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Post by NightshadeIsis »

OOC: Hey everyone! Guys, I’m so so sorry that I’ve been gone for so long. The past weeks have been hell for me with the illness I’ve been through. But I’m fine now, and back to the game and finally post. LOL


”Sorry? You’re sorry?”

I can’t help but laugh softly, shaking my head. I…I really don’t know what to think, how to feel, about any of this. I honestly don’t. I mean, in all of the years that I’ve known Liz, she has had never lied to me, never kept secrets, except for one. And it was a good reason. Even then, she had told me quickly. But now, I feel as if I don’t even know her anymore. To say that about the closest person to me besides Michael…it hurts. It truly hurts. I can’t help my reaction, and I feel horrid for it. I want to stand by her, and part of me does. But the other part of me is so mixed up, so confused, that it makes me start walking to stand beside Isbael, hanging my head, feeling a mixture of vindication at the statement I’m making, and a mixture of betrayal.

“I’m beginning to see the point too, Liz,” I say softly. “Look at him.” I gesture to where Michael had rushed off in a huff. “And all you can say is “I’m sorry?” That’s your answer? It’s not that simple. And that just doesn’t fly with me.”

If Max wasn’t needing to talk with him, patch things, I was half tempted to run after him. Part of me wanted to anyway.


I should be the one to be angry at Liz. The last time she acted this way, so secretive, so sneaky, look what it almost did to us. Look at the friendship that it broke, the damage that it did before we managed to repair it. But in the end, everything was fine. Yes, it turned out to be a huge secret she was hiding, but still…I realised in the end that she obviously had her reasons. I should have been fuming, should have been just as upset, if not more, than I was before. Not another one…not another time that she was acting this way.

But a rational side of me kicked in. The last time that she hid something from me, the only time, it was to protect. She did it to protect people, to save lives. She wouldn’t do that again, unless that were the case now. Poking and proding, pushing and yelling, wouldn’t do any good. And threatening her with remarks of “our friendship will be over,” certainly wouldn’t get it done.

”Maria,” I said gently, walking over to she and Isabel. “Isabel…come on. Let’s just…let’s just keep this in perspective, alright?” Maria laughed.

”Perspective? You’re one to talk about keeping things in perspective.”

Okay…maybe I deserved that. Okay, so I DEFINITELY deserved that.

”Please,” I said, looking at the girls. “Can we just…I don’t know…try to sit and talk and be friendly, calm? OR maybe try to see if Max caught up with Michael? One or the other is fine with me, as long as it doesn’t involve finger pointing or blame issuing.”
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: Great to see you back hun, glad to hear you're feeling better. Hope this one works, I'm getting a little stuck at the moment and this is the best I could come up with.



Maria's angry too, and I can't say that I blame her. She's right, sorry isn't enough, and yet it's all I can give. I can't give the real answers, I can't open up and tell them my secret. I can't reveal to them the truth behind this whole stupid crazy idea, and most of all, I can't make this right...

I turn back to shake my head at her. "I know it's not that simple Maria, but what else can I say - we made a mistake, we messed up, and we're sorry..." I bite down on my lip again and look down as Alex tries to play peacemaker, trying to calm Isabel and Maria down.

It's sweet and kind of him, and exactly the sort of thing that I'd expect, but I think we all know that talking probably isn't going to solve anything right now. What can I say that I haven't already said, what can I do to make it better - I can't... I can't do, or say anything, and I think by being here right now, I might just be making things even worse than they have to be.

Swallowing, I look back at Alex. "No, they have every right to be angry, and to say what they like... They're right and I was wrong, but I can't say anything to make that better, and I think maybe I should make myself scarce..." I look between them and gesture around. "Feel free to stay as long as you want..." I tell them before turning back to the window and climbing inside.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »

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Post by isabelle »

*bump* again.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

be catching up here soon
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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