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Post by kay_b »

As promised...


Chapter 11

“Mommy, look! It’s the man that helped us!” Zan tugged on her mother’s hand then ran up to Max.

Zan stopped right in front of Max. She looked up at him and smiled excitedly, “Hi!”

“Hello.” Max smiled back.

“Whatcha doing here?”

“Zan.” Liz called her daughter when she got her bearings back.

Max looked at Liz but decided to answer the little girl’s question. “Um, actually, I was looking for you.”


“Yup, really.”


“I actually wanted to thank you and your mommy.”


“Zan.” Liz went up to her daughter and held her back.

“I really came here to thank you.” Max explained to Liz.

“For what?”

“For helping me. This brought me luck.” Max showed the pouch Liz gave her.

“Oh. Well, I’m glad it did.” Liz smiled.

Max was enamored by her beauty now that he got a better look. He felt his heart start beating faster.

“I’m Max Evans.” He extended his hand for her to shake.

“Liz Parker.” The minute that their palms touched, a tingly spark ran through their bodies.

Liz was a little flustered until Zan spoke up.

“I’m Zan.”

“You remember my daughter, Alissandra Parker.” Liz turned to her daughter.

“It’s nice to meet you, Zan. I’m Max.” Max did the same and shook the little girl’s hand.

Zan giggled as she shook Max’s hand.

“So…” Liz spoke.

“So…I was wondering if you’d maybe want to go out for dinner or something…as a thank you.” Max quickly explained.

“A thank you? Shouldn’t I be the one thanking you?”

“Believe me, with what happened to me, I should be the one doing all the thanking.”

“And saving our lives isn’t reason enough?” Liz said but as soon as those words left her mouth she was wondering what in the world was she doing. Was she flirting with the guy?

“Well then, how about I treat you out as payment for this little thingy.” Max tossed the little bag slightly and caught it in his hand.

“That ‘thingy’ only costs $5.”

“But Maria said this was sentimental to you.” Max replied.

“Maria?” Liz looked at her best friend.

“Uh…we got to do some talking while we were waiting for you.” Maria said sheepishly.

“Can I go too, Mommy?” Zan was skipping up and down.

“Sweetie, we aren’t even going.” Liz spoke to her daughter.

“Buts he invited us.” Zan whined.

“Yeah, I did invite you. You can all go if you want to. I don’t mind. The more, the merrier.” Max added and looked at Maria.

“Oh no, I’d rather stay here. Thanks for the offer but someone needs to stay behind to look after the store. You and Zan go, Liz.”

Liz was trying to convey that she didn’t want to with her eyes but Maria was trying to convince her through the same action.

“We can’t now. I mean…I have errands. And I can’t just leave Maria here all by herself.”

“The weekend then?” Max persisted.

Liz let out a sigh. With everyone but her insisting that they go, she reluctantly agreed. “Okay, the weekend then.”

“Yay!” Zan was quite happy when her mother said yes.

“Saturday ok with you?” Max asked.

“Yes, Saturday’s fine.” Liz nodded.

“Great. I’ll see you then. Bye Maria, bye Zan.” Max smiled gorgeously as he waved goodbye.

“Bye, Max!” Zan waved back as Max left.

“Ok, Chica, why didn’t you tell me that he was such a hottie?!” Maria was instantly on Liz’s case the minute the door closed.

“I told you, I didn’t get a good look at him. It’s not like I have the time to notice how gorgeous he was while the plane my daughter and I were on was crashing down to the ground.” Liz said sardonically.

“So you do admit that he’s gorgeous. Ooh, Lizzie, you look good together.” Maria squealed.

“Yeah, Mommy, you look good together.” Zan chimed in.

“What? Maria, see what you’ve done. Stop influencing my child.” Liz admonished. “C’mon Zan, let’s get you home.” Liz took Zan’s hand and was already heading out.

“Lizzie, wait.”

“What is it?”

“I just thought you should know, Max was asking a lot of questions about Zan.”

“What? What kind of questions?” Liz went back to Maria.

“He was asking how Zan predicted the crash.”

Liz took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly.

“Look, I don’t think the reason that he’s here is to…I don’t know…dig stuff about Zan, but just be careful, ok?” Maria said.

Liz nodded, “Thanks for the warning. Come home immediately ok?”

“I will.”

“See you back at the house.”

And with that Liz left, pondering on why Max Evans showed up at their doorstep and why he was so interested with her daughter.
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Post by kay_b »

Chapter 12

Saturday morning, Max was up bright and early. He was excited to see the mother and daughter pair today. He didn’t understand why this was happening, why he was feeling giddy about the prospect of being able to spend some time with them. But he welcomed the feeling wholeheartedly.

He put on a pair of jeans, black shoes and a white button-down shirt. It was casual, just right for a simple lunch. Just as he was about to head out to his garage, his phone rang.


“Max, it’s Iz.”

“Hey. What’s up?” Max asked with a smile.

“Oh, nothing. Just wondering if you went to Dreams since YOU HAVEN’T CALLED ME IN DAYS!” Isabel screamed.

Max had to pull the receiver away from his ear. “Dammit Iz. Stop screaming. I’m sorry I didn’t call ok? But yes, I did go to Dreams and I saw them.”

”You saw them? Them as in the girl and her mother?”


“Ok, so, what happened?”

“Nothing much.” Max was looking at the mirror, combing his hair.

“Nothing much? Nothing much! How could nothing happen after you got to meet them?”

“Alright, I asked them out for lunch. Happy?”

“Really? Where?”

“Haven’t decided yet.” He was dabbing some of his cologne on.

“What are you wearing?”


“I’m asking you what you’re wearing.”

“Uh, jeans and a white shirt.”

“Ok, that’s good. Casual, not overly dressed.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Well if you’re going out on a date—“

“Isabel, it’s not a date.”

“Then why do you sound…chippy?”

“I do not sound chippy.”

“Yeah, you do.”

“I do not.”

“Max, you haven’t gone out since…well…since Erin. And your voice sounds different. God knows you’ve been antsy trying to find the two and now that you have you sound happy. Like a great weight has been lifted off your shoulders.”

Max fell silent. ‘Did he really sound like that?’

“Look Iz, I have to go. I don’t want to be late.”

Isabel knew he was changing the topic, a defense mechanism whenever they talked about Erin. “Ok, just be sure to call me as soon as you get back, you got it?”

“Yeah. I’ll call you, I promise.”

Max took his black Lexus SUV with him so there would be some space for Zan. She looked really small so she must still have a booster seat.

Zan. The last time he heard that name was from Erin’s lips. And now, this tiny little girl had that very same name. Max recalled what the girl looked like. Admittedly, she did look a bit like Erin but she also looked like Liz. And what about her father? If the dad was in the picture, why would Liz agree to go out with him? Ok, granted that it wasn’t a date, but still she wouldn’t go if she was married. Hell, if she was his wife, he wouldn’t let her go with some other guy out for lunch. Whoa, where did that thought come from?

Before he could ponder any more on the two, he was already at the store. He got out and opened the door. The first thing he saw was Zan.

She was wearing a pink dress and white sandals, her soft dark brown hair in little pigtails and a cute smile decorating her face.

“Max! Mommy, Mr. Max is here!” Zan yelled. She was sitting on one of the window seats, waiting patiently for Max to arrive. When he saw him step out of his big car, she quickly put away her crayons and coloring book.

“Hey, Zan.” Max smiled at the girl. “You look pretty.”

Zan giggled her thanks as Liz and Maria came out of the greenhouse.

Max looked up at Liz and his breath got caught in his throat.

She was wearing a white skirt that reached just above her knees and a red tank top with matching red sandals. Her hair was let down and she wore little makeup. In Max’s eyes she was smoking hot.

“Wow.” Max breathed.

“Huh?” Zan was wondering why Max was so silent and staring at her mommy.

“Is this ok?” Liz asked if she was overdressed.

“Absolutely.” Max whispered huskily. Then he shook his head, “I mean yeah, it’s fine. You look…wow.” he grinned.

Liz blushed and mumbled her thanks.

“Aww, don’t you two look just picture perfect.” Maria teased.

That snapped Liz back to reality. “Ok, we should go. Maria, are you sure you don’t want to come with us?”

“Yeah, Maria, there’s plenty of room for one more.”

“And ruin your date? Nah, I’ll be fine.” Maria pulled Zan to kiss her goodbye.

“Tell me everything when you get back, ok?” Maria whispered to her honorary niece.

“I will.” Zan whispered but it was loud enough to be heard by everyone.

“What’s that?” Liz asked.

“Nothing.” Both Maria and Zan answered guiltily.

“Um, Liz, does Zan have a booster seat?” Max asked.

“Oh, yeah she does. We could take two cars.” Liz suggested.

“No!” Liz was surprised by Max’s reaction.

“I mean, what for? We could just bring my SUV and put the booster seat there. It’s no hassle at all. Just tell me where it is and I’ll go get it.”

“Ok.” Liz and Max got Zan’s booster seat while Maria and Zan watched the two.

Once Max had the booster seat in his vehicle, he lifted Zan up and buckled her in. Then he went to the passenger seat up front and helped Liz in.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” Max asked Maria again.

“Go. I’ll be fine here.” Maria grinned at his politeness.

“We’ll just order take-out for you. What would you like?”

“That’s not necessary, Max.” Maria laughed.

“Ok then, I’ll just let Liz decide. See ya, later.” Max said as he got in.

All three waved goodbye to her as she waved back.

In the car, Max and Liz decided on an Italian restaurant and got a table at the balcony area of the place. They ordered lunch and smoothly started a conversation.

“So Zan, tell me, how old are you?” Max asked.

“Um, 4” Zan held up four fingers as she ate.

“Wow, you’re a big girl already.”


“What do you like to do?”

“Um, cowowing.”

“Ok, let me guess. Your favorite color is pink.” Max asked.

“Uh huh.” Zan nodded.

“Pink is a nice color.”

“Yes, and my woom is pink, and my bag is pink, and my blankie is pink and I have a pink bear too.”

“A pink bear?”

“Yup, she’s Love-A-Lot.”

“From the Care Bears?”

Zan gasped, “You know the Care Bears?”

“Yeah, I was a kid when they first came out, my sister loved them.”

“Which one’s her favowite?”

“I’ll have to ask her.”

Zan went back to eating as Liz started on grilling Max.

“Why are you asking all these questions about my daughter?” Liz was straight to the point.

Max blinked before he thought of an answer, caught unaware by Liz’s blunt question.

“Um, I was just curious.”


Max sensed that Liz was on the defensive. He knew what that was like.

“Liz, I’m not out here to harm you or whatever it is you’re thinking. I was just curious. Ok, I’ll be honest. I can’t stop thinking about what she did when we were in that plane and after when we were out on the field. She predicted what was going to happen. She knew you needed help. How is that possible?”

Liz was terrified. It was apparent that Zan’s abilities have gotten stronger.

“Liz, I just want to know how she did it. I’m not here to hurt you or your daughter.”

Zan looked at her mother. Zan knew that they could trust Max. But she wasn’t sure that her mother did. She looked at her mom, and silently told her that it was ok.

Max could tell that they were having a private conversation…in their heads. Just with that display, he was able to confirm that both Liz and her child had special abilities. But did that mean they were Antarian too?
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Post by kay_b »

A/N: This is starting to catch up with me. I only have upto Chapter 18 written.

Bonnie: Yes, Zan and Liz can communicate. But as to what Liz knows, I think that will be revealed in the part below. Honestly, I still don’t know what Zan and Liz’s abilities will be but I do know that Zan will be stronger, the strongest of everyone.

alana: The reason Max told Cal to put Zan up for adoption is because she is normal. When she was born, she didn’t have any powers. Although the others (Max, Michael and Isabel) are living normal lives, they are still trained to fight anytime a threat comes. And Max didn’t want that for a baby girl. He was so insistent on living a normal life but he didn’t really have it. He got the façade of normalcy but he was still an Antarian who had to deal with giving up a throne and looking over his shoulder to see if enemies are already sneaking up behind him. You’re also right about Cal’s healing giving Liz powers. But she does NOT know that she does.

And this is to everyone who wants to know why Max didn’t feel Zan. He closed himself off to the alien abyss when Erin died, including the “feelings” he got when he was 4. As for Zan, she doesn’t really know much about her powers either and she’s blocked off everyone except Liz. More explanation about that bond will come later. The reason Zan went up to Max is because she can see the future and she saw Max helping them. That was the only reason why she asked for his help.


Chapter 13

On the way back, Zan fell asleep in her booster seat.

Liz turned in her seat to see if Zan was awake. But when she saw that she wasn’t, she proceeded to talk to Max.

“Why are you so interested in her?” Liz began.

“Um, well…it’s just…”

Liz was obviously waiting for a reply.

“Because…because, we’re the same.” Max said the exact thing Zan told him.


“I…I can do those things too.”

“What…things?” Liz was a little cautious.

“Well, I can’t see the future like she can but…I can do stuff, things that others can’t.”

Liz took that to mean people with advanced capabilities, like Zan.

”Do you know why you have them?”

“I was born this way.” Max said in all honesty.

Liz nodded. She was having an internal battle whether to tell Max the truth about Zan or not. But if Max knew, maybe he could help her baby someway. All she wants is a normal life for her daughter. So she chose the former.

“I don’t know if Zan had her ‘special qualities’ since birth.” Liz spoke softly.

“What do you mean?” Max glanced at Liz before looking back at the road.

Liz took a deep breath, “Zan’s…adopted.”

When that last word came out of Liz’s mouth, Max suddenly swerved off the road. Liz put her hand on the dashboard and didn’t let go until Max got control of the vehicle once more.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Are you ok?” Max quickly checked Liz for any injuries, then Zan who was still napping cozily in her seat.

“What happened?”

“Uh, I just…I think we should talk some more about this once we get you home.” Max said as he noted Liz’s pale face.

She only nodded.

After Liz put Zan in bed, she went out the living room to Max.

“Would you like some tea? Coffee? Soda?”

“No, thanks, I’m ok.”

Liz sat opposite Max and began. She wanted to have this discussion over with. “So…”

“Yeah. Um, you said that Zan was adopted?”

Liz nodded, “She is. I found her in a hospital room where I used to work.”

“You’re a doctor?”


“Why…why aren’t you a doctor still?”

Liz inhaled deeply. “When Zan was about 2, my parents died in a car accident. I realized that life was too short. I wanted to spend every moment I could with her so I gave up my profession and took over my mother’s flower shop.”

“Ok, I think it’s my turn to explain what happened earlier.”

“Uh huh.”

“See, I’m adopted too.”

“You are?” Liz asked wide-eyed.

Max just nodded his reply. Then prodded, “So, Zan, you found her?”

“Yes, I heard a baby crying in one of the rooms when I passed by. I looked in the room but there was no one there…except her. I looked after her while she stayed in the hospital. No one claimed for her. But the more that she was there, the more I got attached. And I would like to think we formed a bond of some sort.”

“A bond?”

Liz nodded. “Whenever I had to go home after my shift, I’d visit her in the nursery. Once she saw me, she’ll be clamoring for my attention, kicking her legs and flailing her arms until I had picked her up. But whenever I would put her down, she’d start crying. I didn’t have the heart to leave her that way. So I’d wait until she fell asleep before I’d go. But though she was asleep, I always felt I was leaving a part of me behind. That’s when I decided to adopt her. And now, here we are.”

Max could only bob his head.

“When did you notice that you were different?” Liz asked.


“Yeah that you could do things that others couldn’t.

“Oh, um…I was about 6 or 7.”

“What could you do?”



“Yeah, I could heal the sick. I discovered what I could do when I healed a dying bird. It had a broken wing, but it was really bad and the bird was so weak. I picked it up and I closed my hands around it. The next thing I knew, I was watching it fly away.”

“Wow. Could you…could you still do it?”


“Even after all this years? How old are you by the way, if you don’t mind me asking.”

“Yeah, I can still do it and I’m 28. How about you? How old are you? You don’t have to answer though, I know how women get with their ages, I do have a sister.” he chuckled.

“Aah. Nevertheless, I am 24.”

Max stopped to think for a while. “24? And Zan is 4. You found her as a baby. How old were you when you got Zan?”


“Just 20? I’m surprised that the authorities allowed you to adopt her.”

“I had my parents’ consent plus I was a doctor.”


“What about Zan’s biological parents? Have…have you ever tried to find them? You know, to check if Zan’s abilities sprung from them.”

“No.” Liz shook her head. “It doesn’t matter what Zan can or cannot do. And digging up that information may just open a can of worms that I would rather do without.”

“Have you ever tried to find your biological parents?” Liz asked tentatively.

Max shook his head in the negative.

Silence fell between them.

“I’m glad Zan has you.” Max said sincerely.

“Thank you.”

“Um, I was thinking, maybe…maybe you like to do this again sometime?”

“I…I don’t know, Max.” Liz hesitantly replied.

Max’s face fell. “Oh, it’s ok. Thanks for spending the afternoon though. I really enjoyed the company. I should go.” He started for the door but Liz called out to him.


Max turned back to look at Liz and saw her scribbling something on a piece of paper.

“Here. You can call me so we can check our schedules…if we can do this again.”

Max smiled radiantly. “Thanks.”
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Post by kay_b »

Author's Note:

alana: I love that people ask questions and comment on my fics. I’ve always said that your feedbacks help me write a better story for you all. Because even if all these plots come from my head, I still miss out some points and your insights help me see them. Regarding Max’s alien side, how do I explain this? He has closed himself off to everything Antarian but that doesn’t mean it’s gone. It’s like he has put up a block against those feelings but they’re still there. And even though he has successfully done that, he still gave up his daughter because he wanted her to have a normal life. And to top it all off, their enemies are still out there. Just because he managed to block out his alien side, it doesn’t mean his enemies have done the same. As to Liz’s reasons for hesitating, they’ll be explained in the chapters to come. And Liz doesn’t know that she and Zan have powers, she only knows that her daughter has advance human capabilities. That’s all. But don’t worry, she’ll find out…soon.

And with everyone asking me if Max is stupid and dense, the answer is no. More of his thoughts will be revealed to you all soon.


Chapter 14

While Liz was out to do some grocery shopping, she left Zan with Maria and the two were watching the store. They were huddled together, making those pouches, with Zan filling them up and Maria sewing them closed.

As the two were busy, the bell above the door chimed signaling a new customer. He walked up to the counter just as Maria looked up.

“Hi. I’m Maria. How can I help you today?”

“I’m just looking around.” the man replied.

“We’ve got some fresh roses, tulips, some potted plants over there or I can arrange a bouquet for you. What’s the occasion?”

“I’m just looking around.” he reiterated.

“Well, it would be faster if I helped you, wouldn’t it?” Maria persisted.

“Are you really this annoying?” the man suddenly asked.

“What? Ugh! Rude much!” Maria turned and went back to what she was doing earlier before the guy showed up. But she got wary of him and got Zan to stick by her in case something bad happens, like maybe the guy being a robber.

Zan felt Maria’s unease and walked to her. “Aunty Mawia?” she whispered.

“It’s ok, sweetie.” Maria held on to Zan’s little hand.

Michael heard the voice of a little girl and turned to look at them. When he saw her face, he inhaled sharply.

Staring back at him were his best friend’s eyes.

He decided to introduce himself and walked towards them. But he halted quickly when the little girl cowered behind the woman’s leg.

“Hi. I’m Michael. What’s your name?”

“She doesn’t talk to strangers.” Maria answered.

”What’s her name?” Michael asked the woman.

“Why do you want to know?”

“I’m just curious.”

“I don’t give out that information to strangers.”

“Ok, I’m Michael. Nice to meet you…Maria.” he said her name after looking at her tag.

Maria was pissed but she didn’t let it show because of Zan.

“Nice to meet you, Michael.” she said through gritted teeth.

Zan was still staring at him. She could feel something was different about the big man but there was also something familiar.

“Hey little girl, I’m Michael.”

That’s when Zan remembered where she saw him before. “The pwane.”

“What?” Maria turned to Zan.

“He was dere. With Max.”

Michael blinked, “You know Max?”

Zan nodded and so did Maria.

“How do you know Max?” he asked Maria.

“He came here to thank her and L— her mother. How do you know Max?”

“He’s my best friend.”

“Oh.” Maria said in surprise.


“Her name is Alissandra.” Maria finally gave in.

Michael bent down and extended a hand to the small child, “It’s nice to meet you, Alissandra.”

Zan looked at his hand then moved even closer to Maria, hiding her face away.

“Sorry. She’s in one of her moods today.”

Michael straightened, “It’s ok. I better go.”

Maria nodded. “Yeah, I think you should.”

“See ya.” Michael looked back at both girls.

“Bye.” Only Maria bid him goodbye.

Once Michael’s convertible peeled off the parking slot, Maria turned to Zan.

“He’s gone.”

Zan looked around the store and then looked up at her aunt. “Up.” She stretched her arms above her head, asking Maria to pick her up.

Maria did that and settled Zan on her hip. “What’s was that about?”

Zan stared at her with her big doe eyes and then leaned her head on Maria’s shoulder and played with her hair.

“He was scawy.” Zan whispered

“Aww, why do you say that, sweetie?” Maria started rubbing her back soothingly.

Zan just shrugged and started to suck her thumb. Maria knew that wasn’t a good sign. Zan always wanted Liz whenever she started on her thumb. It was an indication that something was going on with her and it wasn’t good.

Maria decided to keep Zan preoccupied by telling her that they could go back to their pouches but Zan didn’t want to. She only shook her head, her thumb still in her little mouth. So they just sat there and waited for Liz. It was only Liz who could bring Zan out of her funk.

Several minutes later, Liz finally arrived.

“Hey you two.” she greeted them. Maria had her back turned to Liz but she looked at her when she heard her friend’s voice.

That’s when Liz saw Zan sucking on her thumb and clinging to Maria. Liz’s eyes grew wide and she rushed towards them.

“What happened?” she asked worriedly as she brushed back Zan’s hair.

Zan felt her mother close and leaned away from Maria and towards Liz.

Liz took her immediately and hugged the little girl tightly to her. Zan clung to her mother, wrapping one arm around her neck and letting her head rest on her mommy’s shoulder.

“Maria? What happened?” Liz questioned as she sat down and started rocking Zan.

“I don’t know. I mean, one minute we were busily doing these...” Maria motioned to the pouches. “Then the next she was like that.”

Liz kept rubbing her baby’s back and kissing her temple as she listened to Maria.

“Although it was right after Max’s friend stopped by.”

“What? What friend?”

That made Zan stop sucking. “He was scawy, Mommy.” she whispered then hugged her mother tightly.

“Why was he scary, Zan?” Liz asked quickly now that Zan was back to talking.

“He was big.”

“O-kay. Did he try to harm you in any way, baby?”

Zan shook her head no.

Liz looked at Maria questioningly.

“He was just trying to introduce himself, though he was quite rude at first if you ask me. But we’ll get to that later. Anyway, when he saw Zan, he asked her her name but she wouldn’t answer. Then she started hiding behind my leg. Liz, you know how she gets with strangers.”

“Yeah, strangers that frighten her. There must be something about that guy that was a bit off.”

“Well, he was a little startled when he saw her.”

“What? Why?”

“I dunno. It was just for a fleeting moment. Then he walked up to us to introduce himself.”

Liz wondered why Max’s friend reacted that way upon seeing Zan. But she couldn’t think about that now. She had to focus on her baby first.

“Maria, I’m taking her home now, ok? Will you be alright here by yourself?”

“Yup, I’ll be fine. I actually have just a few more pouches to sew so don’t worry about me. Just take care of her.”

“I will and thanks.” With that Liz carried Zan out of there and headed for home.
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Post by kay_b »

Chapter 15

Isabel was having another one of her dinners. Although Max knew it was her way to trap him in a corner and question him, he didn’t complain. It was good that he got to hang out with his family often and it was all because of his sister.

“Oh good, you’re here. You’re late you know.” Isabel scolded him.

“Yeah, I’m sorry. I got you this though.” Max handed her a bottle of sparkling cider.

“Aah, since we all can’t handle our liquor. Well, you’re excused.” Isabel said as she went about getting some ice. “Kyle’s in the living room. Tell him to go out to the patio, ok?” Isabel didn’t even wait for his response and went out through the back door.

Max walked into the living room to get Kyle.

“Hey, Max.” Kyle greeted him from his spot on the couch where he was watching a movie.

“Kyle, you’re here early.”

“Your sister said we had something important to discuss. I take it it’s about your mystery duo?”

“Probably. Though there really isn’t anything to tell.” he said though he knew that Isabel wasn’t thinking about the alien aspect of all this.

“Alex and Michael out back?” They were having a barbecue and as usual, it was Michael’s job to man the grill.

“Yup. I’m just gonna finish this then I’ll be right there.” Kyle answered.

“Kay.” Max said as he walked out to where the rest of them were.

“Hey, Max.” Alex greeted where he was putting down the huge bowl of mashed potatoes.

“Hey, Alex, need help?”

“Nope, we’ve got it covered. The only thing missing are the steaks.” Alex said as he regarded the table with the potatoes, some tossed salad, corn on the cob, buttered vegetables and pasta.

“Wow, this is some meal.” Max said as he saw the food.

“You know how Isabel and Michael get when it comes to our food gatherings.”

“That’s not me, that’s Michael.” Isabel spoke.

“How could I forget?” Max murmured.

Just as Kyle came through the door, Michael was bringing the plate full of medium grilled steaks.

“Ok, everyone, let’s eat.” Kyle said.

Everyone started on their meal and idle chit chat about the things going on with their lives, except for Max.

“So, Max, are you even going to bring up your date?”

“Date? What date?” Michael perked up from between shovels of meat and potatoes.

“You went out on a date?” Kyle asked.

“It wasn’t a date.”

“Ok, so what do you call it?” Isabel prodded.

“Just lunch.” Max responded.

“Yeah, right.” Isabel narrowed her eyes on her brother.

“Isabel, it wasn’t a date. I just invited them out to lunch as a thank you.”

“Ok, ok, whatever you say.”

“Who was it?” Kyle asked.

“Liz.” Max mumbled.

“Liz who?”

“Liz Parker.”

“Who’s Liz Parker?” This came from Michael.

“The owner of the store Dreams and the one who gave him the pouch.” Alex answered for him.

“Really, you went out with her?” Kyle questioned.

“No, it was just lunch. And besides, her daughter Zan was with us.”

Michael coughed as he heard the name. And everyone else stopped whatever it was they were doing.

“Did…did you just say the name…Zan?” Isabel asked slowly.

Max just nodded.

“Isn’t Zan…your…?” Kyle couldn’t think of what it might mean.


“And this Zan is the little girl that told you about the plane crashing?” Alex asked this time.

Max nodded again.

“Waitaminute, I thought her name was Alissandra?” Michael thought out loud causing everyone to turn their head swiftly and look at him.

“How did you know her name?” It was Max’s turn to throw in some questions.

“Uh…did I say that out loud?”

Kyle nodded with a bemused look on his face.

“Michael, what did you do?” Isabel questioned him.

”I kinda went to that store.”

“How do you ‘kinda’ go to a store?” Alex pressed on.

“Ok, so I went. I saw the girl there.”

“You what?!” Max was quickly up on his feet.

“What? I didn’t do anything?” Michael was looking up at Max.

“Max, calm down.” Isabel was trying to get her brother to sit back down.

“What happened when you were there?” Max asked crossly.

“Nothing.” Michael insisted.

“Tell me!”

“Nothing, ok!” Michael stood to be at eye level with Max. “Look, all I did was introduce myself. I told her that I knew you when she mentioned your name. But when I asked for hers, she wouldn’t answer and she kept hiding behind that blonde chick’s legs.”

“Maria?” Isabel inquired.

“Yeah, Maria.” Michael looked at Isabel. Then he turned back to Max. “That was all that happened, man. It was obvious that the girl was shy so I left because I felt how uncomfortable she was getting.”

“Why the hell did you go there without my permission?!” Max yelled.

“Excuse me, when did I ever need your permission to go anywhere?!” Michael was yelling now too.

Everyone was up on their feet as they watched Max and Michael face off. Isabel motioned to Kyle and he was already charging his powers in case they needed to zap the two.

“I swear, Michael if you did anything to Zan and Liz—“

“She wasn’t even there. I was hoping she was so I could ask them some questions but that little girl looked scared of me so I left.”

“What did you do to make her scared of you?”

“I told you, Maxwell, I did not do anything!”

“Alright, that’s enough!” Isabel screamed.

“Alex, could you bring Max inside?” Alex nodded and led Max back into the house.

Isabel watched her brother throw lethal stares at Michael then turned to him once the door closed behind Max and Alex.

“And as for you, we would appreciate it if you could have told us what you were planning to do before you went there. We don’t know what’s going on, Michael, so it’s best not to do anything rash.”

“Ok, maybe I should have told you, but you all were taking so long.” Michael sat back down.

“Something’s going on with Max, you two.” Kyle spoke up.

The two hybrids turned to Kyle. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know if you noticed, but he was ready to pound you.” he told Michael.

Michael and Isabel just glanced at each other then back at the door that Max went in.

Inside the house, Max was pacing back and forth like a caged animal.

“Max, you have to calm down.”

“How could he do that? How could he just go off without even telling us? And for him to describe Zan that way…. She wasn’t like that when I met her, Alex. She was this vibrant little kid with a small pasted on her face the entire time.”

“You know how intimidating Michael can get. That may be how he scared her.”

Max took deep breaths to calm himself down. The only thought running through his head was to check on Liz. And that was exactly what he did.

“I have to call Liz.” Max murmured as he got his mobile out.


“Hi, may I please speak with Liz Parker?”

“This is she. Who’s on the line please?”

“Liz, it’s Max.”


“Hi. Um, I know this is gonna sound awkward but, um…how’s Zan?”

“Zan? She’s fine. Why?”

“Well, my friend told me that he visited the store the other day and managed to scare Zan somehow. I just wanted to know if she’s ok.”

“Oh…well, yeah…um he did. But she’s ok now. She just doesn’t do well with strangers.”

“Good, that’s good. I mean, it’s good that she’s ok and that she knows not to talk to strangers.”




“Um, I was wondering if you’re available, this week…maybe?”

“Uh, yeah. Actually I am.”

“Great! I mean, great. Uh, Friday ok with you?” Max tried his best to sound cool and collected.

“Friday…ok, sure. Friday will be fine.”

“Uh, Liz, this will be a dinner date. Well, no, not a date. Just two people out for dinner.” Max stammered.

“Yeah, I get it. And a dinner date on Friday is fine with me.”

Though Liz couldn’t see it, Max was sporting a huge grin on his face. Alex just snickered as he watched his friend get all flustered.

“Great, so it’s a date?”

“Yup, it’s a date.”
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Post by kay_b »

Chapter 16

Friday night and Max felt like a high school kid again. He was actually feeling somewhat giddy over seeing Liz though he didn’t know why exactly. However, this was the first time he felt like this. As he was looking at the mirror, he was startled with that fact.

Never had he felt like this before…not even for Erin. He felt a little guilty at that. But something at the back of his mind told him that he didn’t have to. Like a voice in the wind, he heard her, telling him to move on and be happy, to finally live and be alive.

He got Liz’s home address from her reluctantly. She wanted them to meet at Dreams but he didn’t want that, telling her that it would be improper. After he made a joke about being raised as a true gentleman, she decided to give in, although he was totally serious about it.

Tonight he was wearing a black button-down shirt and beige pants. He looked really suave and debonair; any woman would be swept off her feet. And though his look exuded confidence, he was a quivering mass of nerves.

Liz’s house was a small two-story white and blue one that had a front lawn with flowers blooming everywhere and a white picket fence. It looked really cozy, like a cottage that you can find in a magazine. It was picture perfect.

Max rang the doorbell and he heard a small voice yelling from the other side.

“I get it!” Zan ran to the door.

“Zan, no!” Liz yelled as she ran after her daughter.

Zan reached for the handle and as she got her hands around it, Liz covered the smaller hands with her own.

“What did I tell you about opening the door for strangers?” Liz asked.

“Never open?”

“That’s right. We have to check first.” Liz looked through the peephole and found Max standing on the other side.

“Ok, now?” Zan asked her mother.

Liz looked down at Zan and nodded with a smile.

Zan was on her tiptoes and opened the door. “Max!”

“Hi there.” Max smiled at the two, loving the picture they presented.

Liz was wearing a red tight fit sweater, black knee length skirt and black boots. And Zan, she was wearing pink pajamas with her Care Bear.

“Hi Max, I’ll be with you in just a sec. I just have to tuck this little one in.” Liz said.

Max could only stare at her. She looked so beautiful. He wanted to kiss her right then and there but he knew that he’ll be scaring her off if he did. Scratch that, he’d be scaring both Liz and Zan.

Liz was tucking her daughter in bed but Zan wouldn’t settle down. Actually she didn’t want to though she was obviously very sleepy. This was the first time that Liz was going out on a date at night. It was usually lunch however, those lunch dates were not that frequent either. Liz has devoted all her life to her studies and her medical career when she was still a doctor. She didn’t have time to go out on dates often unlike Maria. There were times that it looked like she was living through Maria. And then when Zan came, she devoted all the spare time she could get to the little baby. When her parents died, she stopped being a doctor to spend as much time as she could with Zan. Zan has been the center of her life and having a boyfriend, getting married, those were found way below the list.

And now with Max, she couldn’t describe what she’s feeling. And a part of her is still at war with the fact that she’s finally going out on a date, a dinner date, with a man, a very beautiful man.

“Zan, c’mon sweetie, close your eyes and go to sleep.”

“Why can’t I go too?” Zan was pouting and looking at Liz with her puppy-dog eyes.

”Because this time it’s just us grown-ups.”

“But you said I was a big girl.”

“Yes you are, but you’re still a girl. You have to wait until you become a woman before you can go out late.”

“Why can’t I be a woman now?”

Liz hugged Zan close and whispered, “Don’t, baby. Don’t grow up too fast for mommy.”

Zan looked at her mother and pressed her palms on either side of her mother’s face. “I always be your baby, right Mommy?”

“That’s right, my little baby. Will you be ok with Aunt Maria till I get back?”

Zan sighed dramatically, “I guess.”

“You guess?” Maria said from the doorway. “And here I was thinking of allowing you to stay up one hour later.”

“Maria.” Liz turned to her best friend.

“Yay!” Zan was up on her feet and running towards her coolest aunt.

Maria picked up Zan and looked pointedly at Liz. “What? You think you’re the only one who’s going to enjoy herself tonight?”

Liz sighed. “Fine, just one hour.”

“Yay!” Maria bounced Zan up and down in her arms as the little girl giggled.

“Alright you two, go and have fun.” Maria told the Liz and Max as she and Zan said their goodbyes.

“Have fun, Mommy! You too, Max!” Zan waved.

“Do everything I would!” Maria yelled in a sing-song voice as Max assisted Liz getting in the passenger seat of his Porsche.

Liz was red with embarrassment while Max just grinned at her.

“So, Maria’s fun to be with.” Max said as they ate their dinner.

“Totally. I could not list the trouble we’ve gotten into as teenagers with both hands.”

“Yeah, I’ve got friends like those.” Max paused, “Speaking of which, I’m really sorry for Michael scaring Zan like that.”

“It’s no problem. There are times that Zan gets wary over new people.”

“But she was never like that with me.”

“Maybe there’s something about you.”

Max didn’t meet Liz’s eyes, “Maybe.”

The rest of the night was spent in Max and Liz getting to know each other.

“What’s it like raising Zan all by yourself?”

“I’m not all by myself.”

“Well, I mean…”

Liz laughed and it made Max feel tingly all the way down to his toes.

“I was teasing. Ok, well, for the first couple of years, I had my parents’ help, and then Maria’s. So it’s really not a big burden. And Zan is very loving and affectionate and she’s such a good little girl.” Liz eyes always sparkled whenever she talked about her daughter.

Max listened intently as Liz told him more and more stories about Zan and it made him wonder about his own child. But he couldn’t dwell on that. This was supposed to be all about him and Liz.



“You spaced out there for a minute.”

“Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about work.” he lied.

“Oh yeah, what is it that you do?”

“I’m a basketball player.”

“Professional basketball?”


“As in the NBA?” Liz’s eyes widened.


“Oh wow, who do you play for?”

“Roswell Comets.”

“Duh, of course. I should have known that.” Both of them laughed. “Wow, I didn’t know I was out with a real celebrity.”

“You’re the one who made it happen.”

“Yeah, yeah. Are you gonna start on that lucky pouch again?”

“But it is lucky. It’s what brought me to you.” Max said with all sincerity.

Liz was stunned by that revelation.

“Uh, did I say that out loud?” Max chuckled nervously.

Liz just nodded and smiled.

When Max took Liz back home, he even bought some take-out for Zan and Maria. He felt guilty at having to leave them behind but tonight was about him and Liz. He wanted some privacy with her and as a thank you, he got them some treats.

“You really didn’t have to do this.” Liz commented on the bag she was holding.

“It’s no problem really.”

Max walked Liz to her door and they stopped on the front steps facing each other.



Max took a deep breath, “I don’t know why I’m nervous. It’s just I’ve never really done this before.”

“Yeah right, you, Max Evans, an NBA star, have never gone out on a date before?”

“No, not like this.” Max moved closer.

Liz could only blink and swallow as she stared back into the amber depths of Max’s eyes.

He leaned even closer, “Can I…can I kiss you goodnight, Liz?”

“Uh huh.” Liz nodded.

Max moved slowly, at first brushing his lips with hers in a sweet caress. And then he deepened the kiss and Liz only stood there and let him.

After a couple of minutes of tender kisses shared between the two, they pulled apart smiling.

“Goodnight, Liz.”

“Goodnight, Max.”

“Is it ok, if I call you?”

Liz smiled and bobbed her head in an affirmative.

Max leaned to kiss her cheek one more time.

“Goodnight.” He called out to her as he walked backwards to his car without taking his eyes off the beauty standing by the door.

But both he and Liz were suddenly surprised when they heard two high-pitched voices from inside the house yelling, “Goodnight!”
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Post by kay_b »

Chapter 17

“Hey, what’s with you today?” Kyle asked Max curiously. Michael and Isabel already noticed the mood he was in and Alex told them to just leave him alone.

“Nothing.” Max had been wearing a grin all day long. And even if his life depended on it, he couldn’t wipe it off his face. He was just…happy. Finally, after such a long time, he was happy, like everything was finally falling into place.

“O-kay.” Kyle just acquiesced with him and decided to observe Max and his actions.

When they all sat down for their weekly dinner get-together, Isabel finally got a good look at him. She then looked to her husband to check if he was seeing the same thing. Alex only nodded his head in response to her silent question.

“Ohmygod!” Isabel gasped.

“What?!” The three men, Max, Michael and Kyle were on instant alert.

“It’s finally happened.”

“What has?” Michael asked her.

“You!” Isabel pointed to her brother. “You’re in love!”

“Wha-What? How? Why do you say that?” Max’s tone was of embarrassment mixed with guilt.

“That’s what it was?” Kyle spoke out loud in realization.

“I…I…” Max couldn’t even deny it even if he wanted to at this very moment.

“You are?” Michael looked at him weirdly.

“Who is it?” Alex asked.

“No…no one. And I’m NOT in love.” Max strongly denied, looking pointedly at his sister.

“Yeah, right. I know the look, Max.” Alex said.

“It’s her, isn’t it?” Michael spoke up.

“Her? Who’s her?” Kyle was curious.

“Liz. Liz Parker.” Isabel answered.

“I…” Max just sat there opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water.

“Are you a couple now?” Michael questioned. “You know we can’t get anyone else involved, Max.”

At this, Max got angry. “What do you mean we can’t get anyone involved? Isabel has Alex, he’s human! And Kyle!”

“Maxwell, all I’m saying is that we can’t bring anyone else into our group.” Michael insisted.

“I’m not bringing anyone else! All my life all I’ve been hearing is how I should do this and do that! When is it gonna be MY decision, Michael, MY life! I may have abdicated that damn throne but I still have no say in what I can and cannot do! Everything I have done has always been for the benefit of everyone! For once, I just want to be able to do something I can call my own, mine and no one else’s! I know it sounds selfish but I just want to think about myself for once and damn the consequences.”

Everyone was stunned into silence. Never have they heard Max talk like this before.

“I just want to be happy. Is that too much to ask?” Max got up from his chair and went to the living room to get his coat.

Isabel quickly followed him. “Where are you going?”

“I don’t feel like doing this anymore, Iz.”

“Max, he was just looking out for you. We all are. We’ve seen how you were when Erin died. I’m still having a hard time thinking about it sometimes, what more with you? We just don’t want you to get hurt again, Max.”

“Well, thank you for your concern, Isabel. But we’re not even there yet. Yes, I kissed Liz but that was all. She’s not even my girlfriend yet, I don’t even know what our next step is going to be or if we’ll even go there. Can’t you just all step back and let me live in the moment?”

“I’m sorry, Max. I didn’t know you felt like this.” Isabel hugged her brother.

“Me too, Maxwell.” Max raised his head to look at Michael standing behind them.

“We are happy that you’ve found love again, Max. And I do hope it all works out for you.” Alex said.

“We all do.” Kyle smirked. “So, what’s she like?”

The five friends all went back to their dinner and listened to Max talking about Liz and Zan.

“You know, that still creeps me out. I mean, out of all the names a little girl could have, it just had to be Zan.” Kyle commented.

“Um, actually…I noticed something about her when I went to Dreams.” Michael spoke up.

“And what’s that?” Isabel asked.

“She’s got Max’s eyes.” Michael admitted.

Isabel, Alex and Kyle all looked at Michael then at Max.

“Michael, don’t start.” Max said calmly.

“I’m just saying—”

“I don’t want to think about it, Michael.”

“Max, haven’t you even considered it? The girl has powers.”

“She’s psychic, not an alien.”

“And she has your name.”

“Michael, please stop it.” Isabel groaned.

“That is purely coincidental. Her name is Alissandra. Liz couldn’t give her the same nickname, it’ll only confuse the child.” Max replied.

“How can you be sure that she’s human?”

“How can you be sure that she’s not?”

“Michael.” Alex wanted to stop the arguing before it started again. They haven’t even served dessert yet.

“She saw what was going to happen to that plane, Max.” Michael still continued.

“Michael, a lot of people can predict the future, but not every fortune teller is Antarian.”

“And not every fortune teller could really tell the future. Most of them are con artists.”

“You know what, I don’t want to discuss this anymore.”

“Why not? Why don’t you even want to think about the possibility?”

Max’s jaw was set, his teeth grinding in anger.

“Max, all I’m trying to say is, she could be your child.” Michael insisted.


Everyone got silent after Max’s outburst.

Max took a deep breath to calm himself down. “I don’t even want to think about that. Zan is Liz’s daughter. I saw how much Zan adores her mother. You weren’t there to hear how much Liz loves her, I was. And whether Zan is mine or not, I am not going to disrupt their lives on that chance.”

“Don’t you even want to know? What if she is, Max?” This came from Isabel. She had not seen Zan yet but if that little girl was indeed her niece, she wanted to see her and get to know her better.

“Then I’m just glad that she’s with Liz.” Max left without saying anything else. But on his way back to his house, the questions regarding Zan’s real parents that he had tried to dismiss, plagued his mind once again .
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Post by kay_b »

A/N: Get ready for the next part. I hope you'll all love it.


Chapter 18

For the past few days, Max was troubled with questions about Zan’s biological parents. Liz told him that she adopted Zan and she didn’t know about her biological parents. Could Michael be right? Could Zan be his daughter?

That question replayed over and over in his mind. He was losing sleep over it already and it has been making him lose focus on his game. Though despite that, they are still winning every one since that night. And he still believed it was because of the lucky pouch Liz gave him which he always had with him in every game he has played.

But Zan, that adorable little girl, could she be his? What if she was? He couldn’t disrupt her life even if he is her father. No, he wouldn’t do that, he couldn’t. It would break Liz and Zan’s hearts and there was no way on Earth, Antar or any other planet in some unknown galaxy that would make him do that.

However he wanted to know. Though it didn’t mean that he would let Liz know about it if he turned out to be Zan’s father, he just wanted to know for his own peace of mind. And he knew the one person who could give him the answers he was searching for.

“Your Majesty.”

“I told you never to call me that.” Max replied at the man.

“Whatever you wish. Are you even gonna let me in? Or should we discuss this outside?”

“Come in.” Max turned around and allowed the other person to follow him into his living room.

“So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting?”

“I want to know what you know.”

“About what?”

“About my daughter.”

Cal was taken aback. “Why?”

“You don’t need to know the answer to that. Just tell me.”

Compelled by his duty as a protector, he had no choice but to give Max the information.

“She’s living a happy and normal life.”

“Who are her parents?”

Cal fought an internal battle between his mind and his emotions. He knew it wasn’t a good thing to have emotions but he couldn’t help it. Becoming a father to Erin made him human.

“Tell me.” Max insisted.

Cal was literally shaking as he defied the order. He was sweating profusely as he fought against the programming inside of him to follow his charges’ orders. They were the royals of their people after all, and Max was still his king.

“Alright, if you don’t want to tell me, then maybe I should be the one to tell you.”

Cal’s eyes widened. ‘No, he couldn’t know. How?’

Max stared at him eye to eye. And then he gave a direct command, “Tell me everything you know about Elizabeth Parker.”

“What? How? How do you know Liz?”

“Liz?” This was a revelation Max didn’t expect. He knew that Cal would be looking after his daughter because technically, she was a royal princess of Antar, the only heir to the throne. But to hear Cal say Liz’s nickname, he was obviously withholding a lot of information from him.

He knew that Cal was angry with him for giving up the baby for adoption. He considered Erin as his daughter and the baby, his granddaughter. That’s why he fought hard to keep the information, although he never did ask, until now.

“What do YOU know about Liz?” Max asked more insistently.

Cal had his jaw set. He knew that Max already knows about Zan. But he would fight with everything he’s got before he gives in.

“Tell me!”

Cal had tears in his eyes from the pain.

“I’m ordering you to tell me!”

“Elizabeth Anne Parker, daughter of the deceased Jeffrey and Nancy Parker. She holds a medical degree and was a pediatric doctor in Roswell Memorial Hospital. Has a best friend by the name of Maria Deluca with whom she co-owns her mother’s floral shop.” Cal said through gritted teeth.

“Why did you call her Liz?”

“I heard it from her mother.”

“What? Wait, how could you have heard it from her mother?”

“I’ve been watching over Liz for years.”

“Since when?”

Cal tried to keep his mouth shut.

“Since when?!”

“Since…since she was born.”

“Why?” Max said calmly.

Cal remained silent.

“Tell me why!”

“She was the baby, alright!” Cal said in an outburst.

“What are you talking about?”

“Remember I told you about Erin’s pod and how I had to get amniotic fluid from a human. That human was Nancy. And the baby was Liz.”

“What? How could you do that? What if she had died with your foolish plans?!”

“She would have died if I wasn’t there!”

Max was glaring at him, furious over what he has done.

“Her umbilical cord was wrapping around her neck! If I had not chosen her mother, no one would have detected it and she would have died. Both of them would have died.”

“So, you got the fluid to replenish Erin’s pod but why were you still watching over Liz? Is she the reason that you were gone for days in the past?”



“Because I had changed her. What I did…made her…a hybrid.”


“She’s not as much a hybrid like you and the others. She’s still more human than Antarian. But she does possess powers, powers that you and the others have. However, it’s not as strong as yours are. And she doesn’t know that she has these abilities yet.”


Cal nodded, “In time, her powers will begin to show.”

“So what? You’ve been watching over her until her powers manifest themselves?”

“In the beginning, yes.”

Max squinted his eyes. “And now?”

Cal knew it wasn’t going to be over until Max got all the answers he wanted to hear.

“What about now? Why are you still looking after her now?”

“Her powers haven’t developed yet.”

“No, there’s more. There’s more than just her powers and you know it. Now, tell me.”

Cal was panting for air. He couldn’t tell him any more.

“Tell me more!”

“Liz Parker…is the…adoptive…mother…of…. No…I…I can’t…” Cal gasped.

“Keep going.”

“Liz is the adoptive…mother…of…Alissandra Jill Parker...fondly known as…Zan…the crown princess and heir to the throne of Antar.”
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Post by kay_b »

A/N: Back with more...


Chapter 19

Max felt like his head was swimming in a tank full of water, his heart pounding so hard that it would rip out of his chest any minute. He knew that Cal had already told him the answer he was looking for but he wanted it confirmed.

“So…Zan is…”

“Yours and Erin’s and Liz’s daughter.”

Max shook his head slightly in confusion. “What do you mean by that?”

Cal knew it was hopeless to fight. Max already knew the important things, might as well get everything out in the open already, because sooner or later, Max will find a way to get the information from him.

“Biologically speaking, Zan is the child that belonged to you and Erin. But, in the terms of an Antarian bond, Zan belongs to Liz or should I say vice versa.”

“Antarian bond?”

Cal nodded as he recalled the moments the two had bonded way before Liz had adopted Zan.

“You already know that I have been watching Liz since the day she was born. Remember how you wondered why I didn’t find you before?”

Max only nodded in response to Cal’s query.

“I felt that you and Michael and Isabel were safe. So I was out watching Liz.”

“But you said you were in L.A.”

“Yes, I was, but not all the time. There were a couple of days in a month that I would go and see her.”

“See her?”

“Observe, check to see how she was doing. Liz was such a bright young girl.” Cal recalled with a wistful smile.

Max didn’t like that one bit. “Go on.”

Cal was brought out of his reverie by his king’s voice. “She grew up to be such an extraordinary woman. That’s why I placed Zan with her. I knew she would care for the baby like it was her own. And since Liz and Erin had some similar DNA traits—”

“What? What DNA traits?” Max cut him off.

“When I took some amniotic fluid from Nancy and injected it into Erin’s pod, some of Liz’s DNA was included. So in a way they were like—”


“More like twins.”

Max was stunned into silence.

“That’s why it had to be Liz. In Antar, when a mother dies, the child looks for someone else to connect with. This was why the pods were created. So it would be easy if the parent dies, for a child to form a bond with an adoptive parent. But since Erin carried Zan in her womb, the replacement had to have the same blood as that of the biological mother, like that of a sister or a grandmother. But because Zan didn’t have that and you wanted to give her up for adoption, the perfect choice was Liz.”

“And what if I hadn’t given Zan up?”

“There wouldn’t be a problem because she would have formed a connection with you.”

“And what would have happened if a bond wasn’t created?” Max felt the tension rise with his question but he had to know.

“Zan would have died.” Cal said calmly.

Max felt a lump clog in his throat. He wanted to cry for risking Zan’s life but he thought he was making the right decision at the time. Anger flamed inside him, anger directed towards Cal for not telling him this bit of information.

“Why didn’t you tell me?! Why didn’t you inform me that there was a risk to my child’s life?!”

“You didn’t want to hear it! I tried to talk to you, to let you hold her so you’d understand, but you didn’t want to touch even a strand of her hair! How was I supposed to tell you?!”

Max fell on his couch. He didn’t know what to do. Now that he knew that Zan was his, he wanted to go to her, to tell her that he loved her but had to give her up for her own safety. But he couldn’t do that. Not to Liz.

“So Zan and Liz have a connection?”


This time, it was Cal who felt the need to ask. “How do you know Liz?”

“I met them, well, Zan approached me. She predicted the plane we were in was going to crash and she asked me to help her mother when the time came.”

“She’s a seer?”

Max nodded and noticed the pale look of Cal’s face.

“Max, do you know the danger they are in? If your enemies find out that your child is a seer, they would stop at nothing to get her and control her for their own advantage.”

“That was the exact same reason I didn’t want her with me. But I guess it didn’t matter anyway.” Max slumped in his seat.

“I have to get to Liz.” Cal mumbled.

“What? What did you say?”

“Nothing.” Cal quickly answered.

“Tell me what you just said.”

“I have to get to Liz.”


“To protect her.”

“Her? Not Zan?”

“Whoever would want Zan has to have Liz first. She is the key to Zan’s powers. She will be the one to make Zan do what they wanted and Zan would always do what her mother wants. The child loves her mother so much.”

“But you said Liz is more human than Antarian.”

“She is, but when Zan formed that bond with her, Zan has chosen her. If it was any other Antarian child, it would mean nothing.”

“I don’t understand. What are you saying? Tell me everything I need to know now! My patience is running thin!”

“In Antar, a replacement parent carries the title of the one who died once the child has chosen who to form the connection with. When Zan chose Liz, she became the mother of the heir to the throne.”

“But I already renounced my title and my throne, I am no longer the king!”

“You did, but not Erin. Trienka was still the Queen of Antar when she died and Trienka’s soul lived in Erin. And since she gave birth before her soul left us, she was able to transfer that title to her daughter making Zan still the Royal Princess of Antar. And since she chose Liz, she is now—”

“The Queen of Antar.”


“No.” Max shook his head vehemently. “She would only be the Queen Mother, not the Queen, right? Don’t I have a say in who should be the queen?”

“You did.”

“But I already abdicated.” Max murmured.

Cal took a deep breath, “Max, you did choose the queen, long before you stepped down from the throne.”

Max turned to him, his face an obvious expression of confusion.

“You asked me about those feelings you had when you were only four years old. I felt them too.”

“What about them?”

“Do you still feel it?”

Max said no. “I blocked that off years ago. They’re gone…when Erin died.”

“Look within, Max. You’ll understand everything if you do.”

Max concentrated and began to open himself up to his alien side. Once again, he felt those feelings he had, now even stronger than before. He could also feel Zan within him, her essence intertwining with his soul, a broken connection between a father and his daughter. But there was someone else, the one person he felt when he was just a small boy.

He looked at Cal. “How…? Erin is dead…. How do I still have them inside me?”

“It wasn’t Erin.”

“Who…? Who is it?” Max asked nervously.

“It is the one you have chosen to be your bride and your queen, Max. That’s why I had to watch over her from the time she came into this world. YOU have chosen her and by doing so, she became one of the charges I have to protect at all costs. It’s Liz, Max, and both you and your daughter have chosen her, Elizabeth Parker, to be the Queen of Antar.”
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Post by kay_b »

A/N: Ok, I hope the next part clears up some questions posted. Thank you so much for all your feedback, they actually helped me see some points that I have missed. Now, if things are still a little vague, please send me a PM so I can answer you all personally. All the questions are listed so don't worry because they will all be adressed throughout this story. Thanks again, everybody.


Chapter 20

Cal left after some time so Max can ponder on his next course of action. But not without explaining about why Max chose Liz.

“I’m telling you, I don’t know how or why it was her. But that’s what happened. Maybe because your soul was searching for the fourth, maybe you thought she was it, and subconsciously, you knew that there was someone else. And when you chose her to be your queen, the program in me to protect all of you in the royal lineage included her.” Cal informed Max.

“Why did you keep this from me? I should have known this from the beginning!” Max yelled.

“Because I knew you would never bond with Erin.” Cal admitted.

“We never have bonded to begin with. Yes, we have a child together but I never…” Max couldn’t finish his rant so Cal did it for him.

“You never felt for Erin, what you feel for Liz.”

Max nodded his admission.

Cal sighed, “I am sorry, Max. I don’t know if you would believe that or not. I guess I just wanted what’s best for Erin. I wanted everything to be the way it was back in Antar.”

“But we’re not in Antar anymore. And I have abdicated my throne. So what will that mean for Liz and Zan? I’m not the king but anyone who controls them will be? They’re human. How is that even possible?” Max’s worry for Liz and Zan began to escalate once more.

“Max, just because you’ve talked to the Council and told them that you don’t want to be king anymore wouldn’t mean that all others in line would be released as well. Just because you gave up your right doesn’t mean Liz and Zan did.”

“But they don’t even know about any of this?!”

“Exactly, which is why they are still royalty.”

“So how can they abdicate their roles in this?”

“The same way you did.”

After that, Max was left alone with his thoughts.

How could he not know that it was Zan? Sure, he had his doubts but he had not confirmed it, could not confirm it. He didn’t want to disrupt Zan’s life and Liz’s as well. He knew what heartache it would be if he came up to Liz and told her that he was Zan’s father.

But would it be so bad if she knew? He had no intentions of taking Zan away from Liz but he also wanted to get to know his daughter. She was obviously a bright and vibrant little girl and he wished that he could just hold her and tell her that he did love her and he still does.

And Liz. What would Liz say if he told her? What would her reaction be? Would she be mad at him? Would she fear him? Would she allow him to spend some time with the girl she has claimed as her own?

And more importantly, her status as the queen and Zan’s as the princess. How would they react to that? More so, how would they react in finding out that he is an alien? How would they respond to being told that they are aliens too?

He feared what their reaction could be. He was scared that they would be disgusted and frightened of him. And he didn’t know if he could live with that. There was only one thing he could do and that is to face his demons.

He got up off the couch where Cal left him, got dressed and headed off to Liz’s house.

“Max?” Liz asked as she opened the door and found Max standing on the opposite side.


“Hi. What are you doing here?” Liz had a smile on her that melted Max’s heart.

Max couldn’t help it. He stepped forward and kissed her passionately, letting the love he had felt for this woman in years flow from him to her.

At first Liz whimpered at the onslaught. Then it turned into a moan of pleasure as she allowed Max deeper access to her mouth. She parted her lips slowly, letting Max’s tongue sweep in and duel with hers.

Max touched her silky hair and pulled her towards him, as if trying to engulf Liz into his arms and never let go.

Liz’s hands started to reach around his nape and began playing with the back of his neck, loving the feeling of being in Max’s arms.

Max moaned at Liz’s touch and deepened the kiss even more if that was possible. His hands roamed across her skin, loving the smooth feeling.

As the need for air overwhelmed them, they reluctantly parted. Max looked at Liz’s ravished appearance and could only do so much not to take Liz right then and there. He was dazed with the love and passion he had for the woman barely standing before him.

Liz was in such a sexual haze after that kiss. What possessed Max to do that, she would never know but she yearned for it again. However, the threat that Zan coming out of her room and seeing them in such a compromising position pulled her back to her senses.

“Uh…sorry.” Max said to her in a whisper as their foreheads touched.

Liz looked in his eyes and gasped at the unbridled emotions swimming in those amber depths.

“It’s ok.” she smiled timidly.

“Really?” Max let his fingers run through her chocolate tresses.

Liz could only nod.

Max kissed her forehead one more time before letting some space come between them.

He smiled boyishly and spoke, “Can I come in?”

“What? Oh sure. Come in.” Liz stepped back to allow Max to walk in the house. “What brings you here, Max?”

“Nothing, just missing you. Uh…I’m sorry about…”

“I told you it’s fine. I was kissing you back after all.”

“Yeah.” At that Max had a grin on his face that he couldn’t wipe off.

“Mommy!” Zan’s voice filled the house.

“Um, make yourself comfortable, I’m just gonna check on Zan.”

“Okay.” Max watched Liz go as she went up the stairs. Then he walked towards the mantle where some picture frames were sitting atop.

He looked at each one and studied them carefully, memorizing the smiles on the faces caught in the frames. There were a few solo pictures of Zan, some with Liz and Zan, one with Liz, Zan and Maria and another with Liz, Zan and a couple who he assumed to be Liz’s parents.

He held one of just Liz and Zan. It looked like it was Zan’s birthday. She was wearing a yellow dress with small white bows and her hair tied in little pigtails with white ribbons too. She was also wearing those cute little white booties and white socks with the tiniest ruffles and lace on them. And on top of her head, was a birthday hat. Liz was carrying the little baby and both had their heads turned towards the camera.

As Max traced their frozen smiles, he was hit with a flash.

“Doesn’t my little baby look so cute?” Liz exclaimed.

“Pitty!” Zan yelled.

“Yeah, sweetheart, you’re so pretty in your dress.” Nancy told Zan as she kissed the little child’s cheek to greet her a happy birthday.

“Our baby has grown up. How old are you today, Zan?” Jeff asked while holding the camera.

“Two!” Zan answered holding two fingers up in the form of a ‘V’.

“Ok, who’s ready for cake?” Maria came in through the door holding a birthday hat for Zan.

“Cake! Mama, cake?” Zan looked at her mother.

“Yeah, baby, you’ll get your cake later.” Liz grinned and picked up her little angel.

“Ok, Zan, time to blow the candles.” Amy walked in carrying a huge rectangular chocolate cake with marshmallow icing, just the way Zan loved it.

Zan’s eyes grew big as she saw the cake that was made all for her. She couldn’t wait till her mommy would give her a piece.

The cake had sugar flowers and fondant ribbons of every pastel color there is. Maria was lighting up the candles as Liz, with Zan in her arms, went to position themselves in the center.

Then the grownups started to sing the birthday song and Zan clapped and beamed at everyone.

“Ok, Zan, blow out the candles, sweetheart.” Nancy told her.

“Blow the candles out, baby.” Liz said.

Zan leaned over to blow out the candles but it wouldn’t go out. She looked at her mama to ask for help. Liz smiled and together, the pair blew out the candles, then everyone clapped.

“Liz, Zan, look here.” Jeff called to them as he held up the camera for a picture.

Liz and Zan instantly looked at the camera.

“Say cheese.”



“Max!” Zan came running towards Max when she saw him.

Max put the picture back on its place atop the mantle then turned to Zan. He was caught unaware as Zan launched herself toward him.

However being a basketball star has its advantages. He was quick on his reflexes and he caught Zan with grace and twirled her in the air as Zan just squealed with laughter. Then he lowered her to him and hugged her tight.

A lone tear silently rolled down from the corner of his eye as for the first time, Max was able to hold his one and only daughter in his arms.