Not What it Seems (CC, Mature/Adult) Michael and Kyle needed

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Post by KatnotKath »

JP between Liz and Randa

**Later the same day***

Randa had been out doing some grocery shopping and picking up her medications. She'd been good about keeping Liz from seeing her take all her different meds. As she was walking out of the pharmacy, she thought better of it and went back in grabbing another item she felt was needed and after paying made her way home. Using her cell phone she called one of the organizations she was a part of and told them that someone else would need to take the minutes of the meeting, she wasn't feeling well. After getting off the phone, she focused on the drive home.

Liz nibbled on one of the saltines as she sat in the living room. The flashes last night were running over and over in her head and she knew that she needed to talk to Max about it when she got home. The queasy stomach that she'd had for the past few weeks was showing no sign of disappearing and she couldn't help wondering what could be causing it. 'Maybe I'll ask Max to check me over when I get home...' She thought to herself as she flipped through a magazine without really seeing the pages.

Randa pulled into the circular drive and up to the door. Climbing out of the car, she took some of the many plastic grocery bags out and moved to the entrance of the house, opening the door with one hand before stepping in. "Liz!" She called, "I'm back with the groceries." She instantly moved into the kitchen, which wasn't far from the main entrance to the house, and placed the bags down before heading back out the door to get more bags.

Hearing Randa call, Liz put the magazine down on the coffee table and stood up, grabbing another saltine before heading into the kitchen to help her aunt unpack the groceries. While she waited for Randa to return, Liz picked up one of the bags, lifting it onto the worktop and starting to remove the food from it.

Randa walked in, loaded down with more bags, her purse placed around her neck and arm. She had placed the final item in her pocketbook in order to keep it from being seen until she was ready to hand it to Liz.

Liz looked round, going over to her quickly. "Here, let me help you..." She told Randa, reaching to relieve her of a number of the bags.

Randa smiled, allowing her to take a few of the bags from her before setting down the other's. "Thanks. I kind of went overboard today." She'd found sale after sale for food items and had bargained shopped more then usual.

Liz nodded. "Well it looks like you've got some good stuff..." She responded smiling. 'Now if only I can eat some of it without throwing up...' she thought to herself briefly. For now at least the saltines seemed to be doing the job though, and Liz was just grateful for the fact she had been able to get through the morning without throwing up since just after she got up.

Randa laughed, "Yeah, If I find anymore sales like the one's I found today I'll have enough food to feed an army." She smiled as she moved to start putting things away, "Once everything is put away, I would like to talk to you." She told Liz, not looking at her because she didn't want her niece to worry that it was something disastrous.

Something about her aunt's tone made Liz think this wasn't just another of Randa's attempts to get her to open up about Roswell. On the whole her aunt had been very good, she'd never tried to force her to talk about what had happened...she hadn't even demanded to know more about Max...she had allowed her to open up as much or as little as she wanted, but still Liz knew Randa had plenty of questions and more than once she had attempted to draw her into conversations which could be revealing. Concentrating on unpacking the bag she was working on, Liz tried not to show that she thought that there was anything out of the ordinary and nodded. "Sure..." She responded softly.

Randa continued unpacking things, glancing at the bags as they slowly started to dwindle down in number's. When they had finally put everything away other then Randa's stapled medicine bags she sighed, "Okay, definitely no more massive shopping trips." She huffed slightly with a grin before glancing at Liz, "We can sit in the living room or in your room, depends on how you are feeling." She said.

Liz shrugged. "I'm feeling ok...I've had a few of the saltines while you were out when I first started feeling queasy again so it seems to have pretty much cleared up without getting any worse..." She looked at her aunt.

Randa nodded, "Liz, that's why I want to talk to you." Her expression grew serious as she walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. Taking a seat in her recliner, she settled herself so that no matter where Liz sat she could see her. Her purse was still wrapped around her and she removed it, placing it in her lap.

Liz noticed the change in Randa's tone and followed her, concerned about what she was going to say. "I don't understand..." She sat down on the sofa, facing her aunt and waited to see what she would say next.

Randa took a deep breath, "There is something I was thinking about when you were getting sick. Not to mention, the Saltine's have been settling your stomach rather often. Liz, I bought something for you today which I plan to be around to see the result of." She started as she reached for the small paper bag in her purse.

Liz looked confused for a moment. "Randa you're worrying me, what are you getting at...?" She asked as she watched her aunt reach into her purse.

Pulling the bag out, Randa opened it and reached her hand in to pull out the contents which she placed on the table between them. "Liz, you need to take this test and I'd prefer you do so immediately. Whatever the results are, no one else needs to know."

Liz looked down at the small box which lay on the table in front of her. 'A home pregnancy test...' Her first reaction was to laugh, to tell Randa that it wasn't possible...after all she'd never slept with anyone... Then she remembered the flashes the night before though. "Oh GOD..." She said weakly, her hand flying to her mouth as the possibility sunk in...

Randa saw her reaction and realized that there certainly was a chance that her niece was pregnant after all. She kept her gaze on Liz as she told her, "I have not forced you to go to a doctor, Liz. But in this I am insisting you take it. If it turns out positive, I want to get you on the proper medicine's which I can easily send you when you go back to Roswell also."

Liz barely heard her aunt, she was too shocked by the realisation... "I never thought..." She whispered under her breath to herself, for a moment forgetting about Randa being in the room.

Randa stood and walked over to sit beside her niece, placing her arm around her shoulder's as she spoke, "Liz, snap out of it girl. The more you sit here, the longer it will take for us to know for certain." She hated to push, but she knew that she had to.

As her aunt put her arms round Liz's shoulders, she once again became aware that she wasn't alone in the room. For a moment she panicked, wondering whether what she had said could have been taken to mean anything strange but quickly she reassured herself that it was a perfectly normal reaction. "I know..." She looked at Randa, deciding the best thing she could do was act like any normal teenager would. "Sorry...I guess I just didn't consider it..." She told her softly, slowly picking up the box and turning it over in her hands.

Randa nodded, "No one actually considers it unless they are actively wanting a child, Liz. Come on, let's go up to the bathroom, you can take this test and then we'll sit while we wait for the results." She paused a moment, "No matter what it is, I will be here and I don't blame you. Sometimes, moments happen." She remembered back to her own pregnancy and had to shake those thoughts away.

Liz nodded slowly, knowing that she wasn't going to be able to avoid it any longer. 'It would be easier if Max was here too...' She sighed and stood up, still carrying the box. She knew that Randa would think that she was worried about what her parents would think if the test came out positive, but in truth she was more worried about what complications which might arise. 'We'll have no way to know what to expect...' She looked at Randa as she said she'd be there whatever the result. "Thanks..."

Randa nodded and stood, planning to walk along with her. "You know I love you, Liz. You are closer to me then any other family we have. Whatever happens, my lips are sealed as long as you let me get you the proper care." A part of her wanted to share her own experience, having kept it in for well over twenty-seven years.

Not for the first time, Liz got the feeling that her aunt was hiding something. It was strange, but sometimes, just when she spoke, there was just a hint of something unsaid... Her hand was shaking a little, and she dropped it to her side, tightening her hold on the small box still held in her other hand. In silence, she made her way up to the bathroom, part of her struggling to believe what she was about to do...


Randa glanced over at the clock and nodded, "Alright, Liz. It's time to check it out." She stood and moved toward the bathroom door, planning to peer at the test which rested on the small bathroom counter.

Liz looked at her and shook her head. "No...can I...?" She requested, standing up slowly. She knew that she wouldn't be able to lie to her aunt, not that she really wanted to anyway, but she also knew that she wanted to be the first to know... 'After all, it is my baby...if it's positive...'

Randa glanced at Liz as she told her, "I'm just going to be in here with you, I'm not looking at it until you have." She knew what it was like, the nervousness, tension. She remembered full well her apprehension and yet a part of her hoping....

Liz nodded, her hand shaking a little as she reached for the small stick. She knew just how much this could change dangerous it could be... But then, there was also the feeling that although this wasn't by choice, if the test was positive it would be alright...she knew that Max would stick by her... She took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment as her hand closed over the stick, pulling it towards her.

Randa simply stood there watching her niece. Her mind was elsewhere as she recalled how she had felt. She clasped her hands behind her as she let her mind drift back to that time, her gaze held to the doorway slightly so Liz had the privacy needed.

Slowly, Liz opened her eyes, looking down at the stick. The small blue line was told her all she needed to know... "Oh..." She gasped, covering her open mouth with her hand and almost dropping the stick.

Randa was still lost in thought when she heard the small gasp from Liz and she instantly moved next to her, knowing without having to look what the result was. "Come on, let's go back in your room so you can sit down, Liz." She told her niece softly.

Liz nodded without saying anything and let her aunt guide her back to her room where she sank down on the bed. The small stick was still held in one hand and she dropped it onto the bedside cabinet without looking at it again. "I didn't know..." She murmured. So many thoughts were going through her head, but the most prominent feeling was that of fear...

Randa sat down next to Liz and placed her arms around her niece, "Don't worry, everything will have a way of working out." She told her softly, holding her. "We'll get you set up right as rain."

Liz sighed, knowing that her aunt was thinking of this as a normal teenage pregnancy. 'Of course...why should she think anything else...?' she herself knew better though. For all she knew she could be almost full term...they would know nothing about what to expect and, although in reality it was all a part of a ploy to get Max and the others to go back to Antar with Tess, the idea that Tess' baby...the one that never existed...couldn't survive on earth crossed her mind and she wondered if there was any chance something like that could happen. 'What if it can't survive here...what will we do...' She bit her lip, not sure what to say. Luckily she knew that her reaction wouldn't seem that unusual...most teenagers when told they were pregnant would be worried. "How am I going to do this...?" She asked in a weak voice, purposely acting as Randa would probably expect her to...

Randa smiled, "With the backing of people that love you. You aren't going to have to go through this alone, Liz." She kept her arms around her and smiled.

Liz gave a small smile. Randa was least she knew that Max would be there...she wasn't going to have to do this alone... She nodded. "I's just such a shock...I guess I'm scared..." She admitted in a small voice.

Randa nodded, "That's not unusual, Liz. We're all scared when we go through something so new and aren't certain of what the future will hold or if everything will be how we always hoped."

Liz gave a weak laugh. "Well so much for all those plans I made about college and stuff...I guess things change..." She commented softly.

"You can still go to college, Liz. A child can't keep you from your future, unless you allow it to." Randa told her niece.

Liz didn't look convinced. She knew that it wasn't as simple as it would usually be...if there was any chance the b-baby...she couldn't quite get used to using that word...might have powers there was no way it could be left with anyone outside the group... "Well, I guess I just have to see what happens..." she responded. Suddenly she realised her hand had been resting over her stomach and gave a small smile as she thought about the tiny life that was growing inside...

Randa smiled, "Yes, and it looks like while I am out tomorrow I have another stop to make on my way home." She was silent for a moment as she stood and walked over to the walk-in closet and reached around to the side. With a small photo album in hand she walked back over and settled on the bed. Handing the photo album to Liz, she told her softly. "No one else in our family knows about this."

Liz looked down at the small album, wondering what it would contain. Running her hand over the smooth cover, she raised her head to look back up at Randa again. "What is it...?" She asked softly.

Randa smiled slightly, "Picture's of your cousin. Of my son. No one knew about him, because I was younger then you are now when I ran away from home and gave birth to him." She glanced down at the photo album, her gaze taking on a far away look as she continued, "His father was also someone that my parent's would not have accepted for me. They often tried to keep us apart..." She trailed off as she drifted into her memory.

Liz looked at her aunt. She could barely believe what she was saying. "I'm sorry...I never knew..." She whispered, feeling that anything she could say would be insufficient. Finally she knew what it was that Randa had been keeping a secret for so long, and it wasn't anything she would ever have imagined. Her aunt had no other children, and Liz had never even got the feeling that she had wanted them. Liz's gaze dropped, taking in for the first time the fact that her hand was resting on her stomach, before moving back to the unopened album. She couldn't begin to imagine how difficult it must have been for her aunt to hide this for such a long time.

Randa smiled as the memories flooded back, the few years she'd had, to her were worth it. She'd loved her son and his father and since then, there'd been no other. Shaking herself out of her reverie's she turned to look at Liz, "You're cousin's name was Daniel. I had him in my life for all of six years before an illness took him, but I wouldn't change a thing." She told her niece. It felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulder's simply revealing that small amount.

Liz nodded. It was difficult to know what to say. "I'm glad you told me..." She finally said after a few moments. "And I wish I could have met him..." After saying this last she wasn't sure if she had done the right thing, she just hoped that this wouldn't upset her aunt further...

Randa smiled, "Well, I want you to have these picture's, Liz. I've also got a small notepad that goes with it. Things about me and Daniel, along with his father. Maybe, maybe it will help you keep faith."

"But they're of your son...I can't take them from you..." Liz protested. She looked at Randa. "Thank you for the thought, but these are things that you need..." She gave a small smile. "I'll soon be able to start my own...right...?" She pointed out, her voice still a little shakey.

Randa nodded, "I still have copies of the picture's, Liz. It's the small journal that I feel might help. My situation may not be exactly like yours, but maybe... maybe reading something about it will help you through the tough times." She replaced her arm around her niece's shoulder.

Liz bit her lip. She might know that Max would stick by her, but she also knew that her parents weren't going to be pleased... "Thank you..." She whispered.

Randa smiled, "I want you to know that no matter what, if you need me I'll be here to help. If you need finances or simply someone to talk to, a place to stay.. I don't want you to hesitate. Promise me."

"I promise..." Liz paused a moment before continuing. "But no matter what my parents are going to say...Roswell is my home...Max is there...and more than before even, know that I know, I need to go back to him..." She gave a small smile, picturing Max in her mind.

Randa smiled, "And I understand that completely. If you need me at anytime, call and I'll come to Roswell. If you need assistance with getting set in your own place, even just to get started, let me know. Besides, I have to have the chance to meet this fellow who's captured your heart." She grinned.

Liz smiled. "Well, if I wasn't due back in Roswell in a couple of days anyway, it's quite possible that you'd be able to do exactly that almost immediately..." She commented, knowing full well the likelihood that when she told him, Max would want nothing less than to come to her. The smile on her face fell a little though as Randa spoke of 'your own place'... She looked at her aunt. "How angry are they going to be...?" She asked, her voice shaking again, showing her trepidation about telling her parents.

Randa shook her head, "I don't know, Liz. I think at first they are going to be upset, but they will come around. I just doubt that they would let Max move in with you and when the baby is born you won't want to be apart." Randa spoke softly. She was silent for a moment. "How would you like me to come back with you for a while? I can easily rent a place for a few weeks and it would be good to see your parent's, maybe I can even help with your parent's?"

Liz sighed. "My parents hate Max at the moment..." She responded. "There's no way that they would let him move in with me, and I wouldn't put it past them to try and make me have a termination..." She chewed on her lip, trying not to show how much all this upset her. As her aunt made the offer, she smiled. "That would be great, but I can't ask you to just drop everything like was bad enough me asking to come at such short notice...I must be completely disrupting your life at the moment..."

Randa laughed, "Thanks to Daniel's father, I am so set, I don't have a set life. I take part in volunteering different places, but other then that.. I sit around here or shop. Trust me, Liz. No matter what goes on, I enjoy having you around. I haven't missed my son as much since you started coming for visits. Besides, if it comes down to it, I can help in several ways. If you want this child and your parent's attempt what you think they will, I will help you. So, question is, when do you want to go back?" Randa smiled, her expression determined.

Liz smiled again at her aunt's determination. "Well...I told Max I'd be back in time for school starting up again, and that's next Monday, so within the next few days..." She replied after thinking for a moment. Knowing that she would be going home soon made her wonder whether to phone Max about this now, or wait until she got home... She decided to ask Randa what she thought. "Randa...? Given that I'm going to be home in the next few days, so then I'd be able to tell him face to face, do you think I should phone Max about this or not..." She paused a moment before continuing. "I'm thinking that maybe this is something I should tell him face-to-face maybe, rather than over the phone...?"

Randa nodded rather quickly, "This kind of news is always best given face to face. And if you feel up to it, we can probably head to Roswell tomorrow morning. I can get us a flight out easily." She loved having connections in Tampa International Airport. "Though, if you want you can call him to let him know you'll be going home early. I can use the other line and get everything set for us to go." Randa was leaving everything up to Liz about when they would leave and other then that she knew she could make the preparations easily.

Liz nodded, the small smile on her face growing as she thought about seeing Max again. It had been less than two weeks, but it felt like an age since she had said goodbye to him on the platform and she had missed him so much... The few phone calls she'd made had helped of course, but nothing compared with being there with him...feeling his arm around her shoulder...his lips pressing against hers... Liz blushed as these thoughts entered her head. She tried to push them to one side and made a real effort to pull herself back from her daydreaming. She smiled at Randa. "Yeah, that would be fine...thanks..." She agreed, her eyes sparkling in anticipation.

Randa smiled, "Alright, I'll be in my room making the calls and as soon as I get things set I'll let you know our definite arrival time, that way you can tell Max." She grinned, seeing her niece as in love as she had been was bringing back the best of her past.

As her aunt finished, Liz smiled and nodded. "Ok, I'll wait until you've finished to call him..." She responded, pausing a moment before adding. "I know that I've already said this Randa, but thank you...for everything..."

Randa embraced Liz with a smile, "Anytime. I know that I'm supposed to be an Aunt, and most Aunt's are supposed to be all boring and stuffy, but when I look at you and see the look on your face when you mention Max, or think about him... I remember that feeling very well. The fact that your parent's told me about your break up with Kyle, but nothing about there being a new guy, well.. it simply goes to show that our heart doesn't always choose the people that our parent's think we should be with." She slowly stood, "I'll be back as soon as I'm done."


Randa got off the phone, nearly an hour later, having set up not only their flight, but also the rental car that she would have while she was in Roswell. With everything written down she stood and walked back toward Liz's room and knocked. "Alright, Liz. I've got the information you want and need." Her tone had light laughter in it, happy that she was going to be able to be around to give as much help as possible. And get away from Florida for a while as well..

Liz was startled, having been daydreaming, and looked up suddenly. Quickly, she went over to the door and opened it, greeting Randa with a smile. "Ok, so when do we go...?" She asked eagerly. She knew that going back to Roswell meant dealing with her parents, but it also meant being with Max, and right now, the desire for that to happen mean that anything else was relatively unimportant...

Randa laughed as she looked at Liz's enthusiastic expression, "We leave tomorrow morning at ten and we'll arrive there four hours later." She was trying to remember what the time difference was, but couldn't think of it. With a shrug she said, "A rental car will already be waiting for us when we arrive and we'll be able to go right to your place or anywhere you want to go if you want to meet Max someplace first." Randa would completely understand if Liz decided not to tell her folks she was coming back. In fact, it's the very thing she would do in her niece's shoes.

Liz nodded. "I think I would like to meet Max first...I'd rather know that I've been able to tell him before there's any possibility that I might have to tell mom and dad..." She said softly. She knew that her parents were probably going to guess that there was something going on...the fact that she would have returned early was one major clue, and that Randa was going to be with her was rather a giveaway too...

Randa nodded as she spoke, "I can understand that. Now, if you don't want to go right back to your parent's, you can stay in the hotel with me. I can easily book another room for you. I plan to remain hidden until you need me, other then setting up a residence for a time." Truth be told, she wasn't certain about how it would be seeing her sister and brother-in-law again after so long.

Liz chewed on her lip again for a moment. "You don't know how much I would like to say yes to that offer...but I know that there's little point in putting off the inevitable..." She sighed. "I'm going to have to deal with mom and dad soon, and as long as I know that I've already told Max I don't suppose it really matters when that is..."

Randa nodded, "Alright, just remember, if you need me, I'll be there. It's up to you if you want me there when you tell them." She looked at her niece and sighed, knowing that it was going to be hard on her, yet knowing that Liz was strong enough to be able to get through anything.

"I'll remember..." Liz assured her aunt. "As far as when I tell mom and dad...well I think I'll probably have a word with Max, see if ideally he wants to tell both sets of parents at once..." She gave a wry smile. "You know, that way we avoid having to go through it twice..." She paused a moment then pulled a face before adding. "Although that could mean the yelling will be twice as loud..." It was obvious that she was trying to make light of a possibility that was clearly something she was very nervous about.

Randa smiled, "Why don't you try not to worry too much about it right now? Call Max and let him know you'll be home around noon their time... if I remember time difference's.." She looked thoughtful, never able to remember if it was one hour or two behind Florida. "Anyway, either way.. if you want me there, I'll be there. For both you and Max. Maybe, can even set it up to have a dinner for both families and tell them at that point."

Liz smiled and nodded, realising that her aunt was right. There was little point in worrying about things that she couldn't change... She would phone Max and tell him what time she'd be home, then meet him and tell him the news... Once she had done that, she knew they would deal with whatever came next together... "Alright, thank you..." She smiled and reached forward to hug her aunt before picking up on of the phone cards which was lying on the table next to her bed, and going through to the other room to use the phone.[/b]
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Roswell Fanatic
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: okay, so this is the last, unless you guys want me to include the stuff for the plane and airport/hotel that we did too- tell me what you want to do?

**JP between Max and Liz**

Her hand shaking a little, Liz picked up the phone and started to dial the number she knew so well. More than anything she wanted to tell him why she was really calling, but she knew that Randa was right...this was the type of news which should be told face to face... Her free hand dropped down to her stomach thinking about how much this could...and would...change everything... Her attention was brought back to the present as the phone started ringing and she waited for someone to pick up.

Max was grabbing the keys to the jeep as the phone rang. He didn’t bother to check the caller ID screen as he was sure he knew who was calling. “Isabel! Get the phone!” He called. Too late, he remembered that his sister wasn’t home, either, and both his parents were also out. With a sigh of frustration, Max darted to the kitchen to pick up the phone. “Hello?” He said.

Liz had been expecting to hear Mrs Evans or Isabel pick was unusual that Max got there first. She smiled at the sound of his voice was the most beautiful sound in the world to her right now. "Hi's me...Liz..." She greeted him, hoping against hope that her voice wouldn't start to shake. She just needed to get through this call and then tomorrow...when she saw him again, she would be able to tell him everything...

“Liz!” Max breathed, so shocked and pleased to hear her voice that he nearly dropped his keys. “Wow. I’m so glad you called! You almost missed me. I was about to go”

Hearing what he said Liz was relieved that she hadn't put off calling him any longer. The idea that he might not have been there would have been awful. "I'm glad I didn't then..." She responded softly. She was sort of relieved to hear he was about to go gave her an excuse to keep the call short. "Ok, well if you're about to go out I won't keep you long...I'm just calling to say that there's been a change of plans..."

Max froze at those words, fearful of what they might mean. The first thought of ‘plans’ that came to his mind was those for her return. He was counting on seeing her in six days. He lived for each moment that brought that moment closer. “What do you mean?”

Liz heard the edge in his tone that showed he was worried about what she might be about to say and was relieved that she could at least give him some good news. The following day she would have to tell him the rest of course, but for now she simply had to explain she was coming home early. Taking a deep breath, she started to explain. "Well there's been a change of plans regarding when I'm coming home...Randa's coming with me, and instead of coming home on the train at the weekend, we're flying home tomorrow...we should be there by mid afternoon I think..."

“Tomorrow?” Max repeated, still stunned for a moment before the news really sunk in. A joyous grin overran his face and he said, “That’s great! I can’t wait to see you! Oh. Your aunt, too. Give me your flight info and I’ll meet your plane.” He was supposed to be working that afternoon, but he’d get someone to switch shifts with him. He didn’t want to miss another minute with her. He was sure her parents would be there, too, and the reunion would be short, but he didn’t mind. Right now, he’d take anything she offered.

Liz smiled as she heard the enthusiasm in his voice. "I was kinda hoping that you might be able to..." She admitted softly. Picking up the sheet of paper which contained the details of the flight, she started to read off the details Max would need and when she'd finished, paused a moment before finishing. "Max...can you make sure you don't tell any of the others about me coming back early...I don't want to risk them mentioning it to my parents because they don't know..." She explained. She was only too aware that this would provoke questions probably, but also knew it needed to be said.

Max dutifully copied down the information, pleased that he’d be seeing Liz in just over 24 hours. Her next request, puzzled him. “Your parents don’t know?” Why wouldn’t they know? And why would Liz want to keep it a secret? “I mean, of course, I won’t tell, if you don’t want me to. What’s going on?” He asked. Wondering for the first time why she had changed her plans.

Despite the fact that she knew he couldn't see her, Liz automatically shook her head at his question about her parents. "No, as far as my parents are concerned I will be in Florida until the weekend as planned..." She confirmed. She knew that she didn't have to worry about him telling them now that he knew, but was also only too aware that the next question was bound to come up too. Reluctantly she realized that she couldn't lie to him, and at the same time she couldn't tell him at the moment, so the best she would be able to do was ask him to wait. "I'll explain everything tomorrow I promise, but for now I just need to know that my parents will not know I'm back..." She repeated this request before adding, "I'll be counting down the hours to seeing you again..." in a soft voice. She hoped that this would be enough for Max and that what she had said already would not worry him.

“Of course I won’t tell,” Max promised again. The soft longing in her next statement made Max’s knees go weak and he closed his eyes, just savoring the feeling. In fact, he completely forgot his own questions about why she might have changed her plans. The thought that he would have five days with her, before anyone knew she was back, seemed amazingly enticing. Like an illicit rendezvous. “Where are you going to stay, if you’re not going home?”

"Well Randa's booking two hotel rooms, so I'm probably going to stay with her..." Liz told him. In fact this was only half the truth...she intended to see what he wanted to do about telling their parents...if Max wanted to do it straight away she would go home and face her parents straight away, if not she would hide out for a few days with Randa, then return home as had been expected originally. "So I take it my new plans aren't going to disappoint you...?" She asked teasingly, knowing that she should end the conversation before it drifted onto more revealing subjects, yet not wanting to say goodbye and wanting to enjoy listening to his voice a little longer.

Oh yeah. Aunt Randa. Max had forgotten about her. But if she had a separate hotel room, then he and Liz might still be able to have some private time. “Disappoint me? Are you nuts? I’m wild about them. I can’t wait to see you!” He told her. He knew she was teasing him, but he couldn’t hide his enthusiasm. How could she even wonder about that?

The smile on Liz's face grew even wider as she listened to his response. "Well that goes both ways, I wish I could be back there with you now, but I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow..." She gave a little sigh, knowing that she should be bringing the call to a close. "Ok, well I guess I should let you go if you were on your way out...I'll see you tomorrow...?”

“No, don’t go!” Max pleaded. “I can stay.” He’d been on his way to work but he’d take any scolding Brody chose to give if he could get more time with Liz. Even if it was on the phone. After all, he’d been promised twelve hours when she got her calling cards two nights ago, and he’d hadn’t gotten more than a fraction of that so far.

An amused smile played on Liz's lips as she heard the pleading in his voice. She wanted to give in and agree, but she knew that if she did there would be questions come up that she simply couldn't answer over the phone. Hoping that she was right about where he had been heading, she played on a hunch. "No Max, I don't want Brody complaining about me making you late for work...we can talk all we like when I get home, but for now, you're due at work and therefore we should leave it as I'll see you tomorrow..." She tried again, hoping the slight tension she was feeling would not be heard in her voice.

“But Liz,” Max started, knowing he must sound completely pathetic. He hadn’t thought he’d mentioned that he was on his way to work, but it wasn’t an unreasonable thing for her to guess. She was familiar with the shifts he worked and the things he was likely to be doing. He took a deep breath and tried again. “Okay, then. Tomorrow. I’ll be there,” He promised again, grinning. “And I won’t tell anyone. You know I can keep a secret.”

Liz smiled. "Yeah, I know that..." She agreed softly, thinking that if he couldn't keep a secret it would be a poor do...he had afterall hidden the fact he was an alien from everyone for most of the first ten years after he was 'born'. Although she did not want to end the call, Liz forced herself to do so "Ok, be looking forward to seeing you...Love you..." She told him softly.

“Love you, too,” he told her, biting back his pleas to extend the conversation. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Good-bye for now,” he said.

"Bye Max..." Taking a deep breath, Liz slowly put the phone down, ending the phone call she wanted so much to continue. For a moment she sat just thinking about Max, then, grabbing one of the saltine crackers, she nibbled on it a little, hoping to settle her stomach which was churning a little again. A few minutes later she was feeling a little better again and headed out of the room to find Randa and tell her about what she'd arranged with Max.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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