A Gift to Liz-A Dream Unbroken(M/L,Adult,AU)39 8.19.09 [WIP]

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Post by flyawayraven »

Hey everyone! I'm back! I hope you all like the next part!!!

Evans3 ~ Thank you.. you gave me alot to think about!
begonia9508 ~ It's a good question, I'm not sure. Let me do some research and I'll get back to you on that. Most likely your right...

I just wanted to let everyone know that begonia9508 had a good point in a question that was asked...
P.S. A question:

Liz's twins are not 100% siblings with Zan.... does that not reduce the chance of finding a match???

So... for the sake of this story, although I know what I'll most likely find, lets say that half siblings have the same result as full siblings. Because although their better then waiting for a donar list, it's most likely not as good as full, also... I would have to change nearly the rest of my story if the answer was true... I hope no one minds and I don't mean any harm in that little detail... sorry...

Part 21

Liz didn't know how long she sat in Max arms, him stroking her hair and whispering to her. She couldn't bring herself to care. Her head was a fog of confusion and despair and she honestly couldn't figure out where it was all coming from. She sighed as she closed her eyes and let herself drown.

When she opened her eyes again, she was confused for a moment before the ringing of her telephone jarred her out of her daze. Reaching over she answered it from her bed side table.

"Hello?" she croaked, closing her eyes again as a splitting head ace made her groan.

"Liz!" The voice on the other end said cheerfully.

"Hey Maria" Liz said as she opened her eyes in panicked confusion, tuning out her friends voice she noticed a few things at once. She was in her bed, in her P.J's and Max was MIA and she had no memory of how she got there.

Glancing at the digital clock beside the phone's cradle she noticed it was nine a.m. She bolted upright in bed.

The twins were due home in a half hour and Max and her still had tons to sort out.

Interrupting her best friend she said good bye and hung up, swinging her legs over the side of her bed, she threw the cordless phone on the bed as she grabbed her robe and bolted downstairs.

She found Max sitting on her couch staring at the photo's of the twins that sat on the mantel over the fireplace. A sad and desolate look on his face.

He turned to her as he heard her enter, the sadness leaving his eyes as they landed on her.

"I made fresh coffee." He said, holding up his own mug of steaming hot coffee. The smell already waking her up a little. She nodded and headed to the kitchen without saying anything.

Max followed her, once again sitting at the kitchen table, waiting for her to join her. Once she had added her peppermint mocha creamer, she stirred her spoon watching the dark liquid turn just the right color of light brown.

Taking her seat, she stared at the papers and photo's still spread out on the table where they had been left the night before. She noticed that the vase and flowers had been clean up and with a wave of her hand muttered a thank you to Max. He gave her a slight smile in response.

Taking a slight sip she sighed as the liquid slid down her throat. Something was still missing though. Glancing at Max quickly, she flushed as she stood and walked around and pulled out a drawer before taking what she needed and headed back to the table. Sliding the patio door open a crack she reclaimed her seat and lit the cigarette in her hand.

She avoided Max's socked expression as she inhaled, ashing in the ashtray she had placed beside her coffee cup.

"The twins will be home in half an hour." She told Max. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him nod. "I know, Isabel called this morning, she's picking them up and driving them home." Liz nodded in response.

They both avoided talking about what had transpired between them last night. Nor did Liz inquire how she had went from a summer dress to her soft silk beige P.J's.

"I want to tell them when they arrive, we need to discuss what will happen Liz. I know this is moving fast but Zan doesn’t have much time." Max told her. Liz looked slightly panicked before slumping in her seat, inhaling another drag of her smoke.

I'm going to need more of these she thought, and she finished it and put it out.

"I think I want Isabel with us when we tell your parents, she's been here from the beginning and I think it will help them get over the shock, maybe she can help with making them understand." She muttered finishing her coffee.

She stood, taking both her and Max's cup she rinsed them out and put them on the rack to dry. Taking a glance over her shoulder she told Max she was going to change.

By the time she came back down stairs she caught Isabel's car pulling into the drive way. She went to the front door and opened it just as Teddy and Maxie were hurtling themselves up the front porch.

Their lively chatter excited as they both gave their mother a hug as they rushed to explain all they had done the night before, both at once. Liz laughed with delight giving her children hugs and kisses.

Max watched his children greet their mother with obvious love and affection from where he leaned up against the living room door way. He loved the way her eyes lit up as she patiently listened as they both chattered on and on at once.

He spied his sister walking up to the front porch at a much slower pace, she smiled at him and lifted a brow. He gave her a small, sad smile in return.

They still had allot to talk about, however, it was a weight off his heart knowing that Liz would help his son. He felt like a selfish ass hole for everything he knew he was putting her though and it caused a whole other weight to settle on his conscience.

Liz asked the children to go put their things away while she talked with Auntie Isabel. Neither one noticed him standing there, and it caused a twinge in his heart.

Isabel entered the house, glancing between her brother and her best friend. "So, what's going on that both of you look like you've been through hell and back?"

Liz sighed and glanced at Max, it was his news to tell and although she had agreed to be there when he explained the situation, she felt as if she were on exhibit at a museum with the way Isabel was staring at her.

Max sat on the couch in the living room while Isabel sat beside him, Liz asked if either wanted anything to drink, both declined.

It was a tearful explanation while Max explained what was going on, and after Isabel's tears subsided she agreed to help both of them break to those who didn't know what was going on, the news.

Teddy and Maxie clamored down the stairs chattering excitedly, however they stopped short at the sight of both their mother and Aunt looking upset.

Teddy stared hard at the man sitting beside his Aunt Izzy. He was very familiar. Maxie however knew who it was the moment her eyes landed on him, with an excited squeal she launched herself at him.

Max and Liz had discussed that the children should know that Max was their father before anyone else learned the news from some other source.

Now, as both children were before them, the adults were at a loss as of what to say.

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Post by flyawayraven »

Thank you everyone for the feedback! I love it and hope that everyone understands why I'm taking this story the direction that I am.... enjoy...

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!


:lol: Thank you all, and all a goodnight! :roll:

Chapter 22

Max hugged his daughter with tears in his eyes. It felt so nice to hold her in his arms. He had noticed when Teddy averted his eyes and headed over to his mother. Finally, after Maxie had settled down and Max had set her beside him he glanced at Liz.

Liz looked between her daughter and Max, wrapping her arms around her son and pulling him into her lap. She sighed as he snuggled into her, he was always a comfort to her. Finally after a few moments of silence, she spoke.

"We have something really important to explain to you two." She said softly, squeezing reassuringly as Teddy tensed. His reaction confused her.

"I know you two haven't asked, but I think it's time for you to know who your father is." Maxie got an excited look in her eye as she stared at her mother. Teddy however seemed to have stopped breathing.

Liz glanced down at her son in worry. He refused to look at her, and his reaction worried her. Max also noticed his son's reaction to the statement and glanced at Liz, she gave him a helpless look.

Finally Liz heard Teddy mutter, "We know who our father is." He slid his eyes over to his sister who glared at him.

Liz stared startled at her children, "well..." she started hesitantly, "who do you think he is?"

Maxie smiled a big, brilliant smile before looking at her mother. "Why it's Uncle Max mommy!"

Everyone was startled, but Liz most of all. Max started down at his daughter and when she noticed their looks her smile faltered and she pulled away from Max.

"Isn't is?" Maxie asked hesitantly.

Before anyone could react Teddy was off his mothers lap and stalking toward his sister. "Look what you've done Maxie, I told you it couldn't possibly be him! Why can't you just listen to me once in awhile!" he yelled at her.

Maxie looked at the adults around her, her amber eyes welling with tears. A devastated look on her face.

Isabel was the first to react. "Theodore Jeffries don't you dare talk to your sister like that!"

Taking a deep breath she looked between her best friend and her brother, both looked a little dazed. 'Great' she thought, 'their going to be a big help.'

Although Teddy looked sorry for causing his sister to cry, he was still scowling at her. He looked at his Aunt when she asked. "What makes you think Max isn't your father?"

Teddy refused to answer, finally Maxie spoke up. "Teddy said that Uncle Max couldn't be our Daddy because if he was he wouldn't have gone away for such a long time. That if he was our daddy he would have stayed because that's what daddies do, they stay and take care of and love their children but Uncle Max went away and we never saw him again. But I told him he had to be our Daddy. Nana Diane showed us pictures of when you and Uncle Max were kids like us awhile ago and Teddy looks just like him!" She rushed out in one long breath, tears still streaming down her face.

Her comment seemed to snap Liz and Max out of their daze. Max hung his head in shame while Liz rushed to her daughter and scooped the small girl up in her arms. She started at Max over her daughters head, willing him to look at her. Finally she looked over at Teddy.

"This is why you guys have been fighting so much lately isn't it?" Both kids nodded their heads.

"Maxie wanted to ask you but I didn't want her to. But it's true isn't it, she was right." Teddy looked at Max. "You are our Daddy." It was a statement, not a question.

Max looked back at his son, nodding his head slightly. Maxie let out a sob before slipping from her mothers arms and flew once again at Max. Max caught her and held her as she cried against his shoulder.

Isabel watched with tears in her eyes as her brother held a staring match with his son, finally Teddy glanced at his mother before hanging his head. Turning he sprinted for the stairs. Everyone but Maxie jumped when his bedroom door slammed shut.

Liz sighed, rubbing a hand across her forehead. Suddenly she had the worst head ace. She could also use a cigarette.

After a few minuets Maxie's sobs slowed to sniffles and she slowly fell asleep, her hands clutching Max's shirt in a hard grip.

Liz stood from where she had been kneeling on the floor, intent on taking her daughter. Max shook his head slightly.

"Max" Liz said in a low voice, "We still have a lot to talk about and I don't want her waking up, she's obviously exhausted. Let me go lay her down."

Max looked indecisive, finally Isabel spoke up. "I'll go lay her down and check on Teddy while you two talk."

Liz gave her a grateful look, some days she didn't know how she would survive if it weren't for Isabel.

Max reluctantly gave up his daughter, pain flashing across his face as she whimpered when they dislodged her little hands from his shirt.

Max's eyes followed his sister as she carried Maxie away before glancing in the direction Liz had gone. Lifting himself from the couch he followed her to the kitchen where he found her standing by the patio door smoking, a far away expression on her face.

"Those things will kill you." he said as he plucked the cigarette from her fingers and stubbed in out.

His action seemed to snap her out of where ever she had been and she stared at him long and hard.

"It didn't go as well as I had hoped." Max muttered sitting heavily at the kitchen table, picking up a picture of Zan with the saddest expression on his face.

"He'll come around Max, give him some time." she muttered, sitting beside him and dropping her forehead onto the table.

"How can you be so calm about this Liz, he hates me!" Max exclaimed fiercely.

Liz stared at him for a long hard moment. "I always knew you were selfish Max, but this whole thing just tops it. You walk back into our lives after all this time and just expect us to drop at your feet with glee! If it weren't for Zan being sick and us being your most obvious and quickest answer you would still be gone and we would be on our way to Disney Land in a few days! You walked into our lives and turned upside down the peace that we've been living, and as much as I want to hit you and scream at you for the pain you've cause me I am not going to stoop to tetra tantrums like a four year old child. Just because I've agreed to do what I can to help you doesn't mean I've forgiven you. I don't know if I will ever forgive you for what you did to me and those children. Now it looks like you have to figure out a way to earn forgiveness from Teddy also." Liz spit at him before getting up and lighting another cigarette.

"And if I want to kill myself slowly then I will!" She finished with a long drag. She didn't look at him after that but she could hear him as his breath hitched in his chest.

"You don't know a lot of what's going on in my life Liz. It's not all peaches and cream and it hasn't been for a very long time. There's a lot I want to tell you but you have to be willing to listen." Max told her.

She looked over her shoulder at him, taking one last drag she put out the smoke and retook her seat at the table.

"I'm listening, but don't expect any sympathy." She told him.

"I was planning on moving back to Roswell in a few months once I've divorced Tess and gotten full custody of Zan." He told her bluntly.

To the out side eye Liz didn't react but inside she was weeping with relief and sadness.

"I was going to try and be there for Teddy and Maxie again, I had this whole plan to win your forgiveness and try to get you back, Damn Liz you have no clue the hell I've been in since the day I married the bitch." He told her fiercely.

"I was actually relieved when I found out she was sleeping around behind my back! It gave me a solid excuse not to touch her and to move out of our bedroom!" He laughed humorously.

"To the outside world I may live this perfect life with the beautiful wife, the perfect son, perfect home, perfect job. But my life is a living hell and it has been since the day I chose to take this road. You may not want to hear it but I can't regret it. I can't because I love Zan, he's this innocent little boy who got a witch for a mother and a father who can hardly look at him without crying because he reminds that father of another little boy who he was stupid enough to let go. You may not believe it but I was coming home, Zan getting sick just moved it up a lot sooner then I had planned, I haven't even filed the divorce paper yet. With Zan getting sick I haven't had the chance, there sitting in a safe at home."

Liz stared at him. "I guess we'll never know will we." She told him, her heart aced when she saw his face fall but she wasn't going to let him win that easily. Pretty words couldn't heal a broken heart.

"Come on, let's call my parents and get this over with. We have a trip to plan." She told him, walking over to the house phone and dialing.

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Re: A Gift to Liz-A Dream Unbroken(M/L,Adult,AU)NEW INFO 4.2.08

Post by flyawayraven »

Thank you all for all your patients!!! And I would like to that LoveIsForever for taking the time out of her busy life to do this for me!!!

I know I usually thank everyone who left feedback personally, but it's been such a long time since I've posted I thought I would just get right to it. For those of you who left feed back, you know who you are... thank you.


Chapter 23

Liz sighed as she stepped out of the car in front of the Evans. The meeting with her parents had gone better then planned. They were upset for a few minuets and Liz was afraid her father was never going to forgive Max, but surprisingly they understood.

All along she had never been worried about her parents though, it was the Evans’ that had her concerned. Sure, Isabel had bridged a gap between then over time, but she was afraid of their reaction when they found out that she had kept the paternity a secret for so long.

Liz’s parents had agreed to take the twins for a few hours and so here she was, entering the lions den with Isabel and Max. Entering the foyer after Max she made her way to the living room and sat on the couch while Max looked for his parents.

Isabel sat beside her and gave her a sympathetic smile as Diane and Phillip entered, surprised looks on their faces when they saw their daughter and Liz.

Max took a seat in the armchair while his parents sat on the love seat; no one knew where to begin until Liz looked at Max expectantly. Finally Max took a deep breath.

“I need to talk to you two about a lot of things, but first I want to start with the reason I’m back in Roswell. I had planned on moving back in a few months but something came up and I knew that I had to move fast.” Max began

“Zan is really sick, he was taken to the hospital and after a series of test it came back that he has “Acute lymphoblastic leukemia’ also known as ALL, it’s one of the most common forms found in children.”

Max’s parents gasped and were about to interrupt but Max held a hand out. “Because of his age and how aggressive it seems to be the doctors decided to forgo chemotherapy and radiation and give Zan a bone marrow transplant. Now he is on the donor list but…”

Diane interrupted, “If you need your father and I to be tested we will Max. This is horrible, is he alright?” Diane had tears in her eyes as she spoke and Phillip looked on the verge of breaking down.

Max looked at Liz helplessly. Taking pity on him Liz spoke up, “That’s very nice of you Diane but what Max is trying to tell you is that he’s asked me to have Maxie and Teddy tested to see if one of them is a match, and I’ve agreed. I’ve already talked to my parents and we will be heading to Boston on a flight tomorrow evening.”

Both Diane and Phillip looked at Liz confused. “That’s very nice of you Liz but I don’t understand why that would matter?”

Liz cleared her throat, throwing a glare at Max she continued. “That was the other thing we wanted to speak to you about, Maxie and Teddy are going to be tested because siblings have the best chance of being a match in a case like this. Since Maxie and Teddy are Zan’s siblings they have the most likely chance of a bone marrow match, so unless neither one of them are a match, then you may need to be tested.”

Isabel watched with sadness as her parents faces when from shock, panic confusion all the way back to shock. Her mother seemed to get over it fairly quickly, but her father looked like he was about to blow.

“Are you trying to tell us that Maxie and Teddy are Max’s children?!” Phillip roared, as he jumped up from where he was sitting by his wife.

Max gulped before nodding his head. “Yeah, their mine.”

Phillip looked like he was about to rip into his son until Isabel stepped in. “Look daddy I know this is a lot to take in, however Max and Liz had their reason’s for what they did and I’m sure if you sit back down next to Mom and give them a chance to explain they will.”

Diane looked at her daughter with a hint of sadness. “You knew about this didn’t you? It all makes sense in a way, but I would really like to know how you Max have ended up living in Boston with a wife and son while Liz was here in Roswell raising your children by herself.”

Max looked at his mother with tears in his eyes as Diane gently schooled him. He would have preferred yelling and screaming to the gentle disappointment in her voice.

“I can’t tell you much, all I can tell you is that this is not how I wanted my life to be. Do I regret it, a lot of it I do but I can’t regret all of it because then I would be saying that I regret Zan and I don’t. I love that little boy just as much as I love Maxie and Teddy.” Max told his parents.

Liz taking pity on Max cleared her throat before speaking up. “Right before I graduated high school I was diagnosed with a condition that would make it very difficult for me to have children the longer I waited. There were treatments but they were all experimental and I didn’t want to take the chance that they wouldn’t work. Although I’ve been having it treated since I’ve had the twins it’s not a guarantee that I will ever be able to have kids again.”

“Anyway,” Liz continued. “I decided that I had to choose which of my dreams I wanted to pursue. Sure I could have gone to Harvard and waited but I didn’t want to take the chance that one day when I was ready to have kids I find out it’s not possible, I waited to long. So I went to Max and he thought about it and decided for himself that he was going to give me this gift.”

“I just want you to know that you raised Max right because he fought me hand and tooth to be here, but I wanted him to become everything he was meant to become. So I pretty much told him I would run if he told anyone. But I was committed to doing this myself, and so I have.” Liz finished.

Both Diane and Phillip sat back in shock at what they had heard.

Finally Diane looked at her son. “You were Ok with this?”

Diane noticed the profound look of sadness in her son’s eyes, along with a deep pain and acceptance. “Not at first, nothing turned out the way I thought it was going to Mom. I wanted to be there and let everyone know that I was the father of those two beautiful children but I also didn’t want her to run so I decided that the best course of action would be to finish college first. Things were going well, Liz and I were together and I was here for her and the kids, then things just fell apart,” he said.

“Why did you not come to us Max?” Phillip roared, standing abruptly, startling those around him.

“We could have helped you, I could have helped you!” He shouted.

Pointing a finger at Liz he continued, “She had no right to keep those children from us let along you!” He paused thinking, throwing a glare at Liz, “However, we can still take this to the courts…” He trailed off abruptly as Liz jumped to her feet, eyes blazing.

“I will not have you dragging those children through something like that, and what do you mean keeping them from you, my children have been just as welcome in this house as they were at my own parents, heck, Diane most likely has more photo’s of those two around the house then my own parents. Maxie and Teddy didn’t even know for sure until today that Max was their father but Diane put the suspicion in their heads months ago, Teddy is so upset and confused he’s not talking to anyone let alone me. Both of them are more confused now then I have ever seen them, neither understands what’s going on and to make matters worse I have to uproot them for who knows how long to go Boston to get them tested to save Zan. Now I may not be the perfect person but everyone involved since the beginning knows that the only reason I said that to Max was because I did not want him stuck in this town with a responsibility that he never wanted in the first place! I wanted him to have the chance to follow his dreams!”

With that said Liz turned and fled. In her mind what she was doing was cowardly along with a bit childish, but when she had heard those words leave Phillips mouth every insecurity and pressure she had found herself in since Max had come back into her life had hit it’s limit.

Liz paced for a second before climbing into her car with every intention to high tail it out of there. However, she couldn’t bring herself to start the car. Leaning her head against the steering wheel she let out a big sigh.

Her head aced, there seemed to be a permanent lump lodged in her throat and her chest felt like it was on the verge of caving in on its self.

Her breath hitching painfully she pressed the warm skin of her forehead against the cool glass of the window. Her eyes closed she fumbled around until she was able to bring a cigarette up to her mouth and light it.

Calming a little she wasn’t aware of the set of sad amber eyes that watched from the window.

Hey check out my Mi/L short story in UC!!
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Re: A Gift to Liz-A Dream Unbroken(M/L,Adult,AU)CH 23! 04.03.08

Post by flyawayraven »

Thank you all for the feed back, it feels great to be posting again!!

Evans3 ~ Just wanted to let you know that Max does grow some balls...

Thank you all!

Chapter 24

Part 24

The next couple of days flew by for Liz; they pushed their flight back when Diane and Phillip decided to go with them. Packing, arguing with Max on where they was going to stay and trying to get Teddy to open up to her, even just a little.

Teddy wasn’t having it. He walked around with sadness in his eyes that always brought tears to her own knowing she helped put it there. She missed her carefree son, who laughed at nearly everything and loved to climb in her lap for anything. Even Maxie had a hard time putting a smile on his face these days.

All in all, Liz felt inadequate and like she failed as a mother somewhere along the line. Max wasn’t moving on the issue of where she was going to stay, so finally she agreed to move into the guest house that was on his property for however long they were going to have to stick around.

Diane and Phillip had insisted on traveling with them, renting a furnished apartment that was close to the hospital.

Max had been on and off the phone, making sure that the guesthouse was prepared for when they arrived, and any other departure plans that was needed. It was obvious that something was stressing him out on that end but Liz didn’t pry, even though everything in her was screaming for her to go to him, to give him a shoulder to lean on.
To make matters worse Max decided that her couch was the most comfortable couch in the world and wouldn’t leave. He was like a bump of a log, curling up after the kids were in bed at night and up at first light making breakfast for her and the kids.

Isabel, bless her soul, had decided that if Liz were facing the dragon that was Tess, they would show a united front. So Isabel was also staying in the guesthouse and as per was Isabel, the organizing nazi was awakened.

The morning they were to leave Liz’s house was a flurry of activity. Isabel had arrived bright and early with coffee for the adults and fruit smoothes for the kids and scones. Liz had sat down a few days ago with pictures of Zan and explained to Maxie and Teddy that Zan was their little brother and he was very sick, and that they were going to go to Boston where Max lived to see if they could help get him better.

Liz knew that neither child really understood how serious the whole situation was, they both knew that they were going to be tested by a doctor to see if they could help, but Liz had decided that, that was enough information for now. When the appointment had been set up she would sit them down and explain further.

Maxie was truly excited about going to see where Max lived. She was even more excited to find out she had a little brother who she could lavish with love and attention.

Teddy was quite, but it seemed to Liz that although both her children were bickering a bit more then usual, whatever Maxie had said to Teddy got him to open up a little more to Max, although it was obvious that he was far from forgiving his father, it was heartening to see both try, and it was obvious that Max was succeeding.

The cars were packed and the kids were in the car. As Liz locked up the house she felt a flutter of panic. A million questions were traveling through her head and for a second she felt wondered if she was doing the right thing, however as soon as the thought entered her head she felt Max behind her.

She knew that no matter how much he had hurt her, she would never be able to turn him away, no matter how hard she hardened her heart; it would still go out to him in his time of need.

Liz thought they were flying out of the Las Cruces airport but when she noticed that Max was driving toward Roswell’s small private air strip she turned questioning eyes to Max. Typical Max fashion he shrugged his shoulders and stated simply, “Company Jet”.

Liz nearly laughed when she stepped out of the car to find Isabel issuing orders to the stewards about what to do with their carry on luggage. Maxie was laughing with joy, bouncing up and down from her spot holding Diane’s hand and even Teddy couldn’t keep off his smile of delight at flying on an air plain that was just for them.

The flight would take a few hours and as Liz stepped into the sleek jet her jaw dropped at the sheer sleekness of the interior. Three plush leather chairs were arranged in a semi circle a table, a leather couch across the cabin sat in front of a large TV. More plush leather chairs stood next to the couch.
As Liz glanced around an older woman entered from the front of the jet. Her dark hair was pulled back into a tight bun on top of her head, and her smile was welcoming, brightening her face.

“Good morning Mr. Evans. Welcome aboard. Is there anything I can help with right away?” She asked.

Max gave her a small smile. “Morning Gina. I don’t think so, but would you mind showing my parents the rear bedroom so they can put their bags in there, I think my sister would like to see also, just show them around a bit and make sure their comfortable.”

Gina nodded before leading the elder Evans away to a rear door. She heard her pointing out the bathroom before opening another door that led to what Liz thought was a bedroom. She could just make out the large bed and a couch.

She looked at Max with surprise. “I’ve never heard of a jet that has a bedroom before.” She stated under her breath. Max chuckled. “It comes in handy if you have to flit around the country at all hours for business meetings. The bathroom even has a shower.”

Maxie was bouncing around the jet, looking at everything while Teddy looking around with a look of awe of his face. Finally Teddy looked up. “You have your own air plane?” He asked, his amber eyes wide with excitement.

Max chuckled sitting down on the couch, grunting when Maxie jumped in his lap. “No this isn’t my jet but the company I work for owns it. So I can use it whenever I need to. I thought it would be a lot more fun for you and your sister to fly on this air plain then having all those strangers around. So I made some calls, now right over there you’ll find some treats, why don’t you go check it out while I talk to your mom.”

Both kids bounced back toward the door and to what Liz hadn’t noticed before. A small counter jetted out of the wall, and behind it Liz could make out a small kitchen, decked out with top of the line appliances and cupboards.

Sitting in a chair across from Max admiring the creamy color scheme of the cabin. “It’s like a small apartment.” She said, not realizing she had said it out loud until she noticed Max nodding out of the corner of her eye.

“Yeah, the company is really big about ‘a home away from home’ when someone has to spend weeks flying around the world for some reason or another. Most find it easier just to stay in the jet then rent a hotel suit, more private I guess. Don’t say anything to my parents by this is my bosses’ personal jet. He knows what’s going on and insisted that he send it when I called him to give him an update. He’s been really good to me over the years.” He told her quietly.

Liz nodded absent minded, before turning to her children who had found the cupboards packed with all their favorite snacks and drinks. Liz turned to Max. “Just another feature?” She asked with a smile, Max blushed, shrugging his shoulders. “I just wanted to take the seriousness out of the trip for them, make it fun, the next few weeks are going to be frightening and I wanted to do something to take their mind off of that.”

Liz’s heart melted. Could he be any more sweet? She asked herself as the door near the front of the jet opened and who she thought was the caption came out and introduced himself and let them know that they were cleared for take off in about five minutes.

They took off smoothly, the children’s faces pressed up against the windows as the land grew smaller and smaller. Isabel was relaxing, chatting with her parents and finally the kids settled down next to Max as he pointed their attention to the TV, letting them pick out a movie. Gina was directed to making snacks for them.

Liz curled up in a chair close to a window, watching as they flew through the clouds. She was so occupied with her thoughts that she didn’t notice Max watching her, nor did she notice when she drifted off to sleep.

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Re: A Gift to Liz-A Dream Unbroken(M/L,Adult,AU)CH 24 04.05.08

Post by flyawayraven »

Hey everyone! Thanks for being so patient with me! Now I have the next two parts for you!! Enjoy!


Thanks All!!!

Chapter 25

Max watched as Liz slept peacefully, curled up in an over sized chair. She seemed so young to him, as if the years hadn’t aged her.

He wished he could voice to her how much the past few days had meant to him, but he kept his thoughts to himself. He felt eyes on him and turned his head to see his sister studying him with knowing eyes.

He gave her a small smile before glancing once more at Liz before turning his attention back to the screen where the kids had voted on watching ‘Shrek’.

He had really missed his family, and the distance that had been between them was his own fault he knew, but it didn’t stop the painful twinge in his heart at how much he had missed.

Over the past few days he’d spent time with his parents. Filling them in on his life. He had sat down with his dad and had a heart to heart, and his father had understood, not judging.

Diane knew some basics, and had been furious when she found out about some of the things Tess had put him though. He had tried to explain as gently as possible to her the reasons, at the time, he had chosen to go ahead and marry his wife.

His father knew many more details and any anger he had shown was anger at the injustice of what his son had been going though. Phillip had leant his support and promised to help Max in any way that was needed.

Max was a good lawyer, but he wasn’t in family law, it had been years since he had handled anything remotely close to it. But his father’s law firm was the best law firm in Roswell and the surrounding areas. Phillip practiced a lot of different branches, family being one of them. Whether it was divorce or child custody there wasn’t anyone who Max wanted more on his side, and he was glad that his father was going to help him.

Max prayed that when he got home Tess didn’t so anything to anger or embarrass herself. She didn’t take well to being embarrassed and he knew that although Liz would respect her and avoid her, his wife had never gone up against his sister.

He knew without a doubt that his wife was going to make this as uncomfortable a trip for Liz as possible. Although Isabel had always been courteous to Tess in the past, and never out right hostile, Max knew that was about to change now that Isabel had some clue as to what had been going on.

Max also knew that with his father’s help he was going to immediately start the proceedings for divorce. He had spoken with his father about it and although Phillip thought that it was better if he waited until Zan was on the road to recovery at least he had understood when Max had explained that he, personally, couldn’t wait that long.

Phillip had agreed to act as Max’s lawyer, giving Max the time and space to devote to his children. It was a weight off of Max’s shoulders, trusting his father. Max knew that Tess was going to throw a fit, but between him and his father they had a plan that insured that Tess would never get a cent out of him. Now, if only Zan were healthy and Liz let him in a bit more, his life would be back on track.

By the time Gina entered to let them know that they were approaching Boston, both children had fallen asleep curled up next to him. It warmed his heart to feel them, and he thought he was making progress with Teddy.

When they landed, Isabel gently woke up Liz and Max studied her out of the corner of his eye. His body tightening at her flushed drowsy look. Phillip gently took Teddy, the young boy never wakening as he wrapped his arms around his grandfather’s neck, burying his head in his neck. Maxie cuddled against his chest as he picked her up. Liz gave him a small smile as they exited the plane.

Two private cars were waiting on the airstrip, one to take Diane and Phillip to the apartment and one to take Isabel, Max, Liz and the kids to the house. They parted ways, Max promising to call his father’s cell phone once they were settled. The drive was quite except for the continuous chatter of the children, mainly Maxie.

When they pulled up to the gates, Max directed the driver to pass the main house and continue onto the guesthouse. Once there Max helped them to unload their luggage and bring it into the house, he then informed them that he was heading up to the main house and would be back later.

Max wasn’t looking forward to entering the large imposing house, however, he clenched his jaw and bounded up the front step, nodding to his head housekeeper as she opened the door for him.

His head housekeeper’s eyes brightened a bit as she saw her employer. Max gave her a small smile, asking her to send a maid or two down to the guesthouse to help their guests. She nodded, before calling for a young maid and gave her directions. When that was taken care of he headed for his study. The destruction of the door had him flinching and as he looked around it was obvious that someone had gone though his things.

Turning around he asked where his son and wife were. The head housekeeper told him that Zan was in the nursery with the full time nurse that Max had hired while he was away so that Zan wouldn’t have to be admitted to the hospital while he was gone, along with his nanny. He nodded and noticed her features harden when she spoke of Tess.

He was informed that Tess was asleep in her bedroom, after arriving very early in the morning with a guest, waking up Zan and screaming at his nanny and nurse to shut him up when he had begun to cry, or that she would shut him up herself.

Max frowned at the news. Although Tess had never been a very loving mother, it sickened him that she would threaten him in such a way. Giving a sigh he told the housekeeper to call him at the guesthouse when his wife and ‘guest’ awakened and that he would be taking Zan down their for the afternoon.

After making some calls to the hospital, it was finalized that the tests would begin in two days. At that time Zan would be admitted to the hospital until after he began recovering from the surgery.

By the time Max made it to the nursery, Zan was just awakening from a nap. Upon seeing his father Zan feverish eyes light up and he held up his arms calling for him.

He smiled, lifting him up gently and cradling him in his arms, he frowned; Zan seemed lighter then before he left. Turning to the nurse he got an update. Although Zan was no better or worse and had lost a little weight, and his sleep had been fit full. She informed him that having his mother wake him at all hours contributed to his tired state.

Max fumed at the thought of Tess. Maybe he had been wrong in leaving Zan at home while he had gone to Roswell. He sighed, there was nothing he could do about it now.

Max carried Zan out of the house and set him on his feet. He took his sons little hand and they began the short walk to the guesthouse, shortening his strides to match Zan’s little ones.

Maxie and Teddy were running around the yard as they made their way down the hill. Isabel was sitting out front, talking on the phone. Most likely to Alex, Max thought. Max noticed the Zan perked up a little at hearing children, and Max smiled as Maxie and Teddy stopped to watch their slow pace. Finally Maxie gave a delighted shout and began running to them.

Max lifted Zan into his arms and met Maxie half way, smiling as she asked a million breathless questions. Finally Max made it to the front yard and sat next to Isabel on the steps. Zan smiled shyly at his Aunt Isabel, he vaguely remembered her but his attention was on the new children.

Max sat him on his lap as Maxie crowded around, Teddy standing silently a few steps away.

“Where’s Liz?” Max asked Isabel, Isabel cocked her head inside. “She’s unpacking the kids things, you know how she is.” Max nodded. He had wanted to introduce Zan to everyone at the same time, but if Liz needed time to herself to ease into everything he would give it to her, he didn’t want to push her.

“Maxie, Teddy I’d like you to meet Zan, he’s your little brother. Zan…” His son looked up at him with large amber eyes. “This is your big sister Maxie and your big brother Teddy. Can you say hi?” He asked.

Zan stuck his thumb into his mouth while waving a shy hello. Teddy gave a hesitant smile, stepping forward to ruffle Zan hair a little. The silky blond strands sliding though his fingers.

Maxie threw herself onto her knees in front of Zan. “Hi Zany, daddy’s told us so much about you… you want to come play with me?” She asked with a bright smile. Zan glanced up at his dada and squirmed to get down.

Maxie gently grasped his hand and walked a little ways from the steps. Teddy had run and got a ball from the box of outside toys his mother had brought. Maxie helped Zan to sit before both Maxie and Teddy sat down, forming a triangle. They rolled the ball back and forth amongst them, laughing and cheering each other on.

Isabel and Max watched them, not speaking at all. Neither of them noticed Liz standing in the doorway, watching the three children herself though the screen door.

It was Zan who noticed her staring at him as he glanced up. He sat there, sticking his thumb in his mouth; he ignored the ball as it rolled to a stop, bumping his leg. Finally he slowly stood and toddled her way.

When he reached her, she was squatting down to be at his level, her long dark brown hair spilling over her shoulders. His little hand grabbed at her hair, running his little fingers though it. Without taking his thumb from his mouth he uttered “Izzie” before he stepped into her arms, exchanging hugs from the lady who was always in his dreams, the lady in the pictures.

TBC...in the next few days!
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Re: A Gift to Liz-A Dream Unbroken(M/L,Adult,AU)CH 25 04.15.08

Post by flyawayraven »

Thank you all for the feedback! I loved it and I'm glad that your enjoying this story. I hope to have more parts out soon!!

begonia9508 ~While I agree with what you've said, I wrote it that way because no matter what Max's choices, and how his parents think he made the wrong one, they don't think he should be treated the way Tess treats him or Zan. Does that make sense?

Thank you all, and now on to the next part!!

Chapter 26

Liz unzipped Maxies’ bag, which she had hoisted onto the bed. The maid that Max had sent down was in the room Teddy would be using doing the same thing.

Liz knew that the maid had been surprised when she had declined the offer to relax while she unpacked their cloths and put them away. Liz had given her a smile and told her she preferred to help, stating four hands would move faster then two. The maid had given her a delighted smile, and with puzzled eyes went about unpacking.

As Liz hung the last dress in the closet, set out Maxies’ hair supplies on the long dresser and closed the last item of clothing in a drawer she heard a delighted shout though the window where she knew her children were playing.

Walking over she watched as Maxie ran toward Max who was walking with a little boy down the long drive. She watched and listened as Max introduced his children to each other and they began to play, only then did she make her way down stairs.

She leaned against the doorframe, watching through the screen door at how gentle her children were with the sick boy.

Zan was every inch his father, accept for the nearly white blond hair on top of his head. It fell across his forehead in the same boyish sweep his father‘s did.

Her heart aced, but not in the way she thought it would. It aced as a mother, watching his eyes, with their feverish gleam, his pale nearly translucent skin flushed lightly as he played. He looked so small, so helpless and so much sicker then the photo’s. His thin face making his eyes stand out in an enormous flash of amber. There was no doubt that he was a beautiful child, and Liz knew that she could and would love him simply because he was Max’s.

He reminded her of Teddy at that age, and accept for the unhealthy pallor and blond hair it could have been her son a few years ago. Liz’s breath caught in her chest as he glanced up and spotted her, their eyes locking and something possessive passed through her chest, making her want to grab on and not let go.

She opened the door soundlessly, slipping past Max and Isabel without acknowledging them as she watched Zan stand and make his way over to her. She squatted down to his level, and her breath once again caught as he touched her hair, her name on his lips distorted by his thumb in his mouth.

It was when she felt him sigh into her neck as she pulled him into a hug that she glanced up at her friends, Max had a sheepish, flustered expression on his face while it was obvious that Isabel was trying to hold back tears.

“He knows me.” She stated bluntly, giving Max a questioning look as she picked him up in her arms and made her way over to them.

She sat next to Isabel, placing Zan in her lap facing her, he started up at her with enormous eyes, and she started right back.

Zan removed his thumb from his mouth. “Lizzie in da pixchers, dada tell Zan allll bout Lizzie.” Moving his arms wide and looking at her like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Isabel chuckled and Max flushed red hot, his lips moving like a fish out of water. Clearing his throat he stated. “I have pictures of you and the kids up in my room. I might have told him some stories about us growing up.”

Liz smiled, amused. Looking back at Zan she asked. “What storied has your daddy been telling you huh?”

Zan gave a big grin, his baby teeth gleaming in the light. “Dada tell Zan bout da tree, and da time Lizzie took his cwayons… don’t Lizzie know it not nice da take cwayons… dat wat dada say.”

Liz gave a bark of laughter, sending a teasing grin at Max. “Well, did your daddy ever tell you about the time he teased me that I couldn’t push him high on the swing cause I was a girl, so I pushed and I pushed and I pushed him so high he got scared and fell off?” she asked.

Zan gave her a wide-eyed look. “Dada fall off da swing?” he asked in a whisper. Liz nodded, Zan looked at Max with a confused look. “Dada tell Zan not nice ta tease.”
He said bluntly.

Isabel cracked up laughing. “That’s right Zan, it’s not nice.” Maxie and Teddy scrambled up to sit by them on the steps as Zan leaned his head against Liz shoulder once more, one hand tucked against his chest, while he sucked his thumb with the other. His large eyes drifted closed as Liz rubbed his back soothingly. His little body throwing off heat as he drifted off to sleep exhausted by the excitement of the day. Liz eyed him worried.

Glancing at Max she asked him if he should be asleep. “His nurse said that he usually stays awake for two or three house before he falls asleep again. She said it was usual, and that lately he’s been having a hard time sleeping.” The last part was growled out and Liz shifted the little boy in her arms to face him more fully.

She didn’t notice when she started to rock him gently, or when she started humming but Isabel did when she noticed that Maxie who was sitting at her mothers feet began humming along and Teddy so quietly it was as silent as a whisper.

Continuing her conversation with her brother she watched those around her and as Liz started into space, Max’s son in her lap she knew that they would be fine. Isabel knew that Liz could never accept Max back into her life fully if she couldn’t accept Zan. Isabel had never doubted, she knew that although Liz had been hurting for years now, that her best friend had a huge heart and her composite to love and forgive astonished Isabel on a daily basis.

Watching Liz with Zan after meeting him so soon after their arrival seem so natural to her. Accept for the blond hair it was like watching Liz with Teddy on the rare occasion that the dark haired boy had gotten sick though the years.

They had all grown silent, allowing Zan to get his rest when Teddy, who had moved away from the group ran up to his father. “Daddy, who’s that? He asked pointing over his shoulder.

Liz snapped out of her daydreaming as everyone looked over in the direction that Teddy was pointing. Isabel felt Liz tense up beside as they all watched as a Golf-Cart zipped down the drive in their direction, a blond beauty-riding passenger.

Liz heard Max cuss softly as he stood and went to meet them before they could reach them. The driver sat stiffly in the seat as Tess got out, her hair sleek, her make up perfect, She was dressed in a robe of silk in a soft pink, pink slippers on her feet.

Even from this distance both women could see Tess’s blue eyes flashing with anger, and from Max’s posture he was just as annoyed and angry. Liz sighed as their voices drifted to them as a low hum and she relaxed automatically when Zan shifted in her lap, feeling her anxiety.

Finally Max pivoted on his heels and started back to them, his amber eyes hard as steel. Liz’s breath caught in her throat, cursing herself as her body heated. Even in anger, he was a magnificent sight.

When he got to them, he noticed the twins’ anxious expressions and took a deep breath. “I have to head up to the main house for a bit, Liz do you mind if Zan stays here for awhile? Just call the main house when he wakes up and I’ll have someone come get him if I’m still busy.”

Liz shrugged her shoulders, trying to act unaffected as she nodded her head. As her eyes followed Max as he turned and walked away she noticed the smirk on Isabel’s face out of the corner of her eye.

“Oh” Liz huffed, rolling her eyes in annoyance. Isabel laughed as she stood, giving her best friend a wink before calling to the twins for a game.

Liz sighed, her heart melting a bit as Zan snuggled closer to her.

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Re: A Gift to Liz-A Dream Unbroken(M/L,Adult,AU)CH 26 04.21.08

Post by flyawayraven »

Thank you everyone for your updates, I'm glad your enjoying this story. I've had fun with writing it. Hope you enjoy the next part!


Chapter 27

Max sighed in annoyance as he walked into the house greeted by scattering maids and slamming doors. He didn’t need this right now. His whole body was aflame watching Liz mothering Zan only to feel like it was dowsed with ice water at Tess’s approach.

Making his way to the kitchen he stopped short at the stranger leaning against his kitchen counter watching the cook as she moved around the kitchen.

Clearing his throat he glared as the stranger startled, turning toward him asking, “Who the hell are you?”

Max crossed his arms. “I think I should be asking who you are and what the hell your doing in my house.” He growled.

The man blanched, setting his coffee cup on the counter with a bang. It was then he noticed the man was wearing his robe. Disgust curled his stomach. “Better yet what the hell are you doing in my cloths!?”

The man flushed before steeling his features. “Tess told me I could wear it this morning, you didn’t answer my question though.”

Max glared at him. “I’m Tess’s husband, so I suggest you leave before I call the cops and have you escorted off private property.”

The man glared at him. “I’m here as a guest to Tess, you can’t have me escorted anywhere.” He spit.

Max rolled his eyes in disgust. “Look, I don’t care if you’ve been fucking Tess for a night or a whole slue of nights, but she must not have informed you that I am sole owner of this house, my name is on the deed not hers, so yes I can escort you anywhere I wish. Now I am going to tell you once more, leave.”

The man standing before him shrugged, “Sure, I’ll leave, no need to be nasty about it. But I still haven’t been paid.”

“Paid for what?” Max asked wearily, not really wanting to know.

“For last night, your wife was told it was five thousand for a whole night when she called the agency. Cash only.” He said with a shrug.

Max’s nose wrinkled in disgust. “So Tess’s resorted to prostitutes…uhg.” Max grunted.

The man glared, “For your information I work for an escort service. Tess called saying she needed one. A legitimate escort service.”

“Whatever” Max shrugged off, not really caring, “You should have asked for it up front. Tess doesn’t have that kind of cash lying around and I sure as hell am not paying you. So do us both a favor and leave.

The man stood straight. “I don’t think so, I was told I was getting paid, and I expect to get paid!!!” He yelled.

Max’s voice was deadly calm. “Do you know the difference between a prostitute and an escort? There isn’t much difference however, there is one. Prostitution is illegal; accepting money for sex is illegal. Escorts, legal escorts accept money before services are rendered. Your mistake, now I’m going to say this one last time. Get off my property and don’t return, I suggest you do it quick before I lose what little patients I have left and have you arrested for both trespassing and prostitution.”

Max didn’t even turn his head as the man brushed past him. He stood there until he saw his housekeeper in front of him. “Burn the robe.” He said bluntly as he turned and made his way to his study. Once there he passed through and made his way to his room flopping down on the bed.

He hadn’t told any of the maids to clean up the room from Tess’s destruction and Max wasn’t looking forward to doing so. All he wanted to do was head back down the hill and bask in Liz’s presence.

Sitting up with a sigh he noticed a very familiar object sitting on the floor, its lid accrue. His breath left him in a whoosh. Lunging across the room he dropped to his knees and tipped it over, it’s contents littering the floor.

“No” he whispered. She wouldn’t, he thought. Hot fury rushed through his body when he couldn’t find the object of his desire.

Leaping to his feet he rushed out of the room. His long strides took him quickly to Tess’s door, which he found closed and locked.

“Tess!” he shouted, “Open the damn door!” He banged on it and when he got no response he backtracked until he found his housekeeper. “Give me the key to Tess’s room.”

When she stood there gawking at him his patients fled, “NOW!” He shouted; he felt a flash of guilt as the women jumped, scrambling for the ring of keys hooked on her belt.

He grabbed it the second she handed it to him and ran back up the stairs. Unlocking it quickly he swung open the door with a bang. Startling Tess who was sitting at her dressing table, her hair set in rollers.

“What did you do with it Tess?” He asked, his voice deadly calm.

Tess glared at him in the mirror. “I don’t know what your talking about Max.”
“Don’t!” He barked, “Don’t sit there and lie to me, I am really sick of it. I want to know what you did with the ring that was in the box in my room. You have no business going through my stuff let alone taking anything, so I am going to ask you once more. What the hell did you do with it? Are you hiding it in here?” He asked

He picked up her jewelry box that her father had gotten her as a child. Her eyes widened and a strangled ‘no’ left her throat as it flew through the air and smashed against the wall.

Tess slumped in her chair, her eyes cold as ice. Finally she gave a small smile. “Oh!” she said, “That old thing? “ Max glared.

Tess gave a small laugh, “Well, you just had it laying around so I thought I would get rid of it. What do you need with a ring like that?” She said is a sickly sweet voice.

“Where did you take it Tess, and don’t mess with me, I am not in the mood today.” He growled at her.

“WHERE IS IT!?” He yelled at her. Tess shrank a little down in her chair, her eyes wide.

“Why should I tell you!?” She shouted back.

“Because it’s not yours! That gem is a family heirloom Tess! It belongs to my family, it stays in my family!!!” He shouted as he picked something else off her dresser and threw it against the wall.

“I am supposed to be your family Max. It was supposed to be mine, since it’s supposed to be mine I did what I thought I should, I got rid of it, I pawned it. It was obvious you weren’t going to give it to me; I’m your wife!!! You were supposed to give it to me!” She screamed as she stood, her chair falling behind her.

Max laughed harshly. “God Tess, are you stupid. My family can’t stand you, they hate your guts, and they think you’re a selfish, self-absorbed whore, just like I do. Why the hell would I let you wear something as precious as a family heirloom when you would do nothing but taint it! Now I am going to ask you once last time, where did you pawn it? WHERE!”

Tess shrugged her shoulders. “I’m afraid I don’t remember. You want me to remember then the bitch that’s staying at the guesthouse has to leave and she has to take her bastard children with her. You do that, and just maybe I’ll find it for you.” She said boldly, thinking he would back down.

Max smiled, “Your threats won’t work with me Tess. You see, you forget that something that expensive has insurance and ownership papers. I let the insurance company know that you stole it, not only will you go down for theft. Now, as for who will be leaving, you have seventy two hours to vacate the house and grounds Tess.” He told her with a cruel smile.

He handed her his father’s card with his cell phone number on it. “Here’s the name and number of my attorney, call him with an address of where your staying and he’ll deliver you the divorce papers, along with paper work giving me sole custody of Zan. I wouldn’t fight it Tess, you have no choice but to corporate, you don’t have the money or the means to fight someone like me in court.”

He watched as Tess paled, her eyes wide with horror. Before she could say a word there was a timid knock on Tess’s bedroom door. Glancing at it he saw one of the maids standing there with her head down.

“Yes” he asked, not allowing himself to take the anger he had at his wife out on the maid.

She glanced up, clearing her throat. “Mr. Evans, Ms. Parker just called from the guesthouse. Zan has awakened, she would like to know if your planning on having someone pick him up or if she should just feed him dinner sir.”

Max glanced at his watch, 5:30 pm, where had the time gone. He sighed, “Please call Ms. Parker back and tell her to go ahead and feed him and to set an extra place, thank you.”

She nodded before scurrying out of the room. Turing back to Tess he glared at her. “I’m done playing games with you. Zan is being admitted to the hospital the day after tomorrow, I suggest that if your not going to be one hundred percent supportive in his recovery and play nice, that you don’t even bother to show up. But it may be the last time you see him, so make up your mind.”

With that said he turned to leave the room. “Oh and don’t forget Tess. Seventy two hours.” He said over his shoulder.

He never saw the defeated slump of her shoulders or the angry tears in her eyes as he walked away.

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Re: A Gift to Liz-A Dream Unbroken(M/L,Adult,AU)CH 27 04.26.08

Post by flyawayraven »

I just want to thank you all for sticking with this story. I know I usually thank everyone but I don't have the time... I promise to make up for it the next time I post another part, for the wait though... I'm posting parts 28 and 29 togeather as an apology for not being around. I'm in the middle of moving and decorating the new place and everything is going to take up alot of my time. I don't know when I'll be back on, however I can promise that it won't be any later then the middle of July. I'm praying that it will be sooner or I just might go insane. I'll try to sneak on sooner, I just got a laptop for my birthday so I might be able to sneak away from the kids some morning and head down to the nearest coffee shop... wish me luck I'll try my hardest to come back sooner rather then later. Enjoy until then!!

Chapter 28

Max entered the guesthouse without knocking. He headed to the kitchen, following his nose. When he entered a smile lit his face, he knew he should contact his father but he didn’t want to do it on an empty stomach. He had missed Liz’s cooking.

Zan was sitting on Liz’s lap sharing off her plate as the twins kept up a constant chatter. Liz looked up and gave him a smile, telling him to fix his own plate.

Liz noticed that his that his eyes seemed stressed and vowed to herself to talk to him once the kids were in bed.

Dinner was a lively affair with lots of laughter. Zan switched back and forth between his father and Liz, eating more then Max had seen him eat lately. After dinner they headed back outside to play for a bit more Max went to take Zan back up to the main house after he fell asleep, promising to be back in a bit.

Liz ran baths for the twins before settling them down in the living room for quiet time before bed. By the time teeth were brushed and story time was done it was nine and Liz was tired.

After tucking the kids in bed and uttering ‘snug as a bug in a rug’. She headed to the
en suite off the master bedroom. Isabel was sitting in the living room reading a book curled up on the couch, a throw across her lap.

Turing the bath water on she poured her vanilla bath oil in the water, watching as the suds swirled in the water she sighed as she stripped off cloths and lowered herself into the hot water with a sigh.

She must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew she was opening her eyes. The water had gone cold and her hands and feet were prune like.

Quickly washing herself she stepped out, slipping on her cotton robe before walking out of the bathroom, rubbing a towel through her hair she paused when she noticed a small lump in her bed.

Thinking that Teddy or Maxie had relocated to her bed she walked over and was surprised in seeing blond hair instead of dark. Zan sighed as she pulled the blankets a little higher and tucked him in. Smoothing a hand across his forehead she felt her heart lurch at how warm he was.

Dressing quickly she walked down the stairs to find Isabel pacing angrily and Max sitting tiredly on the couch. Isabel paused when she spotted Liz then resumed her pacing.

Max sat up, giving her a small smile. “I hope you don’t mind that I brought Zan back down. Things are…” he trailed off as Liz smiled reassuringly. Sitting down beside him she asked gently, “What’s going on?”

Max didn’t get a chance to respond as Isabel spoke up angrily. “Tess is what’s up! I cannot believe the gull of that woman. How anyone can be so mean and vindictive let alone selfish and spiteful is beyond me! Her son could die! DIE and she goes on with life like nothing is the matter, acting like it’s Max’s fault simply because he never told her about Maxie and Teddy! Like those children are any of her business!”

“I don’t understand it Max! I don’t, how could any mother treat her child the way she treats Zan is beyond me! How do you put up with it?!” Isabel ended with a shriek.

Max shook his head sadly. “I usually ignore her, but she’s making it impossible since this morning.”

He quickly filled her in on this mornings events, leaving out the problem with the ring until he had a chance to talk to his father. “I told her she had seventy two hours, but when I went to put Zan to bed she walked into the nursery like it was a normal day, all decked out to go out. She’s stopped hiding the fact that she’s sleeping around. Instead she came in, waking Zan up and decided to go into vivid detail. Like I want to know what she does!”

Isabel paused, “You should have told her that if she brought a guy home you’d have them arrested for trespassing.”

Max shrugged his shoulders with a shake of the head. “I didn’t want to stick around, she was upsetting Zan so bad that all I could concentrate on was getting him out of there. He’s sick, he shouldn’t have to put up with this.”

Isabel nodded with a sigh. “That’s a good point, he shouldn’t.”

Liz nodded her agreement, tears in her eyes for the sweet little boy upstairs tucked into the large bed.

They talked for a bit more before deciding to head to bed. Max thought about taking Zan back up to the main house but Liz insisted that they stay there. She couldn’t comprehend what would happen when Tess arrived home. Liz knew that they were going to have a full day tomorrow and thought just maybe Zan would sleep better where he was.

She offered the bed to Max but he declined, thinking he would move Zan to sleep with him on the couch until finally Liz threw her hands up in exasperation saying they could share the bed and Zan could sleep between them, after all it was a king size bed.

Isabel hid her smile as she climbed the stairs to go to bed, Liz was thawing and she was thawing quickly. Meeting Zan and falling instantly in love with him had pushed Liz a long way into forgiving Max.

Wasn’t it just two days ago that Liz was still tempted to chuck things at Max’s head and was planning his demise in her sleep?

Isabel knew that Liz was exactly who Max needed to help him get though the upcoming battles with both Zan’s sickness and his divorce.


Chapter 29

Tess stumbled out of the car, her drunken giggles filling the air as the blond haired hunk groped her. She was looking forward to being as loud as possible. She’d show Max that he couldn’t push her around, there was no way she was allowing him to toss her aside so he could shack up with that bitch.

The pair entered the living room, and Tess noticing the door to her husbands study still in disarray changed her course, pushing her chosen lover for the night to sit on the couch she straddled his lap, grinding herself into him.

Nipping and biting, he struggled to reach bare flesh as she hiked up her skirt to around her waist. She unbuttoned his pants as he freed her breasts, groaning loudly when he took a nipple in his mouth and sucked hard.

Pulling him out, she didn’t waste time mounting and sinking down as hard as she could. She fucked him hard and fast, being as loud as possible, slamming down on him as he thrust into her. She felt him stretch her with every downward thrust and pulling his hair roughly slammed her lips to his, biting his lower lip hard, causing a loud curse to leave his mouth.

Tess felt her body tighten as he picked up his pace, the sound of slapping flesh and his moaning turning her on even more. Before she knew what hit her, a scream was torn from her throat as her orgasm tore threw her. She felt her breath leave her in a whoosh as her back hit the floor. Ryan, at least she thought that was his name followed, never slowing his pace.

Tess wrapped her legs around him when he slammed her arms above her head. “Fuck!” She shouted when he bit her hard on the shoulder, not letting go as his dick piston in and out of her pussy.

She could feel another orgasm building, and she wished she had another guy around to fuck her in the ass. The thought of being sandwiched between two guys had her coming in a second, her voice hoarse as moaned her pleasure.

Her shuddering body caused her partner to tense, his body shaking as he erupted inside her. She wasn’t done with him though, pushing him off her she quickly shimmied out of her skit, shoving him on his back she straddled his face, “eat me” she demanded.

He gave her a wicked smile before gripping her hips and pulling her down harshly, his tongue diving deep as she ground her clit against his teeth, causing her to shudder.

She didn’t usually do blow jobs, but she was so turned on all she could think about was getting his dick back inside her, bending over while not breaking her rhythm she took his flaccid cock in her mouth. Moaning when she his tongue flick quickly. She sucked him hard, deep throat him as she felt him grow in her mouth, his groans and growls sending vibrations up into her body.

Soon, she found herself orgasming again, her juices flowing. Letting him go with a pop she turned around, slamming down onto him once more. As he sat up, she felt him reach deeper in side of her, causing her to scream again. Wrapping her arms around his neck she whispered in his ear, “I want you to fuck my ass, fuck it hard and fast. Can you do that?”

His response was to pull out of her and roughly flip her over, and bend her over the couch. “Ahh!” She screamed when he slammed into her, she felt herself tear and reveled in the slight pain that soon gave way to blinding pleasure.

She grabbed him hand and showed him that she wanted him to finger fuck her while slamming into her ass. Her own hand was working her clit, her moans growing desperate when she felt her over sensitized body throb.

His other hand was alternating breasts, squeezing hard, and pulling her nipples as he bit and licked her shoulders and back. “Harder!” She growled, and she felt more them heard him moan in response. She wanted more, always more.

“I’m about to cum.” He growled in her ear, she smiled. “That’s it, cum in my ass. I want to feel you cum. That’s it baby, cum inside me.” She moaned. Her breath hitching as she felt herself cum one last time, a shriek erupting from her throat as he came hard. Their combined juices flowing down her thighs.

When they were finished Tess lay limply on the living room floor, swatting the man’s wandering hand. “Damn baby.” He said. “I didn’t know dynamite came in such small packages. It’s a good thing no one else was here huh?”

She scowled at him before remembering her original plan. She had forgotten all about her plan to show Max. Standing on shacking legs she frowned.

“What’s the matter baby?” The guy asked

“We aren’t alone you fool.” She snarled.

“W-what?” he asked.

“My husband’s in the other room.” She snapped at him. His eyes widened before jumping to his feet. “Hey you didn’t tell me you were married! I’m going to get out of here; I don’t need any trouble. But thanks for the fun baby.” With that he pulled up his pants and high tailed it out of there.

Tess was still frowning as she stood up with a huff. She stalked into Max’s room; rage coursing though her body when she found Max’s bed empty and not slept in. Bounding up the stairs to the nursery she screamed with anger when she found Zan not in his room.

‘Oh no he didn’t!’ she thought to herself as she slammed into her room to change her cloths, which were now ripped pretty bad. If he thought she was going to allow him to sleep in her bed, he had another thing coming.


Chapter 30

Liz felt herself fly through the air; a grunt erupting from her has her head slammed into the wall. Her head spinning she squinted her eyes open, grimacing at the pain. Tess stood above her and Liz barely had time to roll out of the way before a fist came crashing toward her.

“You fucking hussy!” Tess shrieked, grabbing onto Liz’s legs as she tried to crawl away. Liz felt nails dig into her legs as she tried to get away. “What the hell!” A deep voice sounded before Liz found herself freed.

Max had awoken to see Tess standing over Liz, Liz’s face scrunched in pain. He jumped out of bed as Tess tried to make another grab for Liz. He swore again when he heard Zan start crying.

Liz heard it also and attempted to stand, only to crumble again, her head in her hands. “Ohh” she groaned.

Max held Tess’s arms down, noticing right away that her enraged eyes were blood shot and that she smelled like sex and alcohol as she struggled to free herself as she shrieked angrily.

Zan made it to the edge of the bed, crying in fright at the scene in front of him.

“What the hell is the matter with you Tess?” Max demanded, shacking her to get her attention. She fell silent as Isabel entered the room, wrapping a robe around her.

“What’s going on?” She asked before her expression hardened when she spotted her sister-in-law. “Well, it looks like you enjoyed yourself this evening.” She spat.

“No more then my husband it seems, I come here to find him in bed with that whore!” she shrieked.

“I wouldn’t have had to be here if you would learn to behave yourself!” Max shouted.

They all stopped when they heard a little voice by the door, “What’s going on?” Teddy asked, Maxie behind him. Max, Liz and Isabel eyes widened with horror.

“Nothing sweetie, just go back to your room.” Isabel said, trying to shield them from Tess.

“No” Tess sneered with a sly grin. “Let the little bastards come in and see what a whore their mother is?”

“Shut up Tess, the only whore in this room is you!” Max shouted, once again giving her a little shake.

Isabel ushered them out of the bedroom, just as Zan screamed, his sobs filling the room. Liz’s eyes turned in his direction, “Zan!” Liz yelled horrified, getting to her feet to go to him.

“Don’t you fucking go near him, don’t fucking touch my son!” Tess screamed, kicking out her legs, struggling against Max’s hold.

Liz looked helplessly at Max before her eyes traveled back to the little boy who sat on the edge of the bed, blood on his little hands and dripping continuously down his little face.

Max tried to pull Tess away from the bed, giving Liz room to get to the screaming child without getting in the way of Tess’s kicking legs.

Sensing what Max was trying to do, Tess doubled her efforts all the while screaming. “Don’t touch him, don’t fucking touch him, I’ll kill you, you fucking whore. Bitch don’t you go near him.”

Max struggled to hold her as Liz watched horrified as Tess’s foot flew toward the bed, knocking it so hard that Zan went flying off the bed, his sobs silencing abruptly as his little body bounced on the floor.

A horrified yell flew from Max’s mouth, bringing Isabel flying into the room just as Liz reached Zan.

Seeing what had happened, Isabel turned to Tess. “Bitch!” She yelled, landing a right hook straight to her jaw, causing Tess to slump in Max’s arms.

Dropping her without pause, Max raced to Zan other side. “Isabel” Liz called. “Call 911” she said as she slowly flipped the child over, grimacing at the bruise that was already forming high on his cheek. Liz gently pinched the bridge of Zan’s nose, tilting his head slightly.

She was worried about the bruise, which was swelling the side of his face rapidly. She never noticed the tears running down her face, nor did she notice Max leave Zan’s side. It was only when Max shoved a hand towel into her hands did she look up, tears running down his face also.

Zan breathing was slow and even, and if it weren’t for the bloody nose or the bruise Liz would have thought he was sleeping peacefully.

It wasn’t long before Liz heard the sirens. Looking at Max she whispered, “you have to go talk to them Max, I’ll stay with Zan. Please ask Isabel to keep the twins out of the way.”

She could see the indecision on his face, torn between leaving his son’s side and going to talk to the cops. “Do you trust me?” She asked. Max nodded, “then go!” Max nodded again before racing out of the bedroom.

Moments later he returned, the paramedics behind him, along with a police officer. One paramedic went to check on Tess while Liz filled them in on Zan’s condition. Max felt his heart swell with pride at Liz competence of the situation.

“What happened here?” the officer asked. Isabel walked into the room. “I punched her.” She stated bluntly. Max sighed in exasperation, before explaining the situation. Max still hadn’t finished when the paramedics hoisted Zan’s gurney into the ambulance.

Although Liz knew it was serious she asked them to wait one second. “Max, I’ll go to the hospital, meet me their once your finished here. Have Isabel contact your parents to come over here and help her out. What’s his doctors name?”

Max told her before she jumped into the ambulance, yelling over her shoulder at the twins to mind their Aunt Isabel.

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Re: A Gift to Liz-A Dream Unbroken(M/L,Adult,AU)chap 28/29 5.21

Post by flyawayraven »

You know, it's a shock when you log in and go to update, thinking that you updated a week ago only to find out that... IT'S NOT THERE?? AHHHHHH...

So anyway, I don't have much time, I just wanted to post a couple of parts to tide you over until I get set up in my new home... wish me luck.


Max found Liz slumped in a chair in the waiting room, an ice pack pressed to the back of her head. Frantic, he made his way to her.

“Liz” he called. Liz stood up and made her way to him, grateful when he grabbed her shoulders when she swayed.

“Are you Ok, how’s Zan, what have they told you?” He threw out.

Liz would have smiled if her head hadn’t hurt so badly. “I’m find, I have a slight concussion but I wouldn’t let them hold me. No news on Zan yet, they won’t tell me anything because I’m not a relation.” She muttered.

Max led her back to the chairs and pushed her to sit down. “I’m so sorry about this Max, I should never have agreed to stay there.”

Max shook his head, “this is not your fault Lizzie,” he said sadly. “I should have done something about her when I first found out, but I thought that a mother, no matter how bad of one was better then no mother at all.”

Liz lifted tear soaked eyes to him. “Oh Max, I’m so sorry. I feel like this is all my fault!”

Max hugged her to his side. “It’s not and I don’t blame you. My father is meeting me here, I’m going to go see what I can find out.”

Liz nodded and watched as he made his way to the nurses station, only to come back to fill out some paperwork. “I think they do that just to shift your focus.” Liz muttered, trying to make him smile. He nodded his head absently causing Liz to lean her head back with a wince, closing her eyes against the harsh lights in the white room.

Half an hour later Zan’s doctor emerged. “Mr. Evans”.

Max jumped up, “Hi, how is he?” he asked anxiously.

The doctor smiled, “he’s awake, and we’ve stopped the bleeding, however I would recommend that we just admit him to the hospital tonight. He needs to be monitored carefully and I think it would just confuse him more if I was to discharge him only to readmit him in a day or so.”

“Can we see him?” Max asked.

“That’s fine, you can go back. He’s been asking for you and Lizzie. I suppose that’s you?” He asked the dark haired women by Max’s side.

Max gave a full blown smile, “Sorry, let me introduce you to Elizabeth Parker. She’s the mother of my twins, Maxie and Teddy. They’ll be coming in tomorrow I guess for testing. So much for the zoo.” He finished with a sad smile.

Liz shook the doctors hand with a small smile. “We’ll be moving him to a private room shortly, so why don’t you meet him there.”

They thanked the doctor before heading to the elevator. Taking it up two floors they headed down the hall of the children’s ward. Despite it being a hospital, Liz had to admire how that staff had arranged it to look almost homey. There was a large open space, surrounded with a small wall that looked like a playroom/living room that was within sight of the nurses’ station.

A large comfortable looking sectional sat in front of a state of the art entertainment center. The couch dividing the room naturally and smoothly to an open space with toys of all kinds; across the hall was a dining room/ kitchen of sort, once again filled with top of the line appliances.

“This isn’t your normal hospital I don’t think?” Liz muttered. Max heard her anyway, “I admit that this wing has only private rooms, you usually have to shell out big. I wanted Zan to be as comfortable as possible while he was here, the twins also. The children in this wing tend to get more attention and are allowed to roam more freely if they’re feeling up to it.”

Liz gave him a smile, “I’m not scolding Max. I would do the same thing in your shoes.” Max stopped outside a door marked Zan Evans. Pushing it open Liz was awed at it.

Although it still had the sterile smell that all hospital rooms seemed to have, it reminded Liz of a studio apartment. In one corner stood a bed, decked out in cheerful sheets and comforter.

The curtains matched the theme of the room, which happened to be teddy bears. There was a small sitting area with a pull out couch and a rocking recliner. End tables holding a lamp sat in-between forming an L shape around a small entertainment stand with a 37-inch TV; also there was a VCR/DVD combo and a Playstation sitting on a table beside it.

A four-person table sat in another corner, not far from a small kitchenette. A door stood slightly ajar and Liz could see that it was the bathroom. “Not bad” Liz muttered right when there was a knock on the door.

Chapter 32

It opened to two nurses wheeling a roller bed. Zan was laying strapped to it and Liz’s heart constricted when she saw the tears rolling down his pale cheeks. Max frowned when he noticed.

“Is it necessary to strap him down like that?” He asked, his voice gruff as he advanced on them.

The nurses smiled indulgently and Liz had to roll her eyes when the younger one looked him up and down. Max didn’t wait for an answer when he reached them, Zan calling for him when he heard his fathers voice.

Max unstrapped him quickly, “He’s a two year old sick little boy, not some mental patient.” He snapped, lifting his son into his arms and checking him over quickly. The young nurse quickly backed the bed out, making sure that Zan’s IV’s weren’t tangled.

The other nurse held a bag a fluid. “It’s simply policy for patients as young as Zan so that they don’t fall off while we’re transferring them. Now if you wouldn’t mind settling him on the bed, I’ll just check him out before leaving you alone for a bit.”

Liz had to smile when Zan’s eyes brightened a bit and cleared when he spotted her. “Lizzie!” He called.

“Hey buddy, how are you feeling?” She asked, gently taking him from Max’s arms when he held out his arms to her.

Zan sniffled as she sat on the bed. “Zan’s’ head hurt Lizzie, nd Is swared whens I wake up.” He looked up at her with enormous eyes. “I not knows whaw I wuas Lizzie.” More tears spilled down his cheeks.

Liz felt tears in her own eyes at his scared confession. “day said dada was waitin fur me, but I no see him. Zan was so sward.” He hiccupped a bit, burring his head into her chest, sticking his thumb in his mouth only to cry out when his IV tugged.

Liz repositioned him a bit more comfortably in her lap. Allowing the nurse access to do what she needed to do. She tried to take his temperature in his mouth but when no couching could get him to abandon his thumb she settled for under his arm. Checking his pulse, she wrote her finding on his chart. Hanging up his IV bag on the stand next to the bed.

When she left the room Liz swung her legs up on the bed and scooted back to rest on the pillows, Zan cuddled on her chest. He gave a big sigh but seemed afraid to close his eyes. A few minuets later a nurse walked in and injected something into his IV saying it would help him rest. Soon, he was passed out clinging to Liz’s shirt.

By that time it was four thirty in the morning and Liz watched as Max paced the room. Finally he looked at her, “I think I’m going to go for a walk.” He said bluntly. She didn’t respond as she laid her head back. It wasn’t long before she was fast asleep.

Max returned a half an hour later to find a sight that brought tears to his eyes. Liz had shifted to her side, curling her body around Zan protectively. Zan had a fist full of her hair in one had and his thumb was once again in his mouth. Going to a closet that Max knew was there from when he toured the facility he grabbed an extra blanket and covered both of them.

When that was finished he went and sat in the recliner, staring absent-mindedly out the window, a million thoughts running through his head. By five thirty he was fast asleep.

When he opened his eyes, he noticed three things at once. Liz and Zan were still fast asleep, it was ten in the morning and his sister was curled up on the couch reading a book.

He had been covered at some point, most likely by Isabel and a part of him wanted to pull the covers higher and go back to sleep. “There’s fresh coffee.” Isabel’s voice invaded his indecisive mind. Her voice was soft as to not wake up the sleeping beauties on the bed. “That decides it.” He muttered. His sister knew how much he loved his coffee.

“How long have you been here?” He asked, folding the blanket and putting it away. Isabel closed her book and placed it on the end table. “We arrived about two hours ago. Mom went to the store to pick up some things with Maxie and Teddy is in the entertainment room with Dad.” She informed him.

Max nodded. “I need to go talk to him.” He muttered to himself as he made his coffee. Isabel stood. “I figured you would, the nurses have come and gone, they kept waking Liz every time due to her concussion. She should sleep for a while yet. They said that Zan would sleep for another hour or two at least with the sedatives they gave him.”

“Good, he needs the rest.” Max said.

“I’ll go get Teddy so that you can talk to Dad.” Isabel said, leading the way out of the room.

Max found his father watching a movie with Teddy curled up next to him. Teddy jumped up when he saw Max. “Daddy!” he exclaimed rushing him. It was the first time that Teddy had ever shown such out right affection with him and Max’s heart soared.

“I thought you were never going to wake up but grandpa said that you needed your rest and that I should let you sleep. Is mommy awake yet?” He asked.

Max shook his head, “No, your mommy is still very tired.”

“Yeah, I figure your right.” He said with a tilt to his head that made Max want to laugh.

“Buddy can you do me a favor, can you go with your Aunt Isabel so that I can talk to grandpa for a bit.” Max asked his son.

Teddy looked at him. “You need to have a grown up talk now right, mommy always tells Maxie and me to go into another room when she needs to have a grown up talk.” He gave a big sigh. “I guess I could.” Max placed him down and he took his aunts hand, walking off.

Max faced his father. “Well do you want the good news or the bad news first?” Phillip said as they headed down the hallway.
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Re: A Gift to Liz-A Dream Unbroken(M/L,Adult,AU) Parts 31/32 9.1

Post by flyawayraven »

I just want to thank everyone who has been so patient with me when it comes to this story. I have been having some personal issues at home that haven't been completely worked out and seeing all of your support with this story helps release the stress I'm feeling. This is my crutch in life, coming here and just getting lost in the wonderful stories and writing a few of my own... ok writing a ton, a lot of which will most likely never be posted. But it still settles the anxiety I feel about life right now to come here. So thank you.

Michelle17 ~ Thanks for stopping by!
begonia9508 ~ Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
keepsmiling7 ~ You know, I love your user name. It's become my motto for life! LOL. Anyway, Thanks for the uplifting words.
roswell3053 ~ I think you'll like the news that Phillip has. Thanks for the words.
Natalie36 ~ Good words are always worth repeating. Thank you.

Ch 33

“Tess has been charged with two counts of aggravated assault one count being a minor. Also she’s being charged with disorderly conduct.” Phillip told him.

“That’s the bad news?” Max asked his father.

“That’s not all, she got herself bailed out and she wants to press charges against Isabel for punching her. I don’t think it will stick but she’s trying.” He continued.

Max sighed, “What’s the good news?”

“Well” Phillip said “As your lawyer I took the initiative to put a restraining order on her. She’s not allowed to come within two thousand yards of anyone that was there last night. She’s being escorted to the house to gather some things and then she’s been told to vacate the premises. I took that initiative also. I have to provide the deed to the house at some point today.”

Max nodded, quickly writing down the combination to the safe in his office so his father could pick it up.

“Anything else?” Max asked, anxious to get back to Zan’s room. “You shouldn’t have any problem winning full custody of Zan once a judge reads the police report. I took the liberty of giving her the divorce papers before she was bailed out this morning. If she refused to sign you have plenty of cause to file without her signature.”

Max nodded, a grin on his face. Even if Tess contested anything, she wouldn’t and couldn’t win.

“There’s one more thing dad that I need you to do for me. I’d do it myself but with everything going on I just don’t have the time.” Max said his face hardening.

“Sure, anything son.” Phillip said.

“Tess broke into my office, found my keep sake box with a bunch of memos of Liz’s. In it was ‘the gem’. It was stupid of me to not lock it in the safe, but it was supposed to be Liz’s and…” he trailed off.

“Are you talking about the heirloom Max?” Phillip asked his voice shocked.

Max nodded. “She wouldn’t tell me where she pawned it.”

He looked anxiously at his father. “I need to find it, the insurance papers and everything are also in the safe. Take what you need, but please find it! It’s supposed to be Liz’s!”

Phillip nodded, “I better be off then, can I have your keys and security code?”

Max handed over his security card and keys before they parted ways. Max heading back up to the room.

Liz groaned as she woke up, the first thing she saw was Zan staring at her. She gave him a grin as she rolled onto her back.

Her head hurt like the dickens, and she hoped to whomever was up there that she was able to get some pain killers.

Pushing herself up she noticed it was nearly noon. Flopping back down she rolled her head to look at Zan.

“Looks like we’re on our own buddy. Are you hungry?” She asked. Zan shook his head.

Gently taking his thumb out of his mouth she whispered gently, “with words Zan.”

Zan pouted a bit. “No”

Liz nodded with a smile. “That’s better, how are you feeling?”

Tears entered his eyes and Liz’s smile dropped. “My head hert.”

Liz brushed his hair off his face. “Well then, I guess we better see what the nurses can do about that now don’t we. Then when your head is feeling better maybe we can see if we can get something in that tummy of yours. You need to eat if you’re going to get healthy and strong right?”

Zan nodded his head slightly sticking his thumb back into his mouth and Liz decided not to push it.
Sitting up all the way she reached over and pushed the button for the nurse. A few moments later one walked in.

“Well look who’s awake.” She said with a bright smile. Zan didn’t acknowledge her, simply grabbing on to Liz hand.

Liz gave the nurse a smile. “He told me his head hurts, I was just wondering if he could get something for that.”

The nurse nodded her head. “Of course, let me check his chart, I’ll be right back.”

When she left Liz faced Zan. “Alright buddy, lets get you up ok.” She helped him to sit up and noticed that there were a few bags sitting by the couch. Hopping up she went to investigate.

She found clean cloths for both of them and a brown paper bag with shower supplies inside, a note from Diane.

‘Went with Max to get the twins blood drawn, and then out to lunch. Should be back soon, Love Diane.’

She frowned a bit, annoyed that she wasn’t there for the twins when they were tested but nothing had gone as planned so far.

Glancing back at Zan she noticed that he was sitting there, his thumb in his mouth his eyes following her.

On further investigation she noticed that Diane had stocked the small fridge and cupboards, most likely.

The nurse came back then and Liz noticed that Zan tensed. Going to his side she smiled apologetically at the nurse when he didn’t respond to her.

“Well that’s ok, last night had to have been pretty traumatic for him.” She chatted on. “Now, I’m going to give him this mild painkiller. It will be enough to cut the pain but not enough to knock him back out.” She said, sticking a needle in his IV.

She then held out a cup to Liz, “I thought you could use this. There was a note in Zan’s chart for the night nurses that you had a concussion, this might help if you’re head hurts a bit.”

“Bless you” Liz exclaimed, gratefully swallowing the pills.

“Is there anything else you need?” She asked. Liz nodded, “Yeah, I’d like to give him a bath…” She trailed off.

“Oh yes. I was just about to mention that I have to change his IV. He’ll be getting one that he’ll keep in for the duration of his stay. It’s flexible and will let him move about without hurting him. He will most likely forget it’s there. Also, I’ll show you how to detach it so that you can bath him.”

After a bit of coaching on Liz’s part, Zan allowed the nurse to place an IV catheter in the back of his hand. Then with a little tape to hold it down, she showed Liz how to detach and reattach it, and then she left.

Liz wondered how the twins were, but pushed the thought aside in order to concentrate on Zan. Holding up two sets of PJ’s she let Zan choose. He picked the ones with the airplane.

Helping him off the bed. Liz led him to the bathroom, changing his pull up, which was quite full she ran a bath for him.

When he was finished, she set him in front of the TV for a few minuets and showered herself, dressing in the clean jeans and blouse she found in the bag.

Then she whipped up a quick lunch for them of cut carrots with hummus, some sprouts for her and jello. Handling Zan a sippy of juice, she finished her coffee.

By the time Zan was finished his eyes were once again drooping, so she picked him up and tucked him back into bed, reconnecting his IV. By the time she walked away, he was fast asleep, and Liz sat to watch over him.

TBC... Hope you like.