she’d interfered with. Using her gifts for laundry was becoming annoying… she could never get the same texture back after an ET moment.

Why was it that her left hand suddenly seemed heavier? Why was it that she was picturing Alex instead of Jesse playing with Jake? She was comparing them… how Alex would’ve done something to how Jesse had…

She heard a screech from outside that broke the trail of thought and for a moment her heart stopped. Then she heard the laughter, followed be another screech, then giggling.

She smiled softly as she watched them before closing her eyes.

They were father and son in every way that mattered.

But still, she couldn’t stop wondering how things could’ve been.


“Liz Parker… you’ve grown.” Will smiled down at her, moving his hand a couple of inches.

“So have you,” she replied, looking up at him, grinning and blushing slightly.

He stared down at her for a moment, almost as if he was expecting something. But instead he shook his head. “I think you can help me with something… do your parents still own that flying pepperoni place?”

“It’s the Crashdown… and yes…” she replied, confused at where he was going.

“What would you say to partying like it’s 1999… again?”


“This isn’t about Isabel,” Alex told him as soon as the door swung closed.

Max spoke slowly. “Okay.”

“I’ve already seen her and she’s told me.” He looked uncomfortably up at Max. “I guess I just wanna say… thanks.”

Max shook his head in confusion. “For what?”

“Saving my life.” Alex grinned at him. “Are you 3 for 3 or have we had any other near misses while I was sleeping?”

“It wasn’t me,” Max stuttered slightly before continuing. “I mean I tried, believe me I tried. But I couldn’t get a connection.” He paused again. “I came to the conclusion that you just weren’t there to connect to anymore… but… I kept trying.” He said the last part quieter, softer.

Alex shook his head again, his forehead wrinkling in confusion. “Then how did I survive? I’ve seen the scans… I’m a medical miracle and you’re the only miracle-worker I know.”

Max shook his head again. “I don’t know. But I do know that it wasn’t me.”

Alex stared at him, his jaw clenching. “Then what was it?”


Thanks for reading

Last edited by Quint on Tue Jul 19, 2005 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Part 12 - Worst Things Come From Inside Here

Post by Quint »

New part... enjoy...

You are the strength, that keeps me walking.
You are the hope, that keeps me trusting.
You are the light to my soul.
You are my're everything.

~ Lifehouse - Everything


Part 12 - Worst Things Come From Inside Here


Alex stared at him, his jaw clenching. “Then what was it?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it is a miracle.”

“Do you honestly believe that?”

Max stared at him before sighing. “No… but whatever happened to you saved you… so it can’t be bad. Can it?”

Alex smiled slightly. “I thought I was Mr. Optimist.”

“I’ll do whatever I can to help you.”

Alex stared up at him before speaking, and the stare unnerved Max slightly. “I can barely move my legs. It’s because my muscles are basically shot. Now I know a complete return to fully fledged walking isn’t really an option because we don’t want to raise anymore suspicions but if you work it so I don’t have to spend my next six months visiting the physio from hell then I’d be eternally grateful.”

Max nodded. “Absolutely.”

“Also I… when I woke up I hurt someone. She’s a nurse and I’d like to know that she’s alright. I’d like to apologize to her…” Alex shook his head. “… I don’t remember what happened but I’ve heard Will and Morrison talking and… and I just want to know that she’s alright.”

“Sure,” Max told him. There was a moment of silence before he continued. “How much do you remember?”

Alex swallowed hard, his eyes squinting as he tried to remember. “I was driving home… I swerved… and then I woke up and heard voices…” He shrugged, his eyes glazing over as he remembered. “I remember pain… but nothing specific. But its like… there’s something there. Something I know I should… know. Its so close. It’s almost like I can reach out and touch it… but every time I do it just gets further and further away from me. It slips out reach. But it’s still there. If I could just…” He shook his head, shaking himself out of the moment and looked up at Max again. “Why? It’s been five years?” he asked, curious.

Max kept his face emotionless. “No reason.”

Alex looked up at him, suspicious. “People don’t like telling me the truth anymore,” he said in annoyance.

“Maybe they’re trying to protect you,” Max returned.

“That doesn’t stop it being annoying,” Alex retaliated, before shaking his head. “I don’t want to do this now… but I will find out what’s going on eventually.” Max didn’t reply and wouldn’t meet his eyes, so he quickly changed the subject. “I hope I’m getting an invite to the wedding of the century, by the way.”

Max looked up at him, confused. “How… we haven’t even told our parents.”

Alex interrupted. “The rock on her finger was a dead give away. So am I invited?”

Max nodded, smiling slightly. “Front row seat… usher, maybe? If you’re interested.”

Alex grinned at him. “I’ll be there. That’s a promise.”

Max smiled before glancing around the room. He spotted the photo of his nephew and spoke softly. “About Isabel…”

Alex cut him off. “Isabel did what I’d’ve wanted her to.”


Alex gave a slight smile. “She lived.” He breathed deeply before quickly changing the subject. “How’s Liz been?”

Max paused a moment before answering truthfully. “She’s missed you. We all have.”

“And Maria?” he added, looking up expectantly.

“… You should probably talk to Liz about that.” Alex raised his eyebrows. “She’s okay… but she kinda changed after you’re accident. She went to New York and then Japan… we don’t really meet as a group anymore.”

“Her and Michael?”

Max shook his head, trying to think of how to put it delicately. “They’re not together anymore,” he stated simply, as if that explained everything.

“Do I have to punch him again?”

Max scrunched up his face. “I think it was more the other way around this time.”

Alex sighed. “I go away for awhile and look at the mess you get yourselves into.”

Max looked at him, he could tell Alex was uncomfortable. Taking a breath, Max smiled. “Lets get down to business… do you want to start with the right or left?”



This was very uncomfortable.

“So how long have you known Alex?” She asked the three of them, nursing her coffee.

The small blonde she now knew as Tess answered. Again. “We were friends in High School. What about you?”

Susie smiled at them. “About a day and a half. It’s going well, though.”

“And you’re his… Sister-In-Law?” asked the floppy-haired, shorter man.

Susie laughed, uncomfortably. “I’m his brother’s girlfriend.”

“Will, right?” he continued.

Susie nodded, the smile returning. “Yeah… do you know him?”

The blonde shook her head. “No.” She answered simply, looking surreptitiously at the other two urging them to talk more.

Susie nodded her head and bit her lip.

Where was Will when she needed him?


Max closed the door steadily behind him and took a deep breath, steadying his hands.

He looked around the hallway for Liz and spotted her talking animatedly to Alex’s brother. He smiled slightly as he walked towards them, catching the tail end of their conversation.

“That would be magnificent, Liz… you don’t know how much this’ll mean to him.” He smiled at Liz, and Max found himself slightly dismayed at the way Liz grinned back.

“It means a lot to me, too. If there’s anything else I can do for you then just say the word.” She touched his arm and Max decided to intervene, he reached them and put his arm around Liz’s shoulders.

“What’s going on, Honey?” he asked smiling at her, she looked up at him in confusion. Probably wondering why he was holding her so tight.

Will spoke, his voice light and cheerful. “Just a little get-together to welcome Lexi back to the land of the living. Liz here has kindly agreed to help me.” Will looked at him and smiled again. “Sorry, I don’t remember…”


Will nodded in reply. “I’ll try to remember that… now did you see where Suze went to? Because if I catch her and little Lex having another ‘discussion’ on DC verses Marvel I may have to put them both in comas, and that may ruin the whole party celebration we have planned.”

Max shook his head. “Sorry… Alex seemed kinda wiped anyway. It’s understandable, he’s probably exhausted. I think he was about to get some rest when I left.”

Liz frowned and looked anxiously back at the door to Alex’s room.

Max was about to open his mouth and comfort her when Will spoke. “You can come by tomorrow, I think you’ve seen enough of the guy unconscious. I could probably get you rooms here… let’s just say I have some influence over the staff.”

“We’ve got a hotel booking for the next few days,” Max told him, before Liz could answer.

“Well if you need anything… I’m around.” He gave a slight wave and left in search of his missing girlfriend.

Liz grinned again as Will walked away, sighing slightly.

Max rolled his eyes. “Fiancée is in the room,” he reminded her.

Liz bit her lip as she looked up at him. “You’re so cute when you’re jealous.”

“I’m not jealous!”

Liz shook her head at him. “You were practically a cave man.” She looked down the hall at Will’s retreating figure. “Although… I used to have such a crush on Will Whitman.” She leaned back against the wall and Max let the mild disgust show as she practically swooned. “It started in middle school… and then there was this time in Junior High when he came to pick up Alex still in his dress blues… I’ve always loved men in uniform.”

Had a crush? Are you sure it’s past tense?” Max spotted the man enter another room and his forehead creased slightly. He could feel that something was wrong with him, he just didn’t know what. It was probably related to his almost-dead brother waking up after so long, but… somehow Max suspected it was more. He tore his gaze away from the man and looked down at Liz, returning his attention to her.

Liz shook her head and smiled at him. “You are jealous… you know there was this time I wrote Mrs Whitman all over Maria’s Math book… her mom thought she had a crush on Alex… Maria practically killed me…” She grinned at Max’s discomfort.

“I had crushes too, you know,” Max informed her, sliding his arm over her shoulder as they walked slowly down the hall.

“Like who?”

“Sandra Bullock.”

“She’s a movie star… I’m talking real people.”

“Well there was… you.” He shifted uncomfortably.

“Aw… that’s so sweet. I knew there was a reason I’m marrying you.”

Max stopped them, moving to face her. “Speaking of which… and on a more serious note… are you mad that we’re not shouting this from the rooftops?” he asked, pointing at the ring on her finger.

Liz smiled down at it… fingering the ring slightly. “Although considering its size I’d’ve thought someone would’ve noticed it.”

“Alex noticed,” Max informed her.

“I thought he would… he’s always been good at that. Noticing the little things.”

“So you’re not mad?”

Liz shook her head. “This is Tess and Kyle’s moment… and I don’t want to steal their thunder.” She slipped the ring off her finger and moved it to her right hand. “It’s not as if we were planning to get married right now anyway… and you’ve still got to ask my dad…” she trailed off and smiled as Max shifted uncomfortably.

“About that… how does you dad feel about telephone conversations?”

Liz shook her head and grabbed his hand, moving slowly down the corridor again. “You are going to ask in person… and then we are going to have the best wedding ever…”

Max sighed. “Okay. And just so you know… guys don’t want to be sweet… guys want to be dangerous…”

“Honey… you’ve just admitted crushing on Sandra Bullock and me… you’re not the most dangerous man I’ve ever met. In fact you almost make Alex look like…”

Max interrupted her. “Are you saying Alex is more dangerous than me?” Liz nodded her head and he shook his. “Unbelievable… although that does remind me. Alex asked me for a favor... you want to join me on a mission?”

Liz smiled up at him, leaning into him even more. “Count me in.”

Max just grinned back at her.


Will thumped his head back against the bathroom wall and shook his head, regretting his actions when he felt a throbbing pain sear through his skull. He pushed away from the wall and walked towards the sinks.

He took a few deep breaths, running his hands through his hair and then down to his eyes. He rubbed them hard, throwing water on his face before looking at himself in the mirror. He shook his head in disgust.

This act was so exhausting. Being Will Whitman, life and soul of the party was becoming more and more difficult. Being himself when he wasn’t that person anymore was becoming too hard.

He couldn’t keep doing it. But at the same time, he couldn’t not. Because that would mean accepting that he’d changed, and that was the one thing he was never going to do.

He’d been changed by the things he’d seen. The things he’d been through. Maybe now that the nightmares were gone, everything could go back to normal. He could go back to normal.

But somehow he doubted that.

Taking another deep breath, he wiped his face. He ran his hands through his hair, spiking it up again, and smiled brightly.

He could be himself.

He could be Will Whitman again.

Even though he wasn’t anymore.

He left the bathroom smiling.

He entered the room smiling.

But the only time he really felt like smiling was when he saw her.


He needed her.

That thought scared him more than a thousand nightmares. A thousand memories of his skin burning. Than the sight of death and destruction.

For the first time in his life he needed someone.

He needed her.

And that’s what scared him the most.

Susan Mitchell. Food Critic. A five-foot-five, twenty-six year-old brunette.

His only weakness.


Thanks for reading

Last edited by Quint on Sun Jul 17, 2005 4:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Part 13 - Little Too Deep

Post by Quint »

New part... have fun...

Life without an absorbing occupation is hell - joy consists in forgetting life.
~Elbert Hubbard


Part 13 - Little Too Deep


“He looked good, don’t ya think?” Kyle asked as they sat watching ESPN in the motel room.

“We saw him for all of one minute,” Michael reminded him. “We should ask Max what they talked about. Other than the healing.”

Kyle rolled onto his side and looked at Michael. “Don’t you think that’s a bit risky? He probably already has enough attention on him from the miracle recovery without the sudden ability to walk.”

Michael nodded, keeping his eyes fixed on the screen. “Maybe… but I’d still prefer him out of there sooner rather than later, the longer he’s there the more chance of them noticing something.”

“You think this is ET-related don’t you?”

Michael nodded again. “Something’s happened. It’s just too convenient and we knew it had to come and bite us in the ass sometime. At least we’ve got Alex back. I just think we should keep an eye on him and the best place for that isn’t under constant guard.”

Kyle grinned and shook his head, rolling back over onto his front and back to the game. “You make it sound like a prison.”

Michael raised his eyebrows and smirked. “Looked like one to me. Visiting hours. Stuck in a little room. Not allowed to leave. Sounds like a prison to me.”

Kyle nodded, taking a sip of his beer. “I just think it’s a risk.”

“I’m sure Maxwell has a plan.” He glanced at Kyle. “Besides, maybe this way you can finally put into practice some of what you’ve learned in that course of yours.”

“I don’t want to get into this again, Michael.” He pointed towards the TV screen and attempted to change the conversation. “I played with him, you know. I think he’s gay… he was always checking me out.”

Michael ignored him. “I just don’t see where this career came from. Coaching I could see. But, you were almost never injured. Where did this physio thing suddenly come from?” He scrunched up his face. “Him? Really? Are you sure it wasn’t you doing the checking out?”

“Yes I’m sure.” Kyle sighed. “and I happen to like what I do. Just because I don’t spend days on end brooding about Mar…”

Michael sat up on his bed, interrupting. “I do not brood!”

Kyle bit tongue and tried to hide his grin. “Riiiigghhhttt.”

“I don’t!” Michael stated again. “You’re always saying that. I work. There’s a difference.”

Kyle shook his head again. “Michael you’re brooding right now… you’re the only person I’ve ever met who can brood while having a conversation. You’ve been brooding for years. Hell, you’re more whipped than me and Evans… and that’s saying something.”

Michael shook his head again. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Kyle sighed. “And when she gets here tomorrow? Is it gonna be the same as always?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Michael insisted, still keeping his eyes away from Kyle.

“Okay. You win.” His tongue poked at the sides of his mouth as he tried to stay silent. “This time,” he added under his breath, Michael didn’t appear to have heard him.

“Where’s the girl with the Pizzas?” Michael asked after a few minutes of silence.

“My girl will be here soon. Probably with Pizzas. I wanted Chinese, but nooo.”

Michael smirked and made a small “wootush” sound along with the associated hand movement.

“I’ve never denied it. At least I’m getting some.”

Michael scrunched up his face in disgust. “Dude… she’s like my sister.”

“Sorry,” Kyle replied unapologetically.

“As long as you don’t mention anything about Isabel we might just stay cool.”

“Mike… she’s got a kid and she’s married. I’m guessing she’s done stuff… a lot of stuff probably.”

“No no no no no. Immaculate conception.” Kyle started to laugh. “Your dad and Mrs Deluca.” He smirked as Kyle’s face became serious. “Do you think she calls him Sheriff? Kinky?”

“Low blow. Totally unfair. Besides me and Maria have already decided that they’re waiting for the wedding night and as at this rate that’ll never happen… we should just be okay. But you’re never allowed to mention that again.” He pointed his finger in emphasis and then dropped his hand to the bed. "You ever notice how everyone’s into Isabel?" Kyle stated suddenly.

"Huh!" Michael’s face grew slightly red with fury.

“Oh! Get your mind outta the gutter, I don’t mean literally you idiot!” He put up his fingers and started to count them off. "Well... She's married to Jesse, then there's the whole Alex thing, then there's the whole Khivar thing... then there's the whole you and her thing..."

"Hey hey hey... what me and Isabel thing?"

"Antar... Engagement? Ring any bells?" Kyle looked at him as his discomfort grew.

"Oh yeah... I try not to think about that... it’s like incest…"

“Which brings me onto Max. Now what we have to watch out for here is any of that eye thing he does. 'Cause then we worry…” He stopped at the pillow that hit him full on.

“You’re a disgrace.”

“And yet we’re still friends?”

Michael’s face was stony for a moment before he moved on. “What about you and Isabel?”

“Well, she’s very hot and I’m very hot so… if I wasn’t go into the other short blonde then maybe… but sadly I’m into the smaller blonde ET. But ask me after Tess has blown my next paycheck on more old shop crap. I may have a different opinion.”

The door to the room opened and Kyle breathed a sigh of relief when Jim and not Tess entered.

“Women talk a lot,” he said as an explanation before lounging onto Kyle’s bed.

“You spoke to Amy?” Michael asked enjoying Kyle’s pained expression.

He sighed tiredly. “Yeah… the woman likes to scream.” Kyle closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. “I mean I’m ecstatic about Alex but I do like my eardrums in tact. So… what're you boys talking about?”

“Sex mostly.” Michael said simply, eyes watching the game again and Kyle dropped his head forward and let out an annoyed groan.

Jim raised his eyebrows.


It was early the next morning when Max and Liz knocked on the door of a small apartment in a reasonably quiet area of the city. They’d gotten the address thanks to Tess and her ability for distractions. Not that she used her mindwarping ability much anymore, she preferred to rely on her other, less taxing abilities unless it was completely necessary.

Rebecca Hurst was in her 40’s; with light brown hair and an ability to put someone at ease immediately, but at the same time still seem intimidating. She was surprised to see them, slightly suspicious, but when they mentioned Alex it seemed to put her more at ease, and soon they were sitting in her small living room. It struck Max as bizarre, but then whole life was bizarre so he was used to it by now.

“How are you?” he asked, gesturing to the back of his head to illustrate.

Becky, as she’d told them to call her, smiled. “I’m fine. I could be back at work but they’ve put me on mandatory leave. I keep telling them it was only a concussion but they don’t listen. I shouldn’t complain, its paid leave.”

“Well, Alex will be glad to hear that.” Max told her, smiling in return.

“How is he?”

“As well as can be expected. He’s gaining back control of his leg muscles. It’s amazing the progress he’s made in just a few days.” He could practically feel Liz smirk into her teacup. They both knew the reason for Alex’s amazing recent progress.

“That’s great news!” she exclaimed happily. “You know, I always had a feeling about Alex. Like his story wasn’t over, you know?”

Max gave her another smile as his eyebrows rose more. “What did happen? Alex doesn’t remember anything specific, only seeing you on the floor and then being on the floor himself… do you know what happened?”

Becky shrugged. “What do I think? Well... they might try and say Alex attacked me but there’s no way I’m pressing charges, so they won't get away with that. There is no way that someone who’s been static for so long could just throw a grown woman against a wall. It’s just not possible.” She took a sip from her cup and leaned back in her chair. “I think it was faulty equipment. I think I got a shock from one of the monitors and that’s one of the reason’s they’re keeping me off work even though I know they’re understaffed, because I’ve been talking to Sandra. They’re just trying to stop me suing them. Not that I would anyway,” she stressed, “but how else to you explain an electric shock, and that’s what I felt. It coursed through me, and the next minute I was waking up on a gurney and my favorite patient was drugged up to the eyeballs and they were searching for the Whitman’s contact number. I had to remind them they’d traveled to Germany to visit one of their sons, he’s stationed there apparently. Air Force, I think.”

Max and Liz shared a look. “We just dropped by on the way to pick up our friend from the airport, actually, Becky.” Liz told her, putting her cup onto the nearby table. “She’s flying in from Japan to see Alex.”

Becky smiled again as she began to lead them out of her flat. “Well… tell Alex I hope to see him soon. He’s my favorite patient you know?”

“We’ll be sure to tell him,” Max replied, waving goodbye as they walked towards the elevator. As the doors closed Max looked down at his fiancée. “Electric shock with enough power to throw her against a wall and she only ends up with a minor concussion and a few bruises?”

“Something’s up,” Liz agreed. “But we’ve got more important things to handle first.”

“Maria?” Max asked as the doors opened into the parking lot.

“Maria… and we’re already late, let’s hope she had a good flight.”


Unfortunately for Max and Liz, Maria Deluca hadn’t had a good flight and she wasn’t in a waiting mood.

She was so close to losing it, and she really didn’t want an assault conviction preventing her from seeing Alex.

If that kid didn’t stop poking her Maria had no doubt that she’d kill him. Or at least severely injure him.

It was at times like this Maria missed cedar oil. She missed its calming affects when she was away from home. It was strange that she still thought of Roswell as her home when she hadn’t lived there for over four years. She’d never really been fond of the town anyway. It wasn’t as if she’d planned to stay in Roswell her whole life and live happily ever after with her 2.4 kids, white picket fence and dog.

But it still felt like her home. Probably because of her mother. That was probably why.

Thankfully, her plane had finally landed a few minutes ago, so she was about to leave one hell for another.

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to see Alex. It was what came with Alex that caused her problems. All the drama she’d left behind years before. It was bad enough when she was back in Roswell those few times a year, but this was likely to be a whole group reunion and she was not looking forward to that one bit.


Thanks for reading.

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Part 14 – All the Things I'm Losing

Post by Quint »

After being blocked for so long it's such a relief to simply post this part... so here it is... I'm not entirely happy with it but I dont see it getting any better by just hanging out on my HD... the next part should be up quicker simply because I'm not passed what was causing alot of the writer's block...

"The truth is more important than the facts."
~ Frank Lloyd Wright


Part 14 – All the Things I'm Losing


Alex grinned as his leg rose up from the bed, and bit his lip in concentration. There was no doubt in his mind that that movement was the biggest relief he’d ever felt. He held it there for a moment, slightly amazed at how hard it was to do something so simple. He was considering some form of victory dance when the door opened and a wheelchair entered.

He quickly turned his grin to a grimace and slowly bought his leg back down. He released a long, hard breath to show his effort and looked up into Susie’s smiling face.

“Wow, Alex, that’s great!” Her enthusiasm was infectious and Alex blushed, his ears heating up. He felt a little guilty for using a cheat but what else were friendly aliens for other than healing muscles. “That’s amazing. I thought the doctors were talking about months!”

Alex grinned at her and shook his head. “I’m not exactly doing the can-can yet. But give me time and I’ll work up to that. It’s just mind over matter.”

“Well, I think it’s great. I think you’re doing great.”

“Thanks,” he told her, pulling back the duvet from his body and wiggling his toes at her. “They say thanks, too.”

Susie smirked at him. “Well I bought transportation, I thought you could get outside and surprise your friend. But from the looks of things you may not need my help.”

Alex tilted his head at her. “I’m not quiet there yet. Walking’s gonna be very…” He searched for a word. “Interesting.”

“It must have been great to see them, all your friends.”

“Yeah…” He trailed off, and Susie looked at him, concerned.


“Honestly?” Susie nodded. “Honestly… I don’t know those people. I mean they look like my friends. They sound like my friends. But they aren’t the people I knew, not anymore. They’re adults. But five days ago we were kids, and I still am.”

“It’s understandable that you feel that way. But these people care about you enough to get on a plane and fly half-way across the county… half-way around the world! Just to see you. That’s something special. If I was in your position I don’t think anyone would do that for me.”

“It’s hard to feel lucky when I feel like I’ve been completely screwed over.” He chucked humorlessly. “I mean… five days ago I had everything I ever wanted. I had the girl. I was a shoe-in at MIT; with my grades I had my pick of colleges. Now I haven’t even finished High School, my girlfriend’s married and… and I don’t feel like I belong here.” He rolled his eyes as she looked on concerned. “And the only person I can talk to is someone I barely know.” She opened her mouth to speak but Alex spoke for her. “Don’t say you’re sorry… tell me what you’d do. If you were in my place.”

“Honestly? I’d like to think that if I woke up in five years’ time and Will was married… I’d… I’d be calm and… well, okay I’d probably just cry. For a month.” She looked upwards. “Get smashed? Be angry at the world? I’d cry a lot.” She nodded her head and blew her hair away from her eyes.

“That sounds like a good plan,” Alex told her, smiling slightly.

“I can’t tell you what to do. But… what did you always want to do? Before the accident. Don’t even think about it, just answer.”

“Get out of Roswell.”

“Then do that. You lost five years… do what you always wanted to do. Swim with dolphins. Jump out of an airplane. Do everything you never did.” Alex seemed to be considering her words, so she continued. “I could do the whole life-is-short speech now, but I think you get it. Personal experience and all. It’s just an idea, maybe not even a good one.”

Alex nodded his head, distracted. “Yeah… I always wanted to travel. Never got the chance. Well, there was Sweden but…” He trailed off and seemed to be in deep thought, before snapping out of it. “I’ll think about it… I don’t want to waste anymore time. That I do know.”

“So do you want to waste some more time in here or get outside and experience… outside.”

He pointed to the rickety old wheel chair. “To the Batmobile, Robin… I wanna give Maria the shock of her life.”

Susie grinned at him and gestured towards the wheel chair, and in that moment Alex realized that anything could be sorted out by a smile from Susie.


“Do you think I should’ve brought a gift?” Maria asked as she fidgeted in her seat.

“Like a ‘Well done, you’re out of a coma’ thing? Maybe a mug,” Max told her, keeping his eyes on the road as he drove into the parking lot. “This is Alex, Maria. Not a child.”

She leaned forward in her seat, sticking her head between the couple. “Well, I’m sorry that I’m nervous, but this is Alex and Alex has just woken up after five years of everyone saying that he definitely wouldn’t and I’m a little nervous. And when I’m nervous I babble and when I babble I can’t stop talking. So I would really appreciate it if you wouldn’t talk to me like an idiot.” She spoke fast, without taking a breath and Liz failed to suppress the grin as Max rolled his eyes once again, parking the car in the nearest space.

“You’re not an idiot, Maria.”

“Good. I just want to see Alex, I don’t want to have to deal with…” She paused. “…Anything else.”

Max sighed deeply. “That’s all that anyone wants, Maria. So let’s just be calm about this and not freak out.”

Maria set her jaw. “I’m not freaking out. I’m tired, I’m hungry, It’s taken me fifteen-hours to get here, three separate flights and I have been awake for almost twenty-four hours. I couldn’t sleep on the plane because I had a little brat next to me playing his Gameboy all the time and when he actually finished, and the battery was dead, he went to sleep and he snored. Do you have any idea what it’s like to be that close to…”

Max eyed Liz and mumbled under his breath. “I think I’m feeling it right now.”

Maria’s mouth snapped shut and she opened her door. “Let’s get going.”


Kyle’s arm came to rest around her waist, and he rested his chin on her shoulder. One of the few advantages of being so short was this position. Tess leaned back into him and closed her eyes to the sunlight.

“What are you thinking?” he whispered in her ear, pressing a kiss into her neck as they watched the others surround Alex like a pack of wolves. One wolf in particular had just launched herself onto him and practically knocked over his wheelchair. His breath hit the side of her throat as he chuckled.

The lie came easy to her. “I was just wondering if Alex’ll be up and about in time for the wedding.”

She could feel Kyle’s smile from behind her. “Mr. Max has done his thing so I’d expect he’ll be up there with the rest of us, dancing the night away.”

“Good,” she said softly, and she meant it with all her heart. She turned her head to look at his face. “I love you.”

He smiled goofily at her and she couldn’t help but return it. “I love you too.”

At least that was the truth.


“Ahhh,” Alex screamed in an extremely girly way, and Maria launched herself onto his lap. Susie struggled to keep the chair upright. He could feel himself growing red with embarrassment but at that moment he honestly didn’t care. He had his girls again. He pulled her head from his neck and saw her panda-like face. Black streaks running down her face and undoubtedly onto his robe. But again, he didn’t care. “You really should buy waterproof mascara, Maria.”

Maria let out a giggle which turned quickly into a sob and her head was again on his shoulder. “You really shouldn’t scare people like that, Alex,” she whispered into his ear and he put a soothing hand on her back, glancing around at the others quickly. He spotted Michael watching him, looking both uncomfortable and worried.

He looked back at Maria and pulled her head back from his shoulder. “How could you ever doubt me?”

She gave him a lopsided smile and he returned it, reaching up to wipe the moisture from her face. He could feel his own eyes growing slightly wet as he looked at her. She had a few more lines and her hair was shorter than when he’s last seen her. She looked thinner, too, and maybe it was his imagination, but her eyes seemed to have lost a spark.

“What happened to you, then? What’s this about Japan?”

“I went there after senior year with Billy. Do you remember him?” Alex nodded. He had a vague recollection of a blonde man from the south. He saw that Michael’s jaw had tightened out of the corner of his eye. “I work steady. It’s nothing special, but now that I actually understand what people are saying, I like it there.” Alex knew that was a lie the moment it left her mouth. Maria had always been a bad liar.

“That’s great.” He wasn’t much better. “You wanna tell me how Marco’s on the cover of Rolling Stone?”

Maria, suddenly aware she was sitting on her ‘just recovered from a coma’ best friend’s legs, stood up before answering. “He’s annoyingly good. That’s how.”

“The guy could barely string a cord together…” Alex insisted.

“He took lessons after your…” She paused and Alex wondered what she’d stopped herself from saying. “Accident… he dedicated his first Album to you. Well to ‘ACW - who I’ll never forget.’ So I think it was for you.”

Alex was speechless, his mouth opening and shutting in shock, suddenly it was a lot harder to hate Mark Oliver. After recovering, he spoke to the whole group. “It’s not a bargain-basement buy is it?”

Liz shook her head, her hand firmly sealed in Max’s. “About five on the billboard chart last time I checked.”

“Not bad… it could be worse I suppose.” He glanced quickly down at Max and Liz’s hands and was thankful that some things never changed. He turned his attention back to Maria and noticed that she’d picked a position as far away from Michael as possible. She was just as careful to avoid his gaze as he was hers, as they both looked in the other direction.

He also realized that some things never stayed the same either.


Thanks for reading

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Part 15 - Anger and the Eloquence

Post by Quint »

So sorry for the long wait... hopefully the longer part makes up for it. The next update shouldn't take half as long cause it's already halfwritten.

Anyway, Merry Christmas.

Bound with all the weight of all the words he tried to say
Chained to all the places that he never wished to stay

~ Oasis - Cast No Shadow


Part 15 - The Anger and the Eloquence


“This is weird, isn’t it?” Alex asked, as Kyle moved to the end of the bench and watched him carefully.

“That Alex Whitman’s lifting weights or that we’re having a conversation?” he asked in reply, wiping his hands on the nearest towel.

“Both,” Alex told him, and Kyle couldn’t help but grin. “But the weight thing mostly… We’ve had a few convo’s before… mostly while about to die, but…”

Kyle nodded. “That is true…”

“Liz tells me that you’ve been changed.”

Kyle fiddled with the towel. “Um yeah… I mean Liz’s power is cooler really, I’d kinda like to see the future more than Projection… or whatever it is that I can do.”

“Do you think it’s because of you and Tess? It sounds a bit like Mind Warping to me…” Alex concluded, continuing to push the weights up.

“Maybe… I can’t really control it yet, anyway. I'm not that quick a study.”

“So you didn’t get super strength, then?”

Kyle shook his head. “Sadly no… there is no Superman in this room.”

“Cool, though,” Alex told him, stopping to give him a grin that Kyle returned.

“That it is.”

Alex took a deep breath before starting again, a look of defiance on his face.

“So about my surprise party…”

“How do you know about that?”

“You just told me,” Alex told him simply, his grin turning into a grimace as he pushed once more.

Kyle shook his head in annoyance. “I can’t believe I fell for that.”

“Neither can I,” Alex agreed, biting his lip. “I want Isabel there, her and Jesse. I don’t want things to be weird.”

Kyle paused, surprised by Alex’s words. “Things are gonna be weird Alex. They are weird. But I don’t think that’ll help.”

“I want her there… and Jesse. I need to meet him at some point so why not then, get it over with.”


“Oh and while you’re at it… could you please ask everyone not to look at me like they’ve never seen me before… and to stop crying. It’s starting to freak me out a little.”

Kyle was about to answer when another voice spoke. “How in the name of God are you doing that?”

Alex opened his left eye as he pushed the bench press up again, his muscles burning, screaming at him to stop the torture as he focused on his eldest brother.

Chris shook his head as Alex pushed himself upright and turned to Kyle. He pointed the cell phone he was holding at Kyle in a slightly aggressive manner. “Shouldn’t he be resting? Surely this isn’t healthy.”

Kyle looked at Alex for help and gestured a finger between the two of them. “Kyle this is my Keeper… oh sorry, my brother, Christopher. Chrisy this is my buddy Kyle. He’s helping me to get used to these things we apparently have in our bodies called muscles, according to my best buddy Kyle you don’t get to use these muscles very much while you’re in a coma…”

Chris rolled his eyes at his youngest brother. “Wow… you’re just oozing maturity today aren’t you?”

Alex raised his eyebrows. “I have more… do you wanna hear them?” He turned his head towards Kyle. “Why don’t you get going? I’m probably about to be lectured like a five-year-old.” Kyle seemed reluctant, but Alex gave him a quick smile of reassurance. Turning his attention back to Chris, Alex continued. “It actually helps a bit. Makes me feel in control. At least a little. They’re puny weights but I guess I got more of the Whitman jock genes than we thought, huh?”

“Are you sure you shouldn’t be resting?”

Alex shook his head. “I can work down here for as long as I like…” He let out a chuckle. “As long as I don’t try to stand. That’s a no-go right now. I’m working on it, though. Kyle’s doing some sessions… I show rapid improvement, apparently.” He smiled knowingly at Chris who just looked even more confused.

“Just take it easy.”

“This I can control… almost everything else is out of my hands,” he replied, looking Chris straight in the eye, serious again.

Chris nodded in reluctant understanding. “Okay, just be careful. I do have your best interests at heart you know, even when we don’t see eye to eye.”

Alex nodded in acceptance. “Slight apology accepted.” He took the offered towel. “So, am I to take this as your goodbye speech?”

Chris smiled genuinely. “You’re much too perceptive for your own good. But yes, I have to get back to the base, to Jenny and the kids.”

Alex smiled at the mention of CJ and Kate. “You have a family.”

“I had a family before this happened,” Chris reminded him.

Alex paused before replying, “That was different…”

“Not for me,” Chris told him honestly before moving on. “But Stuttgart’s a great place for a holiday and Jenn would be ecstatic to see you.”

Alex stared upwards at Chris, his mind still on his previous trail of thought. “How did you do it? How did you pick Jenn over what Mom wanted?”

“I loved her,” Chris said simply before continuing. “I didn’t care about anything else after…” He paused as the memories flooded back to him. “I was lost until Jenny, and it didn’t matter what mom had to say about the situation, I wasn’t gonna lose someone I loved again.”

Alex nodded, feeling respect for Chris for the first time. “And it’s never bothered you? You don’t look at CJ sometimes and…” He trailed off as Chris replied.

“No. I have to admit that when CJ was born I was… concerned. But the moment I looked at him, he was my son.” Chris shrugged.

Alex nodded. “I want to meet Jake.”

“You should.”

“I’m scared.” Alex whispered. “I’m afraid of what I’ll feel when I look at him. What if I feel nothing? What kind of person does that make me? But what scares me even more is if…” He stopped.

Chris nodded. “If you get attached and then he’s not yours after all?”

Alex shook his head. “That’s not a possibility,” he stated with complete certainty. “Isabel would never lie about something like that. I just… what if I do get attached and… I don’t know how to be a father. I mean, Dad wasn’t exactly there much when I was growing up, so…” He scrunched up his face. “I mean what are four-year-olds into these days? What about birthday parties or parent conferences? What do I call myself? What will he want to call me?” He looked up to find Chris grinning at him. “What?”

“Welcome to the world of parenthood. Relax, or you’ll drive yourself even more insane. First thing is meet him, get to know him. Then worry about all the other stuff. Start simple.”

Alex nodded. “I can’t believe I’m taking advice from you.”

“I knew you’d come running to me eventually.”

Alex rolled his eyes. “Yeah right. It’s only because you’re the responsible one.”

“I’m taking that as a compliment,” Chris decided, as he lifted the cell phone and dialed while talking. “On that subject, I have someone who’d like to check that I’m not pranking him.” He passed the phone to Alex who simply stared at him in wonder. “Stuttgart is a great place to visit,” he reminded him with a smile and Alex could hear the voice coming through. “Put him out of his misery, no matter how much he might deserve it, and take care of yourself this time. I’ll see you soon.”

Alex nodded as he watched Chris walked away. The idea of respect and Chris in the same sentence suddenly not seeming so wrong, he lifted the phone to his ear and said the first thing that popped into his head. “He’s gonna have one heck of a phone bill, huh Nate?”

The voice that replied was so quiet, so whispered that he was sure it was him. “Alex?”

“Yep,” Alex said softly as he once again reduced a person to tears. It was definitely becoming his trademark, which wasn’t as cool as it sounded.


“All I’m saying is that if his recovery keeps going at this pace we’ll start to attract some unwanted attention,” Michael told them as Kyle entered the room. “Don’t you think so, Valenti?”

Kyle looked around the room at the faces watching him. “I agree with Tess.”

Michael rolled his eyes. “Tess?”

Tess sighed before nodding. “I think you’re right. Do we really want to start attracting attention again? I mean, we’ve barely had any Antarian contact in years… I think having someone wake up from a five-year coma and be walking around after a few days or even a few weeks is gonna be seriously suspicious.”

“So what are you suggesting? He pretends?” Maria asked incredulously.

“Well what’s your suggestion?” Michael asked her, taking note that she was still barely looking at him. It made the annoyance he felt increase tenfold.

“We get him home as soon as possible.” Maria crossed her hands over her chest and spoke directly to Max.

“And that’s not at all suspicious? The guy can walk and then he goes missing.”

Kyle raised his hand before interrupting them. “You do know he can’t actually walk yet, right?” Kyle watched as their faces turned towards him, all looking surprised. “He’s not in the wheelchair for fun, you know.”

Michael crunched his forehead together. “Max healed him.”

“Yeah,” Maria agreed and Michael was surprised she didn’t find something wrong with that statement. “You did it right, right?” she asked him.

Max shrugged. “Well, yeah… I healed his muscles. Well, I didn’t heal them completely because I thought is would be too suspicious but he should be fine, just not as strong.”

Everyone turned their attention back to Kyle. “His recovery is extremely fast, and no he shouldn’t be able to walk yet, he should probably be getting some movement back, though.”

Liz spoke. “But why can’t he walk?”

“He will… very soon, probably. I’m taking him into the pool tomorrow and that’ll help, but basically he has to learn how to walk again. It might take a few weeks, maybe even months for him to regain full mobility.”

Tess smiled at him. “I love it when you get technical.”

Kyle tried to ignore her. “But it’s not out of the question for him to be at least standing by his surprise party.”

Liz smiled brightly. “Great, because it’s almost organized. All we really need to worry about is whether Will can get him out of here in time. But he seems to have that under control…” She clapped her hands together.

“About this party…”

Liz interrupted. “Alex knows?”

“Well, yes, actually…” he trailed off.

“The boy’s not stupid, it’s hardly surprising,” she replied in explanation.

“He wants Isabel and Jesse there,” Kyle went on, and the others looked at him once again in surprise.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Maria exclaimed.

“Hey, don’t shoot the messenger,” Kyle stated, putting his hands up in surrender.

Maria looked at Liz for backup. “I don’t want her anywhere near him.”

“She’s already been to visit him.”

Maria’s eyes grew wider as her anger increased. She looked around the room. “Who told her?” she practically growled.

Jim raised his hand and looked like a guilty schoolboy before explaining. “I thought she should know, Maria.”

Maria shook her head, her hair flying everywhere as she gestured wildly. “Jim! She has no right to even say his name.”

Michael grabbed her and turned her to face him. “Isabel cares about Alex,” he told her forcefully, before releasing her.

Maria looked at him properly for the first time, her hands on her hips. “Yeah, she cared so much that she got engaged less than two months after the crash. She cared about him so much that she had a kid before Alex was even gone a year. Her heart’s colder than Antarctica.”

Michael shook his head and held his tongue as he looked down at her face. “You know nothing about Isabel.”

“I know enough… now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go see my friend.” She pushed past him, and Liz shrugged before moving to follow her out the door.

“Meeting adjourned?” Tess asked Max, who nodded.

“And what are we doing about Alex?” Michael asked the emptying room.

“The way his brother’s been threatening the staff, he’ll be out soon enough. If Kyle does the therapy he can keep an eye on him. As long as he’s not going too far I think we’ll be fine,” Max told him, and Michael nodded reluctantly.

“I’m gonna call Isabel,” Michael stated as the others started to leave.

“Why?” Max asked, turning back to Michael.

“Don’t you think she needs a tornado warning?” Michael said, punching in the number. Max couldn’t help but agree.


“Jacob!” Isabel shouted, her thumb covering the phone’s mouthpiece as she stood at the bottom of the staircase. She brought the phone back to her ear as she continued to wait for him to appear. “If he’s still playing that video game when I told him…”

“Isabel.” Michael’s voice drifted over the phone line, stopping her mid rant.

“What?” she asked sharply.

“Get a grip,” Michael told her simply. “If he’s late, he’s late. I’m sure he’ll survive.”

“He’s spent too much time around you. You and Jesse have no concept of timekeeping.”

“Yes, we’re very bad people who deserve everything you throw at us. So the kid wants to play a game, so he’s gonna be late for a play date. What’s the…”

“If you’re about to say what’s big deal I’ll…”

Michael cut her off. “Alex can move his legs now.”

Isabel stopped mid-sentence and her mouth closed slowly as she swallowed hard. “That’s great,” she told him softly.

“Yeah, it is… I know that’s the reason you called.” Isabel opened her mouth to reply but Michael kept talking. “And don’t try to deny it.”

“I wasn’t going to,” she lied.

“Max did some magic, we’re trying to keep it quiet and with Alex’s brother threatening staff everywhere, I think we’re succeeding. They’re gonna release him into his parents’ care in a day or so. Kyle’s doing his fake physio and if everything goes according to plan we’ll have dodged a bullet.”

Isabel ignored his last comment. “But he’s well… he’s himself?”

“We haven’t seen that much of him. He’s practically ignoring us. At least that’s how I’m seeing it. He makes excuses, doesn’t want to talk about the crash… Liz has been speaking to his parents and the way they were talking it’s like they want him on suicide watch.”

“They care a lot about him,” Isabel attempted to justify, even as her heart started to beat faster at the mention of Chuck and Gloria.

“It’s a shame they don’t feel the same about their grandson,” Michael countered.

“It was a difficult situation… I don’t blame them for their opinions. Anyway, that was a long time ago.”

“There’s no excuse.”

“Just leave it be, you’ll make things worse.”

“Fine, but I don’t like the way they treated you or Jake and if I had my way…”

“What’s done is done. They made their choice, they have their opinions. There’s nothing you or I or anyone could say that’d change the past, so let’s just leave it at that and move on.”

“Fine… Alex is having a party at the Crashdown for his birthday. His brother’s organizing it and Liz is helping, and I think you should come. Jesse too.”

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“You’re coming. There’s a reason Alex woke up when he did and if we’re gonna find out why then we need to be at least civil to each other. I think Alex would want you there. He’s back and we need to deal with that.”

“And a party’s gonna solve all our problems in one go? I don’t think so.”

“It’s a start… the more people, the less drama.”

“That’s a stupid theory.”

“If Maria and I can be in a room together then you can too.”

“I’m thinking of Alex.”

“So am I…”

Isabel was distracted by the sound of keys in the lock of the front door. “Jacob get down here this instant! Your…”—she stopped abruptly and closed her eyes as her heartbeat rose again—“father’s here.” She could finally hear movement from upstairs.

“Just come,” Michael’s voice came through, much softer than usual.

“And pretend everything’s normal?” she asked him, her voice more emotional than usual.

“Isn’t that what we’re best at? Normal?”

Isabel nodded her head as Jake came barreling down the stairs and jumped into Jesse’s arms. “I’ll be there… just keep Maria away from me.”

Michael laughed. “If you want that all you’ll have to do is stick by me.”

Jesse fake-struggled with the small boy and Isabel couldn’t help but smile as he kissed her cheek. She gestured to her watch to let him know they were late, and he nodded.

“Come on my little man… let’s get going.”

“Bye Mom,” Jake told her quickly, moving for the door in a blur of red. Jesse shrugged and smiled ironically before dumping his briefcase and kissing her cheek again in goodbye. “Come on, Daddy!”

The smile froze on Isabel’s face and she barely noticed Jesse leave the house. It was Michael’s voice that finally broke her from her haze. “But I can count you in?”

“Yeah.” Her voice was distant as she stared at the door. “Bye, Michael.” She disconnected the call before he had a chance to reply and moved into her lounge.

She went to the bookcase, taking out one of her many photo albums, and sat down on the nearest seat. Her hands shook as she flicked through the pages, her eyes blinking fast and furious in a feeble attempt to stop the impending tears.

Her son called Jesse Daddy.

Alex’s son called Jesse Daddy. He had a thousand times, but in that moment Isabel felt like she’d been stabbed through the heart. It hit her harder than a hurricane.

Staring down at Alex’s smiling face, her hand touched the picture lightly as tears fell from her eyes. All the pain and feelings, all the emotions of the past few days, of the last few years came pouring out of her.

Isabel curled up on the couch of her house, hugged the album to her chest and cried her heart out at the picture of two young people at the beginning of their lives together.

She’d had everything she’d ever wanted and then it was taken away as quickly as it had been found.

Life just wasn’t fair.


Thanks for reading.

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Location: Cardiff

Part 16 - Here There Be Monsters

Post by Quint »

I was born when you kissed me. I died when you left me. I lived a few weeks when you loved me.
~ Humphrey Bogart


Part 16 - Here There Be Monsters


He looked up at the knock on the door and moved the phone away from his ear to invite them in before continuing.

“If you can’t find him then find someone else. I’ll see you later, try not to get into too much trouble before then.” He placed the phone back into the cradle and smiled warmly. “I apologize for that, my youngest Nick, it’s amazing how much trouble teenagers can get into isn’t it?”

Gloria Whitman smiled and nodded her head in understanding. “I know exactly what you mean.”

He gestured with his hand for the two of them to sit down. “Now Gloria, I’m pleased to report that your son is making excellent progress.” Alan Marshall leaned forward to look more closely at the chart before him, glancing quickly up at Morrison before smiling again at the two people now seated before him. “William, it’s good to see you again.”

“You too Doc, but back to my brother,” He leaned forward in his seat. “Mr. Morrison here has agreed with me that what’s best for Alex is to leave your most excellent care as soon as possible.”

Dr. Marshall raised his eyebrows slightly and pushed his glasses further up his nose. “Did he really?”

Morrison interrupted. “I’d actually suggest that Alex stays here for at least a few more weeks so he can fully recuperate.” He swallowed as Will turned to glare at him.

Dr. Marshall smiled warmly again. “I’ll take that into consideration. But I have to say that I see no reason that Alex can’t return home in the next few days, he’s in excellent health and he’s improving daily. He’ll have to attend therapy, of course. It’s my understanding that he’s already working with a very capable Physiotherapist, but I would suggest some kind of counseling to deal with both that trauma of the accident itself and the consequences.”

Will turned to smirk at Morrison who looked aggravated, and exchanged a look with Gloria before she replied. “This is excellent news.”

Morrison stepped forward. “Sir, I have to disagree. It’s far to early for us to let him leave. There’s still a danger of a relapse of some kind and I’m sure you remember what happened to Rebecca…”

Will turned to the younger doctor angrily. “That wasn’t his fault and you know it.”

“Well, no one else gave her the concussion,” Morrison told him snidely.

Will clenched his teeth in an attempt to control his anger and Gloria placed a hand on his arm in an attempt to sooth him before turning to Dr. Marshall, a worried look on her face.

“Is there a chance for a relapse?”

Marshall quickly returned his face to his normal smile as he reassured her. “Gloria, I’ve been looking after Alex for almost five years and I would stake my whole career on my belief that Alex is absolutely fine. There is absolutely no reason that Alex can’t live a full and happy life.”

The smile practically split Gloria’s face. “That’s just what I wanted to hear.”

Marshall glanced quickly at Will, to see him smirking slightly before he returned his gaze to Gloria. “I’ll organize the release papers today.” He stood moving his eyes quickly to Morrison, seeing the disbelief on his face. He shook her hand as he walked around the table and opened the door, leading her out.

Will looked up before he too left the room, offering his hand. “Thanks Doc.”

As soon as the door closed Marshall’s face changed to fury and he turned to Morrison. “If you ever interrupt me again I will have you out that door before your feet touch the ground.”

“In my professional opinion…”

“I couldn’t care less about your professional opinion, Daniel, I thought I made it clear that the Whitmans were to be given whatever they wanted?”

“Yes but… shouldn’t we be studying him? It seems clear to me that Alex Whitman should have died five years ago…”

“And what are you suggesting? We use him as a lab rat?”

“I just think that we’re giving up in incredible opportunity…”

“And I think you should stop talking.” He moved closer to the younger doctor, hovering over him with menace. “I want Alex Whitman out of this facility, and you will agree with me and do exactly as I say, or face the consequences.”


“… so we just want all those little impulses to get through, to remember what they used to do…” Kyle shouted from the other end of the pool, grinning with excitement and proceeded to dive head first into the water. “Isn’t that the coolest thing ever?”

Alex held onto the side of the pool and looked up at Susie, ignoring Kyle’s enthusiasm. “And to think I was pretty excited when they said I’d be in water with a physiotherapist… please get in and save me from Kyle and his six pack,” he pleaded. “I cant even ask anyone else since they all went back to Roswell to prepare for my nonexistent party.”

Susie laughed at him. “I’m sure you’ll get over the trauma. Besides, I have to call Colorado and check on things.”

“I’ll never forgive you for this, this completely proves that you are evil.”

She simply grinned at him. “Have fun,” she told him, waving as she left the pool.

Alex glared at her. “Women are evil,” he said as Kyle reached him.

“Okay,” Kyle stated. “Just don’t tell Tess I said that.”

Alex nodded, clinging slightly tighter to the poolside. “Deal.”

“Are you excited?”

“Thrilled,” Alex told him dryly.

Kyle rolled his eyes and looked under the water at Alex’s legs. “How’re they feeling?”

“It’s a little weird,” Alex admitted, moving his right leg slightly. “They still ache a lot.”

Kyle nodded. “That’s to be expected. But you can feel the water though?”

“Of course.”

“Okay then… put you feet on the pool’s floor.” He watched as Alex did as he was told. “Okay… now give me your hands.” Alex did so reluctantly and Kyle grinned at him. “Now we’re in business… let’s get some movement.”

Alex gritted his teeth and moved, taking his first steps in over five years.


“… I know I said it was only two weeks, but Will’s had some family problems…” She paused as her boss interrupted. “… well I would do that but it’s not as if I can actually visit the restaurants.” She bit the side of her mouth. “I wont do that,” she stated categorically. “I’m staying here for at least another month and if you don’t like it you can fire me. I really don’t care anymore,” she told him honestly. “Fine!” She slammed down the payphone and took a deep breath, leaning her back against the wall next to the phone.

Her back was still against the wall and her eyes still closed when she heard his voice and immediately started to smile.

“Who’s the man?” he asked her, opening his arms in a King of the World pose.

Susie looked thoughtful as she moved into step beside him. “Um… is it you?”

Will nodded. “Yep, I am the man.” He grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him.

Susie leant back to look up at him. “Does that make me the woman.”

Will smiled at her. “Maybe, if you’re good.” He quickly pecked her mouth.

“You’re cheesy when you’re happy,” she observed. “So I take it you had good news… is it the next Harry Potter book? Have they got a release date yet?”

Will was quick to defend himself. “I’ve already explained that I have those books simply for CJ when he comes to visit.”

Susie tilted her head to the side as she gazed up at him. “And how often does little Chuck come to visit?”

“All the time,” he lied.

“Of course,” she nodded back at him.

He smiled slightly as he looked into her eyes. “Alex can go home… which also means that we can go home.” He looked down at her, surprised by her lack of response. “Hey, I thought you’d be happy… the paper’s gonna want you back at some point, you know. Your dry wit and…”

“Extreme meanness?” Susie interrupted.

“You do have a way of being extremely cruel. It’s a gift,” Will joked.

Susie shook her head. “Maybe I’m a little bored of the cruelty,” she told him honestly. “And it’s nice to just get away.”

Will’s face turned serious. “I’m on leave. It’s not an unlimited amount of time.”

Susie shrugged. “I know, but for as long as I’ve known you you haven’t had so much as a long weekend and I do have enough experience with the Air Force to know that you’ve got to have plenty of time stored up.” She looked up at him under her eyebrows. “So we stay a bit longer… I like it here, and…” she drew out the word, attempting to ease the growing tension. “It’s good for you to spend time with your family.”

Will didn’t even crack a smile. “I don’t like this place, I don’t like Roswell, I spent two years here and that was more than enough. It’s not my home.”

“I do… and your mom wants to spend some more time with me… which I’m taking as a good thing.” She tried to smile again but his face stayed the same. “You’re acting very strange today,” she told him. “Well, stranger than usual,” she corrected herself.

Will disagreed, his tone changing slightly before his smile slipped back into place. “Today’s a good day.” Will moved away from her and beckoned her down the hall. “I want to tell him…”

Susie stood there, shaking her head slightly. “Will the real Will Whitman please stand up?” she whispered, slightly concerned before following him towards Alex’s room.


The music was blaring from the stereo as fast as the paint was falling against the canvas.

He always painted when she was in town, and he usually kept them. Almost as if by keeping the painting, he was keeping a part of her.

He kept going even as he felt her presence behind him, even as she turned the volume down so low he could hardly hear the beat.

“I was wondering how long it would be before you turned up.” He stared at the brush in his hand and touched it to change the color to a deep shade of red.

“You gave me the key,” Maria replied simply.

He moved his had across the pallet, changing the colors to reds and moving the brush quickly across the canvas, putting the finishing touches to another piece he’d never show anyone.

“I can’t believe you let her near him,” she told him, her anger flowing freely.

Michael smirked as he brought the brush to the canvas one last time. “I can’t believe you’d’ve kept her away.” He moved around, dropping his brush to the table. “Or maybe I can and that’s the problem.” He wiped his hands on his shirt before lifting up his hand to touch the side of her face. “Maybe that’s our problem. How’s Billy?”

“He’s fine… it’s going really well in Japan.” She lied well.

Michael nodded. “You know where to go,” he gestured, before looking back at the picture. “I just need to clear up.” He heard the door close behind him as she left the room.

Taking a breath and staring closer at the landscape before him, he took off his shirt, moved his hand towards his supplies and let them move into their relevant boxes before leaving for his bedroom.

Back in his workroom, the painting of a large alien city lay quiet, the purple sky, bright lights and the large area of reds on the right hand side that created the flames.

It was home.


Thanks for reading.

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Location: Cardiff

Part 17 - Endless Alibis

Post by Quint »

New part... sorry it's been so long but things are so hectic here with the baby soon to arrive etc so apologies and I will try and get the next part asap.

“Oh, we're going to talk about me again, are we? Goody.”
~ Tracy Lord (Katharine Hepburn), The Philadelphia Story (1940)


Part 17 - Endless Alibis


“Okay, I do have one final question, Alex.” He moved forward in his chair, his arms leaning onto his large oak desk. “What do you want?”

Alex let out a breath of air slowly. “What do I want? Well, that’s what people call a loaded question.”

“I’m here for you, Alex… for your welfare.”

Alex grinned as he leaned back in his chair. “I want world peace, I want to save the rainforests. I’d actually kinda like to be a vegetarian but I just like meat too much. Is that what you wanted?”

“I’d like a little more honesty, Mr. Whitman.”

Alex chuckled again. “See, that’s what I don’t want. I don’t want to me Mr. Whitman.”

“Why not?”

Alex stood up from the couch. “Because I’m not… I’m not Mr. anything. I’m Alex. No one had ever called me Mr. Whitman before except in class to make a point. But here I’ve got doctors and nurses and even receptionists calling me Mr. Even my shrinks started doing it and I find that a little disconcerting.” He started to pace around the room, ignoring the aching in his tired limbs. “Don’t say you understand, because you don’t… no one understands what it feels like. Hell, I’m not even sure that I even understand what I feel like.” He looked at the man sitting behind the large wooden desk. “Do you really want to know what I want?”

“I really do,” the grey-haired gentleman told him.

“I want to go to school. I want my friends to look like they used to. I want to look at myself in the mirror and not see a stranger looking back at me. I want my old hairstyle. I want my brother to be fun again. I want my parents to treat me like they used to and not like some kind of broken toy that can’t be trusted to tie his own shoelaces. I want to be at the prom again. I want to kiss Isabel again. I want to see my son’s birth, his first steps, his first worlds, his first hissy fit. I want to go home to my own room, with my own things and my own guitar and lie on my own bed and write stupid songs about how love sucks. I want to get into my car and turn back time and go back to that morning and stay with Isabel. I want every good film, every good album and every good TV show of the last five years. I want to shout at myself for not being strong enough to just wake up. I want to scream at my family for not trying more. I want Isabel to have waited for me, like I think I would have for her. I want to never see her again but I also want to see her right now. I want my friends not to seem like strangers, like people I don’t even know. But most of all I want my life back.” He sat back down on the couch and placed his head in his hands. “I want yesterday… well, three weeks ago. I want that back.” He looked upwards. “I know I can't have that, but it's what I want more than anything.”

“Good,” was the gentleman’s reply.

Good?” Alex asked, surprised.

“Yes, it’s good. I think you’re doing really well. I have no problems with you leaving this facility. Actually, I think it’ll be beneficial for you to get back to your own town.”

Alex couldn’t believe his ears. “And what about some kinda… therapy… not that I… well maybe I do…”

The man smiled warmly, like a grandfather to a small child. “I think you’ll be just fine, but take one of my cards and if you ever feel like you need to talk then you can do that to me.”

Alex nodded, standing and collecting his cane from the floor. “That’s great… thanks so much… I hope I never see you again.”

The man simply smiled in return and shook Alex outstretched hand.


Max struggled to hold both the large box and push through the door to the Crashdown, eventually managing it with the help of his ever reliable knee. He dumped the box onto the nearest free table and moved to grab his fiancée around the waist. He kissed the back of her neck and leaned his chin onto her shoulder.

“You think we’ll be ready for tomorrow?” Liz asked, leaning back into him.

“Of course,” Max told her. “Besides, if we’re not… well, we’ll just get Tess to mind warp everyone into thinking everything’s ready.” He chuckled when Liz bit her lip and nodded her head in serious consideration of his suggestion. “That was a joke,” he told her. “Besides we’ll be fine.” He took a breath. “Well, you’ll be fine… I’ve got to somehow get out of here alive when your dad finds out…” He trailed off as Liz’s mother entered the room and moved back from Liz, looking at the doorway in consideration. “I think that’s an excellent place for the banner, Liz.” He smiled up at Nancy. “Hey, Mrs. Parker.”

“Hi Max. We have plates, we have cups, we have bowls,” she announced. “Now were you serious about the jello and ice cream? Because…”

“It’s Alex’s favorite food… well, when we were ten it was, and I think that was a good age.”

Nancy shrugged. “Okay I’ll get started on that tomorrow, I’ll need you to drop by the wholesalers for me, Max… Liz’s trying to use up all our stocks in one night.”

“No problem, Mrs. Parker.” Max smiled at her and she moved to leave before turning quickly back around.

“Oh, Liz, I forgot to say.” Nancy turned around in the doorway. “Phil and Di are working with that friend of yours from high school…” She looked upwards as she tried to remember. “That girl you were always talking about, umm… Pamela?” She questioned and Liz’s eyes went wide. Behind her she heard Max splutter to contain his laugh.

“Pam?” Liz asked incredulously.

Nancy nodded, smiling. “Yeah, that’s it. She’s working with Max’s parents on the O’Connor case. Anyway, I remembered you were always talking about her and she’s such a bright girl.”

Liz gritted her teeth and kept the smile frozen on her face, behind her Max began to whisper. “You and Pam were very tight…”

“Did you know she actually turned down Harvard Law?” Nancy shook her head. “Much more at home at Yale, apparently. Anyway… she’s coming to the party.” Nancy smiled again, oblivious to her daughters thoughts and left the room.

Liz stayed quiet for a moment before turning calmly to Max and asking him simply, “Did my mom just invite Pam Troy to Alex’s birthday party?”

Max rubbed her shoulder. “It could be worse.”

“How?” Liz squeaked, her voice at a much higher pitch than normal.

“Well… okay not worse but I’m sure there’ll be plenty of distractions.” Liz nodded. “I mean we’ve got me and your dad, Michael and Maria in the same room, we’ve got Maria and Isabel in the same room, we’ve got Alex, Jesse and Isabel in the same room… there’s a lot of distractions.”

Liz kept nodding and took a deep breath, turning back to her list, Max looked at her and counted to 3.



“What kinda person picks Yale over Harvard?”


The sheet was light and easily pulled away. The color and intensity of the canvas took her breath away and she stared at it intently, memorizing every brushstroke, every detail.

“You’re usually gone by now,” Michael stated, pulling on his closest shirt as he walked into his workroom.

“These are different,” Maria said, pointing to the paintings before her, the cityscape engulfed in reds and oranges.

“They’re new, unfinished,” he told her, simply refusing to elaborate, but he did move closer, so close that she could almost feel him touching her.

“They’re stunning,” she complemented him, resisting the shiver that she knew was coming.

“Yeah… they’re also private,” he admonished.

“Sorry. I was intrigued… you were working when I came last time… I wanted to see more.” She moved away from him as she faced him, almost as though it was painful to be that close to him.

“Always want more.” Michael looked away from her and towards his latest piece. “Sometimes I just get inspired… this just came out.”

Maria shook her head. “This is more than that… the feeling, color… the detail…”

“Don’t try and analyze me… some things are just what they look like.”

Maria didn’t look at him, barely acknowledged him, she just stayed quiet. “I’m gonna be in town for a few weeks… I want to spend as much time as possible with Alex,” she changed the subject.

“Isabel’s coming tomorrow night…” he reminded her.

“I’ll be on my best behaviour, I expect her to be, too,” she interrupted.

“Good, I can’t wait to see what that looks like.” Maria rolled her eyes. “Will you be around after?”

“I don’t know,” she lied.

“Well… you know the way in,” Michael told her.

“I know the way out, too,” she replied.

Michael looked at her and smirked. “Then it’s high time you used it, don’t you think?” He turned and left the room.

Maria looked back at the painting one last time. “Yes, I do,” she replied to the empty room.


“And what brought on this sudden change of opinion, Doc?” Will asked as he signed the last of the release papers.

Morrison smiled up at Will. “I realized that Alex would respond much better around people he knows, those who care about him.”

Will smirked as he shook his head. “Wow… my advice would be to get a bigger set… try and get some kinda transplant or something.” He glanced downwards before dumping the papers into the doctor’s arms and turning his back, walking down the corridor to Alex’s room with a genuine smile on his face.

He pushed the door open forcefully and took in the scene before him. Alex was sitting on his bed, his legs dangling over the side, and protesting as his mother insisted on putting on his shoes for him. His father sat to the side, his eyes roaming the latest New Scientist magazine.

“Where’s Suze?” he inquired.

“She went to get the prison wheels,” Alex told him, glancing over to his father who simply gestured to the floor. “Cause this implement of doom is apparently not enough.”

“Alex… you collapsed getting out of bed yesterday morning, did you honestly think you could just walk out of here?” she asked him simply.

“I slipped, Mom… I’m a lot stronger now.”

Will attempted to interrupt the conversation. “You mean wheelchair, right?”

Gloria stood, only having finished putting on one shoe. “If you had it your way you’d be running marathons.”

Alex rolled his eyes and looked to his dad. “Do as your mother says,” was his only reply.

“Thanks… Will?”

“I agree with mom. Do yourself a favor Alex, use the wheels. Hey maybe I could borrow them, even. They’re probably great for picking up chicks, a great talking point.” He brought his hands up in front of his face, demonstrating a potential conversation. “‘Oh, what happened to you?’ ‘Well, I was a fireman, and this one time I was trying to save this puppy from drowning when I…”

Gloria twisted around to her older son. “You will do no such thing. Susan’s a nice girl.”

“I was joking, Mom,” Will defended.

“Oh, so you like Susie do you, Mom?” Alex asked, swinging his legs like a child.

Gloria smiled at Alex. “I think she’s a very nice girl. Father's a General, you know.”

Alex spoke with a straight face and looked concerned at his brother. “Wow, I don’t think she mentioned that to me, Mom. Do you think that means it’s in the blood? 'Cause I bet you’ll be getting more grandkiddies soon and it’s probably a good idea to get them used to blowing stuff up pretty early on, don’t you think.”

“Shut it, brat,” Will said simply. “Anyway, papers are signed so…” he looked at Gloria, who was suddenly tense.

Alex noticed the look that passed between his mother and brother as Chuck asked him, “How’d it go?”

He kept looking at them as he replied. “Well, I’m no more crazy than I was before.”

Gloria laughed nervously. “What did he say about future sessions, did he give you a name?”

Alex shrugged. “Nope, he said I was doing well.”

Gloria swallowed visibly. “But he didn’t say anything about seeing anyone?”

“No,” Alex told her simply.

“Don’t you think there should be some kinda follow-up? I’ll talk to someone about it. It’ll be good for you to talk to someone about your… problems.”

“My problems? That’s not exactly how I’d describe this situation.”

Gloria’s voice became strained as she replied. “Well, how else would you describe it Alex? How else would you describe your condition? Your…” She swallowed hard and Alex looked at her in confusion. “Accident. I can’t believe this place, after all the money and time we’ve spent here and they don’t even refer you to a therapist? It’s a disgrace… Chuck, start packing up Alex’s things… I’ll be back in a minute.” She moved towards the door as Alex tried to get her attention.

“What do you mean by that?” As the door closed behind his mother Alex looked over at his father. “What did she mean by that? What did she mean about the accident?”

Chuck sighed and glanced at her elder son, who nodded in agreement. “Your mother’s found it hard to deal with, son. Your crash was tough on all of us but the details of it were particularly hard on Gloria… You know your mother, she hates failure and she blames herself for your state of mind.” He put a comforting hand on his youngest son's shoulder before leaving to follow his wife.

Alex shook his head in disbelief. “So I didn’t come home that night, the way they’re talking it’s like I killed someone.” When Will didn’t reply he looked toward him to find him with an uncomfortable look on his face. “What don’t I know?”

Will looked anywhere but at his brother as he replied. “It wasn’t an accident, Alex.”

“What!” he shouted, shocked.

Will’s head moved from side to side as her replied. “The police report never officially stated it but I know what the Sheriff at the time told Mom and Dad.” Again he prolonged the answer.

Alex grew impatient. “Told them what?”

“You were on the wrong side of the road. You swerved right into the truck’s path. It was a sunny morning, there was no one else on the street at the time. There was no reason for you to do it. They couldn’t prove it, but…”

“You think I tried to kill myself?” Alex whispered, not believing what he was hearing.

“Me?” Will shook his head. “I never wanted to believe it… but they do.”

Alex lay back down onto the bed, putting his hands behind his head as he remembered the small dog that had destroyed his life.


Thanks for reading.

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Part 18 - Victim of Her Own Responses

Post by Quint »

New part...

Those of you who think you know everything are annoying to those of us who do.
~ David Brent


Part 18 - Victim of Her Own Responses


Alex looked around the room, his room, as he lightly ran his fingers over his books and equipment.

Will strummed the guitar. Alex would have thought it annoying but he was too distracted. “Is there something missing?” he asked, as he ran his fingers over the keyboard.

Will shrugged, his eyes flicking quickly over to Susie in the doorway with a pensive expression on her face. “I doubt it, Mom never let us move anything, so…” He shrugged again, keeping his eyes on his brother. “To be honest I always found it a little creepy, bit like a mausoleum. Nothing moved, everything kept. Creepy.”

Alex nodded, he was experiencing the same thing. “It feels smaller.” He opened the book oh his desk and took a vague note of the marked page. He looked at the phone on the desk, the answering machine flashing.

Will took a breath and smiled slightly. “Sometimes… I’d ring that number. If it was your birthday or something I’d ring it and listen to you voice. We didn’t want to forget you. I didn’t like thinking about you as a shell.”

Alex nodded, pressing the machine and listening to his own voice.

“The woods are lovely dark and deep, but I've got promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep. So please leave a message at the beep.”

Alex shook his head, breathing deeply. Something flashed through his head, a memory perhaps. He glanced over to Susie, then Will. “How could they…”

Will stood, dropping the guitar to the side of the bed. “Leave it Alex. Let it be.”

Alex looked into his brother’s eyes. “What about my friends? What did they think?”

“I don’t know, we never really had anything to do with them.”

“Including Isabel,” Alex stated quietly.

“Your grades were slipping…”

Alex guffawed. “So everyone who lets their grades slip a little’s planning to kill themselves?”

“I’m not going to argue with you about it… you speak to Mom and Dad if you want to tread the old ground again.”

Alex smiled, disbelieving. “In case you haven’t realized, it’s not old ground for me. It’s very new ground. I mean… my parent’s have treated my girlfriend like she was nothing. That hurts, Will. They have a grandson… you have another nephew. I don’t understand how they can ignore someone who is actually related to them and dote on a boy who isn’t. Someone explain that to me.”

“You can’t bring CJ into this,” Will spoke sternly.

“Why not? It seems to me like my son wasn’t good enough for them.”

“You know it wasn’t like that.”

“Do I? Do I really?” Alex threw himself backward onto his bed.

“They didn’t want to get attached.”

“So they ignored him. Fantastic.” Alex let out a breath. “Do they even know me at all? Did any of you?”

Will sighed and looked towards Susie, who was standing uncomfortably in the doorway. “We need groceries,” he told her, grabbing her arm to get her to follow him from the room.

“Running away? What a Whitman family trait that is,” Alex shouted out as he grabbed the guitar from beside the bed, strumming lightly a forgotten tune.

Will rolled his eyes.

“I can come with you…”

Will shook his head. “You stay with him, stop him from doing something stupid and getting sent back to that hellhole.”

Susie sighed as she followed him down the hallway. “Didn’t you find that weird? How quick he was to let Alex leave?”

Will shrugged. “He was probably just glad to get rid of us. We did kinda clutter up the place.”

Susie shook her head, shivering slightly. “It was more than just that. Don’t you think it’s a little strange? He just completely changed his mind and the way he smiled at you before we left... I didn’t like it.”

“People change their minds all the time. It’s why they’re people. He was a wimp, I’m surprised he had the guts to even look at me.”

“You never listen to me anymore.”

“Maybe because you never have anything useful to say. I’m gonna stay here tonight, help Alex get settled. You look after him until that Kyle guy arrives.”

“Will…” she started but he was already out the door. Susie sighed, moving back to Alex. “Fine. Absolutely fine,” she gritted out. “Alex, I’m just going to the bathroom…”

“If you’re going to do the whole ‘cry and then splash water on you face to cover it up thing’ you’d better try it on someone who didn’t grow up surrounded by girls.”

“You have three brothers,” she reminded him.

“And my best friends are girls… and before you ask, yes I’m sure I’m not gay,” Alex sighed, as she smiled at him. “And by the way… I’m gonna have words with my brother about his continued idiocy.”

“Just leave it.”

“Okay,” Alex relented. “But not if he keeps this up. Now… are you coming to my surprise party tonight?”

Susie bit the side of her mouth. “I can neither confirm or deny.”

“Because I want to make sure I show you my moves. I have some serious moves, woman.”

“Okay, Fred. If you say so.”

“Are you doubting me Ginger? Because you should never doubt a Whitman… I am a tap-dancing extraordinaire.”

“Really?” she said skeptically.

“Tonight, Miss Rogers you will see things you’ve never seen before. My ability is amazing. This is a once in a lifetime show,” he told her in earnest.

“And you’re modest too, how do you manage it?”

“I don’t know. It’s a gift.” The doorbell rang out. “That’ll be my student, Kyle… he’s a learner.”

Susie grinned. “So Mr. Astaire, what are you two doing today?”

“10 mile run,” he told her quickly. “I want to get back into peak physical condition.” Susie started laughing. “Okay… so it’s actually a walk around the block but it’s the same thing, right?”

Susie was laughing again as she went to the door.


“Amy! If you’re not out here in fifteen seconds I’m leaving without you. Liz was expecting us at four to help set things up and it’s already half past,” Jim shouted, checking his watch. It was actually closer to twenty past but he wasn’t gonna let a little thing like ten minutes bother him when he was almost certain to be over an hour late. “It’s not even formal.” He reminded her for the fourth time.

“I know… but I’ve known Alex for over ten years…” she began her speech for the fifth time.

“And he was unconscious for half that time,” Jim interrupted.

“I’m not counting the coma years!” Amy called back, her voice coming closer, which was at least progress. She entered the room like a whirlwind, holding up two sets of earrings for his approval. “Choose.” As usual he had no idea so he stuck with his usual answer.

Whichever pair were in her right hand. It had never failed him before.

“Those,” he pointed with his left hand.

Amy nodded, considering his answer while Jim checked his watch again to see if time had either stopped or increased speed. Now why didn’t one of them have the ability to stop time? That would have been a really useful power.

Amy was judging the earrings in the nearest mirror like surface, which was a CD of Maria’s they were meant to bring. “You’re right, these go with my sweater.”

Jim nodded. “That’s exactly what I thought.”

Amy grinned at him. “Now what have you told him about us?”

Jim scrunched up his face in confusion. “I don’t think I’ve told him anything.”

Amy opened her mouth in indignation. “Jim Valenti!”

“What? It wasn’t exactly something I thought the boy needed to know when he’d only been awake a matter of hours. I don’t really think he’s interested in our love life.”

Amy nodded, reluctantly accepting his excuse. “You’re probably right. But, just so I know, are we engaged or just living together?”

“We’re just living together… we’re not even living together, Amy. I moved out, remember?”

“But that was ages ago? I thought you’d moved back? Your stuff’s always here, I wash your uniform,” she reminded him.

“I’m not moving back in until you ask me,” he replied immediately.

“Well, I’m asking.”

Jim nodded. “Okay then… I guess I’ll call Tess to borrow the van.”

Amy smiled at him, her teeth showing.


Jim sighed, halfway out the door, his shoulders sagging. “What?”

“I’m not wearing a sweater,” she said, grinning impishly at him.

Jim looked at her for the first time. “I knew that. You look great in that dress.” She really did.

“Thanks sweetie,” she smiled at him, moving past him and out the door. “Now hurry up, you’re making us late.”

Jim just rolled his eyes in reply.


“So what’s about this wedding? Who’s doing what, best man, etc?” Alex asked as they walked slowly down the street from his house.

“My dad’s my best man,” Kyle told him, looking downwards to check Alex’s walking. His steps were small but his was making incredible progress. Undoubtedly because of the amazing healing hands of one Max Evans.

“Sticking with the family, good idea. But what about Tess and giving her away, who’s got that duty? Max, Michael?”

Kyle let out a wry grin. “It’d just be to weird for Max to do it… don’t get me wrong he’s a great friend but it’s way too weird a situation for that.”

Alex nodded in agreement. “True.”

“So Si’s doing it,” he stated simply.

Alex creased up his forehead. “And Si is?”

Kyle dramatically thumped his forehead. “What an idiot, of course you don’t know Si.” He motioned for Alex to sit down on the nearest bench as he started the story. He didn’t want him overdoing it. “Well, basically it all started after your accident. Max and the others had this thing, the Granolith and had no idea what to do with it, so they started looking for info, started looking more into their heritage. And that lead Max to Hollywood, he met Cal Langley there who’s basically like Nasedo, but he’s got a life here, a career, etc.” Kyle was gesturing wildly with his hands as Alex looked on incredulous.

“Max went to Hollywood?” Alex interrupted, disbelieving.

Kyle nodded. “Yeah… interesting place for an alien don’t ya think? He’d have probably fit right in if he’d been able to act a little.” Alex laughed. “Anyway, Cal was no help but we did meet Si, his son.”

“So he’s…”

Kyle shrugged. “Who knows… he probably doesn’t. What we do know is that he’s some kinda hybrid and he and Tess get along great.”


Kyle understood completely. “Yeah, that was my reaction. But Simon’s a bit older and he’s got a kid so… it’s something to do with their upbringing, Si went through pretty much the same stuff as Tess so they understand each other. They call themselves siblings.”

“Huh,” was all Alex could think to say so Kyle continued.

“Anyway when we went off to college we saw a lot of him and his family so he’s basically the closest thing Tess has to real family.”

Alex smiled. “That’s nice, Tess never really had that.” He looked back down the street to his own house and couldn’t help feeling a pang of… disappointment? Regret? Guilt? About his own family.

Kyle nodded before grinning. “Plus he’s got curly blonde hair that makes him look like a girl which also helps me.”

Alex grinned back, standing and stretching. “Come on… I’ve got a non-party to get to tonight and I’ve promised a certain girl that I’ll have some serious moves to impress her with. You can tell me all about this wedding and what I’m doing in it, because there’s no way I’m not being involved. I’ve always been rooting for you two crazy kids, even when I wasn’t aware of what was happening, my silence said it all.”

Kyle nodded. “Well… I’m sure I can find something for you… not Groom, that’s taken. Best Man’s gone… I’ve got it.” He clicked his fingers. “I’ve got it… maid of honor. I’ll talk to Tess… you’ve always been a bit of a girl, Whitman.”

Alex grinned, walking just a little bit faster.


It was later that night when Alex arrived at the Crashdown Café for the first time in over five years. It looked eerily the same. As he twisted his waling stick theatrically he motioned to Will and then Susie. “You know it’ll be great to have a nice simple dinner of Saturn Fries. I’m really looking forward to some peace and quiet.” He told them as he opened the front door and walked into the dark room.

As soon as he’d set foot in the building the lights went on and streamer were thrown at him.

“Surprise!” rang out, or was rather screamed out at him.

Attempting to channel any acting talent he possessed Alex spoke to the people, his face proclaiming shock. “Wow… a party? What complete and total surprise…”


Thanks for reading

Last edited by Quint on Wed May 24, 2006 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Part 19 - Swing Time

Post by Quint »

New part... I know it's surprised me too... it's also probably the longest single part I've ever written (apart from the epilogue of ATE maybe).

Anyway... enjoy...


“Does she dance very beautifully?” - Penny Carroll
“Who?” - Lucky Garnett
“The girl you’re in love with.” - Penny Carroll
“Yes. Very.” - Lucky Garnett
~ Ginger Rogers & Fred Astaire, Swing Time (1936)


Part 19 - Swing Time


“So what do you think?” Liz asked, biting her lip to control her nervousness. “Is it okay? Not too many people or anything?”

Alex smiled at her. “It’s perfect.” His smile grew wider. “But I did spot a suspiciously blonde woman with a interesting opinion of Marco Van der Garde.” He tilted his head to one side. “Liz, why didn’t you tell me you’d finally got over your jealousy issues? I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life…”

Liz screwed up her eyes in frustration. “My mom invited her? And I’m not jealous of her.” She looked over at Pam who was laughing with Jesse at the drinks table. “You know she got valedictorian. By less than one tenth of a point. Then she chooses to go to Yale. I mean Yale!” She threw her hands up in frustration. “But at least she didn’t go to Harvard… I think I would’ve quit right there and then. Five minutes with the woman’s just too much… she’s so…”

“Happy?” Alex chuckled at his friend. “I guess not everything’s changed that much.”

Liz rolled her eyes. “You’re as bad as Max.”

“I’m taking that as a compliment,” Alex decided. He took a breath. “It’s weird that this is my twenty-third birthday.”

“Does it feel like your eighteenth?” Liz asked curiously.

Alex shook his head. “It just doesn’t feel like my birthday.” He smirked at her. “I think I have the world’s worst jet lag. I’ll tell ya, it’s like getting back from Sweden… only a million times worse.”

“I’m sorry,” Liz said and she was surprised when Alex just laughed.

“You know I’d kinda like people to stop that… you're sorry. I get it.” He sighed at Liz’s slightly hurt expression. “Now I’m sorry… let's get a drink… non-alcoholic, though. I’m on medication to stop me from doing anything crazy.” He practically dragged Liz towards the drinks table.


Maria took another drink from Tess’s hand and drank the shot in one go.

Kyle rolled his eyes and passed his to Tess before telling her simply, “I’ll got get another… you watch her.”

“What right has she got to be here? What right?” Maria’s speech was slightly slurred and Tess watched her, worried.

“Alex wanted her here,” she reminded Maria, taking the empty cup from her hand.

“You know Alex… he can’t stand up for himself. That’s why he has me.”

Tess sighed. “Maria, I don’t think you’ll be able to stand up for anyone if you keep on going.”

“She lost any right to Alex when she betrayed his memory.” She stared at Isabel and Alex, stuck in an awkward conversation with Max and Liz.

“They’re just talking,” Tess replied simply, looking forward to Kyle’s return, one thing she definitely couldn’t handle was a drunk Maria.

“This is how it starts. They’ll talk and then he’ll listen and before long he’ll be falling at her feet again. And she’ll break his heart into a million pieces for the hundreth time…”

“Maria, shut up,” Kyle told her as soon as he was within speaking distance and Maria’s eyes widened at his tone. “You promised Michael…”

“I promised him nothing,” Maria said stubbornly. “And besides I have nothing to do with Michael anymore anyway.”

“Right… of course.” Tess let out an annoyed breath, rolling her head from side to side. “Maria… just do the math.”

Maria shook her head, not understanding. “What?”

Kyle looked at his fiancée; he hadn’t realized that she knew too. “Jake was born in January and Isabel didn’t even meet Jesse till May.”

Maria nodded her head in understanding and looked back to Isabel who was now talking to Max again. “Well she still married him didn’t she… if she’d loved him she wouldn’t have.”

Tess shook her head at Kyle stopping him from replying. It wasn’t worth it.


Alex leant out the window, breathing in the cool air deeply before moving out onto Liz’s rooftop. There was something about thirty people in a small room that was suffocating. There was also a large part of him that wanted to leave, but there was an equally large part that simply wanted to celebrate being alive.

The only problem was that he wanted to celebrate with his friends and the people downstairs were strangers to him. Okay so that was a slight exaggeration but they didn’t seem like his friends anymore. Their conversations were about things he had no clue about, they’d try and include him but always seemed to fail. Once again he felt himself closing off. He hated that feeling.

In his reverie he hadn’t even noticed that he wasn’t the only person getting air.

He swallowed as the man gave him a half-smile. “Not into the party?”

Alex shook his head, grabbing the back of his neck. “I don’t really like being the center of attention.”

The man nodded, biting his lip and offering his hand. “Jesse… I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.”

Alex looked down at the offered hand and reached for it. “I guessed. I’m Alex… in case the limp and stick didn’t give it away.”

Jesse gave him a soft smile. “I barely recognized you when you walked in.” Alex gave him a confused look, wondering when they’d met before. “Sorry… I used to take Isabel to see you when you were still at Roswell General. Of course you were lying down and you kinda had these bandages…” he stopped himself and looked away. “Well, you looked different.”

“So I was at Roswell General for awhile?” Alex enquired, processing the information and more importantly the dates.

“About four months. Then your parents moved you. Didn’t you know that?”

Alex rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall. “It’d be easier to get blood out of a stone than information out of these people. They think knowing when I was moved is gonna cause me a relapse? Puhlease, if I can handle the girlfriend being married and a son and five lost years I can definitely handle a few meaningless details.”

Jesse shifted uncomfortably. “I think they’re just looking out for you.”

Alex sighed heavily, stretching out. “I know… sometimes I just feel like I’m seven not seventeen…” He laughed to himself, shaking his head at himself. “You know what I mean… let's try three not twenty-three.”

Jesse smiled. “It must be hard.”

Alex sighed. “… well on the weirdness scale… the top three are, well this conversation.”

Jesse nodded in agreement. “Too true.”

“Then it’s a toss up between my whole thing and the Czech issues.”

“Czech issue?” Jesse asked, confused.

Alex’s eyes widened and he swallowed. Hard. “Czechoslovakia… that whole thing. I’ve got relatives there… friends. The whole conflict.”

“Your confusing me.”

Alex pointed to his head and continued to babble. “Brain damage. Sometimes I confuse myself.”

Jesse stared at him. “Surely the whole alien situation has to be up there?”

Alex breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank God. For a minute there I didn’t think you knew about that. Actually I could do with a list of the people that know now because I’m pretty sure that Amy knows…”

Jesse nodded. “Isabel told me when I asked her to marry me.”

Alex shifted. “For me it was Liz. We were in jail at the time. But it's good that you knew and that you accepted her before you got married, Isabel’s always wanted acceptance.”

“I know that she had that with you.”

Alex felt like laughing. “Jesse, you’re a nice guy but right now the Isabel situation's a bit to raw to talk to anyone about, never mind her husband.”

“Good,” Jesse smiled again. “I was worried about coming tonight. If I was in your situation… well let's just say I wondered if I’d have all my front teeth by tomorrow morning.”

Alex chuckled. “You should be worried, I punched Michael once. Knocked him down and everything.”

Jesse’s eyes widened in surprise. “That’s impressive, he’s a pretty tall guy.”

Alex grinned. “It was great.” He shook his wrist in long forgotten pain. “Hurt like hell though.”

“I’ll bet.” Jesse looked towards him. “This is still awkward,” he gestured between them.

Alex nodded. “I’m gonna keep talking in a pathetic attempt to relieve it… want to hear about how I found out we’re not alone in the universe?”

Jesse nodded. “Sure.”

“It’s a tale of underage drinking and teen sex…” He frowned. “Sadly, neither of which were the reasons Liz and I ended up sharing a cell when my parents were out of town.”

He told Jesse the story. Then another and another. It was awkward and weird, but the fact was that Jesse was Isabel’s husband.

And the most annoying thing was that Alex liked him.




The voice of the person she had been avoiding so well broke through her head. She sighed as she turned around and smiled.

“Hey, Pam,” she gritted out.

“Liz, this is a great party,” Pam stated, moving slightly to the music. “I never really got out much at Yale… too busy studying. What about you?” She smiled at the brunette.

Liz nodded, eagerly looking for an out. “Me too… study study study. Just like school.”

Pam nodded, oblivious to Liz’s discomfort. “Wasn’t high school just great? We were always neck and neck. It was so silly and immature.”

“Really silly.” Liz bit her lip to stop herself from saying anything more.

“It’s a pity you didn’t go to Yale… we could’ve renewed the old rivalry. It would’ve been fun.” Pam told her.

“I like Harvard,” Liz replied simply.

“Oh are you still there?” Pam asked, seeming genuinely interested.

“I’m doing my PhD in molecular biology.”

Pam patted her on the shoulder and Liz fought the urge to roll her eyes. “That’s great, Liz… you know I’ve been offered a few internships in Boston this summer, maybe I’ll see you there. We should hang out, go shopping.”

“Yeah,” Liz replied unenthusiastically. Looking quickly around the room, finally finding the blonde she was looking for and catching her attention.

Pam was distracted by Jesse returning to the room. “You know isn’t it weird that Isabel brought her husband to her ex’s party? Isn’t that in bad taste?” She looked around, but Liz was no where to be found. Shrugging she moved back to the buffet tables.

Liz sent a grateful look to Tess who just smiled and raised a finger to indicate that Liz owed her.

Liz held up five fingers in return. Getting her away from Pam Troy was worth a million favors in her opinion.


Alex was still outside an hour later, the music from downstairs was muffled, almost in the background as he looked up at the stars.

His conversation with Jesse was still fresh in his mind. It had been uncomfortable and awkward and… weird. He seemed like a nice enough guy, which probably just made the situation more awkward.

But it did give him hope that maybe there was a chance they could work through this weird family situation. That he could get to know Jake. He could be Uncle Alex.

The civility of the conversation had caught him by surprise. Alex wasn’t sure if he’d be able to act the same if he was in Jesse’s situation. It made him respect the man even more.

A hand on his shoulder shook him out of his revelry. He looked up as Susie came to stand beside him, leaning back against the wall he was leaning over. He smiled slightly at her.

“Not in the party mood?” she asked him, pointing inside.

Alex sighed, looking quickly over his shoulder as if he could see through the walls and floorboards. “Most of the people in there don’t know me. Not really, it’s like suddenly I’m the center of attention, everyone knows me.” He looked back at Susie. “It’s a weird feeling, to have everyone look at you like they’re expecting you to break apart… to do something.”

“I can’t imagine,” she stated, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.

“And then there’s my actual friends who knew me really well… or at least I thought they did. But it’s like…” He paused, trying to find the words. “It’s like when my Grandma died, everyone acted like she was this nice old lady.” Alex chuckled. “But she wasn’t. She was bitter and well… she was kinda racist. But all they saw was this bit of her.” Alex shrugged. “It was all rose-tinted glasses. That’s how they see me. I’m tinted.”

“Or maybe you’re just a great as they remember,” Susie pointed out to him.

Alex shook his head. “Now that’s cheesy,” he reproved jokingly, before continuing with a more serious tone of voice. “But they’ve got lives and careers… where do I fit into that?”

“I can’t answer that,” Susie stated.

“Pity…” he sighed. “You can go back inside if you want. I’m wallowing.”

“I like it out here, thank you very much,” she replied, turning around to face the same way as him.

They smiled at each other.

“I’ve been meaning to mention, actually. Your mom showed me your prom photo when we were cleaning your room. Which Whitman brother was it who liked blonds with big… hair?” she grinned impishly as Alex blushed.

“It might run in the family,” he conceded.

Susie nodded in acceptance. “Apparently.”

They sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before Alex spoke again. “Will’s probably waiting for you.”

“Let him wait,” was her replied before she continued. “Are you trying to get rid of me? Am I interrupting you?”

Alex shook his head. “I’m just not very good company right now.”

Susie shrugged. “We may have had a slight difference of opinion,” she told him.

Alex raised his eyebrows. “What did he do?”

Susie half-laughed. “I like how you immediately thought it was him. We’ve got this whole thing going on. It’s six of one, half a dozen of the other.”

“Can I ask what it’s about?”

“I kinda like it here, Will doesn’t.” She shrugged again. “He brought me here to meet his parents. He brought me here for a vacation and now, even with you being up and about he wants to cut it short.” She looked at Alex for a moment. “What he doesn’t know is that although he’s got his job in Colorado, I’m not sure I do. Even if I do I’m not sure I want it anymore.”

Alex raised his eyebrows, his eyes widening. “Can’t you just get another job at another newspaper?” he asked logically.

“Simple answer?” He nodded. “Yes.”

“Less simple one?”

Susie smiled wistfully. “I don’t want to spend the rest of my life bitching about other people’s livelihoods.”

“Then what do you want to do?” he asked curiously.

“I want to be the one being bitched at. I want my own restaurant.” She smiled sadly at him. “Whether I’ll ever have the guts to do it is another matter.”

“You could do it,” Alex said reassuringly. “Maybe you could employ me.” He added under his breath.

“Are you really worried about that?”

Alex spoke with equal honesty. “Well, I haven’t even graduated from high school, so… it’s a waiter or janitor. At least Mom and Dad have given up on the military track. It’s doubtful they’d employ someone with brain damage no matter how high the family connections reach.”

“Well, what did you want to do before the accident?” she asked, interested.

“Honestly? Rock Star, musician. Something like that, creative.”

“You should be a therapist. You’re the best listener ever.” She was only half-joking.

“Maybe. Only problem is that a month ago I still had a year to decide about colleges… now it’s five years later and I’m still not sure.”

“Well no one expects you do decide right now.”

“I suppose,” Alex conceded.

They stayed quiet and Alex noticed her face turning every few moments and looking inside. He smiled.

“How did you meet my favorite brother?” Alex asked, looking closely as she smiled wistfully.

“I was in a bar with some friends. He was there, center of attention. I bought him a drink. He beat me at pool and I forgot that I’d promised my father I’d never date a flyboy.” She smiled at Alex sadly. “The only thing I don’t like about this place is Will… ever since we got here it’s like he’s two different people. Ever since I met his parents... is there something going on I don’t know about?”

“If there is I don’t know about it either. But then again no one tells me anything so I’m probably not the best person to ask,” Alex told her seriously.

Susie sighed. “He’s not even going to stay at the motel anymore, at least tonight anyway.”

Alex shook his head. “I’ll try to talk to him… but if there’s one thing I know it’s that he loves you.”

“He could say it sometimes,” she mumbled, looking upwards at the stars.

Alex nodded. “True, but Will’s… well he likes to turn everything into a joke… or at least he did.” Alex frowned. “You know, it’s weird. To me half the relationships in that room are screwy. Like Kyle and Tess being together. Michael and Maria avoiding each other? At least Max and Liz are the same.”

“Which ones are they?” she asked, pleased with the distraction.

“The ones who stare at each other a lot.”

“Ah.” Susie remembered them immediately. “Them.”

“Yep.” He listened inside. “The music’s weird, too.”

Susie grinned at him, remembering his earlier faux-bravado. “I remember a certain person on this roof promising me some incredible dancing ability. I was expecting some serious moves.”

“Ah… yeah…” Alex bit his tongue in thought. “About that… during my ten mile run today I unfortunately seriously damaged my ligaments. Unfortunately my Fred Astaire level of performance will be affected.”

“I’m disappointed, Fred.”

“Sorry, Ginger.” He held out his hand to her. “But I do think I can do some moves. So, may I have this dance, Miss Rogers?”

Susie nodded and let him lead her back into the building, through the bedroom and down the stairs back to the party.

As they entered the Crashdown their positions were reversed with Alex having to be practically dragged to the center of the room.

When there, Susie held out her arms for him to take, placing them round his neck and smiling up at him.

He laughed with her as they danced completely out of time to the music.

“Come on, Ginger…”

From opposite sides of the room two people watched them intently.


Isabel took the glass of orange juice from her brother as she watched the dance floor closely. Jesse had gone home a few minutes earlier to collect Jake from her parents. But she was focused on the people on the dance floor.

“I don’t like her,” she stated so only Max could hear her.

“Who?” he asked, confused before following her gaze to Alex and the woman he was laughing and dancing with. “Oh, she seems nice enough.”

“Oh please, she’s up to something.”

Max rolled his eyes, popping the mini sausage into his mouth. As soon as he’d swallowed he spoke. “Alex likes her,” he stated the obvious.

“He’s barely out of hospital and she’s got him overexerting himself,” Isabel stated, her gaze unmoving.

“And he needs our support,” Max reminded her.

“Which he has,” Isabel told him. “Does she even have a job? Surely they can’t let her have months off at a time to visit coma victims,” Isabel pointed out, her tone heavier than she’d intended.

Max tried to juggle the three plates of food and his glass as he answered her dismissively. “She works for some paper in Colorado Springs. Now I’m off to Michael and Liz,” he told his sister, walking off to the kitchen where he knew they were both hiding out. Liz from Pam and Michael from Maria… and Amy… and probably Isabel too.

But Isabel didn’t hear her brother, she was too focused on his previous statement. Her gut feeling about Susie Mitchell was justified.

She was a reporter, just using Alex for a story. But Isabel was not going to let that happen, not to her Alex.


Will watched from the corner of the room as Alex and Susie did their own version of ballroom dancing, Alex somehow keeping on his feet. It wasn’t pretty, they were certainly no Fred and Ginger but they were having fun. Each finding the other’s attempts at grace hilarious.

He watched the two of them together, laughing. The got along so well, they had so much in common. More than Will had with either of them.

Everything was starting to make sense to Will, the feelings stirring inside of him seemed so out of control. He hated that feeling.

He had to stop this before it went too far.

Before he was in too deep.

He had to end it. It was better that way, better for everyone.


Thanks for reading.
