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Post by kay_b »

Chapter 41

It took three days for everything to be set in Max’s house. He gave Isabel free rein to do whatever is needed to decorate the rooms for Liz, Zan and Maria. But when Isabel started using his credit card for some things, he didn’t expect her to spend thousands.

“Iz, what the hell have you been buying?” Max questioned her once.

“Furniture and accessories, what else?” Isabel answered as if Max should have known it already.

“Furniture? What furniture? I already have a queen sized bed in that room.”

“Max, do you expect Zan to sleep in a huge queen sized bed all by herself? She’d be scared with all that space.”

“But Liz is gonna be there with her.”

“I thought you were making it that Liz sleeps in a different room.”

“Well, yeah but she said she and Zan will be staying in a room together. So the queen sized bed is fine.”

“Let me ask you this, are you expecting them to sleep together in this house forever? Wouldn’t you want to fix your relationship with Liz and maybe move on to something more, like, I don’t know, you’ll end up sleeping in the same bed?”

“Uh…yeah.” Max began to blush.

“Well, while your huge bed can accommodate you and Liz and Zan even, what’s going to happen to Zan when you do work it out with Liz, hmm?”

Max didn’t have an answer.

“Exactly. She’ll be needing her own bed eventually so why not get it now. You’ll love her room, don’t worry. And I’m sure she will too. It’s really fit for a girl.” Isabel was beaming.

“Fine.” Max didn’t even say anything else and just headed off to basketball practice.

While Max and Michael still had their basketball careers to think about, Cal stayed with Liz and Zan and Maria along with two more guards aside from Desaro and Bardona. Liz and Zan went back to their original routines of driving Zan to her playschool, going to the shop, picking up Zan, going back to the shop, then going home. However, all these were done with a few bodyguards in the picture.

Moving day finally came. Max was there to help load their things in Liz’s car and his SUV. Maria had her things in her Jetta. Cal and the guards all followed the convoy back to Max’s house.

When they arrived, Maria was surprised at the size of Max’s place. “Wow. Liz, you never said he had a huge house.”

“Maria.” Liz whipped her head to look at her friend.

“What? I was just giving Maxie boy here a compliment about his crib.” Maria defended herself.

“Cwib? Daddy, you have a cwib?” Zan asked.

Max chuckled, “No, baby. Maria meant my house.”

“Why did she call it a cwib? It doesn’t look like a cwib.”

“It’s just a term I used, cutie.” Maria smiled.

“Which Aunt Maria won’t use anymore, right?” Liz glared at her.

“Yeah, right.” Maria forced a grin.

“Ok, let’s all go in so I can give you a tour and where your rooms will be.” Max quickly changed the topic.

After a quick tour of his home, Max showed Maria her room. It was big enough with a queen sized bed, a huge closet, a TV and DVD player, a night table beside the bed and a full length mirror. The room was in a beige neutral color with a pale greenish gray color.

“This is nice, Max. Actually, I didn’t even get to thank you before. So thanks for letting me stay here too. I know you have a full house now but…thanks, really.” Maria said.

“It’s not a big deal, Maria. Besides, I can’t leave you there alone. There I was telling Liz how it’s not safe to stay in your house and I’d leave someone else behind. No, that’s not me, Maria. And you’re welcome.” Max smiled.

“Ok, Zan, would you like to see your room next?” Max bent down on his knees to meet his daughter at eye level.

“Yes!” Zan answered and reached out her hands so Max can pick her up.

Max obliged her and they all went to the next room. Isabel and Alex were already in it and they yelled surprise once the door opened.

The room was picture perfect. The room had white walls and blinds with a light colored wooden floor. The bed in was pink and white, fit for a little girl, with pink sheets. There was also a bedside table painted light pink with a small lamp on it that was trimmed with little pink roses. The cabinets and shelves were all white. There was a bay window and a small glider in pale green and a teeny tiny pink pillow on it. There was a rug that matched the comforter on the bed. Every item was in place and all the fabrics matched each other.

Zan loved it, Maria and Liz were in awe, Max and Isabel were happy that Zan had liked her new room.

“Do you like it, princess?” Max asked.

“Is this all for me?” Zan whispered.

“Yup. This is all yours.” Max replied.

Maria took a quick glance at Liz and saw that her eyes had narrowed on Max.

“I love it, Daddy. Thank you.” Zan hugged her father tightly.

Max hugged her back and looked at Liz to give her a smile. But the expression on her face told him that he had done something wrong.

“Maria, uh, could you stay here with Zan and Isabel and Alex to unpack so Zan can settle in already. I’m just gonna go show Liz her room.” Max never took his eyes off Liz. He knew she was fuming.

“Uh, sure. Liz, are you ok with that?” Maria cautiously asked her best friend.

“Yeah, Maria. We’ll just go look at my room.” Liz spoke through gritted teeth.

Once Max closed the door behind him, he led a very silent Liz to the next room. This one was right next to Zan’s and his room as well.

When he led Liz in a somewhat similar room to that of Zan’s only this had dark red accents, Liz couldn’t hold back any longer.

“What was the meaning of that?!” Liz yelled.

“Liz, I only wanted Zan to have a room where she would feel comfortable in.” Max said.

“Comfortable? Those things all looked new to me. And unless you have another child in here, I would say you bought her all those things!”

“Liz, calm down. They might hear you in the next room.” Max tried to pacify her.

“How could you do that?” Liz hissed. “This is a temporary situation, Max. Didn’t you think about that? As soon as this is over, we’ll all go back to our lives.”

“I was hoping…” Max trailed off.

“What? You were hoping for what?”

“I was hoping we could work it out between us and maybe…this could be permanent.” Max confessed softly.

All the anger Liz felt quickly faded. She understood where Max was coming from but even she didn’t know where they stood at the moment. Sure, she wanted them to slowly go back to where they were headed before all this chaos erupted. But now that she was living in his house, they had to talk about their relationship before something happens that they’re not yet ready for.

Liz sighed. “Max—”

“You don’t have to say anything to that. I just want to know if there’s still a chance between us.”

Liz didn’t even hesitate. “Max, can’t you feel what I’m feeling?”

Max stepped closer and slid his fingers through Liz’s silky soft hair.

“I do, Liz. But I don’t want to step over what we’ve agreed on which is to take things slow, no matter how much it’s killing me.”

“Then why did you agree to us staying here?”

“Because your safety is more important to me.”

“Can we do this, Max? Can we live in the same house with the situation we’re in?”

“We’ll have to, Liz. For your sake and Zan’s, we have to.”

“I don’t want this to be hard.”

“It won’t be.”

“How could you even say that?”

“Because Zan is the most important person to us. And we’re willing to sacrifice anything for her.”

Liz decided to muster up the courage and ask, “Where exactly do we stand, Max?”

“Wherever you want.”
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Post by kay_b »

Hi everyone. I'm sorry the plot is going so slow right now but the story has gotten away from me. I have an outline as to what should be in the chapter but I end up posting something different altogether. But hopefully this one withh get me back on track.

And if you want to see what Zan's room looks like, click on the link.


Chapter 42

Liz reached up and grabbed Max’s face from each side and pressed her lips to his. At first Max was surprised by Liz’s actions. But in a second, he quickly returned her kiss, deepening it even further. Soon, he tasted her salty tears. Once it registered in his mind that Liz was crying, he pulled away slightly.

“What’s wrong?” Max brushed her tears away but they kept coming.

“Nothing.” Liz shook her head from left to right.

“Liz, you said we’ll be honest with one another, right?”

Liz nodded.

“Then talk to me.”

“I still love you, Max, so much that it makes my heart ache. But the trust was lost. How can I still feel this overwhelming love for you if I don’t even know if I could trust you again?” Liz cried.

“Oh Lizzie, I love you too, so much. I promise you that I will never make you lose your trust in me again. I love you, baby.” Max hugged her close and kissed her temple as he whispered words of his undying love.

“I know that we said we would take it slow. But living in the same house…”

“I know. And whatever you want to do about our relationship is ok with me, as long as you promise that you won’t leave me. I’ll be right beside you whether you want us to go slow or fast or whatever way you want.”

“I just need some time Max. But know that I can’t let you go either.”

Max grinned as he felt his heart swell. He couldn’t help himself and crushed his lips to Liz’s once more.

When the need for air won over their passion, they pulled apart panting heavily. Max leaned his forehead on top of hers and gave her small pecks.

“I’m sorry I got carried away.”

Liz smiled, “It’s ok. I wasn’t exactly struggling was I?”

Max chuckled, “No. And thank you.”

Liz backed away slightly but she wasn’t able to get far since Max hadn’t relinquished his hold on her. “For what?”

“For making me the happiest man alive.”

Liz just laughed.

“What do you think is going on in there?” Isabel fretted. “Do you think she liked her room? She’s not angry with what I did is she?”

“No, of course she’s not angry.” Maria lied.

“You’re not a good liar, Maria.” Alex commented.

“What? Who said I wasn’t?”

“Your knee started jerking the minute you answered Isabel’s question.” Alex said.

Maria looked at her knee and sure enough it was bouncing up and down so fast. She quickly put her hand on it and just grinned sheepishly.

“What’s a liar?” Zan asked innocently.

All three adults looked at each other. Liz will kill them for teaching that word to her baby.

“Uh…” Maria began. “Alex can tell you, sweetie.”

“What? Why me?” Alex looked at Maria, Isabel and Zan.

Zan quickly settled herself on her uncle’s lap and gazed at him expectantly with her big amber eyes. “What’s a liar, Uncle Alex?”


“It’s ok if you don’t know, I’ll just ask Mommy.”

“NO!” the grown ups chorused.

Zan looked at all of them and was a little stunned by their outburst. “Aunty Izzy, what’s a liar?”

“Well, Zan, a liar is a person who says something wrong although that person knows it’s the wrong thing.”

“Huh?” Zan tilted her head.

“Um, like I’ll ask you what your favorite color is. And you’ll tell me it’s blue even though you and I both know it’s really pink. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“Uh, I tink so.” Zan answered uncertainly.

“Great.” Alex smiled in relief.

“Yeah, great.” Maria added.

“Aunty Mawia, I want my mommy.” Zan went to Maria.

“Um, let’s just wait for a little while more in here ok? Your Uncle Alex will go find her for you.” Maria looked at Alex.

“Yeah, I’m on my way.”

Minutes later, Alex came back with a flushed Max and Liz. Maria looked at them with a raised brow. When the couple blushed even more, Maria understood and laughed. “Glad to have you guys back together. Your daughter’s been asking for you.”

Maria, Isabel and Alex all left the room leaving the family to have some privacy.

When they had some time alone, Isabel hugged her husband. “Alex?”

“Yeah?” Alex answered as he wrapped his arms around his wife.

“Have you ever thought about us having kids?”

“A lot.” Alex grinned.

“I was thinking, Max and Liz and Zan look so happy together. I want to have that too.”

“When do you want to start?” Alex asked jokingly.


“Are you serious?” He looked at Isabel intensely to see if she was joking.


“Well, what are we standing around here for?” He put his hands on his lips to act as a bullhorn. “Max, Izzy and I are leaving.” Then Alex pulled his wife and ran out of the house with Isabel laughing at him.

That night, Liz and Zan were in Liz’s room. Max stayed for as long as he can before retiring to his own bedroom. But he took a mental note that he was going to ask Liz and Zan to sleep in his room the following night. It would still be for their protection though and it’s not like he can do anything to Liz with Zan in the same room, not to mention in the same bed.

“I heard that.” Liz spoke.

Max stopped dead in his tracks just before he could open the door. He turned to look at Liz and scratched behind his ear.

“You look adorable when you do that.” Liz giggled. “Goodnight Max.”

“Goodnight Liz.”

“Oh and by the way, maybe we could spend tomorrow night all together in your room.” Liz smiled lovingly.

“Hey, uh, Maria.” Michael called to the room across from his.

Maria opened the door irritated, “What?”

Michael stood there and took in her form. She was wearing a black tank top and a matching pair of short shorts as her sleepwear.


“Uh, I was just wondering maybe you and Liz and Zan would like to attend our game tomorrow?”

“You’re inviting us?”


“Well why didn’t you say this ahead of time like maybe when I wasn’t about to hop in bed.”

That statement caused a stirring in Michael. “I forgot.”

“You forgot. Typical male.”

“Well, if you don’t want to go, it’s fine. I was just extending a truce since we’re all stuck in this house.”

“Fine. I’ll go. I’m sure Liz and Zan already said yes to Max.”

“Ok. Well…goodnight.” Michael quickly turned and walked back to his bedroom without even waiting for Maria to say goodnight in return.

Maria just stared after the closed door then went to retire in her own room. “That was weird.”

Liz, Zan and Maria were all in the stands and clapping wildly for Max’s team. There had a huge 20-point lead and were already in the last quarter of the game.

“You know, I never knew watching a live game is this exciting.” Maria commented.

“Neither did I.” Liz replied.

Zan was clapping wildly for her father as the players ran past them. They were given tickets for ringside seats but Max opted to have them seated a couple rows away from the court in case an accident occurs and players tumble into the audience. And of course, the guards were right there with them as well.

Zan was wearing a pair of earplugs though because of all the screaming and shouting going on. Not to mention Maria’s ear-piercing shrieks whenever the Comets scored.

“Go Daddy!” Zan yelled as much as she can.

Liz looked at her baby and grinned happily as she watched Zan who was enjoying the game.

The final buzzer soon sounded over the entire stadium. Max and other key players were quickly surrounded by reporters. However, Max fended them off and made his way to where Liz and Zan were.

“Hi ladies, did you enjoy the game?”

A few women who were in the same area rushed to ask Max for autographs and have pictures taken. But Max obliged only a few. One was trying to make small talk and suggestive remarks but Max just moved her aside.

“Could you please not talk that way in front of my daughter?” Max scowled.

“You have a daughter?” the fan inquired.

“Yeah, now excuse me.” Max went back to Zan and Liz. He placed one arm around Liz and carried Zan in the other.

“Daddy, who are they?” Zan pointed towards the scowling woman and a few other fans.

“Fans.” Max answered.

“What are fans?”

“They’re people who really love your daddy, baby.” Liz responded.

“But we love Daddy too, wight? Are we fans too?”

“You are such a smart little girl.” Max kissed her cheek.

“Yeah, we’re fans too, sweetheart.” Liz laughed.

Eventually, Max was once again surrounded by reporters who then asked about Zan and Liz. The guards quickly encircled the royal family and ushered them into the hallway leading to where the locker rooms are. The reporters tried to take pictures of Max’s family but whenever there was a flash, one guard would take the camera away from the photographer.

Max knew something like this was going to happen but he would do everything he can before he would allow anyone to print pictures of Liz and Zan for public consumption.

But unfortunately, one reporter was able to get a picture for he knew it would make headlines. Max Evans, team captain and star player of the Roswell Comets has a daughter.
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Post by kay_b »

I saw The Bulge, I mean The Grudge today (sigh). What I wouldn't give to have just one night with him....


Chapter 43

“Damn it!” Max crumpled the newspaper and burned it on his hand.

When the paper ignited in a ball of blue flame on his open palm, Liz, Zan and Maria were taken aback at the sight. Never had they seen Max use his powers in such a destructive way.

“Maxwell, calm down.” Michael was the voice of reason for once.

“Calm down? Calm down? My daughter’s face is plastered all over the news! How the hell am I supposed to calm down?!”

“Maybe by opening your eyes and seeing how much you’re scaring her!” Michael yelled back.

Max turned to look at his baby girl and he found her burying her face in her mother’s chest. Max instantly felt guilty and approached her slowly.

“Sweetheart, Daddy’s sorry.” Max spoke softly. “Princess, look at Daddy, honey.”

Zan slowly peered at her father while she held on to Liz.

“I’m so sorry, baby.” Max reached out to touch Zan but she quickly flinched.

Max gasped at the frightened look his own daughter had for him. He gazed at Liz, his hurt obviously painted on his face.

Liz felt Max’s pain and tried to assuage his ache. But before she could do so, Max stood up and left the room. Liz looked at her daughter and began to talk to her about…what they are.

“Zan, your Daddy didn’t mean to frighten you.”

“I was scarwed he was gonna burn me, Mommy.”

“Oh no, baby. Daddy could never hurt you. He was just really angry that your picture was on the news.”


“Well, because we are all trying to protect you. Remember I told you why we had to live with Daddy?”

“Uh huh, so the bad people won’t get us?”

“That’s right. And Daddy just didn’t want anyone to know where we are, especially the bad people.”

“But…now they know?” Zan looked at her mother worriedly. “Will they take me way, Mommy? Don’t let them come herwe, Mommy! Don’t!”

“Sshhh, don’t worry, sweetie. We won’t let anyone take you away.” Liz comforted her daughter.

“They won’t even come anywhere close to here, Zan.” Michael added.

“Now, sweetheart, you know how you can do some things that other kids can’t?” Liz continued.

“Uh huh.” Zan nodded.

“Well, Daddy, me, Uncle Michael and Aunt Izzy can do things not other grown ups can too.”

“Weally?” Zan glanced at Michael who nodded in response.

“Yup. And what Daddy did a while ago, it was just because he was angry at other people.”

“The bad people?”

“Yes, baby. The bad people. So you see, he can’t hurt you. You don’t have to be scared of him, Zan.”

“He can’t hurt us cos we good, wight?”

“That’s right.”

“But he got sad cos of me.” Zan pouted.

“Well…he was only surprised that you were frightened of him.”

“But I not scarwed any mowre.”

“That’s good. You wanna go find Daddy so you can tell him that?” Liz asked.

“Yes!” Zan nodded excitedly.

“Ok, let’s go.” Liz put Zan down and followed her as she ran out of the room in search of her dad.

Zan used her Antarian instincts to find her dad as she headed towards her father’s bedroom. She knocked on the door.

Max heard the soft knocking but he didn’t want to open the door to whoever was on the other side of it. The knobs of the double doors twisted and rattled as the person tried to unlock it. And then he heard her soft angelic voice.


Max’s head snapped up from his sorrow upon hearing his little girl calling for him. In the large expanse of his room and his solitude, he was at the door in two strides. He quickly opened it and found his baby grinning up at him with a radiant smile that made his heart swell.

Zan quickly felt the emotions Max had, his love, his sorrow, the pain, the happiness. She quickly felt guilty knowing it was her that put the pain there. She clasped both hands behind her back and looked down at her fuzzy slippers.

“I sowy, Daddy.” Zan whispered.

Max quickly knelt in front of her and took her in his arms. “I’m sorry too, baby.”

Zan looped her arms around her daddy’s neck and allowed him to carry her in the room. Liz watched the exchange a few steps away as Max engulfed their baby in his arms. She smiled as she felt Max’s heart full of love for the little girl.

“I didn’t mean to make you sad, Daddy.” Zan was playing with a button on Max’s navy blue shirt as she sat on his lap.

“I know, sweetie.”

“And I weally, weally sowy.” Zan pouted.

“Aww, don’t pout, princess. It’s ok. Daddy’s ok now.”

“Weally? You not sad any mowre?”

“No, I’m not sad any more.” Max smiled and hugged his daughter close. “You do know why I did what I did right?”

“Uh huh. Mommy said you got angwy at the bad people cos they took a pictuwre of us.”

“That’s right.”

“And that you only wanted to keep me way so the bad people can’t come get us.”

Max grinned, his baby was really smart. “Yup.”

“And that you can do tings oder gwown ups can’t like I can do tings oder kids can’t. And that just because you can do dat, it doesn’t mean you can hurt me. And dat you won’t ever hurt me.”

“Yeah, that’s all correct. You’re a really smart little girl aren’t you?”

“Yup, like Mommy.” Zan beamed at her father.

“Yeah, just like Mommy.” Max grinned back.

“Ok, Zan, it’s time for school. You’ll be late.” Liz spoke from the doorway.

“No. I don’t wanna go.” Zan whined and clung tightly to her dad’s shirt.

“You know you have to.” Liz replied.

“But Daddy said I’m smart so I don’t have to go.” Zan insisted.

Max had to chuckle at that but he quickly stopped when Liz shot him a look. “Ok, tell you what, you can stay in today.” he told his daughter.



“But, you have to go back to school tomorrow. I did say you’re smart, little girl, but there are still a lot of things school can teach you. Then when you get home, Aunt Izzy, Uncle Michael, your mommy and I will be teaching you more things.”

“More school?” Zan pouted.

“Nope, this will be all sorts of fun. You’ll see when you get back.” Max beamed. Once Zan comes home from her playschool tomorrow, training for Liz and Zan will have to start then. There’s no telling what will happen now that their pictures have made the papers.

“Well, well, well…what do we have here? Zan will definitely love this.” Nasedo grinned evilly as he stared at the newspaper showing him a clear picture of Antar’s royal family.
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Post by kay_b »

I managed to write the next part but forgive me if it really sucks. I know it looks real bad. I'm just hoping I'll be able to write a better chapter next time. Please bear with me.


Chapter 44

The three aliens along with Cal, Alex, Kyle, Maria, Liz and Zan, went to Michael’s house. Maria was also impressed with how huge his house was. There was a pool, a full-sized basketball court and a backyard that stretched for about a mile. His house was almost as huge as Max’s but it was basically a bachelor’s pad. He had all the regular rooms of a house plus a couple guestrooms, a gameroom, a den and an indoor theater, all filled with the latest in entertainment technology.

Maria whistled lowly. “You all have such huge houses.”

“Comes with the job.” Michael said as he led them through the backyard.

“So what are your plans?”

Michael stopped in his tracks and turned to Maria. “Uh…nothing. Do you want to go out after we’re done?”

“What?” Maria blinked. “I was talking about the training.”

“Oh…uh…yeah, I know that. I meant that you could leave right now if you want to. It’s not like you can do anything here anyway.” Michael said sternly.

“What?! No way. If Liz and Zan are here, I’m gonna stay here as well. Who knows what you’d do to them.”

“Like you could even stop us.” Michael smirked.

“Alien or not, I can still kick your ass, buddy.” Maria spoke angrily.

“Can we just get to the task at hand please?” Max interrupted the two while holding on to Zan’s little hand in his.

Zan looked up at her daddy and asked, “What are we gonna do, Daddy?”

“Remember I told you yesterday that I’m going to teach you some things?”

“Uh huh.” Zan nodded.

“Today’s the day, sweetheart.”

“You also said it was gonna be fun.” Zan reminded him.

“That’s right, baby. It’ll be fun.” Max smiled.

Once the entire gang reached the far end of Michael’s backyard or rather what looked like a forest clearing, the aliens and Alex and Kyle instantly took their places and sat on small benches that formed a semi-circle. In front of them were small rocks and medium-sized boulders and a wide open space.

Max took a seat and had Liz sit beside him with Zan settling on his lap. She quickly cuddled towards her father’s chest feeling a little cold in the semi-lighted area. The tress provided a lot of shade and cover for the group as well as making the atmosphere a little chilly.

“You cold, baby?” Max asked as he wrapped his arms around the child.

Zan only nodded in response.

Liz quickly got the small bag she packed as per Max’s instructions and pulled out Zan’s pink blankie out of it. She draped the blanket over her child’s back and kissed Zan’s cheek. Max helped Liz tuck Zan in her blankie and encircled his arms around his baby girl again, rubbing up and down her back to generate some warmth.

“Is that better, sweetie?” Max asked as he kissed the top of Zan’s head.

“Yes.” Zan only cuddled closer.

Max felt sorry that his little child had to practice using her powers. He felt guilty that his 4-year-old daughter had to learn how to defend herself against his enemies.

“Max.” Liz looked at him.

Max turned to Liz and gave her a small sad smile. “I’m sorry, I can’t help it.” He knew Liz was able to feel his feelings of guilt.

“This isn’t your fault. Sooner or later, she has to learn how to control them. If you keep feeling guilty for her heritage, might as well feel guilty that she was born. And there is no way that I’m going to let you think that.” Liz said firmly.

Max stared at the woman he loved. She was strong-willed and loved their daughter above everything else. That alone amazed him every single day. He took her hand and gave it a small kiss but he didn’t let go.

“Ok, who wants to start?” Max addressed the group.

“Maybe I should. I mean, Liz and I would be similar because we were changed. But Zan…she has had those powers when she was born, right?” Kyle spoke.

“No, she was human when she was born. It was Liz who was born a hybrid. Although she was human when she was conceived, I changed her while she was still in her mother’s womb. However, it was Liz and Zan’s connection that completed the transformation.” Cal said.

“Alright then, where do we begin?” Michael asked.

“Why don’t you list down the things that they can do.” Alex suggested.

Everyone turned to Liz to provide them with answers. She took her hand from Max’s hold and started to nibble on her lip. “Well, I already told you about that one incident and apparently, if Maria’s conclusions are correct, you all can talk to me telepathically.” Liz informed them. “As for Zan, she can freeze things in time and she…she can predict the future. That’s what happened on the plane. And Maria and I also think she knew that something was wrong with her grandparents the night of their accident.”

Cal looked at Liz. She had never told her this. “Liz…?”

“She woke up in the middle of the night. She was screaming and wailing and she wouldn’t stop.” Liz looked at Zan then her eyes focused on something past her daughter. It was like she was reliving the experience in her head.

“Before I could calm her down, the police came and told me what happened. I was devastated. If it wasn’t for Zan, I don’t know what I would have done.” Liz added.

Zan turned her head to look at her mommy. She didn’t want to give up her place on her daddy’s lap as she felt so comfortable but she held out a hand for her mom. She could feel her mother’s sorrow.

Liz gave her baby a small smile and took her hand. “I think she knew what was going on. She was only two at the time but there were moments when she would just lie next to me and be very quiet. She would just stay there under the blankets and look at me.”

Maria had tears in her eyes as she remembered what those days were like. Michael quickly saw this and gave her some tissue.

“I’m so sorry to hear that, Liz.” Max said softly.

Liz shook her head, “It’s in the past now.”

Cal looked up to the heavens and vowed that he would do everything in his power to keep Liz and Zan safe, pretty much the same vow he made when he found out about the tragic accident his friends had suffered.

“That’s all I remember so far.” Liz concluded.

“Ok, Zan.” Max looked at his little girl. “I need you to do something for me.”


“Do you think you could do the same thing that you did with the water when you wanted to touch the rainbow?”

“I dunno, Daddy.”

“Try for me, baby.”

“Ok.” Zan hopped off his lap and stood in front of him. She still had the pink blanket draped over her and she looked so adorable.

Michael went beside her holding a water bottle. “Alright Zan, I’m gonna squirt some water out and try to make the water stay up in the air. Think you can do that?”

“I’ll twy.”

Michael crouched down beside her and pushed on the sides of the water bottle to squirt out some water.

Zan only blinked once and the water froze in mid air.

All the others looked on in shock.

“How… She didn’t even…” Isabel wondered how Zan could have done it without any effort.

Max slowly knelt beside his baby and touched the suspended water droplets. He pushed his hand through it and the water drops moved like they were in zero gravity.

“Oh my God.” Maria whispered.

“She’s very strong.” Cal said in awe of the child he considered his granddaughter.

“Uh…do you…know how to undo this, baby?” Max asked in awe.

Zan shook her head no. “Mommy did it last time.”

Liz blinked as every one turned to look at her. “Me? No, I don’t know how.”

“How were you able to undo it then?” Michael questioned.

“I don’t know. I remember panicking because other people might see. So I was hoping and praying it would go back to the way it was. And…it did.”

“Were you concentrating hard?” Max inquired.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Try doing it now.”

Liz stared hard at the water and concentrated on picturing it back into its original state. A couple minutes later, the water dropped to the ground, wetting the soil.

“So that confirms it was you all along.” Max remarked.

After a couple of hours, Alex had listed down Liz and Zan’s powers, at least the ones they have discovered for the day. Liz can do a dome like protection like Max’s shield, telepathy with both sending and receiving messages, molecular changes and the other minor things that the other aliens can do. As for Zan, she can freeze things in time, move objects with her mind, create a protective dome, receive prophetic images, feel her mother and father’s inner emotions as well as the other minor things.

The rest of the afternoon was spent practicing the abilities that Zan and Liz have, more importantly the defensive ones. Max and Michael already noted that they should try to test if Liz and Zan has any offensive powers too.

Max made a mental note to ask Liz about it once they got home. At the moment, his only goal was getting his tired and sleepy little girl tucked in bed.

Traveling along the freeway, two cars sped by. One silver car had two men and a woman driving, the other had one woman in the passenger seat while another man was at the steering wheel driving the black Trans-Am.

The man at the steering wheel lowered the sun visor and looked at the torn newspaper clipping. He stared at the picture, his amber eyes glinting as he stepped harder on the gas pedal, heading towards the state of New Mexico.
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Post by kay_b »

Whew, I finally finished this one. It's a bit longer than the previous parts. I hope you'll like it. Thanks for all your constant feedback. I'm so grateful that a lot of you are still reading this. *smooches*


Chapter 45

“Daddy! Lookit what I can do!” Zan ran down the hallway looking for her father while holding a ball of blue flame in her tiny hand.

“Zan!” Liz screamed as she saw the flame flickering above her baby’s open palm.

Zan quickly stopped in her tracks and turned around to face Liz. A huge grin surfaced as she ran to her mommy. “Mommy, lookit!”

Liz’s eyes were opened wide. How did Zan know how to do that? They were only practicing the powers they already possessed. This was a new one.

“I ‘membered what Daddy did with the papewr.” Zan said proudly.

Liz then heard footsteps running up the stairs toward her and Zan.

When Max emerged on the top step, he saw Zan walking over to him with a big smile, holding up what looked like a ball of blue flame in her right hand.

“Daddy, look!”

Max stared at his daughter’s hand then back up at her angelic face. “Baby, how…how did you do that?”

“I saw you last…las w-…Mommy?” Zan turned to her mother for help with the word.

“Last week, sweetheart.” Liz provided.

“Yeah, that. I saw you, ‘member, Daddy?” Zan looked up at eyes that matched her own and flashed a radiant smile.

“Maxwell, I thought we were gonna…” Michael stopped in mid-stride as he saw Zan showing one of her abilities. He then turned to look at his best friend. “Did…you…teach…her…that?”

“No.” Max shook his head in response. Then both he and Michael turned to Liz, the question painted on their faces.

Liz shook her head too, “I don’t even know how to explain that, let alone do it.”

“I can throw it too, watch.” Zan got ready.

“NO!” Max, Michael and Liz all yelled. Max had the quickest reflex and grabbed Zan’s wrist before she could do some damage.

When Zan realized that she was being reprimanded, the flame instantly died down. The small girl looked chastised and nibbled on her bottom lip, tears already welling in her doe eyes.

“I’m sowwy, Mommy.” Zan looked at her mother sorrowfully.

“Aww, come here, baby.” Liz picked up her daughter who immediately wrapped her arms around her mother’s neck.

Zan sniffled as Liz comforted her. Liz thought about what her child is going through. She shouldn’t have to worry about any of this. She’s a four-year-old and she’s afraid of people taking her away. She shouldn’t have to be practicing her powers and learning how to defend herself against enemies she doesn’t even know. She should be able to run and play like any normal child. But then that’s where the problem lied. Zan is not a normal child.

Liz sighed and rubbed Zan’s back comfortingly. Max approached them and talked to Zan sweetly, letting her know that he was so proud that she learned how to control such an ability all by herself.

Upon hearing that, Liz turned to look at Max. “We need to talk.”

Once Max and Liz, with Zan still in her arms, were all back in Max’s bedroom, Liz placed Zan on the bed.

Zan sat patiently and watched her father and mother. Knowing that they were going to have grown-up talk, she crawled up on the bed and under the sheets and got the TV’s remote control. Switching it on, she made herself comfortable in her daddy’s big bed and started watching her cartoons.

“Are you enjoying your cartoons, princess?” Max asked his daughter as she began to smile while keeping her eyes glued to the TV screen.

“Uh huh.” Zan answered without even looking up at her dad.

“Now what’s wrong?” Max turned to Liz when he felt her anxiety.

Liz began pacing which made Zan look at her every few minutes. She stopped when she noticed Zan watching her. She then turned to talk to Max.

“This isn’t right. I know this is for our own good but she’s just a baby.” Liz whispered.

“What are you talking about, Liz?”

“Zan. I’m talking about Zan. Max, she’s only four years old. She should be running around having fun. She should be able to go to school and play with her friends without bodyguards hovering over her. She should not be practicing how to throw fireballs at enemies. She should not be learning how to use her powers defensively. I just want her to have a normal life, Max.” Liz felt the tears pricking her eyes as she said her piece.

Max took a step closer and brushed the tears that fell from Liz’s face. “I know. That’s why I gave her up in the first place. I never even held her, because I knew that if I did I wouldn’t be able to let her go. But I also knew that I had to, so she can have a chance at living a normal life. And I guess it didn’t matter anyway. Now my enemies are after her. I want her to be able to have a normal life too, Liz. I want that so much for her. But unfortunately, these…beings will stop at nothing until they’ve eliminated the threat against them. That’s why I abdicated the throne. I want a life of normalcy too.”

“What are we going to do, Max? I just want her to be able to live her life in peace.” Liz looked up at him.

“She’ll have that, Liz. I promise.” Max hugged Liz close to him and kissed her forehead.

The two only broke apart when they felt Zan tugging at their pants.

Max released Liz and picked up his baby. “You want a hug too, sweetie?”

“Yup.” Zan hugged her daddy close.

“I love you, Zan.”

“I love you too, Daddy.” Then Zan turned to her mother. “I love you too, Mommy.”

“I love you too, my little one.” Liz kissed her daughter’s cheek.

That night, Max, Zan and Liz all lied in Max’s huge bed as they slept. They were all huddled close and dozing peacefully until Zan began to whimper in her slumber.

“No.” Zan stared twisting from side to side. “Help.”

The twisting and turning increased. Soon, her arms and legs began moving. She started flailing and kicking the sheets, trying to escape the clutches gripping her in her dreams.

Liz began to awaken as she felt Zan shuffling in bed.

“Mommy. Help me.” Zan spoke louder.

Liz quickly sat up and tried waking her child. “Zan, wake up. Baby, it’s Mommy. Wake up, sweetie.”

“No. Mommy.” Tears began to slip through Zan’s closed lids as she still writhed under the sheets.

“Zan, I’m here. Wake up, baby.” Liz took Zan in her arms, rocking her as she continued to try and wake her.

All the commotion in bed woke Max too. And he was stunned to see the state both Liz and Zan were in. Liz looked panicked as she was asking Zan to wake up. And Zan with her eyelids squinted shut, squirming in her mother’s embrace.

“What’s going on?” Max sat up and asked.

“She’s having a nightmare again.” Liz said worriedly.

Max then tried to wake Zan as well. “Zan, wake up, sweetie. Listen to my voice, baby. Wake up for Daddy.”

“No. Help. Help me. Mommy! Daddy! Help me!” Zan’s voice was now getting louder.

“Max, do something, please.” Liz began to cry as well.

Max tried to make a connection with his daughter but he couldn’t get in. “She’s blocking me out.” He got off the bed and turned on the light. He quickly took the phone in his hand and dialed Isabel’s number.

“MOMMY! DADDY!” Zan screamed.

“Hello?” Alex’s groggy voice answered.

“Alex, I need you to wake Isabel up, now!” Max said hurriedly.

“Max? What’s going on? What’s wrong?” Alex sat up and turned on his bedside lamp.

Isabel squinted from the glare of the light and stirred. “Alex?”

Alex turned to his wife and told her who was on the line. “Wait, Max, slow down….Ok, ok, yeah, she’s awake. Hang on.”

Isabel was now fully awake upon hearing Alex’s concerned tone and finding out that it was her brother on the other end.

Alex looked at Isabel and handed her the phone while explaining what was going on in the Evans’ home. “Zan’s having another nightmare and they can’t wake her up. Max tried to form a connection but he couldn’t get through to her.”

“Oh God.” Isabel took the phone from her husband. “Max?”

“Iz! I need you to dreamwalk Zan now! Liz and I can’t wake her up. She’s squirming and sweating and she’s screaming for us! Help her, Iz. You’re my last hope.”

Isabel could hear the turmoil going on in the background. Zan was constantly screaming for her parents and the desperateness in her niece’s voice broke her heart. “I’m there, Max. Be ready. If it’s really bad, I’m gonna need either you or Liz to go in with me.” she rushed out.

“Do whatever you have to, Iz. And hurry, please.” Max hung up and went back to Liz’s side.

Hearing the screams of the little girl, Maria woke up and rushed into Max and Liz’s room. “What is it? Oh God, Zan.” She was stunned to see her little niece begging for help in her sleep. Whatever was going through under those closed lids of hers, it was bad.

“Max, what’s happening?” Michael ran in the room right after Maria.

“It’s bad, Michael, she won’t wake up this time.” Max replied.

Liz was already weeping hard still trying to wake Zan up. She was already shaking the small child but Zan’s own squirming and shaking thwarted her mother’s efforts.

“Michael, I need to go back to sleep. Iz will dreamwalk Zan and she’ll bring me in with her.”

Michael nodded and stayed in the room to guard them all.

“Izzy?” Max moved his arms to clear the fog.

“Max, over here.” Isabel ran past him and Max quickly followed. She led him through a small dark alley, the same one she went through the first time she dreamwalked her niece.

Once they were through, Max saw what looked like a city. It was dark and he figured it was night time. “Isabel, where is she?”

“She should be around here somewhere.” Isabel looked around. “There.” She pointed towards the small girl walking and looking over her shoulder every now and then.

“Come on.” Max started to head towards his baby.

“Max, we still might not able to wake her.”

“We have to, no matter what it takes.”

“She doesn’t even know we’re here.”

“I’ll force a connection open if I have to.” Max strode purposefully and was soon behind his daughter. “Zan, listen to me. I want you to see me, sweetie. It’s Daddy.”

The dream Zan stopped in her tracks and looked around. “Daddy?”

Isabel gasped. This has never happened before. Never had she been able to interact with the person’s dream self. But then again, Max was in the dream plane with her this time. Hopefully he’ll be able to bring his daughter out of this nightmare.

“Concentrate, sweetheart. I know you can do it.” Max instructed as he crouched down in front of Zan while Isabel stood behind the little girl, staying alert for the other four.

“That’s it, baby. I’m right here. Daddy’s right here.” Like an apparition, Max began to take form in front of Zan’s eyes.

“Daddy!” Zan jumped and clung to her daddy’s neck tightly. She was so relieved to see him. She knew her daddy would protect her from the bad people and keep her safe.

Max stood and held his daughter close to him, wrapping his arms around her fiercely. “Are you ok, Zan?”

“There were people chasing me.” Zan cried.

“Sshhh, you don’t have to worry about them anymore. I’m here, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Zan nodded as she embraced her father even tighter if that was possible.

Max rubbed his baby’s back soothingly. “Zan, look at me.”

Zan pulled back slightly, just enough for her to look into her father’s eyes.

“I want you to wake up, baby.”

“Wake up?”

“Yes, sweetheart. This is all a dream. None of this is real.”

“You’re not weal?” Zan’s eyes widened with fear.

“Oh I’m real, baby. But this world, this place, isn’t. I came here to get you. Mommy is really worried about you which is why I need you to wake up now.”


“Yeah, baby. Mommy is in the real world. She’s back in our house, in our room. She’s waiting for you to open your eyes, sweetheart. I need you to open your eyes for Mommy, ok?”

“Max.” Isabel motioned behind her.

Max saw the fog beginning to clear. Four people were walking straight towards them. However, he didn’t act differently. He didn’t want to alert this dream Zan to their presence. So he kept talking, urging her to wake up immediately.

“Are you ready to wake up now, princess? Mommy really needs you to open your eyes now.” Max coaxed his daughter’s dream self

“Ok, Daddy.” Zan smiled and began to fade as she started to wake back to reality.

“Max, let’s go.” Isabel took her brother’s arm when the dream Zan disappeared.

“Not yet.”

“Max, we can’t stay here. Zan will be fully awake soon.”

“No, this is her world, her dream.” Max stared at the Isabel look-alike, his eyes flashing with fury.

“Max, don’t do this. We don’t want to tip her off.” Isabel tried to talk some sense into her brother.

“Fine. But I want her to see me, Iz. I want her to know that I’m here.”

“Done.” Isabel closed her eyes and began to fade, leaving Max still in the dream.

As the four figures continued to walk, the blonde woman stopped in her tracks, making the other three fade back into the fog.

Max looked at her head on, seeing a face that was so similar to his sister’s yet so different. He glared at her and then his eyes turned all black, his pupils changing into a color as dark as night and taking over the white iris. His alien eyes glowed briefly before he too faded.

The woman in the silver car gasped as she awoke from the dream plane.

“What did you see?” One of the men quickly asked.

“He was there.” she answered.

“Who was?” The other man with the mohawk questioned.

“The king. Zan’s double. He was there.”

“What? How? Thought he ain’t got that power?”

“She was there again. She brought him in with her. But he saw me, Rath. He looked right at me.” Lonnie shivered as she recalled the angry blaze in the other Zan’s eyes. He was ready to fight. He knew that they were coming. And he was waiting for them.
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Post by kay_b »

Chapter 46

The two cars pulled over on the desert road. The three people in the silver car got out and stretched a little with the Welcome to Roswell sign right in front of them.

“Yo, how long till we get there?” Rath asked impatiently.

“Cool it. It won’t be long now. We just have to wait for nightfall till we move in.” Nasedo replied.

“Betta’ to surprise ‘em than them surprisin’ us.” Lonnie added.

Rath walked towards the other car and banged on the roof. “Yo! Quit fuckin’ in there! We need some plannin’ to do!”

Some rustling were heard before the front door of the driver’s side quickly opened. The man got up swiftly and faced Rath head on, his fists crackling with pulsing energy.

“I tell you when we move and when we don’t. And right now, we don’t. So shut ya’ trap befo’ I shut it fo’ ya.” Amber eyes flashed as the sun sparkled.

“Sorry, dude. Just wanna get this ova’ with, you know?” Rath backed off.

“If ya pull that stunt again, it’s gonna be ova’ fo’ you.” Zan threatened him.

“Zan, chill. He just jealous coz Lon ain’t givin’ it to ‘im.” The woman smirked as she got out of the other side of the vehicle. After running one glowing hand over her rumpled clothes to remove the wrinkles, the young woman faced the other aliens bearing the face of Trienka, the former Queen of Antar.

“Mommy?” Zan opened her eyes slowly, looking up to the face of her mother.

Liz gasped, “Zan!” She hugged her daughter closely. “Oh my baby, I’m so glad you’re ok.” she wept. Liz held Zan’s face with both hands and showered her little girl with kisses then hugged her fiercely.

Max awoke a couple of minutes later. “Liz, Zan.” Max opened his eyes and looked at them with a small smile.

“Oh Max, thank you.” Liz hugged him tightly as a sign of her immense gratitude. She was so afraid of what Zan was going through in her sleep.

Once Maria and Michael saw that everything was in order again, they decided to retreat back into their own rooms.

“Is Zan ok?” Max asked.

“Yeah, she’s right here. She’s still a little weak but she’s ok.” Liz pulled away from him so he could see Zan for himself.

“Daddy?” Zan looked past her mommy and crawled over to her father. She lied on top of him and hugged him tight.

“Hey, baby.” Max returned her embrace. “I’m so glad you’re ok now.”

“Me too.” Zan looked at him with her puppy dog eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Max sat up taking Zan with him and settling her on his lap.

“I don’t wanna go back to sweep.” Zan was shaking her head to emphasize her aversion.

“I understand, sweetie.” Max placed a tender kiss to her forehead.

The phone suddenly rang and Max figured it would be Isabel. “Iz?” Max asked as he picked up the phone.

“Yes, it’s me. What happened?” Isabel asked worriedly. “Is Zan ok?”

“Yeah, she’s fine. She doesn’t want to go back to sleep anymore though.”

Liz took Zan back in her arms as Max shifted. He looked up at her and smiled then returned to his phone conversation with his sister.

“What about her?”

“Yup, she saw me.”

“So was it a shapeshifter?”

“I don’t think so. I think our assumption about clones is correct.”

“Great, so basically they would have the same powers as we do.” Isabel groaned.

“Assuming they’re completely like us, yes.”

“Uh, Max?” Isabel started hesitantly.

“I know, Iz.” Max answered her silent question.

“What are we going to do about…?”

“I don’t know yet.”

“Are you going to tell Liz?”

Max looked at Liz who was still trying to comfort Zan in her arms. However, he also assumed she was doing that more for her own peace of mind. “Yeah, I don’t want her surprised if we do meet with them.”

Isabel nodded although she knew that Max couldn’t see him. She really liked Liz and she hoped that her and Max would get back together soon. “Ok, I’ll let you go. Give Zan a kiss for me.”

“Wait, Iz. What if it happens again?”

Liz quickly turned to face Max. She wouldn’t be able to bear seeing her daughter going through the same turmoil all over again.

“You’ve already connected to her through the dream plane. Even I have never done that before, Max. And I’m the one who can dreamwalk the best. I think you can go together in each other’s dreams now. Just let her sleep first then you can join her in her own dream world. But if you’re having problems again, don’t hesitate to call me. She’s my only niece. I don’t want her suffering because those sons-of-bitches want to get to us. Any time of the night, Max. Just call.”

“Alright. Thanks, Isabel. Talk to you later.”



Max hung up and looked at his favorite girls. He walked up to them and rubbed his little girl’s back.

“What are we going to do, Max? She doesn’t want to go back to sleep.” Liz fretted. The problem was not only that Zan didn’t want to go to sleep, but she was also getting cranky really fast.

“Sweetheart, why don’t you go lie back in bed.” Max tried to pry Zan away from her mother but she wouldn’t budge.

“No! No more sweep, Daddy. Please.” Zan hugged on to Liz more fiercely.

“Zan, you need your rest, baby.”

“But I don’t want to. I’m scawred.” Zan sniffled.

“I know, princess. But this time, I’ll be in the dream with you.”

Zan looked at her father curiously, “Really?”

“Yes, really. I won’t let them get you. I promise.”

Zan seemed to ponder on this as she was very tired and having to fight her sleepiness was a huge task. “Ok.” she nodded slowly.

Liz brought her back to the bed and tucked her in. “Don’t worry, baby. Daddy will be right there with you. And I’ll be waiting for you when you wake up, ok?”

“Ok, Mommy.” Zan cuddled her Care Bear and her eyelids started drooping quickly.

Max and Liz also got in bed of either side of their daughter. However, Liz couldn’t sleep. She wanted to watch over Zan till the sun comes up.

“The same goes for you. You need your rest.” Max told Liz as he watched her stroking her daughter’s hair.

“I know, but I have to watch over her. I don’t want her getting trapped in that nightmare again.”

“Don’t worry, she has me.”

Liz took a deep breath and nodded.

“Liz, there’s something you should know.”

“What is it?”

“Whoever they are, they’re real. I don’t think they’re just shapeshifters. I think our theory about the clones is correct. And that means—”

“There’s another Erin.”

Max looked her straight in the eyes and nodded.

Liz inhaled deeply and exhaled her breath slowly. “Zan’s my daughter, not hers.”

“Yes, I know that, Liz. We all know that. I just wanted to let you know so you won’t be surprised once they make an appearance.”

“What happened in there, Max?”

“The one who’s like Isabel was controlling the dream. When Zan woke up, I told Isabel to leave me in there. I wanted her to see me. And I guess she did because for a minute, I saw a flicker of fear in her eyes. At least they know that we’re on to them.”

“Will Zan be having nightmares again?”

“No, we’ll do whatever it takes to prevent that from happening.”

Liz’s chin began to tremble and she bit into her bottom lip. “I hate this, Max. I hate that she has to go through this.” She started to cry.

Max reached over and caressed her cheek with one hand. “So do I, Liz.” He couldn’t help it. She was the most precious thing to him next to Zan. So he leaned over and sealed his lips with hers.
Last edited by kay_b on Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kay_b »

A/N: I'm so sorry for the long wait. I hope this part makes up for it. I also have half of the next chapter written already and hopefully I'll be able to finish this fic soon, before Christmas at least. Thank you for still reading this.


Chapter 47

When Max woke up, he came face to face with Liz. She was sleeping peacefully and looked so much like an angel. Her chocolate brown hair lay splayed on her pillow and her lashes rested on her upper cheeks.

Max watched her sleep. He slowly brought a hand up and brushed the back of his fingers on her soft and smooth skin. He liked being able to wake up beside her. And he could only hope that this would be one of the many mornings where he would find himself staring into the face of his love.

Max stared at her lovingly. He couldn’t ask for anything more. Well, maybe just that he and Liz get married and they could all live in this house and be a real family. But for now, he was content with watching her sleep.

Liz felt something brushing lightly across her face. Her eyes fluttered underneath her eyelids as she began to awaken. Opening her eyes slowly, she was greeted with Max’s amber eyes staring back at her.

“Good morning.” she mumbled sleepily.

“Good morning.” Max smiled at her.

“What are you doing?”

“Just watching you sleep.”


“Because you looked so cute.” Max admitted.

Liz couldn’t help but smile. “And because of that, you wanted to watch me sleep?”

“Yeah, and do this.”

Max leaned closer and kissed her tenderly. Liz quickly responded and kissed her back. Soon they were kissing lovingly and caressing each other like lovers would. When Max deepened the kiss, their connection flared to life. And this time, Max saw everything; her childhood, how she achieved her goal and became a doctor, what she felt when she saw Zan, falling in love with the baby, adopting her, the heartache she felt when her parents died and the reason she managed through it all, Zan.

When they pulled apart, Max couldn’t bear to be far from her so he rested his forehead against hers.

“Wow.” Liz sighed.

“I know. I saw everything, Liz. I saw your life, everything that happened. Thank you for taking care of Zan and loving her as your own.”

“She couldn’t be anything else.” Liz looked up at him and saw the love he had for her. She moved to kiss him again but then stopped as she realized something.

“Where’s Zan?” Liz looked around the room.

Hearing Liz’s question snapped him out of the haze he was in and looked around as well. “Zan?” he called out.


Liz sat up on the bed but found that it was only her and Max in the bedroom. She closed her eyes slowly and felt for her child.

Max waited for her to find the little one but he was already getting up and heading towards the door. He wanted to check if Zan was in her own bedroom.

“She’s with Maria.” Liz said as she opened her eyes once more.

“Ok, I’ll go down stairs and see what they’re up to.” Max smiled at her one more time before heading out of the room.

Liz watched him and slumped back down on her back with a smile and a sigh as she thought about the butterflies she got from kissing Max.

“Zan, look at what I got for you, princess.” Max found his little girl in the kitchen watching her mother make chocolate chip cookies. Coming home from practice, he decided to stop by the team’s souvenir shop to get something for his daughter. And once he made his purchase, he couldn’t wait to show it to her and Liz.

“What did you get me, Daddy?” Zan quickly ran to her father and jumped into his arms.

“Mmmm, you smell good enough to eat.” Max exclaimed as he began to tickle his baby.

“Daddy, stop!” Zan laughed out loud while trying to push Max away.

Liz watched on feeling the love father and daughter had for each other through their alien connection.

“Ok, I’ll show you what I got for you.” Max placed Zan on top of the counter and standing in front of her to make sure she wouldn’t fall.

He then turned to Liz, looked at what she was making and went back to look at her face. He grinned happily and gave her a quick kiss.

“Mmmm, you taste good too.” Max whispered against her lips.

“Max.” Liz hissed with her eyes wide open. However, Max saw that she wasn’t really angry. She was just embarrassed because Zan was watching them curiously.

“Mommy, are you and Daddy gonna get mawied?” Zan looked at her mom then at her dad.

“Uh…” Max tried to stifle his grin unsuccessfully.

“Um, no, baby. Well, we don’t know. But your Daddy and I are going to see if we can be together.”

“Huh?” Zan tilted her head to one side trying to understand what they were saying.

Max couldn’t help at seeing how adorable his daughter looked and how much she resembled Liz at that very moment. “We’re going to see if it could lead to getting married.” He shrugged as he looked at Liz. He couldn’t find any other way to explain it to the child.

“Then you can be like Aunty Izzy and Uncy Alex.” Zan said happily.

“We’ll see, sweetie.” Liz smiled then went back to her mixing.

“Ok, now I want you to see what I got for you, sweetheart.” Max pulled out a small jacket, similar to the ones that he and the rest of the Roswell Comets wear at their games.

Zan’s eyes widened as Max showed her the present he had for her. “Ooooh, Daddy, is dat for me?”

“It sure is, sweetie. Let’s see how it looks on you.” Max helped Zan into the jacket. And leaned back a little to look at how it fit.

Zan had her head down, looking at the jacket closely. And Liz looked at how cute her daughter looked in it since it was exactly like the one Max has, only way smaller.

“Doesn’t she look cute?” Max smiled.

“Yeah, she does.” Liz was smiling back at him.

“Mommy, can I wear this tonight?” Zan looked at her mom, pleading silently that she would allow her to wear the jacket to tonight’s game.

“Sure, baby. You can wear that tonight to the game.”

“Yay!” Zan clapped happily.

“Now what do you say?” Liz asked pointedly.

“Thank you, Daddy.” Zan hugged her father tight and kissed him on the cheek as a token of her appreciation.

“You’re welcome, princess.”

At the game, Zan, Liz and Maria were once again cheering for the Roswell Comets. The stadium was packed and their team was leading by a slight margin. It was a close game and everyone was already out of their seats screaming and hollering.

“That jacket does look cute on you, Zan.” Maria smiled at her niece.

“Thanks, Aunty Wia.” Zan was jumping up and down on her seat from all the excitement.

“Only 2 minutes left!” Liz yelled.

“Woohoo!!! Go Comets!!!” Maria screamed.

“Woooo! Go Comets!” Zan copied.

At the end of the last quarter, the buzzer sounded with the Comets winning by only 2 points. Everyone was screaming and cheering for the team since it was a win against the Houston Rockets, one of the strong teams in the league.

“We won! We won! Mommy, Daddy won!” Zan was yelling.

“I know, sweetheart.” Liz grinned at her baby’s enthusiasm.

The players were quickly blocked and surrounded by reporters and photographers.

And then Max came running up to them still in his uniform. “Hey!”

“Hey!” Congratulations!” Liz greeted him.

“You won, Daddy!” Zan hugged him as Max took her in his arms

“Yeah, we did. Now come on, let’s get out of here.” He was already dragging Liz away from the crowds.

The guards were quickly following them with Maria trailing behind, but Max just gave the aliens a quick nod. For a minute they looked confused then they stopped and held themselves back.

“Um…I think Michael wants to talk to you.” Max told Maria.

“Why?” Maria asked curiously.

“Dunno. Jus’ said so.” Max replied.

Maria turned and headed back to the court. Max was once again leading Liz out of the stadium.

“Wait, Max, aren’t we even going to wait for the others?” Liz asked.

“No need.” He walked out to the parking lot and straight to a black Trans-Am.

Liz’s brows furrowed in confusion and apprehension while Zan leaned over to be in her mother’s arms. She was worried. Something wasn’t right.

Max allowed Liz to hold Zan then he tapped the window. Slowly, his clothes changed into a punk look, complete with a pair of army fatigue pants, black boots and an open vest. His hair was black as coal and spiked. And tattoos and piercings appeared all over his body.

“Oh my God, you’re not Max.” Liz hugged Zan protectively and was beginning to back away.

“Uh uh, don’t go too far away now.” Rath came up behind her and grasped her arms.

Alissandra’s eyes widened as she saw the man holding her mommy and screamed, “DADDY!!!!”
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Post by kay_b »

A/N: just answering a few questions:

g7silvers: Wow, you’re a psychic aren’t you? You guessed it right. Dupe Zan took advantage of the situation and dragged Liz and little Zan out of there while Max and the others were preoccupied.

There are still no shapeshifter involved aside from Cal and Nasedo. If you recall Meet the Dupes, Lonnie and Rath were able to copy Isabel and Michael to drive Max away.

About Dupe Zan and Alissandra having a connection. There’s none. They never formed one.

Why didn’t Liz and Zan realize it was not Max? So far they’re not that well trained yet. Reviewing the previous parts, Liz and Zan had to make an effort to feel Max.

As for the guards and Max, read on to find out.

*For Tanya* - Get well soon.


Chapter 48

“Zan!” Max winced and clutched his head.

Michael heard him despite the press people shoving mics and cameras in their faces. “Maxwell?”

“Hey Michael, what do you want?” Maria walked up to them as she pushed the throng of reporters aside.

“Huh?” Michael looked at her.

“Max said—” Maria looked shocked to see Max standing there as well, wincing and holding his head.

“Maria, where are Zan and Liz?” Max asked her suddenly.

“They were with…with you.” Maria began to feel the fear gripping her heart.

Michael took Maria and made her focus on him. He could see her beginning to panic. “Maria, where did you last see Max and Liz?”

“Over there.” she pointed to the stands where all the bodyguards still were, looking confused.

“Aahhh!” Max held on to his head again.

The press were wondering what was going on. Max Evans was hurting and Michael Guerin was looking for someone in the crowd.

“Michael, find them!” Max yelled as he struggled to control the fear and panic bubbling up inside him. He knew it wasn’t him that was feeling it. It was coming from someone else. It was coming from his little girl.

Michael left Maria exactly where she was standing and took off for the guards. He pushed all the media people away as he started to look for Zan and Liz.

“Max? What’s going on?” Kyle saw Michael running up to the stands as if his life depended on it.

“Zan and Liz are missing!”

“What?!” Kyle scanned the crowd quickly.

“Oh God, Max, I didn’t know. I swear I saw you.” Maria was starting to get hysterical. Tears were quickly welling in her eyes.

“Maria, it’s ok.” Max was breathing hard. “Kyle, please stay with her. We don’t want anyone else missing.”

“Don’t worry about us, Max. Go find them.” Kyle took Maria in his arms as she began to cry.



“What’s going on?”

“Who is this woman?”

The reporters were getting curious as to the events unfolding before them. Someone was missing, someone close to Max Evans.

Max ignored them all and went to follow Michael. Once he reached them, no one could tell them where his family was. “How could you have let them out of your sight?!” He furiously demanded answers.

“Your Majesty,” Desaro started. “We did not realize that the Queen and the Princess were missing until Lord Ra— Michael approached us. We saw them standing right here. Please forgive us. We will do everything in our power to bring them back, Your Highness.”

“Search everywhere, NOW!” Michael ordered them all. “Max, we have to call Cal and Isabel. We need all the help we can get finding them.”

Max wasn’t paying attention. He was staring off into space.

“Maxwell, are you listening to me?” Michael shook him hard.

“They’re heading north.” Max answered.


“I can feel Zan, Michael. She’s so scared. My baby is so afraid.”

“And Liz?” Michael asked.

“She’s keeping it together for Zan’s sake but I can’t feel her as much as Zan.”

“Then let’s go.” Michael looked towards Maria and Kyle. “Valenti, we’re going!” Michael hollered.

Kyle looked up and nodded. “Maria, let’s go. We’re gonna find them ok? We promise.”

Maria nodded numbly.

Max took his SUV, Michael his black Ferrari and Kyle his red Porsche with Maria seated at the passenger seat. Michael was quickly dialing Isabel’s mobile number as he tore off the road. Max was doing the same with Cal.

“What?! How could the Royal guards just let them walk away?!” Cal bellowed.

“I don’t know either! Maria said she saw me, she even talked to me!” Max answered.

“Your double might have changed his appearance to make himself look like you.” Cal responded.

“I thought you said we couldn’t shapeshift?” Max questioned him angrily.

“You can’t but they could change their clothes to look like you. It’s like adding a little make up here and there.”

“And what about the guards? They said they didn’t see Liz and Zan walking away with my copycat.”

“Mindwarp.” Cal whispered.

“What? Is this another one of your secrets, Cal?! I swear to God if you kept things from me and it caused harm to my girls, I’m gonna kill you myself!” Max yelled at the phone.

“It was Erin’s strongest ability. She can make people see things that are not really there, like an illusion. If there is an Erin clone, it’s possible that she has that power.”

“Great, and since we didn’t know how to do that, we didn’t know how to prepare ourselves against it. Wonderful.” Max spoke sarcastically.

“I’m sorry, Max. I have no excuse for that and now I’m paying for it as well. I have considered Liz and Zan as my family too. And I am willing to do whatever it takes to find them and bring them back safely.”

“I need you to find out what’s up north of Roswell.”

“Got it, I’ll get back to you in 5 minutes.”

Max quickly hung up and called Kyle.

“Any info from Cal?” Kyle quickly asked.

“Nothing really useful. But apparently Erin’s clone can mindwarp.”


“Yeah, make people see things. Cal is guessing that’s why the guards didn’t realize that Liz and Zan were already missing.”

“Ok, so…how do we fight that?”

“I don’t know.” Max said sadly.

“Alright. So where exactly are we headed, Max?” Kyle quickly changed the subject. This is no time for Max to lose it.


“North? What’s up north?” Kyle asked.

“Up north? That’s where they’re taking Zan and Liz?” Maria interrupted.

Kyle looked at her and nodded.

“There’s nothing there—” Maria stopped talking abruptly and seemed to be lost in thought for a second. “The old soap factory.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s an abandoned warehouse. No one will suspect anyone to be there.” Maria informed him.

Kyle grinned and relayed the information quickly to Max.

“Got it. Thank Maria for me.” Max hung up and quickly called Michael.

“The old soap factory? Yeah, I know that place. I’ll tell Isabel to rendezvous with us a few meters away from there.” Michael told Max who had already hung up to call Cal.

“Isabel, you got that?” Michael asked through their 3-way phone conversation.

“Michael, is there anything else there other than that?” Isabel asked as she looked at her husband.

“Nope, there’s nothing else but sand.” Michael replied curiously.

“Good. They’re going to regret this day, Michael. I am going to fry them till they’re ashes!”

The two Trans-Ams drove straight into the abandoned factory and closed the metal doors behind them. Zan and Trienka got out of the black car while Lonnie, Rath and Nasedo, out of the silver one.

Lonnie stepped closer to the other car and gripped Liz’s arm to drag her out of the vehicle.

“Ow!” Liz yelled.

“Shut up, bitch!” Lonnie ordered her.

Liz bit her lip, her arms still wrapped protectively around Alissandra.

Alissandra was so frightened that she was crying non-stop.

Unfortunately, this was getting on Trienka’s nerves. “Shut da brat up as well!” she shouted.

“Mommy.” Alissandra whimpered.

“Sshhh, it’s alright, sweetie. We’re going to be alright. Daddy will come soon.” Liz tried to comfort her daughter.

“Ha! Ya they’ll find yous. Question is, will yous still be alive then?” Rath sneered and took hold of a few strands of Liz’s hair.

Liz quickly moved away but it made her step closer to Trienka.

“Why can’t we jus’ kill ‘er already, take the brat and get outta ‘ere?” she asked Nasedo. But while she said that, she tried to pull the girl away from the petite woman.

“No! No! Mommy!!!!” Zan screamed desperately.

“Let go of her!” Liz held on to Alissandra with one hand and pushed Trienka away with another.

A struggle soon began. Lonnie went over to help Trienka pull the little kid away from her mother. But Liz wasn’t letting up and Zan held on as tight as she could. Liz didn’t realize it but she was slowly backing herself and Zan into a corner. Then as Zan was slowly being pulled from her, her energy burst out of her outstretched palm throwing Trienka and Lonnie to the opposite wall.

“Aahhhh!!!!” Both Lonnie and Trienka screamed as they flew above the heads of the other 3 aliens and slammed against the metal sheet that served as a wall.

All three men stared at Liz in shock. The human had powers.

As this realization came to mind, Liz huddled herself and Zan into the corner and a protective dome started to enclose them in their protected space.

But what surprised all five of them the most was what they saw imprinted on the dome. It was the Royal Seal and that only meant one thing. The human they captured was indeed the mother of the Princess and the true Queen of Antar.
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Post by kay_b »

A/N: I'm so sorry for the long delay. I was having problems as to what direction the next parts were to go. I only have 6 chapters left and the next one is already being written as well. Thank you so much for still reading this.


Chapter 49

“What the hell do you mean by she’s the Queen now?!” Trienka yelled at Nasedo when he said that the woman they just captured was Antar’s real queen. And to top it off, she wasn’t just any woman, she was a stupid, meddling human being.

“It’s exactly what I mean. She’s the queen. She bears the Royal Seal of Antar.” Nasedo replied.

They all looked at Liz and Alissandra who were huddled in the corner protected by the dome shield Liz created. Blazing on the center of it was the Royal Seal. Only the queen can create such a defense and the seal glowing brightly only asserts the title.

“And what am I?” Trienka looked at Nasedo threateningly.

“The former queen.”

“No!” Trienka took one of the chairs in the large space and hurled it towards the shield.

“Mommy!” Zan clinged tighter to Liz as they cowered within the dome.

“Zan!” Max swerved towards the oncoming lane. It was a good thing that there was no other vehicle coming straight at him or he would have been in a serious accident.

Michael and Kyle who were following closely behind him were shocked to see Max drive into the opposite lane.

“What the hell is he doing?!” Kyle yelled.

“What? What’s going on?” Maria asked.

“Max. He’s swerving all over the road.”

“What?!” Maria shrieked. “Is he alright? Is it Liz and Zan? Oh God, please help them.”

“What the fuck…” Michael looked on as Max’s SUV started swaying from one lane to another. He quickly got his phone and dialed Max’s number. “What are you doing, Maxwell?” Michael bellowed as soon as the line was picked up.

“It’s Zan. Something’s going on, Michael. Her fear is spiking up like a rollercoaster. I swear to whatever gods we Antarians have, they’re dust!”

“Ditto.” Michael hung up and his foot pressed harder on the gas pedal.

“What da fuck do we gotta do ta get rid of dat thing?!” Lonnie yelled at Nasedo. The chair that Trienka threw at the did not even dent it.

“I don’t know.” Nasedo answered.

“What kinda protector are ya? Ya dunno shit!” Rath responded.

“Enough!” Zan silenced them all. Everyone stopped and turned to him. He has been staring at the human and the child during all this time. While everyone was arguing around him, he was deep in thought, trying to decide what to do with this new knowledge. He thought they would have to deal with the original Royal Four. But with this new human involved, it changed things…. Actually, it made it much simpler.

“What are ya plannin’ in dat heada yours?” Trienka whispered in his ear seductively as she sidled closer to her mate.

Zan turned his head and smiled menacingly at her. “We kill ‘er.”

It was at that precise moment that Alissandra looked at the man that had a similar face to her father. But although they had the same face, this man was different. He was scary.

When she looked at him, she read his words. She knew what he was planning to do. He was going to kill her mommy and take her away.

“Mommy?” Alissandra looked up at Liz.

Liz stared down at her little girl and tightened her protective hold. “Don’t worry, baby. Daddy will be here soon.” Liz tried to assuage her daughter’s fears as she kissed her temple. The shield was holding strong but she didn’t know how long it would last. She wanted to absorb Zan’s frightened feelings into her but she couldn’t. She was afraid of using her other powers and have the dome collapse around them. That was something she couldn’t afford for it would cost them their lives.

Little Zan turned away from the monsters and closed her eyes. Her daddy was close. She needed him. She wanted him to save her and her mommy.

An SUV, a Ferrari and a Porsche soon parked behind a few rocks across the abandoned soap factory. The passengers all got out and were met by two men and a blonde woman.

“Max.” Isabel rushed towards her brother and hugged him. “We’ll get them out, Max. I promise.” she said as she pulled away.

“I know but—” Max stopped in mid sentence and his eyes stared straight ahead into nothing.

“Daddy!” Zan stood there in front of him.

“Zan?” Max tilted his head a little to the left as he tried to focus on his baby. “Zan.”

“Daddy, help us. They want to kill, Mommy.” Zan started to cry.

“Sshhh, don’t cry, sweetheart. We’re here. We’re coming in there to get you and Mommy, ok? Just hold on for a little while longer.”

“I’m scawred, Daddy.”

“I know, baby. I know. I promise it won’t be long now.”

Zan nodded and wiped away her own tears. Max wanted nothing more than to rush and hug his daughter and make her feel safe in his arms once more. But she was only an apparition.

“Stay strong for mommy, alright? I’ll be there soon. I love you, princess.” Max said as the vision slowly faded.

“Max? Max!” Michael was slapping his friend’s face to snap him out of whatever trance he was in.

“Wha—” Max slapped his friend’s arm away. “Cut it out, Michael.”

“What just happened?” Maria asked. She was anxious for all of them to get her best friend and her niece out of there.

“Zan, she was here.” Max replied.

“What? Where? How?” Everyone fired questions all at once.

“I don’t know how she did it but she was right here. She said that they’re planning to kill Liz.”

Maria gasped and the color from her face swiftly faded. Her lip started to tremble and she fell kneeling on the ground as her knees buckled. She covered her face with her hands and began to weep and rock back and forth.

“Maria.” Michael rushed to her side. He engulfed her in a bear hug and rocked with her. “Sshhh, it’s ok. We’ll get them out safe and sound.”

“It’s all my fault. This was all my fault. If I had known it was Max, they wouldn’t have been kidnapped. And we wouldn’t be here trying to come up with a rescue plan. Zan wouldn’t be so scared of whatever is going on. She would have been back at Max’s house playing and celebrating for you guys winning the game. But now, she’s in there and she knows that they’re planning to kill her mother…oh God.” Maria wailed as she feared for her friend’s life.

“Maria. Maria! Look at me.” Max knelt before her as she tried to get her attention. “This is not your fault. That’s the whole point. You didn’t know. You couldn’t have. There were several guards already posted around them and they’re aliens and still they didn’t know. Don’t blame yourself for this.”

“What’s the plan, Max?” Cal asked.

“Ok, Alex and Maria, you’re going to stay here. Wait for Kyle to bring Liz and Zan out.” Max looked at each person he addressed. “Alex, I want you to get ready to drive out of here as fast as you can.”

Alex nodded seriously.

Michael took out the keys to his Ferrari from his pocket and threw it to Alex. “Here, take my car. It’s faster.”

Alex caught it easily and gave Michael his own keys. “Just make sure you don’t let aliens blast holes into my Benz.”

“Alright, so it’s going to be me, Michael, Isabel, Cal and Kyle who will go in there. Kyle, your priority is to get Liz and Zan out of there.”

“Got it.” Kyle answered.

“What about the guards?” Isabel questioned. “Where are they? We need as much fire power as we can get.”

“They’re on their way.” Cal replied.

“Alright.” Max nodded. “Once they’re here, half stays with Maria and Alex and are to never leave Liz and Zan’s sides no matter what. As for the rest, make sure that none of them gets out of there alive.”

“Dat’s it. I’m sicka playin’. Let’s blow da damn thing ta kingdom come.” Rath’s hand glowed and he fired a blast towards the dome.

“Mommy!” Little Zan screamed as she saw what was about to happen.

Liz braced herself and shielded Alissandra with her body as much as she could.

Zan tried to reach over and stop Rath but he was a second too late.

The energy surged towards the dome but an inch before the blast reached it, the seal glowed brightly. Then the blast bounced back straight for the Dupes. They all ducked swiftly to avoid it and it went straight towards the roof creating a huge hole.

“What was that?!” Everyone looked towards the gaping hole that was now on the roof of the soap factory. The aliens quickly knew what could have caused it which only meant one thing. They were running out of time.
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Post by kay_b »

A/N: I'm so sorry for the long wait. I was having problems with this one because I kept missing out people in the fight scene. By the way, the battle really sucks. Sorry.


Chapter 50

Max briskly walked towards the direction of the soap factory with long purposeful strides. But someone was trying to stop him by pulling onto his arm. He looked to his right and saw Michael holding him back.

“Let me go, Michael.” He tried to shrug off his best friend’s hold on him but Michael wouldn’t let go.

“Don’t go in there all high and mighty like this, Maxwell. You won’t be of any use to Liz and Zan if you get yourself killed in the process.” Michael tried to reason with him.

“I will not have them trapped in there, scared out of their minds, because some alien lunatic wants a throne that I already gave up!” Max roared.

Everyone looked at Max sympathetically after hearing his outburst. His jaw was set, his chin started to tremble as he was close to the edge of breaking down.

“I never asked for this. I never asked for any of this! This is the exact reason why I gave up my own daughter!” He looked at Isabel, “I know you thought I was wrong for giving her away.” He looked at Cal, “I know you hated me for that decision.” He looked at everyone as the emotions finally got hold of him. His fists clenched as he tried to breathe deeply. “I never wanted to be separated from her. But I had no choice. I didn’t want her to live a life in danger. But I failed! I failed and she’s trapped there, with her mother. The only woman I ever loved and she’s captured, protecting my daughter from God knows how many aliens. And this is all because of me. Me!”

Cal approached Max silently. “Max, I’ll admit I was angry with you for making the decision to give Zan up in the beginning. But seeing her with Liz, seeing how much they love each other, you made the right decision. I couldn’t imagine how Zan would have been like without Liz in her life. You made the right choice, Max. You didn’t fail her.”

Isabel tearfully hugged her brother briefly. “Cal is right, Max. You made the right choice. Zan deserves to have a mother in her life and it couldn’t have been anyone else than Liz.” she said with a smile. “Now, pull yourself together, little brother. Let’s save this for later when we have your family safely back in your home.”

Max nodded with a small smile of gratitude. He took a deep breath and once again resumed the role of the king. It was just in time as the guards arrived.

Desaro and Bardona got out of the car as well as 2 more guards with them. Desaro ran up to Max. “We’re sorry for being late, Max. But we have word from camp.”

“What is it?”

“There are new hybrids in the area. There are four of them but one is a shapeshifter, like you Cal.” Desaro looked at the protector.

“So there are only five of them in there.” Max looked at the building.

“We obviously outnumber them. We can go in there now.” Michael piped up.

Max looked at everyone. “Alright, the original plan stays. Kyle gets Liz and Zan out. Desaro and Bardona, I want you to guard Liz and Zan the minute we enter that factory.”

The two guards nodded.

“Alex and Maria, get the Ferrari ready to peel out of here as soon as you can. Don’t look back, just get them out of here.”

Alex and Maria nodded as well.

“As for the rest of us, leave none of the other aliens alive.”

“Fuck, Rath! Think next time will ya?!” Zan knocked on Rath’s head.

“Cut dat out!” Rath said as he moved away from Zan.

“Ya coulda got us all killed, moron!” Trienka slapped his arm.

“We all still ‘ere, aight?” Rath glared at her.

“What do we do now?” Lonnie quickly brought them back to the subject at hand.

“She can’t keep dat up fo long.” Zan smirked. “And as soon as dat shield fades…”

“Can I do ‘er first?” Rath sneered.

“Sho’ and den we kill ‘er.” Zan turned and sat on one of the chairs. He pulled Trienka over his lap, letting her straddle him as they began making out.


Liz kissed Zan’s head and started rubbing her back again.

“Mommy, daddy’s hewre.” Alissandra whispered.

“I know, sweetie.” Liz responded, trying to lessen Zan’s fear.

“No, he’s hewre, Mommy. I talked to him. He said they’re gonna get us out.”

Liz looked at her daughter closely. “They?”

“Uh huh, they’re all hewre. Aunty Mawia, Gwampa Cal, Uncy Alex, Aunty Izzy, Uncy Michael, and Uncy Kyle.”

“How do you know this?”

“I talked to Daddy. And I saw them.”

“Was it a dream? Was Aunty Izzy there?”

“No, Mommy. I went to Daddy. But I’m still here.”

“I don’t understand, Zan. What do you mean you went to Daddy?”

“I went to him. My mind went to him. But...” Zan’s nose began to scrunch and her brows furrowed as she tried to come up with a better explanation. “I was a ghost.”

“A what?”

“A ghost. Daddy could see me and we talked and I could see all of dem but…dey couldn’t see me, only Daddy. And I couldn’t touch him eifer.” Zan finished sadly.

“Zan, where did you go to see Daddy?”


A blast burst through the metal doors catching Liz and Zan’s attention. The Dupes were caught unaware, the same with Nasedo. Michael stood on the other side, his hand outstretched. Max and the others ran inside, firing blasts blindly. He knew that Zan and Liz were in the far corner because he could feel them.

“Over there.” Max pointed towards the farthest corner of the room to let Kyle know where Liz and Zan were. Kyle saw them instantly and he along with Desaro and Bardona headed towards the two.

The Dupes and Nasedo were firing blasts right back, stronger than what the royals can give. Zan was quick to put his shield up and the others were right behind him. Max held his shield up for himself and their team as well.

Lonnie saw the three running for their captives. Just as Liz lowered her dome to allow her and Zan out, Lonnie fired a shot at them but missed.

Liz and Zan screamed as Kyle ducked to avoid the blast.

Trienka looked to where Lonnie fired and saw the little girl was picked up by one of the men and the human being helped up by another. She took aim and fired a blast towards them too.

Cal saw this and ran as fast as he could to protect Liz and Zan. He blocked and repelled Trienka’s firepower with a blast of his own. In his position, he had a clear shot. He aimed and fired, hitting Trienka square on the chest.

Trienka stumbled back and fell staring up at the ceiling with unfocused eyes. Zan was enraged as Trienka withered away into dust. “Trienka!”

Zan’s eyes turned black and fired a huge beam towards Cal.

Cal was able to avoid the blast slightly. It still caught his side though and a portion of his body was scorched as he writhed in pain. Nasedo went to him and placed his open palm over the other protector’s chest and began to burn him alive to finish what Zan started.

Kyle saw this and blasted one straight at Nasedo’s back. He was instantly killed by the blast and toppled on top of Cal. Unfortunately, the damage was done. Cal pushed Nasedo off him with great effort. Then he looked for Liz and Zan. When he saw that they were safe, he locked eyes with Liz before he exhaled his last breath.

“NOOOOOOO!!!!” Liz tried to pull away from Kyle who was dragging her towards a new exit that was formed by a blast from Bardona.

“What’s taking them so long?” Maria was biting her nails and Alex was tapping the steering wheel as he waited.

“They’ll be here soon. Don’t worry, they all promised to get Liz and Zan out of there and they will.

Hearing her scream, Rath turned his stare at Liz. When he saw that she was nearing the exit, he took off in a dead run, firing blasts at anyone he could get. He hit one of the other guards, killing him automatically. And he still headed for Liz’s direction. He wanted her dead.

Isabel saw him and fired at the open target. She sent out a quick blast hitting Rath’s side first. As he turned to look at his assailant, she fired two more, hitting his torso. He fell on his back and he too turned into dust.

“RATH!!!!” Lonnie screamed and looked at her copy, her eyes blazed with fury. She and Zan concentrated harder, their firepower increasing its energy. One very forceful blast finally managed to shatter the king’s shield.

Zan finally lowered his shield and both he and his sister aimed at the king.

“DADDY!” Alissandra yelled. She managed to break from the hold Desaro had on her and ran towards her father. Both hands were outstretched, her palms openly glowing. Blue flames erupted and fired, both heading straight for Zan and Lonnie.

The fireballs were growing in size and as soon as it struck the Dupes, it began to engulf them before they could even react. Alissandra’s eyes were now completely black and glowing. Her hair was blowing wildly, her arms still stretched as she watched the two monsters who were torturing her in her sleep burn and writhe in the bluish flames she created.

Everyone stood stunned at the power that Alissandra possessed. Knowing that every evil threat were either dead or dying, Kyle finally relinquished his hold on Liz. Liz walked slowly towards Max and the others. Isabel and Michael were staring at the two bodies that were quickly turning to ash.

Max couldn’t take his eyes away from his daughter. She saved him. The little girl who had him wrapped around her little finger saved him.

Zan and Lonnie kept screaming until they too dissolved into dust. Then it was over. Little Zan slowly lowered her hands closed her eyes and fainted.

Max was quick on his feet and caught his little baby. He held her and checked for any injuries. When he found none, he cradled her close to his chest.

“Zan?” Liz was by their side as well. She tried to wake her daughter up and brushed the strands of hair off her face.

“She’s alright. She just needs to rest to recover from what she did.” Max answered her softly.

She took her daughter from Max and held her close. She kept showering her baby’s face with kisses and hugged her tightly.

Max wrapped his arms around the both of them. Liz looked at him and turned to look at Cal. Max quickly understood what she meant. He walked up to the old man and tried to heal him. In just a few minutes, Cal was back to normal. He was still a bit groggy but he was ok.

Max slowly walked back to his family and made their way out of the building. The other guards helped Cal walk out as well.

When Maria saw Max holding Liz and Zan, she ran up to them and hugged Liz fiercely. “Oh my God, you’re alright. Thank God!” Then she looked at Zan, “What’s wrong with her? What happened?”

“She’ll be ok. She just needs to rest a little.” Max replied.

Once all of them were out, Michael held back. He faced the abandoned soap factory and using one more blast, burned it to the ground.