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Post by killjoy »

96# On the AU Challenge thread

Taken By Aliensister

AU No Aliens

Couples- M/M,K/T,A/I and M/L

Rating-Any you want but naughty is better

Maria and Michael work at a struggling radio station .Michael is one of the late night heavy metal DJ's.Maria is an early morning radio personality just getting her start on the station. The day her show is supposed to start her co host decides to quit and not show.In desperate need to fill the empty spot station owner Philip Evans grabs a passing Michael from out of the hall and slings him into the booth with Maria.

It's dislike at first sight.Maria and Michael clash over everything involving the battle of the sexes.Everything from politics to putting the toilet seat down.Each has a rabid fan base growing and their bickering has made the show number one in the morning.

But what happens when the two slowly spend time with each other outside work and slowly start to fall for one another.Will this hurt their edge for the show? How will the fans react when word gets out that their figure heads for woman's rights and macho pride are actually a couple?
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Post by Poison Ivy »


There's a Heat wave in the city and everybody is suffering from it. Big swimpool parties are held to cool off and many teenagers are enjoying them.

After two weeks there's still a heat wave and those parties are there almost every night. On a partical night, Max Evans decided to go to one, because his girlfriend in out of town to meet family at the other side of the country.

There, he meets Liz Parker, a free-spirited girl who loves to party and who loves attention. He can't resist temptation with her and soon, they end together in bed. It was only a one-night-stand, and Max feels guilty towards his girlfriend. He loves her and decides this was the only time it happened.

But ... A few weeks later, the heat wave is still there. They meet again and the same happens again. For Liz it's just fun and Max still thinks it was a mistake and shouldn't have happened.

This happens a few times more and meanwhile the heat wave ended, the same as the pool parties. So Max and Liz don't see each other anymore.

Some time later, there's again a heat wave and the pool parties begin again. Max can't help but wonder to see if Liz is there and decides to go. What he doesn't know that his girlfriend is going to be there.

What happens what the truth comes out?

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"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. " --- Friedrich Nietzche
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Post by tequathisy »

#1 on Au challenge thread.

taken by LadyLydia

This one is a twist on the original Roswell plot. Max and Tess trade places.

What if Tess emerged from the pods at the same time as the others but Max didn't? How would it change things?

Instead of hiding behind rocks, Michael stays with Isabel and Tess to protect them when the Evans discover them. The three of them are adopted together. So Tess isn't evil and Michael is less of a stonewall, (he has two sisters so he's far more in touch with his feminine side.)

Max has been raised by Nacedo. Instead of handing him over to Kivar, Nacedo has decided to raise Max to believe in destiny. Max is fully committed to destroying his enemies, including Kivar and returning to Antar as king. He's very snobby and believes in the divine right of kings.

They've defeated the skins and put an end to the special unit, now they are going to Roswell to find the other three and return to Antar to defeat Kivar. (Nacedo isn't good - Max has been raised to believe every word out of Nacedo's mouth. He does whatever Nacedo tells him. So even if Max was King, he would just be Nacedo's puppet.)

So Max comes to Roswell hoping to seduce Tess and convice the others to come with him. Like Tess on the show, he fully believes in destiny and fulfilling his duty to Antar.

However things don't go according to plan. He gets to know the other three and sees that things aren't like Nacedo told him they would be. Tess is in a relationship and doesn't want to be with Max. Isabel isn't about to bow down to him, she's a strong and independent woman. Michael has no interest in being his second in command and following any orders. None of them want to go 'home'.

Then Max meets Liz - he falls for her but is torn between his duty to Antar and destiny with Tess and his desire to have a relationship with Liz.

They can still be at school, like on the show or they can be older - that's up to you.

*Tess is like Max was - she is attracted to Max but fights it.
*Max is attracted to Tess at first (until he meets Liz) but it's more about destiny than anything else.
*His progression is like Tess,(pre-SCYN) he believes that humans are beneath him at first and can't understand why the others want to be with them. But as he gets to know them opens up and likes them.
*He ends up living with Liz, like Tess did withthe Valentis.
*He tries to force the others to accept their destinys.
*Liz is the one who teached him most about relationships and looking for something other than destiny.
*It can focus on Max and Liz But the others are important too, I'd love a good All CC fic.
*Any rating you like but must end CC.
*I have a couple of other things and if you decide to do this Pm and I'll let you know.
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Post by dreamon »

#129 taken by To_Kiss_A_Frog from the AU Challenge Thread

M/L AU W/O Aliens

Max is the only child of a billionaire

His mother died when he was 2 and his father has never given him the time of day

He was taken care by the numerous nannies and sent to the best boarding schools for males only

He saw his father once a year

He doesn’t know what love is

He’s never had a girlfriend or anything

He’s best friend w/Michael Guerin who also attends the same prep school as he does – he’s the closest thing to a family that Max has. He spends his holidays w/the Guerins, etc.

Max has basically lived a sheltered life, he doesn’t watch tv, listen to music or anything of that sort. Instead, he studies and plays sports for the school’s team

Liz is Maria’s best friend (Maria’s dating Michael) – shes also rich

Liz is a party girl who just likes to have fun

She and Max obviously cross paths, for Max its love at first sight

Yet, he’s extremely nervous around her, and with no experience w/the opposite sex he makes a fool out of himself in front of her. He’s just an inexperienced guy who doesn’t know how to approach women, etc. He doesn’t think he can compete w/all the other guys who are after her and with whom she socializes with.

She thinks he’s cute and what not

They have to get together

I want this to be M/L centered w/a mix of all the other couples. I don’t care if it has angst in it or not (I personally wouldn’t mind cause I love angsty fics :wink: ). The rest is up to you, but it has to have a happy dreamer ending
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Post by Shiesty23 »

Taken by Suicide_Eagle_Rath

<center>Challenge # 133

This is yet another Shiesty&Zygote Challenge. :wink:


Title: NeverWhere

Author: ?

Category: Alternative Universe with Aliens

Coupling: Maria/Michael, Liz/Max, Kyle/Tess, Isabel/Alex

Rating: Teen, Mature or Adult. (Up to the Challenge Taker)


There has always been Monsters among us….always things that go bump in the night...fortunately, for centuries, the powerful Wheredyn race have kept the creatures of earth obliviously safe from the dark, the demonic, and the damned.

Maria Deluca, a young Wheredyn warrior, has seen and fought along side her kin in all types of supernatural warfare. She is in fact, highly respected and feared among the creatures of the night. Bedsides, if anything tried or thought to challenge her, not only did they have to deal with kin...they would also have to deal with her best friend, Elizabeth Par'keer....the Queen of Familiars, a very formidable young woman.

Unfortunately, having a reputation of being a hard ass, has it downside...it leaves you very, very bored. No one likes to get their butt kicked or worse killed....but on a dark night while driving home too Roswell, Maria finds her dry spell of no action abruptly change for the....well dangerously bizarre.....

<center>Key Elements You Must Know:</center>

- Alex is Wheredyn.

- Kyle is a Familiar and is in fact Liz’s cousin. It is up to the Challenge Taker to decide what creature or creatures they want them to change into.

- Michael Rathic, Max Zanth, Isabel Zanth and Tess Rathic have tracked one of their planet's most dangerous killers, Kivar Tal'ver too Earth. They must bring him to justice before Earth becomes over run by his dark power.

This Challenge has no real rules, in fact, all you really need to do is keep the relationships between the characters CC....and take the plot anywhere you like...just have fun with it!

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Post by killjoy »


TAKEN BY LairaBehr4

All CC which means K/T,A/I.M/M.M/L and with Zan/Serena

Instead of the gang being alien royalty they're Earthbound ones. In fact they are royalty to Antar a small country located in Southern Europe.


Oldest of the twins and next in line for his father's throne. He's a serious, brooding young man who takes his future responsibilities very serious. He's a perfectionist and always does what's right because he knows someday he'll be King and so he must learn at an early age at how to not make any mistakes in his life


The younger of the twin brothers and thankful for it.Zan has no desire or want to be king.He's more than happy with his party life. He's the bad boy of the Royal family. Seen at every big party in Europe and always just this shy of being caught in some major tabloid scandal.


Third in line and oldest daughter. Isabel is the prize of Antar and on the cover of magazines around the world.She's always seen at or organizing some huge charity event. She strongly believes in following royal tradition and is always going to every royal function her parents throw. She's seen as a boring no fun having stick in the mud to her older brother Zan.


Tess's father was best friend to King Philip and chief advisor to him and Queen Diane. Upon her parents 's unexpected death, than six year old Tess was officially adopted into the royal family. Although an adult Tess is upset over the way she is always still treated as a child by her parents, her siblings and the royal court.She wants to go away and see the world outside her small country but her parents are holding her back.


Freashly out of the military Michael has taken his place as a member of the royal guard.In fact Michael's family has been proud members of the Royal Guard dating back since the founding of the kingdom of Antar itself. Michael's father is head of the Royal Guards and so is very hard on Michael in an attempt to make him succed and not to be seen showing favortsim to his son.Michael grew up with the royal kids and they see him as a great friend and Philip and Diane see him as another child almost
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Post by killjoy »

124# Taken by helen_roswellfan23

Max is a young talented doctor.And much like in the movie 'The Wedding Planner' on his way to work,home or whatever he saves the life of a young lady(Liz) How he saves her life is up too you....knocks her out of the way of a car she stepped out in front off,pushes her out of the way from a falling wall...whatever.

Now after being saved Liz feels indebted and has fallen ass over elbows for her life saver.But here's the problem.Whenever she tries to tell or show Max how she feels something crazy happens to make Max think she's a klutz and a has a few screws loose.

Must be AU without aliens.

Must be coupled as M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T.

Any rating you want.


Once in the story a puzzled Max must ask Liz "Has there ever been any insanity in your family?"

Tess and Maria have to smack Kyle and Michael in the back of the head for something they said.Can be at the same time or different times in the story.

Isabel has to have on a sexy red dress that catches Alex attention one hundred percent.
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Post by elodie »

TAKEN by Dreamerlaure


It's the winter of 1941 and London in in flames. Liz Parker is caught outside during the bombing and is critically wounded. Max Evans, a boy she'd known only from school, heals her and helps her to safety in the Underground. She then loses him in the chaos.

This should be about her search for both the physical boy and the reason he was able to heal her, backdropped against a dangerous, apocalyptic city.

They meet again during another night of bombing. Liz is separated from her parents and is panicking, until Max stumbles upon her and again leads her to safety in the Underground. This time, he stays with her. They fall in luuurve of course.

You make up the rest.

*Someone has to die. Whether it be Maria, Alex, Michael, parents, anyone. There has to be a death.
*NC-17 is preferable, just because I'm a goner for smut. :wink:
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Post by Jezebel Jinx »

Challenge back up for grabs.
Last edited by Jezebel Jinx on Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by nibbles2 »

b]#144[/b] on au thread, taken by dream weaver

This is sort of similar to a challenge I set before except it’s the girls turn.

Liz, Maria, Isabel and Tess are good girls and they’re fed up of it. They no longer want to be considered safe and boring, they want to do something wild and adventurous.

So they challenge each other to come up with the wildest things they can think of. They write down all the ideas and throw them into a hat and each take turns to pick one to do. They have a week to do the task they chose and whoever fails has to streak at a football game.

Not all of the challenges have to do with sex but most of them do. And that’s where the guys come in. The girls have to seduce their respective CC guy at least once.

It should be CC but if it ventures into the alien abyss occasionally, that’s ok. Also, it doesn’t have to be just Max, Michael, Kyle and Alex, other guys can be involved too.

Challenges can but don’t have to include items from this list. They can be taken as an example of the challenges involved.

• One night working as a stripper, be it at a club or frat/bachelor party.
• Seducing the boyfriend of a girl they don’t like.
• Having sex in a public place.
• Posing naked for an art class
• Taking part in a threesome
• Going skinny dipping in a nearby pool/ocean/lake.
• Watching a porno movie.
• Posing for a saucy photoshoot, such as calendar.
• Visiting a sex shop and asking a guy to help use whatever she buys.
• Breaking into the office of a sleazy lecturer they don’t like and having sex on his desk.
• Joining the no pantie brigade.
• seducing a professor/lecturer at the college they attend.

And any other challenges you can think of.

There’s no limit to the amount of times they dip into the hat of fun.
Should be fun, sexy and adult.

There are a couple of other little things that I won’t mention here but you can pm me to find out if you decide to take the challenge.

It doesn’t have to include all four girls but it must have Liz and Maria. Also, it can be taken by just one person but I thought it would be fun if a group of people took it, randomly choose challenges and took turns writing an adventure for each girl.
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