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Post by kay_b »

Title: Summer Light
Couples: M/L
Rating: MATURE (for now)
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Roswell. Also, this fic is loosely based on the book Summer Light by Luanne Rice. It's a really good read. Some scenes and subplots will be very similar to those from the first few parts of the book but the rest belongs to me as this will be my first alien related fic.

Dedication: I’m dedicating this fic to Jen and April who have helped me tie up loose ends for this story, and Kath who helped me make sure that this won’t be a plagiarism issue.

Summary: I can’t really come up with one that won’t tell you the entire story. But those who’ve voted for this on my poll, you already know what this will be about, that is if you can remember that far back.




As the plane hovered above the afternoon sky, Elizabeth Anne Parker worries over her daughter’s test results.

‘I don’t know what to do anymore. I just want her to have a normal life.’ Liz ponders as she looks over her 4-year-old little girl who was currently busy coloring.

Elizabeth and Alissandra Parker, mother and child, both with big doe eyes and chocolate tresses cascading down their backs like velvet waterfalls. Both were petite and had the same mannerisms which Alissandra obviously picked up from her mother.

Elizabeth, or Liz as her family and friends call her, owns a flower shop in Albuquerque that she inherited from her mother, Nancy. Both of her parents have died years ago, when Alissandra was only 2. Since then, she has managed to take care of the family business and her only child.

Alissandra Jill Parker, more fondly known as Zan, is quite smart for her age. She has always been observant and is a strong emphatic. Even though she was adopted when she was only one-month old, she has connected with Liz in ways that no ordinary baby can do. The only problem is, Liz doesn’t know the deeper meaning of all of this.

Every now and then, Zan looks up from her coloring book and keeps looking past the curtain that divides the economy and the first-class sections.

“What are you looking at sweetie?” Liz asks.

Zan only shakes her head in response.

“I have to go to the bathroom, Mommy.” Zan suddenly says to Liz.

“Ok, let’s go.” Liz stands up from her seat to accompany Zan but to her surprise, Zan refuses.

“I can do it by myself.” Zan grins.

“O-kay.” Liz calmly sits back down and busies herself with the doctor’s results once more.

Zan walks along the aisle then looks back at Liz once more before sneaking into the first class section. As she heads toward her destination, she looks left to right and back again over the other passengers who were mostly basketball players belonging to the newest team in the NBA, the Roswell Comets.

Most of the guys were either talking loudly about their upcoming game or relaxing in their seats listening to some music.


Max Evans, star player and team captain, immediately looks at the little girl beside him. “Hi. Are you lost?”

Zan shakes her head again. “Nope, I wanted to ask you something.”

“Sure. What is it?” Max responds with a smile.

“Hey Maxwell, who’s the kid?” Michael Guerin, starting forward and Max’s lifelong best friend, interrupts from the seat behind Max.

“Dunno.” Max shrugged.

“Hey kiddo, are you here for our autographs?” Michael questions the young girl.

“No.” Zan answers softly.

Most of the guys laugh after hearing Michael getting rebuffed by the little child.

Zan tugged on Max’s arm. “Will you help my mommy when the time comes?”

“What?” Max narrows his eyes on the child.

“Please help my mommy when the time comes.” Zan repeats.

“Alissandra! Ohmygod, I’m so sorry if my daughter has disturbed you.” An embarrassed Liz suddenly goes up to her daughter and carries her away, without even looking at the man she was apologizing to.

As Zan looks back at Max, she just waves goodbye silently which Max returns with a wave of his own and a stunned smile.

As soon as they get back on their seats, Liz buckles up their seatbelts and starts lecturing Zan.

“I thought you were just going to the bathroom?” Liz asks.

“I was, but I changed my mind.”

“Zan, you know you’re not supposed to just go up to strangers.”

“But he’s no stranger Mommy.”

“Yes he is, you don’t know him.”

“But he’s a nice man. He’s going to help us.” Zan insists.

“Help us? With what?”

As those words left Liz’s lips, the plane began to shake. The pilot announced that they are coming up on some heavy turbulence and the seatbelt signs have been turned on. All the flight attendants immediately scanned the passengers’ seats checking that all seatbelts are securely fastened.

Minutes that seemed like hours passed and the plane’s rumbling continued. The last announcement of the pilot was for everyone to brace themselves as they are about to make an emergency crash landing.

Cries of distress, fear and panic filled the plane as Liz held on to Zan’s hand. She was immensely terrified and she started to pray silently.

The plane descends rapidly which begins to scare Max and Michael. When Michael looked out the window, he saw that they were flying quite low. As the scenery changed from the sky to the desert land, the trembling and shaking increased.

Everyone held their loved ones, and no matter what religion they believed in or didn’t, they all prayed for protection and safety.

One fierce jolt forced everyone to lunge forward and scream. When the plane finally stopped, everyone jumped up from their seats scampering towards the exits.

Flight attendants quickly opened the exit doors and emergency slides inflated as they assisted everyone on board. One by one, passengers jumped on and slid to the ground. More and more people who have already escaped started running as far away as they can from the plane which was already beginning to fill with smoke.

When the plane stopped abruptly, Liz quickly removed her seatbelt and turned to Zan’s. Unfortunately, her daughter’s seatbelt was stuck. With quivering hands, she furiously tried to unfasten Alissandra’s belt. As she looked towards the back, Liz saw the smoke starting to fill the plane.

‘Oh God.’ Liz was beginning to panic as she kept trying to take off Zan’s seatbelt. She tried to hold in her tears so Zan wouldn’t get scared, but she was quickly losing that battle.

As Max was about to jump on the slide, something compelled him to look to his left. There he saw the little girl biting her bottom lip as she stared at her mother. The woman was desperately trying to remove her daughter’s seatbelt.

Moving swiftly, he ran to them.

“Here, let me.”

Liz looked up to the young man and stood up from her seat.

Max swiftly ripped off the seatbelt and swooped the little girl in his arms. Taking Liz’s hand, he led her to the emergency exit and let her slide down first. Then he followed, still carrying the small child with him.

When Max and Zan reached the ground, Max took Liz’s hand once more and ran as far as they can from the plane. Fire engines soon came and Zan turned to smile at Max.

“Thank you.” Zan beamed.

Liz faced the man as well to thank him but as their eyes locked on each other, the two continued to stare despite Zan’s presence.

“Mommy?” Zan’s voice broke through the haze but Max has yet to let go of them both.

“How did you know?” Max then turned to the girl and asked.

“Know what?” Liz questioned.

“She told me to help you when the time came. How did she know that something was going to go wrong?” Max replied, looking straight at Liz.

“Uh…” Liz stammered. ‘What was she going to tell this man? That her daughter could predict the future sometimes? That she can do things normal kids can’t?’ But before Liz found the words, her daughter supplied the answer.

“Because we’re the same.” Then before Liz could stop her, Zan touched Max’s temple and his mind was instantly flooded with images of a galaxy far beyond, of stars and planets swirling in the dark universe. The last thing he saw shocked him.

It was a constellation in the form of a “V” consisting of the five planets of his kingdom and a life that he has long buried.

The images halted abruptly when Liz pulled Zan away. She thanked Max quickly, shaking his hand awkwardly then walking away as fast as her feet could carry her and her daughter.

When Max looked at his hand, he saw a white pouch. Opening it, he poured out the contents on his palm. There were dried flowers, leaves and a tiny crystal. As he put them all back in, he saw a small tag attached to the side of the pouch. It read ‘Dreams’.

to be continued....
Last edited by kay_b on Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:50 am, edited 65 times in total.
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Post by kay_b »

A/N: Thank you so much for all your feedback. It is greatly appreciated. I honestly don't know how this will be accepted by you guys but after running it with a few Roswellians and they were pleased with it, I thought it was time I posted it. Besides, Another What If is becoming a difficulty for me to write and I don't know why. Don't worry because I have no plans of abandoning that. I do have half of the next part written, just need to come up with a few more lines. I'll definitely have that up this weekend. And as for this, well, I hope the next part makes sense. If you have any questions, even if it's about the plot, just go ahead and ask. Thanks again for reading this.


Chapter 1


Across the night sky, a flash of blinding light streaked over the desert. The explosion that followed could be seen and heard for miles. Fortunately, no one was there to witness it.

From a deep cavern on the side of a mountain emerged an unknown being. After looking around his surroundings, he walked towards the city lights of the small town.

Unbeknownst to him, 3 of his charges were emerging from pod-like structures. One small hand poked out from its confinement, then another. And the head of a small child, about the age of four, surfaced. Pushing its way through the barrier, a little boy about the age of three or four stood slowly on its legs. There stood in front of him were two other children, a boy and a girl, covered in slimy substance like he was. The little girl stretched out a hand to him and he took it willingly. All three of them walked towards the opening of the cave, unknowingly leaving behind another.

As they continued to walk away from the cave, a pair of headlights flashed. At first they were all scared and they held on to each other’s hands tightly. They didn’t know whether to stay or run. The boy with the lighter hair wanted to hide but the other child, the one with the dark hair, held onto him fast, not allowing him to get away.

Out of the car emerged two couples. The young girl quickly sensed that they had no intention of harming them. So she started walking towards the two women, leading the others to follow her. Soon all three were in the car as it sped away.

As the morning light broke through the sky, a lone figure walked on the deserted land of Roswell, New Mexico.

He saw the night lights of the city ahead that were still lit. He looked back one more time from the path which he came from and kept on walking towards the paved road.

From a far distance, a distressed woman was driving her car under a lot of pain. She was pregnant and she was headed straight for the hospital.

‘Hang on, sweetheart. We’re almost there’, the woman groaned inwardly. She rubbed her pregnant belly and drove as fast as she could. It was a good thing that it was still early so her car was the only one on the road.

As she continued to moan from the pain she had to endure, she didn’t see the figure that crossed the street. Like a deer caught in headlights, the being stopped right in front of the car. When the woman looked, she was so stunned to see something in the middle of the road. Instincts took over and she immediately slammed on the brakes.

The car hit the lone figure on the road but it wasn’t too hard as the woman was able to slow the car down. Despite the pain she was going through, she got out of the car to check on it.

“Oh God, no, this can’t be happening. Not now, please.” The woman chanted as she went to the front of the car to look at the thing she hit.

To her surprise, she saw a man. He didn’t seem hurt though, just a little dazed from the shock.

“Oh my God, are you alright, sir?”

“Yes, I am fine.” The man stood up slowly and brushed off the dirt from his clothes.

“Um, I’m on my way to the hospital. Maybe you would like a ride so they can check on you.”


“Please, for my peace of mind. I know it’s wrong to accept rides from strangers but I don’t want to leave you here like this.”

The man looked at her swollen womb and nodded. They both got in the car and hurried to the hospital.

During the ride the woman kept biting her lower lip in pain and clutching the steering wheel hard, making her knuckles turn white.

The man sensed this and placed a hand on her arm.

“You will be fine. You and your baby.” The man suddenly spoke.

“I hope so.” she whimpered.

“I can help.”

“Oh, you’re a doctor?” she asked with hope in her eyes.

The man hesitated a little. “Yes, I am a doctor.”

She just nodded and drove up the ramp that led to the emergency doors. As soon as the car stopped, she swiftly got out and looked for a nurse, a doctor, anyone.

“Please, help me!”

A couple of nurses instantly rushed to her side and assisted her on a gurney that was wheeled out by another nurse. They asked her several questions as she was rolled into the building.

“Are you in labor?”

“No, I still have a couple of weeks left.”

“What are you feeling?”

“Pain, lots of it.”


“My back.”

Tears were filling her eyes as the gurney pushed the doors to a room open.

“Don’t worry. The doctor is on his way to check on you.”

“He’s a doctor too.” She pointed at the man who was running alongside her.

“Oh, is he your husband?” One of the nurses asked.

“No, my husband is out of town. I haven’t called him yet. Could someone please get in touch with him?”

“We’re on it. Just concentrate on taking deep breaths.”

“Please, my baby.”

That was her last sentence as the pain caused her to black out.

When she woke up she saw the man looking at her intensely, as if studying her from where he was sitting.

“What happened?” she wondered out loud.

“Your baby is fine. She’s ok now. They have informed your husband of your condition. He will be here shortly.”

“Thank God.” She breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at the ceiling.

The man followed her gaze. Then he stood up. “I have to go.”

“Have they checked on you?”

“That is not necessary. I am fine as well.”

“Oh, ok. Thank you for staying with me.”

“You’re welcome.” He gave her a small smile and started to head for the door.

“Wait, I don’t even know your name.”

He turned back to face her. “Cal. Cal Langley.”

“I’m Nancy Parker. Thanks again, Cal. I hope to see you around town soon. Oh, you can stop by The Crashdown. It’s a diner that my husband and I own. I’ll give you a free meal for all your trouble. Just drop by anytime.” Nancy grinned.

“Thank you for your generosity, Nancy. Don’t fret. I’ll be around.”


Two families in Albuquerque, New Mexico were having a party for their children: The Evans’ and the Guerin’s. Their children were now all 8-year-olds and are very close to each other. The parents understood their closeness, after all, they were found in the desert together.

When Philip and Diane Evans and Hank and Tracy Guerin were driving on their way back to their home town, they passed through a desolate road near the desert as a shortcut. They were surprised to come across these three small children, naked and unable to speak. Diane and Tracy quickly took them to comfort them and keep them warm while Philip and Hank tried to look for whoever left them there. Seeing no one, the women suggested to bring the children along with them so they could take care of them.

While in the car, the adults fell in love with these kids in a matter of minutes. After all the legal paperwork, they were able to adopt them. The couples were closer than ever because of the connection their children had to one another. And they were raised more like brothers and sister altogether than just friends of the family.

Max Evans was the eldest though they all shared the same birthday. Somehow the other two just always thought of him as the oldest and with his character, so did his parents. Max was always so moody and responsible, traits that he exhibited even as a young child. He was always the one to call the other two’s attention if they were out of line and they did follow whatever he said. As he grew up, those traits stuck with him. He was shy, quiet and always broody. But by the time he got into high school, he started opening up a little. He became a part of the basketball varsity team and excelled in the sport. He was offered scholarships from different colleges just so he could play with them. His family knew that he was bound for success through the game and time proved them right once he got drafted in the NBA.

Michael Guerin was considered to be the second oldest in the trio. He was the impulsive one. He was adopted by the Guerin couple, the Evans’ close friends. He and Max were best friends not just because of the closeness of their families but also because of their origins. He took art in college but joined the basketball team since Max was in it. Like Max, he was also quiet, always pondering on who they were, what they were. One night when he was still a young boy, his mother came into his room and found him crying in his sleep. She woke him up and held him. They talked about what he was dreaming and he told her that he felt lost. Tracy Guerin told him that he didn’t have to feel that anymore because he was already home. Those words from his mother were the ones who made him the man he was today. Though at times there were still moments that he wondered about where he came from, he knew that his home was with his parents who took him in and loved him as their own.

Isabel Evans, the fashionable one. She was always very close to her parents. Growing up, she was the more outgoing between her and Max. She always wanted to please her parents. She was the one who constantly wanted to be in the In Crowd. She gravitated towards popularity in high school and got it because of her good looks. But in college, something happened that made her change. She fell in love. She is now the loving wife of one Alexander Whitman. Alex grounded her and despite the protests of Max and Michael against getting involved, she defied them and proved that they could all have a life. Alex proved to be trustworthy even after finding out the truth. And it made their relationship stronger. To Isabel, family is always her priority and she is hoping that someday the family that she is building with her husband would soon grow.

But the one secret that held them all back for different reasons was their origins. They were different. They had capabilities that no other human could possess. And that was because they were aliens. And apparently, they aren’t the only ones.

to be continued....
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Post by kay_b »

A/N: First of all, thanks to everyone who voted for me as Best Newcomer. I won as Runner-up! I didn't even expect that! Heck, I didn't even expect to be nominated. But thank you all so much.

Sorry for the delay with my two fics. I was suffering from a serious case of writer's block. But no need to worry, I think I'm cured now. At least I hope so.

This new part would hopefully explain a few things. But I wouldn't be surprised if you have more questions. Just a warning, the history of the aliens would take about 2 more chapters. I'm already halfway through Chapter 5 but it's still about the background of this fic. I just hope you'll like all the new parts.


Chapter 2


When Cal came back to the cave, he saw that three of the pods were empty. He quickly searched the place high and low, looking for three of his charges. He saw drippings of the sustaining liquid from their casings and followed it back to the barren desert. Where he saw the trail end, tire marks began. He then knew that efforts to find them would be futile.

He hurriedly went back to the remaining pod. Seeing that the leak has grown bigger, he sealed it temporarily using his powers. Then he went and got the vials containing some amniotic fluid taken from Nancy Parker’s womb.

He hastily went to the top portion of the pod and made a small incision. Carefully, he poured the contents of the vials in. As soon as he was done he swiftly closed the cut he made. He stood back and watched as the amniotic fluid mixed inside the pod with its existing life-sustaining liquid.

Soon the inside of the pod glowed green and became clear again, as if it was cleaning itself from the inside out. Once again, the being that was in the form of a child was visible. She had dark brown hair and she was petite, even for a child.

Cal just sat back and watched. He hoped that the others would come back soon or the only other one left would wake up. He would be happy with whichever one would happen first. And while he waited, he slept.

He slept for days and weeks. The exhaustion from the trip and having to shapeshift drained him. But there was a reason as to why he woke up suddenly.

He felt a pull into the city. He sat still, listening, feeling if it was from one of the three. He was totally surprised to find out that it wasn’t. A new one was born.

He quickly looked at the remaining pod but she was still there, still inside it. He closed his eyes and concentrated as he tried to find the source.

He opened his eyes in stunned astonishment. ‘How was that possible?’

The sense of protectiveness washed over him for his new responsibility. But this was utterly diverse for it was a human child whom the call was coming from.

Max and Isabel were at home with their parents. It was the weekend and the Evans decided to stay at home with their kids. It has been a couple of weeks since they found them and the children already knew how to communicate the normal way.

It was difficult at first but in a matter of hours, they were able to speak basic words. Max learned faster than his sister but he was an introvert. So although he knew what to say, his shyness would often overpower him. Isabel, on the other hand, loved the attention from her parents so she doubled her efforts to learn to please her new mom and dad.

Max was sitting on his bed reading a book when he felt it. He immediately lifted his head from what he was reading and looked out the window. He felt a new presence has emerged but this was different from what he felt from Michael and Isabel. And it was from the direction where he, his sister and their friend came from.

He ran to his sister’s bedroom where she was playing with her dolls.

“Didchu feel dat?” Max asked with his hand still on the doorknob.

“Feel wat?” Isabel looked at him as she stopped brushing her Barbie’s blonde hair.

Max closed his eyes and communicated telepathically, expressing what he felt, what he was still feeling. When he opened his eyes, Isabel gave him a negative response by shaking her head from side to side.

“Who’s dat?” she questioned.

“I dunno.” Max shrugged.

“Hey you two, what do you want to eat for snacks?” Diane came up behind Max.

Max looked at her and stayed silent while Isabel was scrambling off the floor.

“Can we ‘ave pizza?” Isabel asked with her eyes shining bright.

“Again?” Diane was hesitant but when she saw Max nodding, she gave in.

“Alright, but we’re going to make them instead of ordering, ok?”

“Ok. We help?” Isabel was already beside Diane, taking her hand.

“Sure, sweetie. What about you, Max? Do you want to help too?”

Max looked back to his room, thinking about the stirring he was feeling within. Then he slowly took his mother’s hand and they all trudged down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Cal was outside the cave, trying to sense who it was and why it was happening to a human. He couldn’t understand it. ‘Could there be others like them on this planet and he didn’t know about it? Has anyone ever been in contact with the ship, or worse, the pods while he was at the hospital with Nancy—’

He was startled by that thought. But it couldn’t be Nancy since he didn’t feel her during all this time. Why now? What could have happened that— Nancy’s baby.

When he took some amniotic fluid from the placenta, he saw that the baby was stressed because her umbilical cord was close to wrapping around her neck. That was why Nancy had to rush to the hospital that day in pain. He couldn’t just let the baby suffer, so he did some manipulating to eliminate that risk. But in order to do that, he had to use his powers on the little infant. And by doing so, he had bound the human child into their alien existence and is now considered one of his charges. He could only hope that she would not have any effect on the others for it may call the attention of other aliens lurking around the galaxy, both good AND bad.

He sighed, knowing that there was nothing he could do now. He walked back in the cave to check on the fourth pod. And he was surprised to find her awake.

“Trienka.” He looked at her, waiting for her to emerge.

Slowly she broke through the membrane with her small fist. Like the others, she looked like a 4-year-old human child. She had dark brown hair, brown eyes and she was small. He figured it was because of the damage her pod had endured during the crash.

He helped her out of the pod and quickly took one of the robes that were supposedly for his four charges. He wrapped her around in one and carried her out of the cave. Then sensing the other three, he started walking towards their location.


Max and the others are all in high school, all aged 16. Max was still the silent type, Michael was still the impulsive one and Isabel was still Ms. Popular even if she was just a sophomore. It was in this year that a new girl, Erin Langley, transferred to Albuquerque High.

With Isabel being the president of the Sunshine Committee, she had the task to show the new girl around campus.

“Hi. I’m Isabel Evans. You’re Erin Langley?”

“Yes.” The girl spoke shyly.

“Great. So why don’t we start with a tour?”

The two girls spent most of their free time together. Isabel even invited her to their house where Max and Michael were playing basketball after school.

“Hey guys, this is Erin Langley. We’re just gonna hang out in my room.” Isabel yelled.

Max and Michael didn’t even look at them. They just grunted in acknowledgement and continued with their game.

“Are they your brothers?” Erin asked.

“Yeah. Well, Max is, the one with the darker hair. And Michael is like a cousin since our families are friends. But because he’s here all the time, he’s more like a brother to us.”


“So, tell me more about you.” Isabel sat on the floor and started getting her books out.

“Um, it’s just me and my dad. He works in the entertainment industry.”

“Really? What does he do?”

“He’s um…a movie producer. His name is Cal Langley.” Erin spoke uncomfortably.

Isabel’s brows shot up. “Oh wow! The Cal Langley? I’ve seen him in some of my magazines. I didn’t know he had a daughter.”

Erin just gave her a small smile.

“Hey why don’t we go downstairs for some junk food?” Isabel quickly asked to break the awkward silence.

“Uh, sure.”

The two girls walked into the kitchen just as Max and Michael came through the back door.

“Max, Michael. Erin.” Isabel introduced them again quickly.

“Hi.” Erin greeted.

“Hey.” Michael nodded briefly.

Max just smiled at her.

“You new here?” Michael asked.

“Not really. I lived here when I was younger but then my dad and I moved to L.A. because of his work. But now we’re back.”


Max was just watching them, as if he was noting something strange in the girl standing before him.

When Erin looked at him, there was an instant recognition.

“The pods.” Erin whispered without thinking.

“What?” Max blinked.

“Um, nothing.” She shook her head.

“No, you said something.” Max was sure he heard the word ‘pod’ from her.

Michael quickly advanced on the girl.

“It was nothing.” She was backing away in fear.

“Then what was it?” Michael prodded.

“Michael.” Isabel went to stand in front of Erin. ‘What was wrong with the guys? Were they trying to expose themselves on purpose?’

“It’s you, isn’t it?” Max asked.

“What?” Erin stared at him.

“The other one. The one that was left behind.”

“Max!” Michael yelled.

“I…” Erin felt trapped.

“I felt something…years ago. Was it you?” Max studied the girl, trying to sense if she was the presence he felt then.

“I…don’t know.”

“Max, stop.” Isabel pleaded. They didn’t know this girl. What if she wasn’t like them?

Erin’s mobile started to ring. She quickly answered it as if it was her lifeline.

“What’s going on?”

“Nothing, Dad.”

“I’m feeling so many things; fear, agitation. Where are you?”

“I think I found them, or better yet, they found me.” Erin spoke calmly while looking at the others in front of her.

They got the message loud and clear: She was one of them.

to be continued....
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Post by kay_b »

A/N: More will be explained in this part and the next.

Milla and Strawbehrry Shortcake: Thanks for liking this and even though you didn’t see this when I fist started posting, at least you have a couple chapters done so you didn’t have to wait. Well, at least for Chapters 1 & 2. Thanks for reading all my fic, you guys. It’s nice to know that you are always there. Thank you so much.

Oh, and this isn’t a challenge. But I did post the plot during that poll I posted on What If…?. The scene in the Prologue was the only thing similar to the book. Everything else came from my head because this fic is alien-related. But you should go and read the book too. It’s really good and Luanne Rice has become one of my fave authors because of her outstanding works.

**Happy Fourth of July**


Chapter 3

Erin brought them back to her house so they can talk with her dad. He would have the answers they seek.

“What if this is a trap?” Michael asked while he sat in the passenger seat of Max’s Jeep.

“I don’t think it is.” Max answered.

“I hope you’re right.”

“Me too.” Max murmured.

Isabel sat beside Erin in the new girl’s car. “Why didn’t you tell me? Didn’t you know?”

“I felt something from you, but I wasn’t sure.” Erin replied.

Isabel just leaned back in her seat and stayed silent till they got to the house. She felt the same way when she met Erin but she didn’t want to let her know that.

“It’s a pleasure to finally see the three of you again.” Cal greeted them as they came through the door.

“Again?” Max questioned.

“I was your protector…am.” Cal corrected himself.

“Well if you’re our protector, where the hell have you been all this time?” Michael erupted.

“In Los Angeles. Erin told me you’re a famous producer. I thought we weren’t supposed to be drawing attention to ourselves.” Isabel spoke.

“True, but it was the best option presented to us at the time.” Cal replied. “It allowed me to have more resources and be able to find you.”

“But you didn’t. She did.” Michael pointed at Erin.

“And for that I am glad.” Cal beamed at his daughter.

“Could you…answer our questions?” Max asked hesitantly.

“Of course, Your Majesty.” Cal smirked.

“What?!” Max, Michael and Isabel all exclaimed.

He knew that they would be surprised, just like Erin was when he told her of her heritage. “You are King Zan of Antar, Lord Rath, the second-in command and the general of the king’s army, and Princess Vilandra. I am Kalor, assigned protector to the Royal Four.”

“The whatta?” Michael stammered.



“Yes, and we are all from planet Antar.” Cal continued.

“Planet?!” Isabel shrieked.

“Dad, please. Maybe we should all sit down for this. You’re bombarding them with too much information.” Erin pleaded.

Cal nodded at the one he came to know as his own child. They all went to the living room and sat. Isabel quickly settled herself between her two brothers and held their hands in hers.

“We are from Antar, one of the five planets in the Whirlwind Galaxy. It is the ruling planet and you, Zan,” he looked at Max, “was the ruling king.”

“My name is Max, Max Evans.”

“So you’re saying…we’re…aliens?” Michael was trying to grasp at the information running through his mind, trying desperately to understand all this.

“Yes, we’re aliens…to this planet.”

“How…how did we get here?” Isabel asked.

“We were sent here. The Royal Four died during an attack at the palace. Clones were made using your highnesses’ essence mixed with human DNA and brought to Earth for safekeeping.”

“Clones? We’re…clones?” Max questioned.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Please, stop with the ‘Your Majesty’ thing. I am not a king here. I’m just a regular high school student.”

“As you wish.” Cal bowed his head to him.

Max huffed, “No bowing either.” Then he remembered his manners, “Please.”

“Wait, you said Royal Four, who’s the fourth?” Isabel looked at Erin then back at Cal.

“Trienka.” He motioned for Erin to sit beside him. “Queen of Antar.”

“Queen? Which means…” Michael left his sentence hanging and looked at Max.

“Yes, she was King Zan’s wife.”

Max and Erin stared at each other.

“Why were we attacked?” Isabel continued asking.

“There was a rebel who believed that Zan was unfit to be king. He led many Antarians and other citizens from the neighboring planets to an uprising. But all he wanted was to have all the power to himself. His name is Khivar—”

“Whoa, ‘is’?” Michael questioned.

“Yes. He IS still alive and still ruling Antar, though those loyal to King Zan are getting stronger against him.”

“Getting stronger?”

“There’s still a war going on in our planet. Our people want to be free again and once more be able to live in prosperity.”

“So why did they send us here for safekeeping?” Max looked at Cal.

“So you may return when the time is right.”

“Return?!” Isabel leapt to her feet. “No! That is not going to happen! This is our home. My family is here. Max, tell him we won’t leave.”

“She’s right. We are not going anywhere.”

“But Your Ma—Max, they need you to help them, to lead them.”

“How can I help them when I know nothing, when we know nothing?! I told you before, I am not a king. I am just a boy, trying to live a normal life here on Earth.” Max replied strongly.

“We’re not leaving. They sent us here and here is where we all will stay.” Michael added.

“But what about your responsibilities to your people? Are you just going to let them suffer and die in the hands of a monster?”

“We don’t know anything about them. They are not our responsibility. Besides, you said they were getting stronger.” Max paused and took a deep breath. “If you didn’t find us, we wouldn’t even know anything.”

“We would find you. I would always find you. I know where all my charges are, always.” Cal stared at his king.

“Then why did it take you this long, huh?” Michael taunted him.

Cal did not answer. There was a reason, but he could not tell them.

As silence ensued, Max was itching to ask the one question that has been plaguing him for years.

“Was she the one I felt all those years ago?” he asked softly.

“What?” Cal looked at him.

“When I was four, I felt something, someone. Is it her?” He stared at Erin.

“Maybe, she is your wife after all.”

“No. I am not Zan and she is not…” He couldn’t remember her name.

“Trienka.” Erin provided.

“We are Max and Erin. We’re not these aliens you speak of. They are dead!” Max yelled.

“Then why did you feel her presence?”

“What? No! I was just asking…I don’t know if it was her.” Max sat back down.

Cal sighed and took pity on him. “Do you still feel her?”


“Max, why didn’t you say anything?” Isabel placed a hand on top of his.

“You never felt it. I didn’t think I should bother you with—”

“Max, we don’t keep secrets from each other, remember?” This came from Michael.

“I know…it’s just…” ‘Private? Special?’ he wanted to add but felt like he shouldn’t.

“When did you start to feel this way?” Cal prodded.

“Since I was four.”

Cal stayed silent. He knew it wasn’t Erin because Max would have known instantly if it was since they were in close proximity. And the fact that he had doubts and even had to ask if it was her made Cal come to the conclusion that it was someone else, that it was the one that drew him away from them. He wanted to ask more but he was afraid of what the answers might be, of what it could mean.

“Who is it?” Michael turned to Cal.

Trapped, he decided to lie. “I don’t know.”

to be continued....
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Post by kay_b »

A/N: Welcome, linliz! Ok, everyone, the next part explains some more but don't hate me for what I wrote. I know that some have said that they don't want this to happen but I have no other choice. Just remember that this is a Dreamer fic. Enjoy!


Chapter 4


As time progressed, they stuck with each other and tried to live a normal life. Although Cal conceded to the three’s wishes to stay on Earth, he still taught them how to use their powers in case danger came looking for them. At first, Max and Isabel didn’t want to. Michael was intrigued by what he was capable of doing and his curiosity got the better of him as he wanted to know more. Soon, all four of them started to train under Cal’s tutelage.

Max and Erin became friends. Maybe it was partly because of their pasts, but Max was sure that it wasn’t. Erin was a nice girl, she was kind and affectionate, and she was like them.

Eventually she became Max’s girlfriend.

“So, you all ready for college, Mr. Hot Shot? Erin teased.

“Of course, aren’t you?” Max smiled. He was offered several scholarships from different colleges so he could play for their basketball varsity team.

“I don’t know.” she spoke wistfully.

“What is it?” Max turned to look at her. They were lying on her bed, talking about their future.

“It’s just…it’s going to be a whole new life for us.”

“Yeah, it’ll be exciting.”

“Max, don’t you ever think about them?”

“Them who?”

“Our people.” Erin whispered. She knew Max didn’t like to talk about their other lives.


“How come? I think about them.”

“I don’t know them. You grew up with Cal. He has told you everything you needed to know since you…hatched. We grew up living this way. This is the only life I have ever known. I know that I sound cold hearted but I’m not. I just don’t feel the same way you and Cal do. And I don’t want to lie about how I feel.”

“It’s ok. I just wonder sometimes.”

“Can we not talk about this?”

Erin nodded and leaned in Max’s embrace. “I am going to miss you so much.”

“So will I.”

“We’ll write and call each other all the time, right?”


“And we’ll visit each other every break and holiday?”


“When you get to be a famous basketball star, will you forget about me?” Erin looked up at him.

“No.” Max kissed her forehead.



“Make love to me.”



“Erin, are you sure?”

She nodded and Max leaned in to kiss her.


Max, Michael and Isabel were all in Los Angeles to attend a funeral…Erin’s funeral.

No one predicted this will happen. Just last year, Erin told Max that she was pregnant with his child. Max wanted to marry her, they were already planning it. But there were complications with her pregnancy. Erin stayed in bed most of the time.

Max and Cal never left her side. They were so worried about her. Max didn’t know why he couldn’t heal her, he tried several times but it just wouldn’t work. Until one night, Cal told him Erin’s story.

“Her pod was damaged?” Max turned to face Cal.

Cal nodded. “There was a leak and the fluid that was sustaining her life force was being drained. I had to find some more to replace it. That’s why I wasn’t there when the three of you came out of your pods.”

“Find some more? Where did you find some more?” Max’s forehead wrinkled.

“From a human.”


“I had to, Max, or she would have died!”

“What did you do?” Max asked in a calm voice but he was seething inside. He didn’t know about this. What did Cal do to the human?

“I took some amniotic fluid from her. She was pregnant and it was just a small amount, just enough for Erin’s pod to reproduce the liquid and replenish itself.”

“Did you kill her?”

“What? Who?” Cal was startled by Max’s question.

“The woman.”

“No! I would never do that!”

“Then how? How did you get some fluid if you didn’t kill her?”

“I made a small incision while she was asleep and took it. I healed her so she didn’t even know.”

“Thank you.”

Cal was taken aback.

“If you didn’t do what you did, Erin wouldn’t be with us now.”

“She will be gone soon.” Cal whispered; tears were in his eyes.

“I know. I can feel her fading away.”

“What do you want to do with the child, Max?”

“She’s human.”

“What?! How can that be?”

“Simple genetics. We’re half human, it would be a possibility to have a human child.”

“And because I tampered with her pod, that possibility was increased.”

Max just nodded, “I want to give her up for adoption.”

“Max, you can’t! This is the Princess we’re talking about.”

“I know. And she won’t be safe if she stays with us. Plus she’s human. She would always be in great danger.”

“I can protect her.”

“Not all the time. It will be better this way.”

“But she’s…my grandchild.” Cal wasn’t a grandfather technically, but since he considered Erin to be his daughter, her child would be his granddaughter.

“And my daughter. I’m sorry, Cal. I know it’s hard, but we must protect her at all costs…even if it means giving her up. We all have to do what we have to.”

Cal nodded solemnly, knowing there was no way he could disobey his king. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

Tears fell down his face. Max was mourning not only for the loss of his best friend but also his child. He allowed Cal to take care of the arrangements. Max’s parents didn’t even know about the pregnancy. They didn’t even know they have a granddaughter. And soon, she will belong to someone else, be held by another father, sung to sleep by a different mother. And he will never get to know her.

“Max?” Isabel’s voice broke through his cloud of grief. “We should go.”

“I want to stay here a little while longer.”

Isabel nodded. She squeezed his hand before letting it go and walking away.

“I’m so sorry, Erin. I’m sorry you never got to see our baby. I’m sorry you n-never got to hold her. I’m s-sorry that she will never get…to know you. Please forgive me…for what I’ve done. I had to give her up, her l-life would always be in danger if I…if I held on to her.” he spoke in sobs.

The rain started to pour as Max collapsed on his knees. “But most of all, I’m sorry…I wasn’t able to h-heal you. I tried, Erin. God knows I tried so hard. I keep thinking…that things could have been different if we were in Antar. Maybe…maybe this is God’s way of punishing me for neglecting our people. I’m just so sorry. I hope you can hear me, I hope you can…forgive me.”

to be continued....
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Post by kay_b »

Chapter 5

Cal held on to his grandchild a little while longer. He watched her long lashes flutter as she looked up at him. She was so small. He held her close one last time and smelled her sweet baby scent and memorized her features before he let her go. He just lost his daughter a week before today and now he was about to lose the only reminder he had of her.

She had wisps of chestnut brown hair and big brown eyes. Her eyelashes and lips belonged to her father, her hair, the color of her eyes and her size from her mother.

He now thought of only one person who could fulfill that role. The one he watched grow up into a special young woman. The one who called out to him and became one of the people under his care. The one he healed.

Elizabeth Parker was the newest addition to Roswell Memorial. She has graduated from Harvard and was offered employment from top hospitals all over the country. But she chose to return home, home to her parents and her friends.

Liz is an exceptional woman. She’s both beauty and brains. She had silky brown hair, big doe brown eyes, slim and petite. She graduated as valedictorian of her class both in high school and college, always receiving awards and honors for her hard work. She devoted herself to her studies and never strayed from her goal of becoming a doctor someday.

And all her perseverance did pay off. At the young age of 20, she is now a licensed doctor in Roswell Memorial’s Pediatric Department.

Liz loved spending time with kids. If she’s not looking after her patients and doing rounds, she could be found reading stories to those in the children’s ward. She’s very caring and affectionate towards all of them and they loved her for her kindness. All the parents wanted her to look after their children.

This was what Cal wanted for Max and Erin’s baby.

Liz heard a baby crying in one of the rooms. She knew it was empty, she was sure of it. But then the insistent cries of an infant could be heard faintly.

She opened the door, checking for anyone who could be inside, but there was no one. The cries became louder and she walked inside the room. One bed was empty but there was a curtain wall hiding the next bed from view. So she walked closer to check.

When she parted the curtain, she saw a small baby girl wrapped in a pink blanket wailing and flailing her limbs.

“Oh my God.” Liz whispered.

She moved closer and tried to soothe the baby. She picked her up and cradled the infant to her chest. The baby immediately stopped crying and held on to strands of Liz’s hair. She was so exhausted from crying so hard that she quickly fell asleep in Liz’s arms.

Liz turned around to look for anyone who might have left the beautiful child she carried. Then she walked out of the room and turned her head from side to side to check for a parent or someone who would claim that the baby belongs to them. Still there was no one. She headed to the hospital’s wing where the nursery was located.

When she reached the nursery, she asked the nurses if they knew whom the baby could belong to and if there was any delivery that day. And there was, but it was a baby boy, not girl. As Liz gazed at the babe, she wondered where she could have come from.

For days, Liz took care of the child. She was spending most of her time in the nursery taking care of the little one if she didn’t have any other patients to attend to. Liz was also her attending physician though the baby was perfectly healthy. She left her in the nursery when she went home, but the little girl cried every time she had to go. It came to a point that she had to put the child to sleep first before she could leave.

“Dr. Parker?” One of the nurses from the nursery came up behind her.


“That little girl you brought in…no one has claimed her. I think…I think she was left here on purpose.”

Liz sighed, “I’m beginning to think the same thing.”

“Should we inform Children’s Services already?”

“I suppose. But…I want to talk to them.”

“Ok, I’ll be right back.”

Liz hovered over the baby girl in the cradle, gazing at her with all the love she could give.

“I’ve got a plan for us, and I hope and pray that it works. I don’t know if I should be happy that you’re here. I’m sad that you won’t get to know your real parents, but if I’m allowed to do this, I could be your mommy. Would you like that, sweetheart?”

The child cooed as if she understood what Liz was telling her.

Liz laughed, “You are so adorable, my little angel. Geez, you don’t even have a name yet. Hmm, let me see.” Liz placed a finger on her lips to think. “Tell me what you think of Angelica?”

The baby swatted her hand.

“Ok, no. Umm…we can’t give you Elizabeth too.”

The infant waved her arms in protest.

“You wouldn’t want to be called Beth or Bethy. Alright, how about Ally…Alyssa…Alissandra.”

The baby giggled.

“You like that, sweetie? Alissandra?”

The infant cooed once more.

“Yeah, you look like an Alissandra. Alissandra Jill Parker.” Liz leaned over to play with the little one, holding her tiny fists in her as Alissandra held on to her thumbs.

“Dr. Parker?” A case worker came in.

Liz quickly straightened up. “Oh, hi.”

“Your nurse told me that there was an abandoned baby?”

“Yes.” Liz took a deep breath, “And I want to adopt her.”

“Uh Dr. Parker, that’s really nice of you but are you sure about this?”

“Yes, I must admit that I have grown attached to her.” Liz looked at the baby beside her.

“I can see why. She is a beautiful one.”


“Doctor, I have to be honest with you. Although, I know you are an extraordinary woman, with excellent academic honors and achievements and you have become a doctor at such a young age. But the bottom line is…you’re young.”

“What? There are teenage single mothers out there who only have part time jobs and they are still able to support their kids. I’m a doctor, a pediatric doctor at that, and you’re telling me that I can’t adopt her because of my age?!”

“Dr. Parker, I wish it was that simple. If I had the authority to grant your request, I would in a heartbeat.”

“What if I can give you my parents’ support? Would that be enough? I promise you that I would be with her all the time and my parents would look after her only when I have to work.”

“Being a doctor is a difficult job, you have shifts and you’re on-call all the time—”

“Which is why I intend to spend every spare moment that I can with her.”

The lady sighed, she knew that they could prolong their conversation, going around in circles and the doctor would still want to adopt the child. It would be pointless to fight. “Alright, I’ll put in your request. I would need several documents from you as well as papers from your parents. I would also need to interview them and inspect where you live.”

“No problem. I’ll get on that right away. Thank you so much.”

“Don’t thank me yet. But I will try my best to make this work for you.”

“Um, in the meantime, can I be granted temporary custody? I hate that she has to be here in the hospital all the time.”

“I’ll see what I can do. By the way, have you named her already? I need something to put on my request.”

“Yes, it’s Alissandra Jill Parker.” Liz was beaming.

“Liz, you’re only 20 years old! And you want to adopt this child and become what…an unwed mother?!”

“And what’s wrong about that?! There are lots of single parents out there today, Dad.”

“Lizzie, we admire the compassion you feel for this baby you’re talking about but—”

“No, there is no but about this. I…Mom, Dad, I love her. If you could only see her, you’ll feel the same way. She’s so adorable and affectionate. She cries every time I have to leave her there and a piece of my heart breaks. I don’t want her to stay there any longer or be put up for adoption. What if she ends up where she’s not loved?” Tears were in her eyes as Liz thought of the possibility of never seeing Alissandra again.

“Liz, the case worker will find a good home for her with loving parents.” Nancy told her.

“And in the meantime? She’ll be placed in foster care. Foster care, Mom. Why do they still have to find a home for her when she already has one…with me.” Liz started to cry.

“Lizzie, we’re only looking out for what’s best for you. You have a whole future ahead of you, baby.” Jeff tried to make his daughter see their side of the situation.

“I’m telling you she’s what’s best for me. I wouldn’t even come to you if I had known you would disapprove. But I need your help. Besides, it’s not even sure yet. There’s still a chance that my request would be rejected.” Liz sobbed.

Jeff and Nancy looked at each other. They knew that Liz was already strongly attached to the child in her care. And they also knew that once Liz has set her mind to something, there would be no stopping her.

“Alright, we’ll help you and give you what you need. But if the case worker says that it’s a no, that’s it. You will not fight them.” Jeff informed her.

Liz looked up to her parents and hugged them fiercely. “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you.” This time tears of joy were in her eyes. “You won’t regret this. I’ll go call the case worker now and file for temporary custody.”

“Hey there, my angel.” Liz held Alissandra in her arms as they left the hospital. Liz was very happy because she was now a new mommy. Nancy went with her to get the baby while Jeff stayed at home to fix Liz’s old crib and do some last minute cleaning.

“You were right, she is a charming little baby.” Nancy held the little girl’s fist in her hand.

Alissandra just blinked up at Liz and her little mouth opened for a yawn.

Nancy quickly opened the back door of their car and watched Liz secure the infant in the car seat that they bought the weekend before, along with the other baby items.

“Why don’t you sit in the back, Liz? I’ll drive us back to the house.” Nancy said as she started walking towards the driver’s side of the car.

Liz nodded and got in the back beside Alissandra. Soon, their family was on the way home.

“She needs a nickname.” Nancy commented.

“I know, Alissandra is such a long name.” Liz replied.

“Well, it can’t be Lisa or Lis. It’ll mix her up when we’re calling you. How about Ally?”

“Nah, too TV show.”


“Mom, she’s not a dog.”

“What? I like the name Sandy and it was the name of Olivia Newton-John’s character in Grease.”

Liz rolled her eyes. “Ok, how about San…Zan!”


“Yeah, it’s unique. I think it fits her perfectly. And it’s a tribute to you since you like the name Sandy.”

“Well, Zan it is then.” Mother and daughter grinned.

to be continued....
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Post by kay_b »

A/N: Thanks for all your FB. Now for some of those questions:

frenchkiss70: Cal isn't telling Max about Liz because she is not a part of them.

Tanya, roswells_hope_lily, sweetbrowneyes: In a way Liz and Zan are connected. More will be explained later on.

foreverdreamer15: Zan is still human, the doctors that she and Liz went to are mostly shrinks. And no, Zan doesn't know that Max is her father.

Now on to the next part...


Chapter 6

Once they arrived, Jeff quickly rushed out to meet them.

“Alright, where is my granddaughter?”

Liz lifted Zan out of her carseat and out of the car. When Jeff saw them, he gasped.

“Liz, she…she looks like you. I mean, if I didn’t know anything, I would think she’s you biological daughter.”

“She does look a little like me, doesn’t she?” Liz smiled and kissed the top of her baby’s head.

“Why don’t we all go inside? This heat isn’t good for her.” Nancy said as she ushered her family back in the house.

Liz carried Zan all the way up to her room. When she opened the door, tears sprung in her eyes.

“Daddy, this is so…beautiful. Thank you.” She turned to her father and gave him a peck on the cheek.

The room was splashed with brightness. Liz’s old white crib was placed in one corner of the room and it had a set of pink bedding that had prints of big pastel-colored butterflies on them. There were a few stuffed animals: a teddy bear, a yellow duck, and a bunny; placed on a white glider for Liz. Beside the crib was Liz’s study table where both her and Zan’s books were placed and on the other end of the crib was the baby changer that was painted pink and white. There was a mobile with butterflies hovering above the crib and a small white cabinet and soft mats on the floor that matched that side of the room. On the other side were Liz’s bed and her vanity table. The window that led to her balcony was still unobstructed but Jeff thought of screwing in a child-proof gate for when the baby starts crawling, just in case.

“Look sweetie, don’t you think this is perfect?” Liz snuggled her daughter close.

Zan answered with a yawn and Liz walked over to her crib and laid her right in the middle.

“Go to sleep, my angel.” Liz whispered and kissed Zan’s head gently. Zan’s eyes fluttered slowly, trying to fight sleep. But Liz’s voice made it hard for her as her eyelashes touched her cheeks

The Parkers watched their newest addition before heading out of the room quietly. In all that time that Liz wasn’t in the room, Zan slept peacefully.

Liz spent most of her time with Zan if she wasn’t in the hospital. Her daughter wasn’t a fussy baby, Liz pretty much learned how to distinguish her cries whenever she wanted something. Zan loved to gurgle and smile whenever Liz was around. She loved playing with her mother and would always cling to her whenever there were other people around. Sometimes she would go with either Jeff or Nancy but as soon as she sees Liz, she’d lean over for Liz to get her. When Zan spoke her first word, Liz was busy folding their clothes. Zan was looking at Liz and wanting to play with her but Liz didn’t see her. She sat and started to hold her hands out, opening and closing them, a sign that she always used whenever she wanted Liz to pick her up. But Liz still wasn’t looking at her. Out of desperation Zan uttered her first word, “Mama.”

Liz quickly turned her head to face her daughter and blinked, wondering if she was just hearing things. Zan was clenching and unclenching her fists again and spoke even louder this time when she realized she had made her mommy look at her with that word. Liz squealed and lifted her baby out of the crib. Zan kept on calling her Mama and Liz went out of their room and ran down to where her parents were.

When Zan learned how to walk, Liz was there to witness her first step. Liz was overjoyed as she called out to Zan while Nancy was standing behind her granddaughter, ready to catch her if she stumbles and Jeff was busily recording the entire thing in his video camera. Slowly but surely, Zan reached her mom one wobbly baby step at a time. And once Zan was within reach, Liz lifted her up in the air then drew her close to hug her tight. Zan only giggled in response as Liz pressed the small child to her.

One night, two years after Liz brought Zan home; Zan woke up and started wailing. Liz was startled awake by her screaming and rushed to her.

“Hey there, what’s wrong? Did you have a bad dream?” Liz carried her baby out of the cradle and started rocking her back and forth.

Zan kept fussing and crying and Liz was at a loss on what to do. Her parents were gone for the night and they were alone.

A couple of hours had passed and though she was obviously exhausted, Zan still kept on bawling.

The doorbell ringing stopped her for an instant and Liz rushed to see who would be knocking at their door at 3 in the morning.

Liz opened the door and found 2 cops standing there. This caused her to panic.

“Are you Ms. Elizabeth Parker?”

“Yes.” Liz answered warily as she bounced Zan on her hip, thankful that she has finally stopped crying. Liz thought that Zan not being friendly towards other people could have been the cause of her sudden quietness. Liz was silently thanking them for coming. But their next words made her think differently.

“Ms. Parker, we’re sorry to tell you this, but you’re parents were in a car accident.”

Liz paled. “What? No, what happened? Are they ok? What hospital are they in?”

The two cops looked at each other. This was the part of their job that they hated.

“Miss, your folks died during the accident. A drunk driver…head-on…dead on arrival…”

The words began to fade out as Liz was informed about her parents. The only words that penetrated were those saying that her parents were dead.

Liz stood there numbly. The arm that was wrapped around Zan tightened and the other cradled her daughter’s head gently. She hugged Zan closely as the tears started to fall. With every second ticking, Liz’s grief began to consume her.

She wept for days for her parents. There were times when she neglected Zan and her friends had to pitch in to take care of her baby.

During the funeral, Liz sat there numbly while she held on to Zan who remained quiet in her mother’s lap. It was as if her daughter was her only lifeline over the anguish that threatened to drown her. Friends of the Parker family and Liz’s friends from childhood and from the hospital all came. Everyone was saddened by the loss. But there was also one unknown figure that stood away from where everyone was, watching and mourning.

A few days later, Zan managed to get out of her crib and walk towards Liz where she was still lying in her bed. Zan crawled under her sheets and sat facing her.

“Mama?” Zan tilted her head a little to the side, watching her mother closely.

It was the sound of Zan’s voice that brought Liz out of her sorrow.

Liz slowly smiled and pulled her baby to lay beside her. Zan quickly sucked on her left thumb and played with Liz’s hair using her tiny right hand.

Both mother and daughter stayed that way until the other’s presence lulled them to sleep.

When Liz awoke, she looked down at Zan and hugged her. Smelling Zan’s baby scent made Liz realize that she had to stop grieving and live. She should start living again, if only for her daughter’s sake.

As she watched Zan sleep, a sudden thought occurred to her. ‘How did Zan get on the bed with her?’ She quickly sat up and wondered how she had woken up with the baby beside her. She looked at Zan’s crib and back at Zan, the crib, then Zan again. Liz’s brows came together and just figured that maybe it was one of her friends who put Zan there.

When Zan woke up, Liz carried her back to her crib and started to clean up. She was back to her normal self. She had to start breathing again even without her parents. As she began to tidy up her room, Zan was silently trying to get out of her crib. Liz had her back turned to her as she began to fix her room. She gave out a yelp when small hands grabbed on to her leg.

Liz looked down and saw Zan grinning back up at her. She looked at the crib then back at Zan. Her baby had just learned how to get out of her crib. She carried her child and was about to rush out of her room to tell her parents when she remembered that they were gone.

“I guess it’s just you and me, sweetheart.” Liz spoke with tears in her eyes while gazing at Zan in her arms.

“Mom, Dad, I know you’re looking down on us right now. Did you see what Zan just did?” Liz said with a bittersweet smile on her lips.

“She’s growing up so fast. And I promise to teach her everything you have taught me.” Liz looked up to the heavens. “Thank you so much for everything, I love you and I miss you both so much.”

Zan felt her mother’s sadness and wrapped her arms around Liz’s neck, comforting her mother in her own little way. Liz just held on to her two-year-old and wept.

As the days, weeks, months, and years wore on; Liz noticed that her child was very advanced for her age. She could do things that no other child can.

On a warm summer day, Zan was in her pink swimsuit, enjoying herself playing with the water hose in their backyard. Liz and her moved into a smaller house and sold the diner. Liz stopped being a doctor and took over her mother’s flower shop. Zan was three years old when she was holding the hose upwards, watching the water spraying out and forming a rainbow. She wanted to be able to touch the rainbow but every time she tried, she’d lower the hose making the rainbow disappear. Liz was in their small, cozy kitchen making a pitcher of lemonade while watching Zan through the window.

Zan’s forehead was scrunched up as she kept thinking of how she would be able to touch her rainbow. She pointed the hose up again and tried to touch it. But it disappeared once more when she began to walk to it. She was getting frustrated. One more time she pointed the hose upwards and with a determined look that she got from her mother, she raised her hand and froze the water in time. She let go of the hose and squealed as she began to play with her rainbow.

When Liz saw this, she dropped the glass on the table, smashing into little pieces. She stood rooted in her spot and stared at her daughter with wide eyes.

Zan heard the glass shattering and quickly turned to face her mom. Liz slowly went out of the house and walked towards Zan. Zan had her hands behind her back, biting her bottom lip and her eyes showed fear that she might have done something wrong.

“Zan?” Liz looked at her daughter then back to the water drops hanging in mid air.

“Mommy, I sowy.” Zan’s chin began to quiver.

Liz looked at her daughter’s frightened expression, “Baby, no. Come here.” Liz pulled Zan in her arms and lifted her up, settling her at her hip.

“How did this happen, sweetie?” Liz spoke calmly.

“I dunno.” Zan shook her head from left to right, her hair swishing along with her.

“Do you know how to undo it?”


“O-kay.” Liz took a deep breath. She read about people like this when she was still studying medicine. People who possessed telekinetic abilities could do these kind of things. They usually practiced hard to achieve this stage. But her daughter was only 3. How did she manage to do such a feat? Could her biological parents have the same capabilities? That could explain why Zan could do…what she did.

Once Liz’s rampant thoughts settled, the water drops unfroze and fell back to the ground.

“It’s gone!” Zan was pleased. Maybe her mommy wouldn’t be mad at her anymore.

From that point on, Liz observed Zan closely. There were times when Zan would do things similar to that time with the water. There were nights when Zan would crawl in bed with her, telling her about dreams of a far away place. But it was those nights that she would start screaming in her sleep and made Liz run to her room and bring her back in bed with her, that Liz felt afraid for her daughter. It was then that she decided to have Zan checked by a professional.

Liz and Zan went to several psychiatrists and psychologists but they didn’t know what to make of it either. Some kids do possess such abilities and they were placed in research institutions so the scientists could learn more. Liz didn’t want that. There was no way that Zan would be placed in such and be experimented on like a guinea pig. That was where she drew the line.

So on their way back to Roswell while on a plane, Liz made a promise to Zan that there would be no more doctors. She wanted her child to live a normal life and she would do whatever it takes to give her that.

to be continued....
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Post by kay_b »

A/N: More will be explained in this part and the next.

Jadeling, roswellian504: Hello and welcome, Jadeling. Thanks for the FB, I’m glad you’re both enjoying this. Ok, I’m picturing Erin to be a Amber Tamblyn/Anne Hathaway lookalike. So even though the descriptions are similar, they don’t exactly look the same. As for Max not feeling Liz and Zan, it’s been four years since Erin died and he gave up his daughter for adoption. So having to carry all that pain was too much. He simply buried everything alien deep inside of him, including the feelings he felt when he was four.

g7silvers: Zan doesn’t know that Max is her father. She only knows that they’re the same, meaning he can do things she can. And to Zan, Liz is the only parent she’s ever known.

Bonnie: Zan doesn’t sense any of the others when they’re around her. About the rainbow, that was Zan on her own. The only reason that it disappeared was because there was a time limit. And yes, Liz did give up her medical career for Zan.

Tiffany: It was the second. With Max not recognizing Zan, there’s a reason for that but I can’t go into it yet because I’m still trying to figure out the loopholes.

linliz68: Cal is not related nor connected to anyone.

Tiphaine: Zan powers are only manifesting now. As for Liz, you have to stay tuned for that one. About Max feeling Zan and Liz, he buried everything alien inside him when he lost Erin and his baby.

Alright, now that I have answered most of everyone’s questions, here’s the new chapter.


Chapter 7

The night of the crash

*Max Evans gets ready for a 3-pointer… He shoots… He scores! The Comets win! Comets win!*

“Way to go, Max!”

“Yeah, Max. Great shot!”

“Mr. Evans, Mr. Evans, could you sign this please?” Some kids went up to him.

“Good game, Evans.”

Max just smiled at his teammates as they passed him. He was signing some autographs on the sidelines when his best friend, Michael Guerin, slapped him on the back.

“Nice shot, Maxwell. But don’t you dare let it get to your head.” Michael laughed.

“You know I don’t.” Max smiled.

“So, we meeting Isabel and Alex for dinner tonight?”

“Yup, you know she’d hunt us down if we don’t visit her. And after seeing the news, she is not accepting no for an answer.”

“Hey, can I come too?” Kyle asked as he ran up to the others.

Michael put on a somber face, “No pets allowed, Valenti.” He gave Kyle a small grin as he patted his friend’s head.

Kyle shoved him away, “Shut up, Guerin.”

“Bite me.”

“Suck my…”

Max just tuned out the both of them as he headed for the locker room. He was on cloud nine. He played a hell of a game tonight and his team won because of it. Since they were the newest addition to the NBA roster, they all wanted to prove their worth to the other teams. But it hasn’t been going too well for them, until now. Not only did they win, he made the winning shot.

He opened his locker after taking a quick shower. And the first thing he saw was that pouch that was filled with flowers, leaves and a crystal that glowed different colors when he stared at it. He remembered the woman that gave it to him and looking at it once more, he saw the tag that was his only clue.

He wanted to find them, wanted to know more about the little girl. Obviously, she was a hybrid like them. But she was so young, just a toddler, a baby. So the mom must have been one of them too, someone who might have arrived here with them or at least around the same time. But Cal said there were only four. And Erin…Erin was the last one. Shaking his head, he quickly got dressed and made a mental note to talk to Cal as soon as possible.

When he went out to the parking area of the stadium, Michael was already waiting in his Jeep’s passenger seat while Kyle was in the back. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Then he walked towards them and just got in without saying a word.

“Hey, what’s with you?” Kyle asked.

“It’s nothing. I just remembered something.” Max replied.

Michael observed him silently and thought that if anyone could make him talk, it would be Isabel. Even if Max didn’t want to, Isabel could pry out any information from anyone.

Isabel had the power to go into one’s mind and enter the person’s dream or probe for information. Probing was the talent she hated the most. She didn’t want to be able to look into people’s thoughts and memories just like that. It defeats the purpose of getting to know the person. But in a way, it has helped her too whenever she met someone new and finding out what their intentions were.

But when Alex Whitman came, she didn’t want to use her powers on him. They got to know each other the normal way and before long, they fell in love. Although Isabel guarded her secret well, Alex loved her for all that she was. And eventually, Isabel told him the truth.

At first Alex was hurt that she felt she had to lie to him but he quickly understood her reasons. As their love grew, Alex and Isabel decided to get married. However, having children has been put on hold because Isabel was afraid of the complications that it could bring, mainly, her alien status.

Soon they reached the Whitman’s house and Michael and Kyle quickly got out with Max trailing behind them.

The door opened suddenly and Michael was surprised with the choking hold Isabel gave him.

“You’re alright. You’re all alright!” Isabel hugged all three guys fiercely.

“Isabel, they’re fine. They’re obviously well enough to win.” Alex said to his wife. “Congratulations! Max, great game, man.” he said as he greeted his brother-in-law.

“Thanks.” Max said softly.

“Ok, why don’t we all go and eat. I cooked Mexican tonight.” Isabel said.

“Yum, Mexican and Tabasco, my faves.” Michael was already running to the kitchen, but not before giving Isabel a meaningful look which she understood immediately.

“Guerin, wait up!” Kyle took off after him.

“I better make sure they leave some for us.” Alex spoke after Isabel gave him a stare signaling that she needed privacy with her brother.

“What’s wrong?” Isabel started once they were alone. “Are you still traumatized from that plane trip?”

“It’s nothing, I’m fine.”

“Yeah? Then why don’t I believe that?”

“You can believe whatever you want to believe, Iz.”

“Max, you were in an accident, you won a big game and you’re here being so silent. There has got to be something wrong.”

Max contemplated whether he should talk to his sister about the girl but he wasn’t sure of what her reaction will be. So he told her about helping the pair first.

“Goodness! Thank God you saw them!” Isabel exclaimed.


“There’s something else is there?”

Max sighed and took something out of his pocket. “Have you seen something like this before?” I mean, you shop all the time, you must have seen this somewhere.”

Isabel took the pouch that Max handed to her. “Dreams?” She looked at it closely, “No, I can’t say that I have.”

“The woman gave it to me. But before I could ask her about it, she left.”

“Hmm, the tag looks like it’s tailor-made. It could be from a store.”


“If you want, I could hang on to it and look around.”

Max swiftly snatched the pouch back, surprising Isabel.

“No, it’s ok.” Max said as he put the pouch back in his pocket.

Before Isabel could interrogate Max about his behavior, Michael came in.

“Hey, aren’t you guys hungry?” Michael was walking towards them with a half eaten burrito in hand.

“There’s something else.” Max said gravely.

“What?” Michael and Isabel spoke at the same time.

“She asked me to help her when the time came.”

“Who?” Isabel asked.

“The little girl.”

“The time came…for what?” Michael prompted.

“For the crash.”


“Hey, what’s going on?” Alex, along with Kyle, came out when Michael didn’t come back. He went to Isabel’s side and wondered what she and her brother were talking about.

“H-how could a little girl…know that…that…that was going to happen?” Isabel stammered.

“Waitaminute, is this the girl who went up to you before the crash?” Michael continued.


“What did she do?” Kyle was confused.

“She predicted the future.” Max answered.

Kyle coughed and choked slightly on his enchilada. After pounding his chest a few times and Alex slapping his back, he got his breathing back to normal.

“But how?” Kyle questioned.

Max took a deep breath then exhaled it slowly.

“She’s one of us.”

to be continued...
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Post by kay_b »

A/N: Sorry for the long wait, everyone. Hope you all enjoy the part below. We're getting closer to ML seeing each other again.


Chapter 8

“WHAT?!” Everyone except Max yelled.

“What the hell do you mean by ‘she’s one of us’, Maxwell?” This came from Michael.

“I…I’m not sure.”

“You’re not sure? What made you think that she might be in the first place?” Isabel asked.

“Because she sent me a flash.”

“A what?” Kyle inquired this time.

“A flash.”

“A flash of what?” Alex queried.

Max looked at the faces around him.

“What was it, Max?” Isabel urged him to continue.

“Of our planet.”

“Antar?” Michael wanted to confirm.

“How? How did you know?”

“I just felt it.”

“Ok, so what are you going to do now?” Alex asked.

“I don’t know.” Max shrugged.

“We have to find them, Max.” Michael quickly demanded.

“She had her mom with her, didn’t she? Do you think she could be one of you guys too?” Kyle deduced.

Kyle Valenti was a good friend of Max and Michael, despite the constant slamming. It was all in good fun anyway. Max and Michael got to know him back in college and they all played in the varsity basketball team together. He was fast on his feet therefore earning the starting forward position.

In one of the games when they were already drafted in the NBA, Kyle had a bad fall. He banged his head on the floor and the doctors told him that his eyesight was deteriorating because of a blood clot caused by it. He would never be able to play again. It devastated Kyle because basketball was his entire life.

After much deliberation, Max, Michael, Isabel and Alex all agreed that Max should use his powers to heal Kyle. He was a good person and friend and has always been there for them, especially when Erin died and Max’s life was spiraling downward. When neither Michael nor Isabel could reach him, it was Kyle who brought him back. He stood by Max and never let up with bringing him back to his old self. In a way, he saved Max’s life. And curing him now would save his.

And that was what Max did once Kyle was allowed to go home. Max touched the back of his head and just like that, his eyesight returned. Kyle couldn’t fathom it; it was like the light switch was suddenly turned on. The others had no choice but to tell him the truth about their origins. From then on, he had been a loyal member of the I-Know-An-Alien club.

“So? Do you think she’s one too?” Kyle reiterated when everyone went silent to ponder on his earlier question.

“First thing’s first, we have to find them.” Alex stated, a plan already forming in his head.

“But we don’t have their address…do you?” Michael turned to Max.

Max shook his head no. “I only have this.” He showed the others the pouch.

“Weird.” Kyle commented.

“Hey, I think it brought us good luck.” Max defended.

“How did that thing bring us luck?”

“We were saved from the plane…and we won, didn’t we?”

“No, that was just pure coincidence.” Michael said, looking at Max as if he was going crazy.

“Whatever, I still think it’s a good luck charm.”

“Boys, boys! Why don’t we all discuss this over dinner. I’m starved.” Isabel said before turning to go to the dining area.

As they ate, finding the mother and daughter pair was the main topic of discussion. Before the night ended, it was agreed that Max and Isabel would seek them out. Michael hated that plan but he couldn’t do anything else since he didn’t have a good alibi should he find them. Max had a good reason since he was given the pouch and Isabel could say that she was just shopping, if Dreams was indeed a store.

On a clear sunny day a week after the dinner, Isabel was driving to a new mall over at the next town. It still had the old stores there but the place was new and she wanted to check it out. While looking for a parking slot, she drove past a flower shop. It reminded her to stop by on the way back so she could get some for her house. When she checked the rearview mirror to look at the name of the store, it caused her to instantly slam on the brakes. With her mouth agape, she got out of her car and looked back at the shop.

The name Dreams was written in bold white letters.

“Oh my God.” Isabel whispered. She scrambled back in her car, made a U-turn and drove straight back to the store.

The bell chimed above the door when Isabel opened it. Another blonde greeted her cheerily.

“Hi. Welcome to Dreams. How can I be of service?” The woman asked.

“Uh…ok. Um, I need some…” Isabel looked around before her eyes landed on some irises. “Fresh irises. Yeah, that’s it, I need some vibrant purple irises.”

“Irises it is. How many?”

Isabel began snooping around and didn’t hear the question, “What?”

“How many irises are you getting?”

“Oh, uh…a dozen. No, make that 18.”

“Ok.” The woman was quickly picking out 18 irises. “Would there be anything else? Baby’s breath? Lillies?”

“Um, no, thanks. That would be all.”

The lady and Isabel went over to the cash register. And as Isabel was paying, she decided to dig up some information about the store.

“So, how long has this shop been here?”

“Oh, it’s been here quite a long time.”

“Do you own it?”

“Uh, co-own. My best friend and I own it.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, how rude of me.” Isabel feigned being appalled by her behavior. “My name is Isabel, Isabel Whitman.”

“Maria Deluca, nice to meet you.” Maria offered her hand to shake.

Isabel took her hand and shook it. “Nice to meet you too. I’ll bet it’s really nice to own a store like this.”

“Yeah it is.”

Isabel smiled. Shaking Maria’s hand made her see that the other owner was a petite brunette woman who had a small child that fit Max’s description.

As she was looking around while trying to look as if she was admiring the place, she saw the same pouch that Max had in one corner of the store. She walked over to it and picked it up.

“Say, what is this?”

“Oh, those are just dried leaves and flowers, some have lavender, some have roses. They’re pouches of potpourri and they make great gifts.”

“I’ll take one of these too.”

Maria grinned and rang up Isabel’s bill. As Isabel left, Maria waved goodbye before attending to another customer.

As soon as she got in her car, Isabel dialed Max’s mobile phone and told him to meet her at her house in half an hour. When she arrived, Max’s black Mercedes was already in the driveway.

“Hey, glad you’re already here.” Isabel greeted him as she dropped her bags on the table.

“Been shopping again?” Max said knowingly.

“Yup, let me just put these in some water.” Isabel answered, referring to the flowers. She went to her kitchen, got out a vase and put some water in it. She unwrapped the flowers from the paper and put them in the vase. She’ll have to arrange them better later after Max has gone.

“So, why did you want me to meet you here?” Max asked as he followed him in her kitchen.

Isabel didn’t say anything but instead threw something which he caught immediately on reflex.

When Max saw what was in his hand, his eyes widened and he quickly lifted his head to look at his sister.

“You found them!” A 100-watt grin decorated his face.

“No, I found IT…the store.” Isabel pointed to the tag.


“In Roswell.”

“New Mexico?”

“No, Georgia. I drove all the way to another freaking state. Of course, New Mexico!” Isabel spoke sarcastically.

Max lifted a corner of his mouth to smirk at her. Then it dawned on him, “Roswell…isn’t that…”

“The alien capital of the world.”

to be continued...
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Post by kay_b »

A/N: I'm so sorry for the long wait. So to make up for it, I'm posting two parts. I hope you'll like it.


Chapter 9

The night of the crash

“Aunty Mawia!”

“Hey, cutie!” Maria ran to her goddaughter and lifted her up in a fierce hug.

Zan giggled as she hugged her one and only coolest aunt back.

“How was your trip?” Maria talked to Zan at eye level since the girl was already hoisted on her hip.

“T’was ok. Mommy said we don’t ‘ave to go ‘way again, eva.”

“That’s great. Where’s your mommy?”

“Right here.” Liz spoke while pushing the cart where their one luggage was sitting atop.

“Chica! C’mere and give me some suga’!”

The trio shared a group hug before Maria brought Zan back down to the floor.

“So? What happened?

“Same as usual. She has advanced capabilities, that’s all.”

Maria nodded and helped push the cart while Liz held on to Zan with one hand and pushing the cart with the other. Zan was skipping along, happy to be home.

“Aunty Mawia, guess what, our plane cwashed.”

“What?!” Maria screeched.

“Zan.” Liz groaned.

Zan just looked at her mommy and bit her lower lip, scared that she disappointed her mother. Then she looked at her aunt who already had her oils out, sniffing constantly.

“Liz! What happened?” Maria asked when her heart slowed down a bit.

“The plane had a malfunction and we had to do an emergency landing.”

“Oh God, are you both ok?”

“Yeah, we’re fine.”

“Dere was a man that helped us.” Zan added.

“A man?” Maria looked at Zan then at Liz with a raised brow.

“Don’t even start. Can we just go home please? I need a warm bath.” Liz said as she turned away from Maria’s gaze.

“We go take a bath, Mommy?” Zan was already nodding enthusiastically.

“Yes.” Liz smiled down at her daughter.

“With lotsa, lotsa bubbles?”

“Yes, with lots and lots of bubbles.” Liz giggled as she started to tickle her daughter.

Maria looked on at the two and it filled her heart with joy. She was thankful that Zan came into Liz’s life because that baby was her best friend’s strength.

Although Maria was Liz’s best friend ever since they were babies themselves, she couldn’t bring Liz out of her pain when her parents died. Liz didn’t want to live any more after that. But it was only Zan who gave her the reason to do so.

Maria was always the wacky friend, the one that made Liz laugh whenever things were down. And Liz was her rock in return. Maria was the one who’d always panic and Liz was the one who’d always come up with a plan. Whenever they would get in trouble during their teen years, Liz was always the one bailing them out of it. In all the time they have known each other, Liz was always the organized one, the planner and Maria was the one who could be found sniffing her oils during a crisis.

When Liz’s parents died, she inherited her mother’s flower shop. She decided to give up being a doctor to be a full-time mom to Zan. She realized that life was too short. And in the process, she invited Maria to share the shop with her. At first, the flower shop was just that, a store that sells flowers. And then Maria and her ingenuity made some potpourri out of the flowers that were not sold for the day. She recycled them by adding some of her oils to enhance the fragrance. And then they started selling really well. And Liz has always carried one around with her, saying it was her good luck charm. Even though Dreams was a small shop, it was doing considerably well to support all three of them.

“Mommy, can I sleep in your bed tonight?” Zan was standing in Liz’s doorway with her cuddly, pink Love-A-Lot Care Bear in one hand and her pink blanket in the other. She was already in her pajamas, fresh after her bath.

“Sure you can, sweetie.” Zan quickly jumped on the bed and started to crawl under the covers. She quickly settled herself in her mom’s bed and looked up at Liz for their nightly ritual.

“Snug as a bug?” Liz asked as she tucked Zan in.

“Snug as a bug.” Zan cuddled her bear close.

“I’ll just go talk with Aunt Maria, ok?”

Zan nodded, her eyelids were already droopy.

“Goodnight, my sweet angel.” Liz pressed a kiss on Zan’s forehead.

“Goodnight, Mommy.” Zan yawned.

Liz watched Zan fall asleep before stepping out of the room and leaving the door slightly ajar.

“She asleep?” Maria asked as she carried two spoons and two pints of Ben and Jerry’s.


“So, what exactly happened today?” Maria handed a spoon and one pint to Liz.

“Exactly what my daughter told you.” Liz went on to tell Maria everything.

“Ohmygod, what did the guy say?”

“Nothing. I took Zan from him and tried to run as fast as I could.”

“What about those doctors? Zan told me that you’re not going anywhere anymore.”

“Yeah, I promised her that that’s the last of them. They can’t do anything anyway, at least not ones I want them to. I love Zan with everything she is, including her psychic abilities.”

“Do you think she could see my future?” Maria asked excitedly.

“Maria.” Liz admonished.

“I was just trying to lighten the mood.” Though she was really hoping Liz would allow it.

“Every one of them wanted us to stay so they could check Zan thoroughly. But it felt more like they wanted to experiment on her to see how strong her mind is. And I am not and never will agree to that.” Liz said determinedly.

“At least I won’t have to miss you two so much anymore.” Maria grinned.

“We missed you too, Maria.”

“So going back, tell me more about the guy that helped you. Was he gorgeous?” Maria said after taking a spoonful.


“What? He was wasn’t he?”

“I didn’t really notice.” Liz licked her spoon.

“Then why are you blushing?”

Liz was scooping up some ice cream in her spoon when she immediately stopped and stared at Maria.

“Gotcha.” Maria laughed, she loved goading Liz. She was such an easy target.

“Haha, funny.” Liz said sardonically.

“Seriously though, was he a hottie?”

“I honestly don’t know. I didn’t get a good look before I hauled Zan and I out of there.”

“Too bad. He could be this really dreamy hunk that could make all your nights filled with ecstasy and leave you screaming for more.”


Chapter 10

Max parked his car and nervously walked up to the door. He heard the bell jingling above the door when he opened it. Looking around, he saw the many flowers all over the quaint little store.

“Hi, may I help you?” Maria went up to the gorgeous man.

“Uh yeah, could you tell me if this came from this store?” Max took the pouch out of his back pocket and showed it to the woman.

Maria was slightly taken aback when she saw it. It did come from Dreams but that particular pouch wasn’t for sale, it never has been. This one had ribbons and a small crystal and it was both made by Liz and Zan. That’s why Liz always carried it around with her. Well, at least she used to.

“Where did you get this? Did you steal this?!” Maria asked angrily.

“What? No! A woman gave it to me. We met on a plane…”

Maria’s eyes opened wide in recognition. “Were you in that crash as well?”

“What? What crash?” Max suddenly became paranoid. ‘How could she know about the crash?’

“The plane that had to do an emergency landing. I mean, that was the last plane Liz rode on so I’m assuming you’re referring to that plane.”

‘Oh, the PLANE crash.’

“Liz?” He questioned once the woman’s words started to sink in.

“Yeah, the woman who gave that to you. Didn’t she tell you her name?”

“Uh no.” Max scratched the back of his ear.

“Wait, are you the man who helped them?”


“You are, aren’t you?”

“I didn’t really do much.”

“Ooh, I like you. You’re cute and modest too.”

Max couldn’t stop himself from blushing.

“So, what brings you here? I doubt you’re here to buy flowers. But I not saying you shouldn’t. I mean, you could if you want to…for a wife, or a girlfriend maybe?”

“I’m not married and I don’t have a girlfriend either.”

Maria’s eyes sparkled at that tidbit of information, “Really?”

“Uh yeah.” Max was dumbfounded. Why the hell was he telling this woman all this information about himself?

“Why are you single then? You’re not…gay…are you? I mean it’s ok if you are, it’s just a shame, you know.”

“No! I mean no, I’m not gay.”

“Great. You know I think you and my friend Liz would hit it off quite nicely.”

“Um, where is this friend of yours anyway, uh…I’m sorry I didn’t get your name.”

“Oh gosh, I’m sorry. I’m Maria, Maria Deluca.”

“Max, Max Evans. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too. And Liz just went out to pick up her daughter, Alissandra, from preschool.”

“Oh, the little girl. Yeah, I remember her.”

“Yeah, that girl is such a cutie. She’ll be breaking a lot of hearts when she grows up.”

“Um, speaking of…Alissandra, I was wondering if you could tell me more about her.”

“Why?” Maria asked warily.

“Well, she seems to be a special girl.”

Maria’s eyes narrowed in on Max. ‘What did he know about Zan?’

“What do you want to know about Zan?”

“What?” Max was shocked to hear that name.

“I said what do you want to know about Zan.”

“Well, I would really rather talk to um…Liz.”

“Whatever you have to say to Liz, you can say to me. I am her best friend after all and I know everything about her and Zan.”

Max was wondering why she kept referring to just Liz and…Zan. Didn’t Liz have a husband? Come to think of it, it was just the two of them on the plane.

“Alright then. Could you tell me how Zan knew that there was going to be a problem with the plane and that her mommy would need help?”

“What?! She did what?!”

“She walked up to me when we were still onboard and asked me to help her mommy when the time came. I asked her what she was talking about, but before she could answer, Liz came and carried Zan away. Then a few minutes later, the plane started to shake and the seatbelt signs went on. I thought it was just turbulence but then the pilot told us to brace ourselves for an emergency landing.”

“O-kay.” Liz didn’t tell her this.

“So we landed and the flight attendants were guiding everyone to the inflatable slides. When I got to the doorway, I don’t know, something compelled me to look inside the plane and that’s when I saw them. Liz was trying to unfasten Zan’s seatbelt desperately but it won’t budge. So I ran to them, ripped off the belt, and got Zan and Liz with me to get out as fast as we could.”

Maria was totally engrossed with his story.

“When we were already several feet away from the plane I asked Zan how she knew what was going to happen. She didn’t answer me and Liz just took her out of my arms and walked away. The only thing she left behind was this.” Max showed her the pouch again.

“Liz never parts with that. It’s quite sentimental to her because she and Zan made it together.”

Max just looked at the pouch with a small smile, imagining the mother and daughter making it.

“So since you said you know everything about them, can you tell me how Zan knew?”

“Knew what?”

“That her mom would need help.


“Is she psychic?”

“Uh, sort of.”

“What do you mean sort of?”

“Well…you see…”

“Hey Maria, we’re back.” Liz called out as she hung her and Zan’s coats on the rack.

‘Thank God.’ Maria thought.

“Hey Lizzie.” Maria made a face at Liz to warn her. But Liz already stopped in her tracks as saw the man standing beside her friend.

“It’s you!”